#when they initially try to take him back. it hadn't changed its outfit yet because rubus' aesthetic hadn't solidified
windmill-ghost · 1 year
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Steward sketches. It changes its look to copy the current Mazelord.
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Accidently confessing to them in conversation || ONEWE
My inactivity has been strong I'm sorry y'all :(( just gotta respect the Hussle that is having jobs. I'm trying to write more though! Got a lot of ideas that living rent free just gotta put them into a post and not leave them doing laps in my brain. I also already wrote an entire accidental confession fic for cya you can check my master list its Give Me The Honor!
Pairing: ONEWE x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: minor swearing, very cheesey, not proof read
Gif credits to rightful owners ✨
So everything was going great
Hanging out at the studio
Initially he invited you over to see if you could help him out on how he should sing their upcoming cover
Kanghyun was out so he couldn't run through it with him
So he asked you
Listening to his voice it's so easy to get lost in it
A love song that made your heart skip a beat when he'd look at you
Your heart was turning into putty
"So how did you like it? Anything I should change? Should I sing lower? Higher?"
"You don't have to change anything really,, your voice is always so romantic. So romantic it has me ready to confess to the boy I like"
You said which quickly regretted as you saw both panic and curiousity in Yonghoon eyes
"You like someone?" Your eyes went wide
He hadn't picked up the courage yet to confess to you so here's his make or break moment
If you didn't like him he'd have his feelings fade away but he just wanted to know if you're friendship could turn into more like he'd hope
With confirmation he's the one you like
You'll never see that man smile more in his life I guarantee you.
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Never have you wished for him to be asleep more in your life
You swear your heart dropped when you found out he heard you
He was laying peacefully at the dorm getting ready to take a nap
He had almost fallen asleep
But then you came in the room and he didn't see who was walking in but he heard your voice
You had come over to drop off food for the members after finding out they hadn't had dinner yet due to being so busy
You saw Harin laying there peacefully getting ready to wake up the tall boy
But he looked so peaceful you didn't know if you should to tell him foods ready
You quietly said to yourself walking up to him
"You're lucky I have a crush on you or else I would be waking you up right now to eat food"
You said with a chuckle ruffling his hair lightly
Your jaw dropped as you saw Harins grin with closed eyes
"I like you too, thank you for being so considerate of my attempt at sleeping. can I still have some food?"
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You and Kanghyun were trying to work on lyrics for a song
Trying to think of cure lyrics for a love song
You decided to mess around and look at pickup lines telling them to Kanghyun for lyric inspo
"If I could rearrange the alphabet to put u and i together I would" you said nudging his shoulder
"Gosh these pick up lines are so bad at this point you're telling me them just to flirt with me"
"Well how else am I gonna win you over?" You didn't realize how flirty that sounded until you saw the redness on his face, ears burning
"Did you just confess? Or are we joking around?" He said with a undetectable tone
"Whichever way you'd like to take it" No going back now
"Well I'll go with the first option and ask you on a date?"
"Sounds like a plan"
Intertwining hands you both felt warm inside
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Hanging out your outfits matched eachother without even planning
"We look like a couple!" He said with a giggle
You giggled omg and tried your best to say "Hopefully we can be to" under your breath as quiet as possible
But he still heard
"Wait for real? Please don't joke with me on this" he said with a small whine
Really turned into Casper (the friendly ghost) there realizing he heard you
All you could do was nod
He couldn't help but laugh
"if you like me so much you should pay for my coffee"
You couldn't even be mad or say no
Because his smile was just so bright
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Self promo for my other fic!!
Same situation basically <3
Go to my master list and go to onewe and read Give Me The Honor!
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okaywitheverything · 4 years
Konoha X Reader ♡1
A/N: So I’ve been really inactive I know but its because I have a lot of tests coming up. Here is fun series I wrote long ago which is sort of everybody flirting with you in Konoha. Hope you like it. Here’s part one of three.
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"Yeah, it would be a nice change of space. I've been cooped in one place for far too long I feel. I've always had a nick for travelling and exploring." You answered with an adorable smile on your face.
"Is that the only reason? Pardon me for questioning you but I need to be completely sure about approving your request to move here to Konoha. I can't take any duty of mine lightly."
"Nothing less would be expected of you Hokage-sama. You truly are as intellectual, perceptive and ingenious as people say."
The Third Hokage laughed lightly at this. "As flattered as I am dear, I am not cutting you any slack." He replied smugly.
"I'm an okay Jounin-level kunoichi that feels the urge to start anew. Oh come on, I'm not an assassin in disguise! I could have fooled you if I actually wanted to." You replied as serious you could, slightly staring at him to try and intimidate him.
Don't think it's working at all.
"I'm actually in a disguise right now."
That's seemed to have caught him off guard. You smirked a little. "You haven't even checked my ID yet. The photo it has right now, doesn't match my current self. Wait! Don’t peek! Let's make this interesting. You'll see my abilities as a ninja as well. What do you say?"
Tempting the Hokage was probably not a good idea, but you have never been one to shy away from risks.
"Oh I'm not doubting your ability of deception. Say what, that door leads to a bathroom. If you manage to amaze me with a different disguise that matches whatever is in your ID, I'll let you move here, no more questions asked." He said, propping on his elbows, leaning forward. This old man was surely fun, you had to give him that.
"Alright, give me five minutes."
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You looked at your appearance right now. Really big dorky glasses that hid your beautiful features under its frame. A really tight braid with middle parting of your hair. You looked oh-so-nerdy right now. But only you knew that on the removal of these two things, your entire appearance did a one eighty degree. And that's what you intended to do as of right now.   
 You looked at yourself with awe in the mirror. You never bragged about your appearance or thought of yourself as superior to basically anyone. 
But you weren't one to willingly drag yourself down, you remained confident with whatever you wore, whatever you had. Sure everyone had bad days, but to make a routine out of it? That was not you. Right now, your beautiful (h/c) tresses cascaded down your body to (whatever your hair length is).
Your cherry pink lips glossed more as you reapplied the lip balm. Your (favourite colour) blouse was the one thing that remained the same. You swapped your baggy pants with a similar (favourite colour) skirt that reached your mid thigh that matched your painted nails. You had removed your glasses already and replaced it with contacts. (Or just removed if you don't need contacts)You were thankful for all the accessories you kept in your (favourite colour) purse in case you needed to party anytime.  
But you really outdid yourself by taking out matching heels from the bag and replacing your flats. 
Guess the female purse is really a mystery.
You readied yourself and stepped out.
 Go big or go home, right? 
The Hokage looked up from some documents he was checking and Kami, you could have sworn you saw blood trickling down his nose. You instantly grew worried, was he having a seizure? 
You then saw him frantically grabbing your folder and snatching out your ID. His widened eyes darted back and forth from the photo on the ID to your  confused face. 
"Are you going to say something?" You said after few minutes of silence.
"I think I need to check the bathroom to see if you swapped places with someone. As shocked as I am to admit this, I was totally not expecting that. Keeping my end of the deal, as you have truly amazed me, I can only hope this will help our undercover missions. Anyways, welcome to Konoha!" The Third replied with a grin, a narrow strip of blood still gushing down. 
You responded with another charming smile of yours. However, before you could say something, the door abruptly opened revealing a large man with really long white hair and a lady close behind who had beautiful golden locks."Hokage-sama, did you hear about Oro- Oh! Hello there. I don't believe we have met. I'm Jiraiya, a renowned writer and appreciator of beauty and grace. And you seem just the kind of elegant lady that I was looking for."
 The man started but changed his composure entirely when his eyes met yours mid sentence. You tilted your head in slight confusion and saw the lady behind him come ahead while smacking the back of his head. However, as soon as she saw you, a slight pink tinted her cheeks.
 Maybe at the embarrassment of realising someone else's presence?You wondered.
"Hello I'm Tsunade. I haven't seen you around, you seem new." With pink cheeks, she put her hand forward which you gladly accepted giving her a small smile.
"Yes, I arrived here today. I'm (Your first name) (Your last name)." You replied.
You didn't realise at what point exactly did the white haired man had moved to the corner of the room during your conversation. You saw him squatted down, vigorously writing down something and mumbling incoherent words along the lines of 'new characters initials will be (your initials)'.
What surprised you was the river of blood gushing down his nose, blood almost thrice the amount you witnessed on Hokage's face earlier.
He seriously looked like he was about to pass out.
Is the weather here really this hot and cruel?  Good thing I'm wearing a mini skirt right now.
You came out of your thoughts when you heard knuckles cracking quite loudly and saw Tsunade glaring at Jiraiya that he totally ignored as his eyes only travelled between your face and his book. 
The Hokage, about whom you had completely forgotten until now stood beside Jiraiya, leaning to read what he wrote, giggling like a lovestruck teen.
 "Is this how you are supposed to behave?!" Tsunade pulled Jiraiya up by his ear, and to be honest she even scared you. "And you sensei, supporting him like that?!" She continued and you praised her confidence and unwavering voice.
If you hadn't witnessed the scene, you would never believe she was talking to The Lord Third. 
The Third sheepishly scratched his neck, embarrassment coating his cheeks. You felt you should excuse yourself before the situation escalated to another level. "If my request is approved, I'd like to look around the Village." You said moving towards the door. "Let me assist you with that. I know all the exclusive spots in the vill- Oww   ow what?!" You heard Jiraiya exclaim from the corner.
"Have you forgotten about the important matters we came to discuss here? It's not like I'd rather stay here than show her pretty ass around but we have some duties." Tsunade said making you blush.
'Pretty ass' caught you off guard. Both the curse and the compliment. 
You grabbed your folders and put them inside your purse and headed out, not before flashing a bright cheeky smile to all the three people in the room as you heard Tsunade say, "We hope to see you around soon." 
The two guards outside almost didn't recognise you as the same girl who entered the office. They exchanged quizzical glances while all you could wonder was how could they let Jiraiya and Tsunade intrude like that. Maybe because it was an emergency. You gave them both genuine smiles and shrugged to yourself while moving to find the exit. 
This wasn't how you planned on exiting and roaming, in such a short skirt but you had no choice because of the intrusion in the office. You didn't mind though, Konoha seems to intrigue you in a good way and you found yourself excited to explore, looking like a total bomb in that sleek, sexy (favourite  colour) outfit of yours.
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A/N: this was just some meaningless drabble of sorts. Hope you enjoyed.
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