#whenever he is around his gf he acts like i dont exist like all i did was ask him a question and he's avoiding just telling me yes or no
robotpussy · 2 years
oh i knew i was anxious for a reason. he rlly is a 2 timing bitch 😭😭
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, im gonna start combing the two separate submissions again cause its getting too short to have them separate I think?
1: His possession messed with memories Ranbob had before, so memories of school friends or playing with Ran were distant to erased. Though after Dreams possession it was also harder to make and keep memories. But thankfully as Ranbob was recovering from Dream and got futher away making memories came eaiser to him, though he'll never get back the memories he lost. 
3: Oh he would very quickly grow to regret his decision, but it would be funny. And Benjamin would later admit that while it was annoying and stressful, it was also fun and he was very happy to have his two families meet and generally get along. 
8: Everyone is just in shocked silence before Cletus just goes "YEAHHHHHHHHHH!" Oddly happy that Ranboo committed so much arson. Oh definitely, after all the outcasts of society where put there. Of course people would make such negative rumors about Mizu and treat the people as the scum of the earth. Though this also means, people don't know what happened in Mizu, and anyone who knows, view it in a more happy and a "Their finally gone" type of way, then viewing it as the tragedy it was. 
Spoons is a card game technically. A group of people sit in a group and everyone gets 4 cards, and you keep discarding at least 1 card of yours to the person on your left, who then does the same to their person on their left, the last person in the group puts a card into a discard pile. The goal is to get 4 of the same cards, and once someone gets 4 of the same cards, that person goes and grabs a spoon in a pile in front of them (let's say there's 5 players, theres only going to be 4 spoons cause there's always a spoon less than the people playing), once they grab one anyone can grab a spoon. And the person who doesn't get a spoon gets a S added to them, once Spoons is spelled the person gets out of the game, and a spoon gets removed to continue the game. Basically for flowers its played the exact same way but with flowers in the middle expect for spoons.
11: I just imagine Dream sulking in a corner as you yell at him and him going like "well I didn't know…" as he kicks a stone. And he wasnt sure what it was, but quickly jumped on the idea that maybe it was the fact that Ran was still alive somewhere, and that that's causing Ranbob to willingly let himself become weak and defy him. Causing Dream to become angrier at Ran and punish Ranbob harder. 
3: During the brothers fight in the storm, and after everyone runs off to find Ranbob, Ran is left alone. And he decides to just wander off into the storm, not protecting himself from the rain so he does get burnt. The whole time he's lost deep in thought and isn't really paying attention. He continues to wander for a whole day unfollowed (because after the Gladiators and Fishermen came back to the cave after finding Ranbob they are in no rush to find Ran and decide to look for him after the storm passes, which takes a full day) and at some point Raq finds him wandering. Which Raq then uses Rans distraction to his advantage and attacks him. At first only really the gladiators where concerned when they found Ran gone. But once they found him blinded and terrified everyone felt awful and a looming sense of guilt. And everyone continued to feel that way, even after they got the antidote and Ran started to see again.
4: They would just leave Ranbob alone and check in on him every now and again. But generally let him deal with it himself. They'd feel guilty leaving him alone, but they also know that they can't really do anything for him as their not prepared or briefed on how to help him in this situation. 
10: Oh definitely, even with Ran blinded they would've been kicked out immediately for fighting, without even a second glance. Dont forget, Ran still cares for his brother. And maybe, losing his sight made him face the side of him that wanted to become family again with Ranbob, maybe it brought enough to light that he just can't ignore it anymore. Mostly only negative potions can be permanent, like posion, blinding, wither, and nausea (I know the last like 3/2 are effects but they've also found a way to make effects into potions.). You already know what a antidote for blindness would be. A antidote for wither would be, a ghast tear (actually a basic ingredient for almost every antidote), blaze powder, and glistening melon to make a overpowered healing potion. Antidote for posion would be ghast tear, swiftness (so it acts fast to get rid of the posion), and the 3rd ingredient depends on what kind of posion it  was (posion that has a side effect of constricting or filling the lungs with water? Pufferfish and Turtle shell for last ingredients. Posion that has weakness? Blaze powder, and glistening melon) And antidote for nausea would be ghast tear, and potion of slowness to allow the person to slowly feel better, so their nausea doesn't hit them all at once before disappearing, which can cause them to throw up or have side effects. 
13: Thats exactly what they did. 
14: Jackie will 100% attempt to fight God and no one can stop him. :) (to be honest im not sure yet, I know I want to do more with Raq and have the idea that maybe he could be the person that finds Dream and gets him out of Mizu, but that's pretty often used in stories and I want to try to think of something more unique. Maybe I'll have it so Raq actually manages to capture the brothers or at least one of them and uses them as blackmail?)
15: When Ranbob was a child and Ran was just a baby Ranbob would often take Ran out of his crib and take him to go watch the fish swim by. When Ran was old enough he'd follow Ranbob everywhere, even a few times he managed to sneak into Ranbobs class room and almost wasn't caught. Ran got extremely clingy one day and managed to gather his haunting all up into his arms and carried them around, even though he was obviously struggling. And Ranbob used to complain about his teachers and idiotic classmates whenever he got home, which is funny when you consider Ran was very impressiable at the time and Ran started mimicking Ranbob, leading to him cursing, much to Ranbobs dismay. 
And im curious, do you have any questions that I havent answered? Or do you have any ideas for anything? I'd love to hear whatever you have to say about anything honestly!
Course! I dont have much lore wise other than they go to Kelalen and when they hear Dream is still around they decide to stay back to help fight him. But the idea I have is that Karl is just kinda hanging with everyone I listed, talking about allies or treaties when his time traveling clock/watch starts to go off, and he panics, but sadly in his haste to stop it he makes it worse and it grabs everyone, where they end up in the future. After hours of confusion and explaining they calm down. When 2 days later they find the Gladiator and Fishermen group, at first Karl is strongly against going to then for help, but everyone basically ignores him and go to ask for help. Hours of explanation and proof giving later the GF (Gladiator and Fishermen, got tired of writing it out) group sadly tells them that they cant really help. Until Ran (who was previously gone searching the surrounding area and making sure it was safe) appears high up on a tree (cause I just can't get the image of Ran on a tree and looking comfortable and confident as hell out of my head), and says that maybe Kelalen can help, if not going to Foolish may be a good alternative. Isaac, and Grievous are extremely against going back (at this time a 2 months have past since they left Kelalen)n saying it could be dangerous but Ran just aboustely shoots them down, along with Watson and Jackie agreeing with Ran, and Karls group agreeing to it. They head off to Kelalen. And Jackie is extremely excited at the potential of going to see Foolish finally. And it'd probably be like a sub au where the brothers au is the main backbone for it but at a certain point it separates from the au and becomes its own.
1: Okay, ouch. Can you imagine if Ran brought one of those memories up, and just had Ranbob look confused, or horrified, depending on how quick he realizes what happened? How would Ran react to that realization, both before and after he forgives Ranbob?
3: If nothing else, everyone got some laughs from it-even Benjamin, once his friends were far, far away from his family and not able to teach them more chaos. 
8: Cletus, why are you so happy? Do you just enjoy knowing chaos existed back then? Are you an arsonist? What’s up with you? 
Also, wow. Not cool, other city people, that’s very mean.
Spoons sounds like it’s interesting, I might try it sometime. Did the group just have those cards on them? What other games did they have?
11: Good, put Dream back in the corner, I’m gonna be yelling more. Because, seriously dude? I know you probably exist solely out of spite, but c’mon. Admittedly, from a certain point of view, it could be considered amusing that your first thought was that Ranbob was making himself weaker out of defiance/spite but like. From a more responsible and mature viewpoint, that’s incredibly stupid, and I-just. Buddy, hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure that’d just be a you thing. Besides you were in Ranbob’s head, didn’t he think Ran was dead? It doesn’t even make sense. Good lord, I’m half-tempted to get the broom and chase you around like you’re a particularly unruly barn cat. 
3: First of all, that sounds really scary for Ran. Second of all, are we getting an overprotective arc?
4: Kind of sad, but understandable, they’re dealing with the situation as best they can.
10: Even if the group was provoked by the townspeople? Potions sound really cool, wish I could make those in real life, tbh.
13: W-what do you mean ‘that’s exactly what they did’? Anon, is your friend, like, a legit gremlin? I’m spooked. 
14: Foolish takes one look at Jackie, wearing a smile that exactly matched Tubbo’s when he was about to cause chaos, and immediately nopes out of that. He knows that face, and he will not be getting tangled into a fight with a goblin child today, no sir. I’m sure Jackie tries regardless though. (Also, that sounds like that goes horribly, do we get an overprotective ender-sibling, for whoever gets captured or used as blackmail, if that’s what you do?)
15: I love all of these so much, oh my gosh. Baby Ran seeing the fishes and following his big brother around. Poor Ranbob’s face when his baby brother cursed one day, Ran trying to carry all of his haunting. I’m in tears, honestly. 
Umm...I can’t think of anything right now, to be honest. If I ever do have a question or idea though, I’ll through it on the Brothers AU tag for you to check out, I guess. 
Oh, this sounds really cool. The part about them just ignoring their local time traveler when they’ve just time traveled particularly amuses me, as does Jackie wanting to see Foolish-I feel like Foolish may be a little more than terrified to see both Tubbo and Jackie back, honestly. Why was Ran willing to help them so much? What did they do to offer proof? How did Ranbob react once they proved who they were? How does all the group get along? Are they Ranboo’s haunting, and if so, if Ranboo gets close with his descendants, does he merge his hauntings with theirs? How does the time group feel about the Brothers fighting, and Ranbob’s possession?
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: NatsuShio: The OC/Canon Ship That Ruined My Life :.
(In the Best Way)
@supernatural-cat98, get buckled in.
   Let’s start with how I started. An Okami OC.
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   Her name is Shiori, but her full name is Shiorigami, a brush kami OC for the game Okami. Once an adoptable from DeviantArt, I made her into a fully-fleshed out character fit for the game. Sure, she’s an usual hybrid (nekotori; cat body, but with tail feathers like a small peacock), but she’s the kami of Poems and Literature. She’s got social anxiety and a thinly veiled reference to autism, as she is stunted to everyone, including her extensive family...but writing is where she blooms.
   Fiction, biographies, history, poems of all kinds... If it’s writing, she’s happy. It protects her and makes her happy, even when she fears she isn’t a good enough brush kami. Even if her powers are an inky echo of her mother’s.
   She once had short hair. She once loved a Lunarian named Kazuki... A scholar of the Moon Tribe, during a period of tension and war between his people and the Celestials... Shiori’s people. Despite it all, they truly did love each other, despite never admitting it out loud. He was gifted a scroll of poems he inspired her to write. He gave her a golden necklace- almost collar-like- with the symbol of the Moon Tribe engraved on the back.
   ...He would end up dying in a slaughter done by the evil the Moon Tribe had summoned. Those who fled to the mortal world to escape the war becoming the only survivors. Kazuki was gone...and left Shiori not only with a deep depression, but also with a fear to care for anyone who was mortal.
   Who could die and be ripped from her grasp, just like Kazuki had.
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   Her hair grew out over the years (faceclaim: Suiren Shibazeki from Hibi Chouchou), protected by her mother to ease her pain of the death of the one she loved most...and in the years after the events of Okami, would stay either in her room on the Celestial Plain or occasionally live on the mortal world, in a small house to herself among a forest not too far from Ryoshima Coast.
   And so. It would be this starting point for a fateful meeting...
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   Natsu Dragneel. Specifically, burningheartdragneel, my roleplay partner. (To my Shio, @goddessof-poems.) He met Amaterasu first, having somehow...gotten himself a little universe-lost. Befriending her was easy; both liking to fight, both loving to eat... It was easy for them.
   Yet he poses an interesting challenge for sweet, quiet Shiori. Little bookworm, easily forgets to eat at all, and isn’t much one for the adventuring scene, like her mother or Natsu.
   ...However, it’s because of her Natsu learns the joys of reading; specifically, an adventurous story of fiction Shiori had written some time before. He makes a small, but decent meal for the forgetful Shiori, ensuring she eats...and even motivates her to get out of her home, taking him to show off Ryoshima Coast and her own Water Tablet that Amaterasu gifted her.
   It’s our current roleplay and a still on-going one, but we came up with so much more as we talked over Discord. They will slow burn their way, but us? We know how the path goes....and we ended up falling in love with a pairing of our own creation.
ExoticGeneral: Ah gods I love this! Especially since Shiori isn't the kind to stop her work to eat or anything Natsu would at some point bring snacks with him and probably feed her (and he hardly likes sharing either) because somebodies is gonna have to be watching over her. But if he woke up with her all beside him, he'd be pretty flustered about it. Plus as an added bonus he always oddly warm, which makes for good cuddling in the winter/chilly days. :3c Yeah, he'd probably be more careful with her because even if she is a brush good she's just so fragile. He'd probably bond with her relatively easy though since he's always been a cat kinda guy? But yeah, demon hunting would be a big no-no while she was around. No need to try and scare her away. But I thought about that heat headcanon thing would be funny cause I can't see either making the first move ever! xD
Aki: Oh gosh, yeah. Shiori's the type for "skinny love" situations, where it's almost painfully obvious she loves the person, but if nobody acts on it, then it's this firm stalemate. Tbh, she'd likely only "confess" if he got really hurt and she was scared for him....but even then, it's confusing for the oblivious bc-?? Was that a confession? What if it wasn't????
ExoticGeneral: But god a confession like that would be hilarious cause it might just go over his head! He'd probably just grin like an idiot, being all like 'Thanks that means a lot' and playing it off as completely platonic possibly. He may be bold in everything else, but love is something he's actually insecure about considering his first girlfriend died, his mom, like three of his dads and his brother wants to murder him.
Aki: Ommmmggggg. She'd probably laugh a little and keep trying to tell herself it's better this way, bc like...... (And this is what kills me) She'd rather have a friend in him than nothing at all bc of rejection so she'd start spiraling down and try to keep upbeat even though she keeps thinking about it and getting guilty bc what if he only wants them to be friends???? What if he didn't like romance at all?? She doesn't want to push him away from her..... She'd rather suffer years of not having him love her back then lose him. (And re-reading this..... Ouch on the death of the first girlfriend. Shiori knows that pain.... Except slightly more painful that she also never confessed to the guy and lost him to the slaughter of the Moon Tribe.)
ExoticGeneral: AKI DONT They'd both end up suffering because they're shy potatoes who can't convey their feelings properly for the life of them! It wouldn't even get better cause she'd only start going down hill after a while and he'd more than likely notice but not realize he's the problem in a way and FUUUUUUCCCKKKK
Aki: HAHAHAHAHAA, YOU'RE TOO LATE; MY POWERS HAVE BEEN REALIZED She'd actually manage pretty well for awhile, being oblivious, but then the feelings would start and that very emotion would be her downfall. Because then what are you supposed to do when you want to hug your "friend" for no apparent reason and just...stay there? That you wouldn't mind if he stayed over all the time and got to sleep with him, because that's when the nightmares kept away from her? (And even if they did show up, he was there to comfort her...) She's an absolutely wreck after awhile and keeps spacing out and begins to screw up and she's like a black hole collapsing in on itself and it hurts so bad to watch
ExoticGeneral: STAHP YOURE HURTING MY SHIPPER HEART BEFORE THE SHIP ACTUALLY EXISTS That blackhole though, like how do you even fix that??? Because the closer you get to her the more it's probably hurting her and you could confess but getting closer is what caused it to progress. HOW DO YOU PROTECT YOUR SHIT WHEN YOU'RE THE PROBLEM!?!? Your making me emotional and it's only like 8 in the morning, I don't want to start my day sad already!
Aki: Shiori finally breaking down in front of Natsu though. Like, it was a little trip over a tree root or something and she says, "O-oh, n-no, I'm fine...." But Natsu's just-??? No you're not, you're crying. Why are you crying? What hurts?? And from there she starts bawling and Natsu is awkward but tries his best. He also has little to no idea what she's saying pass those sobs of hers, but oUCH PAIN EVERYWHERE. Then- awhoop- right out of that sobbing mess comes a pretty clear confession, whoo boy--
ExoticGeneral: But HOLY SHIT when a confession happens he'd get flustered. To the point of constant figgeting and just a permanent blush would cover his face. He'd probably end up staying silent, then just start crying and fuck me up. The first confession of his life??? hE WAS NOT READY FOR THIS BUT IS TOTALLY ACCEPTING OF THIS! She'd get to see an entirely new spectrum of him though when he gets all soft-hearted and actually reveals his romantic side???
Aki: Shiori's equally as flustered and waiting to please just collapse in on herself and cease existance....and then once she realized she didn't fuck things up, she's crying with him and so much affection????? Oh no, the cutes. Cutes everywhere. Also Shiori is a huge sap and she's going to love that. But now he has to deal with his cute new goddess gf blushing whenever he smooches even just her cheek. Or holds her hand. Or snuggles up to her..... When he breathes LMAO, Jk...~
ExoticGeneral: THem crying together. THat thought just gives me life cause they're just two mushy emotional destroyed people atm. Just I don't even know who would actually recover first at that point, maybe Natsu, and just give her the longest most affectionate hug he's got in him. This relationship ain't gonna last long, give it like a week and he'll probably die from a cute overload. He'd try to pamper her a bit (though he wouldn't know how really) and just take her out to star gaze and do some silly things. But holding hands??? Like that's really lewd ya know.
Aki: Yeeeaaaahhh, he probably would. Shiori's trying to calm down, but those silly tears won't stop~ But she'll still snuggle close when he hugs her and hug him back. AH. AAAAAAHHHHHH. Natsu coming back to her place after that little event and suddenly, her new greeting is, "Welcome home," with a bright smile. Natsu kneels tf over bc cHRIST DID HE JUST HAVE A HEARTATTACK?!?!?!??
   Oh yes. We had a LENGTHY talk about their confession... But is that all? Of course not!! We’ve also had conversations about...
   Sleeping habits:
Aki: Oh man, and if she woke up to that racing heart of his.... All sleepy and concerned and it's right out of a romance novel and someone help Natsu bc death is rapidly approaching
ExoticGeneral: And the thing is that's one of his quirks. Like his way of saying 'I think I like you' IS sleeping at there house a lot more often. TO the point where it's just an everyday exerpeince and it's only weird if he DOESN'T show up one night.
Aki: !!!! Natsu being late one night and he's surprised bc it's late as fuck but there's Shiori, obviously tired and ready for bed, but unable to sleep because she'd gotten used to sleeping with Natsu and his warmth. (He has to pull confidence and fake cheer before he's allowed to start dying in the darkness of her room; that was so fuckin' cute and she was holding onto that little cat plush and she looked so lonely jfc whAT THE FUCK that level of cute is illegal in all the states and all of the worlds and timelines, bYE)
ExoticGeneral: But I can totally see that! He just kinda pushes open her door and it's like 2 in the fucking morning. The conflicted feelings he must have though knowing that when he walks in there he's gonna suffer for a few hours or more but is like 'fuck ing worth it.'  (She needs to tone it down because if the guy who lives to fight wants to SNUGGLE then there's a problem. No one man, goddess or not, should be allowed to have so much power!)
Aki: She's just more than happy to see him bc dang it, she couldn't sleep without him...and the second she's comfy and curled up against him? Boop. Out like a light. (Plot twist: her real power is being cute as hell. Her cuteness so strong, who needs weaponry?? Flutter those lashes, tilt her head... If she has the ears and feather tails out? B y e. You're dead now. Sorry, don't make the rules.)
ExoticGeneral: JEEz THOUGH! Not being able to sleep without him! Now all of a sudden he becomes like a necessity for a proper nights sleep, or any at all really. (But that's one way to competely get to him. Sexy? Pfffft, he can ignore that most of the time. Cute, fucking slay him okay? Just 'Here lies Natsu, rest in pieces' and fuck she's a cutie!)
Aki: I mean.... He could be a mean little one and let her pass out once it becomes too much, but there's also the huge implication that Natsu actually sorta gets her on a sleep schedule?? Something she usually doesn't have at all???? When Natsu's getting snuggled up in the futon, it basically becomes a sign of, "Oh, time to stop for today and sleep." Reverse alarm clock, Natsu is. Getting a certain poetry goddess to bed rather than waking her up (or keeping her up, as is). (Shiori perfected the cute ability. Cute traits that'd be passed down for generations. Flirting-but-not-flirting, the ultimate technique. How will poor Natsu ever survive?!?)
   Dinners with Mom Amaterasu:
Aki: Meet the parents? More like, "Forget that formal stuff! Let's go out and eat dessert before dinner!!!!" Because Ammy doesn't really do formal anymore and why not just....use the time for the better?? Like eating???? Not to mention, then she can embarrass the two like, "Now you gotta feed each other. Do it, do it, do it~!!" Ammy is a gr8 mom, as you can tell
ExoticGeneral: Well I don't think it could happen. I think Ammy and natsu met because he tried pelting her with water ballons. There is no need to be formal after that! But I can see Ammy rigging everything somehow. Just like ordering milkshakes for all three but 'accidentally' forgets one so she gets a whole one while Natsu and shiori share. with coincidentally two staws.
Aki: "Hmmmm, would you look at that.... Strange." Casually drinks at her own like NBD--  And that's true!!! No formality exists here; there's only the two dorks and the shy poet, who's more than happy to be the little side-line cheerleader for their antics. (Unless they're questionable. Then she's worried and trying to get them off of the idea. Probably crit. hits Natsu by being cute.)
  The time I almost wrote in our RP that Shiori was gonna kiss his cheek....and they’re not even CLOSE to dating, oh boy:
Aki: .....It suddenly occurs to me that I want an aesthetic made of NatsuShio.............
ExoticGeneral: I'm laughing. This isn't a pairing (Yet) and you're like grabby hands
Aki: Hey. Hey. Compare this to the time I almost wrote in Shio kissing Natsu's cheek waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too early, and a little aesthetic ain't that bad~
ExoticGeneral: You know if you had wrote that slip up I would have went along with it too. It would have been a hilarious mess.
Aki: LMAO. Even Shiori would be confused like, "......I have never before in my LIFE ever done that.... Why did I do that now?!?" This is the Sims and I am the tru god and their lives are my pLAYTHINGS
ExoticGeneral: He would have stopped everything for a solid 5 minutes then continue like it didn't happen. If you don't react it's like it never happened, right? I mean that's how we do it anyways. We make them suffer cause it's fun
Aki: Plot twist, though...... Isn't even freezing considered a reaction?! So by freezing he thinks he didn't react, but the act of freezing up is a reaction in itself......!! YOU'VE BEEN PLAYED, NATSU!!! They aren't suffering yet, buuuuut..... All in due time
   Memes, of course:
ExoticGeneral: Ammy: So do you and Shio call each other pet names? Natsu: Pfffft! No! Of course not! Ammy: What do bees make then? Natsu:....Honey? Shio, from the other room: Yeah, sweetie? Ammy: Don't you ever lie to my face again.
   And the moment we acknowledged how we know this ship was The One; our OTP forever and always: (featuring the best rant I’ve ever written for this ship)
ExoticGeneral: It's literally freaking insane how you just start having ten billions of ideas running through you're head! Like okay time to put then through some angst hell, then recovery fluff, little slice of life, smooches and some bonding/ development??? Like Im getting way too far ahead of myself here??? But the ideas/drabbles keep on rolling anyway. This is how you know this is the one.
Aki: Yes!!! And like.... Honestly, I pride myself on doing "realistic" stuff? Having my characters contradict themselves sometimes, do something that would hurt....cause humans are like that. Hell, it's why I also brazenly went for Shiori's emotional breakdown when she heard the news that all Lunarians had died..... Including her dear Kazuki.  Being able to imagine and know how that breakdown went in my head, where nothing she tried worked, until she went crawling back to her mother to grant her wish to not exist...take the pain away......  Boi. B o i. When it comes to big time storywriting, I get hELLA AMPED. I'm ready to show them every corner of the world, good or bad. Perfection or deep flaws. Give me that angst where they will realize that it hurts, but having someone to hurt with makes the pain ease a little. It doesn't fix everything, but having those assuring words and someone who cares deeply makes it harder to be upset. Let them have those slice of life days where Shiori wakes up in bed for once, stomach not aching or feeling like a void, and ready to start a new day. Have him drag her out to explore and shake up her old, rigid life. Let them, in the future, kiss and hug and wonder why....but know that if waiting so long meant finding love and getting it this right, then it was worth the wait. Let them develop so much, that we look back to where we started and cackle with joy, cause they friggen made it. Wow, a sappy rant from me, yEEHAW
ExoticGeneral: Damn right sister! Preach it! Like sometimes I just sit there with some bsckground music on and its so fitting that you just throw out 20 paragraphs like no problem. I just need those days with them where they argue over something little and it gets so blown out of proprtion and convoluted that they just forget what is was about? Just random nights of stargazing then falling asleep? Or literally doing nothing and either of them thinks of their s/o and gets super flustered for no reason? The day they actually become a couple but still trains his tush off and shio doesnt ask how he got strong, but why he did cause heckie is that gonna be one wild ride of a story. But the simple, final answer is to  protect her. Not because she's the daughter of Ammy, but because he failed to do so with his dad and elder brother and doesn't want to lose her too. Like I want weakness that comes with trust? Fear that comes with love? But also the fulfilling satisfaction of contentness. That you wouldn't trade this for anything else, its a unique feeling that only they can deliver. Ya feel?
Aki: Right??? Good heavens, mention music and now I need to go look up Shio's number one mood music........ Can't think Shio romance (especially where it's "skinny love") without remembering the song, sO-- Right?? Well, more likely her trying to fight back but she angry cries and just gets frustrated and shuts down. Won't talk. Won't feed the flames anymore with replies, but doesn't seek peace, either. It's a night where it alternates between dead silence in the home once more or quiet, strained sobs of someone who's already used to being hurt; she's just finding it harder to keep that pain quiet.    But it's..... It's home. More than it's ever been. From a family she couldn't quite connect with some days, to her own home all to herself... A place her own and where her life fit.    Last thing she would've ever expected is to find- in many ways- her opposite....and yet someone she'd find herself falling for all the same. Where it's funny to imagine her home used to be quiet and peaceful. Now there's some training dummies outside and even if he strays from home, she can hear him making noises out not too far away. There's footsteps of another person in her home now. This home....it's his home, too.    Something they're both happy to have. Company, understanding, and just.... An imbalance that makes it a balance by not being perfect.    She slows him down. He speeds her up.    They learn something from each other.    It hurts sometimes. His life will likely be long....but to what length? Will it end? Does she want to know? Should she ask?    And understanding what her mother saw in mortals from that.... Just because they cannot match in eternal age, doesn't make it all any less. The memories shared? Still memories made. Love was still had and wasn't it sweet? To love someone so completely, to have fought and made up, loved and lost...    It's scarier when it's you who can be hurt; this isn't watching someone's life play out like a movie. This is her life now and his and theirs together and it breaks her heart to know she could potentially lose him, but..... He's going to teach her so much. And she would understand what her mother does.    He'll be loved all the more for it.
ExoticGeneral: I literally have absolutely no words for this. I cant believe you would make me cry like this at midnight. This was the most hurtful, true, heartfelt yet heartbreaking thing I've read. I freaking forgot you did poetry is you spare time like holy.
   ...They just. Work together. It’s the perfect “opposites attract” relationship while still maintaining a balance between who they are alone and what their relationship is. The bolster of inspiration and motivation that they get from each other... He motivates her to leave the house more (often with him on a little adventure) and gives her that experience. As said, she slows him down and gets him to read more. Even try writing for himself, writing Shiori a small poem that he [slams down onto her desk and runs off in a hurry] gives her.
   Broadening their horizons with each other. The support and pure affection and how they do their best in their own ways to support each other... It’s perfect. Made a home in our hearts. And we sure wouldn’t want it any other way.
   As a final note... Have one more silly little meme we came up with:
Aki: So I'm re-reading our chat [again] and I just thought of this...... Natsu: I live to fight, so Imma take you down!!! Shiori, in her sleepy-whiny voice: Natsuuuu...... I wanna cuddle.... Natsu, already leaving: .......Someone else lives to fight and will take you down!!!
ExoticGeneral: You know that old saying goes, he who runs away lives to fight another day I'm glad I'm the only who just goes back and re-reads this entire message board of gross romance and heartbreak
   So yes, ship NatsuShio. Your heart will thank you...after it dies for 2 hours because of the angst that tails this ship in bittersweet flavors.
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parkjmini · 7 years
bts as fuckboys
[a/n]: inspired by @sweetersuga  | original post: x i wrote it as the perspective that you’re already close friends w them/have been with them before !!
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he’s the funny, sarcastic one where he could be kind of mean bc he takes it a lil far
“you’re such trash you sleep with every girl”
“at least I can get someone to sleep with me”
he flashes a smile in the hall bc he KnOws iT GeTs oN YouR NeRveS
“When’s my birthday”
“January 1st bc u set off my fireworks baby”
“i am disgusted”
piggy back rides on those goddamn strong broad set of shoulders ooffff
“I’ll call you, ya?”
He never calls u bc he probably forgot too busy improvin himself
you have a streak with him and all he sends are selfies with the caption “I hope your day is as beautiful as I am (:”
He catches you staring in class one day and he’s like “take a pic, it’ll last longer babe”
so now u have a gallery full of jin and he wont let u delete them bc he thinks they’re all masterpieces you do too but youd never admit it
the only fuckboy that’s tolerable bc he’s rlly just a big goof 
“why don’t you ever have sleeves on your shirt jin”
“these shoulders are on display, honey, can’t cover up the jewels”
he’s kind of obnoxiously loud that u want to shove ur fist into his mouth to sh u t  him uP 
“dude, jimin’s hot”
“okay but so am i ??”
“ok ya youre really hot but so is jimin”
“just trying to get my baby some more dick jeEZ”
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“hey yoongs why dont we go on a date??”
“uuhhhhhh since when were we dating? lmao dont trip” 
gets a new number every 2 months bc he loves fucking w them crazy bitches too much
“sometimes you need to mess around with the ones who can bite off your dick, being risky is hot (-;”
“BEinG riSkY iS hOt ya u wont have a penis anymore at the rate you’re going”
kind of smells like a mixture of alcohol and cologne 
“let’s play a game, if u lose u have to take off ur clothes, if i lose u have to take off ur clothes”
“wait but yours stay on ?? wtf yoongi??”
“no mine will come off right after i see u naked (;”
the one to play with the ends of your skirt/dress/shirt bc it gets u so flustered and he lives seeing u flustered 
straight up Arrogantᵀᴹ at times its hot but ur so annoyed by it that u wanna knock some sense into him
wont ask for nudes but will ask to see some goods
“can i see ur tits”
“for the 4039th time, no”
“well, a man can try”
SMIRKY MC SMIRKY HERE like it just comes OUT of NOWHERE and it is OUT to ATTAC 
u dont have a snap streak w him bc it always breaks bc he replies every 3 years bc he was “busy”
but he’s always the fourth person to like your instagram posts???????
and to comment the water droplet/eye/tongue emoji combo ????
loves when u swat his hands away from gripping your thigh 
(i wanted to use this gif but it was so big and rectangle and didnt fit but u need to see that gif to really take in the fuckboy bc i cannot find a representation as accurate as that gif is)
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always greeting you whenever he sees you
“hey babygirl”
“hoseok we just saw each other in chemistry”
“ok and????? can’t i say hi to my baby?”
“but im not”
“lmao every girl is my baby”
raises his eyebrows any time you fix your dress or your shirt
asks to borrow a pencil and never returns it
“where is my pencil hoseok”
“where is my kiss (y/n)”
“we didnt agree to that”
“well i didnt agree to give it back”
“dO u NoT kNOW whAT BoRRoW meANS”
loves to share so he shares a lot of his snacks with u
“omg i love snacks!!”
“oh baby me too” and trust me, he’s not talking about the food
has the brightest, kindest smile so it catches you off guard when he says some snarky fuckboy comment
loves physical contact !!!!! always has a hand on your back, or shoulder, or thigh, or hand, or arm
lets you wear his hats/jackets/hoodies bc he thinks youre sooo cute in his clothes
he walks around school with his hands in his pockets like a doUCHEBAG
catches you off guard by spinning you around with his arm around your waist 
uses the line “im a dancer” to get girls what an eyeroll
the type to drag you onto the middle of the dance floor at a club just so he could show off his skillz which are actually super bomb like even ur impress and uve seen them 308443 times
he got that sweatpants dick print 
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changes his contact name to Daddy on your phone
“oh shit did you see her ass”
“look here bootylover123 stfu”
winks at you a lot in the halls 
“do you have a fucking eye problem namjoon”
“its a wink” 
“u do it so much that im beginning to think youre eye is having a spasm 
lets you copy his homework if he got a hug in return
the type to comment a peach emoji on your instagram photos even if there is no butt involved
loves when you sit on his lap 
one time there weren’t enough seats on the bus and he patted his leg for you to sit
“i know you hate standing (y/n), take a seat itll be fine”
“why can’t u be a gentleman and give up your seat for me?”
*alMOST CHOkES from LAUGHING* “me???!!! a gentleman??? wow u expect too much, just sit your big ass down on daddy’s lap or suffer standing”
buys you lunch bc he loves showing off his e x p e n s i v e w a l l e t 
he could go from having a full blown brilliant monologue as to why he exists to giggling about how your moles r arranged into the shape of a penis 
calls girls mami or ma 
asks for ass pics at like 1:32 AM 
and u send him pictures of ur elbow crease 
and he actually thinks its ur butt
BLASTS baby makin music from his car and causes a public disturbance 
has the highest count of broken beds, not bc of a high body count, but bc he actually breaks the bed everytime he sleeps w someone
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spaces out when ur wearing a low cut top bc hes too busy staring at ur cleavage 
his streak snaps are either mirror pics, his abs, mirror pic of his abs, and occasional dick pics
“wanna play 20 questions (;”
“we’ve played 20 questions like 20 times already”
“ok gr8 ill start first: will u let me hit it from the back??”
offers to netflix and chill all the time and it sux bc he actually knows all ur fav shows
ok let me reiterate, jimin knows all ur favorite anythings bc he listens to u 75% of the time bc he thinks ur voice is sexy 
will never fail to compliment you when u look good 
“damn baby, is this all for me????”
“no i just dont want to look like a hobo today”
gets super jealous when any other guys speak to u even tho hes piping down like 8 other girls 
“jimin they’re my frIENDS ur not even my bf why u tripping”
“they arent acting like theyre ur friends. i know fuckboy behavior when i see it (y/n) its my occupation, i do the same shit w girls”
“thats good then, someone else wants me too”
“not good bc ur HOT ASS IS MINE )-:”
youre saved as #1 babygirl on his phone no objections
walks into class with a new hickey in a new place every day 
he has SEX EYES u could never look him directly in the eyes bc theyre so captivating 
fucking walks like an arrogant prick down the hall and whistles when u pass 
brags about his big dick when its honestly not as exaggerated as he says 
has a picture of you in one of his shirts as his homescreen wallpaper 
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“i wont show anyone, im not messed up like that” yea be careful w this one honey, pretty sure jungkook, hobi, yoongs, namjoon all know how ur tits look like
has the perfect innocent face where u have no idea that he’s fucking 4 other girls
always responds after 12 am and calls u at 3 am 
“tae im fucking sleeping”
“damn thats hot what else u doin??”
“hanging up on u goodbye im going to block ur number”
“pls don-”
uses the line, “i just dont think we’re compatible” on E V Ery GIRL 
offers to hangout but never follows up with it bc he’s never seen out in public with a girl unless its his momma 
“jasmine is telling everyone you gave her chlamydia, u get checked bro??”
“dont worry about it”
body count means a lot to him 
loves hugs bc he likes feeling boobs squished against him
sometimes INTENTIONALLY lowers his voice bc he KNOWS ur into that shit 
thinks youre playing hard to get when rlly u just dont care lol
“i know u want all of this, (y/n)”
“i think ur mistaken”
“right bc i want all of u (:” 
“ya tae let’s not get ur feelings mixed w mine ok thx u”
NO SUCH THING AS PERSONAL SPACE the boy is a koala and will latch onto u 
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the biggest fuckboy of them all
has slept w almost every girl in the school and is v proud of it
“what’s your name again”
“rlly jungCOCK” 
“ok (y/n) i know ur fkcing name so can u learn mine”
u dont think he’s ever had a gf b4 bc he doesnt believe in labels OR commitment which hes pretty vocal abt 
unlike jimin, he doesnt own up to his dick pics and swears that they were “”accidents””
SCrEENsHOTS! but ur smart so ur face is NEVER in ur pics
“who’s boobs r on ur phone kook”
“i dont have photogenic memory (y/n) i wanted to remember those cuties without a shirt on (;”
looks too fucking good w a fresh cut that u need to avoid him in the halls or ull melt to goo
only owns white tees and timbs lmao hahahaha 
smirks when you bend down to pick something up 
that or he yells, “one more time, babe!”
“wat u doin”
“without me!!1???” 
he’s on tinder too so once he’s done with the sampling pool at school, he can broaden his horizons 
a car enthusiast and will get offended if u dont think his rims r cool
thinks youre really hot when you yell at him or hurt his feelings 
youre his prized possession bc he actually likes talking to u but will never admit it 
has a specific nickname for u that he doesnt call his other girls bc its YOURS !! 
“hey cutie”
“hey jungCOCK”
hates the nickname jungCOCK 
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rahmaelsayad · 6 years
Latest Whatspp Status Collection
First of all thanks for the landing site, new hats app status. If you are searching for the latest collection of Whatsapp Status to update your profile status then we must say you are in the right place. After doing lots of research and making remarkable efforts we finally manage to prepare the best collection of Status & Quotes for you all. You surely going to love this place for sure. Also, not all the below Status on Whatsapp is in 100+ different moods, you surely going to love this place for sure. This page is updated on regular basis, so stay connected with us. If you face any problems in copying these Whatsapp Statuses then report us, We will solve your problems as soon as possible. Now let’s directly jump into the collection, enjoy.
New Whatsapp Status – New Whatsapp Status Collection
If you make a boy laugh, He likes you. But if you make a boy cry, He loves you.
Bahut gurur tha sbko apni daulat pe.. zara sa zameen kya hili sb aukat me aa gye..
I told my parents I had my eye on a bike for my birthday. They told me to keep my eye on it because my arse won’t be on it.
Finding friends that have the same mental disorder as you.
It can take me anywhere between 0.02 seconds and 3 days to reply to a text.
Sometimes it is painful to see that the people most appreciate is false.
Girls with open messy hair, chubby cheeks, a dimple, and spectacles.. Aww, you look so cute.!
Opportunity tends to knock once, then it’s gone…temptation, however, likes to stand there and lean on the damn doorbell!
Make your nature simple, the time will not be wasted.
Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try…..
Alone doesn’t mean lonely, lonely doesn’t have to be alone.
Beauty is power, a smile is its sword..
We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are.
Things r beautiful if u love them.
If I could be anything, l would be ur tear, so l could be born in ur eye, live down ur cheek and die on ur lips…
You say it best when you say nothing at all!!
Sometimes, i want to meet myself from someone else’s point of view!
Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.
Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things.
Sometimes I’ts better To be Alone.. Nobody Can Hurt You!
God is really creative, I mean.. just look at me! 🙂
Last seen 1980! 😀
Thinking holds what you feel, feeling drives what we think.
A friendship that can end never really began !
I dont have a lot of friends, I just know a lot of people.
A friend is someone who knows all abt u and accept u as u are.
Right or Wrong doesn’t ‎exist! When u have a ‎CONFIDENCE.
Life is Just a Journey.
New status for whatsapp facebook
Be bold to own your mistakes in Life, accept your faults and improve your personality.
I speak for what i see, I stand for what I Beileve. I strive for what i want.
When u love someone, even though they hurt u nd break your heart, you still love them with all the little pieces!!
World is small and life is short.. Spread smiles and share peace.
People who tolerate me on the daily basis! are real heroes in my eye.
Life goes on with or without you!
I hate fake people. You know what I’m talking about. Mannequins. 😀
I am the circle, and the circle is me.
24 Hours Online!
Classic book is a book which people praise, but do not read.
Cheer up, tomorrow will be a better day, just believe!
It might take awhile, but eventually you’re going to find the good in goodbye.
When the past calls, let it go to voicemail.. it’s got nothing new to say.
Play the moments. Pause the memories. Stop the pain. Rewind the happiness.
Romantic are people that had never seen the other side of the things.
The Ones Who Are Crazy Enough To Think That They Can Change The World Are The Ones Who Do.
Love is not possible without sacrifice, and sacrifice is not possible without love.
Love is when u have seen the best and the worst of sam1,yet u still love them for what they have..
True love doesan’t have a happy ending. It has NO ending.
Call me crazy, but I’m madly in love with you and this won’t go away for a while, so get use to it..
New Status Quotes for Whatsapp FB
Sometimes you have to act like you don’t care, even when you do.
You have no idea how much l like you. How much you make me smile, how much l love talking to you, or how much l wish you were here.
Every problem comes with solution, but my GF don’t have.
Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my status.
Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.
What is known in the heart doesn’t always need to be uttered by Mouth.
Don’t feel special. Some people keep your number in phone list just not to answer your call.
After all we all are stories in the end.
Sometimes the person you trust most is the one who trust you the least.
Go for someone who is not only proud to have you but will also take every risk just to be with you.
New status latest quotes for whatsapp
Some People Change Your Life, Then Leave Without Explanation !!
The most eloquent silence, that of two mouths meeting in a kiss.
Play the moments. Pause the memories. Stop the pain. Rewind the happiness.
I Miss you dearly my heart aches, My head is lost, I really miss you.
The Ones Who Are Crazy Enough To Think That They Can Change The World Are The Ones Who Do.
Romantice are people that had never seen the other side of the things.
I think I might be falling for you. I love who you are and every little thing you do.
Life doesn’t get easier u get stronger.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Stop saying I wish start saying I will.
Love yourself love your day love your life.
Don’t let a bad day make u feel u have a bad life.
I’ve got nothing to bo today but smile.
Life is to short to remove USB slowly.
Nobody can teach me who I am.
It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
Sometimes it’s not about missing someone. its wondering if they’re missing you
You know how you don’t want to miss them, but you want them to miss you
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
Dont talk if you dont have any good thing to say
A female can be your best friend and worst enemy. It all depends on how you treat her.
Remember, You are unique, but then again so is everyone else in this world.
Sometimes the right one for you is the one who was there the whole time.
If they can’t swallow facts, let them eat fiction.
I think of you in colours that don’t exist.
Guys who run girl’s account on Facebook are the ones who secretly buy barbie and comb its hair.
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
Mujhe teri mohabbat ko sahara mil gaya hota.. agar tufan nahi aata kinara mil gaya hota…
Pluviophile: a lover of rain, someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
Aarju honi chahiye dill me kise ko yad karne ki.. Lamhe toh apne ap he miljate he dost
Baharo phool barshao mera mehboob aya hain..
Saw a Chinese kid and a black kid wave to each other today. It gave me hope…for another Rush Hour movie…
They say what goes around comes around, passed a packet of chips and never came back.
Duniya main sirf 2 Chize Mashoor Hai, tere bhai ka Style, aur teri bhabhi ki smile.
Thanks to the words ‘dude’ ‘bro’ and ‘man’ I haven’t said my best friends name in 10 years.
Tu hi ye mujhko bata de.. chahu main ya na..
Ye zami ruk jaye, Ye aasma tam jaye, Jab tere chara samn aaye.
We finally hope guys you all enjoyed all the above latest collection of Whatsapp Status 2018, if you really enjoyed this collection then don’t forget to appreciate our efforts in comments below. On other hand don’t just go away, also check our previous articles on Whatsapp Status, cheers for the day and stay connected.
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chaekkung · 7 years
o wormie? u? in a lot of love? perfect i don't think i've asked u yet but (if ur free) could u talk about why/how you started loving changkyun/hyungwon (or both :-D) ?? pls ramble as much as u like!! read more exists 4 a reason and . i love reading ppl b soft and in love it's cute!!!!! i love u have a good night/day ! 💛💛
o holy shit thats a lot ok im gonna write about changkyun since i Havent... :( and ill copy pasta one of my hyungwon essays for u to read!!!! the changkyun will be under it :^) this is gonna be Super Long im sorrie in advance LMAO BUT HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT TOO!!!! :D (also theres prob gonna be a lot of typos bc im Dumb but.. bear w/ me)
mister chae:
honestly i don’t even know where to start?? uhh i guess with his looks first since,, this is describing or smthing,, anyways yeah hyungwon is just… fucking beautiful. he has the most handsome and visually attractive face ive ever seen in my whole life??? and i’ve stanned a lot of groups in my past before but hyungwon is honestly one of the best looking man i know :( im not even being biased,,, anyways yeah there’s that. and he’s like naturally a model, i mean he can legit wear anything and do anything and he’ll look like he’s posing for a high end magazine, not surprised if he’s been modeling since he was like, born. also he has the most beautiful and endearing smile and laugh…. when he smiles he really goes from :o -> :D like!! please!! you are too fucking cute,,, :((( he really lights up the entire room solely w his smile im jusT?? wow?? like when his smile lines by the sides of his nose down to the corner of his mouth come out i just,,,, really… need 2 calm my heart. he has like the closed mouth wide smile, and the straight up whole face smile!! and i.. love both.. so much,,, and yeah anyways his lips are like the first thing people notice about him and big mood?? they’re so plump and … kissable.. and soft.. but my favorite feature on him are his eyes tbh…. idk he has really beautiful eyes? idk how to describe it but like, they’re so…. kind? and bright.. it’s just i want to look into them all day long and im just… so in love with his eyes. like,, they really hold all the stars in my universe wtf!!!  :( OH AND I DONT TALK ABOUT THIS ENOUGH BUT…. HIS EARS ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE WTF I WANT A MOLD OF HIS EARS ON MY DESK,,, idk about others but i personally find his right ear cute as fuck?? like the extra folds in his ears.. i would d*e for them………. godksj why is everything about him so cute i just?? want to kno …
ok now im going to talk about him!!! so his personality, is what i really fell in love with,, (god this all sounds so.. cliche. but it’s.. true, also unrelated but every time someone talked about,, love cliches and shit i was always like ‘sounds fake’ but???? after hyungwon i really?? believe in all of that..) if i had to use one word to describe him it would just be ‘kind’… like he!!! is!!! the king of being considerate and compassionate and wonderful and he’s just a really good person.. :( he’s the one you can always count on and lean on. he’d always be on your side and makes you feel safe and comforted,, like he’s really full of love??? even the members said he’s a really good listener and they chose as him as someone they go to when they’re feeling down because he makes them feel better about the situation (god, i wish they were me,,) and he has the most beautiful heart… like, he’s been wearing the Sewol bracelet since as long as we’ve known and he has never missed a day. you can always see it during fansigns, vlives, whenever he’s out, and he even wore it when he was modeling under his clothes… :(( he went from the charm, to the rope bracelet thing, to the clip on and now he’s wearing the wristband!! :(((((( he says he will always wear it to remember the incident, and he has been for over two years… he’s doing it out of the kindness of his heart and not to show anyone… he said he felt so helpless during the time, and watching every thing unfold before him, and has worn the yellow bracelet which symbolizes ‘hope’ :((((((((( god,, real emo hours,,, i love my angel so much wtf !!! ok next,, (sjdhaj at this point im going to write a whole novel wtf but im gonna,, stop soon i swear .) hyungwon is really fucking hardworking and ?? he’s so dedicated to his career and making sure that we, his fans, are always satisfied and proud to stan him.. like he’s constantly saying he will work hard to show us something better next time, that he’s not going to stop trying to improve himself. every single stage he puts his all into it, but he pushes himself even more to show us a even better one. he’s always worried and thinking about his career as an actor and a singer. he wants to promote the group in any way that he can, whether it’s through modeling or acting :(( what a King… he’s… really always striving to do the Best and he won’t ever settle or be content with it because he’s just naturally an ambitious and super hard working person… like. he’s so dedicated to what he does, no matter what it is. uhh one more thing he’s actually a really sentimental guy!! not like in a bad way, but in the best possible way. he’s really sweet, and gentle.. (he would be the Best Boyfriend,,, im just saying..) he’s the type to give handwritten letters… and surprise gifts.. (he said so!!) he said he cant cook but he want to cook for his gf he will try his best and it will be full of love… god.. i wish that were me. he’s the type to keep quiet… but take silently notes on what someone likes/dislikes, and will reveal it unexpectedly with a gift or when he says something and it will! make the other person! so happy! :((( he doesn’t put his emotions Out There, he’s not rlly good at it,, but he honestly has so much love in him,,, he tries his best to show it ok!! it’s,, good effort it’s so cute when he does… ah.. pls.,,, he’s always like ah, i don’t know if i can properly show my appreciation and sincerity for you guys, but i hope you guys know how thankful i am for you. LASDHFJAK GOFD,S,,,, IM FUCKIGN EMO THINKGIN ABOTU IT AGAIN… HE HAS A HEART OF GOLD AND HE’S SUCH A SWEETHEART I JUST WISH MORE PEOPLE WOULD SEE IT.. :(( HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE IN THIS ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND I REALLY HOPE ALL MY LOVE FOR HIM CAN COUNT AS SOMETHING FOR IT ALL.. UGHFJASHJSAALSJF yeah ok let me,,, stop… sorry to everyone who has to scroll past this LMAo,, :(
ok i was gonna stop but i forgot to mention how he’s so fucking talented!! i mean this boy does it ALL. the whole package or w/e. god,, i love my whole ass talented man wtf! he sings, dances, choreographs, models, acts, DJs, is multilingual, and a world class poet,, cmon. ANYWAYS he excels in all those areas nd,, no argument there.. his voice is angelic as fuck ,, just like his personality.. and his dancing.. god,,, like . his dancing his so on point, his every move,, and it’s so.. fluid.. and natural. and it’s harder for tall people to dance esp ones w like long ass limbs (hyungwon.,,) but he still looks fucking amazing and pulls everything off so perfectly????? gofdj,,, can he like . Stop being so…. perfect.. and lovable… :((( he just puts so much passion into everything he does!!! and his heart is pure Gold ,, i just.. love him,,,,,,, everything about him …. ok lmao let me stop !!! if u actually read all this wtf,, im sorry nd i’d die for u
mister changkyun:
okay wtf icb i havent talked about changkyun that much on my blog.... anyways this is gonna be a mess and unorganized bc im Dumb but here goes,,, ok we can start from the beginning kinda,, so originally wonho was my #2 bias and then mh i think like i love changkyun but i wasnt like IN LOVE you kno?? honestly i started to notice him more firstable bc he and hyungwon are so frigging cute together?? i just couldnt ignore it and next thing u know im IN Love w my lil koala :(((( hes sO CUTE ..... LIKE.. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT I REALLY JUST WANNA BE AROUND HIM ALL THE TIME!! his sense of humor and his personality in general is so?? positive?? and fun??!!! like i would spend every second of the rest of my life w him... and he’s so cheesy as we all know ,, and i find it so cute but also he makes me so stressed bc he’s so mushy aijsdgfhdjs but he rlly Love us wtf.. and hes so funnie... he makes me smile and laugh all the time :( and he genuinely Loves every single one of his fans so much... he’s so sweet with them and he makes them feel so loved and special, and like they’re the only person in the world at that moment :(((( this boy gives so much love and i only want to give him a million times more back... 
OK HES SO LOVABLE IN EVERY DAMN WAY LIKE,, he’s Weird but its a cute Weird he’s so special omg there’s really no one else like him :(((( like...... he’s a treasure fr... he’s So Many things and once its hard to pinpoint his personality but like ??? i love it so much?? he’s a mystery and i dont know what he’s thinking like most of the time but.. i rlly love him omgdsj he’s so special :’( like fr !!! everyone LOVES him!! :(( most people wouldnt see him as the maknae if they dont Know,, but like he really is... and he’s really mx’s babie :-( they spoil him so much and love the heck out of him,,, he’s really the most loved maknae out there wtf... honestly... i love family... they really Adore him so much ugh what a big ass fking MOOD! :((
AND HIS VOICE!!!!! THE VOICE OF THE HEAVENS AND ANGELS AND HAPPINESS AND ALSO NUT!!!! WTF!! HIS VOICE IS SO SEXY AJSDFGDUJIS LIKE... PLEASE... NARRATE THE BIBLE TO ME HOLY FUCKSIFDU, YOU KNOW HIS VOICE ONLY V LIVE... HOLY SHIT MY EARS NUTTED SO HARD omg.... i just wanna listen to his voice All Day.... and dont even get mee started on his rapping .... he starts his bar and sets me on fucking fire w half a syllable . and did i mentioned he fucking amazing at rapping yeah . he Does That. and hes so charismatic, especially on stage... :((( ugh omgfisjd i wanan d*e when hes being so h*t on screen fucksdf,,, and like . his mixtapes he’s working on... king... pleas.e.... End me. just end me with ur talented ass wtf... 
ok let me stop thank u,,, also... if anyone actually made it here hi wow uh ur great ily wtf :--(
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chahchani · 7 years
Secret Idol Relationship With Hwiyoung
-Dating this little pumpkin, you guys are the most precious secret couple among groups (basically rookie or small company groups all know you two are a couple and they all support you two). However in public among fans no-one will ever figure out that you two are dating because he’s too paranoid. Poker face is his best weapon, sometimes won’t even stare your way or act like you exist. A quick glance is all you’ll ever get from across the stage but that’s it. However, Just know he’s always aware of where you are and are always thinking about you. Whenever you look tired on stage he will look extra emo, sometimes forgetting fans in front of him are waving. Intensely watching your live backstage as well not being able to keep still with a small smile on his face as he mouths along to your song, wiggling around a bit but not too obviously. Protecting your safety is his main priority so you don’t mind him being cold. However when you’re finally together, the kid will give you his brightest smile and would want dive into your arms right away. “You worked hard today, I missed you. Your outfit was super pretty today and you were super pretty today ijustmissyousomuch. With you he’s actually super dorky, super hyper and the ultimate happy virus. Whenever you guys are back the your own dorms, you’d both still send pics and updates every moment of your waking day. Send eachothers what you two ate for dinner often and hwiyoung would be so distracted with his phone at the dinner table he will get scolded by Inseong or Youngbin alot but sass Hwiyoung will most likely still be like “alright im almost done” while still using his phone throughout the whole dinner. 
The type to be dumb though and have matching bracelets but your smart enough to not wear it to promotions however the dummy will never remember to take it off ever until the stylist asks him to take it off before going on stage. “oh omg why do i still have it on.” You guys buy things for each other alot and he wears every thing you give him to promotions. Basically his outfit was a gift from you and it makes him happy to wear something from his gf without anyone knowing specially when your busy and he misses you. 
Describes you perfectly though when interviewed on what his ideal type is but also say like “Im still too young though to date”. And when fans scream “I love u!!” he will just be like “oh good. thank you.” but thats only when your there as well at a music show and he wouldn’t want you to feel awkward. complains later to you though about how you remembered that one guy fan’s name like chill hwiyoung it’s not deep its fanservice. He might even stare down the guy without realizing until roowoons like yo chill dont make anyone suspicious. 
The kid doesn’t have a car so your secret dates would have to be often at ISAC or waiting rooms since people around you all help to set it where you guys can see eachother often.And then its just cuddles cuddles and him never letting you get out of his arms and you feeding him snacks while being stuck in that hugging position. Falling alseeping together there as well happen super often and everyone takes pictures. Would just be really emo if you ended your promotions earlier than him because no more waiting room dates anymore. And it’s going to be a bit hard but it makes everything even more special because even a peck on the cheeks can make him go crazy and blush. You guys are still young but if done right and is patient, the relationship will go long and maybe one day you guys can go outside for dates. 
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“The most fantasy like moment in my life was *thinks about his days off with you where you guys get to actually go outside but late at night to like an empty movie theatre*” 
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