#whats wrong with vld
calo-wav · 3 months
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fuck it *brokebacks your kl*
i also deal redblue yaoi in prose form
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im-smart-i-swear · 4 months
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can you remember being born? were you born at all
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See, the problem with being part of the Voltron 2024 fandom is that, if you go under the NORMAL Voltron tags, 75% of the posts under it will STILL be klance
Not complaining though
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seypia · 3 months
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little allura doodle that i will never finish!!
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ethereance · 5 months
Au where Keith gets a few more future flashes in the quantum abyss than he did in canon. Now armed with the knowledge of many future plot points, he sets out to make things right.
Or at least. He tries.
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
I’m so happy that you share my headcanon of Keith having a crush on James because honestly there was so much unresolved tension between them.
Also, can you please open your fruitful mind cave and please share some headcanons that you have of the two of them please? So i can sit here and giggle uncontrollably while staring at my phone🙃
I don't really have a whole lot in the way of concrete headcanons regarding Keith & James' past, it's more nebulous ~vibes~, but let me give it my best shot:
So first thing's first, they met upon starting middleschool at the ripe young age of 11 with that delightful hormonal cocktail and all the dysfunctional emotions it entails a-brewing.
Keith's dad had been dead some three years at this point, and his foster placements had gone up in flames enough times that he'd been recently, but rather permanently, placed in a local group home. That in mind, he's all but given up on making actual human connections because these things seem to just never quite work out for him; better that he give up trying altogether, and save himself the hurt, but then... there's James.
Keith's already snagged the desk by the window in the far back—the best spot, as far as he's concerned—and is as happy to ignore and be ignored by his classmates as they file in for sixth period physics, until- until he walks in, all loud laughs and cheeky smiles, with a gaggle of kids hanging off his every word and more effortless charisma than any pre-teen boy should ever really have the right to.
And then gunmetal eyes sort of slide across the room—like he knew he was being watched before Keith even realised he was watching—all lazy arrogance and stupid hair, and he's looking Keith up and down and raising an eyebrow and- Keith looks away, mouth drawn and shoulders tight. Kids like that like to fight kids like him, he knows, and he cannot afford to get chewed out on his first fucking day for god's sake.
But it's not just physics because why would it be, no, over the coming week Keith finds that James Griffin—and it's no surprise to learn he's from money with a name like that—shares at least half his classes, P.E. among them, which is where it truly beings.
"It" being their... rivalry, Keith supposes.
He's not even sure who started it, just as likely to be both of them as neither, but when they're put on opposing teams for a "friendly" game of football, what begins as Keith making the most of his natural dexterity—skirting around lumbering opponents, nimble as a cat—turns into Griffin hunting him and only him down across the pitch like a damn bloodhound. "That's the game kid" the coach tells him, as if, by the end of it, he hadn't been systematically cornered and corralled by the other team irrespective of whether or not he had the damn ball, entirely at Griffin's direction, "like it or lump it". Keith, still wheezing with ribs that protest every breath after a particularly rough tackle, finds himself quite particularly disinclined to lump it, and certainly doesn't like it one bit.
Definitely not.
So Griffin pushes, Keith pulls. Griffin hits, Keith kicks. Griffin scratches, Keith bites.
But it's not bullying, never that: Keith's known his fair share—a scruffy orphan with anger issues is an easy target, he supposes—and this simply isn't it. Griffin evens defends him, once, in the particularly chilly January of their first year when a meat-headed trio think it funny to soak Keith's shirt during gym and leave it out to freeze; without pause or hesitation, Griffin had quietly handled them with more snide diplomacy than Keith himself would ever wield, and though the details of that closing whisper-threat were known only to he who'd received it, the sudden pallor of face and contrition of manner had left quite the impression.
...As did the cozily lined sweater that James—with goosebumps rising on his arms and cheeks already pinking from the chill—had thrown into Keith's arms from across the changing room, citing the pinprick hole in the cuff as reason enough for him to have been planning to rid himself of it anyway.
They're not friends—how could they be? James is intelligent and popular and so annoyingly good at things he damn near makes an art out of breathing—but for the first time since he was orphaned, Keith finds himself with one singular constant that he can rely on to be infuriatingly charmingly stubbornly there: never shying from Keith's sharp edges nor being swayed by the cruel whispers that haunt him everywhere he goes, James is just... James. Disagreeable. Incomprehensible. Unwavering.
And maybe, just a little bit like Keith.
Oh, and I'm also inclined to believe that (both in this au and canon) that past altercation seen in s7ep01 where Keith goes "I can out-fly anyone in this building" and James fires back with "Oh yeah? Is that what mommy and daddy told you before-" [gets punched in the face] was a classic case of projection on James' part: he strikes me as a kid whose parents expect nothing less than perfection—not only that he could be the best, but that he should—so I think that Keith getting the group in trouble, coupled with James just outright projecting his own experiences, led to a cruel comment (and worse for the fact that I believe James didn't actually know Keith was an orphan until after this instance).
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
“I say Vol, you say?”
“I love you Lance. I’ve loved you since the day I first laid my eyes on you. I love how you’re such a stupid dork. I love that no matter what happens, you’ll have everyone’s back. I love how hardworking and determined you are. I love everything about you and I don’t know if I’ll ever stop.”
“…We’ll work on it.”
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rayryebread · 5 months
what is actually wrong with my dogs 😭😭😭😭 (this is from months ago but i cant get over it)
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ikumori · 1 year
probably insanely late on this analogy but
adashi was just romeo and juliet- right person wrong time, adam thought shiro was dead so he just kinda let himself die in battle only for shiro to come back
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goingferalapparently · 10 months
sometimes i forget what fandoms i've been in until they smash me in the head like a steel beam in the most incomprehensible combination of letters like "QSMP but in VLD" and then it just makes perfect sense in my head and i spend 2 hours of my life sketching rough designs like
etoiles doesn't know how he got caught up in all this, but he most definitely did. etoiles is not related to the garrison, but he's visiting his friend baghera where she's got a job there as a communications specialist.
it's not his fault at all that there's a very suspicious "meteor crash" while he's there. it's not his fault at all that baghera goes investigating. it's not his fault at all that he follows her (okay, maybe it kind of is, but it feels like something he has to do okay?) it's not his fault at all that former junior officer forever is snooping around too. it's not his fault at all that the "meteor crash" was actually just a star pilot cellbit in an alien spacecraft - star pilot cellbit who notoriously piloted a mission to the outskirts of the solar system with junior officer felps and lead scientists pac and mike, star pilot cellbit who crashed the ship onto the moon kerberos. anyway...
it's still definitely not etoiles' fault that they commit some form of crime/felony/something- he's not even sure what they just committed but now they have half the garrison on their tails and an unconscious should-be-dead star pilot, so they run. forever apparently knows how to hotwire a car and baghera apparently knows how to disable all the tracking devices and they're apparently good friends too, and etoiles is just standing there with someone's unconscious body in his hands and he's already this implicated, definitely an accomplice, and he's doomed anyway so he follows.
star pilot cellbit wakes up and apparently he and former junior officer forever are even better friends, and it's just etoiles who's. here. for some reason. apparently, etoiles is also the only person here with a shred of rationality, because star pilot cellbit starts talking about aliens, former junior officer forever talks about telepathic conversations, and even baghera starts talking about government level conspiracy cover-ups. and, again, etoiles is just. etoiles. baghera's friend that somehow got caught up in all of this.
former junior officer forever tries to show them the traces of alien civilisation and traces of telepathy but etoiles wanders off (something calls at him, traces his steps out for him), and lo and behold, he stumbles upon the alien spaceship that has been sending out telepathic brainwaves or something to former junior officer forever for the past 2 years that star pilot cellbit has been declared missing
the alien spaceship is a giant yellow lion and there's a giant yellow forcefield (????) around it that doesn't lower itself no matter how much the others try, until etoiles walks up and says hi to it. it's another thing, with the controls not reacting to, you know, star pilot cellbit, former junior officer who was a pilot forever, or even just communications specialist baghera who at least has an idea of what all these controls are.
etoiles, who is still just etoiles and has no clue what all these stuff is, accidentally touches a control, which lights up under his hand, which sends the alien spaceship careening into the sky and out of the atmosphere, out to the fringes of the solar system, and there's a giant alien spaceship out there and he fights it somehow, and apparently that's the giant alien spaceship that star pilot cellbit escaped from. somehow, he opens up a wormhole and the yellow alien lion spaceship zooms through it and now they're half the known universe away from home.
they exit the spaceship - star pilot shiro first with the most confidence, then everyone else when they see that they're not going to die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen or improper atmospheric pressure or something. there's a giant castle, which the alien lion spaceship roars at and it opens up???? and then they walk in and baghera pokes around something and two cryopods rise up from the ground and open up.
cue the alteans. altean prince roier mourns the loss of everything he's ever known as he wakes up 10000 decaphoebs into the future with nothing but the castleship and one other person. this one other person is his closest friend jaiden, who was made royal advisor just 5 vargas before the destruction of their world. both cling to the castleship because it's all they have left and all that truly belongs to them.
obviously, since these new people have arrived in the yellow lion, the alteans decide that this must be about reforming voltron, and now must be the time to strike back against the galran empire. there's uh, only one issue.
there's four people and five lions. they do not have enough people to form voltron.
there's another issue, actually, where they don't even know who matches up with which lion. there's only really one person who they can match a lion to, and that's the yellow lion with etoiles - who, is still the only person here to not actually be caught up in any of this space business. he's still here somehow. he does actually have some sort of fighting experience, though? he was in the fencing club when he was in university! altean prince roier probably should actually know how to match them, but he was never really that interested in that aspect of his studies.
because they only have the yellow lion and the black lion, they also need to collect the other three. and because they don't know which lion matches up with which person, they can't just send one person in to pilot the lion out, they have to send the yellow lion in to physically pick up the other lions. thank the stars that the yellow lion is one of the more sturdy lions.
these issues are only apparent to the alteans because, well, the humans have no clue what's going on. there's 5 spaceships to be piloted? well, there's 6 people here, that's not a problem to them. just get one of the alteans to pilot the last spaceship.
the alteans do not want to pilot the last lion, too attached to the castleship to abandon it.
it's a fundamental difference in their point of views.
it gets worse from here.
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Ideal Shiro, Kuron, Sven dynamic (specifically post s8)-
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Note- this is not Kuron hate post btw. I just think he should be allowed to punch Shiro atleast once
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im-smart-i-swear · 1 year
Lance and Kuron for that Blorbo bleebus ask meme if it's ok!!
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no problem dude!! i wanted to do kuron anyway so here ya go(sorry for the dogshit quality lol.....)
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this chart is SPECIFICALLY about canon kuron, tho i havent watched the show in a hot minute so....... i miiight be misremembering/making shit up here
charts like this always take me a long time to do bc i start overthinking every little detail
(lance is my blorbo-in-law and my opinion on him is just really a bunch of other ppl's interpretations of him all rolled up toghether lol, i like him a lot tho!! but i dont feel confident enough w/ interpretation of this guy to do a chart thats this complex sorry)
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cannedsoupcansoup · 1 year
Voltron was such a good show at first, it was literally one of my favourites. A part of me always wonders what would come of it if we didn't have all the fucking shipping drama because 1. Romance was not even a central plot element of this show about GIANT ROBOTS IN SPACE, 2. The character dynamics would have been so much better handled if there wasn't constant stress over people interpreting minor interactions as shipping-fuel. Like, if none of the big drama happened, we'd probably end up with a wonderful 10/10 show, but instead we got a show that starts off as 10/10 but ends up as 3/10 with an ending that makes me so fucking angry it's unbelievable.
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orlamccools · 2 years
finding out someone you know was also a fan of voltron: legendary defender (2016) is what i imagine veterans feel like when they meet each other. theres just a Look you give each other that just..encapsulates the entirety of that shitshow
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thatstuckietherian · 22 days
finding music that perfectly matches my kintypes is the most euphoric experience ever fr
like starlight brigade is so voltron coded i literally feel like pidge irl when i listen to it
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actual footage of me listening to this song
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
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