#i got some leftovers i love sushi
bellascool · 2 years
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posted : 01/02/23 (European date)
edit 10/04 (European date) : wanted to change Bella to Y/n but it was too long. I'll keep Bella for the story, sorry again and enjoy !
I opened my eyes to only be met by a strong white light.
I tried to cover them by putting my hand but couldn't move, as if someone was pushing me deeper into the bed.
After some blinking, I finally could open my eyes without instantly closing them.
But as soon as I did, a nurse came in, looking at me with wide eyes and dropping her papers.
"Someone come here! She's awake!" She finally yelled going back
After some times, 4 doctors came in and started checking me.
"Mrs.Garcia, I'm Dr.Martinez and I'm the person who took care of you. Do you remember what happened?" A tall man said next to me while writing something
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out as if I forgot how to do so.
A nurse helped me drink some water and I felt much better but still couldn't talk.
I watched him with fear in my eyes
"You forgot what happened before?" I shook my head no, tears filling my eyes
"Mrs.Garcia, you had a major car accident and you've been in a coma for 2 years."
What the fuck.
"And I'm sorry but, it looks like your body has to wait until you can talk again."
Suddenly, the machines started beeping faster and faster as I panicked. I felt my heart beating faster and the last thing I saw, was the doctors trying to calm me.
And everything went dark again.
It's been a month since I was getting help to walk again and doing basic stuff but I still couldn't talk nor remember anything.
The doctor let me out of the hospital since I was doing well now. They said that I should get my memory back soon but I don't know when.
My mother came to visit me everyday when she could, of course she had to work but most of time she freed herself to see me.
I walked up to her as she hugged me.
"Oh my baby, finally they let you out!" she said kissing me everywhere on my face
I laughed and entered her car before she drove us home I guess.
After some minutes she parked her car in a hallway and I assumed we were finally home so I went outside but still didn't remember a single thing.
"Does it bring back memories baby?" my mother asked me, a hopeful smile on her face but it quickly faded when I shook my head no
We went in and still nothing. She showed me my room and phone, saying she had to back to work.
"I'm so sorry, I would've stayed with you but I have a lot of business. There's food on the oven if you're hungry or else you can order. I'll be back tonight, love you" she kissed my forehead and left
Now I don't know what I should do.
I went to take a shower since I felt dirty and grabbed my phone when I was done.
I opened instagram, hoping that everything will get back to me when I'll see my friends, if I had some.
When I opened the app, a profile caught my attention
He was famous, damn 13 million followers and he was following me.
I clicked on the message button and saw a conversation from 2020
February 14th 2020
Answer me please! :)
I miss you pleaseeeee
I'm worried Bella please answer :(
What's going on?
They said someone got into a car accident on the TV, I'm so scared please answer :(
So we were friends.
After being hesitant, I finally clicked the button send and shut down my phone as I felt hungry.
I ate some leftover sushis and sat down on the couch when I remembered my phone and that boy.
Wow, at least something I remember.
You're awake?
I'm coming over right now.
Was all he said, as soon as I read the last text, the bell rang.
I got up and opened the door to reveal a tall boy with fluffy hair and brown eyes, he looked so shocked to see me.
He looked so shocked, his eyes were wide open and his mouth slightly opened too.
He gently put his shaking hand on my cheek as if I would disappear if he was too rough.
"Bella I.. I can't believe you're there.." he marked a pause, looking at me as he was discovering my face again "can I hug you?" he asked
Oh hell no that's way too sweet.
I nodded and he wrapped his arms around my body, letting his head rest on my shoulder.
We stayed in that position for at least 3 minutes before he let me go.
"I have so many things to tell you.."
I looked at him, not knowing how to announce that I don't know who he is.
He closed the door and sat down on the couch, I sat next to him hesitating
"So.. As you know I've always wanted to play for a national team so-" I cut him by putting my hand on his chest, he looked up at me with a confused look
I sighed, grabbing my phone and began to type something
"I'm really sorry but I lost my memory since the accident. Could you please tell me who you are?"
He read the note and his face dropped, his hands were shaking and his eyes filled up with tears.
"Bella.. I.. You really don't remember me? Pablo? Pablito?" he asked me with a sad face which made me look at my feet "Why aren't you saying anything?" he whispered, waiting for an answer but didn't get one
"I also lost my ability of speaking for a while, I'm really sorry."
"Oh." was all he said "I'm sorry, I'm Pablo Gavi and we were bestfriends before your car accident."
Pablo started to explain to me everything.
We were bestfriends since little kids, we used to play football together.
He kept talking to me about the past for hours until I fell asleep on his shoulder without even noticing.
It's been a month since I got out of the hospital. Pablo helped me with my memory loss and I met his team and even became friends with Pedro.
Still no words but I feel like I will be able to speak soon.
I was currently putting on my red dress to go out to dinner with Pablo, he wanted to "have some luck" for the match against the Real Madrid by inviting me.
I put on my heels matching with my red dress (imagine whatever you want lol) and went down after grabbing my purse.
I opened the door to find Pablo with a black suit holding flowers in his hands, his face was red.
"I passed by a flower shop and thought about you so.. Here." he said handing me the flowers
I wildly smiled and kissed both of his cheeks which made him blush even harder.
I put the flower on the table before going back to him.
We arrived to the restaurant, I got out of the car but what I wasn't expecting was to see a lot of paparazzi around as if they were waiting for us.
Pablo grabbed my waist, holding me close to him as they all took several pictures, making my eyes hurt.
We finally arrived at our table and ordered after some minutes.
Pablo took my hand in his and looked at me deep in the eyes, smiling at me. He's so damn pretty..
"I'm so happy to have you back with me Bella, you don't realize how much I've missed you" I softly smiled at him, my eyes beginning to get watery
If only I could have my memories back.
"You're coming to my game right?" he asked
I nodded
"I wanted to ask you.." he started before letting my hand go "Could you please speak to me? I'd love to hear your voice"
What? But he knows damn well that I can't??
I looked at him with confusion on my eyes before shrugging, making him understand that I really can't.
His eyebrows furrowed.
"Come on Bella, do it for me please?" he begged
What the fuck?
I said nothing and that's when I saw him become angrier.
"Fine, I see." he got up and started to leave, I followed him outside and tried to grab his arm but he shoved my hand, walking angrily to his car
I watched him go, tears running down my cheeks without doing anything. 
What did happen..
I took a taxi to get back home and immediately bumped into my bed, tears still flowing down my face.
I fell asleep without even noticing, shit I cried myself to sleep.
I woke up with a horrible headache and immediately went to take a shower, my eyes were red and puffy and I looked like a mess.
I got out of the shower and checked my phone to see if Pablo sent me anything but no.
I sighed and scrolled when I stopped to see a familiar picture.
It was me and Pablo at the restaurant
I checked the comments, immediately regretting my decision
"She's not even pretty."
"He could've done better"
"Who the fuck does this girl thinks she is?"
"I'll kick her ass"
As I was going to put my phone down, I received a text from Pedri
"Hey, you're coming to our match right? :)"
"Hola! Yes I am, see you!!"
He liked my message, I smiled to myself before starting to prepare myself.
I put on some grey nike shorts with my plain barca jersey and dunk low, adding some jewelry and makeup. I let my hair like that since it was already pretty.
I took my purse and called an uber, Pedri sent me my ticket so I could have access to the locker room and vip places.
I arrived to Camp Nou and went to the barca locker room
I entered and everyone looked at me
"Hola Bella!" they all said, some taping my back or shoulder, I waved before going to Pedri who was with Pablo himself
"Bella! I'm glad you came" he said hugging me
I felt a stare on my back but didn't really pay attention.
I stayed with the team a little before heading out to my seat.
"Bye Bella, you better cheer for us!" Dembélé said laughing while waving at me
I went to my seat and waited for the match to begin.
It was now half time, Barca was winning 2-0 scored by Gavi and Lewandoski.
Pablo didn't even look at me during the match which made me really sad but oh well, it's not my fault.
After the small break the match began again et this time when Pablo came out he locked his eyes with mine as he was walking.
When he stoped looking at me I felt cold, as if his gaze was a blanket.
The referee whistled the start of the match and here we go again.
Lewandoski and Gavi approached the goal, the number 9 passed the ball to his teammate and he shot the ball and
I jumped, wanting to yell but of course I couldn't, Pablo managed to pull off his teammates and ran towards my seat, he jumped over the barrier and lifted me up in his arms.
I was agreeably surprised and let him hug me while laughing.
People around the stadium started whistling and yelling "Gavi" which made me laugh even harder.
"I'm so sorry, I wanna apologize in better circumstances but let me just dance this moment right now" he said grabbing my shoulders
I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, making him understand that it was fine.
He smiled one last time before getting back to the field, leaving me smiling like an idiot.
The match ended with 3-0 for Barca, I was so proud of them!
I went to the locker room but knows how, got lost.
I looked everywhere and understood that I was in the Madrid's side when I saw the team's logo on a wall.
I tried to go back but suddenly a door opened and someone grabbed my arm to a dark room.
I wanted to scream but nothing came out of my mouth.
I couldn't see anything, I only felt two hands pushing me on the cold ground and some people laughing.
I put my hands everywhere, trying to find the door but it was like the room was endless
The laughs kept growing louder and louder
I suddenly felt something hit my stomach which made me put my hand there
I opened my mouth to scream, hoping something will come out but still nothing
They kept hitting me everywhere and laugh, I was pretty sure my forehead was bleeding and I had bruises on my knees
That's when I felt something hard and cold banging my arm that I screamed as loud as I could as if I knew how to speak again
They all went silent and quickly left before getting caught
Not so long after the door opened and I saw the team coming inside, turning on the light
"Bella!" I recognized Pedri's voice as they all made a circle around me, assuring me by telling me that they took the persons who made that and a medical team was coming
I opened my mouth and the only word I could let out was his name. They looked at each other
"He's dealing with the guys who put you in there"
A tear fell from my eye, not because Pablo wasn't there but because I was in pain. My arm was hurting me so bad and I had a headache.
After some minutes, a medical team arrived and helped me.
I was now sitting on my bed, my forehead was opened and my arm broken but at least I'm recovering.
I felt so damn weak, I didn't remember anything at all and I couldn't talk even though I did once.
I suddenly received a text
"Get ready and meet me at the beach by 9."
Pablo! I left him on seen and prepared myself, at least what I could do with one arm working.
I arrived at the beach (just imagine a quick outfit, makeup and hairstyle bc I'm too tired to put one lol) and spotted Pablo sitting on the sand watching the water.
I went next to him and sat next to him which made Pablo's head turn to face me.
I quickly waved before getting back to the sea, I don't know if I liked to do that before but this is so relaxing.
"I wanted to talk to you about two things." he started "first of all, the 3 guys that hurt you were arrested, we're waiting for the verdict but you don't have to worry about them" I smiled, happy to know that these hoes were in trouble "And.. there's something that I need to tell you." he seemed nervous
"Look Bella, I'm so sorry for getting mad at you at the restaurant, I was so stressed and didn't realize how much my words could impact. I'm so sorry, I truly apologize." he looked at me straight in the eyes which made my heart skip a beat "I don't care if you won't be able to talk for the rest of your life, I can live with that. I don't care if you don't remember anything, I'll help you build so many good memories. What I'm trying to tell you Bella, is that I think I'm falling in love with you." he said marking some pauses.
I was so shocked, I didn't knew what to say, or at least to do. Tears soon fell down my cheeks, it was happy tears because he's so precious.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close.
He then grabbed my chin and pulled our faces close enough to feel his hot breath on my lips
"Can I?" he whispered, I nodded and he gently put his lips on mine
It was soft, not sexual or anything.
Just like a dream.
That's when I felt a strange feeling on my stomach which went up to my brain and everything went back.
Me meeting Pablo, my mother making me food when I got home from school, the night I went to Pablo's first "big" match but ended up crashing with a truck.
Everything went back to me like a flash.
Pablo felt that I was weird and pulled out, looking at me with worried face as I was paralyzed with my eyes wide open.
"Pablo, I remember now." I surprisingly said
He looked at me with wide eyes, realizing that I just spoke
"I remember! I remember everything!" I yelled, hardly getting up with one arm and running around the beach, repeating these 2 words again and again.
Pablo ran towards me and picked me up, making me spin around.
I'm so happy!
He put me down and looked at me
"So you remember everything?" he asked with a smirk
"Don't you have one specific memory that I might have hid from you?"
I tried to see what he talked about before getting it.
"Oh Pablo! How could I forget?" I said laughing
"Well I cannot blame you" he laughed too
Today is our 15 years anniversary, 15 years since we know each other and 3 years ago, we were there, sharing for both of us, our first kiss.
I cupped his face with my only hand and kissed him deeply, having to get on my tiptoes. He kissed me back and I could feel his smile against my lips, making me do the same.
What a wonderful night!
The world stopped, it was now just me and him and I absolutely loved it
Hi guys! What a long chapter omg I took so long to write it but I absolutely hate it lol :')
Anyways let me know if you liked it bye <3
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doberbutts · 2 months
LET'S TALK DOG GEAR! What do you have for each, e.g. leash, collar, harness, slip lead? What do you use them for? What do you like best about them? (Brought to you by looking at Fen's mondio harness)
Oh fun OK
The big dogs have custom made Master's Pride leather leashes. I bought one secondhand from someone who used their service doberman in a similar manner as I did with Creed, and I loved it so much that I tracked down the maker and asked him to repair my original which withstood 8 years of abuse and zero leather care from me, and also make me a second. He was wonderful to work with and the next time I have the cash to splurge on leather I'm going back to him.
The littles have very delicate lightweight leashes I bought from a dog show. It's some form of very light nylon. This is actually because Fae specifically refused to walk with a collar for a long time, so I taught her to drag a lightweight line and from there began to use it as a regular leash once she was used to the weight.
Shared between the big dogs are also another custom Master's Pride, this time one of those "European style" leashes with the many clips but altered to mostly be a handsfree service dog leash, a biothane Yup a friend got me that shrinks down to 5ft and expands out to about 10ft, and a braided leather martingale-style I won from a raffle at a dog show which doesn't really fit either dog safely (too big) but it's cute and also purple. And of course an assortment of nylon, cloth, and neoprene leashes for "just in case" storage.
Recently also I bought some drag lines (no handle on the end) because Fenris got caught up in the handle at his last mondio session and I don't want him to break his legs. They're biothane lines from CSJCreations on etsy.
Tater does not wear collars as they aggravate her SM/CM trigger points and cause a horrendous amount of pain. Fae has an assortment of very small, delicate nylon and cloth collars. I want to get her a braided thread one like Tiki had at one point, but who has the money for vanity?
Fenris uses an assortment of leftover collars from other dogs, though his prong, slip, and electric collar I bought specifically for him because the others don't fit and because he's the first dog I've actually felt comfortable using a stim on. Expensive fancy collars are reserved for dogs who get titles at competition events, and he has not yet (just a temperament test) so I similarly have not bought him a nice custom collar. Eventually I'll buy him a fursaver I can actually fit over his big stupid head.
Sushi HAS gotten ribbons at competitions and so the first ribbon she won I celebrated by getting her a very nice silk-wrapped martingale that looks amazing on her and actually is really nice to her neck sensitivity. Sushi's very sensitive to pressure on her neck and yet will very quickly pop out of a flat collar, so a martingale is the safest option for us.
Fen's xback is from Nahak, it's the preferred harness for mondioring training. I was looking at a couple different makers and then his breeder chose for me when she got him one for his birthday 🤣
Sushi has a Redline K9 harness that she's been using as a service harness. It's Creed's old agitation harness.
The chihuahuas have harnesses from High Tide Collar Co which she made lightweight and custom for my little babies. Fae also had a really nice vest style harness I wanted to use as her harness at work when I was a dog trainer with a little "PLEASE pet me" patch on it however she decided she hated the buckle and chewed it off of herself when I wasn't watching her in my training ring like 3 days after it arrived, and I never replaced it.
Slip leads:
I have a shitty thin nylon one that I think I stole from working at petco (we were always supposed to have one in our pockets for emergencies and then when I stopped working there I found it in my apron lmao whoops) which I use for giving reluctant big dogs their baths. I also have two more expensive rope ones, one red (bought for Tiki) and one purple (bought for Sushi) which live next to my back door and in my car respectively for emergencies.
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thewatercolours · 7 days
🪐Name three good things going on in your life right now
My fancy black and red dice which I love, and always call "the cool dice," and which I thought my students lost last year, turned up in the mysterious, forgotten pocket of my old backpack! There's always that one pocket, right? My little golden box of dice is that much fuller!
I had some lovely sushi last night! Just some grocery store California rolls, because I'm broke, but it's such a treat to me, and the Save On Foods where I get it always has it very fresh.
I never quite grasp how delighted the start of the school year always makes me until I'm back in it. Yes, teaching isn't always a bed of roses, but man, I love my kids. Every single year, I get a good group. I love making them chuckle, and uncovering their passions, and trying to find creative ways to make the material connect with them. We had group auditions for the high school show on Friday, and has some leftover time at the end, and I had them doing skits with movie quotes out of context, and everyone laughed their heads off, and... man, I love being back with them.
What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Hm, well assuming we're talking KQ - I mean honestly, I want a longfic of that game I dreamed up that would take place between chapters of the 2015 game. Chapter 1.5, "While the Knight's Still Young," would take place during Graham's knighthood days, and I've always had this image that it would involve him discovering a hidden location in the woods with a magical fountain, and makes an ill-advised choice that kicks off a whole adventure as he attempts to fix his mistake. It probably takes him to some areas of Daventry we haven't seen before, but we also have to have a little visiting the town, because this fic is supposed to feel like playing the game, and the games are always better with more town visiting. I feel like you'd do a great job writing this one, Mickey, because you've got that spirit of adventure and comedy, and are great at balancing lots of elements, and I feel like it would be a great mix of zany antics and heartfelt moments in your hands. I'd also love to see what @gerbiloftriumph would do with it, because she can write exactly like the game at its best, and has really proven out she can write fics that feel like gameplay, and she'd make it wonderful too. Actually, can we stick you both in a blender and have your unholy amalgamation write it? I want 100k on my desk by Tuesday.
(Runner up is somebody writing that continuation of Chapter Three where Graham and the princesses are trying to stop Not-Valanice from freezing and run all around Kolyma and there are warm harbour lights in the tropics and disguises and trying to stop a war.)
🦷 Share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Oh - um - people feel loved when they offer to help you and you let them. It becomes a moment of connection and bonding, of not being treated like a guest, but a closer part of your life. Being raised by a parent whose primary love language is acts of service can make us feel that we'll show our friends we love them if we don't let them help. But 9 times out of 10, someone who already offered to help really wants to and will feel so glad if you let them, especially if you're in the habit of telling them no.
🌿Give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Don't beat yourself up about creative block. It's self defeating.
If your old methods of getting in the mood to write don't work right now, have fun making a new writing process, even just temporarily. Or come up with a new writing ritual. Even if it doesn't help you write, you had a nicer time of it.
You don't have to make it perfect before people see it. Sometimes people seeing it will help you make it. You can incorporate community and imperfection into the process.
🪲Add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here.
Blast you, Mickey.
“Hey, maybe this is none of my business, but I saw you squinting at those direction signs,”  said Number Two as he stooped to pull the first rainbow sock over his boot. “Have you ever thought you might need glasses?”
“What? Glasses?” Graham scoffed. “Nah, I’m good. It was just hard to read with all this mist in the air.”
🦴Is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Oh, my imagination's just a big compost heap of every story I've ever enjoyed. Hard to tell what comes from where. I do get in the mood to work on certain stories when I reread/watch certain media. I always think maybe I can make "Pirate Monks" work when I go back to The Goblin Emperor, for example. Revisiting Potter this month made me want to write children's stories for my niece. Twilight Robbery makes me want to work on my old novel, The Brilliant Hour (the one I've been writing "fanfiction" scenes of...) As for KQ, the stuff you guys make is my main inspiration at this point!
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theacedragon0w0 · 6 months
You belong to me
SagexVel Smut fic
Possessive Vel sees Sage being a dork and rails them.
Hazel belongs to @puffymucher
Velvette and Hazel walked into the penthouse, Rosalina and Vlk were out on a date and wouldn't be expected to get back till late into the night, more likely the two would crash at Rosalina's place. Sage heard the door swing open as they pulled out the meatloaf that just finished baking.
Sage was practically jumping with excitement,
"Hi Loves! The meatloaf is just finished! I also got your favorite bread, well I got five loaves but that was because the guy didn't have the change for one."
Velvette, without changing any expression, summoned Sage's collar, catching the reptile surprised as Sage was getting pulled away from her work area,
"H-hold on Velvette, the meatloaf will get cold,"
"Don't care, I need to screw you till your legs are shaking, Hazel you got this covered right?"
"Yes ma'am," Hazel stated, giving the couple a salute as Sage felt the dread that there wasn't going to be any dinner left over.
Like reading their mind Velvette answered, "Look we can order from that sushi spot you love so much darling," practically shoving Sage to the bedroom.
Sage was quick to remove their clothes, granted they tend to wear only a t-shirt and shorts while they cook, and laid on the bed; prepared for whatever her lover had in store for her. After a couple of minutes of Velvette undressing and digging through the drawers, she pulled out a dildo, one end was shorter than the other.
Pointing the short end at Sage's snout, Velvette towered over Sage,
to which Sage obeyed, wrapping their tounge around the silicone as Velvette inserted it into Sage's throat. Velvette then reached over to tease Sage's clit with her delicate fingers, sending waves of pleasure to the guard. Sage saw Velvette's heat in front of them and tried to sneak their tounge into it but Velvette pulled away,
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are getting pretty bold now that you got three of my girls to screw ya without me," still tracing circles around Sage's walls, making Sage whimper.
"N-no boss, I am yours,"
"Say it again," Velvette now removing the toy from Sage's mouth and was beginning to adjust herself on top of Sage.
"I'm yours, I belong to you-aagh," getting cut off by Velvette slamming into Sage with little resistance thanks in part to Sage being already wet from the teasing. Velvette wasted no time, adjusting her legs so that Sage's thighs were pinned, her hands gripping her partner's wrists,
"Again," she commanded,
Sage struggled to get their words out, with Velvette bouncing against them and her leaving both kisses and bite marks around their neck and chest, "I'm, I'm, I'm yours, fuck, aah, I, fuck, I belong, hah, t-to, you."
The two were on round three when Velvette noticed how much Sage was struggling to keep their composure, tears were forming in their eyes, "Oh? Don't tell me you're getting winded sweetie, I know ya got one more in ya." Sage's back arched, gripping the back of the bedframe for support and their tail wrapped loosely around Velvette's waist, they were reaching their limit but they felt Velvette's rhythm starting to slow down, "haa, B-boss, do you want to stop?" But those words seemed to motivate the overlord, gripping Sage's hips as she her pace quickened, "You are not going to baby me while I am fucking you!" Giving Sage one final push before the lizard unraveled, leaving a large mess on the sheets. Sage covered their face, "Sorry, I'll clean it up," but Velvette gently moved Sage's hands away, giving them a kiss on their forehead. "In a minute doll, at least let me get you some water first,"
-there was in fact no meatloaf leftover lol
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mockingbirdshymn · 2 years
giving camp camp characters favorite foods
preston: french toast and bagels with cream cheese. he really likes blueberry bagels and blueberry muffins. he's a breakfast food kinda guy
harrison: bannana bread!!!! he really seems like a bananna bread guy. and a hot dog guy too, he definitely loves hot dogs
nerris: pizza. only cheese pizza, though, she doesn't like pepperoni. their dad always orders one during long dnd sessions that take up most of the evening. she likes dominos especially because their dad orders the cookie brownies too when they get dominos
max: smiley french fries. he also likes to press them down in a pile of ketchup to make the ketchup ooze out of their eye and mouth holes like blood. (im hoping that was a universal kid thing and that i wasnt just weird as fuck)
nikki: pb&j uncrustables!! she likes normal pb&js the same, though. she only eats them with either strawberry or blackberry jam
neil: lunchables. despite how hes well aware how unhealthy they are, he likes the fact theyre compact and he can take them anywhere with ease
space kid: his mother's chocolate chip cookies and dinosaur egg oatmeal (the kind where the egg melts over time in the oatmeal to reveal a colored dino inside)
dolph: shaped mac & cheese (ie. dino mac n' cheese, spongebob mac, etc.) he won't eat the normal macaroni (he only uses it for macaroni art)
ered: oreos, specifically the weird oreo flavors or double stuffed, and sonic drive thru
nurf: dinosaur nuggets but only the soggy ones you get at lunch at your shitty school that are soaked in like corn juice or some shit because i dont like nurf
david: sandwiches! lettuce, tomato, turkey, ham, mayo, onion, he has it all. he packs one every day for max to bring to school. max doesnt like them but he pretends to so that david feels happy
gwen: sushi!! she seems like a sushi lover. she probably eats a lot of cups of noodles
cameron campbell: his mother's oatmeal raisin cookies
space kid has an uncanny resistance to spice. kids at camp started to feed him spicy stuff but he never seemed to react.
harrison once sobbed as a kid bc he ate deer and got upset because deer are cute and he ate one without knowing it was a deer :(
nikki always gives her leftovers to the pigeons in the city she lives near whenever she eats there. even if she doesnt have any, she makes sure to give some to the city birds. pigeons never forget a face, and they follow nikki whenever shes in the city. shes started bringing crumbs and food in her pockets to scatter behind her whenever they show up.
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myf00djournal · 7 months
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How good is progress? Chip chip chip away.
My watch went a bit haywire at the beginning, missed the start apparently, and the entire run whenever I looked it kept showing inaccurate splits. At one point it said 6:15 but clearly none of them were. It made me push because I thought I was running behind pace 😤 So bizarre. That’s Apple for you lol. My Runna membership is in lieu of getting a Garmin but unfortunately they don’t have a feature that paced you through “race day” it’s just training plans. They said that feature is coming though so fingers crossed 🤞🏽
Very proud of my efforts especially over the last 6 weeks but that work started about a year ago 🙏🏽 🏃🏽‍♀️ I just completely believe in myself now. It is so daunting looking back. This time last year I was still chasing my 2022 goal of going under 30. Once everything clicks it’s just magic 🪄
I haven’t been posting my whole day lately. I just took a break. I still tracked on some days but I’m feeling like I had a good understanding of my routine foods lately and didn’t need to input everything.
My week has felt pretty consistent. I did strength training 4x, and after tomorrow will have run 22.5km in total. I felt tired though because we had a shutdown period at work and I WFH. It felt very tiring to go back 🙃
I did my easy run on Tuesday but skipped a 7km progressive run on Thursday because it was 40 degrees here 🥵 I’m running my 11km long run tomorrow with my mate around the river so I’m excited for a change of scenery and some company. Next week is a deload week as it’s halfway through the program and I am keeeeeeen.
Today after parky I just got a coffee ☕️ . I had had Nutrigrain before I ran, just a small portion. I usually have half an English muffin but we ran out.
Came home and did uni work 📚 as my semester started this week.
Went to our fave sushi 🍣 place for lunch. I love my wagyu beef, prawn nigiri, katsu 🤤, 🐙 had about six plates. Then checked out JB and got one of those 14 in 1 air fryers and slow cookers all of that jazz. Josh had been eyeing it off for months and my family gave him a voucher for his birthday. Cute.
Then we got bubble tea because that’s our new Saturday thing. I tried a rose green tea. Tasty.
And then I did a uni reading and napped 🥰
Josh is currently cooking up a chicken korma with basmati and naan that I am stoked for. Get in my belly.
We have leftover lemon meringue cake from the birthdays last night so will also get into that 🤭 generous servings to fuel me up!
I hope everyone had a nice week and is enjoying their weekend 🫶🏽
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Ohana Eastside
Oh my gosh this was amazing!! As the inaugural post for this account, me and Box went to Ohana in Issaquah! He and my mom had been there the past week, and after hearing about it, it just had to be our first post. For a side of history, Ohana was first established in Belltown by Kyle Yoshimura
Oh my gosh this was amazing!! As the inaugural post for this account, me and Box went to Ohana in Issaquah! He and my mom had been there the past week, and after hearing about it, it just had to be our first post. For a side of history, Ohana was first established in Belltown by Kyle Yoshimura in 1999. As stated on the website, "After watching Ohana become an integral part of the Belltown community, Kyle opened Ohana Eastside in the heart of Gilman, Issaquah." [1] Not only do they serve wonderful food, but they also have karaoke and live Hawaiian music! Now, to the environment! I have no idea if the decor was authentic, but I loved it! It felt like a mixture of a beach home in Hawaii and just a bit of tack. Nonetheless, I love the feel of the place. The wood gives the restaurant a warm feeling, the cushions on the booths added a nice bit of color, everything made me feel quite happy! Finally, the food. Oh my cod it was delicious! To start off, me and Box ordered the fish tacos. It was essentially a mixture of coleslaw and pico de gallo on top of fried white fish. But boy is that underselling the taste! I'm not a big fan of cooked fish, but this was delicious! It wasn't to crispy, but the fish was nice and buttery. And the slaw- my cod the slaw! I could eat that with a spoon it was so good. It tasted so good and quite fresh. My one complaint about it was that it was messy, but that's what you'll get when you eat tacos. Now, me and box got 3 different sushi rolls. An order of tamago (sweet egg nigiri), the creamy crunchy salmon roll (salmon, cream cheese, spicy mayo and tempura flakes), and a poké roll (spicy tuna, jalapenos, and cilantro topped with tuna, onion, cucumber, sesame seeds, and poke sauce. We didn't get the jalapenos, but we added cream cheese.) I will say, the sushi definitely didn't need any soy sauce. A common theme I see with Ohana (through this experience and leftovers from my parents) is that nothing needs salt. I do wish the sushi was a bit moister, a thing you can only gain from cream cheese or sauce. Yet, the cream cheese didn't help with that specifically. And it was already to salty for soy sauce or eel sauce. Especially with the tempura flakes, it increased the need for moisture. I was thus left with a roll that lacked in moisture but had an excess of flavor. Me and Box tried tamago for the first time here though! It was quite good I must admit. I wish it were warm, but I get the practicality of making it ahead and then slapping it on a bed of rice and nori. I really liked how sweet it was though! I think something that could compliment it would be an eel sauce (only a little bit though!) or some mayo (maybe both?). I absolutely love how you can add cream cheese to any sushi roll and change any roll to soy paper! Box isn't a huge fan of nori, so he was a huge fan of that. And the presentation is awesome! The rolls are beautiful, and I love it when sushi places bring them out on special dishes. Even just a long white dish is nice, but I love the wooden board that was brought out! Ohana was a wonderful experience. Fish aside, they have a HUGE menu full of delicious looking Hawaiian and Japanese-influenced food. As much as I do think they could improve on the saltyness (not just fish wise, but in general. Their pork sliders and potato salad were quite overwhelming), it's definitely going to become a regular spot for me and Box. Overall, I think I'd give it a 7.5-8/10. Box gives it a 9/10. Wishing you a particularly fishy week, Box & Bowl
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thoughts-onmars · 10 months
december gurl
Hello mars,
I had my computer on a pillow for better stability for my eyes but it was kind of uncomfortable. I have been listening to Doja all morning today and even yesterday lol i LOVE Planet Her it is a catchy and boppy album. I hope that my gurl Ari releases some music soon. I have been listening to my MJ playlists again and some of my older 90s early 2000s music bc I like the sound of the instruments in the songs in them. I really like New Jeans too though for current kpop music. I am ready for 2024 to have some new tunes.
Today has been pretty productive in my eyes. I was pretty productive yesterday too. As soon as I got up I got the beans boiled and the chicken was also set. My food yesterday was so good. I love that I am getting better and faster at cooking lol. It really helps grow my confidence. I made red enchiladas with chicken and cheese and the beans and I even made some rice which tasted better than the first batch I made. Just a cooking mama lmao. I also went on a run and went to king soopers for some mailing bags to send beanies for my fam and whatever else i could fit with two hands lol. I got that done today and also returned the pants that were way too long and too small tbh lol. I am glad it was hassle free and plus I had to go mail the other ish so it worked out.
I was able to return the hair dye also hassle free and I got a blue and purple one to dye today. OP I just remembered that today I have to give JP his massage/cupping sesh bc I did not have energy to do it yesterday. I wrote it out so now I really have to do it jeje. Anyway today for food I am thinking of making some stir fried udon noodles with broccoli and carrots and cabbage. Maybe even make it spicy but not everything has to be spicy mars. I still have leftover chicken from yesterday so I was thinking of adding it to the noodles or frying it with some breading but now that I am writing my idea, I do not have any breading....wack. So anyway it will just be chicken pieces in the noodles and then the sushi that I bought yesterday at the king soopers.
December has been pretty good to be honest. I haven't been feeling as home sick and I think it is because I am messaging and talking to my mom more and it helps me feel like they are still just right here close by. We are 12 days in but for some reason I just feel like I have been doing more mentally and physically. We are getting closer to the end of the year and I am still also thinking about the internship in Washington. Should I wait it out?? I really want to travel and go to Asia for my dirty 30. I am turning 30 sheesh that is so crazy and people out here saying I am 23 lmao I lub it.
The prices are pretty average and we have our play money fund so we would only have to worry about flights and airbnb. JP did say the airbnbs were pretty cheap so that makes me excited that we can explore more and maybe even hit two countries. I will start looking at flights more seriously probably after I get home in Feb after going home. I think imma go to IN in Feb/March. I am not sure. My fam seems to always be busy bodies so it can be kind of hard to figure out when to go but I am sure if I just communicate instead of free balling it, it would work out lol.
Okay mars have a great day even though it already it. Do your best in all you do this week and just show up. Stay consistent and what is yours is already yours, it cannot be taken.
deuces ~~~~~
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violetsystems · 10 months
I'm cooking a 4.75 lb turkey breast for myself and maybe my cat. I am alleviated of any family holiday activities other than hanging out with my mom for a belated birthday this weekend. I cook turkey because it's a skill that I don't want to lose plus everybody loves leftovers. Hardest part is the thawing and getting the timing right. I had to pay for food service certification for that sushi job this summer that dissed me with the Karl Lagerfeld shirt on the clock then fired me. That experience was like an audition for kitchen nightmares. The sanitation certificate is pretty useful knowledge for your own home either way. It's two hours in a cold water bath per pound if you've refrigerator defrosted prior at 40 F. So Nine point five hours for it to be full defrosted give or take an hour by my clock. Not as hard as min maxing armor builds in Elden Ring. I started the volcano manor quest lines yesterday and kind of got my character up to level 129. There’s a lot of people in the Elden Ring universe who aren’t big fans of the Erdtree. I didn't realize I missed some of the Ranni quests and found the other weird underground city. The inverted castle mechanic is pretty cool. Straight out of Castlevania. You get a fair amount of larval tears down in the second city. Enough to respec generously if you need to. I've also been playing solo without a great rune and minimal spirit ashes so I'm now understanding just why all the mini bosses seemed impossible. You learn a lot through trial and error. How shield grease is pretty much the shit when it comes to blocking monsters that take up an entire arena. Everything has a trick to it. My biggest boss battle today will probably be the turkey. Though I may stop to take down the putrid tree spirit on my downtime.
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malamai · 1 year
I am zonked.
So my day started at 7am this morning, I was very sleepy, I don't deal well with mornings, mornings may be time to shine for some people but I am not one of those people! Lee is a morning person, he's so functional on a morning it's annoying, he's even made our dog Sushi look forward to mornings, every morning without fail he gets up before 7am, sometimes as early as 5.30am, he gets dressed and takes Sushi to the shop, the people allow Sushi into the shop because he literally loves going for a ride in the car to the shop so much! Sushi now wakes Lee up to go now if Lee does not wake up to go. 😂
Sushi and Lee had already been to the shop this morning by the time I got downstairs at 7.15am to go to work, I was barely a functioning person, I'd actually had a dream that Lee had gone somewhere and so I looked like a absolute idiot when I came downstairs because I asked Lee where he went last night and he had no clue what the actual fuck I was talking about, he laughed and was like "Misty you've hopped out of bed, instantly got dressed and I think you're confused and have had a dream babe." Which pf course he was right, I was ridiculously tired and confused.
I got to work and set up, we had a lot of dogs come into the shop today, I actually stocked up on treats for them the other day, they are the important customers in my eyes! This one dog I met today was called bumble, she was adorable, I was playing with her for a while, she did zoomies around the shop and had 3 treats! She was unbelievably cute!
Overall the shop was quite busy today, lots of racing, dogs and people so me and my friend decided to order a nice lunch to spoil ourselves a bit! It was the yummiest lunchbreak, I had spicey meat feast pizza with garlic dip, he had burger and fries, we really indulged! 😂😂😂
Now I'm currently in bed tucked up with leftover pizza, a vitamin water and a lemonade, this is where I will stay now! 😊
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On Slip Ups and Back Slides/ Fresh Starts
So sometimes when I have an eventful week I write down things that happen in list form, just to get basic facts down if nothing else. On Tuesday I didn’t write down much, even though that was the day I wore a sky blue dress on my walk to get coffee in Willow Glen. I had tried to recreate my daily beach walk back home while texting Lauren Nester about musicals and going to see The Barbie Movie on Monday.
It was a social, novel moment. It was a glam outfit I’ll probably only wear once while connecting with a friend and listening to new music (The Last Dinner Party) and walking through a new city during summer. The Barbie Movie and Oppenheimer are dominating theaters for an unlikely double showing that is marking the first time theaters are truly post-covid. This is all while writers are currently striking and actors are showing solidarity. It’s probably one of the main cultural things 2023 will be remembered for, and that was how I experienced it while it happened.
 I had a yerba matte and got gawked at by quirky Bay Area teens and their overly excitable dogs (one peed directly in my direction). My luggage didn’t make it on the flight so I wore the same smokey high-tops for five days straight. Nate and I struggled to throw the ball to  George, Betty and Beau. Nate’s eyes are green and we have a similar sense of humor. 
None of these details made it on the individual days because in my mind I had already fucked up my habits streak while at home. I wasn’t exercising as much as I could and I forgot to mediate on my drive up to Kendall’s place in Nob Hill. I was stressed out because I felt like I had to start at Day 1 again. 
But a streak doesn’t have to be perfect in terms of the every day. When I looked back at my tracking apps (Ew, I know. But fuck it, they work for me even if they do sell my data...my sad, basic, data), I had actually only missed one day of of a 43 day streak, and even though I didn’t open the app or sit up on a yoga mat, I found myself still focusing on the greens of trees and warm smell of summer. 
That’s the point of the habit in the first place, it’s a cumulative effect. I’m not restarting, I’m continuing my ongoing habit.
 When I got home, I suddenly slipped back in to me. It started by reading on the plane (god help me I love books). Then a deep shower at home, moisturizing, unpacking, washing my bedding instead of rotting in bed, reading political updates I had missed. I wore matching silky PJs even though I was only dressing for myself (Katie came home tonight from the horse races and complimented me on them). Think Cinderella if she chose to stay home from the ball doing chores for herself. 
 I made Seared Duck & Mushroom Pan Sauce with Duck Fat Fries & Arugula Salad from motherfucking scratch. That’s right, the salad had cherries and I saved Duck Fat as a MARINADE. All while the “If Books Could Kill” podcast covered “The Rules” AKA one of the most horrifying dating advice books ever.  When I dropped some of the fries on the ground of the kitchen floor, I dropped to my knees and scrubbed it clean with soap and water instead of leaving it there. The dishes from tonight got washed, leftovers are my meal tomorrow. 
The blue yoga mat got rolled out and I stretched my legs while listening to a meditation on gratitude. 
I am so fucking grateful for this week. 
My friends. Nate. My legs working and getting stronger. Air conditioning. Dogs. Mom. All the babies in the family.
The amazing sushi Kendall and I had at Mama Noko, fucking Haydyn in a black slip dress in front of the Acura sign that shines directly in to Kendall’s prewar apartment (she wasn’t there, off to fuck her hinge boo Jamie, literally pronounced like Jam’ie. Yes. Like Jam’ie private school girl). Seeing Sara and having a laugh attack after 10 years. The hot fudge sundae we split and the lavender Skims body suit I wore, accidentally matching her long black Skims dress. 
The truth is streaks are silly because no one is perfect every day. But I’m still improving. Every day is fresh start. Every day is a continuation. 
Or as Sheryl Crow would put it: “Every day is a winding road”. 
I’m getting a little bit closer. 
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thedisneychef · 1 year
What Recipe Can I Make With...? Creative and Delicious Ideas
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Hi everyone! Are you stuck in a cooking rut and looking for something new to make? Look no further – I'm here to help. In this article, we'll be discussing the question: "What recipe can I make with..." We'll explore some simple ingredients that are easy to find in your kitchen, as well as more complex options if you're feeling adventurous. With these recipes, you won't have any problem coming up with an interesting dish for dinner tonight. So let's get started! Eggs I love to cook with eggs. Not only are they delicious and versatile, but they offer a great source of nutrition as well. Whether I'm making scrambled eggs for breakfast, quiche for lunch or an omelette for dinner, I can rely on the quality protein that comes from eggs to keep me feeling full and energized throughout my day. That being said, there may be times when you don't have access to fresh eggs. In this case, egg substitutes such as tofu or flaxseed meal can serve as viable alternatives in baked goods and other recipes. These vegan-friendly options provide similar nutritional value without having to compromise flavour or texture. No matter which option you choose to go with – whether it's fresh eggs or vegan alternatives – make sure to read up on all the health benefits associated with each one so that you're getting the most out of your meals! Rice Moving on from eggs, I'm now focusing on rice. Rice is a versatile ingredient that can turn into many delicious meals and snacks. A few of my favorite recipes are sushi making, fried rice, rice pudding, rice salad, and even rice cakes! Sushi making is one of the most common uses for cooked white or brown rice. It's also an incredibly fun recipe to make - you get to be creative with what ingredients you want to use! Fried rice is another great way to utilize leftover cooked grains in your kitchen. You just need some vegetables, soy sauce and sesame oil - so delicious! And if you're feeling really adventurous, why not try making a sweet treat using cooked white or brown rice? Rice pudding is always a fan-favorite because of its creamy texture and lovely flavor. Or maybe whip up a light meal like a flavorful vegetable-packed rice salad - perfect for picnics and potlucks alike! Lastly, don't forget about those crunchy little treats known as 'rice cakes'. These are surprisingly easy to make; all you have to do is combine cooked grains with nut butter and honey for a tasty snack any time of day. No matter what kind of dish you decide to make with your cooked grains, there's no doubt it'll be absolutely scrumptious! So let's get cooking – who knows what amazing dishes we'll come up with next? Vegetables I love to make vegetarian dishes! There are so many delicious recipes you can create with vegetables. They don't have to be boring, either – there's a wide variety of flavors and textures available when you work with plant-based ingredients. From spicy curries to savory stir-frys, whatever your taste buds crave, it can likely be made using only veggies. Vegetarian cuisine is not only tasty but also incredibly nutritious. Plant based diets are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help keep us healthy and energized throughout the day. By swapping out meat for fruits and vegetables in our meals we’re able to get all the nutrients we need without compromising on flavor or creativity. Making creative recipes with fresh produce is one of my favorite things about cooking. It allows me to explore new flavors while making something that’s both nourishing and satisfying. Whether I'm rustling up a quick lunch or putting together an elaborate dinner spread, I always start by looking at what kind of seasonal veg I've got lying around in my kitchen - from there, the possibilities truly are endless! Cheese I love cheese, and I'm always looking for ways to incorporate it into meals. Grilled cheese is a classic go-to when it comes to quick, cheesy dinners that never fail to hit the spot. It's simple enough just two slices of bread with your favorite kind of cheese in between--and yet there are so many delicious variations you can make! For instance, try adding some thinly sliced tomatoes or even pesto between those two slices of bread; the possibilities are truly endless. Macaroni and cheese is another great way to get my fix of melty goodness. There are tons of recipes out there that involve baking macaroni in a creamy sauce topped with crunchy bits like panko crumbs or fried onions. And if you want something even more indulgent, why not add bacon? The salty pork adds an entirely new level of flavor to this comfort food staple. These dishes may not be as fancy as other things on the menu but they sure do satisfy my cravings for cheese every time. Plus, they're easy enough for anyone to master without any culinary training required! Beans Beans are a great ingredient to add flavor and texture to your meals, but they can also be incredibly nutritious. Healthy bean dishes offer essential vitamins and minerals that can help you maintain overall health. Let's take a closer look at the nutrition facts of beans and some delicious recipes you can make with them! Beans have high levels of protein which is important for building muscle mass and maintaining energy throughout the day. They're also rich in fiber, potassium, folate, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, copper, and selenium - all nutrients vital for healthy functioning. Additionally beans contain powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids that may reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases like cancer. With so many benefits from eating beans on a regular basis it’s no wonder why they've been eaten around the world for centuries. You can find countless delicious recipes online or create your own creative dish using whatever ingredients are available in your pantry. Whether you prefer spicy refried black beans or a creamy white bean hummus dip there's something out there sure to satisfy every craving! Frequently Asked Questions What Are The Health Benefits Of Each Ingredient? When it comes to nutrition facts and flavor profiles, each ingredient you use has its own set of health benefits. From apples being rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C to garlic being high in antioxidants and having anti-inflammatory properties, there are plenty of reasons why you should be incorporating these ingredients into your recipes. Nutrition facts vary from one to another, but all offer a variety of advantages that can help improve the overall quality of your diet. With careful consideration for flavor profiles as well, you’ll find yourself making healthier dishes with satisfying tastes! What Ingredients Can Be Used As Substitutes For The Listed Ingredients? Not sure what to do when a recipe calls for an ingredient you don't have? Don't worry, there are plenty of vegan alternatives and substitutes that can work in its place. Depending on your dietary restrictions, it's easy to find ingredients with similar flavors or textures as the listed item. For example, if a recipe asks for butter, you can use applesauce instead; if it requires eggs, try using flaxseed meal instead. With some creativity and experimentation, you'll be able to make delicious dishes without worrying about having every single ingredient at hand! What Is The Best Cooking Method For Each Ingredient? When it comes to cooking techniques and food preparation, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Depending on the ingredient you're working with, different methods may yield better results than others. For example, something like steak is best cooked over a high heat for a short amount of time in order to get that delicious sear and juicy interior. Whereas vegetables are usually best when roasted in the oven at a lower temperature so they cook evenly without burning. Knowing which cooking method works best for each type of ingredient can help ensure your dishes turn out exactly how you want them! Are There Any Recipes That Can Be Made With All Five Ingredients? Are you looking for a recipe that can be made with all five ingredients? If so, there are plenty of options! From flavor combinations to ingredient alternatives, the possibilities are nearly endless. Depending on what flavors and textures you prefer, you could make something like a hearty beef stew or a light vegetable stir-fry. There's even room for experimentation if you want to try something new and exciting - why not create your own unique dish using whatever combination of ingredients strikes your fancy? What Are Some Unique Flavor Combinations With These Ingredients? If you're looking for some creative and unique flavor combinations, these ingredients are perfect. You can create a beautiful presentation by mixing together the right balance of flavors to make something truly special. This type of creativity is sure to impress your family or friends with whatever recipe you put together! Don't be afraid to experiment and find different ways to combine these ingredients in order to get the flavor profile that best suits your taste buds. Conclusion Cooking is a great way to experiment with different flavors and ingredients. With the five ingredients listed, there are so many delicious recipes you can create! From light salads to hearty soups the possibilities are endless. Mix and match these ingredients in various ways to come up with your own unique flavor combinations. Get creative and have fun exploring all the wonderful dishes that can be made with these simple ingredients. Who knows, maybe you'll even discover a new favorite recipe! Read the full article
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upwardsonwards · 2 years
12 + 13 on the end of year asks!
12: talk about a friend you made this year
okay so i’ve just started uni so i’ve made many wonderful wonderful friends but i’m going to talk about bee because i’m totally in love with them
they’re literally so COOL and they draw and their art style is so COZY and when i thought i broke my leg the other week (long story) i sat on their bedroom floor and cried and they were so chill and they cooked christmas dinner for our friend group mostly by themself and they give such good hugs and they’re so talented at so many different things and they’re so so kind all the time and i just love them so so much
13: how was your birthday this year?
it was actually sUch a vibe. i got matching newt tattoos with my brother and we had sushi and leftover pizza for dinner and we watched a movie and it was just me my brother his gf and her sister and they couldn’t find the birthday candles so they lined my cake with tea lights and set a chopstick alight and put it in the middle instead and my parents brought me a bottle of prosseco when they got back from church and we all had some and it was really nice
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wakatshi · 2 years
dad called me earlier and told me to be at the mall in 10 mins like no details at all….. we had sushi and duck ramen hihi
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running-with-kn1ves · 3 years
Soulmate au! Yandere X Reader
Note for future me: STOP wasting energy on writing terrible fics and go to SLEEP. Also yes I did get inspired to finally write soulmate au fiction like every other degenerate on here. (particularly from that one ask.)
TW: Yandere/obsessive behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, limb restriction, threats
Synopsis: You awaken in a room that’s not your own, bound from head to toe with ribbon by a man you’ve never met before, who claims to be your soulmate. 
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“When you agreed to be mine, you gave me the right to do whatever I wanted with you.” He whispered, his smile pressed against your shoulder.
“I never agreed to such a thing!” You seethed.
“You did the moment you were born.”
You didn’t understand what he meant; you had never met this man in your life.
Turning away you forced him to remove his body from yours. He laughed scornfully; removing his hand, the man left you to rest in the bed alone.
You knew you shouldn’t have taken this job. You knew it; it was too good to be true. Finding work in the city was hell, and you knew such an open, desperate business would have some kind of trap. Except, you were expecting to be cheated out of your wages, not tied to some businessman’s bed.
You were relieved to find the sheets beside you untouched, unlike the disaster of blanket and fabric on your side of the bed which was pulled to the floor. Last night was hazy. But you knew well enough you wouldn’t be stupid enough to go home alone with a stranger. Let alone, the curator of the party you were working at. Either you got way too wasted on the leftover sushi and champagne or… something happened. The last thing you could remember was someone shushing you back to sleep, while your limbs were being tied together.
Fumbling with the ribbon which tied you up, you tried to remove it for the hundredth time that morning. It was impossible to take it off; the knots were fastened intricately with too much care. You heard an electric toothbrush go off in the bathroom adjacent to the bed. The male who was once beside you was now happily tapping on the counter with his hand, toothbrush in the other.
Tearing at the ribbon with your teeth you tried to ignore the birthmark on your wrist. The pigmented skin was in the vague shape of a heart. Ironic, really. You weren’t too concerned about love, but now it felt like you’d never find the person you were destined to be with considering this captive situation. Alas, they’d just have to wait. Not like the person has much of a choice at this point as neither do you.
The sound of the whizzing toothbrush ceased as running water replaced it. You worked harder, faster at kicking your feet to free them of the laced red ribbon that pained your ankles. Rubbing your wrists back and forth against one another, you found the method to be more painful than fruitful. You only hoped the early morning meant there’d be enough time for someone to find you, or you could find a way to free yourself. But the man walking towards you seemed to have no intentions of letting that happen.
He pouted, watching you toss and turn as you snarled at him like a dog.
“Now why are you trying to take off your binds? You’re wrapped up so perfectly-- almost like a present.”
You grimaced at his words, trying to pry your attention away from the twisted and besotted look he held.
“Get away from me-- and get these off!”
You attempted to bite the ribbon again this time making progress to where part of it tore, leaving tiny little threads.
You were slow to realize the power he held over you until a hand pressed against your mouth. He sat on your legs preventing them from kicking any further. The idea of screaming occurred to you at too late of an instance, as your shrieks were muffled the deeper he pressed his hand.
“Come on sweetheart, I don’t want to have to gag this pretty little mouth of yours. Can’t you be nicer to me?”
Tears began to well up as you grew tired. The man in his now crumpled dress shirt appeared to have energy for days; his grin never faltering. It was one of sick, mocking pleasure and it only grew wider once you tried to bite and lick his palm. This was like a game to him. As if you were some untameable wild beast.
He noticed your worn state and brought your arms forward-- inspecting them. Your screaming ceased out of exhaustion leaving you a saliva-ridden and jagged breathed mess. He removed his hand and let you breathe.
“Are you finished?”
You could only manage to nod your head, looking away from him in order to save some of your pride. Turning your head with his hand he made you stare at the heart mark on your hand, lifting the ribbon up slightly to inspect it further. He twisted your hands toward him to trace over it with his finger.
“Look.” He demanded. Your stomach dropped at seeing him pull down his wrist cuffs. There it was. The same little heart mark that was on your own skin. He only stared as you continued to look back and forth between his mark, and yours.
“No…” Your face tugged downwards; you couldn’t believe it. “No no no…”
This was him. This was your soulmate. But why? That’s the only word that rung through your head. Why him? Why now? Why did you have to meet him *this* way? Instead of at a coffee shop or an accidental run in at the park, you were forced to meet like this. Bound up and covered in your own tears.
“Why did you… why did you do this?” You questioned, watching as he stroked the skin of your birthmark. “Why am I tied up like this if i’m your...”
“Soulmate.” He said. “Say it. We’re soulmates.”
“Soulmates.” You whispered, having never fully said it out loud before.
The ribbons on your wrists made even less sense now. You expected this to be some kind of trafficking situation but. Instead you were taken by your own ‘lover.’
“I still don’t understand…” You looked down at the ribbons again.
“How else was I supposed to get you here?” He licked his lips with eyes full of love for you. “It’s only natural that i’d take you as soon as I saw you. That’s what anyone would do at seeing their true-love.”
“What? But--wait-- How did you even find me? We’ve never even met before!”
“Well it’s quite easy to spot you when you’re knocking things over and spilling glasses.” He laughed, watching you turn in shame. “I knew the second you held out a glass to me, that small flicker of this mark was enough for me.”
He kissed your wrist, not seeing you frown. You knew nothing about him while he acts like he’s known you for years. You needed a job and took the nearest one available, that was it. You never expected to find your soulmate through it, neither him kidnapping you.
"You don't know how much I've dreamt about this moment." He whispered, kissing farther up your arm. You whimpered; you were at his mercy. He was physically more powerful than you… and you knew that he had enough money to keep you trapped with him. Not to mention, no one in their right mind would leave their soulmate once found. That was unheard of.
You could only lay beneath him as he grasped for your thigh and pinned your hands above you. Leaning down, his face nearly touched yours, lips only inches away.
“Don’t look so scared, we found each other…” He kissed you gently, pausing to whisper against your lips. “ I’m your soulmate…No one will ever love you the way I do.”
You stared back into his eyes, still unsure if this stranger was even sane. But, he wasn’t a stranger anymore, nor some random kidnapper. He was your soulmate.
Letting go of your wrists the male got off the bed and adjusted his clothes. The red ribbons were still cutting into your skin, but you could hardly focus on that now.
He picked up a blazer from off the bed and slipped it on, watching as you adjusted yourself on the bed to the best of your ability. Your soulmate fixed his tie without taking his eyes off you.
“I have to leave, but I’ll be back this afternoon.” He slipped something out of his pocket while approaching you. You stayed silent, avoiding his gaze.
“Won’t you give your future husband a goodbye kiss?” He teased, kissing you on the cheek as something was slipped onto your finger; his hands lingered on the red ribbon. You ignored the man and turned away, feeling conflicted.
“Ah, I guess maybe I shouldn’t come back so soon then. Perhaps I’ll stay a bit late in my office, maybe you’ll have warmed up by-”
You grabbed him by his necktie and forced a kiss onto his lips. Your eyes were shut so hard it was a surprise you even managed to land your lips onto his. He struggled but only for a moment. The affection was returned as he groaned into your lips. Your hold on him faltered as you let go, a warmness bubbling in your chest.
Your soulmate laughed out of breath, giving you another kiss on your cheek.
“I’ll be back.”
You watched him walk away, only to remember the state of your hands and feet.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to untie me first?”
He grabbed a key from the desk and smiled, walking out.
“See you this afternoon.”
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roscgcld · 3 years
HEADCANONS + FUSHIGURO MEGUMI || ‘trashcan’ boyfriend
request: HELLO!! Hope ur having a wonderful day!!! i really love ur writing! i've been rereading it everyday to get my daily serotonin💕. So Is it okay if i request a hc of megumi being a boyfriend trash can, like his s/o can't finish an apple and megumi just eat it without even saying anything when they hand it to him. and he got teased cuz he did it in front of the other student or satoru.
note: honestly, this idea is super cute cx the idea of megumi having a huge appetite is honestly so canon for me lol. and i can definitely see this happening; and i bet you half the time he doesn’t even know that it’s half eaten since he’ll be busy doing something like going on his phone or smth like that lmao. aaaaa, i love him so much >< 
pronouns: them/they
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if there is one thing that you have an issue with, it would be the fact that you cannot seem to finish whatever it is that is on your plate
whether it is noodles, rice, or even fries - you can never seem to finish any of the regular portions that is served in restaurants
ordering from the kids menu will not work since you’d get hungry after awhile, yet ordering normal portion meals makes it hard for you to finish your meal 
this is where your beloved boyfriend megumi always comes in handy 
there is no denying that both him and yuji have massive, and i mean massive appetites - you have seen yuji eating 2 big macs and 2 large fries in one sitting before, and still had space for ice cream either
and even though your boyfriend is not that extreme, he still manage to eat a big mac and an extra cheese burger after your most recent mission with him 
because of this, you tend to sneak your food to your boyfriend’s plate; or megumi will just nudge you and asked if you wanted to continue eating whatever it is on your plate when he notice you started to pick at your food
the reason he does this is one, so gojo does not have any reason to tease the absolute shit out of you; since he loves to find any sort of reason to poke fun at his students. 
and two, nowadays stores charge for takeaway boxes to reduce the waste from one time use plastics, and who honestly wants to pay extra for leftovers?
so he always eats the leftover food on your plate without hesitation; this happened even before you two became a couple. it was just something he always does whenever you two are out together
surprisingly enough, no one has actually caught you two doing this before - they just sort of assume that you were like everyone else, maybe eating smaller portions than average, but you still finish most of the food on your plate
think the first person who really catches you doing your little routine would be nobara - because let’s be honest here. who can really hide a secret from nobara for long?
she first noticed your little ‘routine’ with megumi after you three had completed your mission at megumi’s old school - where nobara had demanded and whined for express sushi 
and since akari knew that if she does not feed your group, you’re going to be whining all the way back to campus about the hunger; so she brought you to the sushi place that you four went to with gojo after meeting nobara for the first time 
because of yuji and huge ass stomach, he obviously ordered a huge quantity of food. so it is a given that everyone is supposed to help out with finishing the rest of the sushi 
soon the food arrived, and soon everyone started to tuck into the food - all of you definitely in higher spirits with everything that had happened as you started to destroy the food before you
you were doing pretty well, having ordered some ramen with a side of tempura, and had managed to finish about a quarter of the bowl of ramen before you gently nudge megumi, giving him your puppy eyes once he turns away from his plate of food 
he just finishes his bite of sashimi before he wordlessly took your bowl to eat the noodles, to which you perked up before you lean over to kiss the corner of his lips, causing him to blush as he continues to eat your food
whilst you two were in your own bubble, you two had no idea that nobara was watching the entire thing. but instead of teasing them, she actually finds the entire thing super cute, so she just smiles softly into her bowl of food as she turned away from you two
the next time it happened in front of people, was unfortunately when you all were chilling in the rec room after a long day of classes
you were curled up against your boyfriend’s chest, scrolling through your phone with your back to his chest whilst he had one of his books held in one hand, reading over it quietly
gojo, who had decided to join the four of you, was scrolling through his phone, soft music playing from the Bluetooth speaker on the table as nobara and yuji played some random game on their switch
you were nibbling on an apple whilst scrolling through your phone, and had taken another bite from the apple when you made a soft face at the feeling of suddenly being too full to take another bite
so without missing a beat you shifted before you gently held up the apple to your boyfriend expectedly; who didn’t take his eyes away from his book as he wordlessly took the apple and took a bite from it 
unfortunately for you two gojo had looked up just in time to see megumi casually grabbing your half eaten apple and finishing it without another comment, his crystalline blue eyes blinking behind his sunglasses before he grins and pushes himself up from his lounging position
“i didn’t know you two were that close, megumi-chan~”
megumi, as if suddenly remembering the others in the room, freezes in shock as his face heats up immediately, his horrified eyes snapping away from his book to face his grinning teacher’s gaze
without missing a beat megumi hurled the apple core at gojo, who just laughs at how red his student’s face is as he buried his burning face into the side of your neck whilst the apple core hovered before gojo before it fell onto the ground
you just giggle and put your phone down, reaching back to gently run your fingers through megumi’s hair whilst you gave your sensei an amused look, not even surprised that he was going to make fun of your boyfriend
“leave him alone - he offer to eat my food because i can never finish it.” you tried to reason, to which gojo just gasps before he sat up a little, his eyes clearly widening in clear delight at the new information.
“you’re telling me this happens often?!”
it got to the point where nobara had tossed a pillow at her teacher for being too loud, scowling over at him in annoyance over her switch console while berating him for making such a big deal over something so small 
“honestly you make it sound like fushiguro into some kinky shit. it’s food - i make yuji eat my food when i can’t finish it.” 
before gojo can make some cheeky response, megumi had enough and summoned his rabbits, sending them to smother their teacher on the couch with a scowl
you just rolled your eyes fondly, ignoring gojo’s loud cries for help underneath the heap of shikigami rabbits as you turn in your boyfriend’s arms; resting on your front against his chest as he gave you an embarrassed look
“don’t mind him - you’re still my cute boyfriend.” you just giggled and tossed your arms around his neck, him dropping his book onto the couch before he wrapped his arms around you tightly as you pepper his red faces in kisses
and you can’t help but find him so cute as you smother him in love, non of you really rushing to help your sensei underneath megumi’s mountain of rabbits
he’ll survive - he is the strongest sorcerer, as he loves to claim after all
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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