#whatever Isayama eat my ass for that one
thelastsirenssong · 1 year
Jean Kirstein send tweet
#BRO I FORGOT.... HE.#he's so#yk when Eren was like oh you're just doing this shit to get into the interior? fuckass#and Jean was like dude kiss MY ass please you think you can beat the TITANS???!?!?!?!?!? LMFAOOOOO#like dude was right#no one should have questioned Jean#and he STILL took the reins during the battle of trost he was like fuck it guys we go hard or we go hOME#home being of course the heavenly realm the sand place all eldians go to or whatever LMFAOOO BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKED#and Jean still said nope. WE RIDE MFS!!!!#and for thaf he deserves yk the titangrip 1000 whatever you get the idea#I fucking. LOVE Jean he's my king#Armin being the like new commander shit or whatever when Jean was gearing up over the course of the show to be an excellent leader was#some fucking BULLSHIT like WHY build his relationship with Eren like that just to make him another side character like fucking CONNIE#whatever Isayama eat my ass for that one#Armin should have been the next HANJI. JEAN the next Erwin and MIKASA the next Levi#but y'all not ready for THAT conversation#Jean fucks idgaf#Jean 'oh shit this all actually has purpose and meaning if I want it to and I had to lose my city and my best friend to see it' is so#it's just amazing writing to create a new leader who was INSPIRED fo lead first by Eren and the Mikasa and THEN Armin#and he should have fucked them all and become the survey corps leader WHAT I SAID WHAT I SAID#mmm....c......comm....commander Jean....?#yeah dude#yeah oh I FUCK with that HEAVY#bc Erwin was usually the brains behind the operation and while Jean didn't have that? he had the same drive#to stand for the fallen#idk anyway that's my jean rant#back to the cave HAHA
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downbaaad · 3 years
Zeke Yeager relationship headcanons
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note: okay so don't even try to come at me for these, they're called hcs for a reason. It's canon in MY head and that's that. Also this is how I cope with the real attack on titan manga bc isayama did Zeke dirty and I simply will not be accepting that anytime soon so have this better version of Zeke's life in the modern day AU k bye mwah I hope u enjoy
another note: I dont know how to use tumblr so this is gonna be real messy i apologize for that
Wordcount: 600(ish)
Warnings: cursing. also last one kinda contains some implied NSFW so skip that one if you need to. The rest is all domestic/fluff. reader is NOT underage.
-He spends all of the brief free moments he has throughout his busy days on the balcony. Smoking or not he just likes to enjoy those short 15 minutes breaks outside somehow; bonus points if you’re there with him. Y’all would just sit in comfortable silence either sitting down, stretching an arm out from time to time to reach the ashtray or just leaning over the railing and looking at whatever is going on underneath it.
-It’s been established that his favourite anime is Cowboy Bepop and he only likes old school anime so that’s what’s on tv playing in the background most of the time. I picture he lives alone (since Eren decided to stay in the college dorms) and he’s probably in grad school for some subject like chemistry or physics.
Back to the topic tho, you come over for lunch almost everyday and find him in the kitchen, using his hands to cook but his brain is focused on whatever anime he put on tv. (Yikes…not really a good thing. Burnt multiple meals and almost set the house on fire once.) You’d think he’d have the news on or History channel because that’s what millennials do but he hears about the news on social media nowadays.
Speaking of food, he also jokingly complains about ‘having to feed you’ but then always asks if you want more because he makes extra all the time to make sure you’re full. He’s actually pretty bummed when he has to eat alone because you’re not there to fill the silence with your gossip or to listen to him ramble about his day.
-Road trips to the beach are a must whenever he has a day off; during whatever season really. Wether y’all just stay in the car and blast some tunes while you look at the sea cause it’s too cold or you take long walks on the shore holding hands, it doesn’t matter. He just likes your company and looking at the sea breeze molding the waves. It’s simple moments like these where he considers himself the luckiest man alive.
-Whenever you don’t see him for a couple days because you’ve both been busy, you can sense that he’s missing you through his texts, even if he doesn’t say it out loud. You try to do that corny shit where you keep texting him while you’re on your way over to his place and then pop out a “let me in I’m at your door❤️” but his lazy ass just hits you back with a “you have the damn key just come in I dont wanna get outta bed💀”. Like okay bitch at least appreciate the effort, damn.
You know he does tho. He may not say it but he shows it when you crawl in his bed and he wraps you in his arms tightly and gives you kisses on your forehead and on your temple and on your cheek and finally captures your lips in a long sloppy kiss. He’s the type of person that shows his love through actions rather than words (INTP shit) because he uses his words to be a sarcastic little cunt instead.
-Yeah he has a dirty mouth when it comes to petty comebacks and talking shit but it comes in handy whenever you’re in public and he wants to see your cheeks flush red as he whispers pure filth in you ear. He knows what he’s doing and he knows it turns you on immediately because you like a challenge, especially because you reciprocate the energy even when you’re caught off guard. You even take it a step further and place your hand on his thigh under the table which he stops from going further up by trapping it between his legs. He knows you’re capable of jerking him off then and there. Shit, he’d be up for it if it wasn’t for the conscious side of his mind that's telling him the consequences of public indecency. This is gonna have to wait till you guys get in his car (that he parked in a sheltered spot for various reasons: one being his intentions for the night ;)
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arlingtonpark · 5 years
SNK 127 Review
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0/10 This chapter sucks. Continuity is dead.
In my last post I said if we got flashbacks, it’d be damage control for the last chapter. I was right.
The first couple of scenes in this chapter are clear attempts to clean up the last one’s mess. We never saw Jean and Mikasa make contact with Hange, and here, we do.
Honestly, I think this could’ve been handled better.
Jean had something of an arc in chapter 126, where it seemed like he genuinely had chosen to follow Floch, only it turns out he was working with Hange all along. So I get why these scenes are presented out of order. It’s an attempt at dramatic tension.
It fails, though, because not enough time was devoted to showing Jean working with Floch. Jean stood next to Floch in some scenes. That’s it.  
Let this be a lesson to aspiring writers everywhere. If you want to do a story arc, or even just a mini-arc, make sure you have the time for it. If you can’t spare the time to do it justice, it’s better to just cut it completely.
Hange’s character is much better served this chapter. I forgot to mention this last time, but Hange’s character was screwed over pretty hard last time.
Her arc has been about growing into her new role as commander. She failed to constrain Eren, and Floch, and everything’s gone to shit in general, and she doubts her own leadership.  
Then, after escaping the Yeagerists with Levi, Hange considers just walking away and living out in the woods.
They chose not to.
This is a major turning point for her character. She’s beaten down and has a chance to walk away, but she gets back up.
This major plot beat has maybe a few panels devoted to it. At most.
We don’t see the choice get made. In fact, it’s kind of implied that Hange didn’t consciously make that choice at all. Hange is building a cart to lug Levi around, and he notes that Hange’s doing that because they can’t stay on the sidelines.
Was Hange building the cart because they’d already decided they weren’t quitting?
Or were they going to use that cart to carry Levi to the eventual site of their woodland hut?
Was Levi just pointing out that Hange is doing what they’ve always done?
Or did what he say convince them in some way?
Who knows, because chapter 126 is still a rushed mess on every level.
Whatever Hange’s motivations or line of thinking, it should have been shown during the scene in the woods, when it happened, not in this flashback to a completely different scene.
Character development happens when characters make revealing choices. Showing the character’s motivation separately from the resultant action dilutes the poignancy of that character development.
It’s actually worse than that because not only was Hange’s thought process shown after the fact for no reason, the moment the choice itself was made is not shown at all.
The moment where Hange is surrounded by the ghosts of her fallen comrades would’ve been sooooo much better if it had been in the forest with Levi. It should have been in the forest with Levi.
Hange already chose what they were going to do, so there is no gravitas to this moment. It’s just exposition. This could have been a powerful moment. Instead, it’s just Hange monologuing about their motivation.
When the same happened with Erwin, we saw his struggle as it was happening. We were in the moment, so we felt the weight of Erwin’s struggle. He was bearing out his feelings, agonizing over having to throw his life away unfulfilled.
In 127, Hange is sitting in a chair, explaining her thinking, agonizing over nothing because she’s already decided to throw her life away, and is apparently already at peace with it.
This is what damage control looks like. Isayama fucked up and he’s trying to make up for it.
And even then, we still don’t have the explanations we badly need.
Why did Annie choose to help? She’s not doing this because it’s the right thing to do, she just wants to see her father again.
How did they convince her that they could deliver on that?
It’s the same with Pieck and Magath. They didn’t want to just do nothing, but what convinced them that this was better than doing nothing?
Mikasa asked Hange what the plan was, and their response was basically, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
So in other words, they have no plan!
Jean raises a good point about stopping Eren: it’s a death sentence for them. Hange’s only retort is that it’s the right thing to do, so they have to do it. This is great.
Genocide is inherently wrong, thus the answer to genocide is not more genocide. With this many lives involved, tit-for-tat is not acceptable.
In some cases, there may have to be retaliation, but there are always limits. These moral limits have a general applicability to them. Of course there are exceptions, but they apply in almost all cases.
I love how Hange explicitly rejects Eren’s dumbass egoist worldview.
“‘Just bringing freedom to this island is enough for me’ Do you think a single one of them would be so narrow-minded as to say that?”
Eren doesn’t just care about Paradis. He doesn’t care about the outside world.
He seemed torn about whether to rumble the world. And he did cry over having to potentially rumble the refuge camp.
Gather around, children, because I have some very mean things to say about Eren here: let me tell you something about crocodile tears.
Crocodile tears are when you feel sad for something, except it’s fake, because deep down, you don’t care. The expression comes from an ancient legend that crocodiles cry for their prey while eating them.
Eren agonized a lot in the lead up to making his decision.
-rolls eyes-
What a drama queen!
Rumble the world, or not? If you have to take time to decide which is right, you’ve already failed.
Eren never truly cared about the outside world. He’s just doing this to bring freedom to Paradis; the lives of everyone else is a nonfactor.
It’s great to see Eren finally getting the dragging he deserves. He is, in fact, a narrow-minded ass.
Jean’s point still stands, though. And even though Eren is obviously indefensible, people still keep making excuses for him.
Hange says their “cowardly idealism” is what pushed Eren to do this. Note that this is the second time they’ve said this.
Uh, what?
Was making reasonable overtures of peace to the outside world cowardly?
Obviously not.
Establishing relations with other countries? That sounds reasonable.
Making contact with pro-Eldian advocacy groups? That sounds reasonable.
What about this is cowardly?
And what’s so idealistic about hoping for peace when there are possible paths to it?
Hange did nothing wrong. Eren is the one who did everything wrong.
Eren’s friends were actually working on a solution. They were trying to make a lasting peace between the Eldians and the world.
Meanwhile Eren was just bumming around not doing anything!
Could there have been a peaceful solution?
Beats me, but I’m not going to spend any thought on coming up with one.
By now, I think it’s clear that the point is that there is no peaceful solution. We saw Paradis try and fail repeatedly. The story in general has not even entertained a possible, peaceful solution.
Creating a Wall Titan “nuclear umbrella” over Paradis won’t work. Eren will be dead in a few years, and they don’t want to continue the Reiss’s gruesome traditions.
Armin’s idea of a targeted rumbling won’t work either because it’ll only increase the world’s resentment towards Paradis.
The point is that sometimes peace isn’t possible, but also that excessive violence isn’t justified. I don’t know how the story will end, but I don’t think it’ll be a happy one.
It’s always uncomfortable whenever the series talks about history and playing the victim. It’s such an obvious commentary on Japanese politics, I cringe every time.
Past Japanese war crimes are a very big factor in Japan’s relations with its neighbors. China and the Koreas are still indignant over the crimes Japan committed, and they feel the Japanese haven’t been apologetic enough.
Paradis is obviously a mirror of Japan.
Island nation with a sordid past that leads to rocky international relations even today. That’s Paradis and Japan.
The series’ stance is that these past events should not be such an issue anymore.
That’s not wrong…but I have a reservation.
The biggest flaw with the Paradis-Japan connection is that the Eldian Empire ended thousands of years ago.
The Japanese Empire ended 75 years ago. That’s not much.
China does overplay the war crimes issue, but there are still real issues with how the Japanese have responded. Many Japanese people are still taught a cleaned up version of what happened.
If anything, China should be called out on abusing the issue of war crimes for political reasons. Their government uses it as propaganda to rally popular support and distract from domestic issues.
In Attack on Titan, the Marleyans are not called out for that. They’re called out for playing victim over something that happened 2000 years ago.
The Marleyans, used by the story as a clear parallel to Japan’s neighbors, are portrayed as in the wrong because “it was a long time ago.”
Let me tell ya, that’s not a good look. What we see in the story is just close enough to reality to draw comparisons, but just different enough to be arguably offensive.
I will say it’s nice to know what Isayama thinks on a given issue. Annie calls out Mikasa and Armin on not being prepared to kill Eren if they have to. She aks how they know he’ll even listen to them.
Armin: we won’t know until we try.
You can tell who’s side Isayama is on whenever the characters argue because the side he’s against will be the one with the dumb platitudes.
Mikasa: How are you going to stop Eren?
Hange: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Annie: How do you know talking will work?
Armin: We won’t know until we try.
Then…stuff happens.
Annie claims Mikasa will fight her if Annie tries to kill Eren, even if Annie’s just trying to defend her homeland.
Then Mikasa draws her swords for no reason, and Annie looks like she’s about to titan shift for no reason, then…Annie backs off for no reason.
There were definitely some plot beats missing here. Annie instantly goes from getting ready to shift to backing off. What happened?
And why did she back off? Her point still stands. She said Mikasa would fight her if she tried to kill Eren and Mikasa did not deny it.
The only plans of attack discussed have been (1) talking Eren down, and (2) killing him. It looks like they’re going with plan (1) now, but Mikasa is clearly not going to let Annie go through with plan (2) if (1) fails.
That’s a pretty important issue. And Annie raised it herself, only to just drop it for no reason.
Why does Annie think her time is better spent here than on a boat heading to the mainland?
Getting to her father in time to die with him sounds a lot likelier than stopping Eren, especially when killing him isn’t an option.
And then we come to Yelena.
You know, actually, this chapter has a lot of the same problems the last one did. Lots and lots of rushed plot beats that should have been fleshed out more.
One of the dumbest tropes in fiction is when a character looks into another character’s past off screen, learns sordid things about them, then exposition dumps about it.
Oh, look, this chapter exists.
This is lazy, lazy writing. Instead of a flashback montage with narration, we get some word balloons.
Why is this happening? Anything would have been better than this. There could have been a few more pages devoted to this. He at least could have come up with a better way to deliver this information.
Is Isayama just that dead set on finishing this manga before 2021?
Then Yelena delivers a monologue of her own. I can only assume that it is stupid on purpose.
Speeches like this have been given before in Attack on Titan. Annie gave one in her arc.
“You think you’re better than me?! Well you’re not! You’re a shithead just like me!”
-Annie, basically.
Kenny gave a similar one too. He said that everyone is a slave to something, even mother’s to their children. Then he asked Levi if he really thinks he’s so virtuous and then he died.
I mean, I don’t know what you’d call someone who, all else being equal, fought for the sake of their children if not a “hero”.
Yelena’s speech is dumb and that’s the point. It’s drivel that sounds smart, but is really just edgelord crap.
“You give yourselves to the sublime excitement that is the idea of saving hundreds of millions of lives.”
Christ, not this again!
Claiming good deeds aren’t really good because people do them to feel better about themselves is very common on the internet. You see it all the time on Reddit.
In fact, Yelena even says it like she’s trying to sound smart.
“The sublime excitement.”
The problem with this reasoning is that it’s moving the goalposts. Yelena is redefining altruism and selfishness to get the result she wants.
You could think of many examples of people doing things that are obviously selfless.
Take a soldier. Let’s say their platoon is on patrol, and then the enemy tosses a grenade at them. The soldier dives on top of the grenade and shields his platoon from the explosion. But obviously, he dies.
That was selfless.
-puts on crazy, blonde, mop-top-
Shut up I know this actually did happen in this manga that’s not the point.
Yelena has redefined selfishness to cover everything people do, and at that point, the word becomes useless. She’s wrong because when you think about it, “selfish” is a meaningless word in her worldview.
Yelena then proceeds to list off all the bad things everyone’s done, as if they’re all to blame for it.
Annie did awful things, I won’t argue against that. And she doesn’t seem very apologetic about it, so Yelena actually has a point there.
She also has a good point with Armin. Destroying the port was excessive, especially since it never ended up helping in the end. The port was destroyed to delay a Marleyan attack. Too bad the Marleyans just attacked via airship instead.
Reiner broke the wall, but despite what the man himself says, he was still just a brainwashed kid at the time. I don’t think it’s entirely right to blame him. He’s very apologetic about it, either way.
The Battle of Liberio never should have happened, but the Survey Corps was forced into it by Eren and they did what they could to limit civilian casualties.
It’s the same with Jean and Falco. Jean almost killed Falco, but only because Falco got in the way. That’s on him. Not. Jean.
Gabi killed Sasha, but it was a battle! Wars are ultimately fought to the death. If you go into the military and don’t expect to die, you’re clueless. There was no foul play with how Gabi killed Sasha. She boarded their airship, and shot her. That’s war.
She wants to believe that these people are just as bad as she is. Because if everyone is a piece of shit, then she isn’t so bad in comparison. It’s a common tactic people use to rationalize their own shitty behavior.
But she’s wrong, and they all prove her wrong. Jean can’t forgive Reiner, but he doesn’t let that get in the way of stopping Eren.
And no matter what Yelena says, it’s selfless what the 104th and Hange are doing. Long term, stopping Eren is a death sentence for them. They don’t care.
Leave it to Reiner to give the most Reiner response to Jean possible.
“I felt really bad about it afterwards.”
“Don’t forgive me. I don’t deserve it.”
“I’m sorry.”
That was the cringiest thing in the whole chapter. Good on you, Jean, for beating him for it.
(Not really)
This chapter was about everyone coming to terms with working together, but I feel it was half-baked.
Magath and Jean’s fight wasn’t really resolved, just dropped.
Annie and Mikasa’s fight was also just dropped.
None of the bad things Yelena brought up was commented on or dealt with. They weren’t dropped; they weren’t even taken up!
Reiner and Jean’s fight was properly dealt with, but that was it.
Now we’re heading into a fight with Floch and……I guess the emotional processing is over?
You know, I take it back, this chapter was better than the last one, but it still had a lot of the same blatant issues.
Rushed plot beats, unwieldy dialogue, and undercooked plot developments.
On to the next chapter?
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eyestrain-addict · 5 years
Yo its 3 am almost 4 but dude I like HAVE to give a comprehensive history lesson of Attack On Titan my boy Isayama did some good ass worldbuilding
Spoilers obviously. Also I'm going off memory so not like 100 percent accuracy
To look at AOTs history we have to first look at our own going back about 2000 years ago. Roman's dominate lots of territory and start to 'explore' the Celtic-Norse area, if you know anything about history you know how well this goes for the Germanic people.
Also important side note. These tribes being NORSE is important to the story. Remember that whilst looking at my ramblings because if anyone knows anything about me they know I'm a slut for norse myth and isayama doing a 180 in the middle of the manga going haha this is actually referencing myth got my heart went doki doki yall fr fr
Now THIS is were the aot timeline starts.
Once upon a time in these little tribes some pigs are set loose and the king is like ight who done did it and everyone points at this lil girl named ymir because they some snitch bitches. Kings like haha run lil bitch and then I guess hunters or something chase her through the woods until she finds a big tree. Of course she goes into and falls down into a hole because what else do little blonde girls do in books? But instead of being whisked into a land of wonder she falls into a pool of water until this weird thing sticks to her pack. We dont really know for sure what this thing is but two options are earth devil or source of all life who tf knows tho my theory it's just a weird powerful parasite cus it attaches itself to Ymirs spine and lets this bitch get CRAZY big. I'm trying to summarize and keep this short but I'm failing. Important info she gets big, basically gets god powers, and a dope skull face.
So norse myth incase you didnt know ymir was the first thing that like. Was living. He was the source of all giants and kinda all the gods too? I cannot for the life of me remember where Odin came from and I'm no pussy so km not looking it up we die like men anyway Ymir = Ymir, titans = giants, it's on the nose a bit but it gets less on the nose the less you know about norse myth.
Anyway shes like king I know you just tried to hunt me like a fox but I'll use my powers to serve you and he went lit build the kingdom and also fucking annihilate the Roman marleyan army. So she did just that and the king 'rewarded' her by 'letting her' have his children. Her daughters were sina rose and maria. Not very Germanic names if my memory serves me but whatever I think isayama didnt expect to fledge out the lore this much before he named the walls.
One day 13 years later, the marleyan army was surrendering when bOOM dude pulls out a medieval glock spear and throws it at the king! Ymir being the ride or die bitch she is jumps in front of the king and gets murked. In a desperate attempt to traumatize his daughters to get ymirs powers back he forces sina, rose, and maria to eat. Ymirs. Entire. Body. Yikes dad of the year here folks.
Miraculously? Miraculously it works! His daughters get some of her powers split between them. We can assume tho it's not said explicitly that the power is then split among their children but it stops at 9 people having this badass power. Why you ask uuuuuhhhhhhh I donajkanakksksks gaaa-
I'm not gonna go over all the powers but the main one you need to know about the founding titan which can erase memories and control mindless titans something we'll get into later. It can also only be used by ymirs descendants or royal blood if ya wanna get fancy with it.
Also ymir when she dies is transported to this weird desert world where she makes the bodies and titans and just random limbs incase one of the 9 holders gets hurt and needs to heal. This is called the coordinate but it's actually just a metaphor for the world tree Yggdrasil. Also the 9 titan thing is I'm pretty sure a reference to the 9 realms but I'm not quite certain may just a coincidence.
Part one I'll reblog this with more.
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nyelaexe · 6 years
So I saw someone say that Levi should have cut zeke's limbs off to stop him from setting off the thunder Spears and i have to say, I don't see how that would have done anything because
1. Zeke is a shifter. He regenerates. If Levi were to cut off his arms and legs he would have to keep stopping the cart every few minutes to re hack off zeke's arms and legs.
2. Levi cut Zeke to ribbons last chapter and this chapter he's healed
3. The detonator for the thunder spear is around zekes neck and the actual spear is in his abdomen I think. He sets the spear off by craning his neck backward and removing the pin so his arms and legs had nothing to do with it. His arms were tied behind his back so it isn't like he pulled the pin from the spear with his hands.
I WILL say though, Levi has a major character flaw. He's a shit talker. Hes overly confident in his abilities to the point that it's almost cocky. Levi's got balls the size of watermelons and hes gonna swing em. That actually remind me of season 1 when he told Jean "Like the brass balls but don't swing then so hard it gets you killed." And uh...he should be taking his own advice man. In season 1 during the FT arc in the forest he stood on Annie's head and talked shit about how much he was gonna enjoy torturing the information out of her. He didn't foresee her screaming and calling a horde of Titans to the Scouts' location to eat her Titan. A lot of Corpsmen could have gotten hurt had those Titans been after them and not Annie's Titan. (You could argue that she would have called them whether or not Levi shit talked her, because I think she absolutely would have, but whatever) It happened again last chapter when Levi shredded Zeke just because he could and now this chapter he didn't anticipate him setting off the spear and committing suicide and now he got thrown from the cart and is (possibly) missing a limb or two or he could even be dead (isayama..blease don't take my little man away). Levi has been fighting Titans for years but before that he was fighting humans. All it takes to kill a human is one good strike in the right place. Intimidating a human is enough to make them back off. Even fighting mindless Titans is a bit of a breeze. One slice on the nape and they're through. But fighting shifters is a different ball game. Shifters can regrow their entire body. They can SURVIVE a fatal blow to the nape by transferring their consciousness. They can survive a blade to the neck or a knife through the gut or a gun shot through the head. Shifters aren't normal humans or Titans so you can't use the same tactics to take them down. They are the closest thing to indestructable or immortal (at least until Ymir's curse) the SNK world has. Levi, the nearly 40 surly old bastard of a man that he is, can't/doesn't know how to change his fighting style. Isayama actually dubbed Levi as being part of the flip phone generation. Trying to fight a different way now when they're this far into things and a new war is right around the corner could affect his performance on the battlefield. But then again, how do you even fight a Zeke? Or an Eren? A Reiner? How do you fight a Titan shifter? Levi's go-to method of fighting is using his brute force and his impossible strength to guarantee 100% fatality but clearly that won't always work. Levi has been fighting for years and, regardless of the opponent, a desperate man will do desperate things and he should know this by now! I just hope it isnt too late for him because if it is I might have to exit stage left on Attack on Titan lmao.
(Also, unrelated but sorta related! End of season 1 remember when Hange set those traps to capture Annie's Titan in Sina and she jumped down and started talking shit to her, poking her blades in her eyeballs and telling her all the things the Survey Corps was gonna do to her? Remember what happened after that? You guessed it, Annie got away! That's right, she ran for the hills, traps stuck in her ass cheeks and all! Again, someone got too cocky and underestimated the enemy! It seems like the Survey Corps has a serious issue with shit talking.)
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leapingtitan · 6 years
Why the SC’s are idiots (No, seriously...)
I feel like I’m asking to get hate and negative responses with that title..., though the behavior of the characters has been getting to me these last few chapters. Lots of irrationality, stupid decisions, and most of all.. Hanji, who I once had a lot of respect for as a character. Feel free to send me your thoughts if you disagree, though this is just something I need to get out. But first, a meme:
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Thank you Reddit.
At this point, I’ll put it like this: Paradis are idiots if they think there is any possible way to avoid fighting the rest of the world. MAYBE if Hizuru helped them BEFORE the Marley infiltration AND if they got on friendlier terms with the rest of the world as well.
However, after this:
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...I just think it’s beyond ridiculous to think there is anything along those lines that they can even hope to do in the present time.
Eren legit massacred hundreds of people, including officials and leaders from ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLANET THEY LIVE ON. On top of that, Willy fulfilled his role and inspired, or should I say flat-out fucking declared a global war on the Island, and THEN Eren went and did this.
If Hanji and the others think there is any way of remotely “negotiating” or “talking” their way out of this situation, then... well.. let’s just say I’m glad Isayama himself acknowledges why this is bullshit with that “Erwin.. was I really the right choice for a commander?” question from last month.
No, Hanji, you’re not. And Armin isn’t helping either.
I feel like at this point a lot of people may jump down my throat and defend them, and that’s fine. I don’t want to come off as if I’m defending Eren like an overprotective parent... but I actually am.
Listen here.
At this point, get this: There are NO peaceful solutions between Paradis and the rest of the world. NONE, unless they SOMEHOW manage to talk it out, but that would be lame and unrealistic writing.
So, their only option is to defend themselves, or attack fist.
Oh yeah, wasn’t that initially one of the strategies?
So, if the whole world is on your ass, with or without Hizuru there is only one option. Keep in mind, it would be nice to be all diplomatic, but the whole point of the SCs and everything Eren has fought for is to SURVIVE. And with other words what we need is some
Good old fashioned
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Yeah. You know what I mean.
With everything I’ve said so far, I am 99% certain that this is their only way to retaliate against the world that’s coming down their throat. There is no other way out of this.
So, with this in mind, it’s not like Hanji and the others are stupid, right? I mean, they know after the Attack on Marley there’s no way to talk it out?
So what do they do?
First of all, keep Zeke in captivity after risking all of their asses to snatch him from Marley. Then, they imprison EREN who, by the way, is the reason why they made it this far in the first place. And now they’re deciding to keep them separated and prevent them from meeting.
It should be as Chapter 108 informed us. Eren is the one in charge when the Coordinate kicks in. Zeke’s motives may be revealed later but for now I believe he and Eren are on the same page... at least for now. For now.
...Anyway, to make a more “recollected” version of this, let’s put it like this: Marley and the World are onto Eldia’s ass... there’s no way out of it. Eldia is sitting around doing nothing and basically not using their strongest weapon which is the Wall Titan Rumbling... purposefully keeping Eren and Zeke separated. Eren is in prison for, what? Disobeying orders again? Eating the Warhammer Titan? Successfully taking down the world leaders? Having done ALL THIS SHIT for them since Season 1/the start of the manga? Seems legit. And Zeke.. I get it, he’s an enemy initially, but like.. you do realize he has followers which you ALSO imprisoned... and are drinking wine from one of them. 
Nice way to play with fire and poke your finger in the shit crust, dumbasses. Referring to the MPs in particular here, by the way.
While keeping those two separated, Hanji and co. are literally asking for the Volunteers to turn on them just like they turned on THEM, and are also wasting time while Marley potentially launches a surprise attack immediately, OR if they have their finger up their ass for the next 6 months, might as well just wait for the global attack as well.. whatever works, I guess.
Bottom line, the SC’s and Humanity in general need to realize what Eren realized before this arc began. All of this shit, the reason it’s been happening, it’s about survival. Hell, Armin’s “You can’t achieve anything if you don’t sacrifice anything” line is in effect now more than ever, but it looks like everyone fucking forgot about it out of nowhere.
Now.. Hanji. Very smart character and a leader to be reckoned with, however.. out of all the times to act irrational and put your ethical believes and humanity before FUCKING LOGIC AND SURVIVAL INSTINCT, this instance in particular is the worst possible time to do so. Eren and Zeke need to meet and they NEED to do something to prevent the shitstorm that is about to happen, or fight it head-on, I guess. The other characters legit feel like massive roadblocks, or stuff that is dragging down the main progression, the LOGICAL progression.
Anyway.. those would be my thoughts. I did come of as a bit of aggressive, though truth be told if you follow me you know I don’t write meta and analysis like I used to a few years ago.. so these thoughts have been piling up for a few months now, with this month’s chapter giving me enough bullshit to complain about lmfao.
So yeah.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 117 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1325  responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,235 responses
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Isayama continues to please. In fact, “Judgment” is the highest rated chapter this year with 62.3% selecting the highest possible rating. In recent month, only chapter 112 scored higher.
Honestly, just incredible
Excellent Chapter although it did favor the action over plot continuation. I really just want information rather than awesome action. I'll just have to do my waiting but the action is very enjoyable.
Finally a great action chapter which does a good job showcasing Erens new abilities.
Fuck yeah, Shiganshina3.0 with an entirely new field of play. Excited to see how the new teams play out.
It was nice to have another action-heavy chapter after being without one for so long. The only downside is they feel way too short.
god I love this manga so damn much
Seeing Marley invade Paradis with those planes is absolutely chilling. It's a whole new era for the Walldians
We're in the Endgame now
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With 30% of the vote, the moment when Eren reacts to Reiner’s attempt to eat him takes the top place for favorite moment. Following up with half as many votes is Zeke’s arrival as he displays his big brother complex. In third came Eren’s defensive use of the Warhammer Titan’s power.
The most memorable moment was definitely Eren's scream of sheer determination and will to live as he was ripping Reiner's jaw apart, in a complete rejection of the self-loathing and fatalistic mindset his old nemesis was seemingly trying to push onto him.
It was nice to see eren harnessing his titan abilities and proving that he is a strong character
Eren ripping half of Reiner’s face off was neat
Reiner vs Eren was very repetitive and shonen typical and just there to show how 'badass' Eren had become. Besides, the Marleyans are getting too much screentime at this point. The only cool thing was Zeke's entrance.
I loved the fight and zeke's onii-chan part uwu
I thought it was neat that it was confirmed that the Shifters' Titans have brains that control the Titan, rather than the Shifter controlling it themselves. I still want to know more about the Titan Chemistry Research Department, and all of the in-universe info about how Shifters interface with their Titans.
Onii-chan saves the day.
When Pieck took Gabi in her mouth? 👌👏 And that cannon?? 😍😍😍😍 And when she finished putting on the cannon and stood up in all her majesty I just straight up died. I also loved seeing Eren use the War Hammer to make back spikes, that was so neat.
WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,288 responses
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With lots of characters joining the fight this chapter, who was the MVP? The overwhelming majority at 62% think Eren fighting off three titans on his own earned him the title.  Pieck was also a popular choice, at 16%.  Magath rounded out the top three at 8.9%
Magath is a great leader. We need to see more of him.
I was so happy to see Zeke! And that phrase, ahh!
Hugs for Reiner. Poor guy can never win a fight :( And love Pieck for being the MVP, as usual!
porco did nothing wrong shout out to my boy porco
Eren is collecting Titans like they're limited edition Pokemon cards
It's time to stop confusing Gabi with Eren. Gabi proved to be actually smart.
Magath is the MVP of this chapter and anyone who says otherwise is delusional.
My wife Pieck was very cute and smug.
Zeke's arrival was so sick. Oni-chan
Not gonna lie this chapter was fire af. Kinda surprised about Magath being a legend, but it may have been a mistake for him to not kill Eren.
Zeke showing up at the end was hype.
the mvp award should go to the jeagerists for getting themselves killed in the stupidest way ever
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Our quick glance at the 104th was enough to know they are alive and well for now. We wanted a fun way to ask about their stunned expressions at the noises they assumed to be the rumbling. Mikasa’s was declared cutest with 27.4%, Armin was second with 23.1%, and 16.9% didn’t want to play along.
"Which jail cell expression was the cutest?"What?
I hope Onyankopon will rescue everyone in jail.
Just get Falco and the prisoners out of there, they'll get titanized/crushed
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Reiner and Eren’s practice fight in training has served useful, as they’ve fought as titans no less than four times now.  36.9% selected the fight from last chapter as their favorite bout, with 26.9% choosing their first rumble.  23.4% loved the recently animated Shiganshina fight the most, and only 12.8% chose the brief Marley exchange of blows.
Anime-onlies and manga readers collectively screaming about Eren vs Reiner in Shiganshina... You've got to wonder if this was planned somehow.
Eren vs. Reiner identical non-productive fights are getting boring.
I Want More Eren Vs Other Shifters
Reiner VS. Eren 4.0 is now a thing ladies and gents. But we now have a new fighter which is big bro Jaeger.
Eren vs. Reiner in a fearsome battle in the middle of Shinganshina that culminates in Reiner seemingly gaining the upper hand before his head is blown off by an outside force. Am I talking about the most recent manga chapter, or the most recent anime episode? You decide ;)
It's about time Eren's and Reiner's fight ends. Give us a conclusion, Isayama
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Although about 50% of respondents thought it was at least somewhat understandable that Reiner brought the fight to Shiganshina again, a good chunk of votes trended toward pretty neutral or unsure about whether Reiner is a hypocrite or not.
He sincerely believes Eren is miserable BECAUSE he's projecting his own emotions onto Eren but also needs to consume the Founder as Magath mentioned
He wants to do something right because the only thing hes good at is getting his ass whooped.
Honestly, all I can say about Reiner is that his isna big hypocrite.
Reiner should win a battle in his life, please Isayama.
He's definitely projecting, but lowkey if he eats Eren he finally gets to die, because they'll give the Founder to another Warrior.
People should really stop assuming that just because Reiner & Co. are deserving  of sympathy, they are right. Downtrodden as they are, if they win they'll still destroy Paradis without a second thought, and all the blatherings about stopping the 100 years cycle of violence, are just that, and justifications after the fact.
I thoguht Reiner would kick Eren's ass but whatever
Reiner should really give up fighting Eren... he always loses. Unless he likes getting his arse kicked, I don’t know why everyone just lets them fight over and over again.
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Yelena wanted Eren to run, Eren wanted to fight.  But why?  38.4% think he’s trying to protect those in the building, 25.8% think he believes running to be pointless, and 16.8% thought he just wanted to fight his best sparring partner, Reiner, once again.
"Until my enemies are destroyed," remember?
All of the above
He doesn't care what she thinks. Eren will do what Eren wants
He feels confident enough in his ability to shut that shit down by himself. He's also visibly pissed at Reiner for messing up with his plans by pushing for this surprise attack and wants to end him personally.
He's fought him three times already, might as well just fight him a fourth time.
I think it's both that it's pointless to run and he wants to protect those in the building. For the former, he knows Marley will just keep on persisting and will do everything they can to find him, so escaping is pointless. As for the latter, he cares about his close friends that are still inside and thus doesn't want them to get hurt, so for their safety, he wants to be the one to take on Marley by himself.
If you don't fight, you don't win.
I think this chapter proved that Yelena wasn't the one who "manipulated" Eren like some people claimed first, because he refused her order and choose to fight instead of "run away" or "trusting her plan".
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The Marleyan forces have finally zeroed in on what the true Zekerets are, all thanks to Gabi.  52.2% of readers forgot that Gabi was aware of the royal blood situation, and 22% didn’t expect it to come together this way but liked how it ended up.
Forgot she heard it, if this is what all her buildup has been leading too... 🤢
Honestly thought Pieck figured it out in chapter 116 with her line of questioning so I assumed they already knew or at least had their own doubts about the use of the FT Power but this makes sense as well.
I'd forgotten about it. But I think this confirm the fact she was here during EMA conversation will also be important
I kinda expected her to do so, but still I am glad she did it !!!
She has now served her role as a plot device. Please go permanently off-screen now.
Miscalculation brought back
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General Magath is the leader of the enemy forces, but seems to have good intentions in mind.  What’s his true goal?  The large majority of respondents, at 45.6% think he wants to wipe out the Eldians on Paradis.  21.7% think he wants to liberate Eldians, and trailing that at 20.4% is the idea that all he wants is the Founding Titan.
Chances are he's wants to wipe them out, he seems to care about the ones under his command, but he seems loyal to Marley first.
He just wants to end the war, he is a good man
Can't know for sure. He is sympathetic to his comrades but Marley has always pushed for more power so that may continue their imperialistic goals. I highly doubt Magath will make a complete 180 and will begin giving countries their own autonomy. Most likely, he will use the FT to further this effort in accumulating resources. No one should wield the power of FT. Too strong!
He wants to liberate Eldians AND annihilate Paradis
He probably wants to change Marley's policies and stop with the imperialism + Eldians-as-weapons, but he also seems willing to use Paradis as a scapegoat so far so I'm rooting against him.
He wants to protect Marley and introduce reforms. It’s noble in theory but I’m wondering if he was manipulated by Willy as per of a larger plan. He’s inspired by the Helos legend but he knows that it’s a lie. He has sympathy for Eldians in his own country but whether he wants to save all Eldians remains to be seen.
I think he wants to destroy the Eldians on Paradis but he also wants to persuade the higher ups in Marley to treat the Eldians more humanely
No clue. He doesn't seem like a genocidal maniac, but I don't think he'll allow Paradis to get off that easily.
Is it too optimistic to hope that he wants to change Marley's ways and to bring peace?
Why is "wiping out all Eldians" an option when he said he wanted to bring marleyans to the wars instead of the Eldians? I'm not completely sure about his intentions with Paradis but it's clear he cares for Eldians and he's ready to do anything to save Eldians and his own country.
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The Cart titan has been said to be versatile, and we’ve seen many upgrades and attachments, with this chapter being the biggest of them all.  Most of respondents, at 53.6% thought it was super awesome.
...How did they put it on so quickly?
Further cemented the Cart's place in my heart as best titan
I worry about Pieck. She is intelligent, fast and dangerous with her new weapon. That why Zeke may try to eliminate her fast.
I'm not into guns or gunfights so I don't really care.
Bitches love cannons
It’s a very powerful weapon but it requires time to reload. That a considerable weakness.
It's beautiful
so creepy i had a nightmare about it
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Isayama pls!! It’s impossible to know why Reiner’s beard keeps disappearing. It could be a quirk of his titan biology or perhaps the Golden Week crunch meant cutting a few corners. Either way, only 8.7% where glad about the omission.
reiner's facial hair come back pls
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Helos was a hollow statue, but will there be a hero for the current generation?  32.2% don’t believe so, but 35.5% think Eren will fulfill that role in the story.  12.3% think Reiner will become that hero to the world, and 10.8% feel it’s Magath.
Armin, mark my words
It's between Magath and Reiner. Magath because it has been nailed on him since he was mentioned, and Reiner because he's a half-Marleyan who wants to put an end to Eren's genocidal ways
Erwin/Levi...doesn't matter they're dead/dying, at this point I feel like they were the only ones capable to save the world. I'd say the 104th too but then, look where they are too.....
Heck, going by what's happening I have a sneaky feeling it's gonna be Falco.
Most likely Armin. Him being a "hero saving humanity" was foreshadowed already in RTS
I think resemblance between Helos and Levi isn't incidental.
Helos was proven to be fake, seems they indicate there will be no real hero
Honestly? Fuck it. Nicolo. I'm all-in on this.
Jean the Stallion
I don't know who, but not one of those three that's for sure... Historia? Where are you, our queen?
My Boi Reiner is super awesome here! He shows signs of becoming the new Helos!
Helos was a fake. There was no true Helos. It was just a story, so saying another Helos will save them makes no sense as Helos was just a facade in the first place.
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Based on the overall results, it appears that Eren’s expressions seem to get more and more intense as the series unfolds. Over half of the fandom feels that his most recent expression of resolve has been the one that best captures his tenacity. At a distant second, his expression as he transformed in the basement at the festival takes second place.
God, I want to punch Eren in his shitty smug face so hard.
Eren's defiant glare cleansed my skin, reaped my crops and impregnated me with 13 babies!
Finally we see Eren having a different expression, showing more of a human side we have been missing lately
I’m gay for eren
God, I'm just dying to see Eren's endgame.
Love Eren! He's awesome! The best hands down! And I can't wait to get inside his head! I know it'll make me love him more! Lol
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Almost 40% of respondents believe that Isayama’s placement of these panels was a deliberate way for him to clue us in on Eren’s opposition to Zeke’s plan. 27% don’t want to trust the panel placement just yet and feel it could very well be misleading. 21% feel that he’s simply showing his determination to see the plan through at all costs.
I'm not sure but it was really freaking cool
Eren's determination to fight, win and live!
He is mad because he is fighting to save his friends and future generations. So yes.
didnt notice this before, but yes this is a good theory
I don't even know how these two thing could be related lmao. He just wants to finish the fight so he can proceed with his plan. He can't do that by being eaten by the enemy
Eren didn't hear Reiner's words, so we can't say
Zeke's euthanasia plan requires Eren regardless of the ideals behind it.
I think whatever Eren's plan is, he is determined to do whatever it takes to not die before accomplishing it
It's pretty obvious he wants to unleash the Rumbling on the world. Idk why this is even a question.
I don't think it has anything to do with eren's thoughts on zeke's plan and more to do with his anger at reiner and marley
I feel like people may be looking too deep into this somehow
I actually didn't think of that! Now that you mention it, it's possible.
It's pretty obvious without this that Eren completely opposes Zeke's euthanasia. What I think is more interesting to think about is Reiner's previous question about what Eren "gets" from living any longer: what exactly pushes him to go to such lengths for whatever goal he has now? His country? His friends? His freedom? His family? All of those?
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Eren isn’t the only one who’s attempted to eat more shifters, and this time he’s on the receiving end. Did Reiner purely want to eat Eren for tactical purposes, or does he truly want to save Eren from the curse of a cruel life? Most readers at about 60% think Reiner’s just projecting his own thoughts and worldview onto Eren.
All the options above I think. Reiner thinks he knows Eren, but he clearly forgot one important thing: Eren is stubborn and once he's in his rage mode, he will never back down!
Both C and D.  He truly thinks Eren is in misery, BECAUSE he's projecting. Can't have one without the other.
Eating Eren is just a part of Marley's plan but I think it's the revenge that motivates him.
He has nothing left except his role as a warrior fighting for Marley. And he is determined to fulfill this role to the very end
I think he may be projecting his own misery into Eren but he doesn’t realize he’s doing it so he automatically assumes that Eren is in misery. Or it could be that he believes all shifters are going through the same thing he is and are suffering
He just wants to have his job done: eat Eren, become a hero and die.
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When Reiner attempted to end Eren’s life, Eren fought back against the idea his life holds nothing but pain.  What is the light at the end of the tunnel for him?  37.6% believe he’ll end up saving his people on Paradis, and 23.7% expanding that to saving the world.  17.9% think Reiner is right and he’ll only find more pain, and only 8.8% think Eren will go on to destroy the world.
Become Lelouch
Bring his 4D chess plan that somehow liberates the Eldians in a way that's different from what Zeke, the Yaegerists, the other Paradis military members and Magath are planning.
destroying the world to free Eldia from the oppression and probably to build a "future" for Historia and the child, which means to be the only ruling race
He'll save at least his friends, and hopefully help to save the world. by destroying its current foundation, and that includes the Eldians of Paradis
Eren just wants to catch 'em all... JK. He'll put an end to the curse of Ymir - Eldians will no longer be able to turn into titans.
He will destroy the world, cause this is probably his thinking of freedom for the eldians on paradis, but it will give more sacrifices and victims and more pain for others, like Connie who actually suffers, cause Sasha dies, because of Eren's selfishness.
A beautiful wife and their newborn baby
Eren wants to save the Eldians in Marley and Paradis
He will save his friends and future generations of Eldians. Eren doesn't care about himself, he cares about others.
Weird combination of protecting Paradis, those he holds dear and being willing to destroy the world for it.
I really hope world peace and a life in harmony without the titan curse although I'm scared it won't have a happy ending.
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Onii-chan is here, but how does Eren feel about that?  So many interpretations from the same panel!  The most popular answer at 36.3% was astonishment, followed closely by worry, and then relief.
He actually called himself onii-chan
Realization that everyone who drank the wine is screwed
A complex mix of all the above
Surprised, I think he didn't expect Zeke to be there cause of Levi
He somehow feel relieved because he was lacking stamina, but at the same time I think he worries of lives of his friends and people who will end up as titans, if Zeke screams.
Mixed feelings. Relieved that he is saved, but sad because he's ultimately going to betray such a great onii-chan
i kept staring at this panel bc it's been so long since we've seen such a vivid expression on eren's face; it's kind of hopeful too?
This chapter really illustrated how well Isayama can draw facial expressions to convey the characters thoughts
God Eren you're so sexy when your facial expressions are ambiguous
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Eren and Zeke planned to meet up here, but that would have to mean Zeke escaping Levi, likely in a brutal way.  Now that that’s happened, does Eren have regrets?  55.8% feel he cares about Levi to some degree, 27.1% feel that Eren cares about his mentor a lot, and only 14.2% don’t think Eren cares about the manlet one bit.
He cares, but it was a calculated risk like all the others he's been taking lately. I think he's still shocked that Zeke made it there though.
From where I stand on Eren’s decisions, I think he cares. But I feel like since we don’t know what his plan is yet, we can’t really fully answer this
Hard to tell, since he’s been treating his friends like shit, why would he care more about his mentor?
He knew what could happen to Levi and his men during Zeke's escape but he still agreed on a meeting time and place with his bro, not to mention the Jeagerists openly called him their "biggest threat" and were ready to finish him off. So Eren's definitely accepted the possibility of Levi becoming a casualty.
I don’t think Eren really cares about Levi, I think he’s worried about Zeke turning the Shiganshina people into Titans.
I think he still cares but tries to numb it all down and not care anymore. so he might be fooling himself, deluding himself...I think he did the same with his friends. Thinking that there's a higher goal and that it's all worth shedding your friends aside for it - I think he might be trying to convince himself of that.
In this situation there is no time for him to care about Levi.
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It was nice knowing you, Pixis. Now that Zeke has joined the battle within the walls of Shiganshina, it’s not looking good for anyone with a red or black cloth tied around their arm. More than 80% of respondents believe that those who drank the Zekejuice will soon be turned into titans, while only 19% choose to remain hopeful about their fates.
I would say Zeke titanizing everyone who drank the wine is inevitable, but the fact that Falco ingested the wine keeps being brought up. Zeke isn't aware. I feel like he has to know about Falco's state before any decisions are made. Whether that helps or not, we'll find out. After all, Zeke was shown to be close to Colt, who's Falco's big bro. Big brother feelings resonate with Zeke. It's a 50/50 chance imo.
Yeah, with Zeke joining the fray and all those soldiers that ingested his spinal fluid locked up, I expect Zeke will scream and turn Falco + all, if not most, of the spinal fluid-infected Paradis soldiers into Pure Titans next chapter. From there, Zeke will give Eren the Pure Titans needed to attack Marley's forces in Shingashina right now.
IS THIS THE FINAL BATTLE? 1,282 responses
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Now that the fight has started, how many think it’s the last brawl?  About ⅔ at 66.2% think the story will continue, whereas ⅓ at 33.8% think the story will end when this battle does.
Honestly this better not be the final battle. Marley vs Paradis is too black and white, I need a large commentary on the human condition
This really does feel like the final multi-titan battle. It might not technically be the final fight, but this feels like the RtS of the post-Marley arc. It's the climactic battle we've been building towards
People can say whatever they want, but everything indicates to me that Eren will become the last antagonist for the final war against the whole world.
This specific fight may not be the final battle but I have a feeling there are more to follow right here. Poetic really, that the series began in Shiganshina and will end there.
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117’s come and gone, on to 118!  The most popular answer, at about 30% want to see this fight continue more than anything else.  23.3% would like an update about Levi and Hange, 16.2% want the 104th in action, and 11.7% are at the altar of Annie.
please god either of the blonde best girls would be nice.
Armin and Annie joining the battle
I want to see what happened with Hange and Levi and also information on Historia. I also kind of hope to see Eren double cross Zeke.
Eren's plan, Levi, Armin being the genius he is , Annie, Mikasa fighting
Erwin. There is nothing I want more and idc how unreachable my dream is.
Continuation of the battle, and maybe Armin using his titan power to jail protect everyone in the jail cell. If Eren could partially titanise to protect himself, Armin and Mikasa from canon ball fire back in the first arc, Armin could do the same!
Bertolt. More Bertolt.
Some scene where Eren or someone reflects on all those lost, because honestly, it's my only chance of seeing Mina in the main story one more time.
I'd love to see all of them (except Floch), but in the context of what's going on right now, I think it'd be cool to see Annie join the fight just because it's been so long she's been in that crystal, and with practically every Titan in Shingashina right now (not to mention the recent Annie teasing), she's the only one absent from the fight, and I want to see her participate. I also expect to see Zeke using his scream next chapter, because it just feels like the perfect opportunity for us readers to see the Founding Titan in action again.
Floch, 104th, Annie, Yelena, Zeke, Eren, (no levi dont care about him)
I want Mikasa to shine, and I want to see Historia again
I'm sick of Eren and I don't care what happens to him.  I want to know what happened to Levi.
All of the above, but fuck floch
I'm expecting Zeke will scream next chapter, and Falco will be the among the ones that will turn into a Pure Titan
Is it too much to ask for all of it?
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Overall..pretty amazing chapter...just want to know the aftermath of zeke's arrival at this point.
Zeke is best boi and I needed that onii-chan panel in my life. My depression is cured.
Greatest Titan Battle yet!!! And Eren is easily the best character in Attack on Titan and one of the best manga protagonists ever!!!
Zeke loves eren and I think its so sweet, eren be gentle with him!
I want to see reiner getting his "revenge" over bertholdt's death , since we know that bertholdt was an important person in reiners life
FLOCH! Where is my lover? I don't have the power. On my side forever. Oooh Missing my Floch Lover!
It been a while since Isayama didn't shine with his drawing specially. The facial expressions and symbolism between some panels are so powerfull meaning and puts us in struggle to decoding it for a bit. One of the most deepest one (for me) was yelena saying "you're different from others Eren, you're special".
I do not foresee a great future for Eren as facial surgeon.
Marley and the warriors is so hypocritical. Porco's line really go to me because they attacked Paradis multiple times first. Hope  eren beats their ass.
This chapter was okay but I’m getting bored of Eren vs Reiner. Also, I would really like to see the 104th out of that damn cell and I would also like to never have to lay my eyes in Zeke or Floch ever again.
Intense and amazing in many ways, Marley FTW
Pieke and Gabi made me feel for them more than I expected.
In need of an update on Historia. Looking forward how Zeke and Eren fight together. Will they actually kill the warriors? Will those who are in the cell break free and come to stop the battle or join in? Did the Yeagerists manage to get their hands on Levi and Hanji??
Isayama has gotten very good at action scenes hot damn
I guess Reiner was right with saying that Eren is the most unreliable person who's entrusted with the coordinates and the power of the founding titan, because it could be possible that Eren will use this power for the bad.
I think 104th will escape and Chad style Dab on Marley and pop their airships to end up losing Connie and then get 99999x Thunderspears to create their own rumbling because Eren didn't have the coordinate after all.
Now we need Wack a Mole Eren
I was really hoping porco would eject out of the jaw titan when he was skewered, and retransform only to get nearly killed by Eren either impaling him or using him as a meatshield against Magath.
Where's mah boi Levi and Hanji at?
we were blessed with so much eren this chapter and i’d like to thank not only god but also jesus
Pieck has the biggest dick in the city. Take that Eren's WHT spears.
I really like how the Attack Titan screams so loudly it causes Gabi and Colt to resort to shutting their ears. Pretty sick xD
I sad-cringed at the "oni-chan" comment so much man. Poor Zeke
I think it was a well written battle in the sense that there was still a good amount of tension because Eren wasn't just effortlessly slaughtering the warriors. Instead he defiantly held his ground while outnumbered, outgunned and surrounded which imo showcases his strengths - tenacity and willpower - best of all.
I want all 9 titans to come together in an epic all-out brawl! Please make it happen Isayama!
If Pieck and Zeke don't engage in an Artillery duel next chapter, I'll be sorely disappointed.
This is just the begining of beautiful friendship - 104th and Marleyans. You shall see the truth soon ;)
When I finished the chapter I started crying because of what Reiner said while he was trying to eat Eren. In my opinion, Reiner has been such an accurate depiction of suicidal ideation that it's scary. It's just really painful to see, but I'm glad it's done so well and I really commemorate Isayama for treating it respectfully. I suppose I hope Reiner gets to see the kids again before he dies. At least... give him one last smile before he has to say goodbye.
I am most looking forward to see if Mikasa joins the fight or not, we still don't know what she thinks about Eren now!! And I want to know what Armin figured out, and I really want to know where the FUCK Historia is, and I really really want to know what happened to Levi and Hange. In that order.
Very good and well rounded, comedic moments were funny and not forced, Fights looked great as expected. Unique twist seeing new anti titan weaponry but enjoyable to see it being used.
This chapter really illustrated how well Isayama can draw facial expressions to convey the characters thoughts
It was an artistically beautiful chapter, as has been the norm recently, and I am so excited to see more.
It's so cathartic to see Eren finally let loose again
Magnificent, but seriously when is Annie coming back
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This chart changes ever so slightly from month-to-month.  While Tumblr is up a few percentage points, Reddit continues to bring nearly half of all respondents. Thank you again to everyone who participated, regardless of what platform you are on!
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snkpolls · 7 years
SnK Chapter 99 Poll Results
The chapter 98 poll closed with 1,751 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated.
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,722 Responses
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On the “awful” to “awesome” scale of 1-5, nearly 70% of respondents rated “Guilty Shadow” with a “5″, making it the highest rated chapter since we started polling. Well done, Isayama!
On that day, Marley received a grim reminder... this chapter woke up the obsessed snk fan in me, finally JESUS CHRIST
SNK has always been a wild ride, but I don't believe I've ever been this excited and frustrated that I don't have the next chapter in my hands RIGHT NOW- if only to satisfy the itch of knowing which half-hidden face is who from Paradis. And also to figure out what they've done to Porco, Pieck and Zeke to neutralize them while Eren gives Reiner the most uncomfortable tableside chat.
My heart was pounding throughout the entire chapter. The last time that happened was chapter 84 and I gotta say, I finally feel like this whole Marley arc has been worth it. What an adrenaline rush it's become! Now that's now Attack On Titan is supposed to be. I can't wait to see everybody else again and proceed to reach the climax of the story.
The hype for SNK 100 is too real. Everything will explode
I need Ch100 right now immediately. Waiting another month is going to be torture. In the meantime I hope Porco and Pieck enjoy their time in the pit. If it turns out that Helos is Levi I will eat my own platform boots
It was amazing. Really great story.
I'm so glad this chapter is fake and SnK ended last month with everyone having a huge pizza party!
....is it December yet?
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To not be excited by this chapter was simply not an option, but I’ll assume that those who voted “Yes”  are slightly more subdued than the majority of us who shouted “AW YISS”.
omfg hype for next chapter!!! How does Eren not have a leg, it really should've grown back, this doesn't make sense. Why is he even there, I feel like I missed something but it's probably just this manga's bizarre structuring. I've been selling my soul the past few months. There is nothing more to sell.
Kill me now The hype is REAL. I had a feeling issue #100 would be THE BANGER. This issue (#99) however set the stage for the next one. We have potentially Connie and Jean going undercover, we have Willy's solution that is just about to be revealed, the Asian woman's sudden leave, etc. I am really excited to see what will happen next month. Just need to add: seeing Eren's hand cut to threaten Reiner and Falco was such a power move, I had chills all over.
Boy howdy this was crazy I'll tell you what
Holy crap I love isayama. What a genius!
God help me I cannot wait another month
Endgame right here, brothers.
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The giant red chunk that wins this question  is the “All of the Above” option with 26.4% of the vote. “Every character with a partially hidden face” was second with 23.8%. There was plenty of excitement around Trapdoor-kun. He came in third with close to 20% of the vote.
I hope the SnK world has a heaven or some shit, because then Bertolt can maybe be finally happy together with his dad at least ;-;
I love moment with Trapdoor-kun/Connie (I hope it's him). He promised Reiner in Utgard Castle that he'll return the favor and I want to see their reunited. Maybe Connie will save Gabi and the other kids in this shitstorm. Please Isayama! Connie needs his personal moment!
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Eren’s creep factor was strong! More than 70% of us picked a 4 or 5 on the “Actual Pennywise” scale.
Eren is 100% savage. Damn I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't like him. His meddling works so well with his bitter ass and his sense of entitlement over making all these fuckers taking his freedom away disappear and get their comeuppance (read: the whole world). Fucking human worms.
Eren using Falco as a hostage makes me cry
Eren gave me fucking chills of fear
I'm loving this Eren alignment shift. Lawful Good boy is changing and I am HERE for this.
Eren's "Same reason as you" and "I don't have a choice" are the single most savage moment in the series.
I don't like Eren at all... Poor Reiner
Eren is frickin INSANE
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The creep factor and hobo hair didn’t hurt Eren’s attractiveness for the majority of the fandom since 36.1% would love to be locked in the basement with him right now. The second most popular choice was the extreme opposite. 22.2% selected “ewww no” on the question about Eren’s attractiveness.
why did y'all have to write "Lock me in your basement, Hobo Daddy!"
Protect Reiner Braun You've made me have sexual thoughts about long haired Eren, damn you pollster!!!!
Eren made both my jaw and panties fall straight to the floor. It's finally getting somewhere.
my mom called eren hobo daddy o__O"
Eren being so chilled out and yet so chilling at the same time...how does one being so cold make the room seem a lot hotter than it actually is?!
I want to officially shame Eren for telling Mikasa to cut her hair during training and now he could model for   L'Oréal (I love his hair but he is a hypocrite)
EREN FUCKING JAEGER. I want to say he's cool... but I feel so strangely conflicted. I'm turned on by his loony face but at the same time fucking terrified that it's all going to crumble. He'd grown so much. I can't believe the kid that we used to adore has turned into such a beast.
eren would be a 4/5 if he shaved his facial hair imo
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Again with the “All of the above” as top pick. The most popular write in was “Reiner. Sit”. We clearly made a mistake when we forgot to include that.
Reiner. Sit.
His eyes all the time, they're like windows to hell
Everything! Eren was so chilling and bad this chapter, I love love loved it!
The fact that he's still missing a leg, it should've grown back, does he just keep cutting it off?
Messing with the head of an already mentally unstable Reiner
Eren did not come to play. Cutting his hand was a power move and then when he said "same as you." I can't wait to see him transform into a Titan. Reiner wasn't ready for this. He looks like he's gonna pass out.
I never thought i needed psycho!eren and badass!eren in my life. But then i read this chapter and HOOOOOOLY SHIT!
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I’m borrowing a quote from a friend who said, “Reiner had enough panels of his sanity crumbling like pie crust to fill a photo album”. We thought so too and had a hard time limiting ourselves to just these six. The look of horror on page 20 was Reiner’s expression as Eren told him, “I’m the same as you. I didn’t have any other choice.” It was the winner with 44.5% of the voice.
Note to Isayama: If you want to torture a character, hands on the face is the way to go (even when those hands are strangely tiny.)
Don't freak out, Reiner, your buddy Eren has come to save the world just like you've always wanted.
I wonder how bad  will Reiner's strabismus be when Eren ultimately touchs the Bertolt and Annie subject.
Someone please protect Reiner D: (and maybe give him a hug)
#stopreinerabuse2017 >:) 
Reiner is the true victim here man
If Reiner didn't have a drinking problem before he sure has one now
I really don't like seeing Reiner looking so scared... It makes me feel so bad and helpless because I can't do anything. ;-;
I’m expecting Reiner to go full insane next chapter. Seriously, he can only be pushed so far!
I absolutely love Reiner's suffering faces :D I also loved how shocked Falco was. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen, that why Eren told him to stay. He wants to save his life. I only wonder what will happen with the other kids.
reiner has baby hands
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This was not a fun chapter for our poor little bean. There was no shortage of moments with him looking on with wide-eyed horror as the situation was unfolding.  His expression on page 35 was the landslide winner. It’s the moment Falco realized Eren must’ve met Reiner during his time on Paradis.
My boy Falco doesn't deserve this.
Calm the f down Eren! You’re scaring Falco!
Falco is too precious for this messed up world
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We have a poll meme now and don’t think I wont use it! Thank you to the 29.1% of you for playing along. We were a close second. Thank you also to everyone who took the question seriously. One respondent suggested they might be whispering about the fact that all the warriors were missing. I love that thought.
Yes. There's sour cream in Marley.
For the question of what Rambo McSoldier whispered, I'm actually kinda wondering if he's whispering about someone being missing from the crowd. (I.e, Reiner.)
how much farther is my sour cream joke going to go
I do NOT trust Eren one bit and we still do NOT know if there's sour cream. Crazy stuff man.
This wasn't an option for the question about what the soldier was whispering to Mads, but I thought it had to do with that panel where the guy on the rooftop said to "report it" no matter how small it is. The Marley soldier was relaying that report, whatever it is.
The lack of concern over the disappearance of all the Warriors from the audience is alarming...unless it's part of their plan, which removing the fighters from the crowd sounds like something inline with what Paradis would be attempting if they're about to hijack the play.
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So much uncertainty here! We are truly divided over Willy, Zeke and Kiyomi’s loyalties.
I do not think that Zeke would be on Paradis side, he had that chance and discarded it as an idiot.
The Warhammer Titan seems to know so very much about Paradis and the truth (and Eren's name) that I think it's no coincidence he looks like an adult long hair Armin.
Willy was such a sweet pie in this chapter. I wish he joined the Team Paradise.
Why did the Asian lady wish Willy good luck and then immediatly got away from the play as fast as she could? The plot thickens...
Everyone need to calm tf down and stop being huge mega douchebags on the whole warriors vs paradis sides of the fandom Ima lose my goddamn mind let yams tell the fucking story. This fandom is killing me far more effectively than yams ever could, crying Reiner or no!
The Asian lady and the rest of the Azumabito definitely know something, as they didn’t stay for Willy’s play, and she said that “she hoped he’d play his role ‘safely’”
What is Willy's game? With so many important people there, it is setup for a massacre. But, why tell the truth beforehand? There is a part of me thinking that it is all a setup to Willy simply saying we're all going back to Paradis.
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EZ and REZ feelz so strong! A sizable percentage think Kiyomi is also a part of the alliance.
I love/hate how much Isayama plays with us (?).. this is the worst who is with  who and why and when and how is it its 99 chapters and i am stiff as confused as when i watched the first anime chapter in 2013...
Yeah, I still believe in Reiner + Zeke + Eren alliance. Grim Reminder won't happen and I will be a happy, happy fan." İt's amazing!
I think Willy is working with Armin, whereas, Eren is working with Zeke. Isayama did say they were going to split.
I think Zeke is helping Eren for the time being but I also think it is only a temporary alliance. He will double-cross Paradis like he did the Restorationists and Marley before the end, and he will be a sizable end-game threat to both Paradis and Marley.
"Lady" Kiyomi of the Azmabito family seemed like she was teasing Willy before his performance, since he was so nervous. But then, she said "you're very brave. And you know our family very well", she seemed like she was threatening Willy
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CRAZY EREN. I think he's gonna offer an alliance with Reiner so they can both save the Eldians. I hope the SC will appear next chapter!
I'm willing to bet 'The Owl' Eren knew Willy and the Asian chick when he was still living.
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62% believe Porco and Pieck were captured to keep them from meddling. An even larger majority believe Zeke was in on it. Hmmmm....
about porco and pieck. I think they will be locked somewhere. But not to take their titan. Well, it's good opportunity to take their titan but... who wants do that anyway? Jean, connie? I think not.
"We done fucked up" -peick and porco
My favourite panel is Pieck looking at 'springer, not a shower' whilst falling into the sin bin. Wow, she's perfect.
Porko remains oblivious
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That would be a solid “yes”.
Zeke does seem to comply with too much questionable activity to not be working secretly with someone. He doesn't question being separated from Pieck and Porco, he's the only one not facing the guard that summons them, he let - encouraged- Reiner to go with Falco right as the ceremony started, and the baseball mitt Eren had likely had something to do with him. The Zekeret is still a wild card though so it makes all this hard to pinpoint.
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Nearly 80% of the fandom thinks Connie is  parading around Marley as a very tall Marleyan soldier. The write in responses on this were insane!
A pikupork shipper
Hajime Isayama
The Plothelping Titan
If Pieck knows him, the most probable option is Connie, buuuut... Is he even taller than Porco? He used to be really short, has he grown up?
When I first read the chapter and found similiarities between Connie and the trap-kun soldier I was like "what the fuck?!" And than I thought Connie being that soldier would be absolutely LIT.
I don't think any of the background characters are people we know. We saw how Isayama does that with Amputee-Kun, he appeared several chapters before the official reveal and there was no doubt once it was done. Trapdoor-kun, Helos Cosplayer, anyone else? Nope. as expected of pieck, she figured out the soldier was an impostor
Personally I really hate how people are making these predictions and analyzing details like chin shape in attempt to recognize him. We simply do not see enough of his face to tell who it is so it's pointless that people are arguing about it so vehemently. It could be Connie. I could be Levi. It most definitely isn't Armin. It could be a whole lot of people but right now at least half of the people will be wrong about it so arguing is going to get us nowhere. End of rant.
Zofia from the future, who traveled through paths
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Yes. As expected.    WHO IS THE HELOS COSPLAYER? 1,703 Responses
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Jean trounced this poll question with 64.4% of the vote. “No one important” was second with 18.4%. 8% are hopeful it’s Levi.
A Majestic Stallion
A member of Paradis Team, but it is too early to say who
Jean dressed up as Levi aka the REAL Helos (Deja Vu).
Kenny "The Ripper" Ackerman rides again!
I want the Helos cosplayer to be Hange, but if it's not, Armin would be interesting.
1,161 (67.6%) Seeing the rest of the SC
1,134 (66%) Annie. Please. It’s been 84 years,
1,027 (59.8%) Information about character loyalties
1,013 (59%) Learning Willy’s “one solution”
875 (50.9%) The Warhammer Titan
788 (45.9%) Eren wreaking havoc
781 (45.5%) More Reiner suffering
747 (43.5%) RIP everyone sitting in the audience at the play
652 (38%) Grim Reminder
565 (32.9%) Action with the Asian Clan
534 (31.1%) Overwhelmed Falco turning into a falcon and flying away
Seeing the rest of the Survey Corps is our dearest wish, followed by a sighting of Annie. The most common write-in was simply “Levi”.
RIP Gabi and everyone else in the audience. But mostly Gabi.
I'm saying it now - there won't be another Grim Reminder. It would be the worst possible move to make. However, I can see some sort of staged assault happening.
What if chapter 100 is just an elaborate reenactment of the finale of shrek two where shrek and the gang ambush the castle with a collosal gingerbread man whilst fairy godmother sings. Honestly I would pay good money to see willy start singing 'i need a hero' with a choir behind him make it happen isayama I believe in you.
I am going to sell my soul for chapter 100
All the pieces are being set in place. It is about to begin. We don't know for sure what will happen but things are about to get wild. Prepare the feelingstrain cause we're all hopping aboard
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No matter how great a chapter is, we remain desperate for the original cast. Last month 34.5% select “5” on the poll. This month that number was up to 38.1%.
And gimme some of that paradis crew daddy yamyams ✊️💦✊️💦😩
I'm severely lacking in Ackervitaminz
I'm tired of Marley to be honest. I hope next chapter shakes me, because this chapter didn't at all.
i still wanna know what the little miserable gremlin man is doing and my badass child Hanji
while I haven't really been in any rush to return to the main cast, I'll be really excited to learn that they've all infiltrated Marley in this way, and for some final smack down to begin soon.
It's just a setup chapter I just want my Mikasa fix.
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Cries forever for my vets.
Nearly 100 chapters in and I feel like I'm losing my damn mind. Oof. Isayama...amazing. PS: I will continue to select 'The Vets' even long after The Vets are gone!!!
(fist bumps you, my friend!)
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Last month this question was 40% Tumblr and 48% Reddit. This month Reddit was most active on the poll with 56.8% of the responses. The other platforms remained consistent.
"Where do you primarily discuss the series" giving 4chan the silent treatment?  Although I guess what they do doesn't really count as discussing.
  ANY OTHER CHAPTER THOUGHTS YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE? We had 360 write-in responses and some were essay sized in length! Thank you all for your enthusiasm! Here’s a portion of the comments.
It's about to be lit fam
NERD-SQUAD TO THE RESCUE! Nothing but goosebumps for that entire chapter thankyou.
If Helos is actually a lie created by Marley and Tybur, then was the devil of all the earth a lie too? Or did it exist in reality? Will it return? And how the hell could Tybur know of Kenny and Uri sitting in front of that lake? Does he have some spies on Paradis? All this stuff is just becoming more and more fishy...
I want everyone to die.
Is it just me or did Reiner lose weight? Not aroused. Isayama sensei please try harder.
Pieck grabbing Zophia's shoulders. 100%. A+. As expected.
Okay, so, we've been speculating like mad on how Eren arrived in Marley. Reiner asked the same thing. And Isayama, through Eren's words, answered us: "is that really what you want to ask first?" LIKE DAMN, at this point I'm sure Isayama reads our blogs. At least he answered the "Why", kinda...
for god sake. reiner's suffering have to stop TTTTT-TTTTT
Bertl deserve this world.
Isayama has officially changed his icon to Reiner. Protagonist confirmed. It was Reiner's story all along. We were just along for the ride. The very traumatic ride.
I love the parallel between Reiner and that old man that hanged himself back in Paradis. I'm quite sure that Reiner, like the hanged-man, is looking for judgement. Cool to see how Bert nightmares played a big role in the end.
sc stans are insane I wonder how bad  will Reiner's strabismus be when Eren ultimately touchs the Bertolt and Annie subject.
needs more porco
Is Eren gonna sacrifice himself for the sake of saving the world as a scapegoat? Will his death be the only meaningful one in the whole series??
I hope to God Armin has a different haircut.
Learning that we're getting ova of Lost Girls and reading this chapter was the best way to start my week. I love you I wish Isayama hadn't made Reiner so hot. Too hard to focus on everything else going on =\
if reiner wants to get judged maybe he should look to judge judy for judgement, that'd be lit
I love my shifter kids, but they're fucked.
I don’t personally think there will be a Grim reminder 2.0, Paradis people, ie Armin, Hanji and all, usually don’t fight fire with more fire, they plan better shenanigans. Also, how they would be considered better than marleyans if they did the same stuff? They won’t play this low, they also know that Grim reminder™️ Is everything but effective.
Isayama why it's great that we have all those informative, descriptive chapters but something need to happen. I hope that next chapter will be full of action.
SHOW ME MIKASA AND LET HER AND EREN  BE MARRIED. And let annie be alive and well and dont make reiner any sadder. #chap100 No
Soldier, who are you? Willy, what are you really trying say? Eren, will you start causing some trouble? Levi, come out!" AAAAAAAAAAAaa!!!!
Pieck was actually exactly right! I always loved her design and oppressed but trying her best herb merchant aesthetic. So cool that she saved the lives of Reiner and Zeke, her influence on character relationships and the plot.
In RtS I wanted Reiner dead. Half to end his suffering, half to be vindicated for the things he'd done, but I guess it was Berty Beetle's turn.
I miss Levi so much, it's been such a long time since we've seen him and all I want is for him to keep his promise to Erwin and obliterate Zeke.  I can see him now, sitting with his arms crossed as Zeke enters the room.  "Been a while, you piece of shit.  Not so tough now when you're not ripping a bunch of people in half with rocks, eh?"  He cracks his knuckles.  "I will destroy you.  I will make it hurt.  Because you killed Erwin Smith and I promised him, I *promised him* that I would end this fight for him." Ahhhh please Isayama. <3
CHAOS FOR THE CHAOS GOD The slow build has been so worth it, we're all going to hell and I can't wait
Annie is alive. That shouldn't be a point of discussion anymore,
Please make my children happy, they suffered enough
I really think Jean is the Helos cosplayer because of face/mouth shape. That might be wishful thinking though :') Also DAMN EREN REALLY IS HOBO DADDY
I just want to say that the chapter 99 pre release megathread on /r/ShingekiNoKyojin was one of the best things to ever happen, and i'm proud to be a part of it.
Now i just want to see jean What if we're all just too hopeful and in reality the helos cosplayer and trapdoor-kun are just normal people. If Annie isn’t coming back I’m rioting honestly. Also where TF is mikasa?!
I LOVE PIECK SO MUCH she is becoming one of my fave characters. Also hopefully nothing happens to cause Reiner’s mental state to become worse than it is right now. CAN’T WAIT FOR NEXT CHAPTER I think the Asian woman is Mikasa. My evidence to support this claim is that after she talked to Willy, she said ‘let’s go’ to her body guards. As if she knows what’s going on.
Seeing Pieck being smart and quick-witted made me like her even more. I'd be very sad if she ends up being killed or if Porco and her never truly meet the original main cast. Give us those warriors/soldiers interactions Isayama.
Annie...please...it has been too long now...
Regarding Eren he ackwonledged that Reiner and co. were just clueless kids trying to save the world when they destroyed the Wall. And he is stating that he as well has been forced in this role. I think he is trying to bring Reiner to his side as well as to remove a Warrior (and Falco) from the stage where things will soon go wild.
This shit was lit lit lit!!! I need war!
If the marley arc was a dubstep song, this chapter was the part where the song builds up in speed and frequency and ends right before it levels off and the beat subsequently drops. Ya feel? Warriors, come out to plaaaaay.
I want to know who works with who (especially ZEKE), how they arrived in Marley, I want the SC but also I really love the Warriors, asdfghjkl I really don't know what to expect but I love the way Isayama keeps us on this subtle line between ""OMG"" and ""WTF MAN"". I want some answers!  AND I DEFINITELY WANT ANNIE BACK
I hope Sasha is in Marley too. She needs pizza.
Too few panels of Marco's death. 😠
i miss zeke memes
I love the art in the recent chapters. I will forgive slow pacing for good art.
Karina is a bitch
Isayama give Reiner a break or kill him already, end the suffering pls
And lastly, the Rick and Morty copypasta meme made it's way into our poll. I laughed!
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Attack on Titan. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Eren's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Attack on Titan truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Zeke's existential catchphrase "As expected of Pieck 👉😶👉," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hajime Isayama's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Reiner and Historia tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Thank you also to those left nice comments about the poll. We appreciate it!
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