#maybe we should just scare them and have everyone demand fair pay right now
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Unfortunately, one major reason streamers like Netflix don’t plan on breaking any time soon in the strike, is because it could have the potential to inspire others to fight for fair pay if it ended up being fairly easy for the writers to do it.
They would rather wait it out for as long as they can, making writers risk financial ruin, so that they have no choice but to agree to a deal that is, at best, half of what they were initially asking.
This means that going into this strike, from Netflix’s pov, it could go on until September, at least, and they would be fine with that.
They assume that by then, writers will have been picketing for 4+ months, without pay, and won’t be able to go on for much longer.
Upon being asked about the impending strike a few weeks prior to it starting, Ted Sarandos said that they have at least 6 months of backlog set in stone. And so apparently, he’s comfortable with sitting it out that long at least.
Though, it is worth saying that as bleak as it all sounds, we’re 3 weeks in and there is a lot of support for the writers. With how bad things are PR wise for Netflix, one could argue they might just say fuck it were used to it and push through. However at the same time, they’ve been struggling with subscriber growth a lot more than ever before, they could be on the brink of risking it all regardless. So if they come to realize fighting this fight as posing a serious risk for them in the short term and long term, something they definitely don’t want to have to admit to their investors at the next conference, they’ll need to get their shit together sooner than later.
I know it’s frustrating to imagine the strike still going on late into 2023, but if we can put our heads together now, this early on still, maybe it won’t have to be that long?
It really does feel like there’s nothing we can do, but showing support and informing others about it so it doesn’t just dwindle to background chatter is a start!
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spyrothesquish-0006 · 3 years
Can I ask about the brothers visiting an MC in a coma, assumedly sometime after they left their 1 year school year at Devildom? Also would it be bad to ask for a platonic/familial relationship instead of romantic?
How the brothers react to visiting GN!MC in a coma (platonic)
Warnings: None besides hospital and coma mentions, also if you're uncomfy with platonic kisses I'm sorry 😢 I see Asmo as very touchy-feely so even if it's a strictly platonic/familial relationship, it would not be rare for him to kiss your cheeks. And platonic requests are always fine! I hope you enjoy!😊
• surprisingly was not the first to find out, but once he did, he was quick to be at your side
• depending on how you got to be in a coma changes his reaction
• if it's because someone hurt you, Lucifer will be on a war path to make whoever did it pay dearly for hurting someone in his family
• if it's because of an accident, his worry over you will increase, never wanting to see you in such a state again
• will take whatever measures necessary to make sure you stay safe once you wake up
• if the coma is due to an illness, Lucifer will do everything in his power to get you the best treatment possible
• only the best doctors and nurses are fit to care for his family
• if allowed, he will move you to a devildom hospital to be treated
• will not be leaving your side any time soon
• if you thought this demon didn't sleep before, it's even worse now
• he will stay by your side and hold your hand until he sees your eyes open again
• the paperwork in his office might pile up, but honestly he couldn't care less
• you become his #1 priority
• would often pet his hand over your hair and talk to you at night
• even if you can't hear him, he still tells you how important you are to him and his brothers
• "We're all worried about you, MC. You need to wake up. Please.."
• the minute he knows you're in the hospital he takes off, not even stopping long enough to learn why or that you're in a coma
• completely loses it when he sees you in the hospital bed
• it's a mix between fear of losing you, and anger at whatever it is that put you in that coma
• even if it was in no way his fault, he still blames himself for not being there to protect you
• still feels a bit guilty even if it's something completely out of his control, like an illness
• will be by your side any chance he gets
• definitely tries to curl up in the hospital bed with you
• if he isn't allowed to/there isn't enough space, he will curse until the entire hospital knows infernal curse words
• nothing gets between him and MC, that's his family!
• if for some reason he has to leave your side, his crows are stationed outside your window until he gets back to watch over you
• would call in any favors he has to if it means paying for the best medical care, or finding healing potions
• he remembers Satan once saying how if someone is in a coma, that they can still hear
• he often talks to you as if you're awake and responding, late night conversations lessening his worry about you, but sometimes these end in tears if he gets too carried away, knowing you're not responding and might not any time soon
• "Be a good human and wake up, won't ya? You got us all so worried, and it ain't fair."
• once he hears the words "MC" and "Hospital" in the same sentence, he has the worst panic attack imaginable
• accidentally summons Lotan and destroys part of the HoL in his panic
• races to the hospital, not caring who he has to talk to or push past to get to you
• all he cares about is his Henry being okay!
• hospitals aren't really his favorite place, being filled with people and germs, but he will stay by your side until you wake up, no exceptions
• he basically moves into your hospital room
• brings his and yours favorite handheld games and plays them all hours of the day and night
• doesn't want to fall asleep in case you wake up
• even though it makes him a blushy mess, he sits on the edge of your hospital bed and keeps his tail firmly wrapped around your hand to "hold" it while he plays video games
• even if you aren't awake, he still watches your favorite animes with you, hoping that maybe the sound of it will make you want to open your eyes
• "Hey, MC, this is your favorite episode right? Do you think maybe you could open your eyes and watch it with me?"
• once he knows you're in a coma he rushes to the hospital and immediately sets to work questioning every doctor and nurse that's treating you
• wants to know everything, why you're in a coma, for how long, what can he or any of his brothers do to help you?
• if the doctors treating you are not to his standards, he will throw a temper tantrum until better ones are brought in for you
• refuses to even entertain the idea that you might not wake up
• he gets very irratible with everyone and everything, but it's only because of how worried he is about you
• he may be pissy and quick to let his temper flare, but he's nothing but gentle with you
• he always holds your hand, sitting by your bedside and reading to you to calm his wrath and worry
• he picks only your favorite books, eyes flicking expectantly between the pages and you when he gets to your favorite parts, hoping that just maybe they'd excite you enough to wake up
• "MC, I brought your favorite again. We left off on chapter 6 right? I know your favorite part is coming up, so give my hand a little squeeze once we get to it, okay?"
• nearly faints when he hears you're in a coma
• once he's at the hospital, he demands to know everything
• Who, what, where, when, he accepts nothing but the most thorough answers possible
• is so wracked with worry that he actually forgets his own routines while he takes care of you, not bothering with his lengthy skincare routine or his beauty sleep, instead focusing on yours
• even if you're out cold, you still should be looking your best and be taken care of!
• after all, he would never leave his family helpless to take care of themselves
• he often talks to you while he brushes your hair or does your skincare for you, never wanting to let you fall behind on the gossip
• talking to you also keeps his nerves in check, often falling asleep while he fills you in on what everyone has been up to
• if he doesn't fall asleep while talking to you, he most likely ends up sleeping while scrolling through devilgram posts, curled up in your bed with you so he can still cuddle you until you wake up
• while he holds you he often peppers your face in gentle kisses, murmuring his affections for you and saying how much all of his brothers care about you
• he'd often call you sleeping beauty at night, but now that nickname leaves a bitter taste in his mouth
• "Do me a favor darling and wake up, hmm? It's so boring without you to talk to. If you wake up soon, I'll take you on a shopping spree, alright?"
• worried sick once he knows you're in a coma, rushing to the hospital and refusing to leave your side
• he doesn't even feel hungry as he watches over you, far too worried about you being okay to think about eating for once
• seeing you so fragile looking in the hospital bed reminds him too much of losing Lilith
• plants himself by your bed and is incredible gentle while he holds your hand
• he knows how strong he is, and seeing you in a hospital bed makes him even more wary about accidentally hurting you
• he does have to eat eventually, almost snacking on things in the hospital room before a worried nurse got him some food from the cafeteria
• it may not be the best quality, but he honestly doesn't care that much
• if it means he can stay by your side, he'd eat dirt
• despite how worried he is about you, he keeps a brave face and is always smiling and laughing as he talks to you, telling you about all the things him and his brothers have done after your year at RAD ended
• he always brings your favorite snacks when he sits with you, hoping that maybe you'll be hungry enough to wake up and eat with him again
• "MC, I brought your favorite snacks again, I'm sorry I ate them last time...if you wake up before I get hungry they're all yours though! I can get you more if you're still hungry after."
• to everyone's surprise, he was the first to know you were in a coma
• he often visited you in your dreams after you left RAD, making sure you didn't have any nightmares and to just chat with you
• so when he went to visit you in your latest dream, you told him how you were in the hospital and couldn't wake up just yet while your body healed
• he promised to relay the information to his brothers and was quick to be at your side
• he's less worried about your condition than his brothers, only because he can still visit you while you "sleep"
• just because it's not as bad doesn't mean he has no worries though
• part of him is scared that one day he'll try to visit you and you just won't be there dreaming anymore
• because of this fear, he sleeps as often as he can
• self care isn't exactly his strong hold, so he figures his brothers will take better care of you than he can
• instead of helping you physically, Belphie helps you mentally
• he makes sure you never feel lonely in your coma
• he keeps any bad dreams or negative thoughts away, and he never lets you lose hope about waking up, no matter how long your coma lasts
• to make things more fun, he often alters your dreams so you two can go on adventures
• if you feel like flying? He's got you. Wanna be pirates for the day? There's a sword an eyepatch waiting for you
• even though he can still spend time with you in your coma, he still insists on being at your side physically too
• would bring your favorite blankets and pillows and plushies to put in bed with you so you stay comfortable
• is another brother who would curl up in the hospital bed with you, even letting you use his pillow until you wake up
• snuggles you like a koala 25/8 and sleepy mumbles into your ear are common
• "mm, MC? I know it's fun and all, but you gotta wake up at some point dummy. Don't make me go in there and drag you out."
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etherealdizzle · 3 years
DBD Yandere Trickster x Dom Female Reader
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Death, Blood
This new world was different for him. There were no rules, no consequences, and no playing fair. It was the fantasy that Ji-Woon Hak had dreamed of. He was allowed to kill as he pleased, with no worry of capture. No fear of having to stop because he was caught. He could do whatever he wanted and he was praised for it.
The survivors all looked at him with fear. He craved it. He was flashy, even more so once the entity brought him to this world. He was allowed to show off, to laugh in their faces as he saw the blood-curdling fear and desperation in their eyes. All of them feared him; all except one.
She had been here a long time and had seen the killers grow in numbers. A clown, a cowboy, a nurse, a pair of twins. All of them brought new dangers. But she adapted to the new threats and overcame her fears. She got tired of being scared a long time ago. There was no escape from this world. She tried desperately to leave. She tried to kill one of the killers, Trapper, but failed. They couldn’t be injured. They didn’t feel pain. All of her plans and attempts failed. So, she dealt with it.
Maybe that is what drew the Trickster to her in the first place. When he first saw her, she sighed. Like she was tired, like she didn’t care. It made him angry. He wanted her to fear him. But she didn’t. After he sacrificed her, he thought that would make him happier. But it didn’t. It angered him in a way. But in another, it impressed him.
As time went on, he understood her. She fought well, ran him around as gens popped left and right. The frustration made him more psychotic, more angry, but she still wasn’t afraid. She was too strong for it. Perhaps that is why the entity brought her here. To remind the killers that they aren’t gods, but people and things that still bowed down to the entity.
Sometimes he saw the entity in her eyes. Not like it was controlling her, but like she was controlling it. However, the look faded once the Trickster swung his bat, sending her to the ground with a scream and a thud. The Trickster giggled, dark and giddy, always happy to catch her. It was like a treat, catching someone so rare and enchanting. A well deserved reward for his work.
As she was on the floor, she grunted and cried quietly in pain Ji-Woon watched, frozen in place. She turned to him, her back to the ground and looked up at him. She frowned, waiting for a moment as all he did was stare. “Well?” She said, impatiently.
The Trickster raised his eyebrows. He had never heard her speak before. In fact, he never heard anyone speak. He didn’t even know they could. Her voice wasn’t soft, but powerful and fierce. He kneeled down next to her, hands outstretched to pick her up. But for some reason, his hands stopped. They were shaking, like he was nervous.
She huffed, rolling her eyes at him. “What are you doing? Let’s just get this over with already,” She complained. He obeyed her command. Her voice was beautiful, and he couldn’t help but comply with her wish. He grabbed her, grunting as he did with everyone. The entity might have given him strength, but it still made him work for some things. He hoisted her over his shoulder, and he felt her immediately trying to break away. He admired her. The thought flashed across his mind and he knew it was true. He threw her on a hook, her screams filling the air. Everyone was dead. No one was there to save her. She snarled her teeth at him as the entity stabbed her, taking her soul away. He watched her float up, always curious where they go. A new trial began. And another. And a few more.
He hadn’t seen her in a while. He grew impatient. Each trial without her only made him miss her more and more. He grew angry. Each time he saw someone that wasn’t her, he killed them as quickly as he could. The sooner he was out of here, the sooner he was to see her. The entity praised him for his work. But he simply didn’t care. He wanted her with him. He couldn’t exactly say why, because even himself didn’t have an answer. To prove himself? To admire her? Whatever it was, the anxiety and anger grew until he was nearly unstoppable. The entity noticed this, and put a stop to it. Killers that got too powerful were weakened.
When he entered into the next trial, the first thing he noticed was the snow. He couldn’t feel it, exactly. He could feel it land gently onto his skin, but the effect of the cold was lost to him. He had noticed the survivors shivering once, so he knew they were affected. He liked Ormond. It was open, which gave him a good chance of hitting his blades. He also liked the fog the snow gave off, allowing him to get a little closer before the survivors noticed.
As he wandered, he heard the sound of a generator being worked on.The progress was quicker than normal. There were a couple of people on it. He grinned to himself. Time to put on a show. He raised his knives, ready. He headed over there, but stopped dead in his tracks. He heard you. Laughing.
It was so beautiful. He could barely see you, the snow affecting his vision as he was still a little ways away. You were smiling, laughing at something. Who… who was making you laugh!? Ji-Woon frowned and clutched his bat tightly. No one else was supposed to make you laugh! Only him. Only he was allowed. He moved his gaze off you to the culprit. Felix.
Felix was relatively new to this world. He was inexperienced at loops and struggled to make the right decisions. It was easy to kill the new ones. It would be so easy to kill him now. The Trickster crept closer, and the two survivors looked around. Ji-Woon quickly hid behind a wall, suddenly afraid to let you see him. Why was he so nervous? Why was his heart pounding?
“You hear that? Sounds like the Trickster,” You said to Felix. Ji-Woon felt a warmth come to his face. You recognized his music. You were paying attention to his sound. That had to mean something, right? Even if it didn’t mean anything to her, it meant a lot to the Trickster.
Felix chuckled. “If he was coming for us, we’d know. That man loves showing off.” Felix sounded rude, snobby. Trickster felt his anger seeping into him.
“Like you can say anything,” You shot back. You were defending Trickster! Almost. Ji-Woon was breathing hard, like he couldn’t hold in his excitement.
“Come on, you love it! You like modest guys, right? That’s why you like me.”
“Ehh… what?”
“Really. You and me, I feel a connection between us. Seriously, I think we should-” Felix didn’t get to finish his sentence.
The Trickster rushed him, yelling as he ran, hitting Felix with his bat. The first hit made Trickster’s heart race, a smile and a laugh rose to his lips that he couldn’t even try to stop. He wanted to kill him. How DARE he hit on her! He hit him again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and-
The Trickster immediately did as he was told. He lifted the bat, putting it at his side. He admired his work for a moment. Felix was dead. He didn’t get a chance. He didn’t deserve one. Ji-Woon was panting, breathing heavily as he looked to the one who ordered him to stop.
You. You stood there, anger filling your face as you looked Ji-Woon dead in the eyes. Your eyes weren’t filled with fear. Not even now. Not even when you glanced at the remains of Felix. The Trickster scanned your eyes, trying to figure out what you were feeling. “What are you- I mean what the fuck are you- ugh! What were you thinking!” You raised your hands in the air, making fists as you felt frustrated.
Ji-Woon felt the blood dripping down his face and his clothes. The blood from the bat dripped. Plip-plop. Plip-plop. He could hear his own heartbeat and nervousness as he tried to speak. “He… He was flirting with you…”
Your look now turned to confusion. You stepped closer to him, meeting his gaze. “So why did you do that?” You said, almost gently. Almost, but not quite. Still firm, and demanding an answer.
Trickster was silent. He was trying to figure out how to respond.
Ji-Woon looked down at his bat. Anything but your gaze. “I couldn’t let that happen to you. You’re not his.” He said. He knew now what to say. “You’re mine.” He looked you in the eyes, finally able to admit to himself why he felt this way.
He was in love with you. He admired you, he loved your courage, he loved your skill. He loved that you weren’t afraid of him. He loved you.
Your eyes widened, your mouth open in shock. You didn’t say anything, just looked at him, then walked closer until you were against his chest. You put your hands on his chest, resting your head on him. The Trickster froze for a moment, unsure what you were doing. But he understood. He dropped his bat, something he didn’t even know he could do. He wrapped his arms around you, one around your waist, and the other holding gently onto your head. He now knew what emotion was in your eyes. It was the same one that was in his.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Can I see bondage and blood (4 and 6) for the bratty goat man that is Lucio. I just got into the arcana and I’m loosing my mind over this brat. I love it.
Hahahaha, welcome to the fandom! Thanks for requesting the goat man lol Enjoy ^^
Bondage - “Darling your such a tease. I’ll give you a taste of what it’s like playing with fire.” 
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
There were so many red flags when you received the invitation to the Palace. All these rumors about a sickness spreading through the streets of Vesuvia, yet, the count still requested the likes of you to attend to him and keep him company while people began drawing back and isolate. Sure, tending to anyone who demanded your service was your daily bread, but you’d rather stayed at your home as well.
But he was a paying customer and not a first-timer either. Also, as the count, he was paying very, very well. Once these ‘sickness’ wore down, it would be good money in your hand to have, especially if you wanted nothing more than to leave this place.
That wasn’t all, of course. Every visit you spend at his side was filled with lavish meals and grand festivities. You felt less than an escort and more than an actual member of the high society when you were with him. But all the presents and clothes he gave to you were starting to drown you in guilt and fear that one day, this was something to hold over your head if you weren’t careful.
So, why did you go back?
Biting your cheek, you wondered about your reasons as you put on yet another wonderful, soft and endearing garment that he had prepared for you. Lucio hadn’t even arrived yet, but you knew by his choices that he grew bolder every time. You had told him right at the start, from be very beginning, that you weren’t interested in more than staying by his side and looking nice. That other services weren’t your occupation, and even less were you interested in something personal.
Yet, your hands began to sweat nervously as Lucio got announced, servants rushing to open the door for him, and your bad feeling intensified.
“[Name]!” he called out joyfully, arms open wide to pull you into a hug, entering the room without even a moment of hesitation. Lucio wasn’t a typical noble. Everyone talked about him behind his back of how unfit he was in his position. To greet you first and so casually - in front of servants no less - kind of confirmed that. No one would tell him off, strangely enough, giving him the respect to do as he pleased. Perhaps that was the influence of his wife, but you weren’t unhappy that he wasn’t spitting in your face or belittling you like the others would once they were done with you.
“Count,” you greeted him briefly, bowing your head to him with a small smile you could muster. No second later, you were virtually overrun by him, finding yourself dipped down and in his arms in the blink of an eye. “Finally some good company,” he smirked, reaching for your hand to kiss it. Charm, he had, even if this was one of the few good points you could name about him.
It was a rather typical meeting, minus the grand balls he liked to throw for his ‘friends’. Just you too, a table between you that was smaller than the one he usually filled with food. The menu was just as delicious, even though you two had it in silence, Lucio never losing the smile on his face. He usually was much more talkative, so you let him talk, but today, even if you spoke up, he wouldn’t react with his great stories and even greater enthusiasm. Maybe, it was just a calm day for him. Maybe he was just exhausted.
The time couldn’t run out faster, your eyes occasionally flitting to the small clock on top of the fireplace. Yet, every time you’d be disappointed with how much time was still left. You had been served tea, the servants leaving you alone as soon as the biscuits were placed down on the coffee table in front of you. Only when the door fell into its lock did Lucio finally sigh deeply, as if he was bothered by a heavy weight on his shoulders.
“I thought about it,” he finally spoke up, his words more serious than you had heard from him ever. This voice, paired with his words, rose another flinch of nervosity in you, and you sipped at your cup filled with warmth to hide your anxiety. Lucio walked back over to you, sitting down next to you on the couch and taking an inelegant sip of his own cup. “I want you to stay here.”
Immediately, the tea you just drank left a bitter aftertaste on your tongue, and you backed away noticeable. “My Count, I told you in the very beginning I don’t stay the night--”
“No, no!” he quickly waved off, shaking his head before taking a deep breath and reaching for your hands. You wanted to pull away, but at the same time, you feared upsetting such an important figure in this society by behaving rudely. “I meant forever.”
“Forever...?” you muttered, feeling your expression crunch up in confusion. “My Lord, I don’t think that would be appropriated--”
You really couldn’t see yourself, an escort, stay by his side.
“Not yet, but...” his voice trailed off as you thought to see hints of red grace his cheeks. “I will make you Count Consort. I mean it! You’ll have all the rights that even the Countess has, and you’ll be allowed to stay here.”
His offer sounded sincere at least, his expression giving off the impression that - even if it was foolish - he meant it. It took you a lot of strength not to gasp in his face about what he said, the mere idea of you becoming such a high-ranking member of nobility scaring and appalling you. Maybe this was a dream coming true for many people, but not for you. Not for someone like you who wanted to leave this city for a new start, and especially the Count who was starting to do what you always feared he would: Monopolize you.
“I cannot,” you said firmly, feigning regret in your voice before pulling your hands from his. “Why?” he asked, inching closer, your legs touching while he kept snapping for your hands. “I... I just can’t.”
“That’s not a reason. You can. Just say yes and stay with me.”
Finally, he managed to get a hold of your wrists, squeezing them tightly in his fingers. The golden prothesis always had scared you a little when he touched you with it. It was cold, and not rarely he put on claws on top of his fingertips that seemed more than just dull accessories. You were glad it wasn’t the case this time, yet the sheer strength he managed to bring up with it was only made more painful by the metal.
“No!” you gasped, finally letting your feeling of fear and disgust showing on your face. It was in the gist of the moment, Lucio witnessing your rejection, that he loosened the strength on his grip so you could tear your arm away. You didn’t mean to cross his cheek with your palm. You really didn’t! But when you realized the slapping sound echoing through the room, it was already too late, and you had jumped up, staring at what you did in horror.
The next moment, you ran to the door, slamming into the wood as it wouldn’t budge when you wanted to open it.
You always believed that he was different, but perhaps, you should have heeded the warnings. He treated you nicely, but in the end, when the other escorts told you that he had little patience, yet mighty demands of his partners, you should have heeded their advice to not go agree again and again to visit him. They told you about what he took pleasure in; the colosseum, the wars, bloodshed, and people worshipping him. It should have been enough for you to not return. To see that he was no good man, even if he treated you right.
“Darling you’re such a tease,” you heard behind you, and no second passed that another body pressed up to you, locking you between the door and Lucio. “You want me to fight for you? Beg you? Run after you? If that’s what you want, sure, I don’t mind.”
Exasperated, you turned around, not wanting to leave your back so exposed to him, only to find yourself staring right at a golden key he held in front of you. Hesitant, you glanced at him, his eyes now clearly duller compared to before, where he looked at you as the object of his affection, but the smile playing on his lips was anything but sincere. The mismatch of expression scared you, but you quickly snatched the key from him, fiddling with the door a little until you heard the lock open. Pressed up so close to it, it was no surprise you lost your footing, tumbling to the ground as it finally gave away. In the hallway usually filled with hustling and bustling of servants and guards, dead silence and darkness were all that awaited you.
You faintly remembered the layout as you stumbled to your feet, giving a short glance over your shoulder as you saw Lucio step out of the room as well, his hand leisurely coming up to usher you forwards. “Run, my Beloved. It’s only fair if you have a chance to escape. You always told me how you wanted to escape your life, so here I thought we were under the same impression, but in the end, you’re going to hate me as well, don’t you?”
His words were so sad, yet, their meaning scarier than anything to you. You never realized... that he thought this way. That up till now, he had been looking out for you after all. “But it doesn’t matter if you hate me,” he added, shoulders slumping as he looked at you pitifully. “Everyone does, but that means they let me do what I want. And I want to be with you. Deep down, you know I can make your wish come true. Otherwise, why would you have always come back to me?”
Now, you weren’t waiting anymore. As quickly as you could, with the fabric of the garment rushing by you as you ran, you made your way to what you thought was the exit. There was something mad about the way he uttered these last sentences, and you didn’t want to find out. Not when you heard his steps follow after you.
“That’s a dead-end,” he called behind you as you dipped into a sidearm of the hallway. “Don’t make it easy for me to catch you, Sweetheart.”
But it was already too late; you had to move forward. You’d slip into a room there and jump out of the window if it turned out that there wasn’t any way left to go. But the further in you got, the fewer doors you saw until they only sparsely appeared around you. Every time you thought, “One more, the next I will enter and escape,” but then they stopped appearing completely, and you ran right into a portrait of your suitor at the end of the hallway.
“You went easy on me?” you heard behind you. “You’re such an adorable rabbit. You could have just told me that you wanted me to court you some more! But don’t you worry.”
Eventually, Lucio caught up to you while you pressed up to the wall in your back, eyeing for a chance to escape him. Until it was too late, his face so close to you, you felt his breath against your lips and a cold, uncomfortable grip around your chin. “Hate me all you want, but I finally realize this is what you want too. You got me really riled up now, [Name]. We can play all night long if you want.”
You wanted to say something, do something, slap him again! But you couldn’t. You couldn’t even move a finger, or take a breath, captivated by the glowing silver of his eyes, shining even in the dark. “I’ll give you a taste of what it’s like playing with fire,” he whispered before you felt his lips close in on yours.
“Because that’s what you did to me too and now it’s your turn to get burned.”
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ellavogues · 4 years
what did you wish for? - harry styles
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summary: long distance has put a strain on harry and yn’s relationship, especially as his birthday is fast approaching
a/n: last repost from my old blog, i still freaking love this. this fic means a lot to me because parts of it was based off of my own life. as always, ily all <3
The light turned to dark as she sat by her phone watching reruns of  The Office, waiting for Harry to call her like he did every night. Her  day was particularly bad, everything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong  - from her forgetting her umbrella when it was bucketing down to her  somehow locking her car keys in her car (which led to her incurring a  $200 fee for the roadside assist service getting them out). Then, when  she trudged home in the pouring rain, clothes completely soaked and her socks inside her shoes wet, she received an email informing her the  elevators in her building were out of service. Unluckily for her, she lived on the 16th floor.
All she wanted was to see his smile to  turn her day around. Harry never failed to turn her worst days into good  ones just by being him, but being in a long distance relationship put a  strain on that. Sure, they would visit each other every now and then, but both of their jobs were demanding and meant they couldn’t travel as  much as they wanted to. Harry could travel more than she could, but she  didn’t think it was fair that he’d always have to be the one to hop on a  plane and fly across the world.
The familiar ringtone played and her eyes lit up in excitement. Y/N reached for the phone and answered to hear him yelling  some utterance at his friend, to which his friend responded with something  equally as snide.
A smile crept onto her lips as she lightly  giggled at his attitude to his friend, and she could almost feel them roll her eyes at his snarky remark. Y/N would be lying if she said the  huff of annoyance he let out as he returned his attention to her wasn’t hot, as well as the way he ran his fingers over his stubble then through his curly hair.
“How do you want to celebrate your birthday, Haz?” Y/N  asked softly, not wanting to make his bad mood worse and hoping the  change of subject would make him happy.
Harry sighed, closing his  eyes as he composed his answer. “What’s the point?” His tone wasn’t soft  like hers, nor was it disappointed. It appeared that he was angry that  she brought up the topic. In a matter-of-fact tone, he continued,  “You’re not in London with me, you’re in New York. There’s no point in celebrating with you if you’re not here.”
“We can FaceTime?”
He rolled his eyes at her suggestion as if it was the stupidest thing he had heard, and sarcastically laughed at her.
“What’s  with your attitude, Harry? I want to celebrate with you! It’s not my fucking fault that I can’t be in London!” She frowned, frustrated that the distanc  between them was the topic of conversation, like it always seemed to be.
Harry scoffs in response, the look on his slightly pixelated face dumbfounded  that you would even suggest that it wasn’t your fault. “I have offered  to fly you out to London many times, Y/N. There are plenty of jobs for you  out here that you could apply to and that you know you would get because  you’re so damn good at what you do,” he retorted, tired and irritated.  Though Harry was usually incredibly patient with everyone, especially her, these increasingly frequent conversations had begun to wear him  thin and gradually made him resent FaceTiming her at all, despite still  being completely and utterly in love with her. “You’re being stubborn about moving for no reason.”
They were both quite stubborn individuals, but in the past Harry was usually the one that compromised to make her happy. He valued her happiness over getting his own way.  When they reconnected a year ago, a few years after finishing school, and quickly realised their friendship was based on more-than-friend feelings they faced the problem of living in different countries. Although it seemed like a breeze at first, Harry scoffing at  anyone who claimed long distance would be hard, as their feelings grew  deeper and his visits less frequent, they both longed for a more  physical presence of the other, rather than just virtual. This was  something Harry was absolutely not willing to compromise on. He had his whole life in London, and he knew that he could give her the life she deserves if she  would just take up his offer. He knew she was scared of leaving her  family behind to move in with him, and he understood. Harry tried to keep his cool about this topic, but eventually he became exasperated.
“No  good reason? Why should I be the one to move? Why is it me that has to pack up my entire life just to be with you?’” She scolds him for being so rude, and feels like he’s completely brushing off her feelings. “You are able to work from wherever you are. I am not. you should be the one  to move.”
“Me?” Harry was astounded at was his girlfriend’s  response, and was indigent at her crazy suggestion. “I can not leave London just because you’re scared of leaving the city you’ve been in all your life.  My work is in London, you know this. You know I have to be here to work,  just because I technically could still record in New York does not change that the majority of my work and networks are in London. You’re being a bit dramatic and unfair about this, Y/N. I’m tired of arguing about this all the time.  Goodnight.”
The fact that he hung up on her makes her see red,  blood boiling as she clenched her fists and teeth. He knew what he was  asking of her; to pack up her whole life just to be with him. He was being selfish and unreasonable and she was being exhausted of having  this stupid argument that neither of them ever won every time they talked. She felt like he never considered her friends here in New York,  and that he always brushed off how she felt about the move. This fight  had gradually become more tense as time went on, as they knew that a  decision would eventually have to be made if they wanted their  relationship to grow.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she claimed.
“I  know you and H had a fight,” Harry's friend responded, the one on the phone earlier. “He told me what  happened and he feels really bad. Like, really. I know he would really appreciate it if you were here for his birthday.”
She sighed,  starting to feel slightly guilty too for the way she reacted. She feels  even more guilty for the fact that they hadn’t spoken at all in the past  3 days, besides a text from Harry simply saying Sorry for hanging up on you.  When Y/N received the text, she was still calming down from their argument, still hurt by the way he made her feel that her career wasn’t  as important as his. She still loved him, and she still misses him, though.
“I can’t afford a ticket, you know that. Not everyone makes a fuck ton of money like you and Haz-”
The friend chuckled softly over the phone before reassuring Y/N, “I’ll  pay for it. Come and surprise him, he’ll feel a lot better and it’ll  give you guys a chance to work it out in person, where you can’t just  hang up on each other.”
Y/N knew that his friend was right, she knew that she and Harry needed a face to face conversation about the future  of their relationship because long distance hadn’t seemed to be working  for them anymore. Their virtual dates, while well thought out and  romantic, weren’t the same as being there in person with him. Being  there and lightly brushing legs as they sat down at the small table,  hearing his laugh without the audio cutting in and out, being able to  hold each other’s hands. It wasn’t the same.
Maybe that is why Y/N and Harry had been arguing so much, because their relationship relied on strong wifi connections and the ability to be on their phones all  day. And it wasn’t enough for either of them anymore.
“Okay, thank you. I’m really grateful you’re doing this for us,” Y/N finally responded, expressing her gratitude.
His friend felt a wave of relief, ecstatic that Harry might finally get out of his shitty mood. Even though he didn’t mean to take out  his annoyances on his friends, and he apologised every single time he  gave them an uncalled for attitude, but it seemed his bad mood was never dissipating. When finally asked what was wrong, bursting through his door in a fit of exasperation, he broke down and told her about  their FaceTime, and all their FaceTimes before it. About how every subject they discussed seemed to lead to the same topic: the distance between them. He admitted he regretted his harsh words, and regretted him acting like he thought his job was more important than hers.
“It’s really not a problem,” his friend promised. “I’ll email you the flight  details and the invite, I can’t wait to see you! It’s been so long!”
“It’s been, like, a month and a half. Not that long.”
“That is so long! I miss you like crazy.”
“I  miss you too,” Y/N giggled.
She flopped back on her bed, grinning from ear to ear and  excited she would finally be able to see her boyfriend again, yet dreading the impending and necessary conversation they would have to have.
Y/N had anxiously got out of her Uber when she  arrived at a friend's house for Harry’s surprise party. She was  visibly shaking, stuttering as she said thank you to her driver, nervous  that his reaction wouldn’t be good when seeing her. She was scared that he didn’t want her here anymore after their fight, despite his friend constantly reassuring her that he would be over the moon to see her.
She  knocked on the front door, which his almost immediately answered.  “Hey! Y/N!”
The loud exclamation earned the attention of  the other attendees of the party, all shocked to see Y/N after Harry had repeatedly, and bitterly, told them that she was going to be in New York for his birthday.
“Hey,” Y/N smiled,  greeting everyone. She glanced around the room, seeing the fairy lights  hanging from the ceiling, the island bench covered with a gold table  cloth, the backyard decorated with gold balloons and streamers. “Woah,  the party is super cool! Harry is going to love it.”
“Harry is going to love that you’re here and not in New York.”
When Harry finally arrived, the lights were switched off and  everyone scurried to grab their phones out to film. Y/N waited behind everyone as  the group gathered close together to surprise him when he walked in.
“Oh my god,” Harry spoke. “It smells funny in here.”
She let out a quiet giggle at his comment, but was quick to muffle it before he heard it was her.
When he made it past the gold streamers that blocked the front door from the living area, everyone yelled out SURPRISE,  going crazy and covering Harry with confetti. His face had pure joy,  happiness and gratefulness plastered all over it, ecstatic that his  friends would do something so sweet for his birthday, although he most  likely already knew about the party. He glanced around the room, and  almost had to do a double take when he saw his girlfriend. Y/N had told  him she wouldn’t be able to make it, making him dread his birthday since  he didn’t see a point in celebrating it if it wasn’t with her.
When  the crowd had dispersed, Harry made his way over to her and grabbed her  chin gently, tilting her face up before saying “Hey, love” and kissing her softly. He broke the kiss and pulled his girlfriend into a warm embrace.  She was so glad to see him, in person, to be able to hold his hand and  hug him and just be around him. In person.
They were pulled  out of their moment when Harry’s friend asked if they wanted a  picture, to which Y/N responded no and he responded yes.
“Don’t be shy, love,” he teased, smiling like a cheshire cat as he put her hair  behind her ears. “I want to remember you being here tonight, let’s take the picture.”
It wasn’t long until it was time to cut the cake,  Harry having Y/N by his side the whole night because he didn’t want to  waste a minute he could spend with her. Being with him reminded Y/N why  they were dating, and why she loved him. As the night went on, she felt  the fight that was seemingly big feel less important, because she  realised that she was making excuses as to why she couldn’t move to London  with him. She was being stubborn for no reason, and she noticed that the  only thing holding her back was her. Not her job, she could find a new  one in London, not her family because she barely saw them anyway, not her friends because half of her friends were in London with Harry anyway. When she saw Harry walk through those streamers, it became crystal clear how silly she was  being.
Harry knew what he wanted, and being with her that night just made him more sure. He decided he wasn’t going to stop fighting for  his relationship with her, and if that meant he had to settle down his  requests for her to move to London with him so she felt more comfortable, he would do that. Despite wanting nothing more than to live with her, to  wake up every morning and see her face, to Postmate her favorite coffee every morning, to surprise her with spur-of-the-moment dates every now  and then. He wanted her, and he was willing to wait if that’s what he  needed to do.
After everyone sang happy birthday to him, his arm slung loosely around her, he blew out his candles.
“What did you wish for, H?”
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thechangeling · 4 years
Say my name or I won't survive
This is an extension of my headcannon for non binary Kit. He uses he/they pronouns. Kit comes out to Jessa as nonbinary.
Tw: mentions of transphobia/enbyphobia
A lot had happened since that conversation with Magnus. Kit usually didn't like to make a habit out of breaking down in people's arms. But it had become clear in that moment that they needed to talk to someone. That they needed to face the things they had been pushing down, trying to avoid.
Kit was currently standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom. Magnus had let them take some clothes that had been magically altered to fit Kit. Just so he could experiment with wearing them.
So far he hadn't made it out of his room wearing a dress or a skirt, but Kit was trying to take baby steps. Well mostly they were just scared. Scared of what Jem and Tessa would say.
Scared of what everyone would say. Like what if he was just making everything up? Or maybe he was just confused? Shadowhunters were big on tradition. Asking people to use different pronouns for Kit and stop using his full name might be a challenge for some people.
Like Jace, their brain supplied.
Kit stared at their reflection on the mirror. Magnus had started teaching them how to apply makeup and experiment with it. Kit confessed that when they were younger they used to steal eyeliner and lipstick from drug stores and put it on when Johnny was otherwise occupied. Kit was still no where near Magnus's level of talent but they were pretty good.
Kit had done simple makeup today, not looking for anything too crazy, just a little mascara to make his eyes pop and concealer to cover his light bruising from training. He hadn't wanted to look too girly during this conversation, he figured it was better to ease Tessa and Jem into this whole thing.
Also Kit didn't always feel like looking too girly, even though as Magnus constantly reminded them, clothes and makeup didnt have a gender. They liked playing around with different concepts, different styles. The societal ideas of femininity and masculinity were just that, ideas. There were no real rules, not when Kit stopped playing the game.
They stared at themself in the vanity mirror, trying to think of exactly what Kit was going to say to Jem and Tessa. Just saying the words, "I'm nonbinary" didn't seem good enough. They felt like they needed to give a proper explanation of their feelings and experiences or else they would be accused of faking it.
The urge to prove ones validly, the need to make sure people knew he was real and he wasnt crazy, it was more importent then anything. It was infuriating. Knowing that his experiences could be so easily dismissed as delusional feelings.
Not trans enough. Not cis enough. Not gay enough. Not straight enough. Kit's mere existence was a controversy on it's own. It was exhausting enough to make Kit want to abandon the whole idea of coming out again all together. Maybe it was easier just to smile and nod everytime someone misgendered them. Ignore the clenching of their stomach and the punch to the chest that came with it.
Smile and nod and be the man he was meant to be. But he had been doing that for 18 years and he couldn't survive it much longer. Kit needed to come out. People needed to acknowledge his reality and use the proper pronouns for him.
Or else Kit was going to wither away, shrivel up into something unrecognizable. A shell of their former self. They were going to die if they had to hear "Christopher" one more time.
The only time it was tolerable was when Ty said it. Kit could almost pretend that he could be the person Ty thought he was, if it would make Ty happy. He used to think that he could let himself wither away and die as long as Ty was ok. As long as Ty was safe and happy.
But that wasnt ok. That wasnt fair. Kit deserved to be safe and happy as well. One of the things they had learned with Jem and Tessa was that Kit deserved to put themself first sometimes. Kit deserved good things despite what Johnny Rook had made them believe. Kit wanted Ty to be ok. They wanted Ty in general.
But Kit needed this.
He took a deep breath and exited his room, heading downstairs to the kitchen where Jem was cooking breakfast and Tessa was trying to get Mina to settle down. Everyone looked up as soon as Kit entered the room.
"Kitty!!!" Mina screamed excitedly, waving her arms around. Tessa shushed her fondly, scolding her for yelling.
"Good morning Christopher," Jem said with kind a smile. "How did you sleep?"
Kit tried to ignore the way their stomach clenched at the sound of their birth name. Dead name, their brain supplied. They needed to tell Tessa and Jem. Kit slid into a nearby chair with a heavy sigh.
"I need to talk to you guys about something," he muttered, trying not to sound too nervous or dejected. Tessa and Jem shared a worried glance.
"Is everything alright Kit?" Tessa asked sparing Mina a glance, probably wondering if she should be removing her from this conversation. Kit shut his eyes briefly and took a breath.
"Yeah I hope so. I just need to tell you something," Kit ran their fingers through their curls. Jem and Tessa watched them, waiting patiently. Kit tried to ignore the shakiness of their breath and the way their palms.
"Here's the thing," Kit began. "You might not get it but I need to ask you to respect it ok?
He didn't wait for their responses. "I'm nonbinary. Which basically means that I'm neither male nor female. I'm something else, something seperate. I don't know I guess I just think of myself as a person who doesn't really have much of a gender," he was staring at the tabletop refusing to make eye contact. "It's just sort of like, if you think of the colour spectrum as gender, I would be a blurry watercolour. A mixture if all kinds of different things and sometimes some colours are more vibrant then others. And then sometimes it's just gray."
Kit wasnt sure if any of this was really making any sense but they knew they had to try. Jem and Tessa were both still silent. Mina was happily chomping down on her breakfast and ignoring all of them. Kit took this as a sign to continue.
"I don't exactly know why I'm like this or how I know. But maybe there are some things that you just can't explain. You just know. Like I know that the sun will set and then rise again tommorow and I know that I love you guys," Kit voice faltered at the last part. He looked up at Tessa and Jem, panicked over seeing their reactions.
But they were both just staring at Kit with huge, loving smiles on their faces. Kit's breathing slowly began to return to normal but their hands were still shaking. Tessa csne towards them slowly, grasping Kit's hand in hers.
"Baby it's ok," she cooed. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. It's just like we told you when you first came out as bisexual, we will always love you no matter what." Jem nodded.
"I have admit this whole thing is rather fascinating," Jem chimed in with a smile. "I've never heard the term before." Kit fought the urge to remind him that two weeks ago he had never heard of playstation, but decided against it.
Mina was paying attention to them now and she was smiling at Kit. "No bany!" She cried excitedly. Kit couldn't help it, he through his head back and laughed. Mina scowled at him slightly. "Not quite Min-Min," Kit told her playfully.
"Do you have different pronouns that you would like us to use?" Tessa asked. Kit's heart fluttered at the question. They didn't actually think either Tessa or Jem would think to ask.
Kit cleared their throat. "Yeah do you think you guys could use alternating he/they pronouns for me? Like use he in one sentence and then use they?" Kit instantly felt kind of guilty for complicating things further. "I'm sorry I know that's kind of confusing."
Jem shook his head, "no it's fine! We just want you to feel comfortable." Tessa nodded in agreement. "Is there anything else?" Kit pulled Mina's hands off of their shirt. She had begun to tug and pull out of boredom.
Kit nodded. "Yeah do you think you could stop calling me Christopher please?" He hoped he didn't sound to harsh. There was something so guilt inducing about having to ask for these things. It felt like Kit was making unneccessary demands. But he wasn't. He had every right to.
Jem instantly looked sheepish. "I'm so sorry Kit," he said softly. Tessa looked guilty too. Kit shook their head.
"Its ok. You didn't know. Just don't do it anymore ok?" Kit felt significantly lighter, like a giant weight had been lifted off of their shoulders. They slid out of their stool to walk around to the other side of the kitchen island and hug both Jem and Tessa.
Kit knew it wouldn't always be this easy. He knew that this life would be complicated and difficult, but it would also be full of exploration and freedom.
Kit would always have a place he belonged.
"I am also a we."
- Sense 8
Tag list you know the drill, let me know if you want on or off: @scrat-is-god @playwithravenclaw @lavender-scented-rat @knifescythe @ti-bae-rius @dianasarrow @doitforthecarstairs @jazzkaurtheglorious @waterlillies @zfoxdraws @julieandthefandoms @older-brother-kit @ilikebooks8 @nott-the-best @stxr-thxif @magnus-the-fabulous-entp-bane @autumnangel20 @hufflepuffyskam
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uhhlucid · 3 years
Pt. 3
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pairing: tanaka x oc
synopsis: Ayano Shimizu is the perfect student, the perfect daughter, and everyone looks up to her. Her only problem is Tanaka keeps playing with her heart.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: heartbreak lol i luv crushing hearts
type: fanfic
a/n: one of my old stories so might be some mistakes loool but enjoy^^
The others got off at the stop closest to Ayano's house, but Ayano and Tanaka remained on the train. "I'm glad you agreed to go with me," Ayano told Tanaka as she grabbed his hand. "Why wouldn't I go with you? Arcades are super fun."
Tanaka took Ayano's hand into his as they exited the train. They stopped at a convenience store right outside the train station before heading to the arcade.
Tanaka insisted they get slushies since they were cheap at this particular store. Ayano had no room to argue since he was paying for hers as well.
Since it was Sunday, the arcade was pretty crowded. Tanaka kept Ayano close to him as he maneuvered through the crowd to purchase a game card.
"Hey Tanaka let's do that first." Tanaka turned to look at what Ayano was so excited about and it was a mario kart game.
"Totally, how many credits should I put on the card?" "Maybe 80, but c'mon before someone gets to the game first." Ayano grabbed Tanaka's arm and dragged him over to the game.
She excitedly swiped the card for the game and sat down. Tanaka sat beside her and swiped the card next. After selecting their cars, the game began.
Tanaka was surprised at how good Ayano was at the game. He hadn't taken the game seriously, but now he had to. He watched in horror as Ayano sped past him and reached the finish line first.
"Wow Tanaka. Who would've thought I'm better than you at mario kart." "I demand a rematch. There's no way you beat me." Ayano shrugged but agreed and swiped the card again.
This time, Tanaka paid more attention to the game and even managed to drive Ayano off the road. Passing the finish line, he got out of the chair, "See I am better at mario kart. Who's the loser now?"
"Tanaka your scaring the kids." Tanaka turned around to see two kids waiting behind him to get onto the game. He apologized and followed Ayano to a booth.
"Wanna do basketball next? I'll totally beat you in that too." Ayano gave him a mischievous smile, "You think your going to win? Alright let's play." Ayano followed Tanaka to the back of the arcade where the basketball game was.
Swiping the card, Tanaka selected the two player option. Ayano and Tanaka both attempted to throw the balls in the moving basket. In the end, both of them ended up with zero points.
"Told ya you wouldn't beat me." "You didn't even score so it doesn't count," Tanaka replied heading towards the skeet ball machine. "But you didn't score either." Tanaka swipes the card and is determined to beat Ayano.
Successfully, he managed to throw the ball into the highest scoring hole earning him nearly twice as many tickets as the racing game. "Hey no fair you totally cheated." "Looks like someone's just a sore loser," Tanaka teased.
"Am not, you can't use your volleyball skills in an arcade game." He sticks his tongue out in a teasing way, "I'm just the best wing spiker in the history of wing spikers."
"Hey wanna see if we have enough tickets for a toy?" Ayano asked tugging Tanaka's arm towards the little gift store. He let Ayano lead him to the store where an enthusiastic worker smiled widely at them.
"How about we get water guns?" Tanaka asked pointing to the matching blue and red water guns hanging up on the wall behind the counter. Ayano shrugged, "If we can't afford it, how about matching kirby plushies?"
Tanaka walked up to the woman at the register. Her blonde ponytail swung as she spoke, "What can I help you with today?"
"I wanna know how much those guns cost." Her ponytail swung aggressively as she turned around. "About 5,000 tickets." Tanaka sighed, "And what about the two kirby plushies?"
"Together they're about 3,000." "C'mon Tanaka we only have like 4'000 tickets. Plus, we can buy water guns for like five dollars at the convenience store."
"Fine, I'll take the two kirby plushies." The cashier rang him up as he spent the remaining tickets on various candy. An elated Ayano happily took her prize from the cashier.
Tanaka couldn't be annoyed when Ayano was happy. He thanked the cashier and took her hand in his. They half skipped half walked back to the train station.
"Thank you for all the fun I had today, Tanaka." Tanaka swiped his student id after Ayano, "I had a lot of fun too. Your still coming to my game tomorrow, right?"
Ayano shrugs, "Guess we'll have to wait and see." They both entered the train and took the nearest seats. Ayano hoped her mother wasn't too upset that she was coming back so late.
The train ride lasted fifteen minutes and Tanaka made sure to walk Ayano right up to her doorstep. "The bus leaves at 4 if your coming."
Tanaka planted a quick kiss on the top of Ayano's forehead. Ayano struggled to speak as her face slowly became the same shade as a ripe tomato, "Goodnight Tanaka."
"And don't forget to bring your friends," Tanaka called waving as he headed for his own house. The male tried to hide his very obvious blush as he walked home.
He was surprised Ayano was even going to his game. His phone lit up signaling he got a text. Wonder who it could be, he thought to himself.
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Monday July 28th
Ayano payed close attention to the clock, waiting for it to strike three thirty. "Ayano at least try to hide the fact your excited." Ayano glanced up from her notebook to see Saori looking back at her.
"Sorry, just can't wait. Plus summer break is literally next week." Saori turned around fully in her chair, "We should totally go to this new roller rink in Tokyo the day after exams. I heard a lot of second years are going."
"So it'll be like a hangout? Could we invite Okazaki and Kimura then?" Saori shrugs, "If they want to come." "Miss. Saito please face the front."
Saori sighed then turned back around in her chair. Ayano checked the clock again. Thirty seconds until school was over for the day. She closed her notebook and slowly slid her pencils back into her pencil case.
"Alright class, remember exams are Friday and Saturday." Ayano quickly gathered her things and raced towards the gym. Saori ran after her, not bothering to say goodbye to Kimura and Okazaki first.
"Ayano, you know I'm not fit for all this running." "Shh Saori. They'll hear you." Saori followed Ayano inside the gym where a few of the third years were already gathered.
"Hey Ayano! Nice to see you could make it. Who's this?" "This is my best friend, Saori Saito. And Saori, this is the captain Daichi Sawamura."
Daichi extended his hand towards Saori. While they chatted, Ayano glanced around the gym. She didn't remember the other third years names since Tanaka never really introduced them to her.
"Well Tanaka isn't here yet. The bus leaves in about ten minutes though so your welcome to get on." "We should find your brother since he wanted to tag along." "He's probably at the baseball field. I'll go get him."
Ayano nods and sits in the bleachers. She was hoping she would be able to ask Tanaka on another date considering the last one went so well. Did this count as a date? She wasn't sure, but she hoped it did.
A tall blonde followed by a shorter boy with freckles were the next to come in the gym. They introduced themselves as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima before leaving for the bus.
Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Kazuo were right behind them followed by an annoyed Saori. "Ayano I found my old jersey so you could wear it to the game today."
Ayano took the jersey and wore it right over her shirt. She gave the others a twirl before sitting back down. "Has anyone seen Kageyama and Hinata?" Daichi asked the others. "I saw them on the bus on the way over here," Nishinoya replied.
Daichi nodded and grabbed his bag, "Coach said he would be on the bus." The other two third years followed Daichi and the five of you trailed after them. Ayano assumed Kiyoko and Yachi were already on the bus.
Ayano sat in the back with Saori since Saori didn't want to sit next to Kazuo. "How long is this game going to be exactly?" Ayano shrugged, "Probably a few hours. I looked up the place and they have this shopping plaza down the street."
"I don't want to watch musty boys run around for hours ya know." "Who knows maybe you'll find someone." Saori waved Ayano off, "Doubt it since I already found people I'm interested in."
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Beautiful Angel of Darkness (4/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, fluff 
Word Count: 1.6k
Part Summary: Everything is perfect, Spike and Y/N couldn’t be wickedly happier! Then, an old friend of Spike’s pays a visit from Los Angeles... 
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I observe Spike chit-chatting with a little brunette thing in the alley below as I use the ledge of this roof as a balance beam. Growing bored, I hum a familiar Blink-182 tune. Honestly, how long does it take to lure a ditsy girl away from a bar alone? You chat her up, charm her a little, make her feel special, then she’ll follow you like a puppy. I could do it better at this point!
I whine, squatting down on the ledge to check back down the many stories to the little white dot that’s Spike. Maybe I should just jump down, scare the absolute shit out of the girl, make her faint, and have Spike carry her home for dinner. She’s doesn’t even look worth it though, she’s far too skinny. I like someone who eats a lot of sweets, they taste like candy!
A voice behind me, makes me leap up from my position. A figure appears from the shadows. A tall, broad-shouldered, brunette man with a rather crossed expression stands before. Oh looky here, he has a leather coat just like Spike. Does everyone have one?! Do I need one?
I tilt my head, a smirk rises on my lips. “And who might you be?”
“I’m a friend,” the handsome man states simply.
I hop down from the platform and approach him smoothly like a snake. I bite my lip, circling the gentleman steadily.
“A real friend? Or...” I drag out. “Are you the type of man that says he’s a friend, then hurts me?”
He raises a brow, following my motion with the turn of his head. “Spike as you tightly round, doesn’t he?”
I step quickly to meet his gaze, “you know Spike?”
“My name is Angel,” he states plainly. “I’ve known him for many years.”
“Angel...” I repeat, arching my head back to the sky. “Pretty name for a pretty boy.”
“Thank you.”
I giggle, my eyes falling shut. “Are you used to getting compliments? Do you just drown in them?” My face falls as my eyes flicker open. “I’ve dreamt of drowning. In a dark river on a stormy night. My car would go over a bridge. The water... it would be so cold, blood piercing,” I describe in a mutter as I recall the memory vividly.  
“Y/N, I’m here to help you,” Angel tells me.
I swiftly direct my focus to him. “Help me? In what way?”
“You’ll need to come with me,” he instructs vaguely.
“Come with you? Come to play?” I giggle like a child. “I love playing games! I love messing with people’s minds and making them all jumbled up,” I twirl my fingers around beside my temples.
Angel appears unfazed. He doesn’t even flinch. What a bore.
“Spike, he turned you right?” He questions instead, sticking to business. 
I hum, strolling about randomly. “That beautiful angel of darkness,” I whisper to myself as the image of Spike flashes across my mind. 
“Has he ever mentioned me?” Angel inquires.
“Is he supposed to?” I frown.
“Not per se,” he shrugs. “But I’m a large portion of his history.”
“Are you one of his lovers who left too?” I joke, laughing wickedly.
“No, I’m his grandsire,” he explains.
“Oh, is that right?” I skip to be in front of him again. I run my hand down his chest. “So you’re the really big-bad?”
Angel doesn’t react to my actions or my words. He’s constantly frowning, crossed about something. My goal is to break him. I love breaking people
“I like bad things, evil things. Evil things are far more interesting,” I whisper to him as my eyes fall to his lips. “Are you interesting sweet Angel?”
He grips my arms urgently, causing me to gasp. “This isn’t the real you, Y/N! You lost your soul! I can help you get it back!”
“And why would I want to do that? I have so much more fun now.” I snicker and graze my thumb across his lower lip gently.
“This isn’t the way. You’re hurting people, destroying lives!” He preaches, ignoring my flirtatious behavior.
My face falls, “Oh... oh my God!” Tears start to whelm up in my eyes, “you’re right! I... I...” I turn it off, “I don’t care.”
Angel growls, squeezing my arms, “listen to me-”
Abruptly, Angel has shoved away from me and he hits the ground a few yards away. Spike appears at my side, panting angrily. “Piss off Angel!”
His arm crosses in front of me protectively and he guides me to hide behind him. 
“Spike, you know this is wrong!” Angel yells, rising from the floor. “You can’t keep doing this to her!”
“I’m not doing anything to her. She made her choice,” Spike grumbles.
Angel storms up to Spike, his face filled with hatred. “She didn’t know what she was signing up for when you turned her! Now, she isn’t in the right mind to decide!”
“Are you calling me crazy? Okay, that’s fair,” I shrug, strolling away from the dramatic duo.
Spike gets into Angel’s face. “Did Buffy send you?!”
“She called me, but I came on my own!” Angel informs him sharply.
"This has nothing to do with you!" Spike yells. "This doesn't concern you or the Slayer!"
“You’ve been ravaging the city! How could it not concern her?” Angel fires back. 
I peer up at the sky, the shimmery stars they’re so clear tonight. It distracts me. I wonder away, leaving the boys to have it out. The stars, I could fall into them. A peaceful tune plays in my mind and I sway to it. I roll my head back and my eyes fall shut. Oh what I’d give to fall into the sky. 
“Pretty, pretty, stars,” I mumble. Then, the most brilliant idea pops into my head. “Do you ever think that the sky could swallow us whole?”
Suddenly, Spike cups my face frantically. He lowers himself to my level and his beautiful blue eyes plead with me. “Baby! Baby, you-”
I place my hands over his and snicker, not a care in the world. “Can we blast Nine Days when we get home?”
“Y/N, look at me! Don’t listen to a word Angel says, okay? He lies!” Spike instructs sternly.
I peer into Spike’s eyes, I get lost in the morning, noon, and night. He’s the real angel, a dark angel. 
“Come with me Y/N.”
I glance beside us and Angel’s there offering me his hand. Spike takes my hand hurriedly. 
“Don’t look at him, Y/N!” He demands.
“You can come to stay with me in Los Angeles,” Angel requests calmly. “I’ll help you regain your soul.”
“Los Angeles? The city of Angels?” I mumble, searching Angel’s face for any sign of deceit.
“Yes,” he nods, starring into my eyes solemnly.
Why must he always look so sad? Does he never smile? A sad angel sounds contradictory.
“How ironic...” I mutter, slipping my hand from Spike’s as I step closer to Angel slowly. “Tell me Angel, are there Angels? I used to believe in them once. So beautifully white.”
“There are good people there, who I work with,” he tells me. “They’ll help you too.”
“Doesn’t sound very welcoming to me,” I worry quietly.
“You’ll be safe. I can teach you a better way of existing,” he assures.
“Don’t listen to him, Love,” Spike warns behind me.
I whip my head around and meet his gaze. He’s no longer pleading with me or frantic. He stays back, squeezes his fists until his knuckles are white. His jaw clenches as he restrains himself.
“He’ll only bring you pain, that’s what a soul does!” Spike barks, his eyes locked on Angel behind me.
“He’s lying, Y/N,” Angel argues gently.
I flicker my attention back to him and he peers down at me.
“A soul brings back your humanity. You’ll be able to live amongst humans again and not feel the urge to kill them constantly.”
“Y/N-” Spike shouts and I snap my head back.
“You’ll be able to see your family!” Angel interrupts, dropping a massive bomb.
I look back to Angel, utterly torn.
He nods, “I met them today. They miss you.”
“Stop it, Angelus!” Spike growls, storming up to us.
He grabs my hand and starts ushering me away toward the ledge to get out of here.
“Listen to me, Y/N!” Angel pleads, following us. “Come with me! I can offer you another chance at life!”
“But...” I stumble slightly as I switch my sight between Spike and Angel.
“It’ll be okay,” Angel guarantees. “I promise!”
I halt, causing Spike to jolt back. I stare at Angel, unsure of what to do. One part of me is saying to trust him, but the other is saying to not listen and go with Spike.
“Love, let’s go!” Spike tugs on my arm to come along.
I yank my arm free and march up to Angel. He towers over me and I stare into his eyes, tired of this torment.
“I don’t like it when things are ‘okay,” I confess to him vulnerably. “It means something bad is just around the corner. An impending doom...”
He shakes his head slowly. "Not with me, Y/N I’ll protect you,” he whispers.
"And why should I trust you?" I question.
I mean, why should I trust someone who comes at the beck and call of the Slayer? He could be lying for all I know.
"Because I'm not the one who made you choose death to be with me," he reasons, his eyes flickering back to Spike.
My heart sinks in my chest as my eyes fall to the black covering of the roof beneath our feet. So many voices in my head yelling at what to decide, it's excruciating! A small piece of me is yearning for a soul, a conscious to tell me right from wrong. Is it possible that there's an ounce of humanity left in me? The majority of my instincts thrive off the pain of others and claws for more. I want to give in to the darkness and live blissfully. Yet, that small bit continues to nag at me! I don't know. I don't know what to do!
Tags:  @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard​  @mx-pibbles​  @currently-obsesed-with-spike​
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kitty0boy · 3 years
I’m baaaack. I saw the is idea for this on Tiktok where basically Marinette saves Chat Noir she’s on top like when Chat saves Ladybug and he can’t function, so she smirks and flicks his bell. It’s a little spicier than the stuff I usually write so be warned! As always they are aged up so Marinette is 17, Adrien is 18. And much like some of my other fics, Chat can use multiple Cataclysms while Ladybug has to run off and recharge. Again, the content is kinda spicy so I’m going to say 14+ for this one. So enjoy!
You’ll never guess who was akumatized again. That’s right, Lila, why? Because she was caught lying this time.
Marinette was exhausted, being the new guardian and all. She slept through half of first period, dozed off in Ms. Mendeleev’s class twice, and nearly face-planted on the staircase outside the school. Needless to say, everyone was worried about her, especially Adrien. He felt he was partly responsible after all. His late night visits with her seemed to have taken their toll. Maybe he should stick to UMS tournaments on the weekend and Fridays.
Not everyone was worried though (somehow), one of those people being Lila. Over the years she’d become more and more set on gaining the attention of everyone in a 2 mile radius. While she usually only bragged about her “charity work”, the opportunity to slander Marinette wouldn’t go unused.
“I’m so worried about our poor Marinette.” She cooed, “Ever since she downloaded that app, oh it’s only gotten worse.” The class stared at her puzzled. In mock surprise, she covered her mouth, “Whoops! Oh I’m such a blabber mouth.” Adrien couldn’t see her lips, but he was sure they were curled into a nasty smirk. “Wait what? What app?” Alya piped up. “Oh she didn’t tell you? She’s a sugar baby. She’s been on Tinder getting money from older men. How do you think she pays for her supplies.”
He’d had enough, “Seriously Lila, if you’re going to spread rumours about people at least make sure they’re true. You don’t even hang out with Marinette, how would you know that before me or Alya?” She pulled out her best sad smile. “Oh Adrien, she confided in me because she was too scared of what you would think.” Alya cut her off, “No Adrien’s right, Marinette doesn’t like you Lila. I’m sorry but it’s true. There’s no way she’d tell you something like that.” Adrien put his hands in his pockets in triumph, but not before Lila got her phone out and held it up, showing Marinette’s supposed profile on Tinder. There was a picture of her face right on the profile. “I managed to hack into her account last night. Just look at all these creepy old men she’s matched with.” She scrolled through the list of men, most of them looked to be in their late 40s. Anger bubbled inside him.
“Seriously Lila! She’s still underage, don’t make a fake profile of her on Tinder. Now all of these old men know what she looks like. What would happen if they tracked her down. I swear to god if she’s ever hurt because right this I’ll-” He was ready to strike when a hand touched his back and a head fell against his shoulder. “What’s going on?” Marinette asked, she rubbed her eyes. “Girl let me see your phone.” Alya demanded. Marinette slumped over to her before placing her phone in the bestie’s hand. She walked behind Alya and wrapped her arms around her shoulders from behind.
Adrien, or rather, Chat Noir was no stranger to Marinette’s sleepy cuddling tendencies. He remembered many nights that involved her wrapping around him while blinking back sleep. Whether it was watching movies, playing video games, or even sketching. She somehow always found a way to cuddle up to him. Not that he was complaining, it was the best way to get her to sleep after all. She’d lean on him and he’d wrap around her, start purring, and play with her hair while she drifted off. He of course was adapted to running on less than 5 hours of sleep anyways, besides, hearing the sleepy sounds she’d make were always worth it. So seeing her cuddle up to Alya did make him a little jealous yes, was he going to say anything, probably not. He’d probably suggest a movie marathon that night to get his fair share in.
He watched while Alya scrolled though Marinette’s phone. Marinette subconsciously nuzzling into the crook of her friend’s neck. “Take a look everyone. Do you see the app for Tinder anywhere on my girl’s phone?” The class stared at it. “I don’t see it.” Rose squeaked. “Well obviously not, Marinette picks up shifts at the bakery sometimes to pay for all that stuff.” Alix shouted while walking towards them. She wasn’t there when Lila was talking about it. Adrien looked at her confused. “How did you know what she-?” She cut him off, “Nathaniel told me.” He looked at him and Nathaniel’s face turned as red as his hair. “He wanted to say something but he’s still really shy.” Alix whispered to Adrien. Adrien turned back to see his friends crowding around the bench where Lila sat, all of them were scowling at her. One by one they started voicing their disapproval. “Don’t spread rumours about our friend.” “Seriously Lila, not cool.” Lila got up from the bench and calmly walked towards the exit with her belongings in hand. It was the end of the day anyways.
He saw Marinette stumbling towards the locker room to pick up her backpack, Alya guiding her with an arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Maybe your purrincess could use a lift home.” Plagg suggested from his pocket. “Hey you’re right, maybe then Lila wouldn’t be able to start more rumours about her. Everyone would know why she’s been up late.” He considered the idea. “But what about Hawkmoth? I don’t want him to target her.” Plagg tried to fly up to his eye level but Adrien quickly slapped the kwami back into his jacket. “Ow hey what was that for?” Plagg yelled, “I’m in the middle of the school foyer, I’m already getting weird looks for slapping myself so don’t make it any worse.” That earned a little pinch from his friend “A little pay back, now if you don’t transform and pick up your sleeping beauty I’ll carry her back home myself. I don’t trust that girl to walk across the street by herself.” Adrien smiled, “Aww does the cheese monster have a soft spot for my purrincess, I thought there was only room for camembert in your heart.” Plagg rolled his eyes, “Yeah well if I can make room for you, then I can make room for pigtails. Now go and transform before you miss your chance.” He flew back into Adrien’s pocket. Touched by his kwami’s speech, Adrien walked towards the exit and sprinted around the corner. Luckily he had fencing practice today so his bodyguard wouldn’t be waiting for him.
He ducked into an alleyway and transformed after making sure he wasn’t followed, Chat Noir emerging from where Adrien was seconds ago. He ran back towards François DuPont to meet his little mouse at the front. As she emerged covering a yawn, Alya spotted him. Immediately she whipped out her phone and ran towards him, leaving Marinette behind. “Chat Noir! What are you doing here? Out for an afternoon patrol?” She held up her camera to record him. “Actually I’m here to pick up a certain little lady. I’ve been keeping her up at night and word has it she’s dead tired.” Alya blinked before turning towards her friend and looking back at him with wide eyes. He nodded and looked back up only to see Marinette trip over her feet. He rushed over and caught her around the waist in a hug before she could smash her face into the pavement. “Well hello there Mari, fancy seeing you here.” She looked up at him and smiled before stretching her arms up and wrapping them around his neck. “Hey kitty.” She murmured before resting her face on his chest. He sighed and bent down a little to sweep her up, he gently repositioned her into a hip carry with his other hand wrapping under one of her thighs. She immediately snuggled into him, her head resting on his shoulder. Alya stood there, her mouth agape. “Hey uh, would you mind grabbing her bag for me miss Ladyblogger?” He asked, nodding at it. She snapped out of it and picked it up off the steps where it had fallen. She passed it to Chat who slung it over his free shoulder and started heading towards Tom and Sabine’s bakery, with a certain fox tailing him.
The three, well the two of them walked while Marinette was peacefully carried by Chat Noir. Alya chuckled “Are you, purring?” He blushed a little before giggling back, “Yeah I am, I usually do it when she’s really tired, it puts her to sleep really quickly.” She smirked at him, “So this is a regular occurrence?” He stammered “I well uh yes for a while, not every night but umm.” He blushed and looked down at her. “If only I knew Marinette was sleeping with one of Paris’ superheroes.” She said slyly, she was definitely fit for the fox miraculous. He turned away from the journalist, he didn’t want to see him blush. His cheek bumped into Marinette’s forehead before resting against it. “It’s not in the way you’re thinking, we usually play video games or watch movies, most of the time she gets really tired and ends up falling asleep on me so I put her to bed.” He looked back at her and she was not convinced. “You mean she gets tired so you cuddle her and purr while she falls asleep then you sneak out the window.” He pouted, “You make me sound like a creepy, and it’s actually the trapdoor to the balcony, I can’t climb through the window without diving through it.” She grinned at him and he rolled his eyes. “Not much better is.. hey what’s that?” He turned to see a figure glaring at them from on top of the school, he didn’t get to look at them for very long before something fast and sharp came barreling towards them.
He didn’t even have time to grab Alya, he only had time to shove her out of the way with his foot before jumping backwards with Marinette pulled tight to him. He stumbled a little, crashing to the ground with a very much awake Marinette landing safely on top of him. She propped herself onto her hands just enough to separate her face from his. “Chat? What’s going on?” A loud cackle was heard behind them and she leapt to her feet, he followed suit and pulled Marinette behind him, making sure she was as separated from the akuma as possible. “My name is Seamstress, with my needle and thread I’ll make sure none of you can ever speak against me.” Seamstress turned to Alya, she pinched her fingers together and make a jabbing motion towards her. Alya’s mouth shut and she covered it with her hand. It looked like she was in pain, then Seamstress pulled her hand back and Alya cried out, but her scream was muffled. She pulled back her hand to reveal that her lips were sewn shut. Marinette tried to run towards her friend but Chat wrapped his arms around her before she could go anywhere. “Alya No!” She screamed, her face full of tears. “I’m really sorry Marinette.” He said before grabbing his baton and vaulting them away from the akuma and Alya.
Marinette held tight to Chat’s neck, despite the sobs that shook her violently. He needed to get her away but he wanted her to breathe. He looked behind him, Seamstress was nowhere in sight, so he jumped into an alleyway and sat down, Marinette sitting in his lap. He sat crisscross so that she could sit more comfortably, she still wasn’t breathing right.
“Marinette I need you to breathe for me ok? I know it’s going to be hard but I have to get you somewhere safe, and I can’t do that if you can’t breathe. Here.” He reached behind him and pulled one of her hands off him and placed it on his chest. “Ok can you feel me breathing?” She nodded against his shoulder. “Ok good, now try to match my breathing ok?” He felt her panting against him as she tried to fix her breathing. It took a few minutes but soon enough her sobs turned into little whimpers of sadness. “Feel better?” He asked and she nodded. She was always quiet like this when she was upset, seeing her friends hurt wouldn’t be something she got over easily. She pulled back to look at him before another tear slipped down her cheek. He quickly reached up and brushed it away, “Ok now we’ve got to-“ An explosion rang out in the street near them, he gently pushed her off of him. “Stay here ok, I’ll come and get you after.”
He ran out from the alley only to come face to face with Seamstress. “Hello kitty, where have you hidden miss goody two-shoes hmm?” She asked, she looked like she’d gone insane, her face twisted into something between and grin and fury. Her face darted from left to right, looking for his princess. Luckily, the dumpster they landed beside blocked Marinette from view. “Like hell I’d tell you.” He turned his baton and extended it towards her, putting as much distance between him and the akuma as he could. “Well if I can’t get you to talk, maybe I should just shut you up!” Her hand thrusted towards him and he saw a needle, he dodged it and her hand snapped open, a drop of blood running down her finger. So if she misses a stitch she’ll prick herself. Good to know.
He dodged needle after needle until he got distracted and stumbled. He fell to the ground and braced for the pain to come to his lips, but it never did. Instead something small crashed into him and they rolled across the road, hitting the curb. He looked up to see Marinette on her hands and knees above him. Her lips were still swollen from crying but in that moment, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful he was. ‘Geez Adrien great timing.’ He could almost hear Plagg cackling in his head. He just stared at her, mouth agape, then she did something he would never recover from. She smirked, and oh god did he want to kiss her. “What cat got your tongue?” She said before flicking his bell. She stood and pulled him up. He quickly snapped out of it and scooped her up before dashing down the street, the akuma not far behind, he drifted around a corner and silently sprinted down an alley before extending his baton and racing across the rooftops in the opposite direction, successfully leading the akuma in the wrong direction. He brought her to the first place he could think of, the Louvre. He leapt off one of the buildings to the side, summoned a cataclysm to break a glass panel, and landed on the floor inside with Marinette clutched safely in his arms.
“Wasn’t there an easier way to get in here?” She said, a teasing tone to her voice. He wish he wanted to laugh but he didn’t. He was mad, furious even. He told her to stay hidden, out of sight. He told her to wait in the alley for him but she didn’t. “Didn’t I tell you to stay put?” He asked angrily. Hundreds of emotions swam through him, part of him wanted to lecture her for hours, part of him wanted to hug her and make sure she was ok, part of him wanted to kiss her stupid because mon dieu she was beautiful with her hair down like that. He settled for a simple “Stay here this time, I’ll come get you.” Before turning and vaulting towards the akuma.
Ladybug was a little late to the fight but they got it over with fairly quickly. He destroyed the bracelet the akuma was in and Ladybug captured it and fixed everything. “Would you mind taking her back this time? I’ve gotta run.” Ladybug asked and he nodded. Some of his anger had faded but he wasn’t exactly in a good mood right now. She waved goodbye before hurrying off. “So,” he started turning to Lila, “I hope you won’t be spreading anymore false rumours about people now, especially Marinette.” He growled a little and miss liar shrank under his gaze. She nodded before standing and walking away.
He needed to calm down, Marinette was probably scared and hurt and confused, he didn’t exactly leave her on the best note. By the time he arrived at the Louvre it was closed for cleaning. He slipped inside to grab her but noticed that she was standing by the door. “They umm, kicked me out when it closed.” She said shyly. His brows furrowed.
She looked at him confused before he opened his mouth to speak. “I told you to stay hidden and you didn’t listen. Why?” She frowned, “Don’t you mean ‘thank you Marinette’?” She folded her arms in front of her chest. “Uh no I mean why did you run out from your hiding place, I’m the superhero remember, you can’t go running into the middle of an akuma battle. You don’t have superpowers or a magic suit to protect you.” She walked up to him and pushed her finger into his chest, “You were more important when it came to defeating Seamstress, who cares if my mouth is sewn shut because yours will still work. You needed to be safe more than I did so I saved you.” He clenched his fists, “My job is to protect you“ she cut him off “No your job is to help Ladybug save the akumatized person.” He started speaking, “No, my job is to make sure no one gets hurt, I have to keep everyone safe.” She crossed her arms again, “Once Ladybug’s cure fixed everything I would have been fine.” He stood straight, “Well I wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t be able to function knowing you got hurt because I couldn’t protect you.” She grabbed his shoulders, “And how do you think I feel huh? Seeing you die over and over again! So fuck me if I wanted to save you one time! I can’t keep watching you sacrifice yourself over and over again.” Her voice broke, “And what? You think I would be able to keep fighting if I knew you weren’t safe, I don’t think I could live with myself if Anything happened to you.” He wasn’t yelling anymore but he was still angry with her. She was close to crying again she was so angry.
“For heaven sakes you stupid cat!” She blurted before grabbing his bell and pulling him down to her. He saw her eyes close before their lips met. He closed his eyes and kissed her back, it wasn’t a slow gentle kiss either, it was a desperate, passion filled kiss that made him feel like he was struck by lightning. Her hands tangled in his hair and his arms wrapped around her waist. He couldn’t tell if this was heaven or hell, he felt like he was dancing on cloud nine while her lips burned against his neck. She pulled down his bell zipper slightly and he groaned as she left marks on his collar bone. He grabbed her face and pulled her back up to him, gently biting her bottom lip when she smirked.
He heard a whistling noise somewhere behind Marinette but it barely registered and he lifted her up to get her closer to him. She pulled back and he started leaving marks on her identical to the ones she left on him. “Um Chat.” She whimpered and he wanted to hear her say his name again. “Chat.” She said a little louder, “Hey!” She squeaked and he stopped, looking up at her. Her face was bright red and her eyes were wide. “What?” He asked, lowering her to the ground. He quirked an eyebrow at her before looking above her head. It was Alya and Alix, standing there, watching him make out with their best friend. “Uh, hi.” He said awkwardly, rubbing his neck. “Well hi there.” Alix chuckled. Oh no, he was about to die right? “We’ll leave you two to your, umm, whatever that was but make sure you have her home by 9 young man, you understand me?” Geez she sounded like Mr. Dupain. “Yes ma’am.” He chuckled, wishing he could curl up into a ball and hide. The pair walked off, laughing and whispering together.
He felt something heavy crash into his chest, “Oh, mon dieu I’m a goner.” Marinette groaned. He laughed nervously before hugging her and ruffling her hair. She looked up at him, “You’re still an idiot you know.” He laughed for real this time, “And you’re still beautiful.” Her face turned pink and she put her head against his chest again. He sighed and started purring. “I’m sorry I yelled at you, I was just so worried. Like I said, I don’t think I could function if I found out something happened to you.” She wrapped her arms around him and raised herself up to rest her head in the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry too, I’ll try to stay out of trouble.” He smiled, “You’d better, or I’ll go full Weredad and lock you away.” She giggled, “I think you mean Werecat.” He joined her and they laughed together, wrapped in each other’s embrace. “So, how about a movie night tonight?” He asked. “Why don’t we just cuddle until I fall asleep, that’s basically what we do anyways.” He wagged his tail excitedly, “Do you still have the pillow fort set up from last time?” She giggled again, “Yes I do, now let’s go home kitty, it’s cold out here.” Oh right, she didn’t have a jacket on. He quickly scooped her up and they headed off.
That night he got more than his fair share of cuddles, he even stayed for a sleepover. Thank goodness it was Friday.
Thank you for reading. It’s a bit spicier than the stuff I usually write but I think I did ok.
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korkorali · 3 years
The Beginning
Alright, I wanna talk about the Hp au, so all my my followers are going to be subjected to another post about it!
Today, I think I’m gonna talk about some plot points for what the beginning of the ‘First Book’ would be! (From the beginning up to the collecting of the wand)
First, a few fun facts to get you interested, though
- The first fic’s title would be The Brothers Who Lived (Maybe, I’m not too sold on any title yet)
- It would mainly be told with Dewey at the focus
- Though this doesn’t mean his story would be an exact replica of Harry Potters
- Specifically, he lives with Gosalyn and Drake, who love him a lot
- Though his stay at Hogwarts would be a different story
Caught your interest? Well, continue reading under the cut for more ;) (be warned: it’s a bit long)
-  We start off with Drake Mallard going about town
- He keeps running into weird people saying that ‘She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is dead!’
- This confuses him but he’s seen weirder, they don’t seem to be hurting anyone, so let them be odd, as far as he’s concerned
- He ends up running into this old man, who strikes him as one of those weird people. yet he seems a little sadder than the rest of them
- He is holding a bundle in his arms
- Drake talks to the old man, and he seems nice enough
- They part ways, and later Drake the bundle the old man was carrying in his kitchen
- He opens the bundle to reveal a one year old child, with a note that says ‘His name is Dewey Duck’
- He knows he should contact the authorities, and try to find that old man, but until then, he’ll take care of the kid.
- Fast forward about ten years (specifically about a week before then) and Dewey and his sister Gosalyn are enjoying their summer break by playing video games
- The mail comes and Drake goes to collect it
- He’s surprised when he sees a letter for Dewey tucked into the usual junk mail
- The surprise turns into concern and worry when the address has Dewey’s bedroom on it
- He decides to just it away and pretend it doesn’t exist
- Cuz that’ll solve all his problems
- He ‘nonchalantly’  talks to Dew and Gos about whether or not they’d like to go on a small vacation for Dewey’s birthday
- The next day he gets two of those creepy letters
- He once again pretends that they don’t exist and burns them
- Dewey and Gosalyn start getting a little suspicious
- A day goes by without any letters
- Drake thinks that’s the end of it.
- Then they get a full eight letters
- Cue Panic
- He makes Dew and Gos make a pack and then they head out for ‘vacation’
- They are thoroughly suspicious of him by now
- Gos calls Drake out, but he dismisses her and they go by boat to some run down house on an island
- Drake is sure that’ll be the end of it
- The night before Dewey’s birthday, he decides to stay up until midnight
- Gosalyn joins him and they talk about stuff
- Dewey admits that he wishes he knew about his birth family
- Drake’s only ever told him that he was given to him by some old grandpa
- But both Dewey and Gos think he’s joking about that
- Gosalyn kinda understands, because she knew her grandfather
- She still thinks of Drake as her dad, but she finds comfort in knowing about her biological parents
- So she hopes he learns eventually
- The clock strikes twelve
- Dewey turns 11 (and the same age as Gos, but only for a week)
- And suddenly the door gets busted down
- Gos and Dew are, obviously, pretty fucking scared
- home invasion and all that
- Drake swoops in with a punch to the dudes chest, and nearly breaks his hand
- The strange large man apologizes for knocking down the door, saying that he just wanted to knock
- He says hi to Dewey, introduces himself as Launchpad, and goes to sit down
- Drake shows a lot of confusion at this turn of events. Specifically, he wants to know how Launchpad knows Dewey’s name
- Launchpad express’s his own confusion at this, and realizes that Drake, Gosalyn, and Dewey know nothing about the wizarding world
- So he gives Dewey his Hogwarts acceptance letter (and a cake, which already has a Launchpad-sized bite taken out of it) and explains -sort of- about how he’s a wizard, and what that entails
- He also tells Dewey a little bit about his family, which 100% sells Dewey on the idea
- Drake, understandably, does not believe him, until he gives them a show of magic
- Which kinda freaks Drake out, but makes Dewey and Gosalyn way too excited
- Drake decides to allow Dewey to give this ‘Hogwarts’ a try
- But he does tell Dewey that he’ll love him no matter what happens
- So the group makes plans to go to Diagon Alley with Launchpad in a few days
- A few days later, the group meets up with Launchpad outside the Leaky Tap
- Drake doesn’t notice the Leaky Tap, but he’s the only one who can’t
- Of course, he can easily see Launchpad, so it doesn’t really matter
- Drake is still a little wary about the whole thing, but he is quickly warming up to Launchpad, which helps to put him at ease
- When they enter the Leaky Tap, everyone (sans Launchpad) is surprised at how everyone inside seems to know Dewey
- They even recognize a few faces as some of the strange people who’d wave or act like they knew him sometimes
- Drake never really liked those people
- Launchpad explains that Dewey and his brothers are kinda famous, and he’ll tell him more later after they get him his stuff
- They leave the Leaky Tap out the back entrance, and enter Diagon Alley
- Cue shock and amazement from everyone
- Especially Drake, as he can no longer deny that this actually a thing that is happening
- The kids run off, looking into the shops at all the amazing and mind bending things in them
- They are quickly enthralled
- Drake is initially worried that they’ll get lost, but Launchpad assures him that it’s fine, because the place they need to go (Gringotts) is straight ahead, so they probably won’t get lost
- He and Drake talk for a little bit (Drake is still annoyed about how the letters had Dewey’s  f r e a k i n g  bedroom on them) and Launchpad gets Drake to calm down a little
- Just in time for them to enter Gringotts Bank, and thusly, the mine-cart roller-coaster
- Drake hates it, the others love it
- Launchpad picks up a mysterious parcel, which the kids are immediately intrigued about
- Then they get back on the mine-cart to go to the vault Dewey shares with his brothers
- He learns that both his brothers have already accessed the vault earlier that week, which means that he won’t be running into them until the school year starts
- Which he’s kinda bummed about
- All sad feelings go away when he sees the inside of the vault, and the massive amount of Galleons in there
- Which means that Dewey’s rich
- Which Gosalyn immediately comments on
- After they shake themselves out of the money stupor, and Dewey grabs a fair amount of money, the group goes back outside of Gringotts and begins the trek for Dewey’s school supplies
- Dewey and Gosalyn try to go on a spending spree, and the get the most impressive/expensive stuff
- Which leads to Drake confiscating the gold pouch
- At least until after Dewey gets all his school supplies
- They get most of them, including getting Dewey fitted for robes (which both Dewey and the seamstress hated - Dewey cannot stand still for the life of him) until it gets to the wand
- Dewey and Gosalyn go in, but Drake and Launchpad stay out, saying that they wanted to get him something
- The shop is run by a old duck by the name of Olivander
- He is immediately excited to see Dewey, one of the ‘Chosen Three’
- Though he does spare an intrigued glance to Gosalyn
- He gets right to it afterwards, fitting Dewey with wand, after wand, after wand
- None seem to be right (which makes Dewey nervous)
- Until Olivander finally picks out one special wand, which Dewey immediately knows is right with barely a touch
- He picks that wand, and Olivander explains that it’s core is a phoenix tail feather
- And that the phoenix that gave him that tail feather gave him one more
- And that one had been placed in his mothers wand
- Filled with awe and respect, Dewey pays for the wand, and he and Gos head back out
- And they find Drake and Launchpad waiting for them, with an owl for Dewey
- Gosalyn decides that that’s unfair, until Drake explains that it’s so that Dewey can write to them
- Dewey, overcome with emotion, decides to name his owl Darkwing, for the show that his family was raised on
- Which makes Drake emotional as well, and he does a poor job hiding it
- Drake makes Dewey promise to write every day while he’s gone, and he tells him again that he’s already so proud of him
- And he does end up caving to Gosalyn’s demands and promises to get them a puppy while Dewey is off at Hogwarts
And that’s it for how it would begin! Honestly, the length kinda got away from me, so next time (if it doesn’t get away from me again) we’ll talk about The First Meeting and Beyond! I hope you’ve enjoyed!
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
Long Days - Peter Parker
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word count: 3810 warnings: swearing summary: some days are harder than others, and some missions go worse than they should.  but Peter Parker is always there to lift up your spirits
The mission had gone terribly.  In fact, it probably was the worst case scenario of how missions could have gone.
(y/n) curled herself up on the jet ride home.  The others who had gone with her on the mission had tried consoling her, but had no luck.  She wasn’t ready to talk about what had happened, and quite frankly, she didn’t want to talk at all.
They were supposed to infiltrate a Hydra base, where it was believed that they’d been holding Shield hostages.  Steve led Sam, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, and (y/n) on the mission.  It was supposed to be a larger group for precaution, when really Steve and Sam alone could have gone with no trouble.  However, the extra Avengers came in handy when the incident occurred.
Natasha had come over and draped a blanket around the girl’s shoulders, smiling softly before leaving her be.  (y/n) could barely even look at her.
She felt sick to her stomach, like she could actually be sick if she thought about it any longer.  Her head was light and dizzy while somehow still pounding, and her heart was as rapid as her breathing.  Poor girl wished she could just pass out so she didn’t have to think about it anymore.
With her ability to control metal, fighting off the likes of Hydra agents was easy.  They relied on their weapons, guns, rods, tasers, all made of metal, making it simple for (y/n) to flick her wrists and force the weapons out of their hands.  She always loved the look on her enemies’ faces when she did so.
However, today, when she took the gun and cocked it, she hadn’t realized that it wasn’t a typical gun, and upon shooting it, it sent out an explosive throughout the building.
Luckily Sam was able to get Steve and Bucky out, and Wanda used her powers to retrieve (y/n) and Natasha.  None of the team was injured, but half the Hydra base ended up being destroyed, and the location of the hostages was still unknown.
The flight back to the compound in New York was tense. ___
(y/n) bolted straight to the elevator as soon as they’d arrived home, not wanting to talk to or even look at anyone.  Not while she was still unsure if the hostages were safe.  Leaving the others behind the debrief Tony on how the mission went.
Peter Parker had been waiting with Tony for them to get back, eager to see (y/n) again and show her the addition he’d made on his suit.  Since she’d joined the Avengers, the two had gotten very close.  So close in fact, that there was an obvious blush on Peter’s face every time she was around.
So you can understand the surprise he felt when she marched right past him and Tony when she’d gotten back from her mission.  She didn’t even look at him.
“Uh, what the hell?” Tony spoke, calling after (y/n), but she just kept on walking, paying no mind to the billionaire.
“(y/n)?” Peter called after her, about to follow her to see what was going on, but Steve called him back, and with a sign, took a seat in the common room.
“There was…” He trailed off, unsure of where to begin.
“There was what?” Tony demanded.  “What happened? What’s wrong with (y/n/n)?”
“There was an accident,” Natasha said calmly.  Tony’s eyes widened, and wasn’t able to find his voice.  “She got their guns, but when she used them they… they were explosives, instead of bullets”
“Oh… god…” Tony sighed, sitting down a few feet away from Steve, hanging his head in his hands.  “Poor kid… what’s the damage?”
“We aren’t sure yet, Sam left on his own as soon as we got here to check it out”
“Is she okay?” Peter asked, glancing back to where (y/n) had stormed off.
“She wouldn’t talk on the trip back,” Steve told him.  “She’s beating herself up pretty bad right now”
“But it was an accident,” Peter frowned.  “Accidents happen all the time-”
“This is (y/n) we’re talking about,” Natasha said with a weak chuckle.  “She’s more ‘fight for the greater good’ than Rogers,” The two shared a look, but Steve nodded in agreement.  “She’s scared about letting them down, letting us down.  She hurt herself more than anything”
“Not to mention when we picked her up… the incident at the high school…” Tony muttered into his hands.
“That’s not fair!” Peter argued.  “She didn’t know she’d had powers when that happened, and that guy wasn’t seriously hurt!”
“Alright Pete-”
“And maybe he should’ve thought about that before he cheated on her!” Peter went on, until Tony put his hand up to silence him and get him to calm down.
“Why don’t you take a breath kid, none of us are arguing with you,” He sighed.  “Can somebody check in with Sam and see what his update is please?” He asked, and Steve volunteered, taking his phone out and stepping out of the room.
Peter sat down next to Tony, his leg bouncing up and down rapidly.  He was worried about (y/n), and he was pissed that she was so upset with herself.
“Why don’t you go check on her?” Tony suggested.
“I don’t know, she probably wants some time to herself right now.  I don’t think she’d want to see me” Peter mumbled.
“If anyone, you’re the only one that she’d want to see,” Natasha told him.  Peter ducked his head down as his cheeks went pink.  “Tony’s right, you should check on her” The ex-assassin nodded her head to assure him that it was alright if he left.
“Okay” He agreed, and scrambled to leave and head up to her room.
(y/n) lived on the top floor with the few dormitories of the people who stayed full time at the compound.  Which meant her neighbors were Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff.  There were extra rooms that the others would stay in occasionally.  
Tony had his own suite on the other side of the building that he shared with Pepper.
(y/n) was currently in her own dorm, still wrapped in the blanket Natasha had given her, and wearing the protective body suit that she wore on missions.  She’d curled up on her bed while she watched the news on a loop talk about the incident.  And when the report was over, she’d rewind it and watch it again.
The reporters hadn’t found that the cause of the explosion was the Avengers’ youngest recruit, (y/n), but she knew it was only a matter of time before it was uncovered.
She ignored the knocks on her door, knowing it was probably Steve, or Sam, who were sent to check on her and make her talk about what happened.
When they kept on knocking, she chucked a pillow at it and yelled for them to leave her alone.
And when the knocking went on after that, she finally got up and stomped over to the door to whip it open angrily.
“What part of leave me alone don’t you-! Oh, Peter,” Her expression dropped to a softer one upon seeing him there.  “I thought you were…”
“Yeah, I figured,” He smiled gently at her.  “Look… I just wanted to say that you don’t have to talk about it right now, but you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it”
She blinked, unsure of what to say, so she just nodded.
Peter realized then that the news was on, reporting on the mission today.
“Have you been watching that since you got back?” He asked, and she nodded again.
“Yeah… um… I kind of couldn’t help it, it’s been on a loop,” She explained, walking back into her room and falling back to sit on the bed, rewinding the show once more, and rewatching the footage.  “They don’t know it’s me yet.  At least, I don’t think they do, I haven’t watched the whole report yet”
Peter walked in and stood next to her, curiously listening as the newscaster explained the situation.  Half the building went down in a mysterious explosion after the Avengers infiltrate it knowing it’s a Hydra base.
“You haven’t watched it to the end?” He asked, and she shook her head, eyes still trained on the television.  “How come?”
“I just…” She trailed off, embarrassed to admit that she was reliving her mistake as a form of self punishment.  “I have” She shrugged lamely, knowing her answer was bullshit and Peter could see right through it.
“(y/n),” Peter sighed, and she guiltily stared down at her hands.  “That’s not going to get you anywhere, or give you any new information”
He walked over to her, taking the remote and fast forwarding through the events they’d already watched, up to live tv, to see what was being reported about it now.
“The Avengers may have disappeared, but the hostages haven’t.  Thankfully, their lives were spared, and they all made it out of the damage safely”
(y/n) let out a heavy sigh, tears coming to her eyes as she leaned forward and put her face in her hands.
“Thank god,” She mumbled, over and over again into her palms.  Peter smiled down at her, only to see that she’d begun to cry.  Immediately he was crouching in front of her and pulling her hands away from her face.  “I’m sorry,” She cried weakly.  “I’m so sorry, I-I feel- I feel awful”
“No, no hey…” Peter spoke softly, brows knit together in confusion and worry.  “(y/n/n) why are you crying? It’s alright, everyone’s alright, you don’t have to worry anymore”
“I just- it’s just- it almost doesn’t matter that they’re safe because I still slipped up,” She told him, angrily wiping at the tears on her face.  “That’s on me”
“(y/n), you know that’s not true,” Peter tried to reassure her, but she didn’t seem to really be listening to him.  “Hey, really, you didn’t know about the gun-”
“They told you?” (y/n) asked, earning an awkward side to side nod.
“Uh.. yeah, well yeah,” He answered nervously.  “But (y/n), you’re not listening to me, you’re okay, they’re okay,” Peter took her hands in his, so she’d actually pay attention to what he was saying.  “You didn’t hurt anybody”
“There’s always an incident, Peter,” She whimpered.  “Back when I was in school, when I first joined the team, now, there’s always going to be an incident.  I’m always going to cause an accident and I’m so tired”
Peter’s thumbs stroked over the back of her hands as he shook his head.
“No, (y/n), come on, you can’t think of it that way.  You’ve made such great progress, you’ve done so well-”
“I hurt people, everytime I get close to progress.  Close to normal-”
She began to cry again, and Peter moved forward, shaking his head rapidly and hoping that she would stop crying.
“No, no no no,” He told her, taking her face and wiping her tears.  “(y/n), you’ve never hurt anyone… who didn’t deserve it,” She gave him a pointed glare, and Peter just smiled back at her.  “And I don’t know if you’ve looked at the rest of us… but normal is not a defining word of the Avengers”
“Peter…” (y/n) sighed, her eyes falling shut.  She knew he was trying to help, and that he wasn’t great with words most- or all- of the time.
“Really.  Steve and Barnes are like, a thousand years old-”
“One hundred-” She tried to correct him but he just went on.
“Wanda is an actual witch, Banner gets giant and green and mean, that Lang guy? He can shrink down real small, and get really big too.  And I, for some reason, can stick to walls.  And I’m also really strong”
(y/n) chuckled through her tears, smiling at him, genuinely.
She thought for a moment that maybe that was his superpower, lifting her up when she felt like she was at her worst.
“So really, you being able to do the whole magnet thing that you do isn’t all that special” He said proudly, grinning at her and dropping his hands from her face.  (y/n) laughed a little more at his unorthodox way of lifting her spirits.
“Thanks, Peter,” She told him sarcastically, before leaning over and wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug.  “You’re an idiot, but you’re a sweet idiot”
Peter had to bite his cheek to keep from smiling too wide when he hugged her back.  They were close, but usually not this close.
“I should probably go explain to the others,” She said softly when she pulled away.  “They deserve my side of it” Peter nodded in agreement as they both stood up to leave her room.
“Yeah, that’s fair, but hey, do you want to hang out in the lab later?” He asked, and she nodded back at him.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll meet you down there tonight.  I actually have some great ideas for your suit.  Mostly that it should be all black” She suggested playfully.
“Yeah, uh huh, still not happening but great try” He responded, as they left her dorm.
“See you around nine in the lab?” She asked, and Peter nodded eagerly before they went their separate ways. ___
Her talk with the Avengers went well, it turns out that they hadn’t put much blame on her as she’d assumed they would, and now her and Wanda were relaxing in the common room and watching tv.
“So, Peter Parker made you feel better?” The Scarlet Witch asked after a little while of comfortable silence.
“Yeah,” (y/n) smiled over at her before looking back to the television show.  “It was really sweet, he helped a lot”
Wanda hummed, quirking a suggestive eyebrow that didn’t go unnoticed by (y/n).
“What?” She asked, but Wanda just shrugged and pretended not to understand.  “Come on, what? What was that look for?”
“Oh, nothing,” Wanda sighed, indicating that it was definitely something.  (y/n) rolled her eyes, and angled her body sideways on the couch to face Wanda completely.  She impatiently waited for her to explain herself.  “Just thinking, is all” Wanda shrugged again.
“Alright, thinking about what?”
“You and Peter” She answered, staring at the younger girl seriously.  (y/n) forced out a laugh, but her face fell when Wanda began to smirk.
“Wait, what?”
“I mean, how much longer are you two going to dance around this?” The witch asked, propping her elbow on the top cushion of the couch, and leaning her head in her hand, watching (y/n) skeptically.
“What do you mean?” (y/n) asked softly, nervously.
“You know what I mean,” Wanda chuckled.  “Come on, seriously (y/n/n)-”
“I don’t know what you mean” She mumbled, pulling her legs to her chest and setting her chin on her knees.  Wanda cocked her head to the side with a smile that only grew wider as (y/n’s) cheeks got pinker.
“I can read your mind, honey,” Wanda said, and the two laughed quietly.  “I know you care about him.  And I don’t need to read Peter’s mind to know he cares about you too.  A lot.  Like it’s alarming we aren’t all making fun of him all the time for being so obvious about his feelings about you-”
“Okay, I get it,” (y/n) cut her off, lifting her head from her knees and anxiously pulling her hair back.  “I just don’t- I don’t know the right thing to do here, I don’t know the right way to go from friends to more than that, and quite honestly I’m a little worried about the whole ‘dating someone on the team with powers’ thing, like how-”
“Okay, breathe,” Wanda said playfully, and moved closer to (y/n) on the couch.  Here’s how you go about it, you walk up to him, you tell him how you feel, you listen to how he feels, and then you go to dinner and a movie”
(y/n) gave Wanda a blank look.
“I’m serious,” Wanda said.  “It’s exactly what I said to Vision”
“That’s different.  He was like- literally in love with you”
Wanda stared at (y/n) pointedly, and promptly picked up her mug of tea, and took a sip.
Nothing else needed to be said. ___
When nine o’clock rolled around, (y/n) eagerly rushed down to the lab, not surprised to see Peter was already there, coming up with a new algorithm for this suit.  She guessed that he’d been down here since they’d parted earlier, and that he’d probably stay down here until early in the morning.
“Hey,” She called when she walked in, shutting the door behind her.  Peter grinned up at her, finishing up some of the coding, not wanting to lose the rhythm her had going with it.  “How long have you been down here?”
“Like, two hours,” Peter said with a nervous laugh.  “How’d your talk go with Mr Stark and-”
“Do you like me?” She asked him abruptly, and he finally pulled himself away from the tech, staring up at her with wide eyes and flushed cheeks.  “You know, like, as more than a friend?”
“Um-” Peter’s mouth opened and closed, and (y/n) giggled at how he looked like a fish.  He was trying so hard to form words, or even a coherent thought, to process what she’d just asked him.
“Cause look I… I really like you, Peter,” She told him softly, easing his nerves right away.  “You- you make me feel like a better person than I am.  And you make me want to be that better person and…” She smiled to herself as she    “And I was thinking that maybe if you liked me too then we could-”
“Yes,” Peter said rather quickly, dropping his things on the table and walking over to her.  “I like you too, I like you a lot”
“You do?” She asked, and Peter nodded his head rapidly, making her laugh.  “Good, because it’d be really awkward if you didn’t,” He laughed with her, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.  “So… you want to go out sometime?” She asked, cheeks rosy as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
“Yeah, yeah I would,” He agreed, making her grin ear to ear.  “So are you gonna show me your new ideas for my suit, or just admit that you want me to wear all black?”
(y/n) laughed as she followed him over to the work table. ___
“They’re so cute” Wanda gushed as her, Steve, Sam, Nat, and Bruce were watching (y/n) and Peter working in the lab.  They couldn’t hear much of what they were saying, due to the thick (bulletproof, actually) window, but there was a lot of smiling and laughing.
“Do you think he asked her out?” Bruce asked, and the other four chuckled, shaking their heads.
“No, definitely not” Sam said as kindly as he could.
“It was definitely her,” Natasha stated.  “Oh look!”
They all watched as Peter was tinkering with his suit, and (y/n) leaned over from behind him, pointing to different pieces and instructing him on what to do, until eventually she just used her powers and did it for him.
“Awww” Everyone cooed, grinning like proud parents as they watched them interact.
“It’s nice to see them finally together-” Steve started, but was quickly shushed by Wanda and Nat.
“They’re gonna kiss!” Natasha announced, everyone’s focus on the pair in the lab.  He’d turned around to look at her, smiles on their faces as they seemed to be celebrating.
“I think they figured out his repairs,” Sam said.  “Look at that, they’ve got heart eyes”
“He’s leaning!” Wanda announced, clapping her hands together.
“I can’t believe he’s gonna be the one to make the first move” Bruce mused.
“Second move” Wanda corrected.
(y/n’s) hand set on his shoulder as she leaned in closer to Peter, and his own hands held her at her waist, bringing her in, and just as they were about to close the gap-
Bruce tripped, having leaned over too far, and slammed into the window, making Peter and (y/n) leap apart and whip around to see the group of Avengers spying on them.  They shared a surprised and embarrassed look before looking back at the group of adults with their faces pressed to the window.
“Uh oh” Sam muttered, as the pair in the lab came rushing over to the doors.
“Thanks a lot Bruce” Natasha hissed.
“Are you guys serious?” (y/n) scolded as she whipped open the door and pointed an accusatory finger towards them.  “What are you, five? Spying on us?”
“Maybe-” Bruce started, and before (y/n) could yell some more, Peter pulled her back and gave them an awkward smile.
“Hey guys, little weird that you were watching us-”
“We just thought you were cute, we didn’t mean to invade your privacy” Steve apologized like the diplomat he was.
“Still creepy” (y/n) replied.
“We just wanted to know if you were gonna go for it and kiss her, man” Sam said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Yeah… still creepy” (y/n) repeated, while Peter ducked his head to hide his blush.  (y/n) leaned a little into his side comfortingly.
“We’ll leave you be now” Natasha said, being sure to grab Bruce and pull him away before he could slip and say something creepy.
Steve and Sam followed them, leaving Wanda to grin at (y/n).
“Don’t- don’t even say anything,” (y/n) said, putting a hand up to her face.  “Just give us some privacy and I’ll talk to you tomorrow”
“Alright, fine,” Wanda agreed, reaching forward and squeezing her hand lovingly.  “Talk to you tomorrow.  Goodnight, honey”
“Goodnight” (y/n) replied with a nod as Wanda left.
“Well,” Peter breathed out.  “That was pretty weird”
“Not for them it wasn’t,” (y/n) chuckled, and looked up at him with a soft smile.  “It was kinda sweet… but mostly creepy”
“Yeah it was more creepy than anything” He answered.
(y/n) grinned at him, her hand reaching up to touch his cheek gently, before she leaned up on the tips of her toes to kiss him.
It was a short kiss, but it was sweet and lovely and she tasted like sugar and strawberries.
When they parted, she grinned at him, and he couldn’t help but return the smile.
“Wanna make pancakes and prank all Tony?” She asked, almost affectionately.
“Yes!” Peter agreed excitedly, taking her hand as they raced to the kitchen.  “Best first date ever!”
taglist:  @writings-and-stuff @rofromtheashes @tomshufflepuff @steve-avengers-rogers @vibhati123 @dark-night-sky-99  @hollandhours @drakonwild @imofficiallyobsessed
xoxo ~ jordie
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Just Swimmingly ch.6 (BAON)
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Summary: Kidnapping Stretch doesn't seem like a good choice for life expectancy, really, but his kidnappers are full of bad choices.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Established Relationships,  Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Warning:  I want to add a warning here for homophobic language and homophobia. We're switching to the POV of an asshole, so be aware and stay safe!
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Chet was having a bad night.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down. None of this was even his idea, all he’d wanted was a chance to make a little money. He didn’t even hate the dust catchers, not like his buddy Steve did. Sure, he thought the fuckers should go back under the mountain and fuck the libs for keeping the government from doing what they should’ve in the first place. If they’d sent in the military when the freaks first showed up, none of this would’ve happened. Stuff ‘em all back under the mountain and leave American jobs for Americans, yeah, that Chet could get behind. He didn’t want ‘em dead, though. Only back where they belonged.
But Steve, man, he was always bitching about ‘em. How they were at all the bars and stores these days, working at the gas station when he bought his cigarettes. Couldn’t take two steps anymore without bumping into a freak. His boss down at the shop even started hiring some of them and Steve spent a whole night with a bug up his ass on that one, the rest of them could barely hear the game.
And yeah, he knew Steve was getting deep into one of them anti-monster groups online. Chet didn’t care, none of his business, and if Steve managed to get arrested one of these days, welp, Chet wasn’t planning on sharing the bunk bed. He’d send a fair thee well letter and keep his ass at the bar, and if Dwayne and Vic were smart, they’d join him.
So, Chet had been just as surprised as the rest of them when Steve introduced them to Jerry. Creepy ass looking motherfucker, even for a monster. Should’ve been his cue right there to get out of dodge, he should've noped the hell out when that Jerry asshole told them he knew an easy way for them to make some money. He should have thanked him and gone for another beer instead, maybe headed down to the sports bar down the street and left all of this shit to the movies.
But Steve was sure it would work and the more he went on about it, the better it sounded. Everyone knew the cops didn’t like monsters, they wouldn’t be in any rush to get involved. The Embassy would pay them off, they’d let the skeleton guy go, and done. And instead of busting his ass every day for his shithead boss, they’d be down in Rio on the beach for the rest of their lives. All they had to do was shake ‘em up, make the Monsters see they weren’t welcome here. No one had to get hurt.
In fact, Scary Jerry had been pretty clear that hurting bone boy was a fast way to lose out on the cash. Turned out that skeletons were fragile little snowflakes and they’d break if anyone got too rough. If they wanted a payday, they’d have to snatch him without a bruise on his pussy little bones and Jerry helped them out with that, too. Drop a couple of tabs in his drink and he’d walk out with them docile as a lamb.
Jerry told them the skeleton was a little slut who fagged around for anyone who’d pay for it. All he was good for was Twitter and blowjobs, and so long as they used the drugs Jerry gave them, no problems.
He’d made a joke about putting his big mouth to good use if they wanted so long as they didn’t rough him up, but Chet didn’t go for that shit. Not from any freak.
Then Jerry stopped showing up to their meetings. That didn’t matter, Steve told them, they already had everything they needed, and Chet believed him like the stupid fucker his dad always said he was. They spent a couple months planning, figuring out skeleton boy’s schedule and when he started the bar routine, they saw their chance.
Only, Chet didn’t like what he was hearing from Steve anymore. Everything went down as planned at the bar, at first, but now there were complications.
To begin with, it was supposed to be the skeleton only. He was the cash cow and now they’d dragged in that other guy. Little faggot was probably bending over for the monster, doing whatever sick shit they did. He deserved whatever asswhipping anyone wanted to hand him, but Steve was taking it too far in Chet’s uneasy opinion.
After they’d sent the ransom video to the embassy, he’d start off on how they seen their faces, those two. Like everyone hadn’t at the bar? That’s why they were supposed to leave the country when they got the cash. The way Steve was talking, it didn’t sound like he wanted to scare the little shits tied up in the other room back underground or even give that Human a good reminder as to why he should hang out with his own faggy kind and give the dust catchers a pass.
Steve sounded a lot like maybe he was thinking of using the gun that was tucked into the waistband of his pants and if the others were as uneasy about that as Chet was, they didn’t say. None of them said much of anything, only drank their congratulatory beers let Steve go on about how there shouldn’t be witnesses, can’t have no witnesses.
That wasn’t at all the plan, the plan was to get the money and let them go, but Chet kept his trap shut, anyway. It was too late now, he was in the thick of it and he couldn’t run without the cash. If he opened his big mouth, he might become a witness instead and that was definitely not a part of the plan.
They’d gone through all the beers and chips when Steve suddenly whirled around, his gun suddenly in his hands. Chet kept a wary eye on it.
“We should check on them,” Steve said abruptly. “Check on them, see what they have to say. Make them tell us how much they saw.”
What could those two say that would sway Steve’s pendulum back into letting them go, Chet wondered. Not much, he didn’t think. They’d swear up and down that they didn’t know what they looked like whether it was true or not and the chances of them not telling anyone whatever they did know was nil. That was what leaving town was for, there was a car waiting, an airport three states away with tickets ready.
But Chet was knee-deep in the shit, had been since the moment that Jerry fuck sat at their table, and all he could do now was keep wading and hope he reached shore.
He followed Steve down the hallway silently, hanging back with Dwayne and Vic as Steve led the way. He flung open the door, gun in hand, and instead of terrified screams there was a fucking explosion. Some kind of bomb and at first Chet thought they were all dead. He’d heard what Monsters could do, his gramma used to tell him tales, horrifying fairy stories of humans who’d died in the war all those years ago, their still-beating hearts ripped free of their mangled bodies.
But once the smoke cleared, there was no blood or torn off limbs, only a smoldering piece of plastic on the floor and two empty chairs with the ropes still around them. They were gone, Chet realized dumbly. Gone and they’d set a little trap before they went, gone, and with it their chance at the money.
Yeah, okay, fuck this.
“Let’s get out of here,” Chet hissed, already backing up towards the door.
“And go where without the money?” Steve demanded. His short hair was sweaty and sticking up in clumps and his face was flushed a dark red, broken blood vessels standing out as bright snaps in his eyes. No one answered. “We stick to the plan, they couldn’t have gotten far. Now start looking!”
Start looking. Chet nodded and fumbled for his own gun, the heavy weight of it unfamiliar despite all the times he went to the firing range. Look around the dusty old warehouse that belonged to the company Dwayne worked for, that he’d sworn up and down was mostly empty and didn’t even have a security guard, perfect for their plan.
Not so perfect if those two managed to wiggle their way out, but he was gonna look, see if maybe they were hiding in a closet somewhere. Chet didn’t know what he was gonna do if he found them, but he was more afraid of what would happen if Steve found them first. Better to start looking first and maybe he could come up with something. Wasn’t like he had any other ideas.
The first couple rooms were empty of anything but dusty cartons and rat crap. Chet kept moving, the jumble of them moving down the hallway as they went from room to room. Found nothing, reporting the same from everyone, and they rounded the corner, still looking. They’d made almost a full circle, ready to go downstairs and try the same maneuver again when there was a loud popping sound and Chet’s first thought was, fuck, Steve found them first, fuck, fuck!
But it wasn’t Steve, it was Vic. Chet watched in disbelief as Vic stumbled out of the room he’d been checking clutching at his face, the exposed skin red and raw. Yellow, stinking smoke followed him out, pouring over them all like a cloud of rotting foulness. Tears pour from Chet’s eyes and he covered his mouth with his sleeve, coughing, trying to squint through stinging smoke even as his panicked mind blubbered that it was acid, the skeleton could spit acid or some shit, they were dead, they were all dead.
Vic fell to the ground, rolling on the filthy linoleum and screaming that his face was burning and maybe Dwayne had the same idea Chet did about the acid. He was closest to the outer door and he stumbled back into it, the doors swinging open as he took off through them. Before Chet could follow, more screams came, wavering between loud and muffled as the doors flapped open and closed.
He got Dwayne, too, Chet thought giddily, fucking monster was gonna kill them all and maybe that was Jerry’s plan from the start.
Chet stood frozen in the hallway, not knowing which way to flee. Didn’t matter, the monster would see him, he was sure of it, see him and get him, tear him open like in the movies, like in gramma’s bedtime stories. Vic was still keening, clutching at the raw sore of his face, and that was when Steve started shooting.
The room was still cloudy with foul yellow smoke and Steve was holding his gun out and firing wildly in a blind spray of bullets. One landed way too close to Chet, embedded into the wall right next to him and fuck this. He fell to the floor and started to crawl.
The air was clearer down here and he could see a little, his watering gaze blurry but he could see enough. Too much, in fact. He pressed down into the floor and watched as Steve was suddenly lifted off his feet and slammed into the ceiling, the wall, the floor.
Up and down and left and right, over and over until he was hanging in the air like a rag doll, slumping limply down, and that was when Chet saw a monster.
No movie creation, no scrawny faggot flailing out on the dance floor like he’d seen earlier. This Monster walked right out of his sweaty nightmares through the drywall dust and smoke, his teeth bared in a skeletal grimace, one eye socket filled with endless blackness that threatened to swallow Chet down and the other a flickering hellfire, a swirling deadly comet crashing through the night sky towards him. Strolling in like Death himself and Chet couldn’t look away, afraid It would fall on him and rip his throat out with those teeth.
It didn’t head for Chet, practically ignored him as It went to stand in front of Steve’s battered, bleeding form.
Steve wasn’t out of the count yet. He tried to raise his gun, but it trembled so hard in his grip he could barely hold it. The Monster didn’t even move, that hellfire gaze going brighter and Steve’s gun was ripped away, clattering down the hallway. The Monster leaned down, one long-fingered hand extending, more fire glowing at the tips of those spindly fingers and Chet only lay there, waiting to watch Steve die and wondering if It would turn on him next.
The voice was unexpected, hoarse and worried, and terribly human. “Stretch, don’t. Enough, okay? Don’t.”
Don’t stretch what? Chet thought, distant and dreamy.
There. The human, the little fag from the bar was standing behind the creature and he was braver than he looked. He set a hand on Its narrow back, said something that Chet couldn’t hear through the soaring ringing in his ears…no, wait, was that the fire alarm?
The demon stopped and closed Its eye sockets, finally hiding that hellfire glow. When he opened them again, his gaze was a pale, bland light, but when he spoke and Chet thought he could feel the vibrations down in his own bones, rattling through him. "enough. yeah, okay.” He crouched down in front of Steve, elbows braced on his skinny thighs and the coldness in his voice rang down the hallway. “here's a judgement for you, pal. enjoy prison."
Chet didn’t wait for the monster to pronounce a judgement on him. He did the only thing he could. He scrambled to his feet and ran. Past Vic, still whimpering on the floor, out through the swinging doors, coughing as he ran into a fresh cloud of smoke and here was Dwayne, stuck fast to the stair railing by some kind of sticky foam that looked like insulation.
He kept running, out into the cool night air, gasping in a clean lungful. He took another stumbling step and stopped. His path to the van was cut off, not that it mattered since he didn’t have the keys. They were upstairs with Steve and there was no fucking way Chet was going back up there, not for any amount of cash; he’d barely escaped with his mortal soul the first time.
But what he saw outside froze his blood. Another skeleton, no, more than that. Monsters, so many Monsters, tall and small, incongruous in their dark suits and none of them looked like a savior but Chet fell to his knees in front of them all anyway, croaking out, "Help me.”
The skeleton grinned and Chet couldn’t spare anymore horror, not even when he saw those jaggedly sharp teeth. “yeah, the honey bun is here, a’right.”
Chet didn’t have a chance to ask what the fuck donuts had to do with anything. Cool metal bracelets slid around his wrists, strong hands hauling him to his feet and towards one of the cars and Chet went willingly, gratefully.
He slumped in the back of the car, resting his face against the cool window glass and did not watch what was going on outside. Didn’t matter, not really, he’d made it out alive and that was it. It was enough.
Eventually, though, he opened his eyes and caught side of the others being led out. Vic, his face visibly raw and red in the spotlights shining everywhere. Dwayne was being rolled out, lying sideways on a stretcher, still wrapped up in foam, and behind the paramedics was Steve with two Monsters on either side of him, caging him in. Dried blood was crusting his nose, but he was on his feet and being led to a car of his own.
In his chest, humor suddenly took hold, bubbling its way out until Chet was giggling alone in the empty car, shrill and unsteady.
Looked like maybe he and Steve would end up sharing bunks after all.
29 notes · View notes
five-rivers · 4 years
Long Night in the Valley Chaper 3
“A mind affecting quirk?” asked the secretary.  “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” said Recovery Girl, grimly.  “If I had realized, I would never have left him alone while I reviewed the scans.  I thought it was something physical.  By the time we locked the campus down, he was already gone.”
The secretary found herself shaking, slightly.  Even retired, even barely able to use his quirk, the idea of All Might under mind control, under a villain’s control, was terrifying.  
“I’m going to put you through to the chairman,” she said, trying to keep the tremor out of her voice.  “I’m sure he’ll mobilize every available resource.”  She pressed the button and sagged in her chair glad she didn’t have to make real decisions.  
Then the calls from the people in charge of the Musutafu mental-invasion training activity started rolling in.  As she answered the phone, she couldn’t help but think that All Might probably would have benefited from the training.  
Of all the things Tsuyu had expected to see while waiting to be directed to her room for testing, Midoriya fleeing from a group of heroes was not one of them.  
True, Midoriya had yet to come out of a class trip or event without some kind of trauma, but she’d been expecting villains to be the cause.  Not… whatever this was.  
Kaminari and Aoyama, started forward, only to be held back by Shouji, who just barely managed to catch his phone (he’d been playing a Pokémon game with Kouda).
“Hey!” said Kaminari.  “What gives, man?  Midoriya is in trouble.”
“Yes,” said Shouji, quietly, the lips on his extra arm barely moving, “and look at who he’s in trouble with.”
“We can’t just go barreling in,” agreed Tsuyu.  “We need to find the rest of the class and get out of here.”
After all, if one member of 1-A was in trouble, they all were.  
Aoyama placed his pointer finger and his thumb over his chin. “I have a better idea,” he said, “what do you say to a ~*sparkling*~ distraction to help our friend—and us—escape?”
Tsuyu followed his gaze and swallowed a sigh.  
People should really stop leaving electrical boxes out in the open like that.  It was basically a signed invitation.
(Izuku did not notice the power outage that occurred a mere fraction of a second after he burst out of the center’s doors, but if he did, he would have been grateful for the chaos it caused and the precious time it bought him.)
“That’s the room they were in,” said Fumikage, Dark Shadow screening him and the rest of his group from view.  “I believe that Hagakure was—” he hesitated “—there,” he said, finally.  
“Are you sure we should go after them?” asked Mineta.  “I mean, it’s Aizawa-sensei and the top of the class!”
“Since Midoriya is the only one who came out,” Yaoyorozu, coolly, “it’s probable that they’re either asleep or heavily outnumbered. Especially considering how out of character it is for Midoriya to leave them behind.”
“Unless he was targeted and was trying to draw them away,” said Satou.  
They considered that silently for a moment.
“Bakugou’s group was in that room,” said Jirou, pointing with ear jack.  “They’ll definitely be asleep by now.  Not to back away from a fight, but if we really think our class is in danger, we should get them out first, of only because they’re probably not at the center of this.”
“Hmm,” said Tokoyami.  “The fate of Bakugou, much like Midoriya, is often shouded in darkness.”
“I hate that you have a point,” groaned Jirou.  “Yaomomo?  You’re kind of in charge here.  I think it’s your call.”
Yaoyorozu made a rather pained looking face.
“We need to find everyone who hasn’t gone into a room yet, and we need to gather information,” she said.  “Maybe this is just a misunderstanding.”
Fumikage, for one, rather doubted it.  
This Deku was different again.  Older than the ones they had seen so far.
He was wearing the same clothes he’d had on when Shigaraki grabbed him at the mall, including that ridiculous ‘t-shirt’ t-shirt and the bright yellow backpack.  Ochako swallowed uneasily and looked back at Suzuki.  
Did Deku’s appearance reflect his understanding of the situation?  Did he think that what was going on now was like what had happened then?
Was he right?
(A part of her, a part that was very used to Aizawa’s logical ruses, was still hoping this was part of the course.)
“We already have proof you’re the traitor,” wheezed Suzuki. Despite sustaining so many wounds, beyond being out of breath he was currently unharmed.  Even his suit only had a few streaks of dirt on them.
“Deku’s not a traitor!” shouted Ochako.  “He’s risked his life for so many of us, he’s hurt himself so much-!  It’s ridiculous you could even think that.”  
Alright.  Perhaps the fight and general situation had Ochako more on edge than she’d thought.  
Or, perhaps, she was just tired of this jerk badmouthing one of her best friends.  
“I think,” said Aizawa, splitting his attention between Suzuki and the new Deku, “that anyone who actually knew Midoriya would tell you the same thing.  Assuming you asked.”
“What are you really here for?” asked Deku.  “Are you really working for the Commission?”
Suzuki wrinkled his nose momentarily, apparently affronted, but then started to laugh.  “You think we didn’t?  They came to us.  Aldera Middle School ring any bells?  Why don’t you tell your new friends you used to be—”
He cut off as Deku moved past them, smoothly dodging Aizawa-sensei, and performing a textbook-perfect takedown of Suzuki, complete with handcuffs and avoidance of Suzuki’s skin.  
(What was Suzuki’s quirk, anyway?)
“Wish I could have done this back then,” muttered Deku, hauling Suzuki around.  “What is your problem?”
“You can’t hurt me here,” said Suzuki.  “Are you scared of the truth?”
Aizawa pulled Deku away from Suzuki.  
“Midoriya,” he said.  “You are Midoriya, right?”
“I…”  Deku’s face scrunched up.  “I think so?  It—I think it’s more complicated than it should be.”
Ochako saw Suzuki get up before Aizawa did, and leaped forward, aiming for his face.  She missed. Suzuki’s fingers brushed against Deku’s cheek and the world shredded around them.  
Aizawa had known going into this that a dream world would be, almost by definition, illogical and annoying.  He had simply underestimated how illogical and annoying.  
Oh, the fight with maybe-Midoriya was straightforward enough, even factoring in his control of the environment.  But the aftermath was another story.  
Aizawa knew he’d been hit.  He’d been hit, solidly, several times.  Yet, he didn’t feel so much as bruised.  He was also, for some unidentifiable reason, wearing a suit, and his students, except for Midoriya, who had disappeared yet again, had been put in unfamiliar school uniforms.  
Speaking of which, they were now standing in front of a middle school, the beach nowhere in sight.  
Adding that to the fact that at least some items (e.g., Midoriya’s handcuffs) seemed to disappear when no one was paying attention to them…  
Aizawa’s headache was rapidly growing.  Not to mention—
“He practically admitted he wasn’t Midoriya!  What more do you want?” demanded Suzuki, who seemed to be ignoring the fact that he was being stared down by three hostile, combat-trained teenagers.  
“I want,” said Aizawa, “to wait out the clock.  Midoriya isn’t attacking us anymore, and I don’t particularly feel the need to snoop around in his head.”
Suzuki’s eye twitched.  “Saito isn’t waking us up until the end of the course, a full six hours from now,” he said.  “You want to have this stand-off for six hours, or do you want to find something that will help you protect the rest of your little gremlin students?”
“What do you mean, until the end of the course?” demanded Iida, adjusting his glasses.  “She’s supposed to let us out in an hour!”
Aizawa sighed, but kept his gaze fixed on Suzuki.  Iida could be a little too fixated on rules sometimes.  
“So?  No one will miss you until the lunch break, and that can be easily covered up!”
“We should call the school, too,” decided Momo.  “I think Principal Nezu likes Midoriya.”
“Huh?  Really?” asked Satou, surprised.
Momo nodded.  “Whenever Midoriya is brought up at student council meetings, he sort of… chuckles. He does that with Aizawa-sensei, too, come to think of it.  And All Might.”
“That’s terrifying,” said Mineta.  
No one said anything, because they didn’t really want to agree with Mineta, even about something so mundane.  
Sirens, from an ambulance called for Saito Yume, were just audible in the distance.  
Somewhat farther away, the principal of UA realized that calling the Hero Commission about Yagi’s disappearance might have been a tactical error.
In the Hero Commission headquarters, the chairman determined that, no, this was not going to be covered up easily, and started making alternate plans.  
“Then we’ll wait for the whole six hours,” said Aizawa.  “Consider it endurance training,” he told his students, “for stakeouts and whatever.”
“And whatever?” asked Todoroki.  
“If you have to deal with this nonsense now,” said Aizawa, “as students, it’s only going to get worse when you’re pros.”
“Ah,” said Todoroki, nodding sagely.  “I see.”
“Look, if you’re all so sure he has nothing to hide, what’s the harm in looking?”
“Kids,” said Aizawa, cutting off whatever responses the three of them were about to snap out, “don’t engage him.”  This was going to be a very long six hours.  Or five hours.  It had to have been at least one hour since they went under. Right?  It had to be, if the universe was fair.  
Oh, who was he kidding?
Suzuki sighed, closed his eyes, and straightened his tie. “I apologize,” he said.  “The appearance of that… projection unsettled me, and I have not fully explained why the Hero Commission has decided to act as it has in the case of Midoriya Izuku.”
“Who cares?” asked Todoroki.  “The commission sucks.”
Undeterred, Suzuki continued.  “I’m sure you have all noticed that Midoriya Izuku displays two quirks.”
“So do I and Aizawa-sensei,” said Todoroki.
“I what?” asked Aizawa.  
“Your floaty hair thing.”
“That’s just an emitter effect,” said Aizawa.
“But it works on your capture weapon,” said Todoroki.  “Midoriya showed me a diagram, once.  It was very convincing.  He said not to bring it up though, because you were probably hiding it from… villains… oh…”  He trailed off as he looked back at Suzuki.  
This was not, Aizawa reminded himself sternly, the time to have an existential crisis.  
He was having a talk with Midoriya when he got out of this.
“A secondary quirk that he only discovered in high school? You must see how far fetched this is. Not to mention his first quirk only—”
The ground rumbled.  Abruptly, they were surrounded by bright, approximately human-shaped blurs of color.  Because why not?  
Among those blurs of color ran tiny middle school Midoriya, because, again, why not?
Using the distraction, and something that had to be related to either a quirk or Suzuki’s greater experience with Saito’s quirk, Suzuki escaped their little circle and ran after Midoriya.  Aizawa’s students and, thus, Aizawa followed.
“Come again?” asked Vlad King, rubbing the inside of his ear. “I think I must have misheard you.”
“Yagi stole your car,” repeated Powerloader, sounding completely done with the world.
Vlad, still uncomprehending, blinked up at his coworker. “Is there, like, a student called Yagi?” he asked, trying to process the diametrically opposed concepts of ‘Yagi’ and ‘stole’ before even getting started on the ‘your car’ part of the sentence.
With despair, his mind finally registering that the Symbol of Peace had stolen his car, Vlad said, “But he doesn’t even drive!”
Vlad King’s car was, objectively, rather terrible.  It was an antique, almost a hundred and fifty years old, manufactured when regulations were loose in the wake of the dawn of quirks. It was loud.  It was ugly.  The gas efficiency wasn’t terrible, but it came at the cost of high emissions.  The air conditioner was broken.  It had no back up camera.  
It had three things going for it.  One, it had a functional safety system.  Two, the ceiling was high enough for Toshinori to fit. Three, it had no GPS or tracking system attached to it.  
True, the vehicle’s other features meant that the car would be remembered and tracked sooner or later, but the point of this exercise was to get to Izuku as quickly as possible and then away from his pursuers as quickly as possible.  They’d leave the car somewhere after that.  Perhaps with the keys still in it.  Perhaps somewhere disreputable.  
… That would be rather mean to Vlad.  
Eh, thought someone who may or may not have been Toshinori. They were doing him a favor, honestly.
(It was a good thing Six knew how to drive.  Seven and Five with their fancy mobility-oriented quirks were useless.  Don’t even get him started on Mr. ‘I’m going to live in the woods and isolate myself from society’ and Ms. ‘driving laws can’t have changed that much in a hundred and fifty years.’  Unbelievable.)
Toshinori stopped the car.  The back door opened and Izuku slid in.  He shut the door and Toshinori started driving again.  
They didn’t speak to one another because they didn’t have to. Izuku started undressing, pulling on the clothes Toshinori had picked up for him quickly.  Hero merchandise, mostly.  Bright but anonymous.  Few would expect fugitives to wear something like this.  
“It’s soft,” said Izuku, quietly, rubbing the edge of the hoody between his fingers.  
“I’m glad you like it,” said Toshinori.  In the rearview mirror, Toshinori could see Blackwhip twine around his hands and wrists protectively.  His headache let up, slightly.  
They’d hide until the quirk wore off, and then they could determine their next steps.  
The commission president smiled at the heroes he had assembled.  It was a nice smile, an expressive smile, one he had worked on for a long time.  Right now, it said that he regretted the circumstances that brought them together, but that their presence cheered him, nonetheless. It said that he was putting on a brave front while delivering grim news.  
It had the desired effect.  The heroes leaned forward, with the exception of Hawks.  (Damn that truculent child.  Perhaps he was due for some retraining.)
“I regret to inform you all that former number one hero All Might, also known as Yagi Toshinori, has been abducted by the traitor Midoriya Izuku through the use of a mental quirk we believe he obtained from the villain All for One, publicly known as the Scourge of Kamino.”
Toshinori and Izuku had spoken to one another concerning hiding places and rendezvous points on several occasions.  It was a necessity when engaged in a shadow war with a two-hundred-year-old monster and continued to be so even after the war had come into the light.  
Toshinori currently owned most of them, through various serpentine paths, shell corporations, and semi-fictitious holding companies.  One could potentially, in theory, with great effort, reach Toshinori if one started with one of the hiding places and follow the horribly convoluted paper trail, but it was infinitely more difficult to start with Toshinori and arrive at one of the safe houses.  Mainly because Toshinori had so many completely legitimate holdings.  
Some of these places were older than they were, inherited, much like their quirk.  And the very oldest of these technically wasn’t ‘owned’ by anyone at all.  It didn’t exist on paper.  It had been made by an unregistered quirk during the dawn of quirks, when the government was in shambles.  Only two living people knew about it now.  Even All for One had never found the place.  
“We’ll be safe here,” said Toshinori, unnecessarily, as he opened the door.  The hinges were silent.  Toshinori had oiled them the last time he had restocked the pantry.  
Izuku nodded, then yawned.  Everything about today had been exhausting, and his brain still wasn’t working right.  
But was it really okay for him to sleep, to rest, when he had left his friends behind?
Why had he even done that?
Could he even call himself a friend when-?
Toshinori put his hand on Izuku’s shoulder, and Izuku felt his concern soak into his bones.  The others were with him.  Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, and Aizawa were not in danger, they reminded him.  Izuku (Nine) was.  The others were in good standing with the commission, more or less, and would likely remain so.  For all Suzuki’s posturing, it appeared he had no real evidence against Izuku’s friends, otherwise he would have used it for blackmail by now.  
Besides, Izuku wasn’t really the one to make the decision to run.  
Izuku frowned.  Was he?  Wasn’t he?
There was a bed in the little hidden house.  Toshinori pulled a set of sheets out of a small cabinet and began to make it.  Izuku retrieved and fluffed the pillows.  It was interesting.  He’d never actually been here before.  Toshinori had only told him how to get here, and yet…
But the others had been here.  One and Two, mostly, but Three had come a few times, and Four had gotten a lot of use out of it before he left the city entirely.  Five hadn’t really needed it—he’d been a pro hero, after all—but he’d kept the place up, just in case, and passed it on to Six when it was time. Six had been underground and had kept this place his ace in the hole, his last fallback.  Seven had learned of it from his notes since he hadn’t lived long enough to tell her properly.  So much had been lost…
Izuku shook his head and focused on the bed.  Wordlessly, he was coaxed into it.  It would be better to sleep, for now.  His attention wouldn’t be divided, and Toshinori would keep him safe.
“Trace,” said the commission president, looking at the second-youngest hero present.  The woman was just a little bit older than Hawks.  “With your quirk, I think you know why we called you in.”
The woman, who usually worked as a rescue hero, nodded enthusiastically.  “Yes, sir,” she said.  “I’ll need something of either Midoriya’s or All Might’s, and their last known location. We’ll be able to rescue All Might in no time!”
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Gunham scenario. Nagito does some crazy bs to see how much Gundham loves you (already dating) and randomly tries to kill you in the dining hall, but Gundham protects you and ends up getting the stab wound instead. Nagito says something about hope about your love. So Gundham is on bed rest, but you have to watch over him and his Devas. His Devas a so sweet with you and help you take care of Gundham.
Oh HELL YEAH, ANGST! I freaking LOVE angst with a side of comfort! This prompt is awesome, thank you!
The Darkside of Hope-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
You awoke to Monokuma’s morning announcement still feeling exhausted. Teruteru’s trial yesterday had completely worn you out.
“Good morning, my love.”
A tired voice gained your attention, and you turned your head to see Gundham Tanaka, your boyfriend of about a year laying beside you. You smiled softly at him and kissed his forehead. “Good morning, Gundham.”
“Are you still feeling unwell from the ordeal of last night?” He questioned you as he sat up, his hair ruffled from his night’s sleep and not in it’s usual style. You giggled to yourself at that. You always thought he looked adorable with it down, and even cuter when he just woke up.
You nodded to his question. “The whole thing with Teruteru was so...sad. He wanted to help us and Nagito....” Gundham pulled you into his chest, and you smiled gratefully at him as you continued. “And...and he just wanted to know if his mom and diner were alright. It’s all just so...terrible.”
“I know my dearest Fallen Angel.” The breeder said softly. “Nothing of our situation is fair in the slightest.” He gently tilted your head up to meet his eyes. “But at least we have each other, yes?”
You nodded happily. “Yeah. I don’t know how I could handle this if I didn’t have you.”
“I understand. I, too, feel that way.” Gundham smiled gently and kissed your lips. “Thankfully we are not alone, nor will we ever be.”
You smiled warmly at that, before reluctantly pulling away. “We should probably make our way to the restaurant.” You said, standing from the bed.
Your lover sighed as he followed suit. “Yes, you are right. It would do no good to worry the mortals with our absence.”
You nodded. “Thank you for letting me stay in your cottage, Gundham.” You thanked him. “I really didn’t feel like being alone.”
“It is of no problem, my dark queen.” Gundham assured you with a smile. “I will do whatever I can to comfort you and keep you safe.”
Your chest fluttered when he said that. “You’re so sweet, my lord.” You replied, giggling softly when you saw him blush lightly. “I’m heading to my cottage to get ready. I’ll see you soon.” With a final goodbye, you left his room.
“Ah, so you were with Gundham.”
You jumped at the unexpected voice. You turned to see Nagito standing before you. You felt a wave of unease as you remembered his performance in the trial the previous night. “Y-yes, I was.” You confirmed. “Is that a problem?”
Nagito quickly shook his head, holding his hands up. “Oh, no no no! It’s not a problem at all! Quite the opposite in fact! I think it’s wonderful you and Gundham have each other to rely on. You’re quite fortunate to know each other prior to coming here.”
You furrowed you brow, not quite sure what Nagito was getting at. “Yeah...We were both really excited when we realized we were both accepted into Hope’s Peak.”
“And now you have each other to rely on for your hope!” The lucky student hugged himself, and the crazed look in his eyes returned. “How lucky.”
You began slowly walking past him. “Right...” You muttered, deciding to ignore him. But what he said next stopped you in your tracks.
“But...how can you be sure of his love for you?”
You blinked, and slowly turned back to look at him. “...What?”
Nagito gave you a crazed grin that sent a chill down your spine. “How can you be so sure your hope aligns with his? Perhaps his love for you is overpowered by his want for escape, and he is simply using it as a cover?”
Your eyes widened, and you took a step away from Nagito. “Wh...what?! No! Gundham would never do something like that! He loves me! I know he does!”
“But are you certain?” The boy asked, taking a step towards you. You took another one back, feeling a pang of fear in your chest. “Maybe after realizing the situation we are in, he began making his own plans. Maybe he has plans to kill you, using your relationship as an alibi.”
You clenched your fists and shook your head. “No! I said he wouldn’t do that!” You snapped, glaring at the white haired student. “You don’t know anything about Gundham! He would never hurt me!”
Nagito nodded. “You’re probably right. The Ultimate Y/T would know much more than trash like me, especially about her own boyfriend.” He walked past you, only stopping briefly to speak some final words. “Though, perhaps you should still keep what I said in mind.” And with that, he walked towards the hotel.
You watched him leave, and for a moment you took his words to heart, worry filling you. You quickly pushed all of that to the side. Gundham would never hurt you, let alone kill you. Nagito is just trying to manipulate you like he had Teruteru. With an annoyed sigh, you walked into your cottage to get ready.
You walked up the steps to the restaurant and immediately noticed Gundham sitting at a table off to the side. You also saw Nagito sitting alone in the corner. You met his gaze for a moment before walking over to your boyfriend and sitting across from him.
You smiled when he saw you. “Ah! There you are, my queen of darkness!” He greeted you, taking your hand in his. “You are looking radiant as always.”
You chuckled and shook your head. “Gundham, I look the same I always do.”
The breeder gave a small smirk. “And thus you always shine with the radiance of an angel.” He frowned slightly. “However I can tell worry taints your features. What is it that plagues you, my love?”
You bit your lip, your eyes darting over to where Nagito was seated. You noticed he wasn’t there anymore, and though that worried you, you ultimately didn’t pay it much mind. “It...it isn’t anything, Gundham.” You told him, attempting to give him a reassuring smile. “I just had a...run in with Nagito.”
Gundham narrowed his eyes. “What did that vermin say to you?” He growled lowly. “Did he attempt to control your mind as he had the chef?”
“I...I think so?” You answered before shaking your head and giving Gundham a soft smile. “But don’t worry. Really. I’m fine.”
Your boyfriend looked unsure, but he sighed. “If you insist, I shall drop it.” He said.
You smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Gundham.” You whispered. As you pulled away, you noticed something from the corner of your eye. You turned, and saw Nagito approach.
Gundham noticed too and glared at the lucky student. “And what business do you have with us?” He demanded.
“I know scum such as myself has no business interacting with either of you.” Nagito began. His eyes looked over at you, and you began feeling uneasy. “But something has been bothering me. I must check exactly how strong your hopes are.”
“What in the Nine Hells are you-”
Gundham didn’t get to finish his sentence before Nagito lunged. He held a knife as he ran straight at you. Your eyes widened, and you froze, unable to move. You saw some others in the room noticed, but were too far away to act.
Gundham, however, acted quickly, dashing in front of you right before Nagito made contact with you. Your lover let out a pained grunt and took a knee as a fleshy impact sound was heard.
“Gundham!” You exclaimed worriedly, rushing over in front of him as Nekomaru and Akane restrained Nagito.
“Ah, so I was wrong! Gundham’s love for you is his hope!” The crazed boy laughed as he was dragged away from you and Gundham. “It’s so strong he would risk himself! How beautiful!”
“S-shut up!” You called back to him as you knelt in front of Gundham. The knife stuck out of his stomach, and blood was staining his shirt. “M-Mikan! Mikan please come here! Hurry”
“C-coming!” The nurse exclaimed, rushing over to you and nearly tripping as she did so.
“I-I am fine, m-my fallen angel.” Gundham tried to assure you, though his pained expression did little to make you feel better. “It w-will take more than this to t-take down Gundham T-Tanaka!”
“S-shut up, Gundham.” You muttered, tears forming in your eyes. “Don’t be so proud right now. You have a fucking knife in you!”
“And I w-would take a thousand more if it meant you would remain safe.” Your boyfriend said firmly. “I will never allow you to be harmed, n-no matter what shall become of me.”
The tears began to fall. “Y-you can be such an idiot sometimes.” You murmured, clinging to his jacket. “You can’t just go and do something stupid like that! I don’t want you getting hurt either!”
“U-um, I-I’m so s-sorry to interrupt...” Mikan spoke up. “B-but Gundham n-needs to lie down. C-can someone h-help me take him t-to his cottage?”
“I can do that.” Hajime offered, stepping forward. He placed a hand on Gundham’s shoulder. “Can you walk, Gundham?”
It was some time later, and you sat in Gundham’s cottage. Mikan had done all she could and had ordered Gundham to bed rest. You told everyone you’d keep an eye on him. Currently he was asleep.
You just watched him as he slept, tears still staining your cheeks. You knew it wasn’t your fault. It was Nagito’s. He had tried to stab you unprovoked. But still...you couldn’t help but feel awful. Like it should have been you who got hurt.
You heard soft squeaking, and you looked over to see the Dark Devas on the ground looking up at you. You smiled softly and leaned down, placing your hands down for them to climb on. When they did you lifted them up to eye level. “Hey, little ones.” You said to them. “Gundham’s out of it right now. But....but he’ll be...”
You bit your lip. You wanted to reassure them he would be fine. Mikan had told you he’d be fine. But...but you were still scared. What if you lost him? You weren’t sure if you could go on. You couldn’t trust anyone else here.
You were broken out of your thoughts by the Devas nuzzling your cheek. You smiled softly down at them and pet them gently. “Thank you, little ones.” You said quietly. “Gundham has trained you extremely well.” You looked over to your boyfriend’s bed. “You’re all worried about him too, aren’t you?” You asked, then slowly stood, carrying the hamsters over. You lowered your hands and allowed them to crawl onto it. They carefully made their way over to Gundham and nuzzled him, Jum-P burrowing himself in the breeder’s scarf and quickly falling asleep,
You smiled softly as you watched your boyfriend and his beloved hamsters rest. You looked down at his middle and winced. The bandage around his stomach was already nearly completely soaked through with blood. You would have to change it when he woke up.
You clenched your fists as you thought about Nagito. Kazuichi had stopped by and informed you the crazed boy had been tied and thrown into the old building, so there was no chance of him hurting someone else. That helped you relax, but you were still overwhelmingly angry at him. He had done this to Gundham just to prove he really loved you? That wasn’t even any of his business! And what was that hope bullshit he kept going on about?
“Ngh...M-my love?”
Your gaze shot over to Gundham’s face at the soft mumblings, and you saw him blinking open his eyes. The breeder began attempting to pull himself up, and you ran over to his side to help him. After you got him into a sitting position, you smiled softly at him. “How did you sleep, Gundham? Do you feel alright?” You asked him.
“I slept quite well knowing I had you looking over me, my angel.” Your boyfriend replied, returning your smile. “As for how I am feeling...” He frowned and looked down at his stomach. “I must admit, I have felt better. This stinging reminds me of when I was bitten by a dreaded viper.”
You sighed. “I’m sure. I’m so sorry, Gundham. I wish there was more I could do to stop the pain.”
The breeder frowned and reached a hand up, cupping your face. “Cease that at once, my love. You have done all you can to heal me, and I owe you my life. This is not your fault, so do not apologize. Understood?”
You smiled softly and nodded. “Alright. If you say so, Gundham. I understand.”
He chuckled lightly and pulled your face down to kiss you. When he pulled away, he looked down to the Devas that were nuzzling his face happily. “Were my subordinates well behaved and helpful?” He asked you, scratching Cham-P behind his ear.
You giggled and nodded. “Yes, they were.” You told him. “They kept me calm when I was worried about you. And they kept you company while you slept.”
Gundham looked down to Jum-P still slumbering in his scarf and chuckled. “I can see that. Well, I am glad they assisted you, my queen.”
You smiled down at the little critters. “They were very helpful.” You looked away from them and over to Gundham’s wound, and your smile fell. “...I need to change your bandage.”
Your boyfriend followed your gaze and scowled. “It would appear so.” He muttered, then let out a sigh. “Very well. Let us get it over with.”
You nodded, and after getting the supplies left by Mikan, you began to tend to Gundham’s wound, cleaning the cut and reapplying the bandage.
You heard Gundham hiss softly as you did, letting out a quiet curse. “I will banish that pathetic worm to hell.” He growled through his teeth as he clenched the bed sheets.
“I’m sorry, Gundham.” You apologized. “I’m doing all I can to make it not hurt.”
“Not for that reason.” He corrected you. “I do not care if I am inflicted with pain. What he is going to be destroyed for is his attempt to make this your fate.” He looked into your eyes. “I am used to feeling pain. I do not wish for you to ever have to be hurt, my queen.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at that. You couldn’t believe you doubted for even a second that Gundham loved you. You leaned over and placed a light kiss on his cheek as you finished wrapping the new bandages around his wound. “Well I don’t want you being hurt either, my dark dumbass, so let’s try to protect each other without taking a bullet, alright?” You giggled.
Gundham chuckled in response. “Very well, my fallen angel. If you insist.” He gently caressed your face and pulled you closer so he could kiss you lovingly, the both of you closing you eyes as you enjoyed the kiss.
When you pulled apart from the kiss, you smiled at him. “You should get more rest, my king.” You told him. “I’ll be right here while you do. And I don’t plan on ever leaving.”
Hope that was what you had in mind! I like this prompt. Making Nagito the bad guy is fun, even if I do love the guy lol
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pollenat · 4 years
RED VELVET and A secret romance with their gang’s rival
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➛ Note: Obviously, gang!au. These scenes are super random and not exactly as long as others, but I had this in my drafts for a while now, didn’t feel like completely discarding the work I’ve already done.
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Joohyun’s body moves on its own, her mind still asleep. Otherwise she wouldn’t have (or maybe she would) turned and reached for the other side of the bed. The lack of a body disturbs her awake.
She’s not home, though the bedroom is far from alien to her. The contents of shelves, the number of stains on the rug, the location of small holes in the walls - she already knows them by heart. Something she’s proud of, but shouldn’t share with others.
Lonely, perhaps scared of the word’s meaning, she calls for you. Usually, you’re fast to drop everything for her. Whatever it may be, nothing seems as important as Joohyun. This morning you’re not running like crazy to learn her demands. A repeat of your name makes no difference.
An electric shock of nervousness makes her get up after long hesitation. This is a safe haven, somewhere the outside world can’t reach, and yet her mind comes up with only the worst of possibilities. Nude feet stomp down the wooden panels. The floor feels cold against her heels, but Joohyun doesn’t show any sign of discomfort. She makes a stop by her jeans, lazily discarded the previous day. Fingers tighten around the object pulled out of a pocket. The black surface gleams under a ray of sunshine. Its owner has enough experience to always expect the unexpected.
Close to the wall, she slides down the corridor. Quiet and eagle-eyed, she’s ready to notice the abnormalities. Her ears pick up the sound of ragged breathing first. Then she notices a silhouette reflecting in the tiles of a corridor.
“Why are you holding a gun?” You ask her, genuinely confused.
Joohyun scoffs, partially relieved, partially annoyed. It’s 7 a.m. and you’re opening a jar of pickles instead of sleeping in. She drops the weapon on a countertop. The sound that comes from the meeting of hard surfaces makes you cringe.
“I thought something happened. Why are you up and not in bed?” The frown turns into a pout as Joohyun hugs one of your arms.
“I just felt like eating some pickles-” Without another word, she grabs the jar you are struggling to get opened, and easily does what you couldn’t. “Here, open. Now let’s go back to bed!”
“I love it when you unload frustration on objects.”
“Yes, yes. I’m aware.” She doesn’t hand you back the jar. “Pickles will come later. Now, we’re going back to bed. You’ve got a lot of making up to do.”
You may have abandoned the snacks, but something about Joohyun’s strong pulling and a sweet smile tells you there are better things to do.
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The night sky is dotted with stars, as if they were its pride - jewels decorating collarbones. Something poets have always described as dark, being light. Although you want to share that thought aloud, you don’t. Not because of embarrassment. Seulgi would never laugh at something you’re serious about. Your choice is led by the dreamy atmosphere of your evening.
The two of you are lying on a blanket, somewhere in the middle of a forest. An hour long ride away from the city. A spot you feel like asking Seulgi about.
In your peripheral vision you can see her face turned towards you. There’s a smile you must’ve somehow caused.
“What?” She hums, hand sneaking under yours. “You’re staring.”
“Can’t I?” Fingers tighten around each other for a moment, before you push yourself up to lean over her.
Seulgi’s smile is still adoring, though now it’s sunken in shy undertones. She’s like that with you only. Otherwise, everyone knows her as the scary right hand woman. Her boss would’ve shot you in the face, had they known how close you were. It’s the sweet adrenaline of forbidden romance for you. Now, smiling, your fingers curl around loose locks of her dark hair.
“So, how many people have you taken on a date here?”
“Believe it or not, you’re the first one.” She brings her hands up to play with laces hanging from your hoodie.
“Then how did you find out about this place?”
“You know, drove by. Was followed, so I hid here and figured its a pretty lovely place.” One of the laces curls around her finger, just like a strand of her hair around yours.
“And you thought of me? Aww, you’re a real romantic.”
She laughs shyly, embarrassed by the conversation. You don’t intend on playing around though. A kiss is enough to silence her laughter. Seulgi hums in enjoyment, her face now covered by the shadow of your silhouette. As you press yourself closer to her, the back of her gun, always pinned to the belt, pokes the inside of your thigh. It’s a strong sensation. One that’s bound to burst a bubble. Yes, you’re used to it, but for some reason it’s not the same as holding the weapon in your two hands.
“What’s wrong?” Seulgi asks, feeling that something’s not right.
“Nothing, just got lost in thoughts for a moment here.” But instead of leaning forward once more, you return to lying on the back.
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You’re smiling widely in anticipation. The door opens suddenly, but it’s not able to startle you.
“Are you crazy?!” Her voice drips with pure anger, but her eyes scream relief.
Without any second thoughts, you push her inside and cage her little silhouette in a tight embrace. Seungwan does a poor attempt at escaping. She’s aware it’s of no use. She needs the comforting gesture as much as you do.
“You could’ve at least texted me first.”
“I did, but you’ve never answered me.”
When you finally let her go, she pulls out a phone and then gives you a look of pure disbelief. You might’ve written the message on your way to her apartment, but in your defence, Seungwan is the type of person that always has her phone close.
“What if someone was here? What if others saw you? Do you ever stop for a moment to think?” She scoffs at your ridiculing smile.
“Oh come on. What’s life without a little bit of excitement?”
“Umm, a good life?” Seungwan states as a matter of fact, which makes you wanna laugh in her face. But not to spite her. Rather to show her how sweet her whole being seems to you.
Yes, you’re the blunt one in whatever your relationship is. You’re the one to be touchy, clingy, also the one to piss her off with how “little” you care about being caught.
“Babe, you really need to chill. I’ve got it all covered. Of course, unless someone decides to pay you sudden visit, but even if, then that’s not on me!”
Her feet don’t follow you inside the living room. Instead, she’s watching you make yourself comfortable from the hallway. Expression of annoyance still present, it’s only a matter of time before Seungwan joins you.
“Stop being grumpy and come to me! I need a hug!”
She secures the lock first, but eventually does as predicted - joins your side on the couch. There’s still doubt on her face which you’re not at all worried about. These moments with Seungwan are the only way for you to experience normality. It tastes of the woman’s favorite toothpaste, feels like a fluffy rug, sounds like scoffs and occasional laughter.
“The things I do for you.” There’s still anger in her gaze, though much gentler than the one that welcomed you few minutes earlier.
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It lasts a moment. In just a matter of few innocent seconds, she turns from a blonde in over-sized clothes to the Sooyoung you know, but maybe that shouldn’t be said. The passenger side in your ride quickly goes from free to occupied, and you don’t even hesitate before pressing accelerator. A taxi driver you’ve pretty much almost hit, honks. Your ear registers a string of curses thrown at a “senseless fuck”. Unimportant - the window closes.
“So, I suppose it went well?”
Sooyoung is redoing her lips in the mirror. Bright red is stark on the canvas of fair complexion. The corner visible from your point of view turns upwards.
“It did. Your boss is rampaging tonight.”
“Eh.” Indifferent, you wave the image of the closest future away. “When is he not.”
Soonyoung finishes her makeup with a loud pop of lips. She’s no longer the cold Mrs. invisible you saw earlier. Now, she’s the version you’re the most familiar with - the happy-go-lucky girl that happens to be doing shady business on the side.
“Where are we going?” She leans over the armrest to stare at you. Her chin rests on a hand, like a child does when watching movies. “Or wait, don’t tell me! I want it to be a surprise!”
“In a few minutes you’ll change your mind again.” Without missing a beat (this time), you change lanes.
“Yeah, probably. And you won’t tell me either way.”
“That’s just how well we know one another.” Your smiles meet.
Soonyoung returns to her previous position, but leaves her arm behind. An open palm catches your attention. Fingers wiggle in anticipation. Amused, but in no position to reject them, you give in. Soonyoung’s grip is a strong one, full of need and comfort.
The car zooms through the city sunken in the remnants of a sunset. Pedestrians walk by, unaware that someone who should be behind bars is passing them. Same with the drivers. The thought makes your heart flutter from excitement. An overpowering feeling of having the world at your mercy causes you to put more pressure on accelerator. Soonyoung’s thumb caresses the side of your hand. Her red lips are a stable point on the blurry and constantly changing background.
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Funny how the two of you live for the adrenaline.
“Isn’t it a bit risky?” You ask, swiping the corner of her lips with your thumb.
Yerim’s eyes follow, as you put the crimson colored tip in your own mouth. It humors her, and drives crazy at the same time.
“You love risky.” Neither of you address the tension, nor are oblivious to it.
Music may be blasting above you, but right now, here, by the bar, it’s just you two, a pair of bodies pressing at each other’s side without doing much more. Truth be told, the crowd is so busy with itself, you don’t know why you’re too hesitant to follow their lead, and join them with Yerim.
Your eyes meet again. These rendezvous that the two of you have every now and then are a rare occasion. Therefore, you always make an effort to take everything about the notorious Kim Yerim in, starting from the depth of her gaze, ending at the height of her heels. She’s a masterpiece, and your worst (best) rival, but not tonight. Tonight, she’s your alluring date.
Her head moves a little bit closer, pink lips opening to speak.
“Are you sure you don’t want to dance?” Yerim’s brows rise in a manner that could seem innocent to anyone else. But you know what she means, and you want to tease her a bit before eventually giving in.
“Why? Am I boring you with my wine?” Acting indifferent to her hand on your thigh, you grab a glass and sip on it.
She smirks knowingly, but sighs anyway. It’s all just an act to keep you going. Something of a roleplay - faking that you’re not putty in each other’s hands. The truth is much different. Had Yerim’s tone been stricter, you would have been the one to lead her onto dancefloor.
“What’s wrong with it?” Before Yerim gets a chance to respond, she makes a face of surprise, and pulls out her phone.
You don’t have to ask to get a gist of the situation. It’s business. As always.
Yerim meets your gaze with evident sadness. But that’s your line of work, and you’re not the one to keep someone from doing what they have to do.
“Just go.” You smile bitterly. “Before I try to steal your job.”
The kiss she gives you is too short, and too weak for your liking.
“I’ll text you later.”
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➛ pollenat’s list of headcanons
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
➛ pollenat’s list of scenarios
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tired-imagination · 4 years
“Blood” - Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Angst version up on my Patreon, link in my masterlist 
I like hurting Bakugo, okay? In all honesty, the angst version of this was a lot more fun to write. A lot more cursing, a lot more violent, Bakugo finally getting his ass served to him on a silver platter. But here it is, fluffy and cute. 
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“Get out of the bathroom already you worthless extra!” Bakugo banged on the door, the sounds of tiny explosions also erupting from outside of the bathroom. You flinched, your breath shaking. 
“Can... can I get 5 more minutes, Katsuki? Or do you need it right now? I’m going to be a little while longer, so please be a little bit patient with me. I don’t want to make it worse.” You turned back to the mirror, continuing to clean the blood off of your face. The memory flashed through your mind- a villain attack at your workplace, with Katsuki throwing the villain through one of the windows. The glass from the attack had cut your face, but it was nothing that shouldn’t heal. You managed to get home before Katsuki, however, most likely due to him being surrounded by the press for defeating a dangerous villain. He might be showing off for some of the other heroes or kids in the area. It was a lot like him, anyway. 
“Get out of the bathroom before I blow it to bits, extra.” 
“Come on, Katsuki, you’re better than that. You wouldn’t do it.” You pressed the 5th blood-soaked towel against your face, jumping as you heard the door slam open. You couldn’t tell, but it sounded like you would have to replace the door. 
“I said to hurry up, you worthless and unwanted-” Katsuki shut up when he saw you, standing in the now-empty doorway. You looked at him, the towel now dripping from being over saturated in your blood. You were right, he did blow the door from its hinges. 
“Oh no, the door came off. I don’t think I have the money to fix the door, this is the third time this week. You always break things, Katsuki, I’m amazed that you became a Pro. Honestly, I don’t know if you’re just clumsy or what.” You put the towel into the sink, trying to wash at least a little bit of the blood out. You were used to it, soap and cold water, from the amount of times that you had cleaned blood from his wounds after a fight. You reached for him, trying to hold on to him for support. After taking one step, your head felt fuzzy, the sensation causing you to begin to collapse onto the ground. You felt Katsuki wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to him. 
“What happened?” His voice was demanding but not loud, honestly quite gentle despite how he normally is. His eyes stared deeply into yours, almost orange in the dim lights, but still beautiful. 
You relaxed into his arms, taking a deep breath. “The great Katsuki Bakugo, always showing that he’s the best. You were supposed to protect everyone, Bakugo, why didn’t you protect me? Why didn’t you protect all of us? What was happening that you hurt us?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His tone dropped, the edge in his voice leaving as he slowly pulled you closer, trying to wipe the tears and blood from your eyes. 
You choked gently on your sobs, looking at the ceiling. “Is being the best worth it? Is showing everyone how good you are worth hurting people on the ground? Kids run from you because they’re scared that when you’re fighting, they’ll get hurt.” 
“Wait what do you mean?” 
“When you were fighting the villain, you threw them through a window, right?” You tried to calm your breathing and stop crying, but the tears kept rolling down. 
“I was in the building, we were using it as a refuge for people who had gotten hurt. When you threw the villain through the window, the glass shattered and it hit me. I was the only one hurt, luckily. I never would have forgiven myself if someone died.” 
“I can’t forgive myself that I hurt you. Here, let me fix it. I did this, it’s only fair that I fix this.” He began to wrap a bandage around your head, his hands shockingly gentle. Your face had stopped bleeding as much, only stains remaining. You heard him begin to cry, although suppressing it. 
“Why are you crying?” You asked gently, squeezing his thigh in reassurance. 
“I don’t know. I don’t have the right to cry, which... I guess is why I’m crying. I hurt the one person in my life who doesn’t hurt me, the one person who believes in me. You let me be your roommate, you’ve given me everything, and I repay you with scars that won’t leave and broken doors.” 
“Oh, Katsuki, you sweet-” 
“I failed. I don’t deserve to be on top, I should have realized so long ago that I don’t deserve it but only now, after hurting you, I see it.” He wiped his tears away, looking away from you. You tried to stand, holding on to him for support. “Where are you going?” 
“I”m going to make us both dinner. Maybe something to drink, I’m not sure. It’s been a long day and I think we deserve something good.” 
He wrapped his arms around you. “Let me carry you to the couch, and I’ll order food.” 
“Katsuki, you know I’m too heavy-” 
“I’ve picked up cars with my bare hands. You think some chubbiness is going to break my back? Do you know how many times I’ve carried you to bed?” 
“Right.” You held on to his neck, jumping slightly to help him carry you. He carried you to the couch, setting you down and sitting next to you. He ordered food, something the two of you could share, the two of you listening to the rain pour outside. He was right, it had been a long day. 
“Katsuki, I have to tell you something-” 
“I love you.” He covered his mouth, sweating slightly. “I mean, you’ve always been there for me, and even now that I’ve hurt you, you’re still kind and patient. It’s so much more than I deserve and I can’t believe that you’re so willing to be with me. I feel so guilty for everything, I hurt the person who meant the most to me, would you please forgive me?” 
“Katsuki Bakugo, the Pro Hero, of course I forgive you. I love you too, you know. You could always help with a little bit more than paying rent, but that’s okay. We all have to do things sometimes, and if I can support you in any way I can, then it’s worth it. I can make ends meet. Maybe, since we both love each other, we can date?” 
“I would love having you as my partner, babe.” He kissed the side of your head as he stood to get the food, paying for it and going back to sit next to you. The two of you ate in silence, occasionally feeding each other, simply smiling and enjoying each other’s company. 
When you finished eating, you laid on his chest, smiling widely. His warm arms wrapped around you, his chest rumbling with his low hums. You slowly fell asleep in his arms, smiling. 
At least, you hoped, he would still be here when you woke up.
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