aestheticsaddicted · 5 months
The fact that Faybelle and Briar consider themselves frenemies it's just...the tension, the drama, the yearning
I needed a Darling x Apple interaction beside the "she's poisoned, I kiss her, oh Darling you're such a good friend" what. Do. You. Mean. Apple White!!! You have spent your entire (I'm gonna say) second year in love with your roommate and when your literal SOULMATE kisses you, aaaaAAAAAAAAA
They give us whatever the fuck was that storyline with Rosabella and Daring that managed to ruin both characters. "I can fix him" leave him alone woman he's not for you. Honestly such a waste Rosabella was such an interesting character and they made her into some sort of comedy
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You two are so adorable! Hopefully nothing bad will happen to Lovesick... hopefully–
"What do you mean."
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earthtoharlow · 8 months
people who like everything Jack likes or everyone that’s associated with him scares me what do you mean you like no jeff and the homies what.do.you.mean
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ahhvernin · 2 years
Government: you made too much money this year. We're not going to give you those deductions and barely any return. Also we ain't giving you student credit because you used that scholarship money we promised you when you worked for us for $3 an hour for 6 months....thats taxed as income too btw. Also, also, we aren't rewarding you for saving anymore.
Me: -surrounded by numbers and various budget ideas and bills and car bill from 2 months ago that she is still reeling from- WHAT.DO.YOU.MEAN?!
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ataraxiestudies · 6 years
sometimes i want to rise a philosopher from the dead and fight them 
talking about you deleuze talking about you
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kisakitwister · 2 years
🖤 Just a Thought 💛
Kaminari x GN! Reader
Best Friends to Lovers
Readers gender is not specified I don’t believe anything shall be used either just know it’s not to indicate a set gender!
Since childhood you and Kaminari have always had the best friendship. Sleepovers and play dates. Kaminari was the best friend you could ask for!
When you both were 5 and got your quirks it was a funny little moment. Kaminari was playing in the pool with you and a little bug, well he felt the need to sneeze and you a bit of a germaphobe ran out of the water. When he sneezed he electrocuted the water killing the poor little bug.
You watched in awe as he looked shocked but just as happy! “Did you see that! (y/n)!! I got my quirk!!!”Kaminari jumped in happiness as he ran to tell his parents.
When it came to your time to receive your quirk it was quite painful but you didn’t mind, Kaminari was by you the whole time. Telling you how cool your quirk was and how you both would be amazing hero’s in the future.
You always believed him, always followed his plan, even if his plan usually ended with you in the hospital (reader x hospital bed 😉)
Each time Kaminari apologized and you only only smacking him up side the head. Which he would say was well deserved. This was your life.
Constantly fixing up mistakes his mistakes sometimes taking the blame. Kaminari should’ve always apologize but you didn’t really mind.
Now years later sitting on your shared bed you were reading a book. Looking up you saw your husband his attention focused on his game. You and him always were an odd couple.
In U.A you both were considered the odd couple. His constant flirting with other girls was odd but you didn’t mind, as long as he didn’t attempt anything of course.
“(Y/n) aren’t you gonna do anything about Kami? He keeps flirting with the girls from 2A.” A voice snapped you from your thoughts. “Hm?”
“Oh- I don’t really care-“ The voice gasped and grabbed your head facing them. “what.do.you.mean!!?” Mina glared at you her face close to yours.
“Well- Kaminari and I are just friends I don’t see the harm?” Mina’s eyes widened and she backed up. “Just friends? YOU GUYS AREN’T dating???”
Looking up you looked at her confused. “Who said we were dating?” Mina chuckled nervously. “Well everyone just assumed you know cause- your so close- plus the constant praise Kaminari gives you. . .
He never stops talking about you ya know!”
“Mina-“ Kaminari growled behind her. “SORRY!!!”
Kaminari’s little secret had been spilled because of Mina’s mistake but you didn’t mind. It only made your life better.
“Kami, my dear husband can you bring me a glass of apple juice?” You voice sweet and caring made Kaminari’s attention turn directly towards you. “Of course I’ll be right back!”
Jumping off the bed he went to the kitchen. Such an obedient boy~
Walking back in her handed you the glass kissing you cheek and jumping back on the bed. “Love?” You hummed while taking a drink of your juice.
“Do you remember our first date?” You put the glass down and looked at him. “Yeah I do. Why?”
He shrugged and shoved his face into your side. “Do you remember the day you proposed?”
“Yes- now what’s up?” Kaminari couldn’t hide what he wanted. “Since we are married. . . Have you ever thought of having a kid?”
Your eyes widened. The thought had crossed your mind once or twice but you never really put much thought. You didn’t really want children but it wouldn’t be to bad to have atleast 1.
“Maybe. . . But are you sure we are ready? I mean we both are 26 and we are Pro-Heros. . .”
Kaminari nodded and closed his eyes. “Just a thought” he mumbled and fell asleep.
“Just a thought huh. . .”
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aerossmith · 8 years
sometimes i forget that some people didn't read/watch harry potter and im like,,, what do you mean you don't know which house you're in?? what do you mean you don't know who ron weasley is??what.do.you.mean???
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