#when they first got on stage youjin looked straight at me and I was so shook cuz God damn he's so handsome
jihunonthefloor · 7 years
#I can't believe this happened#I'm still not over it#it was everything from the beginning to moments after#when they first got on stage youjin looked straight at me and I was so shook cuz God damn he's so handsome#then seungjun was touching our hands but he missed mine cuz I'm short#there was a moment I saw inseong look at me but he didn't wave and he looked away I think I scared him lol#ok don't want to sound delusional here#but#my friend and I noticed jihun kept glancing over at me sort of like he was checking on me lol#she said thats because he thought he killed me! lmao I can't deal lol#I didn't get all of it bc I wasn't looking at my phone while I was recording so it didn't catch everything#seungjun was hella adorabke he kept going off to the side of the audience to give hearts#while the rest of the members were into playing the game#what a cutie#okay for the performances knk didn't do U or back again like I wanted#but they did do Knock and knock is fucking legendary that's our fucking anthem#they did 해달별 and one of my absolute all time favorites ever Day and Night#I DIED when I heard the song because I expected U or back again#I was so hype and I was the only one on my section turnt for Day and night lol#literally I can sing every word from that song not even kidding it's srsly my fav lol#I love them so much I need them to go on tour and come back to NY so I can do a fan engagement#lol I need more they only performed 3 songs#day and night was so fun#they played around on stage a lot#heejun was all over the place lol#they were supposed to regroup for the ending and heejun had to run back to the end of the stage just so they won't end it without him#adorable#inseong had so much passion it was inspiring#youjin was hitting all of his high notes as per usual because you never expect anything less#I mean come on
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Full Moon Secrets
KNK Youjin (Kim Youjin)
Reader X Bias 
Genre: 100% soft Fluff 
Synopsis: I don’t know what happens here either but enjoy the ride lol :D
You practically sprinted up the stairs of the train station and onto the sidewalk, head twisting in every direction looking for your friend. You were supposed to meet at 7:30 at the station downtown. You made plans to catch up, go eat and get some drinks. You moved about a bit aimlessly looking for her face. When finally you spotted her talking to a tall silhouette, very casually. You approached them happily, but cautiously because you were interrupting their conversation.  “Mimi!” You yelled perkily as you advanced on her. She peeked around the tall figure and smiled then pulled a playful annoyed face.  “You’re always late!” “I’m sorry! I got on on the wrong train and had to circle back down this way…” Your voice trailed off as you caught the eyes of your friend’s friend. “Hello..” “Hello.” He greeted you, returning your polite manner. His eyes flitted from your face to Mimi’s with a look you couldn’t recognize, since you didn’t know him, and Mimi suddenly shook her head as if she had just remembered something.  “Ah. Right. Y/N, this is Youjin. Youjin, Y/N.” “Nice to you meet you, Y/N.” Youjin finally smiled at you. It was a very small, gently smile. But friendly and made his face liven up. “Nice to meet you as well.” You answered back with a smile of your own. Mimi smiled and linked both of your arms by the elbow with hers as she stood in the middle.  “Should we go eat now? I’m starving! Oh. Y/N, you don’t mind if Youjin joins us right?” She asked you. You were a bit startled at being put on the spot. It wasn’t like you could say no, she was already dragging you both along.  “Of course not. The more the merrier.” “Are you sure?” Youjin peeked over Mimi’s head at you. His eyes steady. You held them for a bit before cutting your own straight ahead. His gaze was stronger than you realized and you found your own knees quickly feeling like jello pudding. You inhaled and put some extra strength in your legs as you all walked on. “Yeah.”  
You sat at the small round table sipping at a tall glass of beer that Mimi ordered for each of you as you waited for the meat to cook on the grill. Youjin volunteered to take charge and as he carefully tended to the beef grill and the pork grill side by side, he caught your eyes and softly asked you, “Do you like mushrooms?” You felt your heart skip again as he looked back down at the grill and you wished for his eyes to look back over at you. For some reason, to be embraced in his gaze felt like you were the only thing he could see. The only thing he wanted to see. Even if it had only been for .3 seconds at a time.  “Yes. I like them a lot.” You told him truthfully. Mimi smiled at sipped her own drink at your response. Youjin nodded and smiled as he added a few more mushrooms onto the grill. “Me too. Even as a kid I liked them.”  “I can’t stand them. You two have weird tastes.” Mimi playfully interjected to break the growing cloud of strangely placed feelings. You laughed and nudged your friend. “Or maybe you’re the weird one.” You jested. “Yeah!” Youjin joked, “You’re outnumbered on this one!” “Whatever!” Mimi stuck her tongue out at both of you, Youjin pretended to clamp her tongue with the meat tongs. Mimi yelped and swatted at him over the small table. You laughed at them both.  “You two act like real brother and sister.” You commented. Trying to figure out how you had never met him before, but they seemed so close. Youjin added some more onions on the grill and pulled his face into a thinking visage, briefly, before answering. “How long have you known each other?” “Probably just a year.” Youjin answered simply. “We met after I started my new position at my job.” Mimi clarified further. You nodded your head putting the pieces together. Almost three years prior, Mimi had passed to join YNB Entertainment company as a Public Relations and Artist Relations Rep.. Mimi went on to explain that while still an intern, she was liked in the company because she had great ideas in the way of working with press, fans, and the artists’ themselves and had a special knack for social media where she ruled supreme. Last year, she took over running/monitoring a few of the rookie groups’ official group accounts and fan cafes and that’s how she got close to Youjin. Youjin became talking animatedly at the memory, “I honestly thought she was like a drill sergeant. All she did was tell us to give her content to upload. And tell us to take care of our appearance before sending her pictures to upload. She would reject things I wanted to post saying it was low quality or I looked terrible–” You sipped a spoonful of soup as you listened to Mimi cut him off, “People need to see you at your best while they’re getting to know you!–”  “AND she would rush up to us after stages and make us take ‘cute’ photos! It was so annoying!” “You should be thanking me! Nobody would recognize your handsome face the way you took photos before–it was so bad, Y/N, honestly. He wouldn’t even comb his hair!” Your eyes ran over his well-groomed appearance as he snipped the meat into bite-sized pieces. “I find that hard to believe.” You responded. Youjin and you met eyes for a flash before you turned to face Mimi out of slight embarrassment, “But even if it was so…I think I’d like to see a natural look on a guy..” Youjin’s ears perked up and turned a bit red. He tried to hide a smile and took a sip of his drink before picking up the tongs again and placing some pork onto the side of the grill nearest to you. Mimi smiled and rolled her eyes. “Yeah but he was looking a bit too natural. If you know what I mean–one time–” “Ahh!” Youjin interjected with a loud noise to cut her off. “I don’t know what you’re going to say but don’t say it!” “Why not?” Mimi teased while plucking some meat for herself. “Because…” He pushed some mushrooms closer to your side of the grill and took a few pieces of pork and began to make a wrap. Mimi made a sound like she just got wind of something. “Ohh. I see…” Mimi looked over to you, something almost devilish in her eyes. “Y/N.” “Hm?” You moved to look at her again after putting a mushroom in your mouth, simultaneously, you were distracted as you caught the sight of Youjin’s chopsticks moving from the grill to your meatless dish. Just two meat pieces first, then two more pieces landed on your rice as you watched from the corner of your eye. Mimi kept talking, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?” You almost choked on your mushroom. Youjin lifted out of his chair in slight concern. He handed you a glass of water. You thanked him and took a drink. Mimi rubbed your back and amusedly asked if you were okay. You wanted to laugh because you suddenly felt like this was all a setup and you were the only one late on the uptake. You took a breath, placing the water back on the table. Mimi continued talking like she never asked the question in the first place.  “You know what you should try?” “What?” You responded. “One of Youjin’s wraps.” Youjin stiffened at being put on the spot. You felt awkward eating from his hands when you just met that night. “Oh I don’t know…” “They’re reaallly good.” Mimi stressed motioning towards Youjin. “Make one for her.” You motioned as well, in efforts to stop him. “You don’t have to really–” “Feed it to her!” Mimi blurted. Youjin smiled like he wanted to laugh and said, “I actually would like to make one for you. If you’ll accept it.” You felt blood flushing to your face for no real reason. “Okay.” You agreed. Youjin grabbed some lettuce, a perilla leaf, rice, two pieces of meat, then hovered over the garlic before shyly looking up at you. You smiled and nodded enthusiastically. He added that, too, and then a small piece of onion. He wrapped it delicately, like he was folding the world’s thinnest tissue paper and then, with one hand bracing the outstretched hand, he stood up and offered you the wrap. You lifted yourself out of your seat and put both your hands out to take the wrap simultaneously as he fed it to you. You took the first bite from his hand before pulling away with the wrap in your mouth half eaten. And you didn’t know if it was because he knew how much of each thing to put in to balance the flavours, of it was the addition of onion, or if it was well cooked meat, or if it was because it was him and he was cute and he was feeding you and you just met– But it was the best damn wrap you’d ever eaten. You nodded as you chewed up the rest and gave him a thumbs up with a full mouth. “It’s okay?” Youjin asked with a smile on his face as he cleared the grills for the upcoming new arrival of pork belly that Mimi had just yelled out for. “It’s delicious.” You struggled to say. Holding a hand over your mouth as you talked with your mouth full. You both laughed lightly and tried not to stare at each other doing so.  As the night flew by, the three of you found yourselves leaving the third spot of the night. It was a late night cereal bar. After stuffing yourselves with oreo’s cookies and cream cereal and gummi bears, Mimi convinced Youjin to take some aesthetically killer photos for the fan cafes and twitter. He fought her over it, but was eventually swayed by her logic. She took them on her phone and eventually was satisfied with the shots. “Okay. That should be enough. I’m exhausted anyway. I’m out kids. Youjin. Don’t stay out all night. Or I’ll call your manager and tell him what you’ve been eating.” “Ahh Sis! Why would you do that? You could get in trouble too, you know? You bought it for me!” Youjin playfully protested. “I did a lot of things for you tonight I could get in trouble for.” Mimi threw back coyly. They shared a laugh as you threw your gaze between the two of them. All night had been like this. Little sneak talks right over your head in front of your face. You knew, but didn’t know what exactly was going on. “Okay! What is going on?” They both looked at you amusement lingering, but confused at your outburst. You put your hands on your hips. “What do you mean?” Mimi asked you, feigning innocence. “You two. All night. Sharing secrets right over my head.” It might have been the drinks from the first two places finally kicking in. Or the bottle that Mimi snuck into the cereal bar, but you found yourself pulling a full cute pout, directly in front of Youjin. Mimi didn’t bat an eye to your expression, she had seen it before. But Youjin stopped in his tracks, surprised, and then began looking at you like he had seen something too adorable for words. “Tell me what’s going on, please?” You asked them both, after pulling your pout back in. Mimi looked over at Youjin briefly before speaking again, “Now would be a good time to ask her.” “Ask me what?” You asked, looking back and forth between them both. Mimi stepped back and off to the side a little bit as Youjin looked over at you from Mimi. He paused before finally asking you, “Can I count this as Day 1?”
Girl I don’t even know. lol  But I hope you liked it anyway?  I’ll write another one for Youjin another day. Something better??? I also want to write one for Inseong or Jihun. Maybe both lol Maybe all, shoot. Why not let Heejun and Seungjun join the fluff party huh?!? Anyway. related/unrelated note: I missed MusicBank tonight *cries* this is the third? week in a row I’ve missed it.  How ya’ll doing?? I hope it’s good. If it wasn’t so good, I hope this story made it better :)
Love, peace, and quick fluff reads!! ~admin Fluffintine
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