#when is she going to leeeeeaaaave?!
lovecolibri · 3 years
I just want to tell you that I love you so much because we think the same in particular about b/t. I really hoped we'd have the same scenes a/e had, I wasn't prepared for this much. I mean I get it's important for buck, but why we have to see every second of this awful relationship? The ana/eddie breakup was wonderful and we felt all eddie's pain, but we didn't see episodes on episodes full of their scenes. Let's hope in 5x12 it'd be over
Awwwww thanks nonnie, that's so sweet! 🥺
I'm guessing this is about my tags on this post and yes I absolutely agree. I was also not prepared for the amount of screen time we were going to have to suffer through with bt. I was really trying to bite my tongue in season 4 about my feelings on her character and did my best to get behind their friendship because m/f friendships aren't seen as much as they should be, and it's not like she was around much.
But once 4x14 made it clear they were going the relationship route I was done. Buck wanting anything to do with her after 2x06 when he found out the truth that she fought to air that stuff about Bobby never made any sense for me, and made even LESS sense after all the awful thing she said to him earlier in the season. "Intimidated by strong women?" Ma'am, where?! When?! 🙄 but also "needy"? Right after the audience learned about Buck's childhood trauma? They haven't been subtle about her not sticking around or trying to get the audience to like her, so I'm just curious as to why we have had to see so much of her.
Like, we're not supposed to like her, she's not sticking around, so what the hell was Ghost Stories? In a year no one will care about an entire episode dedicated to a case that has nothing to do with, and almost entirely doesn't involve, the main cast or tie in with them and another case (like Athena's missing persons case and Sue's hit-and-run being the same thing). But a year later everyone would have still wanted to watch firefam shenanigans and the 5 cut scenes of the Ghost Roommate Call.
Same with Past Is Prologue, in a year when she's gone forever no one will care about her "backstory", and even that was still told and framed entirely from Buck's POV because this story isn't about her.
The show has made it abundantly clear, from the writing, directing, acting choices, framing, even the costumes and music, that bt are wrong for each other, but it's so hard to watch and we've had to suffer through so much of it! Buck is clearly miserable all the time, and when he's not actively looking miserable, he's clearly putting up a front. He hasn't been himself around her like, ever, and the only time he tried to open up, he got told that not everything is about him. I do think she was trying there, and wasn't actively being malicious or anything but she has canonically never once given a single fuck about anyone's emotional state but her own and how she's being affected by things so a) she doesn't know how to help Buck because b) she doesn't really know him at all and c) it's still more about her restoring what she thinks is the "balance" in their relationship where Buck goes back to being the version of himself she recognizes and wants to be with.
She's literally trying to force Buck out of the trap he's in, instead of climbing in with him like Bobby told Buck he needed to do with Abby in season 1 (and what Buck immediately applied to his relationships with Eddie and Maddie in season 2), which is...interesting to say the least. I wasn't really on board with the "Buck is Taylor's Abby" theory because Buck is still putting all the emotional labor into this relationship and doing all the supporting and heavy lifting just like he was with Abby, but the parallels just keep popping up and after 5x09 it's pretty clear that she's in a different place than he is in the relationship. Which, it isn't hard to see why since she's getting everything she wants/needs out of the relationship while not noticing that Buck isn't getting anything he truly wants/needs. Which is a compelling story for Buck's arc, and is going to provide growth for him! Yay! But also, as you said, they absolutely got the same kind of point across with Eddie and his relationship (that breakup was riveting to watch), but they managed it in sooooo much less screen time!
Let's just hope that big wrench arrives sooner rather than later in 5b because I can't take much more of Buck looking so lost and alone, and I absolutely cannot take ANY more of her being on my screen and taking time away from characters I actually care about and want to see. And also poor Oliver deserves a break from having to play Buck being lonely and miserable and not getting to work as much with such great scene partners like JLH and Kenneth Choi, and having less time with Ryan, Aisha, Peter, and Angela. I just want the firefam back together! I have a feeling though that 5b is going to deliver some great stuff.
Sorry this got long and ranty. I just have a lot of feelings, and I'm out of fucks to give 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thanks for giving me a moment to vent, nonnie! Come back any time!
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xluckytheninjax · 7 years
First off,happy b-day ya nerd. I hope you had an amazing day, and that you stay as cool,amazing and great as you’ve always been.As I told you before,I decided on writing you a oneshot and adding some sketches to that.Got some angsty fluff.
Sorry that this took longer to post.A lot of it got deleted ramdomly {I fell asleep writing} and I had to rewrite it.So,you’re gonna see this a lot later than I wanted to post it.This is almost 4000 words,if you were curious.I’ll post the drawings tomrrow {It’s a pic of G,and then Doc/Underswap!Undyne’s gift she gave Nyx in the story}.
It’s a ton of text so it’ll be under ‘Keep Reading’
It was a special day for the Chicago Dedsec chapter.The year started out rough,with the death of one of the other members.The death is still fresh in everybody’s minds,and G and Nyx made sure the assholes who were responsible met their ends as quick as possible.This was another occasion,though.G had been planning for weeks on end,making sure everything is ready.It was his partner’s birthday.Nyx had been his partner for a good year,and they made him happy beyond belief.During their little trip to Paris,they realized that they were much more than just partners.Definitely more than just partners.
For the special occasion,the two jumped on a plane and flew to San Francisco,and they’d stay there from Wednesday to Saturday evening.Sunday afternoon they would go back home.G chose this location because of all the interesting things to see in between all the hipster and punk culture,the scenery,and of course,so Nyx could meet the San Francisco chapter.With Mettaton’s help he managed to book a pretty big room in a fancy hotel,similar to how he got them a room at a resort type thing in Paris.There was a promise that the two wouldn’t have to deal with any work-related things,and that the bunch from San Francisco would deal with anything and everything related to well…work. Up until Friday evening, Nyx and G went on a variety of adventures. They went to different shops,different locations pinpointed by the ScoutX app,late afternoon drives,lazing on the couch at the hotel,even trolled some big CEOs and messed with cranes.Unlike Chicago,which just switched over to ctOS 2.0 because of them and the rest of Chicago’s DedSec group,San Francisco switched to ctOS 3.0.The reason being,to put it simply,San Francisco’s fairly large DedSec group.
Friday night,G decided on finally taking Nyx to meet the main group who saved his ass during his time there.He would never admit it to his partner,but he found himself in quite the predicament and if it weren’t for the group,he wouldn’t be as alive as a monster of his type could be.The Hackerspace,as they called it,was in the basement of a tabletop game shop.Lots of graffiti on the walls and roof on the way down.Nyx admired the art,it was well done.They tried remembering everything G told them about the gorup.They also suffered the loss of a group member,and like their loss back in Chicago,it was hard to get over.There are two groups worth of people inside,since the other group’s Hackerspace is currently getting renovated.When they stepped on the last step,they got tackled by something short and blue.Their first reaction would normally be to flip who or whatever it is,but they knew it wouldn’t be hostile.It was a safespace afterall.“HELLO THERE HUMAN.I,THE MAGNIFICENT SANS,HEARD IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY SOON.” They looked down to see a short skeleton.He had what looked like freckles under his eyesockets,and had big bright blue eyes to match his bright blue scarf.He had a huge grin,with a slight gap between the middle two teeth.“Hey shortstack,better stop clinging to Dollface over there,” G muttered,“Before I bury you six feet under."Nyx looked up to where he was,nowhere close to amused.They already liked this new friend."It’s really not an issue…”
Next to G there was a tall sea-dragon monster.He had four eyes,horns,and webs similar to Undyne’s on both sides of his face.He had his arms crossed,holding a cigarette in one claw. “Sorry Xero,” the small skeleton murmured,letting go of them.The skeleton looked up at the human,“Sorry for almost tackling you.I just get very excited when we have vistors…. Especially when that visitor has a birthday coming up.” Nyx smiled,“It’s alright.” “I am the magnificent Sans,but,I get called Blueberry or Blue to avoid confusion.Consider me the welcome committee.” G slowly made his way back to stand next to his partner.He became really protective over them after what happened back home,so there weren’t any exceptions.Blue took a step back and started introducing everyone.“We aren’t normally this many,but after Prime Eight attacked one of the Hackerspaces,they had to come here while things get renovated and repaired.Some of the other Chicago members are also visiting.The main group living here doesn’t have a leader per se,but they have someone that acts like one.She’s out on a mission with another member,though.Maybe you’ll meet them before you guys leave.” He started pointing out who is who,and Nyx tried their best to remember every name.Thinking about it,they realized that Dedsec has a lot of skeleton members.There’s only one that matters,though.The other group from Chicago visiting was lead by M'lady,as Mutt called her.She was also a Toriel,and their group did cleanups and dealt with the lowest of the low.
—— While just casually socializing,drinking some sodas and alcohol,the entrance to the Hackerspace slid open in a sense that it sounded like it was being broken down.Out of instinct everyone took out a gun of sorts,pointing it at the stairs.“GUYS WE JUST HAD A-Why are you guys pointing guns at the stairs?”
Down the stairs came yet another skeleton,and by the looks of it,he looked a lot like G.They seemed to have more or less the same body structure,posture, and the other one wore a fluffy hooded jacket similar to the one G has,just more punk.The difference was,he wore some sort of mask that covered his whole face,causing his voice to sound like that of a robot from some cliche sci-fi movie,so they weren’t sure just how much the two looked the same.After him came the leader of sorts Blue mentioned.Nothing out of the ordinary.Introductions followed,then it went back to random chatter. —
About an hour later, Doc showed off the new Dedsec video about the so-called amazing car Blume bragged about.Apparently the car scans your face,and if it predicts an accident,it’ll base whether you should be kept alive or if the other person should be kept alive on the amount of money you make,your occupation,gender,whether you are human or monster,and your insurance.Edge and Mickey explained that between them,the car was more prone to get into accidents with Edge at the wheel.It was self-driven,talked,and it was difficult to reconfigure it.
It was then that G decided that they should start heading back to the hotel,before it got extremely late.He had a lot planned for the next day,and both of them would have to get enough sleep if they were going to make it through everything.He stood up quietly,“Whelp,I think that Dollface and I should start heading back to the hotel.Big day tomorrow.” Hearing that they were going to leave,Blue almost tackled Nyx again,and held onto their leg like a small child.“Don’t leeeeeaaaave.” Nyx gave him a pat on the head,trying their best to get loose from his grasp,“I have to,hun.I promise we’ll visit again.But that means I have to go now.”
“I promise.”
Blue let go,and scrambled back to his feet.“Before you go…we got some gifts for you since you guys probably won’t come back before you leave.” Nyx looked at G,who just shrugged,“If we have time tomrrow,we might make a visit before heading to the airport.”
“Just in case you can’t….can you open the presents here,pleeease?”
Nyx couldn’t believe their eyes.They didn’t know skeletons could pull off puppy faces.It made their heart melt,and they turned to G,pulling the same face.“Can we stay a little longer,just so I can open the gifts?” G sighed,“Fine.”
Xero was the first one to hand them a gift.Opening it,it was a brand new phone.Before he could say anything,Blue explained about the phone.“The main group decided that you’re probably going to need a phone with the newest tech.This thing’ll have no issues hacking into ctOS 2.0 stuff,like you guys have back home.It also has the ability to hack ctOS 3.0 things like we have here,and,it has more fuctionality.Now you can hack even more stuff! Cars,laptops,alarms, cranes,forklifts,robots,you’re even gonna be able to control two of the other gifts if ya don’t have your laptop at hand.” Next Edge handed them a gift from him and Mickey.It was an RC rover,skeleton-Dedsec decals,complete with the ability to drop explosives,speed boost,ability to jump,and it has some teases for distractions.It can do physical hacks,and normal hacks,and could be controlled by laptop or phone.Mark,one of the only humans from the other group,gave them the next gift.It was a drone,with more or less the same functionality as the rover.It couldn’t do physcial hacks,and obviously didn’t have the ability to jump,but it could hold more explosives than the rover.“For those hard to reach places where the rover can’t go.We know it’ll come in handy. ” Blue handed Nyx a hoodie,mask and shoulderbag.“I litterally got Doc to design a special hoodie for you.My brother designed the shoulderbag and bandanna thing for you,” he grins.Stretch gave a nod,“Y'see,that bag is magical.It’s much bigger on the inside than on the outside,so you can put a lot of stuff in there…laptop,rover,drone,even your guns if you really wanted.” This amazed Nyx,“I know what I’m gonna wear tomorrow.” Lastly Doc handed them a folded piece of paper.“I know it’s not much,but,if you guys do end up coming over again before heading to the airport,it’ll be much more than you think…that being said,please don’t look at this until Sunday morning.” They gave a nod,“Alright.”
The group came closer to bid their farewells.“I want to thank all of you for the gifts,they’re all amazing.I really hope we can come back here tomorrow before we head back to Chicago,” Nyx smiled.They were standing next to G,getting hugs from a lot of the members.Blue gave them a tight hug,“Promise you’ll visit again?”
Mutt,one of the tallest of the monsters,came over and rubbed Nyx’s head,then went back to his spot in the crowd.it was random,but Nyx learned how he did things in the few hours that they were there.“Well,it was nice seeing you all again.It’s good to see it’s still going strong here.We’ll definitely visit again,” G announced,taking their hand.Like lightning,before they could head up the stairs,they were almost tackled again.This time not by Blue,but by Razz and Blackberry,who argued about who of the two should give them a goodbye hug first.G gave a slight growl at the two,then raised what seemed to be a brow at Nyx,“You really have an ability to attract short skeletons,don’t you?”
A slight blush crept up their face,“I guess?” Syrup grumbled,grabbing the two by their collars and taking them back,“Sorry about these two.Real boneheads,don'tcha think?” They gave a nod,and G shook his head.With that they left,and went back to their hotel.
From an unmarked location down under,in the dangerous streets of San Francisco,there was a group of monsters.A king cobra,a bear,a skeledragon,a hippie beast,a gorilla and a Chinese dragon.They were sitting at a large table,watching.Who you might ask? The one and only vigilante who messed with the gangs and took it too far,erasing more than half their numbers.They all came together,forming a temporary alliance until this threat was eliminated.“Ssshould we strike now? While they’re tired and vulnerable?”  the snake murmured,playing with his knife.“No,not yet.Ve strike tomorrow.Lenni told us that he plans on taking this human on a date tomorrow evening,” the bear muttered.He had a thick Russian accent,which made it slightly difficult for the rest to understand.“Tomrrow night,ve strike,and ve take vhat is closest to him…that human.”
“We use the human for bait,and when he comes to the rescue,we capture him,and kill him,” grinned the skeledragon.“No,you idiot.Ve don’t kill him just like that.Ve vill break the human,and vhile he is off-guard,ve torture him.”
“And then we kill both,right?”  the other dragon chimed in.“Yes.”
“I will have my boys ready to capture the human,” she says,“And I’ll have mine ready to distract him long enough,” the gorilla adds,“And mine’ll be ready to ambush his ass when he gets here,” the hippie beast snickers.The bear grinned,“Good.And if all else fails,ve’ll snap that bag of bones vithout hesitation.”
G and Nyx ended up falling asleep cuddling on the couch in their room,and when morning came,G was up first.He made sure to not wake them just yet.With some skill learned from Toriel,Papyrus and Undyne,he managed to cook an excellent breakfast for them,and thus,woke them up with breakfast in bed….on couch? The thought is what counted.After getting ready,the two went off on a scavenger hunt G,with the help of the others,put together.At each point there was some sort of gift,along with a riddle to the next location.From flowers,to teddybears,to all kinds of amazing things like a Percy Jackson t-shirt and a plushie of Toothless.It took the whole day to finish it.They even got to use their new phone to hack into the systems of cranes to the end of the hunt.
“A rooftop dinner?”
When Nyx turned around to look at G,he was wearing the outfit he wore to that undercover mission with the auction.“Of course,Love.What would such a wonderful day be without some cliche dinner?” he grinned,taking their hand and leading them to the table.Candle lit,with nice decorations such as flowers and fairylights.There was a nice view of the ocean on one side,and on the other side all the city lights.It made their heart melt,and their cheeks turn bright red.“This has been a really amazing day G…I can’t thank you enough…Never have I done so much on my birthday.” Before they sat down,they gave G a peck on the cheekbone.“It’s nothing,really.I would do literally anything for you.”
Dinner was going well.The two were laughing at their shenanigans,talking about everything they’ve been through together.It was then that G got a call.He stood up,telling them that he would be right back.The call was strange,and the person talking was speaking all sorts on nonsense.Nyx was watching him,wondering what the problem was.The next moment a monster came up behind them,and before they could react,like a really cliche movie,the monster covered their nose and mouth with some sort of chemical on it.Things started going blurry,and the last thing they saw,was another monster slamming G against the head with a crowbar.
G woke up an hour later with a huge crack in his skull and some of his blood on his face.He got up slowly,trying to remember what happened.The place was trashed.His eyesockets widened,realising that Nyx was gone.Panic filled him from skull to toe,and he started looking around,looking for anything that could tell him where they were.While picking up the table,since it was flipped over,he found a small piece of cloth on the ground,covering something.He couldn’t smell,since he technically didn’t have a nose,but he knew what it was.Idiots have tried knocking him unconcious with that trick,but it didn’t work since he’s a skeleton.He shoved it aside,revealing a phone.It wasn’t his partner’s.He hacked into it with his phone,and the first thing to pop up was a recording.Didn’t have to think twice to listen to it.
“G'ello.Ve meet again,skeleton vigilante.Ve didn’t take it kindly vhen you killed a lot of our people the first time you showed your face here in San Francisco.Ve Bratva don’t appreciate you barging in vith your DedSec friends and commiting manslaughter under my people because you think you’re doing the right thing.
My friends don’t appreciate it either.So,ve decided that if you show your pathetic face here again,ve’d show you vhat we think of you.Ve are going to break vhat’s closest to you,then get rid of you completely.That being said,ve have your puny human friend.Follow these coordinates and give yourself up.The clock is ticking.If you don’t give yourself up,ve will kill the human,and then,ve will come kill you and the rest of your friends.”
It was followed up with directions where G presumed they were keeping Nyx.The Bratva teamed up with not only Prime_Eight,but the Sons of Ragnarok,Tezcas,580’s and the Auntie Shu boys.He made haste to get down from the rooftop.He couldn’t tell the others,otherwise he would put their lives in big danger.This meant he was going to go solo.If he was going to barge in there,he was going to need weapons.Luckily for him,every Hackerspace had a 3D printer that printed weapons,and even luckier,there was a Hackerspace nearby.Without explaining to the DedSec members there,he got himself a sniper rifle,stungun,pistol, decoy pistol and an assult rifle.While racing to the location,he had to think of a plan.What was he going to do? If he made one wrong move,they would kill them,then him,then the others.He wasn’t equipped with the right gear to go in guns blazing,neither was he equipped to go in stealthy.He couldn’t try fixing this with magic or hacking his way through,because that would end up the same as going in shooting everyone.The only thing to do,was to give himself up.Thank the lord for magic pockets to hide all his guns.He kept the decoy pistol with him,since he knew they were going to tell him to give his gun,and going in without any would be suspicious.
He ended up in Chinatown.Seems their hideout was at the abandoned swimmingpool where he fought the Auntie Shu boys before.He cautiously got out of the car,looking around for snipers or anything indicating an ambush.He saw cameras following him as he walked.So this is how it’s gonna work. He stopped in front of the door,and placed the decoy.Afterwards,he lifted his hands up in surrender,and slowly backed away.Two 580 members came out of the shadows,and in stead of kicking their asses,he didn’t move at all.He was expecting to just be tied up and taken inside,but instead,he got tazed,leaving him unconcious again and then tied up.
After yet another unsuspected nap,G woke up to find himself tied to a chair with chain,a single light shining on him.In the darkness there lurked someone he thought he would never see again.It was the leader of the Bratva,Vladimir. “Where are they?” he yells,looking up at the evil in front of him. “Your partner?They’re safe for now,but not for long. I’ll deal with them when I’m done with you,” Vlad grins,pushing a button on a remote. A large screen flickered on,showing an image that gave G even more reason to murder him. Nyx was tied to a wall,various bruises and blood covering them. They were knocked out,and by the look on their face,they were in a lot pain.“Should’ve thought twice about going out on a date vhen the g'hole vorld is against you,” the bear smirked,grabbing his chin.The rest of the gang leader appeared,all having the exact same evil smirk as Vladimir.“They put up quite the fight,I musssst ssssay,” the Tezca leader,Raul,hissed,rubbing his eye.G wanted to snicker seeing the black eye Nyx gave him,but he couldn’t.Rage filled him more than amusement did.“We should move him into the same room as the human,and when they wake up,one can watch as the other gets tortured,” Prime_Eight leader Lenni grinned.The others gave nods in agreement,and with the snap of a finger by Auntie Shu,two gang members picked the chair up and followed the leaders to the room.G was placed a few steps away from Nyx,with him facing them.Seeing them up close made his heart break even more.All the bruises and wounds,some are going to leave scars.He knew he shouldn’t have stood up when he answered the call.He should’ve stayed there,stayed by their side.The worst is,he couldn’t do anything.He sat there,unable to do anything.He couldn’t pick them up and take them back,he couldn’t help them clean up,he couldn’t hug them,hold them tight,tell them “It’s okay”.
He felt weak,ashamed.
“What do we do now,Vlad?”
“Ve vake the human up,then torture can begin,Vinston.”
The leader of the 580’s,Oliver,woke Nyx up.They started yelling swears and threats as soon as their eyes opened,but went quiet when they saw their partner in front of them.“G?”
G gave a weak smile,“Hey,Dollface.” They started moving around,until they realised they were tied to the wall.“When I get loose from here I AM GONNA KICK ALL YOUR ASSES STARTING WITH YOU,SNAKE,” they yelled.Raul hissed,then Auntie Shu smacked his head,“Shut up you idiot.”
“G'ho should ve torture first?” Vlad grinned,turning to his fellow leaders.“I think the human’s had enough for now.Let’s start breaking some bones,” Winston murmured.“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM YOU FREAKS,” they screeched.Now they were pissed.“Do your worst,I ain’t gonna break,” G growled.
It started with punches and kicks,then Raul started hurting him with a baseball bat.Things got worse,and worse.Nyx was in tears of rage seeing everything.Before he could stand up again,Vlad pushed him down,and stood on his chest with one foot.“Beg for mercy like the vorthless dog you are.”
The torture continued,until G was laying against the wall next to where Nyx was tied up,bruised,bloody,broken.He could barely stay awake.“Now it’s your turn,human,” Vlad smirked.
“Bring it on,bitch.”
They were beaten up similar to how G was beaten up.G was too hurt to move,and laid looking in horror how his partner’s blood stained the floor.He tried his best to get up.When Raul suggested their next move,it was where they crossed the line.G managed to stand up.“Stay.Away.From.Them.You.Assholes,"he growled.This was the first in a long time that he used magic.He managed to slam every single one of them against the wall,holding them tight by their throats.A yellow glow surrounded them,and they had no way of escaping.He killed Raul,literally the second leader to the Tezcas,first for even thinking of doing that to his partner.Next,he killed Vladimir.The rest he threw around the room a few times.
Without a word, he went over to his partner,and picked them up.They were hurt really bad.He was hurt pretty bad.He took them to the hospital,and they told him that they would have to stay in the hospital for a few days.After he got fixed up,he stayed by their side,waiting for them to wake up.
It was a few hours before Nyx woke up.G fell asleep with his head on the hospital bed waiting.They decided to not wake him up,and instead,just listen to him somehow snorring in silence.They didn’t move their hand out of his either.
It wasn’t what they expected to happen on their birthday.The day started out great,and ended with lots of pain.For the most part it was great.They made new friends and everything.They wondered how they were going to explain this to the bunch back home.They laid back,and slowly fell asleep again.
After a rough experience,and a few days at the hospital,the two went back home again.They made sure to visit the main Hackerspace again before leaving,where Doc revealed her gift.Nyx opened the paper,that releaved a drawn picture of human G kissing them,and when Doc dragged them outside and told them to look up,Doc painted the picture on the whole side of the building.It left both of them flustered."It’s my greatest work yet!” Doc grinned,taking a selfie with them while they were blushing like crazy.It was definetely something else.
Mettaton was the first one to greet them at the airport back home.He studied them,seeing all the cuts,bruises,and everything in between,including their tired faces.Yes,he heard what happened.Yet,he’d have the guts to comment: “I knew you two were rough but…did you use protection at least?”
Nyx and G are now banned from the airport for almost murdering Mettaton.
There ya go! Hope it was okay~
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Tay Kay: *actively exploits other people to get ahead at work regardless of how it might ruin their lives, as long as she can get what she wants*
The writers: hmmm people don't like her, but we have to have her around long enough to get this character growth for Buck. I know! Let's give her a tragic back story! Like, her dad killed her mom and she hated how everyone knew what happened and how they looked at her because of it and finally had to move away and change her name to get away from it all. That should do the trick!
The audience:
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Okay but like, Buck canonically loves researching things and has bookshelves and likes to read about things he's curious about. How hard would it be to pick out a book about the history of firefighters, or a book on unsolved mysteries, or natural disasters?! How hard would it be to get something even a tiny bit meaningful and personal?
Buck, who has been lost in a natural disaster, who lost someone in a natural disaster, who lost Hen in a collapsed building and once in a forest fire, whose sister was taken hostage at work, who still thinks about what could have happened to Eddie if he wasn't there, who has abandonment issues a mile wide, he bought his gf who has an occasionally dangerous job something so she would never feel alone and could always be able to get help, and it's pretty not some clunky emergency kit thing.
And she got him a sweater.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I find it....inch resting that Tay Kay complained about people gossiping about her story and yet she made a career out of leveraging other people's pain into stories.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
The fact that we didn't get a moment in Treasure Hunt with Athena asking if she really had to allow "that woman" into her house, and Bobby saying something like "We were up all night and found a dead body, we can't just leave her here while we invite everyone else home for breakfast." and Athena giving him A Look and being like "Maybe YOU can't. I don't have that problem tho. Her and her camera man can take their helicopter home!" is a travesty actually.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Trust me I want her gone like, 6 episodes ago but Tim has really leaned in to this and the only thing that can save us at this point is jlh and Ken coming back and reclaiming their screen time😫 like her whole storyline (esp. last episode 🤢) has been one huge whiplash
Yeah, I remember the 4x14 kiss was such a disappointing slap in the face after the way 4x13 went down and I have been waiting for her to leave since then. I also went back and rewatched the show and Dosed hit especially hard since I was paying closer attention and wasn't just bingeing my way through. So her leaving has been a LONG time coming for me. I probably could have dealt with her being in the background, but already having to miss Maddie AND Chim (and Albert! 😭) and choosing to have more of her instead of more Eddie and Hen and Bobby and even Ravi the new kid is just....endless frustrating. She definitely needed to have been gone before they tried to force a "tragic backstory" on her that just makes her look like an even worse person.
Again, I feel like it's all leading somewhere and the payoff is going to be sooo good for Buck. But the way I have zero desire right now to go back and rewatch last week's episode (or Ghost Stories beyond the opening clip of Buck, and the elip of Chim with Eli) even though it was an otherwise amazing episode is telling to me personally about how absolutely done with her I am. I can watch clips or gifs of all the good moments from the episode with disrupting my own good mood by having to deal with *all of that nonsense*. Who knows, that may change down the line after she's gone, but I still struggle being excited to watch 4x14 in it's entirety because the forced "new gf so the shooting doesn't look so gay" so 🤷🏻‍♀️. And I can't see giving one single flying fuck about her "backstory" after she's gone so again, why they wasted time on it is beyond me unless they needed filler because so many of the main cast are out. But then why not give us Eddie/Hen/Bobby/Ravi filler or even Buck fucking finally having one-on-one scenes with literally anyone else but her? Why not use the time to give us something that we want to come back to over the mid-season or 5/6 hiatus? IDK, I'm just so sick of her and she needs to go. Buck has never looked more miserable and it's been ages. Let him set himself free.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
After all that "past is prologue" stuff I am manifesting a BT breakup during the Christmas episode specifically so me and my beloved Sleeping at Last Anon can flail about January White.
The past will be the past and nothing changes that/but the future is brighter than any flashback
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Not Buck getting a sweet thoughtful gift for his gf that she didn't particularly like, and she didn't get him anything but a sweater.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
The way this show is right now gives me all the feelings and vibes I had during rnm season 2(esp THAT episode) and I'm just 🧍🏻‍♀️💀 doooooon't waaaaaaant this
It's not nearly as bad for me as at no point did I contemplate quitting the show or have to block nearly everyone, but yeah the desire to watch episodes that heavily feature her is currently at zero and I normally adore rewatching episodes of 911.
Manifesting something good for Christmas to take into the hiatus.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
So happy that I found your blog, bless you and your anons. Honestly i'd like to meeting the writers that thought it was a good idea to focus 5a on a character that nobody can even stand, instead of seein chim being a single working father maybe bonding with eddie, karen a beloved character since s1, ravi... I don't care about T, her father, her mother, her dog, her boss her aunt, her trauma nothing. And I hope in 5b the writers won't write more eps like 5x9-10
Where the only thing they made buck do was going after her for all america like a lost puppy and instead of worring for chris he spent 20 mins trying to find her present, and again he could have got her a crocodile and I still wouldn't care. I hope this hiatus cured their obsession with the reporter. Again thank you for your lovely blog and please rant about b/t whenever you want😘
Awww, thanks Nonnie, and I have been sitting on this for ages so I hope you manage to see it! I also do not care a single iota about her job, how she does it, how she feels about doing it, or anything about her family, and I'm eternally bitter we had to suffer through her taking up as much screen time as she did rather than seeing other calls (Ghost Roommate my beloved 😭😭😭), and other characters/dynamics.
I will say that I get what they are going for with the bt relationship with regards to Buck and his character growth but they managed to get the point across with Ana just fine so IDK why we needed all this background and screen time for a guest star. I will say it again, and forever, in a year when people are re-watching season 5, no one is going to care that the original air date was a week after Halloween, no one is going to care about seeing a side character investigating a call that has nothing to do with the firefam (that her involvement didn't even impact, because Lou already found the motel on his own and then the "hitman" confessed so....what did she even contribute?), and no one is going to care about seeing her backstory that also has nothing to do with the firefam or Buck.
Like, we didn't see all that much from Shannon but what we did see was directly relational to Eddie and Chris. We didn't get any backstory on her except in regards to how her choices affected Eddie and Chris because she wasn't ever meant to stick around. I don't know if killing her off was always the plan, but having her come back into and then leave their lives in the same season? It had to be part of the season outline. So we did see about her made sense because it was about Chris and Eddie, not about her.
Now, even the reporter's backstory was still framed from Buck's POV (we don't see her in a scene alone about it, we don't see her meeting with/talking to her dad or the lawyer or anything) it was still a whole bunch of stuff that's not directly relational to Buck and to his story, and the bigger plotlines for the show. That means, you can remove those scenes about her and not lose any of the threads of the show. And honestly, you could entirely remove every single one of her scenes for the entirety of 5a and...not lose much if anything important. The only thing I can think of that crosses over into the main plotlines are Buck thinking they are breaking up, and the Christmas gifts, which if they peppered in comments about a gf without showing her (like they did with Ali in season 2) and then had literally any random woman in 5x10 the story for Buck would be basically the same.
I have to say your crocodile comment made me think of 2x06 and the lizard that seemed to have a thing for her and it made me giggle! I also hope that their obsession with her is over now that Maddie and Chim (and baby Jee!) and Albert are all back. And after the way even the general audience has been frothing at the mouth to see her leave, fingers crossed she won't ever come back.
Thanks for the ask, sorry it took so long to respond to, and you are always welcome to come flail or rant with me in my inbox!
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Look, with all this insanity I got to thinking. As an ethical conflict truther, if she's not gone by 5b, may as well make her useful and have Eddie throwdown with her. Have her ask buck to choose so he chooses his boys without a second thought, do it, do it, I have to suffer through her face and shitty acting anyway. Have stage 4 Eddie be a bad bitch
I see you, and I hear you Nonnie, but I honestly cannot allow myself to think about having to put up with her in 5b. I just can't. Also the thought of Buck being miserable the entire hiatus trying to keep "earning" whatever scraps of love he can get is just...too depressing for words.
I mean, the episode already seems pretty full so I doubt we're getting the break up (😭😭😭) but hey! If they can have a pregnancy scare, proposal, request for divorce, and character death all in one episode, surely we can get the breakup out of the way and end on a more hopeful note for the back half of the season. Because honestly we have already had to see Too Much of that relationship since we are missing some main characters in 5a, though why we wasted time in that instead of seeing some of Chim's journey, or at least focusung on Hen and Eddie and Bobby or maybe learning more about Ravi is beyond me. She was a hated character back in season 2, no one understood why they brought her back for season 4 (and even less so now that a*a is gone so it wasn't that Eddie got his "endgame" and they needed to pair Buck up too), and everyone including the general audience was sick and fucking tired of her and this relationship by Ghost Stories. And that backstory really only served to make her look worse so I don't know what they were trying to achieve.
I fully believe we are getting a good growth arc for Buck out of this, but they could have done the same as they did with a*a and kept her in the background while focusing on their actual main characters instead of wasting screen time shoving this relationship down our throats when we all know how it ends. And if JLH wasn't on maternity leave? If Chim wasn't inexplicably missing for most of the season? There's no way we would have been stuck watching so much of her which makes the choice to waste so much screen time on her even more baffling to me, hut it is what it is. Maybe the choices will be clearer once she out of the picture, but as of right now if I never see her again it will be too soon.
That said, I do love petty, bitchy Eddie so if TPTB decided to give us some ethical conflict as a treat, I would enjoy those Eddie moments!
But I'd rather see tay kay leave forever.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I'm just crossing my fingers this episode isn't like the buried guy disaster of an episode 😒like give us something we care about Tim, I've been done with that woman since last season when they had the audacity to include her in Eddie's welcome home party
Seriously. I'm still so disappointed we lost out on fun firefam shenanigans and actual ghost-related plotlines to focus on a case that....didn't relate to anything with the rest of the firefam, and also a case where Tay Kay's involvement changed absolutely nothing about the outcome for the actual detective working the case. It was a waste of time in an otherwise good episode. I'm just so done wasting screen time on her when there are other characters and storylines I want to see more of.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
Every time I get excited about 911 being back tonight, I get reminded that this is supposedly backstory day for tay kay and I'm just SO tired. Manifesting lots of firefam scenes and interesting stuff with Athena's cold case, and that the show learned it's lesson after the Ghost Stories fiasco (release the original cut that was about actual ghost stories and firefam shenanigans and cut the side character reporter/detective procedural BS!) and will keep the too-little-too-late sob story stuff to a minimum. Although FINALLY getting to see what Buck is actually thinking about this relationship after some very pointed faces all season (that we know the directors have been purposefully focusing on) could be interesting! But also it would have been interesting several episodes ago instead of dragging this all out but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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