chaitanyabharatnews · 5 years
स्वामी चक्रपाणि महाराज ने बताया कोरोना वायरस से बचने का अजीब नुस्खा, कहा- गौ मूत्र और गोबर का लेप लगाएं
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज नई दिल्ली. पिछले कुछ दिनों से दुनियाभर में कोरोना वायरस का कहर जारी है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) ने भी कोरोना वायरस को अंतरराष्ट्रीय आपात स्थिति घोषित कर दिया है। कोरोना वायरस के कारण चीन में अब तक करीब 260 लोगों की मौत हो गई है, जबकि 11800 लोग इसकी चपेट में आ चुके हैं। कोरोना वायरस ने भारत में भी दस्तक दे दी है। केरल में कोरोना वायरस से पीड़ित एक व्यक्ति का पहला केस दर्ज किया गया। इसी बीच भारत में हिंदू महासभा के एक नेता ने इस जानलेवा बीमारी से बचने के लिए एक बेहद ही अजीबोगरीब उपाय सुझाया है। कोरोना वायरस को खत्म करने के लिए कराया जाएगा यज्ञ स्वामी चक्रपाणि महाराज का कहना है कि इस जानलेवा कोरोना वायरस से बचने के लिए गौमूत्र और गोबर का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। सिर्फ इतना ही नहीं बल्कि उन्होंने ये भी कहा कि, 'कोरोना वायरस के कीटाणुओं को मारने और पूरी दुनिया से इसका प्रकोप खत्म करने के लिए एक खास तरह का यज्ञ भी कराया जाएगा।' गोबर का लेप लगाने से बच सकेगी जान स्वामी चक्रपाणि ने सलाह देते हुए कहा कि, 'गोमूत्र और गोबर का सेवन करने से संक्रामक कोरोना वायरस का प्रभाव खत्म हो जाएगा। अगर कोई शख्स ओम नम: शिवाय बोलते हुए अपने शरीर पर गोबर का लेप लगाता है तो कोरोनावायरस से उसकी जान बच सकती है।' चीन में फंसे 324 नागरिकों को लाया गया भारत  गौरतलब है कि चीन का वुहान प्रांत कोरोना वायरस का सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित क्षेत्र है। वुहान शहर में फंसे 324 भारतीय छात्रों और नागरिकों को एयरलिफ्ट कर शनिवार की सुबह करीब साढ़े सात बजे भारत लाया गया। सभी यात्रियों की दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट पर लगे स्क्रीनिंग कैंप में जांच की गई। इन लोगों के रुकने के लिए दिल्ली के निकट मानेसर में एक केंद्र स्थापित किया है। अधिकारियों के मुताबिक, चिकित्सकों और अन्य कर्मियों की एक योग्य टीम दो सप्ताह तक इन लोगों पर नजर रखेगी कि किसी में संक्रमण का कोई लक्षण तो नहीं दिख रहा। Read the full article
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dispulsion · 4 years
COVID-19 101! Everything you need to know about Corona Virus
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What is Corona Virus?
According to WHO (World Health Organisation), Corona Virus is the large family of the virus which causes illness ranging from the common cold to very critical diseases (mainly respiratory diseases). The word “corona” comes from the Latin word which means “crown” or “halo” which indicate its structure as observed under the microscope. It is a Zoonotic Virus which means it transmitted between animals and people as the WHO says. The virus from the corona family which starts spreading from Wuhan, China is named Novel Corona Virus 19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAj38E7vrS8 Very Informative Video (Must See)
What is the difference between Corona Virus and COVID-19? What COVID-19 Stands for?
“CO” Stands for Corona, “VI” for Virus and “D” for Disease. Formally COVID-19 stands for Corona Virus Disease. That means the Name of this Virus is Corona Virus and the disease caused by it is known as COVID-19.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
According to World Health Organisation report based on more than 60,000 confirmed cases, These are the Primary Symptoms of COVID-19 (Corona Virus Infection) along with the percentage  (%) of observation in such cases are:- High Temperature / Fever. (coronavirus - fever about 37.8°C or 100.04°F) | Dry Cough. (continuous cough) | Tiredness. Coughing up sputum. | Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. | Aching muscles or joints. | Sore throat. Headache. | Blocked nose. | Coughing up blood. | Pink/redness of the whites of the eyes. | NOTE: The study shows that sometimes the person is tested as positive but didn’t show any symptoms at all, mostly in young people.
How Much Time Does it take to develop or appear symptoms of COVID-19?
If you have mild disease, fever is likely to settle within a few days and you are likely to feel significantly better after a week - the minimum time at which you can leave self-isolation. You may continue coughing for a couple of weeks – So keep following the precautions as mentioned in very below sections. But in general, it takes two (2) to fourteen (14) days to appear the symptoms from the day of exposure.
The percentage of people severe enough to be in the hospital who need ICU treatment is:
The percentages of COVID-19 infected people of severe enough to be in the hospital who need ICU treatment are:- Age fewer than 40 -> 5% CasesAge 40-49 -> 6.3% CasesAge 50-59 -> 12.2% CasesAge 60-69 -> 27.4% CasesAge 70-79 -> 43.2% CasesAge 80 above -> 70.9% Cases
How Corona Virus Works?
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The below picture is of Corona Virus which is observed with the help of an electron microscope. As you can see there is a structure over the surface of the Corona Virus which is known as the spike protein. These Spike Proteins >> Read More >> Read the full article
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allin1guide · 5 years
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Corona virus safety precautions https://youtu.be/INREpyb0K1I Watch This full video on YouTube #corona #Coronavirus#SafetyprecautionsofCoronavirus#Whatiscoronavirus#coronayoutuber#Coronanews#CoronaPrecautions#CoronaDisease#CoronaTreatment#Coronacare#CoronaIndia#Curfewindia#LockdownIndia https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CzwGFpnzBEBZUCU-e9RT2x70Hto0q5l8WKGc0/?igshid=7xcgv4vs3h7a
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the-next-tech · 5 years
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bluewomanposts · 5 years
How is the corona virus (coronavirus) transmitted? What are the symptoms of the Corona virus?
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We searched for those who are curious about the corona virus threatening the whole world. It appeared in China and has not yet been fully treated. According to experts, this may be a new corona virus. On top of that, the alarmed world states have detected that the virus is a corona virus. So how is Corona virus (Coronavirus) transmitted? What are the symptoms of the Corona virus? Is there any treatment? Is the virus deadly? The suspicion of Sars virus, which emerged in 2003 and caused the sudden death of many people, affected international flights. Experts that quarantine the planes found that the virus that caused the deaths was another more dangerous virus than Sars. The virus, which started in China and spread to the USA, progressed with symptoms like Sars and pneumonia, has been spreading since December. The resulting Corona virus mobilized all the states of the world. Corona virus, which causes death, bankrupt the lung. Detailed studies on the virus that set the Health Organization started. Studies about the virus were brought to light again years ago. Corona virus, which was detected for the first time in 1960, descends from the nasal cavities to the lung. It causes serious deformation in all the cells here. However, the person does not realize that he has corona virus, since the first severe showed mild nasal congestion and coughing symptoms . This leads to the process that allows the virus to progress rapidly through the body. While preparing the ground for respiratory infection like Sars virus, it gradually loses its lung functions. Although it is not yet known how these viruses passed from animals to humans, it was observed that it caused deaths in humans. There is no definitive treatment for the corona virus, which has caused the death, although it has just become widespread. Medipol Mega University Hospital Infection and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Bahadır Ceylan answered the curiosities about the corona virus:   HOW DOES THE CORONA VIRUS COME? It passes from person to person through air and contact. It spreads rapidly especially in bulk areas. But how it is transmitted from animal to human is not yet clear. Since the Corona virus can survive up to one hour after contact with air, it is necessary to stay away from the environments in which it occurs. Therefore, a serious disinfection was made in the quarantine zone at the Chinese airport. However, experts made statements that it would be more beneficial to cancel the flights unless necessary. It continues by settling in the sinus tracts in the human body. Although it overlaps with Sars virus, it does not cause fever in the first days. From the moment the body notices the corona virus, fever appears.
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WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF THE CORONA VIRUS? It starts like a normal flu. However, after 3 days, severe cough continues with chest pain. Since it completes the incubation period, it quickly reduces the body's resistance. As the day goes on, symptoms such as fever, sweating, dry mouth, cough with phlegm, congestion in the sinus pathways, difficulty breathing. Symptoms increase the severity day by day. Although the immune system produces antibodies, this completely affects the body's functions. It is seen in pains in bones exposed to excessive fever. Some experts emphasize that is not as serious as Sars, but will lead to death if it is not detected immediately.
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IS THERE A TREATMENT OF THE CORONAVIRUS? The effects of the virus vary depending on the patient's immune system. Experts are gone for some people without severe symptoms. He states that drug treatment is provided in this. However, it progresses violently in people with weak immunity, especially those with vitamin C and vitamin D deficiency . For this, fluid support is provided at the start of treatment. Because the corona virus quickly causes fluid loss in the body. The fever is dropped. At the same time, high doses of painkillers are given in pain. Experts say that rest is very important. It is also stated that it is healthier to stay away from areas where the virus is common.
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IS THE CORONAVIRUUS VACCINATED? The coronavirus, which frightened the whole world, mobilized scientists. Scientists working day and night to develop a private vaccine have made a statement about the vaccine. It was said that the vaccine of the coronavirus, whose number of deaths increased to 213, will be completed within 20 months. It was announced that the number of infected people was 9 thousand 809 people. In addition, Turkish scientists are making statements about the importance of viruses. Professor Dr. Oğuz Karabay said there are simple ways to protect against viruses. He emphasized that onions and garlic, which have not been missing from Anatolian cuisine for centuries, as well as the colony we offer when a guest comes, is an effective way to prevent viruses. In addition, Karabay said that news that viruses are fatal are wrong. The famous doctor explained that the only reason it was fatal was for people with weakened immunity and not sufficiently cleaned. Read the full article
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riyathaman · 5 years
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weedforsaleonlineuk · 4 years
How Far Can Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine Cure Corona Virus?
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Key takeaways: Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are two medications that have been used for many decades to treat malaria and autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.There is not enough medical data at this time to prove that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine work for COVID-19 — while some small studies suggest the medications may be helpful, other studies saw no benefit.There have been no studies showing that these medications work for prevention, and the FDA has issued a warning for serious heart-related side effects if hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine are taken outside of a hospital setting for COVID-19.There’s now a shortage of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, which means that people who normally take these medications to manage their health are having a harder time getting the treatment they need. Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and chloroquine are two medications that have recently been making headlines as possible treatments for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Do these medications actually work against COVID-19? Here’s what we know.
What is hydroxychloroquine, and what is chloroquine?
Hydroxychloroquine is a medication first approved to treat malaria, an infection caused by a parasite. It is similar in structure to chloroquine, which was first approved by the FDA in 1949.  SHOP CHLOROQUINE NOW Vaccines & Drugs: The Way Forward for Covid-19 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Hydroxychloroquine, approved in 1955, is typically preferred over chloroquine because it has fewer side effects. Side effects for both medications, which are more common at higher doses and with long-term use, include: Irreversible visual changesLong QT or QT prolongation (abnormal heart rhythm)Muscle weakness or nerve painHypoglycemia (low blood glucose)Worsening of psoriasis
What do hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine usually treat?
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were first used to prevent or treat malaria. Both are available as pills that are taken by mouth. Hydroxychloroquine is also approved for long-term use in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
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The dosage varies depending on what the medications are being used for. On the low end, hydroxychloroquine is taken as 400 mg orally once a week for malaria prevention and should be continued for 4 weeks after leaving an endemic area. On the high end, hydroxychloroquine is taken as 200 mg to 400 mg daily for rheumatoid arthritis.
Why are hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine being mentioned with COVID-19?
Recent in vitro studies (studies done in a petri dish or test tube rather than in animals or humans) have shown that both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have antiviral properties against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In these studies, these medications worked by interfering with the chemical environment of human cell membranes. This blocked the virus from entering and multiplying inside the cells. A medication working in vitro does not always mean that it will work once inside a human body. Nonetheless, based on these early findings, hospitals worldwide have begun using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for patients with COVID-19. On March 28, 2020, the FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that allows providers to request a supply of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who are unable to join a clinical trial. The EUA does not mean that the FDA has approved these medications for the treatment of COVID-19. The intent of the EUA is to help increase access to these medications by allowing doctors to request a supply from the Strategic National Stockpile for these specific cases.
What do research studies say about hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, and COVID-19?
Data is still extremely limited. We need more research to determine the best dose, when to give it and for how long, and how the risks and benefits of these medications stack up in the fight against COVID-19. Large, randomized, controlled trials (the gold standard for clinical trials) are needed to confirm many of the findings summarized below. HOW TO ORDER HERBAL & LIQUID INCENSE? Vaccines & Drugs: The Way Forward for Covid-19 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Several studies have gained a lot of attention in recent media reports. We break it down between those that suggest the medications work compared to those that did not see a benefit. (Please note that even though results are being shared, few have been accepted into peer-reviewed medical journals.) Studies with positive results for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 Study 1 – March 16, 2020 Researchers from China reported in a letter that over 100 people with COVID-19 have been treated with chloroquine. These patients had less severe disease and a shorter illness duration compared to those who did not receive chloroquine. However, results from these studies are not yet available, nor do we have a lot of information about the type of people who received this drug, or what dose they took and for how long. Study 2 – March 20, 2020 A small study in France reported that people who got 600 mg of hydroxychloroquine had a lower amount of the virus (viral load) in the body. The problem with this study is that comparisons were made between patients at different hospitals. This makes it difficult to know if improvements were because of hydroxychloroquine or other things. And, of the 26 people who initially got hydroxychloroquine, 6 people (23%) had to stop treatment because of nausea, worsening disease, leaving the hospital, or death. Six people in this study also received azithromycin (a common antibiotic) with hydroxychloroquine. These individuals had even lower viral loads at the end of the study compared to those who only got hydroxychloroquine. This research group later released another article looking more into hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in a study of 80 people (including the 6 above). They noted that 93% had cleared the virus after 8 days. Because this study did not have a control group, it is unclear whether people who did not receive these medications would have seen similar results. Research with more people is needed to help us understand whether improvements were because of the combination of medications or other factors.  CAN I PURCHASE CANNABIS OIL CARTRIDGES? Vaccines & Drugs: The Way Forward for Covid-19 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus More information on safety is also important because taking azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine together can increase the risk of serious side effects, particularly irregular heart rhythm. Study 3 – March 31, 2020 A small, randomized study of 62 people in Wuhan, China looked at how well hydroxychloroquine worked for hospitalized patients with mild COVID-19. Cough and fever improved about 1 day earlier for those who got 400 mg of hydroxychloroquine for 5 days compared to those who did not get any. Additionally, pneumonia improved in 25 of 31 patients who received hydroxychloroquine (compared to 17 of 31 in the group who didn’t). Studies with negative results for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 Study 4 – March 24, 2020 In a small Shanghai study of 30 people with COVID-19, half got 400 mg of hydroxychloroquine for 5 days while the other half did not. At the end of the study, 13 people (87%) who received hydroxychloroquine tested negative for COVID-19 compared to 14 people (93%) who also tested negative but did not receive the medication. This suggests that hydroxychloroquine did not make a difference in recovery. Study 5 – March 30, 2020 Another small study in France wanted to verify the results of Study 2 above, so they gave 11 people the same combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. After 6 days, 8 of 10 patients were still positive for SARS-CoV-2 (1 person could not be tested due to death). In addition to the death, two people were transferred to the ICU and one had to stop treatment due to side effects. This study was short and, like another study above, did not have a control group to compare patients to. Study 6 – April 14, 2020 In a study of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, 150 people were randomly assigned to either receive high doses of hydroxychloroquine (1,200 mg for 3 days, then 800 mg for 2-3 weeks) or not. At the end of the study, 85% of the patients who got hydroxychloroquine tested negative for the novel coronavirus compared to 81% who did not get the medication. The typical time it took for people to clear the virus and see improvements in symptoms was also similar between groups. About 30% reported side effects, though they were mostly mild. Study 7 – April 21, 2020 A retrospective study looked at veterans affairs (VA) hospitals across the U.S. and identified 368 male veterans who were hospitalized with COVID-19. The veterans were grouped based on whether they had received (1) hydroxychloroquine, (2) hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin, or (3) no hydroxychloroquine.  Death rates were highest in the group that received hydroxychloroquine alone (28%), followed by the group that received hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (22%). The group that did not receive hydroxychloroquine had the lowest death rate (11%). 
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One thing to note is that people who had more severe symptoms, which might partially explain the higher death rates, were also more likely to get medications. People in this study were over 65 years old (on average) and male, which makes it difficult to apply the results to everyone. Study 8 – May 7, 2020 In a large observational study of 1,376 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in New York City, 811 people (59%) received hydroxychloroquine. There was minimal difference in the risk of needing a breathing tube (intubation) or death between those who didn’t get hydroxychloroquine and those who did. Because this study was observational (meaning the researchers only looked at the end results and were not involved with treatment), it is possible that other factors (confounders) may have affected the findings. Regardless, the researchers concluded that their study does not support the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. Study 9 – May 11, 2020 Another large observational study of 1,438 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in New York state also did not see a difference in death rates between those who got hydroxychloroquine (with or without azithromycin) compared to those who did not. Again, because this was an observational study, other factors that were not measured could have also affected the results. Overall, hydroxychloroquine did not show a benefit in this study.
Are hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine safe?
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are generally considered safe when taken for conditions that they have been approved for. If you currently take either of these for malaria or autoimmune conditions, you should continue taking them according to your doctor’s instructions. As with any medications, there are risks and benefits. Both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine can cause side effects, but in these cases, the benefits outweigh the risk. 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Where can I Order HASH Online? Vaccines & Drugs: The Way Forward for Covid-19 On April 24, 2020, the FDA issued a warning stating that using hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of a hospital setting can put people at risk of serious heart rhythm problems, particularly QT prolongation. This is a well-known side effect of these medications. Because there is still a lot we don’t know about COVID-19, it is unclear if COVID-19 itself increases this risk. Some hospitals in France, Brazil, and Sweden have had to stop using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for some coronavirus patients due to severe side effects. Taking hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with other medications, like azithromycin, that can also cause QT prolongation, can further increase this risk. Prior to the FDA’s warning, several cardiology groups, including the American Heart Association, had issued a joint statement cautioning about the risks of taking these medications together.
Can hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine prevent or cure COVID-19?
At the time of this writing, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are not FDA-approved for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Additional data is needed to better understand the efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for COVID-19. This is particularly important because current reports are based on a small number of patients, some who received dosages that were typically higher than what has been approved for other conditions. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not yet been shown to prevent COVID-19 either in a community or hospital setting. In the studies cited above, patients received these medications in the hospital only after they were confirmed to have COVID-19. Additionally, the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are only for hospitalized patients who are unable to participate in a clinical trial. Many clinical studies are currently underway to find a treatment for COVID-19, and the FDA is working with various government agencies, academic centers, and biopharmaceutical companies to expedite the process.
How can I get hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine?
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine both require a prescription from your doctor. Due to the recent increase in demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, both medications are currently in short supply. This has made it difficult for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus to get hydroxychloroquine, putting them at increased risk of complications. Many states have restricted pharmacists from dispensing certain medications unless it is specifically being prescribed for an FDA-approved use. Additionally, the American Medical Association, American Pharmacists Association, and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists issued a joint statement discouraging doctors and pharmacists from inappropriately prescribing medications such as hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine. This is to help prevent medication stockpiling and potential drug shortages.
What other medications are currently being used to treat COVID-19?
Researchers are studying many medications as potential treatments for COVID-19. Remdesivir, an investigational antiviral medication given via intravenous (IV) infusion, is one of these. Doctors are trying this medication on critically unwell patients in clinical trials across U.S. hospitals. It is also available through a compassionate use program for patients who do not qualify for the clinical trials. Access to remdesivir is temporarily paused due to overwhelming demand. CAN I PURCHASE CANNABIS OIL CARTRIDGES? Vaccines & Drugs: The Way Forward for Covid-19 HOW TO ORDER HERBAL & LIQUID INCENSE? Where can I Order HASH Online? SHOP CHLOROQUINE NOW 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Read the full article
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informationpalace · 4 years
How to Stay Calm amidst Coronavirus Outbreak?
The closing of schools and different workplaces have made people to perform their tasks while staying at home; not to talk about the closed schools and workplaces, all sort of cruises, festivals and events have either been postponed or cancelled. You would, for sure, be witnessing the empty grocery store shelves. In the contemporary goings caused by coronavirus, it is not surprising for anyone to hear about the spread of stress among the masses. It is quite normal while a worldwide pandemic – COVID-19 – draw negative influences upon every sphere of your life. Amidst coronavirus outbreak, here are some fruitful stress lessening ways and tips for you. Limit Your Media Exposure
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Limiting the time-span you spend listening or watching media sources is crucial to deal with the new Coronavirus as the panic arises when you start overestimating a threat and underestimating your coping capabilities. Watching the media sources repeatedly that stresses both the quick spread of COVID-19 and lack of effective treatment works as fuel for the anxiety fire. It is, certainly, not impractical to get a general idea of what is happening around you, particularly if you are living near an area with attentiveness of cases; but even in these goings it will be beneficial for you to limit the media exposure, especially from undocumented or potentially untrustworthy mediums. According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus – the director-general of World Health Organization (WHO) – encouraged people to check the updates only once or twice a day from reliable sources. Protect Yourself, Your Family & Community
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To action, anxiety is the antidote. There is a lot of measures and steps each one of us can take to protect himself, family and the whole community at large. Develop a habit of washing your hands frequently and thoroughly, sanitize highly touched surfaces, avoid having perishable food, avoid sick people and stay home as long as possible. In a broader sense, by taking certain actions you, of course, can help your community comprising of helping an elderly neighbor get groceries, donating blood or staying home even when you feel yourself healthy and able to move outdoor. Since asymptomatic individuals can carry and spread the new Coronavirus, the director-general of WHO said, “The choices you make about where you go can be the difference between life and death for someone else”. Contact Mental-Health Professional Virtually
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Therapists and other professionals around the globe are shifting their practices and services online. The offerings of some services are changing in the light of Coronavirus; for instance, TalkSpace is offering therapy free of cost for healthcare workers on the front lines of struggling the epidemic; besides some other therapists hold free online group therapy sessions for the needed ones. In addition, there are some de-stressing apps as well that can be helpful more immediately and cheaply, these encompass, Calm, Headspace and Daylio. Of these three, the second one let you to have a free subscription. Try to Be Optimistic
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Rather than wandering in the dark world of fears where you encounter distinct type of questions and concerns such as, you will become a victim to Coronavirus, your wedding can be cancelled or your children will be out of school until fall. Just draw your attention on what you value and what you are obliged for. Constructing a gratitude list can assist you to stop narrowly focusing on potential threats or negative constituents in your atmosphere. Amid the COVID-19 outburst, try to spend a considerable portion of your time with your kids making the critical surge of time a memorable one. Expanding your perspective and considering that amidst the goings where everything is uncertain, the good things in your routine life are also still there, can make a huge difference. Stress amid the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) outburst can encompass Worsening of enduring health issues Trouble in concentrating and sleeping Variation in eating and sleeping patterns An escalation in the use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs Concern and fear about your own health and that of your near and dear ones Every individual responses distinctly to traumatic goings; it is crucial to understand because the things that make you dissimilar from other people, your background, the community you live in are the factors upon which your respond to the Coronavirus outburst depends. People who respond more strongly to the stress are Kids and teens Older people and those with chronic sicknesses at higher risk for COVID-19 Those people who have critical mental goings encompassing problems with substance use People who are on the front line and assisting with the response to the Coronavirus, such as, doctors and other healthcare providers. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about different terms associated with COVID-19, visit our construct, Coronavirus: Social Distancing, Self-Quarantine and Self-Isolation. Read the full article
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covidcrowd19-blog · 4 years
Everything you wanted to know about coronavirus
In the current time, most of us have a little idea about the corona virus and how it is affecting different parts of the world. The harsh truth is that it is spreading fast and will do so for a while. Many of us are also not aware of the fact that every day the number of new cases is somewhere around 13,000, plus it is multiplying. Moreover, no one knows about how many people will get infected or will pass away sadly. The other side of this story is that this pandemic situation has crashed the global stock markets, meaning as a business owner, there are high chances that you will be affected. So if you are asking the question ‘what is coronavirus?’ This is a short answer for your best understanding.
What does this mean for you?
Refrain from exploiting the situation
One of the everyday things that can be seen is that people are trying to exploit fear. In other words, supplies are running low in various parts of the world. Notably, the masks, sanitizers, toilet paper and the necessities are not available in the required amount based on the needs of the people. However, some sellers are trying to hoard lots of this good and resell it at a price that is five times higher than the regular rate.  
Neither it is entrepreneurship, nor it is marketing, it is highly advised not to exploit the coronavirus situation for making some quick money. Moreover, it is wrong and short-sighted at the same time. Even though you will make some fast money, but it will not last long. So it is wise to invest your time on something that will benefit you on a long-term basis.
Businesses will have to struggle for sometime
Even though the number of affected people in China have become low now, but the business will continue to suffer for more than a year, mainly because companies will have to make up for their losses.
Hence, it is high time to stay safe and inside your home so that we can stop the spread of this virus as fast as possible.
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financialguruji23 · 4 years
All you need to know about Novel Coronavirus
WHO declared coronavirus a pandemic disease.The name “coronavirus” is derived from Latin corona, meaning “crown” or “wreath”, itself a borrowing from Greek, “garland, wreath”.COVID-19 is the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. Those People who are old age or above 50 is at the highest risk for severe complications.
As of 28 March 2020,…
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Know Everything About What is Coronavirus, Symptoms and its Treatment?
Coronavirus is a deadly disease spreading all over the world. Keep aware of yourself by knowing what is a coronavirus, about its symptoms and how to treat them. To know more visit http://bit.ly/2OyLFdZ
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orbemnews · 4 years
Some COVID-19 'long-haulers' wonder about effects of vaccines KANSAS CITY, Mo. — While many can’t wait to get the vaccine, there are others that are unsure about it or simply don’t want to get it. “I am having brain fog,” Linda Henderson, a so-called COVID-19 long hauler, said. Henderson considers herself a part of a group of people called long-haulers due to their persistent COVID-19-related symptoms. She got the virus in summer 2020 but is still feeling some symptoms to this day. “It’s like having a concussion as a head injury, like brain rest is the only way to kind of heal that,” Henderson said. “That is what I have been doing is trying to do those things.” Now, she is unsure about the vaccine. “They have had to do it in a hurry and I appreciate that. It’s the autoimmune component of COVID that I am concerned about with getting the vaccine,” Henderson siad. “I think other people need to get it to help us all survive this, but I am going to wait and see what some of the long term effects are.” Dr. Sarah Boyd at Saint Luke’s Health System said a vaccine could be good for long haulers. “There have been some small studies of COVID long-haulers or that post COVID syndrome that sometimes their symptoms improve after vaccination as well,” Boyd said. “About 27 percent of that small group actually had some improvement.” Henderson said she is doing everything to keep herself and others near her safe. “I am masking everywhere I go, distancing and I just don’t go anywhere very much either,” Henderson said. “I just stay home most of the time.” Until her mind is more at ease, Henderson says she’ll wait until she can see further research. She hopes one day to be back to fully living her life. “I hope I can work again. I hope I am able to be active more hours during the day,” Henderson said. “If I didn’t have the autoimmune situation, I would be getting it. I just think it’s too many unknowns to put together right now.” window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '1557642287829215', xfbml : true, version : 'v2.9' ); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; js.async = true; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link Orbem News #coronavirus #coronavirusinkansascity #Coronavirusquestions #covidlonghaulers #covid-19 #Covid19 #effects #KansasCityCoronavirus #longhaulersvaccine #LongHaulers #Vaccines #whatiscoronavirus
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liveenhanced · 5 years
Coronavirus is an emergency in the world.COVID-19 is the virus from Wuhan, China. If you want to know more then visit our page how you can safe from Coronavirus and it's tips.
, #PreventionofCOVID -19, #WhatisCovid-19, #WhatisCoronavirus, #OrigineOfCoronavirus, 3OrigineofCovid-19, #Tipsofpreventionofcoronavirus, #Howtosavemyselffromcoronavirus,
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industryglobalnews · 5 years
The first #coronavirus #death in India has sent the #Karnataka #government into an overdrive. The 76-year-old man who died had reached India on the 29th of January after a month-long stay in Saudi #Arabia. #coronapocalypse #coronavirus #CoronaOutbreak #CoronaVirusUpdate #coronadeath #coronadeath #mortality #corona #coronavirusitaly #coronavirus #corona#virus #coronavirusvideo #confirmed #whatiscoronavirus #petrosains#sickness #postpone #healthcrisis #sadnews Read More: https://www.industryglobalnews24.com/5-rules-in-karnataka-post-1st-coronavirus-death-in-the-state
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phungthaihy · 5 years
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Coronavirus: U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency, Will Quarantine China Travelers http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] The U.S. declared a public healt... #acupressure #aromatherapy #arttherapy #breakingnews #cbt #cdc #china #chinavirus #corona #coronavirus #coronaviruscdc #coronaviruschina #coronavirussymptoms #coronavirustreatment #dance #donaldtrump #energyhealing #fitness #health #healthcoaching #herbalism #hypnotherapy #impeachmenttrial #kobe #kobebryant #massage #meditation #newcoronavirus #nutrition #pilates #publichealthemergency #qigong #symptomsofcoronavirus #taichi #trumpimpeachment #usnews #virus #virusinchina #weightloss #whatiscoronavirus #whatisthecoronavirus #worldhealthorganization #wuhan #wuhanchina #yoga
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weedforsaleonlineuk · 4 years
The Way Forward for Corona Virus: Vaccines & Drugs
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The mysterious coronavirus outbreak in the Chinese city Wuhan, now termed as COVID-19, and its fast spread to many other countries, endangers thousands of lives. The pandemic has catalysed the development of novel coronavirus vaccines across the biotech industry, both by pharmaceutical companies and research organisations such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), US. The first COVID-19 vaccine in China is expected to be ready for clinical trials by the end of April, according to Xu Nanping, China’s vice-minister of science and technology. Inovio Pharmaceuticals plans to begin clinical trials on a coronavirus vaccine in April this year. Health officials from WHO have noted that Gilead’s remdesivir has demonstrated efficacy in treating the coronavirus infection.
Chloroquine approved for emergency use by US FDA
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved limited emergency use for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, had announced on 19 March that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil, used to treat malaria and arthritis, were approved by the FDA to be tested as a treatment for COVID-19. Chloroquine is being tested in various clinical trials conducted by government agencies and academic institutions. Other antivirals drugs are also planned to be fast-tracked for testing for coronavirus. SHOP CHLOROQUINE NOW 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Can Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine Cure Corona Virus?
Favilavir, the first approved coronavirus drug in China
The National Medical Products Administration of China has approved the use of Favilavir, an anti-viral drug, as a treatment for coronavirus. The drug has reportedly shown efficacy in treating the disease with minimal side effects in a clinical trial involving 70 patients. The clinical trial is being conducted in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.
Pharmaceutical companies involved in developing coronavirus drugs/vaccines
Here is a list of the major coronavirus drugs that pharmaceutical companies across the world are developing that have the potential to become major coronavirus vaccines or antivirals for treating the contagious coronavirus infection. Novel coronavirus vaccines Listed below are the coronavirus vaccines in various stages of development, across the world. Fusogenix DNA vaccine by Entos Pharmaceuticals Entos Pharmaceuticals is developing Fusogenix DNA vaccine developed using the Fusogenix drug delivery platform to prevent COVID-19 infections. Fusogenix drug delivery platform is a proteo-lipid vehicle that introduces genetic payload directly into the cells. Entos is working on developing an optimised payload containing multiple protein epitopes derived from SARS-COV-2 proteins, which will stimulate an immune response in the body to prevent COVID-19 infection.
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ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 by University of Oxford The University of Oxford’s ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is an adenovirus vaccine vector developed by the university’s Jenner Institute. The university is testing the vaccine in a clinical trial planned to be conducted in the Thames Valley Region. Approximately 510 volunteers aged between 18 years and 55 years will be enrolled for the study. Gimsilumab by Roivant Sciences Roivant Sciences is advancing the development of Gimsilumab a clinical-stage, human monoclonal antibody. The drug targets granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which is a pro-inflammatory cytokine found in high levels in the serum of COVID-19 patients. Targeting GM-CSF is expected to reduce lung damage and reduce mortality rate in COVID-19 patients. AdCOVID by Altimmune Altimmune has collaborated with the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) to develop a single dose intranasal vaccine for COVID-19 named AdCOVID. The company is currently carrying out immunogenicity studies after, which phase one clinical trial material will be developed. Altimmune and UAB will work with researchers to conduct preclinical animal studies and phase one clinical trial in the third quarter of 2020. TJM2 by I-Mab Biopharma I-Mab Biopharma is developed TJM2, a neutralising antibody, as a treatment for cytokine storm in patients suffering from a severe case of coronavirus infection. The drug targets the human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which is responsible for acute and chronic inflammation. The company will commence development after receiving approval for the Investigational New Drug (IND) application from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Can Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine Cure Corona Virus? Where can I Order HASH Online? Coronavirus vaccine by Medicago Medicago is developing drug candidates against COVID-19 after having produced Virus-Like Particles (VLP) of the coronavirus. The company has formed a collaboration with Laval University’s Infectious Disease Research Centre to develop antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. The company’s research activities are being partly funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR). AT-100 by Airway Therapeutics Airway Therapeutics is exploring its novel human recombinant protein named AT-100 (rhSP-D) as a treatment for coronavirus. The company has announced a filing with the Respiratory Diseases Branch of the National Institutes of Health to evaluate the drug. AT-100 has shown efficacy in preclinical studies in reducing inflammation and infection in the lungs, while also generating an immune response against various respiratory diseases. TZLS-501 by Tiziana Life Sciences Tiziana Life Sciences is developing its monoclonal antibody named TZLS-501 for the treatment of COVID-19. TZLS-501 is a human anti-interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R), which helps in preventing lung damage and elevated levels of IL-6.
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The drug works by binding to IL-6R and depleting the amount of IL-6 circulating in the body thereby reducing chronic lung inflammation. OYA1 by OyaGen OyaGen’s OYA1 has shown strong antiviral efficacy against coronavirus in laboratory essays. It was found to be more effective than chlorpromazine HCl in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 from replicating in cell culture. OYA1 was earlier approved as an investigational new drug for treating cancer but abandoned due to lack of efficacy. OyaGen plans to conduct further research on the drug to determine the efficacy in treating coronavirus. BPI-002 by BeyondSpring  BeyondSpring’s BPI-002 is a small molecule agent indicated for treating various infections including COVID-19. It has the ability to activate CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells and generating an immune response in the body. If combined with another COVID-19 vaccine, the drug has the ability to generate long-term protection against viral infections. BeyondSpring has filed US patent protection for the drug for treating viral infections. Altimmune’s intranasal coronavirus vaccine An intranasal Covid-19 vaccine is being developed by US-based clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, Altimmune. Design and synthesis of the single-dose vaccine have been completed, while animal testing will follow. The coronavirus vaccine is being developed based on a vaccine technology platform that is similar to NasoVAX, an influenza vaccine developed by Altimmune. Can Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine Cure Corona Virus? HOW TO ORDER HERBAL & LIQUID INCENSE? 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus INO-4800 by Inovio Pharmaceuticals and Beijing Advaccine Biotechnology Inovio Pharmaceuticals has collaborated with Beijing Advaccine Biotechnology Company to advance the development of the former’s vaccine, INO-4800, as a novel coronavirus vaccine. The company has started pre-clinical testing for clinical product manufacturing. The vaccine development is supported by a $9m grant from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Inovio announced an accelerated timeline for the development of the vaccine on 03 March. Preclinical trials are ongoing and the design for human clinical trials have been completed. The company has also prepared 3,000 doses for human clinical trials planned to be conducted across the US, China, and South Korea.  Plans for large-scale manufacturing have also been developed. Human clinical trials in 30 healthy volunteers are expected to commence in April 2020 in the US, followed by China, and South Korea. A phase one clinical trial is planned to be conducted in parallel in China, by Beijing Advaccine. Results from the clinical trials are expected to be available in September 2020. Inovio aims to produce one million doses of the vaccine by the end of 2020 to perform additional clinical trials or emergency use. NP-120 (Ifenprodil) by Algernon Pharmaceuticals Algernon Pharmaceuticals has announced that it is exploring its NP-120 (Ifenprodil) as a potential treatment COVID-19. Ifenprodil is an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NDMA) receptor glutamate receptor antagonist sold under the brand name Cerocal. It has demonstrated efficacy in improving survivability in mice infected with H5N1. APN01 by University of British Columbia and APEIRON Biologics A drug candidate developed by APEIRON Biologics named APN01 is being tested in China in a phase one pilot trial as a treatment for COVID-19. APN01 is based on research conducted by a professor at the University of British Columbia for treating SARS. The research revealed that the ACE2 protein was the main receptor for the SARS virus. The clinical trial will test the drug’s efficacy in reducing the viral load in patients. Data from the trial will be used to determine if additional clinical trials are required to be conducted in larger number of patients. mRNA-1273 vaccine by Moderna and Vaccine Research Center Moderna and the Vaccine Research Center, a unit of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), have collaborated to develop a vaccine for coronavirus. The vaccine targets the Spike (S) protein of the coronavirus. The first vials of the vaccine have been manufactured at Moderna’s Massachusetts manufacturing plant and shipped to NIAID for phase one human clinical trial. The trial began on 16 March at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle, Washington. A total of 45 males and females aged between 18 and 45 have been enrolled for the trial. The participants will be divided into three cohorts who will be administered 25 microgram (mcg), 100mcg or 250mcg dose 28 days apart. Avian Coronavirus Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) vaccine by MIGAL Research Institute The MIGAL Research Institute in Israel announced that an Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) vaccine developed to treat avian coronavirus has been modified to treat COVID-19. The vaccine has demonstrated efficacy in pre-clinical trials conducted by the Volcani Institute. The IBV vaccine was developed after four years of research and has high genetic similarity to the human coronavirus. The institute has genetically modified the vaccine to treat COVID-19 and will be available in the oral form. The institute is currently exploring potential partners for producing the vaccine in the next eight to ten weeks and obtaining the necessary safety approvals for in-vivo testing. TNX-1800 by Tonix Pharmaceuticals Tonix Pharmaceuticals has partnered with Southern Research, a non-profit research organisation, to develop a vaccine for coronavirus named TNX-1800.  The vaccine is a modified horsepox virus developed using Tonix’s proprietary horsepox vaccine platform. TNX-1800 is designed to express a protein derived from the virus that causes the coronavirus infection. Southern Research will be responsible for evaluating the efficacy of the vaccine, under the partnership. Brilacidin by Innovation Pharmaceuticals Innovation Pharmaceuticals announced that it is evaluating Brilacidin, a defensin mimetic drug candidate, as a potential treatment for coronavirus. Brilacidin has shown antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties in several clinical trials. The company is planning to explore research collaborations and seek federal grants to develop the coronavirus drug. It is already investigating the drug for inflammatory bowel disease and oral mucositis in cancer patients. Innovation has signed two material transfer agreements with a university in the US and 12 biocontainment labs in the US for evaluation of Brilacidin as a treatment for COVID-19. One of the biocontainment labs is scheduled to commence testing of the drug in the third week of March. Recombinant subunit vaccine by Clover Biopharmaceuticals Clover Biopharmaceuticals is developing a recombinant subunit vaccine using its patented Trimer-Tag© technology. The company is developing the vaccine based on the trimeric S protein (S-Trimer) of the COVID-19 coronavirus, which is responsible for binding with the host cell and causing a viral infection. Using Trimer-Tag© technology, Clover successfully produced the subunit vaccine in a mammalian cell-culture based expression system on 10 February. The company also identified antigen-specific antibody in the serum of fully recovered patients who were previously infected by the virus. A highly purified form of the S-Trimer vaccine is expected to be available in six to eight weeks for performing pre-clinical studies. The company is equipped with in-house cGMP biomanufacturing capabilities to scale-up production if the vaccine is proven to be successful. Clover is also collaborating with GSK to develop a vaccine using the latter’s pandemic adjuvant system. CAN I PURCHASE CANNABIS OIL CARTRIDGES? 5 Important Factors To Note About The Corona Virus Can Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine Cure Corona Virus? Vaxart’s coronavirus vaccine Vaxart is developing an oral recombinant vaccine in tablet formulation using its proprietary oral vaccine platform, VAAST. The company plans to develop vaccines based on the published genome of 2019-nCOV to be tested in pre-clinical models for mucosal and systemic immune responses. CytoDyn-leronlimab  CytoDyn is examining leronlimab (PRO 140), a CCR5 antagonist, as a potential coronavirus drug. The drug is already being investigated in phase two clinical trials as a treatment for HIV and has been awarded fast-track approval status by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Linear DNA Vaccine by Applied DNA Sciences and Takis Biotech Applied DNA Sciences’ subsidiary LineaRx and Takis Biotech formed a joint venture on 07 February to develop a linear DNA vaccine as a treatment for coronavirus. The JV will use Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing technology to develop the vaccine. The PCR technology offers several advantages including high purity, increased production speed, and absence of antibiotics and bacterial contaminants. Further, the vaccine gene developed through this technology can be effective without being inserted into the patient’s genome. The design for four DNA vaccine candidates is expected to be produced using the PCR technology for carrying out animal testing. The design of one of the vaccine candidates is based on the entire spike gene of the coronavirus, while the remaining are designed based on the antigenic portions of the protein. BXT-25 by BIOXYTRAN to treat late-stage acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) BIOXYTRAN announced that it is exploring partners to develop its lead drug candidate, BX-25, as a treatment for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in late-stage patients infected with the coronavirus. The diffusion of oxygen to the blood is comprised in patients suffering from ARDS leading to fluid build-up in the lungs. BX-25 is designed to be 5,000 times smaller than blood cells and efficiently transport oxygen through the body for a period of nine hours before being processed by the liver. The drug can help in supplying oxygen to the vital organs and enable the patient to recover and survive. MERS CoV vaccines for coronavirus Novavax’s MERS coronavirus vaccine candidate Novavax developed a novel Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus vaccine candidate in 2013, post the identification of the first MERS coronavirus ((MERS-CoV) in Saudi Arabia in 2012. It is a crucial target for vaccine development by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and is a priority disease for the World Health Organisation (WHO). The candidate is designed to primarily bind to the major surface S-protein and developed using the company’s recombinant nanoparticle vaccine technology. Tested along with the Novavax’s proprietary adjuvant Matrix-M™, it inhibited infection by inducing immune responses in the laboratory studies. Novavax has received $4m in funding from CEPI to advance the development of the vaccine. The company has produced several nanoparticle vaccine candidates for testing in animal models and aims to carry out human trials in 2020. The MERS coronavirus is related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, for which the company had previously developed a recombinant nanoparticle vaccine candidate. Inovio Pharma’s INO-4700 The investigational DNA immunotherapy, INO-4700 (GLS-5300) is being developed by Inovio in partnership with GeneOne Life Science. It is delivered as vaccine intramuscularly, using the Cellectra® delivery device. The company has received a $5m grant from the Bill and Mellinda Gates foundation to accelerate the development of the Cellectra® delivery device. The vaccine was well-tolerated and demonstrated high immune responses against the MERS-CoV in 94% of patients in the early-stage clinical trial in July 2019. It also generated broad-based T cell responses in 88% of the subjects.
Coronavirus drugs
The novel coronavirus drugs in various stages of development globally are listed below. Remdesivir (GS-5734) by Gilead Sciences An ebola drug developed by Gilead Sciences that was found to be ineffective is now being tested in two phase III randomised clinical trials in Asian countries. The trials are being performed on 761 patients in a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind study at multiple hospitals in Wuhan, the epicentre of the novel coronavirus outbreak. The results from the trials are expected to be available over the next few weeks. According to a report by The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), remdesivir, when administered to a coronavirus patient in the US, appeared to have improved the clinical condition. The University of Nebraska Medical Center is also carrying out clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of the drug. The first patient to be administered the drug is an evacuee from the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Actemra by Roche to treat coronavirus-related complications China approved the use of Roche’s Actemra for the treatment of severe complications related to coronavirus. Drugs like Actemra have the ability to prevent cytokine storms or overreaction of the immune system, which is considered as the main reason behind organ failure leading to death in some coronavirus patients. Actemra is also being evaluated in a clinical trial in China, which is expected to enroll 188 coronavirus patients. The clinical trial is expected to be conducted until May 10. Biocryst Pharma’s Galidesivir, a potential antiviral  for coronavirus treatment The antiviral drug Galidesivir (BCX4430) has shown broad-spectrum activity against a wide range of pathogens including coronavirus. It is a nucleoside RNA polymerase inhibitor that disrupts the process of viral replication. The drug has already shown survival benefits in patients against deadly viruses such as Ebola, Zika, Marburg, and Yellow fever. Galidesivir is currently in advanced development stage under the Animal Rule to combat multiple potential viral threats including coronaviruses, flaviviruses filoviruses, paramyxoviruses, togaviruses, bunyaviruses, and arenaviruses. Regeneron’s REGN3048-3051 and Kevzara Discovered by Regeneron, the combination of neutralising monoclonal antibodies REGN3048 and REGN3051 is being studied against coronavirus infection in a first-in-human clinical trial sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The safety and tolerability of the drug will be studied in 48 patients. Both the antibodies bind to S-protein of MERS coronavirus. The intravenous administration of the drug in the mouse model of MERS resulted in the high-level neutralisation of the MERS coronavirus in circulating blood with reduced viral loads in the lungs. Regeneron has partnered with Sanofi to evaluated Kevzara, a fully-human monoclonal antibody, in a phase two/three clinical trial in patients with severe COVID-19 infection. Kevzara is approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and is known to block the interleukin-6 (IL-6) pathway, which causes an overactive inflammatory response in the lungs of COVID-19 patients. SNG001 by Synairgen Research Synairgen Research’s SNG001, an inhaled drug, is planned to be tested by the University of Southampton to treat asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lower respiratory tract illnesses caused by coronavirus. SNG001 is a formulation of naturally occurring Interferon-β, which is administered through a nebuliser and is delivered directly to the lungs to reduce the severity of the infection caused by coronavirus. AmnioBoost by Lattice Biologics Lattice Biologics is exploring the efficacy of its amniotic fluid concentrate, AmnioBoost, in treating acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in COVID-19 patients. AmnioBoost was developed for chronic adult inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis. The drug has shown efficacy in reducing the inflammatory conditions caused by several diseases including coronavirus. It reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines while boosting the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Other companies developing coronavirus vaccines/drugs
Companies such as Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Moderna, and Novavax have been reported to be developing vaccines. A total of 30 therapies are being tested, including few traditional medicines for coronavirus treatment by Chinese scientists. Chloroquine phosphate has shown efficacy in treating symptoms of the disease, among the 30 therapies. Patients administered with the drug achieved a better drop in fever and shorter recovery time in clinical trials being conducted in hospitals in the Guangdong province and Hunan province. Enanta Pharmaceuticals Enanta Pharmaceuticals has announced its plans to develop antiviral drug candidates to treat COVID-19 patients. The company is testing compounds from its existing antiviral compound library for potential efficacy in treating COVID-19. It has also launched a drug discovery programme to develop direct-acting drug candidates to treat COVID-19. Predictive Oncology Predictive Oncology has launched an AI Platform for the discovery and development of vaccines against coronavirus. The company has signed an agreement with InventaBioTech to acquire Soluble Therapeutics, which provides it with access to the HSCTM Technology. Predictive will use the HSCTM Technology along with its predictive modeling platform to deploy an AI discovery platform that can screen the ideal combination of additives and excipients for protein formulations. Emergent BioSolutions Emergent BioSolutions is developing two plasma-derived product candidates or hyperimmunes using its hyperimmune platforms for the treatment of coronavirus. The hyperimmune platforms have been used previously for the development of several approved products including vaccines for smallpox, botulism, and anthrax. The hyperimmunes are polyclonal antibodies derived from plasma, which are capable of generating an immune response and protecting against infection. Product candidate derived from human plasma is named COVID-HIG, while COVID-EIG is derived from equine plasma. Both will be explored for the treatment of patients with a severe case of infection. Integral Molecular Integral Molecular has launched a vaccine programme using its two technology platforms including Shotgun Mutagenesis Epitope Mapping and the Membrane Proteome Array. The technologies will help in understanding the human immune response to the coronavirus and isolate the cellular receptors that enable the virus to spread quickly. The Shotgun technology helps in identifying more than 1,000 binding sites for antibodies, while the Membrane Proteome Array technology is capable of identifying the receptors through which viruses infect cells. CEL-SCI CEL-SCI is developing immunotherapy against COVID-19 using its proprietary LEAPS peptide technology, which utilises conserved areas of the coronavirus proteins to generate T-cell responses and reduce viral load. The technology can also be used to develop immunotherapeutic peptides with both antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. The peptides developed using this technology can help in reducing tissue damage from inflammation caused due to lung infection, which is a major cause of mortality in elderly patients. AJ Vaccines AJ Vaccines has launched the development of a vaccine against COVID-19. The company will use the latest technology to develop antigens that can mimic the native structures of the virus. The vaccine will be capable of inducing a strong immune response in the body thereby protecting against the infection. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Takeda Pharmaceutical Company has announced plans to develop a plasma-derived therapy against coronavirus. The anti-SARS-CoV-2 polyclonal hyperimmune globulin (H-IG) therapy will be designed to treat high-risk patients. The H-IG therapy includes concentrated pathogen-specific antibodies derived from plasma of recovered patients. These antibodies have the potential to generate an immune response when injected into a new patient. Heat Biologics Heat Biologics has announced plans to develop a vaccine to treat or prevent coronavirus infection using its proprietary gp96 vaccine platform. The technology is capable of reprogramming live cells to produce antigens that can bind to the gp96 protein and generate an immune response against those antigens. Pfizer Pfizer announced that it has identified certain under development antiviral compounds that may be effective in treating coronavirus. The company is planning to partner with a third party to screen and identify potential compounds by the end of March and begin testing in April. Mateon Therapeutics Mateon Therapeutics has launched an antiviral response programme to develop coronavirus treatments using its therapeutic and artificial intelligence (AI) platforms. It has also established a division, which will adopt a multi-modal approach to developing COVID-19 treatments as well as other future zootonic outbreaks. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has identified several vaccine targets, which can be developed as a treatment for coronavirus. Researchers at the university have identified B-cell and T-cell epitopes, which are capable of generating an immune response against the SARS virus and a similar response against the coronavirus. Some of the epitopes identified may be capable of generating an immune response specifically against COVID-19. Vaccine by Generex Generex has announced that it is developing a COVID-19 vaccine following a contract from a Chinese consortium comprising of China Technology Exchange, Beijing Zhonghua Investment Fund Management, Biology Institute of Shandong Academy of Sciences and Sinotek-Advocates International Industry Development. The company will utilise its Ii-Key immune system activation technology to produce a COVID-19 peptide for human clinical trials. Generex will receive an upfront payment of $1m to commence the groundwork for the vaccine development and $5m licensing fee for its Ii-Key technology. It is also eligible to receive a 20% royalty on every dose of vaccine produced under the contract. Coronavirus drugs by Columbia University Researchers at Columbia University have been awarded a $2.1m grant by the Jack Ma Foundation to develop a coronavirus cure. Four different teams at the university will adopt various approaches towards the development of a vaccine against coronavirus. Vaccine by Tulane University Tulane University has launched a research programme to identify a potential coronavirus medicine in the form of a vaccine. The university will utilise a grant from the Brown Foundation to carry out the research activities. Coronavirus vaccine by ImmunoPrecise Antibodies  ImmunoPrecise Antibodies has launched a vaccine and therapeutic antibody programme to develop a vaccine as well as antibodies against COVID-19. The company will use its B Cell Select™ and DeepDisplay™ discovery platforms to therapeutic compounds against the coronavirus. The company has updated its research efforts and noted that it will be using the PolyTope mAb TherapyTM and EVQLV’s artificial intelligence platforms develop a COVID-19 therapy. Serum Institute of India Serum Institute of India (SII) is collaborating with Codagenix, a US-based biopharmaceutical company, to develop a cure for coronavirus using a vaccine strain similar to the original virus. The vaccine is currently in the pre-clinical testing phase, while human trials are expected to commence in the next six months. SII is expected to launch the vaccine in the market by early 2022. Southwest Research Institute Southwest Research Institute is using its virtual screening called Rhodium to identify potential drug candidates for treating coronavirus from more than two million drug compounds. The most promising compounds will be identified for further development. Zydus Cadila Also, Zydus Cadila announced the launch of an accelerated research programme to develop a vaccine for COVID-19 using two novel approaches. The first approach includes the development of a DNA vaccine against the viral membrane protein of the virus, while a live attenuated recombinant measles virus (rMV) vectored vaccine will be developed in the second approach. The rMV-based vaccine works by inducing specific neutralising antibodies, which will provide protection from the coronavirus infection. NanoViricides In-addition, NanoViricides, a clinical-stage company, is working on developing a treatment for nCoV-2019 using its nanoviricide® technology. The company’s technology is used to develop ligands that can bind to the virus in the same way as a cognate receptor and attack various points of the virus. Vir Biotechnology Vir Biotechnology, a clinical-stage immunology company, announced on 12 February that it has identified two monoclonal antibodies that can bind to the virus that causes COVID-19. The antibodies target the spike (S) protein of the virus by entering through the cellular receptor ACE2. The company has formed a partnership with WuXi Biologics on 25 February to commercialise the antibodies identified to treat coronavirus. If approved, Wuxi will have the rights to market the therapies in China, while Vir will retain the marketing rights in other countries. Vir has also partnered with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals to identify siRNA candidates targeting SARS-CoV-2. It has formed another partnership with Biogen for cell line and process development and manufacturing of the antibodies. HIV drugs for coronavirus treatment Abbvie’s HIV protease inhibitor, lopinavir is being studied along with ritonavir for the treatment of MERS and SARS coronaviruses. The repurposed drug is already approved for the treatment of HIV infection under the trade name Kaletra®. The combination is listed in the WHO list of essential medicines. Lopinavir is believed to act on the intracellular processes of coronavirus replication and demonstrated reduced mortality in the non-human primates (NHP) model of the MERS. Lopinavir/ritonavir in combination with ribavirin showed reduced fatality rate and milder disease course during an open clinical trial in patients in the 2003 SARS outbreak. Cipla is also reportedly planning to repurpose its HIV drug LOPIMUNE, which is a combination of protease inhibitors Lopinavir and Ritonavir, for the treatment of coronavirus. A licensed generic of Kaletra®, LOPIMUNE is currently available in packs of 60 tablets each, containing 200mg of Lopinavir and 50mg of Ritonavir. To add, Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, donated its PREZCOBIX® HIV medication (darunavir/cobicistat) for use in research activities aimed at finding a treatment for COVID-19. Darunavir is a protease inhibitor marketed by Janssen. Anecdotal reports suggest darunavir as potentially having antiviral activity against COVID-19. It is, however, currently approved only for use with a boosting agent, and in combination with other antiretrovirals, for the treatment of HIV-1. Janssen has no in vitro or clinical data to support the use of darunavir as a treatment for  COVID-19. The drug is in the process of being evaluated in vitro for any potential activity against the coronavirus. Further, Janssen has partnered with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to expedite the development of a COVID-19 treatment.
The Coronavirus outbreak
The contagious coronavirus outbreak at the end of 2019, which the WHO named as COVID-19 (formerly 2019-nCoV), led to a medical emergency across the world. Similar infections are caused by human alpha and beta coronaviruses such as 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1.
What are the symptoms?
Coronavirus symptoms include those associated with common cold, such as running nose, headache, cough, fever, and sore throat.
Coronavirus transmission
COVID-19 is a betacoronavirus that has origin in bats, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Believed to have transmitted from animals and reptiles such as snakes, coronaviruses cause respiratory issues such as upper respiratory tract illnesses and lower respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Coronavirus transmission can happen human-to-human as well as from infected animals such as dogs and cats. CAN I PURCHASE CANNABIS OIL CARTRIDGES? Vaccines & Drugs: The Way Forward for Covid-19 HOW TO ORDER HERBAL & LIQUID INCENSE? Where can I Order HASH Online? SHOP CHLOROQUINE NOW Can Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine Cure Corona Virus? Read the full article
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