#what i said about quinntana being too similar narratively is key i think
tuiyla · 2 years
Hi! So awhile back, I saw someone else answer an ask on why they like Quinntana but not Pezberry, and it seems like the opposite for you, I think, romantically speaking, IIRC. If that’s the case, could you explain why you ship Pezberry and not Quinntana?
Hey Anon!
So I think there are a couple of different layers to this but I'll try to be straightforward. I guess I'm kinda weird when it comes to shipping lol but I think the case with Pezberry for me is that I see sexual chemistry there and could potentially see them romantically in an AU kinda situation. And really where I stand on shipping Pezberry exactly is a separate disclaimer post that I really ought to write so I can finally have somewhere to direct people to, but yeah.
For the purposes of this ask, I'll just say that I do ship Pezberry and not Quinntana, and that's a very good question why. I think... I think it boils down to Pezberry being my favourite overall dynamic in the show, along with Brittana, and that encompasses many dimensions. I adore Quinntana as well of course but it's just that specific thing that Pezberry have, the passion and 'awesome or not at all' of it all that I find extremely compelling. I suppose by the end they also had more screentime than Quinntana so, more to go off on. I just need Pezberry to be interacting so badly and I do see sexual and even romantic potential for them because of the kind of story they have and the way their interactions went.
To be clear, I guess I ship Quinntana to a certain degree as well. I think they should have been a season 4 midgame and they have excellent chemistry as well of course. Where they 'lose' me, so to say, is that I see their energy being overwhelmingly platonic, at the end of the day. Even if I do wish for that midgame, at the end of which they both realize their relationship is worth more than essentially using each other to work through stuff. I think they love each other very deeply, in a way that's as fascinating to me as Pezberry though different. I suppose it really is that lack of romantic potential that I, personally see, that makes me enjoy them as a short-term thing and looove them as friends, but not be as interested even in an AU situation. And don't get me wrong, I love fics for them; Quinntana fics always hit so hard, damn. I just don't see them being all that compatible, and I think a lot of that is how I view Quinn and Santana's narrative roles and how they're too similar to me in that sense. Which is again a different post and something I haven't yet touched on much, I don't think. So a worthy discussion for another day.
But yeah, I hope that's the kind of explanation you were looking for. My love for Pezberry is very much rooted in, just, their overall story and circumstances, and the shipping aspect comes in when I ponder a what could have been for them. To put it somewhat more simply, I could maybe see Pezberry making an actual relationship work, years down the line, and I can see them wanting to make it work. With Quinntana, they'll always be friends who, oh, also hooked up btw in my eyes. And you know, I think further investigating what makes the two different could be fun! And I might return to this topic to do that. But for now, I hope that was a good enough answer.
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