#Armin being the like new commander shit or whatever when Jean was gearing up over the course of the show to be an excellent leader was
thelastsirenssong · 1 year
Jean Kirstein send tweet
#BRO I FORGOT.... HE.#he's so#yk when Eren was like oh you're just doing this shit to get into the interior? fuckass#and Jean was like dude kiss MY ass please you think you can beat the TITANS???!?!?!?!?!? LMFAOOOOO#like dude was right#no one should have questioned Jean#and he STILL took the reins during the battle of trost he was like fuck it guys we go hard or we go hOME#home being of course the heavenly realm the sand place all eldians go to or whatever LMFAOOO BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKED#and Jean still said nope. WE RIDE MFS!!!!#and for thaf he deserves yk the titangrip 1000 whatever you get the idea#I fucking. LOVE Jean he's my king#Armin being the like new commander shit or whatever when Jean was gearing up over the course of the show to be an excellent leader was#some fucking BULLSHIT like WHY build his relationship with Eren like that just to make him another side character like fucking CONNIE#whatever Isayama eat my ass for that one#Armin should have been the next HANJI. JEAN the next Erwin and MIKASA the next Levi#but y'all not ready for THAT conversation#Jean fucks idgaf#Jean 'oh shit this all actually has purpose and meaning if I want it to and I had to lose my city and my best friend to see it' is so#it's just amazing writing to create a new leader who was INSPIRED fo lead first by Eren and the Mikasa and THEN Armin#and he should have fucked them all and become the survey corps leader WHAT I SAID WHAT I SAID#mmm....c......comm....commander Jean....?#yeah dude#yeah oh I FUCK with that HEAVY#bc Erwin was usually the brains behind the operation and while Jean didn't have that? he had the same drive#to stand for the fallen#idk anyway that's my jean rant#back to the cave HAHA
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coltsbitch · 3 years
spectrum ~ armin arlert x reader
armin arlert x reader; 3.2k words; fluff; soulmate au summary: he lights up your world, too bad you don’t realize until it’s too late.
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It truly is one of the most tragic realities of the world. Some say it’s that you don’t know who that person is until you lose them, others say that it’s losing your person and the vividness of the world in one swoop.
But if this person truly is your soulmate, wouldn’t the world be dull and grey without them anyway? Maybe that’s your sense confirming what your heart already knows.
You used to pester your parents with questions about this phenomenon.
“So how are you supposed to know they’re your soulmate.”
Your parents smiled at each other, “Well peanut, you’ll just have to let your heart guide you.”
“But what if you choose the wrong person? And don’t realize it until they die?”
“Then let yourself love freely and fully.”
You didn’t appreciate their roundabout answers, but with time you realized it’s because they didn’t have the answers. No one did. No one knows why all the color drains from your eyes as your soulmate’s life drains simultaneously. Only that it happens.
You often wonder which of your parents lost their color first as they were devoured by titans. Or if they even lost their color at all. Maybe there was some sad soul out there that blinked one day and suddenly saw in greys not knowing their soulmate was being eaten in a small southern town of Wall Maria, as their child watched.
You think that’s the worst fate. Not knowing who that soulmate was, just that they’re gone. At least if your beloved dies and you can’t see the green grass or blue sky, you’re comforted knowing you were each other’s greatest loves.
But why are you thinking about this at a time like now? As your knee deep in pig shit on the new queen’s farm?
“Sasha! The scraps are for the animals!”
Oh right. He’s why.
You glance up as Armin is trying to pull Sasha away from the bucket of table scraps meant for the pigs.
Armin had come into your life in the most unexpected way. Being that he knocked into you mid air during an ODM gear training. His momentum had caused you to lose your grip and fall, luckily landing on a tree branch instead of the ground twenty meters below.
He was able to readjust himself and land feet first on the branch, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t look which way I was going!”
You ignored his babbling apology, more concerned with trying to regain your breathing while clutching your leg that had taken the brunt of the impact. Rolling to onto your stomach you tried to rise to you knees, but the weight was too much, and you fell back down.
“Arlert! ___!” You both looked down to see Shadis below, “You’ll make a delicious snack if you keep this up! Now move!” He screamed, not even bothering to hear your replies before kicking his horse into a trot.
You blush now thinking about the way you brushed off Armin’s offer to help but instead pushed forward through the pain, lip bleeding by the time you laned from how hard you bit into it and leg throbbing from the movement.
Armin was able to find you later that evening in the infirmary, which you weren’t sure how he even knew you’d be there. None of your friends overlapped, and you were sure you didn’t stick out to anyone, so it’s not like someone would notice your absence from supper.
None the less Armin brought you a serving of the disgusting food that was passed of as a meal for the night, with an apology on his lips.
You expected it to be a one time thing, guilty for the mishap in training that day. But he stuck around. Finding you on free afternoons, asking you to partner up in trainings, small waves during mealtimes.
Your friends would tease you about him, comparing him to a lost puppy. You didn’t think much of it until his friends started with the comments. You would overhear your name being tossed around, glances your way, and Armin’s always face flushing a deep red.
But he never said anything to you, never acted differently than he always has. You chock it up to friendly teasing, probably what they do to each other all the time. But that doesn’t stop you from reading into his comments and touches deeper. Doesn’t stop you from imagining kisses and touches you could be sharing if he ever gave you such indication.
It goes on like this for the final years of training and all throughout your time in the Scouts together. You don’t mind though, it’s more than enough to be by his side as he tells you about his dreams and he listens to yours.
Maybe this is what your parents meant by love freely and fully.
“You should say something.”
You jump out of your skin and whip around to see Historia standing behind you, “What?”
Her eyes glance to where yours were recently transfixed, “Before it’s too late.” You shift uncomfortably, averting your eyes. You know about the morning Historia woke up to a world of gray. Everyone does, her cries were loudly heard throughout the farm.
“It’s not like that.” You answer.
“It doesn’t have to be to make it any less real.”
You glance back at Armin who has given up on controlling Sasha. He must feel your eyes because he looks up, smiling when he sees you’re looking.
Your heart flutters. How could it not?
But you don’t say anything. There’s too much happening. You can see how the stress is bearing down on his shoulders and under his eyes. He’s dragged into meeting after meeting with Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. Squad leader Hange picks his brain every free moment he has. He’s comforting Eren who’s still struggling to comprehend everything that’s happened.
So when you’re able to grab a minute alone with him after the sun has long gone down, you’re not going to add on to his problems with your feelings. The fact that he seeks you out at the end of the night to decompress is more than enough.
When this all over you tell yourself. You promise yourself. You’re going to tell him how you want to travel the world with him. You want to be by his side when he sees the sights he’s only read about. Wherever he goes, you’ll follow.
But now you’re wondering if either of you will ever see those sights. It all seems pretty hopeless.
There’s seven of you. No clue what’s happening on the other side of the wall, but it doesn’t sound good if the ricochet of loud bangs is anything to go by. But Armin comes through with a plan to stop Bertholdt, something you’re sure only he could think up.
But you should have known better when he pauses on the rooftop. The rest have already left to go after Reiner, where you should be joining them. But one last glance over your shoulder and you see Armin is already staring at you like he’s trying to drink in every detail about you.
“Armin?” You ask, wondering if he’s calculating something new, if he’s realized a flaw.
He looks like he has something to say. That look he gets before he’s about to dive into a long tangent, but he shakes his head of whatever that might be.
“I believe in you.” He says instead, before turning and jumping off the roof.
He doesn’t look back. You’re still standing watching him go. He’s too focused to look back, you think. But he knows he can’t bear to see your face again; it might break his resolve.
You find the others, and it’s a flurry of explosions and debris flying everywhere. Your heart is beating out of your chest as you and Jean divert Reiner’s attention. He flings part of a building at all of you, dust catching in your eyes even as you block it with your arm.
There’s a dizziness you feel when you see only one thunder spear lodged into his jaw. Your heart falls into your stomach. Part of you is saying there’s still hope, Mikasa can still make it, but there’s an overwhelming grief filling you for some reason.
You crash into a house, your leg taking the brunt of the impact. And suddenly your mind flashes back to when Armin knocked into you all those years ago. Why are you thinking of this now?
You look up to the colossal titan. It’s exhausting so much steam you can barely see the wall, let alone Eren or Armin. There’s a bang behind you and you turn to see Reiner exploding out of his titan. And then there’s an even louder sound and you watch as Bertholdt’s titan crashes into the wall.
We’ve done it, you think.
You have no fucking clue how it was all pulled off, but it’s happened.
Rising to your feet you jump down to where Hange is pressing their foot into Reiner’s chest, and they begin to hack off his limbs. You can’t watch, and turn your head to see Jean and Mikasa. Both are exhausted, but there’s a sense of relief in their eyes.
There’s still so much dust, and your eyes settle on Mikasa’s scarf. It looks like it’s covered in ash with how black it is. Jean too, he looks pale, too pale.
Your heart stutters.
You whip around to Hange again. The vibrant green of their cloak is dull and muted.
You choke on a gasp.
You look up at the sky. It doesn’t hold the vibrant blue from before. You had even noted how the sky was too clear and beautiful for what felt like such a somber day.
“I can’t, I can’t see.” You whisper. Your eyes are moving from place to place, trying to find a glimpse of color, but it’s all fading, and fast.
Mikasa is in front of you now, calling your name, but you don’t hear her. Can’t hear anything over the ringing in your ears.
I can’t see.
I can’t see.
I can’t see color.
“Armin!” You gasp, eyes meeting Mikasa, and her expression falls as fast as she hears his name leave you lips. She’s always been so perceptive. She knows instantly.
For what will be the only time in your life, you’re faster than her. Sprinting before catapulting yourself into the air and above the roof tops.
You can hear her calling behind, probably following behind, but you can’t stop, can’t slow down. Because there’s still a slight shine to the sky. It reminds you of his eyes.
You see the steam emitting from the decaying colossal titan and you know that’s where he is. Even if there hadn’t been that marker, it’s like your heart knows anyway.
You crash and roll onto the roof. There are more people than you expected there to be, but your eyes lock onto what you know is him.
You want to vomit. You almost do as the stench of burning flesh reach you. But you don’t.
Is it your eyes? Or is this how burnt his skin is?
Falling to your knees, you ignore the commotion behind you. Levi kicking a screaming Eren, Mikasa tackling Levi.
“Armin.” You whisper.
Your hands shake above him, unsure where too touch, if you even should. There’s a labored breathing coming from his body. You know that’s why this world still has the smallest ounce of color to it.
“Armin.” Tears are running down your cheeks. Did he know? Did he plan this? He hesitated earlier, like he wanted to say something. Did he know?
You never considered this as an outcome. Losing your color, losing your soulmate. You’re didn’t think there could be something worse than losing an unknown soulmate. You knew him. But he wasn’t yours. It’s the could of that hurts more.
You could have said something.
You could have been something.
You gently place a hand to his cheek. It’s so hot, too hot for a body. But if this is the only chance you have to cup his face the way you dreamed about, then so be it.
“I wish we could have figured it out sooner.” You whisper, “I think part of me always knew.” You wobble on your knees. “Did you know?”
Eren and Mikasa are desperate and can’t see what’s in front of their own eyes. But you know it’s impossible for your eyes to play a trick on you like this.
You sob, tears falling onto his face, immediately steaming away.
You want to lean down, to press your lips against his. You don’t care. You can ignore the smell. You can close your eyes. You can pretend that you’re kissing him at the sea he never shut up about. That was your plan in your daydreams.
The Scouts would retake the wall. They would clear out all the titans. And the second you’re truly outside the walls, seeing the sights he would wax on and on about, you would lean up and kiss him, tell him how your stomach flutters when he looks at you, how his words fill your heart.
But this would have to do.
And you would have, but instead your ripped away from his body.
“Stop!” You cry, fighting the person holding you, “We still have time!” You look up and see Jean is holding you against his chest, shooting a cable to the next building.
You wouldn’t even call the sky blue anymore. There’s not a drop of color you can see anywhere, but in your heart you know you had a few more seconds.
But it’s no use. You turn again to get one last glimpse of him alive while you can.
If only you had more time.
“We can still save him! He can eat me!” Eren is thrashing against the scout you don’t recognize, “There has to be enough left!”
You glance at everyone standing on the roof. No one is talking but Eren as he tries to persuade anyone who will listen. And then suddenly your heart is seized in a tight grip and you know he’s gone.
“Eren.” You mumble, “Shut up.” He looks at you with raw pain and anger in his eyes, but when he sees the tears tracks on your face, the sorrow in your eyes, it’s like he understands too.
Like everyone could see it so simply. Everyone but you.
You collapse, unable to stand any longer. It hurts unlike anything you’ve ever felt, can’t comprehend what you’re feeling.
The crackle of lightening fills your ear. What would colorless lightning look like? But you don’t want to see this. You don’t want to watch Bertholdt eaten. You wish this doesn’t have to happen, that none of this had ever happened.
There’s a collective gasp.
“Look.” You hear Jean say behind you. You follow his words, seeing the newly formed titan collapsing to the ground. But something is off about it, the hair too long and body too malnourished to be Erwin you think.
Cables shoot out and you see Levi flying towards Hanji, somebody thrown over his shoulder. But that doesn’t make sense. It’s not Armin, so it must be Erwin. But if that’s Erwin…
Mikasa and Eren are already flying to the ground.
You trip over yourself trying to follow, almost out of gas, leaving you to slide against the pavement when you tumble. You hear the others behind you, but your eyes are stuck on the person Eren is pulling out.
Everyone is crowding around, but you’re glued in your spot before his titan form. The color slowly seeps back into your world.
His golden hair returns first, blowing from the steam. His skin shining with sweat under the sun. You watch as each of you comrades fill with color, the world slowly returning to how you once knew it.
It’s hours later by the time you can get a moment alone with him while he’s conscious. His nervous energy has him walking along the wall, you volunteered to go with, in case anything happens. But you’re not too concerned, early today you saw him burnt to a crisp and now he’s here beside you like nothing’s changed.
Like you didn’t have your whole world turned upside down and back again.
Armin sighs taking a seat on the edge of the wall. He’s looking out towards the destruction in Wall Maria. “It doesn’t seem like anyone else made it.”
You take a seat beside him, “No.”
“But I’m still here.” He mumbles to himself, “I still don’t understand why Captain made this choice.”
“Please.” You choke out.
Armin’s head shoots up from staring at the ground fifty meters below, surprised by the anguish in your voice.
“Please don’t think that this was the wrong choice.” You grab his hand, “That you being here is wrong.” Your eyes meet his, “Because I don’t think I could survive that.”
Armin is stunned by the conviction of your words, how absolute they must be to you. “___, you’d be okay. You’re stronger than you think.”
“Armin.” You’re exasperated, how does he still not understand? “When you were dying on that roof top,” He flinches at your bluntness, “I felt like I was drowning, and nothing could pull me out. Fuck, I mean my whole world was drowned out in darkness.”
A gasp escapes his mouth, “You don’t mean?”
You feel tears gathering in your eyes, “Please don’t ever make me feel that again.”
Armin searches your eyes, finally understanding. He doesn’t know how to answer, it’s impossible to answer, “I’ll try?”
You laugh at the awkwardness in his voice, and it lightens the thickness between you two.
“I feel like part of me has always known, at least hoped.” You continue shyly, “I promised myself I would tell you after we retook the wall.” You avert your eyes, “I’m just glad I still have the chance.”
“I umm, always wanted to say something. But I wasn’t sure.”
“Well, I know for sure now.” You give a small smile, squeezing his hand.
“Yeah.” Armin says breathlessly, “I guess you do.” His brow furrows a bit, an intense thought probably crossing his mind, “You think there’s any research out there about soulmates and near death experiences?”
You have to hold back a scoff at his always inquisitive mind. This is what he’s thinking about right now? “Armin?’ His focus returns to you, “Can I kiss you?”
Armin’s eyes widen to saucers, which is the most expressive reaction you’ve gotten from him yet. Is he that surprised? You just explained you were soulmates for fuck’s sake.
His mouth is open and closing as he tries to form a response, instead settling a brief nod.
You cup his cheek, softer than before, the perfect feel in your palm, and lean in pressing you lips to his. It’s a sweet kiss, sitting atop Wall Maria overlooking the vast land you both nearly died to reclaim. His hand is gripping yours tightly and you thread your fingers into his soft hair.
Armin pulls away, a faint blush staining his cheeks but eyes shining, “I’m so glad I decided to knock you out of the trees that day.”
You laugh at the memory that maybe in a roundabout way brought you here. And then his words click, “Wait, you did that on purpose?!”
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Not Without Trying - Chapter 12
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Summary: It’s time to take back Wall Maria.
LevixFem!Reader NSFW
Warnings: Death, sexuality, sadness (which sort of sucks after ch 139)
Word Count: ~ 2,600
A/N: I did change the way this whole thing went down a little bit so just a warning that it’s based on canon, but I did change things.
Also, I am doing my best to get this story completed by the end of the month.
Y/N noticed Erwin’s signal and called over to her privates to stop what they were doing, head back to the top of the wall and wait for further orders. She noticed a lot of soldiers scaling the wall. What in the world? She made her way over to Levi and the others.
“What’s going on?” She looked down at the group tapping the wall with their blades.
“I’m still not—“Levi started before he was interrupted by a man shouting. Everyone looked down.
“Here!” The soldier called just before a piece of the wall came out and a metal blade was thrusted into the soldier’s stomach. Everyone froze as the man holding the blade exited the wall.
“Reiner…” Y/N whispered. Much like everyone else, she was frozen in place, unable to move, she could barely breathe.
Before anyone had time to think, Levi was already halfway down the wall, blades drawn. He drove his sword into Reiner’s neck and quickly forced him to the ground, driving his second blade through his chest. Reiner hit the ground and Levi flew back up to the wall. In a matter of seconds, Reiner transformed into the armored titan.
In the scramble of trying to get things done, Y/N stood there, lost in her thought. Chaos was all around her, but she couldn’t get a grip on herself. Levi stood in front of her and she looked at him, disconcertedly. He was yelling something at her, but she couldn’t hear. He grabbed her shoulders, and shook her, getting close to her face.
“Y/N!... Y/N, you have to listen to me.” He continued yelling until she was fully cognizant. She shook her head and focused on him. “Y/N…”
“Y—yes. I… Yes. I—I’m okay.” She looked at him. “I’m okay.”
“We’re going to the other side, away from the armored titan.” Levi explained. “You need to help guard the horses. Can you do that?” He looked at her, concerned.
“Yes.” She looked back over where Reiner’s titan form was climbing the wall. “I can do it.”
“Hange, Miche and the rest will take care of Reiner. You don’t have to worry about it.” He dropped his hands from her shoulders. “Let’s go.” They both dropped to the other side of the wall, heading towards the horses.
The struggle of keeping the horses safe wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be considering. Most of the titans that were attacking were small ones and easily taken out. Y/N couldn’t shake the thought of Reiner being on the other side of the wall. It’s not that she wanted to see him, but she couldn’t stop thinking of him. Was he thinking of me? She thought to herself, then quickly shook her head. Now was not the time.
Y/N heard a loud roar coming from the other side of the wall. Everyone looked up to see what was happening.
“Was that…” Levi started, talking to himself, “was that the armored titan?”
They all looked up and saw a barrel soaring through the sky, falling down to where the others were.
“Do you think that was Bertoldt?” Y/N landed next to Levi. They both looked back at the wall then at each other.
“I’m not sure.” He replied. “I’m sure he was in that barrel that was thrown, but where was the explosion from his transformation?”
“I hope everyone is okay.” Both Y/N and Levi looked at the wall.
“Either way, we should probably head over there soon.” He looked back at Y/N and noticed rocks flying through the air. “Shit!” He grabbed her and they both lowered themselves on the roof. They looked back to where the rocks were coming from.
“Is he throwing those stones?” She squinted her eyes to see further.
“Incoming projectiles from the front!” They could make out Erwin’s voice. They both looked forward and saw a group of privates farther up.
“Shit!” Levi stood up. “Those guys!” He started flying through to the new recruits up front to warn them and Y/N followed. They quickly grabbed the horses and recruits and ran for cover.
Erwin made his way down and tried to come up with a plan. There was a loud bang near the wall and looking up, wondering what it was.
“It doesn’t matter,” Erwin said, “We don’t have many options. Here is the plan.”
After Erwin explained the plan, immediately tears filled in Y/N’s eyes.
“Y/N.” Levi grabbed her face as she started crying. “No crying, you can do this. I can do this.”
“But Erwin… and you.” She sniffled as tears were rolling down her cheeks.
“No.” He shook his head. “We will be fine. You have a job to do, you can’t be worried about us.”
She nodded her head, sniffling again and wiping her cheek. Levi wiped her other cheek and rested his forehead against hers, kissing her quickly and then running in the direction to take out the beast titan. She watched him until his body slipped behind the houses and she cleared her throat, standing up and heading back to the wall.
Her job was to assist in keeping the privates on the other side of the wall safe. Levi wanted to keep her as far from Reiner as he could, but this was the only option. They weren’t sure if Bertoldt was in that barrel, but Hange was going to need help with the privates on the other side.
She dropped down on the opposite side of the wall just as an explosion went off and she was thrown back against the wall, hitting her head.
“Y/N?” She heard a voice calling her and someone shaking her shoulder. “Y/N?”
She opened her eyes and saw Miche.
“What’s going on?” She sat up quickly and he put his hand on her to lay back down.
“You must have passed out,” he said.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I’m fine.” He laughed lightly. “Why are you always asking if everyone else is okay? Can you stand up?”
“I think so.” She started to stand. “Don’t rush.”
“No, we should find everyone else.” She groaned as she fully stood up, stretching her back. They saw everyone gathered on a roof not far from them and headed that way, climbing up.
Armin was laying down, his body severely burned and Y/N kneeled down next to him. Levi had the titan injection out before quickly turning to Hange.
“Reiner?” Levi asked, leaning in close to Hange. They all looked for Reiner’s body, but couldn’t find anything.
“Bertoldt’s transformation happened right above him, it was more than likely enough to completely turn Reiner’s body to ashes.” They responded. They were both watching Y/N look over Armin.
In the middle of their talk and preparation of giving Armin the titan injection, Floch climbed the roof carrying Erwin’s body. Erwin was still alive.
Y/N could only sit and stare at his body lying helplessly on the rooftop while the rest of them fought over who was going to get the injection. It was ultimately decided that it would be Armin and no one was taking that decision harder than Levi, Miche, and Hange.
“Erwin.” Y/N whispered. Hange, Miche and Levi were knelt down in front of his body and Y/N joined them, resting her hand on their backs. She had been a section commander for only a short time and her relationship was nothing like theirs was, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t hurt by this. Tonight wasn’t going to be an easy night for any of them.
She turned around and watched as the younger privates helped Armin out of the colossal titan’s body. His new titan body. She turned back to Erwin. This isn’t fair.
She did her best to try and look strong, knowing that it should be her job since the others would be struggling. She wanted to make sure they knew that they could rely on her.
Quickly Levi stood up and hopped off the roof. Hange and Y/N watched him as he walked away, both of them understanding him needing time alone.
They had a little while that they would be sitting there. Armin needed rest and there weren’t many of them left to fight off any attack if there should be one. Y/N hopped off the roof to go check on the rest of them.
Levi walked aimlessly through the paths in between the houses. He just needed to clear his mind. He wasn’t sure how far he’d walked at that point, but he couldn’t hear the small noises coming from muffled chattering and was thankful. Silence. Silence is what he needed at that point.
He found a small stool that somehow managed not to be destroyed in their fight against Bertoldt and sat on it, leaning his back against the wall of a house. Sighing to himself as he closed his eyes. His mind going blank.
His eyes shot open when he heard someone cough. He looked down the path to see if one of the soldiers was approaching him. The cough seemed a lot closer than anyone slowly approaching though. He looked around the other way, slightly standing up to lean around the house, checking to see if someone was behind it. There was no one.
Another cough had Levi on edge. He stood up and prepared himself with his gear in his hands. By the time he heard the third cough he could guess that it came from inside the house. He slowly peeked through the door. In the corner of the front room, was Reiner.
Levi’s eyes widened and he charged in, his blades drawn and nearing Reiner’s throat, stopping just before he stabbed through. His hand was shaking, the blade tapping Reiner’s chin as he shook. Another cough.
He wasn’t even sure if Reiner knew he was there. His limbs were missing, eyes completely wrapped in gauze. Levi was fairly sure he wasn’t even conscious. The perfect chance for him to strike. Each time he went to drive the blade through his neck, being sure to hit the spine, he stopped. All he could see was Y/N’s face.
“Fuck!” He threw his blade to the ground, walking around the room.
“I say we get Armin on the wall, we can rest up there, and you guys get to the basement,” Jean suggested to Hange.
“Yes, that could work.” They agreed.
“I’ll help them get up there.” Y/N placed a hand on Hange’s back and went to the rest of them. They all worked to carry Armin and moved whatever gear they had to the wall for safety.
Hange stood in the middle of the road, hands on their hips as they closed their eyes, letting their mind take a break as their face soaked up the bit of sunshine. Erwin, they thought.
“Hange.” They heard a familiar voice calling their name and they opened their eyes to see Levi not far from where they were. He was dragging something behind him. Something much larger than himself.
Hange walked closer, closing the gap between them and realizing quickly what Levi was dragging and their eyes widened.
“I found him in a house not far down from here,” he explained. Hange turned around, looking for where Y/N was, hoping she didn’t see. “I couldn’t kill him because of her.”
“You’re a good friend, Levi.” Hange put their hand on his shoulder.
“We’ll see about that.” He took a deep breath.
Since returning back to HQ, nearly everyone retired to their room. Everyone except Levi, he went to Y/N’s room and they both laid in bed. Both of them confused. Erwin was gone. Armin was now the colossal titan. Reiner was still alive and in their jail cell. It was a lot to cope with even without discovering Eren’s father’s journals.
Both Y/N and Levi were lying on their backs, staring at the ceiling. She turned over, wrapping one hand around his neck and one around his waist, pulling him into her. Not really sure if he needed or wanted it, but knowing that she did.
“Do you mind if we stay like this? I—I just want to be held a little longer.” Levi pushed his head into her chest and pulled her closer by her waist.
“O—Okay.” She pulled him even closer. It wasn’t like Levi to ever talk like this. She knew something was wrong so she held him. This was never a request he’s made before. Yeah, there have been times that she knew he needed her, but he never directly said anything. They were all still coping with the loss of commander Erwin. Everyone coping in their own way.
His breathing got faster and shallow and he would clutch her hip firmly. Then it would slow down and he would take deeper breaths, releasing his grip. This continued for a couple minutes. Finally, he pulled away enough to look up at her. His eyes looked dark and full of pain. He studied her face, bringing his hand to her cheek.
“Levi…” She started. He moved his thumb to her lips, softly touching her bottom lip. He licked his lips and brought his face to hers, kissing her lightly. She knew this wasn’t what he really wanted, but he wanted a distraction from everything he was feeling and this was the easiest thing.
He started moving his lips more and she did the same. He pulled her face even closer and climbed on top of her. Her hands sat at his waist as he sat up and pulled off his shirt, leaning back down to connect their lips again. He started unbuttoning her shirt. He got about halfway before he moved his lips to her neck and his hands to her sides, caressing her waist and breasts.
Suddenly, he was grabbing wildly and roughly, forcing a hungry desire that wasn’t there. Then just as abruptly, he stopped, his hands freezing where they were.
“Fuck…” He whispered. His hands started shaking. “Shit…” He backed up and sat on the bed next to her, looking down. She sat up, studying at him.
“Levi…” She put her hand on his leg and he looked up at her. His eyes were full of tears and he was fighting a pout. His lips trembling, trying so hard to hold his composure.
“Y/N…” His breath was shaky as breathed out. He tightly held her arm as the tears started rolling down his cheeks, his eyes begging her to help him, to do anything to stop him from the aching he felt. She pulled him into her arms. She held onto him as he sobbed into her, his hand squeezing a fistful of her shirt. She rested her cheek on the top of his head and rubbed his back.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. There was nothing she could say. They were all heartbroken over Erwin’s death, but Levi took it the hardest. Erwin was more to him than just a commander and she knew that.
“I’m sorry, I…” Levi sat up and looked at her. “I’m sure you’re feeling things too. I don’t mean to force this on you.”
“You’re not forcing anything.” She wiped his cheek.
“Are you going to be okay being in the room for questioning tomorrow?” He asked, wiping his nose.
“I think so.” If she was being honest with herself, she had no idea if she would be okay, but thinking about it now wasn’t going to help her be more or less okay.
“Maybe we should sleep,” he suggested, “it’s probably going to be a long day.”
They both laid down facing each other.
“Is everything going to be okay?”
“I hope so.”
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Taglist: @levisbebe @nefelimalfoy​
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llogllady99 · 3 years
The hottest day
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CHARACTERS | Everyone from the picture above.
RELATIONSHIPS | Levi x Erwin, Eren x Mikasa, Armin x Annie, Mike x Nanaba, Petra x Oluo
GENRE | Domestic
IV | Day at the beach, Sea, Diving, Football | Soccer, Volleyball, Attempt at humour, Domestic fluff, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Everyone lives/ Nobody dies
SUMMARY | With the titans gone, no threats looming over the horizon, and summer being in full bloom, Survey Corps are left with one final and obvious thing to do: spend a day relaxing at the beach.
This has to be one of the hottest days yet, thought Levi as he looked out the window in Erwin’s office. He was slightly irritated by the golden yellow rays that were placing fire kisses on his form, making his charcoal black hair warm up to astronomical temperatures, his clothes suddenly too suffocating and his skin flush on areas such as his arms and cheeks. Outside those that were actually able to participate in training, would frequently stop to pour buckets of water over their head to cool off, their shirts long discarded and pants cuffed over the knees. The others that had given up, would rest under trees, basking in the shade or close to the building’s walls in the shade propagated by the roof. Erwin was sitting at his desk, completing the last set of documents for the day. The commander was by no means in a better state than anyone. His shirt was unbuttoned completely, exposing his muscular body, its sleeves cuffed just above the elbows. His hair was messily hanging over his forehead, where small beads of sweat would rest and trickle down his face. Levi grimaced, completely fed up of the intense smell of sweat oozing from his husband and the state in which the barracks and the soldiers where in, and stood up. The raven made his way to the desk at which the older man was absorbed completely in his work.
“Right, that’s enough.” Levi said, pulling Erwin out of his work. The blonde looked up and raised an eyebrow. “We need to do something about the heat.”
“And what do you propose?” Erwin rested his head in his hands, rubbing at his temples. “Please also keep in mind that I have not finished the documents yet.”
“Fuck your documents. That’s all you’ve been doing since we eradicated the titans, there’s no more work for us anymore and I’m sure the papers can wait for a while more. I think it’s time to enjoy the outside world, don’t you think?” Levi came behind Erwin and started massaging his shoulders.
“Yes. So this means…?” Erwin turned his head to look up at him, encouraging him to continue.
“I think we should go to the beach: me, you, Mike, Nanaba, Hange, Moblit, my squad, and those fetuses from the 104th. We worked hard, we did a good job. Even Reiner, Bertholdt, and Annie are on our side now. It’s time to enjoy the fruits of our labour.” Levi proposed, giving Erwin a soft smile reserved just for him in their private moments. The older of the two furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head in thinking. After a moment, he let out a long and loud exhale, relaxing his shoulders completely, and turned to the raven reciprocating the same warm smile. With a slow nod, Erwin then told Levi, whose expression lit up like a Christmas tree: “Yes, I believe you are right. Please go announce the others and tell them to meet in 30 minutes at the front gate with their swimsuits and towels and whatever else they need in their bags. Do you want the blue or the green trunks?”
“Green.” Said Levi as he pecked Erwin’s cheek in appreciation, then made his way out the door.
Exactly 30 minutes later everyone gathered up at the gate, beaming with excitement, the sweat and dry heat in which they were engulfed moments ago long forgotten and replaced with visions of refreshing baths. Hange and Moblit displayed the biggest bags out of them all, stuffed to the brim with diving gear, and if their horses’ annoyed neighs and occasional stomping of foot was anything to go by: not at all light. Well, if it was for research then everything went through. Nanaba was the most relaxed out of them all as she didn’t have to carry, her bag in Mike’s possession, like the gentleman he was. Although, not only was he carrying her stuff but he also had a mini cooker secured in the back of his saddle, which was giving him a hard time, but he would do anything her and extra load was nothing for him. A year ago he had to carry so much more during battles and under more strenuous conditions.
The beach to which they went last year had been transformed into a port to encourage trade with other countries, so Erwin took up on Hange’s suggestion of visiting a new place they’d found while on patrol a few weeks before. The beach was beautiful, bushes and palm trees circling it then fading into white and smooth sand. The water was pristine and crystalline, the turquoise blending seamlessly into darker blues, hinting the constant increase in depth. The sun shone even more brightly than before as early morning had long passed, the afternoon now in full bloom. The impact it had on their skin was ebbed by the chilly breeze coming from the sea, ruffling their hair, clothes, and cloaks. As soon as they arrived, everyone unpacked and took off their clothing, leaving nothing but their bathing suits on.
After the initial excitement had passed and everyone had their share of refreshing baths, splashing in the sea, and taking in the landscape, they proceeded to split into groups. Mikasa and Annie had take the initiative of setting up a volleyball game against Sasha, Historia, and Ymir. At first, as the girls were getting used to the game, the ball flew smoothly over the net, passes were cautious, and serves almost every time would not get over the net. But as the real game began, Mikasa and Ymir were blocking and jumping with everything they had, Annie served way too hard, accidentally hitting Sasha on the head and making the girl fall with a loud thud, and Historia was making assists with Ymir. The atmosphere was thick with concentration and competitiveness from both parties. Those who watched their game might’ve thought the girls were giving their all. However, after a pretty shit serve from Annie, the ball was passed by Sasha who ducked down and with her forearms redirected the ball to Historia. The blonde little girl then bent her legs slightly, pushing the ball upwards towards virtually nobody. At that moment, Ymir ran and jumped, intercepting the ball, then smashed it over the net right into Mikasa's head. The raven stumbled on her feet and fell bottom first into the sand. With her body already full of sweat and remaining water from their previous bath, it should have not been a surprise when her whole figure became covered in sand. She grimaced and let out a sharp breath, then stood up to her feet, murder on her mind. Afterwards, Mikasa and Annie kept stealing points from their adversaries mercilessly, making Historia cry and Ymir throw empty threats their way. Sasha, being neutral, tried to calm both parties and bring them to a consensus, but to no avail. Not even three minutes later after the match had ended, Ymir, who had tried to calm down Historia, stood up and proposed another game, one in which she made sure she had the upper hand. Motivation and determination can do a lot of things to a person. For example, seeing her beloved cry was what fuelled the brunette to destroy Mikasa and Annie, intercepting their every ball over the net and smashing it to the floor, earning themselves plenty of points.
Next to them, the boys had also set up a football game. Jean was teamed up with Marlo and Bertholdt, while Eren was with Armin and Reiner. Connie took upon the role of being the referee, bringing his fingers to his mouth and failing miserably to whistle, only managing to produce wheezing sounds accompanied by saliva spraying anything within a two meters’ radius whenever there would be a fault or any other rule violation. Jean’s team was leading with Marlo as their goal getter and him defending flawlessly any attempt at scoring the other team made. The game carried on like this for ten minutes until he decided to glance in the girls’ direction. Sasha just bounced the ball over the net, the object spinning rapidly in the air and to the right side of Mikasa’s and Annie side, falling to the ground fast. Despite being almost impossible to catch, Mikasa ducked down at the last moment, intercepting it with her forearms in a platform pass in Annie’s direction, once again proving her inhumane abilities. Sure the rebound was impressive but what caught Jean’s attention was the way her spine bent, her hips arching up then landing with a thud on the ground, and most importantly, how the skin on her ass bounced slightly at the contact, deranging her Brazilian red bathing suit. At the moment Jean opened his mouth unconsciously in amazement. Eren, who had been watching the whole scene unfold, shot the football right in the fucker’s face, making his jaw and face scrunch in the opposite direction as the ball collided with his face. Jean let out a pained groan and stumbled to the ground.
“You fucking creep! Stop staring at my girlfriend. Also we just landed a goal on you.” Eren laughed then high fived with Reiner.
“I wasn’t looking! This game’s just so lame I intentionally distracted myself.” Jean sneered, rubbing at his face.
A little further in front of them, three absolutely lovely ladies were relaxing on their towels, working sun screen onto their skin with delicate rubbing movements. Hitch, being the palest out of all of them rubbed the most sun screen, claiming over and over again that she by no means could turn up to training looking like a crab at training the next day. Nanaba was chatting amicably with Petra. This was one of the first times they were able to talk outside of the Corps as they were on different squads, thus almost never having the time to do so. In the water in front of them, Eld, Gunther, and Auruo were trying to surf. But with the waves being so tame and low in height they just sat on their boards engaging in light conversation, each of them cracking a joke every now and then. Suddenly, something brushed again Auruo’s foot where it was resting on the sea’s floor. He shrieked in fear, disturbing his balance and falling with a big splash in the water. As he emerged from the water, he took a closer look and found a crab crawling across the sand. Auruo looked for a moment in the direction of the girls and with a mischievous smirk on his face, grabbed the creature carefully and headed in their direction. Poor Petra, oblivious of the danger that was approaching her in the form of her boyfriend, was resting on the towel on the verge of slumber when the cretin threw the creature on her. With an annoyed huff Petra opened her eyes, immediately focusing them on Auruo, whose gaze was directed at her stomach. Raising an eyebrow in question, she also directed her gaze there only to be found with the crab now crawling rapidly on her body. With a blood curling scream, Petra stood up and grabbed the poor creature, yanking it in the direction of his face. The crab, now completely confused and dizzy, grabbed the nearest object: Auruo’s ear, squeezing the piece of cartilage with an iron grip, drawing out a shriek of pain from the man. He grabbed the crab, freeing his ear from the excruciating pain, and threw it in a random direction. His plan had gone completely wrong. Without having time to recover from the abuse his ear received, his face was slapped by a very angry Petra.
“You moron, you completely and utterly stupid cretin of a man, how dare you?!” Petra shouted, grabbing his injured ear, making Auruo bite his tongue and drawing from the regretful man a tear that streamed down from his right eye right to the bottom of his jaw. The display made the red head soften slightly, “Don’t pull that shit ever again on me or I swear to god I’m gonna drop your sorry ass right then and there.” Auruo nodded earnestly then leaned and pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek.
Not only was the beach beautiful but it also had a wooden pontoon that extended far away into the water to regions where the depth was around 20 meters, right above a coral reef, much to Hange’s delight, who was frantically pulling their diving suit on then equipping themselves with the oxygen tank, goggles, and swimming fins. Moblit was trying to keep up with his partner in crime but found it impossible as he lacked the energy the other was seething with. Hange was first in the water, bitting on the breathing tube and drawing in a few breaths to test it, then put on her goggles with a slap, before submerging, not sparing a look behind to see if the other had followed them. With a sigh, poor Moblit jumped in the water, following them closely behind.
On the same pontoon, on the left side, Erwin, Levi, and Mike were fishing; rods in each of their hands. Levi didn’t find the activity at all appealing. It was just an excuse to hang around his husband. Was he being clingy? Yes, but he didn’t give a fuck. However, the other two seemed to be genuinely interested. They talked about all the kinds of fish they would like to catch, and made those awful dad jokes that just made Levi want to throw them both in the water. Suddenly, something tugged at his rod. He didn’t pay much attention but after a second, third, and fourth tug happened, he started working the reel, pulling whatever caught his lure. When he saw it wouldn’t budge, he pulled harder. By now, Erwin and Mike noticed that he had caught something and were watching him earnestly. As his struggle increased, Erwin started helping him pull but it still wouldn’t move. Mike decided to join and the three of them pulled, finally managing to pull the thing in their direction. The enormous fish emerged from the water with a high arched jump, landing directly on Levi, spreading his fluids all over his face. The man gag angrily before pushing it off then jumping in the water. After he rubbed his skin raw, the raven emerged from the water with a pissed off expression, only to see the thing’s lifeless body in Erwin’s hand. The fish had a pretty impressive size, but what softened Levi was not its size or his beautifully coloured body, all phosphorescent pink, greens, pinks, and purples, but Erwin’s pleased smile. Sighing, he climbed back on the pontoon and took the fish from Erwin’s hands and dropped it in the bucket.
“Filthy thing.”
As night finally settled over the beach, the group sat themselves around the bonfire Reiner and Bertholdt had managed to light up. Now huddled closely against his husband’s chest, Levi couldn’t help but feel completely at peace. Finally the danger had passed and they were now able to enjoy themselves fully without the fear of dying the next day. Mikasa and Eren were also cuddling together with a blanket Eren had brought, engulfed in their own world, engaging in hushed conversation accompanied by occasional kisses to the crowns of their heads, cheeks, and lips. Annie was laughing softly at something Armin was saying, running her hands through his hair, where he rested his head on her lap. Petra was telling a story to Eld, Gunther and Auruo, waving and motioning aggressively, her eyes wide open and the tone of her voice oscillating between loud and soft, depending on the events of the story. Hange was making observations about today’s research expedition or to put it simply: diving session, while Moblit was sketching furiously the kinds of marine life he saw today. The others were in their own small circle listening to Jean play the guitar, accompanied by Sasha’s and Hitch’s sweet voices, forming a calm and slow…love song? Judging by the warmth Levi’s stomach filled with, maybe it was a love song or a friendship one. One about hardship and finally finding relief and closure, whatever it was he could relate. As this song came to an end, Jean changed the chords and intonation signaling the beginning of a new song. Sasha and Hitch, apparently also familiar with it, began humming slowly at first, then chanting, then fully singing:
Well you didn't wake up this morning 'cause you didn't go to bed
You were watching the whites of your eyes turn red
The calendar on your wall was ticking the days off
You've been reading some old letters
You smile and think how much you've changed
All the money in the world couldn't buy back those days
You pull back the curtains
And the sun burns into your eyes
You watch a plane flying
Across a clear blue sky
This is the day, your life will surely change
This is the day, when things fall into place
You could have done anything, if you wanted
And all your friends and family think that you're lucky
But the side of you they'll never see
Is when you're left alone with your memories
That hold your life together, like glue
You pull back the curtains
And the sun burns into your eyes
You watch a plane flying
Across a clear blue sky
This is the day, your life will surely change
This is the day, when things fall into place
This is the day (This is the day)
Your life will surely change
This is the day (This is the day)
Your life will surely change
As the song came to a stop, Levi finally identified the feeling that kept invading his stomach: love. He loved all of those people, although he would never admit it. Finally being able to see them be truly happy and enjoying the remaining of their lives, no longer in fear of the titans, was making him incredibly happy. With a soft and content smile now grazing his, he spoke:
“I wish this day would last forever.”
“Summer’s just begun, darling.” Replied Erwin, nuzzling and kissing the crown of his lover’s head. They now had their whole lives ahead of them; a million more days to enjoy, sunrises and sunsets to watch, and appreciate the existence of those to which they were close.
The song mentioned in this fic is The The - This is the day. Thank you so much for reading my fic, notes and comments are welcomed. I honestly love them so much, each of them deserved so much more but Isayama is the devil incarnate so he won't let us have that. However good thing we have our imaginations, otherwise I'm sure none of us would have been able to cope. Obviously, I do not own any of the art or the characters of the show. This was just what fuelled my inspiration. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it!! Also check me out on Archive of our own @logllady99
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theonekid123 · 4 years
Seashells and Dandelions
Chapter Two
Summary: Marco Bodt's childhood friend joins the scouts in hopes of making a better life, Marco being the person he is refuses to let her do it alone and insists he comes with her. They go through highs, (making friends, growing a stronger friendship, and making memories with each other and their new friends) and lows. When Marco's death hit Y/N it hit hard and they sought out the comfort of Armin, the two being previous friends to get closer and eventually form a romantic relationship. However, living in a world of demons can take a toll on relationships platonic and romantic.
"You're going to get wrecked by her Y/N," Marco said jogging to keep up
" I'm sure ill be fine, it's not like she'll kill me" I scoffed rolling my eyes
"Y/N don't be so cocky, have you seen her in a match," Jean said walking backward in front of you.
"Guys, I'm going to be fine. Stop worrying" I said, getting annoyed, I get they're worried but really? It's not that big of a deal, we all have to match with each other at least once.
"All we're trying to say is-" Jean cut off as he tripped on his foot and fell on his back
"Maybe you should worry more about yourself Jean," I said going to meet up with my training partner. Annie. She was a very beautiful girl, very stoic, and kept to herself
"Go easy Annie" Connie shouted from where he was "training" with Sasha
"I'm sorry about them, they're idiots, let's just start" God they were embarrassing. We took a stance and Marco was staring, worry clear on his face. Neither of us was throwing the first punch just circling. It was getting rather boring so I faked the first move causing her to react and throw a punch to my left side but I dodged, moving to the right. She moved quickly and precisely. She knew what she was doing and she definitely had experience, but so did I. I had an upper hand being taller than her but she has easily taken down people twice her size. I threw a kick to her side but she dodged with ease. This went on for a while we both got some good hits in but neither of us was down. It started to draw attention and soon there was a crowd observing. After a while, I decided to use my "special" move. I got behind her and ran kicking her in the back of the knee then the middle of her back then I forced her down by putting my feet on her shoulders and pushing off on them doing a flip and landing in a crouching position on the ground. I looked up and saw Annie on the floor, soon getting up. I got up and walked towards her as she put her hand out. I shook it and she gave a nod before walking away.
"Holy shit Y/N!"
"Did you just beat Annie?!"
"That was so cool"I looked to see the crowd going crazy before commander Sadies came to stop the "ruckus" as he put it. At a distance, Eren was trying to figure out to ask you for help regarding the training
"Come on Armin you're smart, how do I approach her?" Eren said to his close friend while he paced back and forth
"I don't know Eren, people arent my best subject" He replied sitting down with a book in his hand next to Mikasa"But I have to be subtle about it, I can't just say "Hey help me with the training" that would sound weird" He sighed
"Y/N is an approachable person, just be straight forward," Mikasa said like it was obvious
"Ok fine Mikasa! Armin, you have to come with me" Eren stated
"Wa-what why?" Armin said getting nervous, he had an attraction to you that he wouldn't admit. Seeing how you would take punishments for things you didn't even do, and how determined you were to accomplish whatever your goal was. You attracted him and the thought of actually talking to you scared him. What if he made a fool out of himself, yeah he had a way with words but he never used them like that.
"Let's go," Eren said, grabbing his friend's arm and dragging him to where you were currently, talking to Connie and Marco. Eren stopped about 2 feet away, Connie was the first to notice. He nudged Marco and he got the hint and they left. You turned to face the two boys.
"Hey Eren, Armin how can I help you," You said it with such sincerity, and the small smile that played on your lips nearly made Armin pass out. He had to pull himself together, he just needed time to put the words together that's all....right
"Y/n.......um....Armin has to ask you something" Eren blurted out pushing Armin in front of him and in turn, closer to you.
"Eren, what?" he said confused at what his friend was doing
"What do you need" there was the stupid smile again, Armin started to breathe heavily and his eyes were darting everywhere. He didn't even understand what was going on with him which lead to him panicking. He never felt this way before.
"Armin, are you ok," you asked, stepping closer to him with concern etched across our face. He fell to his knees trying to calm down.
"Fuck Armin, what's wrong do you need water, um.. just breath focus on breathing," you said dropping to your knees and taking his face softly in your calloused hands. It was comforting but he was internally cursing himself for crumbling so easily.
"Hey, it's ok, calm down. Breathe Armin. In and out" you said moving one hand from his face to hold his other hand he began to calm down
"Ok that's good, here drink some water ok," you offered, opening your water and placing it up to his lips and he took a few small sips. Standing up and offering Armin a hand, pulling him up.
"Ok I'm sorry I didn't realize that was going to happen, we came here because I wanted to ask you for help with the training, I'm not very good and you are so...'' Eren confessed. Looking ashamed and embarrassed a light hatred laugh escaped your lips
"Eren you don't have to be embarrassed to ask for help, no one will think less of you for needing it. I'll be happy to help you," you replied to the stunned looking boy. He was not expecting that response, Mikasa was right you were approachable. Of course, he wasn't going to admit she was right
"I should probably take Armin to the Bunks to rest," Eren said awkwardly scratching his neck
"Alright, well whenever you want me to help please feel free to let me know I'm not a very busy person," you said walking away
"You like her don't you," Eren asked looking at his friend who had a blush going all the way down his neck
"Shut up Eren"
"Y/N look at me and breath," Armin said trying to get you to focus
"Why was it him, I promised. I promised" legs giving out underneath your, sending you to the ground with a shaking body caused by sobs and adrenaline. You just kept repeating how it was a promise and it wasn't fair.
"Y/N listen to me ok," Armin said, crouching down and softly pulling your hands away from your face. He was silently grateful they were in a rather private area. Looking into your eyes, they looked broken
"It's not your fault, how could you have known that something was going to happen. Marco wouldn't want you to blame yourself" you managed to compose yourself rather quickly, getting breathing and thinking under control
"I promised his mom I would keep him safe, it should have been me. I should've been with him to protect him but I wasn't and now....how am I supposed to tell her he's...." Armin felt hurt seeing you so hurt. She didn't deserve this, Marco didn't deserve it, and you especially didn't deserve it. He was pulled out of his thoughts when you started to speak
"It doesn't make sense Armin, he didn't have his gear on, they wouldn't have taken it yet it was too soon, this wasn't an accident," you explained standing up with some help from Armin.
"You think someone purposely.."
"I don't know Armin but I'm going to find out," you said coldly turning and walking away
"Sasha shut up, you going to get us caught" I scolded the girl
"Y/N shut up and let me concentrate" Sasha shot back as they snuck through the doors of the mess hall.
"Marco come on!" Sasha yelled at the boy who quickly went inside"Are you sure we'll be fine?" he said worried about getting caught
"You didn't have to come, Marco," I said, rummaging through the bin of food. Suddenly they heard a banging sound coming from one of the closets. All three teens looked at each other making a silent agreement. Slowly walking toward the closet Marco reached for the door and quickly pulled it open. Inside the closet was Christa and Ymir huddled together. They all let out a relieved sigh
"Thank goodness it's just you guys," Christa said, pulling them into a light hug.
"We thought you were Sadies or something," Ymir said, closing the closet door and wrapping her arm around Christa's shoulders.
"So why are you two up this late?" Sasha asked looking through a bin"Probably the same reason your up" Ymir replied with a slightly annoyed tone
"Damn did we interrupt your date or something," I said, going to help Sasha find something good to eat. Meanwhile, Marco stood there kinda awkwardly.
"Maybe you did Y/LN" Ymir shot back while Christa blushed a bright red.We found some decent snacks and ate and chatted
"Well I'm heading out," I said, getting up from where I sat, leaned up against Marco. A chorus of "good night" and "see you later" was what I heard as I shut the door I decided to take a walk before heading to bed. It had to be at least 2 in the morning meaning we had to be up in 5 hours. The moon was big and bright. Very beautiful, I started walking over a small hill and was soon met with 4 familiar faces. Eren, Reiner, Armin, and Bertholdt.
"Well if it isn't my favorite bitches" I said to purposely piss Reiner off. I have nothing against him and he has nothing against me, I hope, but it's sorta a game we play. We like to mess around with each other a lot. He like an older brother
"Real mature Y/N," Reiner said rolling his eyes
"Christa is in the mess hall with some other people, they're all having a little late-night get together," I said kicking some rocks
"Well it was nice talking to you Y/N, let's go, Bert," Reiner said grabbing his taller friend and running off to probably "talk" to Christa which means flirt while Ymir silently tries to murder him. I looked back at the other two boys
"And then there were 2, so what were you all doing in the forest so late at night," I asked with a sly smirk
"Gross Y/N, don't think as that" Eren exclaimed scrunching his face up in disgust
"ME? I didn't even say anything, I guess I can only talk to Armin. He's the only one who will understand" I say dramatically before grabbing Armin's hand and pulling him away
"Let's go, Armin, we can associate with dirty-minded scoundrels," I say listening to Eren yell about how he's not dirty-minded, eventually saying he's going to join the others in the mess hall.
"Oh sorry," I said looking down to see mine and Armin's hand still laced together, I started to remove my hand but he held it tighter
"I like it," he said, his face a bright red. I felt my face heat up and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips
"Yeah I like it too," I said looking at our hands and then looking at Armin to see him looking back at me
"Y/N!!" a voice yelled making us pull our hands apart and look for the source of the noise. It was Sasha
"Let's go, I'm tired," she said, dragging her feet as she got closer. She was probably one of the most dramatic people I have met but that is what I liked most about her.
"Ok im coming," I told her, annoyed she ruined the moment
"I'll see you later, yeah?" I asked looking at Armin for a final time
"Yeah" he answered before I turned and started walking with Sasha, meeting up with Ymir and Christa as we got closer to the bunks"
So you and Y/N?" 
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sneezehq · 5 years
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Spoilers for the new season of AoT. Since you left it up to me to choose I went with Armin from AoT. I thought it fit well with what’s currently going on. Some disregarding of canon timelines but oh well. Enjoy!
Armin can’t think.
It’s incredibly unusual for him-normally his mind is constantly analyzing and planning, even when he’s not doing anything worth paying attention to. He can’t help it.
But now, with the Colossal Titan towering over them, raining debris everywhere, the city on fire, and Hanji and the rest of their squad missing or most likely dead, his brain is moving in slow motion, unable to process the situation or even try to come up with a way to fix it. After how badly he misjudged the situation with Bertholdt-and sure, Mikasa had said that Bertholdt had been acting like a different person, but still, Armin is better at reading people than that. Commander Erwin put him in charge for a reason, and he’s failing miserably.
He feels the other members of his squad looking to him for guidance, but he doesn’t have anything. Mercifully, Jean takes over directing them. Jean is good at reading the situation, and for a moment, his brain seems to kick back into gear. He can do this. It’ll be fine; he’ll just observe the others’ attacks on the Colossal Titan and come up with a plan. Bertholdt (and Armin flinches just thinking about his name) must have some weaknesses, right? Even if they don’t manage to incapacitate him on the first try, they should be able to do some damage.
It all goes to shit as soon as he thinks that.
Eren gets flung on top of the wall like he weighs nothing, stranded in a very vulnerable position and completely out of their reach. His friends take steam and shrapnel damage, and they lose the last of the thunder spears. Oh, and Reiner is back in the fight. Because everything else that was happening wasn’t enough.
His hands are trembling; they haven’t stopped since he confronted Bertholdt on that rooftop. The tremors spread up the rest of his arms until his shoulders are quaking. The air is suddenly thick and too heavy to breathe. Maybe from the smoke coming off the ever growing fires?
Huddled together next to him, the others are discussing something. Armin knows he should be listening, trying to give whatever input he can when they’re in such dire straits, but he can’t hear anything that they say over the ringing in his ears.
Between one blink and the next, they seem to leap into action. Sasha, Connie, and Jean spring off over the rooftops, each heading in a different direction. Armin frowns, trying to force his viscous train of thought into motion-and then nearly falls off the roof when Mikasa suddenly appears in front of him.
She steadies him effortlessly with one hand, frowning slightly. “Jean and the others went to scout out the situation. We’re guessing that the Armored and Colossal titans are just stalling for time. The Colossal especially seems more interested in the wall than in us. We need to come up with a plan to take them down.” When Armin doesn’t respond, her frown deepens. “Armin?”
He knows that he should say something in return to at least reassure her, not to mention help plan out their strategy, but the ringing in his ears hasn’t abated; he can’t even make out half of what she’s saying. His head feels light and dizzy, making it difficult to concentrate, and it hurts to breathe in the smoky air, let alone try to speak.
“Armin?” she asks again, gently turning him to face her and brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
He tries to speak, but only a strangled, garbled noise comes out. Mikasa looks alarmed, so he tries to clear his throat and try again. “Can’t-“ he tries to explain the problem but his lungs won’t cooperate long enough for him to say more than one word. Panicking, he starts breathing faster, trying to get more air. One hand comes up to grab feebly at his sternum. Each breath in feels like knives in his chest.
In his panic he doesn’t even notice Mikasa maneuvering him around so that he’s resting against her chest. She grasps the hand that isn’t clawing at his chest and squeezes it, hard enough to leave bruises.
The fog in his mind lifts slightly at the sudden, sharp pain and he manages to tilt his head up enough to look at her in confusion. Why is she . . . ?
“I need you to stop panicking, Armin,” she explains, voice gentle but firm. “Slow your breathing down and match it to mine.” Mikasa takes a deep, deliberately slow breath in. He feels her chest rise and fall against his back. “Just like that.”
Slowing down his breathing seems like an impossible task, but he tries to copy her as much as he can. It’s a slow and frustrating process, but slowly he feels his chest relaxing ever so slightly, and he’s able to take in more than a few shallow gasps. Mikasa’s voice is calm and encouraging in his ear the whole time.
His abused throat stings at even the shallowest breath in, and it doesn’t help when he chokes on his first deep breath, resulting in him gagging over the side of the roof and emptying his meager stomach contents onto the ground below. Mikasa rubs his back until he stops dry heaving and his breathing steadies.
Finally, after what seems like hours, but is probably only a few minutes, Armin is able to sit up again. His eyes are burning, and he scrubs the tear tracks from his face. “Sorry,” he manages to croak out, face burning. His stomach twists with shame and guilt, but he swallows hard against the rising emotions.
“We have a few more minutes before the others should be back,” she says, not acknowledging his apology. It’s a habit of hers when she believes that he’s being unnecessarily apologetic. “I know that the situation is pretty bad, but we’ve got to come up with something.” She turns to face him, squeezing his unbruised hand. “I know that it’s a lot of pressure, but we need you. You’re the only one who can do this.” She takes a deep breath, and looks him squarely in the eyes. Determined gray meets terrified blue. “We need you to save us, Armin.”
He takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, and nods. “Okay,” he mumbles, trying to sound braver than he feels. He wonders if this is how Eren feels when people call him Humanity’s Hope. He looks over to where Eren is still stranded, up on the wall, and over at the burning city and the two titans. The situation is as dire as he’s ever been in, but there must be some way out.
By the time the others return, the gears of his mind have kicked into high gear. If Eren is on top of the wall, and the Colossal titan is heading that way, then maybe, just maybe they could . . .
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ackbang · 8 years
about armin (in the military)
tropes: erwin & armin, comfort in solitude that time erwin and levi talk about the future.
another story for “short stories about sad old men” > ao3 link
“What do you think about Armin?” Erwin asks, arms folded behind his rigidly straight back. He’s all commander out here on the training ground. His eyes are set cooly, paying intently to all his men, makes quiet notes of where his plan’s strengths and weaknesses will lie with each one of them. He’ll note on his charts later, figure out who will fit best in which formation. Pieces in a game of chess, fruitlessly chasing checkmate. But Erwin still believes that, together, they will be the gears that make this machine move one step closer to humanity’s freedom.
Levi shifts onto one leg, his head tilted to the side and his arms crossed over his chest. He fills the empty space of Erwin’s right arm. “He’s one of the weakest brats we got.”
Erwin nods solemnly. “Yes, indeed he is.”
“But he’s smart as hell. Smarter than you.”
This makes Erwin smile slightly.
“He’s saved our asses more than a few times. There’s no doubt that there was something in the water he was drinking in Shinganshina. It would have been nice if somebody had given some of it to Eren, though.”
The smile reaches Erwin’s eyes, though he doesn’t break his gaze from his men.
“You’ve read my reports.” Levi says.
Erwin nods. “Yes.”
“That should say it all.”
“The reports are full of technicalities. I’m asking you what you think of Armin Arlert. Frankly.”
Levi rests his legs apart slightly, places one hand on his hip and the other at his thigh. One of the newer recruits cries out as he’s slapped on the knuckle with the blunt edge of a snapblade. “He’s innovative. Quick thinking. He sees things differently, so he’s always able to assess situations that the enemies can’t. He’s self sacrificial to the point of being suicidal.” He huffs. “He reminds me of someone I know.” Levi looks up at Erwin with an unconvincing sneer on his face.
“Does it now?”
“You fuckin’ shitbag.”
Erwin lowers his commander mask along with his eyes. His teeth show as he smiles down at his captain. “Walk with me. I have to run one last check on the first set of carts.”
They head out of the training courtyard. All of headquarters is abuzz with bodies. There’s a tension in the air that rattles the stone walls and the cobbled ground. They leave for Shinganshina in the morning, and it takes all Erwin has to not let his own anxiousness bleed through his demeanor.
“He killed a man.” Erwin says, finally.
“They all have.”
“He was the first, though.”
“Mikasa did as well.”
“I believe there’s a difference.” Erwin comes to a stop, checks the clipboard attached to the first cart and reviews the contents. When he’s satisfied at what he sees, he moves to the next one.
Levi doesn’t deny it. “There is. Mikasa is an Ackerman. She doesn’t have enough in her heart to let a man’s blood on her hands slow her down.”
“How did he handle it?”
Erwin’s looking at Levi now. The bustling around them seems to melt away. Levi can see there’s something behind those blue eyes, an unrest that they had to send their youngest men to do a job not even a grown man should have to do. Not when there’s titans to be fighting. “Not well. But if he didn’t, Jean would be dead. I’m not sure if he did the right thing in the big fuckin’ scheme of things or whatever, but he did the right thing for the Survey Corps. He helped humanity that day.”
“He lost a bit of his own.” Erwin signs another clipboard before he moves on.
“The pot callin’ the kettle black or some shit.”
Erwin’s lips go thin as he nods.
“So,” Levi starts, trotting behind Erwin to the next cart. “What do you think about him?” Levi asks, trying to catch Erwin’s eyes.
“I think he’s the future of the Survey Corps.” Erwin’s words are like a hot pan, and Levi’s whole body flinches when they come pouring down on top of him. “I want to push him in this expedition. I ask that you do the same.”
Erwin’s eyes finally meet Levi’s, and Levi wants to say something. He wants to joke about how this sounds like a verbal will, but even his heart isn’t strong enough to weather that kind of truth.
They linger. They have become fluent in the language of the air between them, but Levi wants to say something to break it. To introduce the foreign words, to shake Erwin into seeing that there’s more dazzling and wonderful things for him to see in this world. That they can create a new language that speaks to fire water, lands of ice, and fields of sand.
He’s starting to think like a brat. But… It doesn’t need to end so soon.
That night, Levi can’t sleep. He still smells the sex on them, feels the phantom of every tender touch that sang love songs across his skin. Erwin had worshiped him, and he did the same. Hours melted away and he’s left with the empty hollow in his chest, his fist wrapped around stiff bed sheets. He longs to touch the blond hair on his commander’s cheek, brush it away and feel the warmth of his skin, feel the tingle of his stubble against his fingertips. Instead he wraps his arms around his knees and watches the steady rise and fall of Erwin’s chest.
How many more will he be able to take?
“Go to sleep, Levi.” Erwin’s eyes lazily peek open, but it’s obvious that he hasn’t slept either.
Levi’s fingers dig into his bare kneecaps. He breathes out, lets his words tumble out with it. “He can’t replace you.”
Erwin props himself up with his left arm, seeming to be fully aware now. “Levi…”
They both want to say the words. The words are always in the air, so heavy that they breathe it every day. So bodily, that if you blew flour onto it, they would appear like spectral figures… But they can never say them outloud. Not now. Not ever.
Erwin sits up and pulls Levi into him, into his chest that is still warm and with a heart that is still beating. Levi buries his face into it, feels Erwin as he expands with a deep breath, feels the hesitation as it slips back out, and he knows… He knows there’s tears, and that’s fine, because he has six years worth of them himself ready to rain down for them.
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