#when you and your friends are the coolest ppl in the target
hanzajesthanza · 8 months
the october banquet in lady of the lake chapter 3
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korosenseisgarden · 3 years
hi it’s been way too long hfghffgf
anyway the only new anime i’ve watched in the past year has been haikyu so that’s sexy.
anywaY here’s a get to know me ig- credit to arabiancurlsxo-deactivated20180
What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers? lock screen is a teddy bear thing i found on instagram. home screen is my cat sticking her tongue out that died two years ago
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? i don’t think so?
What was your last text message? talking about school with @gxlacticbat 🌚
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years? hopefully being an elementary school teacher
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? with my cats
What was your coolest Halloween costume? i was clone high jfk last year so that was fun
Favorite ice cream flavor? specifically icing on the cake from baskin-robbins
Have you been to Las Vegas? yes and it was definitely an experience
Your favorite pair of shoes? i wear the same sneakers every day because i’m boring i’m a creature of habit
What is your favorite fruit? pineapple! 🍍
What do you do to get over your anger? write it out babey
What's your horoscope sign? gemini ♊️
Your fears? losing ppl, elevators getting stuck, there’s probably more but i’m blanking
How many pets do you have? What kind? three cats :)
Your idea of a perfect first date? probably dinner and then cards against humanity idk
What is something most people don't know about you? even though i’m really quiet i have a lot that i wanna say i just don’t know how/don’t want to sometimes
What makes you feel the happiest? writing, reading nightmare content, bring with my friends, cats
What store do you shop at most often? i literally only wear t shirts from the mens section of target and oversized hoodies from wherever
Do you believe in karma? y e s
Are you single? very
Are you a good swimmer? out of survival id say so
Coffee or Tea? neither i only drink water
Online shopping or shopping in person? both have their benefits
Cats or Dogs? both but i have a soft spot for cats
Do you believe in aliens? very much so
Do you like dancing? not in front of ppl
What kind of music to you listen to? honestly anything that sounds good enough to listen over and over until i get tired of it
What is your favorite cartoon character? oh geez that’s hard. there’s so many. aside from anime characters i’d have to say blue from blues clues
Where are you from? US
Eat at home or eat out? both, depends on what there is
What was the last thing you bought for yourself? a care bear beanie from spirit halloween
How many hours do you sleep at night? it’s either three or seven, no in between
What worries you most about the future? that i’ll still be relying on other to take me places bc i can’t drive
Are you happy with yourself? ehhhh it depends
What big lesson could people learn from your life? not everyone who’s quiet doesn’t want to talk to you. at least be friendly and approachable (i think i worded that wrong sorry)
If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? not really a hope but drake and josh’s bedroom
What's your favorite Website? there’s this jigsaw puzzle website i really like
What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? last summer i took a cross country trip with my fam
What do you order when you eat Chinese food? i’m super picky and like just tried orange chicken a year ago so i’d probably get that with rice
If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? not states but i love the names denver and bronx
If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be? creative writing :)
Favorite kind of chips? cheetos if that counts. but also cheddar and sour cream chips
Favorite kind of sandwich? just turkey and cheese on a roll
Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? thesaurus. i’m always trying to come up with better words when writing
Have you ever been stung by a bee? nope
What's your favorite form of exercise? i like going on my peloton
Are you afraid of heights? i guess it depends? like i’m fine on planes but anywhere else is no
What's the most memorable class you've ever taken? ah there’s a lot actually. i’d say my creative writing class. super duper chill
What's your favorite breakfast? bagel with cream cheese
Do you like guacamole? i’ve never tried it. avocados and avocado products seem so squishy and weird to me ;-;
What/who are you thinking about right now? going to rehearsal, dinner, how i literally have so much sh!t to fo but i’m procrastinating
Do you like cuddling? someonecuddlemepls
Favorite city you've been to? prolly new york
Would you break the law to save a family member? i guess it depends on the family member
Talk about an embarrassing moment? ever time i stutter lmAo i love having a speech impediment !
Are there any causes you strongly believe in? lgbtqia+ rights, womens rights, stuff like that
What's the worst injury you've ever had? i rolled my ankle while walking down a hill
Favorite day of the week? depends on what’s happening that day
Which living celebrity would you like to know? is honestly have no clue
Do you want/have kids? yes, prolly one or two <3
Do you get easily distracted? sometimes
What is your favorite word? picnic. idk it just sounds good
How do you feel about tattoos? they’re cool! i’d get one if i didn’t have such a high pain tolerance
How tall are you? like 5’2”
How old are you? 18
3 physical features you get complimented on a lot? my hair, i think that’s it
Is there anything you're really passionate about? lots of things. mostly baby names :)
Do you have trust issues? too many
What are some words that you live by? Why? “the quietest people have the loudest imaginations” -stephen hawking
so uh yeah that’s it. idk what else i should post. if you have any ideas feel free to let me know if you want
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lovevalley45 · 7 years
so @yellowmagicalgirl tagged me in this challenge but i’m terrible at tagging ppl in these so i guess if u wanna do it u can?
name: alli
gender: who tf knows
star sign: Virgo
height: 5′8”
sexuality: pan n ace
what image do you have as wallpaper? uhh on my laptop it’s a stupid screenshot from trollhunters like. very specifically it’s from s1e15 where eli is presenting his idea for the spring fling theme and a random thing for the 80s show up? yea
have you ever had a crush on a teacher? never an actual crush, more idolizing teachers
where do you see yourself in 10 years? ah, hopefully starting my teaching career and settling down with a dog n maybe a nice non-gender specific partner
if you could be anywhere else right now, where? taking a nap on my friend’s couch
what was your coolest Halloween costume? uh i’ve never had a cool costume in my life but when i was a kid i dressed up as the chik-fil-a cow so that’s probably the closest thing
what’s your favorite 90s show? i don’t watch a lot of 90s shows but i have watched a lot of friends bc i had nothing better to do, so probably friends.
Last kiss? ah the cast party for our fall play this year, i had to kiss the actor who played wilson. he’s a good looking dude (aka he has a great ass) but he’s too macho for me
have you ever been stood up? kinda? not on a date tho
have you ever been to Las Vegas? yea it’s a spring break tradition. which is why we’re also going next week
favourite pair of shoes? it’s a tie between my galaxy vans and these wedges that i have that can pass as regular heels
favourite fruit? apples ;)
favourite book? anything by a. lee martinez
stupidest thing you’ve ever done? once me and my friends went to target and pushed my friend around in the cart. someone thought that they were a baby
so that’s it, all u need to know about my life, goodbye
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ts-hvv4 · 4 years
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Let’s Look back fondly on those who have been voted out:
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SARAH: We never got to talk and thats sad. Sorry to see you were first boot.
MALIK: You were cool and I liked you but you stopped being as active. Love to hear more from you though!
NED: Sorry bro, it was either going to be you or me. I saw from the other season you played that you seem to be a really skilled player, so it’s a bummer (and probably fortunate for me) that we didn’t get to see that play out this time. I assume that life just got in the way the first few days-- I totally understand that-- and I hope you’ve done well since we last spoke!
JAKE: You were fun to talk to but unfortunately a bit inactive and an easy vote.
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SARAH: King of Starbucks. ILY but you were kinda inactive so Im sorry you left </3
MALIK: We didn't meet tbh but I heard thing about you.
NED: I didn’t get to play with you this time, but honestly I’m really glad I didn’t have to compete against you. Dude, you are a force to be reckoned with and I am so thankful this game wasn’t a repeat of Open Ocean (https://survivor-pacific-islands.fandom.com/wiki/Survivor:_Open_Ocean) where you voted me out first while I was on a ski trip two years ago!!! I don’t know if you’ll read this but you are one of the most dominant, scarily good players I’ve ever seen and I know if you lasted longer this game would have gone in a completely different direction. I know it’s been a while but I hope you’re doing great!
JAKE: I didn’t play with you and idk you.
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SARAH: pls send me more pics of ur kitty cat. I love.
MALIK: I know you frrom Facebook! Sadly you didn't last here.
NED: I was hoping to be able to meet you but unfortunately things didn’t pan out that way. I’ve heard great things about you and I’m hoping we’re able to meet after this game ends!
JAKE: I didn’t play with you but I heard you were a crackhead rip
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SARAH: We never got to chat but I screeched when I heard tribal council about how you snaked Kage in Thera.
MALIK: I actually really enjoyed your company! Sorry you left early, things just happened.
NED: Birch, you’re an incredibly kind person and I loved getting to know you. I really appreciated your openness and getting to see firsthand your genuine care for others. The only reason I voted you out is that it became apparent that you were probably not going to be on my side moving forward, but I hope you’ve been doing well since the world ended a couple weeks ago and I’d love to hear about how things are going since we last talked about them during the game. 
JAKE: You were really nice in the game and I enjoyed our conversations, unfortunately I don’t think you connected enough with everyone which lead to your vote out.
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SARAH: I literally never know if you are loyal to me or if you want me dead. You are a WILDCARD and I love playing with them but you were pretty bad for my game so I had to vote you out. I am sorry :(
MALIK: I heard you were chaotic! But also didn't officially meet you so sorry there.
NED: We didn’t really talk much but u seem cool. HAGS! I don’t know Kage so that was what I would say if we were in middle school and I was signing his yearbook
JAKE: Idk what you were on but you were kinda crackdt during our tribe swap which is why I think people wanted you out LOL
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SARAH: I heard you went around telling everyone Andrea/Ned/I are in a F3 alliance really early on in the game. LOL 1) who are you? 2) how do you know me? 3) imagine after getting voted out having the audacity to still talk to ppl about the game. We love cheaters!
MALIK:  Girl, girl, girl. You wanted me in your group, then you were talking RECKLESS about me, being fake about it but then spearheading a vote against me when I didn't do a damn thing to you. You say it wasn't personal but I felt it was because I didn't see why you went so hard to go after me. But gg to you though.
NED: Olivia!!!! Dang, I am really sad this went the way it did. When we talked on day 1 I was planning on being with you all the way. It just became clear that I wasn’t in your serious long-term plans when other people came to me about the 5-person alliance you were in pre-swap that you hid from me. I wish it could have worked out, because you’re super cool and you honestly should have gone much further than you did. You were a great player both strategically and socially and I needed people like that on my side, not against me! I can’t wait to talk to you again and catch up after the season’s over, because you’re a great person and I loved the time we had together.
JAKE: I was shook to see you get the boot pre-merge and I thought we would reunite again at some point, robbed and gone too soon
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SARAH: Sorry you left, I loved the way you played on flops and would have really loved to work with you this season
MALIK: I actually really grew to like you a lot Keegan! Hard to connect to at first, but towards the end of the game, I really liked you. I hope we'll talk more afterwards.
NED: Dude, I really enjoyed talking to you and voting you out broke my heart because I know how much you wanted to be there. It came down to the same situation as Olivia, because I knew you were in the alliance with Olivia and also the one pitching my name as a contingency plan, which honestly scared me. My goal in the early stages of the game was to fly under the radar and make as few waves as possible, so it was my priority to eliminate anyone who might throw out my name and possibly expose the cutthroat game I was actually playing. I felt I had to take that opportunity to vote you out, because I know you’re an extremely competent player and would have been a hurdle for me to overcome down the road. I’m sorry things ended the way they did, because I truly did enjoy talking to you and comparing notes on Survivor! Also, you freaking killed it in the music video challenge and should probably go pro.
JAKE: I couldn’t really connect to you that well on our original tribe but you did seem like a nice person.
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SARAH: Im sorry we didnt talk too much. We just happened to not be very similar and as much as I can force a convo, it was weird as fuck.
MALIK: We hit it off immediately at the beginning and you were my favorite, and then similar to Olivia you ghosted me and didn't say much to me. I really did like you in the beginning, and I wish you had just told me how you felt then. Because you really did seem cool.
NED: Trent, you are the freaking man! While you were here, you were killing it as a player, and that’s on top of having a BABY on the way!! It was really great getting to know you and play with you at the beginning of the game-- it was honestly kind of scary how well-connected you were, and I respect the heck out of you. I hope you’ve been able to spend some more time with your wife while all of this has been going on and I can’t wait to catch up with you!
JAKE: I hope you are less stressed now that the game is over, tbh I wasn’t sure how much I could trust you early on because Sharifa and Kurt told me about the alliances you had without me, and I did lie to you about the Birch vote LOL but when we tribe swapped we did get really close and I appreciate you sacrificing yourself basically this round, hope I am doing you proud!!
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SARAH: KING OF BOOKS. Lets still chat about it. I'm sorry that you got fucked over bc of your idol. You seem so genuinely nice that I would love to be friends after this.
MALIK:  I LOOOOVE YOU SO MUCH! I was worried coming in about how we'd get along this game, but we left off where we were last time!! I'm glad me and you were there for each other and I'm glad you could protect me from the evils! You were so robbed!
NED: You are one of the coolest people, for real! I loved talking to you on the heroes tribe and I'm sorry for exposing your idol and voting you out lol. I hope you're doing well!
JAKE: I  couldn’t really connect with you when we finally merged, plus I heard about your idol and I felt like it was a smart choice for you to go.
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MALIK: was glad I connect with you more privately and I missed you. You did end up throwing me under the bus, and I was very pissed with you and the others but I still have love for you  It's ok
NED: You suck at this game. Hope to see you never
JAKE:  We didn’t talk as much as I’d like, but I also was threatened by you coming into merge because I perceived you as having a lot of solid connections which intimidated me, which is why I pushed to vote you out that round. The conversations we did have were really nice though!
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SARAH: I am so glad I got to meet you, you are a literal icon and although I'm pretty sure I was way more loyal to you than you were to me, I feel like we get along super well and I'm happy we get to chat about this season after everything is over :)
MALIK: I was drawn to you immediately for some reason, but I think it's the villain charm. Sorry like I tried to work with you TWICE, and you lied to me and tried to vote me the first time(likely) and then waited till then to think we could now work together because you're down and out, vs when I was. That turned me so off of you and even when you weren't my target, I was happy you were out of there. I do really think you're a cool dude though and hopefully after the pandemic we'll see each other!
NED: We didn't get the chance to talk a ton so it's understandable that we went after each other. From what I've talked to you though, you seem really dope and I think we'd get along really well.
JAKE:  I couldn’t get a good read on you throughout merge and even though we had an alliance together I was wary of you, but besides that we had some really good conversations about animal crossing and CS so I hope you’re doing well.
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SARAH: You played a good game and it wasnt until the last minute I realized that you play a very cut throat game. No shame. Props.
MALIK: I've missed you. I was so sad to see you leave, and I didn't think we'd connect how we did. I miss the talks of anime and shows we had together!!
NED: My German friend, I love you and I hope you're doing well. I wish I could have stayed in Germany longer because the people at the airport there were really nice and it would have been cool to meet you! I also met some German college students in Sweden and they were dopeeeee so if you're anything like them then you're dope too.
JAKE: Dennis you are a sweetheart but I knew you were too much of a threat to let slide by any longer in the game after you worked hard to solidify yourself in the majority again. I’m sorry for lying to you about the vote, was just idol paranoia and stuff.
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SARAH: I loved talking stratgey with you and loved playing with you. Sorry if you didnt feel the same :(
MALIK:  I. LOVE. YOU. No. lie. I didn't expect to connect with you so much after it all went down during the merge, and even though I hurt you with voting you that one time, I tried to make it right between us. I definitely want to keep in contact with you the most after this season. Our bond took me by surprise. 
NED: It was fun but difficult talking to you! You said I never talked to you but I vividly remember complaining to people about how you left me on read all day multiple times lol. But it's chill, I've only heard great things about you and the fact that you're Jake's friend can only mean you're really cool!
JAKE: I’m happy that I finally got to play a game with you and even though it was a rocky ride you had my back in the game and I appreciate that a lot. I wish I listened to you more though
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SARAH: Theres a reason you have never been voted out before until now. You are good at what you do. You are good at every aspect of this game. I am sorry that I used you to get far and cut that off. To be fair, I knew you were not loyal to me. However, I do believe our relationship and the things we talked about personally were real so Id love to still chat after this game.
MALIK: You are such a sweetheart and I'm glad we got to play together, I see why you've won twice, you were ON IT. And if it wasn't for TS I probably wouldn't have caught on to how amazing you were playing. You did that damn thing, but you had to go (Even though that wasn't when I was going to attempt it.)
NED:  I'm gonna freaking cry typing this. Sharifa you are incredible and I hate myself for ruining what we had. Talking to you was one of my favorite things to do during the game and I had to do what I did or else you'd be a 3-time winner! Tell me I'm wrong! You're still amazing and I'm so thankful we got to meet during this game.
JAKE: So I was pretty upset when I found out that you and Kurt had turned on me and were lying to me so much (especially with the emotional way you framed our alliance) but I do respect you a lot as a player because damn you’re fierce and now I know why you’ve won twice and made the finals 3 time, you are a true villain.
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SARAH: You were going to win this game after Sharifa was voted off. You are well liked. We barely talked and butted heads and I still liked you. If you ever want to chill, lets grab a drink after this whole COVID19 thing.
MALIK:  Easily my #1 guy here. we bonded like from the beginning, and we really grew an amazing relationship with each other, and merge was strained but we kept reconnecting, and then you leave when I'm left out on knowing you were the true vote. I'm sorry I never knew you were really going home, and I NEVER did vote you. Sorry you think so, and I hope you forgive me by the time you see this but I never did vote you, and I hope you give our bond another chance. Lukas was supposed to tell you but idk if he did or he forgot and I hope you forgive me. If not I'll count my losses and leave it there.
NED: Kurt, you are one of the kindest people I've ever met in an ORG. You're so friendly and funny and down-to-earth and I truly enjoyed getting to know you as a person, not just an ally. I hope you can forgive me for going so overboard when I voted you out, you're still a homie and I'm really grateful for you during this game.
JAKE: Same as above with Sharifa but we did talk things out after that Sharifa vote. I wish things went differently in the game but it is what it is, outside of the game you were really fun to talk to and vent with all of the shit going on as I felt I could relate to you with a lot of things.
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NED: Dude, you are so freaking hilarious and I WISH we had met pre-merge!!! By the time we got to know each other it was kind of too late to change up my gameplan, but I want you to know that the conversation I had with you the night before you left is probably the best, most real conversation I've ever had with anyone in any game. I'm so thankful for that, it really lit a fire under me to win that final immunity and I honestly just loved talking to you. I hope we can become actual friends after the season is over because you're incredible!
JAKE:  I never really trusted you in the game and I think our relationship was rocky for the most part, no hard feelings though because you were hilarious and a great troll the entire time and I hope we can turn up at club cafe one night when this pandemic ends xxx
MALIK: Such a crazy person!! You were so amazing and I'm glad we met at the merge. You had funny moments and crazy ones but what would this game be without you.
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jeramymock013-blog · 7 years
Do not You Merely Loathe Being Wrong?
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