#what if: races are basically fake. anyone you consider 'white' bc they're european can actually have dark skin and vice versa for ppl
snekdood · 10 months
i honestly think i like it better that my ethnic genetic makeup is vague, it makes for very entertaining interactions.
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kurosukii · 3 years
Cw: body image, race, fetishizing, fetishization
Warning this long:
To the anon that stopped watching porn bc of body image issues:
Even when porn "tries" (I use that term in the loosest way possible) to be "inclusive" it's really just fetishizing. Porn really was just meant for white cishet men.
If you see any POC in porn that is always highlighted and if course categorized. Why? Bc is a fucking fetish. Like seriously? You have, Latina, Black girl, Thug, Asian, BBW, Midget, Mature. Like say good bye to just watching 2 average people with or without a handicap have sex. And even that will just be under amateur if you want the homemade stuff, which still lacks in variety. I have found more inclusivity in those and they're usually just under amateur and not categorized with "amateur black/asian/latina/bbw and so on "
But either way I generally end up watching hentai (bc fuck realism) or something animated or cg. Like serious the only time you'll see diversity is in animated or CG stuff. I say variety bc you'll find vids with monsters, aliens, and whatever.
My friend who is married to a white man says that all his friends asked him, "how is it to have sex with a black woman?" And he was like, "dafuq? Like anyone else bc she's a woman". She said white men, older men especially, would target her bc they somehow thought black women were different in bed.
The best you'll get is sticking to fics and even then it's hard unless you have a self indulgent writer who isn't the euro centric beauty standard and waifish. It's funny bc we say eurocentric, but European men aren't bothered by women with body hair or plus sized women like it is over here in America. Well, I may be over-generalizing bc I'm sure it's more common in certain European countries where a hairier woman is commonplace. When I went to Europe it was more common to see men, regardless of body type, being with a variety of women. So you'd see someone like Bo or Sakusa that would happily be with a plus sized and petite woman and be totally smitten regardless. Same on the other end. Women that some would consider hot and thin being with average men that are of various body types.
I wonder if you get those apps to switch your VPN how different the porn results would be. When I went to Japan and went onto pornhub the videos that popped up were vastly different than what shows up in America.
In Spain there is a female porn director that takes stories written by people that watch her stuff and she turns them into porn. So basically you'd write a self indulgent scenario and send it to her and then she makes a porn out of it. But her videos are more on the romantic side, and also more geared to females in the sense that it's not the over the top grossness you sometimes see with male dominated vids. Like those can be good in small doses bc yeah, sometimes I just want to see a guy really rail a chick.
I'm generally not physically attracted to white men so I have to not focus on the actors too. And again all POC content is fetishizing. Any non thin body or abled body is also fetishized.
My issues appearance wise is that in hairy and also have lots of facial hair bc of pics so that's something I get shamed for and something you won't really see anywhere. I mean I'm not thin by American standards either. I have a saggy belly and lots of loose skin around it bc of kids. I always say it looks like a sad basset hound (yeah I'm really selling myself here) And freaking MILF porn is def not representative of what actual moms look like post kids.
wewww naur cause agree with the whole fetishizing part 100% pawrn is fake afff (the well funded ones anyway, amateur is slightly slightly better) and yeahhh @ nonnie don’t feel too bad about yourself bc you’re amazing and beautiful and don’t let pawrn define you <33 (NOT THE BASSET HOUND !1’wnfjdnd)
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