#when listening to dubstep mainly
jfkonfucius · 3 months
do u have any random confucious headcanons u wanna share? :3
OF COURSE ! I think about him everyday
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- The airspray shirts he makes don't sell very well, but he still makes use of the equipment to make and gift shirts to his friends and loved ones
- He spoils people all the time with expensive stuff, he thinks people will be less likely to abandon him if he does so. He thinks the fact he has money is the only thing that makes him remotely loveable
- Cries easily
- Makes animation memes on Flipaclip. He is not very outstanding at it. He has a protogen fursona
- Has horrible reflexes, but is extremely cracked at Geometry Dash and Subway Surfers
- He doesn't have a very good relationship with his sister, his jealousy caused by his parents' favoritism towards her makes him act unusually petty, even though his sister is actually pretty nice to him
- Borderline Personality Disorder. Very bad abandonment issues. Was splitting on Joan in S3 E9
- He likes JFK, but would never date him cuz he's clingy and he thinks he would interfere with JFK's not-very-monogamous lifestyle
- He gave away the "I only got eyes 4 u" shirts to some random couple without telling them the backstory
- Somehow still does not know that Top-her69 was Topher
- Amab genderfluidddd all pronouns + ey/em + bro/bros + other neopronouns probably. But if asked in real life he's just gonna go "Uhh I'm a guy but I don't care if you call something else"
- Has a bit of an issue with vaping and energy drinks
- His favorite food is pizza
- He treats Kevin like a big puppy dog. Even though it's a Giant Bear
- He listens to EDM, hyperpop, dubstep and similar. Probably had a Skrillex haircut when he was younger
- ADHD+autism, he mainly stims vocally by making noises (pew pew!) or quoting internet vids he finds funny
- His special interest is Fast and Furious
- You know his ass never charges his Nintendo Switch
- The reason why you don't see him in the episode anymore after he gave Abe the suggestion that got him cancelled, is because he felt super bad and started hiding ("I run from like, 99% of my problems")
- Not a very good singer
- As we all know his parents are very absent, but they did help him dress up for the Valentine's day week dance
- Has a huge admiration for Frida, and is very intimidated by Cleo, which is a funny combination because the two of them were together for a year
- Owns an Itemlabel Dinkle
- First thing he does when he wakes up is message Joan good morning . or good afternoon . The only thing holding his schedule together is having to go to school
- His parents wanted to get him a panda because they know he loves em. But it was a pain in the ass because of the whole "former endangered species" thing. So they got him Kevin instead because close enough
This is definitely not All my headcanons, but that's enough for now 😎
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okie who do u think ......... in all of the ffi teams would secretly listen to overly cutesy kpop songs....... think about ur answer well🐹🎤
Ohhh, nice question!!
To be fair, I'm not really an expert on Kpop (I like a lot of songs and bands, but I'm not super up to date with new bands and lore about the idols), so I apologize if something is off 😔
🇰🇷 To be honest, I think that the main cutesy K-pop song listeners would probably be Noh Sung-joon and Aphrodi 🪽 from the South Korean team. But neither is exactly discreet about it...
In Sung-joon's description, it's stated that he'd love to fly all over the world as a Hallyu star 🌟 in the future. His favourite K-pop idols would probably be Jin from the BTS or maybe Jisung from NCT Dream.
Nagumo 🔥 would probably be secretly a hard-die fan of a lot of bands (especially TWICE, Blackpink, and Weeekly), but if asked about it, he would deny everything. Suzuno and Aphrodi would definitely make fun of him for that, lol 😂.
Choi Chang-soo, the captain, is not super into K-pop, but he likes to listen to a few bands, particularly Red Velvet and Exo.
🇺🇸 I'd like to think that Dylan from Unicorn knows a lot of songs, but I feel like he's more on the chaotic side of K-pop rather than the cute one. Mark doesn't necessarily dislike the kind of music Dylan listens to, but after hearing the same song on repeat for the 15th time, anyone would go 🤪.
🇬🇧 Edgar would be hesitant at first, but eventually, he would turn out to like a few songs (he still thinks English music is better, though).
🇦🇷 Teres would refuse because 🙄 😤 God forbid that man to listen to anything else other than reggaeton and old tango songs his abuelo recommended.
🇩🇪 Jonas mainly listens to techno and alternative indie music, but Dylan would annoy him so much that he'd have to give up and accept to give K-pop a try, and to his surprise, he likes quite a few songs.
🇪🇸 Now, Querardo is similar to Teres when it comes to music taste. He likes a lot of Spanish 💃 and Latino artists, but sadly, he's not too keen on K-pop and foreign music.
🇧🇷 Mack likes all kinds of music, from classical to hard-core dubstep. He likes K-pop as well and follows a few idols on his socials.
🇶🇦 Bilal listens to a lot of K-pop, even though the rest of his team doesn't understand the appeal. He especially likes songs that have Middle Eastern influences in the instrumental.
🇮🇹 Fideo has listened to K-pop music before (thanks to Marco and Angelo), and even though he enjoyed the songs and the bands he was presented with, he kinda forgot about its existence. He still has the songs in his playlist, but he listens to local Italian hits more than everything else.
I'm unsure about the rest of the FII teams and players; maybe Shine and Quincy from Oz 🇦🇺 and Abari from South Africa 🇿🇦 would enjoy K-pop, too.
What about you, anon? Who were you thinking about? 🤔
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Tomb Raider AU: without a radio on her, Ava tries to leave messages to Bea.
She can't leave any clues on how to actually find her, since there's over a hundred people with bad intentions looking for her and only one Bea, but she still spends a significant amount of her time trying to create little tokens of significance from basic survival gear, the junk she finds on the island, and the few personal possessions she has left.
She can't say "find me here," but she can say "I'm still alive, don't give up," and if she can somehow find the right combination of symbols and hidden meanings in the private language they share between them, maybe she can even manage "I love you."
(And then all she can do is pray Bea will find some of them *while* she's still alive.)
ava with her bow and her arrows and her improvised crutches untangling an old parachute from a tree, winding up all the strings and separating them from the ruined harness. she tries to ignore the traces of blood on the many straps and buckles.
she's good at that now, stepping past the blood.
it takes her an hour to rig the big rippling expanse of half-shredded parachute, letting the strings trail from the bottom and attaching some pieces of wood to the ends, as anchors.
first, ava sets it down on the forest floor, takes out the sharpie she always kept in her back pocket, mainly so she could write “lilith sucks my dick” on every possible wall and/or countertop back on the ship. cap between her teeth, legs twinging but letting her kneel without too much protest.
she’s been leaving messages on walls, picking the driest sections, using sharpie and deer blood to write out vague messages. just in case.
she saw the flare go up over the radio tower, but it could have been anyone. never mind that the streak of reddish fire made her stumble, looking at the comet-tail shape like Odysseus looking at the shore.
it was beautiful, but that doesn't mean it was her.
beatrice could be dead, washed up in the surf and picked over by crabs, birds, wolves.
there’s no reason to think she isn’t, except that ava’s not sure what she’s fighting for out here, if it’s not to get back to bea.
to the way she’d sit on her bed and offer one earphone to ava, scrolling through her playlists with a deft flick of the thumb. how she’d fall asleep over her books and put her boots up on the bed.
her secret stash of cookies and protein bars for when it was lilith’s turn to cook.
ava was just as bad, dumping plain tomato sauce onto spaghetti and then burning it to the bottom of the enormous pot, but bea always turned up to eat.
“you don’t have to pretend it’s good, just to make me feel better.”
bea, shrugging, “no i-i like it.”
she has to believe that beatrice is alive, because no one else would understand the messages she's scattered in her wake
‘miss your mint oreos <3’ and ‘i can’t believe you still listen to dubstep’
‘lilith sucks my dick’
this time, ava has a plan. she takes out her sharpie, writing in big broad strokes. the parachute ripples in the wind, trying to tug out from under her.
when she’s finished, she wraps the whole thing up into a careful ball and sticks it into her backpack. it’s bea’s - plain and black and mended in a couple of places. she stitches like a pro.
ava carries it up as high as she can climb, to a cliff with an old tori gate or something sticking out at the end. there’s a view from here down through forest, all the way to the ocean.
she smooths out the parachute, careful not to let it catch the wind. kneels down with it and presses her lips against the fabric, “please let her see this.”
and then, holding one side of the gate for support, legs sore and shaky from the climb, ava casts her line out over the island.
the strings whistle through her hands as she stands, waiting until she feel the ghost of an enormous tug before letting the little blocks of wood on the end fall through her hands. they’re not heavy, but they’re enough.
the parachute holds shape, whipping out over the forest, showing its message huge and bright against the morning sky.
hey bea, it reads. i’m alive
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vyl3tpwny · 2 years
loudness in music.
you may be listening to music that is lesser in quality than artists really intend.
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(pictured: a visual guide of FabFilter Pro L2's metering section)
this post is mainly aimed to talk to non-musicians and non-audio engineers, but if you're one of those and also feel for this post, cool. but i want to put this into perspective for people who aren't in music (recording and production in specific). i'm going to attempt to explain a very complicated concept as simply as i can fathom.
there's a lot of stages to the creation of a song or album. there's the writing, recording, production, mixing, and mastering (to simplify). what i'm going to be talking about has to do with "mastering", the final stage a song goes through before it's considered 'final' (in a sense).
mastering, in short, is the process of taking a fully recorded, produced, and mixed song; cleaning it up and preparing it for people to listen to it. a mastering engineer will often add some equalization adjustments to the overall song, adding some compression to bring things together and unify elements, and other stuff like that.
but the duty of establishing the "perceived loudness" is imparted on the mastering engineer.
loudness ≠ amplitude. amplitude is the true measurement of an audio's volume. but "loudness" is a measurement of how loud we actually perceive something. there are technically quiet songs that you perceive as louder than they are, and loud songs that you actually perceive as quiet. this is because loudness ≠ actual technical volume. amplitude is measured in Decibels (db) and perceived loudness is measured in Loudness Units Full Scale (LUFS).
audio processing and transmission always has a limit. for example, if you turn up the volume up too high while listening to music on your headphones, distortion and crackling may occur. this is called "clipping". the threshold for clipping varies from one device to another. cheap earbuds may distort without you even pushing the volume much. other headphones may be really hard to even get audio to clip.
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(image source: MTX)
thus, because of the limitations of how audio works — both in the digital and analog domains — the mastering process of music seeks to finalize a song to be loud enough, but not so loud that it clips in a way artists and listeners don't want.
enter: The Loudness War
in the 90's when digital music studios started to become a thing, people started mastering songs louder and louder because things didn't distort as much when you pushed them in digital spaces. you can get stuff to clip in the digital world, yes, but it was much easier to push things louder than on purely analog equipment. ever since then, songs have been getting mastered louder and louder. we've called this "The Loudness War", because people compete to have the loudest mastered songs.
something you must understand is that the louder you try to master a song (without it clipping above a digital threshold) the more squashed the song gets. the methods for mastering a song really loud often make it lose quality and fidelity. for some people this is fine. stuff like dubstep usually benefits from the squash and the distortion (although it's a personal preference). nonetheless, people have actively chosen to master songs loudly to compete with each other, but at the cost of a song's quality and dynamics.
quick side note: a song's dynamic's is a measurement of how quiet the quiet parts are, how loud the loud parts are, and what the ratio is between these are. so a VERY dynamic song will have very quiet parts and very loud parts. a NOT VERY dynamic song will have mostly everything in the same volume range at all times.
so ok. artists and engineers have been fighting in this loudness war. everyone wants to have loudly mastered songs even though the more you try to push a song to be loud the more it will lose fidelity and the more compressed it will become.
below is a video containing three versions of my song "bonnie". the first version is the original master. the second version is being pushed into a mastering limiter hard. and the third version is being pushed into a mastering limiter VERY hard. a mastering limiter is usually the last part of the signal path of a song's master. i've (very roughly) gain matched the examples so that instead of hearing the loudness differences, you will hear the quality differences. they should be roughly the same volume, but the quality differences will be what you hear. pay close attention to the waveforms getting progressively more squashed the more the song is being pushed into the limiter.
keep in mind, this example is extreme and unscientific, only meant to demonstrate the kind of quality deterioration that occurs when you try to push a song to be potentially too loud. these quality issues often exist at least a tiny bit in songs that are mastered to be really loud.
so we know that trying to master something loud comes with tradeoffs. but people still really like to do it and sometimes it can be pulled off just fine. but not every song handles these treatments equally.
but what i really want to get at here is the fact that mastering things super loudly in the modern day is kind of pointless! the main exception i can think of is club mixes, DJ's really like to have loud stuff to work with because of the complications that come with DJing in venues. but aside from that, there kind of isn't a point to mastering that loudly anymore.
streaming services like spotify and youtube follow broadcasting standards and automatically adjust music to be roughly in the same range. this is so people listening to music on these platforms, especially through playlists, won't be bothered by a discrepancy in REALLY LOUD songs and really quiet songs being in the same space.
i've been thinking about all of this for a long time. i've been learning how to master my own music for maybe 4-5 years now? but recently an audio engineering youtuber, white sea studio, came out with this video:
i highly recommend you watch it if you have the time and are interested in learning more on this aspect of music. but to divulge upon the points and information they talk about...
...it's unanimously recommended to master your music to be at least ABOVE -14 LUFS. there are two kinds of misconceptions. the first being that you should try to have your song reach EXACTLY -14 LUFS. wytse explains in the video how this is wrong, and that experts instead recommend you master just to be above -14 LUFS, not exactly and certainly not lower. popular and loud music is being delivered at around -5 and -4 LUFS even. this is really loud and you can imagine there are lots of compromises to quality to get songs to be that loud. but as wytse continues to explain, there's clearly not much point in doing this if streaming services are going to be turning loud songs down anyway.
we're in an age where the loudness war really shouldn't exist. not only has it caused lots of songs (including my own) to be finalized and delivered with compromises to quality and dynamics as well as unfavourable distortion, but it's established this misconception that songs need to be mastered super loudly in the first place.
if it were so simple though, i don't think we'd be talking about this at all. to speak from personal experience, i actually feel self conscious if my music isn't as loud as other songs in the same genre that i'm making. i've found myself not even checking if i'm making it above -14 LUFS, often times i'm just trying to get everything to be as loud as possible. and this is a huge problem for me because i make music in every genre. period. my album CUTIEMARKS mixed dubstep, pop, rock, acoustic, ambient, and so many other genres in one place; but i worked so hard to get everything to be consistently the same loudness. the reality is that it's so hard to pull that off and i'm pretty sure the album is lesser in quality because of it. i already have frustrations listening back to things like "nonexistent meet-cute" and "how to kill a monster" from that album because i tried to push them to close enough loudness to a dubstep song lol.
but despite knowing all of these things very transparently, i still feel very self conscious about it. and i feel like this conversation actually needs to extend beyond musicians and engineers. that's why i'm writing this. i want listeners and fans to know that there's this thing going on and it's been going on for a while and it causes a lot of stress and misconceptions. i'm especially self conscious because i'm actually going to try to actively master my next album quieter than all my other ones on purpose. to try and combat all of this. even if it makes me self conscious to listen to some of my favourite albums of this year and know how much louder they've been mastered compared to mine. but i think it's really important we let songs breathe and not try to compromise quality anymore. it would relieve a lot of stress from me personally to be able to know this is all ok.
if you ended up reading this whole thing, thanks so much. this is a thing that's actually been affecting a lot of musicians who do their own engineering a lot. and it's been affecting all audio engineers anyway. this is an extremely complex topic and to anyone who knows as much as i do about it, trust me i KNOW this post is EXTREMELY simplified. but i want to speak to listeners and fans, not musicians and engineers specifically.
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Sorry if this was asked before, but what kind of music do you think the brothers listen to?
Ooo, what a fun question!  Even though this is requesting more than 4 characters, it’s very short/quick to answer, so I’ll make an exception.  Thanks for the prompt!  Enjoy!
What kind of music do each of the demon brothers listen to?
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Lucifer mainly listens to classical music (cursed and regular), some opera (due to his love of theater), and a bit of rock music.
Mammon enjoys rock and punk rock music, dubstep, rap (he's so excited when he can master any fast-paced lyrics), and some pop music.
Leviathan is obsessed with music from video games and anime, which also contributes to his enjoyment of J-pop (along with K-pop) music.
Satan is open to trying different types of music, but recently he's been enjoying lofi music the most (he’s biased towards the playlist videos that have cats in them). He'll listen to any sort of calming music for when his wrath becomes overwhelming.
Asmodeus listens to anything trendy and exciting, so mainly pop music and music that plays in clubs. He does like some Broadway music/musicals, too.
Beelzebub prefers to play any kind of upbeat music for when he’s working out, so the genres get a bit mixed. If he has to specify, he'll say he enjoys some rock music, but he’s willing to listen to anything you recommend to him at least once.
Belphegor enjoys soft instrumental music for when he’s having trouble sleeping, but he also likes emo/punk rock music since it has lyrics with deeper meanings that connect with him.
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c0ffeecr0w · 8 months
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Just gonna share some of my headcanons, mainly for the 16 - 22 year old highschool/college versions of the main 4/5 but also for their canon age version as well. I took some of @rottrottencorpse's SP HCs cuz I thought they fit so well
Here's what I have so far:
Stan is bisexual, Kyle is biro-asexual (gay pref), Cartman is gay (closeted), Kenny is panro-hetero and Butters is bicurious
Stan, Kenny and Butters have blue eyes with Butters' being sky blue, Kyle has green, Cartman has heterochromatic (brown and blue)
Kenny and Cartman are Genderfluid, both having masculine and feminine identities. Kenny goes by He/She/They pronouns but normally goes by He/Him, while Cartman goes by He/She, mainly He/Him as well unless in feminine clothing (and Transginger)
Stan has Spanish/Iberian roots, given from Randy. He sometimes gets called greaseball by Cartman but mostly as a joke (his hair isn't greasy anyway)
Cartman and Stan hang out together on weekends when Kyle isn't around or have nothing else to do. They get along well together
Stan's dog Sparky is a Staffordshire Terrier and American Bulldog mix. He still has him, though he likes to hang out with Big Gay Al usually. He still likes Stan though
Cartman is the shortest out of the gang (5'5) while Kyle is the tallest (6'2) while Stan (5'9) and Kenny (5'11) are somewhere in between
Cartman and Butters both love Disney films
Eric has a soft spot for cats and dinosaurs
Kenny does Karen's hair while she paints his nails for him (Butters taught her)
He also loves Fast and breakfast foods, pancakes especially
Kenny smokes the most out of the gang, from nicotine to marijuana, Stan and Eric occasionally, Kyle doesn't, Butters would be easily peer pressured to do it though
He doesn't do substances around Karen
Stan listens to Alt Rock, Emo, Grunge and Metal (most subgenres), hates Dubstep. Kyle listens to Classical and The Cure. Eric has his Spotify playlist filled with Pop music. Kenny is a Grunger and Nu Metalhead, loves Nirvana and Limp Bizkit, though he likes plenty of different music. Butters probably likes Pop and Eurodance, the happy, cheesy kind. Stuff you'd here on DDR basically
Kenny plays with Karen when she wants to, sometimes Butters plays dolls with her too
Stan binge eats when depressed/stressed. He's gained a bit of chub because of it aside from his sluggishness when high or tired. It isn't noticeable in his usual jacket or in baggy clothes
Kenny has a job that he works at in the summer. He spends a bit of his money on either for his home or for Karen. 60% of his money is given by Butters
Stan has a slight crush on Kyle, though they both see each other as mostly best friends
Butters and Kenny both love each other platonically and romantically.
Butters is a pro at DDR. Kenny sucks at it but plays it with Butters anyway when at the arcade
Stan is still with Wendy, both have gone over their on and off relationship and managed to become better. He's in a poly relationship with her and Kyle since Wendy is polyamorous
Kyle is from Irish-Polish descent. Irish from Sheila's side, Polish from Gerald's side
Stan and Kenny are smoke and music buddies. They both nearly have the same music taste
Eric, Kenny and Butters still have their superhero characters, though all of them LARP as their superhero and fantasy characters
Stan is an alcoholic and stoner. He doesn't go to the point where he abuses it but he usually drinks a can/bottle or 2 a day
Stan is an animal lover but mostly loves big dogs
He also plays the guitar, mainly because of playing Guitar Hero that inspired him
Kyle is germophobic. He hates pee (canonically), anybody sneezing/coughing on him or even a drop of spit getting on him while one is talking
Cartman is most likely the one who'd blast music in the car at full volume
Kyle is more outdoorsy than Stan and would go have walk in the woods
Kenny is a skater boy
Has piercings on his nose and ears, dragon tattoos on arm and back
Also loves Horror and action movies
Stan sucks at iceskating or skating in general, though Wendy is sweet enough to help him out
Butters works at a diner, which Kenny meets him at often. Butters would give him either a hot dog, pancakes or anything he'd like
Kenny has a crush on Butters, which Butters is aware of. Both are real sweethearts to each other
Kyle enjoys writing stories and poetry. He sometimes shares some to Stan, Kenny and Wendy
Kenny is more of a foodie than the rest of the gang. He even eats more than Cartman does (Jk, not pokin fun at his weight)
Kyle hates his hair but Stan would hate it if he would cut it off
Kenny is still Mysterion. No one knows it's him except for his friends. Due to him being up at night, he sleeps a lot in class. Total night owl
Kyle is a A+ student, who Kenny leans onto due to him failing math. He's nice enough to help him out
Stan would be the one who'd sneak in a hip flask at school just in case he gets depressed, though it'd affect his focus if he drinks too much. Despite that, he's a B+ student. Great at art and History
Cartman is a B- student, he sometimes slacks off, texting or watching YouTube videos on his phone. Great in Spanish and English
He and Kenny would be ones who'd pack plenty of snacks. Kenny would be sweet enough to share a bag of chips or 2 while Cartman just hoards it all, especially for Kyle. Though exceptions are for Stan, Kenny and Butters, maybe Clyde too
Kenny is a C grade student. He sucks at math and History but nails science and art
Stan has had moments where he'd get drunk at prom night or in class
Even though he struggles with depression and alcohol, he's such a sweetheart teddy bear
Kenny hides his playboys and cig packs under his mattress in case Karen finds them in his room
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chaoticrobotics · 2 years
What are the animatronics' music preferences?
Freddy: Oh I enjoy a wide variety of genres. Usually I stick with some kind of alternative-indie, pop, or EDM. One of my favorite bands is Red Hot Chili Peppers!
Chica: I LOVE music from the 80s, or has that vibe to it! Like workout music! Songs you can get your body moving to! Oh especially synth-pop and new wave type music! I love A-ha and Duran Duran! Oh! I also love a good musical! Little Shop of Horrors, Heathers, Sweeney Todd, they are all so awesome to listen to and I will be singing them all the time!
Roxy: I'm more into the metal scene. Screamo, post-hardcore, grunge, things like that. Avenged Sevenfold and Sleeping With Sirens are some bangers! I'll listen to Three Days Grace at times too. Alt-rock is also something I'm into.
Monty: I really like folk and jazz music mixed in with rock or alt-rock. Also swing music at times. My go-to band to listen to is Poor Man's Poison or Bid Bad Voodoo Daddy, but recently I found The Devil Makes Three and that band is really cool so far!
Sun: I usually listen to instrumentals or video game music! Things I can play in the background while doing things without getting too distracted by the music! Whenever Moon plays a game I'll listen to the soundtrack and pick songs I like that show up to add to a playlist. I really like the Bugsnax soundtrack and also the music in Just Shapes and Beats! I also listen to classical music from time to time, mainly piano like Beethoven.
Moon: I don't know... I just hop from one thing to the next. I don't care too much about what is being played. I'll listen to country, fold, hardcore rock, death metal, lullabies, EDM, anything really..... Though, I have been drawn to more uh... messed up music recently. Things with disturbing messages and themes, kinda like horrocore or something I think. Bands like Will Wood, Dr.Steel, and Creature Feature have been in my music rotary recently.
DJMM: As HARD as it may be to believe, but I like EDM haha! Electronic music has always been my favorite! Dubstep, electronica, House, EBM. Oh! Actually, I do also like industrial music! Which does have electronic properties to it, but it leans more towards rock and punk! It really is an aggressive style but in a very good way! My preferred bands right now are I Will Never Be the Same and Circle of Dust, but I'm sure it will change soon enough considering I was just listening to Celldweller a whole lot before finding those other bands!
Mapbot: I have been informed by the DJ that my music taste is known as glitch, breakcore, or experimental. I listen to two different artists when given the chance to request a song. They are as followed: Nero's Day at Disneyland and Lauren Bousfield.
[Had a lot of fun with this! Found a lot of new music to listen too as well! Since Bonnie and Foxy aren't here to answer, I'll answer for them.
Bonnie liked swing and jazz music along with classical. He listened to people like Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Though he would happily listen to other genres as well, but he never cared much for EDM that was way too electronic. Like he can stand Daft Punk but not so much someone like Skrillex.
Foxy, like DJ, is pretty obvious in his choice of music. He loved sea shanties, but would also listen to acapella. The Longest Johns and The Jolly Jogers were people he loved listening to because of how they sang sea shanties. He definitely did also listen to musicals with Chica though! The two of them would sing for hours, especially duets.]
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top-the-cat · 11 days
I've bought loads of records since I last did a vinyl update and to be honest, there has been a lot of bargain basement bullshit in there... Don't get me wrong, there have been a few diamonds in the rough and at a couple of quid a pop, they are even more precious when you find them!
But I'm not going through them today as there are loads to fuck about with and I would need to go through them all to remind myself what's worth listening to again, and what's worth just chucking...
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So we will start with my two latest acquisitions from Ninja Tune:
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First off, a slice of sample heavy Polish trip-hop jazz from 2003. This was right from when I had my love affair with Ninja and greedily hoovered up most of their offerings; some I paid for, some I acquired via certain file sharing facilities, and then later ended up working for them so got them all for free!
I bought this mainly as it was cheap on their website and it meant I would get free delivery on my next record. But yeah, it's cool, jazzy, quite drum heavy, but not heavy drums, if that makes sense? More easy/swing style breaks and loops, with plenty of double bass and bits of chopped up piano and vocal snips. The sort of thing you could play to the father-in-law, who likes his jazz classic and easy, but appreciates that it evolves over time... (I played him the video of Kid Koala doing his Drunk Trumpet routine the other day and he was well impressed)
Skalpel by Skalpel
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Now this, I could probably play a couple of the tracks to the father-in-law, as it is very much a jazz inspired album... but some are more towards the Venetian Snares end of the jazz spectrum, than the Ramsey Lewis end!
This was one of the albums that really defined my listening habits in the early 00's and opened me up to all sorts of jazz, drum & bass, trip hop, and breakcore sounds that I still blast to this day.
Originally released in '98, I think it was most likely Sordid that I first heard on one of the Zen compilations and was hooked on this slow, dark, jazzy, breakbeat sound and needed more. So I got hold of the Album and full on ingested it at every opportunity. This then led on to a full-on obsession with Amon Tobin where I actively sucked up all his stuff for quite a while. But like all good love affairs, it can only last so long and eventually we parted ways after five albums, two EP's a live mixtape, and getting guest list passes to his album launch party.... Which was a wicked night out, but he essentially played a hard electronic drum & bass set, which wasn't where I was at, so we called it a night.
I would check in occasionally, but he was living in the wilderness with some chap called Double Click and going by the name Two Fingers by then, making atmospheric dubstep sounds. Although that partnership didn't last long, his new found atmospheric dubstep thing continued and we were moving in different circles by then.
He did pop up on the theme tune to Orphan Black a few years later with a dainty fairy tale inspired snippet of music, and I tried out a few of his newer offerings, but the Goddess Tatiana Maslany was on the scene by then, so we wasn't going to get a look in anymore!
Anyway, twenty odd years later and I get an email saying that the latest classic Ninja Tune album to be repressed with a fancy updated artwork and coloured vinyl is this; Permutation. (I picked up Out From Out Where on gold vinyl, last year) And I'm all giggly at the thought of rekindling a lost love, even more so when it's on deep purple, heavyweight vinyl and comes in a die-cut sleeve with posters and enhanced artwork by Openmind/DJ Food....
Until I found out it was only available in the US and it would cost me £80 to get it shipped over!
Maybe it was a sign? I didn't need to relive that part of my life to that extent and £80 is a lot of money to spend on a single record that I already have on CD and haven't listened to in years anyway.
And they do say that you should never go backwards to an old flame...
On the other hand, the standard black vinyl still comes with the artwork and die-cut sleeve and it wasn't eighty fucking notes! So I threw caution to the wind to see if there was still a spark between us and you know what? It's still there...
After all these years, he still makes me feel giddy when those gentle easy going jazz loops get darker and moodier and those drums come in and get chopped up and roll and the bass wobbles my balls!
I've listened to it start to finish three times in the last few days and it's like nothing has changed between us in all these years. The track list has been changed and there is a bonus tune on the end (which I knew but was never on his albums) which has made it the same, yet totally new and I'm all in love with the god damn Brazilian break charmer all over again... let's just hope he doesn't break my heart this time!
Permutation by Amon Tobin
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purplesurveys · 4 months
I have traveled to:
More than three states in the US
A place that starts with the letter L I mean yeah I guess. No famous countries or cities or anything like that but I've traveled to local provinces with cities starting with L.
An island I live in an archipelago.
A big city Sure! Manila, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore.
Anywhere in Africa
Japan I've been to Fukuoka.
A place where English is not the main language That would be Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, and Indonesia for me.
Anywhere in the southern hemisphere If I'm not mistaken, Indonesia ticks that box.
I Have Read:
Any of the Bible I had to read it every single day in Catholic school for nearly 15 years. I had to read the four Gospels, mainly, but I also had this brief phase in like 6th grade where I wanted to challenge myself to read the Bible in its entirety (I didn't get to accomplish it).
At least two Harry Potter books I read a good part of it but stopped by the blue book(?) because the plots were starting to feel a little repetitive.
The entire Twilight series I've done this, but I've done more rewatches of the entire movie series moreso than the book.
Animal Farm
A Dr. Seuss book I'm sure I did as a kid. My favorite Dr. Seuss memory though was watching the Cat in the Hat movie over and over.
Instructions to a piece of Ikea information
A warning label that made me laugh
A biography/autobiography This is my favorite genre.
Dante’s Inferno
A Chuck Palahniuk book
A newspaper in the last week
Something that made me cry
I Like to Eat:
Spam I like spam, but when it's part of spamsilog. Spam on its own is on the salty side so I like to have other flavors to balance it out.
Mexican food It's not the 1st or 5th cuisine I'd look for but I like it nonetheless. I only have certain favorites though, like burritos.
Brussell sprouts
Onions Especially when they come as fried onion bits in burgers.
Vegan food I love trying out vegan meals whenever I can! Not a lot of vegan offerings where I live to begin with, so it's something I explore when I get the chance.
Bacon I might be in the minority but I love my bacon on the non-crispy side.
New things I'm very adventurous when it comes to food and am open to trying pretty much anything as long as they aren't made with fruit.
Escargot Love snail. We have a local dish where we cook them in coconut milk and it's one of my favorites.
Hummus Hummus is great! I discovered it in high school when I was attending college entrance review classes, and I haven't looked back since lol.
Indian food My favorite cuisine.
Home cooking Home-style meals always feel like a warm hug, especially when it's Filipino food.
Fast food Not too much of it but I do indulge myself from time to time.
My Favorite Actors Include:
Mark Wahlberg
Morgan Freeman
James Franco
Leonardo DiCaprio His acting skills are undeniable but I'm just a little 50-50 on him these days due to his dating choices, and that makes it difficult to vouch for him fully.
Robert DeNiro
Samuel L. Jackson
Chris Hemsworth
Elijah Wood
Johnny Depp
Steve Buscemi
Robin Williams His performance in Good Will Hunting changed me. I still hold on to his delivery of "It's not your fault."
Jack Black
Channing Tatum
I Have Listened to These Bands:
Taylor Swift Only because I have no choice. She's everywhere.
Jay-Z The Watch the Throne album raised me throughout my middle school years.
Frank Sinatra
Pink Floyd
Fall Out Boy Folie A Deux is my favorite album of theirs.
No Doubt
The White Stripes
Skrillex LOL yes. Dubstep was crazy popular when I was in high school and I'm more than ready to admit I had a big Skrillex phase at the time.
Tenacious D I was obsessed with playing Rock Band when I was younger and the game I played had a Tenacious D track in it, so that's how I came to know the band.
Metallica I must've listened to For Whom the Bell Tolls a million times after Triple H came out to it during one of the past Wrestlemanias.
Britney Spears She was huge on radio from 2008-2011 and I lovedddddd all the singles that came out at the time.
Ke$ha If you told me to summarize 2009 in one word I would answer with Ke$ha. Sis blew up overnight and Tik Tok was playing everywhere.
The Beatles I tried to like them because everyone had been listening to them, but I couldn't find myself becoming a fan of the music.
I Have/Had These Pets:
Dog I had Kimi for 14 years, and currently I have a 4-year-old and 2-year-old in Cooper and Agi.
Cat My sister had Arlee for a few years, and I took care of her for a bit when Nina had to stay in her dorm for college.
Bird We owned a pair of lovebirds a little over a decade ago.
Guinea Pig
Fish Had several goldfish as a kid.
I Have Seen These Movies:
Fifth Element
Gone With the Wind I was introduced to classic Hollywood by an ex, and Gone with the Wind had been one of the first movies I got to watch. I owned the book and read the first few chapters, too, but ultimately never got to finish reading it.
Nightmare Before Christmas
High School Musical Pretty much took over my life in grade school. I had (and still have) the choreo to We're All In This Together memorized and I've lost count of the many birthday parties I was invited to that were High School Musical-themed.
Kickin’ It Old School
Casablanca I must've tried watching Casablanca more than ten times, but it always bored me.
White Men Can’t Jump
12 Years A Slave I've seen a few bits, but not the whole movie.
Saving Private Ryan
Mamma Mia!
Dark Shadows
Riding In Cars With Boys
If I Could Have A Super Power, I Would Choose:
Mind control Mostly for clients just so I can have things my way sometimes, lol.
Mind reading
Teleportation I'd love to have this, both so I can travel and so that I don't have to deal with the terrible traffic.
Invisibility Yeah, I mean as someone who hates being the center of attention and being seen in general, I could enjoy this.
X-Ray vision
Time traveling This would be my main superpower of choice.
I Am Scared of:
Open spaces
Small spaces
Needles No tattoos for me, ever. As much as I'd want them hahaha.
Michael Myers
Bugs They just freak me out. They have a lot of legs, some fly, some have that annoying buzz, they come in 47324723 different colors, you never know if it's going to sting you or bite you or fly straight to your ear... just no thanks.
Tiny holes
My Favorite Color Is:
Purple Borahae!
Pink I started liking pink in college, and I'm still here.
I Am Currently Wearing:
A t-shirt
A hoodie
A bra They're nipple tapes but I'm counting them.
Make-up I put on some BB cream, foundation, and concealer today since we had to head out for a bit of a get-together with extended family.
Deodorant I have it on daily.
Something with a superhero/symbol on it
Nail polish
I Would Describe My Best Friend As:
Intelligent She's both book smart and street smart.
Funny We share the same humor so naturally I find her funny, but even outside of that shared humor she tends to crack me up all the time.
Honest Yeah, I mean we're way past the age where we'd feel like giving white lies haha. We just tell each other it like it is at this point.
Reliable I wouldn't be friends with someone I can't find reliable...
Loyal ...Or loyal.
Adventurous Our trip to Thailand together was a shining example. She was always open to trying new things, new food, new spots, new plans...which I appreciated and was happy to ride alongwith.
Unique We all are.
Open-minded I wouldn't be able to be patient with, and much less be friends with, someone who prefers to be stuck in their own circle of thoughts and beliefs.
Well-read Hence her intelligence.
In the Last 24 Hours, I Have:
Drank alcohol I had a bottle of soju earlier.
Had sex
Eaten meat  I saw family earlier and we had a dinner spread that included Korean fried chicken, gimbap, and pork barbecue so there's that.
Danced in public
Went swimming
Changed my clothes more than once
Said something mean I didn't say anything that was mean but I was forced to deliver a few words to a younger cousin in a tone that was on the bitchy side because he was starting to get inebriated and I was starting to be unhappy with his tone.
Cleaned Yeah, I cleaned up my room earlier before we left because I wanted to come back to a room that was spotless.
Spent money on something pointless
Sang aloud I listened to Seventeen in the car with my sister and we were both singing along.
Met someone new
Played a game of some sort I have a game on my phone that I check in on at least once a day.
Things In the Room With Me Now Are:
A TV Which is also currently playing a YouTube video.
Another person
Something that belongs to a child
A pet
Food I have a cup of coffee...do we count that?
Bed And I'm SO excited to sleep in it later.
Art I do have a few art pieces in here, all made by my sister.
Clock not connected to a phone/computer
A mirror
Medicine I have a couple packs of Strepsils here if we're counting them.
Books Mostly books from my younger years since I haven't thrown any of them out, but I also have books I've owned in the last year or so.
Drugs or alcohol
The Last Person I Texted Is:
My significant other
Someone who sucks at spelling
A different race than me
A relative
Someone I don’t really like
Someone I went to high school with
My best friend
A person I work with Kind of. Not a workmate, but he's a work contact.
At home
In the room with me
Knows more than one language  Most Filipinos are at least bilingual.
Is female
Is under the age of 21
Someone I live with
I Am For:
Abortion Her body, her choice.
Death penalty
Gun control Can people just, like, not own guns at all lol. I'm from a country where gun ownership is uncommon so I just really don't understand the frenzy around them.
Gay marriage Should've been legal everywhere to begin with.
Prayer in school
War in the middle east
Marijuana legalization I admittedly need to do more research on this since it's not a big topic where I'm from, but I know it has its medicinal benefits that I wouldn't want to kept from those who can really be helped by it.
Banning cigarettes in public places
Higher taxes Especially for the rich.
Higher minimum wage Because everyone deserves a livable/sustainable wage.
Standardized testing
Lowering the legal age for drinking
I Have Committed These Crimes:
Smoking weed
Shooting heroin
Breaking & entering
Public intoxication
Hit & Run Once, when I had been driving for like only two weeks. It's not something I'm proud of.
Speeding I'm pretty sure I have but no one ever gets pulled over here for speeding lol.
Opening someone else’s mail without their permission
Vehicular manslaughter
Lying under oath
I Took These Classes In High School/College:
Home Ec Yeah this one mandatory all throughout grade school and high school. Wasn't the biggest fan of it and it showed in my grades lol, but at the time it was hard for me to care any less.
Physics I had to take it in senior year high school, then again in my freshman year of college.
Criminal Justice
Journalism That's my college major, so journalism and I definitely had our dance for four whole years. Realized the fieldwork wasn't for me so I went for journalism's closest cousin instead as a career – PR.
Creative Writing
Art I took an art history elective if it counts? One of the classes I enjoyed a little more than others.
Music Theory
Philosophy I had to take it for a couple of years in high school and HATEDDDDD IT. Also in freshman year of college, where I was so close to failing the class because I just could not grasp whatever the fuck concepts were being talked about. The one thing that saved my final grade was the actual finals of the class since it turned out to be objective.
Psychology I took a psych elective since psychology was one of my dream courses and I figured taking a bunch of psych electives can let me be immersed in their world, but my prof wasn't the best and it put me off from taking any further psych electives. I ended up taking a bunch of history ones instead.
What I Watch On TV:
Reality shows about celebrities I don't religiously follow any per se but this is for sure an unguilty pleasure. I'll watch the Kardashians from time to time.
Game shows
News Yes, especially if my dad's home since he likes having the evening news on over dinner.
Reruns of classic shows I watch Friends regularly on Netflix.
Award shows
Modern Family
Doctor Who
Singing competitions
Cooking shows
Traveling shows
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beautifult999 · 11 months
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dukeoftheblackstar · 11 months
house music maybe? dubbbb? dub? wub wubkzzt.
You see, the problem with me mainly is the fact that if you put my ears next to anything that goes wubwubwub wubkzzt and house, they merge into this erratic thump in my heart and I'm shit at separating them apart or even bothering to list them down because I get that thrill of checking my music history streams and get absolutely shocked of a new or old fine.
It's self-sabotage behavior, I know T_T.
But there are so many greats there that I just have no list for you. But I know Dillon Francis remixes are bitchin'. Then there's Remix Maniacs that does trap music and just absolute slays. So since I'm in a Star Wars hyperfixation, have a Boba Fett Remix.
Also, please don't judge me but I also listen to classic music AND classical music electro version when I'm so far gone into daydream ;//////////; wuwub dubstep is little for me but have you tried being an elctro babies?!
But like this tho >:
But here's some happiness your way:
ANYTHING ELO SLAPS ;///////////////;
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dingus-on-stardust · 1 year
Greetings y’all, it’s another sleepless night and I have another Music Rant!
On this edition, I’m going to take a bit of a turn from songs I’ve covered before. Mainly cause, I’ve been in the mood for metal! Call it edgy, but sometimes when I’m straight up not having a good time, it’s therapeutic to crank the volume to 100 and zone out to the chaos.
…though my ears would probably beg to differ (o_o”)
Anyways, here’s my recommendations to drown out the screaming in your head!
This song is among some of my favorites! The horns at the beginning, leading into that iconic build up dubstep is known for, and finally exploding with “TRY NOT TO HEAD BANG!”. It’s also a favorite because it’s a really good stress reliever personally, if I’m angry, upset, or generally feeling like shit, it’s a good song to mentally take my stress out on. The dubstep synths clash perfectly with the roaring guitars, it’s honestly amazing, please go take a listen!
I’ve actually discovered this entry rather recently! I fell in love instantly; the moment I heard this song I immediately followed the band on Spotify and added this to my playlists. In my opinion, Get Scared, or at least this song specifically, feels like old Set It Off with more metal elements sprinkled in. Its another song that feels low key therapeutic, but instead of being loud enough to drown out the screaming, the lyrics are fun to yell sing lol. If you want more punk rather than metal, take a listen!
“Don’t mind us we’re just spilling our guts! If that is love, I don’t want to be hanging by the neck!”
Finally, the last entry on this list is another certified banger. It’s more screamo than the other entires, but it’s still so good. Like “Vantablack”, it’s another good song to drown out the world, to block out everything for a few minutes. It’s a good song for those times when I’m really not having it, but I can’t show that I’m not having it, you know? Idk, I guess think about it like “brain angy, song angy, brain feel better” XD. Take a listen for yourself! I will warn though, it is more deathcore than the other songs, but don’t let that stop you!
“Sometimes the choices you make will define you. This is the curse of YŌKAI!”
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(ghostly-gyms) Number 13 from the ask meme.
"What's your favorite music vs. Your partner pokémon's favorite music?"
Oooh, that’s difficult. I tend to just idly listen to whatever, but what I go out of my way to listen too is like high energy music that either doesn’t have lyrics or they are in a different language. Reason for that is that I use music mainly as a background noise as to not get under stimulated, so lyrics normally just… get in the way? I dunno.
That’s enough about me, cause all my mons have different taste entirely! And all of them feel like my “partner” at the moment, plus I can’t choose
Ferro just likes old classical music- he seems super relaxed when I put it on, and will give me a stink eye if I turn it off
Bitey likes just hard rock- one time I woke up to him blasting some super loud electric guitar. Couldn’t sleep that night…
Razor doesn’t listen much, but has two songs he switches between- Be A Man and Eye of the Raikou. When they play, it’s the only time he doesn’t act so depressed and alone…
Fort like more like… pop songs, weirdly enough. Just this little spiked ball nodding along to like Hatsune Miku or something…
And finally, Sparks LOVES dubstep. Can’t say I blame the little guy, and it’s fun to see him move and stop on a dime to the beat of that stuff
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toxooz · 2 years
What are the gang's music tastes? For some reason, I feel like Abio would listen to Gorillaz lol
HONESTLY YEAH him and Ollie both pfffft Vinny mainly listens to the minecraft soundtrack or dubstep; Ponti ofc likes to look for the heaviest shit imaginable but he also likes some of the more tamer stuff like i prevail or nirvana all that; i think it's safe to say Remy Abby n Ollie have a death grip on most of the early 2000's rock music like Sum 41, bowling for soup, blink 182, good charlotte ,ect i think Ollie mainly ironically likes it tho pgffft but he also likes stuff like Oh Hiroshima and Ulvesang; Kari likes Snails House n that kinda genre; Oscar likes the weirdest shit ever like sea of dogs(§E▲ ▓F D▓G§) and other obscure vapor (??) type stuff or!!!! Passion Pit but yeah they have super special noise cancelling headphones that they gotta put on Vinny when Ponti gets passed the AUX chord either by chance or Ollie specifically giving it to Ponti bc its like 2am and he's getting droopy eyed at the wheel sksksks Ponti always tries to egg Ollie on to death growl bc s o n mans gotta deep ass growl and sometimes it works 👀 also 1 more misc. OC music fact i feel like Ponti and Kari skating together is just the personification of Baby Metal AHA
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blackcatinthevoid · 2 years
Well this a new one for me! My personal headcanons for our favorite boys. Their favorite songs and what type of music they love to listen to 😏 (playlists are spotify playlists)
This boy loves classical or country
He often listens to classical when he needs relaxing.
Leo lives in a household of people who hate country
When you shown him your favorite country song he immediately added it to his playlist
If your dating this guy be ready for some cute love songs in his playlist.
Of course Leo gets embarrassed if you find them
His favorite song has to be "This is how we roll" by Florida Georgia Line
He absolutely loves Metal and Rock
Basically any song that has a strong bass to it
Loves the music as loud as possible
When you introduce him to the bands Hollywood Undead and ICP (insane clown posse) he shown his excitement by playing all the songs as loud as possible
If your dating him, Raph would play the dirtiest songs in his playlist mainly to tease his brothers and to get a laugh out of you
His favorite is "Everywhere I go" by Hollywood Undead (a personal fav)
Techno, Dubstep, anime opening/endings, and vocaloid
He has sound proofed his room multiple times so he can listen to his music in peace
Donnie actually has a lofi station of anime openings he uses while works on projects.
Really enjoys when you suggest music to him and listens to it as well kinda a bonding moment for the two of you
Dating him involves you both humming or singing whatever he has on from his playlists
He has multiple playlists organized by genre.
His favorite songs has to be "Princess♂️" and "Mister Jewel Box" by TOPHAMHAT -KYO
He always listens to Pop or Rap
Listens to them as loud as possible all the time
Rap is hard for you to like but you have a few in your playlist
Which Mikey will look at all the time to see if you added something new for him to listen to
If your dating him it usually means Mikey desperately trying to get you to like his taste in music
His favorite song is actually one you shown him "Bakugou" by Kamil
Mikey doesn't even know its based off an anime character only you and Donnie does
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ravetaper · 3 years
Voyd / Svdden Death - EDC Las Vegas 2021 Live Set
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This is a 75-minue audio recording of Voyd (Svdden Death) at EDC Las Vegas 2021 live set, Saturday, October 23, 2021. The performance took place at the BassPod stage, and began at 12:30 AM the following morning.
Rave Tapes · VOYD (Svdden Death) Live at EDC Las Vegas 2021 [full set, stereo]
Ahhhh VOYD!
At a festival dominated by bright colors and happy imagery, Voyd offers a refreshing departure. Sure, it's bass music, but the vibe hits different. The tracks he plays are slower and ominous-sounding. His mask and outfit seem occult. But it's so much fun! It's like a guilty pleasure feeling as if one is participating in a dark ritual. It may be schtick, but it's wonderful nonetheless. And the music is 100% legit.
The first time I saw Svdden Death was at EDC 2019. I caught the tail end of his set and instantly regretted not getting there earlier and recording it. I knew right away that Svdden Death/Voyd/Danny Howland was something special.
When Svdden Death came to LA in February 20202, going to the show was a no-brainer. It was awesome! The first half of the show was more mainstream riddim and dubstep. The second half of the show was performed as VOYD. During the Voyd into, Howland was rigged in a harness and got lifted 15 feet into the air, appearing as if he was magically hovering over the decks! The crowd went insane! Listen to the set here: Svdden Death Live at the Hollywood Palladium 2020.
This set at EDC was ideal. It conveyed that eerie Voyd feeling while delivering ground-shaking beats. Of course, Howland looked the part, donned in the skull helmet and spiky jacket. The visuals were tamer than what I had seen before. I personally like the animated imagery of demonic warriors, devils and witchcraft. Visuals like that really fit the Svdden Death/Void persona. The visuals of this performance were mainly undulating patterns of red and black, accented with occasional blasts of pyrotechnic fire. At a stage shared by a dozen other performers, artists are limited in how much stage production they can control. Perfectly understandable, perfectly acceptable.
Several times during the set a small mosh pit opened to my left. I understand people’s desire to mosh, especially to this music. I get it. As long as the moshers stay respectful of the people outside the circle, it’s not a problem. But the nature of moshing is chaotic and it’s inevitable that some moshers get pushed hard into the crowd. I’m usually able to keep my mic upright and save the recording even with the moshing going on. Luckily, I got through this set without a major mishap.
I have to say the sound quality of this recording is flippin’ off the charts. Even I can’t believe I was able to capture sound this good. Yes, I did a little processing to clean up and boost the signal, but damn, the final product sounds amazing. All frequencies are heard, from the sub bass to the crispy highs. Stereo separation is correct. Props are owed to the Basspod crew for properly tuning the sound system for this set.
So enjoy the recording! It’s a doozy!
Listen to Svdden Death on Apple Music!
Follow Svdden Death on SoundCloud!
Listen to Svdden Death on Spotify!
Follow Svdden Death of Facebook!
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