#when going to our old primary school. actually they have demolished the whole primary school and every time I drive past it. it hurts
apricotluvr · 2 years
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November 2022
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quicksilversquared · 7 years
Adrien and the Big Bad Words
It's bad to swear, five-year-old Adrien knows that. And so when he gets together with other kids and one swears, he has to tell an adult, right?
(AO3) (FF.net)
Adrien giggled as he ran around with the other kids around his age. He didn't know many of them well- they were the kids of his parents' friends- but since he had a nanny instead of going to daycare and was going to be homeschooled once fall came around, it meant that he didn't normally hang out with other kids besides Chloe and he was happy whenever he did get the chance. The older ones he didn't like as much- Adrien was pretty sure they had said they were seven and therefore too old to play with little babies (he didn't know what they were talking about- the only babies were over with their parents in the next room), and they kept making mean jokes about people they went to school with. The others were nice, though, and Adrien hoped that maybe there would be more of these get-togethers in the future.
"Let's play hide and seek! It'll be fun!" a girl around Adrien's age announced, bouncing up and down on her toes. She pointed at Walter, one of the seven-year-olds. "Walter, you count!"
Instead of counting, Walter scowled and let out a long stream of bad words. Adrien's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.
Those were really bad words, the kind of words that, if he ever said them, would put Adrien in time-out for a day- no, a week! And all of those words together, all at once?
If Adrien had said that, he would be in time-out for a bajillion years.
Walter added a few more choice words as all of the younger kids gaped at him, and then he and his friend stomped away from the rest of the group, muttering something about immature babies and their games. The other kids started muttering among themselves, but Adrien knew what he had to do.
Leaving the group, Adrien ran as best he could with his short, pudgy legs towards the room where all of their parents were chatting and eating yucky grown-up sandwiches. He tripped a few times as his feet got in the way of each other, but it didn't slow him down much as he tumbled into the adults' room.
"Mama!" Adrien announced, trotting over to his mother and tugging at her arm. "Mama, Walter said-"
And then he repeated exactly what the older boy had said.
Emilie Agreste had been having a fairly good day, all things considered. For the first time in years, all of her friends managed to come to their scheduled get-together. Normally at least one or two would be busy and unable to come, either because of work or because of a sick child. She had had to miss the last two get-togethers herself, the first because of an international trip with Gabriel to a runway show in New York and the second because Adrien had been sick and throwing up after catching a fever.
This time, though, they were all together again, and Carlotta was making everyone laugh as she told stories about her recent trip through Italy. She had brought both of her kids along, and apparently they had been less than impressed with the international travel.
"The car rides were the worse," Carlotta complained as the whole group nodded in sympathy. They all had been there before, with squirmy kids that didn't exactly appreciate being cooped up in the car for a ride across town, never mind a several-hour drive. Emilie and Gabriel had gotten lucky with Adrien; while he could be high-energy, running all over the house and tripping over furniture, rugs, and his own feet alike, he was also very good at sitting still and not complaining when needed. He would ask politely for a break during long car rides, and then they could find the nearest ramp to pull off on so Adrien could stretch his legs a bit before they continued. Even at just five, he was very polite and so very smart.
Emilie allowed herself a brief moment of gloating. Sure, part it was luck that she had gotten such an easy child, but there was a lot of gentle guidance and teaching that had gone into it too. She had sat out of several international trips with Gabriel to stay home with Adrien when he was younger, using the time to teach him how to tell adults what he wanted without complaining. It had worked- Adrien was a very smart child- and it had prepared Adrien for when he did go along on the trips.
Not too many, though. He would appreciate them more when he was older and even with the perfect child, having to pack for him now was such a hassle.
"Did you pack a car bag?" Emma asked Carlotta. "My kids were always fussy on road trips before, but ever since we started packing a bag for each of them with little games and treats they've been fine."
Carlotta let out a heavy sigh. "We did! It was cut back a little, of course, because of space, but there were still plenty of activities for them to do. It's just that they're both more interested in activities that involve running around at their age."
"Well, did you ever stop to let them run around for a bit?" Emilie asked, leaning forward to pluck another cucumber sandwich triangle off of the tray in the middle of the table. "Gabriel and I do that with Adrien, and it tires him out enough that he's willing to sit still for a bit longer."
"Maybe we'll stop more next time," Carlotta acknowledged as Emilie demolished the tiny sandwich in two bites. "We were trying to get from point A to point B as fast as we could to have more time there, you know? But if stopping for a bit every couple hours means less whining, it'll be worth it. It's enough to drive anyone up the wall!"
"Have you and Gabriel changed your minds about letting Adrien go to school?" Emma asked Emilie, changing the subject before they could get too deep into recollections of whiny kids during car trips. "I could recommend a school, if you're concerned about the quality of education. We're sending both Walter and Lucas to a private school near us. It'll cost more than public school for sure, but we only want the best for them."
"The public schools in this area are fabulous as well," Rebecca pointed out. Her face was pinched with annoyance, probably because she didn't appreciate the reminder that the majority of the rest of the group was really well off and could easily afford a private school or private tutor, while she and her husband were both solidly middle-class and didn't exactly want to spend unnecessarily. "And it's really a waste to pay for private school for such young kids."
Emilie only smiled politely and responded before Emma could snap back with her oft-repeated list of reasons for sending kids to private schools. "We'll be sticking with our original plan of homeschooling Adrien. I enjoy being able to spend more time with him and then we can alter the coursework to fit Adrien's needs better." Actually, the coursework wasn't their main concern- their primary worry was, of course, security, but she wasn't exactly sure how to say that without sounding somewhat paranoid.
(They had their reasons to be paranoid, of course, but they weren't exactly things that could be shared with just anyone.)
"But you'll reconsider when Adrien is older, of course?" Sarah asked. She plucked a small sandwich triangle off of the plate as she leaned forward to address Emilie. "It's very important for social development, you know."
"We'll plan playdates," Emilie said, turning her attention back to the plate of sandwiches. There were a few left with chicken in them, so she snagged one. She'd have to remember to ask Zoe's chief for the recipe, because she would love to have the sandwiches again. Gabriel would probably love the chicken sandwiches.
...Adrien, not so much. He probably wouldn't like the sauce on it, and he had shown a definite distaste for smelly cheeses in the past.
"That's not the same as seeing other kids every day!" Sarah argued. "Emilie, I'm sure you could spend plenty of time with Adrien before and after school and at lunch. It's good for them to spend some time away from their parents-"
"Adrien is being homeschooled," Emilie said sharply, hoping to bring an end to the conversation. "That's what Gabriel and I decided, and we are not going to reconsider."
"It'll work well with your and Gabriel's travels well," Zoe pointed out. "Adrien can go with you without having to miss school or having a live-in nanny. He travels well too, doesn't he?"
"He does," Emilie acknowledged. "I don't know how much he would get out of the trips, but he does travel well. And Gabriel wants to get him started on a few activities as well, and we can make his schedule so much more flexible to allow for that with homeschooling."
Carlotta blinked. "Activities? What kind of activities can a five-year-old possibly get involved in?"
"Your daughter started ballet at age tree," Zoe pointed out with a little laugh. "Mine started soccer at six. I'm sure there's plenty of activities out there for five-year-olds."
"Gabriel wants Adrien to do karate and piano to start," Emilie told Carlotta. "The piano was really Adrien's idea, actually. He loves watching me play and even last year he was trying to poke out songs on our piano. It was cute, but.." She winced a little at the memory. "...lessons will be helpful, to say the least. He currently has a talent for picking out the most discordant notes."
Everyone laughed at that.
There was a clatter by the door, and all of the women stopped laughing to glance over. Moments later, Adrien ran in, green eyes wide. He paused, scanning the room, and then made a beeline right for Emilie. He came to a stop beside her chair and tugged at her arm, looking up with her with big eyes. Emilie was about to bend down and ask what was wrong when Adrien spoke up in his sweet little voice. "Mama, Walter said-"
What followed was a string of probably every single word that Emilie had hoped to never hear from her child, plus a few words she didn't even know. She blinked, stunned, as the jaws of everyone around the table dropped. With her mind blank from shock, the only thing she could think to say was "What?"
So naturally, Adrien repeated himself.
Emilie just spluttered, utterly speechless.
"Thank you for telling us, Adrien," Rebecca said soothingly, though there was a hint of laughter in her voice. "He'll be punished accordingly. Now, do you want anything else before you go back to playing? Water, juice, a sandwich?"
Adrien shook his head, suddenly shy at being addressed by one of the other women. He held on to his mother's dress a moment longer before running off back into the other room. Once she was gone, most of the other women started giggling. The only people still quiet were Emilie and Emma, who was Walter's mother. After a moment, Emilie found her voice.
"Yes," Emilie said a bit sarcastically, turning back to the others. "Other kids are a fantastic influence on Adrien, I can tell already."
Emma was bright red. Rebecca was trying to hide her giggles. Before anyone could say anything more, Emma dashed out of the room. Seconds later, they heard her calling for her son. After a moment more, Zoe let out a snort.
"That was amazing," she cackled. "I never, ever thought that we would ever hear Adrien say anything like that. And when he repeated it? Classic."
Emilie wasn't so amused. Sure, maybe the fact that Adrien had misunderstood her taken-aback "What?" was funny, but the fact that Adrien now knew those words enough to repeat them twice was very much not. She could only hope that his good training would keep him from repeating the words again before he could forget them.
Their get-together had gone on for an hour more before the remaining part of the group left. Emma had taken both Walter and Lucas and left right after Adrien had come in, but the rest of the women had stayed to give their kids more time to play together. Emmet, who was friends with the now-disgraced Walter, came in to the adult room ten minutes after his friend was dragged out and spent the rest of the time sulking around because he didn't want to play with the "little kids".
(Emilie thought that he needed to reevaluate his perception of "little kids", considering that he really wasn't that old himself, but maybe that was just the residual annoyance from Walter's swearing in front of Adrien speaking.)
Adrien chattered happily about the games they had played as he and Emilie were driven back to Agreste Manor. They had apparently had a very good game of hide-and-seek after Walter left, even though most of the kids weren't entirely solid on their counting abilities. Adrien made no further mention of Walter's less-than-appropriate words, which relieved Emilie. Hopefully he would forget about it completely by the time the week was out.
As soon as they arrived back at the house, Adrien dashed inside to tell his dad about the games they played before trotting back to his room to wash up for dinner. Emilie watched him go from the doorway.
"How was your get-together?" Gabriel inquired politely, stepping forward to press a brief kiss to her lips. His eyes surveyed her expression. "...not well?"
"Well, it was nice seeing all of the girls again," Emilie acknowledged. "And we had some very nice conversations. But, well..." She paused, trying to decide what to say that wouldn't send Gabriel on a rampage after her friend's bratty seven-year-old. "...let's just say that I learned that I need to find a slightly different way of expressing shock when I'm in front of Adrien."
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Chrysler Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Anaheim CA
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Chrysler Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Anaheim CA - CALL (626)800-4410
Losing your vehicle keys or Locking yourself out picking up the kids from school or while in a dark ally may surely be a horrifying experience, which is the reason employing a trustworthy thoroughly trained roadside lock-man establishment that seek to clear up your complications imminently 24 hour is critical. As a superior Chrysler lockman in Anaheim CA and near by area, at Anaheim Key Replacement we are on a duty call year round equipped with every single key programmers, cutters and lock-picking tools to be able to repair, install or programm your car key, ignition or lock on-site.
Chrysler lost key made in Anaheim CA
If you misplaced or broken your Chrysler keys, you have a few alternatives to procure a newish set of Chrysler key replacement:
Driving to the Anaheim CA homegrown dealership is some times doubtless a immediate or inexpensive option to form a newish key by the VIN number, but in some affairs (for example General-Motors) the dealer-ship need you to have a credible vehicle registration or title with a matching address on your photo ID. In some other incidents, the dealer-ship have no access to old-fashioned key codes by the VIN (for example Mazda, Ford and Mercury), the dealer might make alteration keys just for patterns from the previous ten years.
Besides the constraints above, in a lot of situations, your car is locked on the expressway in the countryside, with a broken key in the ignition or locked with the key in the truck and to choose the dealership will incorporate around surplus $100 for a tow truck service.
About Chrysler key lock instrument
Chrysler is the USA's continental popular vehicle maker of prevailing cars and commercial cars and become one of the biggest USA vehicle producer since 1925.
Chrysler started adopting transponder keys in 1998. Previous  Chrysler keys might be replicated by an easy economical control panel duplication procedure.
Later designs according to year and model swapped the keylock mechanism to an inscribed transponder keys that enforce a distinct diagnostic equipage and key programmer in order to duplicate a supplemental key.
Starting from 2007, Several  Chrysler designs are employing Keyless Go and pushtostart ignition as either standard or optional infrastructure.
Ignition lock repair
When drivers unlocking and locking the car ignition thousands of times, it is pretty common to experience some sort of ignition burden and the syndrome can be dash board security lights are on, ignition key is stiffly turning, ignition key turn freely in the ignition and key is stuck and you cannot shut off the engine and you can't fire up your car.  
The reason for those troubles might be a decaying key or an ignition tumblers problem and in one and the other scenarios, ignition repair or replacement is a task for a deft ignition locksmith, so our recommendation to drivers not to make unauthorized alterations to the ignition switch by inexperienced hands as it most likely going to cause a greater deterioration.
</p> <h5>Worn out Chrysler ignition key</h5> <p> Bumping into problem caused by a crumbling key, simply duplicating the key going to possibly transfer the flaw to the  made key. As a substitute to copying the bad key, an experienced car lock man should employ relevant Chrysler programmers, cutters and diagnostic tools to cut and program a brand-new key utilizing the VIN number.
</p> <h5>Decaying Chrysler ignition lock</h5> <p> Bumping into problem caused by the ignition switch, it can be in behalf of dust or foreign object sized in the ignition crater hole or possibly a detach or loose rod or pin inside the ignition lock forestalling the switch from turning. Using relevant ignition replacing, repairing and troubleshooting machinery a lock smith will need to pull any dust or foreign object from within the key-tunnel rekey or alterate ignition switch or even outplace the whole ignition.
Transponder chipped key cut and program
Since around 2000 and possibly even prior to this, close to all car makers has started outfitting prerequisite electric immobilised car computer module and chipped keys locks and key in their cars as an extra safety feature to put an end to car larceny.
The main idea of using chipped keys is to attain antitheft instrument where the vehicle enclose engine control unit and the key enclose a modest chip generally concealed inside it's plastic beak.
Whenever the user inject the key into the ignition crater hole, indication code is shipped to the ECU. If the engine control module doesn't understand the message, the motor vehicle would not light up. This technology implies that not only that the key has to be cut to fit the lock cylinder, it also should be rightly compiled to the car main computer.
Chrysler proximity key
Smartkeys are a superior in driver comfort and convenience, you are able to unlock and lock your car door as well as firing up the car – yet avoiding inserting the key. You only need to have it on you, whether in your handbag or purse.
When ever the driver approaches their car, the smartkey is identified by a synced audio and infrared waves transponder hidden inside the smart-key. The car door unlock and open when the driver yanks the handle. The car starts pressing a push buttons on the dash-board console. The push buttons is altering the metal bladed key by closing the circuit on the engine fuel injection.
Locking the car when exiting is just as comfortable. The driver just presses a button on the door lock handle – several smart-keys even lock when ever the driver go's out of reach.
Copy vs lost car keys
Present-day Chrysler lock and key system accommodate transponder key and car immobiliser and though chipped keys furnished in a range of switch-blade key, fobik-key, high security and smart key keys, the primary idea around this structure is that the chip transmit a message to the receiver in the ignition. If the receiver doesn't identify a matching programmed key, the fuel injection will deactivate and the vehicle will not ignite.
Several outmoded designs keys might be simply copied employing dash-board console procedure, although customarily to copy a supplementary key, the chip inside the key must be coded by a dedicated key programming machine carried by the dealership or a locksmith.
If the last key is stolen or lost, the vehicle computer must be reprogrammed to adopt the new key and renounce the lost key. This routine feathers a safety measurement safeguarding the cancellation of the stolen or misplaced key. This key made, platform available only to a licensed locksmith or the Chrysler dealer-ship, which actually means that you’ll have call a car locksmith or tow your car to the dealership.
24hour vehicle lock out
Forgetting your car keys in the trunk, golve box or front seat is a very irritating manifestation and a swift car lock out service is compelling to your assurance and amenity. To minister the swiftest car door unlock service in town, we designate break in and entry deft task-force who are in working order 24 hour to reach at your place of choice to release your trunk and door, put you back into your car and place you on your way to your next activity.
Car locks updating
Whether you demolished the remote fob key, you misplaced the key to your Chrysler, you need to re-code Chrysler engine control unit or you need an brand new ignition key, we have local car lock man who heel Chrysler qualifying services 24hr. We have a huge selection of locks and keys for Chrysler and our agents have a lot of years of in field experience monitoring ANY sort key cutting and coding and lock re-key services. In lieu of dragging your vehicle to the dealer, call our call centre and an expert will drive to your juncture to get your lock or ignition adapted on the spot.
To sum up
Anaheim Key Replacement technicians are viable 24/7 with the fastest nimblest response in town. If you locked-out of your car, can't get your ignition key to turn or need to program a new remote and want eliminate the tow truck to the dealer, pick up the phone and dial at (626)800-4410, provide your year, automaker, model and your address. Our fully fitted mobile task force are able to drive to your juncture instantaneously copy a flipkey or a smart-key, open your locked car or replace your ignition switch at your location and put you back in your motor vehicle rapidly with inexpensive rates. . If you’re scouting for Car key replacement service in Anaheim California call (626)800-4410 for a reliable local automotive locksmith, who duplicate and replace trunk, door and ignition keys and remote fob made on the spot.
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