#what is solidad's japanese name?
torchickentacos · 2 years
It’s one of your ContestShipping anons ✨🌹 and just wanted to be like,,, look if you haven’t listened to the song “Stray Italian Greyhound” by Vienna Teng before 11/10 if you have a moment and want to have feelings I recommend it cause it gives me hardcore yearning Drew POV vibes like maybe Battle Frontier Era roughly,,, ?? Like the lyrics “God I just want to lay down These colors make my eyes hurt This feeling calls for everything that I am Not” and “I’m so good at shooting down any notion This tired world could change … but you had to come along didn’t you Rev up the crowd, rewrite the rule book Where do I go when every ‘no’ turns into ‘maybe’ So what do I do with this?” It gives him, it gives blorbo. It’s given me some writing Inspo for them which who knows if it’ll come of something but wanted to share in case it might make you also see shrimp colors. Thank you for running a cool blog for us for are feral for these nerds again
Oh my god, I am in love with this song. I had never heard it before, but you're SO RIGHT. It just SCREAMS Late AG Drew to me. It DEFINITELY gives me shrimp colors!!!!!
I have MANY favorite lines from this song after many listens. I took a few days to answer this because I REALLY wanted to take time to digest this song, to fully immerse myself in it and understand it, eespecially when given the context of our favorite green dude. Under cut because all of my anons just get essays at this point. I imagine that's what you're here for though!!! If you guys are anything like me, you'll read SO MANY WORDS worth of analysis and opinions on these two. Ok let's go!!!
The biggest lyric that hit me like a truck:
So what do I do with this?
This sudden burst of sunlight, and me with my umbrella
cross-indexing every weatherman's report
I was ready for the downslide but not for spring to well up
OKAY. So, the biggest thing about this to me is this: Spring and Fall. May and Drew's japanese names reference spring and fall, respectively- May, a warm sunshiney prescence and Drew, a chilly autumn breeze bringing in rain with his umbrella (but under the chilly surface sits gorgeous autumnal leaves!). And obviously, this lyric reflects the spring to his autumn, spring that he didn't account for. (I have a theory on Harley and Solidad being summer and winter or vice versa, but this isn't about them and I'm still working on it).
The next set of lyrics that got me was this one.
I've just settled into the glass half empty, made myself at home
I think this lyric fits because Drew is someone who is very comfortable within his own walls, something I reference quite often with him. He puts up walls and they are very difficult to knock down- he settles into this guarded aloofness, this careful, precarious arrogance. Which fits the above quite well-settling into and making yourself at home in a guarded cynicism.
Until someone comes along and knocks it all down. Below lyrics, fragmented.
These inconvenient fireworks / this sudden burst of sunlight / a love that won't sit still.
GOSH anon your mind. it is large. May is this bright spot, this loud firework of heart-on-her-sleeve emotions, this juxtaposition to his cool and calm disposition. tv tropes red blue character symbolism and all that. She's that sun to his clouds, the wrecking ball to the walls he put up so carefully, knocking them over as if they were but dominoes precariously stacked. GOSH I think this song is perfect for him tbh.
Anyways, you have added another song to my contestshipping playlist. as if it needed another. but here we go ALSO GUYS SHARE YOUR CONTEST PLAYLISTS AND OTHER SONGS WITH ME I LOVE DOING THIS STUFF SO MUCH. I love that I ask you guys to send me anons and you actually do!!! I have a LOT of inbox activity for a blog my size and it fills me with SUCH joy, genuinely.
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musashi · 5 years
you guys i speak so much bad japanese in this one sorry
Pronounce the following companion names: Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie
Pronounce the following rival names: Gary Oak, Ritchie, Drew, Harley, Solidad, Paul, Barry, Zoey, Nando, Kenny, Ursula, Conway, Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Stephan, Cameron, Bianca, Virgil, Luke
Pronounce the following: Burgubear I’m sadistic garbage
What is your favorite series and why? Do you have a favorite episode or arc? Who are your top favorite characters? If you could be best friends with a character, who would it be? Do an impression of one of the characters! Can you recite the Team Rocket motto? B) Talk about your favorite shipping(s)! Why do you like it/them so much? I DARE you to hum or sing a line from your favorite Pokemon opening or ending. It can be an English or Japanese opening or ending. Do you believe Ash can become a Pokemon Master someday? Read an excerpt from any Pokemon fanfic or headcanon of your choice! What’s your favorite thing about the Pokemon anime? Do you have a favorite Pokemon/Pokeani blog(s)? Give ‘em a shoutout or say why you love their blog(s) so much!
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kalosstarters · 6 years
I’ve seen a few people do this poke/ani voice meme thing so I decided to try it too (despite having basically no voice left due to my sickness). I’m sorry for the weird mumbling and the strong accent :S And I’m even more sorry about not remembering @11random-person11‘s url while recording this (<- see I did remember it now). Whelp. And here are the questions: 
Pronounce the following companion names: Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie
Pronounce the following rival names: Gary Oak, Ritchie, Drew, Harley, Solidad, Paul, Barry, Zoey, Nando, Kenny, Ursula, Conway, Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Stephan, Cameron, Bianca, Virgil, Luke
Pronounce the following: Burgubear I’m sadistic garbage
What is your favorite series and why?
Do you have a favorite episode or arc?
Who are your top favorite characters? If you could be best friends with a character, who would it be?
Do an impression of one of the characters!
Can you recite the Team Rocket motto? B)  
Talk about your favorite shipping(s)! Why do you like it/them so much?
I DARE you to hum or sing a line from your favorite Pokemon opening or ending. It can be an English or Japanese opening or ending.  
Do you believe Ash can become a Pokemon Master someday?
Read an excerpt from any Pokemon fanfic or headcanon of your choice!
What’s your favorite thing about the Pokemon anime?
Do you have a favorite Pokemon/Pokeani blog(s)? Give ‘em a shoutout or say why you love their blog(s) so much!
(giving ‘em shoutouts to @fairy-amy, @modeststroke, @mysticdelphox97, @11random-person11 and @smilingperformer)
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harukamo · 6 years
Hey, do you prefer being called Haruka or May? Also, was there ever a time where you, Drew, Solidad, and Harley all traveled/lived together?
i prefer haruka, but as i am not japanese in this life, it’s not my name to wear as an accessory! so definitely call me may ^^
solidad had a home in lilycove, and on the off seasons we would crash there! it was really empty and she always said that she wanted to make it feel more like a home, but she just never could. until she adopted 3 other coordinators. we decorated the place (mostly me!) and all had our own rooms and it started being “our” house instead of just hers, hah. i always loved when the grand festival would end and the next season wouldn’t start for a while and we’d all get time to relax there by the ocean. if i’m being honest i remember that house more than any contest hall i tore through ^^;
we usually stayed separate when traveling, but i have vague memories of one season where we definitely did??? drew and solidad would always wander off on their own and that’s how me and harley got so close. we’d always end up paired off, either we’d be battling each other or quietly bickering… i think what we eventually bonded over was making fun of drew and solidad, actually. and i took care of him a couple times when he was Too Seasick To Function. his cacturne really loved me!! i think that might have tipped the scales in my favour too.
can i go into memories w/o talking about how much i love harley??? more at 11!!!
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stagesiren · 6 years
Hope y’all like it. <3
Also yes I chose a favorite blog but I absolutely love and appreciate every last one of you and what you contribute to this fandom. <3
Pronounce the following companion names: Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie
Pronounce the following rival names: Gary Oak, Ritchie, Drew, Harley, Solidad, Paul, Barry, Zoey, Nando, Kenny, Ursula, Conway, Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Stephan, Cameron, Bianca, Virgil, Luke
Pronounce the following: Burgubear I’m sadistic garbage
What is your favorite series and why?
Do you have a favorite episode or arc?
Who are your top favorite characters? If you could be best friends with a character, who would it be?
Do an impression of one of the characters!
Can you recite the Team Rocket motto? B)  
Talk about your favorite shipping(s)! Why do you like it/them so much?
I DARE you to hum or sing a line from your favorite Pokemon opening or ending. It can be an English or Japanese opening or ending.  
Do you believe Ash can become a Pokemon Master someday?
Read an excerpt from any Pokemon fanfic or headcanon of your choice!
What’s your favorite thing about the Pokemon anime?
Do you have a favorite Pokemon/Pokeani blog(s)? Give ‘em a shoutout or say why you love their blog(s) so much!
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drewxmay · 7 years
Contestshipping Review - Part Eighteen - Spontaneous Cumbusken
-The Title-
For this episode I actually finally figured out how to correctly spell “Cumbusken” and for a little fun fact about this episode, when it was originally released the people who made the episode title also accidentally misspelled it at “Cumbuskin” This was later corrected, though the error remained on the DVD version, foreign language dubs and when it re-aired several other times.
-Episode Link-
-The Review-
The episode starts out with the narrator explain how everybody has finally arrived on Chrysanthemum island.
And Ceptile still can’t use any attacks due to last episode.
Ash: Hey c’mon you can do those moves, you just have to try harder! Get that stuff out of your mind and do it!
Drew: You’re just making it worse y’know.
Everybody: Huh?? :turns over to see Drew:
Drew: You’re not thinking about it from Ceptile’s point of view.
22 seconds in and he’s already here to scold somebody on their training ability.
and now the theme song was immediately finished when that happened.
So now it’s back to that scene like the theme song never happened.
So Drew
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Drew: Telling your Pokemon to try hard just gives them more stress, and you don’t need that.
Like if you just listen to the tone of voice he is saying this is he isn’t acting rude or anything he’s just giving advice and overall acting nice. Granted, that might be the new voice actor not knowing what he was supposed to do although I highly doubt it becuase of the music playing in the background.
May: Uh, hey Drew, :hold up letter: did you send this to me?
Drew: Huh?
May: See, I’d love to be in the contest with you... but mark me words! I’m gonna beat you!
Drew: Except I didn’t send that.
May: Huh?
Drew: Come on May. :flicks hair: You should at least know that that isn’t my style.
Everybody: We should, huh?
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I don’t get the joke what does the Japanese version say
Drew: Truthfully I’m not even going to be in this Contest.
May: Huh? You’re not?
Drew: I’ve been in so many Contests lately my Pokemon have been wipes, so we came to Chrysanthemum island for a little RNR.
He’s been in more than five contest lately I wonder who he lost to them.
May: RNR? Go figure... :looks back down at her letter: But if you didn’t send me this... I wonder who did.
Now for the Team Rocket scene. skip to  1:59 if you don’t want to hear it.
So Jessie wants to enter herself and Mime.JR into the contest.
Also, James:
James: Jessie the point of a Pokemon contest is to show of your Pokemon not how you look in an evening gown.
James: If you’re going to be a fool must it involve the children?
So May is using Cumbusken and Munchlax to win the contest, so before she is trying to train. When Munchlax tries to use focus punch on Cumbusken, he jumps into the air and how of the way, but Munchlax keeps going forward with the focus punch, already being in the air and all, and:
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I think it was intended that she ducked but it looked like Munchlax was just a little off to the side.
May: I’m so sorry! Are you okay?
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Briana: Ya! But I’m not too sure about your Munchlax.
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“Naw I’m fine"
May: “chuckles” Me and that Munchlax. I guess we’re a little overly hyped!
Briana: That’s becuase you lost in the Wisteria Contest and Munchlax wants to make up for it, right?
May: Now, how did you know about the Wisteria contest?
May you seem to forget that there are thousands of people watching contests live and probably even more on re-runs.
Briana: Yup! I was there, I really wanted to meet you becuase I thought you might’ve been feeling bad after the contest, but I couldn’t find you and I left the rose and card instead!
May: :Hold up card: So this card from from you?
Briana: Yup! and now I get to meet you face-to-face in person! Oh ya! I’m Briana here’s a ro-
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May: Munchlax how rude!
Hopefully they don’t do this to all of May’s roses. The roses are flowers that butterflies eat and the rose was meant for Beautifly.
It was totally meant for Beautifly.
Briana: Well at least we know that Munchlax likes roses too!
May: About the card, the confusion started becuase you forgot to put your name on it.
Briana: Huh??? :takes card: Oh! that’s awful! I’m sorry!
You know what I’d also like to point out that she only wrote one sentence on the letter put nvm that...
May: That’s okay! I thought it was from a friend of mine named Drew and I just asked him about it.
You know what it was only back in “Hi Ho Silver Wind” that he was Rival zoned now he is Friend zoned.
But seriously she considers Drew as a friend now.
Briana: you did???
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Briana: You mean Mr.Drew’s here right now???
You know what May is being so nice to Briana she wanted to meet Drew :)
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Also look at how anti-nipple this show is. Like he doesn’t need a towl shouldn’t he be swimming?
My brother: Why is nobody in the pool?
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The water is completely still wtf.
May: See there he is!
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Briana: You were right!  I’m actually breathing the same air he is!
Not from that distance you aren’t, unless you mean you’re breathing oxygen.
May: I could introduce you.
Briana: That’d be awesome!
May: :Both May and Briana start running over to him: Dreeeew!
Drew: Huh? :Looks over and sees May then sits up: May what’s up?
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May: I’ve got a new friend! Her name’s Briana, and she’s a big fan of yours who became a coordinator after watching you preform!
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Drew: :stands up: Wow you did?
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Drew: Hey thank you!
You know what everybody keeps saying Drew is a douche and although he said some “rude” stuff to May that I’ve explained multiple times before to anybody else (That isn’t taking advantage of May like Harley) he is actually an extremely nice boy and he just seems to be trying to be nice to people, like for example Briana right here. He knows that he is a fan and probably has a lot of anxiety from meeting him so he’s just trying to be nice and all that.
Briana: It-it’s nice to meet you...
May: And it was Briana who sent me that card!
Briana: I didn’t sign my name and I feel like such a total fool!!!
Drew: You didn’t do anything wrong. May just made another silly mistake.
Back to the contestshipping I know and love. Just Drew poking fun of May.
May: Well there’s only one person like that that i know would send me something like that Mr.Rose!
Drew: Mr. Rose??? :blushes:
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Rosellia: :Starts laughing:
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Drew: Rosellia!
Rosellia: Throws arms up into the air: Rosellia!
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I think Rosellia likes seeing her trainer in flustering situations
Did you see that blush?
I don’t even have to explain it DID YOU SEE THAT BLUSH WHEN MAY CALLED HIM MR. ROSE.
4:15 May: :turns to Briana: Y’know, If you’d like to shake Drew’s hand I’m sure he’d love to!
Briana: Ya! Really...?
Drew: I’d be happy to.
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Briana: It’s so awesome to meet you...
“You’ve done this before right?”
“And you talk too much.”
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This is the most popular Contestshipping gif becuase of how out of context it can be taken.
Drew: Starts walking off: Bye! Good luck at the contest!
Max: :watching from a distance with and Ash Brock: Drew is such a weenie.
Those of you who read these and have never watched any of these episode will not believe how popular that line is.
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Briana: Wow... he’s cute!
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Briana: :turns over to May with angry face and tone of voice: So! It’s you and me!
May: Huh?!?!
Briana: I’m aiming for you in this contest and I’m gonna win!
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May: But why me???
Briana: Look. I’ve seen every contest that you and Drew have entered and I know for a fact that you’re the only female coordinator he has respect for!
He also has respect for Robert who is a guy so
Also what about Solidad?
Actually know Briana doesn’t know who she is
And nor did the writers at this point I bet she was just a really ruched in character.
May: I didn’t know that!
Briana: Duh! I may be inexperienced and haven't won a single ribbon yet but one day I’m going to be a top class coordinator and Mr.Drew will respect me! And I figured that the quickest way to get his respect is to beat you in a contest!I’ve been training for this moment like crazy and I’m ready to go! So get ready for a fight!
You know Briana, you might’ve seen every contest that they’ve went to but you haven’t seen their conversations backstage or the exact reason why Drew respects May so much. Last time he fought he she was extremely inexperienced, the reason she respects her isn’t just becuase of how her capabilities have grown but actually talking to her and figuring out her personality outside of battles, and backstage conversations are also an important thing here too.
Max: Wow, someones after May again.
Like in order to undertand this you need to watch it just listen to max.
“Someones after May again...”
“This happens every episode...”
Yay! The contest has started!
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Drew is sitting next to May’s friends for the contest.
I find this notable you can figure out why.
And now for Jessie’s appeal round.
So it starts out with Jessie running onto the stage with some Hawaiian outfit or whatever. She announces herself as “Jessiebella”
James: Now there’s a stretch Jessiebella.
Okay I feel like I need to explain this joke becuase most people reading this don’t get it.
Every time Jessie enters a Pokemon contest she changes her name slightly, we all know this. “Jessiebella” doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch, but actually let me explain.
As everybody knows James comes from an extremely wealthy home, but what confuses people is “Well if that’s true then how come those three are always broke and how comes James is a team rocket member in the first place if he could just live with his wealthy and loving family?” and there is actually a very realistic answer to this.
So when James was around ten years old he has a Growlith. This will be important later. He met a girl named “Jessiebella”and being ten he got a playful crush on her. At one point he was playfully chatting with her and he playfully asked her to marry him as ten year old do.
Somehow they actually got engaged and would marry once James becomes Eighteen (He is Seventeen if you need my indefinite proof on that I’ll tell you if you ask), but Jessiebella is actually a bitch and at one point she tries to make him get red of his beloved Growlith. After that James was able to realize what a bitch she actually is and isn’t able to call off the marriage so he ran way from home and if he tries to go home he’ll have to marry the bitch.
Also, this is how she looks:
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The only difference between her and Jessie is what she wears, her name, her personality, and she has green eyes not blue like Jessie.
So then Jessie releases Mime.Jr and it comes out spinning on their head. Hopefully Jessie got some cuteness points from that. After that Jessie and Mine.Jr do the tango and we get this funny scene:
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James: Groove Mime Jr. !!!
Now for May’s appeal!
May sends out Munchlax and immediately tells him to use Solar Beam. Because the sun is visible he is able to pull it off immediately. Brock explains this, and Drew says “It would’ve been a god attack for a resort like this.”
I wonder if there was any way for May to know that the sun would be out.
May calls out for Metrenome.
Max: Oh why is she calling for that attack at a time like this!
Ash: It’s a chance!
Drew: It’s a chance, but I think it’s worth it. If she pulls it off it’s a showcase. It puts your Pokemon in a great position.
Once the attack finally pulls off it becomes rest. Munchlax falls asleep. May doesn’t seem to worry too long when she pulls out her Pokeblock it immediately wakes up Munchlax and he jumps into the air to catch it, and in order to have a soft landing he uses focus punch right above the ground. Her rounds ends.
And now for Briana’s appeal.
Briana sends out a Sirskit who uses Ice beam on the ground and turns it completely to ice. Sirskit uses Agility to glide across the ice, until it jumps into the air and starts spinning like a top. this gives it a soft landing on the ice and once it does get on the ice it continues spinning like a top. it suddenly stops and poses signifying that the turn has ended.
May and Briana backstage.
May: Briana! That was awesome!
Briana: Thanks! After I remembered Mr.Drew was watching, I got so scared. I bet I’ll never made it to the second rounds after that!
Well based off of your preformence you seemed to have complete control over your nervousness and that must’ve what made your amazing preformence.
May: You’ve got to be kidding! You had the audience in the palm of your hand! You’re going to the second round for sure!
and now for the scores!
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How did May and Jessie get a higher score than Briana?
I’m seriously judging the judges becuase of this choice,
Max: Drew, how do you think May’s going today? (preformence wise)
Drew: Is she using Munchlax is round two?
Brock: I think she said that she’d be using Cumbusken.
Drew: Aww give me a break! Doesn't’ she remember that Munchlax’ Solar Beam Recharges quicker in the sun? Well that’s too bad. It would’ve given her a huge advantage. Sorry guys, it seem that May messed up again.
Brock (In mocking voice): Gee Drew why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
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I swear my soul Brock HAS to be talking about Contestshipping.
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May: Watch closely Drew, you’re going to see a win you’ll never forget!
Briana: We’ll see...
May: I’m finally going to be able to show Drew I’m a winner!
Briana: Come on May!
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May: huh?
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Briana: It seems to me your feelings for Drew go way beyond Contests and battling!
May (voice a bit shaky): Huh? Me and Drew? He’s just a rival!
Briana: Oh ya??? Well I wanna know if you like Drew!
May: Like him? To be honestly... I haven't given it much thought...
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Briana: Well after I win this contest I’m going to tell him that I love him!
May: That’s fine with me aside from the “When I win this”  part!
Okay so this is the scene I’ve been waiting to review, waiting to talk about, waiting to explain what I’ve been saying sense the 12th review.
In the final scene of “Rhapsody in Drew”, May and Drew were talking. Drew said that he hoped to see her in the next grand festival, and told how how he and many other coordinators deal with loss. As he walked off May just stood there staring, and was extremely startled when Ash offered her the Ice Cream.
That is what Started what I’ve been calling “The unknowing crush”. She likes him, but hadn’t realized it. Little things like the letter. May was exited from the next contest, and that note made her even more exited becuase she’d finally have a chance to gain the respect from Drew, that in the back of her mind already knew she had, she just wanted to impress him, and didn’t really know why, or even realize it. That letter made her way more exited.
She gets exited to see Drew again, and feels as if she needs to impress him, even if she doesn’t know why, or even realize why. She knows she already has his respect, but her mind tried to make up a reason for why she was even more edited to go to the next contest. It never hit her that she liked him, until Briana had to point it out.
I could go on with this for much longer, but I’ll stop here. I think I’ve gotten my point through.
Jessie: All spare in love and war, but don’t you think you should save it for the battle?
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Jessie: Ah young love. I’d pay to see a battle between you two!
May: This should be good, you’re be second round opponent y’know.
And now for Jessie and May’s fight.
May sends out Cumbusken and Jessie sends out Mime Jr. May starts it out by using Fire spin. When the fire spin starts going towards Mime.Jr, they dodge and uses Mimic. Mime Jr.’s Fire Spin hits and May looses points. Cumbisken uses quick attack and it’s a direct hit to Mime. Jr. Mime Jr. counters by jumping onto Cumbusken’s back and tickling him. May lost an extremely huge amount of her points by that. Mime Jr. uses Fire Spin again. When it hits Cumbusken it actually heals him, becuase he is a fire type. Cumbusken then uses Sky Uppercut on Mime Jr. and wins the battle at 13:35.
Small scene of Briana beating her opponent with Vibrava.
Food for thought: Sirskit evolves into Masqurain and Vibrava evolves into Flygon.
She might have a Budew as well but you are only supposed to use two Pokemon in this Contest.
Small scene where May defeats somebody by using quick attack.
Small scene where Briana’s Vibrava defeats somebody by using Dragon Breath.
And finally time for May and Briana’s battle!
The battle starts off with May releasing Cumbusken and Briana releasing Vibrava. May starts off by using Quick attack, but it is quickly stopped when Vibrava uses Screech. In order, to make the Vibrava stop, Cumbusken uses Fire Spin. This land a direct hit, and Vibrava then slowly pushes the Fire back with Dragon Breath before it dissapeares. When it does dissapear, Vibrava uses sand Tomb, which completely covers  Cumbusken's entire lower body in sand, making him unable to move. May begs for her Pokemon to get out, and suddenly, Cumbusken's top feathers and the sand starts glowing blue, and then Cumbusken jumps out of the sand with his feet also glowing.
*Cumbusken learned Mega Kick!
Vibrava uses Dragon breath which gets a direct hit on Cumbusken. Cumbusken then tries using Sky Uppercut on Vibrava, but misses. Vibrava attempts to completely cover Cumbusken in Sand Tomb, but Cumbusken uses Mega Kick which makes all of the sand go away, and while Cumbusken is falling back to the ground he plants his foot on Vibrava and slams the ground/dragon type Pokemon into the ground, knocking them out.
May wins the battle at 17:25.
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You know what sometimes you just need to appreciate the backgrounds in Pokemon they are so beautiful but sadly don’t get much attention.
Briana: You were great, really great! I can see why Mr.Drew has total respect for your talent!
May: Thanks, that really means a lot to me Briana.
Briana: Tell you what, when I get my first ribbon then I’ll tell him how I feel!
Max: Hey you guys!
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Brock: I had a feeling we’d find you two over here.
Briana: Oh no May it’s Mr.Drew! :hides behind May:
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Ash: You two sure know how to have a great battle!
Max: That was a great win too May!
Brock: That makes three [ribbons] right May?
May: :nods: Hey Drew I was wondering you you thought of my battle skills sense you last saw me!
Drew: To tell you the truth, I think you got lucky with that Mega kick, so if I were you :flicks hair: I’d be really grateful.
May: Thanks.
Drew: Briana, that’s your name right?
Briana: Uh- yes sir!
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Drew: You were good. Very good. It’s obvious you’ve trained your Vibrava well. It’s hard work making it all the way to Flygon, but I’m sure you’ll make it.
Briana: Gee thanks! I’ll work extra hard! :faints:
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Max: He sure knows how to make an impression.
Brock: Like fingernails on a blackboard.
That made me burst out laughing but where did this sudden hatred Brock has for Drew come from?
Drew: Hey May.
May: Huh?
Drew: Just two more ribbons.
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May: Just... curious... how many do you have?
Drew: What counts? I just figured in your case you might need somebody to remind you! :walks off:
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“I’m hoping to see you back here next year to May.” - Rhapsody in Drew
“Hey, May, just two more ribbons.” - Spontaneous Combusken
May never forgot what Drew said after the Grand Festival. She never forgot how kindly he had said that to her. Now, she is blushing like “Oh my god I’m falling in love” blushing. After Drew has reminded her about those two ribbons, she was also reminded of what Briana had said and what he had said all the way back then. What Briana had said earlier made her finally start considering the fact that she has feelings for Drew. If I had to say anything about this episode, I’d say that this is the scene where May finally realizes her feelings for Drew.
Drew didn’t forget what happened after the Grand Festival either. He actually reminded her that she needed two more ribbons before the next Grand Festival he was hoping he’d meet her at. Their first serious romantic moment was on the beach after the Grand Festival, and now their here again with a whole new revelation on May’s part. Instead of being mystified at Drew’s sudden kind words she is standing there acting like a schoolgirl in love with her crush who is standing right in from of her. Just look and compare this scene to the scene after the Grand Festival, there has been character development, and there will be so much more.
To be completely honest no other ship in the entire Pokemon anime has come this close to being canon. Not Pokeshipping, not Penguinshipping, and not even Armorshipping, where they actually kissed. Pokeshipping came close, but it was more of a joke to the writers. Sure they had their moments, but it was mainly a joke. Penguinshipping felt forced in, like it came in during the episodes where Dawn was about to leave the show, and Dawn even rejected him in the end. Armorshipping is a similure story, Serena is about to leave the show and she kisses Ash right before she leaves. It felt like her crush came from almost nowhere, and it also felt like to most standered love story for a kids show. “This girl has a crush on this boy and as she is about to go she kisses him”. It isn’t even confirmed is Ash likes her back.
I honestly have no idea what to add onto this. Consider this the ending of the conclusion. :)
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sazandorable · 7 years
b-@bringsyouwings did it and it was super fun and i wanted to do it too and... ended up... going over 30 minutes... had to compress it down twice to get tumblr to accept it, so not only is it long and rambly but on top of the weird pronunciations and Belgo-French accent you have bad sound quality... i’m so sorry... i just have a lot of feelings...
... but this is super fun so i might try other voice memes;;; if only to process my own voice and accent (this is so strange to hear) (I don’t even pronounce Japanese names the way I thought/hear myself pronounce them???) (even my French is embarrassing??? what???????)
Pronounce the following companion names: Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie
Pronounce the following rival names: Gary Oak, Ritchie, Drew, Harley, Solidad, Paul, Barry, Zoey, Nando, Kenny, Ursula, Conway, Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Stephan, Cameron, Bianca, Virgil, Luke
Pronounce the following: Burgubear I’m sadistic garbage
What is your favorite series and why?
Do you have a favorite episode or arc?
Who are your top favorite characters? If you could be best friends with a character, who would it be?
Do an impression of one of the characters!
Can you recite the Team Rocket motto? B)
Talk about your favorite shipping(s)! Why do you like it/them so much?
I DARE you to hum or sing a line from your favorite Pokemon opening or ending. It can be an English or Japanese opening or ending.
Do you believe Ash can become a Pokemon Master someday?
Read an excerpt from any Pokemon fanfic or headcanon of your choice!
What’s your favorite thing about the Pokemon anime?
Do you have a favorite Pokemon/Pokeani blog(s)? Give ‘em a shoutout or say why you love their blog(s) so much!
ETA: ah right this is the amazing headcanon i picked
10 notes · View notes
musashi · 6 years
Pronounce the following companion names: Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie
Pronounce the following rival names: Gary Oak, Ritchie, Drew, Harley, Solidad, Paul, Barry, Zoey, Nando, Kenny, Ursula, Conway, Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Stephan, Cameron, Bianca, Virgil, Luke
Pronounce the following: Burgubear I’m sadistic garbage
What is your favorite series and why? Do you have a favorite episode or arc? Who are your top favorite characters? If you could be best friends with a character, who would it be? Do an impression of one of the characters! Can you recite the Team Rocket motto? B) Talk about your favorite shipping(s)! Why do you like it/them so much? I DARE you to hum or sing a line from your favorite Pokemon opening or ending. It can be an English or Japanese opening or ending. Do you believe Ash can become a Pokemon Master someday? Read an excerpt from any Pokemon fanfic or headcanon of your choice! What’s your favorite thing about the Pokemon anime? Do you have a favorite Pokemon/Pokeani blog(s)? Give ‘em a shoutout or say why you love their blog(s) so much!
the blogs i mentioned at the end: @smilingperformer @velvetviolence @jessicarocket @azumarocket @tiniest-hands-in-all-the-land @kimkun16 @sillyrapids @happylilraichu DONT FEEL OBLIGATED TO LISTEN TO THIS I JUST WANNA PROVIDE LINKS
32 notes · View notes
musashi · 6 years
Does Drew have a #1 song that reminds him of May? Are there any of Harley and Solidad’s pokemon that just do not get along? How do Solidad and her team prepare for contests? Will you eventually bring your May team over to Alola or will they stay in Hoenn? Who would win in a contest, Harley or Sol? What was Drew’s Absol like? What’s your all-time favourite Z-Move? Was there any part of Hoenn you didn’t actually like traveling to that much? Top three bug pokemon?
Does Drew have a #1 song that reminds him of May? 
red roses by aj rafael!!!
Are there any of Harley and Solidad’s pokemon that just do not get along?
ariados doesn’t really get along with anyone with the very rare exception of slowbro & banette (who get alone with everyone)
How do Solidad and her team prepare for contests? 
ok but nah solidad probably takes a whole week just to make pokeblock and train in the middle of the gdamn forest. 
Will you eventually bring your May team over to Alola or will they stay in Hoenn? 
i dont think i could.......... they gotta...... stay in the contest halls......
Who would win in a contest, Harley or Sol? 
i think i answered this before, it really depends on so many factors and when in their personal timelines we’re talking and honestly a million things. they’re both amazing coordinators. like solidad is a top coordinator but that doesn’t mean she’s immune at all.
What was Drew’s Absol like? 
quiet, and introverted, and a little broody. but it really loved blaziken a lot. they were kinda intertwined.
What’s your all-time favourite Z-Move? 
let’s snuggle forever, but tbh the fire pose was the first one i learned and i shout its japanese name frequently as echolalia (i dont even REMEMBER its english name lmfao)
Was there any part of Hoenn you didn’t actually like traveling to that much?
i could take or leave the desert..... and anything with a hill
Top three bug pokemon?
dustox, beautifly... uhhh maybe dewpider or larvesta??? i cant pick a third pff
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drewxmay · 7 years
Contestshipping Review - Part Twenty-One - May We Harley Drew’d ya!
-The Title-
Okay so this show makes jokes about people’s names all of of the time, the only one I reviewed before this was “Come What May”. There is no joke here, it sounds stupid, it is stupid, there is no point, and what the fuck is “Drew’d” a contraction for?
I’ve had burning hatred for this title for so long now so I get to ramble about it
It’s fun to make jokes bout it though. Me and my brother earlier today were talking about if Solidad’s name was in here and my brother said “May we Harley Solidrew’d ya!”
-Episode Link-
Again not from our normal person but this one has the theme song.
-The Review-
The episode starts off with May and all of her friends finding where the Grand Festival is.
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and OH BOI it’s bigger than last year’s!
Full theme song ended :’)
So Jessie’s back. She’s acting as like Co-Lilian
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Like she talks on TV and stuff so what do I call her?
She talks about the Grand Festival started and it’s not too notable.
Once the TV goes off she talks To James and Meowth, again not to notable. Their not plotting or anything...
Back to May!
So May’s talking to her Mom through the ATM type machine that people use in the Pokemon world.
Caroline: I’m sorry May, but I just can’t rearrange my scheduled.
May: It’s okay... I know you and dad are really busy...
I guess it makes more sense then May’s dad not being able to come becuase May isn’t in Hoenn and it would take longer to pack but I’m still upset at them.
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It’s the Apom...
You all know this Apom...
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After they’re done with all of the hats they’ll start taking shoes I bet.
Ash: Hey you’re the same Apom that stole my hat before!
Person: Hey is that your Apom???
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Apom stop.
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And now you’ve taken Ash’s hat!
Nurse Joy: :walks in: What’s going on here?
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Brock: My lovely Nurse Joy! Are you alright???
Of course not! She has no hat! It’s the end of the entire fucking world!
Nurse Joy: I... think so?
Seriously though why is everybody telling Nurse Joy she’s going to die becuase she lost her fucking hat?
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Why isn’t anybody using their Pokemon?
Why isn’t Pikachu using an attack?
Apom jumps onto a tree and Pikachu bonks his head trying to follow him. Apom jumps off of the tree and jumps over Brock and puts the hat on his head.
He continues this trail of anarchy.
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Drew, please kill this money.
Rosellia uses Petal Dance, and Apom is trapped inside of a wind of petals making him float in the air or something.
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Solidad’s Slowbro uses psychic and Ash is able to catch the Apom.
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Never come back.
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Ash: Thanks your doing that Drew.
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Drew: What’s going on? You’re all way over the top. You need to chill out more than that Apom.
I don’t understand
This is why I need to learn to speak Japanese, so that I can understand what the hell is going on.
May: Come on, I bet you’re just as nervous as i am!
Drew: Sorry, :flicks hair: I don’t do that.
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Solidad: But you used to, back in your younger days.
See we needed more Solidad in the show becuase we don’t really know much about Drew’s life aside from the contests he follows May to, and Solidad has known his sense his first ever contest and if she was around more we would know a lot more about Drew.
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Brock: Wow! Do my eyes deceive or are you Solidad???
Ash, Max, and May: Solidad?
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Solidad: Of course, you’re the gym leader back in Pewter Gym, am I right?
Brock: That’s me! I’m Brock! And you found me right in my way of my journey to become the greatest gym leader in the world!
Solidad: I haven’t seen you sense Pewter City! I sure saw you a lot back then.
Brock: Now perhaps destiny has come back to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts right where they left off!
Solidad: I’m sorry, at the moment I really need to talk to Drew, maybe later.
She sure does know how to let you down easy.
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Solidad: It’s been a while! How are you?
Drew: Fine, good to see you.
Solidad: You’re Rosellia was awesome, a great petal dance.
Drew: Thanks, your Slowbro’s psychic was right on the money too Solidad.
Solidad: Thank you Drew. Nice to see you haven't changed a bit!
Drew: Can’t wait to see all of your Pokemon. :starts walking off: Later.
They are the most purest friendship I dare you to fight me other this.
Drew as he’s walking away: Hey May.
May: Huh?
Drew: She’s a tough cookie. :walks away:
Ya not even you’ve beaten her in a battle, and you’ve knows her for at the very least two years, if we’re saying that one season is a year.
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Solidad: You must be May! I’ve head so much about you from Drew!
May: Oh? You have?
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May: It’s so weird, he’s never mentioned you!
Solidad: Really? Knowing Drew’s he’s probably got plenty of other things to talk about.
May: I guess...
Well now that I think about you May and Drew haven't really talked much, usually Drew’s commenting on May’s battling and May gets upset, it’s really been mostly competition for them aside from the few small conversations they’ve had and the episode “Who What When Where Wynuat”, Drew could’ve said something about Solidad but the topic of “Drew’s friends” never came around, I don’t think Drew’s social life was ever really even close to being the conversation topic.
Solidad: Actually, the very first time I met Drew was at his very first contest. He ended up being my opponent in the final match.
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I spy with my little eyes
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Orange juice.
May: He made it all the way to the final round???
Ash: So which one of you two won it?
Solidad: I managed to win after the time ran out. I never fought a more grueling battle. You know, Drew and his Rosella are just the most amazing team.
Now to start theorizing about Drew and his Rosellia: Drew had his Rosellia before he started entering Contests, and during his first Contest ever it was a Rosellia, meaning that when he was smaller he probably already had a Rosellia.
Just helping out your guys’ headcanons.
Solidad: After he lost I could see tears of sadness in his eyes. Rosellia’s too.
May and Ash: What???
To this day not even I can imagine Drew crying.
Welcome to today’s episode of embarrassing things coordinators did on their first contests: May tripped when trying to summon her Beautifly for the appeal stage and Drew cried after loosing in the final round.
Ash: That’s not like Drew!
Solidad: It was his first loss. That’s just made him work harder, and he’s been getting steadily string over sense. We’ve seen each other at contests to much that we’ve been able to stay in touch.
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Why are you keeping Poky sticks in a glass cup?
Max: :bumps into stranger: I’m sorry!
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Clocked person: :hands Max the weird rose: Please give this to May for me.
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May: So what do you end up talking about, with Drew?
Solidad: Not about our preformences ever. He’s the type who never listens to any one else’s advice, so we end up talking about other coordinators we might’ve seen preformences... and at some point, he started in on you. You and only you.
May: Huh?
Solidad: See, I think sense he’s been watching you grow stronger in your preformences, he’s gotten feelings for you. I think it’s becuase of your abilities that he’s gotten more competitive.
May: More competitive? You mean towards me?
Ash: Makes sense to me. When you find that one person that you just refuse to lose to, it’ll make you really strong!
May: Maybe you’re right... but I know that I’m still not anywhere near the level that Drew is at.
This might as well be one of the most well knows conversations in the Contestshipping fandom. “He’s gotten feelings for you” and “At one point, he started in on you. You and only you.”. You can tell just my looking at these lines how much we’re not seeing. There is so much stuff that happens off screen, and a lot of the time we don’t even know that we are missing it until it is pointed out to us, like in this conversation. We never knew that Solidad even existed until now.
I’ve never seen a good argument for the line Solidad make about “He’s gotten feelings for you” mean anything other than romantic feelings. Trying to debunk the theory that that is what Solidad meant is even harder when you pain it up with the line said right before, “At one point he started in on you, you and only you.”.
I’m saving the rest of this for the conclusion but this 40 second conversation is an extremely important one.
Solidad: Now stop it. You need to gave more confidence in yourself May!
May: Huh?
Solidad: You see, if you’re going to be one of my rivals I expect no less of you then that, just as you’d expect no less of me. You need to know just how good you really are.
May: Thanks! Then I’ll do just that!
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May: Max!
Max: Some weird guy in a cape wanted me to give this thing to you.
May: Some weird guy? :takes rose:
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Ash: That’s a weird rose.
Solidad: How unusual.
Max: Y’know Brock I bet you it was the weird Harley.
Brock: It could be. We know he won his five ribbons, so he’s gonna be here.
May: Oh no!
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May: Am I read for this?
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Grand Festival starting!!!
Now we’re FINALLY done with them talking about how the Grand festival is starting and we’re on with the first person on the appeals.
The boy jumps into the air and sends out a Rapidash, who immediately lights flames around themselves.
It skips to the next appeal where the stage has been transformed int a pool. a Goldeen jumps out of the water.
The next one is a Venasoar apparently pulling vines out of the ground, it gets a 77.
This one is a Tropious using Solar Beam. This gets an 86!
I don’t know this Pokemon, but it’s a fish which is using an attack I don’t know the same of. Rainbows are shooting our of its mouth.
Pichu uses thunderbolt, this gets an 88.
A manta ray Pokemon is using surf. This gets an 82.
Jigglypuff is singly, this gets an 83.
Fighting type Pokemon destroys a rock and gets a 91.
Salamence is probably using Dragon rage or Flame thrower, this gets themselves a 93.
May starts out by sending Cumbusken onto the stage. May throws a Frisbee and tells Cumbisken to use Sky Uppercut. Cumbisken runs after the Frisbee, sliding his hands onto the ground as he runs over to it, eventually jumping high off of the ground and SHATTERING the Frisbee.
That has to get high points or I swear...
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Solidad: May and Cumbusken are looking pretty sharp. I can understand why you’re so worried.
Solidad is able to tell if Drew is worried by just looking at him.
I swear to god she is literally Drew’s big sister.
Cumbusken lands back onto the ground with a thud. The crowd cheers.
Now for Solidad’s appeal.
The stages ground has been turned to water. Solidad sends out her Lapris, who does a belly flop onto the water. Water goes splashing everywhere but Lapris didn’t seem to go underwater at all. The Lapris ten uses Sheer Cold, which turns all of the water, including the water that was still in the air from the splash to ice.
May: Wow!
Drew: Solidad.  What a pro.
May: Hey, you’re not saying she’s better then you.
Drew: I’m just giving credit where credit is due. :flicks hair:
May: Ya?
Drew: Hm?
May: I wonder, I heard you cried after Solidad beat you. Is that true?
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Drew: Well if that’s psychological warfare you’re trying on me it won’t do a thing.
May: Don’t be silly it just didn’t sound like the Drew I’ve come to know that’s all.
Drew: Well to tell the truth I was just a bundle of nerves back then.
Now it’s Drew’s turn!
Lilian: And now for out next contested, from LaRousse City, it’s Drew!
And I think this is the only line in the entire anime that tells us where Drew is from.
Drew sends out Masqurain, who then starts spinning in circles while using Silver wind.
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Doesn’t this sound familiar to you?
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Back in the episode “Win, Lose, or Drew” May during her appeal round used Beautifly. One of the things that she did is make Beautifly spin in circles while using Silver wind.
It is theorized in the Contestshipping Fandom that Drew caught Masquirain in order to use the Silver Wind attack that he has impressed by.
Now, not only is Drew doing the same thing, he took the attack, and perfected it. Taking what newbie May had done, and tried to improve it, he succeeded and entered into the Grand Festival with it.
The one piece of evidence the contestshipping fandom missed.
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May: Awesome...
Solidad: A little bland, don’t you think?
May: You think so?
Solidad: On a sunny stage like this anybody would want to put on a flashy outfit, but Drew wants to win based off of his Pokemon’s moves alone. Typical stubborn minded move.
And now for Harley’s appeal!
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Harley: Peek-a-boo!!!
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Harley: It’s your favorite notty coordinator,
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Harley: Me~
I swear if you haven't watched this series yet and your reading the reviews instead watch the episode and then the review.
Not even gifs can cover how hilarious this scene is.
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May: I could just die!!!
Solidad: Isn’t it just like my old buddy Harley to come up with a cute stunt like that.
May: You’re saying Harley is your old buddy???
Solidad: Yep. He’s one of a kind, I really like him.
And the fandom is still confused to this day about what she meant my “like”. I just go with the headcanon that Harley is gay and be done with it.
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Drew: He always keeps it... fresh.
Harley sends out Benett and makes them use Will-O-Wisp. The balls of blue fire swirl around them.
That is literally Harley’s entire appeal.
Dress up as May, make Benett use Will-O-Wisp, dance around the stage, end.
And now to see who will get into the next round. We already know that the Jotoh gang (I call them that, you’ll understand soon enough) will get in bu I wonder if Green shirt boy made it.
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Sad news: I don’t think Green shirt boy made it.
Wait a moment
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That’s 24 and May was supposed to be last not 4th to last.
There are supposed to be 64 and May is last.
Afternoon, May is on a roof with her friends (for some reason) she is feeding her Pokemon.
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You know what if I were a Pokemon trainer I would always be enjoying the view, especially in the afternoon.
Solidad: Tomorrow is going to be a great day. I hope I go up against you in the second round.
May: Thanks! Me to! Your Lapris just looked so beautiful and graceful!
Harley: Yoo-hoo! May!
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Harley: My cute little gingerbread cookie!
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May: It’s Harley!!!
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Harley: Call me Mayly honey!
May: Why are you dressed up like me???
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Mayly: Oh c’mon hon’, couldn’t you be flattered? It would make Harley so happy!
May: Not right now, I have a headache...
Mayly: If you’ve got a headache now, just wait until I win!
Mayly: You!
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I remember me and my Brother laughing at that so hard.
He just knew that Drew was there.
He just k n e w.
Mayly: Oh Drew~~!
Drew: Huh?
Mayly: What means you’re gonna loose too!
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You should really slap him rn Drew.
And then the episode ends with the Narrator making you wait for the next one.
-Mayly is best Pokegirl.
-Drew can cry.
-Solidad might have a crush on Harley
-And Harley is even more gay
Now more serious notes:
-I brought to your attention to Drew reusing one of May’s attacks, that he was obviously impressed by in earlier episodes
-Harley will do anything to humiliate May, and doesn’t been embarrassed about it. Most men during 2005 would scream if they had to dress up as a girl, Harley enjoys it becuase he know that he is humiliating May, not himself.
-Also, Harley is gay.
-Solidad, even though she is an amazing character, was something that they tried to add in at the last moment, for most of our time with Drew they didn’t think that Solidad even existed. If they had thought up her character sooner we might’ve seen more of her and also heard a lot more about Drew so that we didn’t have to make up headcanons all of the time.
And now, my final thoughts:
“He's gotten feelings for you”
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musashi · 7 years
Pronounce the following companion names: Ash Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracey Sketchit, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie
Pronounce the following rival names: Gary Oak, Ritchie, Drew, Harley, Solidad, Paul, Barry, Zoey, Nando, Kenny, Ursula, Conway, Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Stephan, Cameron, Bianca, Virgil, Luke
Pronounce the following: Burgubear I’m sadistic garbage
What is your favorite series and why? Do you have a favorite episode or arc? Who are your top favorite characters? If you could be best friends with a character, who would it be? Do an impression of one of the characters! Can you recite the Team Rocket motto? B) Talk about your favorite shipping(s)! Why do you like it/them so much? I DARE you to hum or sing a line from your favorite Pokemon opening or ending. It can be an English or Japanese opening or ending. Do you believe Ash can become a Pokemon Master someday? Read an excerpt from any Pokemon fanfic or headcanon of your choice! What’s your favorite thing about the Pokemon anime? Do you have a favorite Pokemon/Pokeani blog(s)? Give ‘em a shoutout or say why you love their blog(s) so much!
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