#a little :-( I have some very fond memories from that time so it’s sad to see the whole school being gone
apricotluvr · 2 years
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November 2022
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
So this started out as some scribbly thoughts on FTM Steve and devolved a little bit into smutty Steddie rambling. As happens. So anyway, explicit text below the cut, click through at your own discretion, et cetera
Warnings(?) for some clumsy language and hints of period-typical transphobia; some discussion of Steve and Nancy together, but only for Steddie purposes. This is mostly just silly
“So, wait, you slept with how many girls in high school, and still managed to keep this a secret?” Eddie asks, brows climbing his forehead.
“Not as many as rumor would’ve had you think.” Steve shrugs. “Like maybe four? The rest, I just… didn’t discourage when they exaggerated. Helped my image.”
Eddie can’t help but snort. He’s glad Steve outgrew that image. “Still, four is a lot to keep a lid on. All of them agreed not to tell and then just – didn’t?”
“Actually, most of them never found out. It was only–” Steve pauses, eyeing Eddie cautiously, as if talking about his past female sexual conquests with his current boyfriend is fine, but what he’s going to say next will be a bridge too far. “It was only Nancy who ever knew.”
Ah, yes. Nancy. Nancy Wheeler. Steve’s one true love.
Until now, Eddie fiercely reminds himself. He eyes the t-shirt that is very much his that Steve is very much wearing and slides over the jealousy to address his more pressing question.
“Okay, how did you have sex with at least three other people without them finding out you don’t have a–” Eddie stops short, fumbles for a moment, “a, uh, conventional dick?”
Steve snickers. “Nice save. And, uh – I never actually took off my pants. My talents are in other areas, and I always provided enough of a distraction that they didn’t seem to notice when I just… took care of myself.” He wiggles his eyebrows at Eddie, who can’t help but give him the laugh he’s looking for. “It didn’t say flattering things about my stamina, but multiple orgasms are a pretty good bribe. I got good reviews.”
“Huh.” Somehow, Eddie can’t help but feel impressed; he doesn’t quite understand why Steve had felt the need to do it at all—still doesn’t really understand Steve’s drive for popularity when he’d been in high school—but he can admit the skill in the subterfuge. “But you told Wheeler?”
He’s not sure why he’s asking. A part of him, he thinks, wants to make sure Steve had been able to tell her on his own terms, rather than having his hand forced.
Steve shifts, shrugs. He doesn’t look sad, but he’s maybe a little melancholy.
“Nance wasn’t… temporary, for me. She wasn’t a fling, and I didn’t want to hide from her. And it’s the same with you.” Steve’s gaze falls heavy on Eddie. “You are the… third? person I’ve ever told. I want you to know just– all of me.”
Eddie reaches out, grabbing for Steve’s hand; he’s pretty sure he’d be physically incapable of stopping himself from somehow touching Steve after an admission like that.
A thought is beginning to form, however, leading back to what had started this conversation in the first place. Eddie would bet anything that if Wheeler was the first person Steve told, then Buckley was the second.
And that meant only one person Steve had slept with had ever known all of him – but just how much of all of him had Wheeler been interested in?
“How’d she take it? Wheeler, I mean,” Eddie asks, as casually as possible while his thumb is still stroking Steve’s knuckles.
“Uh… pretty good, actually. She was kinda surprised, and she wanted a little bit of time to come around to the idea, but I think she was mostly just bothered that she didn’t figure it out before I told her.” Steve smiles, distantly fond. “But after that, she was cool. We didn’t talk about it much, but I knew that I could talk to her if I wanted to. I’d never had that before. It was… nice.”
It does sound nice. It had probably been the first time anyone had ever been close to accepting every part of who Steve is, and Eddie feels almost bad about turning the memory to sex.
Almost, but not quite.
“So… she was cool with…” Eddie’s eyes flash down below the belt, obvious and significant, “getting involved?”
A sly grin spreads over Steve’s face as he catches Eddie’s eyes. “Are you trying to ask what Nancy and I did in bed?”
Eddie throws his hands up in defense, forgetting for a moment that he’s holding one of Steve’s hands and pulling it up with him. “I’m just trying to figure out what I’m working with here,” he insists, smiling a little too hard to be innocent. “Now, you insinuated you have talents in the oral and digital departments—which I am very interested in, by the way—but what I want to know is what’s been done for you.”
Steve eyes Eddie like he’s considering whether or not to answer, but the way he’s licking his lips says he’s already decided, even if he doesn’t quite realize that himself.
“She… definitely didn’t mind being involved,” he says finally; there’s a slight stain of pink gathering at the tops of his cheeks that Eddie sort of wants to bite. “She would finger me. Sometimes she’d go down on me, but I think we both enjoyed it more the other way around. I think she liked seeing me get myself off while I did it, and I– definitely liked that, too.”
Eddie makes the mistake of imagining it: Steve on his knees, fingers buried in his cunt, wet and dripping, his hips jerking down onto his own hand, maybe kneeling between Eddie’s legs while he does it, maybe looking up through his lashes while he sucks Eddie’s cock.
A little noise escapes Eddie.
“How about… toys?” he manages after a moment. He’s leaning closer now, raptly watching the way the flush on Steve’s face darkens. “You ever try those?”
“I have a… a couple,” Steve says, voice gone low and rough, his eyes fastened now to Eddie’s mouth. “We didn’t use them together, though, they’re just mine.”
Oh, they’re going to revisit that. They are absolutely going to revisit that, but right now Eddie is on a mission. He won’t let himself be distracted.
He slides closer, practically on top of Steve now, one hand on his hip and the other spread warmly over his ribs.
“Never thought about a strap?” he asks.
Steve shrugs, not nearly as nonchalant as he’s pretending. “Thought about it, never quite got there.”
“Which way were you thinking? Would you have worn it? Or…” Eddie is going out on a limb here; just because Steve has a pussy doesn’t mean he likes the idea of penetration, but Eddie has a hunch. “Or would it have been the other way around?”
A sharp breath escapes Steve’s chest. “Do you want that?” he asks, soft, almost hopeful.
Eddie strokes a thumb across his ribs. “Want what?”
“To fuck me.”
This time it’s Eddie who goes breathless. “Is that even a fucking question?” he demands, and then, in case he wasn’t clear, adds, “I would want very much to do that, yeah. If you want me to.”
“I wasn’t sure if you would,” Steve says. “I mean, I know you’re strictly into guys, and I don’t exactly have… a conventional dick.”
“You’re not gonna let that one go, are you?” Eddie asks, eyeing Steve’s smirk.
“We’ll see,” Steve says, which likely means no.
“Fine. But Steve,” Eddie reaches up, cupping Steve’s face in his hands, “I am one hundred fucking percent into you. You are a guy. You are an incredibly hot guy whose pants I have been wanting to get into forever, no matter what you’ve got in there.”
Steve smiles, and Eddie caresses the corners of it with his thumbs.
“Well, you do seem to prefer the weirder shit, anyway,” Steve murmurs.
“Not weird. Different,” Eddie says, and Steve makes a face at him but readily allows him the kiss he presses in for after that.
“So have you…” Steve starts, once they’ve broken apart, “ever been with a guy with my, uh– sort of equipment?”
Eddie would make fun of how awkwardly the words had tumbled out if he hadn’t suddenly been feeling a bit awkward himself.
“Not, uh, exactly.” Steve raises an eyebrow at him and Eddie amends snappishly, “okay, fine, not at all, no.”
“But you’re open to it?” Steve checks, as if the way Eddie has pressed against him like a needy cat has left any room for doubt.
“More than open,” Eddie says. “I might just, y’know– need some direction? To start with?”
“Directions, huh?” Steve smirks. “I can work with that.”
Eddie has no doubt that he can – and that Eddie will enjoy every second of it.
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Which joestar do you think would be the worst yandere? And why
Pick your poison! I like to think the Joestar’s all have their little traits that shine the most based on their personality (so whose the worst can depend on what you’re uncomfortable with). Going to do just the og verse jojo’s for this 1-6.
Jonathan : Very sweet almost intoxicatingly so, but he tends to end up a bit overprotective/just a bit babying. Insisting he does things for you, if you have some issue somewhere else? Why not let him resolve it. Don’t fret over too much he has the means to take care of you. There might be a time or two your room might be locked if you’re a little more stubborn than usual
Joseph: What is this thing called “personal space” ? It almost sounds like a foreign language to this man. He totally didn’t mess certain things up so you happen to meet up with him. Not sure why your date stood you up? He couldn’t possibly give an answer other than they’re not worth your time since they didn’t bother showing up. He should take you to this great place he loves going to after a long day.
Jotaro: Stalking type usually, and mows past anything that he might feel gets in the way of you and himself. He’s used to punks, so he’s not afraid to pummel someone if they don’t get the message to scram. When it comes to classes, he’s glancing at you every so often, maybe there’s a “doodle” or two in his notebook. Need to walk somewhere? He’ll walk with you. If you’re hiding out to be alone, he ends up finding you. You’re probably the reason he learns any building’s layout in the first place. Clubs or class cleaning doesn’t stop Jotaro either, he’ll wait as long as it takes. Being sick at home doesn’t stop him either, usually there’s some kind of hot soup/dish that’s good to eat while sick sitting in your room somehow. (Not to mention potential kidnapping later down the line if you’re not really cooperating)
Later Parts like 4 and 6, he’s pretty similar in dropping you off things even if you never once told him your address. (He has a decent memory of these things). Similarly Jotaro has any phone numbers you have in his contacts, and he’ll have a talk personally with anyone that he isn’t fond of approaching you. He tends to have you in the back of his mind while out on his studies, or writing a paper, and yet again drawings somewhere he’s compelled to place them. Every so often he checks in on you (whether you want this or not doesn’t matter). Broken down car? It’s either replaced swiftly or he’s driving you places himself. Maybe he somehow (forces) nudges you to live with him.
Josuke : He’s head over heels for you, and similar to Joseph he’s going to take any opportunity to squeeze himself into your life. He just so happens to have some leftover lunch from that place you like? You looked sad when they had sold out of your favorite meal there, so why doesn’t he help with that? Speaking of, maybe your eyes are drifting somewhere else. He steals any potential love letters to a crush and rewrites them, making it look like you’re confessing to him. He may also leave one of your favorite treats you like in its place. It’s an enigma to you how he found that out.
Giorno : He’s the don of the Italian mafia, he’s almost constantly worried about you. So if he has eyes on you, it’s almost immediate you lose autonomy whether born in Italy or a tourist. He’s clever in his ways to trap you, whether you’re resistant or not doesn’t matter. (he does think you’re cute with a strong head on your shoulders). There’s some of that charisma he possess all the same just like his father. Even if it doesn’t work on you, it makes others around you to trap you easily. Giorno likes to think he gives you a lot of leeway with voluntarily coming to him. He’ll meet you casually in coffee shops or wherever you’re willing to shop at. The bill is covered without you having to say a word. Any cash you used is miraculously brought back to you somehow. The blond isn’t afraid to get his hands a little dirty however when it comes to you. If he has to take something for you to step into his arms (whether it’s your ability to walk around outside or someone close to you) he’ll do whatever it takes.
Jolyne : Sure she stalks somewhat, but like her father she can be bold in taking care of the competition. She’s not afraid to hold your hand or finding a way for you two to do so. Eavesdropping is something she does occasionally, and anyone that wants to stomp on your heart is going to get stomped themselves. She does delay you with stone free (or outright captures you) if Jolyne doesn’t want you to leave. It’s impossible to shake her off, no matter what you try to do. Of course she made a copy of your apartment key, what if there’s an emergency? Maybe she wanted to make you breakfast. Huh? What do you mean she can’t just walk in unannounced? Don’t be ridiculous.
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zexapher · 7 months
A Fond Farewell
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With Rooster Teeth beginning its draw down, an era has truly passed. The company has lasted more than two decades. 18 (soon 19) seasons, five mini-series, and cameos and references in Halo itself for Red vs Blue. 9 volumes alongside two movies, a chibi series, Ice Queendom, and its own games for RWBY. And so much more beyond that, RT Shorts, podcasts, Achievement Hunter, The Slow Mo Guys, and on and on. That’s a lot, especially for a little startup launching off a web series. I was listening to “This Isn’t Goodbye, It’s See You Later” by Richie Branson while I was making this little memorial post. It’s a song made for another Rooster Teeth show, Camp Camp, and I have to say it’s some very appropriate music for this moment.
The day the news dropped, I wrote up a little comment in response to Rooster Teeth beginning its closing down, and I thought I’d share some of it here. I grew up with Rooster Teeth, a bit of a cheesy line I know, but it’s true for a lot of us. I was just a little kid way back in the early 2000’s, a kid that liked Halo (a game I didn’t even own for a long time, but played at a friend’s house), and was just getting curious about what I could find about it on YouTube. And that brought me into the world of music videos and skits and montages made for that little game I liked.
From there, I discovered a small web series called Red vs. Blue. I’d sneak onto my folk’s computer to watch it since they didn’t appreciate the language, and in doing so I dipped my toes into the wide world of the internet for the first time. As I got older, I eventually hopped onto Reddit for its discussion threads of Rooster Teeth’s latest show, RWBY. I began my first in-depth fandom interactions, speculating about the show, enjoying the flood of fanart, even got into fanfics about RWBY (those fics have had their own amazing evolution alongside the show) and to this day it’s the fandom I’ve followed and bookmarked the most fics from. All the while I was making friends and bonding with people through the community this company and its shows have created.
Watching the shows and people grow over time was, looking back on it, just like watching myself grow. I was never really a social media/internet kind of guy, until it came to Rooster Teeth. The shows, shorts, podcasts, it all opened up a whole new world for me. It’s sad to see it coming to a close, and I hope it gets picked up in the future. But I’m happy, too, that it’s left so much behind, and had such an impact on me. It’s left me with so many good memories. Rooster Teeth, its shows, those that created and worked on it, and above all the community around it will always have a special place in my heart.
So, I bid a fond farewell to Rooster Teeth and its crew, and anyone who may drift away from the fandom in time. I wish you all the best.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(I'm feeling kinda angsty today, I guess. If there's a fic/prompt like this already tho, please link me. 👀)
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Reaper of Heroes
Once crowned as the High Ghost King of the Infinite Realms, Danny gains some grim reaper-like abilities and dominion over a specific subset of souls.
People who don masks and capes to protect the innocent from those who would harm them, just like he once did in the beginning of his existence as a halfa. He's was horrified by the responsibility but is eventually resigned to it. Due to bittersweet nostalgia, he quickly grows fond of the heroes that rose up after he took the throne and packed away the suit. Responsible he may be for the collection of their souls, but with council from Clockwork and the Ghost of Time's knowledge of the most desired paths, sometimes he'll just... let a soul slip through his fingers and return to it's vessel before it's chain is completely severed. He doesn't care that the observants complain constantly about those particular actions. If there's still room for a soul to do good for the better of everyone else, they can hardly stop him from straying from their plans. Much less with him as their king and protection as his obsession.
Only he is responsible for the reaping of these specific souls, unless delegated to one of the more common reapers at his command of course. Sometimes he follows his favorite heroes around, invisible to them unless he wishes them to see him or they're very close to death's door. He's trailed them so closely that some heroes have reported seeing a kind but sad looking man with white hair and aurora green eyes when they've nearly been pushed past the limits of their mortal bodies.
Ones who have passed through the veil but came back report vague memories of a similar sort; a kind man who cradled the very essence of their being with hands so gentle it's worth a few awe filled tears once he released them back amongst the living. The JL give him the moniker Grim, for his black and white coloring and for the shadowy scythe he carries not as a weapon but more like a key that unlocks the chain that binds them to their flesh. He never speaks to any of the heroes he interacts with tho. Always silent with a calculating, but sorrowful gaze.
At least until now.
When he appears before a bruised and beaten, young Jason Todd with whisper soft words in his ear as he comforted the concussed boy about to be killed in a fiery inferno at the hands of Gotham's mad clown.
As the explosion comes to a close, an unseen figure cradles the star-like light of a soul close to his chest as he wept and apologized for being unable to save the young soul from such a painful end but was thankful the poor boy this light belonged to could feel it no longer.
What do you think? Angsty enough? I might have a little more to add to this but I'm gonna stop for now. I injured my hand yesterday, so it hurts to type for too long.
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dangermousie · 3 months
In which I, of all people, make a post in praise of a love triangle
I hate love triangles. I HATE THEM. They never make any sense to me - either it's an OTP and an interloper (in which case it's not a triangle, go away interloper) or I keep going "make up your damn mind" and "why should I be invested in one ship when you aren't."
But Lost You Forever proves that like any other tropes I am not too fond of (slice of life comes to mind), it's not that I hate the trope per se, it's just that it's almost never done in such a fashion as to satisfy me and when it is...oh boy!
Because the love triangle of Xiao Yao with Tushan Jing and Xiang Liu (sorry, Cang Xuan, I love you, and I am rabid about the fact that the ML of this is not the romantic interest, but you are not ever a contender) makes me RABID. The acting, the writing, the possibilities.
In the first season, I never felt that Xiao Yao was in any truly meaningful way considering Xiang Liu as a choice for any length of time (I don't mean it NEVER occurred to her, I just mean it was little flashes that disappeared quickly.) But in this season, she very much does.
Why do I, the obsessed Jing x XY shipper love it so? Because it so makes character sense.
The reason she largely never considered him in s1 was because by the time any such consideration could occur, she already allowed Shiqi in her heart. There are flashes of what-if and the sexual chemistry with XL is off the charts, but she is hopeful and happy with Jing, she's experiences the giddiness of first love and first mutually accepted desire with him. XL is a what-if but a not a particularly longed-for one, if it makes sense.
But in this season, Jing broke her heart (whether she should have that attitude is a separate question of course, but she does and so here we are.) Which means that XY, heartbroken over Jing, has a little space and here is where it all starts coming rushing in vis-a-vis XL.
I love this because this is so so so so human and so realistic. As I was mentioning to @aysekira - despite demanding unrealistic permanent constancy of her loved ones, despite needing them frozen in amber forever, XY herself is not like that because few people are and it's healthy actually and she's healing! (Yes, Jing is not like that but to me that is actually a sign of how broken he is. Separate tangent tho.) And so yes, it's so human to, after a relationship ended, mourn and grieve but also on some level open your heart to other possibilities.
I genuinely believe that if Xiang Liu allowed himself to be with her, she would move on from Jing and be happy and fall in love with XL fully and eventually Jing be merely a memory in the corner of her heart (pleasant or sad, depending.) Just as if/when she and Jing get back together, she will move on about XL and he will be a memory the same way.
And it doesn't cheapen her feelings or their feelings or anything. It's just life. We are the sum of our choices.
I hate hate hate the concept of fated soulmates, of one perfect soulmate destined by fate. That's lazy writing, that's a crutch when you can't narratively show WHY these characters should be together.
And this show gets that. It gets it so well.
She could have been happy with Jing. She could have been happy with XL. Maybe in some other universe she met someone else entirely and was happy with them. Alternatively, if she remained a spoiled and petted princess of Haoling, she'd have never looked at Jing and most likely never looked at XL and they may not have liked her either (look at Nian - you cannot imagine either of the men liking her.)
Just as if Jing was never tortured into near-dissolution of his self by his brother, he would have been a very different person and not capable of winning her heart or caring to, or if XL had a different life, same.
There are so many possibilities and paths and choices and the fact that the drama gets it is one of the best things about it.
We watch Xiao Yao heal and grow up (in a way, she's so emotionally stunted due to trauma, we are watching her going through her teen years in some ways - figuring out who she is and what and who she wants.) And I love that one of the ways she figures out who she wants is by looking at what kind of life she can have with that person.
Anyway, this drama is a MASTERPIECE.
The end.
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gretavanlace · 1 year
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Sugar II (part 2)
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: language, angst, Josh is perfect, angst, also maybe some angst
I’m so happy that you are all enjoying Sugar 2.0 as much as I am! I’ve missed this little world so much and it just makes me smile to know that you missed it too ❤️
Curled up into a tight ball under hotel room sheets, your mascara smudges across and stains the bleach-white pillowcases. And you might feel a little guilty about that if you could form a halfway coherent thought.
You’d expected a coworker, also dragged into town for this god forsaken conference, when you’d heard your name skittering across the marbled lobby floors. Turning to find Daniel, dripping in Greek God beauty and memories, had stolen the air from your lungs.
Quite literally, you had found it impossible to breathe for a few panicky moments as your eyes darted around in search of those that might be tagging along with him.
The warm, nostalgic feeling of stumbling across an old, dear friend had been overshadowed and twisted by fear…and a horrible, throbbing sadness; there was a time when this was your life…the last time anything had made any sense.
The overwhelming urge to sob in his arms had left you aching when he’d pulled you in for a bear hug. Somehow, his being so near had made home feel that much further away.
Take me to him. You’d wanted to beg Danny, clinging to his sturdy frame.
Now, you just want to run. To pack up your things in a hurry and flee the building as if it were engulfed in flames. You wish you were shoving your bag into an overhead compartment on a plane bound for anywhere that isn’t here.
This is too close. They are too close.
Three years it’s been, and he is still the first thing that weighs like sand on your mind when your eyes blink open in the morning…and your very last thought before they drift closed at night.
Has it really been three years? It doesn’t seem possible.
You think of Josh, too. Of course you do. But it is with a distant fondness for what you had. He is a pretty memory. A good memory. One you can recall easily, and with wistful affection. You can speak of him readily, with gentle sentiment. It was a great thing you had, and now it is no longer. Simple.
You try so hard not to think of Jake, but he’s there all the time anyway. Cozied up inside your head like he owns the place, no matter how many times you’ve ordered him to vacate. He always was stubborn, and his memory has proven no different. There is a hole in your soul shaped exactly like him. Hardly a blip of light in your eyes; you left most of it there with him all those moons ago.
You could so easily satiate your searing need in some minuscule manner, via YouTube interviews, balcony seats at shows where you would stand no chance of being spotted. The wails of his guitar could pour from your speakers and right into your chest whenever it feels too hollow. You could fall asleep to samplings of his velveteen voice, rasping answers to questions floated from radio hosts and devour written pieces where he speaks so eloquently and with such reverence about his craft…
You could, but you don’t.
You do none of these things. It simply cuts too deeply.
Early on, you did. Tortured yourself as you sobbed and cried out in the night like a homesick child. Yes, in those early days, you’d punished your fractured heart and yearning mind with pain; sunk your teeth into and gnashed them together, fearful of letting go.
But you’ve found your way. Tripped clumsily along, patching together a new normal slowly. The diamond that rests upon your ring finger reminds you of that…and you feel sick with self loathing. Weeping in this strange bed over what used to be, while he waits at home for you, happily watering your plants and tending to the household chores. Loving you from a distance.
He sends you texts just to say he loves you, and so you’ll know you’re on his mind. To ask if you’d like him to pick up anything from the store so you won’t have to worry about it when you return home. To remind you that he adores you in a hundred little ways.
…and here you lie, in a bed that isn’t the one you share with him, chest caving in around your heart, squeezed up tight and longing for Jake.
Jake, Jake, Jake…always Jake. Why won’t he go away?
A knock, swift and sure, startles you out of your misery with a jolt.
You don’t plan to answer, that’s a given…you’re a mess, complete with a blotchy, tear streaked face, and swollen eyes…so you’re silent as you creep over to the door to have a peek through the peephole.
He looks angelic, waiting out there in the hall nervously fidgeting. His curls look like home and your fingers itch to touch them, innocently. Almost the same, and so different all at once, now closely clipped at the sides. He looks reminiscent of his younger self. A little like the Josh you’ve only ever known through pictures; the Josh before he swept into your life like a tornado of light and smiles. He always was so beautiful. So offbeat. So eclectically mishmashed together and esoteric.
It’s like spotting a twin flame that you never expected to see again. Like the dead has risen…
…and before you’re consciously aware of your actions, you’re sliding the lock and cracking open the door.
“Hello, sweet girl.” His voice is soothing, and weighed down heavy as it slams into your head and scrambles your brain.
“Josh,” is all you’re able to manage, stupidly.
“As beautiful as ever, mama.” He smiles, flashing that tiny gap in his teeth that used to make you weak.
“Now, listen,” he holds a hand up and then shoes away whatever notion he’s about to bring up, “Don’t you hold this against our dear Daniel…I know you didn’t want to see us,” he lowers his voice into a conspiring whisper, “but you should know, he’s become a terrible tattletale in your absence.”
Suddenly, you’re hyper aware of the fact that you’ve left him standing in the hall like an unwelcome stranger. Against your better judgment, you invite him in.
He’s careful not to touch you, mindful of overstepping in a way that’s so out of character for him it makes you feel unsteady.
“You really do look lovely, sweetheart.” He smiles, “A vision. I’ve missed you, my friend. I’ve missed you very much.”
‘My friend’ stings a little at first, but within a blink, it settles and feels right - you were always friends. Friends before it became love, friends while it was love…
The Josh you knew possessed a great many talents, and quick adaptability was listed among them. He allowed the fickle winds of life to toss him about like no one you’d ever known, and had an ever present and uncannily firm grasp on relationships, and an admiration for how they can shift and morph.
He also always was a cool liar when it was for the greater good. Some things clearly never change.
Nervously, you sweep a hand through your hair and blot your eyes with the backs of your hands, “Lovely my ass…c’mere.”
With little reservation, you tug him in close and fold your arms around him. An unexpected huff of a laugh escapes you when you feel his familiar warmth.
He hugs you back, long and hard, with a soft, “Hi, baby, hi.”
“How’d you find me, you stalker?” You joke tenderly as he sways your bodies back and forth. “I didn’t give Danny my room number.”
That chuckle of his that you’d buried in the past trots out to say hello, “A trip to the front desk was all it took. Have you forgotten the Kiszka charm so easily?”
“Uh-huh,” you roll your eyes, though you’re still wrapped up tightly together and he cannot see.
“Okay,” he concedes “the Kiszka charm and maybe a hundred tucked into a hand or two.”
How strange that you had begged Danny not to tell him; his embrace is blissful and you’ve missed him terribly.
Still, there is a phantom in the room with the two of you, and you know without a doubt that he feels it too.
When he pulls back, his hands slip down your arms to clasp around yours…and he sees it.
“Oh my, mama,” he tugs it up closer for inspection, “would you look at that. Going to the chapel, huh?”
“I—“ for some unknown reason, you pull your hand away and tuck it behind your back as though you’ve been caught in a shameful act.
He tilts his head, regarding you carefully “Can we sit?”
With a welcoming gesture, you usher him in further, and like the gentleman he’s always been, he opts for the chair and doesn’t mention the disheveled bed, or its wept upon pillows.
After you settle in respectively, there’s a long stretch of silence in which you both seem to just sort of sink into being in the same room together again. Finally, he breaks the ice.
“He can’t know you’re here. It won’t be like this,” he waves a finger back and forth between the two of you, indicating the ease in which you’ve reunited.
A choked sob threatens to breach your lips at the mere mention of him, and your hand darts up to press it back.
“And he certainly can’t know about that.” Josh points to your ring winking obnoxiously in the light.
“Of course,” you nod rapidly, blinking tears back. “Yes, of course not…but, is he…” falling silent, your gaze lands on your bare toes and stays there.
“Is he, what?” Josh’s voice is kind, and you are so grateful for it. “Okay? No, sweetheart. He’s very far from okay. I should lie for him, I know I should. He’s my brother…I should tell you he’s happy. Happier than he’s ever been.”
“Will you?” There is a desperate hope in your plea that makes you cringe inwardly. “Will you tell me he’s happy?”
His eyes, so like his twins, and so full of sorrow, watch you for such a long time you begin to squirm this way and that in your seat. “Sit still, mama…” he finally scolds with the tiniest wink to soothe your anxiety, “he’s happy. He’s fine. But best if you just steer clear, alright?”
“So he’s happy? Or you should lie, Josh? Which is it?” Why are you asking? You don’t want to know. It’s infinitely easier to swallow the lie. You can’t stand the thought of Jake broken still and riddled with the pain you know so well.
With a sigh, he avoids your gaze. “You know the answer to that already, it seems. Are you?” His eyes flick towards your engagement ring, “Happy, I mean? Are you?”
Now it’s your turn to lie, “Yes. Very.”
He nods, and then glances at the mascara glaring from your pillows like evidence at trial. “Yes, it would seem so.”
“Josh, I—“
“Look,” he cuts you off, stressing with urgency. “We’re only here for the night. Lay low if you can. He’s bad off, and to see you would level him. To see you with that,” he once again points out your ring, “Would kill him. You leaving…”
A shaking breath rattles his shoulders, “It wasn’t easy for either of us, but Jake? Jake is still in that hotel room you walked out of a thousand nights ago. He never left, sweet girl. He never fucking left…and as much as I know that it’s not your fault…”
He trails off in thought and then drags in a hitching hiss of air, “As much as I know it isn’t either of our faults, I still place all that blame right here, with you and me. I can’t watch him descend any further, alright? So just lay low until we’re gone. For me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you nod, a thousand questions beating like bird’s wings against the cage of your mind, “Yes, of course.”
Another lull slips in to visit until he shakes his head slowly, “How did I ever manage to get over you? You truly are beautiful. I’d almost forgotten…that’s heartbreaking.”
There is an innocuous lilt to his tone that warms your soul like cocoa with the fattest marshmallow bobbing along in the mug, and you feel your cheeks turn pink under his open, golden gaze.
“Me?” You laugh, “What about you, gorgeous? I love the hair.”
“Oh, you know,” he brushes his palms over the sides with a bashful shrug, “I let Sam trim it, scissors slipped…had to do something.”
“Still blaming Sam for all of life’s tragedies?” You laugh again. You always did laugh so freely with him, and you’ve missed it more than you ever allowed yourself to realize.
He scoffs with the faintest roll of his sparkling eyes “Obviously. That’s what the youngest is for, mama. You know this. And speaking of Samuel, you understand that Daniel will tell him, right? Those two might as well just get married and call it a day.”
Another giggle sounds out of you, “Don’t be jealous, Joshua. It’s unbecoming. Danny loves you, too…and Sammy I would say definitely considers you a solid acquaintance.”
“Yes, well, my acquaintance would be thoroughly crushed if he didn’t get the chance to at least say hello to you. Maybe later tonight? After the show?” He leans forward and toys with the beads swinging between his knees. “How would that be?”
“Only Sammy?”
He holds up two fingers, scout’s honor, “Only Sammy.”
You agree, and catch up a while longer until it’s time for him to take his leave, and you can’t help the confession that blurts out of your mouth without eloquence.
“You said he never left that hotel room,” you waver with bitten back tears. “It wasn’t…I don’t want you to think…it took me a very long time to leave that room, too.”
One last time, before the door closes behind him, his eyes linger on your pillow and the evidence of your tears, and then find yours, “Sweetheart, are you sure you’ve left it at all?”
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @jakesgrapejuice @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake
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towerofrabble · 3 months
ray time ray time ray time I can finally talk about her now that shes on global and people will understand what im talking about. (spoilers for To The Grinning Valley go read it, it's short)
Ray's childhood is pretty messy. She was born to nomadic hunters in Rim BIlliton who stayed self sufficient, she learnt how to hunt from them but she doesn't really remember much of that time. She doesn't really remember much of her childhood at all. From her file 3. "… I don't think her love for animals comes from her childhood environment. I can tell that those memories are very, very far from mind." The only vivid memory she has of her childhood is the time when lots of her family died, only to be saved by what she describes as a "ray of light". Some time afterwards (maybe when she was still a minor (hehe) ) she became a pitsinker. Not because she especially felt like doing it but (from file 1) "Once, long ago, someone told her that she could make a living as a pitsinker, and she's been doing it ever since." She's generally quite directionless, just going along with what shes been doing, because she doesn't have anything else she wants to do. This is even how her codename "Ray" was decided, a worker couldn't spell her name "Rayella" and so it got shortened to Ray and she went with that ever since. Not to say she isn't fond of her name, but its not really something she chose for herself. There's also the loads of trauma shes living with. As mentioned above a bunch of her family died and that's tied to her one significant childhood memory, but there's also the damage being a pitsinker has done to her. Grinning MIneshaft (vignette 5) is gut wrenching. Ray cares a lot about Sandbeasts, and one dying in her arms just adds even more to her trauma around the mines. Additionally even though she says she's used to, it she's very afraid of the dark and she associates that with the mines. The ways she describes it makes it seem terrifying. Talk 3 "Tales of the supernatural, these tapes said. Didn't really like watching them, but I do feel... Chills, from these? No. It's hot in the dark. The deeper down the pit, the hotter, harder to breathe. Always took yonks for the lift to bring us back up. I'd just stare at the lights in the ceiling, waiting." Promotion 2 "Proactive? Is this about me applying to rescue Infected...? Remember when you had me treat my wounds? So I have my cotton wads, and they're getting covered in bloodstains, and dust, and Originium shards, and sandbeast fur, and it struck me then: the pit's behind me, a million miles behind, and it's like I'm still being stabbed. Do you think I'm... still carrying the fear?" Trust 1 "Ninety-seven, ninety-eight… Oh, first time seeing you at the training grounds. You always train at four in the morning too? That's not it? An op said I scared them target practicing here all night…? But the light went kaput in my accommodation. I wanted to be somewhere lit-up." The last one might seem a innocent but she constantly shows that she doesn't like being in the dark. From file 3 "Do you remember? When were getting ready to shut down the generator and turn off the lights, she looked so reluctant." From vignette 5
Take heart, little one. Do not be so down. If it truly vexes you, perhaps you will feel better if you closed your eyes and took a little nap?
Ah, perhaps not, for closing your eyes means being in the dark, and you have a look about you that says that you fear it... Alright, I admit I'm not used to consoling people. The Feranmut she meets can see it in her. This line from file 1 is incredibly sad too "...perhaps she will be stuck with a pitsinker's mindset for a while yet: isolated, always on high alert, always raising her head to gaze up from the bottom of the shaft at the light from the entrance, not knowing whether she's alive or dead until she's hauled back to the surface and leaves the dark behind her." I really wanna give her a hug,, She also doesn't associate with many people. From file 2 "For quite a while after joining Rhodes Island, nobody paid much attention to Ray. There's no shortage of operators who are very welcoming to newcomers, but neither the movie club, the tea club, nor the culinary club ever sent her an invitation. After all, she's never asked for directions, or even stopped to get her bearings on the landship. This made it very hard for anyone to tell that she was indeed a newcomer, even as she was calmly making her fifth loop on the same route." She doesn't talk to people much and usually just keeps to herself, taking care of her sandbeast, or visits Alanna and Warmy. The one scenario she does speak lots is when animals are the topic of conversation. From file 2 "...and eventually reached a confusion as to whether the fowlbeasts that arrived in two different locations were the same species or not. At that point, Ray—who had never spoken a single word to them—slipped into their conversation as though she had known them their whole life and started asking each of the operators where they were from. Upon learning their hometowns, she would explain which species were typical of each region in easy-to-understand terms." This is the main way she makes friends because its basically the only thing she will talk to people about, even her visits with Warmy are her telling Warmy about animals. She also collects animal almanacs which she reads in her free time. I've ranted about Ray now. I love her. Bye.
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Congrats on your new follower event! Can I request pearl with Cody? Thanks!
It's Always Been You
Summary: You’ve been in love with your Commander almost since the moment you met him. Unfortunately, he seems to think that you’re just waiting until you meet someone better.
Pairing: Commander Cody x Reader
Word Count: 797
Prompts: Pearl - Honest Love
Warnings: Some misunderstanding, but it's cleared up pretty quickly
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! Sorry that it took so long~
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You fold your leg under yourself as you scan your datapad for the movie that you’re looking for. It’s late, late enough that you should probably be sleeping, but you’re far too wired to sleep. Besides, Cody is sprawled on the bed next to you, absently looking over your shoulder at your datapad.
You don’t get to spend a lot of time with him, what with the war and him being Marshal Commander, and the fact that you’re technically his subordinate and this whole relationship is a massive gray area.
But that’s a problem for future you to worry about. Present you just wants to be happy and safe and warm.
“Can’t find your movie?” Cody asks, his voice low and warm.
“I downloaded a lot of movies before we left Coruscant.” You admit as you continue scrolling, “And books. And music.”
He laughs and shifts to slide his arms around your waist as well as rest his head on your shoulder, “How much free time do you expect to have?”
“Well, assuming that no one does anything stupid, hopefully a lot.” You press your cheek against the top of his head and are rewarded with the sensation of his arms tightening around you.
“Well, I’m going to intentionally download a virus to give you something to do.”
“That’s so mean.” You say as you shoot him an amused look, “At least make it look like an accident.” He shoots you an angelic look, and you release a bubbling laugh.
For a moment, his expression is warm and fond, though it falters to something a little more wistful and longing. An expression that you’ve been seeing more and more on his face lately. 
Slowly you set your datapad down and you press your hand against his cheek, “Cody, is something wrong?”
“Why do you ask?”
“You look,” You pause as you try to place the emotion, “sad.” You finish.
Cody’s quiet for a long moment, long enough that you think that he’s going to ignore your question, and then he shifts and pulls away from you, moving so that he’s sitting on the bed next to you.
You sit up as well, “Cody?”
“You are far too observant,” He grumbles, as he doesn’t quite meet your gaze, “I’ve been thinking,” he adds, his voice carefully light, “about how long I’m going to have this for.”
You blink at him, “I mean…I’m not going to kick you out, but you have to go back to being Commander when the sun rises-?”
He laughs softly, “That’s not what I mean.”
Cody is quiet for a moment, and when he speaks, it’s slow, as though he’s trying to think of the best way to say what he’s thinking, “I’m wondering how long I get to have you for. How long before you find someone better. Someone more deserving.”
His words hit you with all of the force of a slug shot.
“You think I’m looking for an upgrade?” You ask, genuinely hurt, “Have I said something to make you think that? Or…or did something?”  You wrack your memory, trying to think of a time when you might have even implied that you were looking for someone other.
His hand is warm against your cheek, pulling you from your spiraling thoughts with startling ease, “No. You’ve always been very good at keeping your focus on me when we’re together.” Cody says quietly, “But…we both know that this is temporary.”
“...is it?” You ask, somehow even more hurt, “I kind of thought it was forever. It kind of sounds like you’re the one looking for an upgrade.”
He stares at you hard, “I think there’s been a miscommunication somewhere.” Cody finally says, “Cyare, what are your feelings towards me?”
“I love you.” You say it easily. Because it is easy. It’s the easiest thing you’ve ever done, “But…but if you don’t feel the same way, I can pretend that I don’t.”
“Even though I’m just a clone?” Cody asks, “Even though you can have someone better?”
“You’re not ‘just an’ anything, Cody.” You say with a frown, “Not to me. And I don’t want ‘better’. What even is better? Richer? If I was worried about money I wouldn’t have joined the military.”
“I have no prospects for the future, cyare-”
“Cody is Cody and Cody is who I want.” You interrupt, “But…only if that’s what you want too.”
He laughs softly, and leans in to kiss you, slowly and deeply. “It is what I want. More than anything. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
You sigh softly, and climb into his lap, “You scared me. I thought you were going to kick me to the curb.”
“I would never.” His arms tighten around her, “I love you too, after all.”
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healmydesires · 2 years
enchanted (s.h) - teaser
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❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: prince!steve harrington x fem!servant reader
❥ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: “You’ve been in love with the prince for god knows how long. For the longest time you were content with admiring him from afar, knowing your adoration for your favourite prince could never be revealed. Until one day, everything changed.” royal!au. childhood best friends to lovers. fools/idiots to lovers. forbidden romance.
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff + angst + smut (18+ mdni)
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 3,5k so far (it’s gonna be a big BOI)
⟶ A/N: I know for a fact that this will be a big fic. I have so many ideas that it’s driving me insane and I have to have this finished!!! NOW!!! anyways pls anticipate this fic with me 🫶
let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list or if you wanna ramble in my inbox about this with me! <3
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You had worked at the palace of the kingdom Pagrarus for as long as you could remember. You knew every nook and cranny—every secret passage and hidden room in that palace. It was practically your home. You took care of it, making sure that it was clean and pretty every day. Your childhood wish was to work for the royal family, just like your parents did. Your family had served the royal family as maids and whatnot for generations, so it only made sense that you grew up around them, and subsequently, their child.
Steve Harrington.
You don’t regret it. Working for royalty.
In fact, if anything, you’re grateful. Because if not for your position now, how could have you crossed paths with a soul like him?
You still remember the day you met him. Clear as day.
Such a sweet sweet day it was. The memory is still fresh in your mind, like the scent of your childhood room. A scent you never quite forgot. It faded over time, sure. But if you strained your memory even now, you can still smell it. The scent of comfort.
Decidedly, there have been many days in your life. Some happy, some sad. Some you remember better than others while others fade away into the back of your mind. Some are ingrained so deep in your mind that when you close your eyes, you can see every detail as if it’s currently happening. None, however, do you remember more clearly than the day you met Steve. It had been almost two decades ago; when you were five, and he was six.
You remember being nervous - your parents had brought you along to the castle, to introduce you to the royal family - you used to be a very lonely child, not being able to make friends easily. You were in awe as you walked through the luxurious castle with wide eyes, seeing it for the first time, it was truly a beautiful place.
As a reward for your family’s many generations of loyalty, they got the honour of working directly for the royal family. Your parents were close to the royal family despite that they were working for them. When you were very young, your mother was a personal attendant to the young prince.
It had all been incredibly overwhelming back then, and you’d only hidden further behind your mother’s legs. Until - you’d spotted a boy, looking just as lonely and nervous as you, also behind his mothers legs. The prince.
A fond smile curls on your face as you remember Steve’s little frame. With cute round cheeks, curious brown eyes, long brown hair, dressed in fine fabrics that were only made for royal people. He had sparked your curiosity, his intriguing eyes looking at you as if he longed for your friendship already.
Your parents pushed you into his direction, you’d approached him hesitantly. Immediately, he’d give you the brightest smile once you were in front of him. And that one action - that one smile - had sealed it between the two of you. Ever since then, Steve has been your best friend. He’d stick out his hand for you to take and would tug you along with him down the hall, showing you around the palace as you both giggled.
Nostalgia cascades through you as you continue mulling over your relationship with prince Steve. You’ve lived twenty-five years, and throughout the vast majority of it - he has been your only constant.
And for as long as you could remember, you’ve had an intense and hopeless crush on the prince, Steve Harrington.
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natureismynature · 1 year
Alrightttt! Here's the qTina lore dropped the other day that I said I would go back to ><
Tina likes Cucurucho because it reminds her of the 'gentle' no-faced workers with paws and police outfits that blew bubbles at her in her... 'rooms'
She remembers these workers would tell them where to go (she kept saying 'us' but never specified who she was with, but we're gonna assume she means the other new residents) and there was meal time
She doesn't know how long she was there for, all she knows is that she woke up at the freezers
When asked if the rooms were all white, she responded with "Mine was dark, but that's okay! It's just probably to help us sleep :D"
When asked if her 'room' was a jailcell or an actual room, she said there was a button to get out that she could press, so it wasn't so bad.
She seemed to be really fond of 'meal time' because there was a place where they would gather to eat
She was very adamant that the workers were gentle and only blew bubbles if they needed her to pay attention. No violence
It was a little cold all the time and there was water everywhere
There was no worker to her recollection that was named Walter Bob or anyone who fit his description
They got from there to the freezers by going around collecting materials to make a keycard that would take them to an elevator that would freeze them... upstairs...
Personal theories and discussions below the cut!
Tina was DEFINITELY in the prison where Pac e Mike were locked up. It's interesting how she never called it a prison though, she seemed to be a favorite too with how she worded everything.
She also said they got frozen 'upstairs' and if I recall correctly, the cell entity that helped Tazercraft mentioned a third floor at some point. But it was to someone else, not sure if it was to Fit while he was cleaning the prison, or to Foolish when he was getting hired as detective. Is the third floor where they freeze prisoners? Which they then relocate to the freezers?
And I think the reason Walter Bob wasn't in her memories is because his name and appearance are new. qTina was probably part of the original 24 OR a completely separate group. Eitherway, she was probably in the island before Walter Bob ever was.
But I find it really fuckin weird tho, how she remembers all this but the others don't... like I said, she kept saying 'us' when it's for general stuff, but she kept saying 'me' when it comes to blowing bubbles. And we know that Federation workers blowing bubbles at you means they like you....
Aaaaahhhhhh I have so many thoughts but I am too sad to make a proper analysis fjdbsjus o7
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charmed [15]: 'padfoot' (wolfstar x reader smut)
a/n: HOLY SHIT GUYSSS. we're ALMOST NEARING THE END. enjoy this short lil part. its spicy, its sweet, its sad. it's rly been a journey and i am so not ready for it to end. as always, itd make me so happy to hear from you.
warnings: smut, mmf threesome, oral f! and m! receiving
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series summary: set in the prisoner of azkaban, including its major plot points. remus and y/n get hired by dumbledore last minute to teach at hogwarts, defense against the dark arts and charms respectively. not wanting the students to know they are married, they navigate the challenging year through hidden glances, hand holds underneath the table and loving moments in their offices. even with all their efforts to conceal their relationship, their chemistry does not go unnoticed by the student population of hogwarts, who grow fond of the pair as they offer them some of the best classes they’ve had in a while. their relationship as newlyweds is strengthened as teaching the next generation of wizards unlocks a sea of memories of their love story. for the second time in his life, remus holds hogwarts responsible for some of his happiest memories. he’s given the chance to create them with the love of his life, y/n, who has taught and continues to teach him that every part of him is lovable, remaining forever under her charm.
series masterlist here
join taglist here
1980. Very shortly after Y/N joined the Order.
“Dog.” Remus pointed out.
Y/N and Remus were on a walk in a little London park. 
“I need to pet it so bad.” Y/N said. Remus chuckled, sneaking a glance at her.
And luckily enough, as they walked past the owner, the fluffy golden retriever with a waggy tail proved to be friendly, running over to Y/N and Remus.
“Hi! Hello!” Y/N exclaimed happily as the dog ran up to her, sniffing and licking her legs. “May I pet him?” She looked up at the owner.
“Of course.”
“Oh, you’re so sweet aren’t you— oh!” Y/N giggled, kneeling down and petting the dog, giving him good scratches everywhere and letting him lick her face.
Remus looked down on her with fondness on his face before crouching down beside her to pat the dog’s head.
“Have a great day.” Y/N smiled as they got up. The owner tipped his hat at them, and they walked away from each other.
“Big dog lover, eh?” Remus said.
“Yes.” Y/N smiled. “I just love them so much, they’re so cuddly and happy. They make me feel better every single time.”
“That’s really cute.” Remus said, refraining from saying “you’re”. They had just began being friends, he was way too shy to let his crush on her show just yet.
It was a Tuesday evening in November and a few Order members were gathered at Number 12 Grimmauld Place after a meeting.
“Hey Y/N, you okay?” Remus said as he walked in on Y/N in the living room, laid down on the couch under a blanket.
“Yeah.” Y/N replied. “Just traditional seasonal depression. It makes me want to hole up and do nothing.”
Remus took a seat at her feet. They stayed in silence for a little while until Remus sat up suddenly. “Wait here.”
He went to the kitchen where Sirius was and whispered something in his ear.
A few moments later, a big shaggy black dog burst through the living room, running straight for Y/N.
“Oh my GOD!” Y/N sat up immediately, closing her eyes as the dog jumped on her and started licking her face. “OH MY GOD, WHERE DID YOU COME FROM—“ She squealed out of happiness as he wagged his tail, nuzzling her and happily accepting her scratches.
Remus felt warmth fill his chest and cheeks as Y/N’s hearty loud laugh filled the room. He realized that he loved seeing her happy like this. And he did like that it was his doing.
The kitchen was filled with the clunk of glass Butterbeer bottles hitting the table, the crunch of biting into a handful of chips and loud booming voices.
“Y/N, your turn.” Remus said.
“Mkay,” Y/N said, leaning over to pick up a card. She read it, “Question. Have you ever lied to me and if yes, what was the lie? Hmm…. I’m gonna ask it to the both of you, can I do that?”
Sirius shrugged from across the table. “Okay. So a time where both Moony and I have lied to you?”
Y/N nodded, leaning back in her chair. She looked at the two, smiling. “This should be good.”
Remus and Sirius looked at each other, pensively. Remus burst out laughing. “Well, there is a big thing that we’ve been keeping from you…”
“What?” Sirius looked at Remus confusedly. Remus stuck his tongue out and panted, and Sirius threw his head back in laughter upon comprehending. “Okay, yeah, Y/N there is one thing.”
“What?” Y/N asked in anticipation.
“You know that black dog that Remus brings around whenever you’re sad?”
“Yeah…” Y/N raised an eyebrow. This was not where she expected it to go. 
“Well… it’s ME!”
Y/N spat out her drink. “The fuck you mean it’s you?”
“It’s literally me.”
“Shut up.”
Remus was laughing to the point of tears right now.
Sirius stood up, did a little twirl and transformed into the dog. Y/N fell out of her seat.
Remus nodded, unable to speak as he wiped the tears of laughter from his face.
“Hold on… SO THAT’S WHY THEY CALL YOU PADFOOT?” Y/N yelled at the dog. Remus let out a howl of laughter. Y/N was under so much shock that she didn’t even think of admitting that she herself was also an Animagus.
Sirius transformed back into human form and come up behind Y/N to hug her.
“I feel so betrayed what—“ Y/N laughed. “I let you sleep on my lap!”
“And you still can, darling.” Sirius winked.
Remus rolled his eyes. 
“What, jealous Moony? Get over here.”
Remus joined his friends on the floor and the three tangled themselves in some sort of three-way hug.
“I love you guys.” Y/N said, voice muffed in their embrace.
“To friendship.”
“To friendship”.
Y/N found herself watching Sirius undo his long mane of hair and comb his fingers through the knots before he threw it back into an updo.
“Siri?” She hummed.
“You have such nice hair.” She complimented him.
He blushed slightly. “Well, thank you lovely.”
He walked out of the kitchen. Remus, who was sitting across the table from Y/N, lifted an eyebrow. He put down his coffee mug and a mischievous smile came upon his lips.
“Can you come here for a sec?” He asked, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs.
No need to ask twice for that. Y/N hopped up, and took a seat on Remus’ lap.
“What’s up?” She said, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Can I ask you something?” Remus said cheekily, tracing his thumb over the side of her hip. “Do you find Sirius attractive?”
That was not what Y/N was expecting to hear. She looked slightly taken aback. Her cheeks heat up. “He’s your best friend, Remmy!”
Remus shrugged. “I know. I just wanna know. I wouldn’t be offended you know, the opposite even.”
Y/N looked at him weirdly. Remus let out a shy chuckle. “I’ve never admitted this to you but… Sirius and I… we have in the past… occasionally…”
Y/N’s eyes widened.
That was even less of what Y/N expected to hear. “I’ve known you for a while now, and I’ve never heard of this!! What else have you not told me?”
“Just this, I promise.” Remus laughed, burying his head in her neck.
Y/N licked her teeth. “Damn. That’s kinda hot.”
“Really?” Remus lifted off her, reading her face for expression.
“Yeah…” Y/N said. She felt herself become shy. “And to answer your question, yeah Siri is cute. But you know you’re the love of my life, Remus.”
Remus smiled broadly. “I know. But it doesn’t mean we don’t get to have any fun, right?”
Y/N swallowed. She felt herself get aroused. And she knew that Remus would be able to smell it. It was a sense that had been permanently changed since his werewolf bite.
He did.
“You like the idea?” He whispered into her ear, hand sliding up between her thighs.
“Yes.” Y/N breathed, closing her eyes.
Y/N hummed to herself as she twirled around in her room in a bright red dress that she had just made herself. 
She heard the apartment door open and two pairs of footsteps walk in. It must be Remus with one of the other Marauders.
“Knock knock.” A voice said.
She looked up above her own reflection in the mirror. “Siri!”
Sirius came in and gave her a quick hug. “You’re the only one who calls me that.”
“It’s cute. Do you mind it?”
“No, not at all. What are you all dressed up for?”
“Oh, nothing. Just one of my latest boredom creations.”
Sirius hummed. “It looks nice.”
His gaze was respectful. It always was extremely respectful with Sirius and Y/N. He was like her gay best friend, except he wasn’t gay. At least not fully.
“Thanks.” Y/N smiled. “If I were to go out in this, how would I do my hair?” She pondered, going back to look at the mirror.
“Up. For sure.” Sirius answered.
Y/N gathered her hair up. “Like this?”
“Hmm. Yeah, but— may I?” He asked. She nodded and Sirius made his way to her.
He settled behind her and ran his fingers through her hair to gather it up in a ponytail. His fingers felt soft as they grazed her scalp.
“Like that.” Sirius said, holding the ponytail with one hand as his other came to rest on her bare shoulder. She felt her pulse in her neck dangerously close to where his hand was.
She looked at him in the mirror’s reflection. He met her gaze.
“Well, well, well, what fun are we up to here?”
Remus stepped in the room, jolting Y/N and Sirius apart. He let go of her hair and it came cascading down. 
“Hey!” Y/N whipped around to face him.
Although nothing really out of the ordinary had happened, the energy was different in the room.
“It feels like I’m interrupting something.” Remus chuckled, a hint of cheekiness in his voice.
“Course not.” Sirius said, plopping himself onto Y/N’s bed.
“I was just showing Pads my newest project.” Y/N gave a light twirl to show off the new dress. “You like?”
Remus licked his lips, stroking his chin. “Very beautiful.” Y/N grinned. From the side of his eye, he caught Sirius watching her too.
“Sirius, you like?”
Sirius broke off his gaze. “Hmm, wha- oh yes of course, our little bird’s quite the seamstress!”
Remus walked up to Y/N, greeting her with a hug. He leaned down placing a quick kiss on her lips. Y/N smiled through it.
She was about to pull away but Remus wrapped his arm around her waist. He slid his finger along her jaw and deepened the kiss.
Sirius looked away.
Y/N opened her eyes, giggling nervously. “Um, baby, Sirius is right there.” She whispered.
Remus opened his, glancing over at his friend on the bed. “Sirius, want to join?”
Both Y/N and Sirius looked at him, taken aback. They grew shy.
Sirius laughed it off, insinuating Remus played too much. But Remus didn’t drop the question.
“Listen, I don’t want to make any of you uncomfortable.” He began. “But… I do know for a fact that you two do find each other attractive.. and God knows it would be the hottest thing for me too. Maybe we can have a bit of fun?”
Y/N swallowed. She did not know what to feel except for a certain ache that began pooling between her legs.
“I- uh.” Sirius breathed. He ran his hand through his hair. He laughed, biting his lip. Y/N almost whimpered. “I’m down for anything if you are.”
Y/N let go of Remus. She nodded. Taking a hesitant step towards Sirius, she glanced back at Remus, who winked at her.
“Why don’t you climb onto his lap, dove, you love doing that.” Remus said, taking a seat in a nearby chair.
Sirius leaned back on his elbows, licking his lips as he watched Y/N climb onto him, a knee on either side of him.
“You’re such a pretty thing,” Sirius sighed.
“Could say the same about you,” Y/N responded as she ran her hands down his chest.
Sirius sat up, placing both of his hands on her hips.
“You can kiss her,” Remus grunted, thoroughly enjoying the sight of this.
Taking a deep breath in through their noses, Sirius and Y/N pressed their lips together. Letting out a moan, Sirius pulled her tighter against him, pressing her center to his.
Y/N cried out, the sound muffled by the kiss, as she wrapped her arms around Sirius’ neck and ground her hips under his hold.
“Merlin,” Sirius panted as the two pulled apart. “You’re exquisite. Can I touch you, sweetheart?”
Y/N nodded and Sirius brought both hands up, sliding up her ribs and coming to cup her breasts. He squeezed them, sending Y/N’s eyes rolling back.
“Such cute tits, oh I wanna see em,” he said, pulling the dress out of the way. He smiled when they were revealed to him, bringing his mouth to one of her nipples.
Remus loosened his tie from his corner, feeling hot.
“Isn’t she something?” He said, getting up and walking towards them. “I bet you’ve got Pads all hard and straining under there.”
Y/N grinned and nodded. “Let’s take care of that.”
She climbed off and Sirius undid his belt, pulling his pants off. Both Remus and Y/N kneeled down in front of him.
“Bloody hell,” Sirius swore again. It wasn’t even his birthday or Christmas.
He revealed himself. He indeed was already furiously hard.
“Gorgeous.”  Remus hummed. It had been a while. He placed a soft kiss on the head, licking over the slit.
Sirius hissed and squeezed his eyes closed. Y/N leaned forward, dragging her tongue down the base of his shaft as Remus sucked at the tip.
“Fucking hell!” He dared to look down, the sight of his best friend and his girl both sucking him off simultaneously enough to bring him closer over the edge.
He cradled both their heads with one hand, shaking and swearing until he finally came. Y/N wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. “Wow”.
Remus smiled, catching his breath. His eyes darkened. He could smell Y/N. And she was sopping.
“You wanna taste Y/N, Padfoot? I promise you she’s got the prettiest fucking pussy you’ll ever see.”
“Hell yes.”
Y/N whimpered, squeezing her thighs together before switching places with Sirius. Remus climbed onto the bed behind her, pulling her dress off over her head. Her breasts were still pink from Sirius’ hands beforehand.
Sirius’ eyes trailed down to her stomach, to the navy cotton underwear that hugged her hips. She spread legs and revealed a wet spot that had soaked through. Sirius almost fainted.
“Aw baby, you’re this wet huh? Sirius teased. He brought a finger to the warm fabric, spreading it and pressing against her clit.
Y/N cried, throwing her head back and Remus was behind her to bear her weight. “Who got you this wet, huh dove?” Remus asked, looking at her panting face as she settled her back nicely into his chest.
“You. You two.”
Sirius removed his hand and replaced it with his tongue, licking along the wet spot and dampening it even further. 
“Oh fuck,” Y/N gasped, crumbling onto Remus. “Take them fucking off.”
Sirius slid her panties down her legs, her pussy so wet that it already dripped and stained the sheet beneath her.
“Open up darling, open up. Let Padfoot see.” 
He slid his tongue up her folds once and wasted no time brushing it over her clit, taking it between his lips and sucking it.
Remus ran his warm hands over her stomach, then brought them up to her chest. With the pressure of Sirius’ tongue on her clit and Remus’ hands on her breasts, she moaned in ecstasy and threw her head back on Remus’ shoulder.
She cried, a string of half-gibberish swears leaving her mouth. Remus’ hand came and caressed her throat, then he ran his fingers over her lips, parting them so she can suck on them.
“So fucking good.”
Present day. 1993, Hogwarts.
Y/N took a swig from her goblet of orange juice as she opened the Daily Prophet that was laying around on the teacher’s table in the Great Hall. The headline wrote: “Sirius Black, newly sighted near Hertfordshire”. She lay her goblet down and quickly turned the paper to another page.
She glanced over at her side. Remus was quietly enjoying his breakfast.
“Anything interesting?” He asked.
She shook her head. “Nah.”
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Hello! First time requesting here!
I have this scenario for Underverse with Cross Sans/X-Tale Sans: Cross and female human darling have know each other since childhood. Well, they always meet each other when the overwrite happens as if they were meant to be together. But then, the incident happened. Cross lost his family and his universe. He also thought that his lost his best friend. But little he didn’t know, she was with Ink and Sans (she lost her memory) trying to stop him. And with the help of Nightmare, Cross was doing everything to get his home back and the human he started to love.
Here also some prompts:
34 and 40
Welcome! I'm not too far in Underverse but I fell in love with the concept after watching X-Tale... here you go! It's 12 AM and the brainrot struck!
Not fully proofread, there may be mistakes but I hope everything is enjoyable >:) This was fun!
Yandere! Cross Prompts 34 + 40
"No one else understands me except you!"
"Do you really remember nothing? It's me! Your partner!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Angst, Kidnapping, Violence, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship, This is all just very sad :(.
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Despite everything he's gone through... Cross still remembers a human that he held dear. Not Frisk/Chara when he was still just Sans... another human girl. A human girl he found himself adoring... even after every Overwrite.
Perhaps Chara knew about you... or maybe this fondness he's feeling is just Sans. Either way, Cross recalls the human girl, you, meeting him in every timeline in his universe. It was like fate drew you two together... which made him fall hopelessly in love.
But does love even matter if it's so easily torn away from him?
Even when his world became a white void, Cross still thought of you. Even when he fought with the two halves within him... he still thought of that human girl. The human girl he saw as a childhood friend when his world was bleak.
Cross was convinced you had perished when his universe essentially collapsed. He tried to find companionship in Ink, even mentioning you in conversation. Ink could tell Cross was fond of this girl... but tried to ease the pain with distractions.
Cross wanted nothing more than to persist. He wanted to have his own world, he wanted to be happy. More than anything... he wanted to be able to act on the feelings he had towards you.
Now all he has are memories.
Even when teamed with Nightmare Sans, Cross's thoughts still wandered. Even Chara seemed affected by the echoes of you. Perhaps both halves craved love they couldn't have.
All of this creating negative emotions for Nightmare to feast on.
When Cross eventually saw Ink again, he was annoyed that he kept tracking him. He somewhat expected Sans to be there too due to taking half of his soul to persist. But what he didn't expect... was you.
Cross was stunned when he saw you with the other two. At first he tried to tell himself you were just a copy. You may even be a copy.
But did he really care?
It was you.
You really were another part of his dying universe. You looked so clueless... even more so when you saw him. It was like you didn't remember him...
"She doesn't remember you... get used to it... they never do." Cross hears Chara hiss to him. "We've been through this song and dance time and time again."
Cross wants to ignore the pessimism, but Chara had a point. Memory loss was a common side effect of being Overwritten. X-Sans could vouch for such a thing.
But perhaps... he can make you remember.
"I want to try." He replies to his other half, eyes never leaving your confused form.
"There's no point... do you really expect her to love you? Us? She won't." Chara replies, a frown on his face.
"I don't care." Cross, X-Sans, answers... once again bickering to himself. "I refuse to lose her again."
Chara keeps saying it's pointless, but his pleas are ignored when Cross acts. With reckless abandon, Cross attacks. However, he never harms you.
He's careful. He can harm original Sans, he can even harm Ink... but you're the target. Ink notices this and does his best to defend you. Unfortunately... Cross manages to outsmart the guardian and grabs you when he can.
Nightmare finds the whole thing amusing. Cross seemed so desperate to keep you. He could sense positive emotion brewing in the tortured soul pair... but not enough to drive him away.
By the time you regain your senses, you're in a universe completely unknown to you. A doomed timeline? A doomed universe? You couldn't tell....
Your eyes and head hurt...
But soon a figure in front of you comes into view... a golden locket around their neck.
You try to regain your senses, a hand hesitantly touching your shoulder. It feels vaguely familiar... yet you could tell the source of the touch was in disbelief. When you focus on their face... his face... you see a red and white set of eyes staring at you.
"It's you..." The person in front of you murmurs... eyes wide. "It really is you..."
You stare at the figure in front of you. You can tell they're who Ink told you about. Cross... that's his name, yeah?
Cross can see your confusion and appears pained for just a moment. He appears to be listening to someone for a second before scooting closer. He grips the locket around his neck, before his attention swaps fully to you.
"Do you remember this?" Cross asks, gesturing to the locket. You feel like you've seen it somewhere... but have no clue. You try to move away from him but his grip quickly switches to your ankle, gaze swapping to purple and red for a moment.
Sensing the tension in the air... you shake your head softly. Cross pauses at your response and you swear you see tears form for a moment before he composes himself. He appears to listen to another voice again before moving closer again.
"Do you really remember nothing?" Cross asks, denial in his voice. Chara nags him again but he refuses to listen. "It's me! Your partner!"
Cross recalls the many times you two met. It wasn't until timeline X that you two managed to graduate from childhood friends to new lovers. Of course... that was taken from him...
Yet here you sit with him once again... a possible new start for the both of you... it feels wrong to be optimistic.
Cross is only met with more confusion. You stare at him as if he's delusional. The thought finally brings tears streaming down Cross's skull as he stares at you again.
Why must he be tortured in such a way...?
You try to say something when you notice the tears flow... but are cut off when Cross lunges into a hug around you.
You see him shift into another human for a moment... once you aren't sure if you recall... but he swaps back into the usual skeleton self soon enough. You feel him sob into your shoulder and you sit there awkwardly.
You want to comfort him... but he's dangerous and out of his mind... isn't he?
"No one else understands me except you!" Cross pleads. "I just want you back! Please remember... we were perfect for each other!"
His grip tightens and your breath hitches in response.
"We had finally become boyfriend and girlfriend... I was so close..." Cross continues but he pauses, perking up as another idea is whispered by Chara. His gaze then snaps to you again, red and purple haunting your vision.
"... but I can still have that." Cross whispers, pulling away to look you in the eye. "I have you now... I just have to make you remember..."
He then leans closer and you freeze, his eyes still remaining that haunting color.
"I'll make it happen again... it won't fail this time." Skeletal fingers hold your face in a loving manner. "We'll be lovers again... you'll be all mine... no one's going to take you from me again."
Cross can see you attempt to protest but he quickly cuts you off.
"Neither Ink or Sans will take you from me." Cross vows, eyes holding a possessive yet desperate glint. "Even if you try to refuse me... I won't let it happen."
Cross then pulls you into another crushing embrace, knocking the wind out of you. You feel power radiate from him. It scares you.
"We're meant to be... always were meant to be..." Cross whispers in your ear. "I'll have us back to what we were before... even if I have to force it to happen again."
Completely at his mercy... you find yourself hugging him back to appease him. Cross seems to accept the gesture and stays in your arms. There's a deafening silence between you...
Yet Cross feels this is a step in the right direction...
Fate really does want you back together.
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.4
Summary: You remember memories of your childhood with Xavier, hoping to get some courage from it to talk things out with him. Wednesday starts to suspect something, and Principal Weems isn't happy with either of you.
Warnings: angst, mention of blood, underage drinking, swearing. IMPORTANT: the last part of the taglist had made my tumblr bug so hard so it didn't work, I'm sorry for those who hadn't received a notification while being tagged. If the problem continues for further parts, I'll consider deleting the taglist bc fuck I just lost 40 minutes re-editing this chapter 3 times before finally achieving to post it
[Masterlist] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3]
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Xavier had been your first kiss. You doubted he remembered it but you definitely did. When your aunt had dropped you at the Thorpe manor for the first time, you were just turning 6 and had that funny haircut that almost hid your eyes. Your aunt Cordelia wasn’t so fond of this hairstyle, but things had been hard for you since your mom’s passing less than six months ago; taking care of the birdnest you were calling hair could wait for the situation to settle down. 
Aunt Cordelia had explained to you that you were going to live with a dear friend of hers for some time because she couldn’t take you with her to an upcoming witch congress on the other side of the world. Couldn’t or wouldn’t you didn’t know, to you the only thing that mattered was that you were going to a foreign place, and your mom wasn’t here anymore to comfort you. 
“You’ll be fine here,” had assured your aunt while your luggage was taken out of a car by the butler. 
“Can’t I come with you?” you had asked again with a wobbling lip and watery eyes. 
“You know you can’t pumpkin,” said Aunt Cordelia. “Mr.Thorpe has a son about your age, I’m sure you’ll become friends very fast.” 
And just like that, she left, and you found yourself alone in a manor you didn’t know. 
Mr.Thorpe had been intimidating but the good thing was he hadn’t more time for you than your aunt did, and as soon he introduced himself to you he left too. So you had fled to your new room and hidden in the closet to cry. You didn’t want to be here, you didn’t even want to be raised by Aunt Cordelia ; you wanted your mom, but that was impossible now. 
Then, you had heard the creak of the closet’s door being opened and you had timidly peaked up from behind your hand. A little boy was crouching down to your level, looking at you curiously with his big hazel eyes. 
“Why are you sad?” he had asked with his childish voice. 
Taken aback by his question, you had wiped the tears on your cheeks, “I’m not sad, I’m just lonely.” 
He had looked at you curiously; then he had raised his little hand to brush away the hair that was obstructing your face. The gesture had made you flinch a bit, but he was gentle and somehow, you had felt like you could trust this boy. He had beamed, exposing the gap left by a missing tooth. 
“You have pretty eyes!” he had exclaimed. 
“Thanks?” you had said unsure, still sniffling. 
He nodded vigorously, his smile plastered on his chubby face. Then he extended his hand to you. “Wanna get out of here? I know where the cookies are hidden, we can search for them together, it’ll be fun!” 
This brought a small smile to your face for the first time in weeks, and you had taken his hand. Within the next few days, you had your hair cut. That’s how you met Xavier Thorpe. 
From there, your friendship bloomed. Aunt Cordelia tried to spend at least six months a year with you, and you lived at her house for that time. Well, she tried, and sometimes you found yourself dropped by the Thorpe manor more than intended. This didn’t bother you, you enjoyed Xavier’s company, and you were best friends after all. And considering his own father was also absent frequently, he loved when you were there. When you turned 12, your aunt brought you along on her trips to make a sort of pilgrimage around all the important sites of witchcraft around the world. According to her, it was time for you to learn more about your history and soak up their energy. The trip was so long, you didn’t see Xavier for two whole years. And when you came back to the Thorpe manor at 14, the both of you had changed a lot. Gone was the little boy with scraped knees and round cheeks, the teenager you met at the door was lanky and definitely taller than you now. 
“Hey,” he had greeted you with a lopsided grin. The twinkle in his eyes though hadn’t changed the slightest. 
“Hi,” you had smiled back. “You’ve let your hair grow,” you noticed. 
“You lost the braces,” he counter-attacked, not losing his smile for a second. 
He opened his arms and you didn’t lose a breath before diving into the hug. Oh, you had missed him. You had thought that everything would be like usual, but since puberty, you definitely noticed that things had indeed changed between you two. Your aunt asked a little more about Xavier when you went home, and you didn’t look at him the same way. He was more…attractive somehow; you loved the long hair. The same week you came back, the two of you went to a party with some of his friends from the normie school he went to. This wasn’t the first time any of you had alcohol, but it definitely was the first time you got drunk. A silly game was suggested and in your already advanced tipsy state, you and Xavier had thought this would be fun. You remembered vaguely the rules being to spin a bottle and then kiss someone or drink to avoid it, or something. To be honest most of your memories of that night were kind of blurry ; but when the bottle had pointed in your direction and your eyes had met Xavier’s, you distinctly remember your heart missing a beat. Maybe you had thought about protesting or something, maybe your mind had been too cloudy to properly ponder whether or not you should do this. It didn’t matter, because the next thing you knew then, Xavier had leaned to you and had pressed his lips against yours. That’s how you got your first kiss, by kissing your best friend during a drinking game. 
The next day the hangover had been so hard, Xavier didn’t remember half of the previous evening, not even your kiss. But you definitely did. Over the years you had forced yourself to push it down, thinking it was only a silly teenagers game and that you shouldn’t get too excited about this. 
Thinking about this now, you thought that you had been in love with Xavier for far longer than you imagined. You should have seen it coming, and yet here you were, with flowers slowly growing in your lungs because of your feelings. 
You were wandering in Jericho as the other Nevermore students were dispatched in different areas for Outreach day. Principal Weems had reminded you that everyone’s presence was requested for the inauguration ceremony at the end of the day – that yes, even you miss L/N are to attend this. Then she had let you free for the remainder of the day, and you were glad she did. You had a few things to buy at Jericho, this could be the occasion. But while you were making your purchases you were starting to realize that you were only postponing the moment when you’ll eventually have to talk with Xavier. 
He had left the Nightshades’ crypt quite upset, it pained you even more to know that he was mad at you. You needed to fix this and fast. So you ended up pushing the Weathervane’s doors  open, eyes searching for familiar hazel hair. Enid had texted you where Xavier had the displeasure of working that day and reading the coffee shop's name had made you wince. Hopefully, Tyler won't be working today. 
“Hey L/N,” you heard from the counter and you cursed internally. Turning to the counter, you narrowed your eyes at the curly-haired boy. 
“Galpin,” you greeted him half-heartedly as you came closer. Ever since what he and his friends had done to Xavier on last year’s Outreach day, you despised him. 
“Do you, uh, want to order something?” he asked. 
God, the way he acted all innocent and kind made you want to punch him in the face. On any other day you probably would have, but right now you were just drained. 
“Sure,” you finally let out, “I’ll have a large cappuccino with two shots of espresso, please.”
“Coming right up,” he said before starting to make your order, and you find a seat next to the window. 
For a moment, you put your face in your hands like it would give you some peace for a while. Everything had escalated so quickly, you didn’t even know if there was going to be an actual end to all of this. 
The sound of a mug being dropped in front of you on the table made you look up, and the sight of Xavier surprised you. 
“Tyler mentioned that you had ordered something,” he explained to your surprised expression. 
Glancing to the boy awkwardly standing behind the counter, who tried to look like he was busy and not looking at the two of you, you gave him the slightest nod of the head as a thanks. Xavier sat on the opposite bench, arms plopped on the table nervously. 
“Look I–”
“There’s something–” you both started at the same time. It made you chuckle nervously, “Go on,” you pressed him gently. 
He passed a hand through his hair nervously, “I- I’m sorry I’ve been such a dick yesterday, okay?”. The guilt in his eyes was evident and you were relieved to hear that he had calmed down. “I shouldn’t have called you a liar.”
“No, that’s on me,” you muttered, playing with the still untouched mug. “I’m…not feeling well these days,” you finally admitted. 
Xavier’s eyebrows knitted together in worry. To his knowledge, you never had any serious health issues. The flu once in a while maybe, but nothing that sounded that bad. He leaned closer to you over the table, a serious look on his face. 
“What’s going on?” he asked in a hushed, yet gentle voice. 
Suddenly, all the courage you had built up vanished. You had been so confident that you were going to tell Xavier everything, that this was the only way of making things right. You felt like you owed him that, after all, he had everything to do with your condition. 
But as you were about to expose the truth to him…something stopped you. 
The feeling of a warm hand on your trembling ones made you snap back to reality. Xavier’s face was fully painted in worry now. 
“You okay?” he asked. “You zoned out for a second.” 
You nodded slowly, gulping. No need to lie to yourself, you knew exactly what was stopping you from telling Xavier everything. The fear of losing him. Deep down you were afraid that if you told him about the Hanahaki disease, and what – who – caused it, he would end up leaving you. And you were far more afraid of losing Xavier than you were of coughing flowers. Because without Xavier, you feared that you'd end up alone again. And you never wanted to ever feel like that again. 
Licking your lips, you wondered what you should say to him. So you lied again. 
“I’m ill,” you blurted out. “I got sick around a week ago, that’s why I’ve been so distant lately.”
Technically, you weren’t really lying to him. It had been more than a week since the first symptoms, but the rest was true. You simply choose…not to disclose everything. 
“Shit,” he swore under his breath, “are you feeling okay? What is it?”
“I’m fine,” you squeezed his hand in reassurance, “I had no idea of what it was until recently so…”
“Is this serious?” he inquired again. 
Flashes of the pages mentioning the inevitable death of patients appeared in your mind. 
“No,” you finally let out. “I’ll get better at some point I’m sure. Bought a few things to make a potion to ease the symptoms.” 
Xavier glanced at your bag and nodded. Whether or not he believed you, he didn’t press the matter further. 
“I should have been honest with you sooner, it’s just…it had been a couple of rough weeks,” you said with a weak smile. 
He nodded in understanding, still you could see he was still worried about you. “Yeah, I get it…between that, Wednesday's arrival and the whole monster thing it had been a little bit crazy, right?”
You slightly frowned at him. It wasn’t it, he was misreading the situation completely! As you were about to say something, you suddenly became very aware of faint whispers around you. So did Xavier apparently because the two of you whipped your heads around at the same time. Glancing behind your shoulder you noticed a group of normies teenagers throwing glances at you, whispering and giggling among themselves. Some of their words reached your ears.
“...think…’re together?...”
“maybe…freaks…from Neverm…”
“...kinda cute…couple…”
You felt your face burn. Not in shame, but for the first time in the possibility of what it implied. Many people had mistaken Xavier and you as a couple before, but it was the first time you truly felt flustered by the idea of it. 
Then Xavier pulled his hand off of yours and the sudden loss of contact made your heart drop. He sank into his seat further, putting more distance between the two of you. Eyes flickering to him in disbelief, you only met his sorry expression. 
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he muttered while casting his eyes away. 
You wanted to protest, to say that it didn’t make you uncomfortable at all, but words were stuck in your throat. As were petals. 
“I should probably go back to work,” said Xavier while getting up. “But I’ll finish in an hour, if you want to wait?”
“Sure,” you mumbled. 
Tears started to burn behind your eyes. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go at all. The light ring of the doorbell made both of your heads turn to Wednesday who had just arrived. Her sole presence, usually not unwelcomed, was dreadful to you and you felt like you were becoming lightheaded. The burning inside your chest bloomed and the whole coffee shop felt suffocating. Raising from your seat abruptly you gathered your bag and vest without a word. 
“Where are you doing?” asked Xavier lightly touching your shoulder. 
“I’m- I’m not feeling well,” you excused yourself, which made Wednesday raise her eyebrow as she came to your side. “I need some air.” Feeling Xavier’s worried eyes on your back you squeezed the hand on your shoulder. “We’ll talk about this later, okay?” you whispered to him. 
He seemed to hesitate, but between your pleading eyes and the intense bored expression on Wednesday’s face, he finally conceded. 
“Okay,” he said softly. “I’ll see you later.”
You smiled weakly at him before rushing to the exit, head low. Walking rapidly through the streets you hurried until you found an empty alley which you immediately rushed into before throwing up in a garbage can. The flowers and blood mixed together regurgitated from your sore throat, as quickly as they had appeared within your chest. Tears flooded down your cheeks as the last petals left your mouth. Coughing fits were getting more and more unpredictable. You choked on your own breath, mouth tasting bitter and throat ablaze. If you didn’t do something real quick, you were going to die. But for now, you just felt so, so tired. Weems and the inaugural ceremony be damned, you were going back to Nevermore to sleep your problems away. Then, you’ll take it from here. 
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In the end, returning to the school to sleep and avoid facing your problems gave you more problems. A few hours later you were standing in Principal Weems’ office alongside Wednesday, getting a lecture about setting Crackstone’s statue on fire. 
“For the hundredth time, I didn’t set fire to that statue!” you pleaded to the principal. 
“And what evidence of your innocence do you have, miss L/N?” snapped Weems back. “Should you have attended the ceremony like you were supposed to, we wouldn’t have this conversation.” 
“I attended this ridiculous ceremony,” noted Wednesday out loud, “yet you’re suspecting me too.” 
She shot a deadly glare at your impassable roommate, “And I have every reason to miss Addams. The two of you had good motives to set this statue on fire, and miss L/N had mysteriously disappeared just before the ceremony.” 
“I wasn’t feeling well that’s all,” you tried to defend yourself. “Do you really think I’d brand myself a witch in front of all of Jericho? Those people hate my guts, I don’t want to have anything to do with their shitty town!” 
Weem’s hand hit her desk with force, “Mind your language, young lady!”
Wednesday only rolled her eyes at the whole ordeal. You on the other hand, were pretty sure she had something to do with it – but unlike you she had a solid alibi. And surprisingly, she stepped in your defense. 
“Y/N is right about not feeling well these days,” she interjected, making both Weems’ head and yours snap to her. “She sometimes coughs in her sleep, this is very unpleasant.”
Principal Weems narrowed her eyes at you, “Is that true, miss L/N? Have you fallen ill?”
You nodded slowly, “Just small flu. Must’ve caught a cold during the Poe cup.” 
The principal looked pointedly at the two of you, breathing hard through her nostril. Then she threw an accusatory finger at your pair.
“I want,” she articulated slowly, “the two of you out of my office. Now. And I don’t want to ever hear about you either.” 
None of you needed to be asked twice. Once in the corridors and far enough from Weems’ office, you turned to Wednesday. 
“Thank you for having my back with Weems,” you said quietly, “you didn’t have to do that.”
“No I didn’t,” she repeated. “I was right, you do cough at night and it is unpleasant.” 
That made you frown slightly. None of your roommates shouldn’t have been able to hear you, you still casted the silencing spell every night. 
“Since when?” 
“About a week,” she said, while narrowing her eyes. 
You started to think hard. It had been far more than a week since you had started to cast the spell. This was basic magic, a simple but efficient spell that you had been practising for years. There was no reason for you to fail it. The only logical explanation…was that your magic was weakening. The natural reaction for your mind would be to list every reason for it not to be possible, but then you thought about the sudden stop of your spell during the Poe cup, which had made your boat stop dead in its tracks; and so it added up. The disease had not only damaged your body, but it had also consequences on your powers. This was definitely concerning. 
“You are indeed sick, aren’t you?” asked Wednesday. At the surprised look on your face, she quickly added, “Don’t think I care, I’m just readjusting your position on my suspects' list by considering all the parameters.”
You scoffed in disbelief “I’m on your suspect list? No shit, Wednesday?”
“It is perfectly plausible,” she said plainly. “With your powers and knowledge in potions, you have the ability to increase your strength I suspect, and you know the school’s grounds by heart,” you heard her listing, “you’ve spent more time alone than usual for the past weeks, with no one to testify of your presence elsewhere than on the crime scenes, and when I started to suspect Xavier you immediately fled to his defence without proof, like you knew for sure he couldn’t be the monster. So tell me Y/N,” she continued while looking at you dead in the eye, “why couldn’t you be the killer?” 
Struck by her question you could only blink in disbelief. What. the. hell? 
“Excuse me what?” you articulated after long seconds of silence. 
“You should be honored,” she said flatly, “it requires some skills to be added to a potential suspect list.” 
“I don’t want to be on a fucking suspect list,” you spat, “you’re delusional Wednesday.” 
“My observations and suppositions are rarely wrong, I’m not the one burying herself in denial.”
Stepping closer to her you gritted your teeth together. “I can’t be the monster, I literally can’t.” 
“What proof do you have of that?” she retorted. 
Fuming, you tried to not play her game. But staying calm in front of her insolent lay back behavior was starting to be incredibly harder. “Drop it,” you spat. 
“You’re just proving me right.”
That’s when you lost it, “I CAN’T BECAUSE I’M FUCKING DYING OKAY?” you roared at her. 
For a moment, nothing but echoes of your words resonated within the corridor’s walls. Your ragged breaths contrasted with Wednesday’s neutral expression, unfazed by your scream. Only after a few seconds of a mortifying silence did you realize what you just did because you had lost your nerves. Shutting your eyes tightly you internally prayed that no one around heard you. 
“I don’t think you’re lying,” simply said Wednesday. 
You let out a scoff, “I’m not, trust me. I’m sick, and my health is deteriorating every day. If you don’t want to believe me that’s fine but leave me the fuck out of your stupid list.” 
She raised an unimpressed eyebrow at you, “Until you’re blessed with black plague, I doubt you’ll die because of whatever sickness you have.”
“God, can you stop being that infuriating for once?” you snapped bitterly. “I’ve done every possible research on the subject and I know I’m doomed, okay?” 
A silence took place between the two of you. You whipped away tears that had gathered at the corner of your eyes. It was the first time you had admitted it out loud ; it hurt more than you thought. 
“I’m sorry to hear about your condition,” said Wednesday quietly ; and now matter how surprised you were by her words, you still thanked her quietly. “Does a cure exist?”
“Not that I’m aware of,” you muttered. “It…healing doesn’t depend on me.” At her frown, you lightly shrugged. “Flowers are growing in my lungs because of unrequited romantic feelings,” you explained quietly. “Eventually, I’ll either die from internal bleeding or choking.” 
This time, it was her turn to scoff, “You’re plagued with a deadly disease because you have feelings for someone? You just gave me the final proof that feelings are indeed useless, thank you.”
“I don’t fucking need your sarcasm,” you seethed, “if you want to be a stone-cold bitch that’s on you, but no need to mock me for having actual feelings. I didn’t choose this.” 
She looked at you closely, like she was trying to figure out something. Which she apparently did rather quickly: “It’s Xavier, isn’t it? He’s the one you have…feelings for.” 
You turned your face away, licking your lips. Wednesday was really the last person you wanted to have this conservation with. 
“You’re getting weak and you’re losing your powers because you have feelings for a meaningless man,” she repeated. “I thought you were better than that.”
“Fuck off Wednesday,” you cried, finally reaching your breaking point. “I’m not asking to understand, I’m not even asking you to be compassionate but shit, for once in your life be respectful of someone’s privacy.”
With that, you turned away and rushed into the corridors. You didn’t want to hate Wednesday, she had done nothing to you ; even regarding Xavier’s feelings, you were confident that her arrival hadn’t triggered your condition. Maybe it had accelerated it, but sooner or later Xavier would have fallen in love with someone else, and you would have been doomed anyway. So yeah, you didn’t want to hate Wednesday Addams ; but she definitely didn’t make things easy. 
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A little less than an hour later, you found yourself walking through the school’s woods. The heated discussion with Wednesday had strangely given you enough courage to go and find Xavier, and finally explain everything to him. Weakened by your feelings? My ass! you thought. You were going to tell what was going on with you to Xavier, and to hell with the consequences on your friendship. 
You soon reached his artist shed in the middle of the woods. Its reassuring aura made you a little more at ease than the very public space of the Weathervane. Knocking on the door, you waited for Xavier to answer you. When he opened the door, you let out a loud gasp at the wound on his neck. 
“Holy shit, what happened to you?” you asked while pushing him back inside immediately before coming in. You immediately went to take a look at his bleeding jaw, carefully tilting his chin to the side. 
“Just an accident with a painting, nothing too bad,” he tried to reassure you. 
“Nothing bad? Xavier, you have claw marks bleeding on your neck, this isn’t some small scratch!” 
You could see that he was trying to brush it away, but you forced him to sit on a stool while you inspected the extent of his injuries. It didn’t look so bad, you could probably do something about it. Carefully dragging your fingers on the outlines of the claw marks you whispered a healing spell. The bleeding gradually stopped, and the cells of the skin started to slowly repair themselves. Though it started here, and the marks were still here looking like fresh scars. You gritted your teeth in frustration. With the full extent of your powers, you could have probably healed him completely. 
“That should do,” you muttered with a small smile. 
“Thanks,” he smiled back. “So,” he said after a few seconds of silence, “guess we need to talk, uh?” 
“Yeah,” you chuckled awkwardly, “guess we do.”
You fidgeted with your sleeve, toying with words in your mind. It was always more difficult to launch a subject when the time had come. 
“I’m not doing well,” you said, trying to resume the discussion where it had been left out back at the Weathervane, “and I’m not sure if I can really get better…on my own.”
Xavier leaned forward, fully focused on the matter. “How can I help you?”
You almost wanted to cry. He wanted so much to help you while having no idea of how bad the situation was. 
“This is…kind of complicated to talk about,” you hesitated. But to your surprise, Xavier gently took your hand into one of his bigger ones. 
“Hey,” he called softly, “you know you can tell me anything, right?” 
After a slight hesitation, you nodded slowly. Yet words didn’t seem to come out of your mouth. You started to open your mouth to finally confess, but something caught your eye. A large canvas hung on an easel, all in black and white tones. Like pulled by the invisible force of curiosity you slowly approached it, your hand slipping away from Xavier’s. As you approached and noticed who was painted you felt your heart sink into your chest. The painted figure of Wednesday playing her cello was taunting you, and it painfully reminded you of that night in Xavier’s room, when he had started to sketch it. It reminded you that you had no chance. 
Xavier called out for you from behind. But when you turned back to him, he was met with the look of your teary eyes. 
“You see, that’s why I can’t tell you,” you whispered sadly, “I can’t spoil this from you.” 
“What are you talking about?” he frowned. 
“This,” you said, gesturing at the portrait, “I can’t ruin your happiness with my burden, Xav.”
“Y/N please,” he said getting up, “please tell me what’s going on.” 
You shook your head, defeated. “I can’t,” you whispered weakly. “Sorry I- I got to go.” 
Before Xavier could react you slipped away and rushed outside of the shed. Tears were running down your cheeks but you couldn’t care less. It was clear that you could never interfere in Xavier’s feelings for Wednesday, so why bother saying anything to him at all? You heard him call you as soon as you had crossed the door but you didn’t dare to turn back and face him. He managed to grab your wrist when you were barely a few meters away from the shed. 
“Please don’t shut me out,” he begged you. You still couldn’t face him on your own, so he gently tucked on your hand, turning you to him. “Please Y/N, tell me what’s going on with you, ‘cause I can guess on my own.” 
Hesitantly, you looked up at him. Even though your eyes were blurry because of tears, you couldn’t help yourself but lose yourself in the admiration of his face. His brown eyes, so deep and full of compassion, his sharp features framed by soft hazel eyes…you wanted to print this image in your mind for however long you had still to live. Just like that night in his room, your eyes flickered to his lips. This time you didn’t hesitate, and you leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. 
He flinched slightly, for the first second. But then he surprised himself thinking how soft your lips felt against his own. 
You stayed like this for long seconds. Keeping your eyes closed and savouring the moment, you then realized that Xavier wasn’t moving at all. Biting back the bitter feeling within your guts, you slowly parted from him. Xavier simply stood up there frozen in place ; not understanding why you had kissed him so suddenly. At his lack of reaction and dumbfounded expression, you wanted to cry again so badly. Instead, you looked up at him.  
“I wanted to do that at least once,” you whispered. No matter how you had tried to keep them at bay, tears were flooding down your cheeks now. 
Still stuck down in place, Xavier didn’t know what to say. But the face of his best friend, teared apart by pain and sadness, was already too much to handle for him. 
“I- I’m sorry Y/N,” he muttered, “I don’t…I like you, I truly do but…but not like this.” 
Through your tears, you tried to smile ; it was a pathetic attempt. “Yeah…I know,” you whispered weakly.
It would have been easier if you had the ability to vanish away on the spot. It would have made you avoid moving away from Xavier and returning to the school painfully slowly, each of your steps burdened by the weight of your broken heart and the knowledge that Xavier hadn’t even tried to stop you. It would also have saved you from running into Wednesday once again, and hearing her asking Xavier out for the ball in the distance. It would have. 
But you couldn’t vanish, instead, you were here shedding every tear you had along bloodied flowers, not even trying to stop either of them. 
You just had your heart shattered into a million pieces and the confirmation that there was no hope for you. You were doomed, and the flowers growing inside of your lungs would soon reach your body’s breaking point.
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A/N:  Thanks everyone for your incredible support, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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teabunnee · 7 months
Submas reaction to a very romantic S/O
From the look of things, I didn’t have any saved version of this one, which is sad. I had to rewrite stuff from memory. Original requester! If you have it saved somewhere, let me know! 
Oh he is swooning, he is swooning like a Victorian woman in a Jane Austen novel. Only on the inside though. Outside He’s blushing a storm. He murmurs a thanks, stunned almost speechless. Whatever you bring him, if the thought is there, his heart flutters. He deserves to swoon, as a treat. He always thought he would be the giver of the relationship, be the gentleman. This was…unexpected! He’s the sort to at least try and reciprocate in some way. The gifts will be small and thoughtful. 
It’s a sign that you were thinking of him, after all. 
The bushels of flowers are pressed to his chest as he lowers his hat over his face. His bright red, blushy face. 
He finds a space either at home or in his office. He changes the water regularly and keeps at least one bloom pressed. It always makes him think of you. 
He’s a rose lover (cliched I know), but he has a fondness for purple and blue flowers, it reminds him of his ace. 
If you tell him the meaning of the flowers he’s practically swaying, he’s a sucker for thoughtful gifts. 
He smiles every time he sees the bouquet, it’s a little unnerving for his employees actually. Until they ask and he babbles about his s/o for a good ten minutes, then it gets disgustingly sweet. 
You might get a small, tasteful bouquet later, filled with your favourite flowers in an elegant style, and tied with a pretty red or purple ribbon. 
Romantic Dinner 
Ingo is usually quite tired after a day at the subway, he loves his job, sure! He just works hard and sometimes overdoes it. 
He is surprised to see the house lights are off, and has to check his watch again to make sure he hadn’t worked overtime again. 
The man is gobsmacked when he opens the door to find you, the scent of roses in the air, rose petals on the ground, you, surrounded by candlelight. A full meal on the dining table?! Chandelure pops out of her poke ball and hums in approval, then with a coax from you, hovers over the table and sings. Ingo stares in surprise at the display. When did you have time to teach her this?!
Ingo is a sucker for the domestic and the romantic, and this hits him directly in the heart. 
He will eat anything you made him, this man, even if it tastes disgusting and he is visibly grimacing. You cannot stop him. 
This man will sing your praises for the rest of the night. He plans on making dinner for you next time, or even taking you out for his favourite restaurant. 
This is definitely a new feeling for him. Emmet doesn’t quite know what to do with himself at first, to be honest. He wants to stim, to jump and hug and kiss you, but for some reason he’s frozen in place. His eyes go wide, and his smile trembles visibly. He’s always been the active one, so someone else taking the initiative is very new to him. Once he’s more adjusted to it, this is going to become a competition. A sickeningly sweet one. 
As you give him the bouquet of flowers. He stares at you long enough to make you think you either offended him or broke him. 
Then he scoops you up and gives you a beeg hug, enough to pop your back. The flowers might get crushed. He giggles and plants a big kiss on your face. 
He feels like a schoolboy as you explain why you brought him those flowers. 
Emmet has never gotten the point of flowers before, but even he is touched by your gesture. He does his best to keep the blooms fresh, and presses all of them once he figures out how to preserve them. 
He finds baby breaths cute, and daisies. He also likes dandelions and chrysthanthemums (because they look like joltiks). He teases you if they are roses, as if he isn’t blushing a storm. 
Every time he sees the bouquet, his smile gets bigger, which is a little freaky for people out of context. 
You are getting a big bouquet at some point, fun, pretty flowers with a big white and green bow. 
Romantic Dinner
Emmet is also quite tired after his job, customer service is harrrrd. He just wants to cuddle with you, take care of his pokemon, and sleep until morning. 
He tilts his head as he sees the lights are off. Perhaps you went to bed early? Understandable. 
As he opens the door, he’s surprised to see red spots on the ground…rose petals? A joltik pops up from a small pile of them in the corner. 
Then he looks up at sees you! With dinner ready! Candlelight all around. oh. Oh! Oh darrrling! He hides his face in his hands, all of his exhaustion is suddenly gone. 
Emmet swoops in and kisses you. This is amazing! His heart feels so warm. 
As you tuck in to eat, you notice him saving parts of his food. He wants to be able to eat this tomorrow too. 
Next week, you might come in and see Joltiks wander around, lighting up the room like candles. A full feast of all of your favourite foods are on the table.  Emmet in a full butler outfit, a bottle of wine in his hands. He smiles at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
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kurtiplier · 11 months
hey. hey wait a second. in mobius' life on the timeline as don, he had a wife. and she's said to be long gone. don also kept bringing up the fact he's single. he's probably lonely. not that he doesn't love and care about his sons, he does, but I think they remind him of his wife and their life together as well, and his kids are young and he doesn't want them to see their dad struggling. maybe it happened fairly recently. don, in fact, seems incomplete and a little discontent still. he enjoys jetskis though. fond memories? a distraction?
and now mobius doesn't have loki around anymore either. he's also long gone. mobius reads his own file...don's file, and then he goes and looks at don's life on the timeline and realizes he had two kids (who are interestingly into fire and snakes), had a wife at one point, and is a jetski salesman. but at the same time...it's not exactly him.
and our mobius doesn't even have any of that. and he can't, and wouldn't take that away from don to live that life himself. and from what we know from a bit of mobius' backstory, he hasn't always had an easy time making hard decisions, and he has a lot of empathy. he's also like, the resident loki expert of the tva. he's fascinated with him. maybe there's a reason. a memory slipping through, like the jetskis. having loki around made the tva feel more like home to mobius. now without him...why would he stay?
I don't think it's impossible that a variant of loki, whether she looked just like the loki we all know or not (doesn't matter being the genderfluid, likely all-pronouns using god that they are), that loki was mobius' wife.
in my opinion, they took a queer love story, and put it through a seemingly hetero lens that the casual audience, and homophobic viewers especially, wouldn't be able to pick up on. I think it was the only way the writers came up with to get a canon confirmation of lokius into the show.
maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my two cents. I just can't imagine they dropped all those clues and symbolism and were vague about things for no reason. well...homophobia and censorship reasons, they had enough issues when they confirmed mcu loki's bisexuality in season 1, but I'll be damned if canon lokius didn't genuinely matter to anyone in that writing room. everything that was written there felt deliberate. it's sad that it has to be queer-coded in a time where so many shows are able to be explicitly queer, but disney/marvel has historically always struggled with showing that, so I can't say I'm very surprised.
I know in my heart that lokius is canon because of that final scene. I just hope that some way, somehow, mobius finds loki again, or at least finds purpose again. he doesn't deserve to be alone, just like loki doesn't. that's all I want to see. that can't be the end. I just want them to be okay. :(
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