#what happened to having diff opinions on non harmful things
forthesummer · 2 years
they probably found u annoying (re: bereal post) here’s a post of it on their side blog !
i really do not think it is that deep tbh like it’s completely fine to have different opinions i was just sharing mine in general. i can’t change someone’s opinion obv but i have my own and i don’t see why it’s an issue to share publicly. like i wasn’t telling the person to download the app and force themselves to like it i just personally like it and shared my opinion of the original post in the tags 😭 but if it’s that deep to block me and make a post ab me then idk what to say i never perceived it to be that serious but thanks for telling me LMFAO if u aren’t that original person
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chaosandstardust · 2 years
As long as you (and others) aren't being racist over this Oscars BS then I don't believe you have to be black to comment on it.
Some other black ppl/ppl in general may disagree given the thousands of diff. opinions. But personally I genuinely welcome comments from everyone on anything as long as they aren't being hateful in any way.
Kinda find it weird that some ppl think they have to match the race of the ppl in this situation (or any situation) to comment on it.
Maybe I'm just being naive but I seriously don't think I can't comment on something involving non-black ppl just because I'm black. I'll just be open minded and not a bigot. (Also, this Oscars shit is so stupid. This isn't a cultural thing as far as I'm concerned. It's an asshole rich comedian getting a love tap from another rich dude).
I feel like the "you can't comment on x because you're not from x community" is a take of somebody who is online all the damn time. Because the real world doesn't work like that. And last I checked, it's not like the Oscars were only broadcasted to black households in that moment. Everybody saw, everybody is gonna talk about it.
I can definitely see how the black community would raise their eyebrow at how quickly a lot of people are jumping onto Will Smith for what he did and calling him violent. H3H3 tried to imply that he hits his wife based on that, which is so, so, so gross (it's also promoting a harmful stereotype that abusers will be abusive in public, which isn't necessarily true).
Also, I have yet to see a single one of these people ask when Roman Polanski is going to have his Oscar taken away. The Oscars are not an ethics committee, but if they want to be, they've got a long list of people to get through before they get to Smith. 💅🏼
I totally agree, this entire convo is ridiculous. It was a stupid moment, and I'm honestly over it.
But as my teacher said; "this is the first time in 10 years I've come into class and said 'so, did you see what happened at the oscars last night?'" which really just goes to show how far they've fallen. Maybe they'll make this a tradition to boost ratings. 😂
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janiedean · 4 years
I was wondering what you feel about the opinion that GRRM hates feminine/non-warrior women because they (Catelyn, Cersei, Sansa) are written with intentional flaws while his warrior girls (Brienne, Arya) are not? Do you agree with that? That Brienne and Arya have no flaws? It was some dumb meta about how the world is against Brienne, but she never does harm to the world, so she's a bad character and GRRM is a misogynist or something. (1/2)
I disagree obviously. Just because Brienne is not a demon doesn't mean she doesn't have flaws or she's a bad character lol. Like... why can't we have an angel in a world of monsters? What's wrong with that? Are these people jealous that Brienne is one of those pure character that their faves are not, so they feel like dismissing her as a bad character to make themselves feel good? I'm asking you because I know you love Catelyn and Brienne so I know you're the best person to ask this. Ty (2/2)
... I mean this has a long answer to give but this *meta* seems to me like it was written by someone who has no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to who grrm hates in his writing or his supposed misogyny because they have it all wrong and I think you pretty much guessed the point, but in order, let’s... tackle this one by one:
grrm doesn’t at all hate cat and sansa and their flaws are... flaws in the sense that he’s writing them like good people who aren’t 100% perfect but like.. sansa’s *flaws* from the beginning are stuff that’s common to most 12yo girls in existence and she overcomes them and she’s generally a good and kind and caring person whose main trait is that she’s good and kind and stays like that so how exactly now she’s written... like you’re supposed to hate her? bc she’s not. grrm never wanted you to hate sansa. he wrote her like a realistic 11-15yo but like most of us were like that at that age or have had friends who were like that, so... what the fuck. catelyn.... like guys the one heavy flaw she has is her treatment of jon but she’s written as a smart person who’s trying to live in a misogynistic society as best as she can and she’s written like a tragic character but grrm obviously likes her/loves writing her, it’s.... like if you read her chapters you can see how much work/love/craft went into them and how he worked on her bg very carefully also she is more of a protagonist than ned until asos when it comes to the stark side like.... how is giving her human flaws meaning he hates her?? grrm doesn’t hate her. the fact that she and brienne end up doing the knightly/lady sworn sword thing is even more of a proof he doesn’t but more on that later;
cersei... well I mean grrm obv doesn’t like cersei that much but a) he’s written a version of that character at least thrice already including the asoiaf one so I think he has an ex like that that he doesn’t particularly remember fondly or smth but like... she’s written to be a villain. she’s a villain. she’s a very well-crafted/thought out villain with a realistic background but diff. from cat and sansa she’s there to be the antagonist period, and just like... cersei and cat are aesthetically the same archetype and they couldn’t be more different so idk wtf are people smoking when saying that and if they can’t read cat chapters without fandom-hates-her glasses idk what to tell them;
brienne and arya have flaws are we serious, like arya has the flaws everyone has at that age (too impulsive/tends to judge people very fast/is too fixed on things/doesn’t listen to people etc) but like she’s fucking nine when it starts and she gets traumatized to hell and back, like arya’s sl to me is creepy af because no 12yo should be like that and it’s a very good trauma exploration but like....... she has faults but she’s not a bad person for obvious reasons as in SHE’S A KID same as sansa same as EVERYONE UNDERAGE IN THESE BOOKS except partially joffrey and even he has a background that explains how he is, like.... arya and sansa are supposed to be written in an equally sympathetic but specular way because they have opposite ways of reacting to trauma ie sansa holds on to her kindness arya gets progressively detached because she has to kill people to survive but you’re not supposed to hate either of them? honestly grrm wrote them with the exact same stakes, anyone who thinks it’s qualitatively different needs to go back and reread it with some intellectual honestly;
brienne... I mean we serious? the thing with brienne is that she’s a fundamentally good person who is written to become the ultimate example of a good knight™ and who is supposed to restore decency to the title after the institution has crumpled into the dirt, so... she’s... good, same as dunk is in the novels, but like: lmao she has a lot of faults, first thing that at the beginning she judges everyone on sight and sees everything in black and white, she has zero preservation instinct and nonexisting selfesteem because she thinks her life isn’t worth her vows and she thinks she’s not fit for anything she tries to do and would have died for a guy who danced with her once like sorry that’s not healthy, which are all things,... she’s... getting over.... because she has a character arc, but saying that brienne isn’t realistic or doesn’t have faults is ridiculous because she is;
now, this concept that grrm is misogynist is idiotic because a guy who has an insane number of female povs - some of which are the same trope ie brienne and arya - and have all a distinct different personality and voice and none of them are like too idealized or too evil and are to a level relatable means he’s everything but because a misogynyst wouldn’t be able to pull that off. like, in any other book brienne and arya would have been the same character, in his they’re not, so maybe like... give him some credit in the sense that the moment half of your povs are well-written realistic female characters and the ones without povs are equally well-written/manage to be fan faves (ie marg and olenna) maybe he’s just... not... a misogynist nor hates women so that’s out of the way;
re cat and brienne: like... saying ‘ah he hates catelyn’ when catelyn is literally the first *lady* who treats brienne like a friend/peer/person she cares about is completely fucking idiotic because guess what if you’re like brienne usually most Attractive Girls™ the way cat is are not your best friends in life (I mean c. calls her a cow and they didn’t even meet on paper lmao and it’s obvious from b’s povs that she has bad experiences with other women in general), so the fact that cat actually sees her worth, accepts her as her sworn sword doing a thing that’s usually just between men, trusts her with her daughters’ lives, thinks she’s a better knight than jaime could be and treats her as it befits her station (in riverrun she had dresses made for her but brienne wouldn’t wear them) and is actually good to one of the few good people in these books who gets treated like dirt by most others should tell you exactly what grrm thinks of catelyn, ie nothing too bad, and that she’s a good person who fucked up on one thing that the narrative knows and doesn’t excuse, but like.... lmao that entire argument falls flat just for that;
Are these people jealous that Brienne is one of those pure character that their faves are not, so they feel like dismissing her as a bad character to make themselves feel good? you’re on to smth but as I ranted on twitter once: this all falls again to the fact that people Cannot Accept The Fact That An Ugly Girl Who Is Going To Stay Ugly is one of the moral hearts of these series and is An Actual Good Person Who Deserves Good Things in spite of not performing femininity, and who’s going to get the guy of her dreams (who is Hot) without settling and without becoming beautiful, and she’ll manage to realize her dreams even without becoming beautiful and regardless of having been treated like dirt because of her looks all her life, and like... apparently that is too much or too complicated to conceive and so either they have to decide she’s not That ugly or make her things she’s not or decide she’ll die early wow and whatever else, but like: the problem is that usually the Pure Moral Center Of A Story Who Happens To Be Female and gets her dreams and the hot dude is standard attractive. brienne is not, she has trauma because of that, and she’s still the best person in there (or one of the best) and she’ll get her dreams and the hot dude, and people can’t handle this specific concept nor admit that grrm, having done a thing that no one else has until now because there’s no other brienne in genre literature/in that way, is everything but a misogynist, since he actually, ah, wait, gave decent rep to people who most times are relegated to playing the best friend who stays single or are usually evil bc ugly antagonist women are everywhere, ugly protagonist women who are actually Good People™ and aren’t a paragon of Pure Virtue and don’t die virgins? not really. so: people can’t handle that brienne the way she is is a Good Person and The One True Knight In Westeros and it’s a sad thing but it just shows that maybe more people should go for that trope and that’s my two cents;
other than that no guy who can write the range of women grrm does can be a misogynist by definition, especially a guy who managed to get perfectly how it feels being a straight nonstandard attractive woman in society in general because my friends if before I stumbled into asoiaf I never related 100% to one fictional character ever there was a reason, and I read a lot, so people can bite me on that thing;
to end and comment on one thing: 
how the world is against Brienne, but she never does harm to the world
congrats to OP they went THAT close to it: that’s the entire fucking point. being like brienne in her society (and not performing femininity™ correctly in ours) means that whatever you do people will criticize you and treat you like dirt even if you don’t mean them any harm. the world is absolutely against her because all the circumstances are stacked against her - she’s a woman, doing a man’s job, looking nonattractive and therefore other women treat her like dirt and men don’t consider her or see her as a threat and hate her for it because she’s better at their job than they are, wanting to be a knight which is a thing that’s technically forbidden bc women can’t be anointed as far as the westerosi law says, who’s doing that because she knows she’s good at it but every single person in her way doesn’t want her to succeed except for a handful, can’t use femininity to navigate the world and she has to survive as a woman in a men’s world in an extremely misogynistic medieval society and there’s a reason why no one but three people takes her seriously, ie that if you don’t count a few people in f&b that are history book material in her context/timeframe she’s an unicum and people tend to dislike it when you’re an unicum/sticking out/wanting to go against the system. the system is absolutely stacked against her, when everything she wants is do good to others and making her father proud and be a knight and find love, and even if it’s not that much to ask for her it’s, on paper, impossible.... and the entire point is that as impossible as it looks she’s definitely going to get it because she’s written exactly for that, and if people haven’t grasped that it’s her arc - overcoming a misogynistic society and living beyond gender roles regardless of your looks which in itself is groundbreakingly feminist - sorry for them but they’ll have a bad wake up call when grrm gets wow/ados out.
and that’s my two cents, but like: there’s nothing wrong in liking characters With Faults or evil ones and you can find Good Ones boring, just don’t try to make it pass like the author is a misogynist because the Good Character is a nonstandard attractive gnc woman because that’s actually a thing no one else ever did.
and this stated brienne is more similar to book!sansa than book!arya personality-wise so it’s an argument that doesn’t hold on even joking. /two cents
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vegansaurus · 8 years
12 Tips for Going Vegan!
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Pre-tip tip: visiting sanctuaries like Woodstock Farm Sanctuary is great motivation on your vegan journey!
It’s that time of year again! The beginning of the year, when we welcome curious new vegans into the fold. Are you trying to make The Big Change but unsure of how to get started? I’m here to help! Here are 12 of my personal tips for new vegans. 
This is an update to a post I did in 2011; I’m revising it now based on criticism I’ve heard (thank you!) about how diff people have a diff understanding of what’s “easy.” I feel like some of my tips previously took for granted what’s “easy,” when in truth families and food cultures vary greatly!  Essentially, people have diff pressures! So I’ve tried to be more mindful of that. Plus my previous post was like SPEND ALL THAT MONEY! So tryna be more mindful of different people’s economics as well. 
Before we get this party started, I’ll just say I’m vegan because I want to do as little harm to animals as possible. The environment and health are great reasons to go vegan but I am vegan because of the animals and that’s what my opinions and ideas will reflect. If you want to learn more about which vegan foods are best for the environment or what’s the healthiest way to be vegan, there are lots of great resources. This probably isn’t one of them.
1. Take it one vegan day at a time! When you first become vegan, it can be overwhelming to think of all the foods you’ll “never have again.” When the truth is, you can give up veganism tomorrow and have that hotdog or whatever. Like we won’t talk to you anymore but really you can. Plus, you don’t know what the future holds. Since I wrote this original post, you can now buy vegan eggs, vegan havarti, even vegan pork rinds ffs. You really never know what’s coming down the line. So forget about the rest of your life, just focus on today. How are you going to stay vegan today?
2. Find what works for you! I mean, of course I want to you avoid any non-vegan food or activities but really, if the thing standing between you and veganness is Thanksgiving turkey, EFF IT! Be vegan all the time EXCEPT Thanksgiving turkey! Like of course I care about turkeys but eating vegan 364 days a year is better than never, yahimean? My family is pretty chill about what people want to eat but in other families and cultures, I know food is really important. If you feel like you can’t be vegan because you’ll break your grandmother’s heart at every family occasion, then you figure out what works for you. Maybe you’re only vegan when you cook for yourself. I mean we may pretend otherwise but there are actually no rules. 
3. Take a meal inventory! We often joke about non-vegans saying they could NEVER eat vegan food. We’re like...brah, you never had an apple? In truth, many foods you already eat are vegan or could be easily made vegan. And I read once that people basically have 11 staple meals they rotate between. For me, it’s about three. I like avocado maki, PB and J english muffins, and burritos. So, to start yourself off, think of your staple meals and write down which ones are vegan or could easily be made vegan. You like spaghetti? Add some veggies or meatless meatballs and that’s 1/11 meals right there! Make a list of these things and keep writing them down as you think of them. Once you see all the stuff you CAN eat, instead of just what you can’t, you will feel capable of success!
4. Play the game! You have to have a good attitude if you want to be a happy vegan like me. If you look at like a game, it’s fun to be vegan! It’s all about big problem-solving! When you’re an omnivore, you can eat anything–what kind of game is that? That’s like playing with blocks when we all know Tetris is more fun! When you’re vegan, you’ve got to figure stuff out and find the best way to win. Are you at a super un-vegan restaurant? Hack their menu to find vegan food! On a road trip? Hunt down the best vegan restaurant in the city! Love mac and cheese? Hold your own vegan mac and cheese recipe contest! When you’re vegan, a simple trip to get ice cream is a fun adventure.
5. Stock up! Your best defense from “slip-ups” is to be prepared! That means taking your list from tip 2 and getting those ingredients. You need food for meals and food for snacks. People act bonkers when they are hungry. If you have vegan food around that you like, you won’t be so tempted to fall off the wagon when you are hangry. I know many people can’t go to the store and just throw down for a month’s worth of groceries, but planning ahead at all is actually a great way to save money. And if you need tips on shopping vegan on a budget, there are many great resources online (this article looks thorough and helpful). Generally, meat and cheese substitutes are usually pricey. If you’re on a budget, save them for a treat or skip them entirely. You don’t have to eat those to be vegan or healthy. 
6. Read ingredients! While you’re shopping, make sure you read labels for non-vegan ingredients. Easy cheat: most products now have a bolded part at the bottom of the ingredients that lists any allergens–that includes dairy! If I see dairy in this bolded line, I throw the food back on the shelf; if I don’t see dairy in the allergens, I’ll scan the rest of the ingredients to double-check it’s vegan. You will get the hang of this! It’s not so hard! It’s also pretty exciting when you find something that is accidentally vegan. 
7. Don’t forget about fruit! Fruit RULES. When we think of vegan food, sometimes we think about a bunch of veggies and grains–but don’t forget about fruit! I always have bananas, apples, grapes, and clementines around. Fruit brings back the simple joys of childhood! Fruit makes people happy! Plus, most fruit is good to go. No cooking, no fuss. Easy.
8. Get in the kitchen! If you have the time to cook, any vegan dream can come true! The best way to learn to cook is just to try recipes. I happen to be a fantastical cook and it’s just because I used to hustle threw cookbook after cookbook as a kid. If you already know your way around the kitchen, you have a head start–now you can use new recipes to learn your way around the vegan kitchen! Vegweb has a ton of recipes and really, there are free recipes all over the internet! Even Vegansaurus has recipes! Besides that, there are SO MANY amazing cookbooks. And as soon as you become vegan, all your relatives will probably start giving you vegan cookbooks for every holiday. You’ll be set! 
9. Don’t be so center-centered! Modern food in America often seems so focused on some giant, meaty center of the meal you’re supposed to have. Screw that! Sure, vegan lasagna is great when you can get it, but you don’t need some big main dish to have a meal. Eat some steamed broccoli with some couscous and bean pilaf. Hell, throw in some french fries for good measure! This is 2017, not 1950: you can do whatever you want! You don’t have to be square.
10. Remember why you’re vegan! This is just in case of emergency! Anytime I feel down about being vegan, nothing snaps me out of it more than watching those super-awful undercover factory farm videos. Seriously. Really miss dairy cheese? Watch a baby calf at a dairy farm being held down and punched in the face and see if dairy cheese still seems important. 
11. Find some pals! The internet is great for connecting with other vegans! I was reading Vegansaurus long before I was writing for it and it helped me out a lot when I first got to SF. Most cities have vegan groups to join or blogs where you can meet friends. If there are no vegans near you, you can still find an online community. Try just joining a Facebook group or commenting on vegan pages. There’s power in numbers, and they always have your back. Unless you’re in a fight about what’s the best vegan cheese and then shit can get really real, real fast. Don’t cut the omnis out of your life (besides who are the next vegans if not those same omnis?) but it’s always nice to be able to turn to other vegans when you need a hug. Except me, I’m not into touching strangers!
12. Spread the good word to the non-vegans... ...in the form of baked goods! It can be tempting when you first become vegan to tell all the non-vegans about the cruelties you’ve learned about. I’m not going to stop you but tbh that can leave you a bit isolated. My personal favorite form of vegan persuasion is yummy treats! If you can buy some donuts at the vegan bakery near you for your non-vegan friend’s party, not only will you have a treat but you’ll expose your friends to the yumminess of veganhood. If you can’t afford to splurge, baking at home is cheaper and just as yummy!
Seriously, being vegan is the raddest best. It feels so good to know that you’re not contributing to the torture of poor adorable animals. Now give yourself a hug! Hell, feel yourself up! Because you did it! And you will continue to do it! One vegan day at a time.
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Clone Wars    Kidnapped
Also, yeah how do you   follow up an episode like that?
    Also isn’t this like the     second kidnapped episode?
You know we actually needed the levity so that I am completely OK with the saving a   thing plot,
  Gives time to breathe-
Ho-nest,      This place looks pretty     neat,
[Though they still knowingly enabled     Tox be    hav-ior]
This is the equivalent of someone ditch    -ing productivity,      And att      -em       pt       Ing          To     Go     Straight         To     creat-iv-ity        Before      anything’s       set up,]
And I should really be careful   not   to get distracted by the pretty lights,
Wa-     rr    ior-
Well least      tox
  Whe         lp,       In-        Sti        gators       ,    Fe      ck,      -      Oh hey that   war we enabl     -ed
Okay, seriously who is that guy?         (Normally I wouldn’t be so nervous        (but the last few episodes                 Not Krell          The under water                   One)       Introduced a guy of a   random species that we have never heard or seen of    and he died before we ever did,
             I’m                   a                  Little                Nervous                    ,     (I like different   species,)
His design       seems      nice          ...    Neu       tral.
Yet we won’t assume the amount of   accoun-   tability necessary to     enforce it       Don’t get      me wrong;     I don’t want an  infinity war
  But if you enable, be prepared for the consequences and/or to push it back, (what      ever        You       Left,)         Whenever        it comes for your life,         For the rest of it,  (Or until you snap and       hold it accountable,)
Usual spiel    but it works.
You know that would’ve worked really well with overinvolved     positivity,
  Though at this point it’s pretty clear they are going for the clear-cut        Jedi- are      Posit         Ive          Ly         Over-          Involv        e               -d-            (Sith - negative)
  And more so         general   “everyone is a     shithead,”         Kinda         Vibe.
   Which is perfectly fine,
   That’s a lot
 [also never mind with the     - warning - or get into lines,]
  Obi-Wan looks really young-er      in the scene for some reason
     -His face
         -it’s too smooth
           - and are his eyes a bit bigger?
  Also yeah they specifically told us not to get involved and that they were going to do it on their own       I-n.       Ia        tiv        e
   But screw that
  “Let’s   escalate the situation!”
   Despite that being literally what the dude       fears and probably        his nightmares
                              [screw respecting other adult’(s) initia     tive]
    I know Dooku is implied to be really feckin tox also
   But talk means nothing
   Dude has to have the actions       Attempt it on himself and decide what to do for        himself,
     He’s decided to enable,          Ain’t nothing       that can be done         about that,
[What    was that look?
   [also did Obi-Wan not ask what happened               down there?]
                Time for   warfare
                 For the Jedi that can’t take a   “no,”             For an   an   -swer
 Gr      -e         a-t        -       ?       Voice    -act         -ing       -       People        Shield             -               What,          I’ve-         Watch          -ed             The     Watton           Boar         -         Arc-           -      -Battle
   Yeah but it’s      -also      pretty     bullshit          - (when have the separatist ever respected the Gen       eva convention?)
    Rex-        Has a           Feck’in            Point
(Also that doesn’t tell them anything this could be    basic    clankers    when no   in fact they are commando droids              )
Ana       Kin’s         Voice      De-eper?
Com       -man                  do-
       [I have a feeling they’re really trying to contest           the we have no fig           -h-ters)
         Lin                  e-             -             A-g                  ain-
        O-h                           Sir,           Oh,           ,           Also, how?
     But also         ok that            guy,
               Surprisingly,     calm        ly      spoken-
    So this could make a great scene    contrasting Obi- won’s I believe   moral nature,       With another strategist that seems to be believing some kind of     chivalry
   [Also, OH SHIT,   is that where they’re keeping the     pris    oners,
   Anakin is a         dick to        holograms,
Seriously      you could’ve      just turned it off,
     [if you had news       or opinion to share        ?)- 
Ok, where the    fuck?
    [Don’t, get me wrong I know Anakin,         was an ex slave,           Everything else             is new..  .  
 Including his    rage towards it,
 Hey, they’re being smart    about this,         -                        Up-   s-   et-
Yes,   thank you,   did I miss     something?
Doesn’t     justify any of this     bullshit. .
I     mean,
Literally no one     is smarter   than anyone else
 So       Ana        Kin,      ,      OK but that’s a whole different species     and/or a group - -           this is not “past”    this is I just hate feck     -ing    sl-av        er s              -                       And possibly un-vented            anger at trauma-         -                          Either way pretty damn           va                 -lid                  -                         Dis-              trust                 -              Whe-  
Oka-y         ,          I don’t- 
  Also is that an animal or     sentient?            - A game      I find myself playing           to no         One         ‘s      Cha        -grin-         -,         Oh
    Arro         gan      -c-          e
    Ah- tak        e?          ,            Also he has a    non-evil       pet           -            That’s kinda          cute
       But also kinda sad,            Hint,ing          at the fact              Dude was probably intended to be some kind of   animal      focus        (Someone who works around or just generally likes animals - special             ity)
       Before he went     corrupt
            (Showing some    interest in keeping them out of the battlefield,                    And                  Fond-ness)
       Or this could just be a short han     d-e        d symbolism                 For              slavery          and   grooming          -          Both    -work           -             Do        -Tell           -          [oh yeah         dude totally gave away his plan,]
     Despite Obi-Wan almost clearly not being          in earshot
     Nice interaction         * introduction
   Also     ,doesn’t he         already know,            Holo-gra       -m    -         Formal     in-         tro         duc-          tions            -                Are           Nice,             -              Er-
    Seriously what is up with         these two            people?
     Also why did dude           growl?
    For people that look like cats      they sure act like dogs              (Bor- d       -er)        (Nothing wrong with that-        just-         curious-             “      -i
    Also they’re just really shout-ing their      plans out here      aren’t they?
    S-u        -rr          en-          der-            -           Obi- won    still playing        along..     ——           W-help            -           He       gave        him            a         chance             -         Whelp-
  Honestly he’s acting pretty calm and      diff-erent-ly characterized,             The Kenobi we know wouldn’t raise             a hand to help even himself                   (In ani.)             Also            I’m surprised Aniken hasn’t stumbled across anything by           now,
       Thought that would be the        crutch            of the narr-ative tension in the          office,
       But          Aight           ,         Calling the chips early is completely fine I will never have an issue with chara-     ter     -(s-     acting slightly smarter than expected,
Though wish Anakin had shown some kind of      initia-       tive-
 Like the stories telling us that he’s really      pumped up   “about      the     whole      slave      thing,”          . . .         But has just found          nada when it comes down to      rescuing the slaves,         Or just finding any hints about this    oper     -ation      in general,
To summarize;     What the heck has Aniken been doing the last minute      and a half             ~              ?            No-thing
[like if everyone had told him to chill due to his       clear aggression     believe he caused some harm      in his rage,
   And sent         Ahsoka         in-stead
         That would make a lot    more sense,
  [and make up Obi- wan look like less of a              Irrational Dick        By sh(ar-ing) Anakin‘s backstory         without any permission       or reason,
    While there    he might have to explain to       Ahsoka    why he’s sending her      and not Anakin,]
  Just-        Writer       Th-       ough   -t-         -      Treat-        ment          -    “ You have broken        through my         defenses,”
   Emotionally             or            ...      physically?             . .           Never           mind-
        Would’ve              been nice      if someone actually took him up on that          offer               -              (Like some villain(/enabler) is like you know what my job sucks,    my boss sucks, I could really use an       nap...
    Sure]     ..     They were just standing there          ...      doing nothing,
     Like,      Dude literally just said       there were bombs planted all over the city,
  And, no one’s in a ru-sh            to fix that-
       Or use them to find the           kidnapped people..
[I   mean      fair       ...    but      geez.
   Colo      -nists,
     Again,      where are they?            . . .             You supposedly sent Anakin to find       - them but we haven’t seen anything           -               Also yeah the dude is totally going to give up    his only bargaining     chip         . . .           After being          out gunn        -ed-            -            Well             -           Also you have one button that only activate(s     one mine?
          Like did you, set that up just for the purpose of    in-timi     dating people
   Also congrats    you likely threw away    your only bargaining chip                 -      because from his point of view     the explosion already went off-                        -       And he doesn’t know that you had one     specific button just for that      one mine-             -      (Like it   doesn’t sound that loud but he could’ve gotten     hear-ing probl-em (s-) from the      near- by      explosions,     )
  We-         ll-
  Oh     good thing you told him after you destroy-ed the       thing-
   And he didn’t go into attack mode and you have a light saber press-ed to your throat-
I’m sorry but that’s just so adorable
   Look         at            it;
   Man like(s soft squishy things and    he doesn’t seem to be      hurt          ing-           -it,
      Like,           How               ?
        Also, did       no one check               for               that               shit?
Like,      No-
Me-      dic
 Wh-       el        p-
 Several people      -just died           And he         comforts the    robot.. .
Also, Maybe       It’s be       cause         Cody         is     Obi-Wan’s        Gen.       (Generation          or      General)            Doesn’t     make much         of a        dif-ference?            -         That          this        flies?      (I mean I can        understand him not giving       too much of a heck,       Due to this being a war      caused by this guys’             Gen,         But     seriously,)
     Also yeah            kinda          ,dick             ,          Screw         medical     attention,
     That’s a lot of faith          for a whole              lot a          nothing,
     Also let’s go do the thing       we were supposed to be doing            this entire time,
   (I think)
  My brain started going numb and I half paid    attention            -         Oh, wait 
now we’re getting into the back      story?
 After they’re on the planet
  Without any       pre-emption?
My brain      cells      are    asleep,        -        Al        -ive         -           Seriously, what is up with the   -bird     thing,
   (I really hope     it factors into his character)
   Or is brought up
  Frust-      trat-      Ion
  Dude they’re slave traders    I really don’t think     you want to do that          (Just           a       thought)
Also maybe     suggest     trading        him some       exotic animals,
   Dude seems to have a pen      -chant
   And he seems to treat them    re-     lati       vely       well,
   (There   are some in cages but that just seems to be for      transport,                         ) -  no I thought you should ever take animals        out of a pre-         ferr              ed         Safe  climate
       But he could have one set up            abet a smaller one,
        Wha?             (The      voice acting           there           was         weird,)
       Also, really?
    That’s the     competition?
 (Is there ever a tradition..   
    That isn’t fighting?)
  Also, okay,
 but is it like some kind of style of fighting?
     (I swear he you challenges him to sword fighting.)
   Then again Zy-         ger-          Ian-       fighting-
  Dif-ferent rules   could be interesting
   Possibly establish           Obi-Wan                 as                a          well traveled              man,
                   (So long as he isn’t allowed to use his                         feck -in light saber,                             -) (Which     Anakin      hasn’t        been       doing         at all,
 Also lower      ed risks     are nice,
Again, not saying anything about     deactivating em,
Also what the fuck is with that guy’s facial   expressions,
  Like ever since that moment       it has gone     insane,       (As in I can’t for my life     read what they’re trying to express,       And that is the closest     translation;       I can come up with,
Never   mind      -   he’s an asshole      -    Even th-
  Screw         It
  (The       logic         is not on        the high setting           with this one.”
       Any way,              Per-
         [do you know how back when I was revie-       wing the movie I thought about how the escalation one from         1 to 10 and the characterization switched on a dime?
               -Not to   insult,
    But this is starting to feel a lot like   that-
 My brain already very checked out at this   point-
Because I     really   don’t    need      it for     this-      -   W-
  Constant      Characteri-zation?!
[Excuse me while I sit over here drinking my       ‘wtf just happened,’          juice
   You know      when I was reviewing (Earlier) scenes       like this;           I used to give it somewhat of a pass    saying;              (Some        thing       along           the          lines            of)
       Well people change on a dime,
  Which I’m starting to realize    getting further into this;        Is that you need some kind of sentiment       Or pre-       -empt         To        Connect          Those           Thoughts      -             The           eyes             need              to           narrow                 -               The             body          language            needs              to             change                 -      The     music       (perhaps)        a subtle       change in tone;         -        It can’t change on    that much of a dime        -
            I               don’t               need                   a                  lot;                 Just some kind of indication about what the      feck just happened,     -             Because otherwise it’s just    spaghetti      -         Like I’m sorry     but it’s true-              -      The expressions before were completely unreadable      and down          right-        unhuman,
      There was no word      ,cues to indicate anything
      And the music     which could’ve been a brief    Cue,        Of whether this is supposed to be        abrupt or         instigated,             Well I don’t,     think there is any,   
                        Fix scen;                                    e
                     This guy smirks, possibly chuckling, the bird leaving his           arm-, possibly pre-facing it with, “ well then,  let’s          be-gin,” or a body posture is simply leaning in before     pouncing,
      Telling me    this is part of the plan,
        And that’s Zygrians value a more wild style of fighting with the element of surprise      being      emphasiz       ed-
    Which makes sense considering what seems to be a      hunting         focus,
    With snark following up either confirming or     denying,  
    That as true           (Or          False)
     That his actions were        prec-        edent-        ed         or        not,
      As it stands,  
   There was no      Cue
    And I’m        completely          lost.              . . .           Whel            -p
                           Well that was a bunch of nothing                                                                                  .  .  .                               Which is a shame because it had a lot of good     subjects to focus on, Slavery, the difference between Wild and Order, tam-ing, groom-       Ing,      Cap-       tivity              -         The concept of an invasive species,
     Unfortunately the writing is so inconsistent,      And generally        poor,         That it can’t carry a beat for longer than a few     min-utes
        Well I’ve noticeably praised the attempt to take on a higher intensity material
         That doesn’t give an     excuse for the apparent drop in quality
          Often; i’ve said that            stupid villains are fine
        However       the thing that often irritates me         in those episodes;           Isn’t that the villain’s            Stupid   
          It’s the lack of          self-awareness             (Not in the poking            fun of one’s                 self                 way)
  Is that it isn’t        framed that way,
  (No snark,    very little realistic the consequences without drawing attention to it,        And very little change       except the     villain is now Stupider          Though it attempts to keep the same dramatic tension          and stakes)
   In sum        -mary:
    While I think this episode had a lot of interesting concepts to work with they will unfortunately             Wasted                   By the episode lack of commitment, consistency, and constant characterization,
      Most        notably;
     - Anakin’s resent             -ment                    Of          slavery             (His care of it turns off and on like a light switch and his intensity             varies)
         Functioning less like a Berzerk/.              accountability button                  (Mild               Responsibility)  
               And                 more                  like                   an                excuse            to have him             flip his lid,
             Make                   odd                 facial            expressions,  
             And generally put, shout  put emphasis In a nonsensical bordering on                  inhumane way
                What seems to be a disturbing trend (with the characters       ;)
               Specifically the                  Zygarian                     here
                 And                      Ani             
              -The                 difference               between            wild and tamed;                   Along with a constant theme of slavery,                  It’s paired with the constant imagery                 of animals in cages
             Which would be fine if it was actually presented as an               excessive detail,
             But the focus is put on it and nothing ever seems to come of it
            (Almost as if it’s expected that just by having      it there, the motif comes with it)
             Which no
             Animals in cages and...            What?
             Like, I have an idea         what they’re trying to hint at,
             But until           the story commits;
             “These animals           are very much like you,”
               Then it remains in                        limbo,
 As wasted time          And wasted     emphasis,            -
      The Zy-             Gar            Ian             (s)          backstory;           Note      this works off another point         about captivity,
        Now, from the little bits,  I could get from the conversation;
        The Republic                inter                   fer                  r                   e                  d,                   Note; this seems to be a pretty big deal
   The antagonist      esp          ecially             affec               t-                e-d
           By                  It,
  But we never learn much about it      or him        (How it affected)
    Yeah he re-peats           Some          po-ints;            But it’s never elaborate-         d on
         What exactly       hap-pened to him?
          What exactly       hap-pened with the conflict?
            To be more                  precise;                     This presents the idea of a rather fas-       cin-        at        ing      conflict about the over- involve-ment of an outside species into              a           Nother’s            Planet          -           And I don’t think it really       utilizes it
       Drop      ping it almost instantly,          For an almost emotion-    less        fi-        gh          t,        Where are dude repeats ‘they were happy,        And generally everything except “I”             (How he was affected)                 Or any authentic emotion
       Just unread         able        inhumane       expressions            . . .       Not much in the way of themes,        motifs, ��          Or anything of         real        sub-      stance-         -       Sub      Category;           The clones got injured in an            attack;             This is not treated with any sort of        heaviness              -             Or even note             (Nor to the status/            theme of captiv-               ity- or                Sta              Tus                In               The              Empire-)
            Or         represen-tation               of             order,
           (And is quite point blank pointless)
           Not to speak of the ending where the Anakin is         almost point-blank informed                  That the captives are being held on                    Ty-                    Ger                        ia/                        By the Ty-                       ger-ians
                Po-int being;                      This is pretty subst                  antless                          Sn                            -ack,                             That lacks any kind of consis          tence
       - And isn’t.          worth the                watch,
           (With             nothing              set up)
          (Might’ve wanted to go with an                 R2-D2/ (CpO?) episode)                   Work on that tone                first
               Before trying anything serious,                   With that robots scream of absolute terror                  upon its death..
0 notes