#what's that all about
ulamspirals · 4 months
it was so simple but i'm definitely overthinking that ask now though
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tuituipupu · 5 months
finished the dan and phil charity stream (they raised $83K!!) and benidorm fest seem to only be on song 2 and i've just tuned in o_O
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miscreantahead · 9 months
every day is me vs. the unhealthy relationship i have with ao3 fic posting responses.
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httpsgfg · 10 months
it's september
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thecowboyghost · 1 year
so why do i feel like i'm getting sick AGAIN
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softguarnere · 1 year
I swear it's like the clock strikes ten and my brain just automatically comes up with the saddest plotlines WHY
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narrie · 2 years
yeah her lawyer's closing argument was pretty spot on
Can u link me to the closing argument
i just saw this part on my fyp, it's probably on youtube or smth
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artofdying1970 · 2 years
omg making my own album dealing with drug addictions and my wifes miscarriage is making me so emotional and unproductive damn
omg my two friends that i consider to be so close to me wouldn't even look at my work and problems with my wife and mother and my album are making me so emotional and unproductive damn
Who the fuck is writing these horrible takes what is wrong with people lol
i didn't include it in the screenshot but this person was also going on about how it was easy to point fingers when that's what they're literally doing .. LOL
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rozzywell · 4 years
Tuition being $2260 a term while living in the dorms is $2440 a term? Fucked up.
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hhjs · 4 years
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pingo1387 · 4 years
follower count: *goes up 1* 
person at the top of the follower list: *has not changed from last time* 
me: >_> 
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leoandnemmie-blog · 5 years
Let me just clarify things
So yeah, I've been pretty much dead for a while now. Sorry about that. I think it's only right that I justify myself so I'm not a complete asshole in this situation.
The main reason I stopped writing on this account is primarily down to the fact that I've lost interest in Mystic Messenger. I don't think I can keep continuously writing for something that I don't enjoy as much anymore.
These days I'm also incredibly busy. I'm in my last year of secondary school so I can't dedicate all my time to writing on here. I want to focus more on my future and ensure that I'll be able to get to where I want to in life. But it'd be incredibly hard to both centre my attention on this account and be focussing on this blog.
My mental health had gone through hell and back in the last few months. I'd rather not go into detail about this but it was at the point where I could no longer find it in me to write anything. Being the perfectionist I am, I could not settle with writing something that wasn't done in my best mindset and having it out there for the entire public to see.
Have I quit writing? No, actually. Far from it. But I enjoy writing using my own characters more than about others these days. I haven't written fanfiction in a very long time because I'm content with writing things about my own creations. At the very least, I can say that I'm immensely proud in the fact that my writing has improved because I've dedicated more time to doing that when I've had the opportunity. (As contradictory as it sounds because I've stated I don't have enough time to run this - I still don't write often. But when I do, I write about my own creations.)
Am I going to delete this blog?
Unfortunately, I can't. This is a shared blog and my other admin has lost access to their account. So even if I wanted to, I can't delete it. This blog will be left up here but I will leave it.
Any other information?
Not really, actually. I'm planning to take down and rewrite everything on my fanfiction.net account at some point. I've already deleted two fics from there because they made me want to physically shot myself and then pull my brains out and stuff them in my mouth so they'd block off my airways. (I'm not going to go into anymore detail with that because I don't want anyone to feel sick because of me). If anyone is interested in continuing to support me, the name of my account is: TheFallenAngel46.
I really need to consider changing that one day.
Thank you for supporting me. I couldn't have come this far without any of you, and I genuinely mean that. This blog has been an important part in my life not only for myself, but for my writing. I can not thank any of you enough for deciding to read my work and for actually liking it. I hope you all take care! Love you all <3
If you any of you wish to contact me, don't feel afraid to message me on @ambivertedleo64.
Thank you all for supporting me and this blog!
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impa · 6 years
i’ve been using tinder mostly out of boredom and one thing I’ve noticed is that guys who are far away always expect you to go to them. I’ve never had anyone offer to come to me or even so much as meet in the middle 
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coneyyisland · 7 years
I love taylor and I love that they're letting the fans have priority to get concert tickets but at the same time.... to move up in the priority line you have to BUY stuff so clearly who it's really prioritizing is rich ranks with lots of money who can afford to buy up their place in line AND buy the best seats at a concert
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mutedwolf · 7 years
So uhh, why did Absofacto try to remove all trace of his older Music from Bandcamp, YouTube and Soundcloud?
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teenmarvel · 7 years
real talk I'm still pissed off and upset I couldn't get tickets for the radio 1 big weekend because I LIVE in hull and artists never come here and that's one of the main reasons I never go to concerts. nothing exciting ever happens here and the one time it does and I don't even get to experience it... just my luck tbh
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