#what an interesting coincidence. 2019 sure was a year
braveandsnipe · 6 months
in zero-one, there were 4 sentai actors who appeared as humagears.
in ryusoulger, there were 4 rider actresses who appeared as canalo’s love interests.
interestingly, of the 4 actors/actresses, 3 had already appeared in their respective franchises prior to 2019, while 1 appeared after. this is applicable to both scenarios.
in conclusion… canalo should marry a humagear.
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reality-detective · 3 months
A recent History Lesson 👇
Bill Gates invested a whopping $55 MILLION in BioNTech that made the Pfizer mRNA injection.
You will never believe the date that this happened...
Is this just a coincidence?
You know, the company that partnered with Pfizer to make their mRNA covid vaccine and drove Pfizer's revenue to a record $100 billion in 2022.
Well, I had a look and found something very interesting indeed. When did Bill Gates invest this large sum of money?
Turns out that it was on the 4th of September 2019.
Covid was discovered just two months later in November 2019 (at least the first time we got to hear about it).
This turned out to be very profitable for Bill Gates, his investment increasing by 10 times. The original $55 million was worth over $550 million just a few years later.
"The collaboration will fund the identification of potential HIV and tuberculosis vaccines and immunotherapy candidates in their pre-clinical development. It will further enable BioNTech to build out its infectious disease infrastructure, including platform development" - it says in the press release from BioNTech.
Guess what?
Bill Gates has also donated some $20 million to the BBC.
Now it is being reported that the BBC misrepresented the risk of covid in order to boost public support for lockdown.
In other words, the mainstream media deliberately mislead the public and scared them into supporting draconian lockdown measures, and also probably scared people into rushing to get the brand new mRNA injections.
Meanwhile Bill Gates investment grew and grew...
"One example is that they gave the impression that hospitals were being overwhelmed during the first wave. Some (mainly in London) were, but overall hospital bed occupancy was at an all-time low during that period" Professor Mark Woolhouse said.
Remember when we were told that the hospitals were completely full and we had all the dancing nurses on TikTok? Remember how some people were labelled "conspiracy theorists" for questioning this?
Turns out that the so called "conspiracy theorists" were right once again. The hospitals were not full. We were being lied to. I visited two hospitals during that time and they were empty.
Surely it is just a coincidence that Bill Gates just happened to invest large amounts of money into BioNTech just two months before covid?
In fact there was a patent for the mRNA shot before Covid. They lied about everything including the use of masks to stop the spread of an unconfirmed invisible made up virus.
I'm sure this information has already been out there by other sources. I'm just giving a reminder, the information is still available and you are free to löök this up for yourself. 🤔
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batsplat · 6 days
I saw the post about assen 2016 and Marc cutting the chicane and was wondering if Marc did that a lot to his competitors like the imitation of mind games. Cause I’ve always thought of Vale as the one who used the mind games more. Did Marc use mind games a lot and was just more subtle?
(assen '16)
if you're interested in reading more about marc marquez mind games, then boy do I have a post for you
anyway, I can't really think of anything that's all that similar to assen 2016 because that's such a specific situation... not every day that you have something as memorable and as easy to visibly imitate and as controversial as cutting the final chicane. of course, if we're talking about imitation, it's pretty hard to avoid mentioning how marc did infamously copy two out of valentino's three most well known career overtakes within half a year of joining the premier class, and was also pretty shameless about the whole thing. but at least there you can say it's all about the race situation marc happened to find himself in - and there will only have been so much premeditation possible with both incidents
more broadly speaking, then, targeted behaviour where he's trying to send a message to one of his competitors during non-race sessions... well, that's fairly common. he loves using non-race sessions to study and stalk and at times deliberately harass his competitors. I'll give a little more details on one specific incident here to demonstrate what I'm talking about. it's related to towing, as it so often is with marc, and I ended up only briefly mentioning it in the post linked above. for context, marc spent a fair bit of time in 2019 trying to mess with the rookie revelation fabio quartararo, sometimes during the races themselves and sometimes outside of them. nothing wrong with hazing your young challengers, right? so one of the more widely discussed incidents took place in sepang 2019 qualifying (tw crash):
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big fan of how the article very strongly implies that when marc says the words "honestly speaking", he was not, in fact, honestly speaking. did a single person on this planet believe marc when he said he just happened to end up right behind fabio? who knows, maybe there's someone out there, who knows...
obviously, marc and his team weren't really trying to hide what they were doing, which makes it even funnier that marc just goes for this completely shameless 'oh it was all just a coincidence' routine. and of course, this entire episode ended on a pretty sour note for marc. even though he tried to shrug it off in the moment, this incident did come with consequences for him:
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which, yeah. lot's to be said here, lots to be said. but let's return to the actual point of the post, the mind games
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in the end marc did do a rather nice salvage job in the race, p11 to p2 - and fabio didn't win the race, which I'm sure was appreciated. here's a nicely in-depth description of the incident that I'm going to liberally steal excerpts from. it's a good bit of extra insight on both the episode itself and what it represented in the broader context of the dynamic between the pair of them
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it's part of the established playbook when it comes to dealing with promising young talent: you try to rough them up in the races and you try to rough them up outside of them. you try to make them nervous, maybe you even try to scare them. and so the cycle continues
this is the thing, right, marc really does view all on-track sessions as time to 'work' on his rivals. he's never been focused solely on himself during these sessions - and the towing thing has never just been a matter of practicality for him. 'the race doesn't just happen on sunday' 'great riders, champions, are bullies' 'they don't just want to win, they want to rub the rest of the world's noses in it'... marc has always adopted that philosophy in his racing (and he learnt from the best). he's never been shy in his tactics of intimidation - in his efforts to undermine his rivals' confidence and make them suffer. it's all part of the game
and then, of course, there's the bit of insight we get about how marc was reportedly worried about fabio because of his talent and fearlessness... a rookie who hadn't even won a race yet. and yet marc's "been doing his best to instil fear" into fabio. unfortunately it's not always easy to spook young talent, especially when they're so very brave... it's a tricky line to toe - by marking out your rivals like that, you are also letting them implicitly know you see them as a threat. which if anything can help motivate them and make them more confident. inconvenient
anyway, l'll include some more of the description of the incident, which helps illustrate just how little effort marc was going to in attempting to hide his underhanded behaviour (and how that may have been the whole point):
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inherently, right, this 'battle of nerves' is a really important element of the whole towing strategy. it's about your read of the other rider, your analysis of their character, how you think they will play the situation... how much you think they're willing to risk, how much you think they'd be motivated to just fuck you over regardless, how prepared they will be to call your bluff. and in the context of sepang 2019, with that year's title very much sealed up, marc decided that he was prepared to play this game for as long as he had to. marc had won the last five races, fabio was still searching for his first ever win... marc knew young and hungry fabio would blink before he did
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which, yeah. less than ideal to engage in mind games in a way that ends up getting you injured. this whole incident does serve as a good illustration of marc's overall approach, but obviously this specific episode wasn't particularly successful or indeed wise from marc's side. all in all, it probably wasn't all that intimidating for fabio when marc crashed behind him
anyway, here's some more bits talking about how marc was perhaps not being 100% honest in his post-qualifying interview:
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even though in this specific example marc did admittedly fuck it, a lot of this kind of behaviour isn't bad long-term investment because it's meant to be cumulative, where you're just consistently putting pressure on someone... as it says above, "every ounce of energy spent worrying about you is one which can't be spent on trying to go faster". so you're hoping to distract your opponents, you're hoping that this constant tension will eventually unsettle them - or that you've spent so much time studying and analysing them that you can figure out how to bother them more effectively (*coughs* 2008 *coughs again*). or maybe you just can't help yourself in messing with your opponents and sometimes it is counterproductive because you've shown them how seriously you take them as a rival. maybe sometimes it's a bit of all of those things!
on fabio's reaction:
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which is a pretty friendly response, it has to be said! but anyway, of course 'if he wants to follow us we are doing a good job' is probably the most healthy and useful takeaway from the whole thing. that's the thing with bullies, isn't it, you do have to figure out a way to stand up to them. fabio might have been annoyed while marc was picking on him, but he's not picking a fight with marc after the fact. he's just making it clear that he's not been intimidated - and has bagged himself pole in the process while marc started from eleventh place. as fabio says, "it's a little bit part of the game". but it is a game, and it's one that marc has always been more than happy to play
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aiura-stan · 2 months
Onto 0-5!
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I like that the format has gone back to pretty straight forward. “I’m Saiki Kusuo, and I’m an esper.” The word for esper that Saiki uses in the main manga is chyounoryokushya (超能力者) as opposed to reinouryokusha (霊能力者) used in Mob Psycho to describe Mob, which I find interesting. (Mob is called a ‘spirit medium’ by Reigen because he can exorcise ghosts, even though that’s far from where his abilities end.)
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I have always liked the catch of teleportation requiring “apportation” of something in its place, and the items needing to be “worth” the same amount.
Ah! So he did explain that her phone is worth the same amount as the bowling ball. And also, I like that Ike san’s “worth” issue is explained right away. No silly, Ike san isn’t worth 500 yen… that’s just all he had on him at the time.
Not to go back to Mob Psycho again, but I am pretty sure that Chuono uses the same word for “master” to refer to Saiki as Mob uses to refer to Reigen; 師匠/‘shishou.’ I think. At least in the anime.
Also holy shit I am Chuono’s age now?! 😬
That means I have been a fan of this manga for… four years?!? oh my god.
I need to figure out the exact month I started watching so I can celebrate my saiki-versary. I believe it was some time early in 2020… or it could have been late 2019.
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Here we go! Another scene left out of the anime. We have the inclusion of Janet, Chuono’s new assistant who is actually a spy sent by another magician.
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Ah, Saiki’s weakness: people who are honest with themselves and feel regret for the scummy things they did
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Yes, what a coincidence…
And that will do it for 0-5💫
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Season 3 Predictions (?) Part II
Critics, teamwork, awards (?)
If interested, please check Part I right HERE.
I will stay away from Sydcarmy for a whole minute here, guys. But later on I will get into to it, because... why not?
In terms of The Bear, I think the key is gonna be in the critics.
That's why Storer made sure to wipe out the 1st S3 teaser that came out, where Fak and his brother called Carmy in and showed him the wall full of critics’ pics. It was a HUGE tell and Storer doesn't like to show all his cards at once. He's into breadcrumbs.
So, the critics → Some are under pseudonyms, like Sue Chan and Chris Black. Some others are not, like Julian Black.
That article above also mentions that this season of the Bear could be about positioning for the top — perhaps even for its own James Beard Awards. No mention of a Michelin Star, which I think very well could be the show's grand finale, in S4, if they don't get it this season that is, which let's face it, would be far more realistic. Although there's this little voice in my head that thinks that if Storer made a point outta mentioning that when Ever opened it won Best Restaurant in the World and got 3 stars THE SAME YEAR, that's foreshadowing Storer style right there, so The Bear might follow Ever's steps (Chef Terry's steps). I don't listen to the voices in my head that often though. I will make up my mind about that one once I watch S3. 📌 Putting a pin on it for now.
So back to the critics, they are real food critics IRL, Storer doesn't fuck around. That's no coincidence, he could have easily come up with original fictional characters, but he didn't. Now, there's a chance that because that scene got leaked, he will cut it out and it will die in the Editing room. But we all saw it already, so it doesn't matter. If you haven't seen it yet, here it is:
Source ↑ : @portraitofariel (thanks!)
Carmy and those guys on the wall go way back. They also made him who he is. Carmy knows them all, Carmy owned them in the past. He obviously didn't get to where he was: "Most excellent CDC at the most excellent restaurant in the entire United States of America" without owning their asses. But the price he paid for that was "too high", that's why when Syd said they were going to get a star he was not amused. Nothing new here, moving on.
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Here's where the rock & roll really begins, Storer's style:
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Some say that Sydney's character is inspired by the James Beard Award Nominee Mariya Moore-Russell (there's the M word again).
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Mariya is from Chicago and was the first black woman to be awarded a Michelin star in 2019, when Storer was working on The Bear's script.
So clearly, those critics will play a pivotal role in all those awards and reviews that pave the way for those accolades.
[We are now entering Sydcarmy territory] Let's not forget that this is not really about The Bear or the awards for Carmy, it's about what he told Syd under the table:
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And on the table:
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So IMO is pretty safe to say that Sydney will follow Mariya's steps and be at the very least a JB award semifinalist, or will actually take the price and thus match Carmy. Now, that star, well... IF, and I can't emphasize this enough IF The Bear doesn't get its 1st star during its 1st year of tenure (back to the aforementioned Ever's foreshadowing), then that's because Storer will keep that ace up his sleeve for the series finale (S4), that is being shot as we speak. I'm not putting any money on a 5th season ever happening, but I don't think I ever wanted to be more wrong in my entire life. * fingers crossed *
My point is: S3 will be all about getting those awards, slaying the critics, and paying whatever price has to be paid to make that happen.
According to THR the 3 main characters that will carry the weight of the whole season on their shoulders are Carmy - Sydney & Richie, naturally our dynamic duo in the BOH and Cousin in the FOH. And according to FX's description of S3→ their bonds will be put to the test. I'm guessing Syd and Carmy will at some point be at each other's throats, well past the point of the "sorry" sign. This makes total sense because Sugar will be more focused on her baby and struggle to balance The Bear and her cub. (also, mending her relationship with her own mother). And also because Syd, Carmy & Cousin are the 3 characters that “love taking care of people”. Carmy makes Sprite for preggos, Syd makes omelettes for preggos and Richie loves taking care of his daughter whose his only soft spot. All of it was breadcrumbed in S2. Sugar doesn’t count on this one because basically she’s such a sweetheart that mothers everything that moves, it’s not a special trait of hers.
I also think Clairmy will not survive even if at some point they get back together, Carmy is gonna be in a relationship with his old Psycho self, and therefore he won't have any capacity to be in a romantic relationship with anyone else. The only exception, I hope, could be Sydney, because she will be on the exact same journey, which Storer foreshadowed on 02x02:
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So, let's go! I'm sooooo ready for this!
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1americanconservative · 5 months
WOAH I recently discovered something very weird. Bill Gates invested a whopping $55 MILLION in BioNTech that made the Pfizer mRNA injection. You will never believe the date that this happened... Is this just a coincidence? You know, the company that partnered with Pfizer to make their mRNA covid vaccine and drove Pfizer's revenue to a record $100 billion in 2022. Well, I had a look and found something very interesting indeed. When did Bill Gates invest this large sum of money? Turns out that it was on the 4th of September 2019. Covid was discovered just two months later in November 2019 (at least the first time we got to hear about it). This turned out to be very profitable for Bill Gates, his investment increasing by 10 times. The original $55 million was worth over $550 million just a few years later. "the collaboration will fund the identification of potential HIV and tuberculosis vaccine and immunotherapy candidates and their pre-clinical development. It will further enable BioNTech to build out its infectious disease infrastructure, including platform development" - it says in the press release from BioNTech. Guess what? Bill Gates has also donated some $20 million to the BBC. Now it is being reported that the BBC misrepresented the risk of covid in order to boost public support for lockdown. other words, the mainstream media deliberately mislead the public and scared them into supporting draconian lockdown measures, and also probably scared people into rushing to get the brand new mRNA injections. Meanwhile Bill Gates investment grew and grew... "One example is that they gave the impression that hospitals were being overwhelmed during the first wave. Some (mainly in London) were, but overall hospital bed occupancy was at an all-time low during that period" said Professor Mark Woolhouse. Remember when we were told that the hospitals were completely full and we had all the dancing nurses on TikTok? Remember how some peopel were labelled "conspiracy theorists" for questioning this? Turns out that the so called "conspiracy theorists" were right once again. The hospitals were not full. We were being lied to. What do you think about all of this, surely it is just a coincidence that Bill Gates just happened to invest large amounts of money into BioNTech just two months before covid?
Help me to be able to keep EXPOSING the mainstream narrative. Bill Gates has also funded a think tank that wrote a hit piece on me, trying to get me CENSORED from the internet. Seems like they don't like my reporting very much... Become a paid subscriber today for only $3 per month to support my work AND you get access to in-depth investigative articles that are available only to paid subscribers. Your support is highly appreciated
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
was wondering if i could request for arthur, like maybe you ended a friendship or relationship with him on the worst possible terms a few years back and saw eachother for the first time again in london
idk if that made sense but it’s just an idea 🫶🫶
Masterlist - Request Box - Support me on Ko-Fi AN: Sure thing! Here's a drabble :) Enjoy
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Fandom: Joker (2019) Pairing: Arthur Fleck/Joker x Reader Rating: General/Teen Tags: Friendship, Moving abroad, Dark undertones. -- We Meet Again--
“Excuse me, miss,” a low nasal voice, but one you would recognize anywhere.
But it could not possibly be him, could it? He lived all the way back home in America. Why would he have come to London?
But when you turned around to face the owner of the voice, there was no mistaking. You’d recognize him anywhere.
“Oh my God, Arthur? Is that you?”
He looked so thin, so pale. But Arthur’s eyes still were as green as ever. They glistened with unshed tears and were bright with a mixture of emotions as if a hurricane of feelings had been trapped inside.
“You look great,” he said, voice nearly a stammer. But somehow he seemed to have recomposed himself as he spoke. You saw how his left hand clenched to form a fist and how he straightened his spine to stand a little straighter. Something in his eyes shifted. There was a confidence in them you had not seen in him before.
“You,” you started, but now it was you who stammered. Not Arthur. It always used to be the other way around. Your cheeks flushed and you brought a hand up to your lips, watched as he followed the movement with his own eyes, and saw how his lips parted in a silent sigh of longing.
Of course. After all these years. He still craved you.
You weren’t dumb, and neither were you blind. You could clearly see it in his eyes, how his pupils dilated with lust. You had known it before when you’d been friends. “You’re here,” you finally said, not knowing what else to say.
“I’m here,” Arthur confirmed in that nasal voice of his. A faint whiff of nicotine passed by. He still smoked then? Some things never changed.
“Cool,” you said, slightly at a loss for words because Arthur was here. Your Arthur. Your friend. Here.
“What are you doing in London?”
His eyes darkened and the corners of his lips twisted downward, displeased almost. But your question had been genuine interest, no refute. “Are you here for work?” You carefully asked when you saw the change in his expression. “Or to see a show?” You were near the musical theatres, so it was a proper guess.
“Such a coincidence, right?” Arthur said, not quite answering your question. Perhaps he didn’t want to share what he came to do here, you thought. Perhaps he was here with his family, or visiting a girlfriend. You knew your thoughts should not wander like that, but you still felt a pang of jealousy in your heart when you thought about him moving on. Things hadn’t been official between the two of you. You’d just been friends. But still….
You watched him as he flashed you a toothy smile. It wasn’t a gentle one, you noticed, but rather reminded you of those pictures of a shark grinning. “Remember how much fun we used to have?” he then asked, and you suddenly understood why he carried the smile he was.
You bit your lip, suddenly feeling guilty for having ended things as abruptly and as suddenly as you had. You were very much aware that Arthur had trouble striking up friendships, even back then. Whether it was due to his condition or his shyness when around others, it didn’t matter. He hadn’t scared you away.
Sometimes you wished he had.
He had made you intensely aware that you were one of his only friends back then, perhaps the only one he fully trusted, and then you had ghosted on him. Not even told him you were going to leave.
Truth be said, it wasn’t entirely your fault. Your parents had talked so often about making the move to the UK that you’d not believed it was going to happen until it was. And once it had become real, telling Arthur seemed to become impossible. You knew how he would react. He would feel as if you left him alone.
Which was in the end exactly what you had done.
Just a note that said you and your parents moved abroad.
Just a hurriedly scribbled note.
And Arthur couldn’t even properly read.
What had you been thinking?
“I never stopped thinking about you,” something in his voice was thick, as if clouded with emotion. He swallowed, audibly, then finally allowed his eyes to come and rest upon your face. You saw that the harshness disappeared from his eyes and that the shark-like smile fell from his lips until it was just him again. Just your friendly Arthur. The man who had made you feel less lonely and who had made you feel understood so many years ago.
“I missed you,” you finally admitted. You were glad he was standing here, unexpected and improbable as it was. Your hand reached for the lapel of his coat, gently taking hold of it while you watched his face for his expression. His eyes widened slightly, but there was no sign of gesture for you to stop. And so you stepped closer to him and inhaled his scent. You closed your eyes while you drew a breath, and opened them with a smile curving your lips.
Arthur was looking down at you, eyes intense. His jaw was chiseled, his lips pressed into a thin line. There was such concentration upon his face, even as he brought his hand up to your face and brushed a knuckle gently past your cheek.
We should get a drink, you wanted to say. I want to meet you again, get to know you, who you are now. What changed? What remained the same? How was your life when I was gone? But you didn’t say any of that.
Instead, you leaned into his gentle caressing touch and parted your lips in a soft whimper. It felt good, the warmth of his palm on your skin.
You were friends. Nothing more than that. But you knew he wanted it to be more. He always had. And by the sight of it, he still did. “Did you miss me too?” you asked, voice small, as if you were scared to hear the answer.
But you knew it deep down inside. The way his eyes softened and his lashes fluttered, the way he stood close to you and caressed your cheek. How his other hand now circled around you, found the back of your neck and drew you close.
You hoped he could forgive you for having left the way you had. You hoped he still wanted you as much as he did then, because this time you were older, wiser, and smarter. This time, you knew you wanted him too.
“Did you miss me too?” you’d asked.
“You have no idea, love,” Arthur said, something dark sparked within his eyes. His grip on you became more possessive, tighter. “You truly have no idea.” ~
AN: Of course we have an Arthur who turned Joker here and deliberately came to seek our dear Reader out now that he has the means to, because why not? You think he’s gonna forget about you just like that? Na- ah! 👀
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colloydweek · 1 year
🌠 Introducing Our 5th Anniversary Edition of Colloyd Week! 🌠
Credit to both @frayed-symphony for the beautiful fanart again for this year’s prompts list along with TT1011 for the stellar animation!
We’re excited to finally announce our special prompts list this year, both as a celebration for the release of Tales of Symphonia Remastered and our 5th year running of our ship week for Lloyd/Colette! Once again, we’re hosting Colloyd Week from June 9th-15th, 2023 to coincide with the couple’s ship day in Japan on the 15th!
This year, we wanted to create a special prompts list that features some of our favorite themes from past events. If you’ve been with us since 2019, you’ll most likely recognize some of these prompts, along with a new Quote Day! And like our past events, fans can participate with all sorts of fanworks (fanart, fanfiction, graphics, etc.) under the tags #colloydweek or #colloydweek2023. Prompts can be interpreted in any way you’d like, as long as it depicts the relationship between our main hero and heroine.
Below are the prompts for our 5th-anniversary edition of Colloyd Week!
June 9th, Day 1 - Wings
June 10th, Day 2 - Birthday Present
June 11th, Day 3 - Kiss/Confession
June 12th, Day 4 - Soulmates
June 13th, Day 5 - AU/Crossover Day
June 14th, Day 6 - “What would I wish for now if I saw a falling star cross the night sky?”
June 15th, Day 7 - Free Day - Colloyd Day! (ロイコレの日!)
We’re also running Colloyd Week on twitter, so be sure to follow along @ powblade if interested! Please feel free to send an ask or a message if you have any questions. We hope you can join us once again this year! ✨
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Did Skydance Interactive plagiarize a monster from Godzilla KOTM????
Just over a year and a half ago, I remember tuning into the Game Awards 2022, a cavalcade of gamer consumerism and circle-jerking. You love to see it. Yet there was one trailer the piqued my kaiju-enjoyer curiosity. It was for a game called “Behemoth”, and despite the generic title the monster featured in the cinematic cg-rendered trailer struck me as a bit familiar.
At first I thought this game was some sort of stealth-MonsterVerse title since it appeared to feature Behemoth, the tusked-sloth like titan debuting in 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Yet the game isn’t under Legendary’s purview. It’s being developed by Skydance Interactive, a division of Skydance Media. So did they plagiarize creature design from KOTM? I’ll let you be the judge.
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First off, here’s a pic of Behemoth as they appear in KOTM. Not the woolly mammoth-like fur and distinctive curved tusks, and the lack of a trunk. One of the more iconic original titans featured in KOTM in my opinion.
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And here's a shot of the creature from the cinematic trailer's developer, Capsule Studio. Even in the shaky first-person view, Behemoth’s iconic design stands out, the tusks, the fur, the lack of trunk. Even its bony scalp and (featured in the trailer) long sloth-like arms that reach to the ground. Some visible chains can even be seen on it's right tusk, which mimic the vines on Behemoth with KOTM as well. It does sport a few fangs out of it's mouth, which is an interesting departure. However, this could hardly be any closer to the Behemoth debuting in 2019. I thought about it a bit, but put it out of mind for quite some time.
Fast forward to May 30th of 2024, the day of Sony’s latest State of Play stream, a venue for Sony to show off latest games, hardware and whatnot. Featured among their titles on Playstation VR2, and to my surprise Behemoth was featured prominently, and with gameplay as well! And you know what, it looks kind of fun, but that's neither here nor there.
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No we have a clearer image of this yet-unnamed monster. There's at least one more giant monster featured in the trailer, so it may be safe to assume this isn't the Behemoth. It's appearance is noticeably different, this time it features a trunk! Specifically that of the male elephant seal, along with short tusks curved inwards towards it's body. Even it's massive hands seem shorter than the original trailer, as it can no longer walk with them like a simian.
So.... what does this all mean? I can't help but speculate, but my theory is that when developing the game, Skydance was perhaps using an image of KOTM's behemoth as quick reference for what they wanted their VR game. It could even be possible that the creature was in an image search for the word "Behemoth" and was just used for early development. They may have passed a reference image off to Capsule Studio to use for the first tease of their game at the prestigious awards show, and a new model for the monster was created based around KOTM's Behemoth.
Alternatively, I did look to tie anything from KOTM's VFX companies to Capsule Studios, but not much came up. KOTM visual effects supervisor Guillaume Rocheron spoke about working with companies MPC, DNEG and Method Studios on the film, and while some of these VFX companies have locations in Paris and elsewhere in France, I can't say definitively that there's overlap between KOTM's vfx companies and Capsule Studios. It's possible someone working at Capsule had the model for KOTM Behemoth and made adjustments to make their beast more distinctive, but that is pure speculation.
What do you think? Just a coincidence, or do you think Skydance has taken inspiration from Behemoth's bit-part in Godzilla: King of the Monsters? Regardless, I'm sure the reality is much more interesting than what I could wonder about.
And Legendary, if you're reading this, I will take my check for Kaiju Investigative services via mail, please.
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etakeh · 5 months
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I got an email today ↑↑↑
If you borrowed LESS THAN 12000 and payed for TEN YEARS and your balance is HIGHER THAN IT STARTED
Yeah, so if you haven't got student loan debt, maybe you aren't aware that this is a very common thing.
This is why I haven't paid in years. Just kept using the "sorry I'm poor" forbearance thing.
But anyway, that's great, Joe. Good job. At least you're trying right?
ok but wait. He's been in politics for a long, long time. Surely he's been fighting for student loan relief this entire time. Right?
Naw. Gaurdian,2019:
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ok but surely he regrets having done this. Surely.
again, Naw. Newsweek 2021:
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Jacobin, 2022:
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And now, when the election season is upon us, we get a glimmer of hope.
What a coincidence.
**Disclaimer** I'm not interested in debating who to vote for, or even if you should vote. I just want to make sure people know what they are voting (or not voting) for.
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stupendousfoxthing · 3 months
given the most recent bh statement possibly eluding to GH what’s your take on paris? was it tae? was it not? and if yes what do you think was the reasoning?
My take is the same it has been since May of last year and I believe that was him in the video. I'm not sure what in the statement released today is supposed to change my mind about that. The part about an investigation starting in 2022? There are no specifics given, and the walk happened in 2023 so how would that be referring to the Paris video? There could have been investigations into many things starting in 2022 not related to this at all. Tons of SK and and global media reported on that walk. The companies gave the vague "It's difficult to confirm" statement in response. But it shouldn't have been difficult to confirm or deny, especially with their staff right there. The manager wearing the same thing he had been at the airport when they left SK earlier that day seals it for me. If everyone was a cosplayer, it's an insane coincidence they matched that perfectly before we'd seen him wearing that same outfit on that exact day. What would be the explanation for the real staff being there with cosplayers for the walk, but with Tae and Jennie in perfectly clear photos of them (but not together!) in the same outfits? None of those explanations makes sense to me. I believe they left their hands off of it on purpose. That's one of the main reasons I think it was obvious media play, that no one involved wanted to give an official confirmation or denial. All they got from Tae was that walk. I don't think him participating says anything negative about his character or him as a person at all. Whatever his reason (and I don't think any of us are entitled to that information) it's over and it ended exactly as I assumed it would. I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but I do think a possible explanation is something like what this "insider" shared in January 2019 about a media play involving the same idols, coincidentally using Paris as the staging area. It's an interesting read. Like, if this was actually true it'd give me more context for the Citi Field nape kiss and that always confused me, why Tae did something so risky. But it would have been in the exact same October time frame Tae, Jennie and Kai all shared photos from Paris on social media that would later be used as proof when they confirmed JenKai.
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gwyns · 4 months
Hi! Do you think that the next ACOTAR book will come out next year or 2026? I hope it is sooner because we've been waiting for so long :(
i definitely think it'll be next year and that's for a couple of reasons
first, sjm confirmed she was writing it months ago, whereas with hofas, she didn't officially confirm she was working on it until at least a few weeks after hosab released. could she have been working on it before then? sure, but i still find it interesting she confirmed acotar 5 before her newest book's release
second, both of sjm's "off" years (2019 and 2023) were the years after her children were born, maybe it was just a coincidence but i wouldn't be surprised if that factored into it. she likely had extra time off to spend with her family that set her writing schedule back
now this is just speculation but i could see her releases going something like: acotar 5 (2025) > ??? (2026) > cc4 (2027) > acotar 6 (2028). maybe throw in that acotar novella somewhere too
in a recent interview she mentioned she knew what she was writing after acotar 5 and she's "excited to write in the world" or something like that, which leads me to believe it's different from acotar and cc so... new series maybe? she did sign that new book deal, in addition to the 3 acotar books she was still contracted for, and there was no mention of those being renegotiated so nothing's changed there as far as we know. i assume one of those new books is for cc4 but as for the others, we all know how sjm likes to write trilogies that then get extended lol
i personally was hoping she'd go into full "acotar mode" after hofas but oh well, whatever she writes i'll read. overall no one but sjm and bloomsbury could say for certain but i'm pretty confident we'll get it next year!
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jess-moloney-malarkey · 4 months
There is a picture that proves that Jess has been stalking Jamie since 2015, she was behind Jamie and Matilda at a concert in 2015 she was looking at Jamie strangely if it's not a coincidence that Jess has been dating Jamie since 2021.
Jess followed Matilda on Instagram and she liked her posts and when Jamie and Matilda broked up, Jess unfollowed her and she was probably following Ruby on Instagram when she was dating Jamie and when they broked up in 2020, Jess unfollowed Ruby the same way she unfollowed Matilda because she was obsessed with Jamie, she was stalking him by following Matilda and Ruby on Instagram and Jess wasn't interested in Matilda and Ruby otherwise she would have continued following them both after their breakup with Jamie.
I was thinking, when exactly did Jess move to Los Angeles before Jamie, at the same time as Jamie and Ruby in 2019 or when she started dating Jamie, because if Jess moved to L A when she knew Jamie was installed, is that for me it is stalker behavior.
First Jess stalked MGK because she was obsessed with him and MGK probably refused to date with her and weirdly she started stalking Jamie from 2015 by following him because he looks like MGK (in my opinion), what she didn't have with MGK, she had with Jamie, she took advantage of the fact that he broke up with Ruby and she started getting closer to him on Instagram in 2020.
I had nothing against Jess when she started dating Jamie en 2021 but for almost 2 years she has been drawing attention to herself at conventions using Jamie and and he doesn't realize she is manipulating him to become famous through his success.
Oof I’m so sorry for how long this reply is gonna be. I’ll put a read more. But hear me out… (tl;dr for most of it, the gist is that we simply don’t know a lot of things for sure. That’s my main point. Have your opinion of how things might have gone, whatever, but understand that that may be vastly different than the reality of it all because we weren’t there.)
I know what photo you mean, but proves stalking? I don’t know about that. A single photo of Jamie and Jess at the same event does not effectively prove she has been stalking him since then. Possible? Sure. But I wouldn’t call it solid proof of that, especially when they’ve both been in the world of fashion for at least a decade. All it only really proves definitively is that they were attending the same event in 2015.
And how do you know when these unfollowings took place? Do you know if they were really right after a breakup, or if they were months/years later? If Jess was a nobody before Jamie, none of us were probably aware of her to keep tabs on her likes and follows. We wouldn’t be able to know. Again, not saying it’s impossible she unfollowed directly after the respective breakups, but without timestamps, we don’t know for sure. You even said yourself that she “probably” followed Ruby, but we don’t know that.
I think the last few paragraphs of yours are much more a personal feeling on things. From an objective view, she apparently worked with MGK in some capacity. Somewhere along the way, the relationship (to whatever degree it was, we do not know for sure) ended. That’s the facts, that’s what is definitively out there. We also don’t know for sure how or when exactly Jamie and Jess became close enough to begin dating. Your opinion is yours to have of course, but objectively, there’s a broad range of scenarios that could have taken place because we realistically have no idea what actually did.
I also wouldn’t say she has been drawing attention to herself at conventions. Fans go up to her, fans approach her and ask for photos. She hangs around her partner who is working there because that’s her partner, it’s not weird. She doesn’t have to wait back at the hotel or avoid him, you know? Going to EVERY con is a lot but hey, we don’t know what conversations they have had about her attending them all.
And in my opinion, if she was using him to gain fame and success, she really ought to have aimed higher than Jamie. He’s popular yeah, but if she were REALLY after all that for herself, and was this narcissistic gold digger type, wouldn’t she hop around to whichever hot new thing there is in Hollywood, like someone who is in higher demand?
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stranger-chichka · 2 years
It's me and my rumblings about the Coke commercial again (Before dropping the third season of Stranger Things, Coca-Cola announced a New Coke and Netflix partnership). I dug a little deeper and found more interesting stuff. So, the music from the commercial. As I already wrote, the song is called “First Time” and is sung by Robin Beck. The Duffers posted it both on Twitter and Instagram on June 14th, 2019 and signed it as: "just a couple thirsty boys having a night out in 1985"
So, the singer's name is Robin Beck and what new character is introduced in s3? Robin Buckley. It's very strange to be a coincidence. The song was released as a single in the US on July 1st, 1988 (while in ST the events of 3x03 - El & Max's sleepover, them looking for Billy, Byler rain fight, Robing cracking the code, Jopper going to the lab, Jancy going to the Driscoll's house - are happening on July 1st, 1985) and was originally recorded for a Coca-Cola commercial in 1987 (a year before). The single was internationally released on October 14th, 1988 (Friday) and I remembered that post by @endgamebyler about the possibility of s5 being released on October 13th, 2023 (also Friday).
What about the lyrics of the song? The ones that play in the commercial are slightly changed, so let's look at the original lyrics first. The title is already very telling. As with many other songs in Stranger Things, this one is also about time.
[Verse 1] First time, first love Oh, what feeling is this Electricity flows With the very first kiss
[Chorus] Like a break in the clouds and the first ray of sun I can feel it inside something new has begun And it's taking control of my body and mind It began when I heard I love you For the very first time For the very first time
[Verse 2] This life, this love Oh, the sweetness I feel So mysterious yet So incredibly real
[Chorus] It's an uncharted sea, it's an unopened door But you gotta reach out and you gotta explore Even though you're not sure till the moment arrives There he is and you know you're in love For the very first time For the very first time
[Bridge] And baby when I met you Every feeling I had was new I don't think there are words To describe the sensation No, no, no, no Oh... oh...
[Chorus] It's an uncharted sea, it's an unopened door But you gotta reach out and you gotta explore And when something happens that words can't define Only then do you know you're in love For the very first time For the very first time For the very first time
And here are the lyrics we hear in the commercial.
First time, first love
Oh, what feeling is this
Electricity flows (the scene in s2 with Steve, Dustin & electricity = love)
With Like the very first kiss
Like a break in the clouds and the first ray of sun (Will = light)
I can feel it inside again, something new has begun
And it's taking control of my body and mind You can tell other pieces are starting to fit
It began when I heard I love you Like the first time you said "Share my Coke" and I knew that was it [here Steve tells he's gonna meet a friend and that's not a DATE like Hopper tells Joyce in s3]
It's You're an uncharted sea, it's and an unopened door
(all the water & door references throughout the show, mostly associated with Mike)
But you gotta reach out and you gotta explore
Even though you're not sure till the moment arrives I can do anything that life will calling
There he is and you know you're in love You can't breathe. How it feels? Share my Coke. Coca-Cola is it [here Dustin ("Thor's stone", "thunderstone" or "valiant fighter") joins them + I'm not sure I'm hearing these two lines correctly, so please tell me if the lyrics are correct]
Btw, here's the original 1988 commercial. And here's the music video for that song (Two separate videos were released for the single. One simply featured Beck with her band and this was filmed in a style very typical for metal bands of the 80s, but I'm interested in the other one). Please watch it and tell me, YOU SEE IT TOO???? Mike and Will s4 phonegate, hello???????
The video starts with the singer applying makeup in the bathroom mirror and then looking at her watch.
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She then rushes to the phone to make a call before replacing the receiver within seconds, not really giving anyone the chance to answer her call.
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She's standing at the door while singing the first verse.
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On "And it's taking control of my body and mind, it began when I heard I love you for the very first time" she comes to the picture with the couple running around on a beach (water references!!!)
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And we see the letter W on a...is it a ship?
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On "So mysterious yet, so incredibly real" she goes to another room and looks through the window.
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The lines "It's an uncharted sea, it's an unopened door but you gotta reach out and you gotta explore" she's singing while standing by the wall raising up her right hand.
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She sits on the sofa and turns on the TV where we see a couple kissing with lots of water splashing around, and she's dancing in front of the mirror.
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On "And baby when I met you every feeling I had was new" she's having flashbacks about the time she spent with her lover.
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On "I don't think there are words to describe the sensation" she looks at her watch again, comes to the mirror and looks through the magazine with the pictures of her and his love (reminded me of Mke in s1 looking through Will's drawings)
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She's calling again and the video ends with her opening the door and seeing someone with flowers in front of her.
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And in the Stranger Things commercial we have this dialogue between Steve and Dustin:
D: You're late! S: The movie hasn't started yet!
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D: Do you know how many people wanted your seat? Specifically girls! Girls who I now could be sitting with...
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S: And what are you gonna do? You're gonna wound with this denim vest? Ho many times I have to tell you, stop wearing that! Why would you do that?
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D: It's better this way. Sweet and salty in a single bite. S: Henderson? D: Hmmm? S: You're a genius. D: Tell me something I don't know.
Something something about wearing the denim vest? We see Dustin, Mike and Steve wearing it in s3 (Steve is also wearing vests in s4). And Will's wearing a vest the night he goes missing in s1...
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its-moopoint · 11 months
When you thought shippers couldn't sink any lower they spew this vomit.
I'm pretty sure the choice of this very "remarkable" date for the funeral was not accidental. She with her family could organize it one day earlier or later if only they wished so. Monaghan is a small parish, I very much doubt all days around Aug 10th were booked out for funerals, weddings, or other ceremonies. But C has now a perfect excuse not to celebrate or even mention the anniversary and mourn her late father instead.
She’s just a victim of her own fate… 🤦🏻‍♀️
There's not one shred of evidence of C and maestro except MC from GRO.UK with zero validation. Z E R O.
Such a sad coincidence 😔 fate is very interesting. Anyway, she posted a pic of herself with a goat after her wedding, so maybe she will post a pic with a horse or with Adso for her anniversary, you know the “husband” is very shy 😂😂😂
OMG!!! Stars aligned!!!
Omg....what a fucking coincidence!....who would have thought that fate had other ideas regarding Caitriona's bag of lies. August 10, 2019....the fake wedding that never happened...
They posted anniversary wedding photos of Priyanka Chopra and Eleanor Tomlinson and the one with Cait and her brother at the funeral to mock her and Tony, because that photo is of her and Sam "holding each other". Pushing aside the fact that PC and ET don't have crazy shippers stalking their homes and trashing them and their spouses, but do these imbeciles even know how funerals are planned, especially for large families with relatives and friends scattered all over the country or the world? That it takes time to gather everyone who wants to attend? Her family is one of those and her dad was a well liked and respected police officer. He passed away on August 2nd and the funeral was on August 10. Basically one week which is normal to gather everyone together.
They intentionally want her to think of August 10 as a wedding spoiler. This is how evil they are.
I have no doubt that Cait is able to lovingly remember her dad and celebrate her wedding without diminishing either, but these women are so demented they can only think one evil way.
Yes I'm aware of this disgusting piece of bullshit. Several people found it as offensive as you did and reported it to me.
I have only one warning for "dear" Margaret above: karma finds its way sooner rather than later and the amount of bile in her posts regarding C's father's death will come directly back at her.
It's ridiculous that this needs to be said to full grown ups but it's clear by now these idiots don't form a full working neuron together between the lot of them so lets break it down easily. You can't choose when your loved ones die, it happens when it does and then there are formalities and time periods to observe. Finally at such ages there's important stuff and minor stuff and no one of 40 years will throw a tantrum at having their birthday or anniversary or holidays postponed by the death of a close relative FFS.
As for the rest of the stupid post regarding celebrity couples who share their lives on social media, you can't put CB there since she never shared in her SM footage of her private life with her husband or son. It's all under her control, what she shares and what she doesn't.
I'm glad there's the comment above mentioning the marriage certificate from GRO and these lunatics saying it means nothing. At least any outsider tempted by their rubbish would leave the thought immediately at reading that.
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starryevermore · 2 years
I kinda dropped off the face of the planet for the past couple of years since I started college. Does anyone know an exact reason why Elton just stopped recording with SnC, Aaron, + Jake in late 2019 only to pick back up recording with all of them except for Sam and Colby while accusing the boys of copying? I'm also just now learning about a bunch of drama with the second trap house in Hawaii? I feel so out of the loop with no clue how to catch up. Does anyone have a crash course?
oof you've missed a firestorm. for the record, i've stopped following snc and all (formerly?) associated parties, so i'm not totally up-to-date on everything. gonna throw this below a cut because i have a feeling it's gonna get long. also, this is all from memory, so take it all with a grain of salt.
also, sorry this took so long to get to. i've been busy trying to get ready for my second year of law school and i haven't been active on here very much lately.
i'm not entirely sure why elton initially stopped filming with everyone in late 2019 since at that point i only cared about snc and didn't pay attention to anyone else, someone else might be able to fill in those details. but as for the present, elton got pissy with snc because snc started a series called "25 x 25" where they were going to do 25 things that they always wanted to do before they turned 25. elton felt as if it were a copy of tfil and started talking crap about the boys as a result. which is ironic in many ways because when snc picked up doing haunted content again, elton and snc ended up going to a lot of the same places with elton's videos often coming after snc's (making elton look like the copycat—though, it was all probably mostly a coincidence). i think there might have been more drama regarding that, but again i've been out of the loop for the last few months. and of course, the 25x25 v. tfil was extra funny considering neither party owns the concept of doing a bucket list nor doing content surrounding bucket lists.
as for jake and corey, after snc bought a house in la (which they called hawaii because a. they were trying to build interest in the move and nothing brought interest quite like making everyone believe they were leaving la and b. they said the house felt like a paradise or something), jake and corey moved in and thus began trap house 2.0. it didn't last long. jake and corey moved out a few months after moving in. as far as what's been said about that, snc said that jake and corey wanted to focus on doing their thing and corey specifically said he wanted to focus on music/dance and stop doing paranormal content. i don't recall if jake's said anything about it.
corey, for what it's worth, did do a little bit of music, but he eventually got back with elton and started doing paranormal content with him. neither corey nor jake have said much about snc since, and snc haven't said much about them either. after corey and jake left the second trap house, pretty much all of the associated friends left too. (though, some have come back from time to time when there's a party thrown in the second trap house).
unrelated but also semi-related if we're doing a crash course on what you've missed, there was also a brief bit of drama between snc and devyn because on snc's podcast on xplr club (an exclusive subscription service where they post content and do livestreams and podcasts and other stuff idk), they said that elton's ex and devyn had drama over a shirt or something? which, according to devyn, was wildly misleading and there was a lot more to it. i don't remember much of that situation, but i remember her ranting for a while about it. (which—can i just say for a second that it was partially weird that she got upset about that when i remember on corey and aaron's podcast a few years ago they told the same story and no one said anything back then? which she might not have known, or maybe she just didn't feel comfortable speaking about the real problem back then, or maybe she did and i just missed it at the time, but it did feel odd when it went down). i think snc might have taken down the podcast afterwards? im not sure, there entire situation was happening during a time where i was losing interest in snc so i didn't pay attention to everything.
recently, jake, corey, and aaron got together again and jake posted a picture of them saying "trap boys reporting in", which felt...weird, considering half of the trap boys were missing (elton who i always forget was part of the trap house because he didn't live in the original one very long + the big elephant in the room: snc).
snc, as far as i've noticed, haven't said anything about jake and corey, or any of the other (former?) friends. snc recently bought a house in las vegas and are there i think with kat (maybe stas too? again, idk i haven't been paying attention). which honestly? kinda preferable compared to the weird shadiness that a lot of the others have done, even if im nosy and want to know all the nitty gritty details lmao.
and...that's all i know of. if anyone who's currently a fan of snc and/or remembers anything else i missed/misremembered, feel free to chime in.
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