#what if LC is boring and badly written
lobpoints · 3 years
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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The Secrets Of Nazareth (Luke 2:41-52)
“By giving us his Son whom, in order to spare us he did not spare, he gave us everything: graced, love, heaven; for all these indeed are less than his Son.” – St. Alphonsus Liguori
Luke 2:41-52: Every year his parents used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the feast as usual. When they were on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. They assumed he was with the caravan, and it was only after a day’s journey that they went to look for him among their relations and acquaintances. When they failed to find him they went back to Jerusalem looking for him everywhere. Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ‘My child, why have, you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.’ ‘Why were you looking for me?’ he replied ‘Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?’ But they did not understand what he meant. He then went down with them and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favour with God and men.
Christ the Lord At the age of twelve Jewish boys took their place in their community as young men. Up till then, they were not strictly under the law, but upon coming of age, they were expected to carry their own weight religiously and begin to do so socially and economically. Thus this trip to Jerusalem for the Passover was probably Jesus’ first; previously he would have stayed at home with the other young children. Certainly the throngs of pilgrims, the glory of the big city, and the pageantry of the religious ritual fascinated him (especially because of his unique mission and identity), inducing him to stay behind when the caravan from Nazareth headed home – the women traveling ahead of the men, which is why Joseph probably thought Jesus was with Mary, and vice versa.
During the Passover festival, the Jewish leaders (members of the Sanhedrin) gave open lectures and led public discussions in the Temple precincts. Jesus participated in these, his unusual interest and uncanny intuition making a dramatic impression upon the other youngsters as well as the rabbis.
What was on Jesus’ mind as he spent these three days alone in the City of David? St. Luke gives us a clue. When Joseph and Mary finally catch up to him, Mary says, “Your father and I have been looking for you…” and Jesus answers, “I must be in my Father’s house.” At some point in his young life, Jesus the human boy, the son of Joseph the carpenter, must have begun to understand who he was as Jesus the Son of God. And even if he had known it long before, now that he had officially come of age, it was high time that he begin to act in accordance with it.
Once again, we see that Christ’s Lordship is not an exterior tag, a romantic title tacked on to a great philosopher by sycophant disciples. He is Lord of men because he is God become man, come to live with us and establish his eternal Kingdom.
Christ the Teacher For thirty of his thirty-three years of earthly life, Jesus “was obedient to” his parents in Nazareth. In other words, he lived the most normal, unglamorous life that can be imagined: he worked in a carpenter’s shop in a small town on the edge of the Roman Empire. He did chores, he studied his lessons, he went to the Synagogue on Saturdays, he played with his cousins, he helped his mother fetch the water… for thirty years. He did nothing miraculous or spectacular… for thirty years. Is he trying to teach us something? Isn’t he showing us that to be a Christian, to be a saint, begins with the faithful fulfillment of the normal responsibilities of life? God created us to be human, and he expects us to reach our potential by living fully human lives. A Christian should be a model son, daughter, father, mother, student, carpenter, athlete, bricklayer, statesman, marketing director – whatever our situation in life, we should live it deeply, conscious that by taking upon himself our human nature, Christ sanctified the human condition. He made the ordinary activities and duties of life into channels of divine grace.
Christ the Friend Often we are afraid to be honest in our prayer. We feel that our everyday struggles, needs, questions, and frustrations are too petty for God. But Christ proves that attitude wrong. He grew up in a family – a poor family, in fact – and he did not magically protect them from all the mundane concerns that buffet the daily struggle of such families. Mary and Joseph didn’t understand what he was saying; they were worried sick when they couldn’t find him – they reacted the way any healthy parents would react to a crisis situation. It is precisely in the midst of these seemingly petty experiences that God can work in our souls, on one condition: that we, like Mary, “store up all these things” and ponder them in our hearts. God is always drawing close to us, drawing us closer to himself – we need only make an effort to detect his action, and his action will be able to take its effect.
Joseph: I really never knew what was going to happen next. Most days followed the same pattern of work and rest. Mary made our home the brightest and neatest in the town, and Jesus was the most energetic, healthiest, and most helpful boy you could imagine. Our little place was always buzzing with activity. Everyone who needed help or comfort came by, knowing that Mary would find a solution – and that kept me busy too. They were both docile, always finding ways to make me happy. Yet, this normal, strenuous, beautiful life was lit up every once in a while by flashes of the extraordinary, like when we lost Jesus in the Temple. I knew I was part of a bigger story, and God kept reminding me of it. I always felt that it was something far beyond what I could understand. I listened to the Lord; I did every task as best I could, and I simply had to trust that he would work everything out in the end.
Christ in My Life Thank you for coming to be my Savior, Lord. Thank you for becoming Mary’s child, so that I could become a child of God. When I take time to think of all that you have done and all that you are doing, my worries and concerns shrink down to their proper size. You are busy about your Father’s work – teach me to be busy doing your will in my life…
I think I have lost some of my ability to enjoy the simple pleasures and challenges of life. I think I have fallen into the trap of consumerism – always needing new toys to feel stimulated and happy. Purify me, Lord. You were happy amid the work and suffering of Nazareth. Blessed be Nazareth, blessed by your holy name…
Mary, how were you able to keep believing the words of the angel when for thirty years you saw no advances of your son to claim his Kingship…. Teach me to live with faith. I always want so badly to understand everything. Did you want that too? You bore Wisdom himself in your womb, and you raised him and taught him and loved him. He clung to you and depended on you. Mary, teach me to live with Jesus, to learn from him…
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Late Night Ramblings
Going to bed but here are my final thoughts before I pass out
I really wanna get into sculpting- the first thing I wanna do Is make a mask that’s basically Deuce’s Swan Song mask. I know Deuce is a big ass most of the time but I do have a lot of respect for the guy admittedly- he tries his hardest to talk with his fans as much as possible. Lots of his music is good too, and he IS a bit inspiring admittedly, of course, far from ideal, but IMO he really shows that sometimes you gotta grin and bear what people think and say with you and just keep being you, no matter what you did in the past.
Danny’s mask would be fun to sculpt too, but I really wanna do this mask design I spent like 3 hours on lol. Its this 3-part stitched mask, yellow and green. Theres teeth and blood. I like teeth and blood. If I knew how, I’d love to sculpt a spring loaded jaw for the mask too. That’d be awesome, y’know, just opening your mouth and closing it while having some cool mask with it. I don’t know where I’d buy the springs. I also don’t know how to put it together... Fuck I don’t even know where I can buy decent straps for a mask, since I cant really stand the feeling on twine or elastic strings. Supplies is expensive either way- I’d have to buy 4lbs apoxie sculpt to be be safe, some tools, a strap or two, paint, sanding blocks... Its a lot.
I would love to style my hair to be like LightningClaw’s lol. Bright pink/red color, yellow streaks, hair hiding an eye. It’d be cool, but I dont have thick enough hair nor do I have the patience to wait for hair to grow back after I cut it, because I KNOW if I do cut it like LC’s, I’ll probably get bored of it.
Speaking of LC- his old design was a mess lmao. It was basically one of my other characters, Karasu, but with his signature bright ass hair, and then his yellow bangs. What a mess lol. Its also fun to see how far LC has come as a character. Before he was an edgy warriors FOC. The regular insane murderer edition (like 90% of other warriors FOCs lol.) Now he has his own comic that deals with serious issues while also having an adventreous twist with greek gods.
Tattoo’s. Tat’s are rad as fuck man. I want so many tattoos but its like putting a permanent sticker on your body and I’m not sure I can actually commit to that. Though, on the back on my neck, I plan to get LIGHTNINGCLAW written on it. LC means a lot to me and without him I don’t think I’d be where I am now, as a person, artist, and  a writer. Knuckle tats that say SHIT and FUCK would be ideal too lol but I think my family wouldn’t approve of those. t least I’m not doing drugs I guess. Could be worse. Tattoo sleeves are amazing too omg. I just really love tats and wouldn’t mind becoming a tattoo artist, but of course my dad and mom are like “that isn’t where the money is that isnt an ideal job think of the consequences if you mess up on someones body are you willing to commit to tattoos yourself blah blah blah.” Just let me figure things out. Let me try different jobs to see where I end up. I don’t want to follow any roads you two may want me to go to. I’m not going to be a doctor, nor a teacher, nor any overly common jobs. I don’t want to go into the sciences either. Thats not interesting for me. I want to go to a hands on job that I can have fun at.
Hollywood Undead is a good band and I want a new single already. Deuce is a good singer and I want that album already because Bad Attitude is the SHIT. Its awesome. I want Linkin Park to not be pop realllly badly when they drop that album- I didn’t like Heavy in the slighest. I wonder when FOb will release a song tho lol. I like music.
I’m happy to have met and known a lot of people over the years, and so many have stuck with me. I can’t believe I started on wattpad and I’m actually slowly getting somewhere. I can make commissions now, albeit it takes a bit before I can and I do a lot of trades in between, but the more art you do, the more you really get “out there” and really expand your horizons. Even then, just generally being nice to people can get you places because you ahve friendships in those places. Its nice. I’m thankful.
On the flipside, there was some people shos ultimate goal is to ruin my life, it seems. This one kid, his name is Avery, he’s an ass. I don’t get why you gotta talk shit about my back and make my life hell with you “friends” when its more like a posse or a mob. Its because of people like you I felt so lonely most of my years. Whatever rumours you and your shitgang of minions said about me completely stained me as a person and I don’t even know what you said. Say shit to my face so I can punch it back into your mouth you stale fruitcake. If I took a shot everytime someone said I wasn’t like how you or your friends said I was, and that I was actually *gasp* NICE; I’d have fucking alchohol poisoning and need to get my stomach pumped out. Its happened way too much and I swear, when I graduate, I’m gonna meet you somewhere and punch your face so hard your grandchildren (though I doub’t you’ll have any with a personality like yours) will be able to feel it. I don’t know why you think you are entited to treat someone like shit but its all for the wrong reasons you fuckwad.
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