#where i don’t like any of my interests anymore and revert back to shows/music/etc from like. 7 years ago
aturnoftheearth · 2 years
girl who literally has a destiel event going on for the next two weeks: i think i might be done with destiel
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
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Matchup for @lirulee​
Hi!! First of all, congrats on the milestone!!!✨ And thx for taking the time to read and answer to all this! (I hope it’s not too much) My match up i want it to be for One Piece!😍
I’m a 30 y/o straight fem! I’m a taurus and an ENFJ! I’m short and curvy, blue/green eyes with pale skin and freckles and dark blonde hair. I dress a mix of classy and girly (flower patterns, etc) but always comfortable. I’m a musician, mainly a singer, but i also play the piano and guitar, i also love anything artistic or crafty (eventhough i’m not very good at it). I love to cook (and eat), boardgames and videogames, dnd… I’m a nerd, basically. I’m very social (eventhough i can be awkward and shy at first) so i love to just hang out with some friends driking tea and chatting all afternoon. I also studied psychology.
A fun thing about myself could be that sometimes i make up a blatant lie but i make it sound very plausible, and i push it as far as i can to see how far they believe me (and see the expression on their faces while they process what i’m saying), but i always tell it’s a lie right after cos i can’t stand the idea of lying, i’d feel terrible. Also, it’s always mundane things, never anything serious, and it never affects that person, they’re more like made up facts. I’m not mean, i promise 😭
I’m insecure about my body and my social skills, i’m a worrier too and i tend to doubt myself but i’m also very determined. I’m also a bit of a control freak but i’m learning to be more chill. I guess my biggest fear is feeling apathy for life again, i’m very very lively and cheerful and for a few years i felt apathy and it was killing me, so i fear falling into that again, but that makes me work more against it so i won’t 💪✨
Favourites: i’m a vegetarian so even if i love some kind of food i no longer eat it, that aside i really really love tomatos, a lot. I also really like salads? I know it can be quite basic, but there’s so many options with them… Also popcorn!! 😍
Favourite colors are pink and teal, but i feel bad for the other colors if i choose a favourite 🤣 I love sloths and any kind of felines, i also really like lizards! I don’t have a favourite music genre, i can go from metal to britney spears in a sec.
My dream is to be a great singer, i don’t care about fame, but i’d like to be able to sing as much as i want and the hardest songs. I’d love to make the world a better place and help others with my music, i’m a bit of an idealist and a dreamer 🤣
Well, thanks again for reading aaaaaall that, i feel like an awful person tbh but i didn’t know what to cut (😓),and thanks for my match up! I will love it 🥰
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I slipped and this one became quite long actually! I hope you enjoy this one Liru, I match you with.... 
OTP: Bartolomeo
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Barto’s enthusiasm, your pranks and just your general bubbly attitudes that are not afraid to mess with people make you a dynamic duo that is absolutely feared and loved everywhere. Whenever people see you walking up to them they already know that they’re either going to have a great afternoon, or going to be left in embarrassment. 
When it comes to being an artist, Barto is not necessarily very musically inclined, but you can bet that he’s your absolute biggest fan! He will admire everything you do and even if you miss a note, he’s already on the floor with heart eyes and tears streaming over his face cause he cannot believe such a sweet angel is his partner! 
Having such a fanboy as a boyfriend, putting you on a pedestal every single day, for everything that you do, means wonders for your confidence. Even on bad days, Barto is full of admiration, and after a while you cannot help but believe all the positive things he says with his puppy eyes and genuine tones. 
Barto likes taking you outside to experience life, to make sure you never revert back into that apathy. He wants you to feel the sun on your face, smell flowers and the salt of the sea, feel rain on your skin, shiver in the cold as you walk through fresh snow crisp beneath your feet. Barto wants to show you every date just how beautiful the world is, and how his world is even better with you in it! 
His love language is words of affirmation, but he’ll also bring you gifts from travels whenever you cannot come along. Usually they’re quite obscure but cute things that only the two of you can understand the significance of. 
Finally, you two have different things to geek out over, but you can spend hours listening to the other gush over their hobbies. You two are two nerds that are just as happy with an elaborate date night where everyone in the restaurant shoots you strange looks because of the conversation topics, as with a movie night indoors with your favorite snacks and all kinds of nerd-theories to share as well as cuddles! 
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Runner up: Shanks 
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Another extrovert who will put you on a pedestal and make you feel like the queen you are! Shanks is another one who will compliment all your insecurities into oblivion, nowhere to be seen anymore. Your social skills help you find a perfect place in his crew. 
Shanks is your biggest fan when it comes to all your creative outlets, showering you in compliments and loving every single thing you create. He likes staying indoor with you as you are busy with your hobbies and just admire the view.
Why he’s not your #1 match: Shanks unfortunately cannot spend as much time with you as Barto would and while you would go on similar adventures, they would just not be as frequent and they would include more potential danger. You need to be out and about and experiencing things, not be on edge the entire time that people will come for either of your heads. 
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BrOTP: Brook 
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Two master-musicians together, of course! You bond over all your instruments, songs and often perform and practise together. Brook is more than willing to join you in some of your pranks so you can pretend to have found a skeleton or something else similar, just to spook other people. 
Brook is a great uplifting friend! He is interested in all your nerdy hobbies and you can spend hours putting interesting new twists on the games you already play. Brook knows a way to make everything exciting, so even when you’re feeling a little down and apathic, he’ll just grab you by the hand and get you involved.
There is never a boring day in your life with this tall skeleton friend! And with his age, he also has plenty of wisdom to share whenever you need advice on anything!
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convertidophoto · 5 years
A First foray in Space...
I’ve been thinking a lot about space lately.  No, not stars, blood moons, or black holes and the like but space as in venues, as in the common areas open to all.  The space where you, I, and others meet to interact. Yeah, that kind of space.  It seems to me that in some instances we are using it all wrong.  Perhaps you agree, perhaps you think I think too much, or perhaps you think I am thinking about something that requires no thought at all.  Well…as it happens at the gig Friday night someone brought up this very topic.  They asked me if I went to see (insert metallic HC band name here) at “the Post” the other night.  He said that it was one of the most violent shows he ever saw; dudes (yes nearly all men) were laying waste to each other while the band played. Oh, how the stars align.
 I am not sure where the kung fu dancing style at HC shows first appeared.  The acquisition of this fact is of little importance to me and I think I’ll live without that curiosity being satisfied.  What does concern me is what it portends for what I thought was a foundational principle of punk/hc/whatever-you-wanna-call-it (this thing we all do).  That principle being that a punk/hc show was our show and our space; it belonged to no one person or group; instead belonged to everyone who attended the show. The swinging arms, flying kicks, reckless thrown elbows, destroy utterly this idea by creating malicious enclaves [barriers] between the band and the audience.  I know, I know, I don’t get it, I’m old, I’m weak, or maybe it is that my kung fu just isn’t up to snuff, or maybe…just maybe, bear with me…cuz it might pain you to imagine such things…I’m right.  
Here’s the scene, you’re at the show really excited to see the bands.  Maybe you’ve heard the band, seen them before, or your ‘bro’ hipped you to them and you’re there to check ‘em out.  The band takes the stage, turns on their rigs, gives you cannibal come vegan snarl before launching into the sickest riff you’ve heard since that Slayer riff that sounds oh-so-close to what you’re digging now was released…then it happens.
Out of the darkness, you see what looks like a self-defense demonstration.  Fists and elbows fly without hesitation, that dude in the short-shorts is swinging his leg around with such speed that you are sure he’s part windmill.  Other participants tuck up and throw hands and mule kicks at imaginary attackers besetting them from all sides. Before you know it, the entire crowd has fled from the stage.  Cramming themselves into every inch of the periphery with arms held high to protect their faces from the mayhem.  The crowd forgets about Constipated Cookie Monster and the Beatdown Five providing the jams and who are pounding the stage like silverback gorillas in need of anger management.   When you finally feel comfortable enough to focus on the band you realize that the majority of the space for the crowd is monopolized by a dozen or so “dancers” and the remainder of the crowd is forced far from the band.  Mood killed and the show that you wanted to see so badly is now a bad memory which you wish never to repeat.
To many this sounds like an awesome time and mores the pity a typical show.  To others, myself included, this sounds absolute shit.  Whether or not the band is good or bad, is worth seeing again, or any other information gleamed from watching a band has been supplanted by the inevitable question, is staying in this room to see this band worth losing my teeth or getting knocked the fudge-out?  Those questions are nothing new and have been asked since the first guy staged dove (stage-dived? Oh, where are my punk rock grammarians at?) into the crowd.  What makes a substantive difference to me is the way in which space is used.
Punk/hc is visceral form of expression that in many cases lacks, utterly, any sense of subtlety.  As the form evolved from the late 1970s UK punk and The Ramones style retro-rock into 80s USHC the reaction to the music changed as well.  This is not unexpected as the inherit urgency of HC drives people to move without regard for themselves or others.  This trend continued with the expansion and popularization of HC.  The advent of crossover only worked to increase the ways in which the music elicited reactions in its expanding audience.  Pogoing was replaced by slam dancing and stage diving which became (?) moshing [whatever the hell that is anyway?!?!] by the late 80s.  Some bands eschewed the physical aspects of punk/hc and issued a challenge to their audiences (Fugazi) while others tired of violence that occasioned their shows and moved towards other audiences (7Seconds).  These changes coupled with the inevitable ending HC of other bands, the sound people wanted/loved/expected/demanded was hard to find.
Out of this vacuum came the explosion of late 80s HC bands, mostly SxE, who wanted to revert back to the pre-crossover style of HC and all that came with it.  At the same time, those people moved by the crossover thing kept progressing trying to make heavier and more ‘heavy and powerful’ records.  Then one day it happened, someone somewhere created the riff that played with just the right drumbeat moved people to stomp around then someone started swing their arms or legs and voila you have whatever-fudge kind of dancing they call it.  It may never have been equated before but punk/hc shows are a lot like real estate, location matters.  
The closer to the stage one can get at a show the better says I. Being able to see, to hear, and to feel (yes, we talking about feelings) the music is the purest way to enjoy any performance.  Plus up the front by the stage packed side by side with all the others wanting the experience, can create a collective sense of shared experience that remains bigger than any single show.  The shared sense of release, of elation, and of expression between the band and the crowd is strongest nearest the band.  The farther you move from the stage the less effect the band has on the room.
Not everyone wants to be up front smashed together being sweated upon, spat upon, spilled upon, jumped on, knocked around, and generally battered about while interacting with others also trying to enjoy the performance in its purest form.  Some people are not terribly interested in the bands performance; they are just there to dance, to slam, to mosh, or whatever the hell you call it.  The band is nothing but a soundtrack to release. Don’t get me wrong, to each their own…it’s not my thing (anymore) but I can see the necessity of just exorcising all the pent up emotions, piques, frustrations, and energies that punctuate life. Have at it y’all and ‘¡fuck it up __(insert name of city/state/scene here)___ style!’  All the young punks love a bit of that as the saying goes…
Behind the sing-a-long crowd and the dancing fools is the people who want to see the band, experience the music but would really prefer to be knocked around by kids who do not share the same fears about health insurance deductibles or the fragility of “old bones”.  In the back, there a bit more talking, visiting, seeing that person they’ve not seen since the last time (insert band here) played, also beverages flow freely and are consumed more responsibly (suggesting fewer spills not less liver damage).  Frankly, if one wants to be honest it is probably these people that bought tickets in advance and upon whose beer sales the venues counts to make a profit from the show. [drink up y’all!!]
I know, I know this a very general example and crowds are rarely described this easily.  The point I am trying to make remains apparent though.  The collective space of the show, the venue, is divided up amongst the crowd and inside the finite area the space is shared.  Everyone has their space to react and to interact with the band and everyone else in attendance.  If you want to be right on the stage as close as possible to be splashed with beer, sweat, and be spat upon by the guitarist from Night Birds or accidentally smacked upside the head by the singer of Scream or bass player of Econochrist (true stories y’all…for reals) then have it.  If, however, that is not your thing and you just want to go nuts dancing then back it up a few feet and go off.  Of course, if none of this appeals to you and all you really want to do is see that band that does it for you then you’ll likely be nearer the back.  Sharing is caring y’all, it isn’t always pretty or fair but it making use of a public space for mutual benefit.  In stark contrast to the above sits any live video of a beatdown/metalcore type band.  
YouTube is replete with videos where huge swaths of space are devoted to a dozen or so people engaged in what appears to be a synchronized martial arts demonstration or an attack by a swarm of invisible bees.  What is readily apparent at these shows is how the few “dancers” have pushed the rest of the crowd to the periphery of the venue.  There are few to no people at the stage experiencing the show.  All those people not “dancing” are trying to balance between watching the band and watching the dancers; undoubtedly they are doing so out of self-defense and for the inevitable train wreck that is foot to head or hand to head contact.  
In this exercise I see only one group telling another ‘this is how you will use this space, disagree at your own peril’.  Admittedly, I highly doubt any such an utterance emerged from the mouth or mind of any participant.  It never had to, the effect is the same.  What was once ours is now theirs and that isn’t cool.    
Slow your roll young blood…I’m not saying I know what punk is (can anyone really?) and I’m not saying anything negative about any individual, group, band, scene, etc. though clearly I am having a bit of a laugh at your silly asses.  What I’m saying is that what is happening with the use of space at some shows is self-defeating, selfish, and in the long-run a dead end for expression.  
Let’s really drive this point home shall we…no ambiguity, no mincing words, nothing left to chance or lost in translation…Lest you think I am picking on other forms of expression (personal or musical), or annoyingly kvetching about a style of music I don’t like (I’m not), let me be clear…I am only noting that the way in which the public space is used at one type of show occasioned by this style of dancing is not about shared use.  The way in which one small group dominates that space open to all appears to me to be antithetical to all that I believed punk was to be which was a liberating movement and a leveling force opening up avenues of expression to those previously shut out of venues for creative expression.  
QED vatos!
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head-and-heart · 6 years
The 100 Highlights - “How We Get To Peace” (5x08)
Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait for this highlight post. I was out of town visiting family for a week and didn’t get a chance to rewatch the episode until today. And, unfortunately, I am about to be swapped for the next ten days (at least) so you can probably expect the 5x09 highlight post to be pretty late, too.
... And the 5x10 recap.
But anyway - super excited to get into this episode! Hope you enjoy my thoughts. :)
Feel free to read up on the previous posts in this series here. 
“I’ve seen the horrors we inflict on each other in the name of survival, colonel. God knows I’m as guilty as anyone, but we’re on the brink here - on the edge of an abyss I’ve stared into before - and I can tell you, having sacrificed the few to save the many more times than I care to admit, eventually, the few becomes the many. The ends don’t always justify the means and if you don’t know that by now, after everything you’ve been through, then you’re just as bad as Octavia, and we’re already lost.” 
At first I was a bit thrown by Kane’s speech here because Charmaine’s move was, objectively, very politically savvy (and it seemed a little out of place, considering Kane was the one who implied that if Charmaine got rid of McCreary she wouldn’t have to be concerned about resistance anymore but whatever) but - in retrospect - I do see the value in it. It seems to reflect what Bellamy and Clarke do later in the episode to Kara Cooper (which was honestly SO fucked up guys, like, holy shit). And the line was well delivered too. Very dramatic.
I kind of like this Vincent guy. Hm. Seems too nice to be a cannibal/serial killer. Speaking of which, are we ever going to see him snap? Maybe in 5x11 ... and that’s when we’ll get Abby telling the story of what happened in The Dark Year. :o I’ve cracked the code fam
Echo suggesting that they kill Zeke made her more familiar to me. Her character arc seems pretty on track (based on this episode) with what I have already speculated and I expect that we’re going to see her facing some issues with her old methods soon (maybe next episode?). I did like how they have set up her character arc in this episode.
I’m really enjoying that they have Indra teaming up with our mains this season. It’s an interesting dynamic, to see her interacting with characters besides Octavia and Kane this season and I am really enjoying it.
Listen, I know that their relationship has no base to it and they barely know each other and their connection doesn’t even really make sense *realistically* but I really, really LOVE Raven and Zeke’s dynamic. Lindsey and Jordan have fantastic chemistry and they look so good together and Zeke and Raven’s personalities/intellect complement each other so well. Also, this is a television show so lack of development DOESN’T MATTER, especially considering Zeke hasn’t killed Raven’s family or ex boyfriend or anything which - if you ask me - is a definite bonus! I just loved that little detail of him looking out for her, despite being angry (and having every right to be) because he feels protective of her and can’t really explain why just yet.
Also, I am in no way delusional enough to believe that the writers intentionally paralleled Bellarke and Zaven in this episode but this moment was visually extremely reminiscent of Bellamy jumping in front of Clarke in 2x09 ... so that’s a plus.
Everything involving Raven and Abby in this episode was just the most gut-wrenching, fam. Raven’s concern over Abby being threatened by Diyoza and her determination to protect her and Abby lying was just ... a Lot. It shows how far gone Abby is and added some new stakes to her addiction. I think it was important to show how Abby and Raven’s relationship will be affected by this.
“Your mother would be proud, Monty.” I wonder if anyone has told Monty this before, and how much he probably needed to hear it. In all that had happened, I forgot that Kara Cooper and Monty come from the same station on the Ark, and that they have probably even known each other for a long time. I never would have guessed that I would love seeing them interact so much but their scenes in this episode were so cute? Cooper laughing at Monty’s jokes about getting lit was the scene I didn’t know I needed. Leave it to The 100 to humanize the Worst character in the episode they get killed
I have to admit, in a kind of sick way I liked that we had Monty, Clarke, and Bellamy back at their old shenanigans again? Like, this felt like an indirect callback to Mount Weather, where they all committed mass murder together. This time, they’re trying to prevent that from happening again. It’s weird to see how their old allegiances and perspectives have shifted from that moment - and yet, they all continue to cooperate with each other.
“What’s one more, right? We’re all murderers.” OOF MONTY I FELT THAT
“We’re talking about taking one life to save hundreds.” “Really? Then let’s kill Octavia.” I literally yelled DRAG HIM at my screen when he said this lmao. Monty had ALL the lines in this episode. Like, damn, I love that he is questioning Bellamy and Clarke’s decisions in this, how they just revert so easily back to their same old methods. It’s refreshing to see.
 And also, he’s RIGHT. What Bellamy and Clarke are doing is so fucking twisted. They are literally killing someone in the most grotesque manner and framing them for something they didn’t even do all in order to avoid killing someone else - the person who forced her to commit the atrocities she has in the first place. Let’s face it: Cooper is easy to hate but the only reason she is the way she is is because of the system that Octavia created, the game Octavia forced her to play. And yet, they won’t kill Octavia, because of their own selfish wishes. It is absolutely fucked up and I am so glad that Monty called them out on their bullshit.
I really loved Murphy looking at Clarke’s drawing of him and Emori chained to the rocket from 4x08. It was a nice detail (and parallel to Season 4′s corresponding episode) and callback to include. Here’s hoping that we get to see *cough* other characters looking at pictures of themselves that Clarke has drawn. You know ... no one in particular.
“Tell me what we’re looking at.” 
“I don’t think we’d see it the same way, but all right. That’s where the trading post will be. And next to it will be a farm, and a workshop, and a mill ... And a real medical center, for Abby. To the south, there’ll be homes dug out of the ground to preserve the trees, and at the center, there’ll be a well, a place for people to gather, talk, debate ideas.”
“And a school with a playground where kids can blow off steam and bitch about their teachers and kiss under the bleachers. My kid.”
I think this is the very first time (with the exception of Briller and the chickens) where any character has explicitly voiced their greatest wishes for the future, how it looks in their mind. And it’s so fucking tragic because you can just visualize it so clearly, but it feels so far away. That future doesn’t seem possible. It’s so melancholy and I love how Ian and Ivana delivered their lines in this scene.
Also, soft!Charmaine is EVERYTHING. Her line about the school and the teenagers “bitching” and making out and doing regular teenage thing was just so ... normal, it was honestly startling to think about. That’s the life that the hundred should have had - that they’ll never get now. I love the baby storyline so much (and I never thought I would like a pregnancy storyline but I do) because it humanizes Diyoza in so many ways. 
The music in this scene was gorgeous and matched the tone so well, I honestly started tearing up a little bit don’t @ me. I have a really big feeling that this discussion will come up again - either because we’re going to see this vision completely destroyed, or because we’re going to see it come to fruition. With the space travel theory, I do kind of wonder if we might get an “epilogue” of sorts for the people who stay behind on Eden, where we see Kane and Diyoza’s vision has come true (and maybe they’ll both even be there). It would be like a farewell to the characters who remain on Earth. I think it would be beautiful. (But that’s all assuming that the space travel theory is correct.)
As mildly annoying as it was that Kane literally named Diyoza’s baby for her (wtf Kane???) I did appreciate the symbolic purpose of naming her child “Hope”, especially considering the episode title “Pandora’s Box”, in which hope (aka. Kane/Baby) was the last out of the bunker and then flew away with Eligius. It’s a nice follow up to that little piece of mythology.
In a way, Kane, Abby, and Charmaine are delivering Hope (literally and figuratively) to the people. Which is also why I believe that they may all remain behind in Eden at the end of this season as we see our mains (ie. Clarke, Bellamy, Raven, etc) take off into cryo sleep, officially saying goodbye to all of them forever. (Goddamn I’m already crying and the season finale hasn’t even aired yet? THe fuck)
Also side note to talk about how vindicating it was when Kane was judging Charmaine the entire episode about her damn notebook (”names of the people you killed?” stfu) and it turned out to just be a goddamn list of baby names and defense strategies. Sit the fuck down, Mark.
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I present to you: the creepiest fucking shot this show has done. And yet, I really liked it? Showing Cooper’s reactions by shooting through her helmet was a really well done creative choice. It was so trippy and it made her death feel so visceral and real. It honestly kind of sickens me to watch this scene, tbh.
On another note, I cannot BELIEVE how many stomachs Jason has forced me to watch explode this season .. the audacity ...
Emori establishing healthy boundaries is ... EVERYTHING. It’s so important for the writers to have addressed the toxicity in their relationship in this way. 
“Trouble in paradise?” I kind of love that McCreary says this to Memori because it is exactly what Murphy said to Clarke and Finn in 5x06 after the massacre. That’s some sweet kind of karma right there
Everything about Raven and Abby in this episode was absolutely devastating. Lindsey and Paige both killed this scene - the emotions were so real. Lindsey did such an amazing job portraying Raven’s hurt and rage - I could feel her emotions so viscerally. 
“Don’t you talk to me about pain.” If anyone deserves that line, it is Raven. She has been through hell and back and has had to be so strong for so long. I really liked that line.
CLARKE SITTING ON BELLAMY’S BED IN HIS TENT. Man, I would LOVE to see how that scene went askskqisks
Also, Clarke comforting my poor baby just like old times ... *sigh*
Although I have some reservations with the dialogue in this scene, I do appreciate the sentiment. Despite everything that has happened, Bellamy and Clarke still have such an understanding of each other. They forgive so easily - it’s practically second nature at this point. While I hated how Jason Rothenberg-y Bellamy sounded when he called Clarke a “mama bear” it IS nice that he is acknowledging the role that Madi plays in Clarke’s life. I feel like he finally is starting to understand just how crucial she is to Clarke, and recognizing that he felt the same way about Octavia. It gives them something new to connect over. Also, I’ll never turn down Bellarke being soft with each other.
Plus, have you ever seen a softer smile than Clarke Griffin’s? Cause oh boy am I not over that. She looks so fucking bashful when she looks up at Bellamy I can’t deal gotDAMN
“The worms were already loaded in the rover, so. What was Cooper doing there?” Marie’s delivery in this episode was SO good. God, she’s so creepy and she’s Killing It.
“Careful, big brother, or I’ll think you helped her and we’d have enough prisoners to settle this in the ring.” LISTEN. I WANTED THE EVERLARK AU SO FREAKING BAD CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT NEW MEANING THE WORD “TOGETHER” WOULD HAVE HOLY SHIT
But also, Bellamy’s desperate looks/protests were A Lot in this scene. He really can’t fathom losing Clarke again. His and Clarke’s tragic looks towards each other just really fucking hurt - they’ve been here before. And last time, they didn’t see each other for six years. 
“Keep Madi safe. Promise me.” “I promise.”
GOD. CLARKE LITERALLY JUST GAVE HIM FUCKING CUSTODY OF HER CHILD UMMMMM HOW ONE DOES FUNCTION??? She trusts him so much i’mma cry. Also, his called out promise. He sounds so wrecked, but he needs her to know that he will keep Madi safe, needs her to have that comfort, just in case he never sees her again. Don’t Touch Me.
“Did he hurt you?” Protective!Zeke is always a plus but I’d be lying if I said that this scene didn’t immediately remind me of Bellamy asking Clarke the same damn question in 1x10. God, these unintentional Blarke parallels are really coming for my life huh
“Have you ever loved someone so much that no matter what they do to you, or themselves, you take it?” “Mom or dad?” “Mom. Drank herself to death.” I loved that Raven has finally found someone she can open up to. Feels Good, feels Organic. But also this scene came for my LIFE it was so angsty and so good. Raven breaking down absolutely ENDED me (and Zeke comforting her ... someone call 911). I really loved how they made the parallel between Raven’s mom and Abby - it just made the previous scene all the more devastating. So often it feels like the writers on this show forget about these characters backstory and I’m so happy to get these little callbacks every once in awhile.
“The answer is yes.” The fact that Raven and Zeke have this new unexpected thing to relate about is A Lot. I felt this scene deep in my bones. 
Plot twist: Abby dies because she is eaten by Vincent, and her withdrawal symptoms are just a red herring to keep us on our feet. ;)
“So much for The 100.” Hello, favourite line of this episode. Y’all have no idea (NO IDEA) how much it means to me to hear a reference to the heart of this show again, especially from Bellamy. He hasn’t forgotten, but it appears that Miller has. Wow. I felt that one.
“I can’t let you kill Clarke, O.” NO YOU CANNOT
“Here we go again. Pleading for the life of a traitor ... who you love.” DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS LINE HONESTLY Y’ALL ALREADY KNOW WHY IT ENDED ME
I totally overlooked this the first time I watched it but I love how Bellamy tells Octavia that HE made a deal with Diyoza. Clarke has already been sentenced to death and still, he’s protecting her. He won’t let Clarke get hurt for the deal she made - instead, he takes the blame. I just love him a lot fam.
Bob and Marie’s acting in that final scene was SO FREAKING GOOD. Both of them killed it. It was so devastating. 
“My sister, my responsibility.” While I was predicting before that this line would happen if Bellamy had to kill Octavia, the fact that it came back in the same context (with Bellamy having to protect others from Octavia, rather than the other way around) was so perfect. I love when writers take old lines and give them new meanings and that’s exactly what they did with Bellamy’s old mantra. It was so powerful.
That was a wild ride.
Hope you enjoyed reading my take on 5x08 and my favourite parts! Looking forward to the next episode in a few days. See ya then! 
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nicholasmeyler · 8 years
An Open Debate on QC vs. Blockchain
Nicholas Meyler
Recruiter/Broker for "Disruptive"​ Talent. Questing for the Next $Trillion Unicorn.
Blockchain and bitcoin will fail due to Quantum Computing. A CTO of one of the largest companies in the world recently agreed that quantum computers will be functional in three to five years. This is no longer a "pie-in-the-sky" possibility. Doug Peckover's "tokenization" security patents are still for sale, while Goldman Sachs and BofA are buying up all the Blockchain patents they can -- which will be worthless in five years. Meanwhile, "tokenization" offers an immediate solution. See my last two updates for articles. show less
With regards to Bitcoin, SHA is pretty safe from quantum computing. Provided it's not SHA-1. Nobody uses SHA-1 anymore. Bitcoin uses SHA-256. Some cryptocurrencies use SHA-3. With regards to Blockchain, there are quantum safe cryptographic algorithms, look at state of the art mathematics like elliptic curve cryptography. I'm quite certain Hyperledger will address before QC matures. However, QC is a very interesting animal and if it disrupts bitcoin and blockchain as you indicate, that would be the very least of our worries. 
Michael Bombace
We will see that type of change far enough in advance to make necessary changes. A good example is the slow use of SHA-1 for the same reason.
from Wikipedia: In August, 2015, NSA announced that it planned to transition "in the not distant future" to a new cipher suite that is resistant to quantum attacks. "Unfortunately, the growth of elliptic curve use has bumped up against the fact of continued progress in the research on quantum computing, necessitating a re-evaluation of our cryptographic strategy."[3] show less
Quantum computing in not the end of BlockChain - it is the end of all common encryption based on current computing paradigms. Until quantum compute becomes wide spread, or we can adopt new encryption (lattice, hash, supersingular elliptic curve, etc.) we will be forced to revert of dark age tech to securely transact, communicate, or keep secrets.  show less
Current computing paradigms seem awfully weak to me, Matt
As Matt says, using QC as an argument against blockchain should be the last on the priority list. You can start here first:http://cybersecurityventures.com/cybersecurity-500/ :)  
Luka Klancir just a list... no facts involved
Nicholas Meyler- You said the fact. QC will impact encryption algorithms. What I said is that first it will disrupt the security industry (way bigger market cap then blockchain). However, just my 2c :) 
Luka Klancir I totally agree... in fact, that was my point, entirely
Nicholas Meyler - Yes, seems like we have to start tinkering around some new paradigms :)
Some of us have already developed quantum safe proof of work protocols. Some are already in use. Your opinion is misinformed
I'm definitely going to look into that Bryce! I hope you are correct, but I can't read the article you attached on my cellphone... I will get back to you later show less
Thanks Bryce- the key to my point was adopt vs develop. How easy are these new approaches to adopt into end points, processes, and legacy systems... show less
Matt Vasey As with any kind of software, migration and upgrade paths are possible. The questions you're asking haven't even been answered for blockchains much less their technical limitations brought about by other technological advances. While I wouldn't trust a blockchain to manage my healthcare data, I would trust it with my music collection and personal finance. We are simply at that point where it isn't suitable for prime time in a majority of use cases where it might be of real operational benefit. 
Matt Vasey If you're talking about the wider technical world, there's a Y2K feeling in regard to quantum computing and cryptography that I have a fair amount of confidence we won't have to sacrifice SSL or go back to ciphers based on pages in a specific novel. 
Hum... I think we have one or two critical systems, other than blockchain, to worry about if asymmetric cryptography (public / private key) become irrelevant. It is "just" about the privacy of... all data :D
I'm still not convinced that the laws of physics will allow Quantum computing. especially since it's still impossible to observe an electron without affecting its state. however, this is a terrifying Prospect.
There is an elephant in the room. Just as in technologically superior superconducting magnets, like those used in particle accelerators and mass spectrometers, quantum computers have to be kept cold. For both quantum computers and superconducting magnets, helium-3 is used as a liquid cooling source. The US, the world lead in helium-3 production reached full scale demand and production in 2008 at 8kgs. Helium-3 is prohibitively expensive to produce at scale, that being it is captured from decaying tritium. Some newer materials have surfaced for superconducting electromagnets which allows for the use of the much less costly and easier to produce liquid nitrogen. This only being due to these magnets made by those materials remaining viable at higher temperatures, which quantum computers are not. The first successful superconducting magnet was built in 1955. Until new quantum computing materials with the capability of above 20 Kelvin are discovered, quantum computers will not be able to function reliably without an operational cost mountain that rivals some national GDP's. For example, the D-Wave Two, operates with 512 qubits at .02 Kelvin.  
And yes, there are materials that can be utilized for quantum computing at room temperature. But, they have to be created at the isotope level which means that we would need nuclear production reactors on every corner like McDonalds. 
Not necessary there are hashes that are quantum safe.
QC from Bitse?
Elon Musk will have someone on Mars before this is a reality.
A common misconception. Not true at all.
Never say never - if not quantum then some other hypercomputing platforms will definitely be developed in the not too distant future.
I appreciate all the comments. For the remaining skeptics, watch this for a few minutes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q4z6HnB-Tg&t=46m14s). The security design goal is to withstand infinite computing power, so we need change from how data is stored to where data is stored. Churchill said it best: "It is wonderful how well men can keep secrets they have not been told." show less
Churchill was completely ignorant of zero knowledge proofs.
They were invented by someone born in 1945, so that is pretty likely, Bruce.
Nicholas Meyler Hahaha of course you're correct, but modern advances in mathematics have made such perspectives obsolete. I predict we will see the death of other such long held data paradigms in the next decade. show less
Nicholas Meyler
D-wave already has one, but I think 10 years would be the latest that QC would be available.
As of 3:22 PM Pacific Time on January 1, 2017, this post has received 9,612 views (my personal record for something I've posted). More information on and articles by, Doug Peckover are available on my publications page. We are definitely interested in your comments.https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/author/posts#published?trk=mp-reader-h
Les Guessing
Nicholas Meyler
Interesting. No. Did not hear talk of this from the startups who's future depends on Blockchain.
Les Guessing Yet it represents a potential problem they should ALL be concerned with.
Interesting perspective.. thoughts?
I'm curious about the timeline on Quantum Computing. I did see an interesting presentation on the one Bezos is building. Just incredible potential. I went to a startup event in LA with Bitcoin/ Blockchain startups. Folks trying to do interesting stuff (healthcare) outside of currency with Blockchain. 
Some of the work is state sponsored in places like China, so it's hard to get real timelines. The people closest to this say fully-operational… 
You can read more about timelines here:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/quantum-computing-dummies-doug-peckover?trk=mp-author-card
Bryce, I think that the prospect of "infinite computing power" makes it still quite rational to be concerned about the eventual obsolescence of cryptography, itself, but you are absolutely right that we simply don't know yet. On the other hand, wouldn't it be wisest to plan for that possibility? show less
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