#what kinda Thor mun am I
araedi · 2 years
// I never screamed about Love and Thunder here I am a SHAM
Is it too late/are people past thoughts on it??? either way it was never gonna be Ragnarok but it was good fun and I have a billion emotions about my boy and his relationships w others and hhhhhhhhhhhh
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searching-for-sigyn · 2 years
Hello lovelies~
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About & Rules
Mun & Muse are 18+
Everyone is welcome here
LGBT safe place
Messages and asks are open for rps or just to communicate with me
If you would like to rp with me (or just talk about Loki) my inbox is always open and we can plan a thread together
I'm pretty flexible with writing if your unsure ask me and I'll do my best to accommodate
Due to my weird schedule responses may be sporadic, instant or within a few days if it's longer than that I will message you.
sfw & nsfw options available if we plan and talk it out, you are 18+ and verify, we have roleplayed before and it works with the plotline (be prepared my romantic writing is kinda cheesy 😂)
I can't wait to write with you 🥰
DNI & topic blacklist
General DNI list
I am comfortable with most topics if your unsure ask me and I'll let you know
The Muse
The god of Midgard himself
I will write Loki as bisexual and gender fluid, if you want a specific relationship or gender let me know
Loki Laufeyson is the god of mischief and is always looking for ways to get out of trouble, brother to Thor he wields magic and knowledge to get himself out of binds.
Avengers Loki where Loki is working with the avengers and Thor
Variant Loki where Loki is stuck in a space time continuum trying to get back to his timeline, or he's brought to another timeline through portal
God of Midgard Loki where Loki rules over earth
Modern au Loki anything that is modern
TVA agent Loki where he is a time agent
Jotun Loki in his frost giant form
President Loki (because I have a thing for president Loki that's it 😂)
The Mun
I go by Rayven
I am 18+ (30 eww)
I have been RPing for about five plus years, I am back after taking a year off my last character was Obi Wan on tumblr (i don't remember the username)
I am nice and like to get back to people quickly
I will probably make a lot of ooc updates
If there's a specific au or version of Loki you want to write with let me know or if there's something else you have in mind I'll see what I can do with the muse
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starxlark · 3 years
Given how many people look down on or dislike OCs whose backstories tie them to a canon character, why did you choose to make Laerke a sibling to Loki and Thor?
anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
The short version of my answer is: I had no idea what I was getting into but it was a decision that just seemed to fit my new character and it seemed an easy way into the fandom.
The very long version of the answer, AKA Laerke's Origin Story, AKA A Defense of Laerke, is:
When I came up with the concept of Laerke, it was the summer of 2012. The Avengers had just come out and I had only recently discovered a love of superheros. (I hadn't been interested in seeing Thor when it was in theaters, i saw Captain America but was mad about it the whole movie [we were supposed to be seeing... Planet of the Apes I think]). So I came onto the scene just as fandom was really starting to do its thing. I also had only been on tumblr as a personal blog for like 6 months at this point. Somehow, and looking back I really can't remember how, I found a bunch of really cool Avengers rpers and followed them on my personal.
This was really my first time being exposed to rping canon characters. In middle school I rped in quizilla chat boxes with the authors of my favorite fics. In high school I was a mod [and later admin after everyone placed out] for a rp forum where everyone was OCs. You'd pretty much make a new OC for every thread and alternate being the male or female character with your writing partner. I think by the end I'd made like 25 characters. One of them, Gwen <3 my original fleshed out lady, at some point made her way to an X-Men rp forum but that was real short lived.
OCs as a whole were what I knew. I didn't know any of the "fandom OC rules" until after I'd committed to Laerke. But Laerke didn't start out as Laerke. She was just this character I created in a doll maker at 11 at night and saved the file as "My Asgardian". I liked this idea of a young lady being rescued from a very dark place and being raised in this glistening city of gold. And then I had to figure out how the heck to connect this OC that I've made and want to explore more into the bigger canon universe. Well we know Odin isn’t above just bringing home kids. Then I could explore this rags-to-riches kinda dynamic and the really interesting family dynamic in the House of Odin. How would having these older brothers shape the kind of person she grew in to? Obviously I couldn’t have Laerke’s existence change anything of canon for Thor and Loki, but I still thought it would be neat for her to be this broken thing for them to learn to care for.
I never originally planned to RP her. I have a whole notebook somewhere in my parent’s basement full of my notes and snippets and timelines for the fic of Laerke’s whole pre-Thor movie life that I was going to write. I got through a couple small chapters and an awful lot of myth and marvel research but at this point all my old rp sites were dead and I was starting to get the itch. I kept reading the threads of the Avengers rpers. I kept getting tempted. Finally, six months after Laerke was born, I made her blog.  Having her be a family OC was my way into a fandom I so desperately wanted to be a part of. 
Of course, I figured out really quickly that I’d made Laerke into everything the fandom hated. I tried filling out character sheets and halfway through they’d be like: does your character only exist to be apart of the canon core group- redo that shit. I still apologize to every canon character’s mun that I get up the courage to introduce myself to. I am diligent about looking for OC friendliness in a blog’s rules, even though I know family OCs are often their own DNI category. I have done a ton of AUs or separate multiverse threads in order to be accommodating. When I moved Laerke to here I changed my username so the shame of being a family OC wasn’t the first impression people had. 
Laerke is the main character in my world. Thor and Loki are lovely and splendid supporting characters. I’m a big sister to a little brother so I love having a chance to explore the reverse of that relationship with Laerke and Loki and Thor. I have been truly blessed to have had three solid Lokis in my time on tumblr to write with and expand Laerke’s experience in the world. I’ve yet to have a Thor write more than two responses with me but I hold out hope that someday Laerke will get to form a ‘genuine’ relationship with him too.
Look, we’re all here to write and have fun. I enjoy writing about how our childhood shapes us, the importance of being kind in a cruel world, what it means to be a Person, how do we fulfill our responsibilities to others without giving up parts of ourselves.
I just don’t think I should be vilified because the character I use to explore those themes just so happens to have famous siblings.
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thiscrimsonsoul · 3 years
That reblog... yeah I can kinda see Wanda X Thor? Yes. I mean leaving aside that Vision is the love of Wanda's life. Humans are 70% water, I am 85% love for Wanda X Vision but she is also very shippeable and I'm kinda curious about a ship with Thor. SOMEONE TALENTED OUT THERE WRITE THIS WITH THIS AMAZINGLY TALENTED MUN WE KNOW AS SILENCE?? SOMEONE??? [Slams pans together like the lady from "I got no sleep cause of yall, yall gonna get no sleep cause of me"]
{out of paprikash} So... I actually was talking to someone about writing this ship and I totally forgot to messages them back to plot so I’LL GET RIGHT ON THAT. *headdesk* Seriously my brain has not been braining well lately.
I do love Wanda with Vision a lot, but for the purpose of just having fun and exploring other options (because what is canon anyway), there are other ships I would love to explore more of. My list of ships for Wanda I’d really like to attempt, and to be fair, for every single one of these I would have to age her up considerably from my own interpretation of her, and that’s fine, I can totally do that:
Wanda x Sam Wilson (@flywithfalcon‘s got this one moving at a good pace XD)
Wanda x Steve Rogers (My Wanda did have a crush on him after Ultron, and if I age her up a bit I feel like that could be a sweet ship. Steve is very much her type, personality wise.)
Wanda x Thor (I have absolutely no idea how or when this would occur, and he’s a bit different from her usual type, but it would be interesting to try?)
Wanda x Bucky Barnes (This one... I feel would take some tweaking and some very specific circumstances, since they are both extremely traumatized and distrusting of others, but if the stars somehow aligned, I think this could be a very emotional ship.)
Wanda x Stephen Strange (Again, he’s a bit different than her usual type, but... under certain circumstances and at the right times in Wanda’s timeline, I could see this working.)
None of these really seem ideal to me, but that might be because I’m so hung up on Wanda x Vision, heh, but I think they would be fun to try and see how they develop. 
If anyone has any of these muses and would like to ship with my Wanda, feel free to let me know. I won’t be writing her again until Saturday after tonight, because rp schedule, but we could still plot and get something started in the meantime!
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ablackwidowsbite · 5 years
under the cut mun comments of about phase 4
// I am very conflicted with these announcements. We get a Black Widow movie but at what cost. Kinda wondering how we will have Alexei with David Harbor. Though yay for Katie-Katie and more Wanda. And well now I have to bring back Jane Foster for the Lady Thor parts for later. Just still upset they are keeping her dead. 
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chopperpirate · 5 years
MCU Retrospective
I've decided to, in honor of Avengers Endgame, write about my thoughts on the MCU as a whole. Well, obviously I love it, but am cautiously optimistic about its future. It's easily one of my favorite film franchises, and though I don't think it ever really reaches the highs of The Dark Knight, it's better than any other Superhero related thing in the realm of Live-Action film, with the only things like Logan and The Dark Knight surpassing it in my heart. I still think DC animated films can sometimes be better, but it shouldn't be a competition.
I've been seeing people participating in this "One Marvelous Scene" thing lately, so I'll do that as well after ranking every MCU film I've seen from best to worst. I won't bore you with too much writing, though because I know I'll get flack, I'll try to justify my top and bottom 5 with some comments. With that said, here's Chopperpirate Mun's MCU film ranking!
Guardians of the Galaxy  Vol. 2 - Anyone who knows me knows how much I love things that value the connections between ragtag "nakama" who aren't related by blood, but were brought together by circumstance and are now the closest thing each member has to family. Not to mention that this film has emotional payoffs for Nebula and Gamora's heartfelt rivalry, Rocket's tsundere hangups, and Peter's heritage that I'd say are all easily the most emotional resonant things out of the MCU. The comedy in the film is probably only rivaled by Thor: Ragnarok. My two personal favorite jokes being the Mary Poppins bit, and Drax shouting "MANTIS! LOOK OUT!" mere seconds after Mantis was already hit and knocked unconscious.
The highlight for comedy is easily Drax, but his speech to Mantis about why her perceived ugliness is a good thing because if someone loves you despite your ugliness, they love you for who you are, really might be one of my favorite moments in the film. Same with Yondu's speech to Rocket about how they're the same. Believe it or not, I cried more during Yondu's death than I did for Tony Stark's in Endgame. I can't really tell you why. Something about his last line just reminded me of Whitebeard from One Piece.
Yondu's death scene aside, my favorite scene in the film is easily when he, Groot, and Rocket are slaughtering the traitor Ravengers to the tune of "Come a Little Bit Closer."
On that note, the villains of this film are some of the best. They aren't bland, generic evil points of contention for the film to have a climax! Taser Face is hilarious, The Sovereign are hilariously arrogant and I find the fact that they only engage in combat through arcade simulations to be perfect for their personalities, and Ego might be the best Marvel Villain besides Loki up until that point in the MCU. The reveal that he killed Meredith was shocking, and might very well be the best "Wham Line" in the MCU to this date. His death scene showed a lot of depth to Peter, and like a good villain, he had a lot of parallels and contrasts to the protagonist instead of just having a clone of their abilities for the sake of a final boss fight.
The Winter Soldier - Captain America at his finest. Bucky was awesome, Black Widow was finally given a lot of vulnerabilities and depth as she bonded with Steve, Falcon was alright, HYDRA as a collective is an amazing source of paranoia fuel, and this movie might have the best action out of any MCU film, or at least my personal favorite brand of action. Instead of CG magic and shit, we get to see visceral knife fights, punches, kicks, and close-quarters martial arts. It's surprisingly brutal for a PG-13 film. I recall one point where Bucky kicks a SHIELD agent into a helicopter propeller.
As for my favorite scene in this film, I'd have to say it's the Elevator sequence. The build up was perfectly suspenseful, and the payoff of the line "Before we get started, does anyone want to get off?" felt badass and perfect for the character of Captain America, who, instead of being snide or arrogant, shows that he's ready to fight, while willing to let his enemies back out if they so choose.
This film might also be Nick Fury's finest. I was very disappointed that Captain Marvel didn't enhance the character more than this film did, but oh well. The way Fury communicated words with Steve while showing him what he really meant through writing was clever while also perfectly exemplifying his character. Fury is very secretive, never showing vulnerability or letting himself get attached to others, yet we can tell from his actions and concerns that he is a good person, even if he isn't a nice person. The way he says one meaningless thing while displaying another more pressing thought really shows that the Russos understood the character.
Infinity War - The Empire Strikes Back of the MCU. Thanos is an amazing villain protagonist, and arguably the only character with a full arc in this film, Gamora is probably at her most interesting here, and a lot of the interactions between characters who never got to interact before this film are some of my favorites. I'm especially fond of the chemistry between Doctor Strange and Tony Stark.
Despite how dark and serious this film is, it understands how to keep up dramatic tension while never losing its sense of humor. The same film with Vision dying willingly and pointlessly at the hands of his lover is the film with lines like "Why is Gamora" and "I am Steve Rogers." It's probably the most perfect film in the MCU in terms of story structure and emotional stakes. It's just lower than the ot hers because it lacks the personal love from me that the above films had.
Avengers: Endgame - Now that I've had time to stew on it, this film isn't as good as Infinity War, but it's still great. To clarify, Infinity War was a better structured film and a more entertaining one for the most part. I'd say the first two acts of Endgame were somewhat weak by comparison, but the final 1/3 was so perfect that it almost tempted me to rank it above Infinity War, even if Captain Marvel's presence ruins a lot of things.
I want to remain positive for the most part here, so I won't talk about too many of my gripes, but because I know I'll get asked why I think Captain Marvel ruins the stakes, let me explain. In the MCU, Captain Marvel can canonically move at Lightspeed, and probably faster too. So... when she got the Infinity Gauntlet in the final act's little "Hot Potato" portion, why didn't she just fly to another galaxy and hide the gauntlet away with some trusted civilization, come back to help defeat Thanos' army, then bring the gauntlet back to return the stones to their timelines? Remember, because of this plot hole of MCU Carol Danvers being so overpowered and fast, yet not doing anything to help, Tony Stark is dead. � We know the meta reason is because RDJ and most of the Phase 1 actors are done, but you guys can now totally blame Captain Marvel for it In-Universe.
Positives though! This film made me genuinely love Nebula. She fits so well with The Avengers (arguably better than with the GotG), and the small details of her pity and attachment to Thanos during his early death adds a lot of pathos to her character. Thor's "Big Lebowski" phase was hilarious, Tony and Thor getting closure with their dad/mom respectively was sweet, and the final battle was one of the greatest spectacles to behold. I don't know if it's controversial or not, but I personally loved that Captain America got his happy ending (even if it creates a huge plot hole with this movie's time travel rules). It just lacked the oomph of Infinity War.
Thor Ragnarok - This film saved Thor, made him entertaining and interesting, and gave us yet another great villain in the form of The Grandmaster! It has a similar issue, villain-wise, in my opinion, to Black Panther, in that the secondary villain is far more entertaining than the main villain. Great comedy, Loki's redemption is emotionally fulfilling, and Korg is my MCU waifu. My only issue is that Hela is kind of boring, and the stuff on Sakaar is far more engaging than the "important" plot.
Guardians of the Galaxy The Avengers Spider-Man: Homecoming Iron Man Doctor Strange Captain America: Civil War Iron Man 3 Ant-Man Ant-Man and the Wasp Captain America: The First Avenger Iron Man 2 Black Panther - Very overrated. T'Challa is far less interesting here than he was in Civil War, Wakanda is far better in Infinity War... Really, it's not a "bad" movie. It's just not that special. It's more comparable to the Phase 1 films between Iron Man and Avengers than it is to, say, Wolverine Origins. Glad I saw it. Wouldn't see it again. Didn't care of Killmonger either. Sue me.
Avengers: Age of Ultron - This gets... better on rewatch, but it still sucks. It's a garbage standalone movie, but if you look at it as an in-between film that's setting up things for the Thanos arc, it's actually not so bad. Could've used more scenes like the "Trying to lift Mjolnir," or "chilling at Hawkeye's house" scenes. Just The Avengers hanging out and interacting in low-stakes environments. Instead we get empty, loud, almost Michael Bay-esque action scenes.
Thor: The Dark World - On rewatch, it was surprisingly more entertaining than Thor 1 in a lot of ways. Mostly involving Loki. The human characters, especially Jane and her friend, are horribly boring, and I think we should be thankful that Natalie Portman left the MCU out of frustration for her character being an empty love-interest! She made the right call. Thor isn't really interesting yet, but at least the death of his mother gives him and Loki some legitimate character arcs.
Thor - Eh... it's just kinda bland. Not much to comment on. Loki isn't really fun yet, the human characters are boring, and Thor is probably the least interesting Phase One Avenger aside from Edward Norton's Bruce Banner. It has its moments, but on my most recent MCU rewatch, we were most bored with this one.
Captain Marvel - The most insulting installment of the MCU. Captain Marvel insults people for having those evil Y chromosomes. It's the story of a strong, brave, powerful, beautiful, flawless, overpowered woman who just wants to... umm... be an Air Force Pilot, I guess. She's apparently never met a supportive male in her whole 30+ years of living, because all of her memories are of cartoonish archetypes of men with 1940s values telling her that she can't become a pilot. After all "You know why it's called the cockpit, right?" Ugh...
Not only is the feminist message forced, but it's one of those negative feminist messages that I hate so much. Instead of preaching equality between the two genders, women being just as good as men, it preaches that women are amazing, brave, beautiful, powerful creatures and men are pathetic morons who underestimate women at all times. There's even a scene where her father is yelling at her for crashing a Go-Kart in pure anger and disdain instead of, I dunno... calling a doctor and worrying about his injured child? This movie is... ugh...
Carol herself is either boring and unremarkable or irritatingly condescending depending on the scene's writer. If I recall there were like... 4 or 5 different writers and it really shows. But anyway, she's annoying. She constantly "Womansplains" things to Nick Fury, and her tone is just so smug that it makes me want to slap her. Listen to the way she says "I'm here to stop the shapeshifters that are infiltrating your planet. You don't have any idea what's going on, do you?" It's so demeaning to have Nick Fury, the coolest character whose presence is so demanding and badass that even god-tiers like Thor and a war veteran like Cap shut up and listen when he speaks, be talked to by an unproven character just so Kevin Feige can get some feminist brownie points.
This carries into Endgame where she basically calls Rocket "furrball" and retorts his complaint by harshly explaining why she's not around. In response to this, Rocket, who is characterized in the first film by getting so angry at being called names for his oddities that he almost attempted to murder Drax for it in the bar, simply nods, lowers his head, and says "that's a good point" in a defeated tone. WOW! YOU GO GIRL! CAPTAIN MARVE IS SO TOUGH THAT SHE CAN TALK DOWN TO NICK FURY AND ROCKET AND THEY KNOW BETTER THAN TO COMPLAIN! WOOOOW!
Speaking of feminism, the movie skims over the whole "Air Force discrimination" subplot within under a minute, so we can't really connect to that. As such, one would expect the fact that she's "the most powerful hero in the MCU" to be the big feminist selling point, but she didn't work for that power at all. She got it through sheer coincidence by standing too close to the Tesseract powered engine before it exploded. As such, I suppose the moral is, "Girls! If you wanna be a strong, brave hero, go stand next to an exploding engine!" If so, I caution all viewers to not do that.
Nick Fury is mostly okay in this movie, but he feels underutilized. The retcon of his eye being scratched out by Goose is embarrassing and infuriating. It makes the line from Winter Soldier "Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye," meaningless and if you were to count this movie as non-canon because of it, I'd be right there with you. He just keeps getting demeaned and treated as a joke, and strangely, the eye retcon isn't even the worst part. I groaned even harder when Carol's friend's daughter says she might build a space ship some day, Fury doesn't know. And Carol replies by saying "You're right, he doesn't know." Pushing the feminist message by knocking Fury down a peg instead of by preaching equality. :\ It wasn't like he said anything misogynistic throughout this film, so I have no idea why he's often the film's punching bag.
Oh, and just a side-note. You wanna know something hilarious? That friend's daughter shows Carol some photos of them together from six years ago. Literally the same actress. Literally the same age in the photo. This child hasn't aged a day in 6 years, so I welcome you to reply with some crack theories so that we can call the writers geniuses instead of incompetence? Is the kid a watcher? A time lord?
Incredible Hulk - Boring, boring, boring. Edward Norton was always a terrible Bruce Banner, the plot is as generic a hulk story as you can imagine, and the character of "Bruce Banner" is almost nonexistent aside from turning into The Hulk when stressed. This Bruce Banner is a handsome, tall, athletic martial artist. If I had to praise it anywhere, the fight between Hulk and Abomination toward the end is actually pretty decent, but aside from that, this film is an embarrassment. It's very telling that the MCU and all its executives swept this one under the rug. It's difficult to find in your Best Buy's "Marvel Studios" section.
There. Proceed to insult my opinions. :D
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sxnandthemxxn · 6 years
SHIPPING INFO !! how shipping works on your blog. REPOST ! Do NOT reblog.
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I really don’t have an OTP for Jasmine, it’s just not really possible since she has such wonderful ships with many characters. I could never even pick top ones cause each of them are just that great.
I would have to say that I am mostly open to writing for ships. Every relationship has it’s up and downs. There are happy moments, and then there are the arguments and moments where they need to get away from each other to recover. It shows how real the relationships are, not to mention when they make up its sweet.  Even so, I am not willing to write it where a character is forcing things past what my character is comfortable with. If they stop, then good, but if they continue to push, that makes it too toxic. Toxic ships usually end up becoming very negative and controlling, and it makes me as an rper uncomfortable. 
Oh jeez, I never really thought about this as much. I would have to say that a large age gap would make me and not to mention Jasmine uncomfortable. She has always been into people who are around her age...or look her age at least (@modithorson I’m looking at you.) So I would have to say the most I would do is someone with a 4 to 6 age gap, nothing more. Someone who is old enough to be her father, or even grandfather, that is just *shudders* No. Needs to be close to the age she has for that verse.
I am...I would say that its semi-selective. I easily ship Jasmine if there is clear chemistry. Both the mun and I need to talk it out, and it will slowly begin to build. This, this is the one thing I ask. I don’t like it when people just start sending me things that are meant for couples, but we never talked it out, or seen any chemistry grown between our characters. Also, once someone has gotten on the wrong side, meaning they make me uncomfortable, it makes it very difficult for me to rp a ship with them again. It kinda gets hidden back, and I will tell them that the most we can do is friends from now on.
 Once clothes start to be discarded. Kissing and make outs? That’s fine, but I will tag them as nsfwish or nsfw but once I know things are gonna get a little heavier, it goes smack under readmore. I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable when they come onto my blog, so I tag and even do that little button for the sensitivity so people in safe mode will not see it.  
Oh god, uhhhh there are so many? There is Modi , Aladdin, Loki,Thor, Dean (sweetie), Eugene, Hans, Viserys, and Steve currently. 
Yes, I think someone should ask before starting a ship. Either they approach me, or I approach them about the ship. It just feels strange not making sure it is alright, even if the character themselves might have kissed or done something. You never know how the other person sees the relationship. Also this way, there is no forcing ships.
...I am so guilty of shipping a lot. Like a lot of lot. Most of my rps are shipping. I just love romance. However, I think I need to start balancing my rps out more, and give Jasmine some friends. 
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE - OR - LESS?: I feel like I just answered this above. I ship more, may be borderline obsessed. It just depends on the relationships, and the feelings of the characters. I can’t force myself to do something that I don’t ship. So it’s not obsessive level.
Most definitely 
I would say Jasmine and Aladdin...but I’ve only rped with an Aladdin once, very brief, so I don’t really have a feel for it. I can’t say.
With talking and a lot of thinking of different reactions to each other. Also being dorky is very much an option
TAGGED BY @bengalisms  (cause I am sleepy) TAGGING @coronas-dashing-rogue @tatteredsmiles @coffeezillas @notenoughmuses @modithorson
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redeemedasgardian · 2 years
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I posted 485 times in 2021
84 posts created (17%)
401 posts reblogged (83%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.8 posts.
I added 116 tags in 2021
#lokatattur - 61 posts
#suchbrokenstars - 14 posts
#stripesofbrooklyn - 13 posts
#ofasgardianvariants - 9 posts
#m!a female form and feeling randy - 6 posts
#m!a female form - 4 posts
#xxashes rebornxx - 3 posts
#emeraldsnakesdagger - 3 posts
#merchantofwhispers - 2 posts
#// deem feels something tingling at these :o - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#// what do you mean? that's totally what you do when  you don't want anyone to know you actually did the thing they are asking about.
My Top Posts in 2021
Yes, you are that bad.
// Well. I did ask for an honest opinion.
9 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 22:49:23 GMT
This RP blog is selective.
This blog will RP stories from all 3 Thor movies, Infinity War, End Game and the Loki Series.
Mun is 21+ and will only roleplay smut if it is part of the story line.   Please don't be offended if I am unable to roleplay with you.  I live in the UK, so my roleplay times are kinda whack.
My replies will sometimes be slow, as I often have trouble putting down the words that are in my head.
Please read my Rules page for more information. I do not roleplay Thorki, it's just not my thing but if you do, that's okay! I won't judge.  Est January 2014 as redeemedasgardian, was previously kneeltokingloki, which was established in 2012.
If you want to drop a thread with me because you feel the rp isn't going anywhere, please let me know so I won't be waiting for a reply. Thanks.
PSA. If you send me an ask and I dont answer it. It's not because I'm ignoring it. It's because I'm very critical of my roleplaying skills and I feel you are way better than I am and I'm intimidated by you and am afraid if I were to roleplay with you, then you would realise that I'm not that good. So please, believe me. I do want to roleplay with you. I just have to get over my self doubt about it slowly. Heck, there are a few whom I roleplay with now that I still get highly nervous even replying back to!
10 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 02:45:42 GMT
"Put me down."
"Oh no, that is not going to happen. I think a spanking is in order, for you being so naughty. What do you think, Captain Sprite?"
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11 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 02:14:42 GMT
He kept very still. Not moving but his eyes locked to the woman before him. He could feel the feral nature of her, the knife at his throat a very real threat.
"So it seems you have the advantage here." Choosing his words carefully, weighing each one with caution.
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14 notes • Posted 2021-07-15 21:24:12 GMT
M!A. Just because it would be hilarious, given the situation with Ryker, Deem is now in his female form for the whole weekend. Have fun!
"What!" Before he could finish what he was saying, suddenly he found himself in his feminine form, one he hadn't worn in a long time, mostly due to him barely having magic anymore.
"Well. Seeing as I seem to be stuck in his form for the rest of the weekend, I might as well get used to it."
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14 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 03:12:05 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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oraculideluna · 6 years
Munday Meme
Name: Liz
Pronouns: She/Her
Selectivity: For my sanity, I’m fairly selective, though I do try to be open about RPing with new people who aren’t mutuals.
Favorite animal: Sharks, cats
Favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: Luna. I’ve invested so much time and love into her, and she’s really come so far from when I first started RPing her, so she’s easily my favorite muse. However, my Assassin’s Creed muse is also very dear to me. God, I love him so much. Out of all the muses I’ve had in the past, he’s one I regularly want to go back to.
Muse you kinda wanna pick up: Mm. Don’t judge me, but I enjoyed Charlie from the FNaF novels quite a bit, though I’d probably also lean heavily into the game lore, since we now know her role in those, too. But I haven’t had a lot of inspiration for new muses so much as I constantly think about old ones lol
Most identifiable fictional character: I can’t think of many off the top of my head, but I tend to feel like a mix of Rapunzel from Tangled, and Megara from Hercules.
What color your aura is/think it is: I think...maybe a bright blue? With a constant tinge of anxious red that fluctuates.
Personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, Hogwarts house, etc be as specific as you want!): This one is tough because some of it is self-identifying, which is very subjective, while others are observational, and some are incomplete. I enjoy all of these as character building tools and such, and I know my general personality test results, but I don’t particularly live my life by these kinds of things. (But the zodiac is a favorite, I love it. Luna and my AC muses are both Libras, but while Luna regularly fits as a Libra on the cusp of Virgo, Cal is the most un-libra-like Libra I have ever seen. He’d work far better as an Aries tbh, but check his October 21st, Libra-Cusp-Scorpio birthday and laugh with me that he fits neither.)
Do you think you’re a good driver: Yeah. I mean, I used to be a bit less cautious, but I was in a car accident with a street light in December 2016 because of all the ice, I broke my hand and ended up having surgery (to remove a tumor that started growing because of the break), and I’ve become a bit more careful. Still, I don’t put my car in a full stop to make a turn. 
Favorite minor discourse (pinapple on pizza, what color is the dress, etc): I don’t know if it was more than just a small thing on twitter, but I saw several tweets about gummy candy, and my answer is sour gummy worms.
Favorite vine and/or meme: idk about vine, but I love the Star Wars ‘high ground’ meme. Also, all the EA memes.
Why did you choose this muse: Sort of an aligning of the stars or whatever. I had just left a fandom rpc for being incredibly toxic (which sucks because I’d been wanting to RP that character for years) and was in-between muses, looking for someone new, and then E3 footage of XV aired and it really caught my attention. I resisted for a couple of weeks since the game hadn’t come out yet, but July 1st 2016, I gave in. I researched everything I could about the game (since previously I had known mostly the Versus XIII version of the game and hadn’t looked too deeply into XV), theorized heavily on what I thought would happen, and then dove in.
Favorite rp memory: Hmmm. Well, there was an intermission I had between group / fandom RPs, during which I had just a personal thing going with one friend. It was Marvel with heavy leanings into mythology (since it was Sif, Thor, Loki, Sigyn, and several others), and we had just...these epic plots and plans, and at one point, we took such a turn with the plotting, killed one of our characters after a year of buildup, and sure we brought her back eventually, but man it was devastating to write her dying. Still sticks with me to this day. My heart doesn’t regularly shatter while RPing, but that one did it. (Jay recently did this to me, too; broke my heart to pieces and it was so good. I’m still not recovered.)
Favorite thing you’ve written, in rp or not: Most of my ‘favorite things’ I’ve written are either super short oneshots, or like...a line, or a scene or a paragraph in an RP. Sometimes, I surprise even myself when a combination of words comes out that’s particularly good. By way of plots, I’ve got some really well fleshed out ones with Jay that I’m absolutely in love with, and I enjoy writing pretty much everything we do there. Also, on my AC muse, I have a lot of stuff I’ve really enjoyed. That fandom was so down for flexibility of plots and exploring all sides of characters. I had AUs on AUs and it was glorious.
A line/lyrics/quote/etc you like or that means a lot to you: “If brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece.”
Give a shout-out to someone: Since I’ve called out Jay twice here already, I’m gonna shout out my bro @ravusnightblossom <3 What an amazing and rad mun with such a well thought out muse, and mmm I am so happy to have this Ravus in my life. I just absolutely love them both so so much, please know that I love them and am glad they enjoy me spamming their inbox :] *hugs*
Also, @dromii has been with me and Luna for a really long time and has been such a positive influence on us both. I love them and their Cloud (and all their muses) so so much. So much thought and care gets put into all of their AUs and plots and muses, and it really shines through in their writing. (Also, they hit me with so many feels and I live for it ;_; <3)
Tagged by: I blatantly stole this from @totustuumegosum
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it
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poolstorybro-blog · 6 years
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
MUN’S INTERPRETATION | meme reference.
           I’m going to discuss one in detail and honestly ?? it’s not even an unpopular opinion but more like an unpopular perspective ?? and most people probably couldn’t care less but it’s important to me so I’m going to discuss it.                                 before I continue, however, this is kind of a disclaimer that I’m not some elitist asshole. if you enjoyed the daniel way run of deadpool, that doesn’t make you any less of a fan or anything like that, to each their own.           I also want to state that since deadpool has never received a canon diagnosis in regards to his mental health, what I’m writing here is wholly headcanon but, as I said, it’s a perception that’s very important to me and is what makes my portrayal so it’s kind of important for people who like my portrayal I guess ??                    BUT ANY WHO, the unpopular perception for sure revolves around deadpool’s mental health. I am aware that a lot of dp rpers / dp fans run with the schizophrenia headcanon which is totally fine !! but for me, I feel deadpool doesn’t fit the diagnosis for that but - hold on, another disclaimer ! I am no mental health expert, no professional, but having done extensive research on symptoms ( and I mean extensive ) of a whole knapsack of mental disorders / illnesses, I personally find he doesn’t match it and with REASONS. I know, we’re going deep with this one. 
b t dubs, this is solely based on the comic for a hot minute. we’ll get onto the movie, don’t worry your beautiful head.
             I think it’s totally fine for people to represent deadpool in different ways but I find the whole psychosis / schizophrenia kinda thing to be a misconception. minus the “incorrect” part of that word’s definition. this is because, for non-avid deadpool readers, it’s very easy to become confused with the series’ events. allow me to explain. before daniel way’s run - who I personally do not like at all and do not include into my interpretation - aka before 2008 there was the two voices in deadpool’s head and a BACKSTORY to those voices.                              I know, some people think he just hears voices but, before way, this canonly isn’t true. so in this backstory, deadpool basically goes for a job that involves taking out daredevil. ( also please don’t ask me about how loony this plot is I didn’t write it. ) but yeah, he’s sitting on the edge of a roof, getting ready to shoot daredevil when MADCAP approaches and distracts him.                    one thing leads to another, and daredevil attacks the two of them, but because of both of their regenerative powers, daredevil is no match. LUCKILY, for whatever the fuck reason, thor happens to be passing and so daredevil asks for thor to bring lightning down on madcap and dp, burning them to ashes ( how fitting. )                 madcap jumps into deadpool’s arms just before this.                once deadpool regenerates, however, madcap is no where to be seen. it’s later found out that madcap actually ??? regenerated with deadpool and somehow became a second conscience. so the white box you see ?? that’s supposedly madcap’s voice. invasive, right ?                   now, yada yada yada, eventually, deadpool takes the same job - except this time, luke cage appears. luke ends up hitting deadpool so hard that madcap takes over. after some discomforting dancing from luke and thor  ( oh yeah, thor’s back )  deadpool comes up with an idea, and that idea is to get thor and luke - under madcap’s control - to rip dp in half. this happens, and deadpool regenerates, except this time one half is dp and the other half is madcap. they regenerate to their full bodies and madcap leaves - along with the voice in dp’s head. that’s who the white box was. THE YELLOW BOX ?? that’s deadpool’s own running commentary.
            but before madcap and deadpool were pulled apart, daniel way’s run took place. now danny boy didn’t run with this backstory. maybe he was too lazy to include madcap WHO KNOWS ( can you taste the salt ? ) but way basically discarded all that stuff that happened and that somewhat made sense ??? and gave deadpool this whole new thing. and that whole new thing was pretty much schizophrenia - or at least the stereotypical,  untrue, media portrayal of it which is THE VOICES AND CRAZY VIOLENCE.                         the white box and the yellow box were both just voices in deadpool’s head. not another separate entity trapped - nope, SUDDENLY he has internal voices that he can hear. might I mention none of the other symptoms of schizophrenia though - and anyone who might argue I’ll just point out that self-diagnosis is not supported because symptoms gloop together. so while someone with schizophrenia might argue about hallucinations, I might argue that someone with bpd can also experience hallucinations. and that’s not me shutting down that mental illness, but it’s just me saying be more open minded - don’t jump on something immediately due to lack of awareness of anything else.                         that’s another thing, the only hallucinations I can recall deadpool having, he’s been able to distinguish them as such - whereas the whole thing with schizophrenia is that they can’t seem to distinguish reality from what they see. but again, to each their own.
      way’s run of deadpool is widely read, but doesn’t follow the previous backstory of deadpool which, granted, is what the deadpool series is notorious for. but the point is, it doesn’t make much sense to me that the voices are there for a reason and then suddenly they’re not, they’re just there to fill way’s damaging line of plots.                               this is just turning into a roast daniel way post I’m sorry I’ll get back on track. when way’s   rain of terror   run    ends in 2012, there was no answers for a whole year until 2013, where acker and blacker ( I know ) explained the sitch in deadpool annual - which is when the whole tearing apart and regenerating separately thing happens.
              OKAY. so now I’ve explained all that, and I hope you’re still with me, I’m going to talk about movie dp. in both dp1 & 2, we don’t witness anything voice / box related. it’s not even hinted at, although we do receive deadpool’s running commentary through slow-mo scenes etc which would link to the yellow box.                          another thing that comes to mind is the “bad deadpool, good deadpool” quote in the first movie. other than that, nothing springs to mind that suggests voices in his head ( even though that quote is said aloud so really it doesn’t suggest voices but more running, unfiltered dialogue ) and it’s the same with the comics - the only voice being his running commentary and I mean you’re lying if you disagree with me saying we all have that.                        the only time I’ve seen hallucinations hinted at is when his brain has been impaled with something sharp, so I mean that’s pretty understandable. but my point is, those don’t happen on a regular basis. I’ve seen people hint at the scene where he’s following vanessa in the first movie and how he can hear all the voices and I’m here to tell you that could be so many things. I can tell you that with bpd and anxiety myself, I hear that shit every time I step out the front door. in the movie, it seems to be people actually saying those things to his face, and with ptsd / hypersensitivity it’s understandable how he could hear each things easier than the average person - this is supported by the second movie where vanessa’s discussing names and everything slows down and he’s aware someone’s coming to the door with a gun. spoiler alert ? I don’t think so. 
              when discussing my interpretation of wade, I write him with the freudian trio ALWAYS in the back of my mind. this is made up of the id - which represents emotional & instinctual desires, the superego - which represents the logical & intellectual reasoning and the ego - which represents the balance, or better yet … compromise.                now for me, the id represents wade’s yellow box which, in the movie, is represented by his unfiltered words and impulsivity. the superego represents his god-complex mindset, and is seen through his actions when debating on whether to help others ( for the greater good ) or to just not bother / care. and then we have the ego, that’s wade wilson, forever compromising with his impulsivity and motives. impulsivity has him nearly shoot russell, the superego agreeing with colossus in not escalating and wade compromising with telling russell to do as he says, ( noticing that he does eventually launch something at the kid’s head aka the katana. )                             I’ll wrap this up because it’s dragging on but the point is, out of all the interpretations of deadpool including schizophrenia, multiple personalities etc etc, I find that wade is just a guy constantly fighting with himself, constantly at loss of who he is identity wise and with his brain cells consistently being replaced / regenerating, his mind is a total enigma. and the point of this unpopular perception that probably only I find important / care about, is that - although wade is canonly undiagnosed, I personally prefer to explore ( what I find to be ) more logical paths rather than leading with media’s incorrect portrayal and series runs that are a complete far cry from what we know as the true deadpool.                      again, disclaimer, if you disagree with this please remember that it is my interpretation I’m talking about, and my perception of deadpool and what makes most sense to me.
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starkdissembled-arc · 7 years
About Mun Meme
tagged by: @lovelornrocketscientist
tagging: ALL THE PEOPLE! @startlingmetamorphosis @deceptionandchaos @they-call-me-professor-x @ofcrimsonenchantresses @secondchaircellist and anyone else!
name: Valerie
moral alignment: True neutral
mbti: ENTP

birthday: February 25th

height: 5′5.75″ (I am a perfectionist, okay?)

sexual orientation: I’m an equal opportunity kinda gal.

favourite colour: All of them.

favourite book: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

favourite artist/bands: The Beatles, Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Metallica, Florence and the Machine, The Killers, Oasis, etc.

last movie I watched: Thor: Ragnarok

hogwarts house: Slytherin
fact: I did actually go to MIT.

when did you create your blog?: Technically Tony was created in 2013.

do you have any other blogs?: Yes but I can’t remember the logins for any of them.
what made you decide to get a tumblr?: I wanna say my ex girlfriend got me into Tumblr and I’ve been here ever since. 

do you get asks on a daily basis?: No BUT I WISH I DID, HINTHINT.

why did you choose your url?: Because it’s a play on words. And because Tony Stark. I think you can connect the dots.
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beyondthxsea =P
My Opinion on;
Character in general: You mean characters???? Perfection. Beautiful. I just – I cry. How they play them: OMG does this mun know her source material. It doesn’t matter the fandom or the character! She just ugh – she makes me look bad. She really does. It’s gross The Mun: Damn it, I was really hoping I would get through these memes without any chick flick moments. -sigh- Okay here we go! So this mun. This mun right here. Is my best friend in the entire world. It is a friendship that started with me sending random ass meme from my original RP blog – Dean Winchester. To her Thor Odinson blog and it just exploded. I had stalked her blog forever on my Thor blog and was scared to approach before HER THOR IS PERFECTION! And then I learned the mun is straight up perfection. And a friendship just kinda started and now I can’t imagine my life without her. Like seriously – facebook says we have only been friends a couple years,  but I don’t believe that because it feels like she has been in my life forever and I am okay with that. There are a lot of situations I would not have made it through if it wasn’t for this person right here. So cheers to sending a random meme despite being scared shitless. She is without a doubt, one of the most important people in my life and always will be. I LOVE YOU!!
Do I:
RP with them: Nahh I mean, why would I do that? ROFLWant to RP with them:  Always. Every day. Unless we are on the couch watching TV and eating food that is bad for us. In which case, I just want you to pass the garlic bread rofl
What is my;
Overall Opinion: I really don’t know what you are doing with your life if you are not following and roleplaying with this person. Like seriously? wtf
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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wardivinity · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO     //     answer  the  following  for  your  muse(s)  so  people  know  how  shipping  works  on  your  blog.   REPOST.   don’t reblog.
1.   WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE? : well my otp of all otp’s for sif would definitely be thorsif or warharmmer... i’m not sure what the ship name is at this point, there are so many. but i also like sif with loki ( with a lot of development there !!! ) and i kinda ship her with jane just because of that one scene where they had that stare off. that wasn’t jealousy... that was a connection guys !!!
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING? : anything really. i love the slow burn and the building up of a relationship between my muse and another.
3.   HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE? : well sif is a god. she’s like a thousand some odd years but she looks to be about 30 in human years. as long as the other person is above 20 i’d say it’s okay.
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : to an extent i am. i want to be able to feel a connection not only between our muses but between me and the mun. i can’t just ship my character willy nilly without kinda talking with the mun out of character. even just little discussions on where the plot of the thread might be going or just headcanons of our muses. i like to know who i’m shipping with.
5.   HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NS.FW? : once clothes start coming off that’s about when i start throwing up the nsfw tag. however, i know things can happen with clothes still on so it really just depends where the moment is going and what’s involved. normal kissing won’t be tagged but anything kinda past that it will be.
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : like i said before, it’s all about chemistry. i could ship sif with a lot of characters she hasn’t even interacted with in comic/mcu series and i could make it work if there is a spark there.
7.   DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : not necessarily but usually when things start to heat up or i feel a connection i’ll confront the mun about it and kinda bring it up. as for them, if someone approached me about the idea i’d be more than happy to talk it out and see if there is a possibility there !!!
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : honestly, as much as i think about shipping, i don’t actually do it too often. mainly because threads get dropped or muns leave and connections get dropped. i think the only ship i’ve had that really lasted a long time was between @exposestruth and my clark kent. but, if it happens, it happens.
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : i like to think about my ships and go through their tags quite a bit to look at cute fanart or fanfics, but when it comes to rp i think i’m more-or-less just because i haven’t really gotten that far with my muses like stated above.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : i am multi-ship, but i just recently became ship exclusive per character. meaning that if i ship with a thor, i will only ship with THAT thor. i will rp with other thor’s, but no ship between the other thor’s will come about.
11.   WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? : definitely thorsif. i like lokane because of another rper i’ve seen do it. umm, that’s about it for the thor side of the fandom. i’m not going to get into the entirety of the mcu though.
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : you can approach me about it in im’s or an ask as stated above. if you think there could be a connection between our muses we can talk it out and see where it could go !!!
tagged by: @dokkstjarna thanks dear !!! tagging: @ MY ENTIRE DASH !!! YOU GUYS SHOULD DO THIS SO I CAN SEE ALL YOUR ANSWERS BECAUSE THIS WAS FUN !!!
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ruginite · 7 years
Tumblr media
100 + Follower Appreciation & Giveaway
HOLY ODIN’S CROWS....where the fuckity fuck did all of you fucking come from?! This blog’s not even a year old and not canon and what. Feeling all kinds of loved right now. Like holyshitballs.-cough- sorry uh....let me just.....
To ALL my followers: Thank you so much! Like I feel like that’s not really an adequate statement but words can’t possibly capture how much I appriciate each and every damn one of you. You are all beautiful and I can not stress enough how much it means to me that you followed this blog. And the fact you stayed after you clearly realized how trash the mun is lol. -HUGS TOO ALL OF YOU-
Giveaway Begins : Now  03/03/17 Giveaway Ends : 6:00ρм EST - 03/10/17
1. One like/re-blog per blog.    
I get really turned around and easily confused so please make this easier on me and only either re-blog the post or like the post.But only do either one once.
2. Must be following Baz and be an RP blog in order to participate.  
Please don’t just follow to participate in the giveaway. I mean I can’t control you following and then un-following but its super rude and just karma’s a bitch.
3. I need a week or so to get the prizes out after the giveaway ends.
Bare with me. I keep my promises it just takes me time.
4. Winners will be chosen using the random number generator. Keeps everything nice and fair :)
1st Place Winner: 1 promo banner, 1 set of Online/Offline/Lurking/Drafts banners, 1 avatar icon.
2nd Place Winner: 1 promo banner, 1 avatar icon.
3rd Place Winner: 1 promo banner
People I’ve Licked And Therefore Are Mine:
@hitslikeatruck aka @vesallkyn​ aka @tasedagod​ aka @doctahquinn​ aka @thebloodisthicker​ aka @macians​ aka the reason this blog even fucking exists to be fucking honest. 
Did i miss one? I don’t think i did... You are literally one of my best friends. We talk almost every day and when we don’t there’s a severe lack of THINGS, a hole in my life. Shut up it makes sense to me, don’t judge. You are the whole reason this blog even like became a thing. You push me to step outside my comfort zone and encourage me when I wanna run and hide because I don’t think I’m good enough. You also talk me down from doing really bad things like going off on people I shouldn’t. So yea thanks for that. I love all your muses and just never go away ever period. I will die. Also rat bbys and i want them all. I wish we didn’t live so far apart. Because I dont really hang out physically with people but i would totally hang out with you. 
Man like how long have we been friends? Gotta be well over a year now. Anyway. You are mine. I licked you. I know we dont RP as much here anymore as we used too. But we still talk often and you defs a friend I wanna keep 10ever. I love your humor. I love your hair :D You’ve got such a comprehensive understanding of your muse it’s fucking mind blowing and you are always one of the first blogs i recommend to people when they ask for marvel canons to follow. And by one of the first i mean that like you and hits are battling for first mention there. Like maybe battling isn’t the right word just if i could say both urls at the same time i totally would but I am not that talented lol.
@brooklynislandgirl​ aka @tarnishedhalo​
hahhaahahahahahaha i could write a fucking novel. But I’ll do my best to keep it short. Another beautiful person i talk to every day, even if it’s just a couple sentence checking in with each other. And then other days it’s walls and walls and WALLS of skype texts and pictures and plot bunnies and OKAY BUT LISTENS. You put up with so much jumping around on my part and I can’t thank you enough for it. You are an amazing writer, and a fantastic person. Your muses speak for themselves and that speaks volumes. Our RP’s always challenge me to advance my writing and try new things. Beyond the fact I’m constantly learning from you, and that’s just the coolest thing okay? I love to learn.
The mun with the muse that just seems to almost be Baz’s female counterpart. In just the right amount of ways to irk him to know in, and him her. LOL. I love their banter and I love how they both give a shit about the other one but like they’re both to cool to say it. To each other’s faces anyway. You are a gem of a human I want you to know that. We don’t talk as much as I wish we did, but i think that’s kinda cool too. Because we seem to be on the same page even when we don’t constantly speak. And to me that’s a rare of fucking thing, and personally I cherish it and you.
Oh boy where to start here. Ok I found your blog by like accident?! And for the longest time it sat on my bookmark bar because i didn’t wanna be THAT PERSON by following. Read through your blog, read your threads and your hc’s and drabbles and just thought man this person really fucking understands Eliot. They’re fantastic. But being the chicken turtle that i am that was as far as it went. Then one day I get an ask from an anon making the assumption my blog was an Eliot Spencer RP and I just couldn’t not recommend you to them. Granted it was only later that it dawned on me I’d @’d you which means it showed up in your activity and then proceeded to panic for two days because ohgodwhatdididothatforthey’regonnathinkimacreepstalker.  But then you followed me and I followed you back and then spent a week spazzing about ‘do i ask to plot for a twin thing because funny? or do i just sit here??’ and oddly enough that ask I sent? yea i didn’t actually mean to send it. I’d spent three hours with your ask box open with that typed up and went to close it because again chicken turtle and inadvertently hit the hot key to send not close. And the rest is history lol. So basically ALL OF THAT RAMBLING TO SAY : You’re gold sweets. You’re talented. You’ve got your muse down to an art. And I feel so blessed to be apart of your rp life here on tumblr, as well as getting to be a sounding board about some of your thoughts regarding hc’s and what not for your muse.
okay by listen like there are people you hit it off with instantly in life and you are definitely one of them. I love watching you art. I love listening to you talk while you art. I love talking to you period. I love your muse. I love you too tbh. Your puppies are adorable. And I love that we have our own little club of never leave the house. And if you dont think im gonna find a way to make us tshirts you got another thing coming :P lol. Never go away please. I’ll die.
@offorgottenbooks​ aka @travelerlainewalker​
Holy crap HOW many blogs have you followed me across at this point? It’s probably a rediculously high number and I love you for it. lol. You’re always so happy and willing to RP with the next muse that hits me and I just can not say enough how much that means to me. I love you. I’m keeping you. If that wasn’t clear by now...like what....2...3 years later??? LOL
I was so nervous to RP with you I can’t lie. But I’m glad @offorgottenbooks​ recommended you too me because that helped me come out of my shell a little faster. And I’m really glad I did. We talk every day and like that’s something a homebody like me really REALLY treasures okay? Like the fact you care enough to check in with me and then not get mad when i dont respond until hours later because Im either asleep or tumblr’s a bitch and doesn’t tell me you spoke or I just get hella distracted. Your muse is fabs and so are you. And im keeping you. yes good.
People I Would Lick But It Might Be Awkward aka People I Admire (some of who, I even get to RP with, others I just stalk 10 ever):
@prettygenius / @noteliot / @cochetsharpshooter / @exubiytsa / @multi-mused / @amazingspiderling / @xyourxgodx /  @aclevelblue / @bxldmountain / @fashicniista / @bcnquet / @skyrat / @motherofasgard / @mckaytriarchy / @mutantmasterofmagnetism / @teethxbared / @agentharrisonofshield / @thexanderzone / @mayiisms / @agcntwells / @pyromaniism / @gangsterconsultant / @asgardianhammer / @melinda-q-may / @xcuratiox / @erroretscientia / @kingxfmischief
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mun thingy
Tagged by: @diaforetikes​ (technically not but he didn’t tag anyone)
Tagging: Whoever wants to do tbh. 
Rules: Repost, don’t reblog, and tag 20 people!
Nicknames: Lumos, Lucy, Lu, Hikaru, Hika. Generally my nicknames have something to do with light. Feel free to give me more if you want :eyes_emoji:
Gender: Female. 
Sign ✨:  Taurus
Height: 5′7, AKA 1.70 more or less. Which means when I use high heels I feel too tall and super awkward lol.
Time:  8:55 AM, lol, why am I awake (reply: I gotta work)
Birthday: April 25th. 
Fav bands: I’m the woRST picking favorites of stuff, it’s an issue. It varies a lot. Today it’s Gorillaz anyway but if you want a high-light of my style I also like Imagine Dragons, Daft Punk, Twenty One Pilots , Knife Party, Studio Killers... I better stop now. 
Fav solo artists: Fuck, I don’t know lol
Song stuck in my head : You’re Welcome - Dwayne Johnson (yes from Moana)
Last movie I saw: Uh... Was it the snowman? Thor Ragnarok? nonono, Wait, Justice League, lol. 
Last show I watched: Stranger Things 2 probably??? 
When did I create my blog: October or so. I’ve been rping here since 2014? or so, but I changed blogs sev’ral timez. My old one was getting a bit stale and I didn’t interact much with my followers so I created a new one and started from scratch. It’s a bit hard, but it’s working, my will to rp is kinda back.
What do I post: RPs, Headcanons, and stuff that fits my muses. 
Last thing I Googled:  "Randomized pokemon silver rom”
Do I have any other blogs: Yes, my other rp blogs are @shroudedsouls and @undxrsouls, an exclusively undertale rp blog, because when I got into the fandom back in 2015 there was such an explosion of activity that my dashboard only showed undertale shit and I had to separate them. My personal blog is a barren wasteland. I also want to make an art blog... should I? 
Do I get asks: Yeah, some. Not much, but some. 
Why did I choose my URL:  I like oxymorons!. The idea is that most of my muses are somewhat not what they seem (that’s why I picked shroudedsouls too), so that’s why all my character tags are “mislabelled as...” 
Following: 168
Followed by:  21 lol
Average hours of sleep:  Fuck I don’t know. 6/7 but it can vary wildly
Lucky number: 23? idk 
Instruments: I wish.
What I am wearing:  button up shirt and black pants
Dream job: A game Grump (?). No, okay, there’s a lot of shit I’d like to do, working with computers is one, having a food truck is another. I’d like to combine my love of computers with my love for cooking one day, maybe creating an app or doing 3D printed food or something. 
Dream trip: [Egoraptor voice]: ALL AROUND THE WORLD ♫!!! ok no but I’d like to visit a lot of places, SPECIALLY cities with big historical importance,like London for example. 
Fav food:  Sushi, Pasta, Curry. Ramen (the real deal). 
Nationality:  Argentine 
Fav song: It’s dangerous to go alone by Starbomb (Seriously though, I don’t know man)
Last book I read: Snow like Ashes like two weeks ago. And I started Ice like fire but never finished it because I’m a fucking asshole.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Pokemon yes good, Harry Potter (Thankfully Voldy was destroyed before my time to go to Hogwarts), Avatar (Legend of Korra because even though dangerous, seems like I would have more possibilities to explore and travel around than in ATLA).
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