#when did george harrison write i'd have you anytime
tweeterwilbury · 1 year
Im going insane because I need to have a trivia/quiz night with someone but all the questions NEED to be about my special interests so i can infodump about them because someone asked me about them. Infodumping after a question is so much better than just infodumping
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bristark616 · 3 years
i'd have you anytime - teaser
a/n: i had this little idea in my head of tasm!peter saving guitarist/musicstudent!reader (a little self-indulgence here) and then being completely infatuated with her and loving the way she talks about music. anyways, here's a little snippet of what i have written so far. idk if it's gonna go anywhere.
summary: basically, peter saves (y/n) one night on her walk home from work and right before he leaves her, he asks her what her favorite album is, so that he can listen to it when he gets home. she tells him two albums: Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin and All Things Must Pass by George Harrison (again, self indulgence!). She finds a letter in her mailbox the next day, addressed to her in unfamiliar, small, slightly slanted, capitalized handwriting.
warning: none
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Hi (your nickname)!
I hope it's okay that I called you that. Let me know the next time I see you. Also, I hope it's okay that I'm writing to you. I wanted to let you know what I thought about your two favorite albums, but I didn't want to just swing by uninvited. Get it? Swing by?
Houses of the Holy was a lot. Never expected that from you. Regardless, it was . . . dynamic? Yeah, that's the word I'd use. Dynamic. I think my favorite song is No Quarter. Tell me which one yours is when I see you.
As for All Things Must Pass, that's definitely what I envisioned upon seeing you for the first time. It was so sweet but kind of sad, but also hopeful and calming but slightly unnerving. Is it supposed to make me feel like that? I liked it, though. I liked it a lot. I'd Have You Anytime is my favorite. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's yours as well. Again, looking forward to hearing your thoughts when I see you.
I keep saying that - "the next time I see you". Would it be okay if I did? See you again, I mean? Are you free Thursday evening? If you are and you'd like to say hi, meet me at Strawberry Fields at 7. I'll bring you a bagel and you can bring me more music recommendations.
See you (hopefully) Thursday!
Spidey :)
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