#wheee whoooo let’s GO
evanescentsun · 9 months
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ahhhhh, im so happy ;D
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lokiarc64 · 3 years
White Knight Pregnancy:
Part 1, Discovery
“Early Morning, Outside a Cafe”
Weiss: “Stares at Coffee“
Yang: Weiss.
Weiss: “Continues to stare at coffee”
Yang: WEISS!!!
Weiss: Huh, what?
Yang: Hey are you okay?
Weiss: Yes I’m fine why do you ask?
Yang: Because you’ve been staring at your coffee for ten minutes and haven’t listened to anything I just said.
Weiss: “Worried Look”
Yang: So what gives Ice Queen?
Weiss: “Sigh”
Weiss: Yang, as my close friend and teammate I have to tell you something important but you can’t tell anyone because I don’t know how to react.
Yang: Well what is it?
Weiss: Recently I’ve been feeling off, I’ve been feeling sick in the morning and having stomach pains at times.
Weiss: Jaune thinks I might be sick but there’s more to that, so I went to see a doctor and took a test and well.
Yang: Well what?
Weiss: “Deep Sigh”
Weiss: I’m ”Mutter”
Yang: What?
Weiss: I’m “Mutter”
Yang: Weiss, your going to have to speak up cause I can’t hear you.
Weiss: I’m pregnant.
”Complete Silence”
Yang: WHAT!!!
Weiss: I’m pregnant.
Yang: Oh my god Weiss congratulations.
Yang: “Hugs Weiss”
Yang: This is amazing your gonna really be an Ice Queen.
Weiss: “Smiles & Hugs Yang back”
Yang: So how did Vomit Man take the news.
Weiss: That’s the problem I haven’t told him.
Yang: What how could you not tell him?
Weiss: It was a surprise to me as well, I wasn’t exactly planning for a baby yet.
Yang: Well last I checked it takes two to tango so whens the last time you guys well.
Weiss: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Weiss: What me and Jaune do in our bedroom is extremely private.
Yang: Oh cmon do you not remember?
Weiss: Well it might be from that one night when my mother invited me to the Schnee Manor to bond a bit and well I may have had to much to drink.
”Ding Dong”
Jaune: Hmm, who could that be?
Jaune: “Gets up from couch”
Jaune: “Walks toward front door“
Jaune: “Open Front Door”
Jaune: Weiss?
Weiss: Hey “Hiccup” Prince Charming.
Jaune: Weiss are you okay?
Weiss: Y-You betcha.
Weiss: “Wobbles Closer to Jaune”
Weiss: “Falls Toward Jaune”
Jaune: “Catches Weiss”
Weiss: Wow your strong mister.
Jaune: Weiss are you drunk.
Weiss: “Giggles”
Weiss: Maybe.
Jaune (Internally): Damnit Willow.
Jaune: Alright we are getting you to bed immediately.
Jaune: “Picks her up bridal style“
Weiss: Whoooo.
Weiss: I-I-I’m can see pretty stars.
Jaune: That’s great hon.
Weiss: Why are there bananas one your head, they go in your mouth on your handsome face.
Jaune: 😑😑😑
Jaune: Weiss, that’s my hair.
Weiss: But it’s so spikey
Jaune: It’s been like that for years.
Jaune: Down you go!
Jaune: ”Lowers Weiss onto bed”
Weiss: Wheee.
Jaune: Alright leta get you out of those clothes.
Jaune: “Starts to remove Weiss’ Dress”
Weiss: Ooooh getting handsy are we?
Jaune: “Mildly Blushes”
Jaune: “Puts Weiss’ clothes into hamper“
Jaune: “Pulls out pajamas for Weiss”
Jaune: “Starts putting pajamas on Weiss”
Weiss: Aww this is no fun.
Jaune: There now just get some rest I’ll bring you some water.
Weiss: “Grabs Jaune”
Weiss: Wait.
Jaune: What’s up Snow Angel.
Weiss: I-I love you.
Jaune: 😳😳😳😳😳
Jaune: I love you too Weiss.
Weiss: Y-Y-Your very important to “Hiccup” me.
Jaune: Same thing to you.
Weiss: “Pulls Jaune onto Bed”
Jaune: Whoa.
Jaune: Weiss what are you do-
Weiss: ”Interrupts Jaune by Kissing him”
Jaune: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Jaune: W-Weiss.
Weiss: “Puts Finger over Jaune’s mouth”
Weiss: Shh Shh Shh.
Weiss: “Gets on top of Jaune”
Weiss: You are “Hiccup” really important to me.
Weiss: “Takes off pajama shirt”
Weiss: And I’m going to show you just how important you are.
Jaune: Weiss wait I got-
Weiss: “Interrupts Jaune by Kissing him again”
Weiss: Don’t worry just let me do my thing and you just enjoy it.
”Flash back End”
Weiss: And that’s how it happened.
Yang: “Smirks”
Weiss: Oh wipe that grin off your face Xiao Long.
Yang: I’m sorry, but this is just priceless.
Weiss: Yang this is serious I’m freaking out I’m not sure how to be a mom, my mother Isn’t exactly a good role model for me, I don’t want to be a horrible mom, and what will Jaune think of this would he even want to still be with me after hearing I’m pregnant, what if my baby hates me like how I hated my family?
Yang: Hey hey hey, calm down Weiss
Weiss: “Takes a deep breath”
Yang: Now things look rough now but there guaranteed to get better I mean you’re starting a family with Jaune that’s a huge deal but it’s a blessing in disguise, your bring life into this world.
Weiss: Yeah I guess your right but what if he freaks out.
Yang: If he does talk it over like you said this is a surprise to both you and him my dad freaked out when summer was pregnant with Ruby, but they eventually talked it out and sooner or later they got the hang of having a second child.
Weiss: Really?
Yang: Yeah couples are sure to freak out at first
Weiss: Thank You Yang.
Weiss: “Hugs Yang”
Yang: “Hugs Weiss Back”
Yang: No problem Ice Queen.
Yang: Sooo have you thought about names yet.
Weiss: Yang I had only recently found out, I don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl.
Weiss: Though during our wedding out of nowhere Jaune said he liked the name Frost
Yang: Heh he’s keeping up with your family’s cool names.
Weiss: “Rolls Eyes”
Really wanted to do a pregnant story for a while now, thought I would finally do it hope you enjoyed it.
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