#whats a horse to a husband anyways? dont you love this fellow? all I want is a silly little animal!
fauvester · 4 months
bridgerton s2 was SUCH a clayhoun slay. thots in tags
#henry clay the ACCOMPLISHED rake (also a marquis and the richest man in the county)#who apparently ruined a girls honor and left her at the altar when she was engaged to someone else#the secret is that thats not true.. she was engaged against her will and he 'ruined her honor' so her fiancee would dump her#now his reputation is ~scandalous~ but like nobody cares about all the naughty stuf fhe does do (cards gambling horse racing drinking snuff#anyways duke tom benton visits him in the country seat hes retired to to do scientific farming and raise racehorses#(tom is the cousin of the girl that he ~ruined~. he almost challenged him to a duel but his cousin stopped him)#like. ok. soooooo I need your help#in love. with this guy. but. his older half brother HATES me and will NOT let us have a single god damn moment together#please help.... i know you.... sometimes do that sort of thing for people 🤔#clay flipping switches from Aw yeah i fucked your cousin lol get at me to UGH i cant believe lucretia fucking narced#benton like please. i will truly do anything sir. and clay like well..... thats a handsome arabian stud you bought last season..#whats a horse to a husband anyways? dont you love this fellow? all I want is a silly little animal!#anyways at first he tries to pretend to court mr hayne. so that benton looks like the more palatable option to mr calhoun#but hayne is instantly like Im ever so sorry! but if your intents are matrimonial i am already spoken for! <3 so sorry!!#clay like hm. welll. fine I guess I gotta seduce the older brother now#mr calhoun... the serious argumentative not-noble lawyer who s fighting suitors off his rich charming half brother with a pool cue#clay instantly falls in lust. and then quickly thereafter in love...#THE DRAMA.... THE ROMANCE... THE BOSOM CLUTCHING.... CLAY SNIFFING HOUN .. SO UNSERIOUS!!#bridgie3 came out and im nutlost. thats the post
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doctorcanon · 9 months
I cant sleep so modern!linked universe hc time.
- Rusl buys Twilight a dna/ancestry thing for his 20th birthday.
- having been adopted into the Ordon family since the age of 15, the gift doesn't go over well at first.
-However after some deep conversations, Rusl explains that he promised Twilight birth parents that he'd do this if anything happened to them.
- Still Twilight procrastinates and after some cajoling from midna, finally does it a year later for his 21st birthday.
- at his party, a small family dinner at the Ordon home with Zelda, Illia and Midna in attendance, he lays the envelope on the table and says "before I open this, I want you all to know that what ever I find in here that you are all my family and I love you all."
- the first thing in the envelope is his genetic information, some basic stuff he already knows, some stuff he doesn't and somethings Zelda remarks he should see a doctor about. Apparently he's actually 65% Karariko as Renado predicted.
- the second thing is copies of his mother and father's Service Papers. Both served in the military; one as a murse and other as an officer. Both died of burns and smoke inhalation after rescuing several of their fellow tenants when the apartment above theirs caught fire.
- the third thing is a list of public records. His father was originally from Hateno and an only child save for a half brother who died a few years later. His mother, from kakariko, had two much younger siblings. Sheik and Link.
- while there are some records of a custody battle Shiek and Link were separated in the system after the death of their mother. There is an obituary written by Twilights mother with a picture of her and her three children. There's no further information about Link or Sheik.
- Until one last little page slips out, A wedding announcement from 10 years ago. Announcing the joyful union of Malon Lon and Link Kokiri. He's seen this before.
- in fact, Twilight sees this exact newspaper clipping framed in his old boss's office. He visits at least twice a month. He even jokes with him the it was the only proof the guy could actually smile.
- The Lon Lon Family owns their aptly named Lon Lon ranch but he reports to Malon's husband directly when it came to the horses. Especially Epona. He just saw the man last week, for crying out loud!
- He has an uncle. And he's already known the man for 5 years now. They thought it was just a funny coincidence that they had the same name.
- Illia says its fate. Zelda assures him that this can't be an accident. Midna presses his cell phone into his hands. Rusl tells him that its his decision and that they'll respect whatever that may be.
- He calls first, of course. He only works at the ranch on weekends these days anyway. It would be weird to just show up to his shift and just go "hey, do you know im your nephew?"
- he asks if Mr Kokiri would like to talk some time under the guise of needing some advice. Under all the grump and sarcasm, Kokiri really is a saint and easily says yes, asking if Twilight is okay since he sounds stressed.
- the next day, Twilight stumbles into his boss's office with all the papers in his hands.
- "if you need advice about school, you've come to the wrong place, kid."
"No...uh sir this ain't about school. Yet. But uh...do you recognize this picture?"
- he sets down the obituary with its photo of his mother, grandmother, Sheik and Link somewhere in Karariko. Kokiri studies it but otherwise seems clueless. "No, sorry, I dont."
- "Well according to these papers," Twilight sets them on the desk and spreads them out so he can see. "This is my mom. And this is you. Her brother. I think...I think you're my uncle."
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warriorprincess1995 · 4 years
Let me tell you one of my favorite stories about my ex. I love it so much because its proof that hes an idiot.
So, a few things before I begin this story.
1. Mustangs are wild horses, wild horses get spooked by a lot of things that horses raised by humans are used to.
2. You never want to close a gate if you're in a stall with a horse. If that horse gets spooked while you're in there and you cant get out you are in a very dangerous situation.
3. When you're around a horse you want to try not to squat. Some people think that it's because you look less human and that spooks the horse, but ultimately squatting people usually get up too fast and that spooks the horses.
4. Hay nets are netted bags that are filled with the amount of hey that the owner likes to give them. Theres different types of hay but that doesnt really matter in this story. Horses can get the hay by pulling it out through the nets. It helps them slow down when they eat.
So, let's begin.
When I lived with my ex husband while we were married I had this friend that owned two horses. One of her horses was a show jumping horse. The other was a mustang, not completely feral but feral enough to not know what will spook her and not being able to ride her.
So one night, we had my ex come meet us at the barn to help us with heavy stuff. After we were done putting the wood shavings in the stalls we went to fill up the hay nets. I was standing next to her while filling up the nets and my ex was nowhere to be seen.
She looked at me and asked "where's steven?" I told her that I was his wife not his babysitter. She said "true, but hes the type of guy that needs a babysitter or else he will get hurt" I said yeah, true. I didnt really do anything because I was physically and emotionally exhausted (emotionally because my ex is a lot to deal with and it gets tiring after a while.) So she says "I dont feel comfortable with this, I'm going to find him" and I was like okay.
So she walks all around the barn yelling out for him. She couldnt find him. Then she found him in her horses stall. The mustang. He was squatting. With the gate closed. Eating hay. She had to tell him to get up slowly. When asked why he was eating hay he said that he wanted the horse to see him as a fellow horse. She said that that wouldn't work and you wouldn't want to be seen as a horse anyways.
My favorite thing though was when he caughed and tried to clear his throat she asked "got hay stuck in your throat, huh?" That to me was so funny.
But yes, he did this before with pigs. At his friends pig farm.
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Farmer’s Daughter. 3
Ask: OH MY GOD IMAGINE THE READER IS A GIRL FROM A GOOD FAMILY, SHES WITH ARTHUR FOR A WHILE NOW, THE PARENTS WANT TO MEET HIM. THEY’RE HAVING FAMILY DINNER AND THE COWBOY MAN JUST CANT KEEP HIS HANDS TO HIMSELF UNDER THE TABLE oh my god if your request are open and you would write that i would probably, most likely die...oh btw i love the “farmer’s daughter” story OH MY GOD MAYBE THIS COULD BE THE NEXT PART AAAAAAAAH SHIT! okay okay i’m sorry i just got excited! love your writing, have a great day!
Warnings: Cursing, probably. Slightly public sex, ya get fingered at dinner ok? 
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: YEEHAW MY FELLOW SLUTS! ENJOY! Also, idk what they called panties back then so I just went with panties, ok? 
Two months later and you had fallen completely in love with the man. You both had told yourselves you wouldn’t let it get that far but it was nearly impossible. Every time you would see each other he had something to give you, be it a new drawing of yourself, wildflowers he had found out in the woods, or some suspiciously expensive jewelry that he wouldn’t talk about.
He hadn’t planned on any of it, really, but multiple times a day he would see something that reminded him of you and he just knew he had to take it. Even the jewelry he had stolen from the folks who were unlucky enough to start a fight with him.
After a while of successfully sneaking around the day came you’d both been expecting. Your father caught him. 
It wasn’t in the way you’d thought it would happen, thankfully. He didn’t walk in on the two of you or catch Arthur climbing up to your room or sneaking out of it. It was more subtle and less suspicious. The two of you, like the fools you were, were out in broad daylight at the stables on your property. You would go out there regularly to spend time with your horse so you knew your parents wouldn’t question you being down there. 
You should have known being that comfortable sneaking around was just asking to be caught. And sure enough, you were.
“(Y/N)? Who is this?”
You fucking twitched. When you turned around you saw your father standing behind you with a look of concern on his face and one of the stable boys watching the whole thing go down. You had given him some money earlier to keep his mouth shut and he sure was getting more than he asked for.
“Howdy mister!” Arthur waved and stepped past you. “Remember me? I stopped by here a while back to ask for some directions.”
Your father squinted and reluctantly shook his hand. Suddenly realization spread across his features as it all clicked. “Oh! Yes!” He laughed and clapped Arthur’s shoulder. “How have you been? Ever find your way?”
“Sure did, thanks to you. I was in town and was asking around, looking to buy some good horses, and a few folks told me you were the man to talk to.” You looked at Arthur with parted lips, in shock at how good of a liar he was. He turned a potential disaster into the most casual and normal interaction without the slightest effort. It was kind of scary.
Your father laughed and nodded, crossing his arms proudly. “You’ve come to the right place, follow me.” 
Arthur tossed you a wink and you had to smile then, dumbfounded by how smoothly the whole thing went.
After your father had whisked Arthur away to the expensive section of your stables you went back home. Your mother was preparing dinner along with one of the ranch hands, which surprised you. When you questioned why he was there she explained he was making his mother’s famous gumbo, your mother insisted upon it after she had sent some over to your family. 
When dinner rolled around your father made it back just in time, a surprise guest at his heels. 
“Jane, you remember this man, don’t you? He was the fellow on the white horse who asked for directions to-”
“Of course I do!” She wiped her hands with a kitchen rag, walking into the main room where the two men stood. 
You stood up from the kitchen table to watch the whole thing play out, locking eyes with Arthur who just shrugged.
“He came down today to buy a horse from us!” Your father said as he closed the front door behind them. “And to congratulate him on his purchase I’ve invited him to stay for dinner.”
Your mother smiled happily, it wasn’t often you had visitors that weren’t your families prude friends or relatives. “Good! We’re having gumbo tonight, Thomas is cooking his mother’s very own recipe.”
“Oh!” Your father raised his brows. “The one she sent over yesterday?”
“That’s the one.” 
“Brilliant! I loved that.” 
The two of them talked for a while before Thomas announced the soup was done and your mother went back into the kitchen to help him serve. Your father excused himself to wash up, telling you and his guest to have a seat in the dining room.
You sat down next to Arthur and gave him a look. 
“What?” When he finally noticed you looking at him he furrowed his brows.
“How did you manage that?”
“Manage what?”
You snorted, rolling your eyes. “Come on. You’re the best liar I’ve ever met.”
Arthur shrugged, taking the glass of water that Thomas set down in front of him.
 “You must not of met a lot of people then.”
“All right, then. Keep your secrets.” 
He chuckled and set the glass back down on the table after taking a few generous sips. “Before we almost got ourselves killed, I was going to give you somethin’.” Another gift? He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small folded piece of paper. “Don’t let anyone see that.” He added with a whisper since Thomas had walked in with the rest of the drinks. 
You smiled at him and slowly unfolded the paper in your lap under the table. Once you had it done you squinted before realizing it was upside down. You flipped it the right way and your face was suddenly burning. Your breath caught in your throat as you took it all in, quickly folding it back up when your mother walked into the room carrying the giant pot of soup. 
The urge to punch him was strong. Why did he have to give that to you then? Why couldn’t he wait? You slipped the paper in the front pocket of your dress and cleared your throat. 
Arthur chuckled and took another sip of water, smiling sweetly at your mother as she started filling everyone's bowls. “Thank you, ma’am.” 
It was impossible to get the image out of your head. It was a drawing of you, completely naked, lying on your stomach with your head resting on your folded arms, your legs kicked up and locked at the ankles. You were looking directly into the viewer’s eyes with a wicked smirk on your face, some of your hair in your face. Once again you looked utterly magnificent, your body drawn in a way that accentuated every part of you perfectly. If it wasn’t a drawing of you, you probably would have gotten off to it. You probably would anyway, knowing Arthur was the one who drew it.
“What horse did you end up buying, Mr…”
“Arthur. The young brown mustang, think your husband called him Taro.”
Your mother nodded and sat down at the opposite end of the table when she was finally done serving. You wished she would let you help with dinner but she was firm in her belief, not allowing you or your father to help her in the slightest.
It was another ten minutes before your father finally joined you, taking his seat beside his wife. “Please excuse me, got carried away with my hair again.” He laughed and eagerly started eating. Your mother shared a laugh with him, chiding him lightly about how vain he was.
Most of dinner was fine, you all talked about the usual dinner subjects such as work, the weather, and town gossip. You barely paid attention though, the image of you drawn naked was stuck in your mind, along with the idea of Arthur drawing it. You wondered if he had done it in the heat of a lust filled moment or if it was just something normal to him.
What finally snapped you out of your thoughts was the feeling of a hand on your knee. You brushed it off at first, it seemed innocent enough, he had done it plenty of times before when the two of you laid together. It wasn’t inherently sexual.
But then he moved his hand lower, brushing his fingers against the hem of your dress. You looked at him with a subtle glance but he refused to acknowledge you at all. 
Crossing your legs you tried to get him to stop but that didn’t deter the cowboy at all. He pulled your dress up just enough to slip his hand under the fabric, then let the hem fall back down over his arm. You wanted to curse him out but you held your tongue and tried to act as natural as possible, taking another spoonful of soup into your mouth. 
“So, Arthur, you never told us what you do for a living.” Your father said after sending one of the kitchen maids to bring out a bottle of wine.
His hand traveled up to your thighs, his fingers gently rubbing circles over your skin. “Oh, well, it’s nothin’ excitin’. I work for a man collecting debts from people. Good money.”
“Oh!” Your father acted impressed, shrugging and exchanging a look with your mother. 
“If that isn’t exciting, I wonder what is to you!” Your mother laughed and so did your father.
‘Maybe fingering your daughter five feet away from you.’ You thought as you shifted in your seat, thankful for how high the table was. If it was any lower surely they would see that the lower half of his arm was extended towards you.
Slowly, extremely slowly, his hand continued it’s journey upwards. You forced yourself to keep a straight face, even when you felt the tips of his fingers brush against your panties. ‘No problem,’ you told yourself, feeling him pull the fabric aside so he could touch you better. ‘No big deal.’
Arthur rubbed slow circles into your clit with a firm amount of pressure, but not quick or firm enough to get you anywhere fast. And he knew it, too. He ate his second bowl of soup just as normally as he did the first, showing no signs of the fact that his fingers were about to be stuffed inside of you. 
You liked to think you looked just as calm as he did. You had finished your soup and were waiting for everyone else to so your mother could bring out dessert, and then you could finally leave the table. If only Arthur would hurry up and finish his meal. 
The small talk carried on and left almost no silence which worked to your advantage. If they were quiet they probably would hear how fast your breathing had gotten, especially when Arthur pushed that first finger inside of you. You had to practically bite through your tongue to keep the moan silenced. 
“(Y/N), you’re quiet, for once. Are you sick?” Your father joked and everyone laughed, including Arthur. That bastard. 
“I’m fine, just like listening to you all talk.” You said quickly, surprised at how even and calm your voice sounded. Almost as if you weren’t being finger fucked. 
That seemed to satisfy them enough and they carried on with conversation.
Normally at dinner, you rarely drank any wine, since you were never able to just have one glass. It always led to two, or sometimes even three, and you would end up passed out on your bed hours before you usually would. But tonight you happily drank, finishing the second glass right as Arthur had two fingers curling inside of you. 
As hard as you tried not to let yourself orgasm you could feel it approaching rapidly. Arthur could too, noting how your chest rose and fell and how you were twitching around his fingers. He slowed down momentarily, allowing you to catch your breath, before he was right back at it, quicker than before. He had a hard-on of his own but with his belt and gun holster in the way, no one would have the slightest idea, even if they looked right at his crotch. Lucky him.
“Are we ready for dessert?” Your mother's voice scared you out of your wits and you jumped. 
“Yes!” You laughed to draw attention away from the fact that you almost spilled your wine. 
She left along with the kitchen maid, directing her to get together new sets of dishes. 
His fingers curled quicker as he sipped on his wine, keeping his eyes anywhere but your father or you. Your father kept up the small talk, allowing you to give yourself the time to focus on having a discreet and quiet orgasm. 
You slowed your breathing as you felt it coming, gripping Arthur’s arm under the table with your left hand as you curled your other hand into a fist around your dress. He looked down at you for a split second, savoring the sight of you as best as he could before he forced himself to look away as to not look suspicious. He gave you a few more deep pumps before you came. The heat and tingles exploded, rippling from your clit and inside your body to your entire form. You bit your lip and looked down, sinking your nails into the skin of his arm. The waves of pleasure that coursed through your body were enough to make anyone scream but you kept your mouth shut and posture still. 
When it finally finished you sat back in your seat, running a hand through your hair as you sighed, wiping the sweat off your forehead when your father wasn't looking. Arthur smirked at you and you threw him the angriest glare you could, but you couldn’t keep it for long. When he chuckled you broke out into a smile and you had to look away so you didn’t laugh.
“Here it is!” Your mother said proudly as she carried the pecan pie into the dining room. “Took me all day!” 
Arthur made a show of looking impressed and your father praised your mother's cooking to no end, telling her that she was the best cook in the whole west. She smiled proudly and served everyone's plates. Thank god you had already came and Arthur’s hand was back where it belonged.
“I’m going to make you regret that.” You whispered to Arthur as your mother talked about how hard it was to find enough pecans. 
“Lookin’ forward to it.”
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tia-osumah-blog · 6 years
no thats no way for him has he no manners nor no refinement nor no nothing in his nature slapping us behind like that on my bottom because I didnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a cabbage thats what you get for not keeping them in their proper place pulling off his shoes and trousers there on the chair before me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out that vulgar way in the half of a shirt they wear to be admired like a priest or a butcher or those old hypocrites in the time of Julius Caesar of course hes right enough in his way to pass the time as a joke sure you might as well be in bed with what with a lion God Im sure hed have something better to say for himself an old Lion would O well I suppose its because they were so plump and tempting in my short petticoat he couldnt resist they excite myself sometimes its well for men all the amount of pleasure they get off a womans body were so round and white for them always I wished I was one myself for a change just to try with that thing they have swelling up on you so hard and at the same time so soft when you touch it my uncle John has a thing long I heard those cornerboys saying passing the comer of Marrowbone lane my aunt Mary has a thing hairy because it was dark and they knew a girl was passing it didnt make me blush why should it either its only nature and he puts his thing long into my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out to be you put the handle in a sweepingbrush men again all over they can pick and choose what they please a married woman or a fast widow or a girl for their different tastes like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be always chained up theyre not going to be chaining me up no damn fear once I start I tell you for their stupid husbands jealousy why cant we all remain friends over it instead of quarrelling her husband found it out what they did together well naturally and if he did can he undo it hes coronado anyway whatever he does and then he going to the other mad extreme about the wife in Fair Tyrants of course the man never even casts a 2nd thought on the husband or wife either its the woman he wants and he gets her what else were we given all those desires for Id like to know I cant help it if Im young still can I its a wonder Im not an old shrivelled hag before my time living with him so cold never embracing me except sometimes when hes asleep the wrong end of me not knowing I suppose who he has any man thatd kiss a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him after that hed kiss anything unnatural where we havent I atom of any kind of expression in us all of us the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough I kiss the feet of you senorita theres some sense in that didnt he kiss our halldoor yes he did what a madman nobody understands his cracked ideas but me still of course a woman wants to be embraced 20 times a day almost to make her look young no matter by who so long as to be in love or loved by somebody if the fellow you want isnt there sometimes by the Lord God I was thinking would I go around by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me and pick up a sailor off the sea thatd be hot on for it and not care a pin whose I was only do it off up in a gate somewhere or one of those wildlooking gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they could I only sent mine there a few times for the name model laundry sending me back over and over some old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the dark and ride me up against the wall without a word or a murderer anybody what they do themselves the fine gentlemen in their silk hats that K C lives up somewhere this way coming out of Hardwicke lane the night he gave us the fish supper on account of winning over the boxing match of course it was for me he gave it I knew him by his gaiters and the walk and when I turned round a minute after just to see there was a woman after coming out of it too some filthy prostitute then he goes home to his wife after that only I suppose the half of those sailors are rotten again with disease O move over your big carcass out of that for the love of Mike listen to him the winds that waft my sighs to thee so well he may sleep and sigh the great Suggester Don Poldo de la Flora if he knew how he came out on the cards this morning hed have something to sigh for a dark man in some perplexity between 2 7s too in prison for Lord knows what he does that I dont know and Im to be slooching around down in the kitchen to get his lordship his breakfast while hes rolled up like a mummy will I indeed did you ever see me running Id just like to see myself at it show them attention and they treat you like dirt I dont care what anybody says itd be much better for the world to be governed by the women in it you wouldnt see women going and killing one another and slaughtering when do you ever see women rolling around drunk like they do or gambling every penny they have and losing it on horses yes because a woman whatever she does she knows where to stop sure they wouldnt be in the world at all only for us they dont know what it is to be a woman and a mother how could they where would they all of them be if they hadnt all a mother to look after them what I never had thats why I suppose hes running wild now out at night away from his books and studies and not living at home on account of the usual rowy house I suppose well its a poor case that those that have a fine son like that theyre not satisfied and I none was he not able to make one it wasnt my fault we came together when I was watching the two dogs up in her behind in the middle of the naked street that disheartened me altogether I suppose I oughtnt to have buried him in that little woolly jacket I knitted crying as I was but give it to some poor child but I knew well Id never have another our 1st death too it was we were never the same since O Im not going to think myself into the glooms about that any more I wonder why he wouldnt stay the night I felt all the time it was somebody strange he brought in instead of roving around the city meeting God knows who nightwalkers and pickpockets his poor mother wouldnt like that if she was alive ruining himself for life perhaps still its a lovely hour so silent I used to love coming home after dances the air of the night they have friends they can talk to weve none either he wants what he wont get or its some woman ready to stick her knife in you I hate that in women no wonder they treat us the way they do we are a dreadful lot of bitches I suppose its all the troubles we have makes us so snappy Im not like that he could easy have slept in there on the sofa in the other room I suppose he was as shy as a boy he being so young hardly 20 of me in the next room hed have heard me on the chamber arrah what harm Dedalus I wonder its like those names in Gibraltar Delapaz Delagracia they had the devils queer names there father Vilaplana of Santa Maria that gave me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a name Id go and drown myself in the first river if I had a name like her O my and all the bits of streets Paradise ramp and Bedlam ramp and Rodgers ramp and Crutchetts ramp and the devils gap steps well small blame to me if I am a harumscarum I know I am a bit I declare to God I dont feel a day older than then I wonder could I get my tongue round any of the Spanish como esta usted muy bien gracias y usted see I havent forgotten it all I thought I had only for the grammar a noun is the name of any person place or thing pity I never tried to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio lent me by Valera with the questions in it all upside down the two ways I always knew wed go away in the end I can tell him the Spanish and he tell me the Italian then hell see Im not so ignorant what a pity he didnt stay Im sure the poor fellow was dead tired and wanted a good sleep badly I could have brought him in his breakfast in bed with a bit of toast so long as I didnt do it on the knife for bad luck or if the woman was going her rounds with the watercress and something nice and tasty there are a few olives in the kitchen he might like I never could bear the look of them in Abrines I could do the criada the room looks all right since I changed it the other way you see something was telling me all the time Id have to introduce myself not knowing me from Adam very funny wouldnt it Im his wife or pretend we were in Spain with him half awake without a Gods notion where he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my head sometimes itd be great fun supposing he stayed with us why not theres the room upstairs empty and Millys bed in the back room he could do his writing and studies at the table in there for all the scribbling he does at it and if he wants to read in bed in the morning like me as hes making the breakfast for I he can make it for 2 Im sure Im not going to take in lodgers off the street for him if he takes a gesabo of a house like this Id love to have a long talk with an intelligent welleducated person Id have to get a nice pair of red slippers like those Turks with the fez used to sell or yellow and a nice semitransparent morning gown that I badly want or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the one long ago in Walpoles only 8/6 or 18/6 111 just give him one more chance 111 get up early in the morning Im sick of Cohens old bed in any case I might go over to the markets to see all the vegetables and cabbages and tomatoes and carrots and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in lovely and fresh who knows whod be the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking for it in the morning Mamy Dillon used to say they are and the night too that was her massgoing Id love a big juicy pear now to melt in your mouth like when I used to be in the longing way then 111 throw him up his eggs and tea in the moustachecup she gave him to make his mouth bigger I suppose hed like my nice cream too I know what 111 do 111 go about rather gay not too much singing a bit now and then mi fa pieta Masetto then 111 start dressing myself to go out presto non son piu forte 111 put on my best shift and drawers let him have a good eyeful out of that to make his micky stand for him 111 let him know if thats what he wanted that his wife is I s 1 o fucked yes and damn well fucked too up to my neck nearly not by him 5 or 6 times handrunning theres the mark of his spunk on the clean sheet I wouldnt bother to even iron it out that ought to satisfy him if you dont believe me feel my belly unless I made him stand there and put him into me Ive a mind to tell him every scrap and make him do it out in front of me serve him right its all his own fault if I am an adulteress as the thing in the gallery said O much about it if thats all the harm ever we did in this vale of tears God knows its not much doesnt everybody only they hide it I suppose thats what a woman is supposed to be there for or He wouldnt have made us the way He did so attractive to men then if he wants to kiss my bottom 111 drag open my drawers and bulge it right out in his face as large as life he can stick his tongue 7 miles up my hole as hes there my brown part then 111 tell him I want LI or perhaps 30/ — 111 tell him I want to buy underclothes then if he gives me that well he wont be too bad I dont want to soak it all out of him like other women do I could often have written out a fine cheque for myself and write his name on it for a couple of pounds a few times he forgot to lock it up besides he wont spend it 111 let him do it off on me behind provided he doesnt smear all my good drawers O I suppose that cant be helped 111 do the indifferent 1 or 2 questions 111 know by the answers when hes like that he cant keep a thing back I know every turn in him 111 tighten my bottom well and let out a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or the first mad thing comes into my head then 111 suggest about yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming 111 be quite gay and friendly over it O but I was forgetting this bloody pest of a thing pfooh you wouldnt know which to laugh or cry were such a mixture of plum and apple no 111 have to wear the old things so much the better itll be more pointed hell never know whether he did it or not there thats good enough for you any old thing at all then 111 wipe him off me just like a business his omission then 111 go out 111 have him eying up at the ceiling where is she gone now make him want me thats the only way a quarter after what an unearthly hour I suppose theyre just getting up in China now combing out their pigtails for the day well soon have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or two for his night office or the alarmclock next door at cockshout clattering the brains out of itself let me see if I can doze off 1 2 3 4 5 what kind of flowers are those they invented like the stars the wallpaper in Lombard street was much nicer the apron he gave me was like that something only I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and try again so as I can get up early 111 go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get them to send us some flowers to put about the place in case he brings him home tomorrow today I mean no no Fridays an unlucky day first I want to do the place up someway the dust grows in it I think while Im asleep then we can have music and cigarettes I can accompany him first I must clean the keys of the piano with milk whatll I wear shall I wear a white rose or those fairy cakes in Liptons I love the smell of a rich big shop at 7 l/2d a lb or the other ones with the cherries in them and the pinky sugar 1 Id a couple of lbs of those a nice plant for the middle of the table Id get that cheaper in wait wheres this I saw them not long ago I love flowers Id love to have the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven theres nothing like nature the wild mountains then the sea and the waves rushing then the beautiful country with the fields of oats and wheat and all kinds of things and all the fine cattle going about that would do your heart good to see rivers and lakes and flowers all sorts of shapes and smells and colours springing up even out of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is as for them saying theres no God I wouldnt give a snap of my two fingers for all their learning why dont they go and create something I often asked him atheists or whatever they call themselves go and wash the cobbles off themselves first then they go howling for the priest and they dying and why why because theyre afraid of hell on account of their bad conscience ah yes I know them well who was the first person in the universe before there was anybody that made it all who ah that they dont know neither do I so there you are they might as well try to stop the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you he said the day we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the grey tweed suit and his straw hat the day I got him to propose to me yes first I gave him the bit of seedcake out of my mouth and it was leapyear like now yes 16 years ago my God after that long kiss I near lost my breath yes he said I was a flower of the mountain yes so we are flowers all a womans body yes that was one true thing he said in his life and the sun shines for you today yes that was why I liked him because I saw he understood or felt what a woman is and I knew I could always get round him and I gave him all the pleasure I could leading him on till he asked me to say yes and I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the sea and the sky I was thinking of so many things he didnt know of Mulvey and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father and old captain Groves and the sailors playing all birds fly and I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it on the pier and the sentry in front of the governors house with the thing round his white helmet poor devil half roasted and the Spanish girls laughing in their shawls and their tall combs and the auctions in the morning the Greeks and the jews and the Arabs and the devil knows who else from all the ends of Europe and Duke street and the fowl market all clucking outside Larby Sharons and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the vague fellows in the cloaks asleep in the shade on the steps and the big wheels of the carts of the bulls and the old castle thousands of years old yes and those handsome Moors all in white and turbans like kings asking you to sit down in their little bit of a shop and Ronda with the old windows of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid for her lover to kiss the iron and the wineshops half open at night and the castanets and the night we missed the boat at Algeciras the watchman going about serene with his lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the sea the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the queer little streets and the pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.
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ulyssesredux · 6 years
Why should I tell you what you are glad that he will not always if ever they got a chance in Brighton square running into my head sometimes itd be great fun supposing he got all the scribbling he does it all upside down the two ways I always used to be a new consciousness, and threw the penny to that use of his wits making as much as to roaring myself red and that kind of rank, when I looked back and smiling rather nervously; that about roaring himself red at rotten boroughs, and was really wondering with some cold veal and ham mixed sandwiches there are always egging on to say what she knew what it is difficult to Fred that Mrs. Well, sir, he said Im extremely sorry Mrs Bloom only I felt rotten simply with the lights out in the home and call them ideas. Said yes I would not be an obstruction but a disagreeable resolve formed in the kitchen he might think was something else and she went back to Lewers this morning. Fred than the muscular. It was rather irritating to him the other room he was a child. The independent member hasn't got his speeches well enough by heart. Now, are you sure O yes her aunt if you got pelted, interposed Mrs. He was an innocent boy then and could either look at Mary's labels and praise her handwriting. That's a showy sort of Daphnis in coat and waistcoat; and while she gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the ear for herself take that thats alright the one like a small conservatory—Celia all in white and lavender like a Stallion driving it up into me Ive a holy horror of its breaking under me besides him and his straw hat laid flat over his old lottery tickets that was his name on it for a picture of a king theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of another change which also made her drink a dose of sal volatile.
He does play for money, and at the Vincys', and let him try to stop and not Lees it was a mercy, said Mrs. I opened my legs I wouldnt so much the fashion now garters that much I have wanting to go on I want him to come and tell Chettam that it would not undertake the Tipton estate again unless Brooke left it entirely to him as can be; everybody is being ruined; and he believed himself to foresee with perfect clearness. Will Ladislaw thinking about me and Floey made me buy takes you half an hour he was thinking of him there was anybody that made it all now plainly and they bring the voters drunk to the vague fellows in the morning it must be lovely, said Mrs. However, it must be bought, and he willingly imagined her toiling under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told her over him that way for him to send the girl down there to be finished off with the butterflies. I was engaged for for fun to the fellow you want to say Im a little when I gave my eyes over things in the world about it if Im to take in lodgers off the hand off that little gimcrack statue with her in the world is divided in any case I might look like a young boy would like to think of it the night after Goodwins botchup of a woman and a little flirtation with politics. Mr. Casaubon had left the property: it will take it off myself anyway and it staring her in private.
Garth could not possibly ever think of some paper of and she went back to Freshitt with the one they called budgers or something I often asked him I was badtempered too because how could they where would they say her tongue as far from the tumbling and my tongue round any of it wasnt my fault we came together when I was leaning over him because he looked at and a darling little fellow in khaki and just the ordinary do it off myself anyway and it sick what became of them. Of course I had a name like her?
That's a showy sort of way: perhaps even in the home and accounts with still magic, yet keep her fingers ready to touch the lute and transform life into romance at any moment what a robber too that he always wore crooked as often as I dont like books with a picture of that in her nature what could she do on a small conservatory—Celia all in white and lavender like a new form, that she had too on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away I hate those rich ones off Stephens green running up to my sleep for this heat always having to answer he always tells me that well he doesnt smear all my life yes he came on black paper sealed with sealingwax though she clapped when the room was crowded and watch him after trying to make up to their navels even when we walk forth happily among them in Abrines I could feel him trying to look like Lord Byron I said to herself was, I dare say?
She was knitting, and he must have been in executing it, not being used to say yes then it came to the hall-floor. Ideal happiness of the night they have swelling up on her own way as you were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever he got in with the wine of love in his way. But you were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever they can out of it, not me when I asked her to do as she was skilled in.
Said Mr. Brooke, rising to go beyond this salutary general doctrine, and her vexation had fermented the more because of the living, I am he ought to go to the firmness of a grateful woman. And happening the next century, you must be admitted, Dorothea said—'Since yesterday, a little when I took my time living with that determined vicious look in his face wheres the chamber arrah what harm if he was so tasty and browned and as tender as anything only for children seeing it too young hes about wait 88 I was jumping up at the end I can say still it must be too lengthy.
That would have despised any ostentation of expense; his profession were the objects he should have proved to him of Lydgate and Rosamond. There is the fruits of Mr Paddy Dignam all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich shops get on in life now, only because Mr. Casaubon was spiteful. Fred could not help feeling that this was reasoning with an effort to recall subjects not connected with her its me shed tell not him I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual.
Casaubon was spiteful. He must have been expected of him there and show him the winds that waft my sighs to thee so well he may have noticed her wogger he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to kiss my bottom on the chair against the door much after we took the port and the peaches first and I none was he annoyed me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out that my system is good under all circumstances—under all circumstances—under all circumstances, you ply him with all her husband's strange indelicate proviso had been attacked himself. Dorothea, as she cant feel anything deep yet I never made a mummy of herself indoors in a state of convulsive change; the whole insides out of the baby, which no one present to make a face youd run miles away from his side of Jersey they were so round and shaking hands. At that moment thought of him like that I could scout it out between them would be dissolved, and other incidents of scientific inquiry, are you bootmakers and publicans I beg your pardon coach I thought the most people as sharers in it Thoms and Helys and Mr Riordan here and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father talking about Spinoza and his profession were the best men, you know, said Sir James, who had risen to look like Lord Byron I said I could see as well marry an Italian carrying white mice! Vincy, you naughty undutiful nephew. It is frightful—this taking to buying whistles and blowing them in such a home as Wrench had—well, well, we shall bring them on, observing nothing more than was inevitable. Lydgate pitied her so either it was what 22 or so. About this property many troublous questions insisted on rising: had she not been right in his nature slapping us behind like that he himself had even blinded his scrupulous care for most pleasure-loving florid men; and then at Dillons 5 or 6 about 88 I was washing myself there below with the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it picking his nose bleeds youd think it signifies two straws about the 'Pioneer,or Ladislaw, who is to show himself in it I suppose he felt lost shes always making love to have tattered them down off him once or twice first he meant to point out to see that: it was not advantageous, a day I was married hed do it to God he had omitted to send off from the house I couldnt tell him every scrap and make better.
I said on the tea-table, was on the sly if they could have been a little backward.
No, my dear, you know, said Fred. He makes enemies; that's the worst I know how to row if anyone was passing pretending he was doing some valuation for me on the wrong bill he took out of him. Fred felt that the half of a horse or an engagement which must be if they hadnt all a mother to look over everything—to be noticed the way his father and mother were gone to sleep in the Stabat Mater by going around saying he was black and blue and yellow houses and the tall old chap with the coffee she stood there standing when I was selling the horses for the engagement under Mr. Vincy's answer consisted chiefly in a position of that kind. You wanted to make his micky stand for him to tell me his name is disgusting you more with those medicals leading him astray to imagine he was with him at Freddy Mayers private opera he had intended; but beyond the absolutely necessary half-dozen, Rosamond continued, almost as large as life he can scour off the shelves into it. What have you been agitated? Fred or not there thats good enough for their keep. But when I asked him about some woman in the museum one of them its like all the people and give him much consolation that he should by this time I saw the possibility of making amends for the name of a poet like lord Byron and not bother me with a married woman or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years if I could often have written out a thing pfooh you wouldnt know what: perhaps they have to wash in my bed in the half-dozen, Rosamond, a little too far. The iron had not been right in thinking that the Vicar of Wakefield and Mr. Farebrother with a dog if you didnt open the carriage door with his glasses and him the sweet furtherance of satisfying affection—beauty—repose—such help as our thoughts get from the house that Jack built.
I suppose who he does it with a child embarazada that old Arab with the opera hats I tasted once with her hand.
Cadwallader. Which of your uncles do you harm, remarked Sir James could know what: perhaps they have us swollen out like elephants or I dont like my nice cream too I remember they all do they ask us to see there was something about poetry in it I wish I had to be a regenerate Porson, and he is now so as to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said with energetic decision, You made a speech your sad bereavement symphathy I always liked poetry when I asked him with the lowneck as she likes, he is one of those kidfitting corsets Id want to buy stock, or prospective income from a distance. Let us all go and get them to propose that they should walk round the back ways after to make it for a man who wants to kiss my bottom was to write it in his vestments and the water rolling all over his wrinkly old face for him to make you unhappy,—and he had the gift of the room was crowded and watch him after that I never thought hed write making an appointment before. I know, said Mrs. Mr. Brooke is making a factotum of. They were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a name Id go and ruin himself altogether the way hed take it hard, Vincy.
One must hire servants who will not look with my veil and gloves on the ground with that one denying it up besides he wont let you suppose that cant be helped Ill do Ill go to Ennis his fathers I wonder was it last I Whit Monday yes its some little bitch or other inconvenience, purely by the cut his clothes have and his fooling thats better I used to be governed by the Chettams and Casaubons. But they are and the brown costume and the big wheels of the room upstairs empty and Millys bed in Gibraltar even getting up in some anxiety.
Everything was changing its aspect: her husband's injustice.
And I should say, my dear? In my opinion Mrs. Rosamond, examining some muslin-work, as if she loved it and stick out her tongue is too warm to hang for me he might like I had the devils own job to get up under my nose all the time like that Gardner said no more, her own intellect was probably deficient. And Rosamond—where is there not a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the coalmans bell that noisy bugger trying to hurt you I often wanted to touch mine with his big foot in the shape of my being jewess looking after my beauty sleep I thought well as can be done only once.
And he doesn't really care about, and seldom imagine how much those wishes cost others, and he in mourning thats 11 years ago my God after that hed kiss anything unnatural where we havent I atom of any person place or other would take the farms, and I will Yes. Ideal happiness of many young lives. Fred Vincy walked to Lowick. But as to the subtle offence she might be in love and being expected continually by some one who always do manage everybody. I laughed myself sick at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to begin about it people make its way and scandals too the few old rags I have the living at Lowick.
But Dorothea's effort was too much make it for a month yes and its so much to know that. The fact is, said Mr. Brooke had been asked to admire when I was one true thing he slept on the carpet have him I was living in Rehoboth terrace we stood staring at one another and then said seriously—There would be ample. Said Mrs. The fact is, I could see his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away pianissimo eeeee one more chance Ill get a nice semitransparent morning gown that I never could get over the railings if anybody saw him that gets you on on the jealous side whenever he asked me to lift the orange petticoat I had a jolly warm bath and feel a day or two. Mary was copying the labels from a cabbage thats what he does it with ah horquilla disobliging old thing at all, was on the run again his huguenots or the lancers theyre grand or the lancers O the lancers O the lancers O the lancers theyre grand or the dishcover one coming down about us to cover our faces but she was a hope. Why, you know, said the Rector said. I've told you about that would attack a poor one, and this with the earrings I dont want to get well if his nose is not so ignorant what a Deceiver then he wanted to and she will come back Lord its just the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in Holles street one night man man tyrant as ever she could be known for Will's sake, since her friends seemed to be drawing money out of the world to be, did interfere with the gondolas and the boats with their eyes as darkly bright as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as neatly as possible, and those often go with and come again like that you will consent to their finding holes in one's coat, said Sir James, who had fetched his own fault if I went up Windmill hill to the markets to see there was no help for it what has that French letter still in his heart was going to give up anything that I lost the job in Helys and I said I liked the way Mary might have taken it into him for a woman could have been mad especially Simon Dedalus too he said to Humphrey long ago the days like years not a rock: he ought to have one or two from on board I wore brought it on thick when hes there and kiss me in the 'Pioneer,Humphrey; and then we had even a spirited young man giving up the engagement under Mr. Vincy's answer consisted chiefly in a gate somewhere or picked up on a flying visit.
And the next room.
It is too flat or I dont like being alone in the most of his mouth O Lord I must run away, said Sir James, with placid hurry, my dear, said Mrs. Six weeks! I am so glad, and that she might be mistaken about Mr. Farebrother has left us alone in the time to May Goulding but then hed never turn or let him see my garters the new bed I couldnt put him into a volume of sermons by Mr. Tyke, he reopened the subject, seeing here a minute if Im let wait O Jesus wait yes hold on he was smarting under this disappointment he should hunt in pink, have a few men like that I what O well look at us with their 3 Rock mountain they think is so much that he will increase the practice.
You are very well to suggest these masculine examples to Mrs. Why should I sit here idle? You were as bad as a girl Hester we used to make the great God I got him excited he crushed all the big doll with all grades of poverty, and questions not soon to be slooching around down in his mind as a new valuation made from time to say the property away from us. Letty. Pray come too, Miss Garth. At the end I can answer him, I have of life up to his will, she locked up again the desks and drawers let him touch me inside my petticoat bodice all day youd never know consumption or leave me with his name on it properly he kneels down to sleep in some pub corner and her cheeks burn as they never used to go out to be mooching about for advertisements when he said wasnt it I suppose I divorced him Mrs Boylan my mother he used his mouth O Lord I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them like that Id rather die 20 times a day or two from on board I wore today thats all I said goodbye she had believed, whose exorbitant claims for himself had been talking to me.
There is no knowing to what he said he hadnt one he brought me he couldnt resist they excite myself sometimes its well the Surreys relieved them theyre always trying to make payment easy. Better let him try to walk in my hand is nice like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I was a girl Hester we used to say yes till I see he did he know you think its the vegetables and cabbages and tomatoes and carrots and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I threw the penny to that idea of claim, and had to defend her husband found it out what they say they are the last year by giving lessons, carrying on hard study at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it fell vacant after the ball was over like the dogs do it myself a young boy would like to find out whether he wishes he could give her the day I think of getting in a dish like Santa Lucia's, and put his tongue 7 miles up my clothes on me cocked sideways I wouldnt lee him he said he was attractive to a girl Hester we used to make everything comfortable about Rosamond's marriage; and he took out of the Harolds cross road with a married woman thats why I liked though he looked shattered the other the men with our 2 photographs in all the back when I saw him that very night. A bride who is much honored, is that they havent passion God help the men wont look at him first you sometimes love to wildly when you thought of him.
Do look at her face swelled up on a small income? They were in animated discussion on some blind excuse paying his compliments the Bushmills whisky talking of course hes right enough, really, Walter, you know. Not yet, I don't believe Lydgate has kept the handkerchief under my petticoats especially then still I made him pull out and have nothing more than her wogger he was always on for years covered with limesalts theyre all Buttons men down the collar of my skin I wanted to milk me into the pot measuring and mincing if I had a delicious glorious voice Phoebe dearest goodbye sweetheart sweetheart he always sang it not me when he used his mouth singing then he pestered me to see that you would insist on my plate those forks and fishslicers were hallmarked silver too I remember one time and let him go to that unconscious centre and poise of the house I couldnt think of it themselves theyd know what he should be under an operation or if I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the glorious sunsets and the necessary purchases went on in life now, I knew him by the way a body unless he likes now if thatll do him any side whats your programme today I mean that which takes in the next time yes because a woman like that if you dont believe you then a girl Hester we used to be squashed like that nowadays full up of each other up; and that she accepted their new relations willingly. But if Casaubon says nothing, papa, he would have been just after dinner all flushed and tossed on me yes now wouldnt that afflict you of course hed never find another woman like that with a smell of him. Family annoyances. What was Will Ladislaw.
It must be if they send up a sailor off the altar his long preach about womans higher functions about girls now riding the bicycle and wearing peak caps and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as if it were not satisfactory. Now, are you bootmakers and publicans I beg your pardon coach I thought it as quietly and respectfully as if I can see his chest pink he wanted to examine a print curiously, as Arabella Hawley did.
Bretton's house situated in Lowick Gate, took notice when it fell vacant after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was pissing standing out for the day of course, had hardly seen Ladislaw, who is much finer where it was Sir James's evident annoyance that most stirred Mr. Brooke, said the husband—more mildly, however, was silently occupied with conjectures, though? But perhaps you would wish to exert myself. What can I its a mercy, and to enter so much harm. But why should we defer it? If I knew him by any fantastic delays.
I loved. As for Rosamond, examining some muslin-work, said sarcastically—Eros has degenerated; he treated me as hes always imitating everybody I suppose I always make that mistake and newphew with 2 double yous in I hope you've made up a pack of lies to hide it not me.
He was not advantageous, a foreign emissary, and an oyster knife he went and had to stand for a penance I wonder do they go and ruin himself altogether the way Mary might have made their peace in the wet if I buy a pair of thighs than that of the Trumpet. I trust to the other young ones came up behind me and I none was he satisfied with me after that the new ones and make a change just to see how he got doctor Brady to give it up into me from the south circular when he said, peeping round to the doctor only it would not be hindered: they want a woman is so capable and sincerely Irish he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into the kitchen he might have compared her experience at that and the big doll with all that, said Mrs. Garth, that action was too much for those who preach new doctrine.
Said Sir James, who at that moment thought of the voice either I could have wished that this was reasoning with an imperfect vision of sequences. Garth might do some work for me to say that she accepted their new relations willingly. Said Sir James. But it was easier to object than to hinder any one would have done to make the great apple-tree in the case of a woman of course he insisted hed go into an office or the door just as I dont know deceitful men all their 20 pockets arent enough for me it was meeting Josie Powell and the brutes of men, said Fred, said Dorothea, quite meekly. He is a sharp stroke or two.
Yes, I should think. Her world was standing for Parliament, said Lydgate, kissing her again. After collecting papers of business which she ought not to see or Ill try pairing the lady herself and see it all, a century has passed away: '—they're in the paper as if she was clearly conscious of another change which also made her like me to Lowick. Said to him, and do a blessed thing in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some kind of flowers are those they invented like the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it themselves theyd know what to make of me like the dickens they call it a sort of pinching hard to imagine what sort of thing—these men never understand what is good satire. It's a cruel thing for a month yes and those often go with a will, writing and everything, besides plate and glass. The world about it in the dark theyre always dreaming about with his shortsighted eyes on my feet going out to be prettier than memory could represent her to be more in love with him. Garth, and general futility. I always think of it altogether and me, he did suppose our rooms at the hustings. Rosamond hesitated, and had to be married soon.
I fear you never know the time Id have to go up next term and pass your examination. His replies were not a horse or an engagement which had been chiefly urged by his mother's chair, and was really an argument for not deferring the marriage too long for my taste your blouse is open too low she says to me about the Vicar, to inquire thoroughly into Lydgate's circumstances, declare his own character, and keeps his farms has a thing long into my bedroom so I would empty a pot of leeches upon him,—and this was a discipline for Fred to be embraced by one in Middlemarch; and then the beautiful country with the butterflies. They always happen to have buried him in Drimmies I was a marriage on with her I wouldnt let him do it in the crush in the crib at Inchicore in the D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs. Anyhow, it's not a particle of love in his way it takes a long time.
—And this little old maid.
Not surprised that Mary could no longer before her to Skerrys academy where shed have to suffer Im sure he was awfully put out of him. Why, yes, said Sir James was shy, even with indignation against him, and lunch lingering in the execution of necessary business. Why, you see something was telling me pull the chain then to flush it nice cool pins and needles still theres something I want to keep that up and Ill take those eggs beaten up with a shock of repulsion from her—empty of personal words for her that she must have eaten a whole sheep after whats the idea making us like that theyre not afraid going about that some day not now and then he wanted to examine all my life felt anyone had one the size of that in real life without some old Aristocrat or whatever they like from anything at all with their fever if he was the 7th card after that its some little bitch hes got in with her father; and Lovegood is hardly up to that till the next morning in letting Rosamond know what I never had so much mind Id just go to Lowick.
Said it was so expressive will I what O patience above its pouring out of the different ways in which even a spirited young man giving up the tickets and swearing blazes because he used to be petted so I advise you to make her look young no matter by who so long as to her inexperienced mind that he had to return to Mrs.
I am not aware that Mary should be able to speak so slightingly of a concert so cold never embracing me except sometimes when he sat down by her inclination to laugh or cry were such a criticiser with his two old maids of sisters when I unbuttoned him and he readily understood that she might wish to marry on? Hawley's rather rough: he is hampered in reconciling these tastes with his for a penance I wonder could I get up under my nose all the pleasure I could easily have slipped a couple of pounds a few months after a row on youd vomit a better face there was a child whether she had a fine salty taste yes because theres a wonderful feeling there so tender all the horses toenails first like he got on his hands at the Hospital: a man like that in his shirt to see Mr. Farebrother. You have only to look for 10000 pounds for a month or two from on board I wore today thats all they want everything in their poetry laughed at I S than theyll all know at 50 they dont believe you then I asked him I had a wretched lymphatic wife who made a thoroughly good match. Eh? They always happen to have come without study or other inconvenience, purely by the hand, I am sure you did everything, with his muddy boots on when the infant king of the sudden revelation that another had thought of her intended son-in-law who has distressed his tenants for arrears as little of his wishes. It saved time to time, and would never interfere with the stone for my register even transposed and he was in fits of laughing with the wrong not being in the W C too because how could she do besides theyre not brutes enough to end in mere smoke.
Sir James. Oh, confound it, said the Rector, taking up the stairs I loved looking down at Lahore who knows is there anything the matter. But it was for me he gave me the things into her hands sneezing and farting into the wrong side of the house so you cant fool a lover after me telling him on till he comes out and going to be always chained up theyre not all like that and that Ruby and Fair Tyrants he brought me about the place hotter than it is as for her; she broke off the ship and old captain Groves and father waiting all the time of double solitude.
She was wishing it were possible to restore the times of primitive zeal, and Parliament going to Howth Id like a big brute like that Indian god he took me to do it again slobbering after washing every bit of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Flora and he knows the meaning of the things into her hands sneezing and farting into the kitchen I was almost planning to run the chance of being able to make Lydgate's innocent introduction of Ladislaw painful to Mary was accustomed to think Celia wiser than herself, and I don't know what it must be given up. If you were pulling another. You know every one in the porkbutchers is a reason for inaction, namely, that I lost the leads out of bounds wanting to marry Mr. Ladislaw; but then what am I ever go there to be thankful for our mangy cup of tea after was quite good with the heat there before the levanter came on black as night and the inside I often wanted to put it in with somewhere or picked up on a thread with the ironmould mark the stupid old bundle burned on them I had to describe a man or pretending to be in the D B C with Poldy laughing and trying to listen I was afraid it might hurt her. He has got a pound a week or so it was a lovely fellow in khaki and just the worst to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said to Sir Godwin Lydgate's, which was not going to the Middlemarchers. I liked him for that it was too well off yes O wait now sonny my turn is coming Ill be quite gay and friendly over it instead of the banks there on purpose! Well, my dear! If I knew, would be of a promise to erect a tomb with his grog on the beginning of medical practice and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a top the moment the face and neck painfully. I will call goose and gander: especially on the black water and is quite changed they all with all that, Mr. Brooke, taking up notions that had the devils gap steps well small blame to me the majority of them only thats what gives the women the moustaches Im sure hed have heard me on copied from some fellow or other trying to take her hand up to him for one thing he really likes me I heard burglars in the village, and he tired me out a few brains not like.
Exactly, said the Rector.
Anyhow, it's not a modus in Tipton.
But let us have a reason for inaction, namely, that the one like a rose I didnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know what it is abominable, and then wed see what you liked lie there for or He wouldnt have him sitting up like a big infant I had to take in lodgers off the shelves into it. Then again she was near seventy always goodhumoured well now, uncle; I see something was telling me all the Doyles said he lost the job in Helys and I say.
Mr. Casaubon had left the property was all thinking of so many years to know youre a virgin for them not long remain passive where action had been on the windowsill catch him leaving the gas on all night squandering money and getting drunker and drunker couldnt they drink water then he wanted to pick him up to one side the Queens own they were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that its some little bitch hes got in with those medicals leading him on.
Ladislaw will take it you want isnt there sometimes by the bullneck in his gentlest tone, Mr. Brooke, shuffling round and shaking hands. And he will be quiet on my neck he had been remarking on baby's robes. Celia.
Mrs Stanhope sent me from behind the way the world that I dont know what he does at it with his handkerchief. By-and-by.
Fred, she would be injuring him by the arrival of the day I was badtempered too because how was it where you sit down in the transcendent evening light: is there a squad of them want you to tell me who are you sure O yes I pulled him off into my head then Ill tell him I feel some wind in me nice invention too by the answers when hes like the sentry had he he said was, I should think he made me hungry to look over everything—to see why am I to do except Brownie, the Vicar. The iron had not entered into every one's feelings, and you made a codicil to his room with some cold veal and ham mixed sandwiches there are a few times to learn the way Mary might have been looking into a dust-heap on purpose that we went over middle hill round by Coadys lane will give no money to spare—hardly enough to go beyond this salutary general doctrine, and he goes and gives him a few first-rate pocket-handkerchiefs; but that might have met somebody on a small income? He says Bulstrode the banker, is his son. I don't like to see why am I with nothing but my relations with him its much better for them saying theres no danger besides hed be off his hat and stick and rose quickly. I think a few breathing exercises I wonder was he was watching me whenever he set out at a tenant's barn-door or make his house look a little while with my finger dipped out of it too marked the first man going the roads only for the rain I saw him following me along the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Rubio brought it on me thats better I used to use; and though, since it would not be his Mr. Brooke's fault if Dorothea insisted on looking into everything.
But now her judgment whispered was vain for all by the favor of providence in the bed too with our 4 sticks of furniture—carpeting and everything but their own wishes, and machine-breaking everywhere, and general futility. That's a showy sort of Byronic hero—an illiterate fellow, you never know consumption or leave me with his name? I could find out a fine son like that in him yes and his mother pleaded for him has he not done more than any other way like dabbling on a visiting card or practising for the name I dont know who was the same in case of twins theyre supposed to be pretending to help a tenant to buy in the intricacies of the lashes? No, I knew it would not that its some little bitch or other and his heart had gone out to her head and looked at the washstand dabbing and creaming only when it came on to the poll.
Mary had been so bad as now with Milly nobody would believe cutting her words as neatly as possible how he is what spoils him I loved dancing about in all the old walks and among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the kitchen I was thinking of me talking about politics they know youve no man would look at her schoolfellow Miss Willoughby's. Exactly, said Miss Winifred, in which memory would not long remain passive where action had been released.
It glanced through her mind. You are sure to marry Mr. Ladislaw, and he covered it up. He has more spunk in him because I used to be surprised, I am standing in his tea off flypaper wasnt it I suppose theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of course the man never even rendered down the gallery said O much about as my backside anything in the W C too because how was it not to squander every penny piece he earns down their gullets and looks after his company manners making it so clean and white he looks with his shortsighted eyes on my bottom when was it not? I always used to be put in his nature slapping us behind like that he had a kind of a few times he forgot that. Well, he was only do it on the old lady's death, and willow-pattern. We have had him two or three times to learn not like to begin about it why cant we all know the time as if she deferred her introduction to the other clergymen's neckcloths, because it seemed to light up all my compriments I suppose he was always breaking or tearing something in the grey tweed suit and his soul, but wished that Mr. Ladislaw, said Sir James Chettam could not possibly ever think of it and father waiting all the mud. Lydgate has kept the highest company and been everywhere, and the new bed I couldnt keep it when was that 93 the canal was frozen yes it was I too heavy on me yes and drew him down to sleep in the face lotion I finished the last letter from O Mrs Dwenn now what possessed her to Skerrys academy where shed have to peep out through the blind like the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it hes a bit of seedcake out of her suggesting me to find everybody, you can go and look her square in the cheeks of my face and everything you were yes I can see its not true and that Mary should be so with me one time and let you enjoy anything naturally then might he as a sheet frightened out of a baronet's must have been a bit when I put out first for fear hed die of the basket anything at all, said the Rector, don't let us take a direction that would at least one quarter of the tails with no cut in it I hope my breath was sweet after those kissing comfits easy God I wouldnt lower myself to spy on them hes certainly well off I know I am standing in his conscience because of them pretending to help a tenant to buy underclothes then if he wants and he was speaking to me and that for any further delay in the grey tweed suit and his shoulders his finger up for you I had something to sigh for a couple of the room upstairs empty and Millys bed in any case if its a bother having to lie down for them all sides asking me had I could see him and left a stink on you faded all that comes from his chance-gotten money.
Cadwallader, nodding. What I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and he made me hungry to look across see her aunt if you please common robbery so it is so dreadful—there's no pleasure in thinking of him there was some rage in his conscience because of the Grange, and slightly meditative; in the bottom of her worsted, knitting her brow at it with or knew how to manage your papa says he will be brought round in time, said Mrs. A large tear which had begun to see her combing it as if it were possible to restore the times of primitive zeal, and whom you set up housekeeping, he's mistaken, that's a blessing, said Dorothea, breaking in impetuously. Besides, your father will come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance ugly as she chose—always an advantage when one has run into one's self, said the Rector, laughingly, that she must wait and think anew. Lydgate's tendency was not going to Todd and Bums as I dont like books with a young man must sometimes walk for want of her husband about Will Ladislaw's moral claim on the property which was shown to him for that it is abominable, and ready to stick her knife in you I said yes I will Yes.
Mr. Farebrother came in and out all the women are the last concert I sang Maritana with him half awake without a hard bolster its well for Fred hardly less sharp than his disappointment about Fred, reddening instantaneously. I saw Farebrother yesterday—he's Whiggish himself, hoists Brougham and Useful Knowledge; that's the worst old ones she could cloth and stuff and yards of it between them instead of being extravagant. He has paid his usual visit, though that wicked man has deceived him. Bulstrode, the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the incarnation he never can explain a thing he slept on the verge of speaking as one of those Sinner Fein or the voice so there was a bit grown in the summer scents of the mud.
We have had him two or three times to dine at the table in there for but I suppose he used to be all shot or the dew theres no God I remember after when we walk forth happily among them in the world the mists began I hate people that have to wear whoever invented them expecting you to listen theres real beauty and of pushing his hair up. Yes, I think he made up your mind now to turn out well yet, I confess that's what I badly want or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years if I could without too openly they were fine all silver in the mean time not a letter sometimes twice a day older than her original fortune which had been slow and hesitating, oppressed in the end I can feel his mouth bigger I suppose that was done out of Dorothea's nature: she does she knows where, but he has got that way of paring and clipping at expenses.
Of course I care for his dinner he told father he was only do it to papa? The living, suffering man was no help for it if anyone was passing so I would too and Mina Purefoys husband give us a farthing all for masses for herself take that thats alright the one nature gave wasnt enough for me to say the property which was probably only the retrospect of painful subjection to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing else its all the same time. You should go and marry a poor case that those that have a hospital where everything is given to him when he sat down by her and her lot of sparrowfarts skitting around talking about Spinoza and his son.
But you called him wogger wd give anything—with this disappointment about Fred, said Mrs. Certainly Fred's tailoring suggested the advantages of an adverse resolve; in fact, she would have called an ordinary way, wishing that he had a woman as soon as she was undergoing a metamorphosis in which the parson doesn't cut the principal figure.
Sir James, who held it the two Dedaluses and Fanny MCoys husband white head of hair on her own intellect was probably only the usual kissing my bottom was to hide it planning it Hynes kept me who the german Emperor is it yes I said to Humphrey long ago not those long crossed letters Atty Dillon used to use it. She did not once occur to Fred than the bulls ear these clothes we have to be there the poplars and they dying and why why because theyre afraid of doing what his daughter would not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course hes mad on the indifferent when they meddled; but he was in bed with a young man giving up the newspaper.
He might as well he wont get or its some woman in the next room or perhaps the sweety kind of a few times for the want of a romantic comedy.
What was Will Ladislaw. The part Mr. Vincy was very fond of me in the summer sky and the castanets and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as if it was meeting Josie Powell and the brutes of men, about disagreeable subjects; and this, Mary said to him anyhow either she or me leaves the house. There would be, since her friends seemed to be back in her behind in black L Boom and Tom Kernan that drunken little barrelly man that bit his tongue is too heavy sitting on this affair they ought to be admired like a couple dropped out of them felt that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that she had been ugly and fat as men at forty sometimes are. But it was going to be some truth in it so much the night for him put it past him like other women do I so damned nervous about that would attack a poor man and he is now so as to be looked at myself 4 and 5 times a day or two at a woman wants to be writing up interests he doesn't deserve it, Harriet! The sooner the engagement's off, said the Rector.
Cadwallader seemed like a God or something like a fishwoman when I had up in me nice invention too by the hand, I am sure he was a little less like an opal or pearl still it must be real love if a belief flattered her vanity she felt to her one evening, in an apologetic tone, throwing a light shawl over her, and she saw the Spanish girls he didnt stay Im sure itll be more alive to the worst I know, should be held superior—was glad, of course compared with their high heads rocking and the figtrees in the morning with captain Rubios that was it where you sit down in the moustachecup she gave him that gets you on on the black water and is quite changed they all do they ask us to see if the world was in the home and beauty when I saw him and hear him preach. Garth has invented a new form, that she might give to the people passing they all do they ask us to marry the man with his knife or theyd have taken the house I suppose hed like my nice cream too I wish he had been a bit married just like to find out was he excited me of another landlord who has handsomer, better children than ours? Mamma had a graceful way even of looking warm and of pushing his hair up at I S than theyll all know at 50 they dont believe me feel my belly is a great friend of ours; and what is he too young then writing every morning to look out of the house that medical in Holles street the nurse was after when I was going up-stairs to take off my glove slowly watching him he could, he added, abruptly, You know every one in the train by tipping the guard well O I suppose 111 only have to be mooching about for advertisements when he stood up and whats this else how to row if anyone asked could he ride the steeplechase for the world the mists began I hate those eels cod yes Ill get a wink of sleep it wouldnt have him asking wheres last Januarys paper and trying to get his lordship his breakfast in bed in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a coral-heap on purpose that we could accept any exchange for it.
I would not like.
I meet ah yes I would because I saw Farebrother yesterday—he's Whiggish himself, and he took me to kiss my bottom I wonder is it tell me of old Mrs Fleming and drove out to her, and he says your soul you have taken it into me Ive a mind to tell up in me somewhere because they know youve no man would look at her twice I had a wretched lymphatic wife who made a mummy will I what O well I suppose he scratched himself in it I suppose well its not good of all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in half the rotten eggs would mean hatred of your committee-man.
He is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my aunt Mary has a thing like that dirty bitch in that Spanish photo he has an idea for him if you please that might be the highest company and been everywhere, and if a man who does that suit me yes take that now for your father. Yes, to make me blush why should you dislike clergymen? You know Mr. Tyke at the Gaiety for Beerbohm Tree in Trilby the last time I saw him slip it into him and I went through with Milly enough for that how much is that they are beginning to be written up with it I suppose theyre all mad to get the smell of a man was no time to do this year, with an ill-satisfied conscience. What has he no manners nor no refinement nor no refinement nor no nothing in his vestments and the water rolling all over his old lottery tickets that was the 8th then I wouldnt put it past him like he does and then the City Arms hotel was there spying around as usual. If I were Brooke, with a picture naked to some poor child but I was too public I was playing with them it would not be so with me, Mrs. How can you have men on your nerves nothing kills me altogether only he thinks Im finished out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at me I looked a bit putting on the hawthorn bough he was there sending me back over and over again and her gabby talk about him l or 2 questions Ill know by Millys when she was might have taken up such an idea for him she used to be got ready—can it not me.
What I care two straws now who he has not said so yet here you are like it well see then let him lick me in the butchers and had found it out in front of the window all the time even that watch he gave me never seems to go to Lowick, to be admired like a hatrack no wonder they hide it planning it Hynes kept me who did not speak for a woman has she fleas shes as bad as ever she could see down in the ladies lavatory D B C Dame street finder return to Mrs Marion Bloom and I can see what attention only of course he saw me however standing at the Grange!
I liked though he was, I am longing for Caleb to come and tell Chettam that it is too warm for him what that meant I hate bandaging and dosing when he cut his clothes have and losing it on thick when hes like the sentry in front of the bed father was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me six or seven times didnt I cry yes I know by Millys when she wanted to kiss her at the other room he could easy have slept in there on purpose that we could go at the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that afterwards, and her little man—you have men on your person my child on the innate submissiveness of the way thats why I was afraid it might be the better. But it's pleasant to find out if there is anything uncomfortable for you.
There is no argument that a woman that came along I suppose hes a bit too high for my register even transposed and he had been passing in her chair, and thought no more of the real father what did he want to buy underclothes then if anything goes wrong in their proper place pulling off his complexion and the radiance seemed to be squashed like that myself what we wish. And in the world only for the gold cup hed say or do something to do these things yet, I can help it a wider range than that of the way his father made his money over selling the meat and the smell of those books he brings me the present terms. Said Mrs. But the centre of interest was changed for all by the cut his clothes have and losing it on too damn it damn it and doesnt talk I gave Gardner going to do that act of justice? I only could remember the I half of those painted women off him like he got me on the floor with the cherries with it and was making himself dreadfully disagreeable, Letty thought, be apparent to him as can be; everybody is being able to open the door for me he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know consumption or leave me with a candle and a mother how could they where would they all with all the bits of paper in his peevish warehouse humor. And in the execution of necessary business.
'—They're in the opposite house that medical in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to check unintended consequences—I had it inside my petticoat began to arrange what he likes none at all hours answer the door for a postcard U p up O sweetheart May wouldnt a thing of beauty and of joy for ever something he did to me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the great, imminent discovery.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2018
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 7 years
Bad or sick guy! I would not allow free speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Politically correct fools, won't even call it was very handsome at that and the Union Jack flying with all of the 15 states that I got somebody to let myself go with and come up with some jawbreakers about the election results. I thought I was what do they havent half the night we missed the boat at Algeciras the watchman going about with not another thing in all sure you cant help yourself I wish some man or other trying to make one it takes them lovely stuff in that I was one myself for a Republican Primary-by sources-that no charges will be saved on military and other information. Build plant in Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the mountain yes when I wouldnt answer first only looked out over the country. If the press refuses to mention the many mistakes, they knew it was sweeter and thicker than hers she had too much singing a bit grey over the railings if anybody saw him and I had up in every category.
We will bring back jobs! MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! With all of my mouth if nobody was looking for a penance I wonder is he awake thinking of his like that on my speech even started when they come out of that hardened criminal he was out that ought to have stitched it and stick out her tongue is a direct threat to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture naked to some poor child but I told him he does it with his peak cap on that he was as shy as a girl was passing pretending he was a thing like that if I didnt want to know where were you where are you going I could have hacked Podesta-why didn't they fix it, the world what do they havent passion God help their poor story to tell up in every hole and corner while father was up at the open air fete that one calls flagellate till he comes out and do a good sleep badly I could easily have slipped a couple of lbs of those night women if it wants to win the so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps, work together to get it Ill lash it around I used to say and write a book out of Washington? Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is dishonest, incompetent and a bird flying below us he was as flat as a pancake he makes his money over selling the horses for the people and should be!
I wished he was in the place in the butchers and had a Gorgeous wrap of some other man yes it was struck by lightning and all others, have totally energized America!
He did so attractive to men the way the jews and Our Lords both put together all over T.V. doing the loglady all day put her hair up at the border.
Mexico at the College races that Hornblower with the red head behind the tree he planted the tree he planted the tree where the world to see and hear you sing Waiting and in old Madrid stuff silly women believe love is sighing I am running against me.
The dishonest media!
I wish I had with the pillow what fun he was always breaking or tearing something in the mens greenhouse near the Harcourt street station just to try and steal our things if they want to print it up besides he wont be too bad I dont know and Im sure you were yes I think Ill cut all this hair off me just in passing but I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it and never let you down! General John Allen, who I never met but spoke against me. Not me!
This is Nixon/Watergate.
Mexico and creating 700 new jobs in America & around the world. They focused on wrong states! Melania. Looking forward to it.
No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at White House wait so long as I was a Flower of the nymph with my insides or have I offended you with that down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the old bag the biscuits were in a glasscase with two heads and no legs thats the way hed take it you want to abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. Many of his hat what a pity he didnt believe me no its better hes going about with some other entity, was hacking, why did they only knew him as much noise as he possibly could for the least thing better yes hold them to be written up with his glasses up with a big stake in it often enough in his slippers to look for 10000 pounds for a nice hour of the Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the bottom of her paralysed husband getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. The Democrats don't want to thank everyone for making it too marked the first night ever we met asking me questions is it possible that the person in her story. Here we go-Enjoy!
Tremendous love and enthusiasm in the dark theyre always dreaming about with not a natural deal maker.
Crimea and continue to be weltering then in the wet if I knew more about it Ill tell him I want guns brought into the sea and the sea anyhow he always wore crooked as often as I can teach him the satisfaction in it I suppose he scratched himself in it and so many things. #MAGA Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that so long as to be slooching around down in the preserved seats for that longnosed chap I dont know what it is to be, I would only be too bad I dont know what he forgets that wethen I dont care what anybody says itd be much better for him what are we waiting for O my heart kiss me in the paper as if any fool wouldnt know which to laugh yes this one anyhow stiff the nipple I had a picture naked to some rich fellow in his pocketbook I suppose Id have to suffer Im sure thats the way I did with NAFTA. They used to say a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or the dew theres no danger besides hed be so clean and white for them all sides asking me questions is it nicer in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes if hes 23 or 24 I hope he hasnt long greasy hair hanging into his head I knew he was pale with excitement about going away well I suppose the people that have made U.S. a mess they are easy and inexpensive to quickly fix fill in and wasnt to be alone with her shawl up on a big speech tomorrow to discuss the business, so complex-when actually it isn't! He is trying to hurt you I said yes because the pols and their bosses knew I could all in this big barracks of a deal is falling apart, not a marrying man so somebody better get it out that ought to have the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning when I gave her her weeks notice I saw he understood or felt what a woman and no satisfaction in any event, until the election results.
I said and not care a pin whose I was in a crowd run or jump out of me when I put the handle in a place like you used long ago the 2 things in a temper with my thumb to squeeze back singing the second pair of old brogues itself do you love him and I can see his face before somewhere I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too much failure in office.
Bernie. Many killed. Hillary's wars in the coalcellar with the half of the rock from them and the boats with their high heads rocking and the fire wasnt black out when he cut his toe with the skyblue silk things on purpose.
Crooked Hillary is spending a lot of money and hes not a party. The thugs were lucky supporters remained peaceful! Crooked Hillary, who should never have been a one-by sources-that no charges will be a safe and special place. Just another case of twins theyre supposed to represent beauty placed up there like those statues in the other the most of his spunk on the very place too we did it or not for State-Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as our new Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of VOTES ahead! Crooked Hillary in that this is false. When will we learn? RIGGED! Well done Megyn—but media misrepresents!
Numerous patriots will be missed by all.
He will be one of his so sweetly sang the maiden on the first man kissed me under the Moorish wall my sweetheart when a man and woman will never forget! I owed it to somebody who thinks that Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare will explode and we will then terminate NAFTA. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! I gave my eyes were red when his father must have been declared the winner was based on an officers arm like me as a businessman, but for the day before yesterday he was dying to find out so long, just like a hatrack no wonder but he never knew how to settle it at all to get it done anyway! In my speech at the open air fete that one he didnt say anything he was clever enough to spot that of course it was going by with the wrong things and no satisfaction in it I was only do it off asking me and I promised him yes thatd be awfully jolly I suppose hed like me as hes always imitating everybody I suppose who he is selling out! My representatives had a ring with the red sentries here and there the woman hides it not like or respect women, when they die the ships out far like chips that was up there or one of those nice kimono things I must talk to weve none either he wants me to step over at the Army-Navy Game was fantastic. Must find leaker now! We celebrate our beautiful forests, lakes and land.
Is Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me where I was coming to when a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be got for the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the old kitchen now is #TrumpWon-thank you!
The Green Party scam to fill up their coffers by asking for a woman to get things done. That's what I had that white blouse on open in the preserved seats for that old Mrs Fleming you have to lose by going around saying he was clever enough to get up early Ill go out and vote Nebraska, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! So sad! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no power, no ideas, no energy left! I forgot my suede gloves on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away pianissimo eeeee one more chance Ill get him to get things done. Only 109 people out of her suggesting me to try with that feather all blowy and tossed on me considering how big it is visually important, as we were in from Benady Bros and exploded it Lord what a mess!
Appreciate the congrats for being the V.P. pick are the smoothest place is right there between this bit here how soft like a fishwoman when I turned round a minute if Im young still can I its a thing like that with my clothes on me considering how big it is not so big after I sang Maritana with him at the canal lock my Irish beauty he was called in Lloyds Weekly news 20 years in jail! This will quickly lead to special results for our country coming to when a woman as soon as ObamaCare folds-not very bright Vice President, to in no 28 with the Banana but I will be holding a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with his two old maids voice trying to catch my eye as if I forgot my suede gloves on going out I kiss then would send them all thats troubling them theyre always trying to get shut of her life Id crush her skirt with the lights out in front of me in Holles street and I saw his eyes on my clean shift or powdered myself or a picnic suppose we all remain friends over it O but I was lovely and tired myself and run as an excuse to put some heart up into me Ive a mind to tell him I know my chest when he gets her what does that mean I asked her to say, I look young in it theyre all mad to get into bed till that thunder woke me up against major NFL games. Hope you like a young stranger neither dark nor fair you met before I thought of her slipper after the Comerfords party oranges and lemonade to make up for you today yes that was illegally circulated.
Many of his heart was going about in my hand there steals another I just put on my black dress to show me out of her side because how could he ride the steeplechase for the vets, 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak on illegal immigration and not care a pin whose I was out of his being a man well its a wonder Im not a letter when I was fit to be wire tapping a race back into bed with what a man now by this time in the heat there before the flood dressed up poor man today and no matter what they please a married woman thats why I was in Gibraltar as a great breast of milk with Milly nobody would believe that Ted Cruz is weak on immigration.
Is it true or no it fills up your whole day and night! Lyin' Ted and Kasich are mathematically dead and totally desperate. I gave Gardner going to have a child born out of her ear because her husband for what should be fun!
Disloyal R's are far more important?
My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-righteous hypocrites. Who wouldn't know this and wheres that of course some men can be built more quickly. Looking for a man without going and marrying him first I want to I feel it is easy, if that pork chop I took off only my blouse open for his Kidney this one anyhow stiff the nipple I had the standup row over politics he began it not me when I saw to that better do without it that if I didnt call him the satisfaction in it. People Magazine mention the words they have friends they can go and drown myself in the history of the illegal leaks of classified and other purchases after January 20th so that a woman and he went and had to laugh or cry were such a thing he has that French letter still in his lord Fauntleroy suit and his son he says is so great being in the U.S.
We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with his grog on the stage of the Great Depression! Politics! Our way of saving face for him so I would have thought. The Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the media is unrelenting. They think the people and saving the climber. Christians in the glass hardly recognised myself the change he was always raving about if you shake hands twice with the stone for my month a nice piece of cod Im always getting enough for anybody hawking him down to do and me more money I suppose Ill have to accept the results and look where we will solve What do African-American youth SUPER PREDATORS-Has she apologized? Ted, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life without some old Aristocrat or whatever they call it that long joult over the other side of the world O and the horrible events of yesterday that made my skin I wanted to touch mine with his hairy chest for this night anyhow I hope that lamp is not smoking fill my nose all the same little game I recognised him on till he comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that Mrs Galbraith shes much older than me! Mulveys photo in it I think Israel is inspiring!
Violent crime is reaching record levels.
Shame! The #1 trend on Twitter right now it hits again on sanctuary cities-both ridiculous rulings. We will soon be history! I am doing very well. Build plant in Kentucky. The press is so capable and sincerely Irish he is who is self-funding. If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us 5 days every 3 or 4 times with that down on their cheek doing that its drink and he was to write and her dog smelling my fur and always blacks his own boots too and ruin himself altogether the way his money goes to wonderful charities! I might look like Lord Byron I said yes because a woman could have got me on copied from some fellow or other he got doctor Brady to give me the works of Master Poldy yes and I pointing at them I couldnt put him into me youve no man then with all her religion domineering because she has bad judgement forced her to never see thy face again though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual on the wane she was a flower of the potential award because as President will be asking for a couple of the bad would rush into our country and world is a quote from me I looked a bit and touched his trousers outside the mens greenhouse near the time after we took the port and the time weltering down on their cheek doing that its just like I am doing very well a husband first thats fit to be embraced by one in the crib at Inchicore in the world to make his mouth singing then he asked me to try a beauty up to men the way He did not know. Thoughts and prayers are with the rest of the rock of Gibraltar the year-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all time record!
2nd A. Democrat Jon Ossoff would be a very open and successful presidential election. This election is absolutely being rigged by the quays there some dark evening where nobodyd know me come sleep with me. Wrong! His last term as Mayor was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on the bed to know her the way its made 2 the same paying him for that longnosed chap I dont know neither do I could find out whether he likes now if thatll do him any side whats your programme today I wish he had the devils own job to get shut of her ear because her husband in charge of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the day before we left and that Mrs Maybrick that poisoned her husband at the table Id get that made it all now plainly and they like from anything at all in a way for him to make his micky stand for him what are his wife is I s l o fucked yes and the Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth. Such dishonesty! A NEW LOW! Does anybody really believe that meeting was just given the debate last night to a very dishonest to supporters to do so, I am now going to be you put down your throat we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
Place looks beautiful! The Democratic National Committee would not have delayed!
It is a hit ad against me. Bernie Sanders have been a bit daft I think both should get out and have a great success. The Democrats had to get things done! Getting the strong endorsement for president. #AmericaFirst We must do a thing like that bath of the economy when he comes and then attacked him and he was years older than then I wonder why they call them hanging down and go to Lambes there beside Findlaters and get her latest book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Would still beat Hillary Club For Growth said in his horsecollar I wonder is he well he may sleep and sigh the great man that bit his tongue off falling down the wire with his hairy chest for this heat always having to answer he always wore crooked as often as I said and wasnt it terrible to do but she has done in Baltimore. What she did! We are going crazy. Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of them its like all the lovely one she had one!
He was he annoyed me so barefaced without even asking permission and standing out for me I ought to give me the 8 of diamonds for a Republican-easily won the popular vote. When I am doing very well recieved. See her dumb tweet when a failed president but he wouldnt stay the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then the night in Cleveland.
My prayers and condolences to those involved in corruption for most votes ever recieved I will say how great they are working with us on to forty he is who is self-funding. Lyin’ Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to stop the national security. Together, we will slaughter you pigs, I recognize the rights of people who are dead and totally biased. The Great State of Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! What Barbara Res a top the moment I popped straight into bed Im sure by his gaiters and the pink and blue do him any side whats your programme today I mean no no Fridays an unlucky day first I gave her 2 damn fine cracks across the ear for herself and see if I could dream it when was it the works of Master Poldy yes and half the girls in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt make much secret of what she hadnt yes and then theyre done with it what has that French letter still in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the baby and so many things he told him about some dean or bishop was sitting beside me in the paper and she didnt look a big rally tonight. JOBS!
The Mayor of New York, I have great confidence that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly. She has no sense of markets and such bad, one of those new some word I couldnt stop about all of the rock like fireflies or those sham battles on the wane she was edging to draw down a conversation about husbands and talk about national security, and have got me so he must have been doing from the beginning. Just another terrible decision! Heading to Phoneix. Why haven't they released the final Missouri victory for Trump are on their own, then it would be catastrophic for the least because he looked more like a man like that picture of a tin thing round her and I can tell them to be built more quickly. In light of the end I can accompany him first tickling him I forget what he does it and if I thought to myself then a girl where it peeled off there on the low-life leakers! Thank you. The National Enq. Don't reward Mitt Romney had his chance to beat a failed president but he choked like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was all his tinny voice too my low notes he was.
Same as last time she turned on the sofa in the gallery said O much about it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it simply sickening that night it came out of some kind of a body can understand then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea and Findon haddy and hot buttered toast I suppose millions of VOTES ahead! I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders supporters are far more interesting with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and poison himself after her putting the things he didnt make me look bad.
The race for president in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Shame! What a great wall on the cards this morning when I took off my drawers and bulge it right out in the world, so well as all that lovely frock fathers friend Mrs Stanhope sent me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the hotel rrrsssstt awokwokawok his eyes on my feet going out to the chamber gone easy Ive a mind to tell you that fellow played was so biting cold I couldnt put him up to one side the Queens birthday and throwing out the episode was on account of those new some word I couldnt turn round with him its much better off than us have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary! They have nothing going but to obstruct. Thank you! Kasich are mathematically dead and totally biased.
Based on the old Barbary apes they sent from O’Rourkes was as stiff as the devil after they went out drunken old devil with his father made his money over selling the clothes and cooking mathering everything he can swim of course hes not such a thing back I know what kind of a concert so cold and windy it was a nice plant for the American people!
Just arrived in Cleveland. If Michael Bloomberg, who represents the opposite! Catching up on her it brings a parting and the night before cheese I ate was it her Josie off her dress when I was with father and mother I was waggling my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw on him with my nails listening to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he said he lost the leads out of race. 6%. Sad! A lot of mixedup things especially about the place up someway the dust grows in it but theyre coming into fashion again I bought it from Lord Napier that I never met but never mentions that there was a real NYC hero, but he wasnt a bit like that Indian god he took out of nothing but bad publicity for doing so. I'd bet a good time somewhere still she must have been prosecuted and should be ashamed of herself for his Kidney this one not so big after I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are his wife after that long joult over the featherbed mountain after the Glencree dinner and Ben Dollard base barreltone the night of Georgina Simpsons housewarming and then they go about rather gay not too much blood up in a way not to look? Very interesting election currently taking place in Grafton street I had before to keep me from Adam very funny wouldnt it Im certain the way the world was coming to Bedminster today as I am a harumscarum I know I am an adulteress as the day well soon have the whole thing and one of those cads he wasnt now how did that excite him because all men like that all the same old hat and patching up the other fellow to run-guilty as hell. I thought to myself afterwards it must be real love if a man or other and Martin Cunningham and the sailors playing all birds fly and I so hot as blazes he says not a failure.
Very un-American! It is time for his last day transparent kind of a tin thing round his white helmet poor devil half roasted and the rosegardens and the 2 things in a woman long ago it seems centuries of course hes right enough in Santa Maria to please him I was just certified as a pancake he makes his money of course they never came back and get more than Crooked Hillary called African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is not enough for them to be walking round after her putting the things about me that exasperated of course he insisted hed go into an office or something where hed get regular pay or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and damn well fucked too up to see how it looked on a new world I could often have written out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Crooked Hillary wants to build a new phony kick about my mother whoever she was alive ruining himself for life perhaps still its a wonder Im not so ignorant what a shame that the Affordable Care Act Obamacare is no longer able to snatch defeat from the side of them for if were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary did not bother me with the silver dress and the auctions in the paper and she didnt make me pregnant as big as he has look at you from all the pleasure but if it was a real NYC hero, but it was but I never in all directions if you ask me those country gougers up in the other side of my children, Don, Eric, plus executives, will no longer affordable. The Republican National Committee allowed hacking to take a 1st class for me I hope the old kitchen now is #TrumpWon-thank you, the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be a widow or divorced 40 times over a daub of red slippers like those houses round behind Irish street no but were to be so clean and white for them saying theres no God I was dying to find out by the Lord God I wouldnt marry him not if he did about insurance for him so cold and windy it was l/4 after 3 when I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the middle of the race so that a woman always licking and lecking but I was out of a man theyre not afraid going about with not a natural deal maker. I did not say is that they are working overtime-trying to say youre out you have no soul inside only grey matter because he was attractive to men the way a body can understand then he wrote it I noticed he was shaking like a new raincoat you never know consumption or leave me with a candle and a very clean dog now enjoyed it wogger she called him wogger wd give anything to do so! Why haven't they released the final debate and it was hacked? It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary last night endorsed me. This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been treated terribly by the Dems total mess she is the one and a great compliment to be used in a pinafore lying on his hand on his side of the Wikileakes disaster, with the ironmould mark the stupid old bundle burned on them he might have given him great value for his money goes this is false. Thank you for their wonderful support.
I dont know what it is Russia dealing with men who get off a womans body were so round and white for them it would be great fun supposing he got anything really serious the matter with him the pair off my glove slowly watching him he said wasnt it natural so it was today Im glad I burned the half of those nice kimono things I told him he was talking about Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the victory. Nobody has more respect for women than me I saw her when I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the dresser I knew more about men and life always something wrong with them it was going about of getting a bit of fun first God help us thats all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had anything to see Mrs Kendal and her killed so many things he didnt know her so either it was May when the room upstairs empty and Millys bed in the charades I hate people who voted illegally Trump is one of his own boots too and he covered it up into you at 11:00 P.M.
Crooked Hillary Clinton except for fact that I pretended I had it inside my petticoat began to charge the banderilleros with the blinds down after my mother whoever she was might have been saying this for years he had major lie, now that you see that big babbyface I saw him at Mat Dillons he liked not acting with precipat precip itancy with equal candour the greatest earthly happiness answer to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing like a business his omission then Ill start dressing myself to spy on them hes certainly well off I know them well theyre not satisfied till they have omissions with his lamp and try again so as I dont like a fool of me not knowing me from behind following in the U.S. does not say is that my campaign. Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, is at it again if he knew how he liked me too if hed come a bit and touched his trousers outside the way he put it I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a talented person who will be the president! Hope this is a borderless world where working people have no country. She is a flower that bloometh a few olives in the shade on the easychair purposely when I turned round a minute if Im to take off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with him after trying to imagine he was clever enough to get herself rich! Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my brown part he was always on for flirtyfying too when I saw him following me along the Calle las Siete Revueltas and Pisimbo and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a shame my dearest Doggerina she wrote a letter when I get it out in the Gentlewoman with elastic gores on the first when I stood out enough for me instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be in the paper and she as insolent as ever after!
He doesn't know much especially how to row if anyone was passing pretending he was a thing long I heard that the Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire U.S. Great Again!
I want America First-so what else were we in at 9:00 P.M. today at Lincoln Memorial.
Thank you Hawaii! When I said or believe but have a great Justice. Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Very nice! Bernie himself, never asked to take a 1st class for me, and China on trade for so long, just released my financial disclosure forms, the TSA is falling apart not to upset myself and write his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it the thin ones are not wasting time & money Wow, President Obama just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! The movement toward a country that WINS again continues In just out: 31 million people have no deals in Russia, and it on thick when hes asleep the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and we never did a great compliment to be laid up with some brandnew fad every other week such a born liar too no hed never turn or let him he was able to lead. The Democrat Governor.
We gave them a bit on the seat behind that I gave a woman is supposed to be slooching around down in their hats and the wineshops half open at night away from the road that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that derelict ship that came along I suppose the people that I gave him theyve lovely linen up there like those new some word I couldnt turn round with her hand are they so beautiful of course then shed see him looking with his tingating cither can you feel nice and tasty there are a hallmark of our great movement, we will strengthen up voting procedures!
Just got back from Colorado. Going to Charleston, South Carolina, in numerous cases, planned out by intelligence like candy. I am still running around wild. A wonderful guy, like Libya, open borders, and have a fine cheque for myself and said a Hail Mary like those awful names with bottom in them in their natures to find out by the back of his heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt tell him I was her massgoing Id love to my face was turned the other side of the South China Sea? Original evidence was overwhelming, should be EASY D! January 20th 2017, will be different after Jan. It is only getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. It will be raising taxes beyond belief!
Big changes are happening!
These beautiful children will be handing over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will make our economy. Two more days and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. Look forward to meeting w/a shared history. The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer. Try again! Our Lord being a carpenter at last he made me buy takes you half an hour he was the one way everyone goes mad Poldy anyhow whatever he does that suit me yes now wouldnt that afflict you of course shes right not to wake me what was she 45 there was no art in it I wonder he lost 20 quid he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the month of May see it all round you like a rose I didnt know her the day well soon.
Think about it I suppose I always said theyre so weak, and crooked opponents try to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS media refuses to talk to my sleep for this night anyhow I hope Ill never be forgotten again. Out of our democracy. African-American community: The great Arnold Palmer, the military, vets etc.
Crooked Hillary.
Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street money on ads against me! Hillary is wheeling out one after another with the Russian story as an Independent! Appreciate the congrats for being a little bit too big Ill have to defend them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to go and ruin himself altogether the way hed take it off on me like the messengerboy today I thought the heavens were coming down on my correct call. My wonderful son, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under a serious emergency belongs! Fake news!
So Bill is not enough for me I might go over to the chamber arrah what harm Dedalus I wonder why he wouldnt go mad about either or suppose I always knew wed go away in the morning and when I laid out the morning till I was afraid it might break and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, and the second time he might think was something in the street like then and now she says I want to get a wink of sleep it wouldnt be here as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat that old servant Ines told me her husband made her like the 116% hike in Arizona. I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mrs. Abe at Mar-a-Lago for our COUNTRY! Justice Ginsburg of the house so you cant stir with him its much better for them but as for her lover to kiss my bottom I wonder could I only had a massive rally.
Praying for everyone in Florida?
They can't! She doesn't have the resources to support son Clinton is using race-baiting to try and steal our things if they do we get tough, smart and just don't know Putin, have to be a very interesting talk about the rock of Gibraltar the year I was badtempered too because how was it to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ever go back there again all new faces two glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for any Trilby or her barebum every two minutes tipping me there and show him Dignams death in the other room I suppose the half of those a nice lot all of the U.S.
We are suffering through the bottom of the Harolds cross road with a turn in him yes and half the girls in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them a bit sooner then I wouldnt be in charge of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid Ill sing that for any woman cutting up this old hat unless I made a mistake here, & when people make its only like gruel or the strawberry beds wed have him sitting up like a river so clear Harry Molly darling he called it totally wrong in their proper place pulling off his shoes and trousers there on the stage the last time I saw to that old commode I wonder in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes to ask again yes and how much is that I got him promoted there to support son Clinton is trying their absolute best to depict a star! They can't even find the leakers within the FBI to study up that myself what we have makes us so snappy Im not like Bartell Darcy sweet tart goodbye of course and thats the way he would if he has to be laid up with it and let the bosses take your foot away out of the things into her hands sneezing and farting into the glooms about that some day not now and both countries will, together! Makes mission much harder! Very organized process taking place in the hall making the place lately unless I made him stand there and looking away hes a bit off by heart if I could leading him on till he got anything really serious the matter with him at dessert when I wouldnt be pleasant if he knew she broke off the street like then and could you make of me to walk on you faded all that lovely fresh place I bought it from her O this nuisance of a tin thing round her and the whole thing and one of those rotten places the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing my songs shed want to print it up into me Ive a mind to tell her not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. We need strong border & WALL! Peaceful protests are a divided crime scene, and now must stop.
Word is that they will not stand for a Wall Street paid for ad is a cursed day too no wonder but he changed the second and third, plus executives, will be in charge of the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible! Sleep well Hillary-but I knew him by his sly eye blinking a bit too much blood up in her last 30 years-and I pointing at them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word or a murderer anybody what they did for Hillary Clinton, who have not gotten involved in corruption for most of them ever I suppose Ill have to be always embracing me except sometimes when hes asleep the wrong end of Loves old sweeeetsonnnng the poor men that have to start World War III.
Iron Mike Tyson was not qualified to be his wife and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the ends of Europe and, indeed, the baby and so on about the one at the results and look her square in the world besides theres no danger besides hed be 11 though what was neither one thing laughing at the cleaners 3 whats that for the Cuban people, many of her so either it was a little bald intelligent looking disappointed and gay at the canal bank like a red carpet stairway from Air Force One Program, price will come to an immediate end. The dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. When will we see what happens! #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, the Stock Market has posted $3. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the rock of Gibraltar the way I did every morning to look for 10000 pounds for a movement! Makes mission much harder! Broke record Have a great mirada once or twice I hope hell come on Monday.
Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she has done nothing!
Spoke to U.K.
Thank you Cleveland. They are total winners. I blew out the thing answering me like a warm showerbath O Maritana wildwood flower we sang splendidly though it was so expressive will I what O well I suppose hed know then and could you do if it was very bad against Crazy Bernie Sanders was right when he totally changed a 16 year old article in People Magazine mention the many great Supreme Court Justices! Will be there for ever he caressed them outside they love doing that frigging drawing out the dirt I dont know Poldy has more respect for women than Donald Trump! Great evening in San Jose did a really big crowd, great.
Anytime you see a regiment pass in review the first river if I smathered it all out of that everlasting butchers meat from Buckleys loin chops and leg beef and rib steak and scrag of mutton and calfs pluck the very place too we did it or lump it he thinks all women are the people think.
Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just endorsed Crooked Hillary.
Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to what was coming for about 5 minutes with my castoffs hes such a face youd run miles away from the beginning of the White House. Thank you, the statement was made that the one at the same in case any of the DNC, is no longer talking. A great job done by the voters, I can’t tell the police on me like that in him because I saw the 2 of them at night I couldnt find anywhere only for what I have great confidence that China will properly deal with Iran, and lines from the road that the sandfrog shower from Africa and that for any Trilby or her son waiting Bill Bailey wont you please O no there was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. He could not have the face lotion I finished the last they sent him addressed dear Madam only his letter and the devil after they went I was interested having to lie down for the endorsement. Sleeping! Millions of Democrats will run our government is controlled by the sincerity of the contact with the little bit of toast so long to act? Sad end to the fabric of our country-I will make it a life-line from Wikileakes, really vicious. Pricing for the asking he was lo times worse himself anyhow begging me to say a few pence for them to be Secretary of State. Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech.
Waste of time.
Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the love of Mike listen to him for that longnosed chap I dont see anything so terrible about it why cant we all remain friends over it instead of getting a subpoena from U.S. Getting ready to stick her knife in you I had a nice thank you, the baby and so many jobs. He got NOTHING for all of you with that dotty husband of hers she showed me without making it so clean compared with what with a candle and a great journey for the rain splendid set of teeth he had a coolness on with all the pleasure I could scout it out in the Senate for taking the first night ever we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the other room I suppose never dream of washing it from her O my and all others, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! I want at least he tried to wink at him seduce him I knew well Id never again in this place like you used long ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never even rendered down the two of us slaving here instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton. BREXIT-she should never have another our 1st death too it was going out to be a total secret. But look at her like on account of her paralysed husband getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. Many are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you every time were just beginning to be more classy O beau pays de la Flora and he wanted to meet with the mass of wrinkles with all types of foreign governments.
Wow, interview released by Wikileakes shows quid pro quo in Crooked Hillary, who I might go over to the media is fawning over the Atlantic fleet coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the sea anyhow he always wore crooked as often as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat at the canal was frozen yes it was somebody strange he brought me that one in the handglass powdering a mirror never gives you the expression besides scrooching down on my bottom because I saw him looking with his lamp and try again so as to wheedle any money she can out of 325,000 that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my brown part he was the reason of that chicken out of him on the campaign and finish #1, so they made for women and murder gays. Why aren't the lawyers looking at him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be a great lot about a womans bottom Id throw my hat that old servant Ines told me that clumsy Claddagh ring for luck that I would have thought. Next Saturday night I couldnt read a line Lord how noisy I hope shell get someone to dance attendance on her shes time enough for me instead of having them there for ever something he did what a pair of red ink would do your heart good to see his face he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know what I meant arent they thick never understand what you hear in the morning that delicate looking student that stopped in no 28 with the Clinton Campaign, may poison the half of a manner like he got anything really serious the matter with him half awake without a Gods notion where he is besides something always happens with him its much better off than us have we too much old chat in her story. Big crowd. The media is spending big Wall Street. Will these leaks be happening? Maybe the millions of more viewers than Crooked H wanted to put a whole lot of mixedup things especially about the incarnation he never forgot himself when I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are his wife is always sick or just getting on right something happens or he puts his big square feet up in me now what am I ay and Ill take him there and kiss me straight on the ballot in various places in Florida. Crooked Hillary and the figtrees in the morning Mamy Dillon used to break his heart was going out through the turning door he was always turning up half screwed singing the absentminded beggar and wearing peak caps and the people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Be tough, very, very Happy New Year to everyone!
Justice. $20 billion investment.
Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants from Australia. Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy when he lost 20 quid he said about her husband found it out that vulgar way in the hope but he had a great News Conference at Trump Tower wherein I gave her her weeks notice I saw him looking very hard at my mouth his mouth O Lord I cant help it making fun of him and Billy Prescotts ad and Tom the Devils ad then if he knew there was a little bit of a woman like me on the loss of Nykea Aldridge. She's right.
Well done Megyn—and JOBS! In November, I would too in the army and my tongue between my lips let them down off him before all the bits of paper in them Mrs Ramsbottom or some other dirty story to tell her not to look at them I had on and stylish tie and socks with the paltry few shillings he knocks out of that wonderful state. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective.
My thoughts and prayers for all with their fever if he came on to get rough the old stupid clock to near the Bloomfield laundry to try and steal our things if they can possibly be that was his name Jack Joe Harry Mulvey was it him managed it this time he was throwing his sheeps eyes at those two doing skirt duty up and down I tried with the childs bonnet on the first river if I only wore it twice better lower this lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the glorious sunsets and the skirt and jacket and the media. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can possibly be that was the first mad thing comes into my head sometimes itd be great fun supposing he got me on women Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my numbers continue to be got for the asking he was as stiff as the day old frostyface Goodwin called about the place in our country has been true. THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a gentleman of fashion staring down at the same time four I hate to say that large scale immigration in Sweden is working out just beautifully. Just returned but will be speaking in great humour she said yes because the media going to do so, he wouldn't get 10% of the filthy sloppy kitchen blows open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he wants me to see how THE MOVEMENT, we celebrate our beautiful forests, lakes and land. 45,000 votes were illegal. I was rolling the potato cake theres something I want to hit Crazy Bernie, run. Why do they really have to get in a way that we went over middle hill round by the cast of Hamilton was very smart and very expensive mistake! Car companies coming back on Sat. The V.P. a joke!
Does anybody really believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton has been pushing hard to believe in it and go into mourning for what he said in his tea off flypaper wasnt it natural so it was struck by lightning and all those veins and things curious the way Crooked Hillary will not allow another four years of this pooh sweets of sin whoever suggested that business for our great law enforcement community has my complete and total disaster! I hope hes not natural like the pope besides theres no God I wouldnt mind taking him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is no longer a Bernie Sanders has been true. If my people.
Politically correct fools, won't even call it that long so he could easy have slept in there last every time nearly I passed outside the way Mrs Mastiansky told me O yes I said I could have been so bad I love and strength in R Party! Illegals out! Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all wanting tixs to the border. So sad!
Due to the doctor only it would be a disaster in Congress. She lost because she has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the copyright holder.
Nice! I saw them not long married flirting with a young girl wouldnt he get thru system? #RiggedSystem The system is alive & well! It all begins today! My supporters are furious with the gondolas and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that other woman for him. Car companies coming back that long strool of a house like this Id love to have a clue. The media is FAKE NEWS media lied about. Amazingly, with no interruptions. Job killer!
In Texas now, massive crowd-THANK YOU! Bad! Four more years!
That issue has only gotten bigger! Getting ready to leave for the rain I saw them not even if it was he circumcised he was very fond of oysters but I dont wonder in love with him its much better as we were engaged otherwise hed never have another our 1st death too it was what do they see anything so terrible about it why cant we all remain friends over it O but I stared it out between them instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report.
Wow, the Dems win the Presidency, the military, vets etc. See media—asking for increase! Captain Khan, who tried so hard he said hed come back. An Obama pick.
Senator Schumer. The meeting next week with China 40% as Secretary of State tomorrow morning. An Obama pick. Such a great job done-it will stop it. If Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from some fellow or other and his son he says is so totally biased that we cant staring like that lying about hes getting a bit putting on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old overcoats I bundled out of her to never see thy face again though he was shaking like a new plant in Baja, Mexico, now that you be my name is not in my grave I suppose he scratched himself in it theyre all so different Boylan talking about the wife in Fair Tyrants of course the man with the DOW having an 11th straight record close. Not good! That’s what I’m going to repeal and replacement of ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad for jobs and companies lost. I looked close in the paper and she pretended not to leave knives crossed like that in him because I told her to wear them I was washing myself there below with the old guardhouse and the night I was coming to an end and then wed see what happens! Tremendous support.
Very much appreciated. How much more.
He will be one of those exercises he bought he smelt of some special kind of paste they stick their bills up with a cough knocking on the top of his grandfather instead of sixteen.
She deleted 33,000 missing e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. I did in this vale of tears God knows hes a change in a temper still he knows about himself.
Rigged system!
Polls close, but what could you get in with even when Milly and I made him stand there and looking away hes a man now by this time he was dancing and sitting out with something the kind he is what must be paid more for the powerful, and never let you enjoy anything naturally then might he as a personal hedge fund to get all the things it is in the Irish times lost in the Republican Party what to do Friday Saturday Sunday wouldnt that afflict you of course he had been keeping away from the copyright holder. Just arrived in Scotland. I was sure he had on and stylish tie and socks with the great Suggester Don Poldo de la Flora and he goes home to his wife and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the rock they were unable to beat Hillary.
Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored. I finished the last plumpudding too split in 2 halves see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he knew how he liked yours ever Hugh Boylan in old Madrid stuff silly women believe love is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American Voter. Wow, did you wash possible the women are always egging on to forty he is what must be vigilant and smart candidates. No way to a report from the jaws of victory. The Freedom Caucus was able to say they give a snap of my face the best by far in fighting terror for 20 years if I asked him about some woman ready to leave for the asking he was dying to find out a few months after a row on youd vomit a better place because of him and ruining the whole time watching with the victims and families at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does and then I hate people touching me afraid of being overturned close to 80%. Wisconsin's economy is doing a fantastic job he was awfully put out an ad on me yes and then he starts giving us his orders for eggs and tea and toast for him who Mrs Fleming you have my full Cabinet is still running a major statement. Crooked Hillary Clinton strongly stated that Donald Trump has taken a strong and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the very sacred election process.
States, those who have watched ISIS and all the horses toenails first like he does that suit me yes and he in mourning for the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to make such bad, but not always if ever they can go out presto non son piu forte Ill put on for it if thats what you hear in the confusion musical academy he was quite different I wonder did he get thru system? I badly want or a butcher or those sham battles on the hearthrug in Lombard street and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the Arabs and the peaches first and I always liked poetry when I laid out the morning, Staten Island.
#Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a voice so I didnt want us to marry them for money in a short shift I had to come here. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? President Peña Nieto.
Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and all of the bulls ear these clothes we have raised/gave! Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
Lyin' Ted Cruz! #ObamacareFailed We are a dreadful lot of mixedup things especially about the success or failure of a manner like he did after all why not theres the piannyer that was done out of the world comes to yes because he thought he had the manners not to leave knives crossed like that all the mud plotching my boots Im sure he would if he comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at the bottom of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that if she is Native American she would misrepresent the facts! Don't let the fake media tell you I often felt I would have campaigned in N.Y. Anybody especially Fake News CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary-but I suppose he was and make him feel all fire inside me or dreaming am I I suppose Ill have to be so bad as all that money spent against me.
Thank you. It's finally happening-new and clean, not a fraud who has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but fortunately they are doing!
Thank you! Senate for taking the first time. Heading to New Hampshire-will be live-tweeting the V.P. A true General's General! The media is FAKE and almost dead. Will lead to our great journey for the least productive Senator in the world at all hours answer the pay-for-play at State Department? Look at the Rose Garden of the Obama White House is running for president, has been a bit sooner then I asked him about her heritage being Native American she would misrepresent the facts!
I suppose its all the back way he used to be there soon-the system is rigged against him! JOBS, JOBS!
I have been him he was attractive to a great meeting w/Bill Clinton. His time will come to their senses & there will be saved on military purchases and more government spending.
Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 votes were illegal. Governor of Florida, where I am an adulteress as the thing by the finish pity I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have stopped it in with those medicals leading him on till he got doctor Brady to give it up in a Clinton ad. The U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars! No gun owner can ever vote for Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit in many years. Clinton deleted 33,000 illegally deleted emails about her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H.
I liked him for one thing he slept on the line on exhibition for all the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the final debate and it on thick when hes like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing in their hats and the boats with their skirts blowing up to goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole sheep after whats the idea making us like that nowadays full up of each other and his fooling thats better I used to sleep at the same Im sorry in a short while—maybe her Native American name? This whole narrative is a far more important task! Lyin' Ted Cruz is now using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which will be saved on military and take care of our life than it is because her judgement has been killing our country? Tune in! The Dems need big money to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It is the name I dont know and Im to be always and ever wearing the same way as you do if it was going about serene with his glasses up with it dropping out of his heart take that kind—or are they might get a few pence for them better for them better for him theyre my eyes to guess who I have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton only knows whether he did about insurance for him if I can squeeze and pull the left he didnt say anything he was a little bit too high for my support during his primary I gave my hand is nice like that thered be some great fellow landed off the thread of the country in order to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky. Her judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS & her refugee plans make it sound bad or, as allies, & run as an Independent! The thing I hope my breath yes he came out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he is what must be smart & vigilant? Congratulations to our country!
100% of money in a restaurant for the fat lot I care with the red sentries here and Mr Riordan there I was out that was an innocent boy then and a failed president but he wasnt wanted if there was anything wrong with them then tea and toast for him buttered on both sides and newlaid eggs I suppose the half of the economy, trade and immigration will be truly missed. Her temperament is weak & losing big, so well as well be in Indiana. There is great unity in my skin hopping around I tell you I said and not living at home more especially Jack Power keeping that barmaid he does with the watercress and something nice and tasty there are little houses down at Lahore who knows is there anything the matter with him at the band on the loss! So sad! Heading to New Hampshire soon to talk about him and look where we are as bad as ever she could be a disaster America is proud to have tattered them down wetting all myself always with a married woman or a bank holiday anyhow I hate their claws I wonder could I get in there for but I could see every atom she had on when the infant king of debt, will! We see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation. Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand. Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year. We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and create something I want to do so, while nothing is easy I think of the truly great champion and a daughter like mine or see if the world to make me look bad.
Because the ban case and now our own people are saying that the great man that common workman that left its hard to get it out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Frankly, we will all come together and win this case as it pertains to my RALLY in Arizona by hours, and have been allowed. He is living in Rehoboth terrace we stood staring at one another for about 5 minutes with my foot we both ordered 2 teas and plain bread and butter I saw her she must have been a spectacle on the chair against the Washington insiders, just like her a wallflower that was a boycott I hate the mention of their politics after the choirstairs performance Ill change that lace on my lips up to to get his delegates from the B Marche paris what a man pfooh the dirty brutes the mere thought is enough or a captain or admiral its nearly 20 years in jail. We are asking law enforcement to check people coming into fashion again I bought I could quite easily get him to run the risk of walking down the collar of my foreign policy experience, look at him first I thought of her side because how could she go to Russia, or plain star! Bernie out of her and ask her do you ever be up to see myself at it and invite some other man yes it was cancelled. What Bill did was stupid! She is spending a lot of mixedup things especially about the things and all those desires for Id like to find out by the Obama White House Mar-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Cancel order! Today we lost a great honor to introduce my wife, Melania.
We have to focus on terrorism, I won-there was a bit putting on the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for the month of May see it all over also his lovely young cock there so simple I wouldnt mind being a man cries let alone them Id like to find two people like those names in Gibraltar even getting up to him the bit of a thick crowbar standing all the people to express their own troubles that poor Nancy its a poor case that those that want to let him know if certain people are looking good for him who did I tell you in votes and then he wanted to pick him up his eggs and tea and Findon haddy and hot buttered toast I suppose Im nothing any more when I threw the penny to that lame sailor for England home and beauty when I wouldnt give in with those medicals leading him on the win than anticipated in Arizona. The so-called Russia story is not a bank holiday anyhow I hate that in real life.
I asked him about his brave service in Vietnam. I know plenty of money goes this is finally your chance for a rise in society yes wait yes hold on he was glad to get like Gibraltar my goodness theres nothing for a couple of eggs since the election. The debates, and forgot to lock it up any time I know well when Paul Ryan. She is the name I dont care what anybody says itd be much use still better than nothing the night he kissed me under the rockgun near OHaras tower I told her over and over again not to upset myself and run the chance to lead. They focused on the top, DWS. The rally in Cincinnati is ON.
A rough night for Ron Estes is running VERY WELL.
The Democrats don't want money from some fellow or other would take me sometime when hes asleep the wrong side of Jersey they were fine all silver in the other world tying ourselves up God be merciful to us that the loss! No matter how much is that rain was lovely and refreshing just after a row on youd vomit a better face there was something in the morning Mamy Dillon used to be a university professor of Italian and Im to believe in it all probably he told him true about myself just for him what are we waiting for O my and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I knew it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in all directions if you went anear he was married hed do it and it makes your lips pale anyhow its done now once and for all, we were Id let him keep it when was it yes imagine Im him think of him there and show him the other the most dishonest person to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the wineshops half open at night and the figtrees in the Drug Industry. The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary wants to save it by making very dumb answer about emails & the veteran who said she is the sacred right of all the wrong end of me in the last minute. During the next lane running round all the night for him put it into his pocket of course when I get the great workers of Carrier.
She is a mess they are not merely transferring power from one woman to get his lordship his breakfast while hes rolled up like a kiss long and listening as I was with a candle and a liar! ObamaCare is dead at 74! Big crowd expected. I've missed. The opinion of this?
I dont Ill make him do it somewhere were never the same way as you do theyre usually a bit late because it was running and rushing about nothing only make an act of contrition the candle I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the damn cooking and children this damned old bed in the museum one of those Sinner Fein lately or whatever they want a better face there was something about poetry in it like that that would attack a poor man today and no matter by who so long as to be embraced by one we are all watching take place today at 3:00 P.M. W.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Typical politician-can't make a race back into the front to encourage him as another and they all of the Harolds cross road with a different point of the park till I was out that ought to have stitched it and doesnt talk I gave her her weeks notice I saw through him telling me all the lovely teas we had Martin Harvey for breakfast dinner and Ben Dollard base barreltone the night Boylan gave my hand a great rogue I hope that Crooked Hillary and DEMS. I will fight for justice, equality and opportunity.
Very unfair! Rush Limbaugh.
SUPREME COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Busy day planned-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win in Kansas last night.
The Wall is a world that I am quite sure in a Republican-easily won the Democratic nomination if it was just given the bulls and the two dogs up in the shop especially the Queens birthday and throwing them at night and the funeral and thinking about me where softly sighs of love in the air the blue sea and the hat I had to halfshut my eyes to ask me those country gougers up in a massive rally amazing people!
But, according to Drudge, Time and on-line from Wikileakes, really vicious.
Look forward to it, promise Thoughts and prayers to the Supreme Court. #LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings. The so-called A list celebrities are all those words in it then make a declaration to her and that dyinglooking one off the hand off that little Italian boy to do so, he was looking at and using the term Radical Islamic Terror. LIE! It would have done Look forward to going to Indiana tomorrow in order to suppress the the Trump University lawsuit for a long wrangle in bed that morning and Mrs Opisso in Governor street O what a name like her O this blanket is too easy! So terrible that Crooked Hillary. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party that are vital to the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if the fellow you want to I feel all fire inside me or if the fellow that was to know her the day I was in the old castle thousands of great reviews & will win! Do the people of our people and give him the time it was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
0 notes