#when some of my friends watched knb and i asked them what they thought about some teams
tenkasato · 9 months
Saw that you’re writing for knb! That’s so great!! Awesome Midorima pieces! Do you write for Takao? Some fluff or hurt/comfort? I’m having bad back aches recently so some pick-me-up would be very welcome. Thank you!! Hope you’re doing well!
You know what, besides Kuroko, I think Takao would also win the best boyfriend award. This cute, handsome bean is simply the sweetest.
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You've known Takao since your first day in Shutoku. He was a seatmate, the kid who wore a boyish grin that matched the warm glint in those raven-colored eyes.
"Hi, Takao Kazunari, at your service."
You were shy. He was friendly.
You enjoyed reading. He loved playing basketball.
You loved flowers. He gave you one every so often.
You were keen to the feelings he harbored for you though he never verbalized them outright. Uncertainty, with a little rough sprinkle of fear, littered over your heart—a thin layer of dust that kept you from reciprocating. Everyone told you to give it a try. Give him a chance.
It's not easy. Baring your heart out like that at a young age.
Even when you knew Takao to be a good person, through and through.
"You wanna just stay friends?" he asked one time, unknowingly pulling out the words from your knotted tongue. You inhaled sharply, giving him a side glance as you both continued to stroll on the pavement.
Takao had his arms folded, hands locked behind his neck in a relaxed posture. A soft smile quirked his lips, and if you hadn't hanged out with him often, you'd miss the very subtle melancholy in his otherwise carefree tone.
“What made you mention that now all of the sudden?” you tested the waters.
There was a brief pause from his side. You busied yourself by lightly pounding on your lower back with a closed fist. Your back has been killing you the past couple of days. Long hours seated in front of your desk with your nose buried into your notes always gave you back aches.
Normally you’d be annoyed with the bothersome discomfort, but now you're rather thankful for the distraction.
However, this doesn't go unnoticed by your friend.
“Does it hurt?” he asked, peering at your back.
“No,” you lied, putting your hands in front of you instead.
Takao made a low hum, before switching his glance ahead of him again. “Shin-chan made a comment this morning. He doesn't voice out his opinions most of the time, so hearing it from him meant something.”
“O-oh, is that so?” you stuttered, putting on a fake smile. You wished you looked amused rather than uneasy.
You felt panic boiling in your stomach. Palms clammy, you started to quicken your pace. It's not that you felt nothing for him. You liked him back, a lot. But relationships always terrified you.
“Hey, are you okay?”
His voice made you freeze on your tracks. It was only then when you realized that he's stopped walking, gawking at you as if you were an apparition.
“Takao-kun, I—I’m not so sure about…I’m,” you stammered, words clattering over like your thoughts, until you came up with a blatant lie: "My back's killing me…"
You felt his hand on your head. Biting your bottom lip, you raised your head to meet the knowing gaze you’ve always seen him wear. There was something about that smile, that infuriatingly cherubic smile, that made you want to reach out too and ruffle his hair.
“What are you, an old woman?" he laughed and dropped his hand and reached for his pocket. You watched him shift his balance, looking just a tiny bit of sheepish before he looked to you again.
“Listen, everyone probably knows I have had a huge crush on you since day one.”
You blinked rapidly, wanting to tear your eyes from his as he went on. How could he be so confident?
“But if you ask me, I’m perfectly content with just being friends. So forget what I said, forget that I told you of Shin-chan being uncharacteristically nosey. Forget it. Let’s just enjoy our time together, hm?”
You felt your shoulder relaxing at that. It almost felt like you’ve been released from a vice-like grip around your ribcage. Grateful, you find the smile slipping across your lips easier and more naturally.
“I agree.”
Takao takes in your smile, shrugging good-naturedly before dropping to one knee.
With a shock of surprise, you open your mouth to tell him off when he beats you to it. “Hop on."
“What?” you blushed, “No way! I can manage on my own. Stand up. Stand up. You look like a frog from behind.”
Takao bursted into laughter, the sound of it ringing pleasantly in your ears. “Like that lucky charm Shin-chan brought the other day?”
“Yeah, but much uglier.”
He threw you a scandalous gasp. “No one's ever called me ugly before!”
“I mean it, Takao-kun,” you groaned and pulled him up. Takao lets you, but keeps his arm linked to yours. You wanted to comment on it, but decided against it. You let him lead you ahead.
“Promise me, when you finally say ‘yes’ to me next time, you’ll let me pick you up and carry you. Sounds good?”
“And what makes you think I’d even say ‘yes’?” you challenge.
He makes a low whistle. You tug against his arm in retort.
“I’m a man who never gives up,” he chirps.
Thank you for waiting for this, anon! I know it's been so long. Please consider this as a Christmas gift ^^
113 notes · View notes
sxtvrns · 2 years
kiss witness
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🎶 now playing: old with you - grentperez
P: Tetsuya Kuroko x Fem!Reader
S: Your last year of junior high may have not been the smartest time to start going out with Tetsu. Puppy love was fragile with the transition into high school meaning potentially going separate ways, but the sport that brought you together in the past brings you closer after finding out your boyfriend is going to the same school as you.
W: fluff, knb spoilers, a tad bit rushed, goes over first bit of first season, bare minimum of basketball knowledge
N: Y/N is your first name, L/N is your last name. Words in quotation marks and italics are thoughts. I’ve only watched the first season so far but me and my friend have been screaming at every single competitive game. Giving the blueberry some love since he deserves it. I’ve been wanting to get this out of my drafts since the Suga blurb did so well.
please interact if you enjoy!
A tall man with red hair lingers at the basketball club recruitment table for a moment, writing something down before walking away. “Are you sure you don’t have any questions for them, Tetsu?” You ask, looking at your practically invisible boyfriend.
“No. I’d rather you do all the talking.” He says, dragging you along with him to the table. They don’t seem to notice him standing right beside you, their attention focused on you. “Hi! Are you looking to sign up for the basketball club?” The girl asks, an eager smile on her face. “I don’t think this school has a girl’s team... but I was just wondering if there were manager spots open.”
‘She’s so pretty… is she really a first year?’
She looks at you with a glimmer in her eyes, her clasping your hands together while jumping up and down. “Yes! Yes, absolutely– we could definitely use a manager. Do you have the sheet?” Her hands are practically begging to receive the document. “Riko, calm down…” The man seated beside her says, you taking the pen from the clipboard and writing down some extra details before giving her the paper.
You check for Kuroko’s sheet on the desk, him simply lingering behind you with a gentle grip on your wrist. “Thank you so much, we’ll see you at practice!” She exclaims, a dead giveaway that you made it onto the team.
“Yo, you forgot this club request.” Koga says, handing his coach the sheet. “Oh, sorry. Tetsuya Kuroko… huh?” Riko’s suddenly shaken by her team captain, him nearly crumpling your sheet. “What’s going on with you? Calm down, seriously!” She says, Hyuga completely ignoring her. “She’s– that girl is from Teiko!”
“Huh!?” Riko then looks back at the sheet she was holding in her hand, being left equally shocked. “This guy’s also from the Teiko basketball club! If they’re both first years, then they must be from the Generation of Miracles!” She suddenly slams her head down on the desk, wailing. “Ugh, why can’t I remember that golden egg’s face?”
“Tetsu, they didn’t even notice you. I know it’s a part of your whole thing and all, but sometimes it gets to me, how you’re always… ignored.” Both of you trail behind the tall, red headed man from earlier, Tetsu’s grip moving from your wrist to your hand. “It’s okay, Y/N. I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be fine. I like it when you’re the only one that sees me.”
“Aida!” You greet from the door, Tetsu holding onto your hand as you walk towards her. Given his lack of presence, he didn’t seem to be worried about keeping your relationship a secret. If something happens, it happens. If they find out about you two, then they find out. “L/N! Welcome! I’m so glad we have a manager this year; it’s gonna be so fun having another girl on the team!”
“Are you the coach? Or is there someone else?” You ask, looking around the mostly empty gym. “I’m the coach! Everyone thinks I’m the manager all the time…” She sighs, understanding why one would assume so. Aida is pulled aside by one of the boys, leaving you to observe the rest of the players.
“Y/N, where do I go?” Tetsu asks, also staring at the players. “Go with them. Line up.” He nods, letting go of your hand and going to join the players. He doesn’t say anything, mostly because he’s being ignored but even so, you felt a little bad.
“Hey, isn’t the manager cute?” Furihata whispers. “I think she’s in our year. She’s kinda sexy.” Kawahara replies, both of the boys being punched in the back of the heads by Hyuga. “Morons.” Aida introduces herself, her true position on the team coaxing gasps out of everyone. “Listen up!” She yells, attention being brought to you.
“Y/N L/N. I’m the basketball club manager this year.” You introduce, feeling awkward saying your own name. “L/N, is this your first year managing?” Someone asks, you shaking your head no. “I managed for Teiko in junior high. I’ve played a bit of basketball myself.”
Aida then takes the stage from there after gasps could lead to more questions, her first order a strange one that caught you off guard. Your eyes darted towards her and shifted between her and Tetsu repeatedly, realizing he never took his shirt off.
“Aida, you forgot someone.” Everyone seems to give you a confused look. “What? Who?” You point at Kuroko. It isn’t until he fully introduces himself that everyone finally notices, the fact that he was also part of the Generation of Miracles suddenly relevant. To your demise, no one seemed to believe him.
Practice was more of an introductory to the members and program, for there was no actual playing involved. You met with Tetsu outside the gym, his hand fitting with yours. It was a small but meaningful gesture and almost the only one that he did to express affection. “Y/N, are you okay with walking alone?” He says after his attention was suddenly brought to something else.
“I am, are you?”
He nods, giving you a hug before walking the opposite direction.
Sometimes you can’t tell what your boyfriend is thinking.
“A practice game? With the second years?” You ask, dribbling the game ball. “Just so they get a feel for who they’re playing with. I also wanna see how the first years do, so I can coach them better.” Aida explains, watching you dribble the basketball. “You said you played, right? Unfortunate we don’t have a girls team.”
You shrug. “I was good.” She cocks an eyebrow, now curious. “How good?” Her arms are crossed, her intense stare focused on you. You crouch, dribbling the ball in between your legs followed by a behind the back, approaching the net with solid dribbles, running under to make a reverse layup.
“I obviously can’t dunk, but…” You quickly run out to the three point line, the spin on your shot so perfect that it goes in swiftly, rolling back to you. “I was taught some things at Teiko.” Aida’s mouth hangs open, the sight of her frozen nearly scaring you. “You’re amazing! Why’d you quit?” She took the ball from you. “It wasn’t something I enjoyed. I don’t want my whole life to revolve around doing something that I didn’t want to do.”
“I can understand that.” She says, yelling at the boys that walked in to hurry up. Hyuga ruffles your hair out of nowhere. “We got a sharpshooter!” He goes to talk to the coach, Tetsu appearing beside you. “When will you teach me how to shoot?” His head rests on top of yours, making you giggle. “When you actually pay attention when I try to. You’re always spacing out.”
“I do not.”
“You know I read you better than anyone else. Yes, you do. Now go join your team. I’ll be with Aida.” You hand him a penny jersey, noticing him reluctantly walk away from you to linger behind the red haired boy, who you found out was Kagami, his presence not noticed by his team like usual. Even when the game started, it was like they couldn’t see Tetsu the entire time. Kagami took the lead the entire time, dunk after dunk.
It wasn’t until Tetsu actually said something for once that the first years finally noticed him. In fact, everyone finally noticed him when he was under fire from Kagami.
“Hey!” Your voice booms across the gym, your stare hard and cold at the tall boy. “Drop it.” You add, the first years suddenly freezing up and going back to the game. Aida’s eyes are wide at their instant submission, surprised at the power you seem to hold despite it being only the second practice.
You cheer after he finally pulled off his ghost touch pass for the first time, the trick being pulled off again and again there on. You changed the score with such enthusiasm, Aida had to remind you twice to do so. The takeback practically had your heart racing at the end, giving a gleeful double high five to Tetsu before taking the pennies back.
Aida saw both you and Kuroko out of the corner of her eye as she was putting away the small scoreboard, your head resting against his arm for a brief moment. She didn’t think anything of it, while the second year players thought otherwise.
Meanwhile Tetsu held your hand as you walked across the street, stating that he deserved a treat for winning the practice game today. It worked out since you were also hungry, having a small lunch today. He waited at a table booth while you ordered, his signature vanilla shake and a burger and fries for you.
You sat beside him, Tetsu talking about his classes that day while sipping on his drink to let you eat without interruptions. It was nice having something he didn’t share with others; Tetsu’s talkative side mostly reserved for situations when it was just you two. Otherwise, he was never this chatty with people.
Someone suddenly sits down in front of you, the amount of burgers on their tray making your eyes go wide. Only then you realize that it’s…
“Kagami?” His head perks up at the sound of his name, eyes on you first before he sees Kuroko beside you. He nearly chokes on his food, bewildered to see the two of you together. “Hello.” Kuroko greets, sipping on his drink. “Where’d you come from? What are you doing here?!” Kagami seems more surprised at the fact Kuroko was there, making you the invisible one.
“I was sitting here first. Me and my girlfriend stopped by to eat. I like this place’s vanilla shakes.” The sudden mention of the label makes your face heat up and hide your face in his shoulder. “Tetsu…” He looks at you, confused. “What? Are you not?” You really don’t feel like dumbing it down in front of Kagami. “I am, but it was so sudden.”
“Girlfriend?! You two are dating!?” Kuroko nods, taking a fry from you. “Hey, hands off. If you wanted fries, you should’ve told me.” He pouts, Kagami sighing. “Here.” He tosses Kuroko a burger while you check your phone, the time having you rush to grab your things.
“What’s wrong?” Tetsu asks, watching you scurry. “I really need to get home. I don’t want my mom to ground me. Are you gonna walk with Kagami?” You feel like a parent, asking who your boyfriend is with. “Maybe, but I can walk alone. Text me when you get home.” His hand glides over yours as you both say your goodbyes, Kagami there to witness the whole thing.
“I feel like I’m interrupting something.”
“You aren’t. What were you saying?”
The sliding door opens, the person you’re looking for happily sipping on a milk carton with her head in the clouds. Tetsu then strays from you, standing at the side of her desk. “I’d like an official club membership form.” He says with no greeting, Aida spitting her drink everywhere. You have to stifle a laugh to avoid her from flaming up at you.
“Geez, Kuroko, you came out of nowhere!” Aida wipes down her desk, noticing you standing by the door. “I was standing here the whole time.” She sighs, reaching into her bag and pulling out a sheet of paper, handing it to him. “I’ll only accept the forms Monday at 8:40 on the roof.” Kuroko nods, meeting you at the door. “Thank you.” He says before sliding the door shut.
An article posted outside the library catches your attention, Tetsu stopping beside you to read it. It was their debut in a tournament from last year, which displayed and wrote about Seirin’s excellency for a now school. “They’re good.” You say, mostly to yourself, hearing your boyfriend huff in response.
“Hey L/N.” Kagami greets, stopping to read the article as well. “He wasn’t kidding.” His eyes scanned over the article, eyes mostly drawn to the two images on the sides. “Yes, they’re strong.” Kuroko says, making him jump.
“What is wrong with you?! Stop coming out of nowhere!” Kagami seems to completely forget about your presence, only focusing on Tetsu when he shushes him and points at the sign for the library. He grabs his head, threatening to beat him up until you whack him in the gut. “Stop that.” You say, walking away with Tetsu while Kagami doesn’t seem to notice.
For as long as you’ve been hanging out with Tetsu, he’s been quite antsy waiting for Monday, mostly worried about forgetting the whole ordeal on the roof. He couldn’t forget with how much he was thinking about it. The whole thing being 5 minutes before the morning assembly was your only concern. You stood beside Aida on the roof, the first years lined up in front of her as she makes a motivational speech for them.
Frankly, you thought it was too early in the morning for this.
“Give me your year, class, name, and your goal for this term and announce it to the entire student body! If you fail to achieve them, you’ll come back up here, strip naked and confess your feelings for the girl you love.” That last part definitely caught you off guard, knowing Tetsu was either unwilling to be so bold or work his ass off in order to avoid the humiliation.
“I have a question.” Kuroko raises his hand, Aida giving him permission to speak. “Since I’m dating Y/N, do I have to comply with the punishments in front of her?” The coach’s eyes go wide while you’re left with a hot face, flustered, practically informing part of the team of your relationship with him. Kagami was simply surprised at his boldness while the other three were yelling in shock.
“You’re dating L/N!?”
“Since when?!”
Aida blew her whistle, the three shutting up and standing still. “I suppose… that works. It’s only fair.” Tetsu was calm and collected about everything, but this? How could he be so reserved when he just agreed to go nude in front of you if he wasn’t a good player?
Something felt off while the players yelled, the students staring up at the balcony rather than paying attention to the assembly. You moved from the rail to the side of the entrance where no one could see you, Aida letting you be since Tetsu was the last person to go.
He never went, those in sight being ridiculed by staff while you stayed hidden, holding in your laughs. You’d rather be yelled at by the coach than an actual teacher.
You met with Tetsu after school, him placing a hand on your shoulder before asking you something. “Again? Really? Fine, but you’re gonna be alone this time. I have to go home.” He sighs defeatedly, giving you a hug. “Text me.” You nod, going ahead while Tetsu walks into the diner.
You wonder if Tetsu was ever going to announce his goal publicly after receiving a text from him that reminded you of the whole ordeal. After running into Kagami on the way to class, you both enter the room to see students lined up against the windows, seemingly looking at something outside. You make room for yourself and the tall player and notice writing on the field outside.
We will be the best in Japan
You turn around and see Tetsu standing behind you, looking at you before saying, “I’ll do it for the school, for the team, and I’ll do it for you.” You try to say something, but to know you’re one of his motivations for such a difficult goal made you fall in love with him even more. You hugged him, making him jump a little bit before he hugged you back.
Luckily everybody was too focused on the field that nobody noticed you two, besides Kagami. He simply gave Kuroko a thumbs up.
“Ryō?” You mutter, noticing him sitting on the stage with a line of girls going out the door. You didn’t pay attention to the coach, the only important thing she was saying being a practice game against Kaijo High anyways. Tetsu would remember. You walk over, catching Kise’s attention. He says something to the girls that you can’t make out.
“Is that Y/N L/N? The former manager of Teiko Middle School Basketball Club?” He asks in an overdramatic tone, jumping down from the stage to meet you. “What are you doing here?” You ask, a pout appearing on Ryō’s face. “Wow, not even a hello to your older brother? We haven’t seen each other in ages! Where’s Kurokocchi?” His eyes eventually land on Tetsu. “It’s good to see you again.” Tetsu says.
“Brother?!” The team yells.
“No. Everyone called them ‘practical siblings’ in middle school since Y/N was always scolding him.” Kuroko explains.
“Good to see you, too,” Kise replies. “Going back to your informal greeting, Y/N-cchi, when I heard our next opponent was Seirin, I remembered you two went here, so I came by to say hello. And besides, the three of us got along best in middle school.” You scoff, hitting him in the side. “You sure about that?”
“You haven’t changed at all! Still so mean…” He fake cries.
“I’m staying that way.”
“‘Ryōta Kise. Though he started basketball his second year of middle school, his exceptional physical ability and sense got him on the Teiko team as a regular in a heartbeat.” Furihata says, the article having you feel sympathy for Tetsu. He never got his own personalized interview for that magazine, and every time it comes up, you can’t help but feel bad for your boyfriend.
You obviously care more than Tetsu does.
“That article exaggerated quite a bit, y’know? I’m glad to be called part of the Generation of Miracles but I’m the worst of the bunch.” Kise says. “You really are.” You joke, him shoving you. “Don’t make me feel worse about it than I already do!” He cries. You laugh at him, seeing the almost angry look on Kagami’s face, who stood at a distance.
You never really knew what was going on in Kagami’s head, so you assumed that he wasn’t really angry. If anything, that was his excited face.“Kise, get out of here, practice is still going on.” You nudge him repeatedly in the side. “Aw, why?” He drags out the ‘y’, pouting. “Do you not miss me? I wanna know what you’ve been up to!”
“I’ll talk to you at the game, okay? Just get out, you’re interrupting.” You shove him away from the team.
Aida begins to intervene. “Actually, we still have 5 minutes left–“
“Do you really want this idiot having full knowledge of our plays to inform his coach about?”
“Hey, I am not an idiot!”
Aida looks at you bickering with the Kaijo player before sighing, “Well, I guess we can cut it short for today–“ Suddenly, a ball is thrown at him, everyone turning to Kagami after seeing where it came from.
And the rest of practice consisted of you shoving Kise out of the gym after his little scrimmage against Kagami.
One of the things that was going on in the minds of the benched Kaijo players’ mind was:
‘Damn, Seirin’s manager is cute!’
Meanwhile you were thinking…
That was one hell of a block.
Kagami practically climbed into the air, pushing himself up with Tetsu’s head and blocking Kise’s three-pointer.
“Fast break!” Kagami shouts, prompting everyone on the court to turn around. Kise turns around quickly, not paying attention to his surroundings, his hand whacking Kuroko in the face.
“Te– Kuroko!”
He falls back, lucky to not have hit his head. You look at Aida, who’s attention is on the injured player. You try to run to him while she’s distracted, but grabs and holds you back from going onto the court. He gets up slowly, footsteps uneven with his eyes focused on the ground.
Kagami and Hyūga check up on him, everything supposedly going okay until Tetsu collapses onto the ground. Only then do you realize that he’s bleeding. You break free from Aida’s grasp, running over to pick him up, supporting him with one of his arms around your shoulders back to the bench.
“Y/N-cchi…!” Kise merely looks at the two of you, your backs facing him. “I didn’t mean for this to happen– I’m sorry.” Your head turns just enough for you to see him out of the corner of your eye. “Don’t apologize to me. If this ever happens again, I’m going to rip your piercings out of your ears.” You threaten, walking away. Kise knows that you joke around when you say things like that, but you sounded completely serious this time.
For once, he was intimidated by your unknown sarcasm.
Tetsu laid on a mat behind the bench, bandages wrapped around his head, a bit of dried blood here and there but nothing too drastic. For the rest of the second quarter and a bit of the third, you stayed by his side, holding his hand and keeping your ears open for anything important the coach had to say when the game was paused. Aida kept track of points, rebounds and assists for you while you tended to an unconscious Kuroko. After a bit, you feel a squeeze on your hand, noticing that Tetsu’s eyes opened a little bit.
He tries to get up, but you usher him to lay back down for a bit, noticing he’s visibly tired. “Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Do you need anything?” You ask him these questions knowing he may not have been in the best state to comprehend all of them. “Have you been sitting with me this whole time? You should be working.” He says, looking at the benched team members.
“I did help a bit during halftime. Aida let me stay with you, said she needed someone to watch over you.” A smile grows on your face knowing that he’s okay. You’re still concerned. “Are you still gonna play?” You ask. “Yes.”
Tetsu was a persistent person, so whatever he says he will or will not do is the thing that sticks through. But knowing he was going to play after getting hurt? It scared you. “I’ll be okay. If I get hurt again, you’ll be there to help me. Please don’t worry.” He sits up, his hands cupping your face. He pulls your face towards his, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
There’s too many things going on right now. Your heart is racing, your face is hot, you feel so giddy but also so surprised. That was the first time he ever… kissed your cheek. He didn’t care if anyone was looking. He didn’t even care if no one or everyone saw, he just did it.
“What’s the matter? Are you okay?” You’re left stunned while he looks at you confused. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine, I’m great!” You get up, brushing off your skirt and helping Tetsu up. He pats your head, walking over to Aida to let himself back into the game.
For the rest of the game, you can’t help but think of how gentle he was when he cupped your face. How his kiss was soft and sweet on your cheek, He might’ve noticed how warm your face was, but if he did, he would’ve called you out for it. Your hand rested on the cheek where he kissed you, spacing out continuously.
“Y/N! Kagami scored again!” Aida yells, prompting you to mark it down on the clipboard. “Geez, what’s gotten into you? First Kuroko, now you?” You giggle while your hand rests on your cheek again, Aida knocking you on the head so you could pay attention.
You’re thankful that she did, because you got to witness your team’s first win. Even if it was only a practice game.
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They worked hard for it. They deserved it.
You even witnessed Kise cry for the first time. Part of you feels bad for him, but the other part is glad karma has done its job. It may have been an accident, but it still pissed you off.
Quiet mutters come from the spectators up on the balconies.
You cry out a celebratory roar from the bench, Kagami following right after. The third years return Aida’s thumbs up, while she jumps after feeling a pair of arms wrap around her. “We did it! We won, Aida!” She has no idea how to react, resorting to resting her arm and patting you on the back.
Tetsu breathing heavily on the court catches your eye. Sweat drips from his forehead as he pants, but weirdly enough, he looked handsome.
After the winning declaration, you swear you’ve never seen Coach glow with such brightness before. She’s practically beaming. Tetsu sits down on the bench while you hold his towel, wiping the sweat off his face and checking his bandages. His face rests in your hand, while your eyes scan over the bandages. “We’re gonna go to the hospital after this. I don’t wanna risk anything.” He nods, leaning in to have his forehead touching yours.
You’re hiding the fact you’re freaking out very well since he isn’t saying anything.
“I’m going to kill Ryō.” You laugh. “Don’t do that. It’s not his fault.” You pull away first, getting up to get the sheet from the scorekeepers. Kise appears at the table as well, taking the other sheet. “Y/N-cchi, can I talk to you?” He asks. You don’t say anything but nod, following him out of the gym. Tetsu watches you walk off, unsure of how he should feel at the sight of the two of you together.
“You and Kurokocchi are going out? I never thought he’d really own up to it.” You freeze, having to run to catch up with Kise. “Wha– how did you know? What do you mean by that?” He scoffs, stopping at an outside faucet. “I don’t think a manager would run onto the court for any boy, like him or not.”
You don’t respond, your phone buzzing in your small bag. “How long?” Kise asks before turning the faucet on to splash his face. “Since January.”
Tetsu had been the one to make the first move. At first, you were worried about the opinions of other people; your parents, your friends, Satsuki. You slowly started to realize that he didn’t care what others thought. He liked you and confessed to you for a reason. He’s done things with you he wouldn’t dare to do with another person. It showed how much he trusted you, and your face goes warm every time you think about it.
“He never showed you off in middle school like he did in the game today.”
“Tetsu mostly kept it a secret from you guys. He was… wary around Satsuki. It was harder since I hung out with her a lot. Otherwise, he was open about it when all of you weren’t around.”
“So he’s been kissing you at school and I’m just never there to see it?”
A rush of heat grows onto your face, making you hit Kise in the stomach. “We have not! You are so ridiculous…” Your phone buzzes again, this time you check who it is. A bunch of texts from Tetsu appear on your screen, a few calls as well.
Where are you?
Please come back, we’re waiting for you
I miss you
Please hurry
Don’t ignore me
I know you’re holding your phone right now
Please pick up
I’m getting worried
Coach is getting frustrated
“He’s really hung up on you, huh? He’s liked you since October, y’know. He always came to me for advice or just to talk to me about you.” Kise laughs at the memory. “Really?”
“Yeah! He’d say, ‘Y/N is so pretty’ or, ‘Y/N looks really good today’. He said you looked good every day, actually.” Your brain goes into overdrive, the thought of being admired like that seeming unreal. “We should keep in touch! I’ll give you my number.” He holds his hand out, you tossing him your phone. “Make it quick.”
Kise punches in his phone number, handing you back your phone. “See you at the Inter-High!” He waves, watching you walk away. You meet up with the team, Tetsu welcoming you back with open arms. “What took you so long? Is everything alright?” He questions, holding your hand. “Ryō wanted to talk to me. He found out we were dating.”
Tetsu tenses up a little bit. “He didn’t… tell you anything, did he?”
‘He’d say, ‘Y/N is so pretty’ or, ‘Y/N looks really good today’. He said you looked good every day, actually.’
“Well… he may or may not have said one thing.”
Tetsu suddenly jerks, covering his face with his other hand. It’s one of the only times you’ve seen him embarrassed, but really, it makes you laugh. His face is a bit red and he refuses to make eye contact with you, avoiding your gaze.
“What did he tell you?”
“That you talked about me every day with him.”
“Oh, that’s not… I thought he told you something else.”
“Like what?” Tetsu doesn’t respond, simply walking along like he didn’t hear your question. “Tetsu, don’t ignore me, now I’m curious!” You shake him slightly, emitting a giggle from him. “You know that love note you got in your bag that you wouldn’t stop talking about?”
“The one I got the day before Christmas break?” He nods. “That was me. I wanted to be the one to tell you about it, not Kise.” That’s why he seemed a bit antsy earlier at the mention of Kise saying something. “I reread that note over and over again for a week trying to figure out who wrote it. I have it hung up in my room.”
“I know. I saw.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I figured I’d bring it up sometime, but I didn’t know how to say it.”
He pauses, feeling you lean against him. “Why didn’t you call me that when I got hit?” He asks, leaving you confused. “Call you what?”
“Tetsu.” He refers to the moment where you called his name, being held back by the coach from running onto the court. “Ryō only knew I called you by Tetsuya before we graduated. I think he would’ve caught on if I called you that. I tried to play it safe.”
“I guess I can understand why you did that. Kise’s one to gossip.”
“I’m sorry if it hurt you.”
“It’s okay. Knowing Kise, you did the right thing.”
“Momoi’s gonna freak when she finds out you two are a thing.”
“You aren’t going to tell her, are you?”
“No, no, I won’t. I’m sure she’ll find out on her own. Why?”
“Because I want to be the one to tell her.”
Kise freezes, surprised. ‘So bold!’
“Y-You’re really okay with her finding out?” He stutters, spinning the ball on his finger. “She knows I don’t like her back.” Kise drops his finger, catching the ball in his hand. “Well, yeah, but her and Y/N-cchi were best friends! Don’t you think she’ll feel a little hurt after knowing her best friend of her entire junior high career is going out with the guy she loves?”
Kuroko pauses, Kise passing the ball for him to catch. “Momoi needs to know. Y/N is my girlfriend, not her. She needs to accept that. Besides, Y/N’s changed. She’s tougher and isn’t afraid to confront others.”
“Hasn’t she always been like that?”
“She got into an argument with the captain and won. She’s broken through our coach’s shell multiple times. She made me run extra laps after conditioning.”
“Okay, I get your point. Still, you know Momoi. She doesn’t stop.” Kuroko shrugs. “You underestimate Y/N. If anything happens, I’ll intervene.” He says, a look only Kise could recognize on his face. “What’s wrong? You okay?” Kise hunches to look at Kuroko’s face, the doubt more visible.
“I’m fine.”
“Well, you don’t look fine. We’ll never see each other again after this, so might as well tell me now.” Kuroko sighs, embarrassed to look at his former teammate in the eye. “Is it too soon for me to make any moves on Y/N?” Kise cocks an eyebrow, catching the ball that Kuroko passed back to him. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve only been going out with Y/N for three months and I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable but… we haven’t kissed yet.” Kise nearly bursts into laughter at his worry. “I never thought that Kurokocchi would ever worry about kissing!” He giggles, getting up from the table he was sitting on. “I haven’t even gone out with anyone yet, now that I think about it. Geez, you’re one lucky guy.”
Was Kuroko’s kiss on your cheek so discreet that even Kise didn’t see it? Not even out of the corner of his eye?
“What should I do?” Kuroko asks, Kise trying to come up with a solution. “The guy always has to make the first move, remember that. You confessed to her first, so you should initiate it.”
“So do I just kiss her out of nowhere?”
“What– no! Let me finish!” Kise stutters. “You didn’t pressure her into forcing her to go out with you. She already liked you, right?” Kuroko nods, Kise going back to thinking again. “Well, I think you should… no, I know you should ask her first before you kiss her. You don’t want to pressure her into something she doesn’t want to do. If she’s ready to kiss you, then she’ll let you do it. Like how she was ready to be in a relationship with you.”
“I see.” Kuroko mutters. “If she says no, then you wait. Good boyfriends are willing to be patient. Don’t be greedy.” Kise plays around with the basketball in his hand, Kuroko’s eyes stuck on him the whole time. “You know, you give good relationship advice for someone who hasn’t had a girlfriend yet.”
“Why’d you have to say it like that?!”
“You idiot, why’d you disappear like that?” Kagami looms over Kuroko, Kise’s eyes wide.
“What are you looking at?” Kagami sneers, staring down Kise. “What is she doing?!” He panics. Kagami turns around, seeing you confronting a much older boy on the basketball court behind them. “Y/N! What’s wrong with you– get out of there!” Kagami yells to no avail, feeling a hand on his shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go help.” Kise pats him, guiding him towards the court.
“I didn’t even know you played! Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Kise wails, stretching after the win against those thugs. “Tetsu knows. I played club basketball; none of you would’ve known.” You answer, feeling Tetsu’s fingers intertwine with yours. “How come you stopped?”
“I started to hate it. It made me hate myself.” You confess, the air suddenly becoming awkward. “Sorry! You just asked, so I answered.” You laugh, embarrassed at killing the mood. “You would’ve gotten crushed playing alone. You’re lucky we were there.” Kagami scolds.
“I still think I could’ve done it on my own.” You shrug, feeling Tetsu let go of your hand. His arm then wraps around your shoulders, pulling you in a little bit. “Please be careful next time. You might’ve gotten hurt.” You blush, stuttering over your words. “Y-You’re one to talk! You ran off with Kise without even telling me!”
“Did I not text you?” You flip open your phone, showing him a message from earlier that day. He then takes out his own phone, showing that his message wasn’t delivered. “Tetsu…!” You hit him on the head, his other hand rubbing over the spot. He noticed Kise looking at the two of you, more specifically him, giving him a look and a thumbs up before being tackled by their coach on the spot.
The day before Seirin’s first preliminary match against Shinkyō, both you and Tetsu planned for him to come over to your house, since it was closer to the meeting spot the team had planned for the following day. He’d been working hard, balancing athletics and academics, managing to stay on top of both things with your help. Sometimes Kagami tagged along with the two of you, always worried he was third-wheeling.
This time, it was just you and him. You both got home after an evening outdoor court practice since Tetsu was so antsy, luckily you weren’t out for long. You looked over your notes, taking peeks over your book when you suddenly remembered that this was your own room.
Meaning there was only one bed.
Sure, Tetsu’s stayed over before, but you always insisted on sleeping on the floor since your relationship was just starting at the time and you didn’t wanna make it awkward. But now that you two were closer, you wondered if it would change.
“Tetsu, I can sleep on the floor again if you’d like.”
“No thanks. We can share.”
…Huh? Did he really just say that?
You two would be so close if you slept in your bed together, way too close, in fact. “Are you really okay with that?” You ask, making sure you’re fully awake by pinching yourself. He nods. “I am. Are you?” You break eye contact, trying to bury your face in your book. “I mean, as long as you’re okay with it…”
He gets up and turns on the lamp by your bed, turning off the main light and sitting down next to you. Meanwhile, you’re trying not to freak out being in such close proximity with him in your bed. You’re too busy freaking out that you don’t notice him taking your notes out of your hand and putting them on your desk. “We revised yesterday. We should be okay.”
“Oh, I know, I was just… I don’t know, looking over it.” You say, Tetsu getting back under the covers. “Is this too uncomfortable for you? I can sleep on the floor.” He seems to notice your distress by making that offer. “No, no, it’s okay! I just… haven’t shared a bed with anyone before, so this is kind of… new to me.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you or anything. I just figured since our previous sleepovers that this was okay.”
“It’s fine, Tetsu, really. I’ll just face the wall the entire night. I do kick in my sleep, though, just a warning.” He eyes you, his lips pursed shut for a moment. “Can I kiss you?”
“Eh…” Your face bursts into flames, flustered and shy at his sudden question. “WHAT?! Where did this come from…!?” You mutter, looking at your boyfriend’s completely monotone face. “I was told to ask you first in case you didn’t want to. Is this a no?”
“No,” you say repeatedly, panic imminent in your voice. “It was just so out of nowhere and so sudden and… I’m sorry for panicking but yes, you can kiss me but–“ Tetsu suddenly leans forward and presses his lips on yours, his hand then gently holding your jaw. Your eyes shut and so do his, your lips shifting and resting at a more comfortable position.
He pulls away, admiring every part of your face. “Is it too soon for this to happen?” He asks innocently, hand still resting on your jaw. “No. Why?” He leans in closer, your foreheads touching. “I want to do that again.” You smile, this time you initiate the kiss, planting your lips against his. This kiss was smoother, comfortable, his other hand holding you close to him as if you weren’t already close enough. Your lips glide awkwardly against his, but his follow every time you move.
Is this really what making out is?
You pull away after a few minutes, noticing the mix of disappointment and eagerness on Tetsu’s face. “We need to rest. You have a game tomorrow.” He pouts while you lean across him, turning off the lamp and laying back down. Your hands hold onto his arm while your head moves closer to his, resting on his shoulder.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Tetsu was full of surprises that night. Your heart begins to race at those three words, your face warming his shoulder. “Really? You mean it?” You feel him nod and turn his head, his chin resting atop of your head. “I understand if you aren’t ready to say it yet. I can wait.”
God, he was so patient with you, and that made you fall in love with him even more. “I love you too. Goodnight, Tetsu.” You feel him give you a peck on the top of your head, his arm wrapping around you and pulling you closer to him. He was so warm, his presence comforting, his hugs tight and secure, like he wanted the moment to last forever.
At the same time, he hoped the feeling of his own heart racing wouldn’t wake you up.
You waited in the change room labelled for your school while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. You both had left early in fear of arriving late, but the crosswalks were on your side today, and you got there way earlier than you should have.
You peeked out of the room every once in a while, none of the team outside making you panic. Until you remembered that you were supposed to meet up somewhere with all of them. You frantically turn around and pull out your phone, hearing Tetsu say your name.
“I texted Kagami already. He knows.” You let out a sigh of relief and walk over to Tetsu’s side of the room, sitting down next to him and letting your head fall on his shoulder. His hand ghosts over yours for a second before he finally holds it. “Shouldn’t you get changed?”
“We have time. I want to stay with you like this for a bit.” He says. You lean into his touch, drowning yourself in the sound of your own heartbeat. Your head turns, chin perked up on his shoulder to look at him. He notices, staring deep into your eyes like he could see the thoughts behind them.
“If you’re gonna kiss me, just do it.” You mutter with a smile, Tetsu taking the hint and leaning forward to kiss you. Your lips meet, the moment so sweet that you don’t hear the door open.
The sight of many bewildered second years appears out of the corner of your eye, prompting you to pull away and hide your face. “Hello.” Tetsu greets nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just have his lips on yours earlier. A symphony of shocked cries come from the second years.
“You two are dating?”
“Why did we not notice…!?”
“I thought it was obvious! Didn’t Aida tell you? Kagami?” They look at you, still stunned. “Any of the first years?” They all shake their heads, leaving you surprised at their cluelessness. “They hold hands all the time, idiots, you think that regular friends do that normally?” Kagami sneers at their obliviousness.
“To be honest, they never told us. I didn’t think Kuroko was the type to start dating so early.” Hyūga admits. “And Kagami…” He starts. “Learn to respect your upperclassmen, okay?” Kagami flinches at his captain, immediately going to claim a locker.
You kiss Tetsu on the forehead before getting up. “Get changed, okay? You got this.” Before you can leave, he grabs your wrist.
Kagami watches as his duo says something to you, making you rush out of the room.
“What did you say?” He asks.
“I’ll win this game for her.”
well, if i ever grow old… (old with you!)
i’m needin’ your hand to hold. (just us two!) 🎧
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evelhak · 7 months
Well, you asked for it ;)
2, 16, 22, 33, 39, 63, 71
I guess I did. I wish I could return some questions, though. ;)
2. How old are you?
I am sweet 30. And since that's a disappointingly short answer, let me reflect a bit. It's so weird, because before I really became active on tumblr again last year, it never would have even occurred to me that someone would question my presence in a fandom because I'm too old?? (Especially because 30 is still quite young as a human being, and culturally even younger than it was some time ago...) Maybe I just wasn't in the right places, but I honestly never saw it happen before, and all of a sudden I was witnessing and getting really unfair hate because... my brain is fully developed, and I've been around the sun more times than a teenager? Well, the way I see it, and this might not be what some KnB fandom teens want to hear, the characters are now the same age as me, or a year older, depending on how you look at it. Yes, they aged with me in my brain, and that's just as valid a take as pretending fictional characters are forever the age they are in canon. And by the way, you don't lose the right to reflect on your past as you get older, or to vibe with characters who are the age you were in that past and going through similar struggles. This should not be a threat to anyone, this should be a comforting thought. I know I'm preaching to the choir, writing this here, but it's almost every day that I see something that makes it relevant to keep saying these things.
16. Favourite movie?
This is always such a hard question. I have several, but since I have to pick one, let's go with The Railway Man this time. It's different to my other favourites because I've only seen it once, and I can't bring myself to watch it again, because the torture scenes are too much for me to handle. But I think about it constantly. It's based on the true story of a man who initially plans to hunt down his torturer from WWII, but is able to forgive him instead, and hear and understand his side of the war experiences, and his guilt. Not only do they accept each other's apologies, the two become life-long friends. This is by far the most cathartic movie I have ever seen in my life. I cried in my room for an hour after watching it. It simultaneously contains the worst and the best humanity is capable of, and that's what makes it so special, and I'm tearing up now just writing this. Especially because it's based on a true story, this movie is such a lighthouse to me, because it's proof that love and forgiveness and healing beyond comprehension do exist, and I'm not a fool to believe in it, no matter the circumstances.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
No, I don't think so, by any stretch of imagination. The closest would be me keeping my drunk friends from getting in trouble, by preventing them from picking a fight with a security guard.
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
A smoothie, an avocado toast, and (decaf) coffee (because caffeine gives me panic attacks). Yes, I am such a basic millennial.
39. Do you have any scars?
Yes, many, but most of them are very small. I don't have any interesting stories about them. Ran into something, got hit by something, surgery. Normal things.
63. Biggest Fear?
Losing everyone I love, or a slow and painful death. I don't want to engage my imagination there, but if you imagine the most painful thing that could happen to a human in general, emotionally and physically, for the love of god, don't tell me what it is, but that's probably my worst fear.
71. What makes you nervous?
Being observed closely while I'm doing something for the purpose of evaluation. Having to get something right on the first try. Performing anything physical for the first time. Those job interviews where you have to pretend your interviewers are your students, audience, or clients. Having to advocate for my personal needs, when they are in conflict with the interest of the other person and especially a group. Anything where I have to make sure I'm seen and heard.
Thanks, this was both fun and emotional to reflect on. ♥︎
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
OUR MANIFESTATIONS ON TOP!!! Ok next tabieitaken comeback guys!!!!!!! Karasu Otoya LN!!!!! I die a little inside everytime I have to open Reddit…..but it is what it is!!!
Also I’m giggling the wc difference between Isagi and everyone else is so funny like you look at fwtkac and look back at the Isagi fics LMAOOO I will say though that I do remember reading them and they didn’t feel short at all?? Like somehow you managed to write it really well so I hadn’t felt it was too short or lacking anything when I read (truly quality over quantity in this case LOL)
Imagine non-sleep deprived ego who maybe also had less of a lanky build due to muscle usage….and maybe a different haircut that isn’t that fuckass bowl cut LMAO I’m crying ok no I’m sure there’s some ego fans….just gotta look….ive seen some “hear me out” posts on tiktok about him before we just have to establish ego nation first and then we can flee the nation once we rope enough people in!!! LMAO ugh the idea is fire though…maybe someday LOL
The gateway characters in bllk go crazyyy like tell me why my faves have evolved sm….ok i guess it’s more like a shifting in ranking though because it’s not like I ever stop liking a character to an extreme degree!! It’s just that they get lightly nudged out of the way….you know maybe the recent freak kid Rin moment will open people’s eyes to canon loser Rin like…..how much more evidence do you guys need….
No because I think I need to be recalibrated in the past whenever I saw even like 5k I knew I was in for a treat or honestly anything in the thousands??? Then I look at your masterlist and I’m like I struck gold guys…..then I go back and lurk the tags and I’m like I’ve been brought back to the reality of non-Mira writers LMAOO I mean nothing wrong with shorter works I just personally prefer getting a little more invested in a work so……(maybe it’s a symptom of being a chatter talk a lot and consume a lot LOL)
Honestly the reason I put off watching it for so long was because I thought it was too tame LMAOOO and I mean. Well. I was kinda right HAHAAH it’s by no means awful but it’s really just……normal sports….and there’s like….not much drama or anything? So it’s good if you really want something on the more chill side because it truly is teamwork makes the dream work over there LMAO And all the jokes I see about oikawa being a villain…i really don’t see it LMAO maybe it’s because I’m desensitized by bllk and everything else but he just acts like your average teenage boy?? So……..well I’m VERY grateful to that one mutual HAHAHA I would ask you which fanart but something tells me it might be buried somewhere in your reblogs LOL
Also speaking of I forgot to mention earlier but I know a lot of people are put off by bllk specifically because it’s soccer….? Maybe because players get a bad rep or something but they’ll also be like “oh but I don’t really play/follow soccer” and I’m like do I look like I do either?? LMAO but the same people have also watched like haikyuu and KnB and they don’t play either sport so I’m like huh?? I think soccer just has a worse rep?? Like guys um I’m not watching for the soccer exactly!!
NO NO NOT AT ALL!! I didn’t get that feeling at all it’s honestly no trouble!! On that note if you ever do want anything translated feel free to send it over in a reply!! Or you can also just make a post and idk just put Karasu anon in all caps and I’m sure I’ll see it when I go to scroll through our convo HAHAHA translator at your service o7 I seriously don’t mind and it’s pretty fun for me too! I’ll usually have friends send posts or content my way too and I kinda just auto translate because usually it means they found something funny or interesting like a reel or meme and by reflex I just kinda translate to give more context so we can laugh more LOL so all good!!
I was also about to say thank god it wasn’t freaky but I mean the otoya part was a little uh…..er…yeah LMAO
Unrelated but I hope all these asks aren’t disturbing your work process HAHAHA I wonder how many words our entire convo is combined
-Karasu anon
NO ONE IS MANIFESTING LIKE US…convinced kaneshiro is one of my followers or lurks on this blog or smth we have been SO accurate in our hopes/theories/predictions it’s uncanny!! down to yukimiya playing mario kart in his light novel (that was insane icl like WHAT are the odds)…YES tabieita + kurona ln next!! reddit is truly one of the sites of all time LMAOAO like the people on there are either renowned experts in their fields or absolute idiots and they speak with the same confidence so you never know which is which
LMAOOO IT’S SO EMBARRASSING to be fair i think part of it is the nature of the requests?? like for isagi the two reqs i got for him were handholding and listening to music together which gave me very polaroid snapshot in time vibes hence the short and sweet nature of the fics whereas fwtkac and seabird which are the longest event works were more tropes (slowly falling in love and academic rivals to lovers) it was easier to create full storylines out of them 🤔 like i think if someone asked for (just as an example) being childhood best friends with isagi i could work it into smth longer but it didn’t really feel necessary for those reqs hence the shorter wc!! omg but i will say the ending part of the listening to music isagi req where it’s revealed that bachira chigiri and nagi were spying on them was so fun to write…also lowkey that reminds me i’ve never gotten a chigiri or bachira req?? i feel like they’re both such popular characters so that’s kinda odd…same w reo actually SDKLJGHSLK do people just sense my obscure character vibes?? why have i gotten reqs for hiori before any of the three i just mentioned 😭 no complaints ofc i just noticed that and found it funny
HEAR ME OUT THOUGH he probably just looks like shit because he canonically doesn’t take care of himself anymore as retribution for how meticulous he used to be which means he was probably a baddie back in the day!! omg that would be so funny we build egonation brick by brick and then leave once it’s flourishing!! maybe one day when the to-write list has lessened i will return to this random ego idea that we came up with as a joke
THERE’S ALWAYS GATEWAY CHARACTERS AND I NEVER STICK WITH THEM except jjk i’ve stayed pretty loyal to megumi!! except for my brief (208k word) yuta interlude 😩 but with aot i started for levi and ended up liking eren…yona of the dawn i started for hak and ended up liking shin-ah…bllk it was rin and now it’s nagi/karasu…there’s so many examples of this HAHA mostly because it generally takes a fire edit or two of a rlly hot character to convince me to watch smth
PLS the mira-verse will always be lengthy…i agree i am a long fic enjoyer which is why that’s also what i tend to write!! i haven’t posted smth in a while though i’m sorry for the drought but i (hope) karasu bfb will be worth it!! at least it will be long…i am attempting to shorten things and move them along because the projected word count atm is insane (no spoilers but like…it’s genuinely crazy)
yes i agree hq just seems very slice of life normal to me which i enjoy ever now and again for sure but usually more in a shoujo setting…if i wanted to see a bunch of teenage boys hanging out i’d just stay downstairs when my brother has friends over 😭 HAHAH oikawa villain posts are so funny i think part of the joke is that he’s actually so normal but for some reason everyone hated him for a while because he was like the closest that hq had to an antagonist ig?? idrk i’m not into the hq lore like that obv
OKAY so i was mistaken it was an icon set not a fanart!! but this is the original post…my tags on it are cracking me up because wow past mira had no idea what was coming her way 😭 and YES so grateful to her for putting me on!! also re: people not wanting to watch it because soccer i do think there’s a HUGE section of bllk fans that think you should only watch it if you’re into/understand/play soccer and get SO pressed when people just watch for fun and with no soccer knowledge…god forbid you find a character hot or ship two of them together it makes these people CRASH OUT so maybe ppl just encounter that side of the fan base and get scared off?? which is a shame…also soccer fans irl are insane a lot of the time so ig it makes sense
YAYYY i will keep that in mind then!! your translations are very appreciated on this blog 💖 and LMAOOO otoya was a bit freaky but realistically he himself is a bit freaky every now and again so it’s okay ig…HAHA our chatter x chatter chemical reaction is peak GET US IN BLLK FR and no i wouldn’t say it disturbs me too much!! it’s one of those things where if i’m able to be distracted by one of your asks then something else would’ve distracted me versus if i’m in the zone nothing’s pulling me out of it 😛 unfortunately today i finally had time and motivation to write so i was SO prepared but unfortunate an irl male friend of mine invited me to have dinner with him tmrw and i said yes believing there were bestie vibes but alas the vibes are not seeming so bestie anymore so i have spent my writing time doing as much damage control as possible without outright rejecting him because that’s awkward 😐 does bro not realize i’m already loyal to my fictional soccer freak boyfriends who have are mere lines on the screen 🙄 like please…leave me alone…this is why i don’t even make friends w guys anymore i don’t think i’ve ever had a single male friendship which has not been ended because they asked me out 😔 truly a shame but that is the way of things i suppose
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Hello! If the ask box it's open may I request hcs for Kuroko, Akashi, Kise and Takao with a male s/o that does parkour and its really good at it?
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⇢kuroko, akashi, kise, takao
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this boy got no presence and his boyfriend makes up for it
it's not that you gather attention from your parkour since you're not one of those insane youtubers
kuroko didn't even know that you actually do parkour
he just sees you doing stuff while showing off your flexibility and thought: hm, that's actually kinda cool
he saw you jump over a fence once or twice but thought that was normal because he hangs out with aomine and kagami lmao
so he thinks his boyfriend is just kinda flexible and can jump and stuff but he never expected to see your skill for parkour as he did
you were being chased by a dog
the both of you were supposed to go on a date a he was a little earlier that the time you agreed on so as he was waiting for you, he did not expect you to be doing literal parkour as a desperate attempt of getting rid of the dog that's chasing you
my boy literally saw every single skill you had unravel right in front of him
the dog eventually left you alone when you were hanging on a lamp post for a minute or two
kuroko was just watching from a distance pls-
walked over to you while you were still hanging, wondering how you're gonna go down
you did it with ease
he was impressed just as he was concerned
asks if you're okay and tired after all the stuff he saw you do
you were literally jumping and flipping and running lmao-
after reassuring him that you're fine and you do those kinda stuff all the time, he's just awed
ever since then, the both of you would just go to the back of the school when you eat your lunch instead of the classroom because you get to practice your parkour in that kind of space
you wanted to teach him just so that you could run around together but it's tetsuya y'all
he fell
a lot
you actually felt kinda sorry after that
you also felt kinda bad for chuckling
and when he went to practice with little bruises and some band-aids and gauze, his team was definitely concerned
boy just outrightly said he was trying to do parkour with you
kagami was like: holy shit, what? parkour?? you??? your boyfriend????
introduced you to kagami when he met you after practice so you both could walk home together
you were betting with the two of them that you could jump over the wall by the school gates
in which tetsuya won the bet considering that he knows you could do it
he already knew even if you haven't said anything about parkour yet
you just had that vibe around you
and he's not gonna pry you just to confirm his thoughts. he respects you, of course
he sees you do long jumps from time to time just for the sake of it
like jumping from bench over bench even if they're seven feet apart
he just smiles as you do it, thinking: my boyfriend's too cute
it was during basketball practice that he actually saw you doing some serious parkour
the team was having a break and hayama wanted to mess around
you were just talking to him when you said, "try throwing basketballs at me like dodgeball"
it was just some plays and giggles and akashi watching the both of you, truly wanting to stop the pure idiocy that's happening in front of him but he just knows you're both gonna whine if he tells you to stop
but then you got worried that your friend might get tired so you were like, "hey wanna see something cool?"
in which he nodded and akashi was intrigued
you look at your boyfriend and smile
"this one's for you, babe!"
and ran towards the wall, climbed the railing to the second floor and did a flip back down
"oh my god, i actually did it."
and you were acting all smug on his team while akashi said, "that's amazing, love" while smiling
it shut you up just because you were so flustered
he'd watch you whenever you were doing some random stunts while walking back home
when you do spontaneous visits on his house, you would not hesitate surprising him from his bedroom window
and you would just climb back down
you even taught him ways to escape his house without anyone knowing lmao
he doesn't do parkour but he would climb in and out of windows to escape long after that
pretty boy model boyfriend and cool boyfriend who can jump around and climb and walks in through the window in the first meeting?
i see this as an instant best friends to lovers kind of relationship
you were running late so you thought it would be a good idea to just go through the window so that you would not meet your teacher if ever you ran through the building
kise was just amazed and thought: oh my god he's cool
he kept giving you little subtle glances that day and asked if he could have lunch with you
you gave him a grin and agreed, actually a little surprised that he'd even wanna hang out with you
him, kise ryota, one of the generation of miracles, a model who's obviously popular with girls
he kept rambling about how cool your parkour thing was and asked how do you do it
that's how you became friends which eventually ended up with him asking you out after three months
he discovered his sexuality you
the both of you would go around on dates where you could freely show off to him
whenever you learn a new stunt, he would look at you with excitement like: really?!
he wanted to learn them with you because they just seemed so fun
my boy was wondering how he did not think of parkour when he was so bored with everything during middle school
when he asked you to teach him, that's when he realized just how skilled you are
when he finishes accurately copying what you did, you just perform more and more difficult moves and oh my god he's so in love with you
pretty much looks at you with heart eyes that sometimes when it's his turn to do what you just did, he's just like: wait, what am i gonna do again?
after being pretty good again, the both of you would just be laughing around doing flips and showing off to each other
oh my god
he's gonna flip his shit when he finds out
as a couple, you're the type who likes being a menace to everyone else
you'd make out right in front of his team just because the both of you thinks their reactions are hilarious
immediately pulls away to laugh whenever someone gags
so imagine what happens when he finds out you're hella good at parkour
it was just a normal day, really
you're both on a cafe that just recently opened and you two just wanted to eat cakes and parfaits like the two handsome teenage boys you are
because, hell, you don't need a girlfriend to come inside a cutesy cafe
this is tokyo
you were just chewing on your cake and looked at the window and the fences on the sidewalk caught your attention
your eyes pretty much sparkled
"babe, kazu, love of my life."
"yes, my cute, sweet, little blueberry?"
"don't talk to your food, love, i'm literally right here."
"yes, sir~" he smoothly agrees, eating a banana from his parfait
"let's make a bet"
"oh? what bet?"
you grin. "when we come out of the store, the person who gets to walk the longest on the fence over there gets a prize."
he agreed. of course, he'd agree. he's an athlete he can do this lol.
lol indeed
he lost his balance after six steps and you were calmly walking and turned around to do a back flip as you get off the fence
he chuckles and says, "oh my god, babe, you can do a back flip?"
you blinked
he didn't know?
after that, you continued to show him some of the tricks you've learned and he watches you practice the one's you're currently trying to learn
to his team, whenever you're not around, he'd just be like, "hey! did you guys know? my boyfriend is actually really good at parkour!"
begged for you to teach him in which you were a little concerned because what if he hurts himself and can't play basketball anymore
you caved but only the basic tricks at first
but then for phys ed everyone was doing obstacle courses and he just saw you being an absolute god
everyone could tell that you're definitely getting a perfect score just from the first 10 seconds
you also saw your boyfriend being really good at it and thought it would be really fun if you both could actually do crazy stuff with parkour
so you taught him lots of what you can do and you're both even more of a menace now
acquired skill: finding ways to jump over his teammate's head
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Hiii! I don't know if your requests are open. But i would still like to request one. I would a knb one where the gom+kagami gfs wore a skirt(which shrunk during washing and had no choice but to wear it) and every time they bent, their patience are tested until they couldn't take it anymore. Their s/o completed obvious to the attention they are getting from others.
GOM Boys + Kagami and Short Skirt Reader (f!reader)
“[Y/N]-chan, lets go in here.” You pause in your walk with Akashi around town, spending the lovely outside, in front of a pose looking clothing store.
“Here? Why?”
“I thought you might like to buy something in here.” He replied with a soft smile.
“Oh...Akashi-kun...I don’t know. It looks awfully expensive.”
“It’s my treat.” He countered. The corners of his soft smile becoming strained. “I’ll get you anything you want.”
“I appreciate it Akashi-kun, but I couldn’t let you do that. Spending money on me like that would make me feel uncomfortable.”
“[Y/N] please.” Now not only were the corners of his mouth strained, but his voice as well. “I’m trying to put this as delicately as possible but, you’re skirt is too short.” You blink at Akashi. Not expecting that, nor did you really think your skirt was that short. Sure you’d had it since middle school but... “It’s incredibly distracting, and not just for me.” His mouth scrunched in an unflattering frown before it softened again. Those beautiful crimson eyes darting to the left, sending a pack of boys running off. “So please, let me buy you a new skirt or outfit. You look beautiful in anything, so you don’t need a short skirt like that to get my attention.”
That hadn’t been your intention in wearing the skirt today and you blush. “Well....ok.” It was always really hard to argue with him.
Akashi bought you a new outfit in the store; you dare not look at the price tags. You continue on your date hand in hand. Your skirt you had thrown in the shopping bag after changing mysteriously vanishing when you got home.
The bell for second period ending chimed, and was soon drowned out by the sound of students shuffling through the halls. You were about to join them to your next class when Ryo asked if you’d seen Aomine. He wasn’t in class, apparently, and he took it upon himself to collect his teammate’s assignments to pass them on to him.
Such a nice guy.
You look towards the window, where the sun was shinning brightly, and sighed. “I’ll give them to him.” You knew exactly where he was.
Climbing the stairs to the roof, you of course find Aomine there. Stretched out like a cat in the warm sun, dozing the day away in the fresh air. 
“Honestly Aomine, you couldn’t even make it to second period?”
The tall, tan basketball star opened his eyes slowly from his cat nap and grinned at you. "What up with your skirt?”
Your cheeks turn red and you tried to futilely pull the front down. “I-I-It shrunk in the wash! The school was supposed to get me a new one but they didn’t have my size!”
“Nah. Keep it. I like this one much better.” His grin grew wider. “Did you wear those blue panties just for me today? Since it’s my favorite color?”
Your blush deepened and your growled at your boyfriend. You swing your arm to swat at his propped up knee but he caught your wrist and pulled you down. Forcing you to fall haphazardly on top of him; just like he planned.
“A-Aomine! Q-Quit it!”
“Nope. No can do.” He replied. His hand on your thigh. “I held out as long as I could. You can’t expect me not to react when you wear your battle panties in front of me.”
Needless to say, neither of you made it to third period.
Another lively afternoon at Serin basketball practice. You were sitting on the bleachers, watching your friends and boyfriend, play 2-on-2 games around the court for training. You would cheer Kagami and some of the others on. Doing your part to motivate the team as your way to show support.
Riko finally blew her whistle to call for a break and the team let out a collective sigh of relief.
“H-H-Here!” You look put at Kagami when he came up to you, cheeks flushed, holding out his warm up jacket. “Put it on!”
“I...uh..thanks Kagami-kun. But I’m not cold.” You assume that why he gave it to you.
“It’s not that! Just put it on! Don’t worry. It’s not dirty or anything.”
“Um...ok. But why?” 
“Don’t worry about it!” He snapped. “Just put it on!”
You frown and grumble a little, before you demand, “no. Not until you tell me why.”
Kagami grumbled himself and looked away. “....your skirt....” He said it so quietly that you have to give a little ‘hn?’ and he repeated, “your skirt. It keeps riding up when you cheer. I can’t practice right.....”
You blink in confusion, then blush. You hadn’t thought about your skirt coming up when you cheered. Now you felt embarrassed.
You took his jacket and put it on. Obviously swimming in it with your boyfriend’s large frame, which was good for once because it fell past your skirt for coverage. “Is this better Kagami-kun?”
The red head’s eyes went a little wide, and his cheeks darked to almost the shade of his hair. “N-N-No!” He exclaimed, taking you by surprise, before he looked away and scratched his head. “Now you look even cuter......”
“It was so nice of manager-san to give me this skirt. I can’t believe I own something from a designer now!”
Kise grumbled beside you as you left his photoshoot. His hand attached to yours squeezing it tighter as you walked. “Kise-kun? Is something wrong?”
The blonde seemed to realize that he was frowning, and quickly bounced back to his jovial self. “What? Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong [Y/N]-cchi. Just tired I guess.” You give a suspicious hum at Kise. Knowing that when he did 180s like this that something really was wrong.
“Kise, you know you can tell me anything. If something wrong, just tell me.”
“It’s....your skirt.” He finally confessed. Looking slightly to the left, away from you. “I’m all for fashion, and it was really nice of manager-san to give it to you, but....it’s too short. And I didn’t want to say anything because I sound like a cranky old man, but it’s true! [Y/N]-cchi’s perfect legs are only for me! I don’t want anyone else to see them!”
You snicker at Kise’s outburst. He could really be so silly sometimes.
“If you didn’t want me to wear it, then why didn’t you say anything.”
“I didn’t want to insult manager-san.” He told you. “He’s helped a lot with my career. And he really was being so nice to you. Plus, green is not my color.” Meaning he was jealous.
You giggle again and lean up to give him a kiss. “Lets head back to my place then and I’ll take it off. I’ll put on something more ‘appropriate’ for you.”
“Or....maybe don’t.” His hand squeezed yours again, only this time his face held on to a bright grin when he looked at you.
“We’ll see.”
You fiddle with the charm on your phone as you head down the street, leaving your apartment to go meet Kuroko.
He was supposed to meet you at your house, but when you didn't see him outside you just assumed that he got mixed up and went to the bookstore you had been planning to go to instead. Boys could be so spacey sometimes.
"Short," you jump a little at the sound behind you, seeing Kuroko there. "Your skirt is short."
"K-Kuroko-kun! Don't scare me like that! Wait....what?" It took you a minute to process what Kuroko was saying, being startled like that. "My skirt is too short?"
"Yes." Kuroko replied in his normal, soft tone, with a little nod. "It's too short."
You grumble a little and stamp your foot. "Who are you to tell me my skirt is too short??"
"No one I guess. But, I'm your boyfriend." He said. As if you needed to be reminded. "And I don't like other people staring at you, [Y/N]-kun." You blink once back at him. You hadn't noticed anyone staring. Nor had you noticed the slight tightening in Kuroko's fist until now. "It's why I've been following behind you for a while now. To keep your butt safe."
You let out a startled squeal and swat Kuroko in the arm as your cheeks turn red. "D-Don't say stuff like that!" You scold while he rubbed his arm. But...maybe he was right. Maybe it was too short. "Fine. Follow me home and I'll go change."
"Right behind you." Kuroko said with a smirk as he came along.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!’ You repeated over and over in your mind as you sprinted in a mad dash towards school.
You alarm hadn’t gone off, and it was honestly a miracle you had woken up even remotely close to the time with just enough time to make it out the door in a panic. If you some how made it to school on time you would never forget to set your alarm again!!
Cresting the hill, you see the gates to the school coming into view. And, more importantly, Midorima standing there. He was always on time, so he must have been waiting for you. Your heart swelled at the thought of it, and it gave you the extra boost to run fast towards him.
“Don’t shout. In any case why are you so -- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!?!”
You come to an abrupt halt in front of your boyfriend. Not expecting that response when you got close to him. “W-What? My uniform?”
“That’s not your uniform! That skirt is too short!”
You look down and turn about as red as Midorima was as you realize the skirt you had pulled out of your closet was your middle school uniform skirt. Not your high school one. They looked close enough in color you hadn’t noticed, and thought the ‘breeze’ was from you running. Could this day get any worse!!
There was movement out of the corner of your eye and you look up from your moping to see a field of green being offered to you. “The Oha Asa is never wrong.”
“M-Midorima-kun.....” You feel like you’re about to cry as you take the scarf and wrap it around your waist. This would do, for now. At least until you could get to your gym locker after first period.
“Let’s go. We’ll be late for class.”
You smile at Midorima and fall in beside him as you head to class. Spirts lifted. Maybe you should listen to the Oha Asa more too.
"What is the process called when an animal reproduces with itself? Is it A) Biomorphic reproduction? B) Symbiotic reproduction? Or C) Asexual reproduction? ....Mura-kun....? Mura-kun? Are you even listening to me?!"
"Ccccccaaaannnn'ttt...." Murasakibara whined from his place across from you at the table. Looking rather comical scrunched up like that.
"Jeez Mura-kun. I offer to help you study. The least you can do is pay attention."
"Ehh.... I can't. [Y/N]-chin is trying to seduce me."
The towering teen smirked before he licked the potato chip salt off his fingers, then tugged at the hem of your skirt. "[Y/N]-chin's legs look like tasty mochi. I can't resist."
Your cheeks turn pink and you bat his hand away before returning to your book. "Y-Your...You're not going to get out of this so easy Murasakibara-kun! You need to study!"
Murasakibara frowned with a low hum of disappointment before retuning to his potato chips. "I'd rather have mochi......"
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I'm surprised people see Tadashi as the victim in his relationship with Ainosuke, when it's Tadashi the one who time and time again takes away Ainosuke's agency, without being able to see that he is throwing him unto unhappiness. I can't help but think that if Tadashi was not working at Shindo's house, Ainosuke would have maybe left or broke with the family. But he can't do that if he wants the relationship with Tadashi going on, seing how Tadashi is set on enforcing the family rules...
Hmm.. I def agree with the fact that Tadashi is not what most fandom makes out of him, my man (I mean, Adam’s man) is a 100% Slytherin. But I disagree with blaming him for this, after all the revealed info. The environment they were both raised in made their situation complicated.
I like Tadashi a lot, he’s probably my fav thing about this anime, bc he’s a dark horse, and I’m once again surprised, that so little ppl see him for who he really is, portraying him as an innocent puppy, which he is definitely not.
Now to why I think both Tadashi and Adam are victims of the dad and aunties in this situation. 
We can of course say “if only they told each other how they really feel...”, but like we can say it about any love story really. Every author knows it’s no fun. The truth is that yes, they both hurt each other, and yes, if they were honest about their feelings things would’ve been different, but as I’ve already wrote under that “toxic” commentary on YT, lets look at the whole situation from both of their point of views:
We know that Adam when he was little always treated Tadashi as an equal, he never ever thought of him as someone lower than him and after their fall out, the only reason for this “harsh” treatment (well, besides their confirmed kink) was that Adam tried to get a reaction out of him, so Tadashi would stand up for himself, bc Ainosuke got mad about Tadashi caving to his dad’s wishes and abandoning him, when he needed him the most. 
But now, knowing the fact that Tadashi was his dad’s secretary and was under his control, let’s see it from his perspective: Tadashi wanted to stay by Adam’s side, Adam’s dad implied that if Tadashi did say smth, he’s gonna be.. well, dismissed and they won’t see each other ever again. That’s what caused Tadashi to stay silent in that moment. Ainosuke instead saw this as a “he’s not on my side” thing, well, because. Tadashi won’t tell him his problem, bc dad and aunties control everything, so even if he does tell him, what a teen would do really? He didn’t have any powers back then to make his dad do anything. 
And that’s when it all gone to shit, since they both were hurt for their own reasons. It’s easy to say leave the family, but 1stly nobody explained to Adam still that he’s physically and psychologically abused by his family, he sees it as them “loving him” and sadly also loves them, bc nobody told him, that love wasn’t supposed to be like that really. He definitely feels that smth is not right and feels emotionally exhausted there bc of this treatment, but did he ever consider leaving? I really don’t think so. He feels obligated to be worthy of a family, who “loves” him.
Do you think, for example, that Akashi Seijuro hates his dad for what he did to him? No. Does he understand that he wasn’t at fault for what happened to him and that his dad instead of comforting his child after his mother’s death, who was his only safe haven, made everything worse? I don’t think he does. Like his mom gave him basketball, an escape from all that family’s obligations and strictness. After her death, it was the only thing left that brought him joy, but his dad ruined even that, saying that if he’s gonna be bad at it/lose, he’d take it away from him too. Does Akashi see this as emotional abuse? No, he sees it like “well, I have to be the best bc I was born in such powerful family, so if my dad says that I must be best at everything, then I must.”
I personally hate such parents a lot. To me it doesn’t matter if Adam’s dad didn’t know about aunties hitting his child. Like if he was too busy to notice this and have no time for his kid and made his childhood miserable, it doesn’t make it any better really. 
Same as with Akashi’s dad. Some are like “he was probably also grieving about his wife”. Emm? He was like this from the beginning, bc he treated Akashi not as his son, but as his heir. And yes, that’s different things. Same with Endeavor and Todoroki. Your child is not your post production thing.
2ndly they were too young, even if they knew about each others feelings and he didn’t feel obligated and told everyone to fuck off, they’d be on the streets now, but also Adam’s dad doesn’t seem like a guy who’d leave them alone really. Also eloping seems very romantic, but I don’t think it is, esp when you’re teens. Did you want him to sell some expensive watch and go live on Hawaii or smth? Bc finding a decent job there would be difficult at this age, esp with everyone knowing who your dad is. Chen Ke from “Antidote” survived bc he was 27 and had connections and some great friends. Adam was in high school, where would he go exactly?
Now let’s go back to now. Obviously all this time it didn’t even cross Tadashi’s mind that for Ainosuke he comes first and that he would throw everyone under the bus to make Tadashi stay with him. As we see at the end, he legit believed that Adam was planning to send him to jail and didn’t get that he said it just to shaken he up and that he knew who he’d set up for this from the beginning. 
To Adam obviously it doesn’t matter whether they’re in a quarrel or not, he would never him go. Yes, he’s mad at him, he’s angry and hurt, but Tadashi’s still the person he needs the most, he’s still the person who brightens his days, even tho he deliberately behaves like he annoys him. He always looks at him and looks at him and looks at him, but then hisses smth to hurt him. Bc he knows that he needs him, but he also hates that he needs him, bc he thinks it’s unrequited.
And that’s how their classic romance goes in hellish circles. No one wants to talk as usual. Adam is mad Tadashi is like that bc his dad turned him into a slave with no opinion, while Tadashi is scared that Adam would be taken away from him bc of his ugly family. 
Now I still think that no one and I mean no one can take Tadashi from Adam now, he is his precious. So my plan is... if Tadashi made aunties do smth against him or to get rid of him, aunties will go for sure. The problem is Tadashi still doesn’t get that he comes first, so we’re stuck in this hell still.
So anyways, my point is Adam’s heart basically sings “you got a hold of me, don’t even know your power” to Tadashi, but he doesn’t hear it, bc of his insecurities, the way he was raised and his status. But yes, he holds all the power. He’s both Adam’s sanity and insanity. No matter how cheesy it sounds he was basically his only ray of sunshine in the darkness, if you take it away, that’s what it leads to, that’s why Ainosuke-sama needs more ppl who care for him. I don’t want anyone to die next time, just cause Tadashi and Adam fought about where to put their new couch lmao. I’m kidding, but you know what I mean. And kill the aunties, pls seriously, we need to be free.
Also ppl need to remember that like lots of animes/characters are parcially inspired by some other animes/characters, also the chosen seiyuus are also very important, there are lots of stuff like jokes and references, that creators use, from characters being fully inspired by smth like “Assassination classroom” characters based on KNB, to little stuff like Levi dressed in Akashi’s uniform in chibi AOT bc Hiroshi Kamiya. Utsumi already said before stuff like she sometimes think of a perfect voice for the character and then fully forms him, we also know her clear love for sports animes. So yes, I doubt Tadashi/Kuroko thing is a coincidence and even tho someone was like “zone? is this knb or smth?” I was like no, zone is actually a common thing in sports, even tho most associate it with KNB including me, it’s not like its their invention, but there were things inspired by this for sure, and from other sports animes too and no, I don’t mean the basic sports anime tropes, I mean, like way too specific things, some character designes, too. And yes, Langa appearence and personality wise is a rinharu child for real, I can literally split his scenes in “that’s Haru”, “that’s Rin”.
That’s why I’ve said that this situation in fandom reminds me of Kuroko/Akashi situation a lot, bc same as here in KNB ppl for some reason automatically thought that Kuroko is this innocent sheep and Akashi is the wolf (but also like it was Akashi who chose to dress as red riding hood, while Kuroko was a wolf lmao), not even seeing who is in reality more dangerous and who can easily control who. It just buffles me bc it’s not some deep analisys really. I mean once again there’s a reason for the saying that the sub holds all the power over the dom. 
And like just bc someone yells or threatens ppl constantly doesn’t necessarily mean he is a psycopatic killer, and just bc someone is quiet and doe-eyed, doesn’t mean he isn’t. I didn’t think we needed to explain this to someone, but aparently we do?
And it honestly kills me just how superficially ppl are watching things these days. It really gives me war flashbacks to stuff like the last mdzs s1 episode, where ppl started to comment things like “how LZ can be so heartless” lmao. Or that anonymous ask “do you think haru misses rin?”. Like you don’t see thing at all? Grey substance no needed, while watching things?
P.S. I also would die to see Adam vs Tadashi race just bc I for some reason can bet all my money, that it’s the same situation as with Akashi refusing to ankle break Kuroko, no matter how mad he is. I just can’t imagine Ainosuke hitting Tadashi in the face with a board. Like 100% sure he wouldn’t even try tbh.
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
get out, you prick.
request ; @yvsevie​: hi, sweetheart! can i request some short scenarios with kise, edawrd, killua and giyuu? i was thinking about situation when they’re in love with girl, and she’s obviously in love too, but they’re too dumb to notice it aaaand once they (boys) see when she’s harassment by an old, pervert man and they’re helping her <3
# tags: scenarios; crush culture; bit of drama; but also fluff; sfw
includes: female reader ft. ryouta kise {knb}, edward elric {fma}, killua zoldyck {hxh} & giyuu tomioka {kny}
author’s note: i love you and only you, zuzia <3
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“Ryo-kun, I have to go to the toilet, so please, wait for me!” You spoke in a half-whisper tone, then followed the colorful, wall signs. You two were on your way to the stands to watch a basketball game, but at one point you wanted to pee. So you had to apologize to your precious, tall bestie and leave him in the middle of the corridor for a few minutes.
After you washed your hands and improved your hair, you stepped out of the ladies’ public restroom and checked the time on the phone; luckily there is still some time before the game starts, so you could even buy yourself something to eat or drink. However, before you reached the blonde waiting for you again, your way was blocked by an older man. He apologized to you for causing trouble and asked you where the entrance to the grandstand A3 was. You thought for a moment and, looking at the signs, pointed in the right direction.
“Ah, yeah, you’re right. Thank you so much, pretty one.” He smiled, and your eyebrows frowned slightly. “By the way, since you’re here too, why don’t we watch today’s game together?” He asked, touching your shoulder and you took a step back.
“No, thanks. I’m here with someone.”
“Really? I can’t see anyone.” His grip tightened, and you swallowed, wanting to scream for help.
Fortunately, help showed up sooner than you thought it would.
“Any problems, old man?” The stranger turned to insult Kise, but when he saw his wide chest and then looked up to make eye contact with him, he let go of your body and laughed awkwardly. After a while, he left the two of you, and the blonde asked if everything was okay with you. After all, you haven’t been coming back for a long time, and additionally this disgusting situation with a perverted guy... Kise was furious but you assured him that you were fine. “... Okay. Then let’s go and take our seats. Unless, you are hungry... I’ll buy you something tasty.”
“No, no. We’ll eat something after the game. Let’s go, Ryo-kun.” You answered in a soft voice, taking his big, warm hand and walking forward.
His cheeks flushed slightly.
(Yours too.)
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You were waiting next to one of the tall, wooden bookcase, reading the titles of the old books. Your blonde-haired friend was looking for some alchemy book, and you decided to look around the National Central Library, where you were the first time in your life. It was a nice experience, but you wanted Edward to come back to you already because you two were going to go for a walk and then for a picnic outside of town.
After five, long minutes, you heard a low cough, so you turned and bowed gently as you saw the older than you man with the Captain’s badge who stand in front of you.
“What is such a beautiful lady doing alone in the National Library?” He asked with a smile, and you laughed nervously as you looked around for Ed.
”I’m waiting for my best friend. He went looking for some important book for him. I haven’t touched anything, Captain, I just read the titles.” You answered truthfully to which the man nodded.
“I understand, but unfortunately you cannot stay here unattended. I’ll take care of you. So let’s go, miss.” He replied, grabbing your arm, and you stiffened slightly. “If you want, we can talk over tea and a cake.” He added, and you sighed as you looked around once again. Unluckily, you couldn’t refuse anyone with a badge on the shoulder, especially since you were in the Library in Central City.
Thank God, the conversation between you and the stranger Captain reached to the Edward’s ears, who finally found the huge book in a maroon hardcover. He quickly followed the noise and the clatter of shoes, and when he saw your body being led out by the man in the blue long coat, he clasped his hands together and touched the floor, causing a stone fist to pop out of the wall and after a while hit the old guy’s jaw. You opened your eyes wider, then turned away. Before you could say anything, Ed grabbed your hand and ran out of the National Library, laughing under his breath.
“I’m leaving you alone for a short moment and someone wants to take you away from me...” He said in an amused tone, squeezing your smooth hand. “All right, Y/N?”
“Yes. Thank you for coming and saving me, Ed.” You responded warmly, smiling at him, and both his cheeks reddened instantly.
“S-Stupid! Of course I would come and save you! Always!”
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After defeating six dangerous prisoners, you and five men were locked in a small room as punishment. You felt quite insecure around so many males, but you chose to ignore your own unnecessary thoughts. Kurapika was very polite and totally harmless, and Gon and Killua were totally charming... You were only worried about Leorio and Tonpa’s behavior – the latter you were especially afraid of.
When everyone decided to go to sleep, you chose a place away from everyone; you covered your body with a brown blanket and pressed your face against the pillow you found. Unfortunately, shortly after falling asleep, you felt something touch your waist. You opened your eyes and turned your head, almost squeaking, as you noticed an older man in a blue T-shirt lying next to you.
You felt disgust and your heart beat faster as his hand touched your hip.
“... Kurapika? G-Gon? Killua?” You whispered softly, barely breathing. “Someone help me, p-please.” You added a little louder, but still whispering so as not to wake everyone up at once. Happily, that night (or day because all of you didn’t know what time of day right it was right now), Killua had a light sleep.
Hearing your terrified voice, he quickly opened his eyes and searched for your sleepy figure. Seeing what this disgusting, pervert guy was doing, he got up and came up to you. Then, he grabbed his clothes and threw him against the wall, waking everyone around.
“Y/N, are you okay? I’m sorry, I fell asleep and I didn’t think that would happen.” He muttered in a nervous tone and you sat up shaking your head.
“Don’t apologize to me, Killua. You were tired... but could you...” You started softly, looking away. “Could you sleep closer to me? I would rather sleep with the thought that you are next to me.”
“Yes, sure. I’ll be here. Goodnight, Y/N.” He smiled and you breathed a sigh of relief, thanking him in a soft voice and lying back down again, cuddling your head against the soft, white pillow. “... And you, old man, touch her once again and I’ll do with you what I did with Johness before.” He added warningly, looking in the direction of the sore Tonpa, who turned pale at the sound of his serious words.
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You were waiting for your friend next to the souvenir stand, wanting to buy something for yourself and for Giyuu. You noticed a few pretty, fabric pendants, so you chose the two most interesting and asked for them. A sweet, old lady in a peach haori packed them into a paper bag for you, and you were in the process of taking money out of your pocket when you heard a low, slightly hoarse voice.
“I will pay for this, beautiful.”
You glanced to the side and immediately noticed an older man gives grandma some money. You were surprised and stop his actions right away.
“No need, sir. I can pay for it but thank you very much.” You answered with an uncertain smile.
“I insist. As compensation, we can go to dinner at that restaurant.” He pointed his finger towards the little building and you sighed lowly.
“Thank you, really, but I’ll pay myself and I’m not hungry. I’m waiting for someone right now and then, I’ll continue my journey.” You answered a little louder and more confidently, but the older man grabbed your arm, turning your body towards him.
“Listen, sweetie. Don’t deny others their kindness, because you will be alone for the rest of your life, and no lady wants that, I am right?” He asked and you snorted under your breath.
“... Someone said she would be alone?”
You turned and then breathed a sigh of relief when you saw your dark-haired best friend who come back to you. As soon as you handed the old woman the right amount of money, you thanked her with a low bow and then quickly approaching Giyuu, hiding behind his body. The older man who had been harassing you just a moment ago left, muttering something to himself about ‘how rude young women are to men’, and then disappeared into the crowd of people. After a few, short seconds you stood beside the demon slayer and touch his haori while taking out a tiny pendant with the color of your own eyes.
“It’s for you... Lucky item, you know...” You smiled as you tied a string to his belt, next to the scabbard with a sword.
“Thank you, Y/N. Let’s go further. I bought us something tasty, so if you will hungry tell me.” He replied with a soft smile, touching the gift by his finger.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
Hi may I request some headcanons for Kuroo from haikyuu and Akashi, Aomine, and Murasakibara from kuroko no basket when their girlfriend is a really talented at the opposite sport (example Kuroo is basketball and the other volleyball) and are scouted from big schools/colleges and maybe they see a game of hers for the first time and are shocked/proud of how talented they are. Can it also be lots of fluff please.
hi! hope u like it. i gave different positions to each reader in the knb ones, you’ll notice.
ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ, ᴀᴏᴍɪɴᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴋᴀsʜɪ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀɴ ᴀᴛʜʟᴇᴛɪᴄ s/ᴏ.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; none.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; -.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; my bias showed with aomine im sowy hsjhs, also, i cut mukkun out bc this was so long.
kuroo tetsurō
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-> kuroo knows you're a decent basketball player because you're team captain.
-> he has never see you play, somehow he keeps missing your games.
-> he's either playing himself or out of town or buried in homework.
-> and is getting on his nerves because everyone keep talking about how good you are and how many points you made on your last game.
-> yeah he has seen you playing one-one-one with your friends, but that doesn't compare to a real game.
-> you're kinda bumped because it's important to you he sees you doing what you love.
-> so when a game against a power house is scheduled, where college scouts are invited, you beg him to go.
-> he makes the impossible and is able to attend at last minute.
-> you got so happy when you saw him on the bleachers, shouting your name in excitement.
-> your team was used to you being good, but that day?? your best performance in your life.
-> you made point after point after point, supporting your teammates.
-> your defense didn't leave any paths open, and your offense was unstoppable.
-> the game ended with a really big gap, mostly made by you.
-> kuroo was SO PROUD.
-> he shouted at every point you made, and his throat got itchy.
-> he knew you wete good but that good???
-> he was thankful you didn't play vb or he'd be scared.
-> when you told him not one, not two, but three scouts had reached out to you??
-> his eyes actually shone in pride. he loves you and won't ever stop praising your abilities.
aomine daiki
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-> kind of guy who thinks the sport he plays is the only interesting one.
-> what’s the fun on depending of others as much you do on volleyball?
-> you can’t do more than touching the ball, and not even twice in a row, like, please explain him why.
-> expect a lot of arguing in which sport is better and eventually giving up because this man will not lose.
-> you go to all your practices, unlike him, despite he uses all his weapons to keep you with him in the rooftop.
-> since you started dating, in winter holidays, you haven’t had any important enough games, resulting in him never seeing you playing outside of practice. 
-> he would NEVER say this, but he thought it was cool how fast you could react to receive a ball going 100 km/h or hit a spike so hard with your arm only.
-> you tried to explain him that it was actually a movement from your whole body but he didn’t listen lol.
-> you understand he’s lazy, like, sometimes he would miss his own games.
-> but you were compiting on the final of a really important tournament, and you were so sure you would win, you wanted your beloved boyfriend to be there too.
-> he agreed to go, although you still had momoi invited too to make sure he would be there in time.
-> women’s uniforms are quite different from men’s, the bottom being a tight sport short that ends before your thigh.
-> he hadn’t see you in your uniform before so he literally choked.
-> sometimes he had attended to watch your practices, despite they were intense, it didn’t compare to a real match.
-> both you and your team were completely focused, every receive you made got to the setter perfectly, your spikes were before the three meters line, it was perfect.
-> even your serves, which was a hard thing for you, were good.
-> a college scout was there, but nobody told your team, and just by chance, aomine ended up sitting besides him.
-> “YOU SAW THAT? SHE’S SO FRICKING GOOD GOD, LOOK!” so the scout was forced to watch you through the whole game.
-> was fairly impressed with your performance, and in a few days, he would reach out to your coach to tell them he wanted to offer you a scholarship and complementary training until you graduate highschool.
-> say “thank u, aomine”
-> after then, daiki will brag about you too everyone every day because you’re that bitch and he loves you.
akashi seijuro
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-> akashi cares for status, so he had to know if you lived up to your reputation.
-> i literally don't know why hasn't he attended to any of your games before.
-> like i see him going to one of your games before he even knew you and there, he knew it was you.
-> anyways, you had this friendly game against another school, it wouldn't have been that important usually, but college scouts were invited and you needed a scholarship to get to college.
-> when you told akashi, he decided he'd go to support you.
-> and it was nice that he cared so you just thanked him.
-> everyone knew you were dating, definition of power couple.
-> someone literally saved a seat for him at first row so he could see you.
-> the game started, and you were so focused than didn’t even see akashi in the bleacers.
-> he didn't know a thing about vb, but he noticed how you connected every play, touch the ball in every rally.
-> it was highkey cool, like you were the most important player in the court.
-> yeah, you needed someone else to receive the ball and then spike it, but you were the only one who could set the ball so perfectly.
-> akashi was so involved in the game, even celebrating some of the points.
-> it was when you did a setter dump, that went unnotice until the ball touch the ground, he lost it.
-> you could do that?? it was the best play in the whole match if you ask him.
-> of course, he acted like it was nothing, but damn.
-> it didn’t take long for akashi to realize he was actually sitting in front of the scout you talked about.
-> but he wouldn’t need to convince him, which made akashi the proudest man on the planet.
-> he supports you, and recgonizes you as an equal, even being in different sports.
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bluealmondpie · 4 years
hi it's me with the rarepairs
omg give me. iwasuga fluff
* suga's adorable laugh and iwaizumi just being shot thru the heart cos it's so fucking cute
* like look at that smile iwaizumi cannot. he just can't it's so blinding
* no words
* basically iwaizumi simps for suga SO MUCH
* suga could ask him to walk into hell and bring back the heads of cerberus and iwaizumi would do it no questions asked.
* on the other hand
* suga was caught by the unconditional acceptance that iwaizumi has towards oikawa
* like. he's comparing with daichi, yanno? daichi outright stops him from doing everything all the time. daichi doesn't let him do anything fun at all ("suga your definition of fun is... different. and it can be dangerous. so no") so suga keeps suggesting increasingly outrageous stuff. daichi is a no-negotiation, boring man. it's no fun :(
* even asahi's no fun either. he gets too worried and then chickens out. poor suga. no one gets it
* but iwaizumi doesn't stop oikawa all the time. sometimes he just watches oikawa fail LMAO and what suga is really jealous about is how iwaizumi lets oikawa do stuff but doesn't let him go overboard. to suga, thats love (♡-♡)
* overprotective iwachan and chaotic suga
* basically iwaizumi needs to put suga on a leash ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) get your heads out of the gutter, he just makes sure suga doesn't cross too many lines.
* iwaizumi usually modifies the action so that it's more socially acceptable. i mean. look at that face, how can he say no? daichi is emotionless
* so anyway yes. give me all the iwasuga fluff
* first date: iwaizumi thought suga would like sweets. like desserts and the such. suga takes him to a chinese place and iwaizumi promptly burns off the top layer of cells in his mouth (and probably stomach). oikawa is very amused the next day when iwaizumi can't speak. oikawa got hit a lot that day.
* somewhere else in karasuno: suga is in an amazing mood post date and is extra chaotic. daichi and asahi have no idea wtf has gotten into suga. suga keeps his relationships secret (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* actually both of them are the type to not say a thing about being in a relationship
* iwaizumi thinks it's his personal life so there's no need for anyone to butt in, and he doesn't like people asking questions. (with friends like oikawa and matsuhana. can u really blame him) he won't lie if you ask him outright tho.
* suga doesn't kiss and tell (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
* anyway. secret dates! suga is very excited about these. c h a o s
* who gives more surprise kisses? suga, obviously.
* who pays on dates? iwaizumi. even at that one chinese place
* who asked who out? suga made a lot of hints and blushy iwaizumi wishes he could sink into the ground. eventually suga teases him "do you like me?" and because the answer is obviously yes suga goes "okay! then let's date" and it wasn't a question it was a declaration.
* oh they do talk about their teams. iwaizumi mostly complains or tells funny stories (like that time kindaichi thought that kunimi had fainted and tried to carry him bridal style to the sick bay. kunimi was just taking a nap in a strange position. or that time when matsuhana convinced watari to dress up as a girl to seduce oikawa. didn't work).
* suga is a great listener. he also really likes how iwaizumi has this soft light in his eyes when he's trash talking oikawa, and the bright sparkle when he talks about the team shenanigans.
* on the other hand, suga gossips. about kageyama's crush on tsukishima. how it's mostly likely a lost cause since "tsukki likes yamaguchi, but then, yamaguchi only has eyes for yacchan, so can you guess how it's gonna turn out babe i really don't know! it's so exciting! maybe i should slip fake notes to them." "baby, please don't do that. just ask them about it like a nice senpai would." or on the progress between tanaka and kiyoko, or daichi and michimiya (the latter is... not working out so well). suga also talks a lot about hinata. his crow baby (♡-♡)
* so obviously bc my blog is pushing the oihina agenda, imagine oikawa getting tgt with hinata. hell breaks loose in karasuno.
* chaotic suga being held back/protected by responsible iwachan
* probably bc suga is the captain of the Protect Hinata Shouyou Squad and so he is always over-protective over his (yes his) baby crow. iwaizumi also loves hinata but... "baby let's not bring a firethrower to meet his boyfriend when he comes back from rio yeah? i don't... appreciate my best friend being burnt into a crisp. just lightly toast him"
* and for once daichi does not stop suga from bringing the flamethrower. it's too late daichi. suga is already iwaizumi's now.
requests are open!~
masterlist here (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
come scream at me about haikyuu in my inbox
also i have some kny and knb hcs that need a home. should i put them up here or keep this a purely hq!! writing blog?
omg the link keeps disappearing AGAIN tumblr u need to get your shit tgt
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Hey Can I ask for a self ship date pls ? I’m a 18yo girl who is 173 cm of chaos and my heart has been stolen by Kise Ryouta from KNB 😩.
We may be very different, he’s more of a warm and a social person while i’m cold in the clouds and ambiverted but his smile, his laugh and how he’s dedicated in basketball made me lose it. I find his whole personality interesting even the more cold and ugly parts of him and he has the pretty face for him too but i’m not the kind of person who can just fall for apparence. He have such a voice too 😳 He has that charming aura, playful but yet still lighthearted and funny. He being two-faced surprisingly don’t bother me that much somehow i understand from where hes coming from. I relate a lot to his overachiever and need to handle all things himself to the point of hurting. As a basketb fan i am also enamored w his way of playing, i gen think he is the best of gom he always do his best to the point of barely breathing and honestly i relate to this too when im into something i love. His quick learning abilities are hyper and i like how Kise try to be honest w himself. I like also the balance he have w masculine and feminine energy and don’t mind him being a dork. His relationship w others characters are gold too like w Aomine and i can see him showing me affection to my touch starved self and just general affection i lack in general even if i don’t say it. Also i can imagine a certain dynamic between us where no one is the lead of the couple but we’re on equal terms.
Now more about me i am an ENTP 8w7, I am independent, creative, honest, prideful and « generous » i don’t think that last one much but my close one describe me like this. I’m very curious, likes experimenting and new things. I am funny/sarcastic, playful and as it iam very memeable but surprisingly top student here who doesn’t behave like it at all both in class and just in general. My aesthetic is a weird mix of everything i love so i am both a tomboy, alt and a baddie somehow. I am into law and economics studies and can talk french, korean and spanish as i learn languages in my free time by myself. I do read, write, draw and listen to music, play all sort of games including sports, get on a walk from time to time, eat cuz food is delicious and just learn in general. I have kind of ✨trust issues ✨so i don’t have many friends. But you sure will have fun w me ! I don’t about chill i have some temper but sure im pretty cool and open minded ! In love i really am a mess, i’m easily flustered but act cool to hide it and because of that i look like someone confident and mysterious except i am not the first one and ugh im lowkey a tsundere so it’s difficult to assume my feelings. But i swear i try !
Thank you for reading me ! I hope i didn’t bother you much.
You didn't bother me at all hun! This was a lot of fun to write so I hope you enjoy :) I think I have a pretty fun date planned for you two if I do say so myself hehe.
Premise: Kise got to know you throughout high school, and saw you as different from his other fangirls. Even though it wasn’t basketball, you also stood out at the top of your class, making you noticeable to Kise. You were actually a good friend (a cute friend at that) and he decided that he wanted to take you on a date during your 3rd year (once the basketball season was over and he had time to make for you). Knowing how fun you are, he had the perfect plan.
As you look into the mirror to examine your outfit, your phone buzzes with the “I’m hereeee ;)” text. You’d decided to lean into your tomboy vibes, given that Kise told you to ‘get ready to do stuff,’ which was not very informative, but exciting nonetheless.
As you walk out, you’re greeted by the blonde man dressed handsome as ever, a dark long sleeve shirt with fitting jeans, his silver hoop shining as the sun starts to set.
“Ready Y/N-chi?” He asks you, smiling as he overdramatically offers his hand for you to grab.
“Ready as ever~” you say as you grab his hand. He pulls you close and winks, flustering you right from the start.
“If I remember correctly, you said something about this being the best date I ever go on?” You take your chance to poke fun at him as well.
“Oh honey, it will be.” You can see the way his eyes shine and his mischievous grin as he walks with a nice hop in his step, guiding you towards the train station.
The train ride was pleasant, his hands protectively on your shoulder and a mean glare on his pretty features when other men looked at you or got too close, but his face was calm as he comfortably bantered with you (you on the other hand were quite unbothered by it all). Once you finally arrived at your destination, you found yourself in the lively district of the city, flooded with restaurants and shops all open late night.
“I forgot how beautiful this area is at night!” You can’t help but say as you look at all the beautiful lights and architecture.
“I had to take a pretty girl to a pretty place, you know?” He squeezes your hand as he drags you along once again, until you end up at your destination.
“I think this’ll be a lot of fun,” he says to you as he pushes open the doors to the arcade, letting all the dark lights and glowing games illuminate your sight.
He buys the coins for you both to play (He’d asked prior if it’d be okay for him to pay for you this date, and you’d agreed), and you set off to play all sorts of games.
It was a lot of fun for the both of you. While the games were enjoyable, playing them with him made it all the better. He also never missed an opportunity to flirt with you, and playing games made it easy. Both of you being overachievers, with Kise being a quick learner and you being open to trying new things made the experience amazing.
“Here, stand like this and loosen your wrists up for a better shot.” you both were playing the basketball game, and to no surprise Kise had absolutely killed it. Now here he is, helping adjust your shot. Standing behind you, he lightly adjusts your waist, turning you a little bit to help your footing. His hands then move up to your shoulders, then down to your wrists, helping guide your form and placement on the ball. While you were learning from him, it was hard to focus with him this close to you. “Y/N-chi, you can focus on me later. You should focus on your shot for now.” He says lowly, teasingly, watching carefully as your face erupts into red. He really did love teasing you, the usually calm, collected, confident top student.
Admittedly, you feel like you got back at him when you watch him try the crane game (the ones filled with stuffed animals) and he couldn’t get it after 7 tries. The frustration was clear in his face, his impatience rising.
“This game is rigged, I know it!”
You ask to try and of course he complies. However, he’s not ready for you to get a cute little stuffed panda on your first try. Suddenly, he’s a lot more embarrassed than you were earlier.
“You definitely used magic or something.” His pout is both adorable and hilarious to you.
You laugh as you hand him the panda. “Here!”
Looking down at the panda and then looking back up at you, he asks, “for me? But you won it!”
“But I want you to have it. It’s cute like you, Kise-kun.”
A huge smile crosses his face as he pulls you into a hug, spinning you around. “Y/n-chi!!!! You’re so generous!! Giving me your stuffed panda~ I’ll take good care of it.”
You have a nice laugh as you watch Kise end the night out by playing Dance Dance Revolution, not afraid to be a bit flamboyant as he goes all out with the footwork and does really well at the game.
After collecting all your tickets, Kise takes you up to the rewards table, telling you that he knows exactly what he wants to get.
“And we have enough tickets for it! Great.”
You can’t help but smile when Kise points to the GIANT stuffed panda hanging on the wall.
“I thought you weren’t the type to return favors,” you recall what he said during a game with Seirin from a long while back.
He blushes, thinking about what he said. “I’m not, just one upping you,” he jokes, sticking his tongue out at you, letting you nudge him in return.
“Do you wanna get food, Y/N-chi?” He asks, his arm wrapped around your shoulder.
“Sure, from where?”
“You decide. I decided on the arcade, you can decide dinner.” He looks at you with a smile, thinking back on how fun the whole night had been. “But I get to decide dinner next time.”
“Next time?” You shoot back, eyebrows raised, a smile forming on your face. “Who said I’d go out with you a next time?”
At your comment, his smile falters as he stares at you for a good second. He gets all serious suddenly, pulling you close (with a giant panda pressed into your side) and making you look into his eyes. “Y/N-chi, would you please go out with me again? Tell me you will!”
Giggling, you smile up at him. “Of course, Kise-kun.”
He sighs out and hums in approval, before pressing a small kiss onto your cheek. “Call me Ryouta.”
Ahhh I hope you enjoyed it! I tried to incorporate as many elements as I could! Please do let me know what you think <3 this was so fun!!!!
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daddy-daichis · 4 years
Yesterday the very beautiful and talented @fuwari-s tagged me in this game and since that post is already really long i figured id make a new one lol  (Also thank you for tagging me, it made me so happy)
The Game: Tag your 2D lovers + the other trend I saw yesterday and wanted to do which is Would you actually date them IRL. So ill put that under the cut because it is a lot.
HQ: Atsumu, Daichi, Issei, Bokuto, Hinata, and Kyoutani
BNHA: Bakugou, Denki, and Hawks
JJK: Sukuna and Mei Mei
Others: Kagami from KNB, Levi and Jean from AOT, and Mikoto Suoh from K
So if you want to know if i would date them irl that is below the cut lol
As for tagging... if you want to do it :) @eijirosriot @bokutosnumberonefan @hinosreis @tetsus-kitten @sugawarakoushihoe @mynameisjackattack and anyone else who wants to do one or both of these challenges.
Alright so would i date these men (+ mei mei) in real life. Short answer is yes lmao. Long answer, with some headcanons that may or may not  venture into 18+ category but only slightly. all aged up to be my age which is 26.
Atsumu - PLEASE, YES
we would be so chaotic together but he would also be really loving. As long as he can still prioritize me in a relationship, not over volleyball, just as much, then we will be golden. We would have such a good time and i feel like we would have a lot of fun bickering, which i really enjoy. Play fighting as a form of foreplay, if you will lmao. We’d probs be friends in HS and then get together after he starts playing for MSBY and he is secured in his position (and himself tbh). I just love this cocky bastard. he also gives me switch vibes and as a switch, i love that for me.
Daichi - YES
All i need is to be wrapped in his arms on the daily and i would be happy. Man would know how to take care of me and that is all. Love of my life, too good for this world. Wholesome husband. He would be able to manage my crazy side and chill me out when i get to anxious. I would want to be bratty just to get him to drop his good guy routine sometimes and I feel like he would like that.
Issei - YES
Funeral home employee can get it. Matsukawa Horse cock Issei can whisk me off my feet and straight into bed. we would have a lot of fun picking on oikawa together (out of love of course) but we would balance each other out a lot. His darker humor would go well against my lighter humor. Also I feel like our level of hotness is pretty comparable... like we aren't the prettiest in the friend group but still good (if that makes sense)
Bokuto - YES
Big ball of sunshine to light up my day, he would literally fuck the sad out of me every day I just know it. Like atsumu, as long as I am a priority to him itll work out. We also kind of have the same sad moods so I feel like we could either both just curl up on the couch together and watch a movie or bring the other out of a funk easily. I love this giant himbo so much.
Hinata - most likely yes
Pretty much the same reasons as bokuto but I feel like I would get drained of his energy faster, so he would def have to cuddle me more. For everyone else so far I can imagine being high school sweethearts, but with hinata i think he wouldnt settle down until later, or even start dating so it would probably be a lot of pining and watching him from the side lines for a while, which would be really hard tbh. but the way he would smile at me after a match would make it worth it so...
 Kyoutani - Hard YES
I love a boy with anger issues, what can i say... (cough couch my irl husband with anger issues couch couch) I would love to be his weak spot and the one person he would go to to help him not feel angry anymore. I think that my fun personality would help him to unbox himself a bit. I just want to give him cuddles and a place to feel accepted. id also i KNOW hes a monster in bed... 
if he was real the things i would do to and for him... A lot like kyoutani i would want to give him a place where hes accepted, and a place where he is unconditionally loved. I would be able to handle his misguided anger and calm him down and give him space. I headcanon that hes very cuddly in private to just his S/O which is something that i love. I love his lil smirk and would do anything to get him to smirk at me. As long as he is able to set me as a priority it would work out, but that would be what he struggles with so it would be a thing we would have to talk about. But I also feel that once you say something about it he would check in with you because of course he has to be the best bf/husband. I feel like I could talk for hours about him so Ill just wrap it up by saying that I love me a passionate man who would probs be a lil possessive, and I would use that to my advantage. 
Denki - GOD YES
I really do think that denki and I are soulmates. we are both the perfect blend of funny, pervy, while still being soft. I feel like there would be a lot of mutual pining at first but he would end up the golden retriever gamer boy to my alt bisexual and thats just the perfect pairing. We would pull so much shit and then get away with it because thats just us being us. I see us being scolded by bakugou a lot for the stupid shit we would pull. Also late night drives in his shitty tuned car to taco bell while we sing alt rock songs from the 2010s. also the switch vibes are immaculate.
 Hawks - Probably
So it would honestly depend a lot on what version of hawks.. him in the hero commission is a no, because he wouldnt be able to be honest with me about a lot of stuff. Like his name, or when i can see him again, and that would give me too much anxiety. When hes free of them and is actually allowed to be himself I think it could work then. I know that he of course wants to still be the best hero, so he would have the same problems as bakugou with finding a balance, but if he wants to i think he could. He would also have a lot of trauma from his relationship with his parents and the commission so I dont know if he would be able to give his love away as freely as he wants so we could get therapy together. I love that for us. But i would happily wake up next to this beautiful birb man if he would have me.  
Sukuna - A hesitant yes
so.. the anger issues that ive mentioned before.. yes. I would like sukuna. I would be his lil bride and sit on his lap on his throne as long as he didnt kill my loved ones or my cats lmao. I would also be ok with being his and itadoris gf while hes living in itadoris head. being with him is just asking for an unhappy ending tho, whether its a life always on the run, or someones trying to kill me, or someones trying to kill him, or hes trying to kill someone. But yes i would like to be with him but that would mean sacrificing a lot. 
Mei Mei - god yessssss..
Please Mei Mei step on me and make me ur lil house wife. I see us living in a pent house apartment with the most breathtaking view of the Tokyo skyline. I would want for nothing and she could take me where ever she wanted and i would just follow her around with heart eyes.
 Kagami - YES
my basketball husband! i love him and would love to be loved by him. Id follow him wherever. He would take care of me and is just so dreamy.. also i guess the mild anger issues.. but hes really not that bad. He would just be such a good s/o. He would cook us nice dinners, wed have a few cats, and he would carry me around a lot because hes so strong. While were on the topic of strong... his stamina... everyone on this list probably has good if not great stamina... but kagami just hits different..... have you seen him in the zone? have you seen his thighs? his sex zone has got to be incredible. 
 Levi - Yes
I was going to say it depends, but really it doesn't... if were in the aot universe and hes my captain and I fall in love with him u can bet ur ass im gonna try and get with him because i could die at anytime. if its some au where he is here in our universe and somehow we meet... like of course im gonna be in love with him. our height difference isnt too bad, im only like an inch or 2 taller than him. I think we would both have a great time together. I would make him laugh, and he would help me clean, because lord knows I hate cleaning. BUT i hate cleaning because its something that I always have to do alone, and I feel like levi would have us be cleaning together like he makes the scouts do. and hes just so sexy... 
Jean - big yes
This beautiful handsome man... idk what to even say about him. Hes strong, funny, handsome, cocky, but very much full of love. would love to run away from the world with him. I feel like if he was in love with me before *tries not to give away spoilers* the marco incident (?) that after he would become very clingy and attached and im ok with that. There would have to be lots of cuddles and reassurances and i just want to see him happy and not at war, with both real life people and himself... id give him the best kisses and he would become addicted to them. 
Mikoto - No? But maybe...
I feel like we could be.. but if you watched the show then you know.. But i would love to be Homra’s princess TBH. No one would mess with me or they would have to face the wrath of my big fire boyfriend and his whole ass gang. But on the other hand I feel like Mikoto wouldnt allow himself to fall in love, so it would probably be a hush hush topic. everyone knows the boss and I are in an entanglement, but they cant talk about it. Then Anna starts asking questions to Mikoto and he has to come clean to her, which would be so cute. He tells her is a secret but she doesn't care lmao. in conclusion, I would want to, but I dont think he would let me.... Maybe friends with benefits tho....
ok if you read all this im officially in love with you. Please take my heart. 
This took me like 2 hours to do because I love thinking about it so much. if you have any thoughts about any of this hop into my dms or comment on this because id love to hear them (especially if you think i belong with one more than the others lmao). 
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
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Thanks for this ask, anon!! Three clues as to my favorite KNB character…red hair, is absolute, and goes *snip snip*. xD Yes, it is the almighty Akashi Seijuro!
For this request, I’ll start off with details about how the reader develops those investigative skills, and then go into separate reactions from the characters and teams you’ve requested~
Headcanons for Data Specialist Rakuzan Manager!Reader 
You may not have had the ability like Riko to see everyone’s physical ability through a single glance, but you weren’t hesitant when it came to doing your research
You were always seen with your trusty clipboard where you made sure to record all the happenings during practice and during games-how many shots each member made, how many points, how many assists, and so on
Over time, you were able to use this data to estimate a player’s overall ability which helped you in coming up with appropriate individual training regimens
Data was everything, and on days off you were often away scouting other high school teams and watching their matches
You made it your priority to know all the players playing in Rakuzan’s next game, their habits, their patterns of movements, what plays their team commonly made, ec.
Akashi was impressed by all the work you were putting into your research, so it was an unwritten rule that the night before any of their games you would have a presentation for the members on what you’d found
However, your true strength was found in the way that you could easily adapt to situations
You had seen so many examples of different plays and different players so it was easy for you to visualize what teams may try to do on the drop of a hat, making it easy for you to tell the Rakuzan members how to switch up their play style even if it’s all of a sudden in the middle of a game
You became so proficient at this skill that within the basketball community, you were being called the Oracle of Rakuzan
You had gained a lot of respect from all the members of the team due to the sheer amount of work that you put in to try and have all the information collected and prepared for their games
You had a tendency to push yourself too far though, and one time during your presentation you simply fainted on the spot
Which sent all the members into a tizzy, Hayama cradled you in his arms and started crying about how his big sis was dying, Akashi immediately called for an ambulance, Mibuchi thought he was gonna faint as well, Mayuzumi actually ran out of the room to get you water, and Nebuya growled whenever anyone tried to get close to you after you collapsed
Cue Mibuchi acting like more of a mother hen around you and the other members being more protective of you overall
Whenever you were going on your scouting missions, one of them had to come with you although you eventually begged them not to cause you stood out way too much as a result
Akashi, being the amazing captain he was (I may be biased at this huehuehue) always made sure that you knew just how vital you were to the victories that they won
“_____, you may not be playing out on the court, but none of our victories would have been possible without you.”
I think they would be initially surprised that Rakuzan was able to find someone of your caliber that could match up to even Momoi’s abilities
They were even more surprised seeing how Akashi himself would turn to you for your opinion before making the final call on plays
And how he’d actually LISTEN to your ideas
They’d probably try and sneak into Rakuzan’s practices simply out of curiosity to meet you
Probably results in good-natured competitive spirit flaring up
Would push the GOM and their own teams to develop strategies to not only combat Rakuzan’s abilities, but also that of you, their Oracle
I can see the GOM adopting you into their group and you hanging out with them as you offer them ideas to help them improve their basketball as well
If this was before the Jabberwock game, I can see you and Momoi working together to do your research on the Jabberwock team
Essentially you become one of the few people outside of their “group” that they have respect for
Kuroko Tetsuya
I think Kuroko would be impressed by your abilities and especially at your flexibility to quickly adapt to situations on the fly
To some extent, an arms war begins between you and Kuroko: Kuroko constantly is evolving his abilities and plays to win against Rakuzan, while you are trying to come up with ways to combat his misdirection
Probably dubbed as “The Phantom vs. The Oracle: Who Will Win???”
It’s a friendly competition between the two of you and the two of you have a running tally of who was able to beat the other
Kuroko overall really appreciates your support and what you do for the Rakuzan team, because it shows that they’re growing and wanting to work as a team rather than being individuals and relying on just themselves
Momoi Satsuki
Momoi isn’t going down with a fight! She underestimated you during a match between Too and Rakuzan, where you were easily able to find a way to combat Imayoshi’s mind-reading abilities
She wants a cool name just like how you’re the Oracle of Rakuzan!
I think it’s obvious from the series how Momoi doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to helping her team succeed (i.e. during the first match of Seirin vs. Too), and she begins to see you as a rival
The two of you were friendly competitors at first, until the both of you realized that you could really be using your observational skills in other ways
For example, finding out what Kuroko’s likes are, where he goes for fun, how to win over Nigou, etc.
So one day you send her a file of your Kuroko observation notes and Momoi immediately swoons
The two of you end up being super close friends
And if you two end up making some money on the side based by “sharing” information you’ve collected on different team members, that’s a bonus too    
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Lay Down Your Shield
a one-shot character study of murasakibara focusing on his relationship with basketball and his friendship with kuroko
AN: thank you to 1Attaetion on Ao3
link to the fic on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30833963
this takes places in the same 'verse as "Exception," but since it takes place before "Exception" and is canon-compliant, you don't have to read that
any constructive criticism or feedback would be lovely!
AN: any dialogue in italics isn't originally mine and is from the crunchyroll subtitles of knb text in italics and bold means a text message
Winter Cup, January, the Generation of Miracle’s First Year of High School
Murasakibara couldn’t help the frown that crawled onto his face when Kiyoshi approached him with his stupid smile on his face. He looked away from him, glaring at the air as Kiyoshi said, “Let’s play again sometime!”
Angered by his words for some reason he could put a finger on, he directed his glare back at Kiyoshi instead. “What? No way,” he growled, undoing his hair from the ponytail he’d tied it in. “I’m quitting basketball.” He turned his glare away from Kiyoshi’s face as it fell, ignoring the pang of guilt in his chest when he thought of leaving Himuro behind. “I played until the end because Muro-chin was so desperate, but it wasn’t fun.” His tongue felt awkward in his mouth for some reason. He could feel Kuroko’s gaze on him from the other end of the court, but he ignored it. “It’s already a boring enough sport. There’s no reason to keep playing after I’ve lost.”
He turned away, heading for his bench, when Kiyoshi spoke up. He paused--not because he wanted to hear what Kiyoshi had to say! Mostly because he was pretty sure that Kiyoshi would follow him around to make him hear it. He was a persistent idiot. “I see. I guess it can’t be helped, then." He paused, but Murasakibara could feel that he wanted to say more. “If that’s how you really feel.” Murasakibara could hear the stupid smile in his voice, so he just walked away from Kiyoshi before Kiyoshi’s awful attitude made him do something stupid.
When he reached the bench, he grabbed his towel, throwing it over his head to hide his face. He could feel his eyes burn slightly, but he wasn’t sure why. Huh. Weird.
Himuro came over to him, still full of determination in that way Murasakibara could never understand. Himuro was never going to be talented like Murasakibara--or even Kagami. Why did he try so hard? “We’ll win next time, Atsushi!” He proclaimed proudly. He was sad, but his voice didn’t have the bitterness that Murasakibara could feel growing in his own chest.
“What?” Murasakibara couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice. “I told you, I’m quitting!”
“You sure?” Himuro asked, and Murasakibara hated him, just a little, for how gentle his voice sounded. “It doesn’t seem that way to me.”
Tears fell on his hand where he was trying to zip up his bag, and he realized, with a start, that he was crying. Huh? When did that--
Oh. The burning in his eyes. He screwed up his face, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to rip their way out of his chest.
Okamura’s hand landed on his head. “You’re just getting started. Keep at it!” he told Murasakibara, and Murasakibara wasn’t sure if that was a threat or a promise. He knocked Okamura’s hand off his head, shoving it away with a waving arm.
“You did well, guys.” He heard Coach Araki say to the team. “Let’s go home.”
“Yes ma’am!” The team replied in unison, Murasakibara excluded. When the team respectfully ignored the tears that continued to fall down his face as they headed for the locker room to get changed and when someone shared some sweet snacks with everyone in the locker room--well, he thought that they might not be such a bad group after all.
Even if they were stingy. One snack wasn’t nearly enough for him!
Kuroko couldn’t help the feeling of ecstasy that rolled through him every time he thought back to the match earlier that day. They’d won! Against Murasakibara! Against Yosen, the Shield of Aegis! They’d made it to the semi-finals! He honestly couldn’t believe it. It felt more like a dream than reality . . .
But as he watched Kaijo play against Fukuda Sougou, it became more and more real to him. Kise was down there, battling against Haizaki for the sake of Kise’s team. For the chance to face Seirin. It was enough to make him want to cry, though he refused to actually do so.
However, the more time that passed, the more he itched with the need to find Murasakibara. He’d never expected that Murasakibara could go into the Zone, and so it had completely blind-sided him when it happened. But it was a shred of proof, finally, that Murasakibara loved basketball!
Kuroko wanted to tell him--
Well, he didn’t know what he wanted to say. But he could figure it out on the way . . . hopefully, it would be some time before the words actually came out of his mouth. It would be quite embarrassing if he tried to speak but no words came out.
Kuroko was apprehensive of the outcome of Shuutoku and Rakuzan’s match. Shuutoku and Seirin had tied in their last official game. The two teams were relatively well-matched and had played many practice matches together over the summer. And to be honest, he knew Shuutoku on a personal level better than he knew almost any other team.
But he had no idea how Shuutoku (and, by extension, Seirin) would match up to Akashi and Rakuzan.
He was as hopeful as he was nervous.
When he started to head down to his seats with the rest of his team, he spotted Murasakibara and Himuro arriving out of the corner of his eye. He frowned, confused, wondering how Himuro could have possibly convinced Murasakibara to willingly come to watch the match, but quickly realized that he’d probably been bribed with junk food.
Kuroko grimaced at the thought of all the junk food Murasakibara constantly ate. Sure, Kuroko liked the occasional (dozen) vanilla shakes, but Murasakibara was just too excessive for him.
Impulsively, he decided to approach them.
When he was finally close enough, he reached up and tapped on Murasakibara’s shoulder, causing the other boy to jolt in shock. He looked around wildly for a moment before looking down and meeting Kuroko’s eyes. Murasakibara’s eyes narrowed. “Kuro-chin,” he said in acknowledgement.
“Hello Murasakibara-kun, Himuro-san.” He gave them both polite nods as Himuro jumped and then blinked at him in surprise.
Himuro smiled at him politely and warmly enough. Though Kuroko could see his slight bitterness (though it was well-hidden, he might add) towards one of the players that had defeated his team yesterday in his eyes. “Ah, hello! Have you come to talk to Atsushi?” When Kuroko nodded, Himuro responded quickly, cutting off the complaint Murasakibara had been about to voice. “The match won’t start for another few minutes. I’m sure you guys will be done by then, yes?” Himuro turned his smile on Murasakibara.
After a few seconds of wavering, Murasakibara crumbled. As he reluctantly followed Kuroko back towards the hallways and away from the overwhelming noise of the crowd around them, Kuroko couldn’t help but feel an amused smile slip over his lips. Himuro was a sneaky one. And probably a good influence on Murasakibara.
When he turned around, Murasakibara was eyeballing him with reluctance (and a bit of thinly-veiled hostility). “Whaddaya want, Kuro-chin?”
As Kuroko stood there, he realized that he didn’t know what he wanted from Murasakibara. And that as much as he disapproved of Muraskaibara’s attitude, he couldn’t help but feel so proud of the fact that he’d gone into the Zone. That he’d found a friend like Himuro.
But he couldn’t say any of that. Murasakibara would just walk away from such “sentimental garbage.” And so when he opened his mouth, he honestly wasn’t sure what would come out. Which was why he was as surprised as Murasakibara when what did come out was: “Himuro-san and Kagami-kun.”
Murasakibara stared at him like he didn’t know why Kuroko was saying something like this before grunting. “What about them?”
“I told Kagami-kun that he and Himuro-san could be rivals and brothers. That he should stop being an idiot.” Kuroko was surprised by the amused snort from Muraskaibara.
“Sounds like you,” he grumbled, and Kuroko decided to take that as a compliment.
“It’s something that I realized when I was playing Midorima-kun in the Tokyo Championship League. Aomine-kun and Kise-kun reminded me of it recently. That we were friends and rivals. Midorima-kun even gave Kagami-kun advice that helped him play better this summer. Without that advice, he likely would have won against us the second time. But he doesn’t seem to regret it at all. And after yesterday. . . Kise-kun will be my next opponent today. And yet, I rooted for him all throughout that match. I was proud when he won. And--”
“Is this going somewhere?” Murasakibara drawled lazily, and Kuroko narrowed his eyes at him.
“And Aomine-kun helped me learn how to shoot in a way suited for me.” Kuroko paused for a second, thinking over all the words that had just come tumbling out of his mouth. They were truer than he had realized. “Maybe wanting to have it all makes me selfish, however, I can’t help bu--” Kuroko shook his head, stopping that train of thought. “I suppose what I’m trying to say is--” Kuroko dug around in his pocket. “Put your new cell phone number in my phone,” he demanded, sticking his phone out to Murasakibara.
Murasakibara glared down at Kuroko, and Kuroko felt so silly. He didn’t know what he was doing here, there was no way Murasakibara would--
“Yeah, okay, Kuro-chin,” he said, taking the phone and plugging his number into the ‘new contact’ option. Kuroko stood there, staring in shock at nothing but air all the while. When Murasakibara plopped the phone back in his still-outstretched hand a minute later, he blinked, returning to reality. He looked up and met Murasakibara’s gaze just in time for his large hand to land on his head. Kuroko scowled at the hand patting his head, before watching, still in disbelief, as Murasakibara strode away back to Himuro.
“Good luck, Kuro-chin,” he called. “You’re going to need it,” he muttered.
The fact that Akashi was terrifying wasn’t new information.
Murasakibara had experienced that terror first-hand during their one-on-one in third year of middle school.
But the fact that he had won the match against Shuutoku by so much even after Midorima had improved immensely? That had made even Murasakibara shiver a little in his seat when he had seen the final score.
And now, watching him play against Kuroko and the rest of Seirin, Murasakibara wasn’t sure how to feel. He respected Akashi more than almost anyone he knew, and he couldn’t help but feel bitter towards Seirin, the team that had defeated him and his team. So why . . .
Why did he feel the urge to stand up and cheer Kuroko on too when the rest of their middle school teammates had chosen to scream their support?
Loyalty and laziness kept him trapped in his seat, but as the end of the match approached, he couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward in his seat, tracking the action occurring in the game below him with intent eyes. He felt his palms and his feet itch--like he wanted to move--and scowled, flopping back in his seat to be contrary.
Despite the fact that all of his team had come to watch the match, he was pretty sure only Himuro had noticed the way that (even if it was only for a few moments) he had felt the urge, the want, to play basketball too.
When the cards fell and all was said and done, Seirin stood victorious. Murasakibara felt a strange tinge of unwanted pride. He had lost to the victors of this tournament, and no one less.
As he watched Kuroko’s team tackle him in hugs, the tiny figures dancing across the big, empty court, he felt that itch to play again. And when he watched Akashi shake Kuroko’s hand (his other self was clearly there to stay), he felt a warmth in his chest that almost overwhelmed that itch.
So he scowled and ignored both feelings, reaching into his bag for another snack to eat. Wanting to play basketball and loving basketball the way that Kuroko did was stupid.
Later that night, as he lay awake and stared at the ceiling above him, Murasakibara couldn’t stop thinking. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way that all of his teammates, even Akashi, had been changed by their matches against Kuroko and his team. He couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with them!
(What was wrong with him, for not changing too.)
And he couldn’t stop thinking about what it was like to go into the Zone.
The way his focus had narrowed to him, tha players, the ball, and the court--as if nothing else mattered, as if the rest of the world had been drowned out . . . the way he felt like he’d been sinking down beneath the waves of the Zone had been . . . wonderful.
It had been wonderful for every moment that it had happened. It felt like the moment of euphoria that came when he took his first bite of something delicious, a feeling all the following bites could never capture as well as the first. And yet this version of that euphoria had been constant .
It felt like coming home.
And he hated himself for feeling that in the bone-deep way he felt it.
He knew that the other Miracles said you said to love basketball to go into the Zone--but that wasn’t true! It couldn’t be true . . . because he hated basketball.
He was quitting basketball!
He would just as soon as the season was over. After all, he didn’t want to let Himuro down.
But there was always a reason to keep playing, wasn’t there? At first he was just playing to join a club, any club! And then it was because he didn’t want to lose. Then it was because he was good at it. Because he didn’t want to let Akashi down. Because he didn’t want to fall behind all the rest of his teammates. Because he wanted to prove himself to be the best of them all, to beat Kuroko, to not let Himuro down--
There was always something.
But when this year was over . . . there was nothing.
There was no reason for him to keep playing, no reason for him to experience the Zone again.
He didn’t want to experience the Zone again--!
And yet he also did.
He wanted to play with Himuro next year.
He wanted to play against Kuroko, Akashi, and all his middle school teammates.
He wanted to go into the Zone again.
And he didn’t know why.
Groaning, Murasakibara threw an arm over his eyes, closing them and trying to block out the world. He heard his phone buzz. He threw out his other arm, groping around to find his phone. Squinting at the bright screen, he realized it was a text--
A text from Kuroko.
Did you come to the match today Murasakibara-kun?
Debating with himself for a few moments, Murasakibara shook his head at himself when he realized he wanted to reply.
yeah. congrats or whatever
He waited, tensely, for a reply.
Thank you. I was very proud of my team.
Murasakibara rolled his eyes at the response. “Typical Kuro-chin,” he grumbled to himself. But before he could tell Kuroko to leave him alone if that’s all he wanted to say, Kuroko sent another text.
Did you see that they were selling limited-edition sweets there today? I got some for you because I was not certain if you were there.
Murasakibara’s eyes gleamed. This. This was the reason he was friends with Kuroko.
And without realizing that he had started to think of Kuroko as a friend once more, he rapidly texted back, forgetting any reluctance and annoyance he’d previously had in a single moment.
Deep thoughts about annoying things could be saved for another time. Limited-edition sweets were far more important.
Kuroko's Birthday, January 31st, First Year of High School
Kuroko was thankful that Akashi had arranged a practice match between Rakuzan and Yosen in Tokyo yesterday, otherwise he doubted Murasakibara would have showed up at all. It was wonderful to see everyone again, but it was especially wonderful that they were all there for his birthday.
As they played match after match on the street court, he couldn’t help the small grin that he constantly wore on his face. He remembered playing in these various teams of three all the time in middle school, memories that were quite fond in the early days. While they had become tainted with the awful things that happened later on, it now felt like all the pain, anger, and guilt had been excised from those memories.
Kuroko was sure that the others had those memories too, but now all that was left was the enjoyment of the game that they all shared.
He could even see a smile on Murasakibara’s face as they played. Despite the complaints he muttered about them all being fanatics and the way he was constantly saying that he was exhausted from the practice matches between Rakuzan and Yosen the day before, he still kept playing until the rest of them decided to stop too.
After they took a group photo and Kuroko invited them all to the party that Kagami was hosting for his birthday, they all walked towards Kagami’s apartment. Momoi (he wasn’t sure he wanted to know why she knew everyone’s addresses) was leading the way with Akashi while Midorima, Kise, and Aomine argued. But Murasakibara was being quiet enough that he wasn’t dragged into their arguing (for once).
Kuroko fell back to walk next to him.
“Did you have a good day, Murasakibara-kun?”
Murasakibara jumped slightly, before giving him a bored look. “Ehh. It was annoying, but fine, I guess.”
Kuroko smiled, because (for Murasakibara) that was basically admitting that he’d had fun. “Are you excited to--”
“Don’t think that just because I went into the Zone you know how I feel,” Murasakibara snapped, cutting him off and clearly misunderstanding what his question had been about. Kuroko had been planning to ask if he was excited to eat, but well, they might as well have this conversation.
“I don’t know how you feel,” Kuroko agreed easily enough. And Murasakibara was surprised enough by this acknowledgement that he fell silent beside him. “I don’t know what the Zone is like, and I doubt I will ever know, no matter how much I love basketball. So I will only say to you what I have said many times before. And this time, I hope that you will actually hear me: Don’t squander the gifts you have been given. Please play your hardest, Murasakibara-kun.” Kuroko turned to look at Murasakibara as he walked, before nodding and speeding up to leave Murasakibara behind.
He had so much more he wanted to say. But somehow, he didn’t think Murasakibara was quite ready to talk about any of this. That’s why he was so surprised when Murasakibara said, quietly, “I’m not gonna quit my team.”
Kuroko’s pace stuttered with surprise, unsure if maybe he should slow back down to talk more or simply walk in silence. Or if Murasakibara would take that as Kuroko returning to say that he’d been right all along. So instead, he just murmured, “I’m glad,” and poked Aomine in the back to startle him.
He was easily swept up in his other friends’ conversation, but he kept an eye on Murasakibara all evening long. He tried not to be pleased about the fact that he was pretty sure that playing with them today had been a big part of Muraskibara’s reason for deciding to keep playing. But he failed, miserably.
Especially given the fact that he was watching all his friends celebrate his birthday with him, both on the court and off. In truth, he couldn’t stop smiling all day.
Vorpal Sword vs Jabberwock , Post-Interhigh, Second Year of High School
Getting benched with a hurt wrist in the middle of the game against Team Jabberwock sucked.
Because being able to play his hardest with a team that could keep up with him? Honestly, it was one of the best feelings Murasakibara had ever felt. And even if he had refused to admit it to anyone else aloud, he had finally become comfortable with the fact that he liked basketball at least a little after he had decided to keep playing basketball.
But even though he was missing out on playing, the feeling that came when their team won the game was . . .
It made him want to play a thousand more games with the Miracles and Yosen and all of his friends.
It was one thing to hear that Kagami was leaving. It was another for Kagami to actually leave. Sitting outside the airport on a bench with his middle school teammates surrounding him, he watched the planes take off and rise through the sky, above the clouds. He knew that Kagami was in one of those planes . . . and he actually felt somewhat sad about it.
“Huh, he’s really gone,” Kise realized with a downcast look on his face.
“Now we’ll never play with him again,” Murasakibara frowned, pausing in rummaging around in his bag of chips. “Not that I care,” he added.
“That’s not true,” Midorima asserted, turning to look at him.
“Huh?” Muraskibara asked.
Aomine, glaring angrily at the road, grumbled. “I’m going to America.”
“What?” Kise asked. “To see Kagamicchi?”
“Of course not, idiot! I’m obviously going to play in the NBA.” Aomine declared loudly.
Kise jumped, turning to stare at him with surprise. “What? When?”
“I don’t know yet,” Aomine dismissed him, as if blustering could cover up the fact that he definitely didn’t actually have any concrete plans, “but I’m definitely going soon.”
Murasakibara decided to ignore them. They were both idiots anyway. At least Midorima was a little less stupid (and a lot more mean). “Mido-chin, what are you talking about?”
Midorima’s gaze had returned to the sky and planes above them. “I could ask you the same thing.  A slight smile curved over his face. “Aren’t we going to keep playing basketball?”
He looked back at the rest of them, but Murasakibara didn’t want to say “yes,” even if it was true.
“Midorima’s right,” Akashi spoke up, his hands elegantly folded together in his lap. “Kagami’s just playing somewhere else now.” He turned his whole face up to the heavens. “As long as we keep playing basketball, we’ll fight him again.”
See you again soon, Kagami, Murasakibara thought, strengthening his resolve and pushing any sadness he might have felt away. He reached for a handful of chips and turned his gaze at the planes overhead like the rest of his friends had.
When they met up with Seirin at the front of the airport to take the bus back together, it felt like it was on purpose that Kuroko chose to sit down in the seat next to him.
Aomine and Kise battled for Kuroko’s attention as much as they did anything else. Midorima’s scoldings just added more noise to the mess. Murasakibara decided that ignoring Midorima was his best bet to avoid being scolded by Akashi--a terrifying prospect. In truth, only Akashi’s iron-clad control over the worst of all of their behavior stopped them from being kicked-off the bus all together. Seirin was surprisingly noisy too, but Murasakibara supposed that made sense. Kuroko wouldn’t know what to do with a peaceful, calm team.
He and Kuroko sat together for most of the ride, not often interacting with each other given all the chaos that was around them. When they finally got close to their stop, he offered some of his sugary snacks to Kuroko. Kuroko took a vanilla wafer with a small smile.
Staring directly at the seat in front of him as he spoke, Murasakibara finally said. “I like playing basketball.”
It was something he wasn’t sure he’d admit to anyone else in the world besides Kuroko--except probably Himuro and maybe Akashi.
Kuroko simply said: “I know.”
He scowled. “Ugh, you’re so self-righteous, Kuro-chin. I still don’t think that liking basketball makes me, or anyone else, a better player or anything!”
“I know.” Kuroko didn’t push the point, like Murasakibara had feared he would.
So he heaved a sigh and changed the subject. “I wish you’d just shut up sometimes.”
“I know,” Kuroko said, but he was smiling.
Murasakibara couldn’t stop the smile that was growing on his own face, thankful that Kuroko wasn’t making a big deal out of this. He was simply letting this moment happen between just them, without the scrutiny of their ex-teammates or Kuroko’s current teammates.
This time, when he felt that warmth in his chest he associated with friendship, that itch in his soul to play, he chose to smile instead of frown.
For once, he chose to lay down his shield, his walls, and let those feelings in.
He wanted to play. He loved to play. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, he may have to say goodbye to friends over the years, but one thing he wanted to hold on tight to was basketball. As long as he kept playing, he would see friends he’d thought were long gone, friends like Kuroko, again.
And that was why he would never stop playing basketball.
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ameliyaahn3 · 4 years
🖇 (1/2) Good day ☺! Haikyuu and KnB matchup? Straight female, 5'0ft, 20yrs old, long black hair & olive skin! I like being knowledgeable of diff topics/interest, cause it's a great conversation starter & a great way to know different people! I love everything chocolate; whether it's ice cream, cake or milk! Then, I'm scared of lizards:( People often find me intimidating, cause of my rb face. But, once they know me, I'm actually very clumsy & teasable person, cause I'm an easygoinh person.
A/n : I don't know what to say but that I was in a strange state of mind when I wrote that like... I was unable to write headcanons.
Haikyuu >>>>
I match you with...
Time skip!Kawanishi Taichi
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Would look like a one shot but hey ! Hear me out this how you two I think matched :
You meet him for the first time at his work place, (he works as a barman.)
And asked for a non-alchool cocktail, as he quickly gives your command cause the bar isn't full of people yet, you question him suddenly about the meaning of your glass : the name echoed like foreigner and you already heard that somes drinks hides beautiful signification and history.
Who need to know something so useless and random ? Kawanishi didn't have a lot to respond to you but as he was intrigued and bored he tried despite that at first glance he didn't thought of you like a very open minded person.
Conversation last in like 3 minutes but was quite interesting and long enough for you to notice the barman beauty and, for him to lost his stereotypes on you.
You tried to make a move on him but your flirt attemp fail as you accidentaly spill your drink cause of your clumsiness.
Embarassed, thinking about how stupid you may have looked to him, Kawanishi wasn't reassuring as he was silently –but definitely mocking you.
Pretty weird girl he probably thought.
His introverted ass indicate you the toilet direction as he was cleaning your mess.
At your return, he allowed himself to smirk and joke about you're clumsiness with a lot of calm but playfully for sure : Your initial plan was to back home but after that ? You wont let him get away like this ! You're an easygoin person but... teased that much by a stranger ?
You two started to talk a lot more, with your friendly nature as a big help, you showed him somes of your tongue tricks and he teased you about the accident earlier and related that to the fact you're left-handed Goosh so much fuckboi vibes!! Then the two of you introduced and exchanged numbers before you had to leave.
Your conversation on socials medias and phone messages were pretty funny : Once he knew your fears for lizards this bastard started to send you pictures of them when you were a "nuisance". But one time, Tendou usurpated Taichi identity and outrageously flirt with you.
So you remind him at every occasion he thinks he has the advantage and even send the screenshots.
Beside that you didin't stop but luckily meet him in town.
Kawanishi then awkwardly invites you to comes to the bar again, there propose you to date without saying it like how it was supposed to sound.
You didn't hold back and obviously teased him, he fainted to be annoyed.
Since you two are not strangers anymore, you know a lot about each others and you talked about your sporty high school years.
Kawanishi thinks he's a better basket-ball player than you just because of his height, plz proove him wrong.
It ended in a chill street-basket match.
The loser had to pay for anything that can contains chocolate to the winner.
Obviously, Kawinishi would pay despite the result, wouldn't even be serious during the game, he walks, he's so soft when it comes to spend time with you besides all the teasing and stuff.
Hugs master, is not into pda but gives them in public despite being a lot more shy.
Loves that you're kind of a nerd, ask sometimes for your random knowledge.
This height difference is just so cute !!
Others potential matchs :
Sugawara Koushi, Akaashi Keiji.
Kuroko no basket >>>
I match you with...
Aged up! Himuro Tatsuya
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Like Kawanishi here I go for a whole love story :
Idk where you live but in this anime AU you're in USA, and one of your friends invited you to a NBA match cause she get offerred free tickets.
Through, she didin't know much about basket-ball, she wanted to bet to makes easy money.
So she asked for your advice as you were in a counter waiting for the food you commanded and on the sport bets application.
" Hey do you know who's that Murasakibara Atsushi ? Sounds pretty japanesse like name."
Unfortunately, it didn't ring a bell in your mind at all but peoples besides you were talking about a new giant from college.
" Hmm...If that guy who just come from college already play as a starter then I shouldn't bet on that team." said your friend quite sceptical, more curious you didn't share their opinion and was waiting for more elements but he or she was already prepared to risk their money.
" We should ask for advice to peoples more informated than us." You said.
"But who ?" The tall and handsome guy– Himuro- was standing behind you, hearing the conversation with a smile since less than one minute. He can't help himself but talk.
" I wouldn't bet on a team who has Atsushi as opponent if I was you, ladies." Himuro said.
Love at first sight.
" Please explain why." Your smile convinced him to talk more.
And as he see that you're really curious, find that trait of yours pretty funny.
" I did basketball when I was in High school but you seem to know much more than me, would it bother you too much to watch the match with us..? If you don't have compagny obvi—
And you tripped, almost making your food drop but Himuro caught you before. You feel your face warmer cause of embarassement but smile as you know how clumsy you're generally but that you don't mind really.
Himuro lightheartly laugh at you and accept your offer.
Your friend believed that she was burden as you two were talking a lot and not only about basketball but student life too.
Himuro unlike Atsushi still a player in his college team even if somes pro-team are interested by him.
Takes you on a date after your 1st meeting and gives you his number.
Likes that you know a lot about different things and loves when you bring your knowledge, awkward or not in conversation.
Spoil you with chocolate whenever he feels that you're sad.
Protects you from lizards.
Finds your tongue tricks funny but won't ask you to makes them often as he isn't an innocent guy...
He's happy that you have played basketball during highschool years so you two can talk about it without that he feel guilty about you don't know what he's even talking about.
Thinks of your left-handness as a cute distinction.
Others potential matchs :
Izuki Shun, Midorima Shintarou.
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knb-no-scenario · 5 years
Hello. This is my first time on your blog, so I hope I'm not breaking the rules. Can I ask for GOM + Kagami's reaction to the fact that their son is madly in love with Hanamiya's daughter? Please, if you don't mind .
sorry for the wait! actually, the character limit is 6 but i think you requested before i updated the guidelines so i’ll write short headcanons and slip short scenarios ( · ∀ · ) i haven’t watched knb in a long time and never really paid attention to hanamiya’s character so i hope this is good enough (   _ _ )
At first, he’s surprised that his shy son is suddenly on his phone 24/7, calling someone until late in the night and immediately shutting up when he entered his room.
After some investigating, he found out that he had a giant crush on a girl from his school.
He was happy that he finally liked someone, but… he had a lingering suspicion about the girl’s last name. It reminded him of an old.. acquaintance.
He didn’t want to ask his son at first, but he got too curious and he wanted to make sure who exactly she was. His son was embarrassed at first, but became too excited to tell him all about her afterwards.
“Hanamiya [Name], huh?”
“Yes. She’s.. really cute.”
Kuroko tried to calm himself down, keeping a strained smile on his face. It couldn’t be.. it couldn’t..
“Ah, her dad knows you! I think his name was.. Hanamiya Makoto? Was he an old friend, dad?”
Kuroko choked on his breakfast.
Kise was shocked to see his playboy son suddenly become so invested in a girl. His son also told him about her so many times and showed him photos.
He also thought that she was pretty, but.. he had a feeling that she was similar to someone he knew. He just didn’t know exactly who it was.
“Ah, seriously. You’re totally in love.” Kise exhaled when he saw his son staring at the picture of the girl again.
“Dad, we’re finally going out!” His son suddenly said, his face red, “I’m visiting her house this weekend! Help me prepare!”
Kise was at a loss for words. What was happening? It was all going too fast!
“Her dad looks really scary, too..” His son complained, showing him a picture of a black haired man, “He apparently used to play basketball as well.”
Kise’s eyes widened. He knew that guy! Out of all girls his son could pick…
“I’ll go too!”
“Eh?? Why?!”
Even though his son tried to keep it a secret from him, Aomine knew he was hiding something. His son had been behaving strangely, coming home late, texting until midnight.. it was a girl, no doubt about it.
He didn’t really care about his son having a girlfriend, so he was curious why the teen wanted to keep it a secret so badly. Was the girl ugly? Stupid?
“Hm? So she’s not ugly after all.”
Aomine’s son nearly fell out the couch when he realised that his dad had been standing behind him the entire time.
“Dad! What the hell?!”
“Language. Is that your girl?” He smirked, “How long do you plan on keeping her a secret?”
His son huffed, “I didn’t mean to.. but if I told you, you’re going to tell me to break up with her.”
“Huh? Why would I do that?”
“Because she told me that her dad and you didn’t like each other.”
Aomine raised an eyebrow. “Who’s her dad?”
His son looked reluctant to tell him. “Hanamiya Makoto.”
“Ah, that cheating f-cker.”
“Dad! Language!”
Since he was a busy doctor, he didn’t realise that his son had gotten a girlfriend at first.
But one day he saw a notebook with really neat handwriting, and he knew it couldn’t be his son’s. He thought it was merely a friend’s, but his son’s flustered expression made him suspicious.
“Who’s the owner of that notebook, really?”
“No one, dad! Just go to work already!”
Midorima became more curious at his son’s strong dismissal. “It looks like a girl’s. Is it your girlfriend’s?”
His son’s red face answered his curiousity. “You know, you don’t have to keep it a secret. I can even give you some tips.”
His son snorted. “I heard her dad clashed with your old teammates, though.”
Midorima blinked in confusion. With the Generation of Miracles? - Ah, good times. He should ask everyone to meet up sometime soon.
“If I tell you, you have to help me get ready for a date, okay?”
The curious Midorima nodded robotically.
“Her dad is Hanamiya Matoko.”
Midorima blinked, thought for a second, then let out a deep tired sigh. “You mean Hanamiya Makoto. Well, as long as her daughter isn’t like him, I guess it’s okay.”
“Huh? Was his dad really that bad of a guy?!”
His son was never good at keeping secrets, mostly because Akashi was perceptive. The moment his phone bills started to go up, he instantly knew that his son was crushing on someone.
He kept quiet about it at first, wondering why his son was okay telling his mother about his crush but always keeping it a secret from him. Whenever he asked, his wife would also giggle but say nothing.
Finally, after doing a thorough background check on the girl, he understood why.
“Ah, what’s the matter, father?” The moment he entered, his son immediately slammed his phone on the bed face down.
Akashi sighed, leaning against the door. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m fine with it.”
His son visibly tensed up. “What do you mean?”
“The girl you’re madly in love with. She’s Hanamiya Makoto’s daughter, is she not?”
His son stood up, “I didn’t mean to keep it a secret, but.. I found out that your old teammates didn’t really like her father in the past and.. I asked mother not to tell you-“
Akashi nodded, “It’s fine. She’s quite bright and kind, from what I’ve heard. As long as she makes you happy, I’m alright with it.”
“Father!” His son’s face lit up, touched.
“Just make sure to divide your time properly.” Akashi added, glancing at the exam results on his son’s table.
“Sorry, I’ll do that.” His son sheepishly replied.
Akashi exited the room, shaking his head when he heard buzzing sounds from his son’s phone. Young love.
Hearing that his son got a girlfriend he’s been chasing for months now, Murasakibara was a bit intrigued. After all, his son never really liked someone - or something, - so much.
He started to ask his son more questions about her, wondering what kind of girl she was. Was she like his wife? Since his son was similar to him, surely the girl they liked would be similar, right?
“Ehh? Is that her?” Murasakibara watched from the window as a girl walked away from the house.
His sick son had just closed the front door and was carrying notes from that day’s lessons. His face that was red from the fever got even redder. “Yeah. Hanamiya [Name]. She’s really sweet.”
“Sweet?” Murasakibara repeated aloud, still watching until the girl disappeared from his sight. “Hanamiya [Name]? Hanamiya? Hanamiya? Where have I heard that last name?”
“Ah, right. His dad knows you.” His son exclaimed, “His name is Hanamiya Makoto. He also knows your friend, Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga. Did you all play basketball together?”
Murasakibara hummed. “Ah, I think Kuroko-chin told me about him before. Now, was he saying good things or bad things? I forgot.”
Kagami started to notice a girl who always showed up to his son’s basketball matches. He also saw his son glancing up at the audience, trying to spot her. She was a dark-haired girl, and, oddly, whenever she was there, he would also always see an old acquaintance.
On one match, he saw his son smile to her - and this time, his old acquaintance was right next to that girl. He stared in disbelief and noticed the similarities between them. Same dark hair, same dark eyes.. huh? What was going on?
“Dad, dad! Look at my girlfriend!”
Kagami watched mutely as his son showed him a picture of the girl he always saw. It looked like a family picture of some sort. His eyes bulged when he saw the man standing next to her.
“Uhh.. this is..”
“Ah, she told me that his dad knew you! He also saw you during my matches but you never greeted him..”
Kagami wanted to faint. “This girl.. do you really like her?”
“Huh?” His son looked at him strangely, “Well.. yeah. She’s really kind and supportive. She’s also fun! And she’s the female team’s captain! Her skills are great!”
“What’s her playing like?”
“Well,” His son thought for a moment, “She’s good at three pointers..”
“She doesn’t use cheap tricks, right?”
“Huh? That’s so random. Of course not!”
Kagami let out a relieved sigh.
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