#1. went for a massage w a friend. it was so good I almost fell asleep
apricotluvr · 2 years
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November 2022
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dirty-brainrot · 3 years
(Boingo’s magical book)
Smelly cowboy and French tiddy man time.
Pairing(s) Hol Horse x Reader x Polnareff
You couldn't believe that man. First, he pestered you to no end just to team up with him and defeat some traveling men. After finally getting annoyed enough, you agreed. But this damned bastard says that there wasn't enough power so he decides to kidnap a fucking kid.
You met Hol Horse a while back in your home country where he tried to woo you. Unbeknownst to him, you were also a stand user. So you fought him because he kept on annoying you and successfully defeating him. Who knew you would be friends with him after that.
With a deep sigh, you facepalmed and massaged your temples. "Hol Horse... You fucking kidnapped a child." You whispered with a hiss and pointed at the kid, who laid down in a crawling position and hid behind a small bush. "Don't be like that, doll. With the 3 of us, we can defeat the crusaders and get the rich!" Shaking your head, you kneeled in front of the child stand user. "Hey, your name is Mondatta right?" You asked with a soft tone, unlike what you used to Hol Horse earlier. He stayed quiet and stared at you. "It's useless talking to that ki—" Doing a 180, you glared at Hol Horse making him shut up. Turning back to Mondatta, your face softened. "Hey, I know it's scary being separated from your brother and getting kidnapped by a wannabe cowboy... but you can trust us! I won't let anyone harm you." You gave him a friendly smile and he relaxed... A little bit.
Standing up to your full height, you turned to Hol Horse and grabbed the book. "Does your stand really predicts the future?" You flipped through the pages until you were met with a blank one. "—Or is it just a rumor? If it is then I brought you ere' for nothin'." Hol horse adds on and looks over your shoulder to look at [Tohth]. "Even with it, your brother got blown to high heaven..." He looks at Mondatta and shouts. "Which is it, kid?!" You huff and elbowed his side, muttering "Be nicer to the kid. For god's sake, you kidnapped him—" The empty pages suddenly were getting filled with images out of nowhere! You outstretched your arms and showed it to Hol Horse. "Hm?" He leaned over and read the pages.
Hol Horse introduced Mondatta to Y/N! He thinks that Y/N is really nice and better than Hol Horse.—
Hol Horse grumbles and you snicker.
While the three of them were walking around the outskirts of Cairo, they met a very pretty lady. Then Hol Horse suddenly jump-kicked the lady in the neck! The pretty lady was so happy, she gave Hol Horse her jewels.
Yahoo!! We're rich!!
"What the hell is this?!—" He shouts, taken aback. "A comic book."You replied sarcastically. He ignores your comment and snatches the book off of you. Approaching Mondatta he yells. "You call this a prediction?! There's no way this has to be true!" Mondatta rises up, still hiding behind the bush. "I—I'm telling the truth..." Stuttering and struggling to talk, he continues. "Y-you just—just have to t-trust it... They—they're never wrong! They're...They're right..100% ri-right everytim—"
"Quit messing with me kid! There's no way a lady is gonna—" Hol Horse continues to talk. But you were distracted by the pretty woman walking along with a man, they passed by. 'It looks like it's coming along...' Hol Horse grabs Mondatta and you shot daggers at him, making him put the kid down. Mondatta ran behind your leg. "I'll never hit a woman! See that?!" The man and woman pass by him and he was too far to be able to kick her. (Unless he ran after her.) After a while, he made a weird impatient humming noise and went after the woman. Jump-kicking her like as the book said but apparently, there was a scorpion in her shawl! You clapped and shouted. "Nice going Mr. I respect women!" The woman thanked him and gave him her necklace. You and Mondatta walked after him but once you arrived, he was in the middle of talking.
"—he three of us will be unstoppable!" And there he goes. Excited, he dragged you and Mondatta to Cairo.
Hol Horse hid behind a building while Mondatta hid under a crate beside you. "I'm getting sick of those faces... Listen Mondatta!" As he was about to kick the box, he decided against it knowing that you would beat him up if he did. He throws the box away instead, revealing the very introverted child. Mondatta crawls to the box and hid in it. You sigh and kneeled in front of the crate, comforting the kid. "We need to talk about your new prediction... Are you sure it's 100% foolproof?" You rose the box a tad bit to look at Mondatta. "M-my premi—" Hol Horse flicks a small rock at him, in return, you smacked his leg which did not affect him at all "My premonition are 100% accurate" He mocks. "Is that what were you gonna say?"
"Wow! Hol Horse you should be the book of premonition instead!" Hol Horse rolls his eyes. "W-well they are accurate...yes." You slowly let go of the box and stood up to look at the book. "Are you expecting us to believe this load of Bologna?" He re-reads the comic.
"We found them!" Shouted Hol Horse. "Joseph, Jotaro, Polnareff, and Avdol."
"Darn it!" Hol Horse fumed. "They're almost to Master Dio's manor!"
You snicker. "Do you really call him "master"?" He grumbles "We don't have a choice." and continues reading.
"Gosh-darn bafoons. They'll get a bullet between the eyes!" Hol Horse's mind was full of bad thoughts. "You're gonna pay for what you did to my brother!" Mondatta was very furious. But, Hol Horse and Y/N, couldn't use their stands which puts them at a disadvantage.
Because of this, they got caught but Y/N comes up with the greatest plan to make their great escape which includes something intimate!
"It just cuts off from there! Like hell what's this great plan Y/N comes up with?!" He drops the book and impatiently summons his stand. "Why can't I just shoot them with [Emperor]? It'll be much faster that way."
"Geez, it'll come just believe in the stand, Horsey." Now you don't really believe in the stand and the way it added intimate in the sentence was ominous but you have nothing to lose besides half of the money Hol Horse offered you in defeating the crusaders. Mondatta lifts up the box to take a peek. "It's premonition...! Y-you're not gonna-gonna be able to shoot... yes. " He grabs the book and slowly puts down the box. "I-I know from pe-personal experience that if-if you try to go a-against the comic you'll get consequences..! It's fate... Yes." He stutters, repeating "yes" in a couple of sentences. You lean on the wall and watch them talk about the consequences of the book. "Hang on! Your brother nearly died because he followed the comic!" He points at Mondatta. And Mondatta continues to explain the reason behind it.
They look both nervous and distressed about the situation but you were just looking forward to that great idea that the book says. "Then what now..." He grunts and looks at the crusaders. From where you stood, you weren't able to see them but you could see Polnareff approach him— oh— oh no.. This is not good. Mondatta quickly hides under the crate again.
Polnareff comes from behind and places his stand's èpèe¹ on his neck. "Don't move!" He moves it closer to Hol Horse's neck. "Unless you wanna be lanced." Hol Horse bit his cigarette in anxiety and let out a surprised grunt. "Ho—how the hell did you—" His fingers twitched as he tried to summon his stand but Polnareff was quick to notice and struck him from the back with his stand. Hol horse cough out blood as his cigarette fell.
You need to help him quickly.
Then finally it came, the idea, as it said in the premonition. It was absurd but it'll get the job done..... you hope it was right... Sprinting to Polnareff, you pushed him to the wall. Although, it wasn't hard enough to knock the air out of his body but enough to withdraw his stand. With hands still on his chest and standing on your tippy-toes, you kissed him. At first he was shocked but he closes his eyes and kisses back after a while, getting into the kiss. You side glanced at the stunned Hol Horse and smacked him upright in the head with the help of your stand.
Understanding what you meant, he grabbed Mondetta and ran away. You broke the kiss and ran after them. Although you struggled to catch up since the kiss took so long, making you ran out of breath.
The French man stares in the direction you ran, in absolute lovestruck. Ignoring the calls of his friends, he sighs lovingly. "Oh mon Dieu..." He hopes he gets to see you again.
"Y/N, What was that?!" You leaned on the wall, catching your breath. It looks like [Tohth] worked its charm. "I- hah- was saving your hah- hide just like the book said." Hol Horse didn't look tired from the running at all. 'He must be used to it.' He grumbles and puts Mondetta down. "And I can't even get a hug from you..." He huffs and grabs a cigarette. Mondetta shuffles away but you stopped him. "What does the comic says next?"
"Oh uhm..." He opens the book and you kneel beside him. Hol Horse loomed behind the two of you looking at the book and totally not at you.
The trio ran away, trying to think of another plan. "Curse that Frenchie!" Hol Horse furiously crosses his arm. He was very jealous that Polnareff got a kiss from Y/N instead of him!
Hol Horse crosses his arm and looks away. You snicker. "Really Horsey? You got jealous of that?!" You burst out laughing and held your stomach. He groans and grabs the book. "Ha- He was- pfft- a really good kisser too." You teased him while he flips the pages of the book, face flushed.
"What's the next premonition?!"
1. Apparently, Èpèe is the sword that [Silver Chariot] uses.
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years
Connecting Flights w/Iwa
Summary: On Hajime Iwaizumi’s flight back to Japan, he meets an unexpected friend from his past who is a little hung up on someone else. 
Iwaizumi x fem!reader/Oc || Read it on A03
Genre : romance, friends to lovers (wc: 2.2k) 
Notes: Hiromi Miura is an original character, but readers are free to put themselves into her shoes! Coming of age fics are fun to write but I wanted to explore a world centered around adulthood that included a work life outside one’s significant other. Hope you can give me feedback on whatever world-building I’ve done. Successive chapters will def have more Iwa. 
Hiromi Miura packed the last of her toiletries into her large black check-in luggage. Rolling the luggage out into the hallway, she checked her phone for the third time in ten minutes. Her boss, Hayate Hoshizora stood in the hallway waiting for her with her own luggage standing beside her.
“Where’s Tsuchida?” she asked.
Itsumi Tsuchida was the third member of their team of three and Hiromi’s room mate for the trip. She handled production and logistics so Hiromi and Hayate could write and shoot their articles on food history without worry. Despite her astounding efficiency with her work, Itsumi had a habit of being late.
“Itsumi is almost out. She’ll be here in a minute.” said Hiromi.
The three checked out of the small business hotel before going their separate ways for their last minute shopping. Hiromi wanted to window shop for shoes and cosmetics while Hayate set out to buy some omiyage for her family. Itsumi offered to accompany Hiromi on the condition they stop by for milk tea.
“Let’s meet outside of Time Square before 12 for lunch. I’m going to buy some jerky and maybe some dried goods. Do you guys want anything?” asked Hayate before they set off.
Hiromi declined. Itsumi asked for some jerky for her own omiyage.
As the two junior members of Hayate’s team entered Time Square, Itsumi noticed Hiromi was checking her phone again. She had been doing so whenever she could during the trip.
“Still no texts from Eita?” she asked Hiromi.
“Nope,” sighed Hiromi. Everything had been going smoothly just last week. She had been texting consistently with Eita. He even offered to call. She would send him photos of their first day in Hong Kong and he would eagerly reply.
Come the day before yesterday, he stopped replying all of a sudden. Hiromi had begun to worry that things had fallen apart without knowing why. Their last conversation was on Hong Kong protests. Eita fumed against the injustice, Hiromi agreed with him and nothing came after that. Maybe he joined the resistance?
“I don’t know what went wrong. I thought he liked me.” she moaned, “We have similar political views. Maybe I wasn’t enthusiastic enough when I replied to his call for justice or something.”
“Maybe you should just ask him about it.” Itsumi suggested, rolling her eyes.
“He ignored me for two days what else is there to say?”
“So why are you still looking at your phone?” Itsumi asked, with her brow raised at her co-worker, “Come, let’s go shopping to keep your mind off things.”
Hiromi and Itsumi had a penchant for hole in the wall restaurants. For their last meal, they asked to eat at a restaurant at the back of Time Square, nestled between narrow shopping alleyways. It was the first restaurant they ate in upon arrival and it would be their last meal too. They both ordered a bowl of wonton noodle soup and  a serving of bok choy shared between the three of them. Hayate ordered chicken noodle soup for herself.
The restaurant was small and narrow, not to mention humid from all the steaming and the boiling from the kitchen. Although the lunchtime service was quick and brash, the two did not seem to mind. The girls were well-travelled and cosmopolitan. They were used to environments different from the quiet efficiency of Japan. Hayate found it chaotic but the team did not get many out of country assignments so she took what she could.
Hiromi in particular specialized in writing about Southeast Asian diasporic (meaning a scattered population whose origin lies in a separate geographic locale) cuisine. Noise hardly fazed her but apparently boy problems did.
“Hiromi, you looked so forlorn. Are you really that sad about leaving Hong Kong?” she joked. Hiromi’s focus in her work was second to none. Her tolerance to mediocre young men, less so.
“There’s a boy who hasn't been texting back…” trailed Itsumi.
Hayate didn’t pry, but the girls opened up to her for just about anything.
“Oh, hmmm don’t overthink it.” she said.
“It’s ok, I mean he’s smart and artistic and he knows my friends, but I guess I wasn’t interesting enough.” wailed Hiromi in between bites of her noodles.
“Honestly, if he can’t be bothered to speak with you clearly, he doesn’t deserve your time.” said Hayate, sipping her scorching hot red tea burning a bit of throat in the process. Her eyes grew wide as her throat grew numb.
“That’s true, besides I feel like you’re more worried about why he doesn’t like you than the actual relationship.” sighed Itsumi, mixing some soy sauce, chili oil and black vinegar for their wonton dip.
“Enough moping, let’s eat and talk about something else.” exhaled Hiromi, raising her hand to call for cold water for Hayate.
The topic shifted to work. They were excited about editing the photos. Hayate couldn’t wait to unpack but was a little sad about going back to the office again. Itsumi dreaded doing the liquidation and desk work for their Hong Kong trip. Hiromi was buzzing with ideas for their next assignment and was hoping to pitch recipe ideas to the cooking staff at their next meeting.
Just before boarding, a familiar figure caught Hiromi’s eye. A tall, tanned boy with a lean muscular physique stood a few rows in front of her. He was wearing a white shirt and black athleisure pants. Iwaizumi from college?
The three were seated separately on the plane. Hiromi was seated near the back while Hayate and Itsumi were on the second row. As she got to her seat, Hiromi was surprised to find Hajime Iawizumi beside her, blinking sleepily at the seat in front of him.
“Miura-san!” he said in incredulity realizing that his college friend was right beside him in his Hong Kong layover.  
“Iwa! It is you! I thought I saw you while we boarded.” she said, shoving her carry on onto the storage, “Also, do you really have to be so formal?”
“How are you doing?” he asked.
“What are you doing in Hong Kong?” she asked simultaneously.
“I just finished my time in LA. I’m moving back to Japan. This is my last layover.” he yawned, popping a breath-mint into his mouth.
“I work as a food writer and researcher for a publication in Tokyo. My team and I are just finishing up our assignment in Hong Kong. We get out of country assignments from time to time. I’m still kind of new, but when I become a veteran I’m hoping to get more regular trips.”
“Cool! I’m moving to Tokyo next week because I got a gig training members of a Division 1 Volleyball League! This week, I’ll be home to do some laundry and just get things in order.” he said.
“If you need help moving or settling in let me know. I moved to Tokyo just last year.” she offered, “It was crazy.”
Iwaizumi nodded and thanked her for her offer. They continued catching up as the plane took off and soon the stewardess began handing out food.
“I’m so tired of plane food. It’s all I’ve eaten in the past twenty four hours,” he sighed.
“This has definitely got nothing on everything I’ve eaten so far” she exhaled, “I can’t wait to go home, even my own cooking is better than this. I got lots of new recipe ideas to try too.”
“I thought you said you were a writer. Do they make you cook at work too?” he inquired. It seemed like her job required an awful lot of skills for one position.
“I can cook to some capacity. I don’t really cook at work, it just helps if I know how.” she waved.
They ate in silence, chewing through the mediocre airline food.
“By the way, I need some boy advice. Do you have space to hear me out?” she inhaled, gathering her courage before she unloaded her questions on her friend.
“Sure? What about it?” he shrugged.
Hiromi opened up about her latest romance and its frustrations. She gave him a bit of background on who he was and how they started the relationship particularly the wishy washy feelings about their courtship.
“Do you really like this guy? You’re having more questions and doubts than answers. That’s not really a good sign. You can go ahead and be upfront but is this guy worth it?” he asked thoughtfully.
“I don’t know. I want to give it a chance but each time I think about him I get more confused and anxious.” she sighed, putting down her utensils. She bumped her head against the chair in front of her.
“He also hasn’t texted back in a few days without saying why.” she promptly added, looking to him. Iwa jerked back, his arms in a flurry.
“Scratch what I said. I don’t think the relationship is going to work. It’s not serious enough for him if he can’t at least let you know why he goes off the grid.”
Her face fell, shoulders sinking into her back.
“Sorry,” apologised Iwa, pausing to empathize with her.
“I kind of already know this and I guess I just hate uncertainty suspense. I don’t know why I feel so affected to hear it out loud.” she groaned, massaging her temples. Iwa was not good at hearing about boy problems. He didn’t really know what to say.
“Why’d you go for him anyway?” he asked, thoughtfully chewing some eggs and shifting in his seat. The seat was obviously a bit narrow for his shoulders. Hiromi moved a bit to her right to allow him more space.
Her poster straightened up while she plopped her elbows onto the table. She clasped her hands together and thought for a bit before turning to him, her eyes wide and a tad bit glassy.
“He just ticked the boxes you know? I knew him from college and we understand the other worlds we worked in. He’s smart, artistic and apparently he’s been crushing on me since freshman year or something like that. I wasn’t seeing anyone so I thought I’d give it a shot.”
“But why are you adamant to make it work is what I mean?”
Hiromi shrugged her shoulders, “I can’t help but feel like it reflects on me. I feel like I’m not worthy enough when I can’t make a relationship work with someone who ticks the boxes.”
“I really hate dating and letting someone have this much control over my emotions though.” she growled at the chair in front of her.
Iwa had a small smile to himself, glad he was not in her place. She had always been the one better at giving advice when they were in uni together. He wished he could return the favor.
Before he got together with his college girlfriend, he was swimming in a lot of doubts about himself. It was difficult for him to speak about just anyone, but Hiromi was one of few who could coax the subject out of him.
“So how are you two getting on?” Hirom had asked him.
They were sitting together in the school cafeteria for lunch. Usually they sat with common friends and some classmates, but today they were alone which meant she could pry on Iwa’s love life. Even when Iwa wanted to talk about his girl problems, he had difficulty opening up. She saw it as her mission to initiate the conversation to help him out.
Iwa scratched the back of his head and sighed, “I don’t really know how I could be a better replacement for her ex. I’m not her first anything. I’m not any more good looking, or smarter or more athletic than he was. I’m not even nicer. I really don’t know if I’m worth the shot.”
His brow furrowed in concern. His lips were midway between a pout and a scowl.
She choked on her lunch. More often than not, it was Iwa encouraging other people and giving square judgement. Iwa was by no means arrogant, but he was also not self-deprecating. Hearing him speak about himself this so despondently was out of his character.
“Iwa, dating is not a competition!” she managed to say while pounding on her chest. Iwa handed her some water.
“I guess…” he mumbled.
After slugging down some water, Hiromi composed herself, “Yeah, her ex may have been great, but you’re great too! She likes you now which is why even if her ex is still in some of her friend circles she’d still rather date you.”
Iwa perked up a bit and smiled at his food.
“Just because you’re not her first doesn’t mean you can’t have a meaningful relationship right? What’s this obsession with being first? It’s not added value.” she said thoughtfully, putting her face between her hands as she leaned into her tray.
That lunch seemed so long ago. Who would’ve known that their next lunch after college would be a plane in between Hong Kong and Tokyo?
“Hey, are you still using the same email? Let’s keep in touch when we get back. I’m holding you by your promise to show me around.” he grinned, handing her his phone.
She continued sulking in half-hearted despair at the seat in front of her while she took his phone.
“Cheer up! I’m sure you’ll find someone in Tokyo.” he added, settling himself back into his chair looking at her.
Taglist: @scrappydaisies @itstheee-ha-chan
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twinklecheeks · 5 years
Friends With Benefits (Jeff Wittek Imagine) Part 1
Summary: Jeff and Y/N have been hooking up for a while. The whole vlog squad assumes they’re dating and Y/N does too but Jeff doesn’t like labels. He eventually starts to express interest in Natalie.
Note: This is my first time writing. Planning on making this a multiple part series, depending on how good it does. Also, I don’t hate Natalie at all! I actually love the idea of Jeff & Nat being a thing. They’d look so cute together.  You’re 21 & Latina in this (maybe) series
Warnings! Smut, fluff, nudity, pregnancy?
Word Count: 2.3k
*How you and Jeff met*
You met at Dom’s apartment after David invited you to film a bit. You assumed he was new because you’ve never seen him before. His accent swooned you over but you didn’t want to make it obvious. David wanted to film the bit where he shows new friends Jonah p*nis because it’s so small. You’ve been friends with David for 2 years and you’ve known Jonah a while now, so you decide to join Toddy, Jeff and Brandon in the bathroom too see it.
Jeff: Are these the types of videos he does all the time
Y/N: honestly, it happens way too often. He’d do anything for content.
Jonah pulls down his pants and all of us just bust out laughing. At this point your just wheezing and trying to calm down at what you just saw. All of you walk out of the bathroom and Jeff smiles at you and says “you have a cute laugh.” You just wanted to combust in that moment and all you could respond with was a smile. You keeping your distance from Jeff the rest of the time you’re there cause you were nervous and didn’t want to embarrass yourself by saying something stupid. You have social anxiety so it’s a little hard for you to meet new people but once they get to know you, you’re an open book. After that you had to leave to film your own video. You said goodbye to everyone, including Jeff. Y/n: It was nice meeting you. Hopefully you’ll stick around w/ us. He smiles and says “ I hope so too.” After you left, he asked Todd about you.
Jeff: “Hey, what was up with Y/n”
Todd: what do you mean
Jeff: I feel like she was avoiding me or somethin
Todd: Oh no. Don’t take offense to that. She’s really shy when she meets new people. She’ll warm up to you.
*2ish months after meeting Jeff*
As time went on, Jeff started to hang out more and more w/ the vlog squad and you two started to get to know each other. You learned that he was born and raised in Staten Island, he lived in Miami, got arrested for doing dumb shit and eventually turned his whole life around and moved to LA a couple of years ago. He was surprised to find out that you were born in New York City too; but you were born in Brooklyn.
Jeff: I had a bunch of friends that lived in Brooklyn. We might have seen each other around or something.
Y/n: Haha maybe but my family and I moved away when I was 11 tho. We moved to Seattle cause my parents really struggled to make ends meet in the city. They loved it but had to leave. It’s hard living there, raising 3 kids.
Jeff: Yeah I feel ya. My parents struggled too in Staten Island but they made it work.
Both of you talked the whole night until you both of you guys fell asleep on David’s couch. You forgot where you were when you realized you were still at David’s house. You tried to move but Jeff had his arm around your waist. You smiled at the fact that you two were getting so close. This started to happen a lot. You guys started to have movie nights together and would end up cuddling on the couch or one of y’alls beds.
*Your first kiss/ first time w/ Jeff*
It was New Years Eve. You spent the night partying at David’s house. You and Jeff have basically become best friends in the 2-3 months you’ve known each other. You were hoping that this would finally be the night you kiss him. As everybody started to countdown the final minutes while watching the ball drop on tv, your heart starts to beat like crazy. You’re right by Jeff and he has his arm around you. Both of you look watch the tv and it’s the final ten seconds. Everyone is yelling TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE… You started to have your doubts that you to would kiss and it’s like everything happened in slow motion. As it counted down the final 4 seconds, Jeff caught you off guard and pulled you in for a kiss. It felt like fireworks were going off when you kissed him. You guys pulled away but this wave of confidence came over you and pulled him in for another kiss but it was more sensual/ needy. Both of you saw the lust in your eyes and you wanted to take him right there but he started to pull you out of David’s house to head to his car. He pushed you against his car and started to ravish you. You grabbed his face and moved his lips from your neck to connect with yours. He bit down on your lip, as you moaned and parted your lips, allowing his tongue to enter. You lightly pushed him away and you guys get into the car, acting like horny teenagers. “Baby if i weren’t driving like a maniac right now, I’d fuck you right in the back seat.” You notice Jeff’s giant bulge and decide to help him out. You start to feel his throbbing member through his pants and Jeff let’s out a moan. You unzip his pants and see his cock spring up. You were excited but also intimidated at how big he was. You unbuckle your seatbelt and move closer to Jeff; the pre-cum oozing at the head. You then stroke his cock for a bit and then you started to give him a blowjob. You tease him by licking the head and Jeff swerves a bit. “Doll, are you trying to kill both of us. Jesus, This is the longest 15 minute drive to my place ever.” Jeff stops at a red light and that’s when you went all in. You hollow your cheeks so you can suck off as much as you can. His cock hit the back out your throat; you started to deepthroat Jeff while he’s still driving. Jeff hearing you choke of his cock is the music to his ears. You guys are about five minutes away and your contemplating whether to suck him until he cums in you mouth or wait until he cums inside you when you get to his place (wrap it before you tap it). You massaged his balls and continue to deepthroat him right before he was about to cum, you guys arrived at his place. You continue to deepthroat him. “Oh shit doll I’m gonna-” He reached his climax and came into your mouth. You look up to see the beads of sweat on his head. He almost cums again just by watching you swallow his cum. He pulls you in for another kiss and you look down to see that his cock is still rock hard. “Someone is still in the mood” you say while smirking. “Babe, you won’t be able to walk in the morning.” Both of you practically run into his building and you can’t keep your hands off each other. He almost takes off your dress in the elevator to take you right there. As he got his door open, all he says is “jump” and the rest of the night felt like a fever dream. And boy he was right on me not being able to walk.
*Current day*
You and Jeff act more and more coupley but he doesn’t want anything serious for right now because he had gotten out of a 3-4 years relationship 6 months before you met. At the moment, you don’t know where you and Jeff stand. You guys fuck multiple times a week and then he leaves your place without explanation. Y/n doesn’t want to say anything because she doesn’t want this to stop. She has such strong feelings for Jeff but is too scared to tell him how she feels. Over the past couple of weeks, you’ve noticed that Jeff has become kind of distant from you. You see in the comments, of several videos that Jeff and Natalie have become a thing. He’s talked about her multiple times on Scott’s podcast, fans make edits, made a joke about having kids with her at coachella and he was being flirty with her at vidcon by asking her who she was dating in front of hundreds of fans on stage during the vlog squad Q&A. You see Jeff’s insta story of Natalie with that pink filter with the romantic music. And to top it all off, the last time you guys went to Vernon Hills to visit David’s family, you were in the car with David, Jason, Ilya, Dom and Jeff is following behind. Dom sees a girl from a far and says “Damn look at that fucking ass.” Everyone is laughing cause they realize it was Natalie and David tattle tales on Dom to Natalie. You hear Jeff say “why do you think I pulled over?” But you still decide to ignore it the fact that he’s crushing on Natalie. You get back to LA and Jeff spends the night at your place. The movie nights don’t happen anymore, so has the cuddling. You both basically fuck until you both orgasm then he leaves right after. “You know you can spend the night if you want” Jeff responds with “Why would I do that?” Damn. That hurt. You play it cool and start to cry yourself to sleep right as he leaves your apartment.  
A week passes by and you hear no word from Jeff at all. David texts you to come over so you can film. You enter the house and see that the guys are in the backyard. You were getting closer and you hear Zane ask “whatever happened to you and y/n? I thought y’all were a thing.” Jeff scoffs and says “ugh could never date y/n, she reminds me too much of my ex.” At this point your ears are fuming. “Just because I’m short and Latina like his ex he doesn’t to be with me?” You grab a bottle of tequila that was in David’s cabinet and walk into the backyard and spill it all over Jeff’s head and it was perfect timing because David was recording. “Y/n what the fuck” He grabbed you by the arm and you slap him in the face hard enough to leave a red mark. “Do I still remind you of your ex?” you smile as you walk away. That was the most ballsy thing you’ve done since you kissed him on New Years.
*A month later*
Your life without Jeff has been great. After that night, you blocked his number and all social media accounts. The last you heard was that Jeff asked out Natalie; you don’t hate Natalie, she’s a great person! You still hang out with the vlog squad but you act as if nothing happened. You just started your senior year at USC and can’t wait to graduate next spring. Everything has been a real life changer for you. You were eating healthier, you started going to the gym and you realized how dependent you were on Jeff to make you happy. Just as you thought everything was perfect, it started to go downhill.
Y/n woke up not feeling great. She felt very light headed and very bloated. Y/n assumed she started her period. She checked to see but there was nothing there; then realizes she hasn’t gotten her period in a while but doesn’t think anything of it because she’s never had a regular period. You head out to go jogging on a trail, one that you know Jeff doesn’t go on. It’s normal to feel out of breath but you felt like you were going to pass out. Deciding that you worked yourself too hard, you walk the rest of the way. The last thing you remember was trying walk up the trail. Y/n wakes up in a hospital room extremely confused. The nurse walks in hearing you ask what the hell happened. “Good afternoon Ms. L/n, you fainted on a hiking trail. You were just dehydrated. You should really be drinking more under your condition.” Y/n looked at her dumbfounded “my condition??” The nurse catches on and knows something you don’t. You see her walk outside and speak to the doctor. You try to depict what she’s saying but can’t hear a thing. “Hello Ms. L/N, how are you feeling?” You ignore the question and cut straight to the point “She said I had a condition, what is it.” The nurse and the doctor looked back at each other and looks back at you. “Well, it has come to our attention that you probably had no knowledge of this but we ran some blood tests and…..” “AND WHAT”...... “It has come to our attention that you are 9 weeks pregnant” Out of nowhere, you just start laughing cause you think this is a joke. “You’ve got to be kidding me” “Mam, I can assure you that we’re not.” “Is it too early to ask for an ultrasound?” “We’d thought you’d ask,” They bring the machine from outside and put the cold jelly on your stomach. It takes a minute to find it. In the back of your mind, you’re praying that you’re not pregnant. You’re only 21. This was the time to party, hang out with friends, live your life, graduate college….. Oh shit. College. It’s your SENIOR YEAR. You prayed HARD that you weren’t pregnant and the boom, you see a blob on the screen……. The nurse turns on the doppler to see if you can hear the heartbeat. You then hear “bum bum bum bum.” You already knew who’s it was, you have no idea how you were going to tell him, or if you’re going to tell him.
Is y/n gonna keep it? Is she going to tell Jeff? What the hell is she going to tell her family if she does keep it? Who knows…… 
Side note: I’m sorry if this is bad! It’s my first time writing fanfiction and I give huge props to people who do this on a daily cause this mess is hard. Oh and I was there at vidcon when Jeff asked who’s Natalie dating. 
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trasky-kika · 5 years
They were never separated from each other, other than attending classes, going to the bathroom and other basic things.
But the point is, they were always together.
“They’re like a parasite,” Sero commented shaking his head half-heartedly while walking into the kitchen one day and seeing the boys scrambled on the couch in the common room.
“You’re just jealous bro!” Kirishima rebutted, following Sero. “I think its super manly that they finally worked out their differences and worked things out.”
He was right.
Coming to UA, Bakugou and Izuku were rocky, couldn’t even be in the same room as the other because of the collateral damage they would do.
Whether they meant it or not, they were almost always fighting or yelling. Either way, it was unpleasant for many.
During the Sports Festival, Todoroki went in with the intention of winning without using his father's side, at all.
Obviously, that changed when he was put up against Izuku and the green-haired boy yelled at him that it was his power.
After that, Class 1-A didn’t really know what happened.
But the three boys did.
It started when Izuku and Bakugou were fighting after the provisional license exam. Bakugou, frustrated and with his emotions bottled up, fought with everything he had, as did Izuku. After an intense fight with more explosions, screams, curses, and trying to get Bakugou to understand, Izuku was pinned under the blonde, when suddenly, Bakugou’s face was leaning closer, and closer. Izuku panted and licked at his own bottom lip, tasting the metallic ting of blood and gasped when a bit of Bakugou’s blood dripped from his chin onto his face. He looked at the red crimson eyes he’s been chasing after since they were children and saw the hurt and pain that had accumulated throughout the years. He brought his scarred hand up to the blonde's face and was surprised that rather than shove him away, Bakugou leaned into his touch. Izuku caressed his cheek with his thumb and leaned his head up a bit more, leaning back on his elbow to get better leverage.
“I’m tired of feeling like shit,” Bakugou muttered.
Izuku chuckled. “You don’t have to anymore, I’m here.”
Bakugou scoffed, at the lame line used by the person they both admired. Izuku looked at his childhood friend fondly, still caressing his cheek. Bakugou looked at Izuku through his lashes, his eyes traced the freckled of Izuku’s face until they reached the ones that were above his parted lips.
Izuku subconsciously licked his lips and looked at Bakugou. His eyes shifted from fond to determination.
“I missed you, Kachaan.”
“Tsk, stupid nerd.” Bakugou shook his head slightly and leaned in the rest of the way to kiss Izuku.
After being treated and scolded by teachers and mentors, Bakugou and Izuku became official. But they could not ignore the eyes of a certain someone.
“Well, I mean, it’s hard to ignore his prying eyes, they’re different colors after all.”
Bakugou and Izuku were lounging in Izuku’s room on his bed when there was a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Izuku chimed from his spot on Bakugou’s chest where he currently laid, eyes not leaving the screen of his phone at a game Kaminari showed him earlier in the day. Bakugou grunted and shifted a bit so he could see his book that he had in his hand better.
The boys on the bed turned their heads to the sound of the doorknob turning and a dual haired boy stepping in. Todoroki walked into the room and nervously looked around. He decided to stay standing and looked at anywhere but the bed. His usual calm demeanor was overshadowed by his current slight nerves.
Izuku shot up and smiled brightly.
“Hi, Todoroki-kun!”
Bakugou stared at icy-hot and smirked.
“What took you so long, candy-cane? You think we wouldn’t notice?”
Todoroki shifted uncomfortably and looked down at his feet. He heard rustling in the bed and suddenly, sock-clad feet were standing in front of him. He tilted his head up and looked into Izuku’s green forest eyes. Izuku smiled softly and laid his hand on Todoroki’s arm, causing the boy's cheeks to turn a bit red
“It’s okay Todoroki. We don’t mind. We, uh, kind of hoped you’d confront us,” Izuku chuckled nervously while retracting his hand and bringing it to the back of his neck and scratching it shyly.
Bakugou got up from his boyfriend's bed and walked up to the two boys. He wrapped his arms around Izuku’s shoulders and stood directly in back of him.
“So, icy hot, you in?” Bakugou asked. Izuku looked up from his boyfriend to Todoroki, smiling slightly. Todoroki cleared his throat.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course!” Izuku reassured. “W-We both like you To- S-Shouto.” He stuttered slightly while grabbing onto Todoroki’s hand, gripping it slightly.
Todoroki looked from his hands to Izuku, to Bakugou. He felt oddly calm, given the situation, and suddenly, his nerves were replaced to a warm smile.
Bakugou shivered slightly under the blankets. His head had been pounding all day and he was so fucking tired of it. He sniffed every ten minutes and had gone through a whole box of tissues in less than three hours.
He was sick. Was he going to admit it? Was he going to tell his boyfriends?
Over his dead body.
He was currently curled up with his boyfriends in Todoroki’s dorm. Said boy was in the middle between Bakugou and Izuku. Bakugou was freezing his ass off, and he didn’t know if it was because he was curled up to his boyfriend's cold side, or the fever was getting worse. He shifted uncomfortably and groaned silently when the small movement made his head pound even more.
He was confused. They had been together for about over 11 months, their one year anniversary coming up soon. Within this time period, Todoroki never allowed Bakugou to access his warm side or even see his flames in person. He didn’t know what prompted him to ask the question, he was so out of it and his vision was a beginning to get a bit hazy, but he asked anyway.
“Why does Deku always get your warm side?”
“Becuase I love him more.”
The three boys froze.
Bakugou’s eyes blinked and he felt his heart drop down to his stomach. He hoped it was a joke, but with the way Todoroki had answered so quickly without even looking up from his phone, he didn’t care.
It hurt.
He slowly got off from his spot next to his boyfriend's right side. He pulled the blanket he was using off his slightly cold body and threw it at the two boys who were still seated on the couch with their eyes wide and mouths apart.
“Kachaan, he didn’t mean it-“
Bakugou gave them a once over, his face expressionless, and walked over to the guest room, locking the door. He slid down the door and curled into himself, resting his head on his knees and hugging his legs. His headache was getting worse and he was starting to shiver more with the cold air hitting his warm body.
Bakugou cleared his throat and wiped at his eyes. He wasn’t going to fucking cry dammit. But this fever was fucking killing him. He heard Todoroki and Izuku arguing, well more like Izuku was scolding Todoroki, and usually, Bakugou would smirk and enjoy this, but today, he really didn’t give a fuck.
So, with whatever amount of energy he had left, he mustered it up and got his ass from the floor by the door and crawled to into the bed in the guest bedroom and curled up under the covers and hugged the pillow under his head. He ignored all the knocks and the whispers and pleas from his boyfriends to open the door, and he fell asleep.
He didn’t open his eyes when he was beginning to wake up. His headache was getting better, but he didn’t want to wake up yet, so, he kept them shut and snuggled in closer to the warm body-
Wait, this isn’t the pillow he fell asleep on.
Groggily, Bakugou opened his eyes and first saw a clothed chest in his line of view.
Okay, it’s one of his boyfriends. He concludes that its most likely Izuku, after the stunt from the day before, he doubts Todoroki would want to be next to him. (Has it been a day? He doesn’t know, all he knows is that this heat radiating off the body next to him feels so good and he doesn’t want to get up-)
Izuku is hot but he isn’t this hot.
He trails his eyes from the chest, up to the collar bone and finally tilting his head up so see the face better.
Holy fuck its icy-hot. And he’s fucking sleeping.
Bakugou shifts slightly, wanting to get up and holy fuck you fucking Canadian flag, let me fucking go-
He freezes when he feels the body next to him tighten their arm around Bakugous slim waist and pull him closer. He hears the boy next to him sigh and he holds his breath when the eyes of his boyfriend slowly flutter awake.
“Good morning.”
Bakugou releases the breath he was holding and tried again to get out his boyfriends arms.
Why was he so hot? His head doesn’t hurt anymore but he’s fucking sweating-
He looks up at Todoroki and the fucker has the audacity to smile at him.
He was laying on Todorokis left side.  
In a fit of frustration (embarrassment) he sneers.
“I thought you loved Deku more, why the fuck are you using your left side on me for?”
His boyfriends smile drops and he looks away. Bakugous surprised because he looks hurt. He doesn’t deserve to be hurt, he hurt Bakugou-
“I’m sorry” Todoroki mutters. Bakugous brain stops for a moment as he feels Todorokis fingers run through his ash-blond hair. For once, he doesn’t care if he’s being vulnerable. He snuggled closer and closed his eyes.
“I'm still mad” he declared. He wanted to reassure his boyfriend that he was mad, but he also didn’t want this fuzzy feeling in his stomach about Todoroki finally offered to use his left side for him.
Todoroki huffed out a laugh and slowly massaged his head.
“I'm so sorry love. I don’t know what prompted me to say that. I love both you and Izuku equally, there is no competition. I love you so much Katsuki. Your playful rivalry made me better and made me realize things to make me a better person, a better hero. Sure we butt heads a lot, but that makes us stronger.” He shifts so that Bakugou is laying flat on his back and he’s hovering over him. “I love your attitude. I love that even though you yell and swear up and down that you don’t care about anyone, you make sure Izuku and I are okay and safe. You cook us heavenly meals to make sure we eat and get worried- shut up you know you do- and scold us when we do something stupid and help us heal and bandage our wounds.” At this point, Bakugou has an arm thrown over his eyes, mostly to cover the fact that he’s fucking blushing and getting teary-eyed- fuck this sickness, and Todorki begins to kiss his neck softly.
“I love you much Katsuki. I’m sorry that I upset you, baby. I love you so, so, so much.”
Todoroki removed Katsukis arm and smiled softly at his boyfriend's flushed face and teary eyes. He leans down and brushed his lips overs Bakugous.
“But you have to tell us when you’re sick, love.”
Bakugou blinked and groaned. Just then, the door opened and revealed Izuku with a damp towel and a bowl of soup. He looked at the bed and beamed brightly at his two boyfriends, knowing that they have made up.
“Ah, Kachaan! You’re awake! It’s a good thing I kept the key to the guest room on top of the door frame. When you weren’t answering we thought you wanted to be alone, but you weren’t answering at all and it was just to quiet so I started thinking things I probably shouldn’t have so I unlocked the door and then we saw you were passed out on the bed but like you were sweating more than usual so we moved you back to our room and-“
“ ‘Zuku, honey, breathe.” Todorki smiled and moved around the bed so his back was against the bed frame and Bakugou was between his legs.
Izuku smiled sheepishly and walked towards them, setting the bowl of soup on the nightstand and folding the wet towel in half. He placed the towel on Bakugous head and smiled sweetly when the blond sighed happily.
“You should let us know when you’re sick Kachaan. Todoroki was freaking out because he thought he made you sick.”
Bakugou placed his hands onto of Todorokis where he had them placed around his waist. He looked up at Izuku and gestured him to sat down next to him. Carefully, Izuku grabbed the bowl and used the spoon to mix the soup inside it, blowing on it slightly.
“I called my mother and she informed me that usually when someone had a fever, they should sweat it out.” As Todoroki said this, he let his left side get a bit hotter, just enough to make Bakugou comfortable. Bakugou hummed in his daze and leaned more of his weight into his boyfriend. His other boyfriend brought a spoon up to his mouth filled with soup and the blonde scowled slightly before opening his mouth and swallowing around the spoon.
Spicy. He thought.
Todoroki shifted behind him and nuzzled the back of his neck.
“Love, hurry and get better soon. I want to show you just how much I love you.”
Izuku grinned mischievously.
“Yeah Kachaan, I want to show you too.”
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kpopsinsandwins · 5 years
Sharing is Caring Pt. 3
Pt. 1 , Pt. 2  
Member: Jaemin
Genre: Smut
Word count: 3.2k
Summary: Jaemin was studying alone on the couch and you could tell he needed help so you decide to tutor him. About half way into studying, Jaemin's brain becomes fried and he really needs to have a break and do something fun to cure his boredom. Luckily, he knows exactly what will do the trick.
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It wasn’t long after you and Renjun had sex for the first time that the rest of your friends tried getting in your pants. The day after everything went down, you went to take a shower and just when you announced this to your friends, Haechan snapped his head up and suggested he tag along with you to conserve water. You rolled your eyes and laughed as you walked to the bathroom. You made sure you locked the door before even taking your hair out of its ponytail. Haechan was not pleased when he found out the door was unable to be opened. Later that same day, Jeno came out of his and Jaemin’s room to workout in the living room. It just so happened that you were reading a book in that very room when he decided to do this. Now, this would seem normal to anyone a first but Jeno only ever works out in his room and everyone knows that. He was pretty hot, you have to admit, but you also really liked how much control you had over these boys without even trying. You watched him, and you made sure he saw that you were watching him, and enjoying what you were seeing, but as soon as it was becoming too much for you to handle you got up and left a confused and out of breath Jeno in the empty living room. The only one that hasn’t really tried anything yet was Jaemin. That was until Friday night when Jaemin was studying for a big test he had at the beginning of the next week. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a baggy black t-shirt. His hair was messy because of the various times he had run his hands through it due to frustration. He was sitting criss cross on the couch, surrounded by books and papers. You were sitting in the kitchen just staring at him and seeing how badly he didn’t understand the material he was looking at. He sighed and pulled at his hair for what seemed like the 100th time. You could tell he really needed help and so you got the idea to help him, despite not knowing exactly just what he was studying. You got up from your seat and made your way over to him.
“Hey, Jae,” you said to get his attention.
“Oh, hey, Y/n,” he said while sulking.
“Whatcha studying for?” you asked him while taking a seat next to him.
“I have this crazy math test on Monday and I have no idea what I’m doing,” he said, running his hands through his hair again. It was a complete mess but it still looked good.
“Can’t you ask Renjun for help?” you asked him.
“I’ve asked all of them for help but they’d all rather go to that new bowling alley than help their best friend not flunk out of college,” he said with a sigh. He looked at the mess of papers and started grabbing at them to make more room for you.
“What if,” you said while scooting closer to him, “I help you study.”
“You’d do that for me,” he said while turning to face you.
“Yeah,” you said with a smile, “I wouldn’t want my favorite roommate to flunk out of college.”
“Oh, so I’m your favorite?” he asked with a smug grin on his face
“Shut up,” you said as you rolled your eyes, “we have lots of studying to do” And with that, the two of you began studying. You would stare at his profile as he solved problems and he’d catch you every so often, looking back at you from the corners of his eyes. Whenever this would happen he would clear his throat and that was a kind of signal for you to look away and blush.
Two hours had passed and you managed to help Jaemin understand at least half of what he was having trouble with. You were staring at him again, not being able to help it. Just the way his eyes focused on the paper and the way his eyebrows moved when he was unsure of something and thinking. The way he’d bring his bottom lip between his teeth when he was focusing hard, it all made you feel a certain type of way. Jaemin finally realized that you were staring again and again he looked at you from the corners of his eyes but instead of clearing his throat, he quickly turned to look at you.
“Ok, I need a break,” he said while dropping what he was working on onto the coffee table. This startled you a little, making it difficult for you to think.
“Uh, ok,” you said trying to think of something fun to do for his break, “we could watch a movie.”
“Seriously?” Jaemin said with disappointment in his voice.
“What?” you asked him, “Do you not like movies?”
“You were undressing me with your eyes the whole time we were studying and now that we’re on a break you want to watch a movie?” he asked you with disbelief clear on his face. You didn’t know what to say. Yes, you were staring at him all night and thinking about how good looking he was, but you didn’t think he noticed it. Your face was turning red and becoming warm with every second that passed.
“I-i, uh,” you said, unable to think of anything to actually say. With this, Jaemin brought his face closer to yours and had his eyes looking back and forth from your eyes to your lips. You completely froze in your spot, not being able to process what was happening.
“So you’re telling me,” Jaemin whispered while pushing his face closer to yours, “that you’d rather watch a movie than kiss me right now?” You had never seen Jaemin like this before. He had a fierce look in his eyes, which was unusual since his eyes were always full of joy. He wasn’t his usual happy bubbly self, he was a man that knew what he wanted and knew that he was going to get it no matter what. You weren’t going to lie, this look worked for him.
“W-well,” you whispered, still not sure what to say. You couldn’t help looking down at his lips, wanting to get yours closer to his. He saw you looking at his lips and smirked a little.
“See,” he whispered, “there you go again.” He closed his eyes and chuckled. You were losing all control of your mind and body with every passing second. This new dark side of Jaemin was really messing with you. You couldn’t control yourself anymore. You quickly pushed your lips onto his and started to kiss him. This took him by surprise but he quickly realized what was happening and started kissing you back. You heard something fall on the floor but you weren’t interested in it enough to check what it was. Jaemin grabbed at your hips and tugged on you to get you to straddle him. Now that your legs were wrapped around his waist you understood that Jaemin had pushed all his books onto the floor so that way you could get on top of him.
His grip on your hips never left and you could feel that once the kiss became deeper his hands started to wander. You could feel his hands slide up and down your back while yours stayed around his neck. He let your lips go from his and he started placing tiny kisses all along your jaw and neck. His hands found their way under your shirt, lifting it over your head to take it off. His kisses started to trail down your neck to your breasts, causing tiny moans to leave your mouth. Your hands slid from behind his neck and started to wander his chest. Your hands found the hem of his shirt and almost instantly found their way inside of it to tear it over his head. You threw the shirt behind you not caring enough to not make a mess. Your hands were still on his chest while his were gripping on to your ass, kneading it as his lips moved across your chest. His lips felt like tiny, soft clouds massaging your chest. Every kiss made you needier and needier for his touch. You were becoming so restless for more contact that you started moaning and squirming every time his lips made contact with your skin.
“So impatient, princess,” Jaemin said while lightly laughing against your skin. His hands slipped into your shorts and gripped on to your ass, kneading it with more force to try and get a reaction from you. You couldn’t help but give in to his touch and give him exactly what he wanted. You moaned at his touch, needing more of it. Your hands slowly slid down his chest to the front of his sweats, feeling the firm outline of his hardening member. Your hand started to slowly palm him through his sweats, causing his breath to falter against your skin. His hands reached for the band of your shorts and pulled them down, leaving you in just your underwear and bra. While your hand was moving aggravatingly slow up and down his member, your lips found their way to his neck to leave dark red marks all over it. Jaemin’s head fell back against the couch and he let out a low groan, letting you know he really liked what you were doing to him. The other thing that made you know he really liked it was the slow bucking of his hips into your hand. He was getting needy just as you were, needing more to feel sweet release and ecstasy. You weren’t going to give it to him that quick and that easy though. You drew back your lips from his neck and your hand from his pants. He slowly opened his eyes and gave you a questioned look as if to say, ‘Why’d you stop?’. You just looked back at him and smirked.
“Who’s needy now, huh?” you asked sarcastically with a small laugh.
“Oh, shut up, Y/n,” he said while rolling his eyes.
“Me? Shut up?” you said sarcastically. You wrapped your hands back around his neck.
“Yes, you,” he said back to you. His hands found their way to your hips and started slowly moving them back and forth to create friction against his member and your heat.
“And what if I don’t?” you asked him, trying to get him riled up. You knew it was working too because his grip on your hips got tighter.
“Oh, you don’t wanna know, princess.” With that his lips went back to yours and his hands went to unclasp your bra. He slid it off your body and threw it behind him. He took one of your breasts in his hand and squeezed it lightly, getting you to release a tiny moan from the back of your throat. His hips thrusted up when you did that, wanting to hear more of the little noises you made when he made you feel good. Your hands went to the waistband of his sweats and once they met with it, your fingers curled around the edge and you slowly pulled them down. You hopped of his lap to fully take his pants off and as you were standing in front of him you slowly pulled down your underwear, giving him a tiny strip tease. You could visibly see his member straining against his boxers as you did this. He needed you badly and you wanted to make him feel good. You got down on your knees in front of him and made your way in between his legs. You pulled at his boxers, bringing them down his legs, releasing his hard member from its confinement. You looked up at his face, his eyes full of lust and hope, wishing you’d just put him in your mouth already. You took this as the perfect time to bring your tongue from the base to the tip, bringing shivers down his spine. You looked up at him as you did it again, keeping eye contact as your lips wrapped around the tip of his member. When you did this he couldn’t help but lean his head back and enjoy the way you looked so taking him in your mouth. Your mouth sank down his hard member, causing small sighs of relief to slip through Jaemin’s lips. You hummed around him, encouraging the noises coming out of the boy’s mouth. He seemed to like this as his hips began to thrust up, causing him to go further into your mouth. You wanted him to feel good but you didn’t want things to end just yet. You took him out of your mouth and stood up. Jaemin opened his eyes slowly as he was brought back to reality. He reached a hand out to you and you gladly took it. He pulled you to him, wanting you to straddle him. You sat down and his lips went to your chest, leaving kisses and marks all over the place.
“I want you to ride me,” he groaned against your skin. His words made you feel lost with lust. Your head clouded with one desire that you’d been chasing after this whole time. You needed him and you needed him now. You positioned yourself with him and slowly sank down on him. Finally feeling the thing you needed most in that moment, it was like scratching a hard to find itch. His lips were on your neck, leaving little bites here and there, as you began to rock your hips against his. His hands found their way to your hips, making sure you kept pace with his thrusts. The feeling of him deep inside of you and his hot breath against your skin sent you to unbelievable heights. All that pent up tension finally being on the brink of releasing. You let out a loud moan as his hips thrusted up.
“F-fuck, Jae, so good,” was all you were able to get out. You weren’t able to concentrate on anything else except the closing in feeling of the knot in your stomach trying to find a way to release.
“So close,” Jaemin grunted in between thrusts. You could feel the change in rhythm the closer he got to his release. His hand found its way between the two of you. He pushed his thumb to your swollen bud, circling around it, bringing you closer to your release. Your walls were getting tighter with every move he made, causing him to groan at the sweet feeling of you around him. His thumb moved faster and faster, causing more and more noises to fall from your lips. You were close now, the knot in your stomach barely holding together.
“I’m close, Jaemin,” you let out. He thrusted up into you faster, trying his hardest to give you the one thing you desired most in that moment. This was all that it took for the knot in your stomach to finally release, giving you the amazing feeling of pure pleasure. You moaned out Jaemin’s name as your walls closed as tightly as they could around him. The feeling of you around him brought him to his high, causing him to let out a loud groan as he let go. You were both out of breath as you slid off of him, falling onto the couch.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” Jaemin said with a sigh. He turned his head to your direction. Your eyes were closed and your chest was rising and falling at a fast pace. You opened your eyes and turned your head to face him. You looked at his face, hair matted down to his forehead with sweat and a soft smile on his lips. You couldn’t help but smile back. Just then there was a knock on the front door. Both of your smiles fell and fear filled your eyes. Jaemin looked at you questioningly, as if to say, “Who’s at the door?” There was a long pause before another knock was heard but this time there was a voice to go along with it.
“Hey, can we come in yet? Are you guys done fucking?” That voice could only be one person. You both quickly put on what clothes you could find that had been mindlessly thrown earlier, to go and answer the door. Jaemin couldn’t find his shirt and you couldn’t find your underwear despite how hard you looked for them. You gave up looking for them and opened the door to find all three of your roommates behind it. Jeno was sitting against the wall next to where Renjun was standing and Haechan was the boy standing right in front of you.
“Can we come in now? I need food,” Jeno whined to you.
“Yes, yes, come in,” Jaemin said from behind you. The three boys pushed through the door and made their way into the apartment. You and Jaemin went over to the couch to clean up the papers that were thrown around. Renjun went to his room and Jeno went to the kitchen while Haechan stood behind the couch, watching you and Jaemin clean up the mess you made.
“Oh, this must be my lucky day,” Haechan said suddenly, walking fast to the other side of the room. Your eyes followed to where he was going and you saw what he was going after. Right beside the tv stand on the floor, there they were, your underwear. Your eyes widened and you stood up to get them before Haechan could but he was much closer to them than you were. He bent down and picked them up holding them out to you. As you went to grab them he lifted them high above his head, which was way high above your head, not letting you grab them.
“Haechan, those are mine,” you said while trying your hardest to reach for your belonging.
“I know. That’s why I grabbed them,” he said playfully.
“Well, give them back then,” you said to him.
“Oh, I can’t do that,” he said devilishly, “You can get these back when you and I get some alone time together.” He winked at you when he said this.
“Seriously?” you asked him, giving up on trying to jump and reach for them. “But those are my favorite pair,” you whined.
“Well, they’ll be waiting for you in my room for the time being. You know where they’ll be and you know where I’ll be so don’t be shy and come get them soon, ok, baby?” He walked away, leaving you in the living room.
“Well, looks like you gotta fuck him now,” Jeno said from the kitchen while laughing.
“Yeah yeah yeah, shut up, Jeno,” you said back to him, “I’m gonna go shower,” you said as you walked to the bathroom. From Haechan’s room you heard a loud thud and feet moving quickly. “And I’m locking the door, dummy,” you yelled to him. All you heard as you opened the bathroom door was a loud groan. You couldn’t help but laugh at your roommate’s suffering.
A/n: Wow, this took long to write. I’m not very pleased with it either but I really didn’t want to restart it cause it was hella late already. It’s also really long, like wtf. Well, I hope you like it and aren’t too upset with the way it turned out💕 (I like making Hyuck a thirsty boy. I think it’s funny so I hope you guys don’t mind the ending lol)
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notworkingsposts · 5 years
The Fight Part 2 (Kenna x Val)
Part 1 can be found here. This was going to be scrapped but Michael encouraged me to finish it - thanks friend and also thank you for pre-reading :D NSFW, meaning anyone under 18 should not read this. 
Word count: 1963
Tagging everyone who asked on the first one: @kennaxval @strangerofbraidwood @brightpinkpeppercorn @tornbetween2loves @crazypeanat @queerchoicesblog
As the Queens lay as one, all that was heard was the rhythmic sound of rain drops drumming against the window-panes. It became more and more insistent as thunder and lightning graced the unfathomed beat; it was as though the Gods were celebrating the passionate union that had just taken place. Each roar of thunder grew louder and wilder, a sound which encouraged the Queens to carry on. Val glided her left hand over Kenna’s full breast, gently squeezing her erect nipple while kissing and licking her lover’s neck. With each movement, Kenna’s heart began to beat harder and faster, the fire seemed to crackle louder; the missing pieces to the hypnotic yet natural procession that had graced their dalliance. There was something different in the air and Kenna wholeheartedly knew she was about to experience new heights of pure ecstasy; something she believed Val had already given her.
“Queen Kenna are you there?” a gentle voice spoke, followed by a contrasting thud at the door. Val quickly pounced on top of Kenna, silencing her with a heated kiss.
Again, the former mercenary feasted on her lover’s lips, gently biting on her lower lip while she whispered “Shhhh, we are not here”
“Nghh…but what if it’s important? I’m sure I heard Lia and she would not dare knock on our chamber door without reason”
“This better be good Kenna!” Val unwillingly released Kenna, so they could quickly cover themselves with a robe before opening the door.
“What do you want Lia? I can’t wait for the day when you and that Technocrat are behind closed doors” Val breathed through gritted teeth.
“VAL! I am so sorry Lia, my wife can be…brash”
“Oh…erm… Whitlock…no!” Lia’s pale skin immediately flushed, and the Queens could not help but let out a teasing giggle.
“Ahem, I’m sorry for the interruption but your guests are growing wary. Dom and Sei have stalled for as long as possible but I am scared they may eventually set the castle on fire”
“Gods!!! My love we forgot it was the 1 year celebration since The Five Kingdoms was reunited. Lia please apologise to our guests; Val and I will be there shortly”
With a huff, Val shut the door and stomped over to the window. Moments later, she felt the only true warmth known to her as Kenna encircled her arms around her wife.
“No Kenna…don’t try and tell me this is what we need to do as Queens! As Queens we should be able to do whatever the hells we want. This is exactly what I was talking about in the morning – we never get time to be just…US! Our lives are constant work with little time to enjoy”
Kenna placed a gentle kiss on her lover’s temple, she turned her around and lifted her chin to ensure their eyes met. “I understand your frustrations my love. There is nothing more in all the lands that I want more than to spend every waking moment in your arms, but our people need us. The sooner we go to the celebrations, the sooner we can be back here” Kenna steps even closer and nibbles on Val’s ear before whispering “To make it up to you, maybe I’ll let you do that…thing you’ve always wanted to do”
“I promise my love” With a wink, Kenna sauntered away leaving her wife to stare on in disbelief as her imagination went wild.
The grand hall had never looked so beautiful. Annelyse had taken the liberty to adorn the room in the finest gold and silks. People laughed and danced merrily, the smell of wine and ale was almost heavenly and as Kenna took a deep breath, she admired what her strength as a ruler achieved. The memories of her mother’s dreams and aspirations washed over her and the happiness she felt at this moment was overwhelming. Val knew her wife so well that she didn’t even have to ask what was wrong. She gently wiped the tear away whilst squeezing her hand, “She would be proud gorgeous. Now, let’s get this over with and do our queenly bidding so we can get to the good stuff”. Kenna jerked forward at the unexpected firm slap on her rear. A furious blush spread over her cheeks as her mind wondered but was quickly interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.
“Dom it’s so good to see you. I believe you nearly set Stormholt alight while I was…delayed”. The friends embraced and shared an unspoken understanding that they were ok, more than ok. “So, tell me, how have you and Sei coped with bringing the mountain people down? Is there anything I can do to help? Your correspondences have slowed my friend”
“Oh Kenna, it’s so good to see you too. But stop, this is a celebration, let’s talk business later and enjoy. The only thing I will say is that Sei and I have definitely…improved on our relationship and that’s why my letters have been delayed”
“It’s about time you and Sei got it together” Val staggered over, placing a strong arm around Dom. He fidgeted nervously as this was the first time she had been friendly since the unfortunate event.
Kenna let out a soft chuckle, “I’m sorry Dom, it looks like my wife has had too much ale and is drunk”
“I’m always drunk around you…drunk in the brain in my heart” Val placed a lingering kiss on her lips and continued “The noble folk are getting impatient, they are ready to hear from the most beautiful woman in The Five Kingdoms”.
“Thank you my love and I love you too. Dom, my apologies but I shall speak to you later”. Kenna walked to the centre of the room and it instantly grew quiet, every gaze fell lovingly upon her, eagerly waiting for their warrior queen to speak.
“My people, 1 year later and this kingdom flourishes more and more at each passing day. Together we took back our homes and united the kingdoms. As long as I am your Queen, peace will be a promise, joy will be a promise and our lands will be a force stronger than no other. So, eat, drink and dance the night away. Live as though this is your last night on earth”. The walls seem to shake as the applause and chants of undying loyalty filled the air.
As Kenna moved from noble to noble, she kept an eye out for Val, hoping to steal a glance but an hour had pass – no luck. Kenna began walking to the soldiers and as she was about to speak she was pulled behind a pillar. Val pressed her body against Kenna’s and captured her mouth in a passionate kiss. She deepened the kiss and couldn’t help but tug at her lover’s clothing. The heat between them was incomparable, their desire built at every touch and kiss. “Mmm…Val we need to go now. I can’t wait, grab some wine and meet me in our chambers”.
Val’s eyes grew wide at the sight of her wife laying seductively in her chemise. She skilfully balanced both goblets of wine in one hand as she began unbuckling her armour, not once breaking eye contact with the beauty before her. Their gaze was intense in the silence, both Queens could already feel the heat between their legs growing. She placed the goblets down and to Kenna’s delight, she teased the rest of her clothing off ever so slowly with a slight sway of her hips. “My love…are you sure you want to try this?” In response, Kenna reached behind her to reveal handcuffs which she earlier borrowed from the dungeons. Val leapt and captured Kenna’s lips in a passionate kiss. Their tongues worked in perfect sync as Val snaked an arm around her lover, she lifted her and moved up the bed until Kenna’s back was against the headboard. Without breaking the kiss, she took the handcuffs and expertly locked Kenna’s hands behind her back. She finished the kiss with a light tug at Kenna’s lower lip. Her hand slowly glided down her lover’s body, stopping to massage her breasts through the thin fabric. She moved lower and lower, but as she reached where Kenna wanted her most she ran one finger ever so lightly over her mound, still working over the chemise. This small touch had Kenna already trembling and straining against the metal that bound her. Val glanced at her wife to see that her eyes were already hooded as lust seem to pour out of her eyes.
“Mmmmm…please Val…please touch me more”
“Not yet my love. I-I-I…have something else for you”. She reached beneath their bed and revealed an Olisbokollikes.
Kenna’s eyes grew wide, “W-what are you going to do with that?”  Val didn’t respond, she tentatively got on all fours, turning so her rear was facing Kenna. “Gods…the best view in the castle” Kenna breathed. Val looked over her shoulder and with a wink she slapped her arse, leaving a red mark in its wake. She took the Olisbokollikes and started teasing her wet folds. Her moans grew louder and louder, the warrior Queen squirmed against the cuffs as her centre began to throb. All she wanted to do is break out of them and touch her wife, feel the warmth that was building. Val was missing Kenna’s touch, so she slowly backed up until her arse was grinding on her body. She grinded lower as she sat in her wife’s lap – still rubbing her wet folds. Kenna instantly buried her face in to her neck, kissing and biting, trying but failing to grind her hips up, earning more moans from the former mercenary as she reached round and pulled at Kenna’s hair. The throbbing was almost painful, and Kenna couldn’t take it anymore, “Please my love…I need you RIGHT NOW”. Val turned around so that she could straddle her, brushing her breast over her mouth. She kept a small distance, so Kenna could not find the relief she ached for. She tried to remove the chemise, but the cuffs were getting in the way. In her frustration, Val decided to rip the dress off, revealing her wife’s perfect body. “You are so beautiful my love”. In response, Kenna pushed her head forward and claimed Val’s lips as her own. Val couldn’t resist, she put her weight down and began grinding her hips against her lovers. Kenna’s head fell between Val’s breast as they both came undone at the same time, but Val wasn’t finished, she was ready to please Kenna for the rest of the night.
She reached for one of the goblets of wine, “Drink?”. Kenna was still catching her breath, so she nodded. Just as the wine touched Kenna’s lips, Val purposely let it spill down her body. “Oops…I’m so clumsy, let me clean that up”. She slowly licked down Kenna’s neck, once she reached her breast she took each peak into her mouth, sucking and massaging. She worked lower, licking the wine from her wife’s flat stomach, over her hips and lower. As she reached Kenna’s centre she grabbed her and lay her down, spilling more wine in to her centre. Kenna was shaking with anticipation, which was quickly soothed by Val’s mouth working passionately to bring her to climax. Her hips began to buck wildly as Val began to lick and suck on her sensitive nub, her fingers moving in an out until her lover was writhing beneath her. Screams and moans filled the room as Kenna arched her back in ecstasy.  
“OH MY GODS!!!! Val you are incredible. Please unbind me, I need to touch you”
10 minutes later and Kenna was still trembling and catching her breath…
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sighingsiren-tales · 7 years
3′s Never A Crowd Part 2
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GROUP: SEVENTEEN, Mingyu x Wonwoo x OC 
GENRE: Angst, Smut
LENGTH: 5.8 k (I got carried away #sorrynotsorry )
A/N: Hello there~ So, this one was just...wow. Like I relieved the struggle of picking a bias all over again. There is a few guest appearances too as well as description of the phenomenal hip movement of half of the performance unit. Enjoy loves!
Gifs are not mine 
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
I grabbed the fluffy black towel from the rack besides the mirror and dried off slowly,the only sound being the water disappearing down the drain. I towel dried my hair best I could before letting the strands continue to dry on their own. As I let the towel past over my lower stomach I heard Wonwoo’s words ring in my head again. How was I to face him again after the things he said to me? I could still feel the short lingering touches his hand left on my body. Nothing short of longing filled my senses as I craved those touches again. I wanted to feel him again, I wanted him to hold me in place like that again, even tease me if he wished to. I shook my head as a physical means to get him out of my head. This was only because I was dick-deprived since my ex left. The breakup was nothing too personal, or so I liked to believe but I’d be lying if I said the thought didn’t cross my mind. Could it have been personal? Did I not do enough? The self-doubt was quick to overtake my senses as I assessed my performance as a girlfriend. I did everything that I possibly could and there was no way in hell that I didn’t. But as easy as confidence was to come about, that's how quick it fell. I found myself looking up at the mirror, subconsciously assessing my value as I inspected myself. I let my hand run through the thick strands of my hair, combing through the tangled curls with my fingers. I brought my hands to my chest, cupping them for a moment, a slight frown taking over my face. I ran my hands down my sides, very attentive to feeling the curve of my hips. What was I even doing? Was I really physically assessing myself? I rolled my eyes and huffed before making a move towards the hair oil on the counter. A quick succession of knocks came at the door before Mingyu cautiously poked his head in, slightly hesitant about entering the room. I barely looked over at him, instead focusing on working the brush through my hair although his earlier words seemed to circle my head in an endless cycle upon seeing his face.
“I left my phone in here” He explain sheepishly and I nodded, waving my hand for him to retrieve it as I moved to massage the detangling oil into my hair before working a brush through the thick strands.
Was I really overly focused on work? And if I was, was that such a bad thing? That meant that I have good work ethic, right? What was the big deal anyway? I like money, so I work to get it. The word ‘excuse’ flashed in my head for a moment and I almost became visibly annoyed with myself. Looking back for a slight moment, I caught Mingyu staring at me from the corner of my eye in the mirror.
“Gyu?” I called to him, prompting him to raise his head and meet my eyes.
It was like that for a moment, extended eye contact and nothing else.
“Can I help you?” I asked after a few moments, his stare finally becoming a bit unnerving in a very sexual way.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked, fiddling with his phone in his hand as he watched me slowly work the brush through the last tangled sections of my hair.
I looked down at the sink for a moment, turning on the water as the flush out the stray hairs before looking up at him.
“Nothing, why do you ask?” I kept focus on putting my brush and detangling oil back in its rightful place and not making eye contact with him. Shutting off the water when I was satisfied with the cleanliness of the sink, I turned to walk towards the door in a slow pace, the shuffling behind me letting me know that he was walking right behind me. When I reached out to open the door it was almost immediately closed by a large hand a few inches above my head.
“Trapping me in my own bathroom?” I asked, slightly amused.
The scent of his cologne entrapped me and a deprived woman was only but so strong. I inhaled sharply and, hopefully, unnoticeably.
“So, you’re coming with us tonight right?” He spoke, voice low and near my left ear.
I nodded slowly, being very careful to keeping my back away from his front.
“Yeah, I’ll go” I spoke, in a breathless tone.
I wanted-no, I needed for Mingyu to step away from me and let me leave the bathroom. With how close he was and how long it’s been since I had a man’s touch, I was just about ready to cave and I couldn’t let his charms overtake me like Wonwoo’s had. He was my best friend and it would just make things awkward and complicate it even if it’d be a blatant lie to say that I haven’t thought of them in such a way. I couldn’t think with my sexual needs. Mingyu made slow movements with his hand, letting is slowly encase my waist, his fingertips skimming my lower stomach before he pressed his palm flat against me and pulled me to him. I inhaled again to calm myself and to push away the thought of my towel just “disappearing” for a few moments. Leaning down, his stray strands of dark hair tickled my ear as his lips neared my neck.
“And you sure you’re not mad at me anymore?” His voice was a low husk and I had absolutely no idea how much more of this shit I was to take.
“No, Mingyu I’m not just, please let me go” The word please came out as an exhale of breath and I cursed myself for being so careless but to be held like this felt so good.
“Why? Do you want me to?”
Say yes, say you want him to let go of you.
No! Say no.
Did I want to say no? Not really. But what would saying yes do? What would be the consequences? Could I ever come back from the possible consequences? The questions came one after the other in an interrogation format. Or, a third option, I could say nothing. That way he held me longer and I don’t give a definite answer. I felt like such an unbelievable coward for not being able to give a definite answer but damn did I love being held in such a way.
“W-where’s Wonwoo?” I asked, my voice soft.
Mingyu gave a feather like kiss to the slope of my neck, causing me to sink my teeth into the flesh of my bottom lip as I tried to keep the effect that that kiss had on me unknown.
“Don’t worry about him, he stepped out” He answered me, his other hand lowering from the door in order to find a place on my hip.
“How long are you going to stay facing the door? I want you to look at me” His words was enough to push me to a point where reason had no effect nor meaning.
Guiding me with his hand on my hip, I turned slowly so that I could look at the man behind me. I  was eye level with the middle of his chest and I raised my head slowly so I could look into his eyes. First mistake of many. I noticed so many things that I normally overlooked, such as his arms which seem to look so toned and strong even while encased in his black button up. The first few buttons that were undone gave an amazing peek at his chest. When I looked up at him, his dark hooded eyes were looking me over thoroughly.
“Don’t look at me like that” I mumbled, well, more so pleaded.
Yet my actions contradicted my words seeing as I still made sure his gaze was meeting mine. He leaned down slightly, grabbing my hand and raising it so that it was placed on the back of his neck. I gripped the area instinctively, his skin so hot and tempting underneath my palm. His hands immediately went to my hips, tugging them forward so there was no space between us.
“There you go” He encouraged against my lips.
Leaning his forehead against mine, he began to speak in a low, sensual tone that I didn’t know he could emanate.
“I’m only going to ask this once, so please make sure your answer is what you really want” His fingers skimmed the hills of my breasts, almost everything else obscured by the towel.
“Because, if you give me permission to do what I’ve wanted to since you were done with that jackass, I promise you” He buried his head in the crook of my neck, a quick brush of his lips against my neck quickly melting at least half of my resolve.
His voice was a whisper in my ear, that of a lover promising everything and more.
“The house could be on fire and the only thing you’d be able to think of would be my hips” He gripped my hips a bit tighter.
“If you don’t think I’m serious” A quick bite to my neck, followed by a flick of his tongue.
“Try me” .
On sharp instinct, I grabbed onto the strands of his dark mane and pulled his ear towards my lips. I wasn’t able to stop myself and I was still contemplating on whether or not that was a bad thing.The way his arms wrapped tightly around my hips was enough to cause a shiver to course through my body.
“You’re pushing me past my limit Mingyu” I hissed candidly.
“Than just say yes already” His response was immediate, voice was exasperated.
He sounded as if he was on thin ice with his patience and the pleasure of knowing that was absolutely intoxicating. I shouldn’t say yes to this. He’s my best friend but in no sense of the word was he making this easy for me. Right now, in this moment, I saw him as only a man and nothing more. A man that I wanted desperately. One hand rose from my waist to cup my jaw firmly, his lips moving to the underside of my jaw.
“Why are you always so fucking stubborn?” He groaned lowly, kisses becoming a bit more forceful.
“When have you known me to back down, huh?” My voice barely going above a whisper seeing as I had to swap out volume for the concentration necessary to keep my voice steady under his ministrations.
His soft, plush lips, were away from my neck within a second. His eyes looking up at me, the familiar competitive glint in his eye.
“Do I have to make you?”.
Please do.
I could do nothing but watch as he straightened his spine, holding my gaze, as he tugged me impossibly closer.
“C”mere” He muttered.
An inch away, that's how far his lips were. Then a centimeter. They looked so soft. Then about a hair away. I could practically feel the heat radiating off of him. He went 90 percent of the way and I was silently urging him to go the full 100, convinced that it wouldn’t be so bad if he did it in comparison to if I did it. Right fucking then his phone rang.
“Damn it” Mingyu swore, grabbing his phone angrily from his pocket and answering the call.
“This better be fucking good Junhui”.
“You sound mad~” I heard from the other line.
“You done yet?” I heard Wonwoo call accompanied by the closing of a door, presumably the front door.
Giving Mingyu a look that I hoped conveyed both my frustration and sympathy, I opened the door and walked out into the hallway, walking slowly to my bedroom. I mentally went over what just happened in my head and I had absolutely no idea how to feel. Being sexually frustrated was a given, but at the same time was I allowed to feel such a way for my best friend? There was no way in hell I was sabotaging a friendship like this because I was dick-deprived; That’d be just stupid.
“Ah, so you’re done” Wonwoo’s voice took me from my thoughts quickly.
“Uh, yeah” I spoke.
Wonwoo’s amused smirk grew slightly but his eyebrow raised in what I assumed was slight suspicion.
“Since when do you hesitate before speaking?” He asked.
I mentally cursed as his perceptive nature before opening the room to my door and entering, using the action as reason not to look at him directly. I walked over towards my vanity, sitting before it. Wonwoo stayed by the doorframe, looking me over thoroughly.
“I’ll let you be then. Let us know when you’re done”.
I nodded, mumbling a ‘sure’ just as I began to prime my face. Once the door was closed, I let out a sigh of relief before scrambling to grab my phone so I could call someone who I hoped had an outside perspective on the situation. I took a few deep breaths before hand, turning on some low music as to calm myself so I could talk as easily as possible. I started my makeup just as the phone rang, my safe haven picking up on the third ring.
“And the princess finally calls” His voice a low timbre that almost immediately had me feeling at ease.
“I need your brutal honesty right now”.
“Did you sign the waiver?” Minhyuk teased although his voice was void of any emotion.
I rolled my eyes although he couldn’t see, placing the phone on speaker and setting it down on the vanity as I started on my eyeshadow.
“I’m in some shit” I huffed.
“Does it matter that I’m here too?” I heard a voice call from the background and I smiled fondly at the addition of Hoseok’s voice.
“No oppa, you’re fine” I assured him.
“Well speak then” Minhyuk prompted.
I took a breath, setting down my blending brush as I mentally prepared myself for the conversation.
“I’m attracted to someone...two someones actually” I spoke.
“Is this a sex call? Cause if so I don’t wanna hear about your fantastic threesomes” Minhyuk whined.
“Three-whatsitnow?” Hoseok asked in disbelief.
“No its not a sex call. Although, If things continue the way they have been, you may be getting one of those very soon” I mumbled, fiddling with my beauty blender as the idea of Wonwoo, Mingyu and I in such a way mulled over in my head.
“Come again now?” I heard Hoseok call from the background in surprise.
“It’s Wonwoo and Mingyu” I blurted out. 
“And you want them both?” Minhyuk’s voice was skeptical but nothing more.
I paused before answering. 
“I’m not sure” I spoke, surprising even myself.
“Not sure? You?” Minhyuk exclaimed in slight disbelief. 
Trust me, I’m thinking the same exact thing. 
“Is this because of hyungwon?” He asked.
“No” My answer was immediate and also quite revealing much to my dismay.
“You sure? You were a little quick to the trigger there princess”.
This didn’t have anything to do with him. It did not and I refused to believe anything other than that. 
“It has nothing to do with my ex” I spoke again, trying to focus on applying my mascara rather than my sorting out my emotions.
“If you want my genuine help you, have to be honest with me. Is it because of-”
“Hey guys”.
I froze. I hadn’t heard that voice in months. That was the same voice that used to wake me up in the morning. It used to tell me how amazing how was. It used to whisper that it loved me. But, it was also the same voice that caressed the words that shattered my heart all those months ago. I was barely able to move so all I could do was listen with bated breath.
‘Why’d you get so quiet all of a sudden?” That same voice asked.
No one responded, opting for silence. Questions of all sorts swirled around in my head and I could barely keep up with them.
“Hey, who’s on the pho-” I didn’t wait to hear the end of the sentence, ending the call and locking my phone.
I looked down at my hands, focusing on the dark color of my nails and the shape as a way to distract myself. I could only move numbly, moving to turn up the music as I finished getting ready for the evening. Why did his voice have such an effect on me? Why did I freeze up like that? I don’t freeze. But I did when I heard him speak. My mind turned automatic as I made it my night’s mission to think of anything and everything but my ex from my mind in all senses of the word. Opting to focus on something else, I began to assess my physical appearance. I choose natural makeup for the evening, the only thing really standing out being my lips, which were a muted dark red and my highlight.I left my hair in its natural curly state, the only difference being a side part instead of a middle. I put on my jewlery first, my gold watch, my black skinny choker and eventually my earrings. My heels were next, the bright red bottom standing out amongst the other wise simple heel. Scanning my closet, I decided on my simple black spaghetti dress that seemed as it was a perfect mold for my curves. Dragging the dress up and over my hips, I inspected myself in the mirror. I was so unfocused that I barely noticed someone walking into the room.
“Let me” I heard just as fingers brushed my spine, dragging the zipper up and into place.
I let out a low thank you as Wonwoo completed my look. Looking myself over once, I turned to face one of my best friends.
“Ready doll?”.
I nodded, moving to grab my phone and a nearby clutch. Walking out from my room, past Wonwoo and towards the kitchen, I came face to face with Mingyu. He was leaning against the wall near the front door, the sound of his heels most likely causing him to raise his head. I saw his eyes widen a fraction before he stood up straight and assessed my outfit.
“You trying to have me catch a murder case?” He asked, eyebrow raised as he looked at me from underneath his full lashes.
Scanning the kitchen for my keys and wallet, I simply offered a slight chuckle to his words.
“The point of tonight is to have fun, yes?” I spoke, grabbing my keys and wallet from the counter and walking towards the door.
I vaguely heard Wonwoo’s voice behind me telling me that we were taking his car. I took note of that, stopping in front of his car and waiting for him to unlock it. As I slid into the backseat, my phone buzzed twice and I unlocked it just as the car began to pull off.
Minhyuk (9:02 pm) : Don’t think that was the last time we’re talking about this.
My heart nearly stopped at the next message.
Minhyuk (9:02 pm) : ...He wants to talk to you.
No way in frozen fucking hell. 
I locked my phone once more, placing it back inside of my clutch as I promised myself that I wouldn’t touch it for the rest of the night. Tonight was about forgetting him and that was exactly what I planned on doing. The rest of the ride was a blur of thoughts, mild joking and loud music. I was thankful for the distractions that my best friends provided, although they most likely had no idea that they were providing said services. Wonwoo was the first to step out when we arrived, tossing his keys to the valet. I stepped out of the car just after Mingyu, immediately catching the eyes of the other boys who decided to meet us here, their presence not going unnoticed seeing as females were flocking to them already. I scanned over their faces quickly, recognizing that only Jeonghan, Jun, Soonyoung and Seungcheol decided to join the excursion. Jun’s eyes flittered away from the girl he was speaking to for a moment, before landing on me and I gave him a smile accompanied with a nod at the female he was looking to pursue for the evening. He did the same, minus the nod and I rolled my eyes playfully at his nature.
“And so the hermit emerges” Jeonghan spoke, voice as smooth as ever.
I looked over at the prince in question, rolling my eyes at the sentiment and placing a hand on my hip.
“Ignoring that, Hi Soonyoung” I spoke towards the gentleman of the bunch.
He looked over towards me, looking absolutely stunning with his hair combed away from his face. He stepped forward to give me a hug, a simple arm sneaking around my waist and pressing me against him.
“How you feeling?” He spoke directly in my ear.
I pulled away from the hug, meeting his smile with one of my own after replying to tell him I was doing well, knowing exactly what he was referring to.
“Finally left the kids at home, huh?” I said, referring to Seungcheol who, for some reason, decided to expose his forehead as well, his hair now a gorgeous silver.
“And yet, they’re not the only ones calling me daddy” His voice a confident rumble.
I raised my eyebrows at the statement as he pulled me into a warm hug, arms around my waist. Pulling away, I poked at his chest playfully.
“You’re explaining that statement when we get inside”.
As I walked forward arm and arm with Soonyoung, who was practically itching to get inside whilst speaking about his endeavors we heard a voice address what I assumed was all of us from behind.
“Forgetting something?” Jun called, quickly catching up to us just as we walked inside.
“Nothing important” Jeonghan quipped, eliciting a few chuckled.
The evening thus far went pretty well and, a few drinks and a table later, the 8 of us were laughing over some horrible sex story that Jeonghan decided to tell. The buzz that the alcohol provided was just what I needed to let loose and forget about Hyungwon for the night. The pure giddiness of being care-free was absolutely amazing. Just then a dark bass took over the club, the lights dimming so that only people seated would barely be able to see. The dance floor was crowded within minutes, the dark-colored strobe lights only given a semi-visible peek at the bodies up against each other.
“Well, I’m going to dance” Seungcheol stated, standing up and straightening his shirt.
“He means have sex with clothes on” Jeonghan supplied, causing Seungcheol to flash him a knowing smile.
“Same thing. Who’s coming with?” At Seungcheol’s question, Jun immediately stood up with an excited “me” followed by Soonyoung.
Feeling more than a little buzzed and very confident, I threw back the last of my shot and stood, receiving a look of surprise from the remaining males. I only gave them a dark smile, following the other 3 men to the dance floor. Seungcheol immediately got lost in the crowd, the women of the night no doubt giving him exactly what he wanted. I stayed by Soonyoung, who’s firetruck red hair combed in a side part away from his face was surprisingly sexy, and Jun. Some pretty brunette, who was fairly tipsy and quite cute, barrelled into me just as the song changed. The alcohol in my system caused me to laugh right along with her as she attempted to apologize. I only shook my head, assuring her it was okay, causing her to pull me with her, further into the crowd.
“I love this song, dance with me?” She asked in my ear, the only way we could communicate due to the volume of the music.
I nodded excitedly and began to sway my hips to the beat of the song. Not even a full minute into the song, Soonyoung was behind her, his hands firmly on her waist to control her movements. I was slightly shocked at how quickly Sooyoung went from sunshine to sex appeal, his hips moving in ways I didn’t think possible from him. A slight turn to my left and I could see that Seungcheol was doing the same with a dark haired beauty, his bottom lip caught between his teeth in pleasure. The brunette let her head roll back onto Soonyoung’s shoulder, who was looking down at her hips intensely, and gave me a look a recognized before, a look that screamed “This one’s mine”. I smirked in response before letting myself enjoy the song and alcohol. Wait, where was-
“I’ve never seen you dance before” I heard a breathy yet familiar voice husk in my ear.
Smiling, I leaned back onto the broad shoulders of the man behind me with a slight hum, his only response being an arm going around my waist, fingers brushing against my lower stomach.
“Really?” I asked.
I let my hips rock back slowly into his as the dark beat of the music took over both his body and mine. I could see the women watching us with envy and the thought made a dark smile cross my lips.
“You have the women here wanting my head on a platter, Junhui” I spoke lowly, leaning back more so I could look up at him from inches below.
One side of his mouth quirked up, showing just a hint of teeth as he let his free hand trail down my bare shoulder, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Mm, I bet. Should we make them angrier?” He questioned, his voice a dark whisper.
I giggled at his words, fucking giggled- A fantastic indicator of how quickly I was approaching complete intoxication.
“You’re no good Jun” I hummed.
“Like you’re any better” He paused taking a step back from our intimate dance to turn me towards him with a hand on my hips.
His eyes were dark, his features relaxed and confident as he spoke while simultaneously pressing me against him with a hand on the lowest part of my back.
“I don’t even need to control you. You’re moving your hips just how I like” His dark compliment fueled a fire in me, causing me to press against him sensually, running my hands over the plane of his chest. He chuckled before inhaling and letting his hand caress the back of my neck.
“You should really see the looks that we’re getting”.
“Scared you won’t be able to find a girl to take home after this?” I teased, pushing my face closer to his.
I caught sight of him rolling his eyes in the dark lighting.
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m worried about them” He quipped in a bored tone of voice.
I let a slow smile grace my features, pulling up ever so slightly so that I could let a hand slip up, over the plane of his chest and rest at the back of his neck, the other one firmly on his chest.
“That so?” I asked, rolling my hips into his causing a dark smile to grace his features.
Jun let his knuckles skim the skin of my arm before he grabbed my hand off of his neck, gripping it ever so slightly, before using it to turn me to stay in front of him, is other hand sneaking down to the meat of my upper thigh and gripping it. He kept me against him as he spoke, allowing me to fully experience just how well his hips moved.
“Do you really think that any of these women would turn me down if I asked them to fuck me, right now?”.
Before I could even answer he let both hands grips my hips, rolling them a bit slower while leaning down so his breath was fanning my ear.
“Better yet, do you think they could?”.
I let out a low hum, as he pulled me back into him, letting his powerful hips roll sinfully into mine. I followed his rhythm quickly, slowing down to suit his wants.
“You learn quick” He breathed in my ear.
His movements were fluid, the roll of his body reminiscent of an ocean. Leaning back onto his shoulder while following his lead, I let his scent intoxicate me. He smells so so good.
“I like it when you let me lead” His voice a slight husk.
“Mm” He chuckled, leaning down so his lips were against my neck.
“A moan already?” His voice was light, teasing even.
“You’re way too cocky ” I spoke, letting out a breathy chuckle.
“Give me a reason not to be” He spoke, placing a quick feather like kiss on the slope of my neck.
“But until you do” Within a second, he had spun me around by my hips, leaning down ever so slightly so his hands went underneath my thighs and hoisting me up.
On instinct, I gripped his shoulders as he guided my legs to wind around his waist, his hands wandering over my thighs. I don’t know if it was sober me or intoxicated me who didn’t care that we were in such a position in the middle of a club, surrounded by people. Why in fucks name did this have to feel so good? His hands, the way he moves his body, the way he spoke to me.
“Let me show you why I’m so cocky” His eyes never left mine, the sexual tension becoming much stronger by just the look he was giving me.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep” I teased, the devious glint in his eye no doubt mirrored in my own.
“All I do is speak the truth. No cockiness, just confidence” He assured me, his hands wandering over the curve of my ass before he let it press into the small of my back, letting me down in a slow sensual glide along his own body.
His gaze flickered over to a specific booth, a sexy smile taking a place on his lips as he let out a chuckle.
“If your guard dogs weren’t glaring at me, you’d be mine right here against this wall, on this floor, on the bar and everywhere else I could find” The initial image of his words was hard to hide, causing a familiar return of a throbbing between my legs.
He was attractive and I was dick-deprived. Sue me.
“Yeah?” I questioned, the alcohol in my system not giving me enough sense to look up over towards the two men watching me intently.
“But” He countered, maneuvering so he could look me in my eyes as he spoke.
“Mingyu is just about ready to rip my head off and Wonwoo is about to help him burn the body if I don’t get away from you in the next 5 seconds”
“I take it back then, you’re not entirely stupid” Jeonghan’s smooth voice came above the music causing us both to look at him.
His hair was a cascade of colored tresses framing his face and moving oh so effortlessly with the movements of his head as he looked back over toward the booth from where he came.
“Jun, please stay here and away from Mingyu for the rest of the night”.
Jun waved his hand flippantly, making it so the only contact he had with me was an arm around my waist loosely.
“I’ll talk it over with Wonwoo. They can’t be that mad”.
Jeonghan raised a single eyebrow as to challenge that.
“I don’t know how seductive you think you are but trust me, you don’t want to talk to him either. He’s actually scarier right now”
“Seriously?” Jun asked, amusement taking over his features.
“So, if you want my two cents, I advise that you let her go and find another female for the night” He turned toward me with an amused expression after seeing Jun huff in slight annoyance.
“As for you, please tell me that you have stamina” he took the liberty of removing me from Jun’s hold and ushering me towards him with a hand on the small of my back.
“And if I did?” I asked, eyebrow raised as he began to walk over towards the booth.
“Then it saves you a shit ton of embarrassment”
“Embarrassment? What for?” I chuckled, cocking my head to the side in confusion.
“Have you ever had to explain to a doctor that you passed out because of excessive sexual stimulation?”
Did I ever had to do what now? His words took a moment to take effect but once they did, I could practically see my expression of absolute surprise, excitement and slight fear mirrored in his eyes. Taking into account my expression, he continued with a renewed tone.
“Yeah, me either. Let’s keep it that way” With that, I was off towards the booth.
Looking at Mingyu and Wonwoo in this particular moment felt like I was looking at them through a lense that wasn’t my own. Mingyu had his jaw clenched in a way that caused me to take my bottom lip between my teeth. Wonwoo, on the other hand, had a calm look on his face but his underlying playful nature was nowhere to be found. In other words, they both looked absolutely sexy. The joke of it wall, I wasn’t sure if this was the alcohol talking or not. Once I reached the table, I laid my hand on Mingyu’s shoulder.
“You look angry Gyu” I commented as my fingers traveled upwards to tangle themselves in his hair
“You’re oblivious when drunk aren’t you?” Jeonghan questioned teasingly.
Turning back to face him, I was met face to face with a smiling Jeonghan.
“I’m not drunk. Just tipsy”.
“Wonwoo” I called to him and he raised his head, an amused smile playing on his lips.
“Yes doll?
“Why is Mingyu so angry with me?” I asked, my intoxication making it that much harder to deduce reasoning.
Why was he so angry?
Wonwoo chuckled just as Jeonghan claimed he was getting a drink. Standing from the booth, Mingyu grabbed my hand abruptly and pulled me with him in some unknown direction. The calls of his name escaping my lips did nothing to slow him down. He only came to a stop when he found a dark booth, hidden away from the immediate crowd of people and very dimly lit.
“You want to get over your ex?” He asked, his hands already finding their way to my hips.
I nodded, looking him over thoroughly.
“I don’t see what you plan to do about that-”
“Shut up. Yes or no” He husked, his face dangerously close to mine.
“Gyu” I began, my words fading into nothing as I realized I had nothing to say.
“Fuck it, I don’t have time for you to be stubborn”.
What the hell does that mean? In a quick tug of my hips, I found out exactly 
what that meant. 
Who knew my best friend had such soft lips?
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ansgiftexchange · 6 years
Office Gossip
*For @claudeng80! Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for being so awesome and I hope you enjoy my gift!*
(Modern AU, w/c~1,700)
Kai strolled into the building, whistling a Christmas tune while holding two Starbucks coffee cups in his hands. Shiira sighed, sitting straight in his swivel chair. “You’re late.”
“That’s because I had to get us coffee,” Kai explained, sliding a cup to him as he sat down next to him.
“They have coffee here. If you remembered that you wouldn’t be late all the time.” Shiira grabbed the cup anyway and took a slow sip. “Thanks.”
“I don’t feel like setting up the coffee maker, you know.”
They were the first people inside Wistal Headquarters, setting up the security cameras and checking the daily agenda for scheduled client meetings. It was their responsibility to know each and everyone going in and out of the building, know where everyone was at and what they were doing.
“Are you bringing a date tonight?” Kai asked as he stapled the blank sign-in sheets.
Shiira shook his head, eyes glued to the glass doors of the building. “Are you?”
A few early bird employees trickled in. The cleaning lady Marina was on time today, nodding her head toward the two guards as she walked straight through the office doors behind them. Shiira glanced at the small video screen in front of him, watching Marina head to the kitchen and prepare the morning’s coffee pot.
There were clicking and beeping noises at the front door, like someone trying to get in the building without permission. Shiira dropped his head, sighing with second-hand embarrassment. “Shirayuki! You have to swipe, wait for the click, then pull!”
Shirayuki swiped her badge and pulled the door handles immediately—not waiting for the click. “It’s not working, Shiira!” she shouted, voice muffled by the glass between them.
“Fuck it, just press the button and let her in,” Kai huffed out, swirling his coffee cup. “There’s a line forming behind her.”
“No, she has to learn. Besides, that button is for the handicap,” Shiira explained, facepalming, walking toward the doors. What will they do without him, he thought.
Before Shiira could manually open the door, there was a commotion behind the growing crowd. “Excuse me, I got this. Morning, Shiira.” Obi shoved his way to the front of the line. “You’re an embarrassment, Miss.” He grabbed Shirayuki’s badge, tugging it harshly and nearly crashing her face to wall.
“It doesn’t work, Obi,” she insisted, a tinge of red growing on her cheeks.
Obi swiped her card, waited half a second and pulled the doors open. He glared down at Shirayuki, his face so close they could almost kiss. He flicked her badge out of his fingers, letting it smack into her nose. “It works.” Shiira wedged the door open, letting the rest of the cattle in. He nodded lightly at each one, softly greeting them a good morning.
Shirayuki and Obi dragged inside, bickering on their way in. “You’re such an ass, Obi,” Shirayuki snapped, arms crossing against her chest. “Morning, Shiira. Morning, Kai,” she said chirpily, her tone completely different from a second ago.
Obi whistled, hands behind his head, hips grazing Shirayuki’s as they walked side by side. “You mean a hot ass,” he said, winking at Kai. “Whatever you say, Miss.” He opened the office doors for her, one hand gently placed at the small of her back, corralling her in.
Shiira caught Obi’s impish smile toward Shirayuki and watched the doors slam as they went in.
“Oh, my God. Those two hate each other,” Kai chimed in, elbowing Shiira. “Seriously, they have so much tension, you could cut it with a knife.”
Shiira gave him a quizzical look. “You mean sexual tension.”
Kai nearly choked on his last drops of coffee. “Yeah, right! Obi and Shirayuki? When pigs fly. She’s in love with Zen.”
Shiira shrugged and kept his next thoughts to himself. They were security guards, fo goodness sakes. Water-cooler gossip was for the bored and useless workers…they were professionals.
“Speak of the devil.” Shiira darted toward the entrance. Zen walked in with so much confidence like he owned the building. He practically did—owning thirty-five percent of shares in the company.
“Good morning, you two. Did my package arrive?” Zen said coolly.
Shiira nodded his head, ducking down to the desk and taking out a large, but lightweight, package. “It arrived late yesterday, sir.”
Zen shook it like he was guessing the contents inside.
“What’s inside, if you don’t mind sharing,” Kai asked. He was nosey, but always polite about it.
Zen flashed him a smile. “A suit I’ll be wearing tonight.”
He headed toward the office doors but stopped suddenly like he had forgotten something. “Oh, by the way, hold my calls around noon,” he started, a hand on the doorknob, “I’m having lunch with Shirayuki.”
Kai nodded fervently, a giggle forming at the back of his throat. When the door had finally shut, he squealed like a little girl.
“Oh, my God, he’s so in love with her.”
Shiira shook his head. “They’re just having lunch, idiot.”
“Yeah, but he asked to hold his calls. When has Zen ever asked to hold his calls on his lunch break?”
Shiira lifted a finger, but Kai interrupted him instead. “Never. The answer is never, Shiira.”
The caterers and decorators checked in at different times. It was already a busy day for the two guards and it was barely 1:00 PM.
The interns had their lunches delivered to them—a perk Izana gave them earlier in the year.
“An ice sculptor? For reals?” Kai lifted an eyebrow, double-checking the guest list. “God, the boss is a little extra this Christmas.”
“Why are you complaining? It’s not your money he’s flashing.”
The room echoed in giggles and laughs. Shirayuki and Zen smiled brightly at each other, both carrying doggy bags from the Italian restaurant across the street.
“The tiramisu is amazing,” Shirayuki said, green eyes lighting up.
Zen narrowed his eyes down at her, a coy smile tugging at his lips. “I figured. You ordered two of them!”
Shirayuki hid behind a hand, face turning red as her hair. “Well, I wanted to save one for…”
“Hey, you two!” Kai shouted, waving them toward him. “You guys should check out the room! There’s fake snow, dude! And mistletoes everywhere!”
Zen and Shirayuki exchanged shy looks, then turning their heads to the side. “Well, I got a lot of work to finish before the party,” Shirayuki blurted out. “Thank you for lunch, Zen.”
Zen nodded, one hand massaging his neck as he cleared his throat. “Yeah, no problem. See you tonight?”
Shirayuki smiled at him, walking inside the office without another word. Zen followed after, chuckling to himself as he closed the doors.
“Oh, my God. They are so in love,” Kai chirped.
Shiira lifted an eyebrow, his lips straight as a line. “More like friends. Did you see how far apart they were?”
The conference room transformed into a Winter Wonderland. NSYNC’s “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays” blasted through the speakers, and Shiira found himself bopping his head along.
“Money can buy you happiness,” he observed, grinning from ear to ear.
“It’s a wonderful feeling, with the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling…” Kai sang along, snapping his fingers on beat. His eyes darted to the bar and he stopped singing. “Shiira, I gotta go. There’s a drink over there that’s eyeing me.”
Shiira walked around the room, watching people immersed in their conversations. There were a lot of them wearing Santa suits. How original, he thought. He headed toward the photo booth, adjusting his tie like he was going to take his school pictures.
The booth was occupied. Red Santa pants with black shoes peeking right below the curtain stops. There was a giggle and a soft moan inside.
Shiira hesitated to move, but wondered if he should come back in a few minutes to give the two occupants some privacy. The moaning continued, two lips smacking against each other as Shiira patiently waited for his turn.
The shutters stopped clicking, but the two occupants continued their romp inside the booth. Shiira glanced over to the dance floor, catching Kai’s gaze. Kai was goofily dancing, arms flailing over his head. Shiira was ready to join him when his eyes dropped to the photo strip that fell on the floor.
Holy shit. Shiira picked up the photo, his eyes flew open in surprise. There was only one red-head in the building, and the pictures showed her face buried inside a fake white beard. It was impossible to recognize the Santa, especially since the four pics had his face underneath Shirayuki’s jaws, neck, and behind her ears.
He placed it back inside the printing station and bolted toward the dance floor. Not my business, he said to himself.
“This party is lit, Shiira!” Kai shouted into his ear. It was electronic music, remixed in between Christmas tunes by Nat King Cole.
Shiira glanced over to the DJ Booth and saw Mitsuhide—Zen’s assistant—controlling the knobs. “Of course he’s playing electronica.” Everyone in the building knew Mitsuhide had shitty taste in music. But it was Christmas and he was smiling brightly and Shiira couldn’t help but smile as well.
Shiira and Kai grooved to the beat, popping and locking like two goofy robots with no rhythm. It had been a while since Shiira had let loose, and today was special.
“Hey, have you seen Shirayuki?” Kai asked, swaying his hips to “One More Time,” by Daft Punk. “Zen is looking for her.”
Shiira shrugged, moving his legs side to side. He loved this song and his body moved along naturally.
“No, I haven’t seen her,” he lied. He didn’t like lying to Kai, especially since he trusted him the most. This was big gossip and he did not feel like partaking in this kind of drama.
“Hey, Kai,” Shiira started, grinning from ear to ear. “Wanna take a shot? I Ubered here.”
Kai nodded violently, a squeal escaping him. “Fuck yeah, Shiira! It’s about time! Holy shit, it’s a Christmas miracle!”
They high-fived each other, eagerly walking to the bar, side by side.
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shytiff · 4 years
Small August Wins
1 - DL, did my part for PKP, read a bit about leprosy reaction (PKP related), watched a cute movie tune in for love, ara stayed over at my home, edited 1 pld article
2 - exercised a bit, edited 3 pld articles, DL, finished ppt tinpus PKP, walked to the nearby lake with ara, ate nasgor smoked chicken (been a while!) and jco donuts and my tummy is happy, felt afraid with DV exam huft. I hope I can prepare myself properly
3 - DL, edited 1 article, went to school together w ara, deep fried by dr adhi for my minicex (but i am grateful for the opportunity), emir took a while to pick me up (he left home 1530 and arrived 1715) so i did some status work, arrived at home super hungry but moms food is delicious and wow glucose is finally in (after previously supported by nasi uduk and 1 jco donut) and the pain from today sort of fades away.
4 - DL, tried to study as much as i could (the panic is real), went to kencana to get dr adhis signature at 12 but he replied my chat at about 1330 🙃 , finished self reflection, group called with my group for exam prep
5 - did not DL bcs i fell asleep!! Thank god for streak freeze, met up with dr adhi in poli regarding minicex bcs turns out he brought my status etc, hes very kind 🥺 dr yudo kindly took his time to answer questions via wa voicenote even though he had a tiring day 🥺 bless all the kind people in this world
6 - DL, alhamdulillah passed the exam with dr sondang and dr larissa even though i was being a dumb ass student (thankfully theyre patient enough). Honestly panicked during the morning, i was super afraid. Searched some drug dosage for renata. I hope she passes the remed!!
7 - slept and lazed all day :( edited 1 article, dv closing. Managed to say thanks to dr yudo even though i was lowkey near tears bcs i cant for the life of me say something even mildy emotional, DL at like 15 mins before midnight
8 - finally at lvl 3 DL by cheating with my notes lmaoo, ate burgers and half pizza by dcheese pizza but had mencret2 the next day lmaooo, watched bosscha virtual sky sightseeing
9 - DL, watched Summer Vacation, edited 2 articles, put some sheet mask on (the numbers surely diminished since my cousin took some 🙂 ), pretty much watched youtube all day. At night i dreamed going to a villa that kinda looks like matamori, and the villa near it was also booked by other groups of friend, and i was recording snow falling from the sky and snow on the cliffs, but there was also a snake under the bed, and writing patients resume -_-(?)
10 - DL, read pem psikiatri cbt batch 1 optima, 25 CBT PADI, a fruitful 2,5 hr discussion with dr Heriani, SpKJ
11 - DL, poli with mendel hari and dr Khamelia, SpKJ, mustered some courage to do the ppt, phoned the patient to ask a little bit more, fell asleep and thank god i’ve prayed isya
12 - DL, lazied and played get rich, felt sick and was sick, nose congested, head starting to hurt, i dont know what is it that triggered my emotions but when my dad asked "tiff kok bersin2?" i felt like i have no privacy and they were too intruding and i wept silently in my room (bcs ppl outside can hear) and yall my nose just goes 100% blocked. aint accepting air today. Massaged my face around the sinus area until i can somehow breathe nicely and fall asleep. (took about half and hour of snot cleaning, drinking and mulling around)
13 - since i felt bad abt lazying i started my day early. Woke up at 5. Put on tretinoin, 15 CBT PADI, DL, naskah psikiatri WIP (Work in progress). It rained today. The sky was grey half of the day, which I LOVE. I felt better and more cheery, especially at abt 4-5 pm when it was raining hard and im snuggled in bed. The laptop stand arrived and bitch it was fucking amazing. My back and neck muscles felt less awkward and/or sore working at my ergonomically-awful table and chair combo turned ok thanks to laptop stand!!
14 - DL, poli with dr cika, crashed aras place (drank thai tea, ate flip burger and sausages), it felt refreshing to be in a different place rather than seeing my room all day everyday. Afterwards ara indah and i ate po noodle bar, the taste was kind of herbal (not brothy) in a good way. Tried some sort of gyoza, it was good too. Juan got accepted at USU civic engineering. Went to atikahs place, passed a red light and i got ppl a bit annoyed lmao sorry :(((, talked with atikah until 1-2ish pm
15 - richeese and fried rice for brunch time, went back home (felt socially refreshed!) to see 2 bottles of sbux coffee i ordered, claras nastar and vit d supplement from tokped. Did RPS and ikhtisar for naskah. DL. Sbux' coffee still upsets my stomach lmao but it did keep me awake and focused enough til 11 pm
16 - DL, after staying over at friends place i feel.suer content to be just at home. Ate while watching erna limdaughs vids, sleeeept
17 - DL, naskah WIP, whipped myself to go do naskah by drinking caramel macchiato and playing coffee - bts. It tasted better when i hear jks soothing voice
18 - DL, finally panicked a bit and did ppt, read a bit abt bipolar, chugged hazelnut dolce latte and somehow its not bitter anymore it actually tasted good. Talked w mendel and hari a bit abt the patient
19 - the dr actually showed up to zoom while i was opening other screen and i didnt realize (ultra embarrassing!!!) basically my diagnosis for axis I and II were wrong. She was kindly explaining and i was more dissapointed with myself but at least its all over? Talked w hansel a bit. Revised a bit of naskah. Submitted hardcopy of naskah and refleksi to mbak Asma. Went to ara. DL, ate gwen's dimsum (quite good and fulfilling). Planned to go to kashiwa but we ended up getting bakmi akiaw. Went back "home" to DM, took only 35 mins.
20 - DL, slept half of the day since im on my period (what even is daily structure), woke up in the evening, decided to start “the folk of the air” series. Binged the first book in one go, from 8 pm to 1 am lmaoo
21 - DL, finished the series at night. it’s nice but not as good as six of crows duology. bts comeback with dynamite!! :) i love them. its scary to think they are still progressing and going up and getting better stats. When will it all stop?
22 - discussion with dr natalia spKJ at 7.30 am, DL, drank matcha latte at starbucks airport hub (been a while! It doesnt taste quite good as i remembered) while backing up HD data at drive and some padi CBT (finished TO 3. After all this time, only to 3?!), felt a bit better after i went out, read a falling cohabitation again
23 - DL, danced to baepsae, slept in the afternoon (my body is too weak nowadays)
24 - DL, psychiatry closing, 1 pamela reif vid, 2P (CBT PADI)
25 - DL, made latar belakang for propeks nemo
26 - DL, 4P, rapat nemo
27 - DL, met up with atikah pupuy @ toska, tried yogurt and fruit, mac and cheese, vegan mentai rice and had dinner @ bakmi gm. mom somehow told (and allowed) me to go back home (it was 9 am and i was abt to stay over at atikah’s)
28 - DL, i dont feel like doing anything helppp, i know there’s stuff that im supposed to do but i cant bring myself to do it. a week will pass by, a month, and before you know it exam will arrive
29 - DL, ordered burgushi, i literally have no strength to go at static bike (can only do for a couple of mins), didnt rly do anything else bcs im in a slump nowadays
30 - its scary that the month is almost over again. my life just goes away like that but i still dont feel like doing anything, DL, tried to follow some dances on youtube to move my body
31 - DL, 2A, 4P
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