#nolder prince
eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Oath Over Vows !
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featuring maedhros x reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n from the imagine here I sent into @imagine-all-the-elves but unfortunely went in as anon for some reason - dealing with a lot angst lately I thought to put into words XD. thank you @theladyvanya for your feedback on this one as well as the amazing title ;)
warnings angst, no comfort
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With the pristine white veil now over your face, you awaited your call. Your dress carefully chosen and handcrafted by the finest craftsmanship of the Teleri, decorated in silver and complimented your figure. 
Your eyes twinkled and your lips stretched into a smile. The day when you would finally wed your beloved Maitimo was here, with nothing to stop you. From the early dawn you prepared yourself, wanting to look no less than perfect to your beloved Maitimo.
With your hair braided into intricate and exquisite patterns, you awaited sitting in front of the mirror, holding the bouquet of Teleri flowers in your hands. 
But that was this morning - before the news of all that of the Nolder was delivered to you by your maia friend that rushed through into your chambers with teary eyes. Then slowly, with every word delivered to you, the twinkle of your eyes dulled and disappeared, replacing itself with tears and the smile that your wore crumbled away and sobs now escaped your lips.
You had run out, not caring to even adorn your feet with slippers or boots as you ran to your beloved Nolder prince - ignoring every pain that infested your body, as your bare feet suffered sharp edges of the rocks and rubble it had to endure because of your running. Your body shaking with every cry of heartache.
Your heart was beating erratically - it was drowning out every other voice that desperately called after you as you ran. It was only the words screaming your head and your painfully beating heart that you could hear.
Meldanya. . .
Please, no - let it be not true.
It cannot be true !
No please, it cannot be true.
Please, please !
Your feet lazily and hastily climbed the steps, not caring for the amount of eyes casted on you as you watched upon the ner who was supposed to be your beloved stand in front of his respected father - with his head bowed in submission. 
Maitimo. . . 
You wanted to call out. . . but your voice died in your throat when the crown prince, now King of the Nolder spoke of his oath, in order to reclaim what was once his in front of the Valar without fear and utter dedication, holding no hesitance that made you shiver.
The very rocks Maitimo had worriedly talked to you about many nights ago as he lay on your lap and welcomed your fingers into his hair as you gently brushed it.
Your whole body froze - unbreathing for a second as the ner you were supposed to marry suddenly raised his silver blade in submission to the oath. Your hands that were still holding onto the bouquet of white and blue orchids suddenly heavy and slipped through your fingers, landing on the ground near your feet.
It seemed the voices and yells that disappeared as Maitimo - No ! Nelyafinwë - turned to see you. Your eyes met and the sapphire color of your supposed groom blinked in horror and disbelief as he saw you. 
You could only imagine what you looked like; tear dried face and unblinking wide eyes. . .unbreathing as you looked at him in utter betrayal with the ends of your pristine white wedding dress ripped and dirted.
Your eyes were unblinking as a stray tear caressed down your cheek and he gulped at the sight.
Your body begged to release the sobs you were holding in - the unshed tears that gathered in your eyes weighing as if it was a tidal wave.
Nelyafinwë stepped towards you for a moment, but as soon as he did his name was called over his shoulder - his father’s voice loud and stern.
Slowly you shook your head - almost silently begging him not to leave you. But he did not. . .-he could not pay heed to your words and turned away from you, wincing at the startled and unbelieving gasp that left your trembling lips.
The same lips he had kissed yesterday speaking of all and more, promising you nothing but your happiness and health as he held tenderly close - but now he turned away throwing you into icy depths, where the once warmth you felt faded away into nothingness.
Especially when you had heard of how himself, along with his brothers and father had brutally murdered those of yours, leaving you bloodied and bruised.
Your white dress covered in the red blood of those your considered your kin and friends and your heart endlessly cried.
The Maitimo you loved was no more. . .
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Taglist form
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
tara’s taglist: @aeonianarchives @mslizziesblog @spidergirla5 @fizzyxcustard @wandererindreams @ranhanabi777 @asianbutnotjapanese
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Celegorm: Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Aredhel: Is that a picture of you?
Celegorm: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.
Aredhel to Maeglin: stay away from the Nolder prince named Celegorm
Maeglin: but isn't he my-?
Aredhel: no! Zip! nah! Notae! Nada!
Hahahahaha...But isn't he your...
NO! Stay away! haha
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tolkien-fics · 4 years
Let Down Your Hair 2/2
Word Count: 1,173
Pairing: Fingon x Human! Reader
Trigger Warnings: Violence, death, abuse
Plot: Based on the fairy tale Rapunzel. Part 2/2.
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The next morning, you was awake at sunrise to prepare Gothel’s breakfast and to bid her farewell, lowering your long hair over the open window so she could slide down it.
“Remember your chores!” She called up to you, leaving on a horse.
How could you forget? When you was sure she had left, you picked up your hairbrush and began to comb through your hair, singing a sweet song you made up on the spot.
Fingon was riding through the forest alone, sword at his sword. At this moment in time, he was a prince of the Nolder. He heard your singing and followed the sweet voice, until he came to face a high castle.
The prince thought it strange that the castle had no doors or guards. Only an open window, which he saw the figure of you brushing your hair.
“Fair Lady!” You heard a male voice call up to you. In shock, you stumbled to your feet, looking down to see who it was. You instantly became defensive, should Gothel return.
“You are not allowed to be here! Be gone! Quick!” You shouted down to the Ellon, who from above you mistaken for a mortal man.
“Is that a way to speak to the prince of the Nolder?” Fingon called, more of an amused tone than angry. He chuckled,
“How can you come down, my lady? I wish to see the beauty in person. I believe you’re voice shows only half of your brilliance.”
You bit your lip. “I-I can’t. There is no way I can get out.”
“Then I shall come to you!” Fingon steppes off his horse, wondering how he was going to fulfil that.
“Hold on!” You gathered your hair and let it flow out of the window. The elf prince climbed up, joining you in your chamber.
You both conversed about life, how you were both raised and what went on in day to day life. You explained how you were locked away in this tower: Never to feel the earth beneath your feet, or the wind blow in your face.
“So your mother keeps you here, correct?” Fingon asked with a frown.
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders. “I am not sure if she is even my mother.”
There was a pause of silence. The sun was passing over, signalling midday.
“You must go.” You stated, letting your hair fall over the window. “She will soon return.”
With a nod, Fingon rose from his seat and made his way to you. “Until we meet again, my lady. I will return tomorrow.”
He brought your hand to his lips and placed a chaste kiss to the back of it. One last smile and he was sliding down your hair.
Fingon returned everyday at the same time when you was certain Gothel was gone. This had been going on for a month. When you wasn’t talking to each other, you were both singing. He taught you a new song, and you taught him embroidery. All was going well, and you felt you was falling for him. And he for you.
“Y/n! Let down your hair!” Gothel’s sour voice called from below. You let your hair down immediately, grunting at the painful tugging.
“Oh Mother Gothel!” You began. “You are much too forceful on my hair than Prince Fingon!”
You froze. Did you really just say that?
Gothel entered your chambers, glaring at you.
“What was that, girl? Is this the repayment I get after taking care of you all these years?!”
You trembled. “Mother Gothel, I apologise.”
Smack! You was down, holding one side of your face. The burning pain made your eyes water, coupled with the coldness of her hand.
“You have betrayed me!” She concluded, narrowing her eyes at you. She knelt down to you, grabbing your face in her hand.
“How long have you been seeing him? Answer me, child!”
“A month.” You admitted, biting her quivering lip.
Gothel hummed, “We will soon sort this out. Get up!”
The witch grabbed your arm and dragged you to the bed, sitting you down in front of the bed post. With some robe, she tied you there. She made sure you couldn’t easily escape.
Then with a dagger, she cut your hair. There was nothing you could do but let the tears fall, feeling like you lost something important. There she left you, your h/c hair surrounding your feet.
It was the evening but it felt like days had passed. You hadn’t fallen asleep yet, still in shock with what happened. Just as you felt your eyes begin to close against your will, a voice called up to you.
“Y/n! Let down your hair! You need not be in this tower again!” Fingon called. He had come on horses with the elven guard railing behind him, willing to put up a fight should it come to that.
“I-I can’t!” You replied. “She cut my hair!”
“Now she will kill you.” Gothel’s voice came from your door, grinning at you mercilessly. “Did you think I would let you betray me again?!”
Fingon’s body froze as he heard you let out a blood curdling scream. He felt like the world came crashing down on top of him.
Then the anger came. Emotion flashed in his eyes as he nodded to the captain of the guard. “Fire!”
Inside your chambers, you managed to fight Gothel off with your legs, kicking your feet. She threw your hair over the window that she weaved into a rope, holding a dagger.
“Farewell, Y/n!” She cackled as she charged at you. Your eyes closed tightly, bracing yourself for what was to come.
But it never did. Still fearful, you opened your eyes to see Gothel on her knees, an elvish arrow pierced into her back. There she died at your feet.
“Y/n?!” Fingon was halfway up, you could tell by her close his voice sounded. “Can you come down?”
“She tied me up.” You said, still struggling with the knot. More footsteps sounded against the castle walls before Fingon appeared, sword in hand.
“Hold still.” He put his sword back in its holder, revealing a dagger from the other side of the belt. With no hesitation, he cut your bonds.
Fingon brought you up to your feet, holding you in his arms. “Are you well?”
You nodded, placing your hands on his arms. “I am now. Thank you for rescuing me, my prince.”
You placed a kiss on his cheek which earned a blush from the elvish prince.
“You are worthy of rescuing, my lady. Please, come back with me to my kingdom.” He held both of your hands in his.
You smiled, “I gladly accept, prince Fingon.”
Fingon took you to his kingdom, introducing you to his family. Turgon has yet to fully warm up to you, Aredhel loved you instantly and welcomed you with open arms and Argon politely acknowledged you as his brothers’ love. You became Queen when Fingon wed you a year later.
You both lived happily ever after.
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Oh goodness!!! So happy requests are open!!♥️
Could I please request a fic (or HC, up to you!) Maedhros x Human!reader who is physically and verbally affectionate? She might or might not use her people's language,which Mae doesn't speak, to call him affectionate names cuz she'd like not to overwhelm him!
sorry if this was too spesific !🥲♥️
My little light
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characters maedhros x female reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n @nolderinpainter i twisted it up a bit - I hope you like! thank you for requesting please enjoy - love you lots <;/3
"Mae— my love?"
You coaxed gently— and pecked his furrowed brow.
You needed to climb on the chair beside to do so— sometimes you hated his height because you were very short compared to him.
He suddenly cleared his throat— a small blush— then straightened the letter he was reading.
"Y/N. . ."
Even year into your courting— Mae found your affections— a little overwhelming. Elves barely involved themselves in physical affection.
But this is who you were— he couldn't ask you suddenly change yourself.
But in all honestly— as overwhelming as they were— they destressed him.
Mae didn't how react to them— and other than that it was rather easier to grow accustomed to it.
Maybe that was because you toned it down a little— or started using words in your language.
He tried to learn your language— but with the oath and your safety being in the forefront of his mind— he didn't get the time.
"Melda. . ."
He whispered— not taking his eyes of the letter from one of brothers.
You placed a hand on his hand— and slowly caressed it— you wanted to release his tense muscles.
But when you felt him grow more tense— you quickly withdrew your hand and looked how at your fingers in shame.
Sometimes— you couldn't help it.
Your prince— he just looked so handsome. . . beautiful— you couldn't resist touching him or showering him with compliments.
Maybe it was your own insecurity?— A tall undeniably handsome Nolder prince courting a fragile little human like you?
Sure— you had some warrior skills— but you definitely weren't anywhere close as Haleth— at least from what you heard of her.
So out of all the beautiful elleths and woman— Maedhros the crown prince of the Nolder from the line of Feanor still chose you.
"Sorry. . . Mae. . ."
You said and ended with an endearment from your language.
It was then— Mae placed the letter back on the desk and turned to you.
"What is it, Y/N, meldanya?"
He asked you— then hesitantly coming to hold your hand.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. . ."
At first you were unsure— and left your hands unmoving on your lap— so your lover took the liberty of taking your small hands in considerably larger hands.
You loved comparing the sizes on your hands— your tiny hands easily slide into his palms, and he was easily maybe to close his fingers around them— and hold and shelter them tenderly.
You lovingly caressing his soft but large rough looking hands— oh how many times has these hands wielded a sword and went through battle.
But despite that— he was still able hold you with a tender care.
"Melda. . . I understand humans are different to —but that does not mean your affections are ill to me. They comfort me— they really do— I just. . .— I do not know what to do in return. . ."
He sighed— Mae watched your trace patterns smoothing on his hands and tried to follow.
"You know how much they— and you mean to me. . ."
He whispered— and smiled when you kissed his knuckles.
"You don't have to give me anything in return, Mae— I just hope you know that you're loved by me."
In all honesty— you knew you wouldn't reach eternity with your beloved elf— so you wanted to give him as much love as possible before you passed.
You knew the horror the oath brought him— you hoped you could shed a little light on his life through your care.
The lost his father and one of his twin brothers already and he had to leave behind a beloved and kind and courageous mother— his pain was great.
He spoke of Valinor to you— but as time passed it grew rarer and rarer— it was almost a distant memory— faded.
"I do— . . ."
He repeated the phrase you used from your language— and you laughed.
He frowned— but his smile didn't drop.
His firey blue eyes gleamed at the sound of your laughter.
"That means my prince!"
He laughed.
"Then what's my princess?"
"Am not a princess. . ."
You laughed.
Mae crouched and placed his head on your forehead.
"But you're mine. . . my little light. . ."
"Always. . ."
You promised— even though the both of you knew it was not to be— but right now it didn't matter.
The moments you had mattered— the moments you shared and took him away from the oath— gave him peace, hope and somewhere to grief.
That's why he couldn't ask for someone better. . .
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form for taglist
tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @wandererindreams @spidergirla5 @aeonianarchives
silm taglist: @doodle-pops
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Ik I already requested for Maglor but how about hcs from the anon convo we had where i was definitely not the anon for HCs about the Reader somehow miss pronouncing his name as Caramel or teasing to him that he's just sweet like Caramel under his hard exterior, how about do both.
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featuring caranthir x reader
fandom tolkien — the silmarillion
a/n yes — from the one where you were definitely not the anon! 🤭— I hope you like this!— this turned into a a hc and mini story because i cojdlnt control myself lmao!
You stared at him wide eyed — what the fuck did you just call him? — You knew from the beginning — when your best friends Ambarussa invited you to the ball their family was hosting — you were going to mess up.
But you never realized — you would mess up so badly, you would completely mispronounce one of their older brother's name!
Shit— fuck! — you wanted the ground to eat you up as the prince you called Caramel, instead of Caranthir was glaring at you— drilling holes into your skin.
You knew the Feanorians were a handsome bunch — your best friends Ambarussa were no expectation to that— but this Nolder prince took you breath away more than the rest of them — even more than the oldest, who was literally called handsome — and more than the 3rd prince, whose hair was as silver as the moon.
But Caranthir Caramel . . . — he was the type of handsome that made your inside melt in awe as you stared at his deep reddened skin — lots of colors your fingers were inching to trace. It didn't help — this was the first time you were meeting him!
What a wonderful first impression.
"My prince! —am so sorry! . . . — I didn't mean to— I meant it as a compliment! — it was an accident. . .— you have beautiful— I just meant you are as beautiful as caramel— your skin looks like-"
"Forget it!"
He harshly cut of you — the prince didn't say another word as he abruptly turned away from you. You facepalmed — having made the worst impression you possibly could.
The next few days — it was annoying you. Something about the 4th prince thinking badly about you — it didn't sit right with you.
You never told your best friends — too afraid they would use it to tease him
Then — the next few days you had decided to learn how to bake the best cookies, muffins — and what not in town.
You remembered — Ambarussa saying Caranthir adored baking — you slot in little apology notes and letters in there too — sometimes your own little versions of fortune cookies — you just hoped he didn't eat the papers.
But when all your treats were delivered back — it greatly upseted you — though you didn't give up! No— in fact you made twice more — before only one basket of treats were delivered to him, this time treat baskets of twos and threes were even delivered to him.
Until one day — you made a mistake! The caramel slices you had intended for a friend with the note: you're as sweet as caramel — was accidentally placed in one of Caranthir's baskets.
Realizing the dumb fuckery you did— you raced to the gates of the 4th Prince's quarters.
You dashed in — despite the guards trying to hold you back — you think at one point Ambarussa did come to help you out — thinking it was prank you trying to pull on them — or Caranthir.
When you crashed into his study — he already had one of the caramel slices in one hand and the other — had your little note — you had even decorated it with little stars and doodles.
You mentally died inside as he slowly looked up at you — again you really prayed the ground would just eat you up.
The red blush on his face — it made you bite your lip nervously.
Until suddenly he thanked you — from the strain in his voice you knew it was something he rarely did. Surprisingly — you bowed and turned to leave until he asked — "Did you make these?"
You explained it — how you intended it all to be an apology gift.
Caranthir didn't say anything as you did — and when awkwardly excused yourself to take your leave.
The next few days you felt so empty — not even going out when Ambarussa had invited you out.
You stayed inside with nothing to do — walking around aimlessly.
When a there was a knock on your door — you groaned and swung it open ready to shout at your best friends.
Only— it wasn't your best friends — but Caranthir.
He gave an awkward greeting — then asking you to meet him by the lake in the evening.
You didn't deny — but it did take a long time for you to answer — too mesmerized by his overflowing beauty.
When evening rolled around — you wore the best clothes you had and arrived on time.
The grass looked fresh cut — and there was a warm breeze — you settled on the grass as you waited.
Not even seconds later — the prince arrived — awkwardly holding a mini basket in his hand.
"I. . .— I made a few things . . .— for you — I thought you might like them . . ."
He cleared his throat — growing bright red and settled the basket beside.
Caranthir quickly laid out a blanket on the grass for you — helping you sit on it too — then emptied the contents in the baskets.
You blushed seeing the freshly baked treats — especially the caramel slices.
"Thank you— my prince. . ."
You blushed — when he offered you a plate.
"Call me, Caramel—NO! CARANTHIR!"
You almost choked — own your own breath— when he said that.
With little coughs — you nodded at him, trying to keep your composure.
Over the next few weeks — this was the routine, bringing each other treats and even learning from him.
It continued and grew comfortable — until one day he asked you to court him.
It shocked you to the core — the 4th prince wanted to court you? — Sure, you were friends with the 6th and 7th princes — but that didn't come close to this.
You agreed — of course — accepting his hand in courtship — because Eru knows of how much you had started to like him — enough the sound of his voice made your heart race.
When Ambarussa had found out they were shocked — happy but shocked! Now— usually it would be, siblings warning the outsider to be careful with their brother's or sister's heart— but in your case Ambarussa went out of their way to warn Caranthir to be careful with your heart.
It was hilarious — watching them trying to make a stand against their older brother.
Over the course of your courtship— you realized all rumors about Caranthir was untrue — yes he would get angry and annoyed — but it was rather because of people purposely getting on his nerves and riling him up!
It bothered you so much — sometimes you wanted to punch the person who made Caranthir looked bad.
Ambarussa lowkey pointed out — Caranthir's anger was "rubbing off you" — you made no comment, only rolled your eyes.
Caramel slices — those became a little inside joke between Caranthir and you.
Sometimes you would peck his blushing cheeks — saying he was really as sweet as caramel — despite the tough, hard exterior he showed.
Because if he was, as they say— hot tempered, mad, quickiest to anger, vicious — why would he make time for you, make you the best treats and always made sure your comfort and safety came first.
You strongly believed — Caranthir Caramel was judged too quickly!
You always showed him he was worth loving — even on his bad days.
Bad days — you bring him caramel slices and tease him —then showering him with kisses.
Until one day — you grew particularly brave and said.
"You know Cara— I always said you're sweet as caramel— I wonder if. . . You taste as sweet as caramel too?"
You winked.
To your surprise — he suddenly pulled you to him and despite the redding blush on his race — he whispered into your ears in a deep— almost dangerously low voice.
"Would you like to find out, my dearest melda."
Tara's taglist: @mslizziesblog @aeonianarchives @spidergirla5
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eunoiaastralwings · 2 years
Heya it's ya personal maeglin fan❤️(this one is kinda a personal request based on how I'm feeling lol so some maeglin comfort always helps) the reader as been feeling insecure lately, hating their weight , the way they look in general, claiming they're the embodiment of average as a self deprecating joke almost. Anyway you can fit maeglin in there is amazing, have a great week love❤️
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featuring maeglin x gn reader
fandom tolkien- the silmarillion
a/n am sorry this took so long hun! i hope are still here and like this!
warnings little descriptive mentions of eol's domestic abuse towards aredhel- nothing graphic, sadness, self worth problems - you are beautiful and i love you <;/3
You stood in front of the fountain- looking down at your own reflection in the waters.
You shut your eyes and hugged yourself- feeling insecure in your attire for the night.
It was a beautiful outfit for the night- but you didn't seem to be anything near to it.
Your complexion looked oily and dull- and no matter how many times you tried to pull your hair into order it looked unruly and wild— your lips looked chirped to you and eyes that looked dead to anyone that looked into them.
You let out a frustrated groan and hit the water- feeling tears starting to stung your eyes- you just felt ugly and sorry for yourself.
You heard your father scolding you.
You turned to see him, dressed handsomely- his sleek black hair pulled away from his face, not a single strand out of place- and his robes hugging him in the right places- making him look ethereal.
Sometimes you wondered- how was lord Ecthelion even your father- when you’re just an average case of this self deprecating joke— nothing a Nolder looked like.
“What are you doing?” 
He asked- crossing his arms as he analyzed you.
“Am not going.”
You said.
Your father sighed- running a hand over his face.
“Little one- we have been over this- I promised Turgon we would be there- and we are already late! Hurry up!”
He stressed.
You really didn’t want to- but you knew there was no fighting your father in these matters- even when you felt rather fat and heavy in your outfit.
You really just wanted to run into your room and cry- feeling completely ashamed and fragile.
Even the ellon you liked never casted you one glance as you entered the grand halls behind your father- his eyes trailed on the princess.
How could he ever like you?- Especially when you look like this?
You thought- to yourself- looking down at your hands and slowly wanting to cower yourself away.
“Stand straight, little starlight.”
Your father scolded— this time a little more gentle.
He knew— how insecure and lonely you felt for these events — but you were born as a child of a lord — it was your duty to attend — even if you felt ashamed too.
“You look radient, princess.”
You suddenly overheard him saying — as you trailed behind your father, trying to hide yourself.
You balled your hands into fists— digging your nails into the palm of your hands.
Not once did his eyes travel towards you— he hadn't even acknowledged you — too wrapped have in the overflowing beauty of the princess.
But couldn’t you blame him— she was truly ethereal — with her silky and shimmering blonde hair and blue eyes that reminded you of the sea, when the sun is high in the sky.
She wore her golden dress with elegance and grace — carrying a blinding beauty with herself — immediately drawing the eyes of the ellon you loved.
It didn’t take much time for the lost Nolder prince to find his way into your heart —every since he had arrived he picked at your interest and something inside your Fea begged you to comfort him as his mother passed away.
You watched from far away —as he sat next his dying mother — holding her hand  — begging her to stay with him — sometimes angry at her for standing in the way.
You tried to bring him food and water the days that passed — even after his father’s death — but each day you returned to see it cold and untouched but it didn’t stop you from bringing him food —sometimes even scolding him for wasting food.
You’ll never forget the way he turned to you — and looked deeply into your eyes — looking helpless as his father cursed his living because he was an ungrateful son.
After that — he never spared you a glance — too engrossed with the princess.
You picked at your outfit — the tears becoming harder to hold in when he smiled cautiously at her.
He would never love you. . . - the voice in your head mocked.
Then suddenly — you chose to turn rather abruptly — only for one the elf’s wine to spill over your —  over your hair and face.
Loud gasps erupted — everyone took notice.
“Am terribly sorry, Lord/Lady Y/N.”
The elf tried to rather their apology —just as your father tried to make his way over to your trembling form.
But — chose to slide away quickly — into the halls and back into your father’s gardens.
You sat on the ground — crying over the edge of one of your father’s fountain —your tears staining the beautiful marble stone.
Your father did come in to check in on you — seating himself over the edge of the fountain and gently petted the top your head and ran a hand through your ruined hair —it helped a little as your sobs did die down.
“Am sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have pushed you to come today — I know you feel too overwhelmed at these sort of things. If you like — I can drop my title.”
You quickly said no — shaking your head.
Never would you let your father do that — he earned this title  — how could you ask him to do that for the sake of you? 
You felt unworthy of your father’s love too — he was willing to do anything for you — especially since you had also lost your mother with your queen Elenwe on the crossing of Helcaraxe.
You told your father to return to the banquet— but he chose to stay a few more minutes with you before he did take his leave.
Then —you curled yourself up and when the smell of wine in your hair was picked up your tears rushed forward again.
When a set of footsteps came forward — you chose to ignore it, thinking it was your father again.
But when they chose to sit on the ground beside you — you knew it wasn’t.
You felt rather uncomfortable — and held in your cries.
“You should wash you hair, Y/N. The wine will ruin your beautiful hair, otherwise.”
You gasped — peeking your eyes up when you recognized the male’s voice.
Your voice was quiet and unsteady — of course he saw too — but why would he be here for your poor unfortunate soul, rather than the dashing princess back in the banquet?
He stared at you for few minutes — others would find it creepy — but you knew it was his way of thinking and analyzing if it was the right thing to say.
“It was unfortunate what happened — but they would soon forget it, especially when Lord Glorfindel does something stupid while drunk, so your hair should take care.”
That was the longest you probably ever heard him speak to you — or anyone.
He sighed and sat up straight — nervously and shakily reaching for your hair.
Your eyes widened.
“May I?” 
He asked — hands inches away from your hair.
To your utter surprise — you found yourself easily nodding.
You wanted to slap yourself —elf’s hair was sacred and here you were freely letting the ellon touch your hair — but if it was an elf you loved should it matter? Even if your feelings weren’t returned?
If your father knew of this scandalous behavior — you didn’t want to even think what would happen.
He let out a sigh of relief — but his muscles were still tense and his hands still shaking and you were still holding onto your breath.
Maeglin gently held your hair in his hands — like it was something fragile — he didn’t want to yank it or pull it painfully like Eol did his beloved mother’s hair. 
So if he was doing the opposite of Eol — then he was essentially doing the right thing, wasn’t he?
You watched as he dipped your hair carefully into the water.
“My father will kill you — if he knew you where doing this.”
You let out a quiet laugh.
“Not if it’s your hair — if it was my hair then your story would be correct.”
You smiled softly at him — your Fea tingling  — making you a little giddy as Maeglin gently washed the wine out of your hair.
You sat yourself straight and leaned your head back— giving him easier access.
Maeglin was being careful, very gentle —the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you — so he tried to remember whenever his mother washed his hair — careful not to pull or hurt him — maybe a little playful tug here and there — sharing their own little laughs while Eol was away.
His gentle action coaxed you to close your eyes.
“Why did want to leave so suddenly like that?”
He asked you.
“It was embarrassing.”
You murmured.
“You looked like you wanted to leave the minute you got there.”
Maeglin was watching you?
“Umm . . . I just didn’t feel like I belonged there.”
You admitted —  feeling the tears prick in your eyes again.
“What you mean? You’re lord Ecthelion’s child — you have every right to be there!”
You sighed and gestured to yourself.
“I really don’t —  look at me. . .”
You whispered and hugged yourself — trying to shrink away.
Maeglin has seen the action many times from his late mother — whenever Eol had called her weak or ugly — or undeserving of his . . . gratitude.
“You are beautiful, Y/N. . . Who told you otherwise?”
Maeglin suddenly felt his anger bubbling up — his blood boiling — wanting to attack whoever dared made you feel unworthy.
“The voice in my head. . .”
You replied — and he knew all too well what that felt like.
“Am nothing like — the princess or any other Nolder. . . Look at me.”
You chuckled humorlessly.
“Just some average case of a self deprecating joke — a shame to all my kin-”
“Do not speak to yourself like that!”
He suddenly cut you off — he raised his voice, but never like Eol did —he knew how much that scared someone.
He only  stopped for a second and then continued to wash your hair.
You bit your lip and looked down — never have you witnessed his angry before.
“I think you are beautiful. . .”
You thought your eyes would fall out your sockets.
Then — you turned yourself around to see a very blushing Maeglin.
“I think . . . you’re hard on yourself. . . you shouldn’t be. . . you’re far more beautiful than you realize — I wish. . .”
He remembered carefully a line in a book he read and realized how much it made sense now.
“I wish I had the ability to make you look at yourself through my eyes. . . so you could see how you are. . . beautiful, kind and loving.”
You gulped and patted your face — feeling yourself blushing.
Self-consciously touching your cheeks, you asked him.
“Do you really think so?”
He didn’t even bother to dry his hands and gently held your wrist — still shaking nervously himself.
Maeglin pulled them away from your face.
“I know so. . .”
You let out a gasp and bit your bottom lip again . . .
Maeglin’s eyes didn’t miss that this time.
“If you let me touch your hair?. . . Does that mean you would let me kiss your lips too?”
“I . . . — but I thought you liked the princess?”
“I thought I was unworthy of your love, melda. . . especially when I rejected all the kindness you have given me and seen me at my weakest. . . I thought — you deserved better so I tried stir myself away — But seeing you run away like that. . . I couldn’t let it happen. . .”
You let out a gentle laugh and threw your arms around his neck.
“Oh Mae!”
You said — then pressed a chaste kiss to his lips — and did take him long to respond just as affectionately.
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silm taglist: @doodle-pops
tara’s taglist: @aeonianarchives @mslizziesblog @spidergirla5
maeglin taglist: @i-did-not-mean-to
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