#on that shit anyways and i think its simply more fun to have them guess and be wrong
snekdood · 10 months
i honestly think i like it better that my ethnic genetic makeup is vague, it makes for very entertaining interactions.
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The Babysitter (17)
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MILF Wanda Maximoff X Reader
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 17- W/c 2.7k-
Tag list- @natsluttt @cerberus-spectre @dorabledewdroop @bibliophilicbi @hopelesslyfallenninlove @simpform1lfs @get-the-fuck-outta-here @natashaswife4125 @marvelwomen-simp (Comment if you want to be added)
Checking your watch, you noticed you were a bit early to the Romanoff residence but knocked anyway as you were sure they wouldn't mind your presence. The door swiftly swung open to reveal Natasha, whose eyes widened when her gaze flickered down momentarily, your brows furrowing as her smile rapidly turned into a smirk. You didn't have time to say anything before you were dragged into her home and pulled upstairs into her room.
Poor Maria was given a fright when Natasha's door flung open, the redhead pushing you in and shutting the door while the blue eyed girl was left puzzled on the bed. Her questioning expression soon mirrored her girlfriends when her gaze travelled down your body, moving to wrap her arms around Natasha's shoulders as she sat on the bed, both of them looking at you expectantly.
Like a deer in headlights, you simply stood awkwardly at the end of the bed where you had been ushered to, still confused as to what was going on.
"Are you going to tell us what happened to your neck or are we going to have to guess?" Natasha speaks up, Maria chuckling and propping her head on the Russian's shoulder.
"My neck?" You asked in confusion before the colour drained from your face for a split second before turning an embarrassingly bright shade of red. The hickey. Your hand flew up to your neck, your brain trying to think of a plausible excuse but your mouth acting first. "I fell."
"You fell?" Maria teased, you just grimacing at the shit excuse you had come up with.
"On your neck?" Natasha added with a chuckle, you just groaning at her teasing tone and falling forwards onto the bed next to them both. The dramatic action earned a chorus of laughter from the couple while you grumbled against the sheets. "Seems like someone had fun after lunch," the redhead continued to torment.
"Shut up," you muttered, rolling over but covering your face with your hands when you had to endure a few more teasing comments. "Are you done yet?" the words come out in a mumble which only made them both laugh a little more, claiming they'd finished their teasing comments.
"We'll take mercy on you now," Natasha says while leaning back into Maria's embrace, the sight making your gaze soften as you're so happy for your best friend. "Come on, we have to cover that before Mama sees," the redhead says, pushing off the bed to retrieve her makeup bag while your face loses its colour once more at the idea of a lecture from Melina.
You take your place at her desk chair, Natasha standing in front of you, tilting your face up as she tries to cover the purple mark on your neck. Maria stays on the bed, chuckling when Natasha scolds you in Russian as you keep moving your face.
"перестань двигаться, идиотка (Stop moving you idiot)," she grumbles when you flinch at the cold feeling of her hand brushing against your neck, your eyes squinting as you have a vague idea of what she's saying.
"Я не идиот (I am not an idiot)," you say back, your pronunciation poor compared to hers, making her roll her eyes.
"да неужели? Кто будет говорить, что он упал на шею? Правильно, идиот ," she says in a huff, pulling away as she's covered up the mark as best as she could. When you look at her blankly, she realises that you don't understand her and translates it, "Oh really? What kind of person says they fell on their neck? Oh that's right, an idiot."
"I was panicking," you argue but the Russian simply shakes her head while laughing, returning to the bed to sit with Maria.
"We could tell," adds Maria, you just giving her a 'really?' look which makes her shrug her shoulders.
Before you could retort back, Melina calls out to the three of you, saying that dinner was ready and you're surprised she knew you were here but then again, that woman knew everything.
Leaning back against the seat, you looked down at your now empty plate and wished one day you could make anything taste as good as Melina's cooking. The older woman's food rivalled Wanda's cooking, somehow managing to make every bite taste like heaven. When you let out a sigh at being so full, Natasha chuckled at your blissed out facial expression while Yelena carried on talking about some 'cranky old bitch' who she came across today. Melina wasn't happy with the language but let it go as she saw how her daughter seemed to be happier at everyone being together again.
Once you were able to move again, Melina asked for your help with the dishes. As if Natasha knew what you were in for, she wished you good luck which only caused you to panic the entire way to the kitchen, praying you would make it out alive.
"How was the rest of your evening after lunch with Yelena?" Melina asks innocently, starting the hot water and moving the plates to the side to wash.
"It was good," you timidly say, knowing you were like a fly caught in a spider's web, waiting to be eaten alive.
"Mhmm," she hums out, passing you a plate to dry and purposely looking down at your neck causing your cheeks to flush red. She remains silent for a few minutes, causing your nerves to double each minute she stays quiet. "I'm going to be forward now Dorogaya," she says, turning the tap off as she's finished the last dish, turning to you and looking at you. "You're like another child to me, Y/n, and you always will be. I promised your father that I'd always be here for you. That's why I'm going to ask you this, are you sure about this.. Thing with Wanda?"
"Thing with Wanda?" you say incredulously, confused as to how she's managed to find out and the way she's describing it.
"I just want you to be careful dear. I've known Wanda a lot longer than you Y/n and I know she's a good woman but you must remember she is a woman, you are simply still a girl.She has her whole life together; her children, her job, her future, just remember that Y/n."
"I...I'm happy Melina," you say and her gaze softens at you, her hands moving to comfortingly squeeze your shoulders.
"That's all I want for you dear, but you still have to be careful. Love hurts, it's not always perfect and it never will be, but the way you handle it decides how amazing it can be," your confused expression makes her sigh, giving you a gentle look before continuing, "What I'm trying to say dear is that, there will be times where you don't agree on things but you have to take into account her perspective of it and the differences between you two. Don't be rash about things, we both know the consequences of that," her final words hurt but you understand why she's saying it, your gaze lowering to the floor as you take in everything she's said.
She lets you ponder for a moment, helping you with the final dishes you have to dry before speaking up again, "Tell me all about her." Turning to look at her, your brows furrow but a smile takes over your face at the thought of talking about Wanda, the action not going unnoticed by Melina. "Come on, I want to see how much she's changed from the sweet little baby I used to see."
"Baby?" your tone mirroring the confused expression on your face.
"Natalya and I are high school friends," she explains, a reminiscent look taking over her face, "God, I remember finding out when she was pregnant and then finding out she was having twins. I was so shocked but also so happy for her."
You continue talking to Melina, asking her about young Wanda and then telling her all about the older woman, leaving a few certain details out and mainly just saying how amazing she was to you. The two of you could have conversed all night but Natasha and Yelena wanted to watch a film with you, stealing you away from their mother and going upstairs, asking how the 'interrogation' with her went before starting the film.
A few weeks had passed since the conversation with Melina, you taking her words into account but still enjoying every moment you spent with the Sokovian.
At the moment, she was driving back from her parents house after dropping the twins off to stay overnight, due to the divorce being finalised tomorrow and both parties agreeing it would be better and more convenient if the twins weren't there.
Your mind wandered to Wanda while the rest of the group talked amongst themselves, your mind imagining her in the car, fingers drumming against the wheel to whatever song was playing on the radio. A smile quickly snook onto your face at the mere thought of her, the laughter that filled the air breaking you out of your thoughts.
"I wonder who someone is thinking about," teased Yelena as she flopped down into the chair next to you, the four of you sitting outside as the temperature was starting to increase.
"Oh just my favourite dog," you say dramatically as Fanny copies her owner's actions and sits next to you, well, on your feet. Your hands move to ruffle her fur while you look up at Natasha and Maria who returned from getting some more drinks. Maria handed you a can of coke with a smile, now understanding after getting to know you that you had a distaste for alcohol but not why. Natasha slipped her sister a beer, making sure that if Alexei came out he wouldn't see his underaged daughter with a drink and eventually sat down in the chairs opposite you.
"So Y/n, what are yours and Wanda's plans for tonight?" the redhead across from you asks with a knowing smirk, your eyes rolling at her insinuation.
"Bingo at the old ladies club," your tone playful as you sip your drink, the other three laughing at your response.
"I bet you'll be dying to hear the number 69 announced," Maria said, making you shake your head at her joke, hoping the blush appearing on your face wasn't that obvious.
"Anyway," the quick change of subject from you makes the couple smile in victory at teasing you, "What are your plans for tonight after your favourite visitor leaves?"
The glance between Natasha and Maria is all you need to confirm your suspicions, a laugh leaving your lips while Yelena just grimaces.
"Well, my parents are out of town-"
"Stop," Yelena pleads, "I can physically feel the sick rising in my throat, I don't want to know." Her face remains in disgust as you all laugh at her reaction of learning what her sister was planning to do later, your face also mirroring hers when you see the couple kiss in front of you to annoy you both.
"Gross," you jokingly say, knowing they weren't going to go any further as they weren't the type that would make out in front of others or in the halls of college. Those people need help, no one wants to see that. 
The rest of the time you spend with your friends flies by, only leaving as Wanda messaged saying she was now home and you could come over whenever you wanted. The three tease you as you start to get ready to go as soon as you receive the message, just laughing along at their jokes as you grab your jumper and backpack with clothes in.
You walk to the gate of Natasha and Yelena's house, the redhead catching up with you to say one last thing.
"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" she asks while you lean against her fence.
"No it's ok," you say, grateful for her offer. "You've had too much to drink," you point out and her face momentarily seems apologetic but she quickly says that either of her parents could take you. You decline once more, telling her the bus would be there soon which causes her to begrudgingly let you go, a strange feeling starting to stir inside you.
Looking out of the window of the bus, you watched as the rain started to pour heavily outside, a pit of worry settling in your stomach. Helplessly, you watched as the sky darkened, the streetlights and headlights of cars now the only thing illuminating the paths as you drove past various streets.
Thanking the bus driver, you walked as fast as you could to Wanda's house after getting off, trying your best to not get absolutely soaked in the sudden rain. You practically jogged up the older woman's drive, too busy focussing on your footing to notice the car parked on the curb nearby.
Hands fumbled with the key, the wet feeling of your hands making it hard to keep the key still to slot it in the lock but you eventually managed it, sliding it in and swiftly unlocking the door. You shrugged your drenched jumper off , not wanting to be uncomfortable in wet clothing and started to make your way through the large house.
With every step you took, that anxious and worried feeling seemed to double until it took over when you could hear two voices in the kitchen. By the sounds of it, the other person had a deeper voice, presumably a man, making your brows furrow as you quietly walked towards the noise.
"Vision.." Wanda trailed off, her back against the countertop as the blonde man stood before her, his back to you and Wanda's attention focussed on the man instead of your figure at the door.
"Wanda," he said softly, taking a step closer to her. You could see her eyes containing a sense of hesitation but also annoyance at the man, unsure of his next move. "Just think about it," his tone is considerate and gentle, "We can fix this, for the twins, for us." Her mouth opens to interrupt him but he cuts her off, her arms crossing over her chest while she reluctantly listens. "I made a mistake, no, I fucked up Wanda. I know that now and I want to try and make up for it."
"You did fuck up," she says, cold in her words as she looks up at the man, "But just because you want to make it better doesn't mean I'll ever want to forgive you for it."
"Wanda," he says, moving his hand to brush a stray hair out of her face, her hands remaining where they were as her face shows her annoyance but that slight glint of hesitance is still in her eyes. "I love you," he takes another step closer, "And I don't want to lose you, just give me one more chance."
Before Wanda can even respond, he leans down, taking her by surprise, and kisses her. His hands cup her cheeks, hers moving from her chest to his to push him off.  Anger is evident on her face but that quickly switches to shock when she sees you in the corner of her eyes, knowing how bad this looks.
"Y/n," her voice cracks at the heartbroken look on your face, your mind reeling with the sight of them kissing.
You want to scream and shout at the man who turns to look at you, a small smile playing on his lips but the lump that's formed in your throat stops you.
Her hands push him harder, making him move further away as the older woman's mouth opens and closes to try and say something, anything to you but nothing comes out.
A crestfallen look is all you can manage before you turn around, heading straight for the door and slamming it shut.
One thought haunting your mind; Why was she hesitant? 
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beastabyss666 · 1 year
You know as a former member of Vivziepop's cult and yes its a cult not a fandom anymore I am disgusted by a majority of the people in it.
Like someone on the subreddit brought up it being kinda tasteless or fucked that they sold sexy Stella merch in bdsm gear when she's abused Stolas physically. The post was deleted quickly and judging by my experiences in the fandom people were stanning Viv or harassing OP and that has got me thinking.
Why is Stella in bdsm gear? Like Stolas and Blitzo are canonically into it yet you give the abuser that...
Like isn't a bit fucked that instead of choosing the canonical practicioners in your show you choose to put someone who uses pain not to pleasure but to slowly break and hurt someone.
We know Vivziepop has a merch rep so how did that get into production?
I also find it fucked that Vivziepop and crew are attempting to tackle an issue as serious as domestic abuse and do it so poorly by writing Stolas and Stella as bickering children next we see them. Then the staff has the utter gawl to sell merch in general of Stella and the fans buying it up.
Like I understand autograph signings slightly but that's the only merch Stella should have.
Vivziepop's cult loves to claim that they utterly depise Stella and deserves to suffer because she's an abuser so how dare people want nuance or not just a generically evil cartoon villain but the moment she is drawn in a sexy way they start throwing money at that.
Like I just want to know how these people if their friends ask about the character on the pin will explain "Oh this is Stella who's a sexy domestic abuser"
Then again am I surprised when Vivziepop makes merch of a rapist and most of the crew have some weird fascination with Valentino and not in the way that he's their best written villain way more like they are simping over him.
I think a lot of fandoms, especially nowadays, have a lot of genuinely bad people who really need help/therapy but see nothing wrong in what they do or just keep doing that, though they know it ain't okay. That's so frustrating when you can't feel comfortable even in an Internet community. But Viv's "fandom"(I mean exactly these two shows, although Zoophobia also had...... not very pleasant people) is surely something... Where'd you find so many blatantly oblivious and blind brown nosers which keep pretending everything's good when there's already tons of red flags from Vivienne? Yeah, that's a rare case. I don't wanna interact with this fandom or even talk about it, tbh. I still watch the show cuz it's fun to see how it manages to be worse with every episode, though sometimes I don't make reviews as many other people do it faster and better and I just have nothing to say(I need to take my jaw from the floor). Regarding Stella – well, I don't know on what principles Viv or her team makes merch with the characters, but aren't all characters being sexualized anyway? They even have merch with Chaz, a guy who, like, died in the same episode. And they keep doing new merch with this jerk. And that's obviously because there are people who simp for him. I don't know if Stella's merch may be an insult to those who practice BDSM, I'm not into it, tbh, and I don't take these things seriously, but I find this just a bland sexualisation. Well, it's "sexy merch", but yeah, Stella's all character is based on being a mean aggressive yelling bitch, and this thing....... it must be a character trait, I guess? Or just a sweet treat for rule34 artists, like most of the stuff Viv does. Again, I don't take all of this seriously, this sexy merch was made to tease and please the simping fans, but there's certainly a part of irony in it. Like, people in this fandom hate Stella so much that they shit on people who simply want her to be a more complex character, and they're........ still buying all this stuff. They........ enjoy Stella being "hot dommy mommy" and still keep hating her? Ngl, only Viv's fanbase can do that, lol. I've seen this fandom from the start and I can say that many people here always had some weird obsession with Valentino. I even remember some person passive aggressively telling me that "he's just very charismatic and it's your problems if you can't see it". When there were, like........ A musical clip and a comic where he just was being an abusive jerk. Yeah, that's a really weird fascination. Also, doesn't one of HH's crew, who is an animator or a director(don't remember correctly), has a rape fetish and has drawn an animatic on their beloved ship Angel/Val? Hella ironic that a show about serious portrayal of trauma and abuse has a crew member(or members) which legit....... find it hot or cute. That's sick af but I guess Viv doesn't care who she hires. Oh, that's definitely not a pit I would like to fall in. I'm not sure there's any hope on Hazbin portraying trauma or mental illnesses properly, but I'll still watch it anyway. Whenever it comes out....
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valeriieah · 11 months
chuuya nakahara (bsd) x male reader.
reader uses he/him pronouns, unrequited love, one sided-love, angst, rude language (shit, fuck, etc) EDITED.
quite short, but there will be continuations.
mister nakahara, chuuya, nakahara, dazai's dog, an executive. the demon prodigy, dazai, osamu, mori's right hand, chuuya's so called owner. and lastly, m/n, a non ability user, someone who could sit in a bench all day, chuuya's friend.
theres a huge difference between m/n's friendship with chuuya and with dazai's and chuuya's.
its simple, really.
it was dark, approximately 11PM in yokohama. a dim light shining upon two figures, m/n and chuuya. the sound of laughter.
"ah.. that definitely sounds like a you problem." m/n chuckled lightly.
"nah', its that stupid dazai's fault." chuuya shared a laugh, which m/n questioned right away.
"mm? 'dazai'?" m/n hummed.
"THAT fuckin' moron, ugh!" chuuya groaned out of frustration, in which the other male simply crooked the sides of his mouth to give him a small smile in confusion.
5:39PM, a few days later at the same bench. the leaves were rustling quietly, one landing at the middle of the bench, where the same two males sat, on the both sides of the bench.
"you're awfully early today, chuuya." m/n hummed, flipping through the pages of his brand-new book.
"well, yeah. i didnt have anything else to do anyways." chuuya sighed, chin resting at his palm, staring at the scenery towards the bench; a fountain.
after a long silence, chuuya was the first one to speak up. "whats so interesting about reading books, to you?" he asked to the other male besides him, quietly turning his gaze to the other male besides him, awaiting for an answer.
"its fun." m/n answered, not taking his gaze off of the book that hed been reading, chuuya immediately sighed heavily. "..seriously? whats so fun 'bout that?"
"its fun because its interesting, you know. discovering stories with different thoughts and authors, it makes me feel more understanding of the surroundings around me." chuuya simply raised a brow at m/n's statement, confused.
"haaah?" chuuya questioned in confusion. "whats that s'pposed to mean?" in which m/n answered with a short laugh.
"y'know, you awfully remind me of that rat bastard, except he didnt read books, he just understood and manipulated situations." chuuya quietly mumbled, before reaching for his pocket for a cigarette and a lighter, lighting up the cigarette and placing it to his lips, smoke surrounding the bench.
"it makes me feel aware of what the people around me feel like. makes me understand them better, i guess." m/n simply responded, chuuya hummed quietly.
. . .
and for the nth time, m/n's fists clenched upon hearing that man's nickname. the sunset wasnt enjoyable now than before.
bar lupin, at 8PM, a few days after. the same two figures sitting besides each other on the barstool.
chuuya, was drinking a whole glass of wine in one go, m/n was watching the red substance pouring a bit from the sides of his mouth.
chuuya finally was done chugging the red wine down his throat, placing back the bottle in the table. before rubbing away the excess wine on his face, using both of his palms to lean his face on.
"what's wrong, chuuya?" the other male asked, turning his gaze to chuuya before grabbing the wine bottle out of chuuya's direction.
"i 'dunno, i feel like, you know, like a.. uh..." chuuya closed his eyes forcefully, thinking. "like a void! yeah. feels like a void, empty and all." m/n simply hummed, turning back to his cup and chugging his wine in one go.
silence follows after that.
m/n hears a silent voice speak not a while later.
"i.. awfully hate that moron y'know?" chuuya mumbles.
"i know." m/n answered nonchalantly.
"but, im not so sure anymore. that time when he.. left me. it felt something else much more different than hate." chuuya quietly says, a change of emotion to his voice.
"you're sad." m/n answered, it took everything in m/n to not leave, it felt like thorns were stuck on his throat, it awfully hurts. "its normal to feel like that about a friend."
chuuya doesnt cry.
he looks down on the table, unable to deny.
"do you like dazai?" m/n spoke, chuuya's eyes widened, before changing back to normal.
silence overfills mid-conversation.
. . .
"no, hes a stupid abnormal bastard, ive only seen him as a.." chuuya stops rambling, before turning his head to look at m/n.
m/n slightly tilted his head, awaiting for an answer.
chuuya sighs, "i dont like him."
m/n chuckles, finding it amusing. "do you?"
"i.. dont know?" chuuya finally answered truthfully, groaning out of frustration.
"hmm.." m/n hummed lowly. "i figured, you won't stop mentioning about him, calling names and such."
chuuya felt heat rush in his cheeks, immediately embarrassed. "y—yeah well, its a common occurrence to hate someone like him!" chuuya grunted out of annoyance.
m/n chuckles.
he wishes that he was dazai instead.
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spagheddiesquash · 3 months
so today i was in the mw oc server talking abt some stuff i noticed about jawbone (+ some other theory stuff as well!!)
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so first of all. two kind of obvious details:
he is green (“yeah no shit sherlock” i hear u thinking. trust me there is a reason why im pointing it out)
his pupils are triangular. nobody else in the show so far has had triangular pupils. (well. i mean commander tezzoree’s eye has a triangular pupil but she hasnt made an appearance in any episodes yet and i doubt the two characters are connected)
just making this point known for now. we will hold this thought for later in the post.
another thing: so in the ref sheet of him posted to the mw tumblr back in september i believe(?), his name is written as “jawbone (a.k.a. scythelord)”
you know where a character by the name of “scythelord” has shown up already?
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on a wanted poster, thats where!! he has a bounty on his head!!!
which means that tyneen and her crew are probably after him, which probably explains why they’re at the thicc chicc casino. (how do i know jawbone is there? because ricket is there, which i know because he is shown interacting with both shrike and tyneen, who we know are both there)
now. remember that thought from earlier that i told you to hold until later? now is the time to bring it back.
ok so. we already know that colors and shapes each have their own respective significance in this show, and colors and shapes are chosen deliberately.
with that said:
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correlation?? maybe???
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this further cements my belief that ep 4 will have a LOT in it regarding the cataclysm or some other related thing. why?
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(2nd pic comes from the VA application doc. unfortunately i dont have any better quality pics of it)
despite the poor image quality in the second pic, you can still tell that both of these characters have some sort of magenta (or pink i guess?) type of theming going on in their designs.
also if we look at campions, like, the flower
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you can see where im trying to go with this idea.
i did a whole bunch of examining colors today in light of this, actually!!! quick fun fact for those unaware: RGB and CMYK invert into each other.
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and then after i made that image i started sorting things into what colors they are. (white and black have been omitted from the screenshots simply because there doesnt seem to be any significant things tied to them)
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obviously this list is probably incomplete and i will continue to add to it, of course.
(my main inspo for even thinking about CMYK for theories in the first place was @toastedclownery btw!! GO CHECK OUT THEIR BLOG IF U HAVENT ALREADY THERES SO MANY COOL THEORY POSTS THERE!!)
one final not-as-relevant theory that’s really more of a prediction: i really think joel vargskelethor is gonna be in this upcoming episode, whether it’s in whole or in part. i mean, he already voiced the duende in ep 3, so it’s not like its impossible or anything. also “scythelord” happens to be the name of joel’s band as well (which you should DEFINITELY check out if ur into metal!!!!! absolutely amazing stuff) OH OH AAAAAAND
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id like to direct your attention to the title of this update, which is “the bone zone,” which i believe to be a skeleton metal reference.
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also jawbone/scythelord has the little sweden viking helmet thing on the wanted poster. AND HES GREEN! LIKE FREN!!
for those who dont know, this is fren (also known as vargfren i think)
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so yeah. these evidence pieces combined with the fact that zeurel has made dozens of “vargskelethor animated” videos (which is how i got into zeurel’s animations in the first place actually!!) are what led me to make this prediction.
anyway, i hope you guys liked this theory post. it’s not an update on the web, but i figured id try doing something new. though, if youd like to see the web, here’s a view of the full thing currently:
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but yea thats all i really had. ill reblog with some additions if i think of anything else. bye for now!!! :^D
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cloudcountry · 1 year
assigning the ikevamp characters that live in the mansion love languages with my very limited knowledge of their characters because i thought it would be fun
(part two: ikepri)
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napoleon gives acts of service simply because he protected mc in the prolouge. also he seems very sweet in general so i'd imagine he tries to take care of them to the best of his ability in his route C:
mozart is such a bitch in the prolouge and idk if that gets any better in his route BUT he gives quality time!! i crossed off physical touch and words of affirmation pretty quickly bc he seems too prickly but yk when i get to his route i might be proven wrong!!
leonardo gives gift giving??? like im not sure why but he seems like he'd buy you random shit he thinks you'd like.
arthur is SO physical touch coded??? maybe its because he's a flirty but i feel like hes such a hand holder. and a smoocher. and a cuddler. very grabby.
if vincent's CANON love language isnt words of affirmation i will be SHOCKED. IDC!!! he seems so sweet and kind and loving :(( hes very warm and i can imagine him showering his s/o in praise so easily ahahhawawh
theodorus stumps me. but uhhh hm. maybe acts of service??? i literally have no idea i am so sorry theo kissers
ISAAC MY BABYGIRL :((( um i started playing his route recently so i know a little more about him than teh rest of the characters and i think quality time!! but the quality time were its just him existing with someone and were they pull him out of his shell to go do things (like teh tour!!! aaaa that was so cute!!!!)
i don't know a single thing about jean but if i had to guess...sorry i spent like twenty minutes thinking it over because i KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM so i'm going to guess physical touch. he seems like he needs to be held.
dazai seems like a little shit from the interactions ive seen in isaac's route LMAO so physical touch or words of affirmation. eitehr one i am debating. its probably both. he can be special SHUT UP!!!!!
still trying to figure out how to spell Comte de Saint-Germain because why is his name so long. anyways. um acts of service. he seems like he'd like doing things for the mc.
sebastian is probably acts of service and yes its because he serves people all the time and he really admires all of the residents BUT ALSO i think he'd like receiving acts of service too!!!
a bonus shakespeare because hes technically a resident i think??? but words of affirmation totally. this guy wrote sonnets and he's going to write some for you. (shakespearean sonnets are actually pretty fun to write!!!)
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lesbianpegbar · 4 months
otay haikyuu movie ramblings with spoilers below yippee !!
i had so so much fun i was grinning so big and shaking and losing it. i do think so much was lost with it only having an hour and twenty minutes unfortunately, while it felt like a full, complete story on its own that was at the sacrifice of some lesser story and character beats that i wish could’ve made the cut. sad. guess i’ll just have to. read the haikyuu manga. anyway i maintain that i had such a positive experience though, and the focuses on tsukki, kuroo, kenma and hinata were soooooooooo good waugh. while the moments of tsukki proclaiming his love for volleyball and depending on yamaguchi def didn’t have the same impact i think, i still lost my shit seeing them. the pov shot for kenma. the focus on how crushing and suffocating the pressure being put on hinata was. the animation towards the end of the match. just the overall intensity and focus communicated. waugh. i can’t wait to watch it again even if it can’t be as good of an adaptation as i want it to be. i think there’s simply not much more that could be done considering they were relegated only two films for just over a hundred chapters. i’m scared for the final film bc this one adapted about thirty chapters and that leaves. eighty chapters. for the final film. shivers. aha. that’s a later problem i guess. in the meantime i will always have the haikyuu manga and everyone should read it forever and ever aaaaaaaaaamen
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lovebvni · 2 months
Hey sorry to bother you, and be warned this is a LONG ask, but you seem like a cool person and i want your help with a weird experience I just had.
today I was looking at photos of liminal spaces and weirdcore stuff because it's my current obsession, and I decided it would be fun to walk around in these places. So I laid down and meditated and did some Wim Hof breathing, and then I visualized myself walking around in a weirdcore-ish house. I really vividly remember everything, like the cracks in the walls and the really dirty floor. I was like "holy shit this is amazing I'm doing weirdcore in real life". I walked around some more, and I was just touching everything and using all of my senses, like I could hear the TV static and I could smell musty carpet and so on. But then, something really weird happened.
I heard a noise like a little kid crying, so I went over and found a little boy with a messed-up face hiding in a closet. He was clearly very upset, and I was confused. He told me his name was Keith and his parents abandoned him in this house, and I guess he was left behind and he died? Anyways so I helped him, and he showed me his toys and stuff, and he had a basket of beanie babies, except now they were all moldy. He showed me where his body was too. I'm not going to get into the details, but it was horrifying.
Then we went outside, and there were trees everywhere. Keith told me that now that I had found him, he was at peace, and then he said goodbye and disappeared into a glowing blur in the sky.
At that point i suddenly sat up, and I was back in my bedroom. Does anyone know what happened?? I'm overwhelmed rn and honestly kind of scared. I don't think I shifted, and I was definitely awake. Please give me some advice, I need someone to explain what the f just happened to me.
okay, first of all, wow.. i’m very shocked by this. i haven’t heard anything like this before and honestly my intuition isn’t clarifying if this was a dream or a shift — but the specific detail about his face being messed up makes me feel like it was some sort of lucid dream.
augh!! i wish i was able to help more and as for sure, but let’s interpret it both ways.
first of all, if it was a dream, this is something that is connecting to her you personally. keith could represent your inner child, or something or someone in your mind who you have been struggling with.
if your past was hard, if you feel abandoned by your parents, then the inner child thing would make the most sense. him showing you thinks that are old and moldy… and even his body… i feel like that represents the inability to let go of the past. molding usually means you don’t get to the root of the issue, and a dead body being left… well it wasn’t cleaned up and buried properly. it wasn’t a grave, it was (what seems to be) a murder sight.
but also the fact he was inside.. it reminds me of inside by bo burnham. “well well, look who’s inside again / went out to look for a reason to hide again / well well buddy you find out / so come out with your hands up we got you surrounded.”
it feels like he realized it was finally time to confront everything, so he brought you — someone he could trust or lean on— through his life to try and explain it. he was scared, but he needed it.
he wanted a friend, and you’re that friend for him. when saying one is "at peace" it usually means they have come to terms with their sadness or anger, they can let go fo it, it is no longer a burdnen or something that holds them back. it is simply something that happened in the past.
i also got the idea that this could have been somes sort of vision. so.. do with that what you will. with this being you shifting, that possiblty, it could say you are some sort of spiritual guide for someone. the previous interpretations apply. i hope this helps you, and if you have any other like... info? like even if its graphic, i would love to hear it so we can try to figure it out!
love u anon!
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theoddest1 · 7 months
i fear viv is like j*k*r -
there is evidence, proof, so so much of it. and even then, just her behavior alone, without the really bad stuff, is questionable to say the least. i dont know how to put it, but she and her fans act like 12 year olds on wattpad (i used to be one of those kids to some extent ik what im talking about here lmfao). it is a FACT she's horrible and disgusting (i could list a thousand other things here but the critical community already knows all this) and still people defend and dickride her. it is no lie that her fanbase is like a cult. i wonder if these people are actually completely oblivious or are just as horrid because the fact she's a horrible person is as clear as day. the fetish shit, her weird ass transphobia, her blatant disgregard to actual victims that aren't her fans, her drawing... that , her racism, her- should i go on? and i fear there is no consequences for BOTH these people- they will go on until they die without ever facing their actions and stuff. its disturbing.
its like j*k*r all over again. i sense a pattern here. not sure what kind, but its so fucking baffling how both are horrid and insufferable AS CLEAR AS DAY as people and HARM OTHERS and still get so much support. both need to be studied because what the fuck have they going on that protects them meanwhile some people on social media get cancelled for one sentence they said 17 years ago (not that that's not "valid" it's just baffling how some people get cancelled over the smallest shit meanwhile....) and these people get to enjoy their life without consequences while there's MOUNTAINS of proven evidence.
i feel like i discovered a goddamn alien baby the way im so fucking flabbergasted at all this.
anyways, sorry for the rant.
i hope you have a nice day/evening/morning/night!
Hey, no worries! Rant away! It's a very strange enigma for sure, and the fandon does indeed act like a cult! My guess for how Viv keeps getting away with all this stuff is that she has a parasocial relationship with her fanbase. The idea of landing a job or getting close with a creator with such a large following overrides any sense of reason or care for her actions, so people keep gassing her up because it could likely lead her to like or comment on their stuff. There's also the pseudo kind act she puts on, so people think she's the sweetest person ever when she has showcased the opposite. There's also a loooot of fandom bullying. Lots of the big dogs in the fandom bully people into silence or make em think they're in the wrong.
There's a WHOLE lot of control going on here, and thanks to her ass kissers logic is thrown out the window. Finally, there were the overblown posts highlighting things that, while weird or gross, aren't "cancelable" enough or downright exaggerations of the truth or lies. These threads on Twitter, especially back in 2019, did more harm than good and led many into believing there was a mob that simply wanted to cancel her for being popular. The threads consisted of her old cringe art (some are very questionable don't get me wrong) rather than the ones where she encouraged fandom bullying and made fun of a 15 year old fan for simply being critical of her work and called them nasty for it. No one did any research on her behavior or how she was an absolute bully to people like Starvader. Callouts need to consist of hard evidence so stuff like this doesn't happen, where your callout does more harm than good.
These factors led to many straight up turning off their brains and blatantly ignoring hard evidence. It's very, very stupid.
Also, who is the other person you mentioned? The only one that comes to mind is the guy who plays League of Legends and is famous for winning many championships.
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thehollowstarsaga · 10 months
Hollow Star Saga Book Four Predictions
okay so since i've finished agasv it's time for my predictions for the next book:
the CeLeTheo polycule
so i remember Ashley mentioned that there's possibility for a polyam and the moment i heard that i was just immediately like, 'oh, they're definitely talking about Theo, Celadon and Lethe right?'
like i'm not the only one who thought Celedon and Theo had insane levels of chemistry in both agasv AND acafl???
and Celedon and Lethe are already super cute and canon by the end of agasv too??
I'd honestly love it if Lethe and Theo end up being into each other too like the dynamic sounds super fun.
anyway that's the prediction Celedon x Theo x Lethe is canon next book (i'm gonna look like such an idiot if i'm wrong)
2. dragon Theo???
now i'm not too sure about this one but maybe (just maybe) Theo's a dragon?
i remember i made this prediction all the way back when adahs was released and there was that random paragraph in the beginning on how people can be dragons without realizing it. i was like 'okay, so one of the characters we care about has to be a dragon right??'
by process of elimination i reached the conclusion that Theo was the dragon out of all of them.
i remember when we found out that his grand aunt is a dragon i freaked out like i was so proud of myself for reaching that conclusion cause there's a high chance that he inherited those traits.
buuuuuuuuuuuut i'm not too sure whether that's actually going to be explored or bought up or even be true in the next book so this is a very tentative theory.
3. if Riadne dies, then who's killing her?
okay so i'm not too confident about this because i don't actually know if Riadne will die in book 4, at least in the traditional sense. but if it does happen the potential candidates are;
Theo: NO LISTEN I'M NOT BEING BIASED ACTUALLY FR HEAR ME OUT; Theo wants to rule over seelie summer, and if i'm not mistaken you need to defeat the existing head in order to do that so... maybe? admittedly its not very likely though cause there aren't enough emotional stakes. unless Riadne just murders his parents or smth in the first half lmao. i'll say 5% chance
Arlo: since we're talking about murdering parental figures... yeah. i'd say there's like a 10% chance that it's Arlo who kills Riadne maybe?
Celadon: 25% chance it'll be Celadon simply for the emotional stakes... and murdering parental figures. but actually if we're talking about someone who needs to stab their mom in order to get over their mommy issues...
Vehan: him having some kind of arc in which he's vaguely unhinged would go so hard. sadly, however, it probably won't happen. he's still most likely to kill Riadne at 50% chance, because the angst would be so good.
others: this is just me covering up my tracks in case my top guesses are wrong so that i don't look like a total idiot. Lethe, Nausicaa and Aurelian take up the remaining 10%. although i seriously doubt it'll be any of them. if it is though, Lethe's most likely to and Aurelian's least likely to.
honestly the more i think about it Riadne probably won't be killed by someone else. either she'll manage to get herself killed in her quest for power or she won't die at all. it doesn't feel like all the loose ends would be tied up if she did (watch as she dies at the hands of someone i didn't mention on this list.)
5. Vehan does some insane shit
this actually isn't me pushing my let Vehan go batshit crazy agenda. i mean insane as in he's going to have a major battle or show off some huge feat of power.
extra points if it happens in front of Riadne.
i think the best case scenario is a Riadne vs Vehan fight scene.
6. Who's the big bad?
see this is more of a discussion than a prediction cause i know Riadne's our main antagonist but i feel like there might be an overarching one as well.
easiest answer to this is Cosmin, and honestly, yeah it probably is him. however, Luck seems like they have a good head on them and that they might stop him from doing anything that would harm Arlo, so i actually think that maybe, just maybe it's someone else.
Fate, maybe? i'm not sure, but it seems we don't like them.
it could be another one of the titans but i'm not too sure they'd introduce a completely new major antagonist by the fourth book.
7. Theo has a bigger role.
there's no evidence no nothing i'm just manifesting stfu
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Hey Pax talk more to me about fantasy computers plus 👀
HI HELLO i posted that snippet and that call for discussion and then promptly got distracted, went to bed, and forgot to check tumblr pretty much all day. i wasnt sure id have much to say on the matter but i ended up rambling only half-coherently so <3 no hard feelings if its Too Much to read, let alone comprehend. im not proofreading it myself so good luck and thank u for prompting me to ramble <3<3<3
aka normal real-world computers shoved into classic high fantasy land because i like to fuck with genre expectations like that. except like cyber/solarpunk future computers because again. genre is fake
anyways. the goblins of the ehlverse are a) the only people without either a magic source (see: elementalism, human blood runes, dwarven metallurgy, etc) or an inherently magical biology (see: dragonkin being literally made of magma, shara'i being feathered and mammalian and terrestrial and eyeless a la moles, etc) AND B) have been thus excluded from much of the world's politics and power due to magical inability for literally tens of thousands of years
so of course they invented computers and robots and sustainable electricity and gadgets and such that are capable of not only emulating certain commonly useful aspects of magic, but also of doing things no magic can, just to keep up
something that i've had in mind while building out the stories in the ehlverse (mainly TMS but it impacts whispers too) is the like. meta level of How the World Works. and technology like computers and such being a big huge useful innovation in real life!! and how to justify only the goblins and a scattered few other people around the world actively using them. and how politics and superstition and practicality for the majority all intertwine into the situation as it is in TMS and whispers
and like. a lot of the politics on ehl are like normal politics with magic added to the resources/skillsets of certain groups. so like that shit impacts trade and warfare heavily and it's basically useless to ally with another political entity that has nothing to offer you of the most important thing in the world, right? and so when it comes down to it, half of why computers aren't nearly as widespread as they could be is because the people in power in a lot of the world simply don't care to start trade negotiations for things that scribes and scrupulous bookkeeping and massive libraries can do just fine. because outside of the goblins, no one cares about like. the internet. the most enticing things are databases
superstition-wise, there's a lot of thinking in certain communities on ehl that if you spend enough time with goblins and only goblins, you lose your magic. and like there's no proof of it, but people believe it anyway, and oftentimes they extend that belief to anything goblins make, too
and THEN. practically speaking. the vast majority of ehlves (who are the global majority, probably ~70% of the people on ehl have recent ehlven ancestry) are fire, water, earth, or metal Elementalists. and guess what? elementalism means you have fun(!) ambient effects on your environment. like, say, a fire mage immediately overheating any computer they come in contact with. or an earth mage getting upset and causing microshakes that mess up the delicate stability instruments inside robots. or a metal mage's inherent magnetism completely ripping a phone apart from the inside out. or water mages doing some magic nearby and not realizing they made a full cup of water condense out of the air right onto their keyboard. and thats not even getting into light (aka electricity) mages and every way they can make things go wrong, even as a relative minority compared to the above
and until the superstitious (xenophobic) and political aspects get resolved, it's not likely that the practical ones will be solved. purely because you need lots of people to test these things to see if the solutions work
(there is a solution. it will revolutionize all of the ehlverse once it becomes widespread. it is found out in TMS and present in whispers if you think about a very specific detail when you come across it. but it will rely on governments getting their shit together so anything i write using that specific state of the world will require it being much further down the timeline than ive explored so far so)
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fictionfixations · 4 months
what the fuck?
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[Marquez's power grew stronger by the day during Cyrille's tenure, and his thugs soon retained absolute discretion throughout the Qlipoth Fort as they issued their draconian decrees. The nickname Cyrille the Fool spread throughout the people, and they grew more and more dissatisfied with this puppet Supreme Guardian and her ministerial allies.
In the 14th year of her tenure, rebels among the Architects hatched a secret plot to overthrow Stefan and his cronies. The rebels won over the Silvermane Guards' Captain and planned on luring Cyrille and Stefan to the Silvermane Guard Restricted Zone where they could launch a coup.
That day, the Supreme Guardian Cyrille attended the military exercise as expected, but the rebels never found any trace of Stefan Marquez. The captain played them at their own game, dispatching a fake patrol of Silvermane Guards into the restricted zone with Cyrille, and pushing her into an arsenal chest. The guards then rushed to the far north of Belobog and, under cover of darkness, shoved the unconscious Supreme Guardian in the arsenal chest over the edge of the cliff.
The rebels carried out a search operation for three days and three nights in Belobog, but never found any trace of Minister Stefan Marquez. To this day, people still attribute the death of the seventh Supreme Guardian and the disappearance of Cyrilla to Marquez's political conspiracy — a claim that, according to Belobog historians, to this day remains inconclusive and unproven.]
(if there are any typos, in the text above im sorry but its a lot of text)
okay so i read this because. yknow how in hoyofair (that one with the mix between genshin and star rail. i wasnt interested in star rail but it was there so i watched it anyway. but yknow like Cyrille's Doll? that one creepy one about her. so i decided to read the thing and um..)
so. listen.
he manipulated a child into trusting him and relying on him for everything. that everything would be okay and all that shit. but it was all for his own gain
then when the rebels were going to do something he got his guards to fuckin shove her in a box. AND THEN PUSH HER OFF A CLIFF? WHAT.
and. bruh was just never found? HELLO? WHAT? EXCUSE ME? okay i mean its fair i guess cause idk you could die somewhere out in the snow and never be found but like
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[I started keeping a diary because of Mr. Stefan. He said that keeping a diary is a good habit for a lady to keep. He also said that keeping a diary is a very lonely affair, and that if I'm scared of being alone, I can just read aloud the diary to him.
To be honest, it's really hard to keep a diary because nothing interesting happens to me — I won't read this part to Mr. Stefan as he'll get sad, and I don't want him to be sad. I wish I were my sister, because she knows everything. She always tells me fun stories and is always telling me about the interesting people she meets.
It was only later that I realized most of my diary was about Mr. Stefan. Sometimes it's recounting our conversations, sometimes it's recording what I've learned from him, sometimes it's simply recording my mood while I wait for him to visit again.]
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[I know you must be nervous right now, Cyrille, but I hope you can remember what I warned you before: Don't be intimidated by loud and empty threats. As long as you stand firm and follow my advice at all times, any pushback or complaint is just temporary white noise — something that will fade away as we draw closer to the end of the plan and ultimately become a picture painted together by us.
I sometimes still think of when I met you, more than ten years ago. You were a timid little girl back then, too shy to talk and lacking confidence in yourself. But I found something special in you — a one-of-a-kind temperament that even a genius like Cyrilla doesn't have. And it's precisely because of this unique talent of yours that I decided to stay with you, and help you build up the beautiful future that you deserve.]
okay so that thing that she has that Cyrilla doesn't have is either him buttering her up OR its that Cyrilla is smart enough to know who to trust and when she's being manipulated while Cyrille isn't. That's not to say that she's dumb, but it's more like because she was a kid and never got pushed to do anything else, that she could just 'rely' on Stefan that turned her into who she became, like just a puppet while Stefan has a bunch of power in the background.
i wonder if theres more on this but i dont think its ever explained what happened to her sister (she just went missing). maybe Stefan really did take Cyrilla out. Anyway it'd also be all too easy to lie and be like 'i looked for her but i couldnt find her' since it'd already been awhile since then right with no finding in sight? so it could hardly be expected to find anything. i just dont believe him when he claims that.
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[Remember, Cyrille — you just have to trust me. I would never lie to you.
Your sincerest friend, Stefan]
yeah and you can go fuck yourself stefan what the hell?
im so startled by this quest im not gonna lie
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psychelis-new · 4 months
thank you very very very much for my reply snd so sorry for my very long ramble. I guess I dont know what else to do atp, I couldve done much more had I not felt the need to fit in like everyone else is currently doing even memes are less entertaining as well as a lot fo it relying so much on the internet i just want to escape all of this nonsense i really do. like just yeet me into space then if anything. i dont care anymore for my life really. ik im probs just making excuses or sounding dramatic but it seems many others at leasdt have talents or something that they care deeply about. i just seemed to have missed the chances and since we didnt have any of this stuff when i was a kid
I dont particularly care for wealth yet at the same time that too is everywhere so its like fomo and inability to simply be satisfied in anything i like or do bc someone else has more or better things they are doing and its so easy to fall into the trap of comparisons, like so and so is posting their whole life online or so and so is exceedingly popular online and irl. i dont know lets just simply say that i keep feeling lkke a nobody and all anyone else on here seems ro say manifest xyz things and how age is just a number without knowing peoples past experiences or lack thereof skills and so on. i just dont even know what i want anymore either. its like im just a soulless blob in a pile of other blobs and everyone else is blobbing about stuff i dont particularly care about online.
i regret being born in my generation, i really do, theres almost too much going on at once but itd all digitalised rather than in person. even celebs dont seem to realise their devices can have an off button maybe if they werent online so much others would be inspired to do that as well but even if you go out anywhere people on their phones or go to concert let say people on their phones again how else to gsin connection with others when its all done via a horrid little screen which i regret buying but once again it is much required in todays society. theres certain things i wouldve loved to have done in previous generations or maybe had i been a different person of a different nationality but i still wouldve had to adjust to needing to be online for the most part. even just typing shit into google feels so soulless like i havw a brain but i dont need to think or feel and i dont need opinions cause someone online will end up hating me for it so thats out the window
As I was suggesting you, you need a break and find yourself again. You're too focused on what others do, who they are, and compare yourself to something that doesn't even exist (online world is pretty much like movies these days) and try to act the same as them to fit in (no but fr, who cares what celebs do online or how long they are online? it's their life, let them do what the heck they want -plus, they're often a brand with legs, they're making money that way...). But anyway you cannot fit in something if you don't know who you are and what you're searching for and if you don't know where you want to fit in (and where you actually can fit in without losing yourself -which you probably already did, in order to not feel left out).
You are worthy, your life is very worthy, but your worth is not outside, your worth is inside of you. Same as your talents and whatever good you possess (and don't tell me you don't cause everyone does). You cannot find it online or in strangers online, and for sure you won't seeing if you keep comparing with others and what they seem to have... so stop trying to do so. If others have fun online and have found their own place there, let them. Who cares what they find of so cool there. But if you don't, then it's time for you to find what you find funny by taking a break. Put in effort (the one you were calling for so much in the other ask) and find in yourself and what you want and like. The only way to find your soul inside of your blob is to look in that blob that is you and finding your voice. You cannot let others tell you who you are: only you know.
But it's useless if I keep repeating myself and you can't see you are worthy and not caged (you know it but still, you cannot leave the comfort zone you have created: you feel like you won't ever fit in and you keep finding comfirmations of it out of any interactions you have online. If you don't work on how you see things and yourself, nothing will change for real). You can think with your mind, you can believe other things than what you're told by society or people that only want to sell a product/gain from what they do (I already answered an ask or two on this... were they yours?). You can do what you would have loved to do in any other time: it's not about this generation, it's about you and what you want... don't find excuses to keep yourself out of what you desire to do or how you desire to live. Don't blame it all on this society, where you live and the times we're living in. You still have a choice, you can act differently and who the heck should care about it? If it makes you happy, do it. But if it's really so, if you know you'd feel better out of it, it's not the internet the problem, it's you caging yourself in a cycle that doesn't even exist (but was well created to sell products again)...
For real, take a moment for yourself. Maybe journal about how you feel, what you want and what you're searching for and then go find it. It may take a while and some effort, but you will make it. Maybe your people aren't online but at the supermarket you usually visit, or at the library or they share any other interest with you offlline. Idk. If you need connections, first of all connect with yourself. Then, you'll be able to connect also with others the way you need.
Again all the best! I know you're now writing me cause I am making you feel less alone, but I am not the answer you're seeking. It's only within you.
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maxladcomics · 1 year
"Sans doesn't read a bedtime story to Papyrus" <- okay but he literally does. It's canon. Like your entire reblog bordered on the "My hcs and interpretations are better because I'm fully canon and no one can enjoy others" carlyraejepsans level shit but I assumed you didn't mean it like that and I was used to the bullcrap so I was reading in too much. But like. :/ it's never confirmed he dOeSnT hAvE nIgHtMaReS or shit. Have fun with character analysis and hcs and have fun writing him strictly to canon but don't make stuff up and state its canon -_- you seem like a well meaning person but please actually do some research before you decide what's canon?
Anyway about interpretations/headcanons how bout that headcanon of my blog lmao. I guess that's how I come across strictly from blog view and not when I'm spamming dumb theories at people in discord oops.
I'll clarify then.
I don't like apologizing because I'm never wrong it seems like an excuse to let people kick you if you show weakness on the great old internet, HOWEVER. I will make an exception and say sorry.
I'm sorry for giving the impression or directly saying? (memory bad) that I only follow canon and that canon is obviously the best and only way to see things. That is very unfun for everyone, and I like having fun, a lot of it. I also hate controlling others or others attempting to control me (see: my entire existence in this fandom).
I have only said it on discord but I should make it clear here as well:
I purposely ignore/put down Sans's importance in anything, it could be out of spite? hatred? (I do not have the time for hate I have to draw) or simply for entertainment.
Spoiler: it's for entertainment, a majority of stuff is about Sans and I find it a lot of fun to go out of my way to remove him from concepts/ideas/theories. I've also found this very interesting because it forces me to look elsewhere for concepts/theories and see things I hadn't before because he was in the way. (I don't mean this maliciously)
Contradicting or nonsense headcanons are loads of fun, are mine better? Of course to me they are, that's why they're on my blog, that's why I post about them. Are there headcanons I don't like? Yes, a lot of them, I used to complain about them a lot in the past, but lately I'm wasting my time more efficiently by searching for stuff in Undertale for the 100th time that's not actually there.
I'm not 100% canon. Do I want to be canon? Absolutely not. Do I use canon to bully people? YES. IF YOU THINK SANS LIKES PUNS THINK AGAIN. DO YOU THINK SANS IS STRESSED WITH BILLS? HAHA JOKES ON YOU. WHAT? HE HAS NIGHTMARES? NOT ON MY WATCH.
I want to enjoy my Papyrus focused content in my Papyrus focused corner is that too much to ask? (It is)
ANYWAY. To answer the original grievance:
Undyne stays the night? (It is not confirmed if it's more than one night) at Papyrus's house, and confirms that he doesn't sleep, that specifically: He doesn't know HOW to sleep. Does this mean that he NEEDS Sans to read to him to sleep?
No. Because it's not mentioned, it could have easily been brought up at this point since Sans already puts himself in some calls already, but it's not. The only one who brings it up is Sans when he's alone, where no one else can argue it or confirm it. What if it's too embarrassing to say in front of Papyrus? Well I mean he already teases him for the junior jumble thing so it wouldn't be out of line for Sans to tease him about that, too.
BUT, if Sans reads Papyrus a bedtime story, why doesn't he remark on the fact Papyrus has nightmares? Wouldn't he have to read to him every time a nightmare woke him up? But again, Papyrus also mentions that he's just too busy to sleep, no mention of needing to sleep, or reading a bedtime story, Papyrus also doesn't bring up Sans reading, or reading to him in any context.
Anyway to argue the "Sans doesn't have nightmares" statement, I'll refer back to my thing of 'removing Sans from ideas because it's funny'. Hahahaha.
But also there's no proof Sans has nightmares, AND WHILE I UNDERSTAND THE HEADCANON- I refuse it because it's funny, but also because Papyrus DESERVES nightmares as a trait and it's unfair to take that away from him.
"But Max, can't they both get nightmares?"
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beevean · 1 year
What I furthermore find annoying about the current shipping mentality is that characters are not even allowed to stand near each other's vicinity without it immediately being taken as them being shipped and thus the ship being Totally Canon. God forbid they talk. Even more if they do anything the franchise is known for, like shaking/holding hands, bridal carries, stuff like that. Even more if it is a queer ship but again, it's Tumblr, so. Like, I fully understand that seeing your two favourite characters interact is amazing if you ship them!! But I personally always keep in mind that Sega will never let anything be truly canon except maybe some Sonamy here and there, so the two characters interacting in a positive way legit only means they are friends in the comic and nothing more. It'll never go anywhere ship-wise, and honestly? I greatly prefer it that way. The fandom is already tearing itself apart every other day, if one ship got actually canon with Sega's clear approval I think the carnage might just make the internet implode.
Sometimes posts cross my dash that boil down to "you should learn to stop expecting your ships to be canon, stop harassing writers to force your ships in canon, it's okay to simply ship for fun"
and i'm here like
you guys actually expect the game you play with your dolls to become official? Written by someone else?? But why???
I don't even speak from a "canon is stupid and I can do so much better" perspective, but no, I want to have my fun! (then again I mostly engage with dead/finished media so I don't have many expectations anyway...)
Incidentally it's why I don't understand the criticism against Boom Sonamy that "it was never going to become canon anyway". Yeah, I know. I didn't really care personally lmao. I never expected them to kiss or anything, I sort of... imagined that those two were dating off screen, and that was enough for me. Dunno, it's just how I see it.
Anyway, you're right. Sonic is not the kind of series that focuses on romantic love. Look, they tried with Sonelise, and we all know what the reception was. Archie was a completely different beast, and that may have shaped the mentality of some fans :P
Personally I'm like... going apeshit over two characters holding hands depends on the context and also on how popular the ship is. I doubt Sonadow fans are so starved that they'd cling onto "bedroom eyes" that are actually Sonic being the smuggest piece of shit :V hell Sonamy has plenty, plenty of canonical food to eat, you don't need to be like "holy shit Sonic carried her!!". You're also right that Sonic as a character seems to be comfortable with hand touching, so coming from him it doesn't immediately mean he has a crush or anything.
I guess my point is, shipping is supposed to be a fun pasttime. You're smacking dolls together, and it's undeniably a very entertaining game considering its wide appeal, but that's it. It's not representation, canon doesn't automatically elevate it, and you're allowed to dislike a ship for any reason but for god's sake do not judge other people for it.
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andorerso · 1 year
Sissi, please satiate my very academic curiosity about your two OCs Dani and Elijah because I've seen you tag them on some very omg-thats-my-jam dynamics.
Like I need details. Whats their story? Do they hate each other and then oh-shit-regrettably-its-u hate-fuck in some Boston bar? Like I already have headcanons for them, we neeed moore 🥺
me seeing this ask in the morning
Tumblr media
they're honestly one of my favorite OC ships, like top three AT LEAST. and honestly? hooking up in some Boston bar is not unimaginable! like you're not very far off at all and I love it 🥰 please tell me more headcanons *chin in hands*
you might regret asking me though because I have a looooooot to say! so much to say. too much, you might think 😭 but they have a long story, and I couldn't give them justice if I condensed it, so I think I'm gonna put this under a read-more
okay, so important context first: the setting is urban fantasy with magic and different sorts of monsters but the twist that it's all out in the open and the world has known about the existence of these paranormal things for a long while now.
Dani's in her mid-20s (around 25-27 at the start) and she has this the devil may care attitude with some serious abandonment issues (because her family situation is complicated and not the greatest). She's very rarely had real connections with anyone, whether platonic or romantic, so it makes her very lonely and basically the only person she's close to is her brother. She will pretend she likes it that way but I mean... she clearly does not. She's also a licensed monster hunter, but while most of her family on her mother's side, including her brother, were/are witches, she's got no magic of her own. So it makes her kind of an outsider even in her own family.
And Elijah isn't human. In fact, he comes from a different dimension altogether so he's a something but no one knows what yet because his kind hasn't really been seen ever before and people just don't have a name for it. He's a couple hundred years old which is old in the human sense, but not so much for their kind. Kinda early 30s in appearance. Elijah technically isn't even his real name but it's his human name and what he goes by for the entire story. His dimension is sort of splintering apart at the seams and his kind are dying by the millions so many of them started seeking refuge in other worlds, including our world. Of course they all have different attitudes towards humans, some think they should be peaceful and co-exist, some think they should just take over and subjugate humans, and some think that co-existence IS optimal but they don't think very high of humans regardless and don't really want to interact much. Basically like "you're just a small ant and I'm better than you in every way but I don't hate you so I guess you can stay." Elijah falls more into that category at the start, although he's actually curious about humans, but he's following his mentor's lead who's kinda like a father figure and the person who leads the group he came over with.
So anyway, Dani gets tangled up in this whole situation as she's one of the first person to actually see and interact with one of the others. You could kinda say they're enemies because Elijah's super loyal to his own people, and Dani's very skeptical and distrustful of them. But most of all, she really doesn't trust Elijah's mentor and that obviously creates some tension between them. So they start off on the wrong foot and they really can't stand each other first. It's a lot of unfair assumptions and prejudices basically, and they're both guilty of it. But they also clash simply because of their personalities.
Elijah's calm, collected, reserved, a bit cold some would say, he doesn't show much emotion and is entirely too serious for his own sake. Dani's more laidback and fun and likes to hide her pain with stupid jokes. She's also very much ruled by her emotions so she's hot-tempered and prone to make hasty decisions that often result in bad consequences and Elijah just. does not vibe with that. At all. There's definitely attraction from the start tbh but it's a "fuck, why them, I cannot stand them" kind of attraction. The "I think you're hot and I'm annoyed about it" kind of attraction.
They do become friendlier as time goes on and they find common ground and realize that they may not be so different after all. During this stage, only a few months after meeting, they actually end up sleeping together at a low point in both of their lives. It's one of those "you're here, I'm here, let's just make each other feel alive" kind of things. But because this is absolutely a slowburn, the next morning Dani's like "you know that was just a one night sort of thing, right?" because she does fool around with people often so it's nothing new to her but Elijah does not, isn't used to this, so he's like "uhm... yeah of course." But internally he's kinda spiraling about it. They don't talk about it, but ofc they're thinking about it.
So as time goes on, they end up becoming really close as friends and literally everyone's shocked about this development but they just... see each other, you know? They get each other in an instinctive way that no one else does. Elijah's absolutely in love with Dani at this point but doesn't really understand what he's feeling so he never does anything about it, just pines from afar, and Dani's sort of still in the denial phase (plus you know, the whole "he's my best friend and I don't really have a lot of people I'm close to so I can't lose him"). Dumb shit, obviously.
There's a jealousy sideplot at some point because I like them but it's not a love triangle because I hate those. It's basically just more of Elijah pining to be honest. Lots of angst because that's just how I roll. Over time, there's like 2 or 3 incidents when they actually kiss (I could even see another one night stand at some point, it depends) but they always pull back or change their minds or something happens outside of their control and it just never ever goes anywhere. At this point, Elijah loves her and realized it, but he's actually kinda content to be just her friend. He's okay with loving her from afar because he doesn't really think it possible to be with her for real, and it's very sad.
Dani, on the other hand, is the opposite. She has also accepted the fact that she loves him and she does not want to be just friends. At some point, they have one of those heated arguments that end with Dani, finally too frustrated with this thing between them, blurting out that she loves him, and Elijah for his own reasons (he has a lot of shit going on) pretty much ignores it and pulls away from her. It's like "this is best for both of us, I'm trying to protect you" blablabla, it's stupid and although they technically remain friends, their relationship is very obviously strained because Dani doesn't forgive him for it. Like the girl can absolutely hold a grudge, but also this is probably the time he hurts her the most, so understandable. I mean you gotta know that this is the first time she said those words to anyone that isn't her brother, and she feels rejected, feels like doesn't love or want her, feels kinda worthless because he's an immortal being from a different dimension, ofc he doesn't want her, why would he, and she feels incredibly angry that she still loves him despite all that. It’s a cycle of self-hatred and resentment, and then all that, along with some other things, pushes Dani into spiraling and she has a brief evil arc, and that's another thing preventing them from being together. (She's pretty mean to him during this era but he's also one of the things that brings her back to herself so you know... fun stuff!)
Anyway, they do get together eventually. I'm undecided on this part because idk what works better yet. One possibility is that one of them, probably Elijah, shows up at her door before a big battle that's gonna happen and confesses and they spend the night together knowing it might be their last night alive. The other possibility is that one of them, probably Dani gets hurt during the battle and Elijah confesses while she's bleeding out in his arms. Either way, they don't expect to survive so they finally come clean, and then... they survive. So now they gotta actually confront this for once.
They decide to give a relationship a try, but it doesn't end well the first time. Sure, they're happy and disgustingly in love for a while but neither knows how to be in a relationship because neither have experience. So as soon as something comes along to shake their foundations a bit, the whole thing crumbles. The following crash and burn might even be the angstiest part of the story, idk. I'm gonna be honest, the end does get a little fuzzy, I haven't fleshed out everything yet. I know I want there to be a temporary character death at some point because I know it's cheap but I live for that stuff. So Elijah dies, probably while they're still broken up, and Dani definitely goes a little feral and sets out on an impossible path to bring him back. The good stuff. He comes back, they reunite, etc. I don't wanna say everything's perfect after that because they still gotta work on their issues, but they have a happy ending and that's what matters.
Tropes include but not limited to: slowburn, mutual pining, it was always you, battle couple, hot-headed & level-headed, unhealthy codependency/mutual obsession, soulmate coded, opposite sides of the same coin, not even death can defeat us, anguished declarations of love, sad people growing an intense connection from shared trauma, grumpy character who only smiles for love interest
Songs that remind me of them: 
Remember to Remember Me by Isak Danielson - this one is pretty angsty, but it really fits a certain period in their story and every single time I hear it, it makes me think of them
An Evening I Will Not Forget by Dermot Kennedy
Evermore by Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
The Alcott by Taylor Swift ft. The National
Love Like Ghost by Lord Huron
Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler
(Dani also has a playlist that she made for him even when they were just friends and it's super secret and she's kinda embarrassed about it but she does end up sharing it with him later when they get together. Fun fact, I did actually make that playlist on Spotify.)
Other trivia tidbit that I like but couldn't fit into elsewhere: Dani's full name is Danielle and she HATES when people call her that. Her parents used to do it when they were angry, and her brother still does it to mess with her or when he's disappointed with her. So no thank you. Except if it's Elijah. Other people say it in anger or admonition but Elijah says it out of sheer devotion, and she's very into it.
I could also like... make moodboards if anyone's interested? Or even if no one's interested...
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