#what about the ‘mr cousineau do you love me’
One parallel between season 1 and season 3 that I really love, but haven't really seen anyone talk about is between the scene where Cousineau has Sally and Barry do the repetition exercise with "I love you" as the line and is continuously trying to make this point to Barry about how you need to listen and react to your scene partner and how they are delivering the line, and the scene in season three where Barry goes to Cousineau's family's house and says "I love you Mr. Cousineau. Do you love me?" and makes Cousineau respond and we get to see Cousineau listen and react to what Barry says in his response but then Barry has kind of reverted back to being unable to do the same to Cousineau's response. It's also paralleled multiple times between Barry and Sally throughout season 3 (ex: ep 1 where Sally doesn't pick up on how the monotone/lifeless "i love you" is indicative of Barry's depression, and again in ep 8 when Sally and Barry are talking on the phone and Barry can't pick up on the 'it's hopeless' tone just like in the original exercise).
I think the parallel is especially interesting in the broader context of the commentary Cousineau was giving Barry during the original exercise - during which Cousineau states "You're saying it like you mean it she's saying it like *spits* get the hell out of here." and then "look at her, it's hopeless Barry, give it the fuck up." and then during each of the previously mentioned scenes where Barry is failing to pick up the cues, it's during a moment when the person saying they love him is saying it in a very "it's hopeless" way.
Anyway I would make gifsets but I am not the guy.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Barry: ben mendelsohn (3x03)
I mean, it's a good show, what more do you want from me?
I'd say that Fuches is probably the main character in Barry who offers me the least when he's onscreen. The stuff between him and Barry, the whole fucked up nature of their relationship, great television for sure. Their phone call was captivating. But when it's just him talking to other minor characters, being weirdly settled in his exile, I find that my interest is less than fully held. It's a minor thing, I just think the character type is slightly less captivating than most of the other things going on.
I wouldn't call this show "subtle" necessarily, but one thing I really admire about the performances and the script is how usually the audience knows the inner turmoil of the characters, but it's in-universe believable why other characters don't pick up on certain things. One moment that didn't quite work for me on this level was when Sally's young co-star was asked about Sally's new stable relationship. Her reaction was so awkward and stilted and clearly showcased that there was something to hide. A little over the top for my taste.
Let's start with the Chechnya/Bolivia drama. I find myself surprisingly... moved, but Hank and Cristobal's plight. First you had Cristobal saving Hank and his men, and then here he deflects a plan to go back and try to kill them again. Meanwhile Hank's men want to kill Cristobal since they blame the Bolivians for shooting up their place. They're doing all this stuff to protect each other all while knowing they can never, ever blow their cover. It's a real Romeo and Juliet story, and I'm kinda digging it.
Sally is put through a press junket where she's asked simple, repetitive questions over and over by a revolving door of reporters. This is going to sound so obvious and silly but sometimes I forget how truly funny this show can be. Sally thinking that maybe Cake Boss is one of the new Avengers was honestly really hilarious. Idk, there's some new dude called Moon Knight that everyone is into, so why not Cake Boss?
But on the more serious side of things, Sally is someone who is getting what she's always wanted and is simply drenched in dissatisfaction and stress about all of it. You see how much of her is a façade, how terribly important her success is to her, and how much her own happiness has fallen down in the list of requirements.
Contrast that to Barry, who is also getting what he says he wants, in forcing a "friendly" relationship with Mr. Cousineau, in getting work as an actor. It's such a twisted, funhouse mirror version of what Barry is fighting so hard to achieve. We see immediately how unsustainable it is, when Gene totally loses it and screams at Barry during filming. That's one thing I'll say overall for this show and this season, is that the pacing is quite brisk, the entire shifting dynamics of various relationships happen within these short half hour episodes. I love that.
I'll leave it there. As always, I feel oddly unequipped to write about this show. It sort of exists outside of the standard realm of TV for me, and it always has such interesting gifts to give.
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homesickhalfling · 2 years
Barry S3 E2 - my thoughts as the episode aired. What do they call that? Live blogging? Whatever I'll put it under a cut to spare you
- wow he's so hot just leaning there fuck
- title card cut always makes me laugh
- "people don't argue in perfectly scripted arguments"
- the music changes when he enters the room. There's like a dull hum when he's there
- oh my god the editing is great in this show. The slow pull and one sided perspective of this conversation.
- Pacing. Cinematography. Writing. Timing. THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE A SHOW
- the head hitting again!
- yelling 😳😨 but 🥵😏
- Bill is such a FUCKING GREAT ACTOR
- the hypocrisy of her lie grows. She is writing about standing up to her abuser and getting out from under it (which was a lie) but now its clear to everyone that she never really did get out from under it because she's still being abused
- those poor girls are traumatized
- the door unlocking thing, so funny! How smart the way he sneaks in these organically funny moments into such serious ones
- Barry yelling at Cousineau in the trunk so plainly in front of the security guard that can clearly see there's no one else in the car so he is either (1) crazy and yelling to himself or (2) there's someone in the fuckin trunk???
- skinny papa moment- I've definitely had this moment in real life lmao
- the mug hehe such a tough crime boss drinking out of this silly mug
- you actually can report that to HR! You should! Domestic abuse partners showing up at work has killed many people (like that nurse a few years back) it still falls under workplace violence and harassment
- "You're a bad actor Mr cousineau" LOL
- "literally the worst date ever. I'm not exaggerating this time.. No look, he ordered MILK with dinner!" Fucking KILLED ME
- Africa by Toto again
- aww farmers market and sangria so gay
- Luke and Lorelai!!
- D'Arcy Carden is so freaking cute 😍
- Barry flipping the script and using Cousineau's speech in his audition... wow
- "everyone deserves a second chance" 💔
- there's a lighthouse on Hanks hand (OFMD brain kicks in)
- "wait are you breaking up with me?" Nnooooo! Hes saying I love you!! Hes saying I love you too much to bear the thought of your death and I need you to live, which is why I have to leave. Amaaaazing heartwrenching writing.
- the extended sound effects as he leaves omg omg so good, way to make me laugh when I'm down
- more Metallica
- the plot exposition in this show is so *chefs kiss* my favourite thing about Barry is it never underestimates the audience. (Its so fucking meta and self aware) the show presents itself to a smart viewer who can glean the story development through the details in set dressing, blocking, lighting, sound, cinematography. It all works to tell the story so perfectly and doesn't try to hammer in the dumb shit we can know just from visual queues with bogged down or overdone dialogue.
- this phone call where she's apologizing after he yelled at her (1) and he's just acting like nothing even happened (2) is a very real (and again wildly self aware and meta) depiction of what an abusive and unhealthy relationship is like! She's stuck doing everything she can (making him dinner, putting on his fav music, buying him a new controller, saying she wants to hear that he's happy) just to placate this damaged man to try and keep his wrath away. This poor girl is just like me... can't keep herself away from damaged men.
-also the writing of her character to always think of herself first in every single scenario is just very organic and consistent and you'd barely notice it if she wasn't so goddam annoying
- Wilhelm scream!!!! YES BILL
- "I don't understandwhy you're leaving me" "you have too many dogs." With the visual gag of all the dogs chasing Cousineau in the background 🤣 (counted over 20 btw)
- "little girl" dude she's literally a grown ass adult
- crazy homeless man
- does he think he's dead? Omg the dog
- OMG BARRY'S THERE "we both committed a little too hard " omg omg so good omg scary 😭 scary smart and hot 🥵👌
- the seat pat!! I am delighted every second of this show
- "can you say it?" 😫 he is so broken omg that is terrifying
- "I swear on Janice's soul not to say a word to anyone".. and then he does!?!? to literally the first person he sees!!! Did she mean nothing to you? Wow
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berkmansimagines · 4 years
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Summary: Barry is worried when you don’t return home...
Pairing: Barry Berkman x hitman!fiancé reader
Gif Credit: @vanveronicango​
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Your relationship with Barry has been a secret from the beginning. It started off as a casual fling. You first hooked up after doing a hit together. The two of you kept it quiet because your handler, Diane, warned you not to get involved with anyone else from the job. She claimed it was a conflict of interest. As things quickly got more serious, the lie grew deeper. You knew it was wrong but you couldn’t stop yourself. You and Barry really fell in love. After only a few months together you got engaged. 
Marriage is such a huge milestone and you felt that you could no longer hide your relationship. You wanted to tell Diane. She’s one of the closest people in your life. Diane was the person who looked out for you in LA when no one else would. She helped you get started as a hitman and you don’t see her as just a handler. She’s been more of a mother to you than your own mom ever was. Despite this, you are a little afraid of how Diane will react. Your handler’s a bit of a wildcard and you broke one of her only rules. There’s a good chance she’d get mad. Before leaving you joked that if you’re not back home by night time then he should go look for you. Barry didn’t think it was funny.
It’s been a few hours since Barry last spoke with you and he was growing more anxious with each passing minute. He tried keeping himself busy by doing laundry and going over a script for Mr. Cousineau’s class but nothing worked. Your fiancé couldn’t keep his mind off of you. Barry knows that you can take care of yourself but he can’t help being anxious. He had a bad feeling.
Barry quickly pulls his phone out of his back pocket, expecting it to be you. He reads the caller ID and gives a disappointed sigh. It’s just Fuches. Barry answers.
“Hey Fuches. Listen, I can’t really-”
“YOU’RE ENGAGED?” Fuches screams through the phone.
Barry’s face drops in shock. Who told Fuches? He was supposed to hear this news from Barry himself. Barry planned on telling him after you told Diane. He feels kind of bad that Fuches found out from someone else. Truth be told, Barry never wanted to keep the relationship a secret in the first place. The only reason he didn’t tell Fuches was to protect you. 
“Wha...how…how do you know?” Barry stutters.
“That bitch Diane called me. She’s fucking pissed!”
Barry stays quiet. His eyes widen. He was right about his bad feeling. You’re in trouble...
“Did you hear me, Barry? I said we’re on her shit list,” Fuches snaps Barry out of his thoughts, “We need to figure out how to get the fuck out of this. I’m coming over.”
He can’t deal with Fuches right now. His focus is on finding you and making sure you’re alright. 
“I mean, uh, you can’t come over. We moved in together. I left my old place,” Barry explains.
“You moved? What the fu-”
Barry hangs up before Fuches can finish his sentence. He scrambles through his phone and calls you immediately. It immediately goes to voicemail.
Diane’s smart. She must have shut your phone off. You and Barry both shared your locations with one another in case either of you got in a jam and needed help. But that’s no longer an option to help track you down.
Barry impulsively charges towards his bedroom. He pushes his mattress, unzips his bed spring and grabs the first gun he sees. In one fellow swoop Barry makes sure it’s loaded and tucks it in the back of his jeans. 
As your fiancé heads to the door, he realizes that he has no idea where he’s going. Barry quickly racks his brain trying to figure out where Diane took you. He remembers you once mentioned an abandoned house in The Valley where Diane sometimes liked to go to conduct business. The place was kind of remote. You once teased him about going there together to secretly hook up.
Barry knows it’s a long shot but it’s better than nothing. He rushes out the door.
You don’t know how long you were out. You woke up on a dirty floor. Your wrists were criss-crossed above your head,  zip-tied tightly to a radiator. You recognized your surroundings. You’ve been here before with Diane. Then you looked up and saw your handler standing over you. She kept her gun at her side, ready to raise at any moment. 
The last thing you can remember was telling Diane about your relationship with Barry. Her reaction was much more calm than you thought it would be. Your handler was cool but not cold. She just looked kind of indifferent. Then she dismissed you. As you walked away, a clothed hand covered your mouth. The attack was so abrupt that you didn’t even have time to react. It went dark after that.
Maybe it was naive of you to turn your back, thinking it was safe to walk away. You should’ve known better. No matter the situation Diane always looked so chic and was prepared for anything. You don’t know how she does it. It shouldn’t have surprised you that she had chloroform or that she’d actually use it on you. If you weren’t in pain from being tied up, you might even be a little impressed.
Since waking up, you’ve tried apologizing to Diane but she wasn’t having it. She kept ranting about the business and contemplated taking you off her payroll permanently. You knew what she really meant by that... 
“Diane, please just untie me. Let’s talk about this like adults!”
You honestly don’t know what she was going to do next. You’ve seen her take out people for less. You keep telling yourself that if Diane was going to kill you she would’ve done it already.
“If you wanted to talk like adults you should’ve acted like one. You lied to me and snuck around my back like a fucking teenager,” Diane fires back. 
“It’s more than just sneaking around, we’re getting married! And I lied because I was afraid of how you’d react. Clearly I was not wrong to feel that way,” you sarcastically shrug while trying your best to move your hands. It only causes the zip-ties to dig into your skin even deeper. 
Diane gives you a cold look and violently raises her hand above her head. She looks ready to strike. You gasp and cower in place in an attempt to protect yourself. Was this woman who you saw as a mother figure really about to hit you? Diane pauses for a beat, then drops her arm to her side as if she suddenly realized what she was about to do. 
“Sorry,” Diane mumbles.
You closely study Diane’s face, seeing the hurt in her eyes. Then suddenly you realize that she’s not just mad because you broke a work rule. She’s taking this on a much more personal level. You’re like a daughter to Diane and you lied to her.
“Look, I’m really sorry I hurt you. I feel like shit for lying and I wish I told you sooner. We’re not even planning a big thing, just a small ceremony at City Hall… But I want you to be there,” you try.
Diane sighs. She opens her mouth to speak when-
The conversation is interrupted by the sound of a door opening. Someone tried and failed to sneak in undetected. You and Diane both turn your heads to see who it is. Your jaw drops. You don’t believe it. It’s your fiancé. 
Barry’s eyes widen when he sees you. Then he notices Diane standing next to you with a gun at her side. He quietly takes everything in, trying to calculate his next move. He looks so serious.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Diane curses. Your strong, cool and confident handler was now taken off guard. That didn’t happen very often.
Barry takes a few small steps closer to you, while keeping his eyes locked on Diane’s gun.
“How did you even find us?” Diane angrily asks your fiancé.
Before he can respond, Diane turns her attention and gun towards you. Barry immediately stops in his place.
“Did you tell him about this place? You see, this is what I mean by conflict of interest!”
“Diane, I….” you gasp. You don’t know what to say.
“Hey! Don’t point that gun at her,” Barry raises his pistol.
Diane rolls her eyes and impatiently shakes her head. Her gun remains pointed at you.
“You need to leave,” Diane orders Barry, “This is between me and Y/N. I’ll deal with you later.”
“Not happening. I’m not leaving without her,” Barry tensely replies.
Diane and Barry are both on edge and staring each other down. It’s so quiet that if a needle dropped you could hear it. After a moment, Diane turns her attention towards you and you meet her gaze. You’re terrified thinking of all the ways this could end. 
You shake your head and mouth to her, “Please don’t…”
Diane squeezes her eyes shut for a brief second. She then shrugs and reluctantly nods her head.
“Never lie to me again. This is your only warning,” your handler relents.
She lowers her gun and looks down at her feet.
“Congratulations,” Diane says quietly before walking away.
Barry keeps his eyes on Diane. As soon as she is out the door, your fiancé rushes over to you. He pulls out a pocket knife and starts cutting your binds. Your wrists were tied so tightly that Barry has to be very delicate. He doesn’t want to cut you accidentally. 
“Hey, hey. Are you okay?” he asks softly, “I was so worried…”
“Yeah... Jeez, that was dramatic! I can’t believe you found me,” you say weakly.
“Me too,” Barry admits.
As soon as he finishes cutting you loose, your entire body goes limp. You fall over to your side. 
“Oh shit,” Barry kneels down beside you.
Barry lifts up your head and rests it on his lap. He brushes some hair out of your face and looks you over for any more injuries. Other than the cuts and bruises on your wrists, you appear to be unharmed.
“I told you Diane might do something crazy,” you chuckle, trying to bring some levity to the situation.
You slowly lift up your hand and rest it on Barry’s cheek. He gently kisses your palm.
“Is she gonna go after you again?” Barry asks with concern in his voice.
“No,” you shake your head, “She didn’t shoot us. I think that’s Diane’s way of accepting us together. I invited her to City Hall...” 
Barry quietly nods, trying his best to understand the weird relationship you have with your handler. He knows he’s not one to talk. His relationship with Fuches is anything but normal.
“We, uh, should get out of here. Can you walk?” Barry stands up.
You nod. Barry takes your hand and helps you to your feet. He wraps a protective arm around your shoulder and walks you towards the door.
“I’m really fucking glad I’m marrying you,” you nuzzle your head into Barry’s shoulder.
“Me too,” Barry kisses your forehead, “Just hold on, we’re going home…”
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allforhader · 4 years
As The World Caves In
Barry Berkman x (F) Reader
Warnings: Langauge, Violence, TW: Abuse
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“Alright that’s the end of acting class. See you next time” Gene ends the class as Barry instantly gets out of his seat grabbing his backpack and waiting for Y/N to simply walk by him. But at least she’s sweet enough to-
“Great work today Barry!” Y/N smiles happily at Barry before exiting the building.
Barry follows respectfully behind her as Nick and Jermaine walk beside him expecting to get drinks. When Barry suddenly stops outside they both bumped into each other watching Barry watch Y/N embrace a man who he thinks is her boyfriend. It’s most definitely the case when he sees the two kiss.
“Damn. We getting drinks or what?”
“Definitely” Barry replies to Jermaine as he pats his back. “Who’s uh. Designated driver?”
“It’s LA Barry. There’s Uber.” Nick laughs walking ahead of the two.
A few rounds later...
Barry was standing outside of the bar with Nick half-passed out on the curb propped up against Jermaine. They waited for their Uber, but the waiting seemed longer than usual.
“Hey, Barry sit down. It’s gonna be a while” Jermaine states as Barry sat down on the curb beside him. “You kept lookin at your phone when girls were tryin to get your attention”
“Hmmmmm he wants one girl” Nick laughs a bit. “Y/N~”
“Go back to sleep”
“Alrighty” Nick laughs a bit more before relaxing on Jermaine’s shoulder.
“What’s so interesting about her anyway?”
“So many things” Barry sighs holding his head down.
Jermaine looks at his friend confused on why he didn’t elaborate but they were all under the influence. Some more than others *cough* Nick *cough* but that’s the biggest reason why he didn’t elaborate that Y/N is the most beautiful talented girl he ever laid eyes on.
“I know the girl is taken. But you can still do a scene together that can make her realize” As the most sober compared to them all, Jermaine’s idea is only going to go downhill of some sorts. “Pick a scene with a kiss and do it with her. Any dedicated actor would do any scene. Despite their relationships off stage”
That could’ve been phrased better, but way to put that idea in Barry’s fucking head.
After finally getting to their apartment of sorts, Barry instantly laid on his bed and pulled up the messages to Y/N.
Barry: You are a god
Y/N: What?
Barry: A god at finding great scenes to do for class
Y/N: Oh! Thank you 🥰
Barry: I know I’m not very good
Barry: But I’d like to do a scene with you
Y/N: Barry! I’ve been waiting for you to ask!!! Plus you are really good! Better than me 😊 What scene would you like to do??
Shit. Think of a scene. FAST BARRY. FUCK
Barry: Um. Romeo and Juliet, Act 1 Scene 5?
Fucking Shakespeare?!?
Y/N: Give me a sec to look up the scene!
Barry: Ok
After a minute passed. Literally. A minute.
Y/N: I’d love to! Hell if we do a good job, maybe Mr. Cousineau would pick it for the next showcase he’s planning!
Y/N: Want to practice tomorrow? After class? I can print you a copy of the scene
Barry: Sounds good
Y/N: Yay! 😊
Y/N: See you tomorrow!
Barry: See you!
Y/N didn’t come to class the next day, which made Barry think he said something he shouldn’t have. But his texts were surprisingly not drunkly influenced for the most part.
“Okay class. Y/N called me saying she won’t be able to be here for the next few classes since something came up. Barry, pick another scene partner or a monologue before we share to pick for the showcase. NOW. Sally you have a monologue you’d like to run by us” Gene states as Sally got on stage to do her monologue but instead of paying attention Barry took his phone out thinking of messaging Y/N to ask what happened. But a part of him thought space was key.
After class, Sally grabbed Barry’s arm to catch his attention.
“Barry, can you do me a favor?”
“So I need a ride to Y/N’s place. I have her address and everything.”
“Yeah. Yeah I can drive you” Is he going to know what happened along the way? She wouldn’t be going over there if she didn’t know.
The drive was far. Surprisingly further than all of their other friends. Note, Barry has at least driven everyone in their class somewhere at least twice. Usually because it’s expensive to get your car fixed let alone pay rent in LA. So it’s a coin toss and usually the car doesn’t win. Plus his source of income is...not acknowledge and he’s fine giving people rides. But Y/N lived really far in LA that he found himself heading somewhat close to Anaheim territory. Her neighborhood looked still typical LA agriculture and similar to few neighbors closer to the acting class. But when they were driving Sally did tell Barry that this is where Y/N’s boyfriend lives. So who the fuck knows where Y/N actually lives. To his knowledge.
“So Barry, I told her that you were driving me and that I didn’t tell you anything. But we’re here to pick her up then go back to my place. Are you okay with that drive?”
“Anything for the both of you. But I can’t help but be curious” Barry frowns watching Sally give a hesitant halt in what she was going to say but-
“I’m not comfortable sharing something that isn’t mine. She trusted me by telling me. I’m not going to play a game of telephone Barry”
“Okay...just do I go with you?”
“No I’ll go get her myself, just hang tight okay?”
“Okay” What the fuck did this guy do...
Barry waited in the car seeing Y/N step out with Sally, she looks fine for the most part. The closer she got he couldn’t really pin point anything. Just...the girl known to wear colorful clothing and mainly dresses, came out in sweatpants and a hoodie. Style doesn’t describe a person but it made Barry think about what caused a sudden change that isn’t just “to be comfortable”. Y/N sat in the back and Sally day with her.
“Your place right Sally?”
“Right” Sally says calmly setting Y/N bag by her feet.
After the long drive to Sally’s, Barry stayed in the car watching the two go inside. But before he left, Y/N ran over to the car knocking on Barry’s window. He quickly opens it as Y/N slips in a script she had packed before they came and got her.
“I-It’s a monologue for the showcase. S-Sorry I couldn’t do t-the scene with you. Hope this repays for that”
“You didn’t have to repay anything Y/N” Barry frowns watching Y/N pushes her hair out of her face making the man catch a glimpse of the shiner on her right eye that extends to her cheek as well.
“I wanted to Barry” Y/N states before going back inside.
Barry frowns and once she entered Sally’s place. A switch flipped in his head and he drove back to her boyfriend’s house waiting out there until he came home. Barry watches the light turn on inside the house and as he was about to reach for the gun in his glove box. He hesitated.
You don’t want to be defined that way anymore.
The hitman life will only continue if you do this.
You have the make the change.
Take the leap of faith.
Don’t let the past still define you Barry.
Find. A. Different. Way.
“Shit...” Barry frowns smacking the wheel holding his head down thinking. “He doesn’t deserve her...”
The next day came and Barry watches Sally walk into class alone. Where’s Y/N? Thought she stayed with her. He gets up from his seat sitting behind Sally.
“Hey...where’s Y/N?”
“She went back”
“....She’s stupid. But aren’t we all? She went back during the middle of the night. I didn’t hear her leave” Sally frowns as Barry felt the fire start to burn again.
Find a different way
“FUCK” Barry exclaims catching everyone’s attention as he sinks into his seat. “Sorry”
“No! Use that energy. Come up here and show us what you got for the showcase” Gene states as Barry immediately regretted it.
Barry got up from his seat after taking out the monologue reading it’s from The Notebook. He laughs a bit to himself before looking out and seeing Y/N walk in in a turtle neck with a hoodie over it and makeup covering the bruises.
“That’s right. We do that sometimes, remember? We don’t cut each other any slack. If I’m being a jerk or an arrogant sonofabitch, you tell me. If you’re a pain in the a—, which you are ninety-nine percent of the time, I’ve got no problem telling you, or hurting your feelings, which have about a two second rebound rate before you’re off doing the next pain in the a— thing.” Barry frowns looking at Y/N as the rest of the class grew intrigued.
“So, it’s not going to be perfect. We’ll have to work at it every day. But I want you. Not for today, or next week, but forever.” He states stepping down from the stage glancing at the script making his way in Y/N’s direction. “Every day, you and me. Think about your life twenty years or fifty years from now. Where do you want to be? If it’s with that guy, go. I lost you once. I suppose I can do it again. Just don’t take the easy way out. Answer one question for me. Forget about me and your fiancé and your parents for a minute. Forget about what you should do. What about you? What do you want?” Barry ended up in front of Y/N watching her hesitantly reach for him before retracting.
“Jesus CHRIST Barry!” Gene smiles proud of the man as he walks over to the two. “If you can be the closing to the showcase with that same amount of energy. Recruiters will definitely want to represent you!” he smiles watching Y/N retract herself a bit before getting an idea. “If it works best with Y/N on the stage. She can be there. Prove you’d be good with a partner even if it is a monologue.”
“If...that’s okay with you” Barry frowns looking Y/N as she nods agreeing to do so.
“Great! Now let’s go to the next person, better have that off script Barry!”
Barry frowns looking at Y/N as she just stares at him. She watches him reach to reassure but the automatic stepping back indicated she didn’t want to be touched. By any one for that matter.
When the class was over Barry stepped out carrying a weight on his chest wishing he can break a barrier and risk it all. But he didn’t want more people to get hurt and he didn’t want to disappear. Barry made his way toward his car about to get in when he felt a small hand grab his sleeve. He turns around locking eyes with Y/N as he of course stopped for her.
“...can um...s-shit”
“You need me?”
“Just. Text me, and I’ll do whatever you need me to do” Barry says calmly as he connected the dots to why she’s wearing a turtle neck and her voice was low.
First stop was a pharmacy. Barry walked with her as Y/N grabbed what she needed. Ice pack, bandages, anti bacterial spray, and foundation. He felt very protective of her in the public scene thinking her “boyfriend” can pop up at any minute or really anybody would look at her a certain way and he’d want to kick their ass.
“can..I stay with you...B-Barry?” Y/N asks after she paid. She looks down at her feet for a moment thinking he’d say no when he obviously said it’s okay for her to stay with him.
“Um. I have roommates”
“That’s ok...I j-just...don’t need t...the lecture from S-Sally” Y/N frowns watching Barry hesitantly step closer to her afraid anything he’ll do she’ll feel uncomfortable. She looks up at him seeing the worry in his expression.
“Can you let me....take care of you?” Barry knows she won’t directly tell her what the asshole did. Barry expecting a no wasn’t coming from her. She nods watching Barry take her things to carry for her. “Just need to make...one more stop before we go to my place”
Y/N found herself staying extremely close to Barry in the grocery store as he grabs what he needs to get. She watches around them having the same feeling Barry has except hers is fear driven.
“Broth?” Y/N asks picking up the carton from the cart.
“I’m not gonna give you straight broth if that’s what you’re thinking” Barry laughs a bit catching a smile from Y/N. “Even though I like straight broth” he states putting in a few seasoning in the cart. “Are you allergic to anything so I know not to get it?”
“No, you’re good” Y/N smiles making Barry feel a bit better but he still worried.
A few hours went by and Y/N found herself sitting on Barry’s bed staring down at her phone seeing texts from him and she immediately felt awful. Y/N started to cry thinking about what she’s gotten herself into because she was blind to it all until it got to this degree. The blame was definitely being put onto herself when no one sees it as her fault. Barry especially didn’t and all he wants to do is see her happy again. That smile of hers brightens his day...he misses it. Barry steps in carrying a bowl of soup he made, being in LA for some time you pick up at least ten minutes to watch cooking videos, and he immediately set the bowl and spoon on his desk before moving everything to the side of the bed and sitting in front of her. He didn’t want to pull her into his arms to comfort her but his presents was enough until Y/N grabbed his face resting her forehead against his. She continued to cry but it slowly burned into sniffling. He leans into it feeling her rub her thumbs against his cheeks taking a minute to take it all in.
He cares about you. He’s there for you right now and he always has been. Take a minute to appreciate what he’s doing. He doesn’t seem to be going anywhere....
He’s dedicated to caring about you.
No more words were said that night between Barry and Y/N. Except when Barry wanted to see what he did because he knew Y/N couldn’t see most of the “damage” so he offered to help. He also carries quite the first aid kit with him since he used to get hurt a lot and Fuches was a terrible doc so he had to learn. Y/N took off her hoodie before hesitantly slipping off her turtle neck. Her arms instantly covered herself but once Barry got a look where everything is, he got up going into his dresser and grabbing one of his t-shirts having her wear it so she doesn’t have to sit in just a bra. He moved himself closure looking at most angles of the bruising as he goes into his first aid knowing she bought ice packs but those were ones that’ll take time in the freezer when he has ones you punch and it’ll take a little moment to get there but it’d be cold enough. He popped two of them, one for her neck and the other for her cheek. Y/N had a few bruises on her arms that weren’t as bad as the ones needing the ice packs, he mainly focused on disinfecting the scratches and putting bandaids on the few that need them. Barry watched her start to shake making his worry get worse as he took her hand carefully into his sitting it out with her.
After putting everything away and Y/N eating what he made for her...she took his bed as Barry laid on the floor. The two were awake the entire night and thinking about their own deals...
I love her
He cares about me
I don’t want to step over the line
Why couldn’t he be like Barry?
I risk my life every day...I don’t want her to get hurt by it if she becomes apart of it.
Barry Berkman...you truly do make me feel lucky to be alive.
When the day of the showcase came, Barry took his roommates advice to wear the part with a white button down tucked into his black slacks with a belt and shoes were just his pair of converse. He didn’t wear a tie but the first few buttons were unbutton and his sleeves were rolled up. Y/N was apart of his monologue, clearly with no lines, and she wore one of Barry’s long sleeves for the soul fact that she’s playing a love interest and on the other hand wants to be comfortable. His part was last and he waited behind stage with Y/N until their time to get on stage came. Barry watched Y/N check her phone every now and then watching her eyes trail from one thing to another as her tense expression said everything.
“Barry! Y/N! You’re up next. Be on deck” Sasha states to the two before going back to helping Nick out of his costume.
Barry looks at Y/N seeing her look up at him smiling a bit to reassure them both.
“You’ll do perfectly Barry”
The two flinch to the yell before going to the deck staring at Natalie and Antonio get close to wrapping up. Barry quickly turns to Y/N and before he could say anything Y/N grabbed his collar pulling him down to her level kissing him suddenly. The startling factor being the tears that rolled down her cheeks during it. Barry frowns parting gently resting his hands on her face.
“YOU TWO ARE ON!” Sally pushes the two in when the lights were down.
Y/N stood on her mark staring at Barry’s back where he started before turning to the crowd wiping away the tears that shed but a figure in the crowd stung in her heart. She held her head down for a moment before bringing it up when the lights turned on and Barry turned to her.
“That’s right. We do that sometimes, remember? We don’t cut each other any slack. If I’m being a jerk or an arrogant sonofabitch, you tell me. If you’re a pain in the a—, which you are ninety-nine percent of the time, I’ve got no problem telling you, or hurting your feelings, which have about a two second rebound rate before you’re off doing the next pain in the a— thing.” Barry states stepping forward and as he got closer to her his body retracted when she started crying. “So, it’s not going to be perfect. We’ll have to work at it every day.....But I want you.” He says resting his hand on her cheek watching her ease into it.
“I-....” Y/N choked looking up at Barry seeing he’s meaning what he’s saying. For them. Not the scene.
“Not for today, or next week, but forever. Every day, you and me. Think about your life twenty years or fifty years from now. Where do you want to be? If it’s with that guy, go. I lost you once. I suppose I can do it again. Just don’t take the easy way out. Answer one question for me. Forget about me and your fiancé and your parents for a minute. Forget about what you should do.” Barry states feeling her grab his shirt shaking right in front of him as the crying got heavier. “What about you? What do you want?” he whispers but the mic picked it up for everyone and before the lights went down, he presses his forehead against hers.
When the lights went off Barry pulls a bit away feeling Y/N grip onto his shirt for dear life. He looked out into the crowd watching the asshole stand up and he couldn’t take it.
Think of a different way. Fuck a different way.
When the students merged with the crowd, Barry immediately pushes her abusive boyfriend out into the open. Forcing him outside and before any of them said another word.
“Barry please—“ Y/N quickly caught up with the two staring at Barry look at him and the asshole. “Josh. Leave. Please just leave.”
“The fuck? I came to support you. But you went up with this guy? Are you cheating on me with this fucking asshat?” Josh got up in Barry’s face which wasn’t a good choice.
“I DIDNT ASK YOU TO COME” Y/N yells watching Josh push Barry only to make him retaliate the same way. “Barry please don’t do anything”
“Yeah. Listen to the fucking slu-“ before he could finish, Barry had head butted him in the face watching him stumble.
Y/N knew she could get in the crossfire but didn’t care as she tries to step in when Barry stepped in front of her when Josh grew infuriated immediately punching Barry in the face. But before he could retaliate, Nick and Antonio pulled him back as Sally and Sasha pulled Y/N into their embrace keeping her away from them.
“You gotta leave dude” Jermaine states to Josh as he gives Y/N an annoyed looked before looking back at Barry.
“Are you really fucking worth it? Or just an asshole like the rest of us” Josh states pushing Jermaine away from him before storming off tending to his broken nose.
Barry frowns relaxing so Nick and Antonio can let go of him. He adjusts himself before going back inside where Y/N quickly followed him. She grabs his arm forcing him to look at her when they were alone in a hallway.
“Why? Why did you...you didn’t have to”
“He shouldn’t have come..”
“I know but Barry—“
“That asshole doesn’t deserve you. He never did. You deserve so much better. I—FUCK” Barry frowns looking away to take a minute.
“What?” He frowns looking at her watching embrace his arm being directly close. She looks up at him with a questionable look.
“You care about me....”
“There’s..so much more Y/N” Barry took his arm back to move his hands to her face locking eyes with the gorgeous woman in front of him. “I love you...I love you and it hurt me seeing what he did to you. All....all I want to do is protect you. Protect that smile of yours...only if you let me...and you did that night, but it started a hatred seeing him come tonight. He shouldn’t have come”
“I know...It was...a surprise to the both of us...” Y/N started to tear up again feeling Barry gently wipe them away with his thumbs. “You love me...? Even if...I’m broken goods?”
“You’re not broken goods Y/N...and if it takes a life time for me to show how worthy you are to me and everybody. Then I’m willing to take that time....because you mean the world to me”
“Oh Barry...” Y/N moves his hands off of her face bringing her arms around his neck hugging the tall man as Barry instantly wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her from the ground slightly. Holding her like his life depends on it digging his face into her shoulder. “You mean the world to me too....”
“I love you...I love you Y/N”
“I love you too Barry....”
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Anything / Barry Berkman Imagine
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Request: Could I possibly request an imagine where the reader leaves Barry having found out she was pregnant, but she has the baby months later, intending to never tell Barry until she accidentally runs into him. He then begs her to give him another chance as he swears he's changed. Sorry if it's too specific. 
It’s been waaaay too long since I wrote for Barry! Also, everyone loved dad!barry so much last time, and all the comments were incredible, thank you so much! <3
Comments are always appreciated and welcomed!
Warning, some strong language!
‘Shit. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Why the fuck is he here?!’
The audition had already gone horribly. The guys sitting at the table in that drab, soulless room had huddled as soon as you had finished your monologue, their faces hiding from your view. You tried to shoosh your baby, waddling him to your chest and tucking his little blue bobble hat further down his tiny head, but you could still see the raised eyebrows and displeased sideyes from the panel.
Storming out without even leaving down your details, all you wanted was to get home and cry for a little bit, putting little Ryan down for a nap and enjoying just a little bit of alone time before Mr Cousineau’s class began. Walking through the grey offices, the dim lights casting your face in shadows, you headed out towards the main road. Stopping by the front door to rustle in your bag for the keys, you shuffle Ryan slightly over to your hip, balancing haphazardly on your foot for a few moments before finding solace by staring out of the window of the high-rise. Ryan, however, hadn’t appreciated the movement, and as you made to go, his cries started ringing out through the entry hall. 
You hadn’t fully noticed, but the man sitting behind you had. The one whose hands were almost shaking as he held his paper, looking over his lines. The one who felt like he was sitting in a morgue, the air-conditioning so strong he could feel it on his forehead and on the palms of his hands, fast-freezing his sweat. The one with the dreadful, bleary bloodshot eyes, the one who hadn’t slept in weeks, not properly, not since you had left.
Barry had noticed.
‘Shit. Shit! Y/n? Y/n, is that you?’
‘Shit. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Why the fuck is he here?! You cannot seriously still be trying to be an actor. What, after what you’ve done? Are you kidding me!?’
He ignores you, mostly, as he stands up, patting down his jeans and walking slowly over to you. His eyes, wide and alert, are trained on the baby hiding his face into the side of your stomach, and he can’t stop his hand from shaking a little as he asks, ‘is, is that him? Is that our son?’
You don’t give him an answer. In fact, before you know it, you’re feet are out past the sliding door and hitting the sidewalk, car completely forgotten from your mind. The only thing rattling, screaming in your mind, is how you have to get away, far away from the man who kills people for a living. The iron-railings of the closest park, all but invisible in the inkiness of the dipping sun, are soon behind you and the tall concrete buildings loom in the distance. It takes you a moment to hear slight panting beside you, and as you slow down your jog, you nearly go weak at the knees to see the shocked face of Barry only slightly beside you,
‘Look, just leave us the fuck alone, okay Barry? I don’t want any trouble. Just leave us alone.’
Barry doesn’t stop following you though, his face smoldering underneath his stony expression as you glance back at him with eyebrows furrowed in worry. His feet fall in step behind you, glancing around with squinted eyes to make sure no one was watching the three of you, feet tripping slightly against the uneven pavement as his shoulder bumps into a streetlight. It’s only when you reach the next intersection, forced to stop at the red light that he finally dares to speak.
Grabbing onto your shoulder tightly, almost without meaning to, his whisper rushes out like a puff of wind. ‘Please, Y/n, just let me see him. Or her. Just let me see them, please, that’s all I care about. The last few weeks have been torture, literal torture. Please-’
He stopped when bright green eyes found his, like pieces of bottled glass, and Ryan laughed, as only a baby can laugh: a sweet sound unblemished by the hurts of life as he stuck his thumb into his mouth, hand grasping onto your shirt in a tight fist. His little face glowed from a light within, and he stared up at Barry, surveying him with his inquisitive eyes as if he knew. He knew! 
Barry’s heartache was was like a wolf eating at his chest, tearing it's way to his trembling heart. It threatened to devour him, eat him whole and leave nothing but scraps behind. The ache of longing to be with the little bundle in front of him echoed through the very marrow of his bones, and he couldn’t help the cry that escaped his mouth. He never knew, never knew that missing someone he had never met could take over every fibre of your being. It felt like a torment even he was unprepared for.
Then it started. The shaking. He didn’t care about the curious onlookers, he didn’t care what people would think, would say about him. He didn’t care about Fuches, about Gene, about the acting class, about himself. Only the laughing child giggling in front of him. All he can do to stop himself from breaking, is whisper a soft ‘please, please’, over and over and over again with an ever increasing fervour. When the sound finally hits his own ears, he falls to his knees.
‘If getting past the pain means forgetting you, then I choose suffer my entire life, Y/n. Please, I’ll do anything. Starting now, I’ll do anything.’ 
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spellbound-banshee · 5 years
Insomnia - Barry Berkman Blurb
Summary: You call Barry with a case on insomnia.
Warnings: fluff, insomnia, self deprecation, swearing, platonic relationship
Pairing: Barry Berkman x Reader
A/N: I just finished the entire show of Barry in one week and I already love Bill Hader so I just HAD to write this.
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“You can call me whenever you want.” “Is this okay?” “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Barry groaned as he heard his cell-phone ring just as his head hit the pillow. He’d just gotten back from another dispute with Fuches, icing his hand on the way back in the car as he sped away from his hotel. He was definitely about to hang up on whoever was calling him at this ungodly hour, but he saw a number that wasn’t already in his contacts - but it was the same area code.
“Hello?” He greeted with caution after he pressed the accept button, sitting up in the bed slightly.
“Hey, is this Barry?” Came a soft yet scratchy voice over the phone, he could tell he recognized it though.
“Uh... can I ask who’s speaking?”
“Shit, sorry. This is uh... (Y/n) from class. I hope I got the right number.” He smiled at the mention of your name, though he was curious how you got his number in the first place.
“Oh, (Y/n)... uh, hi.” Suddenly his throat was dry and all words left his brain, feeling himself becoming flustered.
“Hey uh... this is awkward I really don’t know why I called.” You didn’t know Barry that well and you got his number from Sally since they work in a lot of scenes together. You didn’t have anyone else to call. “Sorry to call you so late at night.”
“That’s okay.” Barry replied, rubbing his eyes slightly, wanting to talk to you but his body attempting to refuse. “What’s up, are you okay?” He asked, sitting up further in his bed and propping himself up on his elbow.
“Yeah I mean... I’m just...” You wanted to change the subject, but your brain was so sleep-deprived, you could barely form other words. “I can’t sleep, I guess.” You admitted and turned over to see your clock - it was three in the morning and you just called someone you barely knew. Suddenly filled with regret and slight shame, you began to ramble. “But I mean... I don’t know why I called you it’s so early and you should probably get some sleep so I’m sorry for-”
“Hey, (Y/n). Don’t worry about it. I’ve had my bouts with insomnia to.” He tried to soothe you, suddenly feeling like he’s known you for twenty years, and he felt the need to console you. “You can call me whenever you want.” You couldn’t help but smile at his reassurance, the first almost stranger you call is nicer than anyone in your contacts.
“Thanks, Barry. I really appreciate that.”
“So, what’s on your mind? Just can’t sleep or is something going on?” You could cry at how concerned he already was for you. But you couldn’t find yourself getting so easily attached, especially because not much good can come from late night phone calls.
“I guess I’m just... yeah I can’t sleep and...” You hesitated before answering honestly - the worst thing that could happen is things are a bit awkward between you and Barry in class the next day. “...my partner and I, we broke up like a week ago and it’s hard having to adjust to that loneliness.”
Barry sat up, “shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t know that.” You held onto that brief comfort you felt just from the sound of his voice. It was silent over the line for a couple of seconds before he asked, “do you need someone to be with right now? Like in person?”
You weren’t sure you could read his intentions right as you barely knew the guy, but you figured he was nice and trustworthy enough just based on observing him in class. Also, you were literally desperate to even get 5 hours of sleep. “I don’t want to like... call you over at three in the morning-”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He said, and you heard the line go dead as he hung up, obviously he was trying to sound cool and you giggled at the attempt. You put your phone down and rolled over in your bed, suddenly getting butterflies in your stomach. You barely knew this man, he could be a serial killer for all you knew - then again, serial killer company is better than no company at all.
You jumped a bit when you felt your phone vibrate again, and not hesitating, you picked it back up. “Hello?” You asked.
“Hey, I uh... I might need your address.”
It wasn’t long before you heard a knock at your front door, since you both stayed so close to the class it was a quick ride. You were expecting his arrival so you just kinda rushed to the door, swinging it open with a certain kind of energy that scared him. You noticed the jump and tried to laugh it off, as your entire body was tired but your mind was moving like a Ferarri.
“Sorry!” You blurted, noticing his obvious pajama bottoms, messed up hair and long sleeve t-shirt. He did literally just roll out of bed.
“It’s okay.” He sort of stood there awkwardly, and you felt all of your previous confidence leave your body in one hard punch.
“Do you uh... wanna come in?” You asked, rubbing the back of your neck and seeing that it was kinda cold outside, and you gestured to let him in.
“Yes, please.” He laughed, rubbing his arms jokingly as he stepped into your house, giving your living room a quick look-over. Your home was simple and cozy, just like you seemed to be, he didn’t know - guess he would have to get to know you first. “Should I take my shoes off or...?” He asked, already beginning to take his shoes off, noticing your lack thereof.
“Sure, you can just put them near the corner.” You waved it off, giving him a slight smile and walking towards the kitchen. “Do you want anything to drink?” You asked, grabbing two glasses out of your cabinet and placing them on the counter.
“Uh... can I have a glass of water, please?” You nodded, noticing he clearly hated asking for things but once he saw you gladly get it for him he relaxed his shoulders. “So, how do you feel now? Any better?” He asked, standing there awkwardly and rubbing his forearms. 
“Not really, I mean it’s only been like 10 minutes.” You laughed, grabbing some water bottles out of the closet and pouring into the glass with ice. “It happens a lot, lately I just haven’t been able to sleep, you know with Ryan... and everything.” You handed him the glass of water and he gladly took it.
“Thank you.” He tried to relax, but you looked even more beautiful than he remembered, and he felt himself becoming more nervous around you. “So...”
“So.” You confirmed, taking a sip of your water and trying to alleviate the awkward situation. “Do you want to... go upstairs? We can like... watch a movie and talk until eventually... possibly one of us falls asleep.” He smiled, his heart skipping a beat as he couldn’t read your intentions as well as he thought, but he felt himself being more and more drawn to you.
He hesitated a bit, taking a small sip of his glass. “Yeah, sure that would be... that would be cool.” He was determined to stay up for you, possibly help you fall asleep if he could help it.
After a couple of minutes of flipping around on the TV, you found something light you could both settle on. He sat on your bed kind of far away from you, not knowing what to do, even though he’s normally not this awkward. “I don’t bite.” You teased, patting the bed beside you and he smiled, scooting a bit closer to you. “You’re good with this movie right?”
“Of course. As long as you are.” He smiled down at you, deciding to come a little closer, your shoulders were touching at this point. Not that it was anything remotely romantic or scandalous, especially since you would probably get to know each other until one of you fell asleep - it would probably end up being him. “So, why did you want to take Mr. Cousineau’s class?” He asked, breaking the ice and shifting against your comfortable bed.
“It started off as something to do I guess. I’ve never been very good with like... being on stage or confrontation in general. So I just wanted to get better at being sociable and I thought a theatre community would do that for me. And it has, I’ve met a lot of great people. But I don’t really want to be an actress, y’know?” He just smiled at you the entire time you were talking, and he discovered that he loved to listen to you voice - there was something so soothing about it and the way you talked so passionately. “What about you?”
When you turned your head toward him, he turned his own gaze away, pretending he was staring at the TV the whole time. “I don’t know, I was just drawn to it and I was bored of my old job. It seemed like it would be cool but I’ll admit it really freaked me out at first.” He chuckled, looking down at his thumbs and picking at the skin around his fingernails. You took notice to it, and put your hand over his, detaching his left hand from his right and prevented further cuts.
He found himself flinching lightly at the contact, put he didn’t pull away, he just felt a sense of gratefulness fill his chest as someone actually took notice to it. “Sorry, I just... I do the same thing.” You revealed, showing the skin uplifted on your dried skin, and he just sort of smiled at your hands, gently rubbing the skin of your thumb with his own. “What was your old job?” You asked, pulling your hands away with a slight blush tinting your cheeks.
“Auto-parts.” He said, hoping you would lose interest, but your face resembled confusion and interest. “Fix things, y’know... deliveries and stuff.” You smiled at the way he gestured with his hands, but he took notice and put his hands back down. “Did you uh... have a job before? Or do you?”
“I’m a bartender actually, you actually don’t need that much training to be one in LA and I decided it would be kinda fun. Except for some of the creeps that come in just to stare at me, y’know?” He laughed and grimaced at the same time, and noticed that you rubbed your eyes.
“There you go! See, a symptom of being tired.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep talking about your old job I might fall asleep.” You teased, shoving his shoulder lightly and he just smiled at you, rolling his eyes. “Thanks for coming over.” You said after a brief moment of silence, and you both made eye contact as he smiled at you. You could’ve sworn he looked at your lips briefly, but before you could react or question him he replied:
“Of course, anytime.” He nodded, smiling at you one more time before turning his attention back to the tv in front of your bed. You kept your attention on him for a bit longer, noticing the way the reflection from the TV danced in his blue eyes. You smiled, stretching out your legs a bit and rolling your neck, and he noticed from your slumped shoulders and droopy eyes that your body was begging for sleep. He noticed your body moving to the side a bit while your attention was on the TV, so he moved his shoulder a bit to catch your head.
You were surprised at the sudden contact, but when you nuzzled against it he decided to wrap his arm around your shoulder. You could tell he was stiff and hesitant, “Is this okay?” He asks gently as you move a bit closer to get comfortable.
“Yeah...” You soothed, nuzzling closer on his shoulder and bringing your legs closer to your chest. “Yeah, this is okay.” At your words, you felt his body relax, and he found himself leaning into you as well, placing his head gently on top of yours. “This is okay...” You felt your mind wandering, drifting in and out of wanting to sleep and the stimulating thought of staying awake.
Barry reached a hand up and placed it on top of your head, letting his fingers stroke the locks gently, his other hand stroking your shoulder and playing with the fabric of your shirt. You shifted and smiled, closing your eyes and nuzzling just a bit closer into Barry’s chest. He felt his stomach flutter for a moment, and he continued his motions, attempting to keep his breathing calm and the rest of his body still as to not wake you.
The next thing you knew the sun was shining through the curtains, and you groaned gently as the beams penetrated your vision. “Fuck.” You mumbled, bringing a hand up to shield your eyes and rubbing the sleep from them. When you moved, you realized the weight on you, and you gasped as you saw Barry still above you, sleeping soundly.
Your shock wore off and you smiled as he shifted, nearly jolting up at the sound of your gasp. “What?” He mumbled, picking his head up, pain shooting through his neck as he groaned. “Are you okay?” His eyes were squinted as he also saw you forgot to close the curtains.
“I’m okay.” You confirmed, missing the warmth as Barry removed his arm from around your shoulder. “Hi-ya, stud.” You teased, shoving him gently as he stretched and smiled at your groggy uppity-ness. 
“Morning.” He mumbled, running his fingers through his bed-head which worked to mess it up even more. “Sleep good?” He asked, massaging his neck.
“Yeah, actually. First couple of hours in a while.” You nodded, getting up out of the bed to close the curtains more as you both adjusted to the light. “Thank you for staying, really. I can’t thank you enough.” You smiled, walking back over to the bed and flopping down on the mattress. “I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me.” He said, smiling down at your form. “Really, it was my pleasure. The company was nice.”
You nodded, biting your lip as you sat back up - your general tiredness was waring off but you still needed coffee in your system, and soon. “Come on, I’ll make you some coffee and we can get more acquainted, I want to know who slept in my house last night.” You joked, taking his hand and dragging him out to the living room - clearly he was not a morning person.
“So Barry, tell me about yourself.” You inquired after you put the coffee maker on, the hum of the bubbles adding to the limited background noise.
He smiled. “Where you do want me to start?”
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The Ball
Plot: Guilherme and Anastacia arrive at the ball being held by Baron Ashley Rivers. (Regency AU)
The Encounter Series
Encounter With The Vampires
Encounter With A Human
Encounter With The Vampires (part 2)
Encounter With The Witches
Living With A Vampire
The Ball [you are here]
As promised, Guilherme went back to the fabric store first thing in the morning, and purchased the one Anastacia had chosen the previous night. Then, he went straight to a tailor shop to order the most fashionable dress of the season, and gave the tailor Anastacia’s exact measurements.
The two of them bonded more and more over time, each one of them learning more about the other and their world. Soon enough Anastacia’s ballroom dress, along with her matching accessories, arrived just in time for Baron Ashley Rivers’ ball.
It was a hassle for Anastacia to get ready, since all of the etiquettes for dressing like a proper lady were all new to her--as well as several garments, such as the stays (which she ended up despising it very much)--but luckily Guilherme had purchased a fashion magazine while he was in town, so that she would be easily guided through the dressing process. And after much headache, Anastacia picked up the etiquette and dressed herself up, while Guilherme waited for her outside of his dormitory.
“I’m ready!” she announced from behind the door, and Guilherme entered the dorm once more.
As he glanced at her, he saw her dressed from head to toe as a fine lady in the century’s appropriate attire.
Her golden silk dress fitted perfectly on her--as he had expected--but what really impressed Guilherme was the way she looked so natural in it. If he had seen her walking past him on the streets of London, he would have never guessed that she was a vampire, much less one from the thirteenth century. She looked very much like the fashionable ladies he had seen in countless balls, he could almost see her among them, giggling and laughing about whatever was relevant to them, as though she belonged in this time period.
“What do you think?” she asked, as she twirled around in place while holding on to her skirt.
“It suits you.” he said with a smile.
Anastacia smiled, and curtsied towards him. “I learned that in the magazine.”
Guilherme chuckled and bowed in return. “Now all we have to do is wait for the carriage.”
They arrived at Baron Rivers’ mansion just in time for the party, as they could faintly hear the orchestra play from the inside.
Guilherme was the first to leave the carriage, and assisted Anastacia afterwards. He smiled as he saw her eyes shine in delight by the beautiful scenery of the Rivers’ estate.
“I’ve never seen anything like it!” she breathed.
“Wait until you get inside.” he said.
And as he expected, Anastacia gasped as they entered the mansion. She began to look around her, like a child at a fair, as everything caught her attention, from the paintings on the walls, to the decorative knight armors lined up across the hall, to even the tiles on the floor. 
As they turned a corner, they reached the entrance of the ballroom and met with Baron Ashley Rivers and his wife, Lady Roman Rivers.
“Sir Monteiro!” Baron Rivers bellowed with an enormous grin on his face, and gave him a huge bear hug, making Guilherme choke for a moment before regaining his composure.
Lady Rivers politely curtsied towards Guilherme and Anastacia, but as she turned towards the little vampire, her expression became grim, and for a while her eyes did not stray from Anastacia’s. Baron Rivers paid no attention to this, as he was too busy enjoying the company of his friend.
“It’s good to see you in one piece!” he laughed, patting Guilherme on the back with a heavy hand. “You almost gave everyone a fright back then, thought you might have actually kicked the bucket!”
“Well, I’m here aren’t I?” Guilherme said, readjusting his spectacles as they had slightly fallen out of place from Baron Rivers’ more than warm reception.
“Of course you are, since this time I made sure you’d accept my offer in sending you a carriage!”
“Frankly, it felt more like an order than an offer, but I appreciate it nonetheless.”
Baron Rivers laughed. “A job well done in my book, right my love?”
He turned towards Lady Rivers, who was still staring down at Anastacia, but quickly shifted her attention towards the gentlemen, and smiled.
“It at least assured your safety.” she said, and returned her gaze towards Anastacia, and at that moment Baron Rivers finally noticed her presence, and politely greeted her, unaware of her being a vampire.
“Why Sir Monteiro, I wasn’t aware that you were courting!” Baron Rivers exclaimed.
“I’m not.” Guilherme answered, slightly annoyed. “This is a very good friend of mine, her name is Anastacia.”
She curtsied towards the heads of the house with a kind smile on her face, as Guilherme introduced her to them. Baron Rivers bowed in return, also bearing a warm smile, while Lady Rivers curtsied once more, but her eyes were cold towards the vampire.
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” Anastacia smiled, although feeling slightly uncomfortable by Lady Rivers’ glare.
“Likewise.” Baron Rivers nodded his head, so did his wife, but she did not reply.
As another round of small talk sparked between the four of them, Baron Rivers welcomed Guilherme and Anastacia to the party once more, and allowed them to enter the ballroom.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, we need to greet a few more guests that have arrived.” said Baron Rivers, and offered a hand to his wife.
“Actually, my love, I’m afraid I have some urgent matters at hand at the moment.” said Lady Rivers. “You can go on without me.”
Baron Rivers scoffed, looking very confused at his wife. “What matters might be so urgent that you cannot greet our own guests?”
Lady Rivers shot her husband a dreadful glare that even sent chills down Guilherme’s spine, which indicated that now was not the right time to have such debate.
Baron Rivers looked to the side and let out a heavy sigh in frustration, but managed to regain his posture by smiling a little too sweetly at his wife.
“Alright, my love.” he said through gritted teeth.
Lady Rivers smiled up at her husband, looking very pleased. “I shall meet with you in half an hour.”
“Yes, my love.” Baron Rivers spoke again through his forced smile, and as his wife left them, he turned towards Guilherme and Anastacia and excused himself.
“I don’t think she liked me.” Anastacia said softly to Guilherme as they walked down the ballroom.
“Her behavior towards you was a little odd.” he agreed.
Guilherme looked around the ball for a moment, his eyes wandering from face to face until it landed on Lady Rivers approaching another lady he immediately recognized as Miss Fiona Detweiler. He was surprised to see her in the ball, especially with her partner, Mr. Rene Cousineau, still looking crossed like the last time he saw him, though a bit more stressful.
Rene was a little distant from the two ladies, while they were a little too close to be having just a small banter. Lady Rivers’ eyes darted across the ballroom once in a while, as though she was making sure no one suspected them together, while Fiona listened closely to what she had to say, and her expression only worsened by the minute.
As Lady Rivers looked around the room once more, her eyes met with Guilherme and for a moment they both froze. They held their gaze for no longer than a minute before Lady Rivers excused herself from Fiona and walked away, while Fiona returned to meet with Rene.
“What are you looking at?” asked Anastacia, trying to follow Guilherme’s line of sight.
“Nothing.” he lied. “Let’s enjoy the ball, shall we?”
And with a big smile from Anastacia, they proceeded to walk further into the ballroom, and took their seats at one of the many tables lined across the walls, as to make sufficient room for the guests to dance.
They had struck up a conversation when from the corner of his eye, Guilherme saw two gentlemen heading their way, he turned and saw that it was none other than Lord Nicholas Karahalios and Lord Anthony Woods.
“Why, if it isn’t Sir Guilherme Monteiro!” cheered Lord Karahalios, before pausing and squinting his eyes in an exaggerated manner. “Or is it his ghost?”
Lord Woods laughed. “He has returned from his grave to haunt us for not knowing the difference between your and you’re!”
“Looks like you two are having fun.” muttered Guilherme.
The two gentlemen continued to laugh while patting him on the shoulder, and sat across from them, and during their short euphoric moment, Lord Woods noticed Anastacia sitting beside him.
“Oh my, pardon me!” he exclaimed, giving her a short, but over the top bow. “I must be a fool for not taking notice of such a beautiful lady.”
“Believe me, this isn’t the only instance in which you’ve been a fool.” teased Lord Karahalios, only to be stomped on the foot by Lord Woods, and he let out a muffled grunt.
“And who do I give the pleasure of making an acquaintance with?” asked Lord Woods.
Anastacia stared at him blankly, and turned to Guilherme mouthing what seemed to be her asking what he had said.
“He’s asking for your name.” whispered Guilherme to her.
Anastacia nodded and returned to Lord Woods, with a bright smile on her face.
“My name is Anastacia.” she said.
Lord Woods smiled. “My, I’ve never met a lady who felt comfortable enough in only sharing her first name! In that case, you can call me Anthony.”
And with a wink, he took her hand and gently laid a kiss upon it.
“Goodness, your hands are awfully cold!” he exclaimed. “Perhaps a dance could warm you up?”
Anastacia was about to respond, before Lord Karahalios interrupted her. “Come now, can’t you see that Sir Monteiro is courting her?”
Guilherme rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’m not--why is everyone assuming that I’m courting?!”
“Because we’ve never seen you near a woman for more than ten minutes!” exclaimed Lord Karahalios.
“Unless you count Miss Salcedo,” added Lord Woods. “Those two are always together!”
“Always bickering, you mean.” Lord Karahalios corrected him.
Lord Woods laughed, and at that moment the orchestra began to play a piece, and everyone in the ballroom made their way to the dance floor along with their respective dance partners. Lord Woods turned towards Anastacia once more and offered his hand.
“My offer still stands!” he said with a smile.
But before Anastacia could respond, Guilherme took her hand instead. “I believe her first dance will be with me.”
Lord Woods sucked his teeth, but simply shrugged it off and left the table to find another lady to dance with. Lord Karahalios bid both Guilherme and Anastacia farewell, before following Lord Woods to do the same as he.
“Anthony seems awfully kind.” Anastacia remarked as they walked down to the center of the ballroom.
“Don’t be too trusting of him.” warned Guilherme. “He’s a professional rake.”
Anastacia paused for a moment before carefully saying, “Like...like a servant?”
Guilherme looked at her very puzzled. “Pardon?”
“Like a servant, who...rakes the leaves from the ground?”
He snorted. “No, that’s not what I meant.”
And he proceeded to explain to her what the term “rake” meant nowadays.
“Oh, so like a seducer?” Anastacia concluded.
“Precisely.” Guilherme confirmed.
Soon they reached the dancefloor, and it was lined with people, with men being on one side, and women on the other. Guilherme and Anastacia faced each other in their respective rows.
“Do you remember what we’ve practiced?” whispered Guilherme.
Anastacia nodded. Prior to the day of the ball, he thought it would be best to teach her how people danced nowadays, so all throughout the week leading up to the ball, they had practiced modern dances in Guilherme’s dormitory.
And as the dance began, he could see that Anastacia had learned very well. Out of all of the ladies in the ballroom, she was the one that danced beautifully. Perhaps it was because of her supernatural nature that has made her easily learn and adapt to new things to such perfection, but nonetheless it impressed him, and what made him even more satisfied was to see the look of pure joy on her face. She was genuinely having the time of her life, and he was glad that he had invited her to come along with him.
As the music continued, the dancers began to shift places, and Guilherme saw her dance with Lord Woods next. He was little worried about her, knowing the nature of his friend, but the more he observed the two the more certain he was that Anastacia knew very well how to defend herself, as she managed to remain reserved despite Lord Woods occasionally whispering things to her with a smile that had won the hearts of many ladies in the past.
“What a gentleman you are, being concerned for your lady.” he heard a voice say to him.
He turned and in front of him was Miss Emma Salcedo, with the same green dress she had worn in countless other balls, and a devious smile on her face he knew was meant to get on his nerves.
“It is expected when you have friends who are known for debauchery.” he said.
Emma shook her head. “A real gentleman would never allow himself to mingle with such men.”
“So why is such a respectable lady as yourself dancing with me?”
She paused for a moment as they continued to dance, before speaking again. “It would have been impolite of me to refuse a dance.”
“You? Being concerned about coming off as ‘impolite’?” he scoffed. “Oh come now, I’m surprised you’re even here to begin with.”
“And do you really think I wanted to be here? If it weren’t for my mother, I’d be at home enjoying the company of a good book.”
“The only thing that would tolerate your company.”
Emma glared at him. “As though anyone would tolerate your company! I’m honestly surprised to see you courting at all. I pity your lady for having to put up with you…”
Guilherme let out an irritated sigh. “I. Am. Not. Courting!”
“Then who is she?!”
“A friend.”
Emma scoffed. “And then you complain about your friends for their debauchery.”
“It appears as though this is bothering you quite terribly.”
Emma shot another glare at him, but didn’t say a word, and continued to dance with him for the remainder of the piece. As the music finally came to an end, everyone turned towards the orchestra and applauded.
“Honestly, I was not expecting to be insulted this much from a single person in this ball,” Guilherme muttered to Emma as he applauded. “Especially since it’s being held in my honor.”
She turned towards him with a look of surprise, then awkwardly glanced the other way.
“I didn’t know…”
“Of course you didn’t, since apparently the only thing that concerns you is the matter of my morality and where it stands.”
“Well, you do hold it with such high regards, that it surprised me to see you bring a lady that you’re not even courting to a ball.”
“Once again, she is a friend, and it is perfectly fine to bring a friend to a ball, as long as it is respectable.”
“Well you two seem awfully too close for that.”
Guilherme paused, and looked at her rather quizzically. “Do my ears deceive me, or was that a hint of jealousy in your tone of voice?”
Emma spun around, looking very crossed. “Your ears have not only deceived you, but completely ceased to work properly, how dare you insinuate such a thing!”
But before Guilherme could even respond, Emma stormed away, joining with a group of ladies sitting at a table far across from him.
“That was so much fun!” said Anastacia from behind, which frightened him a little bit.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” he smiled.
“How about you?”
He sighed. “Unfortunately, I don’t think I can say the same.”
Guilherme looked back to where Emma was sitting, and watched her laugh and talk to the other ladies at the table. For the first time he saw her smile at a ball, which was something he never thought was possible of her, and for just a split second he thought it was rather charming, before squashing that thought immediately.
Anastacia had followed his line of sight, and smiled in a cheeky manner.
“She looks very pretty.” she smiled.
“You say that because this is the first time you’re seeing her in that dress.” he remarked, curtly.
“But it’s not just the dress,” she denied. “She’s also very prim and poised, like in that fashion magazine you gave me!”
“Again, this is the first time you are seeing her,” he repeated. “You’ll change your mind once you get to know her.”
“You say that, but you’ve danced with her this entire time, while everyone else frequently changed their partners.”
“Are you trying to insinuate something?” he asked, slightly irritated.
But Anastacia only giggled, and Guilherme began to wonder if she had already picked up on Lord Karahalios and Lord Woods’ teasing ways.
Soon after that, Guilherme had offered her to follow him to a balcony close by, as a means to get some fresh air, to which Anastacia happily accepted. As they both reached the balcony, Anastacia gasped as she looked up to the starry night sky.
It was a beautiful sight to see, as though precious diamonds were sown carefully onto a fine velvety fabric of the darkest shade of blue. The full moon also shined beautifully from the sky, like a delicately placed intricate ornament.
Anastacia leaned against the railing of the balcony, placing her hand upon her cheek, and closed her eyes as her usual bright smile spread happily across her face.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen such a beautiful night sky like this!” she sighed.
“So have I.” he said as he joined her at the railing. “Though granted that you have gone without seeing it much longer than me.”
“That is true.” she chuckled. “But it’s thanks to you that I can see it again.”
“It’s the least I can do for you, since you saved my life back then.”
Her smile slightly became painful for a moment, then she looked down at her hands. “Sometimes I still think about that day…”
“Me too.”
“I don’t regret what I have done, but…” she faltered. “...sometimes I can’t help but think about the repercussion I might have brought…”
Guilherme took her hand, immediately feeling the contrast of her ice cold skin against his warm touch.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe.” he assured her.
Anastacia smiled, and placed her free hand upon his, squeezing it gently.
Guilherme was determined to protect her from the Caligos, even though he was just a mere mortal who was almost killed by them, but his mind was set in defending her. From the time he had spent with her since that day, Guilherme had come to know the sweetest and kindest being he had ever met in his life, she didn’t deserve to continue to live with a family that constantly undermined her, and cared less about her own life. He had to do something, and if it meant that he had to risk his life to do so, then so be it. Anastacia risked her’s to save him, a complete stranger at the time, so he was determined to do the same for her, a now very dear friend to him.
“Shall we return?” asked Guilherme, offering a hand to her. “I think they’re about to play another piece.”
“Of course!” she smiled, taking his hand, and they both returned to the ball.
But as soon as they set foot inside, a horrible shriek spread throughout the room. Everyone looked towards the noise, and soon more screams flooded the entire ballroom as shadows suddenly began to encircle them, faster than the human eye could see.
The shadows then met in the middle of the ballroom, and as soon as Guilherme got a better look at them, his entire body froze solid.
Algernon stood with his piercing cold eyes glaring at everyone across the room, and behind him, Lorenza and Jocosa both lowered the hoods of their cloaks, smiling and cackling wickedly at the guests, licking their fangs in delight. Surrounding the three of them were a small group of vampires that Guilherme hadn’t seen before, but were all very familiar to Anastacia, as he looked down to see a look of pure terror in her eyes.
“Oooh, a party!!!” sang Lorenza. “I hope we’re not too late!”
Jocosa elbowed her. “We’re not here for the party, we’re here to get your sister!”
Lorenza whined, and the two vampires began to bicker when Algernon shot them a dreadful look at them. They both ceased immediately.
Algernon looked across the room, and his eyes fell upon Guilherme and Anastacia, who were still standing by the entrance to the balcony.
He sneered. “You befriended him...disgusting…”
“Mother always said to never play with your food, sister dear.” Lorenza teased.
Anastacia took a step forward, much to Guilherme’s protests. Everyone had her eyes on her, looking both confused and horrified. For a moment she looked timid, as though afraid of everyone’s stares, as well as her relatives glaring down at her, but she lifted her chin up and looked at them straight in the eye.
“How did you find me?” asked Anastacia.
Jocosa chuckled. “You clearly don’t know very well how the carriage works, it’s never a good place to keep secrets.” “And that old lady tasted divine!” sang Lorenza, as she elegantly spun in a circle. “Her scent kind of reminded me of flowers.”
Guilherme felt sick to his stomach. They were at his university’s campus, at his dormitory, which means they had seen Mrs. Flowers, probably tending to his room as usual, and got to her...
“What do you want?” Anastacia asked, her voice cracking slightly.
Algernon moved closer to her, until they were both inches away from each other. He observed her from head to toe, grimacing at her new dress and accessories, as well as her hair which was done neatly in a fashionable style, as she had seen in the fashion magazine.
“You look pathetic,” he growled. “Trying to imitate these humans.”
“What do you want?” she repeated, almost in a whisper. 
“What does it look like?! We’re here to take you home, despite bringing enough shame to us…”
“She’s not going anywhere!” cried Guilherme, taking a step forward.
Both Algernon and Anastacia looked back at him, but each with a different expression. Anastacia had a look of concern in her eyes, while Algernon looked astonished for a second, before glaring intensely at him.
“And what are you going to do?” he growled.
Guilherme took off his tailcoat, tossing it to the ground, and held up his fists. 
“Why don’t you come and find out?”
Algernon scoffed. “Please, don’t humor yourself.” 
But as he grabbed Anastacia’s arm, Guilherme ran forward and tackled him, only to be swiftly tossed aside by him and crash against the wall, slumping to the marble floor.
Anastacia cried out to him, and was about to run after him but was caught by Jocosa and Lorenza, as they held onto her.
Guilherme painfully stood back up, clutching onto his side.
“Do not test me!” Algernon warned.
“And what are you going to do?” Guilherme winced.
“Please, don’t do this!” Anastacia cried.
Algernon glared at him, but a smile slowly crept on his lips. “You brought this upon yourself.”
And he lunged towards him baring his fangs, as Anastacia screamed behind him.
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fangirl-imagines · 5 years
Say It Again//Barry Berkman
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A/N: Done in collaboration with @starting-now, inspired by Bill Hader’s character in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, where he is endlessly patient with his step brother then blows up at him for insulting his wife. The crazy talented @starting-now has done a similar imagine with Barry defending the reader over on their blog as well that you should all check out. 
You had known Gene for a long time and had been his assistant for almost just as long. He taught the acting classes and was in charge of the school while as his assistant, you managed the business side of things for him, making sure that the checks went out for rent and utilities, handled signing up new students, collecting student fees, even helped him run classes and acted as a stage manager of sorts for him.
Needless to say, you had put up with a lot from Gene Cousineau over the years. He was your boss and your friend but he was also one of the worst assholes you had ever met. And today in particular he was really living up to that title.
You knew he was supposed to hear back about an audition today and judging from his attitude today, it hadn’t gone well. He had already made Sally cry once this morning during rehearsals for a class play coming up and you could tell Jacob seemed close to tears when Gene was done with him. You shook your head, sipping your coffee and offering Jacob a reassuring smile as he left the stage. He didn’t return it though, frowning deeply at you as he rushed into the wings. You bit the inside of you lip and looked over at Gene who was sitting coldly and calmly next to you. 
“Do you need a break Gene?”
“No, what I need are better actors in my class. Because none of these people will cut it.” He whispered harshly, turning back in his seat to face the stage. “Come on, next scene. Barry and Sally, you’re up! And Sally, try to make me believe you for once!”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him and sat back in your seat. A small grin made its way onto your face almost involuntarily at the sight of Barry and Sally on the stage though. Despite her earlier break down Sally seemed calmer now, though she was still struggling with projecting her lines even though she was hitting her marks like a champ. You smiled proudly at her performance, letting your eyes slide over her to Barry and his performance. He stuttered slightly, his nervousness obvious as he keeps looking down at the script in his hands while he speaks.
He’s almost more reading aloud than acting at times but the longer the scene goes on the more relaxed he becomes, causing you to smile. You know how hard Barry’s been working at his acting, wanting to be the best actor he can be. You’d even run lines for this very scene with him last night. You knew he could be a good actor given enough time and practice and the thought makes something warm and proud grow inside your chest.
“Okay, stop, both of you.” 
Your smile drops at Gene’s sudden exclamation in a bord tone. Looking over you could see the emotionless expression on your boss’ face and knew that he had not seen the same improvements and signs of promise in the two actors as you had. Gene stood slowly from his seat, walking out into the middle aisle of the theater so that everyone's eyes were on him.
“Barry, Sally, were you trying to make me sick?”
Barry blinked a few times while Sally’s face dissolved into one of crushing disappointment. This was her second time being reprimanded by Gene today. Sally and Barry both looked at each other and shook their heads.
“No, of course not.”
“No? Well that’s to bad. Because if you had been trying then I would have told you, you actually did a good job for once. But since you weren’t trying then you both really are just that terrible.” 
“Gene!” You stood up from your seat so quickly you almost dropped your coffee on yourself. The back of your neck felt hot as you spoke in the calmest voice you could manage while all eyes turned on you. “Can I speak to you a minute? In your office?”
You left no room for argument and raised your brows challengingly  at Gene when he looked at you funnily. He sighed dramatically and shook his head. “Alright everybody, take five.” 
Barry shook his head at you in confusion but you simply turned on your heels and stormed out of the theater, not stopping until you were in the main office. Gene followed you quietly, shutting the door behind him. You turned and shook your head disappointed.
“What the hell was that?”
“That’s what I’d like to know. It’s like they are trying to ruin this play. You know it’s only two weeks away?”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why they’ve all be practicing every chance they get. I know they’re not perfect-”
“You got that right.”
“But they’re trying! Maybe you should cut them some slack for once.”
Gene looked at you like you had just told him the sky was orange. He scoffed at you. “I’m sorry, are you running this studio?”
You opened your mouth, hands moving to your hips but he didn’t let you speak. “Oh wait, you’re not. I am. And you’re what again?”
You sighed, pursing your lips before answering, “Your assistant.”
“Exactly. I run the studio, I teach the classes and you’re my assistant.” He started to turn to walk out of the room before turning back around to look at you. “I know Barry is your boyfriend or something but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s the worst actor in the class. Just because you’re screwing him doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on him in there.”
You paused, looking up at Gene suddenly. Your eyes were wide, your teeth clicked when you clenched your jaw. You stared at Gene, crossing your arms across your chest.
“You really want to have this conversation with me Gene? Do you really want to have this conversation right now?”
There was a hard edge to your voice that Gene wasn’t use to hearing. It took him by surprise so he nodded. That was all you needed.
“He is one of the most dedicated actors in your class and I love him! Screw you Gene, he gives everything to this class, all your students do, and you treat them like shit just because you can!”
You took a deep breath as Gene stared at you wide eyed.
“Yeah, he’s going to be fantastic actor one day and it’s got nothing to do with you! He already can learn all his lines, hit all his marks, and understand his characters, give him time and he’ll be the best in this class! You want to be a dick just because you failed an audition Gene?! Well maybe you could learn a little something in persistence from your students then. You tear them down and they get right back up their on that stage. You may be my boss but you’re a dick! You think you can run this place without me? Really?! I do everything for you except yell at your fucking students. Do you really think you could run this place without me? You narcissistic prick. Talk about Barry like that to me again and you’ll have to find out.”
You sighed, all the anger and frustration draining from your body with the end of your speech. Your face still felt hot and flushed, Gene was staring at you dumb struck. You shook your head.
“You’ve just got to get your shit together Gene. I know its rough out there for everyone. Acting jobs are hard enough to come by for a younger actor but that doesn’t mean you get to come in here and tear good actors down because of it.”
Gene nodded, still staring at you wide eyed. You cleared your throat hesitantly, “Well, I’m gonna get back out there.”
He nodded again, “Okay.”
You nodded and brushed by him out of the room. You closed the door behind you softly, turning to come face to face with Barry.
“Oh! Geeze, Barry. You scared me.”
“Sorry, sorry. I heard screaming, are you okay?” 
“Oh, yeah I’m fine. Gene and I were just-, How much of that did you hear anyway?”
He said nothing for a second before a shy smile breaks out on his face, “You really think I’m going to be a fantastic actor?”
You shook your head, wishing he hadn’t heard all of that. “You know it’s rude to eavesdrop.”
You sighed at the down turned expression on his face and his small, shrug.
"You're fantastic already Barry. Just a little rough around the edges is all." You blushed, looking anywhere but at him. "But everyone needs practice. Come on, everyone's waiting."
You brushed by him, still coming down from the anger you'd felt earlier and embarrassed that anyone else had heard you that way. You were stopped by Barry's voice however when he caught up next you in only a few steps.
"Hey, thank you." His serious tone caught you off guard. "No ones ever really stood up for me like that before."
You took a deep breath, wondering about what happened to this man in his past but then smiled like the two of you were now in on some secret. Which you kind of where if you counted him overhearing you yell at Mr. Cousinean in his office that one day about how he treats his students a secret. Reaching up on your toes you kissed Barry gently. 
"I've got your back Barry Block."
You winked for good measure before slipping back into the theater.
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justauthoring · 5 years
A Good Man [B.B.]
Request: reader finding out about barry's hitman job and he breaks down about it and some form of fluff ensues?!??! [love your work btw :) ]
Please don’t plagiarize my work!
Word Count: 836
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His entire body turns rigid. His shoulders tense, his muscles freeze at the sound of your voice. Eyes widening, lips parting, Barry’s grip on his gun slackens considerably and he hesitates turning to face you, afraid of what he’ll see when he does.
There’s a moment or two of absolute silence. Everything just stills. And then, Barry manages to gather the courage and he shuffles on his knees, moving until he’s facing you, slowly pushing himself up to his feet. Barry realizes in that moment that he was right to be afraid. The look of pure terror in your gaze, terror directed towards him, will never leave his mind. That he’s sure of.
When he realizes he’s still holding the gun, mainly because he watches the way your gaze lowers to it, Barry quickly lets it go, it falling next to his side by the strap around his shoulder. He holds his hands him next to him almost instinctively, shaking his head as he takes a step towards you, only for you to take one back. “Y/N...”
“What...” You swallow thickly, unable to form the words stuck in the back of your throat. “What is this?”
Barry feels his hands start to shake, his mind racing a mile per minute as he tries to think; think of some sort of rational reason that would explain why he was here, with a gun and why he’d just shot someone moments ago. She wasn’t supposed to see this, a voice in the back of his head whispers, as if taunting Barry. She was never supposed to know.
But she does.
“Y/N, please, just let me explain.”
“No, no,” you suddenly utter, holding your hand out before yourself. “Don’t... Don’t come near me.”
“You... You shot that man!”
“I had to!”
You scoff, tears in your eyes, body shaking, “you had to,” you repeat bitterly, shaking your head. “How in the hell did you have to shoot that man?”
Barry takes another step forward, making your back hit the wall in response. Barry sees it, the spike of fear in your eyes as you realize you’re now cornered. Desperate for you to understand, to not be afraid of him, Barry hastily rips the gun off of him, tossing it carelessly to the ground next to him as he holds his hands out before him in surrender. “I won’t hurt you,” he whispers, watching the way your lip trembles. “I would never hurt you.”
You don’t say anything.
“I’m a hit-man,” Barry manages to force out, hating the way your eyes widen in disbelief. “I work for a man, Fuches, but... but, i’ve been trying to stop. The acting class, Mr. Cousineau, you, you’ve shown me how good I can be. Given me new purpose. I just had to do this one last job and then I was done, completely. I never have to do it again.”
Voice small, feeling even smaller, you mumble; “but you’ve killed people.”
“I didn’t want to,” Barry whispers pleadingly, “I don’t want to.”
Suddenly, unable to stop himself, Barry feels his eyes water as everything just bursts out of him. He wants you to understand, he wants you to stop looking at him like he’s some murderer, like you’re afraid of him. He wants you to understand that he’s a good person, he knows he can be a good person, and that he doesn’t want to do this anymore. That he never had a choice.
A sob wretches past his lips, causing you to blink up at him surprise. Your lips part as Barry slumps, tears slipping past his defenses as he shakes his head desperately. “I want to be good,” he whispers, voice cracking in despair.
And something within you just clicks. The fear fades, something so genuine and real about the way he’s acting towards you now. You know it isn’t an act because you’ve seen him act and he really isn’t that good. This... This is real. This is the truth. A sudden guilt floods you, realizing that you’d just erased everything the two of you had built without even giving Barry a moment to explain himself (even if, truly, it was justified). 
Pushing yourself off the wall, you take a step, hesitate, and then take another, reaching Barry in seconds, His body stills as you wrap your arms around him, confusion flooding him. “It’s okay,” you whisper, “I... You are a good man. I know that.” Then, with a shaky breath, you squeeze him tighter against yourself. “I’m sorry I ever doubted that.”
There’s a minute that passes by and then, Barry’s arms wound around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You gasp out in fright for a moment, just small enough that Barry doesn’t really notice and then you remind yourself, he isn’t a bad person. I don’t know everything, but he didn’t want this. And so, you let him, lean into him and hold him close.
Because he’s a good person. You know that.
Let me know what you thought?
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starting-now · 5 years
All the Time (Barry x Reader)
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Word Count: 2224
Warnings: none
Summary: THERE’S. ONLY. ONE. BED. 
Personally, you didn’t understand why Gene insisted on this trip, other than to make more money from the class. It honestly felt childish, sitting on a bus with your acting class, your best friend Barry sitting next to you. It felt nice though, simpler. 
“Where do you think we’re going?” Barry interrupted your thoughts and shot you a curious glance. 
“I’m not sure, but I WILL bet you fifteen bucks that it’s a museum and somehow there’s a picture of Gene in it.” you said, smiling at him.
“What?” Barry was taken aback “No way! How could Mr. Cousineau get his picture in a museum?” he asked
“So you take the bet?” you retorted, raising your eyebrows.
He hesitated but reached out his hand, you shook it.
“You’re on.” he said.
Gene was sitting at the front of the bus and he stood up in the aisle, making a motion for everyone to direct their attention at him.
“Alright guys, we’re getting closer to our little surprise, I just wanna remind everyone that this is a team bonding exercise! So mix, mingle, and remember this is an overnight trip so you are still paying full price for today as well as tomorrow. We’ll be there soon.” he said and promptly sat back down.
You rolled your eyes and grinned at Barry, who returned the look. You loved seeing him like this. So relaxed and happy. You had been there for the bad days, and you loved to see him having a good time. Plus, he had the most adorable smile.
“Is everything okay?” Barry questioned, meeting your gaze.
“Yea of course why do you ask?” you returned.
“I don’t know you were just looking at me weird.” he laughed and you promptly turned away. 
“Sorry, just zoning out.” you said, hoping he didn’t notice the color rising to your cheeks.
The old bus slowly came to a stop and you all looked out the window to see exactly what you had expected. A museum. The Hollywood Museum to be exact. Barry whipped his head over to look at you, eyes wide and a smile breaking out on his face.
“You called it!!” he said and you shrugged
“Hey, that was only half the bet.” you reminded him, and gathered your things to get off the bus.
Everyone filed off the bus and walked into the museum. Your classmates, especially Sally, marveled at the props, replicas, and stories of fame that they all so desperately wanted. You and Barry hung towards the back of the group, taking everything in. 
You walked through the vast rooms filled with various elements of Hollywood. Batman and Robin suits, Marylin Monroes clothes, and even a replica of Hannibal’s cell from Silence of the Lambs, which you were particularly excited about. 
Barry watched as you bounced from prop to prop, beaming and explaining why certain things were important or interesting, and he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading on his face. Normally, this wouldn’t be his cup of tea. He wasn’t great in social situations most of the time, but with you, things were different. You made him feel safe and…well, normal. As normal as someone like him could ever feel. 
You of course, didn’t notice the look of complete adoration on Barry’s face as you spoke. You had always assumed that your feelings were unrequited, and you certainly didn’t plan on bringing them up to him anytime soon.
As Mr. Cousineau reached the end of his self guided tour, you caught up with the rest of the group and shot Barry a defeated look. 
“Guess I owe you. There’s no picture of Gene here.” you said.
But before Barry could respond, Mr. Cousineau cleared his throat loudly.
“Now if you turn your attention to our last stop, this is a photo from the set of Forrest Gump. And if you look closely about ten rows back from the Washington monument, you will see yours truly. No big deal. But that is me.” he proclaimed proudly.
It was almost impossible to see, even blown up to the size of the museum wall. But it was him. You turned to Barry with a shocked expression which he mirrored. 
“Holy shit.” you both said in unison.
Sasha started asking questions about how he got to be in the movie to which Gene responded that it ‘wasn’t important’ and that’d he be ‘taking no further questions at this time’. Only Gene M. Cousineau would drive his students four hours away just to flex.
Barry slipped you fifteen dollars on the way out of the museum as you loaded up on the bus and headed for the hotel.
Once you arrived there, everyone was given their room and it was left to you all to decide who you’d be rooming with. 
You of course wanted to ask Barry, but you weren’t sure if he’d say yes. You resolved that you’d wait for him to come to you. Unfortunately Barry had the same thought process, so you both stumbled around until you were the only two left. You smiled awkwardly at one another and Barry grabbed the key to the last available room. As he turned around to walk towards the hallway, a nervous grin threatened to form on your face.
Barry opened the door and you wheeled your luggage in, propping it up against the wall before getting a proper look at the room. When you entered fully you noticed something that almost made your heart stop: there was only one bed. 
Barry trailed in behind you, taking note of the same thing and stopping in his tracks. His eyes scanned the room for a couch or anything else he could sleep on, but to no avail. The room had a large desk, two chairs, even a microwave and a mini fridge. But nothing to sleep on besides one queen size bed. 
You and Barry shot each other a nervous look.
“I can just crash on the floor. I really don’t mind.” Barry said, not meeting your gaze and rubbing the back of his neck.
“That’s ridiculous.” you said, “I don’t mind if we both sleep here.” you finished, gesturing to the bed.
You didn’t have anytime to discuss it further before Gene called everyone down to the conference room in the lobby for some team building exercises. You smiled awkwardly and left the room with Barry just behind you.
The team building went by quickly, your mind mostly distracted by the interaction earlier. Still, you had fun doing the various improv and team games that Gene planned. But sooner than you’d like, it was over, and you were all free to go back to your rooms. You were one of the last ones out and you were a bit surprised to see Barry waiting for you just outside.
“Hey,” he started “Sorry if this is weird, I just really wanna make sure everything is okay with the sleeping situation? I mean, the last thing I’d wanna do is make you uncomfortable.” he said, fidgeting with his hands.
You smiled politely “No it’s really no problem, trust me.” you said.
If only he knew why you were nervous. He wouldn’t be worried about making you uncomfortable. But you couldn’t tell him. Your friendship was too important, and you were worried that it would be ruined when you found out he didn’t return your feelings. But you weren’t about to let him sleep on the floor. So you swallowed your anxiety and tried to remain as calm as possible. You told Barry that you’d meet him back at the room and you stopped by the vending machine. 
Barry was in the shower when you got back to the room, so you set up the table with the snacks you bought. He came out of the bathroom, dressed for bed in a grey t-shirt and lounge pants, a smile lighting up his face when he sees your set up. Barry could be a picky guy food-wise sometimes, but you knew the one food he loved the most: Famous Amos cookies, and you had bought out the vending machine’s entire supply. Barry burst out laughing.
“No way, (Y/N)! Oh my god! This is awesome!” he beamed. 
“Please Mr. Berkman, take your seat. These cookies are not going to eat themselves!” you joked and sat in one of the chairs, grabbing a bag yourself and cracking it open.
“You didn’t have to do this.” he said, more seriously.
“Eh don’t worry about it. It was your money anyways!” you laughed as Barry realized you had spent all $15 from the bet on vending machine cookies. You two ate as much as you could and packed the rest into your bags for a later time.
It was your turn to shower and change and when you got out Barry was already sitting on the bed, flipping through channels on the TV. You joined him and he shot you a smile. You wished it could be like this all the time. You loved being around him, everything felt so easy, so right. You leaned back against the headboard and turned your attention to the tv, though you were thinking about other things. 
You had been sitting much closer than this in class and on the bus but this felt…different. You peeled back the covers and slid under them, making yourself comfortable. Barry did the same, both of you not speaking much besides the odd comment here or there about whatever garbage TV you were watching. Eventually though, you drifted off to sleep, and Barry turned the television off so as not to disturb you and attempted to sleep himself.
A few hours later Barry felt something against his skin that awoke him. Slowly getting a grip on his surroundings he realized that you had turned over, your arm slung over his chest and your head nuzzling into his arm. He stiffened, for fear that he might wake you. He relished the feeling of your skin on his, the smell of your shampoo and body wash, and he felt himself sinking into your touch. A smile spread across his face again, as it so often did with you. He wished it could be like this all the time. He sighed and felt you stir slightly.
You woke up to feel something very…warm against you. To your embarrassment you opened your eyes to find that you were wrapped snugly around Barry’s body, face nuzzled into his grey sleep shirt. And whats worse…he was awake. You immediately pulled your arm back.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” you laughed awkwardly, cheeks flushing vibrantly “This is so embarrassing. Um, wow, Im sorry, I promise I didn’t mean-“
“No no, I mean, it was nice.” Barry interrupted you and your breath hitched. 
“R-really?” you asked
“Um, yeah actually, really nice. If you’re comfortable like that.” he said
You hesitantly placed your arm back around him, laying your head next to his. He turned to look at you, his eyes twinkling with the moonlight that seeped in through the window.
 Barry took in your facial features. He’s not sure if he’s ever been this close to you, but he couldn’t get enough of it. And maybe its the tiredness, or the intoxication of your presence but somehow he manages to say it.
“You are so beautiful.” he says and immediately flinches as though even he didn’t know he would say it.
You search his eyes for some kind of joke, but you find none, and one of your hands comes up to cup Barry’s cheek.
“Do you really mean that?” you ask.
He just nods, as he’s not sure he can handle saying anything else at the moment. He can’t help but lean into your touch. You slowly move your head towards his and he does the same, both of you still unsure but letting it happen.
Your lips connect. It is a soft, timid kiss. One full of worry and fear of rejection, but also full of desire and hope. You both become more sure and deepen the kiss. Your hand slips into his dark hair and his arms snakes around you. It’s everything you thought it’d be. His lips were soft, and his calloused hands were gentle as they found their way around your body to pull you closer. 
You broke apart, both smiling. 
“Wow” he whispered.
“Yeah” you returned.
“Listen, I um-I really like you, if that wasn’t obvious. And I guess I just wanted to tell you that, so that you know for sure.” he said nervously. 
Your smile grew wider “All this time I thought I was the obvious one.” you said and pressed another soft kiss to his lips.
You positioned your head to lay on his chest, your legs intertwining, his arm wrapped around you. He knew his arm would fall asleep, but it was worth it. You found yourself drifting off to sleep yet again, comforted by his heartbeat, the fresh scent of wood and pine, and by his fingers swirling nonsense patterns onto your skin. Barry did the same, soothed by the feel of your skin against his, the weight of your head on his chest, and you arm over his waist.
You both wished it would be like this all the time.
And it was.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 4 years
2. Barry please?
NOTE: Thank you so much for this crossover request! This is one of my favorite scenes in Barry. Enjoy!
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Nervously walking into the bar, Richie had no idea how everybody was going to greet him, especially after the scene he had caused following the Shakespeare Festival a couple of nights ago. At last, everything was starting to go back to normal - in some way. 
The moment Eddie saw Richie he just about spat out his bottle of beer that he was so giddy. “Hey!” His excited reaction caught everyone else’s (A.K.A The Losers Club) attention. They either waved or said hello to Richie from where they were sitting. Ever since Richie stumbled on the acting class, they were all nothing but nice to him which bothered Richie. That wasn’t a bad thing. He just wasn’t used to people being so nice to him.
Eddie ran up and gave him a tight hug, startling Richie a bit who had his hands in the pockets of the leather jacket. Mr. Cousineau just about had a fit with him in class, almost about to duct tape his hands to his sides. 
At least he got to keep his leather jacket. It was Steve’s.
Awkwardly, he just wrapped one arm around his (Friend? Classmate?) slim frame and reciprocated lightly. That night when Eddie had called him to come to his house still caught him off-guard. He had already questioned his own sexuality to begin with. Richie loved the night they had spent together. But afterward, Eddie acted as if it never happened. 
“How are yah?” Richie started off, adjusting his glasses. They were lopsided. As Mr. Ceuasineao told him, he needed to practice keeping his body still. His heart flip-flopped when he saw Eddie’s smile. 
Eddie shrugged, still continuing to beam at him. “Fine. Everything’s fine.”
“I uh- just wanted to come here and say ‘bye,’” Richie started off uncomfortably, even gesturing to the door of the place. “I’m not going to take the class anymore-”
“Wait, what?” Eddie’s countenance was one of shock. “Why not? You were great in the show! Did you not hear that applause? It was for you! That’s the applause I’ve been waiting to hear, and we did it!”
Richie laughed, but it was strange. If only he knew the turmoils of what he was going through that day. Richie could have given away his life as a hitman with his drastic appearance. His hand still throbbed from smashing his fist into a glass picture frame.
“Look, it’s not going to work out. I’m not going to be able to get up there and do all that again ‘cause...” Here goes. “I have to be honest...”
Eddie put a hand on Richie’s shoulder, stopping him. “Rich, sit down.”
“Oh, um, ‘k.” He was already being led to the end of the bar so they could be alone. Richie immediately felt calm. Whenever he was alone with Eddie he always felt that way. A sense of pride. That night at Beverly and Ben’s party still made him cringe. He made a fool out of himself! Was that moment really behind Eddie now?
“Listen, Richie, I want to tell you something.” The smile vanished. His eyes lost that bright sparkle. And his whole body completely let go. Wow, this was a difference, The others weren’t paying any attention. Beverly kissed Ben. Bill was telling a story on a paper to Mike. From the way Mike’s face soured the ending must have sucked. 
“What is it?” Richie asked him, having been distracted. His heart fell when the bartender took down the memorial picture of Stanley. Because of his own stupid actions people actually thought that he was a part of that mob. It was so unfair. But, what could he say? 
Eddie quickly reverted back to his position where he sat up straight, his eyes nervously shifting, not looking at Richie. “I’ve never told anyone here this, except Gene,” he said referring to their remarkable acting teacher. He ducked in closer to Richie. He could feel his warm breath against his face. “I don’t want anyone else to know, so can you keep this secret?”
Was this the side of him that should awkwardly agree. Or his fun side where he’d make a joke? Oh, this social life stuff was so hard! “Yeah, uh - you know me!” he cracked.
Eddie looked him dead in the eyes. “I was married.”
Richie’s eyes soared. His throat completely dried up. Eddie. Married. 
“Her name was Myra. She uh... I met her at the community college that I went to. I know I’ve told you about my mother, right?” Richie nodded, hating the woman to core from the way Eddie described how she treated her own son. “Anyway, when my mom died, I was barely twenty. I couldn’t afford to keep going to college. In this stupid breakdown - I married Myra. So stupid. She - She was a piece of work, that woman.”
“She hit you?” Richie felt his insides heat up, detesting this woman wanted to find her and - no. No. That was no longer the life he led. 
Eddie shook his head quickly. “N-Not physically. Anyway, that was a long time ago!” Eddie got out of the conversation quickly, wiping a tear that was barely visible from his eye. He dove into his pocket to fetch his inhaler, taking a breath from it the instant he started to hyperventilate. Right after that, he resorted back to that big smile, sparkling eyes, and he sat up straighter. Now Richie understood. 
“The point is I drawback to those moments in my acting work or those comedy routines we try. It’s actually really helped me a lot. I know you went to the same place, Rich. You drew on something painful. That’s what it’s all about! You can’t quit now! I was close to quitting this class so many timers, even on the first day, but Gene made me look at it this way. This is nothing compared to what I went through in my marriage.”
Richie looked away, feeling embarrassed. His heart was still heavy, wanting to cry. Nobody ever felt this way about him. Eddie caught his attention, place his hand on his own again. His hand was so smooth. “You are a real comedian, Richie.”
“Do you really think so?” Richie asked him, skeptical. “You tell me that you don’t like my jokes, Eds.”
“Have you ever heard of Abbot and Costello’s ‘Who’s at First Base?’” That’s not what Richie was expecting him to say. Normally, Eddie would chew him out for that nickname.
Richie’s face lit up. “That’s my favorite!”
“What if we did it together, but we made some changes?” Eddie got off the high chair with a nimble bounce to grab something from his bag. “I’ve already started making a list of ideas! We could write a script together!”
Richie felt muddled, raising his eyebrows at the three pages of suggestions. “Wait, wait, unless I’m on drugs, you want to do a comedy routine, with me?”
“I have to admit it, but we work well together, you asshole!” Eddie threw a peanut at him from a bowl on the bar. The bartender gave them a warning look. This was nothing compared to the first night he ever came here. On accident, he spilled his drink all over Eddie. Somehow they were able to escape trouble when a major food fight started in the bar. 
“Hey, watch it or I’ll spill that beer all over you!” Richie threatened with a smile.
“See! This what I’m talking about! So, do you want to do it?” Eddie asked him.
A smile curled up on Richie’s face. “Yeah.”
“Fuck, yeah!”
Eddie reached over to hug him. High chairs were terrible, to begin with. The chair tilted making him fall into Richie. Quickly, Richie grasped Eddie’s arms preventing him from falling over with the chair. Now they had everyone in the bar’s attention, including the Losers who smiled at them. They fell into this romantic pose of them hugging one another. Was Eddie going to kiss him again? 
“So, wanna rehearse at my place?” Eddie asked him, his cheeks flushing a hot red.
“I got no other place to be,” Richie answered, giving his hand a squeeze. And they quickly left the bar.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Barry: limonada (3x02)
Well, gosh, this is a good television show.
So far, the stuff with Hank and Cristobal feels very disconnected from everything going on with Barry, Sally, and Mr. Cousineau. I suppose we'll get more of a connection between these elements as we move forward. I like all the pieces we have so far, but I wish they were woven more closely together.
To start with that subplot, I love that Cristobal and Hank's love story has many of the conventional beats of any couple trying to learn how they're going to be with each other, but this one just comes with crime bosses and lots of murder. Cristobal's father-in-law shows up to take down the Chechen operation, but Cristobal warns Hank, saving him and his people. He then breaks up with Hank, though, telling him to run to get away from the Bolivians. I'm curious to see where this will go: for now I'm delighted by the absurdist mix of comedy and drama, given that the stakes of this relationship include drugs and murder on the regular.
Sally is still working on her show, and still being her super obnoxious self, but things get tense when Barry shows up and screams at her in front of her co-star. Sally also finds out that another show with a similar premise to her own will be airing soon, causing them to push the airdate up on her show. Despite what I said in last week's review, I really liked the stuff happening with Sally in this episode. Her reaction to Barry's yelling, the way she immediately went into reconciliation mode, was so fascinating and depressing to me. We know her history with abuse, and the interesting ways that she's weaponized that in her career, either to exorcise her demons, or to lie to herself that that's what she's doing, it's not super clear. And the fact that Barry treats her so poorly, and her reaction is to make him dinner and apologize to him is... well, frankly it's chilling. I can't wait to see where this goes.
Barry has gotten more and more unhinged over time. I feel like that's such an obvious thing to say, but it really hits you in this episode with Barry repeating, "I love you, Mr. Cousineau," a couple different times, all while holding Gene hostage, and threatening his son and grandson too. His behavior in this episode was... um... alarming, to say the least, but I like how much we're inside the interiority of Barry's experience as we're watching this. He holds a man hostage in order to get him an acting job. The only other path here is murder, but Barry genuinely means it when he says he loves Mr. Cousineau. He genuinely does want forgiveness and to move forward with his life, to be a better person.
And Cousineau... the whole episode, I was just imagining being in this situation. Totally at the mercy of the person who killed your girlfriend. And he seems genuinely like he doesn't want to hurt you, but you are fully aware that he will if he feels that he has to. So you have to be convincing. You have to tell him you love him, and you have to make him think you mean it, even as he's sitting next to your grandson and telling you he'll kill him if you don't behave. So chilling, and yet so much about this episode made me laugh, all at the same time. I guess that's the brilliance of the show!
Honestly, one of the things I'll say about watching Barry is that I don't feel... smart enough to really grapple with it? There's clearly so much going on here, and I'm only scratching the surface by saying "wow, it's interesting how crazy Barry's acting." It feels insufficient. It's difficult to describe what's happening in this show, because to describe the events is not to touch at all on why it's good to begin with. Does that make any sense? No? Oh well! Can't wait for next week!
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dazzlinghazy-lover · 5 years
Barry Berkman x reader
You had had a bad day, you got fired from your job, the publishing company had rejected your book. Your crush on Barry, was indeed just a crush as he had kissed Sally, and hence why it is called a crush. It crushes. The kiss was for a scene but still it hurt, and seeing that there seemed to be so much passion behind it, was particularly brutal. so all throughout class you sat in the back of the theater writing your poetry. it gave you an outlet that wasn’t going to be self destructive. 
All throughout the class you didn’t feel all the different gazes on you, you were so focused on not crying, and just writing your tears into the pages. 
Gene looked at you for the millionth time that day, and became so frustrated that he got up stomped over to you. he ripped the book from your hands, and your eyes widened. you let out a small gasp, and reached for it frantically. He kept it out of your grasp while reading it. you looked up at him hopelessly as the whole class looked on. As his eyes scanned the pages you swore you could see a hint of pain in his usually bored eyes. When you saw that everyone was completely interested in what was gonna happen seemingly enthralled by your embarrassment, tears pooled in you eyes. 
Barry stared intensely at you, noticing the tears you were fighting back. “Okay Mr. Cousineau c’mon that’s enough.” Barry stated standing up to try and retrieve your book for you. Before he could get it, Gene had snapped it shut, with a look of inspiration in his eyes. “(y/n), getup on the stage you’re going to read this for everyone. You sear you could feel your heart drop through your feet and straight through the floor. “No, no Mr. Cousineau i can’t do that. Please this is too personal, I just write this for myself.. No one is meant to see that. “ you pleaded with him, but he gave no sympathy and grabbed your arm practically dragging you to the stage. Tears fell continuously now, Barry looked at you with sympathy, and sally gave you a look of understanding but tried to encourage you. “Okay, you’re gonna read the poem you’ve just written. Go ahead we’re waiting.” he said sitting back in his seat as everyone else did the same. 
You could see Barry move down to the front row, and give you a thumbs up. You knew he was only trying to give you support but you took a nervous step backwards. You were about to read the poem that you had just written about your situation, and he was right in front of you. 
Taking a shaky breath, you knew there was no way to get around this besides going through it. So opened the book tentatively trying to steady your breathing before you spoke.  Taking one last look at Barry he smiled, and next to him was Sally also giving you a supportive smile,and with that you started to speak. 
“I sometimes wish that i could be the one you run to.
I sometimes wish i was the one you could see through
I sometimes wish you could love me true
I sometimes wish i was the one who could love with a love that was brand new
I sometimes wish you could understand my misinterpreted point of view
I sometimes wish i could try, and succeed to get through to you
I sometimes wish you could look at me, and love me like i love you. 
-But obviously I was never meant to be loved by you..” 
As you read you kept your eyes away from Barry, and Sally, until it came to the last few lines. You couldn’t keep your gaze away from him for too long.  Looking at him, he stared at you. You were to overwhelmed to be in the room anymore so you ran off back stage. You didn’t even notice everyones eyes wide, with shock. It may not have seemed as emotional to them but to you it was something that you couldn’t escape the feelings of.
You couldn’t hear Barry begin to yell at Mr. Cousineau. “You knew how personal that was to her. you made her share the part of her thoughts only she should see. Did you see how hard she was crying!?” “Well she just needed to be pushed, and she hadn’t been paying any attention.” “That’s no reason to make her bear her fucking soul to a room full of people.” Barry shouted and th class looked at him with a surprised look. Not expecting him to go off like that, but understanding why he did. 
He ran after you, calling your name until he heard your muffled crying. He turned the corner, to see you on the floor crying. His heart clenched at the sight, half knowing that he didn’t stop the situation in the first place it hurt him. 
Not exactly knowing what to do he sat next to you “So, uh.. who was your poem about?” he asks. cringing as soon as the words left his mouth. “I mean, uh you don’t have to tell me i get it if you don-” he frantically tried to fix his words before you cut him off. the words that came out of your mouth surprised him and caught him completely off guard. “You. Barry, it’s about you...” you say your voice now eerily calm. You looked over at him hesitantly. 
His eyes were filled with love, and seeing this your eyes widened. “You love me?” he asks quietly you nodded nervously, “Yeah I love you Barry Berkman, no matter what.” you say sighing at the relief of getting that off your chest. Barry had told you about his past, on accident of course, you caught him in the middle of a phone call from Fuches. He was practically forced to tell you, and it took a few days but you accepted him, and supported him. he couldn’t be more grateful. 
Hearing you say those words he pulls you into a sudden kiss, and you end up wrapping your arms around his neck, and he places his hands on your hips. 
You pull away, and say “Barry, I know you may not understand why i love you, but damn it i do. I love you no matter what you’ve done, and i know you don’t want that life anymore. I love you demons and all Barry, always.” 
“You were absolutely made for me.” 
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berkmansimagines · 4 years
A/N: I decided to mix things up and not name a fic after a Taylor Swift song this time! 
Summary: After you get injured in a car accident, your father Barry confronts the driver who caused it.
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Barry rushes through the entrance to the Emergency Room, looking around for anyone who could help him. He’s been in panic mode ever since he got the call from your boyfriend’s mom, Claudia. She’s a nurse at the hospital and saw you two arrive in the ambulance. You and Steve were hit by someone in a Tesla who ran a red light. 
The moment Barry heard the words ‘car accident’ he thought he was having a heart attack. He couldn’t breathe or even think straight. Your father needed to know you were okay. He raced to the hospital as fast as he could. 
Barry spots a nurse sitting behind the front desk and hurries towards her.
“Hi, uh, I’m looking for my daughter Y/N Berkman. She was in a car accident,” Barry explains.
“One moment please,” the nurse doesn’t look up from her paperwork.
“But I-”
“Sir, please take a seat,” the nurse says impatiently.
Barry glares at her. He’s anxious and upset, but he’s not going to yell at this overworked nurse. He takes a deep breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay,” he reluctantly nods.
Barry steps back and sits down in the first open chair he sees. He hasn’t stopped moving since he found out about the accident. Even now he can’t sit still. He’s hunched over, squeezing his hands together and restlessly tapping his foot on the ground. 
Tension builds inside Barry with each passing moment. He tries thinking back to the last conversation he had with you. You were leaving for your date with Steve. Barry was on the couch, going over a script that Mr. Cousineau gave him. A monologue for his next acting class. You said a quick “I love you” when you went out the door but your father was so focused on his script that he didn’t even look up. What if that is the last time he ever sees you? Barry mentally kicks himself for being such a piece of shit. He should’ve said “I love you” back or given you a hug or...
Barry’s snapped out of his thoughts by some guy in his early 20s complaining loudly on the phone. He’s wearing designer clothes and looks like a trust fund kid. There’s some dry blood next to the stitches on his forehead.
“I’m so pissed. The Tesla got totaled,” he whines as he walks right past Barry.
Barry’s eyebrows perk up. Steve’s mom told him that you were hit by someone driving a Tesla. His eyes narrow in on the man heading towards the exit. He tries listening to the stranger’s phone call.
“Yeah... two teenagers were in the other car. I don’t care about them! I'm more worried about my Tesla. Like I didn’t think some cheap used Toyota could cause so much damage.” 
That confirms it for Barry. He knew that Steve’s car was an old Toyota. Steve bought it cheap and fixed it up himself. Barry made your boyfriend get everything checked out and show him all the paperwork before he even allowed you to go inside the car.
The guy on the phone is the definitely one that hit you and Steve. Barry’s so furious he can hear Kill Bill type sirens go off in his head. He rises to his feet.
“Yeah I just requested an Uber. I’ll be there soon. Don’t start doing shots without me,” the guy laughs before hanging up the phone.
The trust fund kid walks out of the Emergency Room. Barry follows. As soon as the guy steps outside the hospital, he pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He stops to light one up as Barry approaches.
“HEY!” your father shouts to the man to get his attention.
“Who the hell are you?” he asks while taking a drag of his cigarette. 
“My daughter was in the car you hit,” Barry says tensely. 
“They should’ve watched where they were going,” the guy shrugs and shakes his head. He’s showing no remorse. 
“You hit them after you ran a red light,” Barry coolly replies, almost getting in the guy’s face.
“Hey back off man,” the guy warns Barry, giving him a light shove.
Barry eyes widen. As the guy moves his hand away, Barry catches a glimpse of his hospital wristband. He spots a name- Hugh Sinclair. A name is enough for Barry to track him down. He clenches his fist and gives Hugh a cold look. 
“Or what?” your father asks in a low, serious tone. He takes a small step closer to the man who hit you.
Barry looks back and sees the nurse that blew him off earlier. She’s trying to get his attention now.
“You were looking for Y/N Berkman, right? You can see her now,” the nurse tells Barry.
Barry nods. He gives Hugh one last glare before following the nurse back inside the hospital. Your father goes to the room number the nurse gave him and meets a doctor outside the door. The doctor just finished examining you. During the accident you had broken your arm and suffered from a minor concussion. They want to keep you at the hospital overnight for observation but you’re going to be okay.
When Barry finishes speaking with your doctor, he rushes into your hospital room. His face drops when he sees you propped up in the bed with a cast on your arm and bruises on your face. 
“Y/N,” he breathes.
Just by the look in your father’s eyes you can tell that he’s anxious, worried and upset. You hate seeing him like this. You don’t even know what to say so you just start apologizing.
“I’m so sorry, dad. Steve was driving and it all happened so fast. We didn’t even see it coming and…”
Barry suddenly pulls you into a big hug. Your dad isn’t mad at you, he’s just relieved that you’re okay. That’s the only thing that matters to him.
“None of this was your fault,” Barry says softly.
After a few moments you pull away from Barry and lie back. Barry grabs a chair from the corner of the room and moves it right next to your bed. He sits down beside you.
“I’m sorry for making you worry,” you cross your arms and look down at your lap.
“Kid, I’m always going to worry about you. I think it’s like part of the dad code,” your father nods.
You look up and give Barry a small smile. Growing up in the foster system, you didn’t have this type of support. It was nice to know somebody cared.
“Thanks dad.”
Barry rests his hand on your cast. The doctor said you’d be wearing it for the next few weeks.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
You shake your head.
“It’s not too bad anymore. The pain meds they gave me helped. I was thinking about doing the Loser/Lover thing to my cast like in It. I remember watching that with Steve when we first started dating,” you smile at the memory, and then nervously ask,  “Is he going to be okay?”
“I, uh, think so. When I talked to Claudia, she said that he was in surgery… but she sounded optimistic,” Barry tells you.
“Okay,” you quietly reply, “What do you think will happen to the guy who hit us?” 
“I… I don’t know,” Barry avoids eye contact as he answers. Your father had a couple ideas of what he wanted to do to the guy who did this to you. 
“I heard some of the nurses talking. They said he’s rich and really well connected,” you sigh. Because of his wealth, you’re afraid that he’s not going to face any repercussions for what he did.
“You don’t need to worry about that right now,” Barry tries.
You study your father’s face, trying to get a read on it. Was Barry planning on going after him? You want to ask him about it but you’re growing tired again, a side effect from the strong pain meds you’re on.
“Dad…” you yawn, “Can you stay here tonight? I… I don’t want to be alone.”
“Y/N, I’m not going anywhere,” Barry reassures you.
It’s not too long before you drift off to sleep. Barry checks out the clock on the wall. It’s getting late but he’s wide awake, wired from everything that happened tonight. 
He is still angry at Hugh. Just thinking about how that douchebag is partying right now makes his blood boil. Part of him just wants to look up where this guy lives and take care of it…. But he couldn’t do that. Not tonight. Barry told you that he’d stay with you and that’s what he’s going to do. 
Instead your father watches you sleep, making sure you’re okay.
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Dancing lessons
Barry Berkman x reader
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Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, guns, cheating maybe.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Part 3
The cheerful notes of the Pas de deux of Swan Lake's third act started to play and you were all alone in the studio, the girls had been practicing to that and it was still in the record player, you were liying on the floor, and your pointe shoes were next to you.
Barry have left about fifteen minutes before leaving your head troubled with his words. After on long hour of practice he was finally getting somewhere with the slower rhythms of tango, but there was a long way ahead of him to learn his routine.
Tired he sitted on the wooden floor looking at himself in the mirror, and you went to sit next to him.
"Well that's an improvement" You told him and he gave you a nod, and a smile while he tried to catch his breath "You should be proud, is more than I expected"
"It's all you, you are an excellent teacher" He said sincerely "I just hope all this work is worthy"
"Worthy or not I still get paid" you wink at him and stood up giving him a hand to do the same.
"Of course, I meant..." He took your hand, and stood next to you "I accidentally listen to Janice and Andre fighting on the phone, and it sounded like they were removing the scene, I mean I had the other scenes but I don't want to know I have spend the last 5 days rubbing Voltatrol on my calf and knees for nothing"
"Well I wouldn't say for nothing, you have learned a new skill and I'm sure you may take your girlfriend out to dance and she would appreciate it"
"Yeah, once she is not busy" he sounded hurt, but you didn't feel it was your place to ask, and didn't needed because he kept talking "I mean I know that she is working on something she loves, and I'm proud of her and I love her but..."
"You wish she had more time for you?" You asked, interested since this was the first real personal conversation you had with him.
"Yeah, you know. More like you" He said and you gave him a very confused look "Well you and your husband, I wish we were like that" he added nervously.
"Like what?" Sick of each other to stubborn to quit your mind said but your face continued smiling.
"Well you work in something you love, and you are really good at it, and I always have the feeling that I'm not enough for Sally, is not like she says it, is just that she always have something more important, and I fear one day she will found someone more important than me" You nodded with your lips extremely closed trying not to be mad at him since you actually didn't know him. "Also you work at home that's good too" the innocence on wich he said it made you furious for some reason.
"You had no idea what you are talking about" you told him, again trying to not sound too harsh and not succeeding "Lesson is over you can leave"
"What? No, I meant it as a compliment, you have the best job..."
"Shut it!" You scream and he looked shock at you "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell, but that's just stupid you know? I don't mean to offend you, but you are at a studio 6 to 7 hours every morning surround by beautiful actresses, and here two hours every day with a woman basically rubbing on you, think about that for a second" You told him but he didn't say anything "If she didn't have her show, and she had to sit at home waiting for you, I bet you would not consider you are letting her down"
"Well no, because..." He started but you make it shut down with a movement of your hand.
"Because you are the big guy, the man, the one allowed to have dreams and follow them even if you have to put other people's needs apart. Maybe think about that and then you can talk" You notice your chest going up and down quickly and you were thankful you were still on the heels because on your normal level you would have look ridiculous screaming at someone that tall.
"That's what people call toxic masculinity isn't it?" He asked, surprisingly calm
"Get out" You said pointing at the door and turning your back at him
"Yeah, I thought so" He said and pick up his stuff without going to change back to his regular clothes "Same hour tomorrow?" He asked by the door
"Of course" You said and with that he was gone.
As the third act was coming to his end and you could clearly picture in your mind Odile and Rothbart entering the palace, you stood up and put on the shoes, Barry was wrong of course, in expecting a servant woman as a partner, but that was not what hurt you, you made a bow to an invisible Siegfried and make a couple movements to get loose, Mr. Block dare to say that you were happy? Well at least your deception was working and you look like you were, and like you love that job, Odil's coda started and you start making fouettés, one and you could feel your leg shaking but you continued, even when you were moving from your place and in no way at the speed that you wanted, two, three... by the sixth you were sure you could get to twenty, but then at the ninth that old damaged ankle gave in and the stinging pain made you tremble and fall to the ground, but it was okay because once the sharp edge of a chair broke into your skin and everything went black you were no longer thinking about it.
About ten minutes after he left the studio, Barry's brain struggled to understand why does Y/N had taken what he said so personally, was then when he realized he was hungry and turn his car to go to the nearest In-N-Out, he searched for his wallet and couldn't find it, Fuck he thought knowing it must be still at the studio with probably his hoodie since he didn't have it either, he made another turn hoping to still find the woman there. The music he could hear when he approached and the lights coming from inside suggest him she was still there.
"Y/N I know you are mad, but I leave my wallet here..." He said opening the door and froze in his place "Jesus, Y/N are you okay??" The women's body was in the floor, with her head over a small pool of her own blood, and next to her one of the chairs covered with her blood too making evident what have happened.
The cut on her head was small, and when he checked on her she still had pulse but was unconscious, and not responding so he carried in his arms back to his car and drove to the closest ER he could find.
"Help please!" He screamed with her in his arms and her blood covering his hands. "She was dancing and fall, she hit her head with a chair" He said to the two nurses that come at his encounter "She is not waking up..." He was agitated and he wanted to scream for them to move faster.
"Hey, hey sir calm down, come on deep breaths" a doctor said once she was in a stretcher and after checking her pupils to be okay, "what's your name sir?" She asked putting a hand on his shoulder and speaking in a calming voice.
"Berkman, I mean, Barry Berkman" He was trying to breath but there was a knot in is chest tightening more every second.
"Ok Mr. Bearkman, go with nurse Joaquin and help him fill some forms and we will take care of her, ok?" Barry nodded and let the nurse to take him away. He filled the forms mechanically not even sure he was putting on them and finally sit on the waiting room. He covered his face with his hands and he saw they were still covered in blood and the memories of the last time he had been in a hospital started rushing to his head like wild horses.
Mr. Cousineau knew, he was sure Fuches had told him the truth about Moss and was trying every day after the arrest to talk to him, and he tried his best to avoid him, he even skip a couple classes until it was impossible to ignore it anymore.
On the other hand the look for Fuches was a waste of time, any rat hole he was hiding in was too hard to locate, and since Hank was back at Chechnya he had no assets to help him.
One night Gene invited Sally and him to have dinner at his lake house again, an obvious set up since they have barely crossed words in the last two months, but after the massacre and the damage he was sure he had caused he felt like it was time to face the truth and find a solution. After all Gene was not Janice, and he was sure they could get to an arrangement.
Sally went to sleep and they were left alone in the livingroom, Mr. Cousineau had a glass of whiskey in his hand and signaled the door with a head gesture, and Barry walked outside with him.
"It would have been nice you know?" He started once they were by the lake. "Growing old here, just me and her, that's all I wanted." He was looking at the water and Barry was behind him just patiently listening. "I kept repeating that night in my mind, over and over again, for so long and it never occurred to me to think about you" Barry's eyes were fighting back tears since Cousineau was standing right where she was that night "But in all fairness you had told me already what you used to do for a living, I just didn't listen" He turned around and a small silver revolver was in his hands.
"Gene calm down, let's talk about this" Barry started knowing all too well that the old man would shoot his own foot before he could aim at him.
"Why don't you do it one more time?" He asked and took the gun by the barrel and gave it to him.
"Mr. Cousineau what are you talking about?" He asked perplex.
"My life is meaningless Barry, I have no longer reason to live without her and even when I hate to admit it Leo being back in my life is just not enough, so since you owned me this do it, take my life like you took hers" He put the gun in Barry's hand an point to his head "Just do it"
"Are you insane? Sally is in the house" Barry let go from his hand and put the gun down "Where did you get this?"
"Is mine, I bought it to kill you, but I can't do that, I'm too much of a coward, I don't even have te courage to kill myself, that's why I need your help" His voice was calmed and a monotone, but his eyes reflected a broken man and Barry feared he might convince him.
"Let's get inside, we can talk about this later ok?" He said taking his hand, and the man followed him like a sheep.
"You'll have to do it at some point, I haven't told the police but I might" he said once they were on the house, and he walked to his room leaving Barry alone in the dark.
A couple weeks later Fuches broke into his apartment, he looked sick, skinnier, with several scars and open wounds on his face. Apparently the Chechens blamed him for the massacre in the monastery and he managed to make a deal to bring him to them.
"And why would I go?" He asked once he was tied to a chair "Do you really thought you could take me?" He asked, not to brag but he was in terrible shape and it didn't cost him much to subdue him.
"Oh I knew I couldn't, what I need is your help to flee the country, they know you want to kill me, if they think I failed and that you did they would leave me alone" He said, and he was no longer the man Barry used to know, he was erratic and completely disturbed.
"What if actually kill you and we end this for once?" He said and pointed his gun at him.
"You wouldn't, you don't want to, I have followed you, you live your life like the happy little lep dog of that blondie, and that's fine. You don't want to unleash the real Barry again, and I'm counting with that" He said and Barry got angry because he was right. He left him go without accepting his offer, but he was sure he will came back.
The days passed and he was holding on to the hope both men will drop their "plans" and since Mr Cousineau was becoming a granddad and he was offering a big party he believed at least he had.
The morning of the party Gene asked him to help him buy some party supplies and he gladly accepted, by two in the afternoon they were loading the car with bags and talking about the new baby in the almost empty parking lot.
"Barry, do you remember what I asked you?" He said after putting in the las bag.
"I do, and the answer is the same, it won't happen" he said frowning.
"And I hope it doesn't, the thing is, you don't know how great life is until you know it, I mean I'm giving a baby shower for a woman I barely know because she is having my granddaughter"
"That's great, I'm sure Leo is thankful for that" Barry was not completely sure of why he was saying, so he asked. "And now what, are you telling the police?"
"Oh jesus no, that's a lot more trouble, and that won't be enough punishment for you, I want you out of the class, forever. After the party, you'll make a brilliant excuse and you will leave us alone" It was obvious he had rehearse that speech because he was not even looking at Barry who was about to replicate when the sound of a laugh make them turn around.
"Oh look the little actor guy is breaking up with you" Fuches said, he had a gun in his hand and was aiming at Barry.
"You??" Gene asked recognizing the so called Detective that had showed him Janice's body, and told him about Barry "what else do you want from me?" He ask with his voice about to break.
"Absolutely nothing, but since our boy here is not responding to diplomacy I thought a little pressure may help, now Barry be a good sport and come with me or" He said and got closer to Gene still pointing the gun at him.
"Fuches stop this man, leave him alone, he is not part of this" Barry tried to reason with him "Let's talk about this, leave him alone and I'll figure out a way to help you, come on man" He started to come closer, and tried to move Gene away from Fuches.
"You really need to know who is in charge here Barry" Fuches said and shoot the gun, it was all so fast, as Gene body fall to the ground and Barry tried to hold him as Fuches was running away, but he didn't bother on follow him, his only concern at that moment was to put pressure on Mr. Cousineau wound and wait patiently for the ambulance to arrive.
"Is going to be ok, don't close your eyes, just hold on" He said while he dialed 911 on his phone "Hi, my... my friend has been shot, outside Ralphs on Venice Boulevard"
"That really hurts you know? I don't know why would I tell yo to do that to me, but in the end you didn't, isn't it funny Barry?" He said before losing conciousness.
The lights of the ambulance came a couple minutes later, and they drove him to the ER, they asked him a couple questions and send him to the waiting room, he sited and waited for Leo and Sally to get to the hospital, he waited as he went into surgery, and he waited until the doctor come out to tell them he was out of surgery. The story they told was that some burglar tried to stole the car from them, and since the cameras on the supermarket recorded Fuches coming at them it was believable.
He spend every afternoon outside work in that hospital for the next week helping Leo take care of his dad. And even when Mr. Cousineau was thankful for his gesture he end up leaving the class when he came out of the hospital, hoping that being apart from him was enough to prevent more damage.
And now here he was, again waiting, again with blood on his hands, just that this time it was not his fault, the doctor came out a couple minutes later and walked him to her bed, they had shave part of her hair and put some stitches to stop the bleeding, and she was now awake, talking very animated with a nurse.
"And then you just add as much mozzarella as you want Abby" Y/N said and finally looked at Barry approaching to her bed.
"Well it sounds delicious, I would definitely try it. Thanks Y/N" The nurse saw the doctor and immediately walked away.
"Well apparently you are doing better Mrs. Berkman, but I still prefer for you to stay here for a couple more hours just to make sure you don't have a concussion" The way she addressed her took Barry by surprise but he didn't say anything.
"Do I have to? I'm fine, it was just a bump on the head, and you already fix that, and gave me a edgy haircut thanks for that" She responded, not bothering to correct her, wich was a surprise for Barry.
"Ok, let's do this, your husband can take you home, but you can't go the sleep, stay awake for at least the next 12 hours, and if anything happens in that time you can call me ok?" She said writing her number in a piece of paper and giving it to Barry "I'll make someone take this off" She signaled the IV on her arm and walked away.
"Ok hubby let's go" She winked at Barry once they were done with the paper work and inside Barry's car.
"Why didn't you said anything?" He asked starting the engine.
"Because they would have called Alan and since he is in Texas in a business trip I would have to stay the night there waiting for him to fly back so they could discharge me" She said like it was not a big deal "and don't worry I put my on social security number, so the bill won't be a problem."
"So your apartment is empty?" He asked thinking about what the doctor said.
"It is, but don't worry I can stay awake" She smile at him.
"Bullshit, I'll stay with you, at least until you are clear to sleep" He said and she let go a little chuckle.
"Oh look at you, what a nice husband" the comment almost make him blush but he focused on the road. "Fine let's go, we could find something to do for the next twelve hours"
I'm so sorry I didn't post this yesterday but I got the flu and I feel like shit, anyway I hope you enjoy this.
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