#what is ur deal you greedy bastard
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Unfortunately, one major reason streamers like Netflix don’t plan on breaking any time soon in the strike, is because it could have the potential to inspire others to fight for fair pay if it ended up being fairly easy for the writers to do it.
They would rather wait it out for as long as they can, making writers risk financial ruin, so that they have no choice but to agree to a deal that is, at best, half of what they were initially asking.
This means that going into this strike, from Netflix’s pov, it could go on until September, at least, and they would be fine with that.
They assume that by then, writers will have been picketing for 4+ months, without pay, and won’t be able to go on for much longer.
Upon being asked about the impending strike a few weeks prior to it starting, Ted Sarandos said that they have at least 6 months of backlog set in stone. And so apparently, he’s comfortable with sitting it out that long at least.
Though, it is worth saying that as bleak as it all sounds, we’re 3 weeks in and there is a lot of support for the writers. With how bad things are PR wise for Netflix, one could argue they might just say fuck it were used to it and push through. However at the same time, they’ve been struggling with subscriber growth a lot more than ever before, they could be on the brink of risking it all regardless. So if they come to realize fighting this fight as posing a serious risk for them in the short term and long term, something they definitely don’t want to have to admit to their investors at the next conference, they’ll need to get their shit together sooner than later.
I know it’s frustrating to imagine the strike still going on late into 2023, but if we can put our heads together now, this early on still, maybe it won’t have to be that long?
It really does feel like there’s nothing we can do, but showing support and informing others about it so it doesn’t just dwindle to background chatter is a start!
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cozage · 10 months
hi there! if ure comfy, maybe ace and somno of youre comfortable w/ that kink 👉👈 either being the one asleep or the one acting upon it if that make sense!
A/N: Absolute FILTH. I love it. you get both :) because im feral for this man Characters: fem reader x Ace Cw: NSFW- Minors pls leave, consented somnophillia (fucking someone while they’re asleep) from both parties, orgasms, creampie, praising Total word count: 1k
Just Keep Going
“You literally fell asleep on me last night!” you whined. Luckily it was only the two of you at the breakfast table. “I was so close and then suddenly you’re asleep on the bed!”
Ace shrugged. “I can’t help it, sometimes that just happens.”
“In the middle of-!”
“I’ll tell you what,” Ace sighed, leaning in close so only you could hear him. “Next time, just keep going until you finish, okay?” he purred, his voice sweet in your ear. “As long as I can do the same when I wake up.”
Your mind raced, thinking about the possibilities that came with this agreement. The thought made a shiver run down your spine. “Deal.”
“Fuck,” you moaned out, grinding against him to push his cock deeper inside your cunt as you sat atop him. “Ace, right there-”
Soft snores filled your ears, and you peeked down at Ace to find his eyes shut.
“Oh, you bastard,” you whispered harshly. “Wake up!”
You leaned down, kissing his jawline and his neck, trying to stir him back to consciousness. But when Ace was asleep, he was dead to the world. 
Still, his thick cock was erect inside you, and as you slowly moved up and down, you couldn’t help but think back to what he had said the other day. He would get his turn. Now you wanted yours. 
You picked up the pace, finding just the right angle for his tip to kiss your sensitive spot. You couldn’t help but let out soft moans at the delightful feeling, and your own fingers trailed down to rub circles against your clit, causing you to tighten more around him. 
The combined feelings were too intense, and ecstasy washed over you as you spasmed around his cock, still perked inside you. You rocked against him slowly, trying to draw out your orgasm as long as you could. 
When you finally pulled yourself off of him, you could see he was coated in your slick, and you ached to go another round. But you didn’t want to be greedy, so you settled against his warm body, skin to skin, and fell asleep. 
Ace woke with a start, trying to thrust into a body that was no longer on top of him. He must’ve fallen asleep again, and he cursed himself for being so careless.
But he could feel your body next to him, curled into his side. He could see you illuminated by the moonlight, your body not obstructed by any pesky clothing. 
Fuck, he wanted you. 
Trying his best not to wake you, he pulled himself away from you, and then positioned himself over top of you. 
He bent down, gently sucking on your neck and moving lower to your breasts. His lips covered your nipple and his tongue swiped across it, causing it to perk up. 
You let out a soft moan in response, shifting in the bed underneath him so you were now laying on your back. 
God, you looked so pretty laid out like that for him, ripe for the taking. He gently guided your legs apart, and was thrilled to find a pool of wetness already forming there. 
“Even asleep, you’re so eager,” he whispered, placing little kisses across your breasts. 
“Ace?” You mumbled, eyelids fluttering softly. 
“Shhhh, go back to sleep,” he cooed, brushing your hair out of your face. “It’s all right.”
You let out a wordless grumble in response, but your body stilled, and he waited a few moments before he continued. 
He guided your legs just far enough apart for him to move between them, and then slowly pushed himself inside of you. He watched your face carefully for any signs of motion. Every time your face twitched, he paused and waited for you to adjust. But even asleep, you took him so well.  
He tried to go slow, he really did. The last thing he wanted to do was wake you. He moved slowly, resisting the urge to bottom out and fill you to the brim. And he was doing well controlling his urges, for the most part.
And then you let out the cutest little whimper, and he felt your walls contract around him for just an instant. And he couldn’t hold back anymore. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, pushing himself fully into you. He gently bit down against your shoulder, trying to keep himself from moaning any louder. 
His hips moved on their own; he was unable to stop them, and the sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room. 
“Ace?” you whined, groggy and confused. 
“I’m sorry baby,” he whispered, kissing your forehead. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I just-fuck-”
Your walls tightened around him again, and he could feel your hips moving under him to try and get him deeper inside you. 
Fingernails raked against his back as you attempted to ground yourself. You loved this feeling, being woken up to Ace’s cock pounding into you relentlessly. Your head spun as he fucked you deeper and harder, letting all care go now that he knew you were awake.
You were close, and you knew he was too. His rhythm was starting to get erratic and unsteady. You clenched around him, your fingernails digging deeper into his back, and finally a wave of relief washed over you. 
Your own orgasm must’ve sparked his, because a moment later you felt him stutter inside of you, filling you with his seed. He let out a long, shaky breath; the two of you relishing in your high together. 
“Shit,” he whispered, covering your face with kissing as you gave him a sleepy giggle. “Sorry to wake you.”
“Don’t be sorry,” you murmured. “I think I found my new favorite way to wake up.”
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player1064 · 4 months
for drabbles just anything with sir alex finding out about carraville it’s never mentioned enough and just the idea of him or keano finding out and being all ‘we don’t mind you’re gay but a scouser really??’ is hilarious to me :)
YESSSS I love fics like that you're right it's such an underused idea... I feel like keano's reaction would be funnier wheras sir alex is just like. 'i can't believe I have to deal with these stupid boys'...
here ya go!
“Carragher, get your filthy Scouse hands off me or I swear to god I’ll –” Gary starts, before he has to cut himself off with a gasp when Carragher’s teeth scrape the base of his throat.
Carragher looks up at him, a wicked glint in his eye, “or you’ll what?”
“Fuck, I don’t –” he feels himself squirming under Carragher’s touch, desperate for more – just more, but painfully aware of where they are, of how little time they have before someone notices they’re gone. “You fucking bastard, how many times’ve I gotta tell ya, not at Old Trafford.”
“Oh, so you’re fine fuckin’ me in the physio room at Anfield, but I can’t even kiss ya when we’re in Manc territory?”
“Like kissin’ is all you’re angling for, greedy fuck,” argues Gary, pulling him in for a rough kiss to prove his point. Or maybe just to kiss him. He does have lovely lips, when he’s not using them to talk.
Carragher presses a palm to the front of Gary’s shorts, his thumb brushing gently over the hard line of his dick. He smirks into the kiss, murmurs, “like it’s all you’re anglin’ for, you slag.”
Gary almost relents. You can hardly blame him, he’s not got off in weeks, and if beating Liverpool at Old Trafford’s not a turn on then he doesn’t know what is.
Except, except, he hears someone yelling in a familiar Scottish accent through the wall, and he freezes in place.
“Carragher,” he bites out.
Carragher, to his credit, immediately removes his hands from Gary’s body and takes a step back. “I know, I know. I’ll go first, shall I?”
“No, ‘cause then he’ll see – then he’ll know we were both –”
“Fine, so you go.”
“But then what if he asks what I were doin’ in here, and he looks, and you –”
“Oh my god, lad, make a decision! Your gaffer’s lookin’ for ya, you’re gonna get a bollocksing if you don’t get out there soon, so go.”
“Fine. Fine, yeah. I’ll go,” he says, and he goes to step out the door of the storage room only to be met with –
“Hiya, boss,” he squeaks.
Sir Alex looks at him, frowning, then he looks into the room behind him and Gary finds himself wishing he could just sink into the floor.
“So this is what y’think is more important than the team talk, then?”
“Um,” says Gary.
Sir Alex lets out a long, slow, breath, then fixes Gary with an unreadable stare. “None of my business, Gary, but not at a game, not here, and not him. Got it?”
Gary nods, not trusting himself to speak, then sheepishly follows Sir Alex back to the dressing room, sparing an apologetic glance back towards Carragher.
Once he’s out the shower and getting dressed, his phone pings with a text and he flips it open, fighting back a smile when he sees who it’s from.
> c u @ urs l8r?
>> ofc <3
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jungnatic · 5 years
time for us ; bang chan
Tumblr media
pairing: chan x reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff and crack provided by felix
request: YEE, it was requested by @kits-kpop
word count: 2.2 k
authors note: this was so much fun to write ugh and yes this is names after gfriends new album, go stream that shit 
“C’mon” You whined quietly into your dark bedroom, the only light illuminating being from your laptop. Your apartment was empty and if anything that was a good thing, people would only distract you from you overall goal;
The 21 member boy group had announced their tour around 2 months ago and the tickets for your city had finally dropped, you had even taken off work for this special occasion. You were absolutely determined to get these tickets, after all, no groups ever come near you.
And that said determination worked because 9 minutes later, after lots of blood, sweat and tears, you had gotten to checkout just before the tickets sold out.
“WHOOOOO” You couldn’t help but scream, this would be your first concert since the GOT7 one that you and your best friend actually flew out to Korea for. That was your first ever kpop concert and that’s how you met your now boyfriend of 3 years.
You honestly never expected to meet the love of your life at a concert,,,,,, that’s like a bad fanfiction trope.
But you couldn’t help notice him, after all he was standing right next to you. Since you and your friend were kinda on a tight budget, you couldn’t get two seats next to each other, therefore you were stuck in between some loud girl who wouldn’t stop crying and a boy with a weird brown and black haircut. Not wanting to talk to the crying girl, you instead opted to start a conversation the boy.
“So you like GOT7, huh?” You asked, internally cringing at the stupid question. But instead of calling you an idiot, the boy simply smiled and continued the conversation.
“Yeah! The guys are really cool and their music never ceases to amaze me.” He replied, still smiling.
“Me too! They never disappoint me.” You smiled back at him.
The two of you soon found yourselves in a full blown discussion about everything from other groups to the best place to get ice cream in Seoul.
“I’m not actually from Seoul.” You laughed.
“OH, oh sorry.” He said sheepishly before lighting up. “Maybe I can take you there? I mean I don’t know how long you’re gonna be in Seoul for but maybe it’d be fun!”
“So like a date?” His face seemed to changed to a deep red in a matter of seconds.
It was actually,,, kinda cute.
“I-i, I mean if you want it to be. I mean I never really get days off and I think it’d be fun to spend one with someone as pretty as you.” His eyes seemed to get wide after realizing what he he said and he stuttered out to try and save himself. “I mean, UH-”
“So I’m pretty?” you said, beaming as wide as possible. He was cute, VERY cute.
“I didn’t mean it like that, uh.” He said nervously, looking around everywhere but you.
“Sooooo, I’m not pretty?” This seemed to have made him panic even more because before you knew it, he was stumbling over his words again, trying to excuse himself any way he could even though he did do anything wrong. You couldn’t help but laugh at his actions before trying to relax his nerves. “I’m just joking!’ You paused for a minute before looking down at the ground with a smile on your face. “Plus, I’d love to go on a date with you.”
The two of you later exchanged contact information and bid each other goodbye once the concert with over.
But you couldn’t help but shake the feeling of happiness that was brought with that strange boy, who you never happened to get the name of.
After that the two of you went on your wholesome ice cream date and the whole week that you were staying in Korea, was filled with texting and calling (at the dismay of your friend of course.) You two had learned everything about each other over the span of 7 days , whether in person or over the phone.
His name was Chris, he was 18 at the time and he enjoyed writing and producing songs. You had also learned that he was a JYP trainee and that he lived in Australia prior to moving to Korea (which explained how he knew English and the accent that you didn’t notice until it was just the two of you at a small ice cream store.)
The two of you kept contact once you went back home and it didn’t take long for the two of you to start dating, about 3 months after the concert, he came to visit you.
You showed him your favorite spots to visit and the 2nd night he was there, while the two of you were at this local arcade, he asked you out. It was kinda cheesy actually.
“Christopher Bang, come play skee-ball with me RIGHT NOW.” You exclaimed loudly, dragging him behind you to the machine.
“ Y/N I told you that I suck at this game.” He whined, trying to shake your grip off of his wrist.
But this time you wouldn’t take now for an answer, yesterday he made you go mini golfing after he saw it on the drive to lunch. He wouldn’t stop complaining and whining until you finally agreed to “1v1” him in golf.
And to you it was just a waste of $10.
So now it was only justice that you got to beat his ass in the arcade games that you mastered as a kid.
Starting with skee-ball of course.
And your predictions were right, you DID beat his ass in all of the games, well that was until you got to Dance Dance Revolution,,,,
You had never been a dancer, it just wasn’t something you were good at, like at all. Your friends had always told you that you have left feet and they were right. BUT this didn’t stop you from being cocky still.
“Well looks like this is the last game,, prepare to get your ass beat once again, Christopher. “ You smiled cockily at him which made him chuckle.
He was honestly having a nice time, whether you were kicking his ass or not.
You see, he had liked you for awhile now. Over the past 3 months the two of you had grown a really close bond and his feelings just grew and grew. So he was about to take his chance.
“Fine but let’s make a deal.” He smiled at you and you simple laughed at the fact that he thought a deal needed to be made. You WERE the gaming master. “If I win this game. You have to be my girlfriend.”
“Is this your idea of asking me out, Mr. Bang?” You teased him which simply made him stick his tongue out at you.  
“That’s only if I win.” He winked at you and you felt your heart flutter. You had been harboring feelings for him ever since that date you guys had 3 months ago but you were always too scared to ask him out due to the fact that he was a trainee and he was gonna be an idol one day. He wouldn’t have time for you one day and you didn’t know if you could take that.  But maybe, just maybe things could work.
You two started the game and like you had already knew was going to happen, he kicked your ass.
“Well looks like you’ll be taking me on more ice cream dates.”
The sound of your phone ringing out broke your memories of you and your boyfriend and speak of the devil, look who was calling.
It was none other than Chan himself.
“Hey sorry I didn’t call you today, I was in practice all day but I’m free now!” He said through the phone but you were just excited to finally talk to someone about your concert tickets.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH, CHANNIE! GUESS WHAT I GOT TODAY” You practically screamed into the phone, not bothering to care if the neighbors heard you.
“What’d you get, babe?” He seemed genuinely excited to hear about it and it made the familiar fluttering feeling appear in your stomach.
“Oh, really? Well, I hope you have fun.” For some reason he seem excited for you. The excitement that he exuded just a minute prior seemed to just disappear out of thin air. But before you could ask him about it, you heard some yelling in the background. “Babe, I’m so sorry. I think Jisung and Minho are fighting again, ah I’m sorry. I’ll call you again soon if I have time. I love you ! Bye!” 
And like that he was gone. For a few days actually, he didn’t call you much and if he did it was only for 10 minutes or so. He didn’t reply to texts that often either. Therefore the only thing you could conclude was that your boyfriend was an NCT anti and he didn’t deserve ANY fights.
No just kidding, the only thing you could think of was that he was busy and just didn’t have time for you at that moment. You even asked his other members if anything was wrong and they all said things were just busy for them.You had a feelings something was off but you just opted to ignore it due to the fact that NCT was coming.
When the day of the concert came around NOTHING could ruin your mood, you were seeing your favorite boys (after skz ofc) and that’s all you were worried about.
So when it was time to go, you grabbed your green lightstick and headed out the door with no cares in the world.
You hadn’t gotten amazing tickets, you weren’t far but you weren’t amazingly close, you could see pretty well but everyone around you had signs which was kinda annoying.
But halfway through the concert your phone had started to get blown up by a familiar Aussie, no not your loving boyfriend but Felix.
Lix: You should’ve saved your money for OUR concert, greedy bastard >:(
You: why would i go to ur concert when nct exists :D
Lix: ur so rude, chan hyung says no kisses for a WEEK
You: we live miles away SWEATY
Lix: o rlly??
Your texts were cut off my a pair of arms wrapping themselves around your waist.
“Hi baby.” Chan’s voice said in your eye.
You felt your eyes widened before turning around and facing the man.
“Chan? What are you doing here?” You were shocked out of all things, but you also wanted to cry. You haven’t physically seen him or touched him like this in around a year and a half. Once Chan was told that’d he’d be having his own group and going on a survival show, you both didn't have time to fly out for one another. So when the tears started welling up in his eyes, you weren’t surprised at all.
“Well we don’t have a busy schedule and I just missed you, so I asked JYP if they boys and I could have a small break,,,well he said yes. I was honestly surprised but then we were told we were gonna be doing a couple photoshoots here so I understood why. But it doesn’t matter because I can finally see you again.” At the end his voice broke but that didn’t stop the smile was ran across his face.
You couldn’t help but begin to smile as well.
But the sweet moment was soon realized by the realization he had been ghosting you.,
“You’re so dumb.” You sniffled and wiped the tears in your eyes before punching his shoulder.
He yelped and looked at you in confusion.
“You’ve been ghosting me for almost 2 weeks JUST so you could surprise me. I would have much rather had you just talking to me, you big idiot.”You said, punching his shoulder once again for good measure.
“OUCH, Y/N LISTEN. I just wanted to surprise you and I know i would have been talking to you, maybe I am an idiot.” You raised your eyebrow at him. “Okay I AM an idiot.”
“ Ya, I know but you’re my idiot and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smiled at him again which made him smile back at you despite the fact that where you punched him actually hurt.  
The moment was once again short lived after you realized you were missing NCT performing.
“CHRISTOPHER BANG YOU ARE SO DUMB, YOU’RE MAKING ME MISS THE CONCERT.” You yelled, punching his shoulder for the third time. He winced before giving you and pout which just made you glare at him.
“Felix was right, you should’ve just saved your money for OUR concert. “ He said, sticking his tongue out at you.
“I don’t care, I came here for Johnny because the most handsome man ALIVE.” You smirked and simply stuck out your tongue back.
“That was the worst thing you’ve ever said to me.” He made a disgusted face which only made you raise your eyebrows.
“I could always say worse.”
“Suddenly I’m single.”
♡ admin cail
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