#where are my fellow remaja jompo at
filesbeorganized · 2 years
So, as I enter into the old age era of my 20s, I started having similar problems like my mom's (i.e. sore back, sore feet, sleepiness in the afternoon, etc).
We came up with a fun game called "fake dramatic ads". The rule is to use daily inconveniences to promote common household objects and/or medicines, as ridiculous as possible.
For example, today she's helping me move to a new place. Like the gigachad that she is, she's been going back and forth lifting boxes into my room. Then...her back started to hurt. Unpromted she said, "With just a payment of aging yourself around 59.99 years, you too can be addicted to heat pads!". (She did this as she reached into her bags for heat pads).
I then replied with, "As remaja jompo*, I've been experiencing sore back since 14. With an affordable price of 4 years hunching through university, you too can get a back that hurts like hell!". I do this as I sit down, out of breath.
We then proceeded to cackles like witches.
I recommend this game for everyone.
*) Indonesian slang phase. Literally means 'elderly teenager', it means young people with elder people's problems
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