#what’s going with these restaurants none of them have onigiri anymore ???????????
miya-twins · 1 year
brain decided to be horrible today and think of the worst case scenario, aka one of the twins dies and leaves the other behind so here's my hcs on how they'd each handle it
tw for death, grief, unhealthy coping mechanisms and eating disorders under the cut
would not handle it well, and it'd be impossible to miss even for a stranger. he'd punch whoever tells him and try to fight hospital staff if he's there. definitely has a public breakdown. possibly multiple public breakdowns.
people would of course try to support him, he actually has a pretty decent support system of friends and family who all also knew and loved osamu. initially, their comfort helps, but there'll be a point at which they'll try and start nudging atsumu towards moving on and that's where things will really go wrong, because there's no way atsumu would want to move on. he doesn't want to get over his grief and lead a happy life - after all, what's the point of happiness if he can't lord it over osamu when they're both old men? this means atsumu will feel lonely and progressively more alienated from his friends and family, feeling like none of them quite get the enormity of his grief.
while the severity of it would depend on the exact circumstances of osamu's death, atsumu would feel some form of survivor's guilt, blaming himself and wondering what he could've done to prevent it (anywhere from "I shouldn't have chosen a job that had me halfway across the country when samu died" to "samu wasn't properly looking when he crossed the street because he was watching my game live on his phone so it's my fault"). and when he fails at anything, and especially when he fails to recover and grows more distant from his friends, he starts feeling like the wrong twin survived, like everything would be better and everyone would be happier if osamu lived and he died.
as for volleyball, there's really only two ways I can see it go, and neither of them are good. one would be that he throws himself into it even more - to prove to himself he chose the right path in life, and to give his mind something to do to keep himself from going insane. except he was already giving it his everything, and trying to do even more is inevitably going to end horribly, with an injury he can't recover from enough to keep playing professionally, leaving him aimless and feeling very much worthless. the other way would be for him to drop volleyball entirely, feeling like he can't play properly anymore anyway, and if his life path can't bring him happiness, he'll admit defeat and go with osamu's. considering osamu has no kids, atsumu would inherit onigiri miya anyway, and he can't just give it to a stranger or let it die when it's osamu's dream. his life. atsumu has no passion for the food industry, but he'll do anything to keep a fraction of his brother alive.
(and if we were talking something with more heightened stakes, like a fantasy au or a pacrim au, where it could be more directly atsumu's fault that osamu died by dragging him into some magical war or a jäger, and where it's also easier to leave his established social circle behind entirely, atsumu could bring this approach to the extreme, stop dyeing his hair and cutting it shorter and part it to the other side, then open a restaurant. not that it would make him happy, but it would give the world an osamu. sure it's just a pale imitation that'll never feel right, but even a fake osamu is better than an atsumu who's the reason there's no real osamu in the first place)
also absolutely would not take it well. anyone who knows him would be able to see it, but he's at least trying to hide it. he'd also force himself into numbness when the grief gets too much, so he can then have his breakdowns in private.
forgive me for taking the guy who ends up as a chef and slamming an eating disorder on him the moment something in his life goes wrong but. come on. he feels happiness at literally every meal. now imagine that being gone for the first time in his life. now imagine that not being gone, even when atsumu is dead. imagine the intense guilt and shame for feeling happy about an everyday thing that will keep osamu alive, that'll let him heal and grow the way only the living can, while his twin is dead. yeah he's throwing that right back up. that and every other good meal he'll ever eat. he'd try and eat as little as possible, and when he does get too hungry, to make himself the worst, least enjoyable meals possible. cold, stale, charred, slightly rotting already, as long as it makes him disgusted instead of happy, he can maybe keep it down.
(also imagine a scifi au where you can just. take small pills that are tasteless but contain all the nutrition you need. the twins and especially osamu would always claim a day where you take those pills instead of eating is a day you survive but not a day you live. osamu would be doing a whole lot of surviving and no more living)
while osamu does have friends and family trying to support him, he'd try to close himself off as much as possible. he's well aware that he's a ugly mess on the inside, and he doesn't want to unload that on anyone else. and he also doesn't want to acknowledge that he could and should do something about it. he doesn't want their help because it might actually help. thankfully the only one who'd notice how much osamu is really hiding would be atsumu, and well. he's not around, so osamu can do whatever he want.
I can't see osamu upending his whole life, he'll continue running onigiri miya - if he takes atsumu's favourite fatty tuna onigiri off the menu because he can't make it without spiralling, that's nobody's business but his own. there's no point in him starting volleyball again, because it's too late for that. osamu'd definitely regret quitting volleyball. sure he was happier with his career, but it meant he spent so little time with atsumu when they could've been together basically all the time like they were as kids if he'd kept playing. especially if atsumu was at the place he died for volleyball related reasons (likely cuz almost all his travelling is due to volleyball reasons), osamu would feel like he had to die alone because osamu left him behind.
basically both of them would be devastated. they're used to being two halves of a whole, in a way other people don't understand because most people don't have a twin. they can't escape the grief because everything is always a reminder of the other. people call them by their first names to differentiate them. their nicknames match. they have the same family and essentially the same friends. everything they own or did, the other twin offered his opinion on without being asked.
and yeah, it's damn difficult to try and be happy when even the concept of happiness is tied to a stupid-ass contest with your twin, and you hate losing but you hate winning by default even more.
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wakatshi · 2 years
dad called me earlier and told me to be at the mall in 10 mins like no details at all….. we had sushi and duck ramen hihi
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jayeray-hq · 3 years
Hey everyone! This is the piece for @maizumis sfw brat collab! It's 100% sfw and if you enjoy it make sure to check out the Masterlist!
If you like this and want to see more of my writing for Atsumu check out my Character Masterlist!
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Post Time Skip/Manga Ending Spoilers!
Warnings: None all Fluff
You watched amused as Atsumu slumped over the counter of his brother’s restaurant, arms pressed to his sides dejectedly and cheek smooshed against the hard surface. You couldn’t see his face from the angle you were at, but there was no doubt in your mind he had a pout on his face.
Osamu was standing behind the counter, clearly purposefully ignoring his brother’s sulking as he shaped onigiri in his hands, a thoroughly exasperated look on his face. His head lifted when he heard the bell overhead ring as you entered the shop, but a quick finger to your lips kept him from greeting you by name.
“Welcome to Onigiri Miya what can I get ya?” he chimed automatically, the usual bored drawl in his voice.
“How much for your twin?” you asked, your voice making Atsumu jerk a little in recognition, though he didn’t bother lifting his head, choosing instead to heave a sigh and pointedly ignore you, letting you know exactly what kind of mood your boyfriend was in.
“You can have that for free,” Osamu told you, face scrunched up in disgust, “In fact if yer haulin’ trash outta my restaurant I almost feel like I should be payin’ you instead.”
“Who you callin’ trash, ya scrub,” Atsumu sneered at his brother, finally raising his head to glare at his brother.
“Who else but you, ya trashy scrub!” Osamu retorted, not impressed in the slightest.
Luckily there was no one else in the restaurant at the moment to watch their antics, because while you found them entertaining you knew some found them more than a bit intimidating. Still you didn’t think either twin would be too happy if they actually started brawling in Osamu’s restaurant so you walked up behind your boyfriend, threading your fingers through his hair and gently tugging backwards until his head was resting against your chest.
He immediately quieted down a bit, though you could tell from the look on Osamu’s face that he was still glaring at his twin. Carefully you rested a hand on his shoulder and stroked your fingers through the soft golden waves, massaging his scalp in a way you knew he loved as you asked, “Rough day, Tsumu?”
He let out a huff, but didn’t bother to respond, clearly purposefully ignoring you, even if he didn’t actually pull away from your hands. You rolled your eyes at this childish behavior exchanging a look with Osamu.
“Don’t do that,” Atsumu hissed at the two of you.
“Do what?” Osamu demanded exasperated.
“Talk to each other like I ain’t sittin’ right here in front of ya,” your boyfriend retorted angrily.
“Ya really need to get yer ears cleaned out if ya thought we were talkin’ ya deaf scrub,” Osamu hissed, thoroughly fed up with your boyfriend who was clearly looking to pick a fight.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re ignoring me Tsumu?” you asked patiently, knowing that when he got in this kind of mood patience was the best way to deal with him. If you snapped back or got sarcastic it would only escalate the situation.
“It’s only fair,” he grumbled, still pointedly not looking at you, “Since you’ve been ignorin’ me all day.”
“Ignoring you?” you repeated completely and utterly baffled, “But weren’t you practicing with the rest of the Black Jackals today? And you know I was working too.”
“Ya didn’t let me kiss ya goodbye this mornin’ and ya ignored my texts all day,” Atsumu sulked, “I was startin’ to think ya weren’t even goin’ ta come fer our monthly dinner.”
“I was going to be late, and you were refusing to wake up,” you told your boyfriend reasonably, more amused than annoyed now that you knew what was bothering him, “But I still kissed you goodbye Tsumu and I even left a note for you.”
“Ya left a note?” he asked, voice perplexed though still sulky, “Where? I didn’t see it.”
“In the fridge on top of the bento I packed for you last night,” you told him puzzled that he hadn’t seen it, “Where I was sure you’d see it.”
“I forgot to bring my lunch,” he told you miserably, which definitely helped to explain his mood. Atsumu almost never ate if he didn’t bring his lunch with him insisting the food wasn’t good enough and didn’t match his diet plan. However, when he didn’t eat he tended to get hangry, which had no doubt contributed quite a bit to his foul mood.
“Sounds like a you problem,” Osamu jeered, clearly unimpressed. He of all people knew how nasty his brother could get when he didn’t eat. You gave him a look over his brother’s head again, trying to tell him not to rile him up again, and he raised his hands in surrender.
“Yer doin’ it again,” Atsumu whined, though he’d lost the slightly bitter edge from before.
“If you don’t like it, then maybe you should turn and look at me, so I can’t talk over your head anymore,” you pointed out mildly, feeling a bit like you were dealing with a sulking toddler, but willing to indulge him for now seeing as these kinds of moods were rare nowadays, something Ojirou had told you was clearly a long awaited sign of maturity from the former Inarizaki setter.
Your boyfriend huffed, but in the end swiveled his seat to look at you as you took the seat next to him. However you knew exactly what to do to coax him out of his bad mood. Gently you cupped his face in your palms and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, pulled back for a second, then pressed a longer lingering one to his willing mouth.
“There,” you assured him nuzzling your nose against his affectionately before pulling back, “The kiss goodbye I owed you from this morning, and a kiss to say I’m sorry.”
“Ya forgot to give me a kiss hello,” he pointed out, though you could see the corners of his lips pull upwards as you coaxed him out of his mood.
You grinned and leaned forward to press another kiss to his lips, enjoying the feel and the warmth of it as he cupped your face with one of his hands and held you close for a long moment both of you ignoring Osamu who was fake gagging in the background.
“But why didn’t ya text me?” Atsumu asked you when you parted again, his forehead resting on yours as he peered at you with anxious honey brown eyes, “I thought ya were mad at me.”
“My phone is dead,” you told him, with an affectionate huff, pulling it from your pocket and handing it over, “I must’ve forgotten to charge it last night.”
“Oh,” he told you, playing with the power button and refusing to meet your eyes clearly a little embarrassed at his overreaction, though he did quietly clarify, “So yer not mad?”
“I don’t think I have anything to be mad about,” you admitted, then teased, “Unless you’ve done something I should know about…?”
“No!” he protested immediately hands waving wildly in front of him as he declared his innocence looking entirely too alarmed, “I haven’t done anythin’ I swear!”
“I believe you,” you told him with an amused giggle, grabbing one of his flailing hands and interlacing your fingers together.
“Ya shouldn’t,” Osamu interjected with a huff, “If he hasn’t done somethin’ stupid recently I’ll eat my hat, and if he really hasn’t then he’s goin’ to be due fer it in the near future.”
“I’m not that bad,” Atsumu hissed at his twin, thoroughly offended.
“Ya are,” Osamu jeered, though it was more on the teasing end of things, “Otherwise ya wouldn’t have come in here and moped around, floppin’ all over my counter like an ugly fish and makin’ a nuisance of yerself because ya thought yer girl was mad at ya.”
“How can ya call me any sort of ugly when we have the same face!” Atsumu complained, exasperated. The argument was one you’d heard a thousand times now from both twins and somehow it never ceased to amuse you.
“It’s cuz I ain’t a whiney baby like you,” Osamu huffed.
“Princess, tell him I ain’t a whiney baby,” Atsumu whined, completely proving Osamu’s point and making you giggle helplessly as he pouted at you, informing you, “Yer my girlfriend, yer supposed to be on my side.”
“I am on your side,” you assured him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his pouting lips unable to help yourself, even as you told him, “But you are a bit of a brat Tsumu.”
“A what?” Atsumu asked, thrown by your use of English. He’d gotten better at speaking it a bit, picking up words here and there, though he did get thrown off sometimes when you threw out random words.
“A BrAtsumu?” Osamu repeated, his head cocked to the side in utter confusion.
You gaped at him for several seconds repeating the word over in your mind giggles beginning to spill from your mouth as both twins looked on with identical looks of confusion on their faces. The looks only made things worse and you began to howl with laughter, nearly falling out of your chair if not for Atsumu’s steadying hands.
“Brat – Tsumu, Bratsumu,” you managed to stutter out, wheezing as you tried to catch your breath, “It’s perfect, Osamu it’s perfect.”
“I don’t get it,” the onigiri chef informed you flatly, though you could see the corners of his lips curled upwards, amused at your amusement if nothing else.
“Brat means gaki,” you explained as you caught your breath, clutching Atsumu’s forearms for balance earning a snort of amusement from your boyfriend’s twin.
“Oy, oy, should ya really be callin’ yer boyfriend a brat,” Atsumu protested, though you could tell he wasn’t actually upset, just exasperated, “Especially when I just saved ya from either face plantin’ or crackin’ yer head open. What happens if I decide to drop ya huh?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to do this,” you told him lunging forward to wrap your arms around him instead to better brace yourself.
He caught you easily with a huff of amusement and cuddled you close pressing a tender kiss to your hair before he nuzzled his face into your neck with a warm chuckle as he asked, “So guess that means ya love me after all, even if ya are makin’ fun of me.”
“I always love you Tsumu,” you assured him affectionately, pulling back slightly so you could peer up into his eyes and hoping he could see how serious you were about this, “Even when you’re being a BrAtsumu.”
“Love ya too princess,” he told you fondly pressing a soft kiss to your hairline, “Gonna love ya fer ever, and m’sorry fer bein’ a pain today. Was just rough, cuz I thought ya were mad at me, an I woke up late, forgot my lunch, and didn’t do well in practice.”
“It’s okay Tsumu,” you assured him tenderly, “You weren’t that bad, though I’d appreciate if in the future you talked to me before getting angry.”
“I will,” he assured you nuzzling close.
You sighed in utter contentment, enjoying the feel of his arms, though you knew you probably shouldn’t stay too long. You were in public after all.
“Would the two of ya knock it off with the lovey dovey crap already, yer goin’ to scare away my customers,” sure enough, Osamu interrupted, though he looked more fond than annoyed, even if he was clearly giving it a go, “An where’s my apology huh? It was my counter ya were attemptin’ to merge with.”
“Thanks for putting up with us Osamu,” you told him sincerely, cutting in before your boyfriend could, meaning every word. The man really did put up with a lot at times and you really were grateful for it.
“Yeah well, the least I can do fer ya fer puttin’ up with my lump of a twin,” Osamu told you clearly a little embarrassed as he pulled off his cap and ruffled his hair, heaving a sigh, “Yer really good fer him ya know, too good if ya ask me, but thanks fer takin’ care of the scrub.”
“It’s my pleasure,” you told him honestly, “He may be a scrub, but he’s my scrub and I really do love him you know.”
“I know,” Osamu told you with a fond smile, “Of all people I’m glad it’s you that’s goin’ ta be my future sister-in-law.”
“Oy, what did I tell the two of ya about talkin’ like I ain’t here,” Atsumu protested, though there was a slightly wavering edge to his voice that told you he didn’t actually mind all that much, the pink flush on his cheeks letting you see how touched he was, even as he rushed to change the subject, “Besides we’re here fer food Samu so why aren’t ya feedin’ us?”
“Fine, fine,” Osamu told him, rolling his eyes and clearly deciding to concede just this once, “What do ya want ya big glutton.”
As the twins bickered a bit you couldn’t help but smile, enjoying the warmth of Atsumu’s arm around your waist and the way you could clearly see how both twins kept an eye on your comfort even as they argued, always sure to include you in the conversation and to let you know you were free to interject at any time.
Osamu had always made sure you felt like you were part of the family, and Atsumu, though he could be a brat at times, but he was your brat and he doted on you like nothing else. Looking at them you could almost see the future, with you solidly at Atsumu’s side coming to visit Osamu in his shop so you could all catch up together, hopefully someday with a spouse for Osamu too if he wanted one, and children that would argue the same way the twins did causing mayhem wherever they went.
It was a lovely dream for the future, one you hoped with all your heart would become reality, but for now you were content to simply enjoy the moment savoring every second of being loved by the biggest brat you knew.
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liv-laugh-die · 3 years
||Admiring|| 💖Miya Osamu x Gn!reader
trope: strangers meeting in the park (ik its random bear with me😭)
warnings: its not proofread all the way through (im sorry im tired), so theres probably grammatical errors or typos but other than that none
genre: fluff pretty much just sappy stuff
pairing/s: osamu x gn!reader
wc: about 2.5k
a/n: oh my god idk where i came up with this but i think its cute so :p i hope you enjoy!!
You stared at your blank computer screen, hope of finishing your assignment before its due date at midnight slowly vanishing. 
     The clock on your desk read 11:27pm, the green lines wavering in your vision as your eyes slowly drooped, trying to drag you into the depths of slumber. You wanted to sleep, you really did, but you knew there was no way you could give up writing your essay, even now, knowing you weren’t going to submit it on time, because you would stress too much about it if you didn’t at least try to complete it before the due date. 
     Pushing yourself away from your desk, your chair squeaking against the floor ever so slightly in your dead silent dorm room, you tried to think of some excuse that your professor might believe. You doubted there was anything you could think of, but hey, your professor was better than what your roommates’ had mentioned theirs being, and you were grateful for that. Maybe you could tell him that you were exhausted from working extra hours at your job since you had had to cover your coworker’s shift and that’s why you couldn’t complete your essay on time? Or, maybe you could get away with a simple “I was lacking interest in the material, and couldn’t understand anything, and I didn’t ask for help because I knew that you are such a busy man trying to do so many things at once. Another hopeless near college drop-out wasn’t something I thought you needed on your hands.”
     ....Maybe not the latter.
    You sighed, running a hand through your tangled hair, practically feeling it screaming at you to wash it. You barely had time in the mornings to take showers anymore, and when you took them at night, you never had the strength to wash your hair, always knowing that putting a hat on overtop or throwing on your hoodie would make it seem fine on the outside, and that was good enough for you. As long as you looked at least decent and somewhat presentable.
    Your dorm room was fairly small, like every other one, but the lack of furniture made it seem larger than the rest. Nothing more than you and your roommate’s joint desk, the mini fridge in the corner, and the beds filled the space. You almost tripped over your backpack lying next to the bunk bed pushed up against the wall, falling to what would’ve been inches away from your roommate’s sleeping body.
    In an attempt not to disturb them, you tiptoed through the room, stepping over the occasional heap of clothes or homework, until you reached the bathroom. You fumbled over the door knob before almost tumbling into the small space. Glancing in the mirror, you didn’t fail to notice your messy hair, the dark circles tracing beneath your eyes, or the way you looked like you were seconds away from passing out. The sound of running water rang in your ears as you turned on the sink faucet, cupping your hands together and bringing your face down to meet them, rubbing the cold water all over you in an attempt to keep you awake for just a few moments longer.
     Your eyes returned back to the mirror as you sighed at your dripping wet face. There was no way possible you were going to finish your assignment on time. You knew it, your roommate knew it before they passed out, and you had noticed your professor’s wary glance this morning in class as a sign that he knew it too.
     An idea sprang into your head, part of you dreading the optimism that seemed to seep through your brain slowly. You didn’t feel like being energetic right now.
---an hour later---
You weren’t exactly sure how, when, or why you decided it would be a good idea to take a shower (you did end up washing your hair, thank god), get your things together in your bag, and head to the off-campus coffee shop (since the one on-campus had already closed), but you found yourself with a warm cup of coffee in hand as you exited the shop, the cold midnight air enveloping you in an unwelcome embrace.
     You shivered. The only thing your spontaneous brain had forgotten had to have been your jacket, the one thing your normal brain would’ve remembered if it weren’t already past midnight and if you weren’t majorly sleep-deprived.
     You most certainly weren’t done with your essay yet, nor was there any possible way for you to finish it on time since it was now approximately thirteen minutes past the due time, but you let yourself breathe for now.
     There weren’t many people out at this hour, and it made the usual busy city streets seemed like a ghost town. There were a few restaurants still open as you strolled along the sidewalk, their lights responsible for illuminating more than half the area in front of you. You passed by an onigiri shop your friend had recommended to you, but you just weren’t that hungry. Most nights, you’d kill for a midnight snack, but your single shot of espresso coffee was satisfying your needs for now.
     You decided to head to the park after seeing a rabbit hop its way across the vacant street and into the bushes in that direction. The fresh air was nice and cool against your dry and croaky lungs, and your ears needed a different sound than that of you miserably attempting to touch type quickly, your fingers rapping against the keyboard with vigor.
     A stream nearby flowed softly, the dripping of the water against the rocks complimenting the noise of the crickets chirping in sync just downstream. Your footsteps cut through the grass slowly, not bothering to follow the stone path. The park was a nice change of scenery. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been here by yourself in peace, it was always you and your rambunctious friends who ran through every now and then just to see the dogs running through the sprinklers, or the occasional poor cat whose owner dragged them out into the daylight for exercise. This was peaceful, though, and you appreciated that.
     A few more rabbits crossed your path, giving you that wide-eyed, side glance before darting off into the darkness, outside the reach of the lampposts emitting light. The sound of the stream soon faded out as you continued to walk through the park, sipping your coffee every so often. The warmth from your cup was soon dying out, and you figured you’d have to start walking back to your university sooner or later. Maybe you could crash at your friend’s house who lived just off campus, though you had forgotten your phone back at your dorm and had no alarm, no laptop to complete your work, and no contact with anyone else who might worry where you’d be. You had really no choice but to trek back to your dorm in the darkness, cutting your peaceful visit to the park short.
     You let yourself have a few more minutes of stress free relaxing as you sat down on a bench just before the ground let out into a downhill slope overlooking the rest of the city below. The trees around you swayed in the breeze, and for a moment, you thought it was the wind talking, and not an actual human being who had somehow made his way beside you without gathering your attention.
     “Didn’t think anyone else would be up at this hour,” the stranger mumbled. You glanced up, almost startled that, indeed, someone else was actually awake and strolling through the park.
     The boy couldn’t have been much older than you were, maybe the same age. He had his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets, the wind tousled his dark hair ever so slightly, and the moonlight played along, illuminating his face just so you could actually see how gorgeous he was.
     You cleared your throat, averting your eyes back to the ground as you shifted over, creating more space on the bench in case he wanted to sit down beside you. “I decided to actually take care of myself for once and give myself some time to breathe before facing the wrath of my professor tomorrow when he finds out I didn’t turn in my essay on time.” You let out a low, breathy chuckle, not exactly sure of what would happen next.
     The guy sat down on the bench next to you, though he made sure to give you some personal space, which you were grateful for. He laughed along with you a bit, and you could tell just from his tone just how tired he really was.
     You gave him a side glance, raising an eyebrow. “So, what the stressful thing that brought you here in the middle of the night?”
     He smiled half-heartedly, eyes trained on the moon. “Work stuff. Jus’ been busy, I guess.” He shrugged. 
     You waited for him to continue on, but he stayed silent. You didn’t complain, though. Wasn’t your whole reason for coming out here in the dead of the night for some quiet? Plus, it wasn’t awkward either. You were comfortable sitting next to this stranger.
     “What do you do for work?” You waited a little longer than necessary to ask, but he didn’t seem to mind the long pause.
     “I own a restaurant a few blocks away. I love the job, it’s just tiring havin’ to deal with rude customers like my brother who won’t get the hint and get out sometimes. I got into an argument with him earlier today and he just wouldn’t shut it.” He rolled his eyes and took his hands out of his pockets, making eye contact with you as he went on about his day, and you couldn’t help but smile at his passion. “The guy thinks he can just walk in when I’m working with a new employee and just act like he runs the place! Quite stupid if you ask me. Such a jerk, he is. Thinkin’ about just banning him from the place, really.” 
     You snorted. “He really bugs you that much, huh?”
     The guy smirked at your laugh, admiring it, though you would never had guess that was what flashed across his face in a million years. He nodded. “Yeah, ‘course I love ‘im ‘cause he’s my twin and my best friend, but he really knows how to annoy the hell outta me.” He shrugged. “Maybe I’ll just get a sign in the window that says “no shirt, no shoes, no service” and cross it out and write my brother’s name instead,” he reasoned, and the pondering look in his eyes made you wonder if he was actually considering the idea.
     You smiled. “You’re funny.”
     “You say that like ya weren’t expectin’ it.”
     A laugh made its way out your lips. “Well, when you’re approached by a stranger in the middle of the night you sort of expect the worst.”
     The guy glanced off in the distance, away from you, furrowing his eyebrows. “Sorry, didn’t think of that comin’ off that way.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Guess it’s a good thing I’m funny then, and not some creep, eh?”
     You nodded, the smile on your face not fading as he changed topics.
     “So, what’s your essay on? Any way I can help ya finish it?”
     You shook your head dismissively. “Oh, no. It was due thirty minutes ago.” You quickly explained the topic you were writing about in class before getting side tracked. “My professor had said he would allow it to be turned in the next morning, but I doubt he actually meant it.”
     He smiled a wide grin, making butterflies flutter in your stomach. “You go to the university nearby, right?” 
     You nodded in confirmation, raising an eyebrow. “If I’ve got any luck, there’s a chance you go there too?”
     He laughed a little, shaking his head. “Nah, I don’t, sorry. I’ve visited campus a few times because some of my friends go there, but I just usually focus on work.”
     His gaze was tilted upwards towards the sky, and you couldn’t help but admire how the exhaustion still shone in his eyes, but somehow that same passion gleamed there too just mentioning what he did for a living. You wished you were that passionate about something that would actually support you financially in the future and make you happy.
     When he glanced back at you, you were still taking his essence in, and he made a look of confusion. “What?”
    You shook your head, chuckling. “Nothing. I just admire that you can dedicate yourself to something and make it seem so easy.” He looked at you, interested to hear what you had to say, even though you were sure you couldn’t be the first person to tell him this. “I haven’t even known you for more than ten minutes and I can already tell you’re passionate about what you do and if you’re stressed about it, it must mean you’re dedicated to seeing your work through, and that’s more than enough to admire and appreciate, especially when that can be so difficult sometimes.” You finished your short tangent, looking back up at him to see him staring intently at you, seemingly in awe of what you’d just said. You felt a blush creep onto your face as you quickly blurted out, “Sorry- I didn’t mean to be so straightforward and weird like that- I sound like some crazy secret admirer or something...”
     The crickets chirped in the silence between the two of you, and it felt like it would never end.
     “Y’know, I wouldn’t mind havin’ a secret admirer. I mean, wouldn’t be so secret, but...” You saw the smile creep up onto his face. “It’s nice being appreciated. Nobody really tells me that kind o’ stuff, so... thanks, I guess.” 
     The heat on your cheeks didn’t go away by any means, but you grew more comfortable with it as you mumbled, “Maybe I wouldn’t mind admiring you.”
     Now, it was the boy’s turn to blush, and you smiled at how his cheeks grew redder with every passing second, and how his subtle grin spoke a thousand words he didn’t need to say.
     “Miya Osamu.” The boy’s hand came into your view as he extended it for you to shake. “I own Onigiri Miya across from the grocery outlet.”
     You smirked, grasping his hand in yours as you said, “L/N Y/N. I own an official license for being a horrible driver and an ID that proves I’m a sleep-deprived college student and that’s about it.”
     He laughed, shaking your hand and standing up, letting go too soon for your liking.
     Because for some weird reason, his hand felt right in yours.
     Osamu said a quick goodbye, mentioning something about how he should get going and how you should get some sleep before he disappeared down the stone path back into the darkness.
     You stood up not too long after he’d left, your coffee now entirely cold as you plopped the half full cup into the trash can on your walk back to your dorm, not needing the pathetic warmth anymore. Your heart was beating fast and the feeling of Osamu’s hand resting in yours lingered on your palm, and that kept you warm enough.
     Maybe you’d be visiting that onigiri place your friend recommended to you a little sooner than you’d originally planned, and maybe more often than you would’ve expected.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: dreary [a miya osamu birthday special] Pairing: gn!reader x miya osamu Genre: mild angst, fluff, drama, age-up!osamu and reader
Synopsis: in which a famous author sees the world in a greyscale but the moment he enters it, he splashes colors onto their dull and dreary world.
will this be a series???? idk probably ksksksks but yeah happy osamu and atsumu day since we have the coward series already, its only respectful that i make a story for osamu because he deserves the love too on this special day (or because im just well, you know a miya simp hA)
Warnings: language, smoking, and Y/N being a problematic and arrogant asshole
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People often wonder how novels come to be, how writers are able to sow a bunch of words together and create such masterpieces. How they’re able to make the hearts of their readers tug or ponder in deep thought, how they’re able to gather a group of individuals and create a passion together. 
You were one of the general census now.
Here you were, in the middle of a messy room, the smell of smoke and black coffee lingering the air as you laid on your couch with papers crumpled on each side and pens strewn across your living room. 
“What the hell?”
You’re immediately greeted by a harsh light without warning, you immediately mumble a bunch of curses underneath your breath, “What the fuck, Mikoto?” you growled, shutting your eyes and covering it with a pillow.
“When you said you wanted to take a vacation at Hyogo I didn’t expect you to be pigging around!” Your agent exclaimed, his fiery red hair mirrored his volatile personality, just like you, he had a temper and everyone did say you can never fight fire with fire. It’s a miracle he put up with you.
You immediately flipped him off, “You better hope I don’t minus that on your paycheck, fucker.” you grumbled beneath the pillow, “Now close the lights, I’m tryna concentrate!”
“Concentrate on what exactly? I gave you two weeks, Y/N.”
“I’m doing it.”
“It’s been two months!” He half-yelled, “You haven’t been out for promotions in two years and you haven’t released a book in the three years, you’re going to be washed up at this point!”
You immediately remove the pillow from your face and stare at your agent, “Washed up? People still buy my books!” You retort.
“Your sales are going down, Y/N.” He placed a envelope in front of you, “You might not even be relevant at the end-”
You immediately grab the files and toss it to the side, it’s contents spilling out, “I have enough money to live a comfortable life.” You clenched your hands tight, what a joke, you paid this man to work for you. Why was he calling you out like he was your father or something? Even your father didn’t call you out this way.
“That’s not the point-”
You ignore him as you place another cigarette in between your lips, “Then what is the point? I pay you to manage my contracts and shit, what I do on my down time is none of your business.” you cut him off.
“If you’d stop being an ass for a moment-”
“You can leave, you know your way out.” You cut him off once again, completely tired of his bullshit despite him just getting here, “Now.”
Mikoto narrows his eyes, “The higher ups are giving you another month, if you can’t give them a draft, they’re letting you go.”
You run your hands through your dry and frizzy hair, still ignoring him. As you hear the door shut, you puff the smoke your of your system and stare at the blank sheets of papers and your battery dead laptop, “What a fuckin’ joke.” you mumble, crushing the cigar on the expensive mahogany table. You slowly shuffle towards the kitchen, wanting to prepare yourself an instant meal yet when you notice that your pantry and ref is empty and that your local delivery doesn’t seem to be available, you’re more annoyed as the moments past.
“What kind of fucking restaurants are these?” you scowled, staring at your phone, you hated going out. The sun was too bright, there would be people around and you hated being a few feet away from any living creature since their breathing patterns annoyed the fuck out of you. You could wait until-
You stop on your footsteps when you hear your stomach growling, “Ah shit.” you cursed, “Really?”
Grabbing the cleanest jacket and pair of darkest shades, you decided that you might as well grab some take-out and get out to find something to eat. Not even bothering to comb the frizzes of your hair or splash some water on your face, you walk down the street with your hood up and shades on. It wasn’t sunny as you recalled, maybe it had been two months already.
It was getting kind of cold compared to the last time you went out.
You stop at the first restaurant you come across, onigiri miya. Sounds interesting, might as well grab a bite since it wasn’t a rush hour here and you didn’t want to walk anymore farther. Opening the shop’s door, you're greeted by Japanese interior and the smell of onigiri and some sauce you can’t seem to point out, “Welcome to Onigiri Miya, why don’t ya grab a seat and I’ll be with you in a moment?” someone calls out.
You nod at the woman as you sit nearest to the exit and stare at the variety of onigiri’s the place has to offer. You never knew such flavors even existed to begin with.
Man, the owner must really love onigiri’s huh?
“Ya ready to order?”
Your thoughts are cut short as you hear a voice, you seem to notice that the woman’s voice is deeper this time and the accent of a local is more evident, odd. Looking up from the menu to tell her your order, you're thrown off guard by a pair of friendly grey eyes staring right at you and it was definitely not the woman from earlier.
He was fairly good-looking with a good build, indicating that he kept his life healthy and unlike you, this one seemed to have his life in order by his clean and pristine appearance, “Fatty tuna onigiri’s please. Five pieces.” you simply say, squinting your eyes behind your dark shades. 
“Would you like anything to drink with that? Sides?”
“No.” You simply replied, you were still staring at him, completely enamored by his presence. He reminded you of something, better yet, he reminded you of a weird feeling. You slowly tap your fingertips on the table, eyes still glazing on him as he said that he’ll be back soon with your order. He didn’t seem to notice your open gaze on him.
Grey eyes.
A mysterious and happy smile.
The tapping on the table turns rhythmic as words slowly start to form in your head and before you know it, you're standing up and asking the nearby woman for a pen and a napkin. The woman looks at you in an odd manner but nevertheless she complies, you hurriedly start to scribble on the paper the first few sentences of what seemed to be the novel that you’ve been desperately trying to write these past two years.
Placing some money on the table for the meal that hasn’t arrived, you immediately run outside and back to your apartment, ignoring the woman behind you and the calls of the waiter who had struck an unfamiliar yet at the same time a familiar chord within you.
The world that was once void of color and inspiration seemed to be overflowing, all because of those grey eyes.
taglist wont be open for this one since im not sure if i should even continue this.
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thisfoolwrites · 4 years
My Altair(final)
Welcome to the end of my four part series. I purposefully left some things so you can use your imagination. I might make oneshots based on events I left out. But thank you guys for the support! DISCLAIMER: The story of Altair and Vega is not mine. It can be found here. Warnings: None Genre: All fluff for this chapter
Masterlist Part 3
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Once there was a man named Altair. He lost his parents at a young age. After their death, his brothers decided to split their father's property. Altair, being the youngest, got left with nothing except an old bull. Once he was older, Altair separated himself from his brothers, bought a small field and a few cows, and with the aid of his bull, set himself to work.
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{E/C} eyes lit up as they scanned the arena, a large smile on her face. It was the match that everyone had been waiting for. It was by no means the first match she had been to, but she was super excited for it. The arena was packed with fans of both teams all ready to see which team would come out on top. {Y/C} glanced around looking for the person she was supposed to meet. Two fingers poked at both of her sides causing her to let out a shriek. Before even turning around she heard the stupid laugh that she had come to know.
“That's not funny Tetsuro!” she turned and glared at him. Her glare was less than intimidating and this caused the taller male to laugh harder. “Where were you anyway stupid rooster? What happened to waiting at the gate for me?” She questioned the taller male.
“Sorry, I couldn't resist {Y/C}. You were so intrigued with the sight in front of you, you completely passed me.” He replied while wiping tears from his eyes. The two had a mini staring contest for about a minute before the smaller girl broke. “Ha! I win again!”
“You got lucky. Anyway, Will we see you after the match? I know you have to be closer to the court for work, and I promised Akaashi and Udai I'd sit with them and watch the match.” {E/C} eyes gazed into hazel as she waited for an answer.
“Yeah, you know they'd never let me live it down if I didn't come. Besides didn't you say you had big news to share with everyone?” She smiled bright and nodded.
“Yup! So that means you have to be there!” She turned to walk to her seat before stopping and turning to look at Kuroo once again. “Also, make sure Kenma comes as well! Or I'll cut his hair off next time I see him!” she hollered while running to her seat. Kuroo just chuckled and watched her run off. If you had told him five years ago he and {Hana} would be on speaking terms again, he'd call you a liar. By no means did he ever think he could repair their friendship, but somehow she had managed to forgive him. He smiled and turned and walked off to meet up with his colleges.
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Akaashi looked towards the entrance to the stands. He was getting fidgety, was she late? He looked down at his hands and starting playing with his fingers. Did she get lost or worse, was she hurt? He was so lost in his thoughts he jumped as he heard her voice.
“Sorry I'm late! I couldn't find Tetsu at first.” He let out a sigh of relief. He looked at her and noticed her eyes already on the court. Of course, looking out for the person they came here for. He noticed her attire and gave a little chuckle.
“Showing some favoritism aren't you, Bokuto?” He teased, causing the girl to turn beat red. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and just smiled. She turned to face Akaashi with a big smile on her face.
“Well of course! Kou went out of his way to buy me one, so I had to wear it today. If you had one you'd wear it too, huh, Kaashi?” She teased back, causing Udai to laugh at the pair. It usually ended up like this when the two got together. They all spoke and caught up for a bit when Akaashi went and got onigiri for the trio. Once he got back and the match started she couldn't take her eyes off the court.
Every time Bokuto's spike was blocked she toyed with the ring on her necklace. It matched the one she wore on her left hand, but since jewelry wasn't allowed on the court, she wore Kotaro's on a chain around her neck. As if sensing her feelings he glanced up to the stands and locked eyes with her, causing both of them to break out in huge grins. He looked more energized and focused on the last set after that, causing  Atsumu to give her a thumbs up in the crowd. Despite not getting his typical “emo” modes anymore, he still loved seeing his wife smile down at him from the stands whenever something didn't go the way it was supposed too.
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One Sunday evening, Altair sat down under an oak tree and practiced and old love melody on his flute. All of a sudden, a white dove gracefully swooped down from the sunset painted sky. When the dove landed, it turned into a beautiful young woman. When Altair saw this, he jumped. “Who are you?” exclaimed Altai! “I am sorry to have startled you. My name is Vega, princess of the heavenly skies. I heard you playing and had to come down to learn more. Who are you?” Altair replied, “Princess Vega, my name is Altair, a lowly cow herder.” “Altair the cow herder, you are a beautiful musician! Please play that melody again.” So Altair did, and every day for two months, Vega would descend from the Heavens at sunrise and ascend right before nightfall since Vega, being a heavenly being, was not allowed to interact with mortals.
Bokuto braced himself once he saw a {H/C} blur running his way. He held his hands out to catch her with ease, as if he had been doing this for a whole lifetime. He would catch her however many times she would run to him. He held held her under her thighs to keep her in the air. She in turn wrapped her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck, both with a huge smile on their face.
“You did so good out there Kou!” she exclaimed, “That over the shoulder shot was amazing!” He just rested his forehead on her shoulder and listened to her recount the game to him. Her years of being a manger payed off because now she knew all the terms and exactly how to use them. The rest of his team watched the interaction with smiles on their face. Meian cleared his throat and caused Bokuto to stiffen and place his wife on the floor(they both pouted at this). {Y/N} turned her attention to Hinata after that.
“Congrats on your first game Hinata!” she told him with a smile. He smiled at her and gave her a shy thank you. Despite being friends with Kenma for so long, he never really had any interactions with his older sister. He had heard that she had gotten married from Kenma, but never knew it was to Bokuto.
“Congrats to you too as well. I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch much over the last few years. But Kenma told me was wedding was beautiful.” He responded. Kenma had also said it was beautiful because he made sure {Y/N} got what she wanted. After the fiasco with Kuroo he never wanted to see his sister cry again, and was glad to see her happy with Bokuto.
“Thank you! It was small, but everything we needed. Anyway, I'll let you guys get changed. Oh also, Kou, Tetsu said he was coming tonight and he will be bringing Kenma!” She told him with a smile before walking back to Akaashi.
“I don't see why I'm not invited Bokuto!” Atsumu grumbled once they were in the locker room. Causing everyone, minus Hinata, to groan. Meian slapped the setter on the back of his head. Bokuto just smiled and turned to him.
“Sorry TsumTsum, {Y/N} said only close friends and family.” He apologized with a smile. Once they had finished getting changed they all walked out and ignored Atsumu's grumblings of 'Were a team so were a family stupid Bokuto'. Once they had gotten outside he scanned the area for his friends. There standing together were Kuroo, {Y/N}, and Akaashi. The latter two laughing at the expense of the tall rooster most likely. It took Bokuto longer to forgive Kuroo than it had been for {Y/N} to. She explained to him that she didn't want to continue hating him. While she had never tried to see things from Kuroo's view, she had never really fought him on his decision to keep their summer a secret. That was on her and that's why she chose to forgive him.
“Hey!” they called breaking him out of his thoughts. They all smiled at him and all negative thoughts vanished. “Kenma called, he’s meeting us at the restaurant. Are you ready to go?” She asked taking her husbands hand. He held his tightly and nodded.
“Yeah! I've been waiting for this all day! Also cant wait to hear your announcement! You've been ignoring the topic all week!” he pouted. {Hana} Just laughed and shook her head as they all headed to the train.
“If I told you already there would have been no need for this dinner you goof.” The other too just nodded.
“I tried getting it out of her before the game.” Kuroo added.
“I asked as work yesterday and she shut me down as well.” Akaashi threw in. {Y/N} Just smiled in victory as they boarded the train to the restaurant.
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One day Vega's mother, the Lady of the Sky, got suspicious of Vega's whereabouts. So shge send a messenger to follow her who discovered that Vega was interacting with a mortal. He quickly reported back to the Lady of the Sky. She was so furious that she descended to Altair's field, found Vega, and dragged her back home. Altair was stunned by what he had seen. He started running to find Vega when he heard a voice calling his name. He turned around to see his bull. “Old bull you speak? How? Did Vega give you some of her magic?” Altair asked. Yes. And I know you love her. Get on my back, and we will go to the heavens.” replied the bull. Altair climbed on the bulls back and they took off towards the heavens. The Lady of the Sky noticed, so to stop them, she used her magic to turn the pathway into a river{now known as the Heavenly River or Milky Way). Altair came to the edge of the river and shared a final look with Vega. They both started weeping, wishing there was a way they could be together.
As told, Kenma was waiting outside the restaurant they had chosen. Smiling {Y/N} let go of Bokuto's hand and ran to her bother. He let a small smile grace his face and gave her a hug. After the “incident”, as it had been dubbed, the two had gotten closer. He made sure to ask what she wanted to do instead of just making decisions for the pair. That's what led him to pay for the wedding, leaving the couple to finance the honeymoon. After the initial greetings, they made their way inside and to their table.
Small talk was shared, mostly about the game that was just played, and talks about future projects that Akaashi and {Y/N} would be working on soon. She considered herself lucky to have Akaashi working with her at the publishing company with her. The boys at the table ordered some beer and looked at {Y/N} with surprise when she declined to have one.
Bokuto knew that with what happened in her third year she didn't drink that much, but at celebrations she usually had one drink. Akaashi figured it out first and just stared at her for a good minute before smiling, giving Kuroo and Kenma the final push they needed to figure it out. The three boys turned to the fourth watching the gears in his head work. Despite what people would like to believe, Bokuto is not dumb. However, after a four set game, his mind was working pretty slow.
“Oh, by the way Kou,” {Y/N} began with a mischievous look, knowing the others had figured it out, “We need to clean out the third room soon. And we need to start looking into what color we want to paint it.” With that final nudge, it clicked. Bokuto dropped his chopsticks and just stared at his wife. Tears welling up in his eyes before he moved over and hugged her. She hugged him back, tears of her own in her eyes.
“I know we haven't been married that long, but I know you'll make a great dad.” she whispered to him softly, looking to the others, who also had tears in their eyes. No words needed to be spoken in that moment the congratulations written in their eyes. In high school she had tried to find her Altair, not knowing that he would find her in the end.
When Vega's father, the Emperor of the Sky, saw their love, he became sympathetic. Hoping to fulfill his love, he created a wide bridge of magpies across the river. Now, Altair and Vega wait for the day they cross the river and are together once more.
Taglist: @samkysnks​ @aurorahoneybuns​
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vventure · 4 years
Change - Atsumu Miya Must Die, Ch. 1
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Series Mini Mlist: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x fem!reader
Genre: Angst (only lightly this part), Fluff
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none for now
Summary: Atsumu Miya is a player; dating three girls from three different friend groups so they don’t find out. What happens when they do, though? And how does [Y/N] play into their plan for ultimate revenge?
A/N: This is only the first chapter, so it’s a little dull, I’m sorry! Ahh okay, welcome to my little idea that wouldn’t get out of my head. I’m really excited about this project, and I hope you guys will be too! This fic is HEAVILY inspired by the movie John Tucker Must Die, and I just felt like breaking mean ole’ Atsumu’s heart (huehuehue). I’m not sure how many parts there will be for this, but I’ll definitely make a masterlist for it when the time comes.
Taglist: @for-ests​ @writeiolite​ -  message me if you want to be added!
“Atsumu Miya, there’s only one guy out there for me…” Your recorded voice blared from the flat screen in the bar as his college volleyball team and dormitory friends watched intently. 
Heart racing, you frantically ripped your body from Atsumu’s arms and ran to where the TV was plugged in, cutting the power. 
You didn’t make it in time, and those words you’d recorded so many months ago, before your plans were ruined by ‘Tsumu’s affections, made the room fall silent: “...and you are not...”
Whipping around, you locked eyes with the man you’d made fall in love with a fake version of you, and who you thought maybe you actually felt something for.
“What’s this?”
“I can’t believe we really just moved to Hyogo for a man,” your arms were crossed and your jaw was set as you addressed your sister Ami while riding with her to the boyfriend’s apartment. This had been a point of contention for months between the two of you. 
Since the loss of your parents, Ami became your guardian. You were pretty attached to each other, and so when your sister told you that she was planning to move to Hyogo to live with her boyfriend of six months, you felt compelled to move with her. Her decisions surrounding men had always been questionable, and this was no different.
For two months while preparing to move, you’d argue every day over small things and big things alike. You didn’t do the dishes right after finishing dinner? Fight. You wanted Ami to physically meet the man she was moving in with before the move? Fight.
And to make things worse, her resentment for being saddled with a hormonal teenager to take  care of in her early twenties was showing through. It hurt for you to realize her resentment towards you, no matter how much she told you she loved you and that she didn’t resent you.
Could you really blame her? Maybe a little; you were always more of an adult than she was in your shared life, and she probably resented more that she had to be a grounded adult instead of a flighty party girl.
“It’s not like this was out of nowhere, [Y/N],” your sister grumbled, shooting you a glare and pulling you from your thoughts. “Plus, you didn’t have to move, you had a place in Miyagi.”
“That’s a lot of traveling for holidays, and you know I have to keep my eye on you.”
“I’m an adult, I think I’m fine by myself,” Ami said. “You better not cramp our style while you’re staying with us.”
“So sue me for wanting to keep the only family I have left close,” you spat, looking away from your older sister. “I’ll be in the dorms in a week, resent me as much as you want until then, you’re really good at it.”
“Whatever,” she said, her attention completely leaving you as she pulled in front of a tall, sleek apartment building. This was way nicer than the one you’d shared in Miyagi, and your jaw dropped at the sight. What kind of guy was Riku anyway?
A tall man ran from the main door of the apartment building as Ami flung the car into park and jumped out without turning it off. You’d never seen her move this quickly as she ran and leapt into the arms of her boyfriend, his strong grip able to swing her around like a rag doll.
Pulling the keys from the dash, you stepped out and slung your bag over your shoulder. You thought your legs might give out after the long drive, but you willed yourself to stand and give Riku a guarded smile.
“Welcome, welcome!” He boomed, pulling you into a tight hug before picking up your bags and lugging them towards the front door. “I’ve already gotten a lot of the packages you sent, and I made sure to set up [Y/N]’s room so she’d be comfortable.”
“Rikuuu, you sweetheart,” Ami gushed, pulling his body to hers so she could plant a sloppy kiss on his lips. She’d driven the entire way from Miyagi to Hyogo and her exhaustion was showing. “So thoughtful.”
There was only one week until you could move into your dorm. One. Week. You could deal with their infatuation for one week, right?
Riku’s apartment, well-- Ami and Riku’s apartment-- was cozy. Small touches that your sister had sent through the post were littered around the main living area and it brought you a small feeling of comfort and home as you took them in. 
On the coffee table sat the misshapen mug you’d made during high school ceramics. On one of the walls was a picture Ami had taken of the backyard you’d shared during the time your parents were still around. He’d even displayed a picture of you and your sister on high school graduation day. Ami had worked hard to make your life normal during the last two years of high school, and her pride over your accomplishments showed so clearly in the sunny picture.
“This is a really nice apartment,” you said, turning to look at Riku as you spoke. “Thank you for letting me stay for a week.”
“Of course, [Y/N], anyone important to my boobear is important to me.”
His pet name made you want to gag, but you swallowed it and spoke again, “Where will I be sleeping?”
“Down the hall, first door on the right,” he said, handing your bags over. “Rest a little and we’ll get something to eat. I wanna show you guys my favorite restaurant!”
Making your way down the foreign corridor, you came upon an open room that had a small bed, bedside table, and dresser. It was plain, but honestly you didn’t need it to be anything fancy. Most of your things were still stacked in boxes off to the side of the dresser in anticipation of being moved into the dorm with you, but one of the boxes was cut open, and some of its contents had found their way to the dresser top and bedside table.
A framed picture of you, Chikara Ennoshita, Hisashi Kinoshita, Kazuhito Narita, Ryuunosuke Tanaka, and Yuu Nishinoya sat on the dresser. It was taken during their final volleyball game of high school, and even though they were sweaty and emotional they agreed to take a picture with their closest friend who was always there to support them. Next to that was a framed picture of Noya and you swinging in one of the parks near school, faces split by massive smiles as you enjoyed the childish pleasure of weightless glee.
Riku had made good choices for decoration, you’d give the stranger that.
You missed these goofs already; Chikara always checking on how you were doing in college and making sure you were eating healthily and drinking water; Kazuhita texting you to make sure that you weren’t too stressed and you were taking care of yourself mentally; Hisashi coming by to take you out for boba, showing you the latest memes he’d acquired; and Yuu and Ryuu dragging you along to parties, which you always ended up enjoying no matter how much you complained about them. 
Your heart ached at the memories of your friends no longer a short bus ride or walk away. 12 hours was a lot of distance between you all, and it was finally hitting you that this was not Miyagi anymore. What if you didn’t make any friends here? 
It was already your third year of college, and most of the people in your classes would likely already have friend groups. How weird would you look when you moved into a dorm with people who likely knew each other?
With a sigh, you flopped face-first onto the bed and willed the fresh cotton scented bed covering to suffocate you. What if your friends from Miyagi didn’t care about your absence. You let out a half-hearted wail imagining Chikara blocking your number, irrationality taking over your brain.
“[Y/N]?” Ami’s voice drifted through the open door as she looked for you. “We’re gonna go get something to eat now, actually. Riku is hungry and I think I am too.”
She thinks she is? You rolled over and sat up to look at her.
“Y’know, Riku seems really nice. I don’t think you have to, like, change yourself for him or whatever you usually do for the guys you date,” you said while swinging your legs over the edge of the bed to stand.
Ami just rolled her eyes and rejoined Riku in the living room. You were fast on her heels, slipping out of your house shoes and putting on your sneakers.
“Alright!” Riku said with a smile. “Let’s go get onigiri!”
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