#what to serve this sunday
ironunderstands · 30 days
Double Indemnity, Spellbound and how a retroactive plot twist kicked the communities ass (which also has some VERY interesting implications for Aventio)
I had a very enlightening conversation on TikTok about the nature of these two romance/thrillers, and while unfortunately, I have no idea how to watch them, the plot synopses I’ve seen and analysis other people have made have caused me to come to this conclusion/interpretation of these references:
On the first viewing of the Double Indemnity questline, the reference to the DI movie is meant to be played straight, with Aventurine and Ratio being just as doomed to fail as they are in the movie, and their relationship as equally as toxic and fake.
On second viewing, it’s the complete opposite, and the track (and other movie reference) you receive at the end, Spellbound, proves it.
Let’s start with Double Indemnity.
Also disclaimer I’m gonna be over simplifying the plot/themes of these movies because a) both are singular references, DI is only referenced in the name of the quest itself and Spellbound is only referenced in a track you receive once you complete DI, and references this small probably aren’t meant to be anything more than a fun Easter egg for those who notice it b) this is hoyoverse they aren’t clever enough for that anyways c) the nature of references isn’t going to be having everything be the exact same anyways, so I’m just going to go with the overall interpretation of DI + Spellbound/their impact, picking the stuff which aligns with the actual plot of the DI quest, I don’t care what happens in one frame at 30:01.56 minutes in and neither do the writers
Anyways, how does the Double Indemnity reference on the first viewing seem?
On our first play through of the Double Indemnity quest, we are made to believe that Dr. Ratio and Aventurine do not trust each other, but they are begrudgingly working together for the sake of stealing Penacony for the IPC. Then, Aventurine makes it seem as if he wishes to use the singer Robin’s- also the sister of Sunday, the head of the Oak Family and the one they are negotiating with- death as a means to pressure Sunday into forking over some of the Family’s secrets, which Aventurine will then use against him in future negotiations.
With this setup, the Double Indemnity reference is a solemn warning- Aventurine and Ratio will fail.
You see, in the movie, Phyllis Dietrechson intends to kill her husband in order to earn the money from the Double Indemnity clause (which is a real legal thing btw!), roping in one Walter Neff when he falls for her. However, their relationship isn’t stable and in the end, Walter betrays Phyllis, ratting her out to the investigator Keyes, ultimately meaning they don’t earn the DI clause, also killing Phyllis in the process.
Hopefully you can already see where I’m going with this, but it’s time to draw some fun parallels.
Sunday is Keyes, Ratio is Walter, Aventurine is Phyliss and Robin is Phyliss’s husband.
Although Aventurine a) isn’t married to Robin and b) he didn’t actually kill her, he is the one who witnessed her “death” and in the first viewing of the Double Indemnity quest, we are made to believe he intends to profit off of it, although this time the payout isn’t money: it’s Penacony.
To do this, he enlists the help of Ratio- albeit not seducing him, but still convincing him to help nonetheless- and together they go to meet Sunday for negotiations.
However, Ratio “betrayed” Aventurine, ratting him out to Sunday behind his back and informing him of his plan, which mirrors how Walter confesses to Keyes. This results in Aventurine being sentenced to death, much like how Phyllis dies by Walter’s hand, Aventurine seems like he will die by Ratio’s, calling him a wretch before slinking off.
And there you go, their partnership is as doomed as the one in the movie, failing because their trust + love didn’t hold up till the end, a devious foreshadowing.
At least, that’s how it seems on the first playthrough.
Because Aventurine and Ratio’s plan SUCCEEDS.
And on the second viewing, knowing that the betrayal is fake, you realize they succeed because they do the one thing the people in DI (and I’ll get to Spellbound) DONT do- they actually TRUST each other.
Ratio and Aventurine’s plot is a success. And it’s because they deliberately made it seem like they were doing a Double Indemnity plot. Like they were going to make the same mistakes as the characters in the movie. Sunday falls for the false appearance hook, line and sinker, and that’s his downfall.
They win because they TRUST each other, you can even say because they actually LOVE each other, unlike the characters in the movie, where it’s more list than anything else. Walter and Phyllis don’t make it together to the end but Ratio and Aventurine DO, and they get to continue on with their lives because of it. The reference to Double Indemnity in this quest is genius because it works both before and after you learn the retroactive twist of Penacony. It makes you believe Aventurine + Ratio are doomed to fail, and it makes you realize they were always going to succeed, expertly dawning the false appearances Sunday expects from them, becoming literal actors playing out the roles of two people who will fall short due to their selfishness. Sunday believes he’s seen this film before which is why he BUYS IT, and god it’s just beautiful looking back on it. He thinks he’s Keyes about to uncover a dastardly plot to profit off his sisters death, and in turn he paints Ratio and Aventurine with the identities of those he believes would do such a thing, which they do their best to play into. Ugh it’s amazing.
And now, for Spellbound.
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You receive this track after completing Double Indemnity, containing the description above.
Now, this is a reference to Spellbound, another one of Hitchcock’s films.
The main characters in this one are Dr. Anthony Edwards, a man suffering from amnesia, and Dr. Constance Peterson, a psychoanalyst who he was meant to replace, who discovers a dark secret about Edward’s while they fall for one another; he’s an imposter. He believes he killed the real Dr. Edward’s, but she thinks he’s just suffering from a guilt complex. Fake Edward’s goes missing, and the real Edward’s assistant arrived and informs them that he’s missing. She finds Fake Edward again, living under the pseudonym John Brown, and although he tries to leave, she convinces him to stay, telling him that with the help of her mentor, psychoanalysis can help recover his lost memories.
Through an incredibly complicated psychoanalysis of dream, Constance begins to uncover the truth- learning the person who believes himself to be Dr. Edward’s (and is using the pseudonym John Brown) is actually a man named John Ballantyne. Ballantyne accidentally caused the death of his younger brother in the past, resulting in his deep guilt, as well as recalling the location where the real Edwards died- skiing off a cliff to his death. With his memories, they find the body, but it has a bullet wound, so Ballantyne is taken into custody.
However, her boss, Dr. Murchison lets it slip that he actually used to know (and didn’t like) Dr. Edwards, and through another complicated sequence gets him to confess his guilt and ultimately kill himself, which frees Ballantyne, ending the movie with the two going on a honeymoon.
So, what does this mean in the context of the quest line?
Well, let’s say Ballantyne and Constance are representative of Ratio and Aventurine respectively.
“Every psychoanalyst must first have someone else diagnose them.”
If we read Aventurine as the psychoanalyst (Constance) and Ratio as the diagnoser/doctor (Ballantyne), it reveals an interesting interpretation.
That being that they knew the truth from the start/ they had already succeeded.
Or in other words, unlike in Double Indemnity, in Spellbound, they actually succeed.
In the film, Constance is the one doing the diagnosing, the one trying to figure out the truth, and you can see that in Aventurine pretending he’s trying to find out the truth behind Robin’s death. However, in the DI quest, it’s the opposite. Ratio’s as Ballantyne is the one doing the diagnosing for the psychoanalysist, Constance, or rather, Aventurine.
To diagnose someone, you must be very familiar with them, or at the very least the ailment plaguing them, and Ratio he knows Aventurine through and through at the start, and what plagues him (his own sense of meaninglessness) unlike the protagonists in Spellbound who despite falling for one another quickly, don’t begin being intimately familiar with one another.
In this way, they have already succeeded. Aventurine and Ratio already know one another, and while they might not know the reason behind Robin’s death, that was never what they were searching for in the beginning, meaning they effectively can skip through all the drama (aka the ups and downs of Spellbound, finding out the truth behind Robin’s/Edwards’ death), and reach their happy ending- a honeymoon; or in DI’s case, Aventurine attaining his cornerstone, and fulfilling his end of the plan.
Interestingly, Aventurine slots into the role of Ballantyne and Ratio as Constance equally well, with the phone call Constance makes to save Ballantyne being reminiscent of the note Ratio makes to save Aventurine, as well as Aventurine being the replacement, or in the sense, the one to find the truth about Robin.
Personally, I think Aventurine and Ratio are reminiscent of both the main leads in Spellbound, which is why it’s complicated to discern the meaning of the reference. Oh how I wish I knew what the original Chinese description for this was (if you do please tell me 🙏).
Is it just meant to signify them being in love? Is it meant to signify that they will succeed, due to how well they know each other? Is it both, which is what the inclusion of Double Indemnity (the movie) suggests?
Either way, it adds onto the already present idea that the trust between Aventurine and Ratio is what allowed them to succeed in Penacony, and that’s not just something expressed by these movie references.
Think Aventurines Eidolons: Stag Hunt Game and Prisoner’s Dilemma, both of which are game theories about trust. Or how Aventurine says that Ratio knows him best, or how Ratio entrusts Aventurine with close secrets of his, like him being the “Genius” of the council of Mundanites.
“Do you trust me?” “That depends on you.”
These are 2 lines in their 2.0 conversation that really stick out to me. Ratio will always offer his trust so long as Aventurine can prove himself worthy of it, and as we have seen, Aventurine always delivers, proving himself long before Penacony in the Final Victor lightcone, albeit in his weird homoerotic way.
Therefore Ratio will always trust him.
And because of that, they win.
Now whether you take the deep trust between them to be romantic or platonic, or infer the literal honeymoon at the end of Spellbound to mean something for Aventio, either way the feeling absolutely there, and it’s crucial for an understanding of their relationship.
Also damn, the retroactive plot twist fucking slaps.
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thebirdandhersong · 5 days
I don't think I've ever been this reluctant to teach Sunday School in my life, and that's probably because a) I was so burned out by constant and frequent involvement in ministry from my previous church and I'm not over it, a year later, or b) I feel pressured into it. which is bizarre, because it's not like the pastor told me to volunteer. He just asked me three times, because he knew I had leadership experience in ministry, and said they needed people. which. How am I supposed to say no when you tell me there's a need.
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Do you wake up in cold sweat thinking about the parallels between Charles saying that when he leaves he hopes it will be a sad day for f1 because it means he will have left a mark so strong on the sport and Seb saying people will forget him once he's gone and basically that everything he has done means nothing? Do you ever think about how opposite and the same their careers have been, how crushing was the journey in Ferrari? How the love for the red car was there from the beginning and found them in such different times in their life but managed to bring them so high only to push them off the cliff the same? And how perfect would be to see their stories following the same path but in opposite direction? Maybe Charles didn't get the astonishing start in f1 like Seb did, maybe he'll never get those crazy four championship in a row, maybe this wasn't his to have right away, but I hope gets to finish his f1 journey like this. And maybe none of them were meant to bring the glory back, maybe it was all for them to meet, "don't waste it" maybe it's about this, the possibility to be on top of the world because Seb has been there and he now gets to end his story how he wants and wanting Charles to be able to do the same, don't waste it, don't be like me now, be like me then.
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writingonthemoon · 1 year
Once again Gen Loss has changed genres!! Tonight's variation was:
Every Jigsaw movie if it was a comedy with one person that didn't get it
Sunday's genre prediction: Liminal Horror institution (mall) break out
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
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I realize I have been w-i-l-d-l-y extra on Tumblr dot com today. Probably the depression mingling with anxiety mingling with, "oh, fuck, I'm annoying everyone and they all hate me, better post again!"
So, you know. Normal thoughts! Anyway, here's a snippet of Kinkmeme 2 (technically seven sentences but whatever, it still alliterates), untouched and uncut since I wrote it. In other words, here be unedited dragons:
It's not the trailer's fault he doesn't want her there. Shit, he wouldn’t even be dating her if not for the trailer—a drug deal sparking a friendship sparking the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to him—but it’s one thing to bring a girl over to sell her some K and quite another to bring her over for sexual connnn-gress.  But, like, Chrissy asks. Calls him Sunday afternoon and says she's bored and can he give her an excuse to miss family dinner? Eddie practically has the gas pedal floored by the time she finishes asking the question. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters upon seeing her standing on their usual corner, a few blocks from her house, in a blue dress with flowers all over it and lace on the cuffs and collar. It's a fucking church dress, and she knows what she’s doing to him, because she gets in all demure and smooths down her skirt and says, “hi, Eddie,” like it’s nothing.
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
I’m gonna challenge my subconscious to a fist fight and I’m gonna lose
#i had a dream that mabel kept coming back to life just to sniff stuff or investigate food that she liked#she was still dead but i’d buried her instead of cremating her and for whatever reason i was either digging her up#or she was digging herself up and sniffing and eating stuff#and i was like ‘she’s CLEARLY still alive if she can do this’ and everyone was like ‘no she’s dead you have to bury her again’#whenever she fell asleep she would be dead again. like she’d stop breathing and her heart would stop#i don’t know if she was like. a vampire dog? but it was so upsetting to dream#this is the second sad dream i’ve had about mabel in the course of like 3 days.. no less because the last one made me wake up in tears#on friday morning. and like it’s brought me to my knees honestly. i can’t DO this#also in my dream i went to a careers advisor or life coach or something and they were really mean to me lol#and my family made me go with them to visit some people i didn’t know who insisted on serving us cups of tea#it was really strong hot tea and i don’t really drink tea like that#and my grandma’s friend who was the loveliest woman and died a few years ago was there#and she was just absolutely pouring milk in her tea even though it was overflowing and going everywhere#and mabel was there accosting their terriers even though she was supposed to be dead. it was too much#in another part of the dream my old roommafe (who i really didn’t like) was pressuring me to go drinking with her even though mabel had just#(dubiously) died. and i was like ‘you do realise i’m going to get absolutely paralytic and scream and cry about my dog the whole time’#there was also this subplot where like everyone i knew but me had been in a play and the stage makeup had been made from ‘magic beans’#that stained everyone blue. so everyone i met had randomly blue eyebrows and stuff#there was one man who was just fully blue#also i was supposed to be in the world championships for a game that was like tetris but more esoteric but the servers broke down#or something like that. i think that’s everything#i’m just like.. why make me bawl at 6:30 on a sunday morning. what’s the advantage of that#i’m supposed to be taking care of benji and he’s looking at me like ‘god this woman is a basket case’#his owner has colitis and chronic fatigue and she has her shit more together than me#personal
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someotherdog · 7 months
Work has been unbelievably shitty this week so I’ve only written a few things, so sorry for the wait y’all but I’ll try to get some more later tonight ✌🏻
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jon-withnoh · 11 months
“Danny’s smile was barely visible, but it was there. She came towards Rebecca, holding out a hand just as Beatrice had done. Rebecca took it. The feeling of her hand in Danny’s was a better homecoming than any house could have given her. She squeezed Danny’s fingers, relieved when Danny returned the gesture.”
Chapter 37 is up. Rebecca returns, everybody avoids things. Truly, we have learned nothing from the past (yet).
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kepler69b · 1 year
if i could churn out school work as fast as i churn out splatoon essays and vod reviews i would never spent more than 2 hours writing proofreading and finalising a 1000 word essay for class ever again
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kdsburneraccount · 2 years
hm the raiders said gay rights (kinda)
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brewscoop · 2 months
Oh, hoppy day! Get ready for National Beer Day on April 7 with amazing deals from your favorite restaurants and bars. Whether you're into lagers, stouts, or IPAs, these promotions will have you cheering. Discover the best beer deals and exclusive offers in our latest article. Cheers to great beer and even better savings!
#Cheers!#Oh#hoppy day! Whether you prefer lager#stout#pilsner or IPAs#brew lovers can all agree that National Beer Day is a cause for celebration. The drink-devoted holiday falls on Sunday#April 7#and many restaurants and bars are brewing up deals to mark the special occasion. Here are a few that'll leave you saying#ANTHONY’S COAL FIRED PIZZA & WINGS On National Beer Day#Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza & Wings is offering dine-in customers a 12-inch cheese pizza and draft beer for just $15. To cash in on the deal#simply mention the offer at the register at participating locations. BUFFALO WILD WINGS What goes better with wings than beer? To celebrate#Buffalo Wild Wings is pouring 22-ounce glasses of Coors Light for $5 all day. BURGERFI BurgerFi is offering dine-in customers a cheeseburge#City Brew Tours is offering customers 10% off its in-person City Brew Tours (they operate in 20 cities in the U.S.)#the Beer of the Month Club (it features a new craft beer city every month delivered to your home) and Holiday Advent Beer Boxes. Simply use#you'll get a free shower beer holder and a bar of Dogfish Head beer soap (customers will need to pay the cost of shipping). Simply use the#you'll get upgraded to a liter at the following participating locations. * Arizona: Tempe * California: Alhambra#Long Beach#North Burbank#Old Pasadena * Colorado: Colorado Springs * Maryland: Bethesda#Dupont#Kentlands#Silver Spring * New York: Clifton Park * Texas: Arlington Highlands#Frisco#Richardson * Wisconsin: Ballpark Commons GOURMETGIFTBASKETS When it comes to beer#variety is always best and GourmetGiftBaskets.com has plenty of gift baskets with several types of beer. The site is offering TODAY.com rea#including a beer club. The site is currently running the following sale#just in time for National Beer Day: * $10 off any 4-shipment order with the code SAVE10 * $15 off any prepaid 6-shipment order with the cod#Mr Brews is serving up $8 beer flights and other daily promotions to help brew lovers celebrate National Beer Day. RAZZOO’S CAJUN CAFE On A#Razzoo’s Cajun Cafe is serving draft beer for $4 a pint and $6 a mug. SAMUEL ADAMS Samuel Adams has a special offer for TODAY.com readers!#it does now. Tombstone and Voodoo Ranger have teamed up to create I(Pizza)A
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cypheragent · 4 months
i ordered a tea and this cafe and forgot to ask for two bags and... well. it tastes like hot water with steamed milk. maybe a bit of flavor. but barely.
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hairydykecunt · 5 months
i think it’s very silly asking to borrow money from me after i lent a lot already and have been mentioning how little money i have 👍 like super silly 👍 can you think for once 👍👍 can you please 👍👍👍👍 and then basically be like nvm i’m good i borrowed the money from someone else 👍👍👍 and lowkey you were definitely supposed to be invited to hang out but we’re lowkey ignoring u bc we hate you 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
#kitty talks#im just. so. whats goong on#like what isgoong on#i am so confused as to why i havent been texted or invited for anything im so fucking confused#like what do they think im up to right mow. like is there a reason theyre avoiding me#even tho i’ve tokd them all wrek id love yo hang oyt and to be invited and that i was exctied???? now im just??! being left behind????#hes not even staying in town for long?????? like until sunday??????????? and yet??????? no one fucking?????? is saying anuthing to me?????#and i want to just fully ignore them all. bc its fucking weird. like it is genuinely weird. but if i end up making a thing iut of this i +#will surely lose then as friends. But it is a huge fick move. Like humongous. and to text me for MONEY and literally nothing else is +#fucking vile. like. omg ive been struggling so fucking bad im so scared to go to rhe show sunday i dont feel good i have no capacity to +#feel good i an so utterly broken#please someone sve me from this hell ive created for myself#pls someone make me likeabke enough that ppl still seek out my presence even tho i feel mentaly bad#please dont trll me my self worth entirely depends on whether or not im depressed. pls dont tell me i will jsut get left behind when i break#pls dont tell me this is all there is to it pls dont tell me no ones gonna care and think of me when i dont serve a purpose or give +#something in return pls pls tell me this isnt how it is pls tell me someone will still fight for me and look out for me when my brain is+#bad to me. please let ne get the same kind of sympathy and gentleness a stray abused animal gets when its aggressive#please tell me someone will still work on me even when everyone else has given up hope and wants me dead#please tell me i can be rehabilitated and i wont be this aggresive bad dog that bites and barks forever
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ofglories · 5 months
❛  my biggest wish is to hold you close and never let you go.  ❜ [ yvain to sunday! ]
|| Pining/Yearning starters ; accepting!
"Such a simple wish for someone such as yourself." Sunday hummed softly, lowering his pen to glance over at Yvain.
Another successful mission then. And once more the Knight of Avalon returned to him in one piece, alive and showing no signs that he had been ejected from the Dream and been forced to return the long way around. It was impressive, the Halovian could admit that much, really. With a soft sigh Sunday finished signing off the paperwork, before setting it aside and holding his arms out towards Yvain.
An invitation, then.
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"Very well then. Come, my dear mad lion, and I'll reward you as you so wish. After all, you've cleared another batch of pests for me. And such hard work is deserving of a treat afterwards."
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fingertipsmp3 · 8 months
I’m so fucking annoyed with myself today
#so on new year’s day we went out for a family meal and my granddad suggested getting a carvery at this one restaurant everyone’s been#meaning to try. we all agreed and it was eventually booked for today#i think i first heard about this a week ago and was like ‘yeah of course i can go’#(scheduling conflicts aren’t really a thing for me bc i work freelance and at home so if i have an appointment or a commitment i can#basically just do it. i just work around it)#but. no one really reminded me about it (because they literally shouldn’t have to because i am a grown adult who is almost 28 years old)#so when my stepdad showed up to pick me up today i was absolutely bamboozled#i was like ‘why are you here?’ he’s like ‘we’re going to [restaurant]’ i was like ‘oh SHIT. i completely forgot about that’#i am: unwashed. greasy. wearing my big threadbare sweats and a stained cardigan#my period is 2 days late and i keep getting random cramps and feeling out of sorts and plus it’s a SUNDAY so my plan for today#was just to hunker down and read and stay warm and hopefully not be bothered by anyone#most damningly i’ve already eaten. i stuffed my face in fact#so i was like ‘i’m so sorry but i can’t go’. like i know my family won’t care what i look like and neither would the people in the#restaurant (it’s not like a formal restaurant or anything. it is a dark pub that just happens to serve good food)#but i personally feel like garbage and also i can’t eat a big meal right now#i’m so mad at myself because literally if i’d put this in my calendar or something i would’ve showered this morning and not eaten#a ridiculous amount. and i could’ve mentally prepared myself for human interaction#i also want to mention my stepdad didn’t go far out of his way to pick me up (he lives literally a 2 minute drive from me) and no one paid#for the food in advance or anything. so no harm done. but GOD#tbh i think my brain refused to hold onto this information because the carvery at this place just didn’t sound appetising to me. idk#like i never forget about dinner plans at places i actually enjoy… but this……. yeah.#i still feel bad for letting my family down but i think they will understand when i explain a bit more#personal
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