#what did he do after she was in a coma?????? i know gojo didn't make food for him. that man definitely can NOT cook we all know this
zukkaoru · 2 years
have another 5+1 fic because i come up with too many 5+1 ideas!!
this one is five times megumi made food for others + one time someone made food for megumi. because listen. hear me out. megumi and tsumiki were living alone for years. and do you seriously think t0ji made for for them? no. i know that man forced megumi's mom & tsumiki's mom to cook for him. that's probably why he remarried so fast. anyway megumi can cook i will not be convinced otherwise. he was playing dumb when itadori wanted to teach him to make meatballs bc he wanted to spend more time with him. but that's another fic idea
anyways. so megumi is very very bad at telling the people he cares that he cares about them - it's a lot easier for him to show that he cares. hence, making food for people. the first one would be him and gojo (but mostly him) making soup for tsumiki when she's sick. then megumi making food for gojo, maki, nobara, and yuuji (all separately). i'm not sure who would make food for him in the +1 - maybe a couple different characters? yuuji and nobara? perhaps? i haven't decided yet skdhfsjgk anyways yes this fic is just an excuse for me to promote my agendas of 1. megumi can cook and 2. megumi's giving love language being acts of service.
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rottiens · 25 days
contents. satoru gojō x fem reader, alcohol consumption, all the characters are adults, secret relationship au.
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"How many shots would you have to take to kiss Gojo?" Nanami asks the group as his eyes are on you, you laugh against the bottle stumbling against your lips. 
The question isn't out of place since you just answered that you would kiss Principal Yaga after taking at least about five shots out of respect and how nervous he makes you feel. However everyone knows what your relationship with Satoru is like, so the question catches you off guard. 
"Zero." Shoko answers for you and Satoru looks at her over the sunglasses, clearly displeased. "There's not enough alcohol in the world to make her kiss him." 
"Oh, no, no, wait... she's really thinking about it!" Haibara points an accusing finger at you and you can't help but laugh again, you feel the skin on your cheeks stretch and burn from the silly grin you can't wipe off. Satoru's stalking gaze feels like a torch on the back of your neck. 
You pretend to think it humming out loud, though the answer is clear to you. "At least about ten," you say, tilting the bottle up to your mouth, getting the group around the campfire to laugh filling the beach with echoes. 
"Heeey." Satoru pinches your forearm which makes you look at him, a tiny pout is later replaced by a couple of wrinkles on his forehead.
"What?" you ask softly and have to force your hands to stay still and not reach out to touch him. 
"Ten shots? That's almost an alcoholic coma."
"There are actually many things that could influence an ethyl coma," Kento clarifies.
"You can't explain much about alcohol to a person who doesn't drink." Your numb brain is sure that was Hibara, too lazy to check since your eyes were still on Satoru who was still indignantly staring at you. 
"What?" you repeat almost in a whisper. 
"Nothing." His attention returns to the campfire, the heat from the fire burns his pink cheeks and the bright flame dances on his face making his eyes look much lighter mimicking the shade of the sea at midday. 
Satoru pushes his glasses up on top of the bridge of his nose, hiding his eyes completely. 
"I'm going to get more beer," you say looking at the group, then tug on Satoru's arm to help him up, who does so reluctantly. "Can you help me with the box?" 
He walks beside you without adding anything else, shaking the sand out of his red shorts and pushing his hair out of his face. 
"Are you really upset?" The answer was obvious but you had to make sure, Satoru walks silently, sinking his feet aggressively into the sand until you reach the parking lot where your toes have never felt more grateful to touch solid ground. "Hey?" you tug on his hand and stop your steps, standing still in front of him. 
"Are you really upset?" 
"No," Satoru assures, avoiding your eyes.  
"Satoru, did you really want me to tell them that I would kiss you sober? Without a drop of alcohol?" 
You see him licking his lips battling with himself on whether to stay annoyed with you or understand your point. 
"I know."  
"I thought we were going to go slow..." 
"I know!" His hands cradle your cheeks tenderly, bringing his face up to meet yours to leave a kiss on your lips. "I was dying to touch you." 
"You know we didn't go public for you." You remind him, letting him rest his forehead on top of yours. The artificial taste of the strawberry beer he drank earlier sneaks into your mouth in little gasps. 
"Let's do it when we get back to the city," Satoru murmurs, brushing his lips over yours. "I think they know anyway." Oh, you're sure they know. You're both too obvious but you didn't want to push your boyfriend when he told you he wasn't ready to admit in front of everyone to officially having a partner. "But I don't like having to hold your hand on the sly or sneak out of meetings so I can kiss you and God, I'm just addicted to that watermelon gloss you use."
You laugh giving him fleeting little kisses, taking advantage of the position to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. 
"Just admit you're addicted to me, Satoru." 
"Maybe I am..." He says in that tone that indicates danger. That voice that tells you you're not going back to the group you had run away from. 
Satoru squeezes your waist possessively, his fingers trace on your sun-toasted skin and you moan between his half-opened lips the moment he asks for your tongue silently, his nose stumbling against yours. 
"We should get back..." you say in a whisper, remembering this fact more to yourself than to him.  
"We can disappear for ten minutes..." Pause. His lips move to your collarbone and his warm breath tickles you. "Fifteen minutes..." Pause. Small bites along your jaw take him to your neck. "Twenty..." His tongue dances over your salty skin, gently licking what he can reach and has to physically force himself not to suck. 
"It's never ten minutes..." you say between a choked moan, tugging at his strands sweetly until he's looking at you again. Dark sunglasses hide his eyes from you but his mouth is at your disposal, half open, red and appetizing and the tiny freckles that bathe his nose make your stomach knot. 
He grunts, as if battling with himself to understand that you are right. Satoru brings his face to the line of your neck and sighs heavily, leaving one last kiss to pull away from you against his will. 
"Let's go back then," he says resignedly. And he had never wanted the weekend to pass as quickly as he wanted it to now, being the impatient person he is, he didn't want to wait to have your hand entwined with his and fill his chest with raw pride where he could finally admit in front of everyone that you were his.
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grave-z-boy · 5 months
Nanami Kento x Male!reader
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Paring: Nanami Kento x male!husband!reader
Summary: reader and Namami come home after over a year in a hospital.
Warning: relatively anti-climactic, everybody lives/nobody dies Au, post-shibuya incident, mentions of gojo and the first years, mentions of extended hospital stays, injury (to children and adults), and medically induced coma, short fic.
Word count: 1069
A/n: was I asked to write this? No, do I have 30+ request in my inbox, yes. Do I even write for jkk on a regular basis? No. And yet here we are.
The car ride home was deafeningly quiet. 15 months away from it made it feel…distant. You still went there, every other day or so, but you were never inside for more than ten minutes, you didn't eat or sleep there. Your books were untouched, your refrigerator was emptied months ago when you realized all the food had gone bad, your bed was still perfectly made, as he had made it that morning all those months ago.
You breathed in as you reached a familiar stop light. Tapping your finger against the steering wheel as you held it.
“Are you nervous?” was the first thing Nanami said since you left the hospital.
“A little.” you breathed out, “I wish I took better care of it- I know you loved it, now it's dusty and…sad.”
He let out a small laugh- the road was clear so you took a moment to glance at him, that beautiful smile, in spite of everything. You found yourself smiling too.
“It wasn't the house that I loved.”
His hand rested on top of yours on the middle console, his thumb running along the side of your hand for a moment before turning it over and locking your fingers together.
“Stop that..” you muttered, because that's what you were used to, affection and intimacy are hard in such a clinical setting. Especially in a hospital full of people with…traditional values.
He didn't stop, not letting go until you pulled into the driveway of your shared home, only to reach for you again when you got out of the car.
He's nervous, he's been nervous a lot in these 15 months, you couldn't blame him. Shibuya was…a lot. It's still completely blocked off, you are surprised the whole station hasn't been torn down due to the damage.
You knew it weighed heavily on his mind, not just about himself, but the first year- Gojo- everyone who got hurt that night. The hospital limited the amount of people who could visit him after having a room full of other patients crowd into his room- god, did he even know that happened? He was put in a medically induced coma on his first day there. People say that you can still be aware, but does he know just how much love was poured into his room that day? You remember Nobara’s face, covered in tears, trying her best to make the best out of a bad situation, she talked to him about matching eye patches of all things- she threw a fit when they made her leave.
Yuji only needed a few stitches, that didn't stop him from being there every day for nearly three months before he had to go back to school. He treated the room like his own personal space, a jacket thrown over the chair, homework scattered across the little portable table, food and drinks littering the place- it got so bad a nurse had to threaten him with a permanent ban. He kept the spotless.
Megumi didn't visit much, and when he did, it was with Gojo. The two of them were practically attached at the hip after Megumi’s stay at the hospital. A concussion- on top of several broken ribs and a pierced lung. He’s back at school now too, and Gojo is back to teaching.
Your hand shook slightly as you unlocked the door- you're nervous too, you were just here a couple of days ago, you shouldn't be this nervous, this was your house, everything was fine.
Opening the door to be met with nice, cold air- you blinked. Your air conditioner broke almost a year ago- after you left it running for almost a month with no break or no end in sight it crapped out on you, and now it was magically alive again.
You stepped into the house with caution. The air was clear, not even close to the dusty mess you'd left it. Any of the visible partials in the air were gone. The curtains were drawn and the sun shined in through every window. You walked further in. Passed the pristine living room and into the kitchen, where what could only be described as a mountain of gifts sitting on the counter.
“Ken, who was in our house?” you asked, stepping back.
“I asked Gojo to clean up before we left the hospital-” you groaned “-I didn't realize he would be so…gracious.”
You picked up a small pink gift bag from the bottom of the pile. The tag had Nobara’s name written on it, it wasn't her usual nice, practiced handwriting, it was off center a bit, and drooped down at the edge, but it was still distinctly her writing.
Reaching in, then pulling out a small cluster of black fabric. You unraveled it, revealing a black eye patch, with a dark red rose pattern on it.
“This is yours, from Nobara.”
He blinked before taking it. The one he wore now was stark white, given to him by the hospital. He slipped it off without a word- you never realized how quickly you’d grown used to his scars- once they finally healed that is. It was just…normal for you know.
He put the new eye patch on, and it honestly looked a million times better than the old one.
With a smile, you stepped towards him, taking his face in your hand and pulling him towards you. You kissed his cheek, then his lips-only briefly- before saying, “It looks good.”
That made him smile, even if it was small.
You both decided that the gifts could wait until later. Heading upstairs for a well deserved nap.
Gojo actually sucked at making beds, but you could tell he tried his best- or he made his students do it, one or the other. It didn't matter either way, the comforter was untucked and you crawled into bed with your husband for the first time in over a year.
Your cheek pressed against his chest, you realized he was still wearing his jacket- and so were you. You let out a small huff of laughter but made you move to ask him to take it off or take off your own. You watched as his blinking slowed, then stopped completely, his arms wrapped loosely around you, as yours were around him. His deep breathing and the near rhythmic rise and fall of his chest lulled you to sleep.
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lovinglylibelle · 5 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x reader
genre: fluff
description: Megumi has always been curious about love, having never experienced it himself. So what happens when he meets someone from his past that might just be the key to changing all that.
requests: open
a/n: this is has been on my mind for a while and i tried sooo many times to write this, but it somehow wasn't giving the vibe i wanted it to give. However, writing it this time was better and i like how it turned out, may have gotten carried away down there but eh (is it obvious that i am absolutely enamored by Megs?) If you like it, please press that cute little heart in the bottom right corner and that reblog button just next to it. If you want more such fics, you can also drop a follow and i promise not to disappoint. Have a happy day ahead, keep yourself hydrated and well fed. Thank you
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"Ya Itadori, do you think it will rain?" Kugisaki asked, shielding her eyes as she looked up at the sky. It was the beginning of Japan's rainy season and it seemed like Tokyo was about to welcome it too.
It was getting darker by the second as more and more clouds gathered, blocking out the rays of the sun and from the looks of it, the sky was ready to let down the first rain.
"It's definitely going to rain," Itadori replied. According to the duo, he had some sort of sensor in him that allowed him to predict the weather... keeping aside the fact that it was already visible.
Megumi sighed as he watched the two sorcerers, now trying to climb the lamp post in order to get a clearer view, wondering how he managed to get himself surrounded by them. Not that he minded it. He had gotten used to it.
The three were standing outside a movie theatre, waiting for the movie to screen. Kugisaki and Itadori had insisted upon watching the latest romance movie, the same old story about love.
Fushiguro Megumi didn't know a thing about love and it really wasn't a surprise. To him it was just a myth, a fool's errand that the world seemed to chase for reasons unbeknownst to him.
He didn't get it, truly, the concept of it foreign to him but he wasn't the one to blame for it. He didn't exactly have the chance to experience it: his parents abandoned him, his sister was in a magic coma, and his 'relatives' wanted to exploit him... the only thing close to love, affection, and warmth he had ever known, not that he would ever admit it to him or anyone, was the chaotic white haired man child known as Gojo Satoru, and the two idiots who seemed to have taken it upon themselves to be the bane of his existence. However, that was all platonic anyway.
Romantic love was something he had only read about in the various novels and mangas: that were neatly stacked in his dorm, or watched in movies like these, and yet they weren't enough to make him believe in the notion.
It felt fictional to him, a love that transcends all barriers, a love that makes one do irrational things, a love that is unconditional... the idea was too far fetched. Everybody wanted something in the world, he knew that, he experienced that on an everyday basis. And everybody was selfish when it came down to it, so something as selfless as love was odd for him, odder than the existence of curses and magic.
However, he did wonder what it felt like, to be in love and to feel that feeling that all these things portrayed. Will he ever feel that? it was a question that made him ponder sometimes. He wouldn't mind it if he did and wouldn't mind it if he didn't either.
This reverie of his might have been neverending if it wasn't for the loud shout that Kugisaki had let out. "Fushiguro, it's open!"
He nodded, making his way towards them but stopping short after feeling a strong and familiar cursed energy.
"Huh?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing as he scanned his surroundings. A nostalgic emotion making its way to his heart. What was it-
thud, he felt someone bump into him, making him stumble slightly before he caught himself.
Looking up, he noticed the culprit and was ready to give them a terrible look but as soon as his eyes met yours, his entire world seemed to have slowed down to a halt.
There you were turning around to face him as your hair cascaded around you, framing you delicately like the buds do the petals. Your eyes were wide with evident shock that was etched onto your face oh so sweetly. Your lips parting slightly as it finally began to rain... the first of its season.
The air around you seemed to shimmer and Megumi could have sworn that he had never seen anybody look as beautiful as you did in that moment.
"Oh my god, shit, i am so sorry." you said hurriedly, a shocked expression on your face. You kept a hand above your eyes to be able to see.
Megumi couldn't even breathe much less talk or comprehend whatever you were saying as he noticed the feeling from earlier creeping in again. He squinted at you, running a hand through his hair that was now soaked and sticking to his forehead.
As he took in your features, the feeling started to bloom into something more, recognition.
You had the same aura around you, as you did all those years ago, of comfort and safety that once was Megumi's only solace. Your clumsiness was intact too, barely taking a few steps before crashing into things as he recalled. Your hair was longer though and somehow it looked even more perfect than what he had remembered... And your eyes, oh your eyes, they were the dead give away.
They had that same glint in them, the same warmth and insatiable curiosity that always left him in awe. Even now they seemed to hold the entire universe in them and sparkle like a million stars resided in them.
"Y/n..?" he whispered, loud enough for you to hear over the rain and soft enough to not break the moment.
"What? How do you know my nam-" you replied, confused beyond your belief when a flicker of understanding crossed your mind and you lit up with the same feeling of recognition.
"Meg- Fushiguro? No way..." you chuckled incredelously, disbelief on your face.
"Hello to you too, Y/n" he said, a smile on his face. It was genuine, the smile, just like it used to be all those years ago when you two spent time together.
To Kugisaki and Itadori who were watching it all unfold from afar, it was truly a rare sight; to see the alleged sea urchin, make that face and that too in a serious way.
"It's been so long Fushiguro, you've not changed a bit." you said, tucking your hair behind your ear as you smiled back at him. The more Megumi observed you, the more aware he became of his surroundings. He felt his cheeks growing warm despite the cold rain that was falling relentlessly around him.
"well my teeth grew back," he joked, earning a soft laugh from you and a gasp of disbelief from the other two, who exchanged a look. At the sound of your laugh, Megumi felt his heartbeat pick up, he couldn't comprehend what was happening to him. It was the first time ever that he had felt all those things, was it the weather? was it the rain? was he getting sick? what was happening to him? was he okay?
"that they did... makes you less cute though." you commented, making him nod his head and his friends face-palm themselves.
If they had been standing closer to you, Kugisaki would have smacked the oblivious guy's head right in that instance but due to the distance she couldn't.
"So you are back?" Fushiguro asked as the two of you started walking, the rain almost forgotten now.
"Yeah, Gojo Sensei had insisted on it and well i did miss everything here, especially you." you said, a hopeful look in your eyes as they met his.
I missed you too, he had wanted to say but decided against it.
"So what brings you here?" he said instead, his hands in his pockets.
He was looking down on the street, various puddles forming due to the water. He stepped in one, watching it splash against his feet.
"Believe it or not, it's a mission. There is a cursed spirit right around the corner there, caused a few suicides over the week." you said pointing at the alley behind the theatre.
"Speaking of, i can feel it manifesting again." you added, stopping in your tracks.
"They already got you going huh? You should go and exorcise it, we can talk later." he said, stopping to face you. He didnt want to stop talking just yet but he knew that the exorcism was more important.
"Alright, see you back at the dorms?"
He nodded in reply,
"It really is nice to see you again Fushiguro, i'll see you later." you said, taking off towards the alley with your hands clasped behind your back.
Fushiguro watched you walk away and felt himself coming to his senses again, he could now feel every raindrop on himself that had seemingly disappeared when he was talking to you. He realised that he was soaked, his hair sticking to his face, his hands cold and clammy and yet he didn't mind it at all,
He was so lost in watching you walk away that he didn't realise when Kugisaki and Itadori had joined him.
"So... who was that?" she said, holding the umbrella that somehow magically appeared in her hand. Her eyes narrowing at Megumi.
"A friend,"
"Just, a friend?"
"Yeah, just a friend."
"Sureeee, you made us miss half the movie though."
"But it's just been ten minutes Kugisaki-" Itadori interrupted,
"Yeah yeah i know, i am exaggerating. Come on now and quit staring, you look like a creep for fuck's sake." she called out, making her way towards the entrance of the theatre.
"Shut up." Megumi replied, shaking his head but looking away too.
He was elated to see you again and was even looking forward to meeting you back at the school and introducing you to his new friends.
"For the record, I don't believe that she was just a friend." Kugisaki added as she sat on her seat inside the theatre. Megumi who was now dry, thanks to his shikigami, sat down next to her with a sigh.
He avoided her gaze as he replied, "I don't care."
He was glad that the cinema was dark enough to hide his face when he said that because despite everything, a small smile had found its way on his lips which he really did not want Kugisaki or Itadori to see or they wouldn't let him hear the end of it.
His eyes focused on the movie in front of him, a romance movie, about love and somewhere in his heart and beyond his consciousness, he knew that he had found the answer to most of the questions he had as he thought back to the encounter he just had with you.
He really was looking forward to seeing you again.
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cherryys · 1 month
To be honest i see people saying megumi doesn't care about gojo because he's never once shown concern over him and i think that's the point. One of the many many reasons Megumi and Gojo are emotionally distant is because Megumi only knows how to show his care by giving, and specifically, giving protection to his loved ones. Saving Yuuji and constantly worrying about his wellbeing is caring about him. Trying to save Tsumiki especially after he'd said hurtful things to her is him caring for her and trying to make it up for what he did. Hell, when she does wake from the coma, he doesn't say any of the things he'd wanted to say to her (“i’ll apologize, so please wake up.”) and instead tells her that she doesn't need to worry and he has it handled. That's him caring. Providing protection for his loved ones.
And he can't really do any of those to someone like Gojo, who doesn't need protection, doesn't need anyone constantly worrying about him, least of all a less experienced first year jujutsu sorcerer. Gojo doesn't need Megumi's consideration, because he's The Strongest. That's what Megumi had always seen him as. He can't protect him like with Yuuji, or try to shield him from the horrors like with Tsumiki. Megumi had put himself in the role of the 'provider' in all of his relationships, and this is due to the fact he felt he had to step up and mature at 6 years old after they were left with no adult supervision. He put himself responsible for Tsumiki's happiness, put himself responsible for anything Yuuji or Sukuna would do, but he can't do that sort of thing with Gojo. And that's one of the many reasons why Megumi can't find it to connect to Gojo in any way beyond Gojo being his provider with a deal attatched to their transactional relationship. That's why the only thing he can think to do is what their deal asked of him: become a Jujutsu Sorcerer. Even if he didn't want to.
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runabout-river · 8 months
I saw a video these days about jujutsu and I saw something that I never realized that Megumi is not a good person because he is willing to do anything for his sister, which makes him selfish and that he only saves those who he "deems" to be a good person and who qualify as a good person for him. his morality is very black and white just like geto. There's a line from him that is very realistic, especially today in the manga, that sorcerers are not heroes, an example saturo gojo.
I'd say that Megumi's ethics and morality had a little bit of a change in his life mainly: before Tsumiki fell into a coma, after she fell into a coma and during the Culling Games when Megumi decided to kill people to save Tsumiki.
Before Tsumiki became Kenjaku's victim, Megumi was seen beating up bullies. He did that because the bullies tormented others and deserved to be tormented back according to him. Yuji did the same but his reasonings seemed more altruistic than Megumi's who basically did what his father taught him ages ago.
At the detention center, he said that bad people shouldn't be saved and that only good people like Tsumiki should. That's black and white thinking but Yuji points out that Megumi doesn't even adhere to that philosophy because he saved Yuji even though he had the potential to cause great harm (like in Shibuya). Later Megumi does as Yuji wanted to do and brings back the name tag of one of the dead inmates to his mother.
So yeah, Megumi picks and chooses who he deems worthy of saving and as long as you are in the general vicinity of Tsumiki personality wise (like Yuji) you're good by him even though you also should be on his shit list (like Yuji).
You could say that from a hero's perspective that that's not fair but that's how Megumi chooses to act. He embodies everything he knows a true sorcerer to be in the Jujutsu Society including them not being heroes.
He resembles Sukuna in that respect where he selfishly decides on what and who is worthy of protection or formulated differently, who is worthy to live. Megumi's focus here isn't on his own hedonistic desires though like with Sukuna. His focus are people like Tsumiki and Yuji who he deems the most worthy of his protection and loyalty (but some general 'good things for humanity' isn't missing with him either.)
That's why he didn't kill Remi after killing Reggie. Heavily injured, he sought her out to kill her for deceiving him but because Tsumiki's soul told him not to he stopped that immediately.
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tojikai · 2 years
Hi there. Just finished your lastet update, and all I can say is WTFFFF💀💢😡🔥ADADADJKJKJKJL.
Okay, but like wtf? Rie, girl, I really want to believe that you're simply a flawed human being whose reaction is normal for someone in your position , but you've gone too fucking far this time. No one would confess something huge and horrible like that to a person who just woke up from a goddamn coma 💢. I don't believe for a second that she's just that oblivious and dumb. It's extremely deliberate on her part now, if not outright malicious. Idk her full intention for doing this but it's either bc (out of good will) she feels more guilty after Shoko calling her and Satoru out on their cheating and the knowledge of Y/N cutting, but I really doubt so bc her attitude is incredibly sus here, or it's bc she finally let her jealousy take over, so she intentionally said that to spite Y/N (her love rival) or... Satoru (for lying to her abt visiting Y/N and generally, caring for Y/N more). Either way, thanks a lot, Rie. Y/N wants to be in coma for good now 😊. Love you 😘. Not. 😡🔥👎😠.
And honestly, while this will prove to break Y/N even more 😊, Satoru... I don't think he can excuse Rie or himself out of this one. Not this. The reason everything in this fic happened. It's not a secret anymore. The cat is out of the bag now. Time to face the consequences for what you did, Hoejo. And I honestly believe that Satoru will feel extremely betrayed by Rie, good intention or not. Throughout this chapter, all he did were defending and excusing Rie from everything she did. He didn't want her to be the bad guy here. But this? Rie did something that surely will affect him directly and hurt Y/N emotionally? How could he keep taking her side after this? No, no fucking way. Hoejo is fucking clueless, but even he must have feel when enough is enough. Oh boy, I smell a big fight between them coming up. He will definitely question her why the hell would she do that. Maybe he can forgive her for saying the truth bc she's feeling guilty (aka another excuse 🙄), but this will look like something really intentional on her part in order to hurt Y/N. He definitely won't let Rie get away with that.
And dang boy, you lied to Rie not once, but twice, but you also thought about your ex while having sex with your current girlfriend? The signs are so obvious now it makes me go hehehehehehehehe 😈🙊🙈😈 the whole time reading this. Go on, Kai, let break this relationship even further. I'm not only in the "let's break Gojo" squad now. I'm in the "let's fuck both Satoru and Rie up" army 😈. I get that many want to give Rie the benefit of the doubt, but I say, Rie sympathizers are going to be even less now after this chapter. None of her action makes me or the comment section feel sorry for her. I hope karma will come to you fast, bitch 😠😈. Or maybe not since you have a hand in making things worse for yourself 🙈🙄.
Also, I hope that Y/N, after hearing the truth, while it will definitely hurt a lot, will find the strength to rethink, resolve, stand up, heal, and move on from Satoru ass. Girlie is being trampled on enough already. She needs to learn how to think for herself now. Her fucking parents, her ungrateful ex. She needs to flush them down the toilet and starts things over. She deserves healing and inner peace. And please, "Y/N x Happiness" is the only ship I can support rn bc I really hope Y/N can get her own happy ending in this story. I still love Suguru tho lol. But that's just a little treat on the side 😉.
Thank you so much for this. The update is really fast this time, so I hope you don't rush yourself into writing this chap. You just recovered recently, right 😰? Don't push yourself too much and take it easy with the writing. At least, with you, I have the luxury of knowing there's an update schedule, but not so much with other writers, so don't you burn yourself out, okay? But this chapter is such a nice surprise when you wake in the morning. I felt myself goddamn trembling reading the new chap it's kinda embarrassing, and I had to send you this lengthy ask right away after finishing bc I couldn't contain my thoughts any longer. Your writing is fantastic as always. Once again, look forward to the next update 😘☺
the keyboard smash + emojis 😭😭😭😭😭 but yeah, Rie real reason for suddenly saying that to yn is still unclear, but for now readers can only assume that it's her being inconsiderate of yn's condition. as for Satoru's reaction to that, it can really say a lot about him, it can change the way people see him, IF he does it right. but as i said before, any intense emotion or feeling can be blinding 👀 and yeah yn's parents are workaholics. that's part of the reason why she's so emotionally dependent on others :((
anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH bb~ i really appreciate that <33 I wasn't able to write for two days because of my fever last week but im much better now !! please take care of yourself as well and i hope you're doing great !! <33
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