#what i'm saying is anyone I've ever spoken to who has played all the games has been just as obsessed as I am
honeybard · 1 year
professor layton feels like a franchise where you either played it, made it a core part of your personality and go into a frenzy whenever you see or hear any mention of it
or you didn't play it and wonder why the fuck people are going rabid for a game about puzzles
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creature-wizard · 3 months
How the mythology of starseeds, indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children, etc. harms kids
Something I didn't talk about in my last post is how New Age is often harmful to young children, so I'm going to talk about it here.
Here's a quick rundown on terminology for anyone who doesn't already know:
Starseed: An alien soul incarnated in a human body, typically for the purpose of "raising the Earth's vibrational frequency" (read: convert people to New Age beliefs).
Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow Child: A child born with a spiritually advanced soul, whose life purpose is to bring the New Age into being.
If you do a quick websearch on any of these terms, you'll find that the alleged signs of being one of these overlaps with traits associated with autism and ADHD. Many websites will just straight-out say that these children are commonly mistaken for having autism or ADHD. Sometimes you'll find people who claim autism and ADHD don't actually exist at all, but were created by the conspiracy to control and suppress these kids.
What often happens is that New Age parents see their autistic and ADHD children displaying these "signs," and decide that their kids are one of these special souls. So rather than giving their children the help and support they actually need, they project and burden them with incredibly high expectations. We're talking about parents expecting their kids to be able to work miracles or have access to all of this incredibly advanced wisdom that they simply just don't.
Various people I've seen on this website who were raised by New Age parents have spoken about how this kind of thing messed them up. They basically have religious trauma from it. Deciding that your kid has special powers and a special purpose because they meet a very spurious criteria is not okay.
When I was a kid, I absolutely would have fit most definitions of a starseed. I believed in magic, fairies, aliens, and psychic powers. Sci-fi and fantasy was my jam. I loved to draw and play elaborate games of pretend. The idea of helping and healing people appealed to me majorly. And, well, I had undiagnosed autism and ADHD.
But you know what I didn't have?
The kind of special spiritual gifts and innate wisdom people associate with starseeds and the rest.
In fact, as far as I could tell, everyone around me seemed to be more psychically and spiritually gifted than me, for no reason I could ever work out. It was actually kind of traumatizing, because I felt like something was wrong with me.
So yeah, deciding a kid must be some special, extra-magical kind of soul because they have certain characteristics and interests is really not good. Parents who do this are essentially forcing their own egos onto their children, who will very likely end up traumatized from the whole ordeal.
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theintrovertbean · 6 months
About Dorian and where I stand
I think it's time I voiced my actual opinion of Dorian. Partly because I need to write this down for myself to better understand my own feelings, and because of some of my posts, it might be hard to understand where I stand. Nowadays, I know it matters. Yeah, I gave it a chance. No, it didn't make me a Dorian enjoyer, but even though it makes me cringe sometimes, I don't think it's the worst thing to ever exist.
Disclaimer: This is my opinion to which everyone is free and more than welcome to add their own. I will address both good and bad things about Dorian, and I am going to criticize it. I also have to add that while I've been playing The Arcana for five years, I was gone for a while and missed out on a lot, especially the part when Dorian bought the game, so I'm not your all-knowing narrator. This is not a personal attack against anyone, whether they have a positive or negative opinion about Dorian. No drama here, just opinions and even some advice. Now let's begin.
I think the concept of Dorian is good, but it could be much better executed. The company makes some questionable choices, like now with the 3D figurines or when they posted those tales of the M6. I think the vast majority can agree that those tales felt like a living nightmare. That's certainly what they felt like to me, and I would prefer to ignore their existence. With the figurines, their quality is the issue. We do want the figurines, and we'd love them, but they don't look right, and I hate to say this because someone put effort into creating them (because, apparently, they're not AI-generated). Plus, I think it would be nicer if we could choose to get them painted. I'm aware that painted versions will be available too, but it would have made more sense to release both versions at the same time.
There are nice people on Dorian, I've met a few, so I don't think that liking Dorian automatically makes someone a bad person. It's simply not everyone's cup of tea. In many cases, for very understandable reasons. However, the people I actually communicated with were (and still are) very friendly and supportive. And tbh, there's no harm in enjoying the content that gets posted there. Unless it's something that promotes problematic ideas.
When I wanted to post a story there, I got loads of help, which I'm very thankful for, but some things make me wonder if I want my content to be put on Dorian. Ultimately, I've decided to do it, and I'm about to release the first episode. I know there are people on Dorian too, who would like to read some good Nadia content (not sure if I'm the right person for that, but there's no harm in trying). However, this is not a decision that I made lightly. I spent a lot of time wondering if I should do it. It's a personal moral compass thing, plus I know that there are people in my following who don't like Dorian. No, I am not going to abandon my blog. Everything I post on Dorian I plan on sharing here as well, one way or another. Right now, this is more of a test than anything else. And if somehow I end up becoming rich from the Dorian money, I can spend it on Arcana merch (/jk).
Dear Dorian, Arcana main 6 boobie mousepads when?
Seriously, my main goal is to spread the gospel about our goddess Nadia, wherever it may be, and I've had a few people encourage me to bring some content about her to the Dorian platform to show the Countess some love. But, know that when it happens, it's not because I'm such a big fan of Dorian. On the contrary, I'm quite critical of it, and anyone who has ever spoken to me knows that too. Anything I post on the Dorian platform will be purely out of my love for Nadia, my fellow simps, and the joy of creating.
Now, let's talk about Dorian's target audience. It's definitely not me nor the vast majority of The Arcana fandom. From what I've noticed, most of us are young adults, but Dorian is more attractive to people who are around their thirties. The adult adults. No hate to those people, hurting you is not my intention, and you did nothing wrong. It simply feels like Dorian is less focused on us younger people, partly because we are not very likely to pay them any money. However, an adult with a stable income is more likely to afford digital currencies. I understand that Dorian needs money too, or else they wouldn't be able to pay their creators, but it would be nice if they could do something in favor of the young adults as well.
Connected to the target audience, I have some things to say about the heart system too. If someone isn't familiar with it, Dorian uses hearts to unlock paid scenes. They use it for spicy content as well, but it's not exactly the best way to keep minors from accessing them. Yes, there are minors on the Dorian app too, I've seen a few. As soon as someone downloads the app, they get free hearts and they don't even need an account. Dorian is a social media platform with streaming features and by joining/starting a live stream, users are able to access all paid content, spice included. Having spicy content is not the issue, but making it so available is. I know, I know, places like Play Store and App Store allow this, it doesn't go against their rules. But, look into your heart, and ask yourself if it really is okay. If it's possible, I'd like to encourage Dorian to at least make their users (whether they are registered or not) confirm that they are over the age of 18 or let them add their date of birth when they use the app for the first time. This way, they could add a feature that automatically hides adult content from underage users. It's not much, but I know some people who would feel better.
There are things on Dorian that I genuinely enjoy, like the current event, The Arcana Love Quest. I've seen people say that it divides the fandom and makes it seem like one person is a much better fan than the others, but as someone who actually participates, I don't feel that way. However, I get where these come from because it does seem off from the outside. (Rip Nadia guild, we didn't make it to the next round, but it was fun.)
Now the "negativity". There have been countless people who voiced their opinions about Dorian, and they often didn't speak too highly of the company. I didn't see it myself, but from what I know, there was even something about comments getting deleted by Dorian and people getting blocked. Of course, there are people who simply hate. In those cases, I understand they want to shield themselves and pretty much everyone else from witnessing those vulgar remarks. However, civilized, constructive criticism isn't something they should censor or ignore. It's impossible to satisfy everyone, but they have to try and listen because even though criticism doesn't always feel nice, it's for everyone's benefit. By listening to what people say, Dorian could improve.
The Dorian app itself tries to be too many things at once. Instead of adding new features, I think it would be better to make it more stable and easier to control because it can get glitchy and confusing at times. However, I have to give their support team credit because I had issues with the app myself. I filled out a ticket, and they solved it for me. They were civil, kind, and responsive, so I really can't complain about that.
And about what they're doing to the official The Arcana app. It's upsetting, I know, but since Dorian owns it, we can't blame them for advertising themselves on it. Some people make a living by working for Dorian and/or posting content there and that is something I respect because this is literally how they pay their bills and put food on their tables. However, it's starting to get out of hand and anything more would be too much. Like the Dorian app, it wants to be too many things at once. To make the "Tales" button smaller than the Dorian stuff next to it is something that doesn't sit right with me. Also, half of the "Dailies" page is now about Dorian. There's also an entire page for streams, which is kinda unnecessary because if I want to watch a stream, I'll use the actual Dorian app for it anyway. Also, as soon as I open The Arcana app, I get like, three pop-ups about Dorian, which honestly reminds me of using illegal websites for watching movies.
There is also something else I wish to say. We can't blame Nix Hydra's mistakes on Dorian, and we can't expect Dorian to post content like Nix Hydra did. As I mentioned before, Dorian is a social media platform. Yes, we got Arcana tales once, but that's not what Dorian is for.
In conclusion, The Arcana is cursed like Lucio's wing. Do I regret giving Dorian a chance, tho? Honestly, no, not really. At least I have seen both sides of the coin. Dorian is not the worst, but there is a lot of room for improvement. My advice is to listen to not only the praise but the constructive criticism too. There is potential in Dorian and if they did a better job, then maybe they could turn other people's and my head too. For now, I remain somewhere in the middle.
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franstastic-ideas · 10 months
Can I have the entire 50 character ask thing for your favorite sisterhood girl pls I like hearing about them
Ohhhh, don't make me CHOOSE!
I know I've already spoken quite a bit about Akari, but maybe I still haven't enough!
1. Canon I outright reject
Her being fifteen.
Akari's age should be up to interpretation, and I say this is a 21-22 year old woman who happens to be short.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Hikari and Akari are one and the same, not separate people with an uncanny resemblance to one another.
3. Obscure headcanon
She has a deep, lovely, womanly voice...
Akari doesn't quite laugh out loud, so much as give a soft, breathy chuckle or snicker. But, if and whenever she does laugh, it sounds like the crowing of a Murkrow.
4. Favorite line
Not exactly my favorite, but it's the funniest in and out of context:
*said in the calmest of tones and with the most serene of smiles*
"Thorton, would you kindly shut your mouth?"
5. Best personality trait
She's extremely perseverant. She would have to be to have endured as much as she has in Hisui, as well as be perceived as a near unstoppable force by the general public.
6. Worst personality trait
Akari is extremely guarded about her softer emotions and can come off as cold because of that.
Due to her ambivalent sentiments towards the possibility of entering a romantic relationship, she either ignores the affection given to her by an admirer or will play the oblivious game for as long as possible (when she's not, you know, actually being oblivious).
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
As stated above, she is a 21-22 year old woman to me who just happens to be short - perhaps 5 ft. 2 in.
As for her weight... she's lost quite a bit since her arrival in Hisui.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
I'm personally not at all fond of her being characterized as this innocent, naive little creature that Volo takes great and perverse pleasure in manipulating and betraying.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Her mere existence was enough for me to love her.
But Akari possibly being the only protagonist to have embarked on a second adventure depending on personal interpretation definitely caught my interest.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
When she calmly asserts herself against Kamado during the trial that will decide Volo's fate.
No matter how much Kamado raises his voice arguing that he can no longer be trusted to keep his word and needs to be punished severely for his actions, Akari responds to him with a calculating coolness.
11. Faceclaim for the role
Akari has a design already, so I'll share my voice claim for her instead: Kikyo (Willow Johnson) from Inuyasha.
12. Crack headcanon
Akari won't allow herself to show any weakness - but thinking about Wheatley, her Rotom back in Sinnoh, reduces her to such a visibly miserable state, always letting out a deep sigh before saying:
"I miss my Rotom, (name). I miss him so much..."
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
Actually considering for all of a moment eating the only-Arceus-knows-how-outdated Old Gateau she found in the Old Chateau.
14. Most heroic moment
Ask anyone in Hisui and they'll tell you it's when she survived her banishment and managed to quell Origin Forme Palkia's frenzy, thereby saving the entire world.
And then after that, taking down a deranged Volo on Mount Coronet's peak along with none other than The Renegade, a Legendary Pokémon created by almighty Sinnoh/Arceus with a history so violent that it warranted what was intended to be eternal banishment to The Distortion World.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Akari turning her back on Volo after he lowered himself to his hands and knees begging for her forgiveness.
It's something she almost immediately began to regret. That desperate, tearful expression of his wouldn't leave her mind.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
She truly does want someone to love her. A man that will love her and only her to the point of obsession.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Golden Afternoon by Circus-P.
"I'm invincible To all the rage, the hate, the pain of fate I am vulnerable To all my rage, my hate, the pace at which I change"
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
Every single hardship she experienced in Hisui honestly warrants therapy, but she has too much pride to ever even momentarily consider attending a session.
19. Vices/bad habits
Akari tends to treat others in a similar manner to how she is treated. She won't stoop to pettiness or cruelty, but she will behave more coldly towards those who have wronged her.
20. Scars
Emotionally, her father abandoning her she was still small. He said being a married man with a child wasn't what he wanted out of life after all, so he left Twinleaf Town and never looked back.
Her mother fiercely believed that he would return, but once the realization he wouldn't finally struck her, Ayako stopped speaking for a while and accidentally neglected Hikari. Jun was Hikari's source of sunshine during this time.
Physically, I sometimes imagine she has a small to medium X-shaped scar on her chest from her battle with Lord Kleavor, and a few burns from the one with Lord Arcanine.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Berry Juice, or Razz Berry Tea
22. Best physical feature
Her long, flowing, slate-colored hair has caught the eye of several.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
Lemon and Lavender~
24. Most annoying habit
She tends to intimidate others with her silvery gaze, something that more often than not isn't intentional.
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Considering Akari did get dropped in the middle of nowhere, nowhere being Hisui, there are a few things she would have liked to have brought with her: her previous team members, but there are six of them rather than three.
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
If she and Volo were trapped in an elevator, there are two drastically different outcomes that may occur:
Volo will try to take this opportunity, since it seems they're going to be in here for a little while, to get some smooching done - since people keep giving them less than appreciative stares when they do so in public.
Or, in the event that Volo doesn't know how elevators really work, despite his best efforts, he almost immediately spirals into a panic and begins blaming himself for this event - because surely this is Arceus punishing him for his past sins and she just happened to get caught in the crossfire.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Volo's obsession with her.
It's secretly everything she's ever wanted, and once Akari has confirmed it's entirely sincere and unwavering, she becomes just as obsessive over him.
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
She holds a deep admiration and respect for Touko, due to her complete lack of hesitance in expressing her thoughts and feelings.
29. Eating habits
Prefers and has a high tolerance for spicier flavors.
She even crafts a new type of Lure Cake made specifically for attracting Fire-types (not that people are supposed to eat those).
30. Sleeping habits
Akari believes that her day begins whenever she wakes up, so she can be an absolute beast when forced to leave the comfort of her bed or futon.
31. If they had a Tumblr Tacklr what would it look like?
Her account is one the Sinnoh League required her to make in order to answer questions for interviews, and that would be the only thing she ever uses it for.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Whenever Sariel, her Alpha Togekiss, slurps someone (gives them a big, slobbery lick).
It takes every last ounce of her willpower to keep her composure sometimes, depending on how extreme the reaction is of the person slurped.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Her wedding day and the morning after.
Akari doesn't quite understand why she would be crying when she's never felt happier before.
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
Sometimes Akari smiles or chuckles when she isn't necessarily happy.
35. Their idea of a perfect day
An afternoon spent in the arms of her beloved as their Pokémon play together outside - with no annoying calls from the League demanding her presence.
36. Their favorite season
Hisui/Sinnoh doesn't experience any seasons due to having a cool climate year-round, but Akari does prefer cooler temperatures over warmer ones.
37. What they really think about themselves
A strong trainer and someone worthy of respect, but otherwise no one particularly extraordinary.
This is reflected in the first act of 'What Once We Were', Akari is described in a decidedly neutral manner, but come the second act when the story shifts to Volo's perspective, his adoration towards her is so powerful it affects the narration.
38. Favorite holiday
January 12th, the day diamond dust always falls on Snowpoint City.
39. Favorite game
I feel as though Yume Nikki and all its various fangames are something she would enjoy.
40. Favorite book
The Curse of Mankey Island (half-joking)
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Her beloved~
But, if her lover isn't an option, her dear friend and fellow sister Touko.
42. 3 comfort items
Her Buneary Poké Doll, Old Gateau, and apparently Wheatley.
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Her favorites are Tamato Berries, Jubilife Muffins, and as previously mentioned Old Gateau.
She dislikes extremely bitter berries, Coconut Curry, and anything Irida cooks.
44. Their happiest memory
Akari doesn't have one in particular that she would place above the others: choosing her starter ad setting out on her journey with Jun and Kouki, becoming the new Champion of Sinnoh, meeting other girls like her at the World Tournament...
Receiving her starter in Hisui from Professor Laventon and finally feeling some sense of normalcy return, followed by her first encountering Volo, who was one of the few to show her kindness and respect without having to prove herself beforehand.
45. Their favorite celebrity
Haruka, current Champion of Hoenn and fellow Contest Star!
46. The person they most admire
Touko, as mentioned above, but she also holds a great deal of respect towards Kotone for her persistent warmth and kindness.
47. Their dream job
She's content with her position as Champion of Sinnoh and one of the strongest trainers in the world.
48. Scariest moment of their life
Volo's betrayal.
That moment was her worst nightmare brought to life.
49. Favorite toy as a child
Her Buneary Poké Doll, Alice, that Jun bought her with his own allowance for her seventh birthday.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Akari has forgotten everything about her father to the point that she can't recall his face or even his name.
She's fine with this.
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bad0mens · 7 months
Tagged by @suspiciouspopsicle and @auncyen
Tagging anyone who wants to do it!!
how many works do you have on ao3?
50 as of typing this!
what's your total ao3 word count?
872,232 (but I've definitely written about 450,000 more of works finished just not posted)
what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, just Octopath Traveler 2, previously for Tales of Vesperia
what are your top five fics by kudos?
It doesn't really surprise me, but I definitely feel the quality in these works versus one's I've written this year.
The Forest of Memories (452) - A Robin Hood AU for Tales of Vesperia where Flynn is the Sheriff of Nothingham, newly returned from the crusades, and Yuri is Robin Hood.
No Such Thing As Fate (322) - A complete retelling of Tales of Vesperia with the premise that Yuri and Flynn hadn't been friends as children and it had drastically changed certain events. Has two different ending.
Legacy (241) - Tales of Vesperia post canon fic where a cult that followed Alexei change's Yuri life by giving him a blastia heart.
Blue Plate Special (171) - A Super Hero/Cafe AU where Flynn is a cop who frequents the coffee shop Yuri owns, and likes him and his super hero counterpart True Knight.
The Knight of Vesperia (159) - Tales of Vesperia post canon fic where Yuri disappears one year after the events of the game and Flynn has to find out why.
(The Prince and the Magpie is my very next one with 130 Kudos)
do you respond to comments?
I do my best to! Sometimes I don't know what to say, but I appreciate it.
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No Such Thing As Fate Ending # 2
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I work for happy endings, so there's a lot of them. The Happiest would probably have to be either No Such Thing As Fate Ending #1, or The Prince and the Magpie
do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some comments that came across as rude, but it wasn't a big deal.
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Tumblr media
Most of what I've written that's on AO3 as smut goes is fairly vanilla. Noteably I've written 3 'sets'. An aphrodiac trope set of 2 fics, a slightly kinky bdsm maid fics (3 total), and a 5 part set dealing with the aftermaths of Hikari and Partitio's chapter events from chapters 3+. Both of my big Fluri fics (Legacy and No Such Thing as Fate0, but there are scenes, but there's also a plot. Pas de Deux is similar.
do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you've written?
No crossovers persay. I did write a very large Tales of Vesperia/Homestuck fusion (about 380k words) but I don't know that I'll ever posted it.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had a few that were reposted (I think on wattpad) and I had to go and get them down.
have you ever had a fic translated?
I was asked about a Chinese translation of A Helping Hand, but I don't know what ever came of it.
have you ever co-written a fic before?
@suspiciouspopsicle and I wrote Paper Stack, a 1920s Tales of Vesperia AU, and Brave Pizzeria, a Tales of Vesperia Modern AU around them being workers in vastly different restaurants and finding love through some pretty interesting circumstances.
what's your all-time favorite ship?
ouuhghg don't me choose....
what's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I'm really not sure. Probably never finish editing the Vesperia/Homestuck fusion.
what are your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas, playing with metaphor
what are your writing weaknesses?
Story and story beats, coming up with titles
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done binary and code64, but I suppose you mean spoken languages. I can't say I remember doing it. i would want to be so particular about it being perfect.
first fandom you wrote for?
GOD, probably Final Fantasy 6 (it would have been Locke/Celes)
favorite fic you've ever written?
Right now, it's definitely The Prince and the Magpie, but No Such Thing As Fate is a close second.
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diamondsandlemons · 1 year
Hi sorry for being the least normal person on the planet about this but I saw you rbing some The Locked Tomb stuff and it's only been like a week or two since I got extremely into the series and it's nice to see someone I follow also show interest in it around the same-ish time as me! Can I ask abt your take on the books so far n fav character/s?
well I've only read the first book (I'm definitely interested in continuing with the series but I probably won't get to it for a while, esp. since I wanna get back into playing Ace Attorney games, as playing a visual novel kinda takes up the same time slot in my day as reading a novel, yk?) so there's def stuff I don't know abt yet.
but anyway yeah! I did really enjoy it. I appreciate the comedy in it, which I wasn't really expecting since like the cover art is so grim and it opens with some really dense politics stuff and a bunch of long names (that I just know should be pronounced with a british accent but I can't really make my head voice do that) and like the actual plot is very serious with deaths and stuff but nonetheless This Book Has Jokes
and its best when they're the dumbest, simplest jokes you could think of and Gideon says them out loud because thats the kind character she is. love her
Palamedes is great too because he entertains Gideon's antics while also being the one most focused on solving the mystery castle puzzles. (this girl who's been here for like a month and has never spoken a word to anyone is talking to me now? and she's rude? thats fine I'll just roll with it). he's also like the most normal dude in the whole cast. you feel comfortable when he's around
(btw what the hell was up with the thing he discovered about the rooms in Canaan House being from different time periods? like the different rooms are literally different ages? I don't think that was ever explained or brought up again???)
Also, for "lesbian fiction" being basically the one thing everyone says about this series, I was kinda surprised at the lack of a romantic plot in this one? I mean maybe there will be more of that in the other books idk, but like. ok so from the beginning it's very clear that Gideon and Harrow are gonna be the main pair here. and I was a little skeptical they were gonna be able to sell me on that because of where their relationship started, but nahhh I had nothing to worry about. they were meant for each other and enemies to lovers works great it turns out. but like. their relationship definitely improves a lot over the course of the story, but most of the time they don't talk to each other about anything but their jobs. its all bones and skeletons and locked doors with them.
don't get me wrong it has strong gay vibes all the way through (and Gideon is constantly commenting on how hot other women are, which is great) but at no point are Harrow and Gideon actually like. dating. closest they got was when I think it was implied they fucked once, after the pool scene. which like, good for them, I'm glad they got the opportunity to do that before, ah, y'know.
speaking of which I have NO clue what'll happen next based on how it ended. and the brief glimpse of the emperor at the very end was not at all what I expected, so that's curious as well...
OH yeah and speaking of the empire. uh at least the copy of the book that I have has a bunch of bonus material at the end, like in-universe essays and reports (and a pronunciation guide where I frustratingly learned I'd been reading half the characters' names wrong). and ONLY in that bonus material was it ever acknowledged that other inhabited planets exist outside of the empire. like for the whole book it kinda seems like there are nine planets that comprise the empire, and that's it. no humans anywhere else in the universe. no life outside the empire.
sure, the Cohort supposedly fights "enemies of the empire" but that's all that's ever said about that. could be like evil skeletons or some other kind of space monster for all we know. but no there ARE other civilizations, which I guess might be at war with the necromancers? it's cool to know that, that this story's universe is bigger than we've seen, and if I had to guess I'd say bigger than we probably ever will see, since there's still so many ghost/death mysteries and House history stuff our beloved necros have yet to solve.
ok thats probably everything I have to say about Gideon the Ninth for now. thanks for giving me an opportunity to put it all into words, lol
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kai-wanted-doa · 1 year
i feel honored. we recently went to go to LA to hang out with our friends. I am the newest person to this group, and there's a pair (calling them jack and jill) who we all know have dated for a very long time but we are all hazy as to wat their status is now but also who gives a fuck if we're all vibing.
Jill says to me "Jack's sisters have talked about who's his favorite -girl- friend is and it's you" that was so embarrassing to hear considering how much we annoy/make fun of the other. On this trip he literally made a video of himself with a sparkler casting a spell on me and saying "DIE DIE DIE" LMMMMAAAOOO it was a harry potter reference because he mentioned universal studios and how we all should go and I mentioned how I went last month, rode the Harry potter ride, was blown away, and finally binged all the movies and enjoyed it.
How true that statement was and what his real thoughts are, its ok whatever it is. I don't hang out with these friends very often at all and truly we don't all know each other well at all either (my bf may know them better since they've all been friends longer), so it's hard to believe I would even be considered as a close friend. Jack knows many people as well and has tons of friends I'm sure. But the thought that I could possibly be a fond friend of his is nice because from my end & my pov, my friendship with him is something that I actually cherish.
I've talked about this on my blog before a few times. I talk about it often and relive it because my troubles from that time still haunt me, but also because i was so happy to have jack's help. Awhile ago, my bf and I went thru a rough patch. It was very rough for me. My bf probably couldn't give a damn lmao he was chilling. He didn't know. I was the only one really hurting. To this day I am traumatized. It hasn't let up. Jack is the blunt type. I'm sure all our friends could see what was going on, but Jack was the only one who talked to me first (I wouldn't have spoken about it ever to anyone otherwise. I dont talk about my relationship problems with anyone but my blog lolll). Altho Jack can be a pain in the ass and loud mouthed and inconsiderate with how he teases, pushing boundaries and stepping on toes! He handled the situation very gently. He owned a game shop and a few of his friends were there playing games, and I was there waiting for my bf. Jack mentioned the elephant in the room, the rough patch in my bf and i's relationship. Before I knew it, I was bawling crying sobbing (while Jack's friends were just a few feet away from us playing games lmaooo!!!) We were playing tic-tac-toe while talking and he purposely lost every round because he knew a bifch couldn't take another L that night LOOOOL. After that night I finally had the guts to tell my bf what was bothering me. My bf listened and changed up, and our relationship got better.
I am still a very shy girl and I don't like to confront issues that will make matters uncomfortable, but Jack encouraged me that night to speak up. Since then, I've been trying trying get better and better. I still have trouble being more assertive, but for sure I made a leap and a step forward that night. If I hadn't gone through that and if jack hadnt talked to me, I'd still be several paces back.
So yeah, that's why hearing Jill say that I was possibly a good friend of Jack's made me feel so embarrassed, because I think of him as a decent friend too. So, to know that the feeling is possibly mutual, that was cool.
I don't know much about jack and I don't know how to respond very well to people when they are in need of comfort or direction, but I just hope I can be supportive of this friend in some profound way like how he did for me if he ever needed it. It's owed.
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404: DragonBorn Not Found
My first time playing Skyrim wasn't on the Switch, which is what I play exclusively on. One day I will get a PC ;-;
My first time was actually on an Xbox. I don't know what gen, it was old and second hand. Sis and I split the cost so I only paid 7$. Not sure if it came with Skyrim or I bought a secondhand Skyrim while at the GameStop cause I heard it was an open world fantasy game, and I love open world fantasy. I pretty much knew nothing about the game or the Elder Scrolls series as a whole.
Anyway I start it up one day and make a Dark Elf character cause I heard there was dragons in the game. I knew the main focus of the game was about dragons, and Dark Elves are natrually resistant to fire, so I thought that would help (I mean technically it does but I didn't know some dragons would breathe frost later on).
I get stuck somewhere in the opening scene where the mages are shooting fireballs at Alduin. I remember thinking to myself 'you idiots, he breathes fire, you can't hurt him with your fireballs'. I'm lost at this point (I'm extremely directionally challenged) and resort to letting myself get killed so I can start over, ish.
I get killed and teleport back somewhere and eventually make it out of Helgen and to RiverWood. I talk to the locals, get quests, make friends with Faendal and get some arrows and a bow. Since I only had two major quests, BleakFalls and go to WhiteRun, I figured the game must want me to go to BleakFalls.
I remember getting horribly lost while tryin to go there and trying to hunt deer in the nearby woods for food. I was really bad at hunting and archery.
I don't remember if I ever made it to the end of Bleak Falls and I don't think I ever made it to WhiteRun. Somethin happened (that wasn't related to the Xbox or maybe the game being second hand) and I ended up losing all my data. Which wasn't alot, for Skyrim. I lost my data for Fallout: New Vegas and Halo. Idk which one. We had like 2 or 3 different ones. My dad, who put in waaaaay more hours into playing with the console, lost his Khajiit Skyrim character, his completed Fallout 3 game, one or two FarCry games that he really liked, his Halo data, basically the whole console got wiped. Our player profiles where no longer on the system.
The culprit? Sis's now ex BF tried to connect the old gen Xbox to the WiFi. Somethin clearly went horribly wrong and it caused all its data to be erased.
Since I've been playing for over a year and have become obsessed with the game, I've had this idea that I want to 'honour the lost' Dark Elf character I made before, thou I really don't know how. I guess I kinda did that with my main, CL, by making her a Dark Elf. But CL has become her own character now who was actually based on an OC by the same name, so she doesn't resemble '404'. That's the name I call the lost Dark Elf in reference to the error code 404: Not Found. I forgot her original name.
I kinda want to make a save and story where the joke is no one knows who the DragonBorn actually is. They know the DB is doing things, like killing dragons, bandit camps, ect... But no one ever really *knows*. She's like a phantom, no one knows her name, what she looks like, they just know some entity called the DragonBorn is going around and doing things. No one knows the elf, her name, most will say they've never seen her before and if she isn't standing within their eyesight, they will have no recollection of a female dark elf with black hair styled in a Mohawk. She's a memory you just can't remember. The DragonBorn is a faceless entity, devoid of a phyical body. The most anyone was ever knows about them is what stories spread across the land spoken by those who have never met or seen them, and the remains of those fallen by their power.
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #099
(taken january 7th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
Assuming you have a Facebook, who’s the last person you added? My niece Delia.
Assuming you have a cell phone, what was the last thing you used it for? Checking Instagram.
Describe your purse or bag in ten words: Black, leather, studded, skull-embossed, small, thin, textured, uh... that's all I can think of.
Are you friends with your brother’s girlfriend: They're engaged so she's more than that to him, but not technically. We have each other on Facebook and it's not awkward to interact or anything, especially because she WANTS to make family so important, but we've never actually met and haven't spoken much. She seems absolutely lovely though and is such a good mom to Christian (who's not even hers, but that's her son) and Asher. I relate to her because she's so convinced she's not good enough.
Have you taken the 5,000 question survey? I've seen it but haven't because the vast majority of the questions were insufferably dumb.
What is it that attracts you to your boyfriend? He makes me feel valued and like I matter and am capable of anything I put my mind to.
What’s your favorite filling in chocolates? Maybe caramel, or peanut butter.
Does your best friend have any phobias? I'm sure he does, but I'm not sure. He doesn't like scary games while otherwise being a massive gamer, but I don't think that qualifies as a "phobia." I know he's a bit uncomfortable with snakes too, he still hasn't touched Venus, but again it doesn't seem like a phobia, but rather a bit of discomfort from common misinformation and ignorance.
What breed of dog do you find the most annoying? Chihuahuas. I say that while having one, lol.
What’s the last picture you colored? One that I drew.
What do you remember from sex ed class when you were younger? I specifically remember in the 4th grade, where we didn't go into actual details of reproduction, I asked if you had to be with a boy to get pregnant. The teacher told me I'd learn next year.
What’s the first instrument you ever played? The recorder in elementary school.
Would you ever eat rhino meat? I would starve before I put a critically endangered - or just endangered - animal in my mouth.
The music you listen to: Is it mostly sung by female or male vocalists? Men. It's not an intentional choice, I seem to just like more male vocalists.
Do you think it’s important to enjoy your job or do you just work for money? I HAVE to enjoy my job, whenever I get one. I'm very well aware that otherwise I would be unbearably depressed, I just wouldn't be able to last.
Do you require glasses/contacts to see properly? If so, which do you use? I wear glasses and have to to see even remotely decently. I also have astigmatism in one of my eyes (I can't remember which) without glasses.
If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? Maybe like, Quinn, or something else kinda androgynous. Or Day; I don't know if anyone actually is named that, but I've come to really love it as a woman's name.
What would you choose to be famous for? Photographer, I guess. Being known for dramatic wildlife shots would be extremely cool.
If you had to go on a game show, which would you choose? I guess Family Feud, I think that one is pretty fun. And I just really enjoy Steve Harvey as a host.
Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? Why? No; my gender has just never mattered to me so I don't care what it is. I'm fine identifying with my biological sex.
Do you love anyone who’s name starts with A? Yes; my sister Ashley, for one, and her daughter Aubree. One of my half-sisters also has a girl named Aria, and though I barely know her, she's an absolute sunshine and I love her anyway.
When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug? My nephew did yesterday!
Who was the last person you flirted with? I don't flirt with anyone but Girt.
Has anyone ever asked you if you were bipolar? It's possible a non-professional has. I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist with bipolarity II as a very young teenager and I absolutely know it's visible if you spend enough time with me, so.
Is your last ex still someone you care about? Full transparency, no. I don't wish bad things for her, but I don't care about her.
Do you know anyone who died of breast cancer? It's very possible, but I don't think so. I know people who have survived it.
Have you ever kissed someone that was the same sex as you? Yes.
Do you miss any of your old friends? Oh of course. It sucks that you drift away from so many people for no real reason as you grow.
Ever taken a picture kissing someone? Yes.
Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No, but that'd be very cool.
What are the names of the neighbors to your right? I don't remember his name, but Mom does. He's helped her get heavy stuff into the house in the past.
Left? I don't know, but again, Mom does.
What was the name of the last dog you pet? Cookie.
Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? That is very, very normal for me.
What is the temperature in your city right now? At this moment my weather app says 47*F.
Ever had to get any stitches? At least twice.
The most recent staircase you went down, what did it lead to? Ashley has a good few steps leading up to her house's door.
Which major body of water do you live by? We live like, not quite two hours from the Atlantic Ocean.
Who is the last person that you took a picture with? My nieces and nephew.
What is your state most famous for? I just looked it up and there's not a real clear answer, but I know being "first in flight" is definitely one. Our mountains are also very loved and are where you're gonna find the most tourists here.
Have you ever witnessed a tornado? No and I positively NEVER want to, from ANY distance, because my heart will 200% drop out my ass.
Have you ever driven an electric car? No.
Do you live in an area that is prone to tornadoes? Not especially, but tornado watches aren't all that rare at the right time of year. It's pretty rare a tornado actually drops down, though.
What five words best describe your mother’s personality? Selfless, caretaker, resilient, extremely strong, and protective.
During thunderstorms, how does your pet react? Cookie doesn't like thunder very much and will sometimes shake. Roman doesn't care, but he'll sometimes look out the window to watch the rain. Venus is of course entirely unaffected.
Do you like egg nog? No, it's really gross imo.
Do you like croutons in your salad? No.
When you were little, did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney, or Nickelodeon more? Disney.
If you have siblings, when was the last time you saw them? I saw Ash yesterday because Mom and I watched the kids, and I last saw Nicole less than a week ago when she was grabbing stuff to move into her new house and have dinner here.
Throughout a typical week, which places are you likely to go? Wal-Mart is pretty much a given, usually Walgreens I think, and maybe somewhere for food. It's pretty common that I'll have SOME sort of doctor appointment, too.
How often do you use your webcam, if you even have one that is? I don't use it.
Name a song that reminds you of an ex? "The Mortician's Daughter" by Black Veil Brides.
Do moths freak you out? No, I love them, especially bigger ones. I kinda want a lunar moth tattoo at some point.
Are all of your friends virgins? I am extremely doubtful I have any virgin friends.
How many piercings do you have? Six currently. I think I'm going to use some of my Christmas money for an industrial ear cartilage piercing.
Have you ever had a panic attack? More than I can count/remember. They're one of the worst things I think a human can experience.
Have your parents ever smoked pot? Dad has; he's done way worse than that, before he and Mom had kids. I don't think Mom has ever mentioned doing it.
Do you think your last ex deserves to die? No.
Do you own more than one cell phone? Not that I actually use; I have an old iPhone stored somewhere with lots of old pictures, but I really should just get rid of it...
Have you ever been asked out? By Aaron, Juan, Jason, Tyler, and Girt (the first time we dated). I do remember there was a kid in elementary school, 4th grade, who asked me out obsessively, but I don't remember his name. Uhhhh I honestly feel like there were other guys who played very little parts in my life, too, but I might be wrong. MAYBE Joel did, but I don't think so.
Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Yeah, zero shame.
If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want? I hate Girt's last name and I still want it, lol. I'm not even going to hyphenate, pretty sure.
How many keys are on your key chain? Just one, to my house.
If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint? I actually plan on drawing/painting something to give Girt on Valentine's: a happy-looking male meerkat with an orange aura to represent a bright, vibrant personality, and he's gonna be smiling or nuzzling a female meerkat colored teal to recall sadness, but his orange aura is pushing her blue one away. They're contrasting colors and teal is also his favorite color, so I think he'd really like it.
What is your favorite thing about the beach? Watching the water and how powerful and mesmerizing it is.
What was your favorite meal growing up? Spaghetti.
What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? Mike's Hard Lemonade.
What is your favorite shade of yellow? Light shades, like the ones that make you think of Easter.
Do you currently have a hickey? Uh it's either gone or very very close to gone, I'd have to go to a mirror and I don't care to.
On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day? How old were they? My friend Baylee's birthday was yesterday. She's just a bit younger than me; I don't feel like double-checking how old she turned.
Is your best friend in a relationship? With me, yes. If you don't include my boyfriend, I don't really think I have a truly best friend.
What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? It was "Whore" by In This Moment, and no, not really.
What’s the age difference between your parents? Either one or two years. I THINK one, but I might be wrong.
0 notes
femininefutbol · 2 years
pink beanie girl
Tumblr media
transferred/modified from my wattpad
prompt: you are secretly dating patri guijarro and her teammates try to set you up with her
word count: 2.8k
"Do you guys think pink beanie girl is going to be at the game again?" Mapi questions as the Barcelona squad get ready for their game against Atletico Madrid.
"She has been to every game this season, it would be more shocking if she wasn't here" Leila replies, a few others agree around the room.
"What are you guys talking about?" Patri asks as she makes her way into the locker room.
"Pink beanie girl who comes to all our games, you think she's gonna be here today?" Mapi repeats the question.
"Ohhh (Y/N), yeah she probably will be, she's a pretty dedicated supporter" Patri answers, a small smile forming on her face at the mention of you, her girlfriend.
"Oooo how well do you know pink beanie girl, first name basis seems a bit serious" Mariona teases Patri.
"I've spoken to her after a few games is all" Patri informs the team defensively.
"Everyone leave Patri alone, if she secretly wants to hook up with pink beanie girl that is her business not ours" Alexia joins in the teasing.
"Guys I'm not hooking up with her, I barely know her, I seriously just talk to her sometimes after games" Patri nervously lies to the team.
"We're just joking Patri, we know she's way out of your league anyway" Mapi laughs at her own joke happily while walking away to begin lining up.
"Hey! She is not out of my league!" Patri calls back offended.
"You did incredible babe" you smile brightly at your girlfriend.
"Baby, I played for 25 minutes and barely had any touches on the ball" Patri explains to you as you really don’t know a thing about football.
"Well my eyes were stuck on number 12 all night and I think you did amazing so who cares what anyone else says" you reply with a sweet tone, you are being completely honest too, you don't particularly care for football so you definitely did spend the entire night eyeing off your girlfriend.
"I kind of need to care what others say so I can improve but I guess none of that is as important as your analysis of the game hey?" Patri asks jokingly.
"Nope you should only listen to me from now on, I'll be the best coach you've ever had" you giggle wildly at your own joke, making Patri smile lovingly at the beautiful sound that is your laugh. 
"I'm not too sure of that, what do you even know about football?" Patri challenges.
"Well I walk around the house repeating that tik tok sound that's like 'Messi, Messi, Messi, goal goal goal!' So I would say I'm an expert" you stick your tongue out at her acting like you made a real point.
"Oh of course, so sorry, let's add you to the coaching hall of fame immediately" Patri bows.
"Yes really" Patri replies.
"No I meant are you really that lame" you finish your insult.
"Wow, I offer you a spot in the hall of fame and this is how you treat me" Patri acts offended.
"Oi Patri we have to go" Alexia calls, making patri realise she's probably spent way too much time after the game talking with you and that it's most likely going to lead to more teasing in the locker room.
"I'll see you at home baby" Patri whispers as she pulls you into a tight hug, waving at you while she walks away.
"Everyone gather around I have important news" Alexia calls around the locker room, standing up on a chair to ensure that everyone is listening to her.
"Get on with it already!" Mapi calls, wanting to leave to go home for the night.
"I'd be nicer to me if I were you Mapi, you are going to love what I have to say" Alexia replies, purposely delaying telling the team her news.
"Fine, I'm sorry, please just tell us" Mapi lazily apologises, hoping it will hurry Alexia up.
"Apology accepted" Alexia smiles, "sooo I just caught our young Patri flirting with pink beanie girl!" Alexia yells towards the end of her sentence as an excited buzz is heard around the locker room.
"That is not true, I was not flirting with her" Patri argues back.
"Oh I absolutely think you were, while it was terrible flirting it was still flirting nonetheless" Alexia speaks sassily, embarrassing the young player more and more.
"Aww young Patri, you have so much to learn, don't worry I'll give you some flirting tips so you can get the girl" Mapi wraps her arm around Patri's shoulder.
"I do not want your help because I wasn't flirting" Patri mumbles, removing Mapi's arm from her shoulder and attempting to walk away.
"Yeah no don't trust Mapi's help, I will help you" Jenni butts in.
"I don't need anyone's help because I was not trying to flirt with her" Patri speaks loudly, picking up her bag, "bye everyone" she calls as she leaves the room making her way out of the stadium.
"So we are going to set her up with pink beanie girl right?" Mapi asks excitedly once she is sure patri is gone.
"Of course we are, it'll take a lot of work though, Patri's flirting was absolutely horrible, I'm surprised that girl still talks to her" Alexia answers.
"Well I guess when you are a fan it doesn't really matter how bad the flirting is you know" Jenni speaks, assuming that you were just excited to be able to speak to someone on the team.
"Baby" Patri calls as she walks into your shared apartment.
"Hey, I missed you" you reply as you run to Patri, barreling her into a hug.
"You saw me like an hour ago at the stadium" Patri laughs.
"I know but it was so long ago and I didn't see you all day soooo" you speak into Patri's chest as you continue to hug her
"Well aren't you cute" Patri replies, kissing the top of your head seeing as your face is still hiding, "also my teammates have started to notice and talk about you"
"Wait really, why?" you question.
"They have just noticed you in the crowd every game and then we're trying to predict today whether you'd be here or not, they asked me and I mentioned your name and they went crazy asking if i have a crush on you" Patri informs you.
"Well, do you?" you ask, looking up at your much taller girlfriend.
"Do i what?"
"Do you have a crush on me?" you ask in a 'duh' tone.
"Yeah I really do" Patri grins, "do you have a crush on me?"
"Hmm maybe, haven't decided yet" you reply in a serious tone.
"Hey!" Patri states offendedly.
"Kidding babe, I have a massive crush on you"
"Good" Patri cuddles you back into her chest.
"Hey! Pink beanie girl!" Mapi yells as she makes her way over to you after the Champions League game against HB Køge.
"Hi" you smile politely, not particularly expecting anyone to come speak to you besides Patri.
"You must be a pretty huge fan, coming all the way to Denmark just to see us play" Mapi smirks lightly.
"Yeah absolutely, it's always good to see you guys play" you avoid mentioning that the only reason you are here is to see your girlfriend.
“(Y/N), hey how are you doing?" Patri greets you in a rather friendly way so she doesn't raise the suspicions of her teammate.
"Patri! You played amazing congratulations" you respond, hugging Patri lightly but quickly letting go.
"I played for a whole half, so I'd say it's an improvement" both Patri and you laugh at the comment, leaving Mapi confused as it wasn't even funny.
"So when's my induction to the hall of fame happening?" you joke back.
"I'll set something up for the next home game"
"Sounds good Patri, I expect that you will be the one giving me the award" you giggle.
"Absolutely, as your number one success story I think it makes the most sense" Patri replies also giggling.
"Okay fun" Mapi interrupts the conversation, "Patri I think one of the coaches wants to talk to you so you should go do that" Mapi basically pushes Patri away so she can talk to you alone.
"Ahhh okay?" she replies confused, she hugs you once more, "bye (Y/N/N), see you next time" Patri says as she walks away.
"Soooo what's going on with you and patri?" Mapi asks instantly.
"What? Nothing is going on" you state defensively knowing you need to not raise any suspicions with your girlfriend's teammate.
"Well you greeted her and I completely differently, you guys are all giggly with inside jokes and she called you (Y/N/N) which means she knows you well enough that you have a nickname, so it must be something, do you have a crush on her?" Mapi asks excitedly, as she does, Alexia joins you, only hearing the end of the question.
"Aww pink beanie girl, do you have a crush on Patri?" Alexia asks, just as excited as Mapi is.
"No, I don't have a crush on her and does everyone at Barça know me as ‘pink beanie girl’?" you ask, changing the topic.
"Yeah none of us knew your name and you wear the same fluorescent pink beanie to every game, so we started calling you that. then Patri knew your name when we asked about you one time, so we definitely think she's into you if you change your mind about the crush thing, we can work something out" Alexia smiles brightly at you.
"I'm good, thank you, though it's a nice gesture. Anyway great game, lovely win, I'll see you guys at the next one" you reply, slowly backing away from the two players so you are no longer stuck in the conversation with them.
"Bad news Patri she is not into you" Mapi yells as she walks into the locker room from talking with you.
"That is not bad news seeing as I'm not into her either" Patri replies, "also the coaches thought I was crazy for asking them what they wanted to talk about so thanks"
"I needed to talk to pink beanie girl without you annoying us, not sorry" Mapi laughs, ruffling Patri's hair as she walks by her.
"Her name is (Y/N), why do you all insist on calling her pink beanie girl?" Patri defends you, probably a bit suspiciously.
"Calm down you, no need to get mad at us because (Y/N/N) doesn't like you" Mapi mocks, putting an emphasis on calling you your nickname.
"Did she say you could call her that?" Patri asks quickly, knowing that you only allow herself and family to call you by that nickname.
"No, but it's better than pink beanie girl right?" Mapi questions.
"No" Patri mumbles.
"Oh my god" Mapi quietly states as she hits Alexia's arm repeatedly.
"What?" Alexia asks, annoyed, swatting Mapi's hands away.
"Look at Patri" Mapi whispers.
"Oh my god"
“That's what I said!" Mapi whisper yells excitedly.
"Hello Patri" Alexia states suspiciously, as both her and Mapi make their way over to the young player.
"Hello Alexia, Mapi, why are you two being so weird?" Patri asks, confused.
"What do you have on your head?" Mapi dramatically questions.
"Umm" Patri feels the top of her head not knowing what the two are on about, she feels woollen material and realises that she grabbed your pink beanie this morning as she was cold. "A beanie" she replies in a chill tone, hoping it will get the two off her back.
"Not just any beanie, a fluorescent pink beanie" Mapi explains like it is obvious.
"Well I'm glad your eyes are working this morning Mapi, can I go now?" Patri asks, attempting to avoid the questioning of her teammates.
"No you can not" Alexia begins, "so you either know this (Y/N) girl in some way or you are a weirdo who bought the same beanie as her, which is it?"
"Okay okay... I know (Y/N)" Mapi and Alexia cheer at the response of their young teammate, "she is my friend" she finishes.
"Booo!" Mapi yells.
"Not true" Alexia counters, "you wouldn't be hiding her from us if you were just friends" she explains logically.
"Ughhh okay, she is my girlfriend" Patri gives in, finally giving the girls the information they want.
"Yessss!" Mapi cheers, happy that another of her teammates is gay, "you're a killer, she is so hot"
"Okay calm down Mapi" Patri chuckles lightly at how excited Mapi is.
"When can we meet her, properly, and not in a weird 'we want to set you up with our teammate even though you two are already together' way" Alexia asks.
"Umm I guess after our next game?" Patri replies, but it is more of a question than anything.
"Perfect I can't wait to embarrass you like you embarrassed us" Alexia happily responds.
"Also I have some questions" Mapi states, extremely seriously.
"Go ahead" Patri sighs.
"Firstly, why does she always wear that beanie to our games?"
"She started doing it so I could spot her easily in the crowd even though I'd be able to spot her without it" Patri answers honestly, happy that she can talk freely about the girl she is so in love with.
"Aww, that's so cute" Alexia states.
"Yeah yeah, next question, does she know anything about football?"
"No, she only comes to our games to support me" Patri answers.
"Aww, that's even cuter" Alexia buts in again.
"Hmm no wonder she didn't congratulate me on my incredible playing against HB Køge but she congratulated you, it makes sense now" Mapi speaks, obviously still caught up on the lack of praise given to her by the girl, "last one, how did you get someone like her to agree to date you?" Mapi laughs as Alexia hits her arm.
"She actually asked me out" Patri smiles, remembering the day, "I was at the beach and she accidentally hit me with a football. She was playing with her little brother, then I asked if I could join. We played together all day and she asked for my number, later she texted me annoyed that her younger brother had to inform her later that I was a professional player from there we went on a few dates and now we've been dating each other for a year and a half and have been living together for six months" Patri gives the girls a synopsis of your relationship.
"Aww that's the cutest" Alexia states.
"Okay well I'm excited to meet her" Mapi smiles, finally allowing Patri to leave and get ready for the training session.
"Should I be worried?" you ask as you and Patri make your way to the Barcelona locker room after their game against Huelva.
"Please don't be, Mapi and Alexia may be a bit overbearing but everyone is super nice so you have no reason to worry" Patri states lovingly, grabbing your hand and squeezing it lightly. 
"Hello you" Mapi states right as the two of you walk through the door.
"Hi again" you reply nervously.
"I have a bone to pick with you" Mapi points a finger in your face as she talks.
"That's enough of you" Patri swipes Mapi's hand away, pulling you further into the room with her.
"But she doesn't even care about football" Mapi whines, wanting to complain to you about how you congratulate Patri after games but not her.
"Sorry about her"
"No it's okay, I feel like if I was a football player I'd be disappointed about others not liking football either" you inform your girlfriend.
"It's never too late to try" Patri hints that she wants a practice partner and that you could be that.
"Remember what happened last time" you laugh thinking about the bruise that was left on Patri's head for weeks after the day they met at the beach.
"yeah i'll stick to playing with Romeo" Patri laughs back.
"Hey! come on my younger brother is not better than me" you pout.
"I'm sorry to tell you this love but he is" Patri sits down at her spot pulling you onto her lap.
"A five year old is better at football than me?" you ask sadly.
"Yeah, but it's okay because you are pretty" Patri kisses your cheek.
"Aww so so cute" Alexia squeals at the two of you.
"Thanks?" you turn to Patri confused.
"She's like that you'll get used to it" Patri informs you.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (part 8 of ?)
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gif by @thesoldiersminute can i send you a cake or something cause fuCk!!!!!!!!!!! he's beautiful
a/n: to everyone still reading this fic, my sweet angels, ily!! this fic is so near and dear to my heart and @stxdyblr-2k has just done such an amazing job with it i can't even thank her enough. as per the last part, this one is also mostly her, just me editing but i hope you guys love it as much as i did!!! don't worry, there's gonna be a lot more :) and i apologize for being not as active, i'm gonna try to get a couple of requests up that i'm really excited about this week tysm for being patient with me <3
love, abi xxx
read part one two three four five six seven | my masterlist
prompt: ada has some talking to do, and you're not about to deny her.
warnings: fluff, semi-angst, tommy being the cocky mf he is (let's be real, it's only acceptable cause he's so damn fine), john being cute and in love and jesus i am head over heels
tagging: @datewithgianni, @mayaslifeinabox, @deepdonutkid, @springsoulofengland, @lilymurphy03, @operation-spot
You had planned to go to Ada's after work, but she obviously had other ideas. She didn't even bother walking in and asking to speak to you; instead, choosing to bang on the window closest to your desk and yelling at you to "fucking hurry up!" Your boss opened the door for you expectantly, not offering you any protection; he was firmly in the Shelby's ever growing pocket and as long as he could go home to his children, his sickly wife and their six bed in the country, with a full time nurse and nanny, he had no interest in crossing Thomas.
"Ada, I was coming to see you after work, I swear."
"I know. I was going to let you but..." She trailed off. "We need to talk. I don't know what the fuck is going on with you. John said he'd seen you last night and you asked after me."
John had indeed seen you last night. It was strange waking up with him, used to leaving almost immediately after he was finished with you. Your small bed could barely comfortably fit you both, having to intertwine your limbs with John's to not fall off the edge. You had awoken to John pressing a kiss to your forehead before lazily trailing his fingers between your legs, waiting for you to open your eyes before settling between your thighs, tongue swirling around your clit, making you cum before sunrise.
"Do we have to do this in the street?" You practically begged, the shouting having attracted onlookers.
"I wanted to talk to you before anyone else in the family gets to you because I need you to be honest."
"No, I'm doing you a favour here, so you fucking listen. Right now, between you and I, no bullshit. No tactics. No white lies. You have to tell me exactly what we're dealing with." She looked frantic, scared for some reason.
You nodded, walking her down the side street, careful not to link arms with her. You knew she was doing you a favour; this wasn't about forgiveness or friendship, much more was at stake here.
"To what extent was Thomas involved?"
That took you off guard. Ada read the confusion on your face and sighed impatiently, her subtle plea for you to keep up.
Shit. You remembered your conversation with John, how she thought this was her brother's way of pushing her out of the company.
"Don't spare my feelings. What did my brother say to you?"
"He said it was in our mutual interest that you didn't find out. He didn't care who John slept with but cared who you trusted so I had to trust him. He said there was no point in upsetting you over one of John's conquests who he'd tire of in a month."
"That all?"
"Pretty much, I didn't know Arthur knew. He never talked to me about it, did laugh at Thomas' digs now that I think on it-"
"Did you know Isaiah and Michael knew?"
"I thought they were aware but no one ever talked to me about it."
"Of course they wouldn't." She hissed, frustration causing a nerve on her neck to jump.
Ada and you had spoken for years about the rampant misogyny of her brothers and any men you two came into contact with. Although you were both far more reserved than you used to be as rebellious and adventurous thirteen year olds, you'd both grew increasingly angry at how you were treated. She'd long written off her brothers as womanisers, who saw women as purely sexual and entertaining, objectifying them. You both long despised how they dehumanised women. She was amazed that Thomas had attempted to settle down and managed a somewhat loving marriage, but resented him for his carelessness and need for power which inevitably killed his wife.
"Ada, I just want to say..." You licked your lip nervously, unsure of how to continue.
"You need to talk, Y/N. No bollocks."
"Before last night, he'd never been to mine or called. I always went to him."
The muscle in her jaw tensed.
"You slept with him last night then?" You met her question with silence and she rolled her eyes. "The second he said he saw you I knew you had, he wanted to tell me that he was going to continue seeing you and that he hoped I'd be able to accept it one day."
"We never intended to hurt you. It was meant to be fun at first, but now..." You cut yourself off with a sigh, unable to admit you'd fallen for her brother.
"Isn't fun for me. It's fucking embarrassing." She paused, lighting a cigarette, nervous to offer you one, conflicted within herself. She raised her eyebrow, prompting you to continue, the mannerism so similar to her brother’s.
"It should never have happened. I am never going to be able to fix this, I'm so fucking ashamed for doing this to you, Ada."
She sulked, silently drinking in your words.
"Obviously it's not going to be the same, yeah? I'm really fucking upset. I'm so fucked off with you but Poll's really worried about a coup. She thinks you're being used as blackmail against John to keep him on side with Tommy while he expands."
"Makes sense."
"You're part of a much bigger game, you know?"
You nodded. "Yeah, and I knew I would lose from the start. Fucking tragic, Ada."
"My brothers keep pushing, keep growing the business. They keep chasing this prize but I don't think it even exists."
"If it does, it isn't worth it if this shit is the cost. I didn't mean to play into his hands."
"You couldn't have known." She said with a shrug, " 'Siah thinks John loves you."
"He told me last night." Several times, this morning also. You would never tire of hearing him moan those words into your neck or being yelled from your front door as he left for the office.
"You love him, don't you?" She said bluntly, a statement more than a question, your face suddenly hot with embarrassment.
Everything you'd suppressed for months, everything that you'd hidden, every time you lied smiling, every knowing glance from a stranger, every degrading comment from under Thomas' breath.
"I do, an awful lot."
She pauses, relighting her cigarette, "The worst thing about the entire situation is it could've been fine if someone told me. I wouldn't have loved it, obviously, but-" Ada sighed, rubbing her temple with her free fingers.
"I thought you'd hate me."
"How could I? I'd be more angry that you'd drop your standards for my brother. Seriously? Him? Mate…."
"Come off it, I've always thought he was charming. He's funny, smart-"
"Don't gush over my brother, it's grim. I'm just so fucked off you all lied to me." She peered at you through her cigarette smoke. "If you love him and he loves you..." she pressed her lips together as she tensed her jaw, "I could get over it. If it'd make you both happy. But that's going to take a long time. A long time."
"Look I have meetings and shit to sort, I have to run." She interjected, checking her wristwatch, adjusting the cap which sat atop her trendy short haircut. You caught her arm before she could turn away.
"Thank you. For understanding."
She shrugged you off, "I don't get it, I'd never do that to you. But you also don't get to choose who you're attracted to. I'm really hurt, but I do love you and John a lot. He mentioned that after last night you helped him, got him cleaned up. I have to believe that you both do love each other. So I have to believe that this is a good idea for you both and not stand in your way."
"I love you, Ada. Can we hang out soon, just us two?"
She shook her head. "I need some time, I'll be in touch, yeah?"
You nod, stretching out your pinky finger. She sighed and linked it with hers, as you'd done since you were children, a silent signal to each other after a fight that you still had the other's back.
"Right, I've got to get back to this meeting, Tom is getting done by Polly for nearly getting John killed. I need to be there in case one of the lads needs patching up."
"Your aunt has a nasty left hook, I'll give her that."
"She'll be pleased you think so, she wanted Tommy to slice you to bits for crossing me."
"Fuck’s sake, thanks for the warning, I'll keep my head down. Good luck with the meeting."
Ada nodded and you watched her walk away, a Blinder suddenly appearing by her side seemingly from nowhere. This city was crawling with them. They clambered into Ada's car as you watched the car disappear into the distance before walking back to work. Thankfully, with your head still attached to your shoulders.
Ada arrived at Thomas' estate, following the swell of shouting voices to his exquisite library. It was eye roll worthy and typical Tommy to choose the location of his post-fuckup debrief to be where he had the best view of the gardens, river and rolling hills. She could bet he'd sit in a corner and stare at the view, zoning out their aunt's lecture.
An armed blinder she vaguely recognised opened the door. Thomas was making a statement today with the armed guards, she noted. Her brothers really were fucked up. Arthur was an alcoholic killer who couldn't understand that Thomas would betray them all eventually, Finn was letting the tokyo and the razor chasers that circled him distract him from keeping the family together, John was apparently in love with her best friend, and finally, Thomas nearly got Arthur and John murdered last night with his foolishness. At this point only herself and Polly were holding everyone together, keeping everything silently moving along.
The door opened, and she was the last to arrive, Polly glaring as she murmured an apology, standing next to Finn. His eyes were bloodshot, grey-purple smudges under his eyes, he'd obviously had a heavy night. The last thing the poor lad needed was Polly's shrill yelling and the blinding sun streaming through the large immaculately crafted windows, which he'd tried to block with the brim of his cap. John caught her eye, acknowledging his sister with a nod, which she returned with a small tight smile.
Ada couldn't bear to think about the reasoning behind her brother's smug interjections in between Polly's rant to Thomas who was listening wordlessly, smoking.
Y/N and John? It didn't make sense. They had a similar sense of humour, sure, but she was far too intelligent for him. He also had a swarm of children, while Y/N preferred a wild night out only staggering home at daybreak.
It made far more sense for Y/N to end up with Michael, or if it had to be a brother, Finn. They were younger, so had less responsibilities and commitments so they could keep up with her. But John? Of course she knew he was believed to be the Casanova of her brothers, he was kind, he was an excellent father, yet he could never keep anyone around long, usually John was chasing someone new after a month or so. That's why the revelation that John had been involved with her best friend for almost half a year had taken her completely by surprise. Maybe that was why she was open to them being together. That had to be it. This relationship was completely out of character for John; she needed to believe that he was serious about his feelings towards Y/N and wasn't going to fuck her over. Because if he did, John would be a dead man.
"I don't know why you're all bleating at me. Yeah, I overlooked some details in the planning of last night's meeting-"
"Such as warning us that they were really fucked off because you'd helped bomb their warehouse." John pointed out.
"What do you want me to do? Apologise? Grow up, John." Tommy snapped back.
"They had loaded guns against their heads, they deserve an apology." Ada interjected, John giving her an appreciative flash of smile. She did love her big brother. Despite the fact that she'd pretty much only been yelling at him for the past month, John never dismissed her feelings and only apologised. It was confusing to admit to herself, but when Isaiah told her that he was confident John loved Y/N, she felt a wave of relief. At least he cared about her; it was the bare minimum but the Shelbys were notorious for not even meeting the bare minimum for acceptable social interactions.
"They didn't fuckin’ get shot." Thomas stated, his voice matter of fact and condescending.
"Do you ever hear yourself speak?" Polly spit back at him. "They didn't get shot this time. But it was too fucking close."
"It won't happen again, Polly." Tommy sighed. "What else can I say? Sorry lads, take the weekend off?"
"It's a good start." Arthur countered, "You're also paying for the extension on my house and my wedding."
"Fuck’s sake Arthur I was joking. But fine. Sure."
"You can't buy your family off." Polly scoffed at him.
"Think of it as compensation, a settlement." Thomas coolly corrected his aunt. "What do you want, John? A fucking farm?"
John hesitates while Finn whispered suggestions to him, Ada meeting his stare, John raising a brow to her in question. She sighed and nodded her approval.
"You can pay off my mortgage Tom, give me the kids' birthdays off-"
"So you'd never come into work then?" Finn cut in, Ada elbowing him in the ribs. She usually enjoyed Finn's remarks but she knew where John was heading; she could barely breathe.
"Tom, you're also to leave Y/N completely alone. If you have a problem with her, you come to me about it." He said firmly.
Arthur and Tommy traded knowing looks, obviously more aware of the ins and outs of his relationship than Ada was.
"Also if you're paying for Arthur's wedding I want the equivalent in cash." He adds.
Tommy shrugged. "Whatever. As long as we can move past last night and focus on today's order of business."
John nodded, satisfied. He knew Tom wouldn't care, but just saying out loud that he was involved with Y/N and having his family aware was a relief. He hadn't realised until he finally admitted how stressful keeping his relationship a secret was. Now, he could stop worrying about Tommy interfering.
Polly rolled her eyes, lecturing the brothers on their lack of moral backbone to allow themselves to be bought off, but dismissed them. She caught Ada's arm in hers on their way out, pulling her far from earshot.
"So Y/N and John are together now?" She asked, her face firm and scowling.
"Polls, I talked with her, she's aware of what she's done. She apologised and meant it. What more can I ask for?"
"Her not to have fucked him in the first place."
"She said that. Look, Polls, they're happy right? John seems happy-"
"He always is when he gets a leg over."
"You know she looked after him last night? Fixed him up after the meeting."
"Meeting? It was a fucking set up." Polly hissed but her face had softened. "She cleaned him up?"
"Antiseptic, bandages and all."
Polly looked subtly impressed, although she'd never admit it. "He went to hers? Not yours?"
"He wanted to talk to her." Ada shrugs, "I saw her this morning and-"
"What do you mean? You bumped into her?"
"I went to her work." Ada admitted, her aunt shooting her an exasperated glare.
"Why do I bother? Nobody listens to me."
"I had to talk to her, I'm glad I did. She reckons she loves him, he told her last night that he loves her, so..."
"We are talking about John? Our John?"
"I know Polls, I'm as amazed as you."
Her aunt huffed, unimpressed. "Are you okay with it though?"
"I guess, I just want them to be happy. I've told them to give me time with it."
"She was a good friend growing up, but people change, sometimes for the better, often for the worse."
"Poll, it's Y/N; she's my best friend. At the end of the day, we'd do anything for each other."
"Sweet Ada, you're going to be so miserable if you keep letting people walk all over you." Polly said wisely, kissing her goodbye affectionately. "I hope you're right. If she makes you cry again I'll kill her myself."
"Thanks, Polls."
She knew her aunt wasn't joking.
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A Comedy of Errors. Chapter 3: The Way of the Aces.
Please read the previous chapters before proceeding!!
Click here to read Chapter 1: Negotiations.
Click here to read Chapter 2: Suga the Setter.
Background: Y/N is a transfer student who joined Karasuno High in her second year because her family shifted to Miyagi. She is a volleyball player and plays as a wing spiker (ace) in the Girl’s Volleyball team.
Pairing: Karasuno x fem reader || Romantic Pairing: Asahi x fem reader
NOTE: Y/N plays volleyball in this. I am not familiar with all the rules of the game so pls 2 forgive if I get any of the technicalities wrong.
Genre: Fluff and comfort with sprinkles of comedy this time! || SFW
A/N: At last, the final chapter. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I really poured my entire soul into this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Say, since you guys are already here. Why don’t you stay and watch us practice?" Asahi's lifespan is being shortened with every word as Suga invites Y/N and Michimiya to watch them practice. Asahi waits with bated breath. Even though he is extremely nervous, a part of him does want you to stay. So, when you do say yes, he doesn't know whether to feel happy or run out of the gym screaming. As they walk off to warm up, Suga whispers to him, "I know you're probably thinking about how you're going to fuck up your play and embarrass yourself in front of her. But while you're at it, maybe you should also think about what will happen if you actually play well." Asahi nods. "Suga." "Hmm?" "Thank you. For everything you just did. I really do appreciate it." "Of course! I'm just glad it worked out well." "And you are right, I do like her. I don't know her much but I would like to." "Aha, finally some truth around here! Well, then we just gotta make sure you give her a show worth remembering!" Suga says, winking.
Michimiya had been watching the game intently, as was evident by her gasps and comments on everything. But you? You hadn't been able to keep your eyes off of Asahi the entire game. So much so, that you had barely given a second thought to the first years' amazing quick attack or Nishinoya's outstanding libero skills.
Asahi's spikes, his serves, his receives, his posture, his spirit, and his determination had you just...rapt with attention.
"In case you are wondering, yes, he is single." Michimiya's whisper startles you.
"W-what?" you start to blush. "I'm just taking notes!"
"But I didn't even specify who I was talking about."
You turn redder.
"He's really nice too, you know. A very genuine and kind person. I think you two would make a cute couple."
Your face is so hot now that you're sure you'll hear a sizzle any moment. You turn your head back towards the game to avoid Michimiya's gaze.
"I- I don't know who you are talking about."
Michimiya chuckles. "Of course you don't."
Even though you can feel Michimiya's gaze on you, you can't help but smile as you watch Asahi land another beautiful spike in the opponent's court.
You didn't know, of course, that you being around and watching him had been a huge boost of motivation for him to perform at his peak. You didn't know how he had been wondering what you were thinking about him the entire game. You didn't know how hard it had been for him to not glance at you after every move he made, just to see your reaction.
But he didn't know how you had felt either. He didn't know how your heart rate sped up every time he came on to serve. He didn't know you had also felt frustrated whenever his spike got shut down, feeling as though you had been shut down. He didn't know how you had wanted to shout and cheer him on but you hadn't because you didn't want to come off as a weirdo.
Truly, you would make a good couple.
Practice is now over. Asahi's team won both the practice matches (of course they did, Suga would not have had it any other way). You and Michimiya walk over to the third years. As Michimiya starts gushing to Daichi about their game, you turn to Asahi.
"You were really - glorious, brilliant, like a God, I wish you were spiking me instead - amazing out there," you say, your eyes full of admiration.
Asahi instantly turns a deep shade of red.
"Th-thank you." He says with a smile.
"See, I told you he is great!" Suga says with a proud smile on his face.
"You were right. Karasuno really has a very talented ace."
"No, it has two of them," Asahi says, looking at you with a smile.
Now it is your turn to blush.
"Aah, I wish. I'm not quite there yet. I'm definitely nowhere close to your level," you say.
"I would love to help you any way I can."
"I would be honoured to learn from you," you say with a bow.
Suga piped up, "It's Saturday tomorrow! The boys' gym will be free till 10AM. If you want, we can practice here early morning. Say, around 7? Asahi can teach you the techniques and I can set for you both. We'll ask Daichi and Michimiya too if they want to join." and before you can answer, Suga is off to ask Daichi and Michimiya.
Wow, he really doesn't wait for an answer, huh.
Asahi looks at you and he can see you're a little unsure. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, it's just... I really don't want to bother you guys so early in the morning like that."
"It's no problem at all, we usually practice early on the weekends anyway." Asahi says with a reassuring smile. That seems to melt your doubts away.
Suga walks back to you. "I've spoken to the two of them, they will join us but a little later."
"It's sorted, then." you say, smiling.
Of course, Asahi was the one who ended up walking you home that night.
Of course, Suga was "late" for the morning practice the next day, giving you and Asahi a lot of time to get comfortable around each other get nervous and DIE.
Of course, situations like these happened more than a few times.
Before you know it, two months have passed. With Asahi and Michimiya's help, you improved tremendously and the Karasuno Girls Volleyball team cleared the first set of qualifying rounds for the Spring Interhigh. And so did the boys.
During this time, you and Asahi have become really good friends. Since you two live in the same area, you often end up going to school and walking home together, giving you a lot of time to talk about every topic under the sun. It took a while but you are now very comfortable around each other. In fact, Asahi himself wonders how he is able to tell you things so easily.
Both of your friend groups (and your entire school, also the neighbouring schools, random passersby, street dogs, birds flying past - you know, basically anyone with eyes) can see that you two are absolutely head-over-heels for each other. The only two people who don't know it are you two.
The way Asahi had gone out of his way to teach you everything he knew; how patiently he had walked you through every technique, every mistake; how he had sweetly asked you for permission every time before correcting your posture and showing you the right finger placement (mind outta the gutter fellas, we talking about volleyball here); how every time he did that, you felt a jolt of electricity whenever his fingers touched you (I promise it is still about volleyball); how he cares about even the littlest things regarding you; how every time he smiles reassuringly at you, the world feels all right again; how supportive and encouraging he has been through it all: You have fallen for him harder than you have ever fallen in your entire life.
And you just keep falling harder and harder every moment you spend with him. He has become your comfort now. No matter how stressed or nervous you are, just having Asahi around makes you feel much calmer and confident.
Asahi, on the other hand, has smiled more in these last two months than he has ever smiled. He can't help it, being around you just makes him feel like he is floating. He was blown away by how talented and hard working you are and is so proud of the progress you have made.
The way you are so kind to him. The way you always speak up whenever someone makes fun of him. The way you always hype him up and believe in him. The way the world seems to stop every time you smile at him. The way your laugh has become his favourite sound in the world. Asahi could not be more enamoured by you even if he tried. You too, are his comfort now. He knows he can talk to you about every "sentimental" topic on earth without being made fun of.
The only problem is: You both are afraid that this comfort you find in each other will be ruined if either of you confesses and the other does not reciprocate your feelings. It is now a waiting game to see who spikes their ball into the other's court first, if at all.
You are shaking. Partly with excitement, partly with nerves. After defeating Tohoku High, only one school remains between you and the nationals: Niiyama Joshi, one of the most powerful schools that always makes it to nationals when it comes to the Miyagi prefecture.
The boys' game had ended earlier than yours and they had already left the stadium. You were absolutely delighted to hear that they beat Seijoh. Now, they have to face Shiratorizawa, another powerhouse school that always makes it to the nationals.
You and Asahi both have your own mountains to climb tomorrow.
As you are walking out of the stadium with your teammates, you spot something.
"Hey, you guys go ahead, I will be right there." you say and turn back.
It's been a very long day but you cannot sit still at all. You cannot stop thinking about the match tomorrow. Your hands are sweaty knees weak, arms are heavy because you keep clenching your fists open and shut as you pace around your bedroom. You had hoped to be able to meet Asahi and maybe feel a little better but by the time you had reached school, the boys had already left. You know how big a day it is for him tomorrow too so you don't want to bother him by asking him to meet. However, you should at least text him and congratulate him on his victory. You open your phone and see you already have a message from him:
Asahi: Hey, I heard you guys beat Tohoku! Congratulations! I knew you could do it.
You smile.
You: Thanks, I still can't believe we did that!!! Congratulations on beating Seijoh!! I heard it was a close match.
Asahi: Thanks! Yeah, it was anyone's game by the end. It was really intense. But we managed to win. Also, I had full faith that you would make it!
You: Damn, wish I could have seen it. Sooo, Shiratorizawa next. How are you feeling?
Asahi: Really, really nervous. They're really strong and I don't think anyone believes we can beat them.
You: Well, you just gotta prove them wrong, then! I truly believe that you guys can do it.
Asahi: I really hope so. Anyway, what about you? How are you feeling about going up against Niiyama tomorrow?
You: Honestly, I cannot stop shaking and thinking about tomorrow. We are so close and I just don't want to screw up and let my team down.
Asahi: Can you get out of your house?
You stare at your phone for a moment before replying.
You: Yeah, I can sneak out the backdoor. Why?
Asahi: Sneak out after 5 minutes. I'll be there.
You: You sure about this? It's late and you need to rest for tomorrow too.
Asahi: I'm sure and I'm already on my way.
You grab your schoolbag and quietly make your way out the backdoor. You see Asahi standing outside your house. He's wearing a purple t-shirt and is carrying a bag in his hand. He smiles and waves at you as you make your way towards him. The knots in your stomach are already starting to loosen.
"Hey, Asahi!"
"Hey, Y/N, I'm sorry for making you sneak out like this but... I couldn't help myself when I read your messages."
"No, it's completely alright. Actually, to be honest, I was kind of hoping to meet you too. I-I always feel calmer after talking to you."
Asahi blushes.
"I always feel better after talking to you too."
You can feel the heat starting to build in your face as you smile at him in response.
Asahi continues, "I-I know I am not good with words. But I want to tell you that I know exactly how you feel. You won't let anyone down. I have seen you play and really, you have nothing to worry about. You have made it this far and you are strong enough to take it further."
His words make you want to cry. He has always shown so much faith in you. You look at the ground and don't say anything as you try to hold back your tears.
"-And I - uh - got you something that I thought might make you feel better."
You look up in surprise and you see him reaching his hand into the bag he brought with him. As you watch, he pulls out a light blue cloth. It's a t-shirt.
You gasp as you recognize what it is.
He holds the t-shirt open by the sleeves so that you can read what's written.
It's a "The Way of the Ace" T-shirt.
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"Oh my God!!" you say loudly.
He is completely thrown off by your reaction as you throw your head back and laugh.
Oh no. Does she think this is lame? Asahi starts to panic.
You reach into your own bag and pull out a similar looking light blue cloth. Asahi's eyes widen.
"I bought this today at the stadium for you. I know how important tomorrow's match is for you and I knew you'd be nervous so I wanted to give you this as a motivational sort of good luck thing." you say as you hold out a larger sized "The Way of the Ace" T-shirt.
All of your tension and nerves melt away as you both stand there laughing and holding the T-shirts.
"I hope I got the right size," Asahi says as you exchange the t-shirts.
"It's perfect!" You both say at the same time and erupt into a hearty laugh again.
"Thank you, Asahi. I feel a lot better now. Really, thank you for everything. We wouldn't have made it this far if not for your help."
"It was all you, Y/N. All I did was show you the way. You walked it on your own."
"Yeah, you showed me the way of the Ace." you say, smiling.
The score is 30-31 and it is match point for Karasuno Girls' High School against Niiyama Joshi for what seems to be like the 100th time. It has just been ties after ties after ties and every set has stretched well into the 30s. Somewhere at the beginning of the fifth set, you looked up to see the Karasuno boys piling into the stands to cheer your team on. From the looks of it, they won their match against Shiratorizawa.
Playing such intense 5 sets back to back has taken a massive toll and the players on both sides of the court are at their limit. However, it is now your turn to serve and if you manage to get this point, you will be through to the nationals.
"Y/N, GIVE US A NICE SERVE!!" the boys cheer for you from the audience.
Your knees are quaking and you feel like you can barely stand, much less run or jump. You are so out of breath that you feel like you are going to pass out any minute. As you somehow force yourself to walk into position, you can feel your knees buckling under you.
As you stand there, waiting for the referee to blow the whistle, your eyes instinctively search for Asahi. Even though he is far, you can easily spot him due to his height and the familiar light blue t-shirt he has changed into after his match.
As your eyes meet, Asahi cups his hands around his mouth and BELLOWS.
The whistle blows.
You barely have time to realize what happened as you are tackled to the ground by your teammates. There's a lot of hugging and crying and shouting.
As you recover from your shock, it finally registers. It was a service ace. Niiyama's libero had tried to dig the ball but it had bounced out of bounds.
You've won.
Tears of exhaustion and exhilaration start to flow from your eyes as you hug your teammates.
Your feet are killing you as you walk out of the locker room towards the bus, wearing your own WotA t-shirt. It's late and the corridor is silent and empty as you're one of the very last few people to leave.
"I told you you could do it."
You look up and see Asahi standing a little further ahead, smiling at you.
You don't say anything, you just walk up to him and hug him. He seems taken aback but only for a bit as, barely a second later, you feel his large arms wrap around you tightly.
You both stand there for a while, both too exhausted to speak but finding comfort in each other's arms. It just feels so...right. Like this is exactly where and how you are meant to be.
When you finally break apart, you can see that Asahi is looking a little nervous.
"S-say, Y/N. I was wondering... i-if you would maybe want to go on a- on a date with me?"
Your eyes widen in surprise.
"It is completely okay if you don't! I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anythi-"
"Yes, yes, YES! I will go on a date with you."
"Really? You really want to go out with me?"
"Yes. Honestly, Asahi, I fell for you a long time ago. I was just afraid of freaking you out and ruining our friendship. So, I didn't say anything."
Asahi let out a little laugh. "It's freaky how we think so similarly because same." He takes your hand in his. "I fell for you the day I met you. And I just kept falling harder and harder the more I got to know you. I just never imagined you would feel the same way for me too."
"I do, I do, I so do! I always have!"
Both of you have the biggest smiles on your faces as you stand there holding hands and looking into each other's eyes.
You suddenly start to blush furiously.
"So...um...since we usually seem to be thinking the same thing. Um, would you like to kiss me?"
Asahi's eyes open so wide that you're worried they'll pop out of their sockets any minute. He is blushing furiously as he simply nods and leans in.
Your heart is thundering as your lips meet. But, it's Asahi. He kisses you with such tenderness and affection that you just melt into him.
The two aces of Karasuno walk out of the stadium hand-in-hand, wearing their matching WotA T-shirts. You're going to nationals, you've found some really great friends and you have found each other. Life is good.
Finally, I am so happy with how this turned out. I was stuck for a while trying to decide where to go with this story and I was panicking a little about not updating sooner. But I am glad I did not hurry this up because I really LOVE the turn this took in my head which it wouldn't have if I hadn't let the ideas stew in my mind for a while.
I know this was a long read but I really hope you guys enjoyed it and it was worth the read and the wait.
Likes, comments, reblogs and follows are always appreciated. Please DO NOT repost
Buy me a Kofi! <3
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 10 "Thanksgiving"
Listen. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I don't think I can bone you right now.
My wanger is way stressed out.
I've killed for our love.
I just gave her a little push.
You and I can pick up right where we left off.
You can bring me home for Thanksgiving and introduce me to my future in-laws.
What did you do with the body?
I put it in the meat locker. It's where we've been putting all the dead bodies.
I need to see the body.
Look, we can have a three-way with the body.
I'll show you the body, but not so you can have sex with it.
I'll show it to you so that you and I will share a dangerous secret that will strengthen our relationship and bring us closer together.
I don't understand how this keeps happening!
Is this meat locker, like, a wormhole to an alternate universe or something?
She'll probably stop at nothing until she gets her revenge by murdering you.
No one wants to spend a room service Thanksgiving alone.
Are you going to talk at all?
You shouldn't be mad at me.
We're the sane ones.
Now, I know you've got other plans today, and for alibi's sake we need to protect your cover, but I am not letting you leave on an empty stomach.
Is that what quail is? I thought they were bigger.
You know what I was picturing? Pheasant.
Time to slice off those breasts.
I feel like this holiday is all about family, and, well, as you know, I gave up on my real family a long time ago.
I mean, at this point, the closest thing I have to family is. . . you.
I understand that Thanksgiving is supposed to be about family and being together and thanking God that we were born rich in America and not in Uganda or Venezuela or any of those other African countries.
You're late. The game's just about to start.
What do you think would happen if those instructions were incorrect?
This family's fortune is built on being right on time.
There's nothing better than sitting together as a family, watching the game. Laughing, smiling, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. That's what it's all about today. Togetherness.
I hate defrosted food.
Why is it called Italian Style Chicken Cacciatore? All chicken cacciatore is Italian style.
This is not what Thanksgiving is supposed to be.
A bunch of my sort-of friends have been killed and no one has asked me about it.
Oh. And I'm starting a new family tradition. It involves me never coming to any family occasions ever again.
Would you stop with the screaming?
It's more like a stay of execution until no one is looking.
I've never cooked before, but that should be fine, since I usually just pretend to eat.
Well, I can cook and eat for the both of us.
So we've decided to have an orphans Thanksgiving all together.
I mean, I guess you could come over here if you wanted.
And this year I'm so thankful for the lax indecency laws in Eastern Europe that inundate our Internet with millions of hours of hard-core porn.
You know, ever since I was a little boy, I knew what God wanted me to do and that was make money off the backs of creative people.
I am so thankful that he, for whatever reason, has not murdered me yet.
You have such a vast future ahead of you.
You'll meet so many new and different women. So many wonderful women to go out with and break up with and move on from.
You should be thankful that this table is too long for me to reach across and strangle you, bitch!
What are you doing here? How are you alive?
When I woke up and regained consciousness, I felt better than ever.
The only thing you're carrying is water weight, you bloated little tramp.
I have a little game to play that's gonna make the time fly right by.
No, I've never killed anyone as far as I know.
Okay, there is no evidence at all that mass murder is genetic.
I would say that is more than a little suspicious.
I have bathroom shame issues. I always wait until everyone is asleep and then I sneak down to poop in the little powder room downstairs.
I mean, don't we all agree that those babies are the killers?
That seems like an unnecessarily complicated cover story.
I think we have plenty here to go to the police.
What, are you drunk?
You know, the one time I call you for a little advice, you're hammered.
I suppose we should discuss the matter of payment.
I'm asking you to name your price.
Are you propositioning me?
No, I'm asking how much money it'll take to make you go away.
My family is super-gross rich.
That outfit screams desperation.
I am, however, willing to write you a check for $50,000 if you will leave now and never come back.
It's a lot of money for a family like yours.
What is the best part about Thanksgiving?
Tastes like Henry VIII just barfed in my mouth.
Well, I don't want to sound like a dick here, but have you ever considered maybe you should leave?
I brought some of my famous eight-meat stuffing. It's beef, venison, alligator, buffalo, rabbit, goat, rattlesnake and Spam. I cut all of the meats super thin, so that you're guaranteed every meat in every bite.
I thought you said you were leaving forever or something like that?
Have you ever even cracked open a book?
You did say just the other day that the only way to live is to play the long game.
I really hope you can come up with something better than that.
I can prove that you're the only person in this room we know for a fact is a murderer.
I saw you in the coffee shop the other day, reading one of your old Playgirl magazines.
Okay, look, there's just some stuff that doesn't add up.
Look, I've gone through all the suspects in my mind, and I can explain away all my suspicions for everyone except you.
Can we just talk this out, so you can help me see that I'm wrong?
I mean, it would fit in with your whole hard worker, let's find out the truth, never take no for an answer, awful personality.
Anything to redeem your beloved dead mother.
I can't rest when the killer's still out there, so I stayed behind to do some more research.
You're skinny and pretty, so that's a plus, but it's highly competitive, so you'd better be rich, too.
You know how at the beginning of the year, I was always secretly following you so I could just keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe?
I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't hear what it was about.
Thank you for letting me talk about this, talk this out, and hear your side of the story.
Um, homely, ugly.
Gold digger! Not welcome.
No, no, too chunky to wear that outfit.
I'm fairly certain this board game's been tampered with.
And while my motivations were airtight and my conscience clear, still, I'm sorry.
I mean, no one deserves to be spoken to like that, particularly not by what is, without a doubt, the most awful family in America.
I've honestly seen more tasteful decor at a Sizzler.
And you, sir, give the kind, hard-working, deeply moral people who work in such a wonderful industry as Hollywood a bad name.
I am walking out that door and never speaking to you again.
How could such a stud evolve from a boy who was so clearly a douche?
Oh, please, look, I-I was so bombed at that party. I mean, I remember I puked while I was making out with some girl, but there is no way that I could've found my way back down there 20 minutes later, let alone 20 years.
This is really embarrassing, um, but I started the paleo diet, because I'm back on the dating scene now, and I-I wanted to lose some weight.
I never saw a body down there.
I-I was a bit of a man slut back in the day, and it was the '90s, so nobody wore condoms.
I'm obligated to take it to the police.
What are you gonna do with the money?
didn't take the money, idiot.
Okay, first of all, I experienced extreme emotional trauma this evening, and second, I'm the one delegating tasks, thank you very much.
I couldn't find any matches.
I was sharpening this knife.
You haven't eaten yet, have you? I knew it!
You've come back. You've chosen me over your awful family.
First of all, my family is awesome. How dare you?
So, without further ado, dinner is served.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Only Traitors Consort With The Damned. (Part Ten)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: blood, mentioned death, injury, gun violence
Context: The SRS have finally arrived, in time for Halloween.
A/N: This is a little bit late, but it's slightly Halloween themed, so I hope that it's still alright! Spot the reference I "accidentally" left in there😉😅
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Eerie music plays from hidden speakers as the costumed crowd ambles by, children screaming and laughing as scare actors jump out at them, the variety of zombies, witches and mummies, not to mention vampires, too, astounding, movie characters and even some book characters making appearances around every turn, familiar and unfamiliar lines being spoken to cheerful bypassers. Painted masks and faces litter the mixed throng of people, the twinkling, orange-cast lights throwing the crevices of each visage into sharper definition, ghoulish grins becoming longer, twisted grimaces becoming even more painful, the many slashers roaming the Boardwalk now covered in a blacker blood than before, each fake knife, axe and machete lathered in the stuff. A sickly sweet odour lingers in the air as sweets and chocolate are passed around, often accompanied by a smoking joint, or sachet of some other high-class substance, the strong reek of sweat providing an unpleasant undertone as the stifling costumes heat their wearers despite the late October chill.
As a child, I used to love Halloween. There was always something enchanting about it: you could become anything, or anyone you wanted for the night, and no one would question you on your choice, or look at you oddly because everyone was doing the same. A cheery atmosphere always seemed to hang over the annual event, the leading pumpkins that glittered along the streets and the creative decorations building up the necessary excitement over the weeks before the 31st; a fun game of mine had been to run down the streets of my hometown and count every pumpkin we could see, separately, and see who had the highest tally at the end of the day. Once the winner had been decided, they'd get first dibs on the treats handed to us at each door when we later went Trick-Or-Treating, a rule which drew many arguments to the table when we eventually compiled our loot.
Now, as I watch the roaming children, all I can think of is how easy it is for the supernatural to wreck havoc on this night, given that the spiritual veil is much thinner than usual, and no one suspects anyone of the authenticity of their outfit until it's too late. On his night, the SRS always have their hands full, meaning everyone is deployed, not just the normal Hunters: the retired Soldiers still capable of fighting, Clean-Up teams and A.R.O (Aftermath Recon Operatives) Soldiers all made to help out with the bloody massacres that occur all over the country. The holiday has a morbid side that no one sees, and there's always a high body count the next morning.
Beside me, Marko pushes and shoves at people that come too close, the vampire loudly criticizing any costume made to look like his species, his "improvements" just a little too specific to be joking ones, not quite realising that I'm not listening to him. Instead, I'm scanning the crowds, looking out for the tell tale uniform and tactics used by the SRS Clean-Up teams, eyeing any suspicious person keenly until they prove to me they aren't a threat, often earning me harsh stares from their companions. The two of us look out of place in our "normal" clothing, neither of us dressing up, as we forgot that it was, in fact, the 31st, meaning a costume would've provided a good disguise in case we do come across any dangers. Even as we walk, I bite at my lip, feeling very exposed in my current state, my fists clenching at my sides as I try to stop myself from fidgeting too much, knowing that a nervous disposition is a great disadvantage in a fight, should one break out.
"Hey can we get something to eat? I kinda want some food." Marko suddenly asks me, not waiting for my reply as he pulls me over to a nearby sweet stand, the vampire excited by the prospect of buying the sugary treats.
Uneasy, I stand and turn back to the crowd, watching each face closely, my gut starting to feel odd as I notice something odd about a certain few members of the crowd. Eyes widening in realisation, I grab the back of Marko's coat and drag him away from the stand and into the alley behind it, ignoring his protests as I clap a hand over his mouth.
"Be quiet." I command him in a low voice, giving him a warning look as I slowly take my hand away from his mouth.
"What are you doing?" He hisses at me, eyes narrowed.
"They're here." I respond, looking out at the crowd as I try to figure out what to do, thinking over my options until I notice that someone has spotted us over here; someone who I've already identified.
As I watch, they start to make their way over to the stand, casually wading through the people around them as they try to look inconspicuous, though the mere sight of them makes my pulse hitch.
Thinking quickly, I grab the front of Marko's jacket and pull him closer, pressing my back to the wall as I lean closer to his face, ignoring his shocked expression.
"Kiss me, quick!" I order him, wrapping my hands around his neck as he splutters slightly.
"Do it!" I growl, pulling him closer.
Still shocked, the vampire leans in and presses his lips to mine, carefully kissing me until I yank on his hair, silently asking him to be a little more rough, to which he responds by shoving me harder into the wall, his hands gripping my hips much tighter. Groaning slightly, I momentarily forget why we're in this situation, letting myself enjoy the rough kisses as he ravishes my mouth with his tongue, only opening my eyes again to look briefly over his shoulder at the Boardwalk, noticing that the person is no longer there. Knowing this, I let the kiss come to its natural end, before pulling away.
"Thanks..." I say, awkwardly, blushing as he reluctantly lets me go, the vampire clearly wanting more as he allows his hand to linger at my hip a little longer than necessary.
"No problem." He wipes his mouth, grinning at me as he regains his composure, "What did you need it for?"
"One of them was coming over here, and it was the first thing I could think of." I admit sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Right." Marko lifts an eyebrow, smirking, "How did you know it was one of them?"
I laugh, dryly, gesturing with my head for him to follow me back out into the crowd.
"Well, back in New Orleans, the head of the SRS realised one Halloween that our Soldiers need a disguise for this particular night, without being too conspicuous, so that they fit in but can also be recognised by each other. She decided that the mask of a plague doctor would be fitting. She said it works for us, because we're ridding the world of a "plague", just as they were." I roll my eyes, "Obviosuly, this makes them very easy for me to spot them, seeing as I used to dress up the same way."
"Oh, right." Marko nods, understandingly, evidently sending some mental explanation to the rest of the vampires, who are stationed around the Boardwalk.
"You can tell them apart, because they have a golden cross engraved just below the right eye on the mask, so we don't get mixed up with others." I clarify for him.
"Good to know." He frowns, "Did you say she decided? As in the head of the SRS is a girl?"
I nod, a little annoyed by the question, but knowing where he's coming from.
"Yep. Her name is Valentine Fletcher. She's the best fighter we've ever had and has the largest body count of all. Not even the Generals around the world come close to her efficiency, she's just too good. I've met her once, and she was also one of the most stuck-up princesses I've ever come across."
"I guess that's why she's the leader, then." Marko chuckles, throwing an arm around my shoulders.
"Excuse me." An unfamiliar voice interrupts us, a hand placing itself firmly on my shoulder as I turn around to face the person. My heart drops as I take in the eerie black beak-shaped mask, the golden cross glittering under the right eye as they catch the lights, the cloaked figure keeping a strong grip on my arm.
"Can I help you?" I ask, getting ready to run as Marko notices the cross, too.
"Yes, I was wondering if you could come with me." The Soldier says, though the tone in her voice is much more demanding, informing me that there is, in fact, no choice.
"I'd rather not." Without a second thought, I slam my arm into her elbow, snapping it inwards as she lets out a surprised cry, allwoig me time to duck under her and and push past her, sprinting away into the crowd with Marko hot on my heels.
Five loud gunshots sound behind us, the Soldier having shot at us with a hidden gun through the crowd, screams and shouts of fear and panic suddenly tearing through the air as the atmosphere suddenly becomes too real, the bullets smashing into the ground behind the two of us terrifying the costumed Boardwalk-goers. Instantly, the crowd around us starts pushing and shoving each other, the heaving current of people now pushing us along as they scramble to get to safety, arms flailing and legs kicking as they go, slowing our progress significantly. Growling in frustration, I pull Marko to the side, intending to reach the alley again, wincing when there are two more shots behind us, though I make it to safety without a scratch. It's only when I hear Marko's laboured breathing that I realise he wasn't so lucky.
"Shit, Marko, are you going to be alright? Can you keep moving?" I ask him, being to figure out where he was shot as he starts to sway on his feet, eyes drooping closed as the pain starts to eat away at him. Grimacing, I swiftly scan the area, spotting a large bin a little way away, which I drag him over to.
"Get in there and close the lid, you'll be safe." I tell him, opening it and giving him a leg up into the reeking interior, helping him settle as quickly as I can, before I go to move again, "I'll be back."
With one last look at him, I firmly shut the lid and start running down the alley, taking as many winding corners as I can, hoping to throw them off as I start to hear pounding footsteps behind me, shouts and calls seemingly coming from everywhere as I start to breathe harder, my pulse pounding in my ears. Adrenaline pumps through my veins, giving me the speed I need to get away from my pursuer, the air rushing harshly into my throat as I turn down another backroad.
A sudden gunshot, followed by a spike of agony in the back of my knee brings me to the floor, my body crashing into a discarded car as it rolls awkwardly to a halt, groans of pain swiftly starting to leave me. Gripping at the new wound on my leg, I try to force myself upright again, only to be kicked back to the ground again by a cloaked figure, who keeps kicking until I'm cowering on the ground, blood pouring down my face. When they are finished, they reach down and force me into a standing position, half-dragging me out of the alley and to the car park conveniently placed by the mouth of the road, where a circle of similarly clad people are waiting, the forms of three kneeling people visible in the dim light of the streetlights. Pulling me over to them, my attacker throws me to the ground in the centre of the circle, manhandling me onto my knees, drawing a small cry of pain from me.
Looking around at the three kneeling people, I feel my heart stop as I instantly recognise them: David, Dwayne and Paul, the three of them bloodied and beaten, burn marks littering their faces from the holy water that was most likely used on them. Horror and guilt flood me as I see them, David's head coming up so he can make eye contact with me, his blue eyes filled with hate and anger.
"Are we all here now?" Someone asks, their voice unfamiliar to me.
"No, there is one more." A voice calls from a little way away, Marko soon being forced onto his knees beside Paul as he is dragged into the light. The vampire is pale now, dark circles appearing under his eyes as his vampiric features break through, his body trying to keep itself from shutting down as he slowly bleeds out, the bullet wounds still oozing the crimson stuff out onto his shirt.
"Ok, that's everyone, we can get started." The person speaks again, this time sounding more decisive.
"(Y/n) (Y/l/n), you have been arrested for conspiring with the enemy, and for shooting a senior officer, willingly, instead of a vampire that was held hostage. Do you accept these charges?" Someone else says, the voice somewhat familiar, though I don't remember where from.
Knowing it is pointless to resist, I lower my head to my chest and reply.
"I do."
"And you are aware of the punishments that these crimes bring upon you?"
"I am."
"And they are?"
I take a deep breath, my muscles tense as I try to ignore the pain in my body.
"Execution on the sight of capture." I recite robotically, knowing them well.
"Good, you remember some form of honour." They sneer, before addressing the rest of the gathered Soldiers, "Are there any volunteers among us who would like to carry out the deed?"
"I do." My blood runs cold at the sound of the voice, my head lifting to look up at the Hunter that has stepped forwards.
"Elijah Forsyth, you wish to perform the necessary execution of (Y/n) (Y/l/n)?" The first speaker questions, confirming the name to me even as they take off their mask.
Instantly, the cold blue eyes lock with mine, the dark-haired Hunter giving me a poisonous look as he limps over to me.
"I do."
"Then it shall be so. Do what you must."
With those words, Elijah steps over to me, drawing a gun from his belt and cocking it deliberately, maintaining eye contact as he lowers it to my forehead.
As the weapon is brought to my skin, I keep my chin up, refusing to feel bad about the actions that brought me here in the first place. Without a word, I accept the fate that will befall me.
Part Eleven
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My Dirty Dancer Part 4 - Judgement (Bill Skarsgård AU)
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{Authors Note ~ Things are about to get interesting! I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it, I’m so excited for this one! And again thank you to everyone who has been following this series and showing their support it means everything to me! ❤️ As always if anyone wants to be added to the tag list my DMs and Asks are always open! Enjoy! ❤️}
Previous Chapters ~ Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Next Chapter - Part 5
Tag List ~ @simplyrucas @billofourtime @walkxthexmoon @butterscotchseventeen @bskarsgardlove92 @b-afterhours
After a few moments of thought, you decided to follow Lizzie - you had to see what she was going to do. So that's what you did, all the way to the staff clubhouse where you could hear the music playing even from the outside. She was looking for him. Once you had entered the clubhouse you could immediately hear her loud voice penetrating the music from the back room even though you couldn't tell exactly what she was saying. Then a male's voice, equally as loud, responded. Bill. Through the sea of people before you, you inched your way, wincing every so often as you heard a spike in the loud conversation, with lots of profanities slipping from your friend's mouth. You knew Lizzie probably wouldn't want you to know what she was doing, but even so, you couldn't help but look through the opening into the back room. You saw that she was standing before Bill with her fists clenched and her eyes boring into his, yet he was standing with his arms folded, a look of absolute boredom on his face. Seeing how emotional she was getting made you want to burst in there and help her, but instead, you turned away, walking quickly over to a free chair - you wanted to wait to see how Lizzie was. There was probably a 5-minute wait before she left the back room, a look of anger on her face, and you immediately stood but before you could say anything, or even get her attention, she was dancing with one of the other male instructors, burying her face in his neck. Sighing quietly you shook your head, deciding you'd talk to her about this later. "You've got a big mouth, sweetheart." Bill's voice being whispered in your ear from behind you nearly made you jump out of your skin, especially as he was standing so close to you. His breath brushed over your ear. "Now thanks to you I've been humiliated. Or at least that's what Lizzie would like to think happened. I mean, she's actually acting like you're something special. As if." He scoffed, holding a strand of your hair between his fingers gently before he left you standing, your jaw clenched. Who did he think he was?
"...Then he said he'd leave you alone, and that he wasn't bothered by you in the first place. He didn't even give me a reason as to why he did what he did to you." Lizzie finished her account of what had happened with Bill as you both stood outside your cabin, cigarettes in your hands. You hummed in response, mumbling "Yeah, I don't get what his deal is." while pretending like you believed what she was saying about Bill - He was obviously still wanting to get your attention, and you had to find out why. Otherwise, why would he have spoken to you again?
She stubbed out her cigarette. "You coming in?" She asked, pushing the door open and turning back to you. For a second you bit your lip, deciding on what to do. "I'll be in in a minute." You smiled at her and watched her walk into the cabin before stubbing your own cigarette out, turning and walking down the road in the darkness to what you knew was Bill's cabin. You had decided, probably just after the incident in the clubhouse, what you were going to do. What you had to do. His cabin was at the end of the road, and you could just about see a dim light through the window. He was there. You approached the cabin, ascending the steps slowly while the knot in your stomach grew. This was a really bad idea, you thought as you knocked on the door, seeing the light from inside become brighter as another light was switched on, and you heard steps approaching the door. Your mind fell into a short frenzy, your head debating whether you should just run off and leave him, but the door hands twisted and before you could do anything it was too late - you were staring into a pair of beautiful green eyes. "Well, this is certainly a surprise, Y/N." You sighed, scoffing a little as you eyed him before you.
God, he was breathtakingly beautiful. And you hated it. "Yeah, well I wasn't expecting to be here either, so this is a surprise to me too." You slipped your hands into the back pockets of your shorts, clearing your throat quietly. "I uh...I'm...I'm not intruding am I?" Bill chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned against the door frame, licking his lips gently. "No, you've actually caught me on one of the rare nights when I'm alone." You tried not to let the cocky undertones in his voice get to you. "Ok, uh...then can I come in?" You asked a little shakily, inwardly praying that he wouldn't make this any harder for you than it already was, and to your surprise, he moved to the side without any sarcastic quip or comment. But he did still insist on standing right beside you and watching you as you walked past, his arms crossed until he closed the door and turned off the main light after you. Your mind wandered as you walked into the living room - how many girls had been in this same position? How many had been brought back here by Bill for only one purpose? It made you feel sick to think about it, but not for the reason you'd expected; you were nervous, and that was it really. The anticipation of being alone with Bill in the place where he lived...You shook yourself out of your daydream-state when you arrived in the living room, which also contained the bedroom. "Not exactly a palace but I've got all I need." Bill's voice sounded from somewhere behind you and you turned, seeing him sitting on the only chair in the room, which left you with his bed. If you could have you would have audibly groaned at the prospect. "It's fine. I mean, staff accommodation is never the best wherever you go." A small chuckle passed your lips as you sat on the edge of the bed. It was then that you realised there was quiet music playing in the background, Cry To Me it sounded like, and your eyes found the record player responsible on the window sill. You tried to act as interested in it as possible in order to avoid actually talking, but you knew that wouldn't work for long. "So I'm guessing there is a reason for you being here? Something important enough to warrant you coming here in the middle of the night alone?" You forced your eyes to look at him and saw that he was leaning forward, hands clasped in between his legs as he watched you. The skin on your neck tingled. "Yeah, there is. And I don't even know why I'm here because you probably won't give me a straight answer but I just have to ask." You stood up from the bed and folded your arms, trying to show some strength at least. "I've been here for over a month now, and you keep on...Doing things. Whenever you see me it's like you have to do them. Why? Why the fuck do you feel the need to kiss me or wink at me or touch me? What is it, Bill?" You demanded an answer, looking down to him with a small frown. You needed an answer, now more than ever because you knew he'd hurt Liz, and you didn't want to be next. The dark-haired instructor leaned back in his seat and watched you carefully as you stood before him, his hands now resting on his knees.
As you looked at each other you could see him trying to figure out what to respond with, and that didn't take very long. "Before I say anything I just have to stress something. You're not special. I didn't see you when you first came here and instantly fall in love with you, ok? That's not what this is here." He sighed, standing and walking over to the record player, resting his hand on the box. Your gaze followed him. "It's just...fun. That's all it is. And yes, there is a bit of revenge thrown in there after what you said on your first night but mostly it's just a game. And you're just the new player. You’ll figure it out soon, maybe you’ll have some fun yourself. There aren’t any feeling attached to what we do, so technically we can do anything." Bill shrugged, leaning on the window sill as he looked over to you. You really couldn't decipher whether you were relieved or disgusted or completely confused...You had no idea. So, you just sighed, shaking your head as if it was what you were expecting while beginning to walk off before turning back to him in the room lit with ambient orange light. "So you lied to Lizzie then? When you said you'd leave me alone?" Your Y/E/C eyes didn't leave his, not even when he walked slowly over to you and stood so close you could feel the heat radiating from him. He ran a finger along your cheek, tilting his head as he watched you. This was so different than any other times he'd been this close - no cockiness, no arrogance, just soft glances and touches. "I guess that depends on you, sweetheart. Because, as much as she wants to keep you safe and as much as you know it's wrong, I can't help thinking that there's a part of you that doesn't want it to stop. A part of you that wants to have fun." A chuckle left his beautiful lips. "A very specific part actually." His eyes traveled your body. Your breathing immediately hitched, and you felt your heart race inside you...What he was implying...Was true. God, it was true. As you tried to think of a reply the music in the background changed, with Stand By Me beginning. "Dance with me." The words were so quiet that you weren't quite sure you'd heard them until Bill moved back and held his hand out to you. "Now?" You asked, your voice wavering in case this was just part of his 'game'. "Now." His deep voice responded, and against your better judgment, you placed your hand in his.
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novelistash · 3 years
Wattpad & Twitch?
I saw the term Writeblr. Am I a Writeblr? Is Writeblr a page or a person? Well, this Jon Snow has been dipping their toe into the wide world of Wattpad. Any other writers on there? Drop your links! I've been reading stories live on Twitch, and it's been a lot of fun! There's a lot of lost talent there, as with all writing spaces, but it definitely needs some help finding air to breathe.
Why did I decide to read Wattpad stories live on Twitch? Read more. (I hope I'm using this feature right.)
About two and a half years back, I decided that it was time to stop dragging my feet and get traditionally published. (Well I try to get trad pubbed.) I knew that Twitter would be the place to promote and Wattpad would generally be the place to share, but I also knew those places would be full of competition. November was coming up so I thought, "why don't I live stream Nano? That'll be fun." It wasn't.
As much as people don't want to read, they definitely don't want to read while an author is writing. Twitter had a very small writing community then and I haven't seen it get any more popular. Which isn't to say it couldn't get popular, but I don't think it works as a way to GET an audience. I could talk about those who've found moderate success, but if I'm going to do that I'd like to talk to them and maybe interview them. Something I've considered putting on my ghost town of a YT channel.
Regardless, I was on Twitch for about a month. I never gained any kind of following and every viewer I saw on those channels were people like me, those who were trying to promote their own writing. So, yes, I could gain followers of other writers, but I couldn't build a brand that way. I had too much experience with similar platforms to think otherwise. If I wanted to get readers, I needed to be on the platform that readers were using.
That lead me to more or less wasting two years on Twitter. I mean, I met some cool people while on there and had good interactions. But was it good for my brand? Did it help me find readers? I'd say a resounding "no" on both parts. The funny thing about Twitter is that it's great at making you think that people care about you. Shit post about a bad day? Hundreds of replies. Link to a blog going into detail about that bad day? Now you're starting to see how little people actually care. At some point I can go into the nuances of my time in the trenches of Twitter, but the point is that it didn't help my writing career.
For me, the biggest problem with Twitter was the same problem with all writer-centric spaces: we are sellers without customers. I like to describe these spaces as towns of vendors. We each have our vendor stall set up, and see lots of people walking. This is great! That means there are customers! Except all of those people walking on the street are also vendors. They're only there to sell their own wares. Yes, there's mutual inflation and reciprocal commerce, but writers make a poor basis for a readership. If someone is selling eggs, they want to sell to bakers, cooks, and the common man, not their fellow ranchers.
Regardless of fame and fortune, I want a readership. I write for myself, yes, but once those words are on the page, I want someone to read those words. I've been writing for over twenty years by this point and during that time my perspective has almost always been, how do I get readers? It's a natural question to ask, but it's driven by selfish desires at its core. I think for the writers of today, the bigger question might need to be, "how do I get people to read?"
The larger problem with readers, is that there aren't that many of them. If there are ten billion eggs in a town of a hundred, most of those eggs are going to rot. And even though most everyone knows that the general public doesn't habitually read, there seems to be this stigma against talking about it. Ever since I started writing, the talking point has always been "people thought comics would destroy the novel, but it didn't."
Okay, so, there are still readers, but could you say that a majority of the people read? Comic books, television, movies, and video games all offer more senses than the written word. They offer experiences that books never can, so why would anyone choose to read a book when they could instead watch that same story play out on screen?
Well, the written word can actually offer things that other media can't. In general, novels are closer to the emotional landscape of the story. Books invite the reader to be a part of the creation process, rather than a passive observer. The lack of a spoken word or portrait lets the reader construct whatever voice or face they desire. Beyond all of that, readers tend to spend more time with a book than any other media. (I'll hold off on a thorough debate of the narrative quality of iterative gameplay loops in video games for the time being, but I'd be hard pressed to find someone who enjoyed Preston Garvey's procedurally generated missions more than any of the designed quests in Fallout 4.) The point is that the written word is not without value, simply that its qualities are losing appreciation.
That's where the idea of reading stories came about, not as a way to increase my visibility, but as a way to increase the number of readers in the world. Opera single handedly created a boom in book sales by doing little more than talking about books. I think that modern entertainment can take interest in reading farther. Podcasts and Twitch streams are filled with content that is actually dead air, but people will tune in and listen. They connect with the player, the streamer, the speaker, and they are content to be apart of somebody else's discovery. A big part of what makes Twitch successful is simply watching these personalities react.
Wattpad is literally an endless supply of new stories that are available for free online. For some, anything that isn't traditionally published is a book not worth anyone's time. But there are hundreds of thousands of people submitting entire novels to literary agents every single year. Statistics alone supports the idea that great books are not going to get the representation they deserve. What are those thousands of unpublished authors supposed to do with their novels, wait patiently for exterior validation?
I don't think there's any shame in self publishing a novel and Wattpad and platforms like it are a perfectly reasonable way of putting out that content. Is there under edited content on Wattpad? Of course, but can anyone in good faith say the same isn't true of all published works? Yes, some writers are just starting out, and they dump their content onto Wattpad, but I don't understand why that's immediately a reason to balk. The writers liked the idea enough to bring it to life. Sure, finding a way to manifest those ideas is complex and difficult, but I honestly believe that a first body of work can still have an unironic entertainment in them.
I've been streaming on Wednesdays from 10am-noon pacific time. I might change that moving forward, but right now it's looking like I'm only going to be adding more time. If you're interested in joining me for story time, check me out on Twitch.
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