#when I was a young warthooooooog
rulesforthedance · 7 months
UGH I don't talk about it all the time (even though I love to complain about most of my small problems) because IBS is a Punchline Disorder BUT it honestly sucks pretty bad that my guts hurt all the time and have most of my adult life and I have had a million tests and tried a million things and the result of the all the tests is "we can't find anything wrong, you should be fine" and the most effective strategies I've found just mitigate symptoms a bit. And it sucks to be the gross embarrassing person who always has to fart! And when you're around people your choices are 1. leave the room every couple minutes to fart (and they will ask you why you're doing that! and there is no comfortable way out of that question!) or 2. fart around people, or 3. hold it in as your body keeps producing more until you're in a rather shocking amount of pain for something as dumb as gas. And it sucks to always have to get up like two hours before you have to leave the house in the morning so you can make several visits to the bathroom first. And it sucks to have, honestly, a chronic medical condition that affects how you have to live your life but feel like you can't ask for any kind of allowances from people around it because, again, it is the Gross Embarrassing Funny Joke Disorder and so only a handful of people even know you have it. And I want to be chill and have a sense of humor about it, but tbh it's burdensome and I'm tired and sensitive. WHEN I WAS A YOUNG WARTHOOOOOOOG
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recluseraven · 2 years
A Day To Remember played Hakuna Matata after the show I went to ended, specifically the "When I was a young warthooooooog" part...just...thought people should be aware of that
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kaldraws8280 · 7 years
When he was a young warthog.
Very nice
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qrovidcore · 7 years
Doing laundry at 12:10am
There’s only one other person down here in the basement where our laundry room is, and she’s singing “when I was a young warthooooooog!!!!!” very dramatically while failing to get the vending machine to take her money
I gave her $2
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gremlin-prescott · 12 years
Tell us about your childhood Scottie
N-no. I don't think so. 
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anfeels-blog · 14 years
"It's our motto."
"What's a motto?"
"Nothing, what's a motto with you?"
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