#what if kojo had instagram
queseraone · 11 months
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DAY 6: Get Creative
Chenford + Kojo (a peek at Kojo's Instagram account)
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checkoutafrica · 4 years
Stonebwoy; A major player in Ghanaian Music
Every single month without fail African artists are constantly reminding us that they are in fact the kings and queens in this music game. So far in terms of music, this has really been our year and I could not be more excited! One album we cannot stop talking about here at COA is Stonebwoys ‘Anloga Junction’. This is his fourth studio album and a body of work that the Ghanian musician has been working on for the last 5 years. He describes it as a beautiful African scene with a touch of western experience and influence – Anloga junction is the juncture between those two contrasting perspectives.
Specialising in dancehall, reggae, and afrobeats Livingstone Etse Satekla is not only a major player in Ghanaian music but in African music as a whole which is why he will forever be one of the continents most celebrated artists. Having rose to international stardom after being the first artist of his kind to win a BET Award in 2015 and has subsequently won many other international awards such as Afrima, Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award as well as received nominations from MTV EMA, Grammy Awards and more. This man is not to be slept on!
Who was Stonebwoy 10 years ago?
I mean, I was still doing music …. I mean I was and still am a son, I come from a Christian family, you know? I have been doing music since I was 16, you know what I mean? It never stopped, I just kept going harder and harder. YHHH 10 years ago, I should be out of school, out of uni or something!
You create Afropop, reggae and dancehall, which one out of the three is your favourite genre and why?
I mean all three because, for me, it’s all the same roots but different branches. So when it all comes to me, I comfortably create either of the genres, I find it difficult to actually choose a main one. I think I always do all together because when you pick up any Stonebwoy song, you still feel all three; some dancehall, some afrobeats, some reggae – every single time you pick up any stonebwoy song. But you may notice that it is mainly the dancehall and afrobeat that you can feel everytime you hear any of my songs.
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Nominate challenge?
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#AnlogaJunctionAlbum #TommyXLewis #BwoyFiger
A post shared by 1GAD (@stonebwoyb) on May 4, 2020 at 1:26pm PDT
You’ve worked with the likes of Kranium, Sean Paul, Burna Boy and of course the beautiful Ms Keri Hilson. Who has been your favourite to collaborate with so far and why?
You know, when it comes to this type of question – the favourites question, it sort of limits me in a way because every collaboration of mine is a favourite, they are all unique in their own ways, you know what I mean? So I can hardly pick which one stands out amongst all of them. However, the one that is making a lot of noise right now, making a lot of impacts and that one that needs to be very much appreciated at this moment in time is the one with Keri Hilson – Nominate. It’s so crazy, it’s amazing! The combination of afrobeats and RnB with some dancehall in there is just crazy, it’s really nice to hear.
How did the collaboration with Keri Hilson come about and should we expect more collabs in the future?
Uhmm what happened is that whilst we were recording the album we really planned to have an American collaboration on it, but the collab with Keri Hilson, it so happened that it was not planned, because if it was planned then that would mean that, that would sound like I called her up and said I wanted her on the album. But none of that happened, a friend of mine met Keri on a flight and that’s how beautifully it happened – we got introduced. My friend didn’t even know it was Keri Hilson until something happened and they got the opportunity to talk and so by doing so, the conversation turned to music, we ended up exchanging contacts right there and then and we gained some nice relationships. Then when I went on tour in America, it so happened that she invited me to the studio and then we cooked nominate as a beautiful song and here we are today!
What was the idea behind calling this album Anloga Junction?
I mean it’s my roots, the intention behind the album is to give it that identity you know? It represents the fact that I have gained some influences and a lot of things having learnt from the African perspective when it comes to the music and it is at this junction that it meets with the influences from the west as well. That is why you get the name Anloga junction.
You said the theme of the album is a beautiful African scene with a touch of western experience and influence. Can you go into more detail on what you mean exactly?
Exactly! Yeah, I just think sonically it is a beautiful African song, the sound and the way the musical wave has taken a diverse turn when it comes to African music and the way it’s been received by the western world lately. All that has influence because I am one of the people, I am one of the musicians, one of the new schools who have added their voices to that type of style, especially coming from mixing the afrobeats with the reggae and dancehall to create the afro dancehall which is what I have been known for these last 10 years. When it comes to the continent of Africa, I think that I am well representing for that African sound and wave, that is a representation of that sound. Plus the Caribbean sound and which is at large the Western sound, which is what I mean by that!
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Still on the JUNCTION…which music video should we drop next?
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A post shared by 1GAD (@stonebwoyb) on May 22, 2020 at 5:47am PDT
Why did you choose to record the intro track (Le Gbs Gbe) in your home language “ewe”, what was the initial idea behind this?
Yeah, the intro track is in my home language because that is what the album is representing cause when I say Anloga you know that anybody who is going to pick up the record they have to find that masterpiece, they have to find that significance or that representation of the whole of the Anloga vice in there, that is why you find I speak in my dialect for the first track on the album, so it can truly represent what I mean with the album.
You said that some of the songs in your album are actually 5 years old, which of these are and why did you wait to include them in Angola junction rather than epistles of mama?
The reason being for that one is that there had always been a plan and I had known this particular song is timeless enough and that the project that I wanted to bring out was not yet, it was not yet due for that song and so you know as we’ve gotten here and as we started Anloga junction project, this one here qualified. That particular song is called “Nkuto” feat Kojo Antwi, track number 5 – that’s the one, that song is like 5 years old and bow down is like 2 years old. I take time to fix these songs, it took me a total span of 5 years to fix this body of work for the people.
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Which is your favourite song from the album and why?
Track one, nominate and everlasting. But the whole album literally! I love the whole album, not going to lie.
You’ve worked with SA artists (AKA, Nasty C and Cassper Nyovest) in the past, do you yourself listen to SA music? If so what’s your favourite thing about their music/ artists?
Yeahh I do, I do. I love their sound and their whole African culture. You know the whole of Africa is culture – when you see Africa, you see strong accents, you see strong melanin, you see black, you see strong people. And all of that is depicted in our music when we sing so per the various places we have and the diverse cultures we have is well well enjoyable when you are a creative and span your scoop into all these areas. I listen wide to all these forms of music, I love south African music; their house, their kwaito etc.
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How does it feel to be inducted into the Grammy museum sound of Africa exhibit?
It feels great! That was an exhibition that happened 3 years ago around 2016/2017 that they had to select some African artists who have won in that category before and those who are making strong waves and that exhibition, it was only meant to last a week but went on to last a whole year and it had me in there and legendary Kojo Antwi in there. So it was a coincidence to have him on my album and then for the both of us to be inducted at that level and that is one of the great levels that afrobeats music has been able to reach by the help of Ava Hall and the whole team who put together the BET international category. So thanks to the whole team who made it work!
What would you say is your biggest achievement so far in your career?
So far I still have a lot of things to do, I still have a lot of miles to reach, you know I’m just taking it easy now and I can only say that at this level it might even be difficult to choose my biggest achievement but I know that I must be the number one when it comes to afro dancehall and reggae and I am grateful for that.
What do you believe is the future of African music/ afrobeat’s?
In the next 10/20 years, African music is still going to be on the rise. You should understand that it can only get better and better. I pray that, not only musically but on the African continent that everything can work together for good because our arts and our creative industries are dependent on the governors of Africa. So in the next 10 years, we pray that Africa becomes more independent, more resourceful and more developed in the right sense and that way our music is going to go far. Big up to every African artist who is putting in the work!
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The post Stonebwoy; A major player in Ghanaian Music appeared first on CheckoutAfrica.
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whywhawho · 5 years
Glitz Style Awards 2019 Red Carpet Review: Best Dressed List
The Official Red Carpet Review
Red carpet reviews in Ghana have been on uprise and it is a trend that excites me. Writers are now criticizing what people wear on the red carpet and this is a useful tool to help designers to see their creations from a different perspective. Let us hold each other accountable and that's how we will grow the fashion industry in Ghana industry.
The Glitz Style Awards is an annual award show created to honor people in the entertainment industry for the strides they have made in fashion. We are here for fashion or lack there off that was served on the red carpet and I know you can’t wait to see what we think of everyone’s ensemble.
Welcome to KFV's best dressed list.
In no particular order
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Debbie opted for a simple white strapless gown with white pleat details on the waist. White was appropriate since she won stylist of the year and most deservedly. I love this outfit on her. Everything she is wearing works. She is wearing her hair in a big afro, her skin is moisturized and the outfit is right. I would have opted for a different color shoe and the length of the dress should have been a tad longer. That would have taken it to the ultimate level but this is very beautiful none the less.
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Deborah Vanessa, the African mermaid, gave us a very beautiful dress. Floor length gown with a beaded midsection and a nude illusion fabric that matches her skin tone. Even though this is a feat designers here don't know to match the nude fabric to the color of their clients' skin. This outfit worked for her but if she had kept it to the beautifully beaded short dress it would have been perfect. Less sometimes is more. This dress is by The House of Paon who has been very incognito recently. Looks like he might have been fine tuning his craft.
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Our first male entry into the best dressed like is designer Atto Tetteh. This is a beautiful double-breasted green suit. Would have preferred a shorter length because he is not tall and long jackets lengthen the torse and makes you look shorter than you are. The shoes are not the best pairing but they work.
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Claudia makes this best-dressed list 50% because of the dress and 50% because of this photo. This photo shows the dress beautifully while the photo she posted on her personal Instagram page wasn't the most flattering for the dress. Is it just me or is the makeup is a bit off? It doesn't look bad, it just looks a tad weird. Correct me in the comments if you think I am tripping.
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I have two major questions about this photo; why are there paper bags in the frame and also why is her head tilted that way in all the images of her from the red carpet? But that is neither here nor there because she has every woman green with envy in this beautiful dress. I love the dress. Her hair and makeup, on the other hand, is not the best. Girl blue hair? ugh ugh!
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Before you rip my head off this dress is not that bad. If that stiff, shiny, cheap fabric used to make the bow was taken away this is a very simple column dress. But she had to go and add a bow and ruin everything. She still makes the list.
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I like this tan suit on Pappy Kojo and that is the only reason he is in this best-dressed list. The suit looks well-tailored and ironed, it will surprise you the number of people in Ghana who go on the red carpet with crumpled clothes. Now let's get into those ugly ass crocs. Why would he do this to such a beautiful outfit? We didn’t even like Balenciaga crocs why would we like the plain ones on the red carpet? Men are truly from Mars. smh!
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Everybody loves uncle Chester. He's fun and this look is a perfect representation of him; fun and fashionable. This black ensemble works for him and works for us.
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Maia Tafo is only on this list because of his upper body. That black jacket with gold pieces on it is so beautiful to look at. I wish he had paired it with pants of the same color that didn't tapper at the end. Men want to be cool so bad that they will tapper, literally, anything. GIVE IT UP!
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I like this dress on Sacha and I see where she is going with this outfit. If she had taken away the tulle at the sleeves of the dress this outfit would have been perfect but the tulle on the sleeve is not working for me.
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Anne and Shawn (described as someone's cool friends on the Glitz Africa Instagram page) were the power couple of the night. I think this is the perfect couple outfit. The cutout and high slit on the dress are perfectly placed and show off her body beautifully. Shawn looked dapper in a black tux, black shirt, and a black bow tie. I would have loved a little color to break up the monochromatic nature of the ensemble but this also works fine.
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Using horizontal stripes and polka dots in one outfit is daring but I think it works in this instance. Does this look need to be edited, yes definitely, but somehow I do not hate it. I think it is a good enough dress for the red carpet and she looks radiant and comfortable in it.
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Zynell "do the MOSTEST" Zuh is one of the people that always want to grab your attention with an over the top outfits on the red carpet. This outfit is the only outfit where she didn't use over 20 yards to create and it is the only outfit that has made it to a best-dressed list that I have written. I have never been so proud. If only she could do a little more editing and left the bag at home but we take our wins where we can.
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This a beautiful dress on Lharley and she looks radiant but this is a great example of making sure your dress fits correctly and knowing how to pose in your outfit before you hit the red carpet. For women of a particular size, cutouts are very tricky because if the outfit is a bit tight your body looks like it is spilling out of your dress. You can either get it to fit right or elongate yourself when you are taking photos to smooth out the side.
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I love this look from head to toe. The hair looks good, the dress is well fitted and hugging her body, the slit is high and her shoes are tasteful. PS the images on her Instagram are even better than this image.
So there you have it. The creme de la creme of the night. If you didn’t make this year’s list work hard to understand the fundamentals of fashion and then bring a gorgeous outfit to the runway next year. If Sarah Jessica Parker plans her MET Gala outfits months before the first Monday of May, you can do same.
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Images Courtesy Glitz Africa
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kentonramsey · 4 years
R29 Style Picks: Everything We Want To Wear In June
Britain’s long winters normally make the arrival of summer feel like a big hug from an old friend. However, given that we can’t hug our pals at the moment, the recent warm weather feels somewhat bittersweet. Without the option to enjoy an ice cream on the beach or a cold drink in a beer garden, the summer ahead looks strange and unfamiliar. But one thing that can make us feel like our normal(ish) summery selves is the perfect hot weather ‘fit.   Once a sea of leggings and coffee-stained hoodies, lockdown dressing has become an opportunity to put our best foot forward, and frankly, we’re going for it. With an unending selection of mood-boosting prints, patterns and palettes to choose from online, our weekend park picnic is the perfect excuse to put on a new pair of sandals or a printed sun hat.   It might not be the dreamy island getaway wardrobe you were planning to wear this summer but a socially distanced meet-up and a gin in a tin with your loved ones is still enough of an excuse to get dressed up. From comfy linen shorts to floaty frocks, click through to see what R29 staff are wearing this June…
Georgia Murray, Junior Fashion Editor
I’m loving the ease of boilersuits right now and Dickies – previously unisex – has just launched styles specifically tailored for women's bodies, meaning their pieces just got even comfier. Of course, anyone can wear any of the pieces, but I've found this cut works better for my chest and legs. This mint green number is lightweight looks as great with white Chucks as it does with sunnies and Birkenstocks, so I'll be wearing all summer. Dickies Utility Boilersuit, $, available at Urban Outfitters
I learned about this really cool initiative last month. The premise is simple: answer a few questions about your personal style, pay £35 and receive a box of SS20 pieces originally destined for big-name retailers and brands that never made it to store thanks to unfulfilled orders during coronavirus. Your money goes towards supporting garment workers in Bangladesh who have been devastatingly impacted by the crisis’ disruption of the production line. You won’t know what’s in the box but that’s all part of the fun, and you’ll be saving more clothes from going to landfill while helping workers feed their families for a week. Buy for yourself or as a gift for a pal.  Lost Stock Lost Stock Box, $, available at Lost Stock
It’s sandal season baby! Despite being unable to venture further than big Sainsbury's and the local park, this TOMS pair is proving a trusty companion for my daily walk. They go with everything I already own and, from experience, last for years. TOMS Black Leather Sicily Women's Sandals, $, available at TOMS
Anna Jay, Art Director
Simple linen and cottons are all that seem to make sense in this heat. I'm seeing this as a basic that I'll want to throw on whether chilling at home or for in the future when lockdown lifts. Everlane Linen Short-Sleeve Shirt, $, available at Everlane
While the risk of staining is vast with the number of spillages I incur every day, it doesn’t change the fact that this is a great dress and basically all I want to wear right now.  COS Asymmetric Layered Dress, $, available at COS
I’m a terrible jewellery wearer but wish for otherwise. Maybe now’s the time to start.  Wald Berlin Pas De Deux Necklace, $, available at Wald Berlin
Jessica Morgan, Staff Writer
I never wore much jewellery before the start of this year and I’ve no idea why it’s taken me this long, but I’m obsessed with minimal rings. A friend posted this (black owned) brand on her Instagram story recently and I instantly fell in love with this ring. It’s so delicate, so elegant, so beautiful – I’ve reserved a space for it on my finger.  Saint Kojo Mono Pearl Ring, $, available at Saint Kojo
It’s not spring/summer without a fresh pair of white kicks, and while I’ve spent the last decade wearing my Stan Smiths to death, it’s time to hang those up and try a different style. I’ve always loved Superstars; I had a pair in school which I used for PE (until they were banned and I was forced to wear those horrible plimsolls) so it’s time to bring them back to my adult shoe collection where there are no rules to follow.  Adidas Superstar Shoes, $, available at Adidas
We may not be able to go out and party with our friends but that doesn’t mean I can’t dress up for our weekly girls' night Zoom. This beautiful number has my name all over it and it’s so perfect for the summer. I’ve been looking into more sustainable pieces as the guilt has finally settled in. This brand designs its pieces with renewable and recyclable materials (certified viscose) and digitally prints its textiles. Fashion guilt? Not anymore! Omnes Pink Floral Print High Neck Mini Dress, $, available at Omnes
Sadhbh O’Sullivan, Health & Living Writer
I bought a light yellow pair of these shorts from Uniqlo a couple of years ago and they are probably my most worn item since lockdown started – breathable and roomy and cute enough to feel like I’ve made the bare minimum effort. If I were getting another pair, I’d go for white to pair with bold tops and T-shirts that are inevitably languishing under my bed from last summer. Uniqlo Women Linen Cotton Blend Relaxed Fit Shorts, $, available at Uniqlo
Kind of a linen trend emerging here. Mayamiko is a brilliant ethical fashion brand and this linen mini dress ticks every possible summer box: breezy, sustainable, comfortable but well cut. Sorted. MAYAMIKO Lily Mini Dress, $, available at MAYAMIKO
I love the drama of these earrings. Jewellery feels like the easiest way to make an effort at the moment and I’m enjoying wearing OTT pieces with slouching-around-the-flat outfits. These would be perfect to make me feel like a rich bitch in my worn leggings. Paloma Wool Didi, $, available at Paloma Wool
Vicky Spratt, Features Editor 
I am going through a scrunchie phase right now. I love Ganni’s prints and this leopard is the perfect leopard which, as we all know, is something you should never pass on when you see it! Ganni Silk Linen Scrunchie, $, available at Ganni
What are bras? I don’t know, because I’ve stopped wearing them. But if I were going to put one on, it certainly wouldn’t be underwired and it would look a lot like this soft black bra from About. About Triangular Modal-Blend Jersey Bra, $, available at Matches Fashion
I have no cause to use handbags at the moment as, let’s be real, I’m not really going anywhere. However, if I do ever start moving around and socialising again I really want a cross-body bag that’s super simple just like this, which goes with everything and leaves my hands free to do really important things like hold drinks and hug people. Remember hugging?  Aesther Ekme Mini Leather Cross-Body Bag, $, available at Matches Fashion
Alicia Lansom, Editorial Assistant
I’ve been seeing this baguette bag on my Instagram feed for the past few months but I always let it pass me by. Now that this vegan leather bad boy is half price, it feels like a good time to introduce it to my all-black handbag collection. JW PEI Eva Shoulder Bag, $, available at JW PEI
Just because this straw hat is more suited to the Italian Riviera than a walk to Co-op doesn’t mean I don’t want it. My justification for purchasing this gigantic hat is that my face hasn't seen the sun for literally months, so I need something to shelter my pasty skin from its harmful rays. Arket Wide-Brimmed Straw Hat, $, available at Arket
Every single dress I've had my eye on this summer seems to be the same iteration of a puff-sleeve floaty frock, apart from this one. Short, sweet and sunny, this Reformation creation is the perfect picnic dress for summer.  Reformation Puglia Dress, $, available at Reformation
Kristine Romano, Photo & Design Assistant
I don’t know where I think I’m going or who I am seeing with this bag, but I kinda love it? It would definitely add a fun pop of colour to any outfit. COS Small Lightweight Shopper, $, available at COS
Even though it's nice to free the feet on occasion, I’ll almost always pick trainers over sandals, even in the summer. While I wouldn’t usually opt for a colourful pair, these might just change that! The pops of turquoise and red feel fresh yet subtle enough to be versatile. New Balance MR530 Trainers, $, available at Zalando
It seems counterintuitive to want a pair of trousers as we head towards summer but in my defence, these are linen! Perfect for days when it’s not quite warm enough (but too warm for jeans). Paloma Wool Shanghai, $, available at Paloma Wool
Jacqueline Kilikita, Beauty Editor
All I’ve been wearing is slippers and sponge flip-flops and I’m desperate to switch things up – even if my only outing is to the big Sainsbury’s. I’ve got my eye on these chunky mules, which I’ll dress down with jeans and a tee.  ASOS DESIGN Holland Cross Strap Platform Mules, $, available at ASOS
I’m living in comfy, stretchy jumpsuits lately but I want to feel a bit more put-together and ‘done’. This pineapple print version looks super soft, so I can still lounge around, but is a little dressier than what I currently own. Sugarhill Brighton Sienna Pineapple Batik Wide Leg Jumpsuit Black, $, available at Wolf & Badger
I spotted Normal People’s Daisy Edgar-Jones with this burnt orange cotton tote by JW Anderson on the weekend and now I must have it. I don’t know what I’ll put in it other than groceries but still, it’s very cute. JW Anderson Belt Tote Bag, $, available at JW Anderson
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
It's Time To Embrace Summer Escapism Fashion
The Sunniest Yellow Dresses For Spring
These Shoppers Will Carry All Your Essentials
R29 Style Picks: Everything We Want To Wear In June published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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10 Art pieces or galleries to go see in Kansas City this spring
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Spring is right around the corner and that means we’re almost out of hibernation season. For many, winter keeps them homebound, doing minimal activity besides work and school, and catching up on the Netflix queue. Now that the weather is finally warming up, you might be considering what to do outside or what places to visit.
Spring is an excellent time to explore and view art in Kansas City. Art helps you expand your horizons and gives you new perspective, which can be therapeutic if you’ve been cooped up at home for the last few months. The following list has 10 important artworks or exhibits worth seeing this year.
Water Lilies | Claude Monet (French, 1840 – 1926)
  (1) Water Lilies: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art houses more than 40,000 pieces of art. One of the more stunning paintings is one of Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies.” The artist painted around 250 oil paintings for his Water Lilies series. The paintings depict his flower garden at his home in Giverny. Monet painted several of the pieces while suffering from cataracts. The paintings from this series are on display at museums all over the world. Seeing the painting at the museum is an entirely different experience than coming across an image of it on the Internet. The detail Monet put into his artwork has a magical feel to it — the colors seem to move and wind seems to rustle grass. Water Lilies are one of the most iconic images of impressionism — a 19th century art moment characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, accurate depictions of lighting, and other aesthetics. Monet wanted to document the French countryside. He deliberately painted the same scenes many times in order to capture new lighting and the passing of seasons.
(2) Olive Trees: nearby the Water Lilies painting, you’ll find one of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings from the “Olive Trees” series. Back in 2017, the museum discovered a small grasshopper embedded in the thick paint of the piece. Researchers discovered it while cataloging the French painting collection at Nelson-Atkins. Van Gogh frequently worked on his art outside, and he often dealt with the natural elements while he painted. This includes wind, dust, grass, trees, flies, and grasshoppers. Curators, conservators, and outside scientists added scholarship on 104 French paintings and pastels at the museum as part of its research project. The online catalogue will be published in installments in 2019 and will offer a wide range of insight about the artwork. Using magnification techniques, Paintings Conservator Mary Schafer discovered the tiny grasshopper hidden in the painting. The insect sits in the lower foreground of the landscape. Visitors cannot see it without some kind of magnification.
Construction | Thomas Hart Benton 1923
(3) Art from Thomas Hart Benton: Thomas Hart Benton was an American painter and muralist. He was born in Neosho, Missouri to an influential family full of politicians. His father, Colonel Maecenas Benton, was a lawyer and he was elected four times as U.S. Congressman. The painter was named after his great-uncle, one of the first two United States Senators elected from Missouri. As a teenager, Benton worked as a cartoonist for the Joplin American newspaper. He spent time in Chicago, Paris, New York City, and other places before settling in Kansas City. He taught at the Kansas City Art Institute. Benton’s paintings often centered around small-town life and the working class. He has several paintings located at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
Thomas Hart Benton Home and Studio State Historic Site | Missouri State Parks, includes guided tours
In 1977, Missouri designated Thomas Hart Benton’s home and studio as a state historic site. The state preserved the way his house was following his death. His clothing, furniture, and paint brushes haven’t moved since his passing. The house museum is open for guided tours and displays 13 original artworks.
(4) Julie Blackmon’s Work at the Kemper: Julie Blackmon lives in Springfield, Missouri and is known for her photography. If you’ve never seen her work, it is some of the more delightful art of our time. Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art is holding an exhibit called “Child’s Play: An Exploration of Adolescence.” It includes some of Blackmon’s works. Her photography shows real and imagined aspects of her family life. The exhibit as a whole focuses on concepts brought forth by neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. The exhibit will run till August 4, 2019. It also includes works from Arthur Tress and Kojo Griffin.
Art from Art Alley
(5) Art Alley: Hidden away in Kansas City is a magical world of street art and graffiti. Art Alley is located near 17th & Locust. The ever-evolving hub brings together some of the area’s most talented graffiti wizards. The art in the old business district includes popular characters like Mega Man, Waldo, and Wolverine. It also has plenty of unknown characters — like the image of the woman in this article with the elongated ears, Victorian dress in a teal-like shade, and a moon ridden with craters. The murals are spread out across several blocks. People recommend parking your car and exploring the area by foot. It’s also a hot spot for Instagram worthy snaps.
Art Alley
Art Alley
  Walt Disney’s Original Studio
(6) Disney’s Old Art Studio: Walt Disney had roots in Kansas city and in nearby Marceline, Missouri. It’s worth taking a day trip to his old stomping grounds to check out the Walt Disney Hometown Museum. Disney founded his first professional film studio in Kansas City. The business operated on the second floor of a building near 31st & Troost. There is some art outside the building in memory of Disney and his quest to deliver top notch animations. This is a work in progress, so don’t expect to be amazed. Right now the “Thank You Walt Disney, Inc.” is committed to saving Walt Disney’s KC history to provide a place for art and animation study. There is an effort to restore the Laugh-O-Gram Studio for future generations.
(7) Expedition to the ChimaCloud: the immersive, multimedia experience created for the Nelson-Atkins gives viewers a one of a kind experience. It incorporates technology, identity, ceremonial rituals, and science fiction. Saya Woolfalk’s body of work takes visitors into a fantastical, made-up world. The unique exhibit will stay up through September 1, 2019. The artist will talk about her work May 9th and tickets will be required. The exhibition includes other activities listed on the Nelson-Atkins website. If you’re needing a little more context for this exhibit, the museum describes ChimaCloud as essentially an alternative digital universe created by the Empathics, a fictional race of women.
(8) Monarchs: Brown and Native Contemporary Artists in the Path of the Butterfly: the traveling exhibition allows visitors to explore ideas around the defense of Standing Rock and the possibility of a border wall in the near future. The exhibit looks at how the wall presents challenges to people native to the Americas who have been separated into categories of indigenous, immigrant, and assimilated Americans. 42 artists pull from ancestral and cultural memory to take a deeper look at the abstract ways we determine cultural identity. The exhibit also explores centuries-old trade routes that move people along with their goods.
This exhibition is curated by Risa Puleo. It is organized by Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, Nebraska, where it was first presented in December 7, 2017, to February 24, 2018.
(9) History Reimagined at 21c Kansas City: a viewing of contemporary art here could also come with a hotel stay and some fine dining. There are guided museum tours every Wednesday and Friday at 5. It is free and open to the public 365 days of the year. 21c also has locations in other American cities. There are three temporary exhibits up right now. The museum is home to Sky Blue Penguin figurines. The birds are scattered around the museum to accompany visitors on their journey. According to the museum’s website, the sky blue color is significant to both art and science. The website quotes writer Rebecca Soinit in selecting the specific color for the KC museum:
“Light at the blue end of the spectrum does not travel the whole distance from the sun to us. It disperses among the molecules of the air, it scatters in water. Water is colorless, shallow water appears to be the color of whatever lies underneath it, but deep water is full of this scattered light, the purer the water the deeper the blue. The sky is blue for the same reason….This light that does not touch us, does not travel the whole distance, the light that gets lost, gives us the beauty of the world, so much of which is in the color blue.”
(10) Panthéon de la Guerre: the mural was the most ambitious artistic undertaking during World War I. The sprawling painting was completed in 1918. At 402 feet in circumference and 45 feet in height, it was the largest painting in the world.
Artist and museum worker Daniel MacMorris found out the painting was in the United States from a 1953 Life magazine article. After MacMorris acquired it, the painting was cut into puzzle pieces to fit the remaining wall in Memory Hall at the Liberty Memorial. MacMorris said the effort compared to “whittling down a novel to Reader’s Digest condensation.” He repainted many figures and other elements to help unify the work after condensing it. He left several fragments in the National WWI Museum and Memorial’s archives. Portions have not been seen in public since the Panthéon’s last full exhibition in 1940. MacMorris did throw away several pieces that were not used for the painting. He died in 1981.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/03/10/10-art-pieces-or-galleries-to-go-see-in-kansas-city-this-spring/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/03/10/10-art-pieces-or-galleries-to-go-see-in-kansas-city-this-spring/
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brutalballoons-blog · 6 years
How We Re-Invented Balloon Modelling: Behind The Scenes 🎈
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When we created Brutal Balloons we wanted to create an easy way for people to ruin special occasions. It’s that simple...
In the past we’ve struggled to communicate who we really are and what we stand for - just a couple of Oxbridge graduates applying our degrees, creating abusive balloons to ruin all special occasions. Balloon selfies were not enough. Balloon boomerangs were getting boring. We needed to up our game to really connect with our audience. We needed to humanise the abusive balloon. Finding a way to build a meaningful connection with real people. Something no one had ever dreamed or attempted before. 
We needed to combine our passion for rude balloons and people into one, beautifully composed set of photos. 
“Humanise the abusive balloon like no one had ever done before” 
So how does one humanise the abusive balloon? A question we weren’t sure we could even answer. But we did it and here’s how...
1. Transform the living room into a photography studio 
We can’t really do these shoots in public. They are too offensive. So while the housemates were out, we transformed the living room into a professional photo studio. Serious set up! 
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2. Fill the Balloons with the perfect amount of helium 
Too little and they’ll be floppy, too make and they’ll look ugly. Balloon filling is an art not to be underestimated. A true craft.  We take it very seriously here at Brutal Balloons. 
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3. Find the perfect model 
Find a model that believes in your vision. One who can look you in the eye and convince you to buy them without saying a word. @soph_xpp (that’s an instagram handle if you live in a cave / don’t actually know her real name to be honest) was perfect. After months of searching, we found her and knew she was the one. 
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4. Shoot! 
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The Rude Hen Party Mix 
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Half of the original 12 Balloons 🎈
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If it’s all going wrong, remember...
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This took fucking hours to get every balloon perfect...
5. Release into the wild (Sorry not sorry, Greenies) to ruin peoples day...
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And, The result is beautiful... 
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The Hen Party Mix
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The Birthday Mix 
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The Original Abusive Mix 
Big thanks to Kojo Photography for the the shoot & edits, and a massive thanks to Sophie for incredible art we’ve created. 
Facebook and instagram won’t let us advertise this stuff. So if you like what we do we’d appreciate the share! If you want to hear more about our ambitions of spreading the filth and generally ruining special occasions we’re on all the social stuff - facebook, instagram and our website.
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Diadora, back the B. Elite sneakers loved in the 80s
To present the P / E 2018 collection, the sports brand, which this year celebrates its 70th anniversary, has involved young and talented artists and influencers Passion, authenticity, audacity. These are the values that represent the “crew” made up of interesting and promising young creative talents of the moment, chosen by the Diadora brand for the new Powered by Defiance campaign. Joan Thiele, Federica Abbate, Felipe Conceicão, Valentina Pegorer, Jack Saunders, Yxng Bane, all under 25, are the protagonists of the new project born to tell the spirit of the collection for spring/summer 2018; a group that reflects the values of the brand as the desire to get involved, the dynamism, the tenacity, the adventurous spirit and the optimistic gaze towards the future. All the guys were proud to wear the iconic sports models of the legends of the past that today come back to the fore in a modern way to interpret the latest trends in street fashion. Among these, the most loved shoe among those signed Diadora: the B. Elite, once worn by the most famous tennis players of all time and today at the feet of new generations. The model retains the shape that made it famous, but returns to office with new colors and options in the B.Elite L. As for the clothing items, the proposal is really wide and very cool. The streetstyle collection in fact is inspired by the ’80s, back in fashion in style, and offers garments like the track jacket or the polycotton overalls revisited and characterized by truly captivating colors and details. The retro style of the past glories of tennis merge with research and stylistic innovation to create a truly original and exciting collection that has also won the protagonists of the POWERED BY DEFIANCE project. We met some of them to get to know them better. Valentina Pegorer – Born in 1990 in Milan, she is fascinated by dancing, television and acting since she was a child. After having participated in several advertisements as a child, she worked at Deejay TV and joined Claudio Bisio and Frank Matano in “The Comedians”. The fame comes, however, thanks to Beijing Express where in 2017 wins in pairs with Ema Stokholma. She would like to conduct new types of programs in the future to be able to “modernize” today’s TV. What do you like most about Milan? In Italy, in my opinion, it is the most projected city in the future and unlike London, where I lived for a while, it is less confusing. My favorite places are The Prada Foundation, the Bicocca Hangar and the Apollo Club. What relationship do you have with social networks? I follow them directly and I like to post photos, but only when I feel like it. I do not have to feel it as an obligation. Are you a sportswoman? I practice yoga, climbing and I love running. With the dance I was confronted during the participation in the program “Dance Dance Dance 2” and this experience has shaped me a lot. Above all, he taught me the value of constancy. Even when I do not practice sport I love being comfortable and almost always wearing sneakers. I have a lot of them and my favorites are those high and bright colors. Jack Saunders – London, began his radio tour with Fly FM, the student radio of Nottingham Trent University. In the summer of 2014 he joined Kerrang! Radio then moved to Radio X in 2015. Every month he organizes an evening of music called Hopscotch and invites some of the most interesting emerging bands to perform at The Social, in central London. The event has attracted the attention of prestigious magazines such as The Times, Guardian and Music Week and is fast becoming a highlight for new bands in search of visibility. In 2017, Jack collaborated with MTV and presented the UK Blog Awards. Your biggest satisfaction? Having brought several youth bands to the fore. Their success makes me really happy. What are your artistic dreams? I would like to become one of the greatest talent discoverers internationally. At the moment I’m not interested in becoming a record producer, I just want to hunt for talent. The dive city would you like to live? I would like to live in Australia in the future. Where the environment, from the radio point of view, is similar to that of England, but the climate is quite another thing. London is really too messed up! What types of garments do you prefer to wear? I love the leaders of the English street culture of the 90s. In particular, the jackets with zip as the track jacket by Diadora, a cult among the boys of the time that in recent years is back in fashion. Felipe Conceicão – Genoese Vlogger, is one of the emerging stars of video production in Italy. Passionate about music and computer science from an early age, he makes the first video at 17 and is noticed thanks to Youtube. Among his latest works, the direction of the video clip “New generation kids” by Luca Cikovani, photography of the latest video of Benji and Faith “Love Wii-fi” and that of Leo Stannard feat. Chiara Galiazzo “Gravity”. What relationship do you have with sport? I’m not a very sporty type even though I find it important to dedicate time to one’s physical well-being as well as one’s own passions and intellect activities. On the other hand, my favorite style is sportswear. Do you love to travel? Where would you like to live? I like traveling the world but do not leave for short trips. I like to stay in a place to really understand the culture, the customs and the way of thinking of the people who live there. Currently I moved from Genoa to Milan but one day I would like to live in Los Angeles. What are your future goals? I would like to become a successful director and give life to science fiction films or TV series that intertwine with the real world. Yxng Bane – British rapper, grew up in Custom House, a district in the London borough of Newham. At 19 he is noted with the piece “Lone Wolf” published on Soundcloud. After collaborating with Yungen for “Bestie”, he launches “Fine Wine” feat. Kojo Funds and part for a long tour that sold out in different locations, including Dubai and Ibiza. With “Rihanna” he enters the top 40 of the United Kingdom last year and gets great visibility. Ed Sheeran complimented his cover of “Shape of you” which has depopulated on the web and currently has 16 million views. Have you always wanted to sing? In my family, music has always occupied an important place. At the beginning I only had fun doing remixes and only two years ago I discovered a passion for singing. Are you hyper-connected? Do you personally follow your social profiles? Before making music the social world did not interest me in the least, then I was forced to use the various Facebook, Instagram, etc .. to give visibility to my work and now I have a manager who takes care of it. But I have a good relationship with my followers and I’m happy to tell me about them. Are you a sporty type? What are your favorite items? Years ago I played football and basketball, now I do a lot less sport but I’m always on the move. I love the suits and for the Diadora campaign I chose to wear the track jacket with white and black zip with gold logo. A perfect match with my golden necklaces.                                                                                                               Article taken from https://www.gqitalia.it/moda/trend/new/2018/03/20/diadora-tornano-le-sneakers-b-elite-amate-negli-anni-80/#!#%2Ffullscreen%2F0%2F1%2F
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