#sorry it is 0:30 and im emotional about video game
insanepoll · 1 year
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[ID: white slide with a picture of goro akechi with a transparent background taking up almost all of the page. behind him, there is a submission that can’t be completely seen bc of the picture of goro, but reads:
hes literally so insane and so so stupid omg, like this guy has dedicated so much of his life to getting revenge on his dad, and his whole plan was to fucking work for him and help him achieve his goal of being prime minister and then tell him "oh yeah btw im your illegitimate son that you abandoned how does it feel to know that you only got here bc of me loser" like dude????? thats a shit plan what are you on????? and like he was so focused in on this stupid ass plan that when his dad started ordering him to kill people for political reasons he was just like "welp no turning back now" like dude??????? (to be fair his dad wouldve probs killed him he disobeyed but uhhhh yeah my point still stands this teenager is not mentally stable AT ALL)
he hides behind masks like CONSTANTLY too like obvi he pretends to be a good little lackey for his dad, but like he's also a celebrity (he's a highschool detective, girls think he's hot i guess)(and i guess he is actually kinda smart cuz hes a good detective but like my point still stands that hes so fucking stupid at the same time like. my god.) he like puts on this whole goody-two-shoes shtick that the media and all his fangirls are SO in love with but like hes not like that at all hes so fucking unhinged deep down like holy shit
when you get confront him in the second to last palace he tries to fucking kill akira(the main character) and his friends but like its mostly abt akira specifically??? and like dude calm the fuck down WHY are you so bloodthirsty man, i know you wanna kill akira and rip him apart, i know you despise him because you're jealous of him, i knowwwwww dude god and when you get him as a party member in the secret third semester section of the game he is just so fucking unhinged
in the battle segments just goes on and on about how the shadows are weaklings and hes gonna have so much fun ripping them to shreds hes so bloodthirst and unhinged you dont understand
OH OH AND HES GAY AS HELL DID I MENTION THAT his whole relationship with the mc is so homoerotic my god dude and the only thing stopping them from getting together is the sheer force of goro's emotional contipation ohhhhhh my god dude your just jealous of him!!!! thats not what hatred is dude!!! you fully enjoy akira's company and cherish his companionship! you showed him your favorite place to go, somewhere youve never shown to anyone! you went to a cafe together! you shared your tragic backstory with him while you two BATHED TOGETHER ALONE! you couldve killed him or arrested him for being a phantom thief a long time ago but you kept hanging out with him!!!!!! he kept your glove! he almost surrendered to a fabricated reality just so you could live!!!!! the only reason he didnt is because he knew you wouldnt want to live under someone else's control!!!!!
sorry this became a shuake rant at the end in conclusion, he may be every good at hiding it but he is in fact incredibly unhinged anyway if you wanna see him being unhinged in action here's some videos for you viewing pleasure: (the cutscenes are the important parts, timestamps are 0:00, 8:43, 10:50, 21:30(ok this cutscene doesnt show him being unhinged but it is important to me that you see it)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tVAekUc-lg (most of the quotes after 7:02 are unhinged but feel free to listen to the whole thing if you wanna see the difference between the real him and the good boy facade) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IygJD2Et74E&t=4s
/End ID.]
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lobpoints · 3 years
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fluffytsukino1009 · 2 years
Hey, hope you're doing well. If you're still doing ship requests could I have one for BTS and Mamamoo, my bias is Namjoon but I'm not sure with Mamamoo lol. Questions are 1235.
I'm 22, 5ft7/8 (can't remember exactly) kinda brown/ginger hair with blue eyes, I have pale skin and my arms are filled with freckles. I like vintage fashion and going for more 20s and 30s. INFP and bi.
I study history and I can get a bit obsessive with my interests, it can become the only thing I can talk and think about. I'm a shy and I don't like showing my emotions although sometimes have no choice lol. It's easy for me to feel low or depressed but I try to push it aside to help others. I can be blunt as well in what I say and want, hard to change my mind also. I can either go from 0 to 100 with my attention, either struggling to keep my head straight or there's nothing that can budge me.
I like reading and writing stories which I can get easily lost in. I love horror, mystery and fantasy. I listen to true crime podcasts a lot as well. I do enjoy history as well (obviously why im studying it). I also love playing video games, cooking and I'm interested in spirituality.
Hope this made sense and you are well. Thank you for doing this and remember to take breaks.
ahey! Thanks for your request (I'm excited I finally got a Mamamoo request lol) and I'm so so sorry it took me so long, life stuff.
But here we are and I thought yes, you're a pretty good match for RM, simply adorable. About Mamamoo... Hear me out... Hwasa, you'll see.
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What he thought when he first saw you?
As a sum up "Who is that beautiful creature?" He was just so immersed in you that couldn't think straight wich explain the reason clumsiness intensifies.
Where he takes you on your first date?
Any type of history museum. He got the idea as soon you mention your history studies, the plan Is hear you talk wide and open about something you're passionate.
What he likes the most about you?
Not likes but LOVES when you get obsessed with something, always willing to hear you talk about it for hours, and eventually you got him so interested he'll do his own research about it.
How he fell in love with you?
Maybe it was in the right moment you meet or it grow slowly over time. Truth is he didn't even notice, it was so natural like if he was waiting for you knowing he'll fall for you.
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What she thought when she first saw you?
Thought you're both adorable and mysterious. She was so interested in you that know you better became a necessity.
Where she takes you on your first date?
Shopping, wanted to keep it casual and still have the chance to enjoy a nice talk. May insist in buy you something because after all she does want to impress you.
What she likes the most about you?
The way you express yourself through your clothes and your writing. She thinks you have a deep beautiful soul and wants to dive in it, would take any chance to translate you and the little things you don't say.
How she fell in love with you?
When you start putting down your walls and show her how you really feel. The idea of having access to the purest form of you makes her weak every time.
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garethito · 6 years
You know... I've been meaning to ask you about this for a while, and yesterday's tag thing that you did with those Bale gifs only like... fueled? My curiosity? Lol, if that makes sense. Could you like... relive? The Champions League final from this year for us? Like, your perspective on it? Or maybe even the actual whole day of the final? Sorry, God, I know this is weird, but I just love how you tell stories from your life! I have seen you do it with some other anons once!
First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this like, you guys always send me such interesting questions and Im so??? and OMG no this is not weird stop this is such a wonderful question to ask!! And omg you liked how I told the stories to those anons that is so sweet thank you so muchhhhh ❤️❤️💝❤️💘💘💞💞💘
But also this is making me really emotional I dont think I will be able to write this without tearing up but here we go!!! I was at school today and we had a special day so we didnt make any classes, so I had time to formulate an answer to this, and to complete it at home 💞
Quick WARNING?? Yes I am perfectly aware of how crazy and overdramatic this whole story sounds, but the thing is that this is how I truly feel about this day in my life. So yeah lol. Football is basically my life!
I would like to start this by saying that the day of the 26th of May 2018 is the most important day of my entire life as a football fan. There is nothing that could even come close to this. Absolutely nothing. Never in my life have I cried like in that night. Never. Absolutely never. I have looked at my life as a person, at my hardest times, when I cried a lot, but not even that can even slightly compare to the amount of crying that I have done on that glorious day of May 7 months ago. When I say crying, though, I dont actually mean crying, no. I mean violently sobbing, screaming at the top of my lungs, shaking and feeling numb. But in the best way possible, the happiest tears that I ever shedded.
My actual perspective, like you said, though, starts from the 2nd of May, a day after our semi-final second leg against Bayern. From that day, until the 26th, my mind, my body, my soul only thought about the final. I could not even focus on the Clasico on the 6th, neither on the last La Liga match. I was so fucking nervous, words are not sufficient to describe….. At least once every 2-3 days I would go to the bathroom with severe stomach aches and sit there until I would try to calm myself down so that my grandmother wouldnt get worried. I thank God, the Universe, or whoever you think invented life for the fact that highschool had nothing special during that period, just a few tests, that I got the best grades on, because had there been something big, I would have surely failed. That was a nightmare. Just think about it. Horrible La Liga season, then those fucking shaky as fuck second leg matches against Juve AND Bayern. I was literally so pessimistic that I am scaring myself right now thinking about it. All these bad scenarios played through my head ”What if Zizou loses his job? What if this will be the start of our downfall? What if this is the last Champions League final we will play? What if, what if, what if….”. I always tried to tell my brain how stupid I was, that we are Real Madrid and that we will win, like we always do, that we are the best fucking team in the Universe and that nobody even comes close to being like us. But its like these voices in my head wouldnt stop, it was so scary.
Come 25th of May I was an actual lifeless corpse. No matter how much I tried to call my best friend, who was in Bulgaria at that time, and telling her that I cant take this anymore, and her telling me that its going to be okay like it always is, that she doesnt really know my team well but she knows we will win, no matter how much of that was happening, I couldnt fucking stop being nervous and constantly thinking about this match.
On the morning of the 26th I woke up with a severe headache at about 8:30-9 AM. The only things that I remember from that whole day are the constant empty feeling, the amount of times I listened to Hala Madrid Y Nada Mas and the amount of pictures, videos, promotional/support videos I saw and watched. I called my friend one last time and I told her that now I am optimistic, that we will win.
My whole emotional state was ruined, however, by Gareth not starting. I dont need to explain the whole February-May Gaz-Zizou situation because I think everyone knows it too well by now and what I fucking felt about it. I have never been so enraged in my entire life. After all he has done, still no place in the starting XI. Though, this is pretty much the only thing that has ever angered me about Zizou. I love that man too much, I dont think there will ever be a coach that will ever come close to him, a coach that I will ever love as much as I loved him, but this whole situation really, really angered me. As I said, not going to get into details, I think that is enough. Though, I tried to only focus on my hardly achieved positivity about the match. 
The match started and my emotional state reached its lowest point. I couldnt take it anymore, I felt impossibly sick from being so nervous, I got the most severe migraine ever, my eyes were literally about to pop out ugh again, remembering that gives me chills. Dani got injured, and I got angry again, because he didnt deserve it, the World Cup was literally about to start like God give this man a break!!!
Halftime at 0-0, my optimism grew, believe it or not. I felt like we will have more urgency in the second half and that we will win this.
The second half came, with me just desperately hoping for a goal. Because we were playing so well, we deserved a reward!! And it did come, with Benzemas goal, God I felt so relieved and happy. I have seen people saying that his goal was not good but? You literally take everything that is being offered to you in a Champions League final! He scored, he gave us a goal, we were 1-0 up, and I was literally screaming from joy, I was shaking so much and I was the proudest person alive. God, I love my team. Then, Liverpools equalizer came. I didnt think anything of it. I wouldnt get rid of my optimism. I was looking at my boys and I knew we would win.
And Oh My God, here we fucking go. 
Minute 61. Gareth comes on. I was so grateful that he at least got to play 30 minutes, I literally only wanted to see him. At that time, considering everything that was happening, I was already emotionally starting to prepare for his departure to another team. I was watching him in those moments, flashbacks through my mind of all the glorious times I got to see him, all of his goals, everything.
And then…
All of a sudden…
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That moment. The moment in which my soul has definitely left my body. The most beautiful moment I have ever lived in watching football. The moment in which I was the proudest person alive. A moment I will never, ever, ever forget, for as long as I get to live. The moment I have literally seen history being made, right before my eyes. The moment in which I literally evaporated, left the Earth, idk how to explain this but I hope you understand me. My idol, that had suffered so much that season, scored a fucking bicycle kick in a FUCKING UCL FINAL. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. The happiest, most full of joy, best, most emotional moment. Ever. No exaggeration.
My perspective on this? Oh well, brace yourselves. If you think everything that I have written so far seems insane, get ready for this.
I was on my bed, watching the game, shaking. I saw the passes, beautiful passes, that ended up with Marcelo controling the ball (incredibly, as he always does, my Brazilian sunshine). I saw him swaying to the side, and then passing a high, aerial ball in the box. Gareth came up to meet it, with… a scissor kick. That he scored. I literally fucking exploded like there is no other word. I jumped off my fucking bed and I ran literally across the house and came back, making the most inhuman noises ever I swear. I came back to my bedroom and I collapsed on the floor and I literally started fucking bawling my eyes out, and even that seems like an understatement. Screaming at the top of my lungs, bawling my eyes out, literally all of it happening on the floor. My grandmother literally came in and she thought something happened to me, but then I just pointed to the screen and she understood lmao. And from that point onward I cannot say anything anymore, because I dont remember anything else but me on the floor, literally. After like 15 minutes I hardly even managed to get back on the bed, and guess what?
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???? I dont know what to say anymore. Like he literally toyed with everyone that night, he didnt care about anything. Again, with a pass from Marcelo, he literally goes from FAR FAR FAR away and he shoots and… scores?? How much do you think my poor fragile self can handle? Like, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU SAY TO THAT?? Except for bawling your eyes out even more, if thats even possible? Its been 7 months and I still dont have words for what happened that night, like 2 goals ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? LIKE DO YOU UNDERSTAND I WAS LITERALLY DEAD LIKE ??? I LOST EVERY SINGLE BIT OF MY SANITY THAT NIGHT. 2 goals, 2 goals in 20 minutes, he was about to get a fucking hattrick. A fucking HATTRICK IN HALF AN HOUR, but Karius unfortunately stopped that shot.
The match ended and… I dont remember anything other than barely seeing the screen, I literally had a blurred vision.
In the moment in which Sergio lifted it I… I dont have words, did I go into another Universe, did I ascend, did my soul leave my body I dont even know but what I do know is that I spent the rest of the night, up until like 6AM, crying my heart out. And this is what I mean by ”I have never cried so much in my entire life”. Like I have never spent a whole night crying.
I went to bed at like 6:30, woke up at like.. 10?? I think you can imagine how I woke up, I literally felt like I was going to die but I spent the rest of the day catching up on everything that happened the entire night.
And then, of course, the celebrations, Cibeles, Bernabeu… of course your sensitive girl bawled her eyes out again lol!
Every day ever since it happened, I have always been thinking about this day. About all of it. No point in counting how many times I rewatched the goals lol! But I think you can imagine haha 💘
So yeah, this is pretty much it DSLKFDKJFKDFJKDFK. The story about my best ever day of watching football I made it unecessarily long (Im so sorry). I think the only conclusion that I can get from this is Hala Madrid Y Gareth Y Nada Mas lol! 💘💘
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/10/19 - Chat with Erika
Erika_XP💚 2:14 AM: “Anyone online?”
Deadhead 2:40 AM: “no”
Erika_XP💚 5:59 PM: "Good morning everyone”
ToddThotBOT 5:59 PM: "Good morning.”
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "Who is todd?”
ToddThotBOT 6:00 PM: ":toddpwease:”
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "todd howard”
ToddThotBOT 6:00 PM: ":toddlasers:”
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "the bethesda guy”
ToddThotBOT 6:00 PM: ":toddalien:”
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "Are you some sort of beast sent by regiminis?”
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "he's a bot, don't worry about him”
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "he's just a joke”
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "oh”
otherLiam 6:00 PM: "lmao”
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "I feel silly now ^^”
Erika_XP💚 6:00 PM: "Tyler has not been on at all today =[“
otherLiam 6:01 PM: "he's usually not”
otherLiam 6:01 PM: "what with being part of a supernatural amalgamation and all”
Erika_XP💚 6:02 PM: "I miss him and I hope he will be ok tomorrow”
Densgivin 6:02 PM: "69”
ToddThotBOT 6:02 PM: "Nice.”
otherLiam 6:02 PM: "he's been part of a supernatural amalgamation for a few months now”
otherLiam 6:02 PM: "i doubt he'll be okay tomorrow”
otherLiam 6:02 PM: "but that's sorta the object of the game, is to keep him safe”
Densgivin 6:03 PM: "Also lol good morning here it is like 6 pm”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:07 PM: "Give me my goddamn color back my dad works at discord i will get you banned”
Densgivin 6:07 PM: "D:”
Xenquility 6:26 PM: "Now that Yugi is gone, I feel like someone has to say this”
Xenquility 6:26 PM: "0”
otherLiam 6:26 PM: "aaaa”
Xenquility 6:27 PM: "happy 11/11 spain”
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "rip”
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "(still 6 hours till it happens forreal)”
Xenquility 6:27 PM: "Wait Liam you're in est?”
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "no”
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "the game is tho”
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "9 over here in LA”
Xenquility 6:27 PM: "It is?”
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "and yeah”
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "oh wait”
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "Im not in LA anymore lol”
ARGdov 6:27 PM: "in California”
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "i am”
otherLiam 6:27 PM: "dov come get a beer”
Xenquility 6:28 PM: "Oh cool florida is est”
Xenquility 6:28 PM: "I totally knew that”
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "wait Liam your from LA?”
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "niiiice”
otherLiam 6:28 PM: "i live in santa monica yeah”
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "we should next time Im in town then for sure”
ARGdov 6:28 PM: "niiiice”
Xenquility 6:28 PM: "Imagine not having free health care”
otherLiam 6:28 PM: "yeet”
otherLiam 6:28 PM: "imagine not having free speech”
Xenquility 6:29 PM: "(I'm making a joke don't turn this political please)”
otherLiam 6:29 PM: "(also a joke)”
Xenquility 6:29 PM: "Excuse me but both of our governments are part of the five eyes alliance or whatever”
otherLiam 6:29 PM: "i’ll have you know that gets shot”
Xenquility 6:29 PM: "Wait wha- Random heart attack”
otherLiam 6:29 PM: "lowkey actually survived a school shooting so i get to make that joke”
Xenquility 6:30 PM: "Oh god”
ARGdov 6:30 PM: "jesus”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:38 PM: "I am actually a top secret whistleblower for the [commits suicide in prison]”
otherLiam 6:38 PM: "#circledidntkillhimself”
Xenquility 6:39 PM: "How the hell did you come up with the name circlehunter”
Erika_XP💚 6:39 PM: "I actually know about Tylers (steps into traffic)”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:39 PM: "Ripped off a book series”
Erika_XP💚 6:40 PM: "Im sorry did my bad joke just ruin the conversation flow ^^;”
Xenquility 6:40 PM: "It was actually so bad it went back in time and burned down the house of some random guy”
Xenquility 6:40 PM: "Whose name was possibly John”
Eevee Reborn 6:41 PM: "Yes it did. You murdered this entire conversation”
Eevee Reborn 6:41 PM: "/Him\ > Tyler”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:43 PM: "AM I A JOKE”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:43 PM: "GIVE ME THE COLOR, GOD”
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "who is /him?”
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "oh wait”
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "you mean /Patrem?”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:44 PM: "/he\ is the one true father”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:44 PM: "that's right”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:44 PM: "it's /me\”
Erika_XP💚 6:44 PM: "oh my lord I am not allowed to type this demons true name completely”
Xenquility 6:44 PM: "/he\ is /papi\”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:45 PM: "You are all my children, and I love you equally”
Erika_XP💚 6:45 PM: "He is a purple fart cloud if ever I saw one”
Eevee Reborn 6:46 PM: "Ok, someone kick this chick”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:57 PM: "i'm not spookin anymore just to letyou know”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:57 PM: "but like”
/Mr. Circle\ 6:57 PM: "i can't get blinded by the light out of my head aaaaa”
ARGdov 7:24 PM: "Patrem is Daddy”
ARGdov 7:24 PM: "take me daddy”
ARGdov 7:24 PM: "make me your bitch and take over my body oWo”
otherLiam 11:53 PM: "on the left is greth, on the right is patrem”
Xenquility 12:01 AM: "Happy undecim nocte”
Xenquility 12:01 AM: "Seeya in the morning”
otherLiam 12:01 AM: "oh shit u rite”
otherLiam 12:01 AM: "time for shit to go down”
Wolfcat 12:02 AM: ":jack_o_lantern:”
otherLiam 12:02 AM: "No.”
otherLiam 12:02 AM: "Bad.”
Wolfcat 12:02 AM: ":jack_o_lantern: “
Wolfcat 12:02 AM: ":ass:”
otherLiam 12:02 AM: ":crikMad:”
Wolfcat 12:03 AM: ":confounded: “
Wolfcat 12:03 AM: ":ass:”
otherLiam 12:03 AM: ":octoYAM: "ERO:”
Erika_XP💚 12:03 AM: "I will not be able to sleep a bit for at least the next 24 hours”
otherLiam 12:04 AM: ":lytWIPED:”
Wolfcat 12:04 AM: ":hand: :dork: :hando:”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: ":ass:”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: ":turboass:”
otherLiam 12:05 AM: ":crikPls::crikNo::jack_o_lantern:”
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "when your ass has an ass”
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "i think ive seen some furry art like that actually”
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "im not a furry tho”
otherLiam 12:05 AM: "wolf be like”
Wolfcat 12:05 AM: "damn rl shiki”
ADULT_LINK 12:05 AM: "where are those plsno emotes from?”
otherLiam 12:06 AM: "criken”
Xenquility 12:06 AM: "what's a criken”
otherLiam 12:06 AM: "a streamer/youtuber”
Wolfcat 12:06 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gckgKU7cQw”
ADULT_LINK 12:06 AM: "weird, i thought i was in crikens discord”
ADULT_LINK 12:06 AM: "wait”
ADULT_LINK 12:06 AM: "i am in his discord”
ADULT_LINK 12:06 AM: "what”
ADULT_LINK 12:06 AM: "where are his emotes”
otherLiam 12:07 AM: "https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f-nXNfBTznE”
Wolfcat 12:07 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ryq8ffVFz0”
Erika_XP💚 12:07 AM: "Good luck today Tyler @IIIII :green_heart:”
otherLiam 12:08 AM: "twewy’s ost is so good”
Xenquility 12:14 AM: "@Wolfcat Did you change the channels name”
Wolfcat 12:15 AM: "yea”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "K good”
Wolfcat 12:15 AM: "cause all the others have emojis”
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "Are we dead”
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "is this hell”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "We're not dead”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "We're still in the dreammmm”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "Anyways gtg sleep”
Xenquility 12:15 AM: "Cya”
otherLiam 12:15 AM: "guys yugi got us”
Wolfcat 12:16 AM: "do you want to know the truth behind yugi's identity?”
otherLiam 12:16 AM: "How much do you know about runes?”
Wolfcat 12:16 AM: "spell his name backwards”
ADULT_LINK 12:17 AM: "iguy”
Wolfcat 12:18 AM: "he is a guy”
PAKO 2:05 AM: "wolfcat is here again”
otherLiam 2:05 AM: "we noticed”
PAKO 2:05 AM: "me not haha”
ADULT_LINK 2:26 AM: "its almost like he never even left”
Jos 2:38 AM: "Tbh”
Jos 2:38 AM: "The canibal part was the funniest”
otherLiam 3:07 AM: "dov’s reaction was priceless”
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "Whoopsies I think I was posting in the wrong channel”
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "@Mediom Loli Snek Hello there are you excited about 11/11 today? I can't wait to figure out how Tyler will get out of this one!”
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "@ADULT_LINK how about you?”
Erika_XP💚 3:37 AM: "@Scrublord your name made me giggle and I can't believe it is basically 11/11 now and no one is talking about anything”
ADULT_LINK 3:47 AM: "yeah i'm interested in whats gonna happen”
ADULT_LINK 3:47 AM: "hopefully i dont sleep until 5 PM: " again tho”
ADULT_LINK 3:47 AM: "wait shit i have a lawyer i'm gonna be talking to so i cant really do that”
Erika_XP💚 3:50 AM: "A lawyer? Are things well in your life?”
ADULT_LINK 3:52 AM: "oh yeah you're new”
ADULT_LINK 3:52 AM: "on halloween my freinds and i got hit by a drunk driver” 
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "I know that is horrible I have known so many people who have died in auto accidents”
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "Well from my heart I am happy to know you after the fact rather than just as a line of text on a wiki.”
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "someone linked me the wiki earlier and I have been reading a little bit”
Erika_XP💚 3:55 AM: "I think I actually saw your name in it earlier”
ADULT_LINK 3:58 AM: "yeah , i've been around in the community for a long time”
Erika_XP💚 3:59 AM: "How long have you known Tyler?”
ADULT_LINK 4:01 AM: "i have a horrible memory, but i think around like. 2015? idk”
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "I feel like I have known Tyler forever even though I just started watching him for abou”
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "Oh wow”
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "For a moment I was worried I was being challenged in my love for Mr.Silentdork however then I realized”
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "Well never mind I wont say that, that would be silly >///>”
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "I will say this I bet I have seen more silentdork videos than you”
Erika_XP💚 4:01 AM: "I have so many things prepared to alert me when something happens on his channel”
ADULT_LINK 4:05 AM: "...huh”
ADULT_LINK 4:05 AM: "kindof a bold thing to bet but yeah, i've missed quite a few videos so, maybe”
Erika_XP💚 4:07 AM: "Would you like to see a secret silent dork video I bet no one has ever seen?”
ADULT_LINK 4:07 AM: "sure”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "I dont often share these when I have them because I always assume he must be hiding them for a reason”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "Or that regiminis or one of his friends might have placed a curse of some kind on it for all I know”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8up-ngPKZw”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "Some people got to see this one but I bet you did not”
Erika_XP💚 4:08 AM: "It was pretty spooky ^^”
ADULT_LINK 4:10 AM: "oh yeah i remember that one”
ADULT_LINK 4:10 AM: "i liked a few of the comments on that, so i know i've seen it before”
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "Alright I was just playing around on that one.”
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9qHHiBTq0U”
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "This one is a bit more secret I think based on the numbers”
Erika_XP💚 4:11 AM: "I bet you never saw this!”
ADULT_LINK 4:13 AM: "hmm”
ADULT_LINK 4:13 AM: "not sure if i remember this one, but i know at the very least the group has seen it, theres a translation of the ciphers by our youtube channel in the comments”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "I know I must have something you all do not”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "I thought I was just some weird girl who really likes Tyler
but I guess I should have expected there to be people out there who know what the important things are in life”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "Alright I feel weird about sharing this one because it kind of spooks me a bit”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "but I just want to make sure its as secret as I kind of thought it was”
Erika_XP💚 4:16 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAZW2Co15Bk”
ADULT_LINK 4:21 AM: "oh my god is that one of the old roblox videos”
ADULT_LINK 4:21 AM: "haha nice i almost forgot about those”
Erika_XP💚 4:21 AM: "Roblox?”
ADULT_LINK 4:21 AM: "yeah, the thing in the video is a roblox map with a lot of filters on it”
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "Oh I just was not sure what roblox was at first”
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "Please see through this. He always does this kind of thing to throw everyone off. It happened once before back in april 2012. There is always Methods to the madness. This is one of the only times I think I of the 3 will be able to speak without my symbols the way I had to set them up. Please stay alert.”
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "He said this to someone in a comment”
Erika_XP💚 4:23 AM: "But I cant be sure what it means or if it is him for real”
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "huh.”
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "i wonder if some of those old videos have any relevance to the ||||| stuff”
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "wait that was from a few months ago”
ADULT_LINK 4:26 AM: "god july feels like ages ago, i dont remember what was going on in the arg back then at al lmao”
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "Oh darn I was going to get one he had unlisted from a really really long time ago but now its set to private. I am sure I have it downloaded somewhere but Im out on my laptop right now.”
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "oooo”
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "I have one thing I could share”
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: ">.>”
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "<.<”
Erika_XP💚 4:33 AM: "but this is special to me”
ADULT_LINK 4:36 AM: "i've got a few unlisted vids bookmarked from when ooc tyler was really into monika from ddlc”
Erika_XP💚 4:37 AM: "If I show this video I will have to delete it afterwards because I want to keep it kind of secret and special in my heart for a little while longer”
ADULT_LINK 4:38 AM: "ooh?”
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "ok I am nervous”
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "But also sad because he turned the chat off so you cant see what was said”
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "But also relieved because I think I would die if anyone saw what I said”
Erika_XP💚 4:38 AM: "Ok Ill post it for a moment”
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "oh dude i remember that fuckin stream”
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "i complimented his shirt”
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "or, at the very least one of the other streams from that day”
ADULT_LINK 4:41 AM: "i think there were a few tests?”
Erika_XP💚 4:42 AM: "I jumped in and I think he was testing out how to make it work and then I THINK HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN TALKING TO ME WHEN I CAME IN AND STARTED TALKING IN THE CHAT”
ADULT_LINK 4:43 AM: "nice :thumb:”
Erika_XP💚 4:44 AM: "I love his voice so much I bet when he sings in private it sounds gorgeous.”
Erika_XP💚 4:44 AM: "Or atleast I imagine he sings in private”
Scrublord 6:03 AM: "I know this is late but”
Scrublord 6:03 AM: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/317446131586170880/508079274398449666/68747470733a2f2f63646e2e646973636f72646170702e636f6d2f6174746163686d656e74732f3331373434363133313538.gif
Erika_XP💚 6:21 AM: "@Scrublord hello there it was just me saying your name gave me a little giggle”
Scrublord 6:21 AM: "Ok lol”
Erika_XP💚 6:22 AM: "Are you a big fan of silentdork?”
Erika_XP💚 6:22 AM: "More importantly @Scrublord have you ever spoken to tyler before? I think I kind of did once, not counting yesterday when I think he might have been possesed or something.”
Scrublord 6:24 AM: "Well kind of yea”
ADULT_LINK 6:25 AM: "the original title of this video from when i bookmarked it is "Sick ass remix for that nigga scrub"
ADULT_LINK 6:25 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAZl4NAcDNg”
ADULT_LINK 6:25 AM: "so”
ADULT_LINK 6:25 AM: "lmao”
Scrublord 6:26 AM: "XD”
Erika_XP💚 6:26 AM: "Oh wow Tyler is friends with you?!”
Scrublord 6:26 AM: "Well yes”
Erika_XP💚 6:26 AM: "You are basically famous in my eyes”
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "Epic lol”
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "OMG THAT VID”
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "XD”
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "I just remembered XD”
Scrublord 6:27 AM: "Wait did he made it lore lol?”
ADULT_LINK 6:27 AM: "honestly this is still my fav pic of tyler”
ADULT_LINK 6:27 AM: "nah i dont think that video is canon at all, i just bookmarked it cuz i figured it'd be funny in the far future”
ADULT_LINK 6:27 AM: "guess i was sorta right?”
Erika_XP💚 6:29 AM: "He is such a cutie >//>;”
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "It definitely is lmao”
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "Anyways you seemed like a huge fan @Erika_XP💚 “
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "Idk if you already saw it but here's a JID related thing I made 2 years ago”
Scrublord 6:29 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9AHUEbigHM”
Erika_XP💚 6:33 AM: "@Scrublord I just laughed so hard I think I woke people up”
Scrublord 6:34 AM: "lmao”
Erika_XP💚 6:40 AM: "Sorry if I am bothering you a lot but what was the last thing Tyler said to you @Scrublord ? Was he Angry like he was here yesterday?”
Erika_XP💚 6:40 AM: "I am trying to decide if he is possesed or something”
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "I haven't talked to him for a while now”
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "But I think he is”
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "Usually he's chill af”
Erika_XP💚 6:41 AM: "How was he last time he spoke to you?”
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "Well this is the last thing he said”
Scrublord 6:41 AM: "Oh shit i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”
Erika_XP💚 6:42 AM: "wat”
Scrublord 6:42 AM: "He was about to tell me a secret code to rekt Kevin or some shit”
Erika_XP💚 6:42 AM: "WAIT WHAT!?”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "But then he's just gone”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "This is a few months ago but here's what he said”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "in telling you this you have learned something that will truly be one of the final puzzles to all of this”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "I used to straight up log in and tell these people I loved them on a semi daily basis”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "this bond and the ones that extend across all of the spans of hubris and without it”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "will call the magic that can break this curse”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "that much I know”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "We are nearing the end of a decade”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "a decade plagued by a darkness we have had a great joy in fighting
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "it will come to an end and we will enjoy again a golden time”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "this secret I have told you”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "carry it with you my compatriot, I feel you will know in your heart when is the right time to reveal it to them if you follow this journey”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "should you so desire”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "most importantly of all”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "nigga I am about to tell yo ass the secret code to fucking reck kevins shit because no one figured it out”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "all these fucking years”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "and oh my fucking god I am still dying that no one ever came close to stumbling onto this after like 6 fucking years”
Scrublord 6:43 AM: "Oh shit i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”
Scrublord 6:45 AM: "Yes”
Scrublord 6:45 AM: "But I haven't heard from him since”
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "@everyone”
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "wait oh god”
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "I AM SO SORRY”
Scrublord 6:46 AM: "But this was ages ago”
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "OH GOD OH GOD”
Erika_XP💚 6:46 AM: "OH GOD”
Scrublord 6:46 AM: "The message was from 08/09/2019”
Erika_XP💚 6:47 AM: "Oh”
Erika_XP💚 6:47 AM: "I dont know why I was expecting a rush of anger to come forth”
Scrublord 6:48 AM: "Well idk what I just said and idk if Lunar Children or Kevin or some shit might come after me now”
Scrublord 6:48 AM: "Imma go load my Glock and go exercise now”
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "You sound like such a adventerous lad”
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "Surely no match for my Tyler though. I doubt you battle cults, but you must be a very cool person for him to consider you a friend and tell you something that amazing.”
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "I just realized I think the @ everyone feature just does not work”
Erika_XP💚 6:49 AM: "I feel like people should know this”
ADULT_LINK 6:52 AM: "the ping didnt actually go thru, not everyone has @everyone perms”
ADULT_LINK 6:52 AM: "oh wait you just realised that”
ADULT_LINK 6:52 AM: "shit i'm slow”
Scrublord 6:53 AM: "Im normally just a shitposter but I joined the ID because I was working on a case of my own about my sister”
Erika_XP💚 6:53 AM: "by this I do not mean @everyone I mean the thing scrub just told me Tyler said”
Erika_XP💚 6:53 AM: "Oh no what happened to your sister”
Erika_XP💚 6:53 AM: "is she faring well?”
Scrublord 6:54 AM: "She just posted some weird codes on Twitter and I asked the ID to help me crack the code”
Scrublord 6:54 AM: "Don't worry it isn't related to JID”
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "Well I'll still worry for you because I assume tyler must care about you too”
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "@Upd8”
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "through process of elimination I think I worked out a logic in my head that explains this must be what is here in place of @everyone”
Erika_XP💚 7:04 AM: "this scrublord man is very important and Tyler was trying to tell him how to beat Kevin who I always had a feeling was really regiminis”
Scrublord 7:11 AM: "Well he really do, and vice versa for me”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "@Scrublord I have to get to bed its getting kind of late. But I am glad I got to speak to you and learn what I did.”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "I hope I get to talk to you again soon”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "doctor: you have 2 seconds to live”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "Me:”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkYAdJHN5X4&feature=youtu.be”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "plays this video twice”
Erika_XP💚 7:20 AM: "sorry I just wanted to be goofy for a moment”
Xenquility 8:27 AM: "Why the hell was upd8 @'d””
Densgivin 8:27 AM: "Lol”
Densgivin 8:27 AM: "Also mornin pals”
Densgivin 8:27 AM: "How r u xen”
Xenquility 8:27 AM: "Top o the mornin to ya”
Xenquility 8:27 AM: "Not bad. You?”
Densgivin 8:27 AM: "Fine”
Densgivin 8:27 AM: "I just had breakfast and goin back to sleep”
Xenquility 8:28 AM: "lmao”
Erika_XP💚 8:42 AM: "@Xenquility I am unable to sleep and I will tell you it was because I had a powerful revalation regarding Tylers situation”
Erika_XP💚 8:42 AM: "@Scrublord can tell you more”
Xenquility 8:43 AM: "What uh... "Revelation" did you have?”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "in telling you this you have learned something that will truly be one of the final puzzles to all of this”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "I used to straight up log in and tell these people I loved them on a semi daily basis”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "this bond and the ones that extend across all of the spans of hubris and without it”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "will call the magic that can break this curse”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "that much I know”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "We are nearing the end of a decade”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "a decade plagued by a darkness we have had a great joy in fighting”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "it will come to an end and we will enjoy again a golden time”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "this secret I have told you”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "carry it with you my compatriot, I feel you will know in your heart when is the right time to reveal it to them if you follow this journey”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "should you so desire”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "most importantly of all”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "nigga I am about to tell yo ass the secret code to fucking reck kevins shit because no one figured it out”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "all these fucking years”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "and oh my fucking god I am still dying that no one ever came close to stumbling onto this after like 6 fucking years”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "Oh shit i---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------”
Erika_XP💚 8:43 AM: "I am to be made to understand Tyler said this”
Xenquility 8:44 AM: "Yeah that happened months back”
Xenquility 8:44 AM: "iirc”
Densgivin 8:44 AM: "nig”
Erika_XP💚 8:45 AM: "Yes thats what he said but This is news to me”
Erika_XP💚: "Ew”
ARGdov: "shit are we talking about illustrations of people we wanna fuck”
Wolfcat: ""people"”
Wolfcat: "but yes”
/Mr. Circle\: "haha wolf wants to fuck something that isn't a person”
steve solothies: "Hello”
steve solothies: "my fall over”
Wolfcat: "not you steve”
Wolfcat: "what fell over”
steve solothies: "myself”
Wolfcat: "oh damn”
Xenquility: "Why'd he leave lmao”
Wolfcat: "he fucking died“
Xenquility: "Sucks to be him”
Erika_XP💚: "What an odd lad”
Xenquility: "Excuse me he identifies as a woman”
Wolfcat: "ok now you are LITERALLY assuming his gender”
Wolfcat: "shit i did too”
DensO Burton: "Hey”
Erika_XP💚: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/453310624076922899/643286223200452618/oh_no.JPG”
Wolfcat: "is that u”
Xenquility: "Excuse mr”
Xenquility: "I LATERALLY assumed it”
DensO Burton: "Lol”
Xenquility: "Not literally”
Erika_XP💚: "lol no I just wanted to post this face I found because I thought it was silly”
Wolfcat: ">mr”
yoshi: "wat”
Wolfcat: "at it again”
Xenquility: "*me”
Erika_XP💚: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U31mUOYTL3U”
Erika_XP💚: "https://youtu.be/U31mUOYTL3U?t=158”
DensO Burton: "Oh god no”
Erika_XP💚: "right here actually”
Wolfcat: "god i used to make this same exact shit as a kid”
Wolfcat: "literally just making faces in front of the camera”
Erika_XP💚: "I found this serching for silent dork lol”
DensO Burton: "That's literally a SILENT doRK”
Wolfcat: "cool”
DensO Burton: "Oh god”
yoshi: ":HyperParty:”
Erika_XP💚: "Hello there yoshi”
DensO Burton: "headbangs”
Erika_XP💚: "I bet no one in here is as big a fan of silentdork as me”
Deadhead: "Sure lol”
Erika_XP💚: "Is that a challenge?”
0 notes