#what was happening in the scene of mike with the cat plushie
strawberrybyers · 6 months
no fr what is the symbolism of felines in stranger things because this can’t just be a random coincidence?? also the new pic of the duffer brother: that cat plushie!! a cat plushie is featured behind mike in one of the photos and that’s a screenshot from a season 1 episode 👀
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
Okay. So wait...
I'm probably going way too far with this, far more than I should but I don't care. And I AM NOT JOKING.
@kaypeace21 @hawkinsschoolcounselor and @strangertheory this is for you and all the gay frog lovers! As ridiculous as this may sound, there is a lot more to dig there!
And don't take the word "frog" as something ridiculous as there is alot of connection with it.
When Dustin presents Dart to the party in season 2 episode 3: The Pollywog, he explains what he found.
Max and Lucas touches it but are disgusted by it. Including Will... But Mike isn't disgusted at all, he is even interested and asks what it is and Dustin wonders the same while Mike is studying it. But than...
Dustin pulls books about frogs, toads and reptiles.
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Dustin thought it was a pollywog, which is a larvae stage for toads. But he found out that it was not that.
We know that this is a larvae that Will vomited in his bathroom. And right after that Will has some flashes of The Upside Down. That same larvae who will grow into Demodogs and possibly Demogorgons which were controlled by the Mindflayer.
The same Mindflayer who always seems to take action everytime something happens to Will, especially when Mike is around like in 3x01 during the movie scene and they both look at each other's lips or at Weathertop when Mike and El leaves the Party before they install Cerebro.
If we take all of this very seriously, everything fits. Mike is interested in something that was paralleled to him. Mike who was called "frogface" in the very first episode of ST. Slept on a frog pillow in Will's room with a frog plushie in the same room in season 2. The season which is Byler centric and where Mike spends most of his time with Will.
Since Mike isn't disgusted by Dart like all the others, Mike is subconsciously/or at least in terms "meta writing" interested in this possible "gay frog" part of him and Will because during this same season, he bonds a lot with Will, takes care and protect him.
The same Will who is targeted by homophobic attacks from bullies at school and his dad and who vomited this "frog like creature".
The same Will who just like him plays D&D to escape his own personal issue and what does Mike now that Will is gone ? He joins a D&D club.
(Even Dart is happy someone isn't throwing all over the place and is examining Mike like "Is this my cousin ?".)
In 2x02, when Will has one of his flashes to the Upside Down. He calls out for Mike. And who responds...
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The Demodogs larvae that are the same as Dart. (look at the video above towards the end.)
All that before the Mindflayers reveals himself again.
Dart who in his relationship with Dustin has a lot of parallel with Mike and El's relationship in season 1. @kaypeace21 made a post about that that you can find here. Finn also described, in an interview, Eleven as Mike's puppy in season 1 which is kind of the same thing with Dustin and Dart.
El in season 2 when she comes out of the gate through the Upside Down ressembles what Dart does when he goes into another stage. Which Mike notices. He is slimy like the gate that leads to the Upside Down.
El who paralleled all the scenes that have a connection with Will & Dart or The Mindflayer.
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The same El who had shaved hair and was said to look like a boy and could be taken for Will. Mike also kisses her in the bathroom (the same place Will vomits Dart.). I repeat Mike kisses someone who for most people looked like a boy and could've been taken for Will.
The same El who was thrown into a closet and has a flashback to her crying out "Papa" because she wasn't able to do experiences like killing a cat, a literal puppy. Dart will also kill the cat of Dustin's mom.
In the same place, there is a room called "Rainbow Room". At the same time Mike has a "talk" with Karen, his mother. Which was an extremely queer-coded scene if you look at it in a certain perspective.
Mike and El who also parallels Steve and Robin with "The First I love You" and the mall, Will's room and toilet scene that both pairing have.
Both having a talk about their relationship and Robin says she isn't into Steve because she likes girls and that he was misinterpreting what she was saying which is similar Mike who isn't able to communicate his feelings properly, lied to El for no particular reason and who during the same season was called out for treating El like a pet, you know... like Dustin did with Dart.
Mike who at the end of season 3 has his eyes open while El is kissing him IN FRONT OF AN OPEN CLOSET and not remembering that he said he loved her while also 2 minutes before saying that he was mad at her because she spied on him and throws it on Max, saying it was her fault, the same girl he hated because he thought she was annoying because they didn't need another party member and doesn't understand why Lucas and Dustin has a crush on her while the guy kissed El when he only knew her for a FEW days.
Steve who says that Tammy sings like a muppet and Robin says that Steve SOUNDS like a muppet. Mike also sings a song (like a muppet) to Eleven that she doesn't like called "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon which is about a childhood friendship growing into something more, Mike who taked El's hand off his face to sing that song while a drawing of Will is hanging in the background. A song that doesn't work for Mike and El since they are not childhood friends and got together only a few days after knowing each other. One of the lyrics even goes: "It's time to bring this ship into the shore"
The Muppets's main mascot is Kermit The Frog who sings a song called The Rainbow Connection. There's a lyrics that is about: "Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?"
Rainbows that are present in the lab with the Rainbow Room. Terry's dream.
But also Mike's room is full of Will's drawings that are what ?! FULL OF FUCKING RAINBOWS!!!!!!! Will has even drawn a "rainbow ship."
What else is related to a ship in Stranger Things ?
Scoops Ahoy!
Whose logo has a boat anchor and the term Ahoy which is used by sailors to signal or call to a ship or boat.
Where Steve and Robin both work. Robin who is a canonical lesbian character.
Steve and Robin who both develop a frienship with Dustin. Dustin and Steve who went to kill the Demodog and Dart with a baseball bat which is a symbol for abused victims/ abusive family figures or people trying to put a tough macho act. The same Dustin who was searching for "non-aquatic" pollywogs and for that goes to the library to find books and has to go through Marissa.
Marissa which means "of the sea". Who was referenced by Will in the Stranger Things comics where we follow Will through the Upside Down in season 1.
Will and Mike who were both in the library at that time, the same library...
...where the Demogorgon takes Will to have a tentacle put in his mouth who will give him the Demodogs larvaes that will later grow into the creatures like Dart. Who was taken by Dustin as the larvae stage of a toad.
In that moment, Will and Mike are talking about the next campaign and how Will wants Will The Wise to live forever. Mike also complains about his mom wanting to share their feelings which he doesn't like. Kinda like their talk after he puts El in the closet.
Which also parallels the ending of Season 3, where Hopper's speech aligns perfectly with what Mike and Will are going through. "Heroes" is also playing in the background which was played when Mike thought Will died and he was crying while hugging his mother which is the same thing happening here.
One of the lyrics goes "I, I wish I could swim, Like dolphins, Like dolphins can swim"
Which is also a direct contrast with the song in 1x08, when Hopper and Joyce saves Will. Moby's "When It's Cold, I'd Like to Die".
"I don't want to swim the ocean,
I don't want to fight the tide,
I don't want to swim forever,"
In the Upside Down, Will imagines the Upside Down as this other world where HE is Will The Wise to fight the Demogorgon but looses and is than taken by him. At the same time, he remembers this moment with Mike.
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Than the Demogorgon takes him and does what he does to him and right after that...
...the Mindflayer appears and these six pages parallels each other.
As @strangerthings4theories putted here, The Upside Down is symbolized or represented by water. For example, The Demogorgon was also said to look like a shark by Nancy.
Yet Dart didn't need water as there is no water in The Upside Down where he comes from yet it looks and feel like a deep underwater dimension. (we're gonna go back to this.)
If we believe that somehow the Mindflayer and The Upside Down were a creation of Will's brain or mind and all of it's psychological trauma. It all makes sense.
Dart is the representation of the internalised homophobia of Will and his own homosexuality just like El who looked like Will, is an acceptable partner for Mike to be with. Will literally vomits it because he hates the fact that he might be gay because it might prove that all of what his father and bullies said was true. And he finds it disgusting like all the others. It takes the form of something close to a frog because he has feelings for Mike, Mike who was called "frogface" by bullies. And that's why he has frog plushie, because he associates his feelings for Mike with that because of the bullies. Because just like him, he relates to something like that. Because he only sees homosexuality as something negative.
The fact that Mike is interested compared to all the others makes also sense because if he is into Will, that representation of his homosexuality and internalised homophobia interests him because not only does it speaks to him subconsciously/or at least in terms of "meta writing" again because he also has the same issue (because Dustin and Dart reminds of El, El who subconsciously reminded him of Will. ). And since it's during season 2, the Byler centric season, Mike bonds a lot with Will and wants to take care of him so that feeling is reinforced.
In the song Heroes, there is a lyric that says:
"And the shame, the shame was on the other side".
As in the feeling of guilt and "wrongness" will not be in The Upside Down "the other side", this representation of Will's insecurities and trauma but on the people who inflicted homophobia on them.
If Heroes is a song about them, than it could be from the POV of Mike because he defended Will over such a topic and would have literally jumped to save Dustin into the quarry where Will's fake body was found where Heroes played when Will's fake body was found. And where he flew like a "fairy", just like what the bullies called Will.
So how can we explain that the Upside Down is represented by water ?
Well in Will's room, there is a poster of the film "Jaws". You can find what the movie is about here.
Which was used as an inspiration for one of the posters for season 1. And the Demogorgon was compared to a shark and if the Upside Down is the result of his mind, fiction might influence the look of the world and it's creatures.
And I know all of this started from gay frogs jokes but considering it's so prevalent in the show and that it has literally so many connections with other elements in the show.
I don't think it's a coincidence.
And as Kermit The Frog said, maybe we will find it, one day. The connection that makes it all make even more sense than it already does. "The Rainbow Connection".
And I mean, people were able to create Byler metas with New Coke, Skittles and fucking food.
I can do it with fucking gay frogs.
But now I need a fucking break...
And I legit passed from what the fuck is going on to this thing is fucking legit...
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Will’s fear of clowns
*Ps -not mine. this is a submission from an anon. tw: for s.a. It’s an interesting submission. ANON-please make a tumblr account already . I’m begging you XD
Hi! It’s me, Lonnie Meth Anon. Back with more depressing thoughts about Lonnie!
I just read your post on Jonathan’s ab*se at the hands of Lonnie, and I second it all. It breaks my heart. But it also got me thinking deeper about Will’s fear of clowns. I think you’re right that part of the horror for Will is that the clown attacks in bed. The bed is, obviously, like you say, a common site for s*xual assault. (Doesn’t El’s picture of “three legged Brenner” also have a bed in it? In a picture with not much else?) The fact that Will needed Joyce to sleep with him for a week suggests he was specifically feeling unsafe in bed, or at night. 
But maybe it’s not just the location of the attack in Poltergeist that Will found so harrowing. Maybe it’s the combination of that location with the fact of a clown being the attacker. 
I think Lonnie might have dressed up as a clown for Will’s birthday one year, and something happened. 
In this instance, I don’t think Joyce would know what happened. I think the incident in her mind would be something like “Lonnie dressed up and Will was scared of the costume”. She might even have thought it was cute. Just a typical little kid fear of something mundane. When she teases him about Poltergeist, she doesn’t actually say the movie was the START of his fear of clowns. Just that he was afraid of that particular clown. The general fear of clowns could have been an older one, going back to when Will was even younger.
Maybe Will even liked clowns, before whatever happened with Lonnie turned them into a source of fear for him. Will has a lion plushie (lions are commonly found in the circus) and the circus seems like the kind of vibrant, colorful environment full of outcast, that a young gay kid would really enjoy. If Will did like circuses and Lonnie poisoned that for him, that’s just another reason to hate Lonnie. But it definitely seems possible. 
Lonnie is a deadbeat dad in general, but we’ve seen before that he’s capable of faking the “family man” act in front of Joyce and their neighbors. We’ve also seen that even though he treats Will horribly, he would also try and keep Will on his side with father son bonding activities, like baseball. And Will’s birthday is one of the few occasions Lonnie makes a half-assed kind of effort, even when there’s nothing directly in it for him. He sends that card, even though it’s late. Maybe Joyce made called him up and made him send it, but she always seemed happy to keep Lonnie out of the picture. She didn’t even want to involve him when Will went missing. And we know Jonathan would never try and facilitate more interactions between Lonnie and Will. So it seems like Lonnie did this of his own accord, when he realized he’d missed the day. Kind of weird. And it’s classic abuser behavior, to make contact on an anniversary date, reminding you they exist and you can’t escape them. Reminding you to keep quiet. Or hoping you’ll miss them, remember the “good times” when they made an effort, and let them back into your life. (Ugh.)
So, anyway, back to my theory. Young Will likes circuses, and the Byers family are poor, so they can’t afford to take him to one, or throw him a party at an ice cream parlor or a bowling alley, like other kids. It makes sense that they would have a party at home instead, and that the family themselves might dress up. We know Joyce made Will’s Ghostbusters costume in season two, and a clown is a pretty easy costume. Most of it is just make up. It’s possible the whole thing was Joyce’s idea, and she made the costume, and Lonnie just went along with it to look like a good dad in her eyes. 
Remember how we see Bob (Will’s new father figure) dressing up in costume for Halloween? Joyce loves it. This is a thing good dads do, to have fun with their kids. That’s also the same episode we see Will scared by a guy in a clown costume, and Jonathan is hyper-protective of him that night. School is okay, but he doesn’t want him trick or treating. (Like he knows that school is a safe environment, but in other contexts, costumes and parties might be a trigger for Will.) Jonathan is convinced to leave Will and “let him have fun” and what happens? The clown attacks. Later that night Jonathan goes to a costume party himself, where he finds Nancy upset and takes her safely home.  Maybe this is how Will’s birthday party ended - with Jonathan finding Will upset, and trying to comfort him. The whole night could be playing out like a parallel to that birthday party, from Jonathan’s perspective. 
What actually happened with Will and Lonnie is up for debate. It’s possible there was a s*xual assault, and that’s why the clown scene in Poltergeist was such a trigger for Will. Or maybe Lonnie thought circuses weren’t “manly” enough for his son to like, and actively tried to scare Will, so he wouldn’t like them anymore. It’s hard to know. Something would have happened though, and probably something pretty formative, because the fear of clowns lasts a long time. 
Something else interesting is that when Mr Clarke is talking about the Upside Down in season one, he uses the metaphor of the flea and the acrobat. Acrobats are a main act in the circus, and, well … fleas. Flea circuses. That’s a thing. Maybe it’s a hint that the trauma that created the Upside Down was circus / clown - related?
Kali, El, and their gang wear clown masks too, when they’re going to confront their childhood trauma, and the child-like Alexei is surrounded by clowns when he is killed at the fair. 
Clowns are just so associated with birthday parties and little kids, that it doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me they’re Will’s biggest fear. Especially as the show keeps dropping hints about Lonnie and Will’s birthday. It feels like there’s more to the story. I have a horrible feeling SOMETHING happened. 
RESPONE (kaypeace):
I think it’s very possible-that maybe he did dress as a clown for Will’s birthday and something happened. We have alexi (paralleled to Will) playing carnival games with kids. Then he's attacked by the Lonnie-look alike : and alexi looks at his wound then stares at all the clowns laughing around him. Joyce and Murray find Alexi bleeding/dy*ng next to a clown statue. As joyce looks in horror and Murray says to her, he was “only gone for a second” (which sounds like something you’d say in relation to a kid you were supposed to watch-running off ). We also had sarah at age 7 die while wearing a gown with clowns on it (Will: it was a 7 the demogorgan it got me). Death of innocence symbolism? Hopper also describes his depression as a cave- he goes through the carnival ride where it mentions a "cave of horrors", which had decor of a tiger and a clown painting. So yeah... whatever happened probably isn't good. So- there may be some symbolism there in relation to Will’s past. Not only because (like I and you have mentioned before) Lonnie is highly associated with birthdays. And canonically we know he mentally scarred jonathan on his b-day. But also, s4’s ‘victor creel’ may be an easteregg to the xmen character victor creed- who had a tradition of tra*matizing family members specifically on their bdays
As another alternative:I could also totally see Lonnie “ruining” circuses for Will because it’s not “manly” to him. Like how Jonathan liked thumper the rabbit-from the film bambi. in the film, Thumper is bambi’s bff, and the hunters are the bad guys who k*ll Bambi’s mother and terrorize all the wildlife. SO yeah- making Jonathan become a hunter, and k*ll a rabbit ,despite this fact, is really messed up. And shows Lonnie has already tried to ‘ruin’ things the boys like. By mentally scarring them in one way or another…
I also mentioned how Will’s bday could even be a trigger for jonathan in a diff post.
if the s4 bts calender hinting it’ll be near Will’s bday and easter it could be relevant to Jonathan.we know in s1 el has tra*matic flashbacks when seeing certain things- coke, closet, cat, etc. And Will in s2 has his ‘anniversary effect’ where memories flood back based on the time of year.But like … Easter has bunnies - could seeing rabbits jog stuff up for Jonathan? El seeing a cat made her have a flashback of brenner trying to make her kill a cat. Would Jonathan seeing like Easter bunny decor jog up a flashback of lonnie making him kill a rabbit? (It happened on his bday too). So Will’s b day being around easter would only fuel that memory. (heck even popped balloons may trigger gunshot symbolism idk). And then for Will there is clowns that could be a tr*gger at a party.
The flea and the acrobat analogy (in relation to Will and circuses is very interesting) and could be foreshadowing- it’s even a title for an episode so I feel like it’s narratively an important hint to …something. similar to a s1 ep being called “the bathtub”.  Also, Will was compared to a circus flea- which were placed in an enclosed space, where heat was applied as they jumped  and tried to escape the increasing temperatures as they burned .Which could relate to my theory about Will having a se*zure due his body overheating due to Lonnie injecting him with m*th.
 If Will’s bday is in s4- I feel like Lonnie will come back in some capacity (flashback or literally). The ‘sorry, I forgot you b day’ card from Lonnie in s2, in Lonnie’s shed Joyce mentioning Will’s b day, the rainbow ‘happy birthday cup’ placed next to Will at Mike’s -while Will explains the supernatural, Lonnie already tra*matizing Jonathan on his bday, etc…
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bleepblopbloop56 · 5 years
The Murder in the Dressing Room
Chapter 6: Blood and Tears
Warnings:abusive deceit, murder mention, throwing up, some stalker-like things
Specail thanks to @pathos-logical this fic is litterally our baby im not even kidding, weve both poured alot into this.
Also on ao3
"Logan? Logan, slow down- what are you saying?" Emile had just put Patton to bed after a long day of playing in the park, eating more ice cream than Logan probably would've allowed, and binging cartoons. As long as you kept Patton nearly constantly busy, he wouldn't cry for his dada too often, and overall it seemed like he was having fun. He knew Logan took being separated from Patton about as well as Patton did, so he hadn’t been surprised from the call that came almost as soon as Patton had gone to sleep. He’d expected for Logan to immediately ask about how Patton was doing when he picked up, but instead he'd been greeted with nearly incoherent panic from his brother.
"Logan- Logan, you're scaring me," he cut in, knowing it would get Logan to stop speaking. "Deep breaths, and when you can talk, start again,” he said firmly, not giving him a chance to try to continue. He heard an audible gulp of air over the line. Emile could instinctively tell Logan was still panicking, but there was barely a pause as Logan started to talk again.
"Virgil," Logan choked out "He- he's been murdered, I… I need you to keep Patton for a while longer." He forcefully kept his breathing as steadily as he could, hands shaking. He was standing in the hallway to his apartment, trying to rationalize what he’d seen there.
At first he’d almost thought it was some sick prank, simply because Virgil didn't look like the others did. The first two victims had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest, the crime scenes left a blood-splattered, sickening sight. But Virgil would seem to be merely asleep if it weren’t for the blood trickling from his throat onto Logan's pillow. It wasn't until he had checked for Virgil’s pulse for the fourth time and found nothing there he’d believed he was gone. Touching a body before pictures were taken and a medical examiner was in sight was a big no-no, but he didn't care about any of that. 
"Murdered?" Picani gasped, stepping into his own room away from Patton resting on the couch. "Logan, are you okay?”
Logan rarely took deaths this hard- he had become desensitized after seeing so much of it in his profession. And yet these three murders had stripped away his usual professional sense of detachment from him. Like they hit too close to home to keep a straight face.
Logan sunk to the ground, voice shuddering. "Emile, what would've happened if you didn't take Patton away? What if he was in the house, or if I picked him up from daycare before I came home?" He was rambling now, clutching the phone with both hands to keep it steady. A police officer walked by, and Logan kept his eyes on the ground.
"That didn't happen, Logan. He's safe, he's here with me," Emile said softly. He had known Virgil well, but now wasn't the time to break down in front of his little brother.
"Will you check?" Logan whispered. It was irrational, he knew that Emile would never lie to him and that his kid was safe and sound, but…
Emile paused for a second before softening. "Of course I will, Logan," he whispered, strolling into the living room and looking at the sleeping child snuggling a Tweety Bird plushie nearly as big as he was on Logan’s spare crib. "He's safe, Logan. Everything's going to be fine." 
Logan wanted to say "no it's not," he wanted to say "I haven't heard from Roman in two days and I don't know if he's safe," he wanted to say his life was rapidly dissolving into a bloodbath of innocent lives who had nothing to do with any of the pain and suffering this murderer was causing. But he just stayed silent, sniffling and trying to keep his breathing even.
"I know," he said finally, nodding despite knowing Emile couldn't see him. Remy stuck his head out into the hallway, motioning for him to come in the room before popping back through the doorway. "Emile, I need to go… Tell Patton I love him when he gets up, okay?" 
It wasn't that Roman didn't want to return any of Logan's calls, it was that he couldn't. Successively losing his friend and then his brother, so quickly and in such a gruesome way to boot, had left him practically incapable of leaving bed. He had rented a room in some shitty hotel to avoid having to move in with anyone again, although with his luck whoever the murderer was would just burn down the entire fucking hotel after locking all the doors.
Roman couldn't stop feeling like it was all his fault, and he guessed it was in a way. Someone was after him. He only wished that they'd just kill him and be done with it, not grossly terrorize his friends and family. 
He wished Logan was here. He knew he'd come if he was asked, but he didn't want to make him a target… Roman wished things were back like they used to be. The days when he was the only person who could get Logan to dance around the bedroom in boxers and a t-shirt, music from his phone blaring some slow song Logan didn't recognize. The days he'd sleep over at Logan's and laugh off the glares from his roommate about their lack of shirts. He missed the times like snowball fights outside the apartment and how the snow would get stuck in Logan’s hair and complement the flush on his face.
Roman missed the days before the young man with a scar on his face had tempted him away with the promise of money and love and the perfect life, before Ethan had convinced Roman to leave Logan for him. He'd phrased it like forbidden love, Romeo and Juliet, when really all it was was the biggest mistake of his life. 
He'd tried, he really had, to make it work with Dee. He'd accepted his early proposal. He'd done everything he once did with Logan with Dee and ignored the ache in his heart. Ignored the blackmailing and threats Dee would spit any time he so much as thought about Logan. Ignored how Dee had told Roman to quit his job, to stop talking his to friends, to focus on him and him alone… 
His phone buzzed again. It was probably another message from Logan asking where he was.
He pulled himself up by the headboard and grabbed the half-empty water bottle on the nightstand, chugging it all and tossing it on the floor. He glanced over at his phone just in time to see 3 new messages flashing before fading into darkness. 
Logan: Where are you? How are you feeling after all of this? I know this must be hard on you. 
Logan: Roman? I would appreciate a response soon. Now is not the time to be "playing hard to get," as Remy says.
Logan: Roman, although a text might not be the best way to figuratively "break the news," it seems my roomate Virgil has become the next victim… Please call me when you are able.
Roman felt his bottom lip begin to tremble. Even locking himself away from everyone wouldn't keep them safe. He felt like his entire chest was caving in on himself, that awful feeling of being so anxious and scared he needed to puke rising in his stomach and chest. 
He dropped his phone and ran to the bathroom, nearly bruising his knees as he collapsed in front of the toilet. But the nausea would only come back stronger when Roman saw the next messages he'd just received.
Dee😘😘: *sent a photo* 
Dee😘😘: uh oh! :(
When Roman clicked the notifications with trembling fingers, a photo of Roman and Logan kissing against Logan's car would light up his screen, the bad angle and quality unable to hide how Logan's hands were under Roman's shirt and how Roman was pulling Logan's face into his… 
And Roman's stomach would sink, all the pieces slotting together into one, horrible, picture.
The murder in the dressing room taglist:
@cataclysm-al @theteenagetrickster @intrurality-fusion @katie-the-noble-fangirl @whizzie72 @grayson-22 @i-have-n0-idea-what-im-d0ing @winterwonderland7669 @missieluvsmurder @sign-from-god-complex @dragonindigo245 @angryfanboyscreaming @ninja-wizard101 @sombraookami @crystalistrappedintheinternet @imtooaromanticforthis @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @dragon-hair @satanblessi @spookilyfingergunsoutofexistence @skruffy901 @selectivereality @nonbeenary-enbee @imbasicallyshakespear @cats-vetal-miking-vomit @incoherentfangirl @oofmood @nonbianary-pineapple @royalnerd829 @unicornlogansanders
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