#and idk i just realized i spend like. 16 hours a day either completely on here or frequently checking and i regularly stay up until 4/5am
aturnoftheearth · 2 years
girl who literally has a destiel event going on for the next two weeks: i think i might be done with destiel
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (Epilogue 2)
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Epilogue 2
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15, ch 16, ch 17, ch 18, ch 19, ch 20, ch 21, ch 22, ch 23, epilogue, epilogue 2
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,053
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France, human trafficking
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​ @fallenstar-7​​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
Jungkook was waiting for her outside the building, a rose in his hand. Catalina’s nose scrunched into a smile as she skipped down the stone steps.
France was overwhelming; the architecture everywhere was ancient and beautiful, and the history was fascinating and rich. The people were a bit rude, especially once they realized they were Americans. They were only a bit more forgiving when Namjoon, Taehyung, and Yoongi showed off their fluent French.
The theater Catalina had her audition in was stunning. The outside was all white columns and friezes, the inside was mosaic tiled floors and painted ceilings.
               When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she dropped her dance bag and threw herself into Jungkook’s arms.
               “You got me a rose?” she asked, leaning back just enough to look at the rose in his hand.
               “Of course I got you a rose,” he said. “You think I’d let you step out of an audition without a rose?”  
               Catalina giggled and took the flower from him.
               “How did it go? Did you get in?” he asked.
               “I don’t know yet,” said Catalina. “They’re going to do callbacks in a few days.”
               “Good thing we’re staying for a while,” said Jungkook.
               “But honestly, it doesn’t matter if I get in or not,” said Catalina. “There’s always next year. And There’s always plenty of shows.”
               “Yeah, you have all the time in the world,” said Jungkook. He stared at her for a moment, then whispered, “I want you to turn me.”
               “Oh yeah?” Catalina asked. She had been waiting for this. She knew that he was worried about aging without her, she could see it his eyes sometimes when they went to bed together, knowing she wouldn’t fall asleep. She especially saw it on his birthday. “You’re still young.”
               “I know, but I’m already the same age as you now,” he said.
               “Oh no! You’re the same age as me! You basically have one foot in the grave already!” Catalina giggled.  “You should take your time. You get hotter every year. Let yourself ripen a bit before doing this.”
               He laughed loudly and tugged her closer.
               “That’s true,” he said.
               “Wait until we both graduate,” said Catalina. “We can talk then.”
               “You’re pulling an Edward on me?” he said. “Next thing I know, it’ll be, ‘wait until we’re married’.”
               Catalina giggled and swatted his arm. “You’re being a baby.”
               “I know. I’m kidding,” he said. “I can wait.”
               “Besides, we need time to explore the wonders of blood drinking during sex,” she said. “Did you know there’s aphrodisiacs in the venom when you drink from someone? It’s supposed to make them pliant, but it doesn’t turn them into a vampire.”
               “That sounds hot,” said Jungkook. “Also, I am a fan of being manhandled. I’m not ready for that to end just yet.”
               “I know. We might need a chaperone though,” she said, tapping her chin. “I don’t know if I’d be able to stop once I got started. You smell way too good.”
               “We have plenty of time to work out the specifics,” said Jungkook. “I need time to get hotter each year, so we’ll figure it out.”
               They both laughed as they went to the car waiting for them.
               Taehyung loved the Louvre. It was like a dream come true, wandering the unending corridors, seeing all the classics he’s idolized for hundreds of years.
               “Taehyungie, what’s this one called?” Jimin asked. His hand was covering the informational plaque under a series of paintings depicting a man looking at a celestial globe. Jimin had been doing this for hours, but Taehyung didn’t mind. He loved sharing what he knew about all his favorite pieces.
               “That’s ‘The Astronomer’, by Vermeer,” said Taehyung. Jimin smiled and strolled ahead down the corridor, in search of his next quiz. It was a weekday, so the museum wasn’t very busy. There was a tour group of young students, which Taehyung and Jimin ran into a few times, but otherwise there were only a few stray artists wandering around doing sketches of the statues.
               In the back of his mind, Taehyung knew that the rest of their group was supposed to meet them here at some point, but Taehyung and Jimin were so far into the maze of art that he wouldn’t even know how to direct them once they arrived. He wasn’t worried about it either. He was having too much fun with Jimin to care about the others right now.
               Every moment spent with Jimin was special to him. He still couldn’t believe sometimes how quickly Jimin had reassured and forgiven Taehyung; he was so sure Jimin would hate him for making that decision for him. And while Jimin was struggling getting used to his new life, he made it clear that he was thankful to be alive, that he was excited to spend forever with Taehyung.
               “What about this one?” Jimin asked. Taehyung strolled over to look at what painting Jimin was at.
               “‘St. Michael Vanquishing Satan’,” said Taehyung. “Raphael.”
               Jimin continued down the hall, eyes flitting across each painting. Taehyung was most excited to see David; he heard that the statue was way bigger in person than one would expect.
               Taehyung stopped. The painting he was looking at made his eyes widen and his mouth fall open. The plaque said that the artist was unknown. Jimin must have noticed that Taehyung had stopped moving, because he wandered over, letting out a gasp when he saw the painting.
               They didn’t say anything for a while. The school group wandered past behind them, the children’s voices bouncing off the stone walls.
               “Hey, that guy looks just like you!” a voice shouted from behind them. Jimin turned around to talk with the girl, who was pointing at Taehyung. Taehyung didn’t take his eyes off the picture though. He felt a tear roll down his face.
               “Can I take a picture of you with that painting?” the little girl asked. Taehyung wiped the tear from his cheek and nodded, turning around to face the girl. She lifted her phone and snapped a picture. She gave them a toothy smile before running to catch up with her classmates.
               “Is this Adrianna’s work?” Jimin asked. Taehyung nodded. He turned back around to stare at the painting of himself with his dog.
And that’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone reading this and sticking with me during this story. Reading the comments was my favorite part of this journey. 
This story is officially novel length! I’ve never accomplished that before with a complete work! I’ll be posting this story on Wattpad, and I’m also thinking of changing names and adding scenes to make this a publishable work, so keep your eyes out for updates on that!
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okay so my last post got more love than i normally get so my adhd is telling me to completely ignore all the schoolwork i have to do and instead write more little things that nico would totally do, and not proofread any of it. just as soon as i finish typing hit post. so that’s what im going to do
there might be ToN spoilers in here idk im kind of just writing this as i think of things
but otherwise enjoy this part 2 of my thoughts and ideas
1.) nico would definitely get will a bunch of star wars stuff (it was revealed in ToN that will is a massive star wars fanboy and im so here for it) whenever he could. like birthdays, anniversaries, little obscure holidays that nobody even really celebrates, like national days that you make up on that website. nico would just be walking around the mortal world and ever time he would see star wars merch or collectibles he would try to buy something for will
2.) because of this, will has a big shelf by his bed in the apollo cabin dedicated to those funko pop figures that nico has gotten him over the years, and will would DEFINITELY be the kind of person to keep them in their original packaging, either that or he would have special display stands for each figure
3.) and every time nico walks into the apollo cabins and sees will’s shelf of Star Wars Things From Nico, he would get really happy inside because it meant that will really appreciated all nico’s efforts
4.) also can we please talk about how solangelo would absolutely do things with the younger campers, like teach them how to play pinochle (even though they aren’t very good at it themselves) and like will would bring board games to camp and he would spend hours with little kids playing candyland or monopoly or whatever. 
5.) this isnt relative to the rest of the post, but like i dont think solangelo has ever kissed? like not in BoO, not in any of the ToA books? and if they did and i somehow missed it can someone please? tell? me? but otherwise like what is rick waiting for please i need the nico series to be true so that maybe they will kiss
6.) anyway back to the normal stuff
7.) also kindly imagine nico and will having like star wars movie nights and like using a projector or something that leo made so it works for demigods and using clamps to attach a sheet to the side of the hades cabin
8.) and then at night they would set up the projector and watch star wars movies and hold hands without really realizing they were holding hands
9.) and the first time they did a movie night, these little kids that were new to camp would kind of linger a few feet away, wanting to watch the movie with them, and so thats how nico and will ended up hosting monthly movie marathon nights with popcorn and mcdonalds
10.) also (for the sake of this lil headcanon please imagine that demigods can use phones) will would definitely put himself as an emergency contact in nico’s phone, and also set up all that medical info in the health app, just in case nico collapses or gets injured after a battle and is stuck in the mortal world and a mortal finds him, then they can contact will and he can get there ASAP or at least give the mortal directions for what to do
11.) i think if nico and will could have regular mortal jobs will would obv be a surgeon or some kind of awesome life saving doctor but then i dont really know about nico. like he could go down lots of different paths. but for the sake of NOT going off on a tangent and just sticking to giving u guys headcanons, i think nico wouldn’t really have a job, he would maybe just live in italy or france or somewhere with that aesthetic and sell things he makes or maybe run a little storefront (i realize that these qualify as jobs and yea but hear me out i’ll probably be able to take this somewhere) 
12.) and he would like sell little items and things and antiques, and if someone came into his shop and he had a good feeling about them, he might give the item to them for free or like give them a discount. like
13.) i’m kind of imagining an elderly italian lady coming into his shop and shes really nice and sweet and they talk a little bit and he decides to give her like an old necklace for free. idk that just so cute to me
14.) but back to actually possible things i 100% believe that nico and will would play pranks on each other and try to minorly inconvenience one another all the time. 
15.) like one time nico might take only half of wills socks, so none of them match
16.) and then to retaliate will set up an elaborate rube goldberg machine type thing with the help of the hermes cabin and percy and some mastermind athena kids so that when nico stepped outside of his cabin the next morning a massive bucket of water would be dropped on his head
17.) and they just go back and forth and they’re really competitive with each other but never in a mean way, like they never take it too far. 
anyway that’s all, i might write more if i think of any! :) xoxo
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kutemouse · 4 years
Never Really Over
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Disclaimers: I made and edited the above gif myself. That’s why I’ve used the tag #btsgif. Feel free to use, just please give me credit for the edit! I used some of the lines from Katy Perry’s lyrics to inspire and write this, but they belong to Katy.
So this imagine was inspired by the Katy Perry song “Never Really Over,” which, when I heard it for the first time, reminded me of the way my bias works. Yes, I am a Taehyung bias, but every two weeks or so, one of the other members of BTS wrecks me, and I mean WRECKS me to the point where I think, “This is it. This is when I change my bias.” But then Taehyung does something or posts a picture, and I instantly zip right back to him. I’ve been this way since I started stanning BTS, idk why, low-key, I think I’m secretly an OT7 fan.
Age Recommendation: 16+
Warnings: Sweeeeaaaaars (like always), ANGST with a happy ending, Taehyung being a sweetie-pie, no smut, might make a part two with smut idk, honestly, I hope this makes you laugh more than anything.
Word Count: 2,187
Summary: It had been two years since you broke up with Taehyung, and you were finally at the point where he stopped randomly popping into your head. But that didn’t stop him from randomly popping up on your social media, wrecking you into oblivion, and making you do stupid things.
Oh no. Not again. I’m not falling into this rabbit hole again, not today, not ever. I promised myself I wouldn’t do this again, that I’d draw the line and never think of you again, and I did. Or so I thought.
I tentatively scrolled down my feed back to the video of you singing your heart out to a sea of adoring fans, feeling a twinge in my chest as your voice reverberated throughout the stadium. How I missed that deep rumble, the one that drew me out of sleep each morning with a chuckle and a kiss.
Shaking my head, I attempted to push all thoughts of you out of my head. I didn’t miss you. I didn’t miss anything about you, no-siree, I was over you. Ugh, who was I kidding? I couldn’t even go on the internet without seeing you. I was losing it.
“Fuck this,” I thought, standing up from the bench and heading towards my favorite cafe. The bell over the door tinkled, bringing a memory to the forefront of my mind.
We sat in the booth in the far corner so we could have as much privacy as the cafe would allow. “It’s happening, jagiya,” he murmured, taking my hand. “I’m going on tour. I won’t be back for nearly a year.”
“I know,” I muttered in reply, looking down at my lap. I couldn’t be angry, hell, I couldn’t even be sad. We both knew this was coming. Ever since BTS’s popularity shot through the roof, he’s been getting more and more busy, constantly at practice, song-writing, or travelling.
“Hey, we can make this work,” he said, his voice soothing over the pain I was beginning to feel. “I’ll always come back to you, jagi.”
He reached over and grasped my cup, taking a sip from it before squinching his eyes up cutely. I laughed and playfully grabbed for it back. “Hey, that’s mine!”
“I don’t even know how you can drink this,” he said, still grimacing. “Coffee is so bitter.”
“It’s an acquired taste,” I said, giggling.
A voice brought me back to reality, and I blinked a couple times before looking at the barista. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I asked.
She gave me an amused smile. “I asked what you’d like to order.”
“Oh, uh… Hmmm, an iced Americano for today, thanks.”
“You got it. I’ll have it ready in a moment.”
“Thank you.”
I paid then sat down in a booth to wait, fiddling with my phone. My finger touched the fingerprint pad, powering on my screen to show that video once more. Cursing, I closed the app and jammed the thing back into my pocket.
“Miss? Your Americano is ready.”
I stood and took the cup from the girl, walking quickly back outside and sitting down on the bench again. I just couldn’t escape you. It’s like no matter what I did, you were there. You were always there… and not just because your face covered the internet the way clouds covered the earth. You were always in the back of my mind.
I felt my self-control slowly trickling away as I drew my phone out of my pocket, clicked it on, and opened a new message, typing in your name as the recipient. I never deleted your number, scared of breaking the last possible tie I had to you.
Ugh, no, stop. It’s done. It’s been done for two years now. I left my phone in my lap, trying and failing to concentrate on drinking my coffee instead. We parted amicably, with both of us acknowledging that our relationship was over due to you not being able to be the boyfriend I needed. Still, for weeks after we separated, I couldn’t help jumping every time someone knocked at my door, thinking it was you, or stopping guys on the street who even slightly resembled you. That had all faded away, though, so why were my nerves on fire once more?
Our relationship was terrible, or at least it was towards the end. You were constantly gone, and didn’t have time to call or video-chat me. You had to send me text messages on the down-low, scared your company would find out about us and force us apart, or that delulu fangirls would find out about me and come after me. We only spent time together twice in the last six months of our relationship, and I was beginning to get sick of explaining to my friends and interested guys why I was unavailable to date. The second time I saw you, you came over to my apartment wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a baseball cap.
“Sorry,” he said apologetically as he shed his disguise. “I had to circle the block a couple times… make sure I wasn’t followed.”
I threw my hands up. “This is insane!”
“What is?”
“This! This relationship! Taehyung, I can’t do this anymore. This isn’t normal!”
His mouth dropped open at my proclamation. “Are you serious?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more serious,” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest and turning away.
Taehyung grasped my arms with his large, soft hands. “Please,” he said, his voice cracking. “Let’s just talk about this.”
And talk we did. For hours. And we both came to the same conclusion: That our relationship was no longer working and in order for us to both be happy, we needed to let each other go. I reached up and touched my lips, remember the way you kissed me for the last time. Hard and deep, with both large hands on either side of my face, you kissed me until my heart broke cleanly in two.
Yet, even after all the pain I went through, I was surprised to find myself missing you even weeks after our break-up. Yeah, we were a mess, but it was the best mess I’d ever been in. By the time I figured out that life with you in it, as seldom as that actually was, was still better than life without you entirely, it was too late. You had moved on, and were becoming one of the biggest names in k-pop, no, in the world, ever. I had moved on, too… or so I thought.
Sure, I dated other guys. I even had a relationship that lasted a good six months… but none of it ever felt right. I broke up with the guy after he hinted he wanted to move in together, realizing it would never feel right no matter how much I tried to force it.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked it open, staring at your name at the top of the text. What would happen if I just sent a simple, “Hey?” I let myself indulge in my imagination, thinking about the way you’d ecstatically respond, instantly sparking a conversation and lighting up my deadened heart. After a few days of texting, you’d ask to video chat, and I’d see the face that cracked my heart and soul into pieces, but this time, you were intent on mending all that. You’d come over just like old times, and we’d spend night after night together, intertwined so close we practically become one… But then you’ll leave. Again. Work will call, or your manager, or one of the other members, and you’ll leave spouting useless apologies and empty promises. Then I’ll have to get over you again.
Draw the line, I told myself. Draw it. No more. Yet even as I was thinking it, the side of me that missed you put a toe over that line, inching towards completely diving headfirst into the shit show I knew we’d forever be.
I opened the social media app again and watched that video of you singing for the third time. “Fuck it,” I thought, switching back to my messaging app and typing out a message.
Me: Hey. Just caught myself thinking about you and wondered how you’ve been. I miss you.
I stared at it for a good thirty seconds, my thumb hovering over the send button the entire time. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed down, slowly opening them to see the circle going ‘round and ‘round, trying to send.
Wait, no. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t trip up after two whole years. I frantically tapped on the message, trying to delete it, but then the dreaded check mark appeared. Sent.
“Fuck!” I cried out, startling the closest passerby.
“Sorry,” I muttered, looking down at my lap, my cheeks flooding with warmth. How the hell had you trickled back in? I drew that line, I did, I did, but now I’d tripped up. I sipped from my coffee cup, keeping my eyes on my phone screen the entire time. Nothing. You were probably busy. Hell, you’d probably changed your number for all I knew.
With that thought comforting me, I threw my cup into the nearest recycling bin and began the five-minute trek back to my apartment. I spent the rest of the day distracting myself with studying, my fingers hovering over my phone every now and then, tempted to check it. At around the same time the sun was going down, my phone finally beeped and I snatched it up.
Damn. It was just my classmate asking a question about the essay we were assigned. I rolled my eyes and chucked my phone somewhere on the floor before flopping backwards on my bed. It was over. Has been for quite some time. I didn’t know why I expected anything more.
My phone beeped again, and I sat up so fast I made myself dizzy. It beeped again, and I yeeted myself off the bed and frantically began searching through the ocean of clothes that littered my floor. Shit, where did that damn thing go? I hadn’t chucked it that far, had I?
I dug through the random piles of my belongings, making even more of a mess as I hunted my phone down. It started ringing, and I whirled around at the sound, seeing my screen shine through a random tank top. I stumbled towards it, hands outstretched, and grabbed at it, the phone slipping through my hands like soap and falling back to the floor.
“FUCK!” I yelled out just before a knock at my door made me whip my head around.
Leaving the damn phone, I stumbled out of my bedroom and towards my front door, taking a second to run a hand through my curls in an attempt to smooth them down, before I whipped open the door.
My mouth dropped open in a gasp, eyes widening as I took you in, one hand still holding the phone to your ear, the other shoved sheepishly in your jean pocket. “Hi,” was all you said. Mouth still open like a gaping fish, I wordlessly stepped aside to let you in.
Closing the door behind you, I finally managed to get some words out. “How… Wait, why…?”
You chuckled, the buttery-smooth deep bass of your voice causing tingles to break out all over my body. “I got your text, Y/n.”
“Wait, was that… that was you calling?” I asked, my voice coming out strained. “Sorry I didn’t pick up, I was-”
“It’s fine,” you said, waving my apology off. “I know you’re probably busy… and honestly, I don’t know why I’m here other than the fact that I…”
You trailed off, and I swallowed, anticipating the dreaded words. You were here because you needed to remind me that we were done. That there was nothing between us anymore. That you had a girlfriend.
“That I… Well, that I miss you too.”
For the second time that evening, my mouth dropped open. “You what?” I squeaked.
You chuckled once more, but this time, you had a trace of uneasiness in your chocolate-brown eyes. “I miss you, you dork.”
I didn’t bother trying to speak anymore, I just acted. I rushed towards you, grabbing both of your cheeks, and kissed you with everything I had. You grunted in surprise before grabbing me by the waist, steadying both of our stances, and moving your lips around mine, fully kissing me back. The second we separated, you drew me back in, even going so far as to swipe a mischievous tongue over my bottom lip, causing me to groan in pleasure.
We finally pulled apart, panting a little, your eyes bright, a wide smile on your face. “It’s been two whole years, though,” I said.
“Yeah, and the entire time, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind,” you murmured, peppering light kisses along my cheek. “I won’t let you get away this time.”
I sighed and curled up against your chest, once again falling hard for the way my head seemed to fit perfectly in the crook of your neck, and the way your hands seemed to meld with my love handles. It was like we were made for each other.
Well then. I thought we were done, but I guess it’s never really over, is it?
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 30
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- thanks for being patient btw! i work a lot these days and will work even more in the next few weeks (until halloween) so i may not update as often as i’d like. :(
- note for this chapter: idk, i feel like its a bad excuse for a chapter. especially the ending. im sorry for the bad writing.
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 30 : His chapter
I had been in denial for so long that when reality hit me, it hit me hard. After the conversation with Louis, I went back home and locked myself in for a few days. I didn't try to call anyone, and didn't answer the door or my phone either. I needed time to think and I ended up watching comedy movies for days without really focusing on any of them. It was crazy to always think about the same person, to wonder what they're doing or what they would do or say if they were here... but it was happening to me. It had never happened to me before.
I would spend hours laying in bed with my eyes open, thinking about the conversations Olivia and I could have and have had before. So many things became obvious now that I knew she had feelings for me, so many of her words or actions made so much sense now... and some of mine, too.
I had thought about her sexually for a few weeks now but it never crossed my mind that it could be love. Not because it was not, but because it was easier for me to believe it was lust.
I started thinking about so many things we went through, so many things we lived together, so many times we were there for each other. I didn't have that many memories with anyone else and it's only when I realized that I wanted all my memories to include her that it hit me. I loved her. I was in love with her.
Why did it take me so long to realize that? Why did it take her so long to admit her feelings to me? She said she had always loved me and I couldn't even begin to guess how she must have felt all these years.
My reaction to her confession was pathetic. It was fear and when I admitted that to myself, I started writing. At first, it was only a bunch of words thrown on a napkin at a bar but with time spent on my piano, it became something that was potentially worth turning into a real song. I had never written a song that deep in such a short period of time and when I decided it was done, I was not sure what to do with it.
I was not proud to say I ended up in a bar a few times, searching for a girl to meet and bring home but every time I was close to do it, I would run away. There was a reason why I couldn't have sex with Maya and the same reason stopped me from banging a random girl I didn't know... and I missed that reason. I fucking missed her.
I had never been as nervous as I was then when I saw her walking behind Louis and sitting at the table. Seeing her after two weeks without any contact with her was refreshing. She looked exactly the same, she looked exactly like the girl I was in love with. There was nothing I wanted more than find a way to apologize to her, to prove her that I was sorry and that my feelings were real. I was not the type who would display or expose my feelings but I knew that this time, I had to go big, if only because I felt like I owed her. If paps and online articles wanted to talk about it and post pictures, then whatever. She was more important.
I didn't care about everyone who stood up when I was done singing, I didn't care about the clapping and the cheering. I was only looking at her and she was crying. She walked up to me and I cupped her face, wiping her tears with my thumbs. I don't know how many times and for how long I kissed her but I didn't want to stop. It was completely different than the first kiss we shared when we were teens. In fact, it was completely different than any other kiss I've ever had. Was that too cheesy to say? She tasted amazing, a mix of expensive beer and candies, and I couldn't believe I had waited that long to discover that taste.
"I love you." I whispered against her mouth, deepening the kiss very slowly, making sure I would feel everything. "You still love me, yea?"
“Don’t be stupid.” she replied, just as low. “I always have and I always will.”
"Me too. I always have, and I always will." I answered, my grip tightening on her jaw. "I was just.. a fucking idiot. And a blind one at that. I hope you can forgive me."
She suddenly seemed taller and I noticed she got on her tiptoes, her hands moving from my wrists to my hands on her cheeks. My eyes opened and her lips curled into a fond smile as my gaze traveled on her face.
"That song forgave everything."
Her words made me smile and I suddenly relaxed, realizing that I was still scared. I was scared she had given up on me, that she didn't trust me.. that she didn't love me anymore. She could have changed her mind, she could have given up on us, I could have lost her... but she was still there, even after all the pain I put her through, she was there, ready to give me an other chance that I wasn't sure I deserved.
"I promise I'll write you many, many more."
Once again, I brought my lips back on hers, wondering if it would always be like this, wondering if I would get addicted to the taste of her mouth, or if maybe I already was.
"Okay, okay guys, it's time to drink."
I groaned in her mouth when I heard Louis' voice and moved away slightly before sighing.
"Fuckin' Tommo." I mumbled with a grimace before my eyes fluttered open again.
Olivia laughed and got back down on her feet but when she turned around to go join our friends, I found her hand quickly and squeezed her fingers. It was not the first time we held hands but it felt like it because this gesture meant more than it ever did before.
"Livi, hey." Louis said, pushing her mug on the table. "Aren't you glad you spent those five minutes on your hair now?"
She started laughing and I frowned with a smile at the inside joke I didn't get. I turned to Louis and raised my eyebrows as a question, making him grin.
"It's nothing, Neil, but you should have seen your girlfriend's hair when I knocked at her door." Louis explained, making my heart jump in my chest. "Priceless. And I said that 'cus no one would have paid for that."
My eyes found Olivia's and I didn't have to say anything. The fact that she was now my girlfriend had hit both of us at the same time and I was blissful... like intoxicated by the realization.
"You should see her when she just woke up." I pointed out, sending Liv a smirk and finally turning back to Louis. "A real mess."
"Really?" he replied with a thick accent, glancing at her. "I bet you can't wait to find out what her sex hair looks like."
I didn't expect that answer and choked slightly on my beer. Louis laughed, slapping my shoulder in a friendly manner, and left to get something else to drink. I finally sat next to Olivia and leaned my elbows on the table, turning my head to look at her.
"Are you okay with that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.
"With what?" she frowned with an amused smile. "You and Louis laughing at my hair?"
"No," I chuckled. "With being my girlfriend."
Her smile turned into a shy one and she looked down chuckling sadly and shaking her head.
"Niall, being your girlfriend is what i've always wanted." she explained low.
I used two fingers to move her chin up and make her look in my eyes. She looked just as vulnerable as she seemed when she admitted her feelings to me but this time, I was not going to run away. My eyes roamed on her face and I licked my lips.
"I'm so sorry I've hurt you all these years." I apologized in a whisper. "I love you, real love."
Her smile came back, more gentle, fond and endearing than ever, and my heart twisted in my chest. I didn't want to ever hurt her anymore and I was going to do anything I could to keep her happy.
"I think we should leave, it's getting late." I proposed when I realized she wouldn't answer.
She simply nodded and we said our goodbyes, thanking out friends for their support and finally getting out of the too crowded bar. Instinctively, I gripped her fingers and pulled her closer, moving my arm up and making her twirl around. She giggled like a kid and it made me grin. She looked up in my eyes and I knew I didn't have to say anything. We reached my car and I opened the door for her but she tilted her head and frowned.
"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" she asked, worry in her voice.
"Yea, no problem, I only drank a beer." I answered with a shrug.
She sat in the car and closed the door as I did the same but when I glanced at her, she had her eyebrows raised and a small smile on her lips. I loved her facial expressions, I always have. She was the funniest person I knew.
"What?" I asked with a smile too.
"You only had one beer?" she questioned. "One?"
This time, I chuckled and raised one of my shoulders, bringing my head closer before shaking it. I knew it was unusual for me and i couldn't blame her for being surprised.
"Yes, one." I repeated with an other chuckle. "I wanted to be sober for the song but when it was over I drank one. So yea, it was the only one."
She smiled fondly at me again and I just knew I was going to get that look very often from now on. Perhaps she looked at me that way a lot, I just never really noticed before. Or wanted to notice.
"Thank you."
"And also, I couldn't let you clumsy ass drive my new car." I joked as she hit my arm lightly, making me laugh even more.
I started the car and we drove around town in silence. The night was cold and it started snowing, bringing a magical vibe to the moment and although I knew she was not a fan of winter, I could see the happiness in her eyes as she watched the snow fall slowly. It's only when we were close to my house that I felt her hand on my thigh. I thought i'd stiffen at her touch but it was the complete opposite : it relaxed me in a way I couldn't explain, not even to myself.
We got out of the car and walked to the front door still not talking and I closed the door behind us. I knew I didn't have to explain anything, I just glanced at her and smiled.
"Grab a few blankets, i'll join you."
She just nodded and I reached the kitchen to make some tea, adding a cloud of milk in both and going through the sliding door of my kitchen. She was sitting on the small bench, staring up, her shoulders covered with a blanket and when I handed her her favorite mug, she turned to me and smiled. I sat next to her and grabbed a part of the blanket to cover my shoulder too and put the beanie she handed me on. We stared up in silence, just watching the snowflakes fall and cover the ground, and in that moment, everything was perfect.
"So everyone was right." I broke the silence, turning to look at her. "About us being more than just best friends. It was... written in the stars, or something cheesy like that?"
I raised my eyebrows with a small smile and she shrugged, tilting her head. She looked pretty with one of my beanies covering her head and an old scarf I hadn't worn in years around her neck, all wrapped up in blankets as she held her tea with both hands. In fact, she was breathtaking.
"No it was just..." she shrugged in a cute way and looked away before looking back at me. "Obvious."
I bent down close to her and reached her lips with mine, and it made my heart jump in my chest. It was so weird to do that yet it felt natural. I saw her close her eyes just as I closed mine and the feeling of her mouth against mine made me feel better than I thought. I hadn't felt like that when I kissed Maya or Heidi or any of the other girls I kissed before. This feeling was different and better. I couldn't lie to myself, it was much better, so much better.
"I see it too." I murmured, my lips brushing against hers as I talked. "It really is obvious now."
I let her borrow some of my clothes to sleep even if we both knew she had left some of hers in my drawers. She had always preferred wearing my clothes and I had always enjoyed watching her wear them. Perhaps it was a bit possessive but the feeling of seeing her in Harry's clothes was horrible and I never got used to it.
"Tired?" I asked, putting my shirt on and turning to her.
"Not really." she shrugged, making me smile.
"Come here, I want to hug you."
It was the kind of things I could have said even before we started dating but once again, it meant so much more now that she was my girlfriend.
"Catch me, then!"
She started running, taking me by surprise and passing right by me quickly. She was already in the hall when I started running after her, reaching my arm in front of me. My fingertips brushed against her arm and she squealed, making me laugh. She jumped on my couch and ran on it and I got suddenly scared she'd fall down but she jumped back on the floor and ran back where she came from. I ran quicker and bent down slightly, wrapping my arm around her waist and pushing her in my room before throwing her on the bed. I moved on top of her, straddling her waist and holding her wrists above her head as we were both panting.
"Caught ya." I whispered with a smirk.
"You did." she admitted just as low, licking her lips.
My gaze moved to her mouth and I dipped my head down again to kiss her. My grip on her wrists loosened but she didn't move. She just answered my kiss, smiling the whole time.
The last time I ran after her and tackled her down was because she teased me, saying only crazy girls wanted to kiss me. Now, she was the one I was kissing and she didn't seem to hate it. Perhaps, the girls who want to kiss me aren't all crazy, but I was not going to mention that. We had also ended up exactly in this position and it was right after that sex dream I had.
"I really, really want to touch you." I whispered in-between kisses.
She moved her arms and I let her, letting go of her wrists. Her hands ran on my shoulders and down my arms, but I kept kissing her for a few seconds before moving slightly away. I stared in her eyes and she bite her bottom lip gently. I had noticed that habit and i loved it.
"Maybe tomorrow, okay?"
I felt my heart sink in my chest but I smiled and nodded lightly. "Okay."
I kissed her softly one last time and got off of her to turn the lights off in the house. When I got back in my room, she was laying under the blankets, looking at the ceiling. I turned the light off too and joined her, laying on my back and staring up, too.
I knew I could wait for us to have sex and I knew it was not something urgent, even if I really wanted her, but I felt like she was a bit scared, and so was I, if only because I was not sure what she liked and what she didn't like.
"How do you feel?" I just wondered in a gentle tone.
"Better now." she whispered.
Silence again. Not an awkward silence, no. A light and warm silence that we both enjoyed.
"Did you write that song for me?" she finally asked after a while.
I knew this question had been burning her lips since our first kiss at the bar and I sort of anticipated it. I smiled, still looking at the ceiling, and brought my hands behind my head.
"Yes, I wrote it for you." I confessed, turning my head her way. "Only you."
We stopped talking again as we both tried to process what was happening between us. Now that we were laying together in the dark the way we always are, it felt real and true and once again, it hit me hard.
"You were wrong, you know?" I pointed out, still staring at her, now seeing her very well in the darkness of the room.
"About what?" she asked in a murmur, licking her lips.
I looked down at her mouth, trying not to focus too much on kissing her again and finally looked up in her eyes.
"The One Direction song that represents us the most is not Infinity, it's probably Home."
She turned her body my way and smiled, bringing her hand to my cheek. I moved my body to face her too and put my hand on her waist, feeling her fingertips brush on my skin softly.
"And Drag Me Down? Maybe?"
She smiled and I did the same.
"A bit of End Of The Day?"
"What A Feeling." she added, making both our smiles grow.
"Everything About You."
I frowned, an amused smile still on my lips, and laughed.
"What? Could you have picked an even older song or what?"
We both burst into laughter and I pulled her closer to me. She smelled good and she looked happy. Just seeing her like that made me feel happy too.
"I thought you hated that album." I pointed out, raising my eyebrows as she shook her head.
"No, it's just my least favorite because you don't sing enough." she explained, moving her chin slightly up to look in my eyes. I could feel her breath on my skin and it made me want to kiss her. Again. "I don't hate anything you do. Except... when you date extra gorgeous models. That, I really hate."
"Says the girl who dated my sex symbol of a bandmate."
She laughed lightly and the sound was incredible. Was that what it felt like to be in love? To think everything the other person does is endearing, sweet, incredible... to feel something explode in your stomach every single time you look at them... Was that what I was blessed to feel ever single day for the rest of my life?
"The truth is... The first time I kissed Maya, it was right after you kissed Harry." I had realized that a few days after Liv had admitted her feelings for me and it had been a shock. All these reactions I couldn't explain now made so much sense. "I was scared, and lost and... and I was jealous, Olivia. I was so fucking jealous."
I didn't expect it but she suddenly crushed her mouth against mine, one of her hands pressing on my cheek as her lips kissed me avidly. Her tongue slipped in my mouth and I finally answered the kiss, pulling her as close as I could and squeezing her body against mine. It was not a gentle kiss, it was rough and passionate and I was a bit scared of how turned on it would make me, especially after she said she wanted to wait before we did anything sexual. She slowed the kiss after a while and I groaned low in her mouth before she pulled away.
"I'm sorry." she whispered, her fingertips slide down my neck.
"Don't be." I  answered in a low tone too. "I'm the one who should be sorry. For everything. Just... you should stop kissing me like that, it makes me want... more."
She laughed and her eyes roamed on my face as she let one of her hand slip down my chest. Her gaze never left mine but her smile fell and she started nibbling on her bottom lip. I could feel my heart throb hard in my chest and remained motionless, just looking at her and telling myself how much I loved her.
"I never said anything about not touching you." she just replied as she moved her hand on my cock over my sweatpants. "I mean, if you want me to."
"You don't have to ask." I reached for her hand and pressed it harder against my dick. "I always want you to touch me."
Her smile came back and I fought against the urge I had to kiss her. Her hand rubbed on me slowly but it's only when she slid it in my pants that I held my breath, focusing on the way her fingers wrapped around my cock. She took it out slowly and I realized how hard I was, even after only a few seconds of her touch. She started stroking me gently and I let out a groan, my eyes fluttering as I tried to keep them open. Her lips parted at the same time then mine when she jerked me off quicker and i whispered a curse word. Her thumb rubbing steadily on my tip brought me closer to my orgasm but it's only when her other hand slipped on my balls that I let out a moan.
"That time I fingered you." I whispered without thinking. "It turned me on so bad I came in my pants."
I watched the expression of slight surprise on her face and her movements faltered for a few seconds before her lips reached mine again, this time a bit softer. I groaned again in her mouth when one of her fingers slid right under my tip and I bit her bottom lip maybe a bit too hard.
"Fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard, petal."
I could swear I felt her shiver next to me and I couldn't decide what turned me on more : her or what she was doing. With an other curse word, I felt an orgasm spread inside me and gripped the sheets of the bed hard as I came, my lips rubbing against hers with every jerk of my body. When I opened my eyes again, she was staring at me with a small smile and I grinned back at her. I couldn't remember the last time I didn't have to guide a girl on what to do to make me cum when it came to handjobs.
"I fucking love you." I breathed out with a chuckle, making her lips curl more.
"I fucking love you too." she repeated after about a minute.
We stayed in silence, just looking at each other, for a very long time until she yawned and I laughed. She looked adorable, why didn't I notice that before?
"I'll be right back."
I nodded and waited for her as she went to the bathroom while I pulled my pants back up and tried to lay down comfortably in bed. I was tired too but there was no way I would fall asleep without her in bed with me. I felt myself start smiling as soon as she entered the room again and although I thought it was a bit pathetic, I really didn't care.
"You're gonna hold me all night?" she wondered, her eyebrows raised, as I felt the warmth of her body close to mine.
I was never going to stop loving this girl. I could feel it in my bones, in every fiber of my being. She was my person, and I was a fucking idiot for not realizing it before.
"Do I ever not?"
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howlingwind · 5 years
Tumblr media
01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
my name is jeff !! lmfao (i don’t let memes die) it’s not my real name but i’ve gone by cody on tumblr for a long time
02. what’s your age ??
twenty. jfc i’m old. but also apparently a fetus??
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
aries, which couldn’t feel further from correct lmfao
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
uhh mostly italian & sicilian, but you could probably point to any white place in europe and i’ll have a little bit of that in me. i’m also 1/16th native american but it’s such a small amount and sadly i don’t even know which tribe to learn more about them.
05. what’s your nationality ??
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
i’m super indecisive about everything, so it’s difficult for me to pick faves (as you’ll see in a sec) but… mac miller,  post malone, johnny cash, eminem, tenacious d, colter wall, kehlani, bruno mars, snoop dogg, elvis presley, justin timberlake, sublime, the rolling stones, etc etc there’s probably a lot i’m forgetting tho. i like most types of music except country. well, modern country anyway.
07. what’s your dream job ??
uh, i don’t have one? i mean yeah, i’d love to be a writer, or game dev, or a narrative director on a game, or direct, write, or act in movies or television, but like…i could live without any of that stuff. i just want to make a decent living, be able to own a house, not completely hate my job. yknow, not a glamorous life but a good one.
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
idk there’s a lot of places i’d like to go, but i’d most like to visit alpha centauri, even tho that’ll never happen lol
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
i can’t pick that! but i love a lot of shows. general hospital, lucifer, the 100, supernatural, stranger things, izombie, south park, legends of tomorrow, once upon a time, arrow (at times), dragon ball, big brother, riverdale, chilling adventures of sabrina, that 70′s show, the ranch, umm… i could probably keep listing forever.
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
hmmmm, again i’ve got a list but… joe dirt, the new guy, why him, the waterboy, 50 first dates, all the spider-man movies, thor ragnarok, man of steel, 21 jump street, 22 jump street ,and a fuckton more lol 
11. what’s your favorite song ??
constantly in flux, but the current faves are — creep by radiohead, stay by post malone, no below by speedy ortiz, unshaken by d’angelo, cruel cruel world by willie nelson, wanksta by 50 cent, shooter by lil wayne & robin thicke, stressed out by 21 pilots, self care by mac miller (along with practically everything on his final album), and i will always, un-ironically love only in america by riff raff. he’s not the greatest ever but that song is hilarious and always puts me in a good mood.
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
can i say rocket league? lol
13. what’s your favorite food ??
pizza, unquestionably. cereal is a damn close second tho. or pot stickers. damn, i’m hungry… 
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
typically, i’ve always really liked using paul wesley, chris wood, and matt daddario. i’m using lindsey morgan for the first time now though, and i really like her as an fc too.
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
to use?? um pretty much any singer or model just bc their resources aren’t too great. i really didn’t enjoy using pete davidson as much as i thought i would, either lol
to see… uh probs emma roberts or andy biersack. emma for obvs reasons but also bc i once had a really bad experience with people using those fcs. idm people using whoever they feel like using tho.
16. what’s your favorite character of yours to play ?? which do you think you’re most like ??
oh man, uhh i really enjoy writing chrissy & theo. they both speak to me. but tbh i’m not much like any of my characters? i’m boring af so i tend not to make any like me lol. i am kinda like theo in the sense that i’m quiet, and really just try to be a good person. other than that i’m most like jason solely based on the fact we’re both human lol
17. what’s your sexuality ??
danversexual. attracted only to fictional danvers women, examples including carol, kara, and alex danvers.
lmfao but nah i’m just a boring straight boy. well, like 99.9% straight. jensen ackles makes me question shit.
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
captain marvel (thanks to dani lol). only two months late but it was worth the experience haha.
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
thankfully i’ve never really hurt myself too terribly except for a broken wrist, but between the ages of 10-17 i’d occasionally hurt my back by sitting weird, usually in an attempt to play video games without the glasses i desperately needed lol. once when i was like 11 i laid belly down on the couch with my elbows up on the arm of it for like three hours, which messed me up for days, then a few other times i hurt myself, but another bad one when i was 17, i had my back curved while sitting and propping my laptop up on my knee, tried to move and literally just cried, crawled on the floor, and laid there all night until i forced myself to move in the morning. lol luckily it hasn’t happened since i lost a little weight.
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
uhm, nothing? i literally can’t think of one, i’m dull af. i uh.. i replaced my own cpu cooler once? lmfao
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
sometimes. a lot of time i just like the silence or ambient background noise, but if i’ve got a fitting playlist for the vibe of what i’m trying to write, i’ll use it!
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
i’m a never writer, apparently v___v but lol ideally a night writer, my best work is between the hours of 12am & 4am, but my sleeping schedule is so inconsistent, and so is my dad’s who spends literally every waking moment of his telling me different stuff he wants done, so it’s tough to hit that sweet spot. i write whenever i get a chance tho.
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
lol nah i’ve never even had a drink. like what teenager doesn’t have a drink at some point?? i told you i’m lame.
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
english, barely. and assassin’s creed 2 taught me some italian swears. and ac: odyssey has had me occasionally dropping “malaka” bombs since the day i first played it haha.
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
officially, about 9 years. i started at 11 on myspace, rping dragon ball z stuff. but basically about 12 years, if you count how from the ages of 8-11 i’d put an anime pic up on my myspace, pretend i was older, and talk to roleplayers i didn’t realize were roleplayers lmfao.
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
i like pretty much anything, tbh. as long as it’s well thought out, has an interesting plot, or whatever. sometimes it doesn’t even need that, it just needs to catch my eye or line up with something i’m looking for. but yeah, supernatural, multi-fandom, sci-fi, romance, town rps, high school/college rps, anime rp (well, pokemon mostly), harry potter… i’ve done it all tbh and don’t particularly have a favorite.
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
the sound of cotton stretching is the absolute worst thing to me. or scratching cotton. idk, it just sends chills up and down my spine and makes my hands feel weak lmfao. i’m weird. i really love the sound of rain, or fire crackling, or like “ambient” harp or ukulele music.
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
short answer, yes. long answer… i’m pretty sure i was friends with a ghost girl as a kid?? like no joke, even looking back at it through rational “adult” eyes, i’m still convinced. my fam moved into a new apartment, and pretty much right after that i started having dreams about a girl my age at the time (11-12). i’d never seen her before but the dreams would be like just conversations, like i was visiting a friend or something. i don’t remember them much, but i do remember the feeling of someone else in my room all the time, like you know how if someone else is around you just know even if you’re not looking at them? like that. there was even one night i was getting in bed, laid there a minute, and then i could have absolutely sworn somebody came in the room and sat down next to me on the bed because i felt the bed sink a little under their weight, but i looked and no one was there. i had a really vivid conversation/dream/thing that night. then a few nights later, for the first time since moving there i didn’t have one. the next morning my dad was really freaked out and said he fell asleep in the chair, but woke up and couldn’t breathe, and felt cold little hands over his mouth. he rationalized it as just waking up from a nightmare but i didn’t think so, so that night when i went to sleep and saw her i got really upset, yelled at her for it, and woke up right after. then i never saw or heard anything even remotely similar again, like she left or disappeared or something. it’s so weird, and i know how crazy it sounds, but yeah. don’t get me started on the topic of ghosts lmfao. THEN AGAIN, like a year later we had a carbon monoxide scare, but i really doubt the two were related because that would mean there was an entire year that we were breathing it in and the monitor didn’t do anything lol
29. do you believe in aliens ??
no alien story, thankfully, but it just makes no sense not to believe in them to me. like, we probably don’t have them on earth, and we’ve probably never encountered any, but it’s as close as you can get to a mathematical certainty that there’s some other life out there in the universe.
30. do you believe in true love ??
like, people who are just meant for each other, like romantic soulmates? nah not really. but i believe that two people can grow to truly love one another. whether it’s based off an initial attraction/infatuation, or a friendship, or both. i’d actually argue that’s a simple explanation of the biological science behind the feeling of love, but that’s an essay i’m not gonna write lol. but there’s apparently a lot of different types of love, so i guess “true love” is suggestive? 
also slightly unrelated but i don’t-quite-believe-in-but-am-open-to-the-idea-of soulmates, not necessarily as two souls who are just meant for each other romantically and always end up together, but more as two or more souls that gravitate toward each other to make up the important people in each other’s lives, like family members, lovers, or close friends. but that’s more of a theoretical idea/possibility than an actual belief of mine.
31. do you hold grudges ??
um, yes. lol i try not to, and i really do want everyone to be their best/happiest selves, but some people man… some people can take a long walk off a short pier lmao
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
PO KE MON GOTTA CATCH EM ALLLLL. also… life is strange (thanks dani lol). supernatural. stranger things (thanks dani & steph) the 100 / clexa / becho  (thanks steph). lucifer. captain marvel (thanks dani). the song “creep” by radiohead and all its covers (tom ellis, haley reinhart, etc). cyberpunk 2077 (thanks dani). as you can see, i’m easily influenced lmfao.
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
nope i don’t drive, precisely because i’d definitely end up in a crash lol
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
uh that’s a big fat no from me, chief
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
i like it all equally, i think. i just really like writing & rp in general. i did run a smut rp once in the past tho. it gets old quick tbh and is the one of the three i can live without lol
36. are you in a relationship ??
bahahahahahahaha no.
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
❝  “and why would that be?” kronos’s golden eyes glittered.  ❞
— the last olympian by rick riordan.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
1. season of the witch – donovan 2. riot van – arctic monkeys 3. busta rhymes – qveen herby 4. der kommissar – after the fire
also i gotta cheat because it’s too perfect that the next two are
5. stay – mac miller (one of my favorites ever that i forgot to mention above) 6. only in america – riff raff (i just love this ok. the video is hilarious but tw james franco for those that don’t like him)
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shadows-echoes · 6 years
Writer’s Questionnaire
tagged by: @negotiator-on-site and @deviantramblings . Thank you guys for the tag! I spent way too long thinking about these tbh.
Short stories, novels, or poems?
For reading? Novels. I love absolutely delving into a world and completely immersing myself in it. In my experience, poems/short stories are like looking through a window: the more you look, the more you’ll probably see. Reading a novel, or an entire series, is more like walking through a door into another world, and that’s exactly what I want from a story. I want it to completely consume me.
With all of that being said, what’s the exact word count that draws the line between a short story and a novel? 10,000 words might be a short story, but is 25,000 still considered a short story? 100,000? 300,000? Where is the line drawn? Tbh, I’m 100% down with any long-ish story that draws me in.
As for writing… Imma keep it real with you chiefs, the shortest stories I’ve ever written are for D:BH. Pretty much every other fic of mine is 25+ pages, and a couple of the longer ones are closer to, or exceed, 180 pages. I haven’t finished those. They’re all drafts, so to speak, and the amount of editing needed makes me balk whenever I think about it, but they’re there. The stories that I’ve actually finished are all short-ish stories lol (at least in comparison to some of the other stuff I’ve written).
What genre do you prefer reading?
FANTASY!!!! We live in a non-fiction world that can be quite depressing at times. If I’m going to fling myself into a story, I want it to be magical. I want it to have something that this world doesn’t. I want magic and dragons and mystery and soulmates and forbidden love and all the crazy shit.
What genre do you prefer writing?
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
It depends on the story. Most times, I’ll write one scene and it develops into an entire plotline as I write it. Other times, like with Of Blood and Biocomponents for example, I’ll spend a lot of time planning everything out before I write it so I can work in a number of clues and Chekov’s guns’, etc.
What music do you listen to while writing?
When I really need to focus, I’ll listen to anything instrumental. That can range from soundtracks (e.g. from The Last of Us, LotR, Hans Zimmer’s stuff), to more individualized and upbeat songs (e.g. Lindsey Stirling, Peter Gundry, Max Richter, Hidden Citizens) to classical (e.g. Chopin, Wieniawski, Mozart), or even just ambiance rain sounds on youtube etc. Otherwise, when I need to get in the mood for a certain scene I have entire playlists dedicated to evoking a certain emotion (e.g angst -obviously-, sadness, love, adrenaline rushes).
Fave books/movies?
I don’t really have any favorite movies so I’m just going to list a whole bunch of books/series I love: 
ACoTaR by Saraj Maas
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Learning Not to Drown by Anna Shinoda
Feminist Fight Club by Jessica Bennett
ASoIaF by George Rmartin Rmartingeorge Martin
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (a classic that breaks my heart)
Night by Elie Wiesel (a classic that breaks my soul)
1984 by George Orwell (a classic we practically live in rn and it terrifies me)
Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda (the plot twist at the end of this series blew me the fuck away. It’s been years and I still haven’t found my wig)
Any current WIPs?
Only around like… 16? (Excluding all of the half-formed ideas and prompts in my “Graveyard” folder, that is). Which is incredibly surprising to me? I thought it’d be way more. However, most of those WIPs are all… heartbreakingly long and only half-finished, so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Lace-up combat boots, black jeans, and a random, probably blank, t-shirt.
Create a character description for yourself:
Hi, I’m Jayde, an average human person who thinks obsessively writing and learning new stuff are fun activities. I look like Idc but I actually care too much; I’m a ride-or-die bitch. Intovert™ (I would much rather have a first conversation w/ someone be about the trolly problem or systems theory instead of the weather). Often low-key enraged by society.
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
Aspects of them? Of course. Actually writing them into a story? Nope. I totally draw on my experiences with certain people to help me write. That’s a given with any writer. However, unless I’m writing a biography on them with a full Chicago-style bibliography then I leave real people the heck alone.
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Depends on the characters. I have killed off a couple, but my soul is fueled on angst and there’s only so much of that a single death can provide. Nah, it’s usually better if people are alive and just… injured or... problematic.
Coffee or tea while writing?
I’m usually most productive writing-wise at night, so it’s either decaffeinated green tea or hot chocolate for me (bc I do try to have some kind of sleep schedule even if I fail with that goal).
Slow or fast writer?
So, so slow.
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Anything, really. Sometimes an idea will just pop into my head and I’ll have to write it. Other times, it’ll start with a feeling, a situation, or an experience that slowly morphs into a fic the more I think about it.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
Idk what I would be, but I’d love to be literally anything/anyone with some kind of magic or special ability. Like, bruh, I’m already human, gimme something else. Gimme some of the good shit.
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
I’m so fuckn horny on main for a good love triangle. When they’re done badly, they’re atrocious. That’s a given. But when they’re done well??? Hot damn. Like the kind of love triangles in ACoTaR, the Shatter Me series, or even the Trylle series (which first got me into it all). The kind where problems develop naturally between the MC and the first love interest, where the MC has to work with the “bad guy” for some reason or other and it turns out he’s actually super fuckn dope (*cough* Rhysand *Cough*). The kind where the more MC learns about the people she’s/he’s/they’re around, the more their feelings start to shift based on that knowledge.
I do not mean the kind where the MC just can’t make up her/his/their mind bc omg Hot Person #1 is so hot and looks to be carved from marble, but omg Hot Person #2 is also so hot, looks to be carved from marble, and is also mysterious.
As for a cliché I hate (if the poorly written love triangle doesn’t count in and of itself), I seriously dislike the damsel-in-distress thing. Don’t get me wrong, that card can be very well played in some cases, but when it’s the only card in the whole damn deck for 200, 300, 400+ pages? Nah, brah. I’m out. I’m certainly not asking for BAMF MC every time, but like,,, at least give the MC a goddamn spine you absolute cowards.
Fave scenes to write?
Pining and angst, baby.
Most productive time of day for writing?
The ungodly hours between night and day, when the outside world falls quietly into slumber and one’s imagination runs wild in the dark.
Reason for writing?
I started writing because I had some ideas and realized that nobody could/would write them in the exact way I imagined them except for me? I’ve continued writing because it has almost become a coping mechanism to explore and organize my thoughts and feelings and daydreams in some kind of coherent way. Plus it’s fun.
Tagging: @deviantsupporter @deviancy-wasteland @sunstrain @writerscavity @aerynwrites
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moistwithgender · 6 years
(Overdue) Media round-up (January 2019)
Feb’s almost over and I was gonna write about what I’ve processed when I realized I only posted about the anime I watched, I think? So this is a catch-up post for manga and games, before the end of this month in a few days. If you want to read the January anime round-up, it’s in my “curry watches anime” tag.
Puresabe’s 2019 New Year Rockman Hack (NES): Puresabe does one of these every year and they are always pretty hard! But I think the last few years have been much more balanced than their older projects. They are always just boss fights, but with complex patterns and sometimes multiple phases. Being just a boss fight (or two) means they are super short, but you will spend most of your time learning them. Also there are no checkpoints, so every death means you’re back to phase one. It’s very fun when it’s a good hack, and this was a good hack. I had a very rough start to the year and considered giving up, but went back and beat it, for good fortune in the new year. (Beaten 1/2/19)
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The 2nd Super Robot Wars (NES): I decided 2019 would be the year I got into SRW, and so I started here, because the first game actually has no hard plot. I enjoyed it to a point, but the difficulty climbs to an absurd degree, and I wish I’d cut my losses and just youtubed it. The game allows you to save at any time during a turn, and resetting the console means it recycles the RNG and you can get different luck. This is...required. Most of the way into the game, I was having to reset twenty times in a row per unit action, just to make sure I could survive an enemy attack, or successfully hit an enemy. The funniest thing is that when I finally beat this, I almost immediately started up one of the later games, so clearly the kernel of value was visible to me through all that bullshit. (Beaten 1/13/19)
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: World of Light (Switch): I had been chomping at the bit for what felt like forever just to play this mode of this game, and not only was it good, it surpassed my expectations multiple times. This mode has a lot of twists for something that mostly implies narrative, or otherwise ignores it. I’m the rare person who mostly plays Smash Bros solo because I have NO FRIENDS, and this was worth the price of admission for me. I don’t consider Smash Ultimate itself beaten yet because I haven’t beaten Classic Mode on 9.9 difficulty yet. I have finished with 9.8, like, four times. Please kill me. (Beaten 1/18/19)
PaRappa the Rapper (PSP): While taking care of my cat, I found an opportunity to actually use my PSP for the first time since...2008 or 09? When I bought it secondhand? Jesus. Anyway, it turns out that PaRappa actually has absurd input detection and an equally hard to parse system for what counts as “freestyling”, which ultimately results in a final stage where you’re...required to play notes that are completely unrelated to what it says to do on-screen? I still beat the game (in a single sitting, too. it’s short), but I was pretty frustrated. Greenblat’s aesthetic is iconic, and the songs are very fun to listen to (this game has maybe the only potty humor I actually enjoyed), but the game part is actually the problem. (Beaten 1/25/19)
Patapon (PSP): I played PaRappa spontaneously, but I’ve actually meant to play the Patapon series for quite a while. This is less a song-performing rhythm game and more of an action/strategy type of rhythm game where you consistently keep a beat to keep morale up. It’s pretty good, but missions can be 3-6 minutes of consecutively hitting four notes and then waiting four notes, and while that itself sounds doable, I am just terrible at rhythm and messed up a lot of good opportunities. The difficulty curve in this is high in the beginning, lowers over time, before hitting a huge spike and then being a cakewalk for the last four or so missions. There’s also a lot of grinding, which means this rhythm game came out to almost a 16 hour run. A bit tiring. Not sure when I’ll jump on Patapon 2, but I hope it’s easier to play, since my impetus for picking up the series was the intro FMV for the third game. (Beaten 1/30/19)
Games beaten in January: 5 Games beaten in 2019 thus far: 5
Getter Robo Vol 2 (Finished): I didn’t feel like plowing through 51 episodes of the old 70s anime, so I decided to just read the much shorter, and somewhat unrelated manga. In the show, the heroes are what they are, heroes. Likable mains for kids to watch on Saturday mornings. In the manga, as per Go Nagai’s influence (and the main author, Ken Ishikawa, who I LOVE and who was Nagai’s assistant), the heroes are violent asshole moron sociopath terrorists who gradually become more unhinged as they are exposed to the very radiation that powers the machine they use to fight dinosaurs (though said gradual descent is more of a thing in the later manga/OVAs). Also, the villains are dinosaurs. Turns out they had the original ancient civilization and Getter Rays chased them into the Earth’s core and they want to planet back. That’s Getter Robo! It’s very good.
Getter Robo G Vol 1-3 (Finished): This is kind of more of the same as the first, and again, I didn’t want to watch the 39 episodes, I wanted the primer so I could play SRW. As I’ve approached the later games, it turns out they prefer to take influence from the shows, not the manga. Oops! Whatever. In this sequel, it turns out the Dinosaur Empire was a pawn or something to It Was Aliens, the Hyakki Empire, and it’s...more of the same. In both the GR and GR G mangas, I found the occasional chapter with wildly different art, and I figured that those were Ishikawa’s gorgeous art, and the majority was Nagai’s. But, I’m not sure, and I wonder if those were revised or extra chapters done years later. Idk. Anyway, they are both very fun reads, even if they serve more as primers of the lore.
Shin Getter Robo Vol 1-2 (Finished): HERE’s where things start to get really good, and surreal, and bleak. This manga is not adapting a tv series (though later OVAs would reference it. This manga is actually I think where a lot of the inspiration for Gurren Lagann came from, and if you like that series, you should read this to see the connection. I can’t really explain without spoiling either (though if in 2019 you don’t know what happens in Gurren, you are super lucky and need to go watch it all asap). NOTE, this takes place after the 7 volume Getter Robo Go manga, which has a show but I think is unrelated, but more importantly is probably the BEST Getter Robo series. I read that before knowing a thing about Getter and still loved it (though I think having context will really benefit it). GR Go is the biggest justification for getting into the series. If any friends of mine want to look into this series, I’ll actually help give them a guide. Interestingly, the most modern Getter series (of which the most recent was in 2004 (please come back)) all take reference from the darker mangas, not the old 70s show.
Mazinger Z Vol 1-5 (Finished): I think Go Nagai’s works are weird, melodramatic, gross, and just kinda badly drawn. They are great experiences, if you go in with a grain of salt and also avoid the *most* transgressive ones. Don’t google Iron Virgin Jun. Just. Don’t do it. Devilman is probably his best work, but Mazinger Z is another series with a much more famous long-running 70s cartoon (92 episodes!!!) and burned itself into the nostalgia of Japan. Whereas Devilman eventually becomes traumatizing, Mazinger Z is pretty laid back and goofy, while also being Nagai’s brand of The Most Dramatic Thing Ever. If you follow me, you might’ve seen me post pages in my manga tag. It’s a LOT. Though, actually, I don’t think this manga is all that great. It can be *really* funny, but I don’t even remember if the series actually ends. If you read one or two volumes and want to put it down, I think you’re safe to. You got most of the lore. The biggest events seem to take place in later series that I haven’t delved into yet.
UFO Robo Grendizer Vol 1 (Finished): I actually haven’t been able to find anywhere to read Great Mazinger, the sequel series, so I skipped to Grendizer, which is the second sequel. It’s pretty unrelated continuity-wise, so it’s easy to pick up. This is only one volume and yeah they really just want you to watch the 74 episode show, but I’m good. Still, this is a fun book, and Nagai throws in his batshit ideas. The main character is an alien prince whose tragic backstory is literally that the villain kidnapped his younger siblings and all the country’s children and just! Dropped them all from the sky to their death in the middle of the city! And they don’t censor it! GO NAGAI! I really need to read the autobio manga Gekiman because of what snippets I’ve seen, Nagai is actually a super mild-mannered dude who doesn’t really get where his ideas cross lines. If you want to say “oh that’s just wacky Japan”, it’s really not, he was public enemy #1 with parents all over the country for a long time.
Super Robot Retsuden Vol 1 (Finished): This is a single volume crossover of Nagai super robot IPs including Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Great Mazinger, Grendizer, and Steel Jeeg (a guy who’s more Ultraman-adjacent than super robot), and there’s no real plot beyond “oh no new bad guy! buy the toys, kids!” It’s throwaway, and I mostly read it to see who Jeeg is without getting into his own series. Also, it was drawn by Ishikawa, so I felt a bit obligated. His art is just so pretty.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer Vol 1 (and maybe 2?): Satoshi Mizukami is a godly storyteller who uses the language of shonen to tell deeply mature and introspective stories for adults and if you follow my posts you might remember me gushing about Spirit Circle and Planet With. I actually haven’t touched this series since February started but I need to get back in because the first two volumes out of ten are amazing (warning, though: there’s a pet death and it’s real sudden and was hard for me to handle). Please read Mizukami’s works.
Manga volumes read in January: 14-15 Manga volumes read in 2019 thus far: 14-15
Okay that’s everything. I wrote a lot more than I expected to. If you read all that, thanks. If you are interested in any of the things I wrote about, great! If you decide to play through SRW2, don’t, stop, don’t do that. In a few days I’ll be writing about a much better SRW game.
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sad-goomy · 6 years
ship meme (ahoy)
coTagged by: @melodygardella thank you!! I’m gonna go ahead and try to do this with Pokemon (& Pokemon Ranger) ships because that’s what y’all are here for and I aim to please
List 10 of your favorite ships, in no particular order. Don’t cheat by scrolling down to see the questions yet, either!
LonaShipping (MoonxGladion)
SnowLilyShipping (LilliexHau)
MinaxMallow (does this have a name? I’m in rarepair hell)
SkullShipping (GuzmaxPlumeria)
FerrisWheelShipping (NxHilda)
ContestShipping (MayxDrew)
Conflictingshipping (GreenxLeaf)
Vantonageshipping (KatexKeith)
DuelingRangersShipping (SpenserxJoel)
PhaesporiaShipping (DianthaxCynthia)
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
I feel like I should say the Ferris wheel scene but tbh...it wasn’t until the last battle in pokemon black/white when I realized the sheer potential this had
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
I’ve read a fanfic or two that mentioned SnowLilyShipping in the bg but I haven’t actually read any, if y’all have recs send them my way!! I may also try and write a proper drabble or something for these goofsters eventually
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screensaver/profile picture/tumblr screensaver?
no, but to be fair none of them have
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
well it’s not canon so they can’t even break up, so jot that down I can see them as the couple that’s on-again off-again a lot in the beginning with all their bickering, but if it’s a for real break up, well...not completely surprising
5. Why is 1 so important?
my dude,,,,my guy,,, sit down because I have 2 answers
for personal reasons, this ship got me out of a long fanfic and general creative slump, like I was convinced for at least several years that I’d never write and publish stuff online (fanfic-wise), and I was feeling unsure about my writing in general, and then these 2 dorks came along and inspired me so much
as a ship, I see these 2 as so supporting and helping each other come out of their shells, I feel like Moon is the first person that Gladion truly trusts and respects just from meeting her outside of his sister and I could go on all day
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
started off as a joke in my mind and still kind of a more light-hearted, ‘haha what if’ deal than some of the others on the list
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
oof this is so subjective but I think I’ll go with ConflictingShipping because I see them as the childhood friends who never quite understood their feelings but always had some sort of spark between them
8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
probably RocketShipping because so many failed attempts at catching one pokemon and they still stick it out for each other? that’s commitment babe
9. How many times have your read/played/watched 10’s fandom?
I’ve played through pearl and platinum like twice each, and I’m in the middle of my second playthrough of x but please don’t make me try to remember add up all the times I’ve replayed pokemon games
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
well none of them are canon, so jot that down
in canon, I guess probably RocketShipping,,,but then my personal longest ships have probably been ConflictingShipping and ContestShipping from when I first watched the anime as a kid and was just getting into the games
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
probably like 12 times before they come to their senses, and half the time one of them doesn’t even realize they were in the relationship to begin with
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
practically speaking, VatonageShipping because I feel like pokemon rangers have mad survival skills that they’ve been working on since ranger school
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
I feel like they might have hid it at first just to avoid the ‘I told you so’s of all the friends and family who saw it coming for like, years
14. Is 4 still together?
they are in my heart
15. Is 10 canon?
well none of them are canon, so jot that down
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
I feel like RocketShipping and SkullShipping would fight dirty and have a shot until they did something stupid that sabotaged it for themselves
realistically, probably DuelingRangersShipping with their combination of experience and survival know-how
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
n kinda sabotages it considering he just leaves at the end and in general they kind of sabotage themselves with their conflicting philosophies
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
pretty much all of these but LonaShipping and ContestShipping hold a special place in my heart and you can pry them from my cold (due to low blood circulation) hands
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
man I sure would if they had one
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
none of these have ever actually set sail my dude, but I guess Mina x Mallow considering there’s so little there anyway rip in pieces
tagging: idk who’s done this or who wants to, so @jane-plane @pixel-sylveon @wow1076 @sansvirtuosity @aurantia-ignis and whoever’s reading this
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fingersinhisass · 6 years
1. what does music mean to them? what role does it play in their life? 
he likes it well enough, he’s always enjoyed dancing and is an incurable habitual whistler. the only songs that really have any deep meaning for him are probably the lullabies his mom would sing to him when he was just a lil’ kid, which have been passed down in his family for generations. (he 100% sings them to his own kids when he has them.)
2. if you were to hug them, what would they smell like?
pipe smoke with a hint of lavender. he keeps lavender sachets in all of his clothing drawers and his handkerchiefs all smell like it. his mom grows lavender on her farm so he picks some every time he visits
3. what’s their favorite food?
the simple, rich soup his mom would make in the winter on the rare times they had a bit of meat to spare, but also just soup in general. he’s fond of a good soup.
4. what’s their least favorite food?
porridge. yech. bad memories.
5. do they like nature? if they do, what’s their favorite natural setting (woods, beach, desert, lake, etc.)? 
he likes nature from a distance. he doesn’t like nature if it ruins his clothes. which is most of the time. generally he prefers to stay away from any sort of hiking or camping – he’s a city boy at heart – but he appreciates the beauty of the open fields around his mother’s farm.
6. what’s their most prominent personality trait?
he’s. he’s an idiot. an exceptionally charming, exceptionally kind idiot.
7. what’s their mbti?
jeez idk. i don’t even know my own mbti 
8. hogwarts house? 
probably gryffindor
9. d&d alignment?
neutral good
10. if they were in a modern high school clique (jocks, goths, hipsters, geeks, etc.), what would it be? why?
oof. he would hang out with the delinquents because at that age he was also a delinquent and also just. noticeably poor. he’d generally keep to himself but he’s got a pretty hot temper and i wouldn’t be surprised if he got into fights a lot over shit kids would say.
11. tea or coffee?
both? coffee for the caffeine if he’s working a case, tea for leisure and pleasure
12. dusk or dawn?
dawn. for some reason he strikes me as an early bird. but also the kind of person who stays up all night doing something they’re intensely focused on and getting no sleep? but when he is getting reasonable sleep, he likes to wake up early. he likes the sunrise
13. country or city?
city for sure. he likes his mom’s farm, but he went back to the city after he left the gang for a reason – it stole his heart a long, long time ago and he couldn’t stay away.
14. what do they do in their free time? do they have any hobbies?
al isn’t the kind of person who really has free time – he’s kind of a workaholic when it comes to his job since it’s intensely important to him. that being said, when he does have free time, he likes to read poetry and go see live performances in taverns, things like that. he’s a sap for a good romance story.
15. do they like animals? if they do, which ones?
he likes animals, but he’s terrible at keeping them. i think he had a big ferret in the campaign once that he stole???? no idea what happened to that
16. how are they in platonic relationships?
he has very few of those, considering his devotion to his job and his sketchy past. he’s the kind of person that’s liked by many but truly known by few – he’s outwardly charming and charismatic and a very likable person, but people who’ve known him for years realize frequently that they know next to nothing about him.
17. how are they in romantic relationships?
absolutely doting, sometimes to the point of suffocation for some people. he’s all about giving himself over to the relationship – when he does things he cares about, he puts himself into them totally and completely. he doesn’t halfass anything. he’s also an absolute hopeless romantic and a surprisingly eloquent poet, despite the fact that he’s not very smart, so he likes to shower his partners in little surprises and gifts and thoughtful love letters.
18. do they have any insecurities about themselves?
hoo boy. he considers himself a monster. full stop.
19. what’s their favorite genre of book or movie (if they like to read or watch movies)?
oh romance, hands down.
20. what would their dream vacation look like?
see: his and shaelle’s beach honeymoon tbh
21. how many hours of sleep do they get on average?
oh lord. between insomnia, nightmares, and and all-nighters for work, he is a bad sleeper. at best he gets maybe 2-5 hours; at worst he gets none. luckily he’s an elf, so. i don’t think technically they’re supposed to need to sleep? but fuck it, he needs to recharge SOMEHOW, so i say he needs sleep.
22. what is their body shape? are they trim or tubby? tol or smol?
he’s tall for an elf, about 5′10, 5′11. thin, wiry body with taut, lean muscle. shoulders a bit on the wider side and a trim waist. legs for fucking years, y’all. he hansom.
23. if you had to pick five words/phrases (objects, places, weather, etc.) to describe your oc’s aesthetic, what would you pick?
the curl of smoke from a pipe, a man’s silhouette outlined against a streetlight, the soft, warm ambient chatter and music of a bar, golden cufflinks and a sharply pressed suit, a purple ribbon tied around a roll of parchment with a flourish
24. do they hold onto grudges?
only if the wrongdoing was against someone he cares about 
25. are they fiscally responsible? or would they prefer spending with wild abandon?
having grown up in deep poverty, he tries his best to be frugal with his money. that being said, he is very, very weak to neckties and is absolutely an impulsive spender.
26. what’s their favorite kind of weather?
hot, lazy summer days and soft, mild spring evenings with just the slightest nip to the air
27. how old would they be if they didn’t know how old they are? (e.g., what’s their mental age?) 
oh jeez, that’s hard. he’s been through some fuckin shit. probably like. mid to late forties? or the elf equivalent of that. so a good fifteen to twenty elf years older
28. what’s their opinion of children? how are they around children?
he fucking ADORES children and gets along with them fantastically. he thinks they are incredible, fantastic little creatures and dreams of being a dad.
29. what’s their sexual orientation?
probably pansexual, with a bit of a preference for men, although he ends up marrying a woman.
30. what’s their favorite color?
any and all shades of purple.
31. what temperature would they prefer the room to be?
he runs a bit warm-blooded, so probably in the high sixties, but he’s also not one to pick a fight over the thermostat.
32. how mannered are they? how proper do they act?
he’s very, very lucky he’s so naturally charming. he was able to pick up on things very quickly once he started mingling with higher society, but he still is more inclined to dislike nobles simply because of his upbringing.
33. how do they dress?
very well, for within his budget. he’s a detective, so he’s not rich, but he’s certainly better off than he was as a child. still, he loves clothes and looking good, so he dresses like a gentleman as much as possible. he’s very fashionable.
34. which season do they prefer? why?
summer. lots of good childhood memories associated with it.
35. what is their “morning ritual”?
if he gets the chance to actually sleep through the night, he wakes up, makes himself some tea, washes his face, brushes his teeth, combs and styles his hair, chooses an outfit and puts it on, smokes his pipe and grabs a newspaper on the way out to work. otherwise he does all of that but without the waking up part and with very, very strong coffee instead of tea.
36. what is their “nighttime ritual”? 
on the nights he isn’t working a case into the wee hours of the morning, he takes a bath with a glass of wine and some poetry or a romance novel, then brushes his teeth, changes into his pajamas, and reads in bed until he feels ready to fall asleep.
37. have they ever had a one-sided crush?
no, actually. again, he is remarkably lucky he’s so goddamn charming. usually people he’s interested in tend to be interested right back. whether that goes past the initial mutual attraction is a different story.
38. do they like art? what form?
he’s very fond of music and writing, and admires paintings and illustrations as well
39. how do they read a book (if at all)? slowly, over the course of a few days, or within a few hours? do they sit, stand, lay down, all of the above?
usually he has to do his reading in the brief snippets of free time he can snatch up between work, so it can take him months to finish a fairly short book. he usually reads either in bed or on the loveseat in the living room of his apartment, and frequently falls asleep reading in both.
40. do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
oh yep. all sorts of stuff he regrets from his time as a thief/assassin. he’s literally got a whole selection of nightmares that like to replay themselves from night to night.
41. what would be their favorite subject in school? (e.g., English, Math, Science, History, Recess, etc.)?
oh english for sure, he has great appreciation for the written word
42. what physical features do they find attractive on other people?
kalsjdf;adjfklajsdklf idk. he likes shaelle’s hands and hair and neck – he finds them all very elegant and lovely and they’re probably written about in some of the letters he sends her, ngl.
43. are they patient or impatient? what situations would make them feel one or the other?
he’s generally pretty patient, especially when conducting investigations, but he has a very short fuse when it comes to people he perceives as committing an injustice or a wrongdoing. his sense of justice is very strong.
44. what is their opinion of authority?
sometimes it should be respected, other times it shouldn’t. it’s all circumstantial. usually based on whether he agrees with them or not.
45. what is their opinion of tradition?
he doesn’t have much tradition to speak of, other than the bit of elvish culture his mother passed on to him. it’s very important to him because he associates it with her.
46. are they into folklore and/or conspiracy theories? or do they think both are garbage?
he doesn’t really care about them either way, tbh.
47. if they were to have a “happy place” they retreated to in their mind during stressful/boring situations, what would that place be? what would be in it?
a comfortable study space with a crackling fireplace, full bookshelves, and a cozy armchair to read or fall asleep in.
48. what is one value they hold higher than any other, in others and in themselves? (e.g., loyalty, intelligence, compassion, responsibility, etc.)
probably compassion. like i said, he’s got a very strong sense of justice and cares deeply for the wellbeing of others, especially innocents.
49. what is/are their love language(s)?
gifts for sure
50. what is their opinion of cheese?
excellent. he enjoys a good cheese every now and again.
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1. How do you approach hypothetical survey questions? Do you try to put yourself into that situation, or do you have a tendency to “ignore” those questions? I think usually I say what I would do
2. When was the last time that you acted impulsively? Is this a common behavior for you? I’m an impulsive shopper and snacker
3. When was the last time when you spent a good deal of time thinking something through? Was it a relief when you finally settled on a decision? Deciding whether to move out of my house with roommates and back in with my dad. It was a relief to be away from so much covid stress but the rest was sad
4. The last time that someone was angry with you, what happened to cause them to feel that way? What about the last time that you were angry with someone else? If you estimated, which do you think you experience more often: anger toward others, or others feeling anger toward you? My dad and I had a fight this morning because he kept knocking on my door and I gave him attitude, so we were both mad at each other. Probably others are usually mad at me more because my anger comes hot but goes quickly
5. How do you generally feel after you have been very angry? What do you like to do to calm yourself down? Either grumpy or guilty, depending on if I think I was right. Idk, listen to music or something
6. What are some sounds that you find soothing? Have you ever used any sort of tape of nature/ocean/rain sounds to fall asleep, or would that sort of thing be more inclined to keep you awake? I’ve started to use white noise/similar to block out my dad’s snoring but it kind of grates on me
7. What was the last thing you looked for, but could not find? Stationery that I thought I had
8. How often do you misplace your belongings, or forget where you set something down? Or, are you pretty good at keeping track of everything that you own? Semi often
9. Do you ever say or do things for shock-value? If so, is there something specific you are hoping to achieve by saying those things, or is it just for the sake of it? If you personally do not do such things, do you know anyone who does? Sometimes I say things to be dramatic
1o. If you were going out to your favorite restaurant, what would you be most likely to order? Do you have a “usual” when you go out to eat, or do you prefer to sample a different meal from the menu each time? My favorite restaurant is unfortunately closed, but I would order a pretzel bun grilled cheese, sweet potato fries, and a chocolate kahlua malt milkshake
11. When was the last time that something you did backfired? How about the last time you experienced a completely unexpected and fortunate surprise? I misplayed some moves in chess. An unexpected surprise was discovering that I was interested in music analysis youtube videos
12. Is it uncomfortable for you to be pitied? Have you ever felt as though someone pitied you? If so, how did you react to it, if at all? Yes, especially if it’s something like death where I am expected to feel a certain way
13. In general, do you tend to look more at the scientific or artistic aspects of life? Would you prefer to deal strictly in facts, or more in areas of subjective creativity? I would ideally like to be involved in both because I’m interested in both, but I feel like it’s hard to find a career like that, so I’ve been pursuing arts more
14. What are some controversial subjects about which you are tired of hearing? Do you ever weary of the drama certain opposing viewpoints can cause, or do you enjoy the tension and opinions that come with debate? I’m tired of hearing about which celebrities are getting cancelled. Sometimes I like drama if I know I’m right, but that’s not one of the topics I like
15. When a survey question rubs you the wrong way, are you ever blunt or borderline rude in your response to it? If so, do you think that others should take your responses personally, or that they should realize you’re just reacting to the question itself? Sometimes, but idk who would take it personally
16. When is the next time you will be going outside? Will you be going alone, or will you be going with someone else? Idk probably this week sometime either alone or with my dad
17. If you received an allowance as a kid, what kinds of things would you buy with it? Were you more the type to save up for something big, or spend it on little things? Spent it on little things like jewelry
18. If you are someone who goes to the mall, are there any stores that you have NEVER been into? Is it for personal reasons, or just because you have no interest in the items they sell? There are some I have no interest in
19. What is one unhappy circumstance in your life right now that is beyond your control? How are you dealing with it? Covid pandemic, and I am not dealing well
2o. How about something dissatisfying that you CAN control? Are you doing anything to change this situation, or are you just waiting for it to pass? trying to find a job, which I can sort of control. I am trying but it’s really discouraging
21. Do you think that people deserve to be treated with basic respect, or do you feel as though they have to “earn” your respect? Explain the reason for your choice, if any? I think people should have basic respect
22. Are there any types of people you could not manage to treat decently, no matter how hard you tried? Not in person because I hate confrontation
23. Have you ever offered advice that wasn’t necessarily wanted? How did the receiver of this advice respond? Probably idk
24. How do you tend to feel when someone offers unsolicited advice regarding how you should live your life? I usually argue with them
25. What day of the week was the hottest? And, how hot is just too hot, for you? I can’t even keep track, it’s been in between like 50s and 20s most of the week. 80s is when it gets too hot
26. What is your favorite item of clothing that you are currently wearing? How often do you wear this item? I wear my green hawaiian dress all the time, it’s really comfortable
27. When you cuddle with someone, how do you prefer to position yourself? Would you rather be held, or do the holding? Or both? Mostly be held. But I shift around, it’s hard for me to stay in one position too long
28. During what time of the day are you most likely to hang out with other people? Is there a certain part of the day you prefer to reserve just for yourself, if you have that luxury? Afternoon or evening. I like to sleep in
29. How do you tend to feel after spending hours and hours online, if that is something you do? In general, how long do you think you could spend using the internet before it became boring to you? I am online like all the damn time lately, even after I get bored
3o. When was the last time you didn’t want to do something, but you had to do it anyway? What about the last time you wanted to do something, but could not because something or another was preventing you? I didn’t want to apply to a job today but I did anyway. I have wanted to do things all year but couldn’t because of covid
31. If you were to scale your percentage of open-mindedness, where do you think that percentage would land? To you, what does it mean to be open-minded? For things in general, like 60-70% probably, but in terms of my own life probably like 30% because I am pretty stubborn. 
32. Can you recall the last time you lied to someone? If so, what was it that prompted you to lie? I don’t remember, probably just a little white lie
33. What was the last thing you did that you knew was not good for you? How about the last thing you did that WAS good for you? Stayed up way too late, ate yogurt
34. Who is the most interesting person you have talked to lately? What is one quality about them that causes them to seem interesting? Some online friends I have met through discord, we play interesting games and it’s fun to get to know new people
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purplesurveys · 4 years
by skiassurveys
1. How has covid affected you? It robbed me of few months’ worth of memories in my last year in college, my graduation, travel plans, employment prospects, a 22nd birthday with friends. Fortunately, other than a mutual friend, I personally don’t know anyone who has gotten the virus.
2. What is a comfort show of yours? Friends, without a doubt. If I need a pick me up I just look up a scene on YouTube and I’m bound to feel better in seconds.
3. Are you open about your past or do you not let anyone in? I’m pretty open about my past as long as people ask the right questions that would make me want to open up that can of worms lol. But I’m very secretive about the present and if I’m currently going through something, I tend to be selfish when it comes to opening up. I don’t like being completely vulnerable, and I leave those last few bits of vulnerability to only myself. I can’t even open up on Tumblr in certain instances; it’s just how I am.
4. Favourite fast food joint? Yellow Cab.
5. Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason? I don’t. I don’t put a lot of thought into this, either. It’s just not something I particularly care about. 
6. What is something you have done this year you’re proud of? Finish my thesis. I used to think it was some colossal, nearly-impossible requirement and I never thought I was capable of creating my own. But I got through it and it was such an amazing feeling to see myself and Andrew wrap it up and write our acknowledgments at the very end.
7. Do u ever feel like surveys are usually the same questions? There are definitely questions that come up more often than others, but I’m never super bothered by them. I just try to answer them differently then move on.
8. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was 12, in sixth grade, friendless, suicidal, and was in the biggest mental health slump of my life thus far; so, not doing well.
9. Do you call out Karens when they’re harassing a cashier? I don’t call them out but when it’s my turn to be served, I make it a point to greet them and smile and give them the change, like I do with any cashier – except amplified this time around so they can feel better and not think that every customer is an asshole.
10. Animal crossing, yay or nay? Yay. I don’t play it but I’m certainly not gonna dampen people’s enjoyment by thumbing it down lol. It looks so cute and the challenges look wholesome; that game just can’t hurt anybody haha. But I guess it helps that my favorite characters to play on Mario Kart are Animal Crossing characters, so there’s that.
11. Why do you like to do surveys? It’s a safe space. And I’m very talkative in my head but not in real life, so surveys always serve as an outlet for my thoughts and feelings.
12. Did you ever have a MySpace? I did but I caught they very tail end of its popularity. By the time I joined people were already starting to flock to Facebook, so it wasn’t like I was ever able to do anything fun or worthwhile on Myspace. It was also never as popular in the Philippines too; we were into Friendster a lot more.
13. Do you think breaks are toxic in a relationship? I don’t think things like that work in absolutes. I’m sure breaks work for some, but for others they could also just create more distance and cause a couple to grow apart over time.
14. Do you have a YouTube channel? If no, would you create one? If yes what’s your content? I have one but it’s only so that I can support my favorite channels and subscribe to them, and so that YouTube can tailor my homepage to my interests. If I had to start posting videos, I’d prefer to take it easy and just post chill daily vlogs, nothing that tries too hard; and maybe take part in a taste test every once in a while because I enjoy watching those.
15. Are you a math person? Only up until advanced algebra or geometry. I’ll have to bow out if we have to get into trigonometry or calculus.
16. What’s the worse thing someone has said to you? I’ve been told I was a headache to deal with, heartless, unlovable, ungrateful, lacking a brain. All courtesy of my mom.
17. Have you ever befriended someone because you felt bad? Just once. In Grade 7 there was a new girl who was a bit of a loner, so Gab and I started talking to her so that she wouldn’t be alone during lunch. She didn’t really mix well with us and our dynamic though, so we slowly stopped hanging out with her. I felt bad, but I also didn’t want us to keep faking it with her because it would’ve been unfair to her – at least we tried. I was glad when she finally found her group, which didn’t take long.
18. Would you ever date someone online? I’m not open to it.
19. Have you been ghosted before? Would you ghost someone? I’m pretty sure what I did with Mike is the equivalent of ghosting...oops. I haven’t been ghosted.
20. When do you think things will be normal again? For a second this sounded really accurate about my life and I almost started crying :’’’’)))))) but now I realize you meant to ask about Covid lol. UHHH idk man. I remember back in March thinking this was gonna be over by April, and I had never been more wrong lmao. It’s so hard to tell.
21. Do you watch anime? No.
22. Biggest goal you wanna reach before 2020 is over? Be happy.
23. How old did/do you turn this year? 22.
24. Do you like tiktok? I don’t have the app downloaded but I’ll watch TikTok compilations on Facebook sometimes, and I’ve never had anything bad to say about them. I loooove the ones where people show what they do in their workplace like cleaning laptops, making ice cream cakes, doing pottery, etc., or showing projects that they’ve been working on like cleaning their swimming pool or renovating their bedroom. Those are the most satisfying to watch.
25. Do you ever miss vine? OMG yes. TikTok is entertaining, but the sense of humor that Vine birthed is on another fucking level. Only Vine could’ve made hurricane tortilla, a child, two bros chilling in a hot tub, and no head funny.
26. How are you doing, seriously? Today was one of the easier days. But I’m still hurting. It was just more manageable to breathe today.
27. Is there someone you want to talk to but you know you can’t? Yes.
28. Do you make jokes to cope with your problems? Sometimes, if I’ve already accepted the problem. It’s harder to make light of a situation that I’m still grappling with.
29. Have you ever had someone call you their best friend but you didn’t even consider them a close friend? I don’t think so.
30. Have you ever dealt with a pathological liar? Sure.
31. Long or short surveys? Medium-length to long.
32. If ur in school, are you doing it on zoom or in class? I’m not in school but I can definitely tell you that there aren’t any physical classes happening any time soon, at least in this country. It’s just not safe enough yet.
33. Would you ever have a pet rat? Nope.
34. Favourite memory with your best friend? I like laughing fits with Angela and spending hours at her house doing nothing. With Gabie, I always enjoy eating out with her.
35. Favourite type of content to watch on YouTube? I’ve mentioned them a lot on surveys recently, but it’s definitely Good Mythical Morning. I always turn to them when I’m going through depression so I’m really grateful that they have 1500+ episodes on their main channel and have a bunch of secondary channels with hundreds of videos in each as well. They have no idea how many lives they’ve saved. Other than that, I also like watching Korean reality shows, mukbangs that double as ASMR videos, soothing baking videos, and vlogs from local celebrities heheh.
36. Are you allergic to anything serious? No allergies for me.
37. Dream job? I don’t really have a dream title for now; I just want to eventually end up at the top of the ladder in my chosen career path which is PR.
38. Do you think dreams mean anything? No.
39. Fave clothing brand? Mango or Zara.
40. Do you miss anyone? Painfully.
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catboywizard · 7 years
Ok so I know i said it do it like tomorrow but I didn't have anything else to do so I just did it now lol
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? -probably not but who knows
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? -nope
3. Have you taken someones virginity? -nope, I’m still a virgin too
4. Is trust a big issue for you? -definitely
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? -idk if it counts as “hang out” but we had like a 10 second conversation earlier today
6. What are you excited for? -I was excited for something but I found out yesterday I’m not allowed to go so now I’m in that weird empty period of trying to find something new to be excited about before I just give up and die tbh
7. What happened tonight? -tonight hasn’t really happened yet, it’s only 5pm
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? -no, people can do whatever they want, don’t be judgmental
9. Is confidence cute? -definitely but if you’re not confident that doesn’t inherently make you not cute
10. What is the last beverage you had? -milk tbh and now my lactose intolerant ass is dying
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? -honestly I don’t fully trust anyone but there’s one who’s pretty close
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? -yep, basically the only pants I wear
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? -I’m seeing my dad and I’m gonna make him watch interstellar with me because I saw it with my mom about a month ago and I’m obsessed, but we might do that Friday
14. What are you going to spend money on next? -well I’ve got like $10 but that’s supposed to be for emergencies so I’m gonna be responsible and save it. I’ll probably use some of my birthday money to buy the Steven Universe album that’s coming out and I’m so freaking excited but that’s like a month from now
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? -nope, I don’t even remember who the last person I kissed was considering the fact that it was 2 years ago during spin the bottle
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? -oh definitely
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? -honestly I’m an open book as long as you’re not my parents. If I have a story and you happen to be nearby when I want to tell it, you’re gonna hear it
18. The last time you felt broken? -ha! constantly
19. Have you had sex today? -as if
20. Are you starting to realize anything? -yep
21. Are you in a good mood? -kinda neutral, I am tired though
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? -totally, sharks are misunderstood sweeties
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? -maybe? Idk, I think so
24. What do you want right this second? -milkshake
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed someone else? -I wouldn’t really care because I’m pretty sure he’s straight and I’m definitely sure he thinks I’m a lesbian so there’s no chance there
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? -sadly yes, I really wanna go pink though
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? -I honestly have no idea
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? -probably something on parks & rec
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? -eh, not really
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? -almost everyone, depending on what they’ve done
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? -no
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? -no, I didn’t even realize it until like Monday (and like I said, he thinks I’m a lesbian)
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? -idk what you mean by “those people,” I don’t drink soda because my mouth is sensitive to the carbonation but I’m not like pretentious about it or anything
34. Listening to? -Pocket Full of Dreams by Hedley
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? -nope, pen & whiteout ftw!
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? -nope, like I said I can’t even remember who it is
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? -not entirely but I do think there’s a lot about a person you can tell by looking at them for the first time, enough to decide if you’d like to date them or not
38. Who did you last call? -my mom is like the only person I ever talk to on the phone
39. Who was the last person you danced with? -the only person I’ve ever danced with was my ex boyfriend at our 8th grade version of prom
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? -spin the bottle
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? -this morning actually! Because of AP exams and other big tests, the schedule is weird and I had 5th period for 3 hours today and my friend brought cupcakes
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? -nope, my mom just got home like 2 minutes ago while I’ve been typing this and I don’t see her in the mornings
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? -not that I can think of off the top of my head but I know I have at some point
44. Do you tan in the nude? -have you seen me? I don’t tan lol
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? -I’m completely indifferent about it
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? -nope
47. Who was the last person to call you? -also my mom
48. Do you sing in the shower? -totally
49. Do you dance in the car? -it’s kinda hard but I guess a little bit
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? -yes! Omg, it’s so much fun!
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? -my mom has us do family portraits every year or so and we did them sometime in late January or early February so we could send out family valentines cards since we forgot to do Christmas cards
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? -definitely not!
53. Is Christmas stressful? -no, I love Christmas so much (mostly just for the presents but also for just the whole atmosphere)
54. Ever eat a pierogi? -I don’t think so but I doubt I would know if I did
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? -Apple, 3000%!
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? -I remember I wanted to be a Vet for a really long time, and for like a day I wanted to be a firefighter, there are a ton more but those are the only 2 I remember right now
57. Do you believe in ghosts? -not really but I’m so paranoid that I do a little bit
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? -ALL THE TIME
59. Take a vitamin daily? -no, I probably should
60. Wear slippers? -nope
61. Wear a bath robe? -nope
62. What do you wear to bed? -pajama pants + whatever shirt I was wearing that day or nothing on the top if I’m hot
63. First concert? -honestly it was Idena Menzel
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? -definitely Tar-jay
65. Nike or Adidas? -I honestly don’t have an opinion either way
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? -definitely cheetos
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? -both gross but I guess sunflower seeds
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? -I’m not a huge fan but I guess I like Out of the Woods
69. Ever take dance lessons? -hell no, I’m so fucking uncoordinated and I have asthma so I would have died
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? -no?
71. Can you curl your tongue? -yep!
72. Ever won a spelling bee? -I am the worst speller that has ever existed ever, also my school has never had a spelling bee
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? -maybe? I don’t know
74. What is your favorite book? -the great Gatsby
75. Do you study better with or without music? -definitely with music
76. Regularly burn incense? -nope
77. Ever been in love? -I doubt it but I don’t really have any way to tell
78. Who would you like to see in concert? -tank and the bangas or 21p
79. What was the last concert you saw? -the only concert I have ever seen was Idena Menzel
80. Hot tea or cold tea? -both are gross but cold if I had to pick one
81. Tea or coffee? -coffee but only in cold form like a frappe
82. Favorite type of cookie? -probably plain chocolate chip, or the oatmeal chocolate chip ones from potbelly are really good too
83. Can you swim well? -I’d like to think so but I’m not very fast
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? -yep!
85. Are you patient? -not really but I can be
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? -Band
87. Ever won a contest? -once I won a random raffle for free movie tickets when I was like 7 but that’s it
88. Ever have plastic surgery? -nope, nothing wrong with that though
89. Which are better black or green olives? -definitely black, black olives are delicious, green olives are grown by Satan
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? -you do you (but wear protection!)
91. Best room for a fireplace? -living room? Idk
92. Do you want to get married? -oh dear lord I hope I get married
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aububuh · 7 years
All the asks!!!
1. If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time?  - Assuming this means I would never be tired, I would just feel better in general.  I’d probably watch more movies and write more music or something.
2. What is your favorite piece of clothing you own / owned?  - My Pipco shirt has done good things for me.
3. What hobby would you pick up if time & money weren't an issue?  - I would play like every instrument.
4. What does your perfect room look like?  - High ceiling, no standing waves or nodes, world’s greatest audio playback equipment, a wall of guitars, an opposite wall of keyboards, and a drumkit.  Oh, and a bed I guess.
5. How often do you play sports?  - NEVER
6. What fictional place would you like to visit?  - A place I’d be good with just going once would be the Room of Requirement from Harry Potter, just to see the generations worth of crap that people left there.  (yes i know it got burned down just pretend it didn’t)
7. What job would you be terrible at?  - I mean I quit Whataburger after like a day, so.
8. When was the last time you climbed a tree?  - Maybe a few months ago?  I’m not sure.
9. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance of winning a medal for?  - Staying up too long.
10. What is the most annoying habit that you or other people have?  - Maybe that I pick my nose?  I don’t get how it’s all that annoying though, and it makes my face feel better.
11. What job do you think you'd be really good at?  - Anything where I complete entertainingly challenging tasks and don’t have to talk to strangers.
12. What skill would you like to master?  - Microphone placement.
13. What would be the most amazing adventure to go on?  - I want to go to Frank Zappa’s old house and see the studio.  It would have been even better a year ago when all his stuff was still in it, but I still want to be in the space.
14. If you had unlimited funds to build a house to live on for the rest of your life, what would the finished house look like?  - Approximately like Zappa’s house, with a badass studio and comfy areas to just exist.
15. What's your favorite drink?  - Water
16. What state or country do you never want to go back to?  - I think I was in New Jersey for about half an hour once.  Never again.
17. What songs do you have completely memorized?  - Most Frank Zappa songs
18. What game or movie universe would you like to live in?  - Star Trek, but the TV version.  
19. What do you consider to be your best find?  - I found the Grim Fandango soundtrack at a thrift store for 25 cents once.  It goes on ebay for like $60.
20. Are you usually early or late?  - I am early for everything.  Sometimes too early.  I can’t stand being late.
21. What pets did you have when you were growing up?  - A series of fish that all died.  The last time I had fish, one of them got hurt, and then the other one ate him.
22. When people come to you for help, what do they usually need help with?  - Either my mom needs me to tell her how to do a really simple computer thing, or my friends need me to give advice on relationship troubles or something.
23. What takes up too much of your time?  - When I waste time spacing out instead of doing a concrete thing that requires any kind of time investment.
24. What do you wish you knew more about?  - Rudy Van Gelder’s recording techniques.  Problem is he’s dead and he never told anybody what he did.
25. What would be your first question after waking up from being frozen for 100 years?  - “Did The Rage And The Fury ever come out?  No?  FUCK”
26. What are some small things that make your day better?  - I like when my friends send me stuff that made them think of me.
27. Who's your go-to band or artist when you don't know who or what to listen to?  - Spirit Phone by Lemon Demon is pretty much my go-to album.
28. What's the best way to start the day?  - Sleeping.
29. What TV shows do you like?  - Currently airing, pretty much just Steven Universe and Orphan Black.  Apart from that, Buffy, Hannibal, and Star Trek: TNG are all favorites.
30. What TV channel doesn't exist but really should?  - One that airs things I might want to watch more than a few times every couple months.
31. Who has impressed you most with what they've accomplished?  - Frank Zappa, Barack Obama, and the friends of mine who have to deal with their brains yelling at them.  All of them are badasses.
32. What age do you wish you could stay at permanently?  - Preferably none.  I think every year I become a better version of myself, and I don’t want that to stop.
33. What TV show or movie do you refuse to watch?  - If I hear about a thing that’s popular but like super demeaning in some way like Split or whatever, I’ll avoid it forever.
34. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?  -  Sleeping late and doing something productive that’s not related to school.
35. What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don't think you could live without?  - Good audio playback equipment.  I can’t stand using headphones for more than like an hour or two at a time, and good speakers sound better anyway.
36. What is your claim to fame?  - I posted a thing about Wedge Antilles once.
37. What is something you enjoy doing the old-fashioned way?  - I totally prefer recording a whole band in a room to tracking everything individually.  I do it myself because I don’t usually have other people to play with, but for other people’s music it’s just more fun when I’m capturing a live performance.  It’s how so many classic recordings were done, but it’s so uncommon these days and that kinda bums me out.
38. What's your favorite book or movie genre?  - Sci-fi I guess, but I tend to really like stuff that bends genre in amusing ways regardless of the genre it’s bending.
39. How often do you people-watch?  - Whenever I feel like I can get away with it.
40. What have you only recently formed an opinion about?  - I realized last week that the US Democratic party is what a centrist party should be; everything is just so skewed to the right that they seem liberal by comparison.  I wish we had a real liberal party that was able to compete on the national stage, but we’re never going to get away from the two party system until we change a whole lot of shit.
41. What's the best day of the year?  - The best day of this year was when I saw Mike Keneally with my buddy Moped.  Possibly the best day of my life? 
42. What subject interests you that not many people have heard of?  - I would say not enough people have heard of Frank Zappa, or at least have checked out enough of his music to have a real opinion on him.
43. How do you relax after a long day of work?  - Work for me is usually doing sound for rock bands, typically until pretty late at night, so I just crawl up in bed and read dumb shit online until I drop all the energy I build up from working.
44. What's the best book series or TV series you've ever read or watched?  - Hannibal for TV.  I need to read the books.
45. Where is the farthest you've ever been from home?  - Latvia for 5 months in 2014.
46. What's the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen?  - Idk, probably some sappy romance in a show I like.  I’m a sucker for that sort of thing.
47. What is the most annoying question people ask you?  - This one.
48. What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with no preparation?  - Frank Zappa, or any number of subcategories about him.  The evolution of his guitar tone, the influence of his favorite music on his own work, his history of band members, etc.
49. If you were the dictator on a small island nation, what crazy dictator stuff would you do?  - I’d do REALLY crazy shit like guarantee everyone human rights.  Unless they’re nazis.  Frankly I have no idea why this is crazy, but some Americans would tell you it is.
50. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?  - Listen to Frank Zappa.  JK, he’s not for everyone.  Everybody should go hear a band they love play live though.  There’s nothing like it.
51. Would you rather go hand gliding or whitewater rafting?  - HANG GLIDING FUCK YEAH
52. What's your dream car?  - A self-driving one.
53. What's worth spending more on to get the best?  - Right now I’m researching acoustic treatment so my speakers won’t sound like crap in my bedroom, so I’m gonna go with that.
54. What is something a ton of people are obsessed with, but you just don't get?  - One night stands tbh.  I’m demisexual, so it just sounds awful and gross.  I’m glad other people enjoy them though.
55. What are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?  - Making a living at the thing I do.
56. Where is the most interesting place you've been?  - In terms of experiencing culture, Latvia.  I’m so glad I got to absorb all that information from talking to people, and it gave me a more direct experience with the after effects of totalitarianism than many Americans *coughtrumpvoterscough* have ever been exposed to.
57. What's something you've been meaning to try but haven't gotten around to it?  - Fried ice cream.  I’ve been fascinated by the concept since I was a kid.
58. What is the best thing that happened to you last week?  - I SAW MIKE KENEALLY AND HUNG OUT WITH MY FRIEND MOPED
59. What piece of entertainment do you wish you could erase from your mind, only to experience it for the first time again?  - I honestly get more enjoyment out of media when I’m experiencing it for subsequent times, so none.  I love rereading books, rewatching movies, and listening to albums enough times to memorize every note.
60. If all jobs had the same pay rate and hours, what job would you want to have?  - The one I have but more often.
61. What amazing thing have you done that no one was around to see?  - Released music on the internet.  4 people downloaded my last single.
62. How different was your life 1 year ago?  - About the same but harder.  College has been getting easier for me since I’ve gotten used to it.
63. What quirks do you have?  - My chin is lopsided and my left arm sticks out at an angle.  As far as personality quirks, I have about as many as the average person, which is to say too many to list.
64. What would you rate 10/10?  - Spirit Phone by Lemon Demon, One Size Fits All by Frank Zappa, and the Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky.
65. What fad or trend do you think should come back?  - Recording live bands in a room together!
66. What is the most interesting piece of art you've seen?  - I’ve seen tons of great art, but today I saw this thing that was like a giant inflatable tent that let sunlight through and turned it into different colors.  Check this out.
67. What kind of art do you enjoy most?  - I have no idea how to define my taste in art, I just like something or I don’t.
68. What do you hope never changes?  - I hope Lemon Demon albums keep coming out.  I don’t know how you could top Spirit Phone though.
69. What city would you most like to live in?  - Somewhere in California might be fun.
70. What movie title best describes your life?  - It Might Get Loud
71. Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?  - Because I’m good at it and it’s damn fun
72. What's the best way a person can spend their time?  - Making themselves happy in a positive way.
73. If you suddenly became a master at woodworking, what would you make?  - A badass guitar.  Possibly something like Jerry Garcia’s Wolf with a billion knobs and stuff.
74. Where is the most relaxing place you've ever been?  - My bedroom
75. What's the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you?  - I SAW MIKE KENEALLY WITH MY BUDDY MOPED AND WE HUNG OUT WITH THE BAND FOR A MINUTE
76. Where would you rather be from?  - I’m technically from New York, but I was 3 when I moved so it doesn’t really matter where I’m actually from.
77. What are some things you've had to unlearn?  - I mean there’s the obvious ones like racism, sexism, being a dick in general, but also I had some bad audio habits that I’ve had to kick.  I always have to force myself to mix my own vocals loud enough on my song, which led into me doing something similar when I first started doing live sound for other people.  Audiences like hearing what the singer is saying.
78. What do you look forward to in the next 6 months?  - I can’t wait to sleep more this summer.  (This is a reoccurring theme in this ask thing isn’t it)
79. What website do you visit most often?  - Tumblr is probably the one I spend the most overall time on, but I usually split my time fairly evenly.  I look at Facebook a lot, but usually not for more than a few moments at a time.  I read a decent amount of Twitter, but I almost never tweet anything.  I also like looking at instruments for sale on Craigslist.  
80. What one thing do you really want but can't afford?  - Probably some guitar or keyboard.  Shit, if I could I would have every instrument ever.
81. Where do you usually go when you have free time?  - My bedroom.
82. Where would you spend all your time if you could?  - My bedroom.
83. What's special about the place you grew up?  - I have a really nice bedroom.  It’s changed a lot depending on what I use it for at the time, but it’s been the same color since I picked it out when I was 4.
84. What age do you want to live to?  - I’m good with whatever life gives me.  I could live to 100 but I wouldn’t be too peeved if I died next week.
85. What are you most likely to become famous for?  - My dream is to be that producer at the Grammys who called Taylor Swift on the phone from the podium to say their album won.  That was the coolest.
86. What are you absolutely determined to do?  - Someday I want to do a really awesome orchestral recording.  I don’t even care that much what the music is, I just want to do that.
87. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?  - I can make bands of old dudes who are wary of a spunky young sound person like me by making them sound as good as possible.
88. What do you wish you knew more about?  - Drum overhead placement.
89. What question would you most like to know the answer to?  - How the heck do I get that clean tone that Zappa had in 1988.  
90. What question can you ask to find out the most about a person?  - “Why did you vote for who you did in 2016?”
91. When was the last time you changed your opinion or belief about something major?  - I feel like most opinion changes happen so gradually that they’re hard to notice, so I have no idea.
92. What's the best compliment you've ever received?  - I really like when people compare my music to Zappa without knowing that I love him as much as I do.
93. As the only human left on earth, what would you do?  - Find the Zappa vault and listen to everything, then die.
94. Who inspires you to be better?  - My friends, who are all awesome.
95. What do you want your epitaph to be?  - “Eh, good enough I guess”
96. What haven't you grown out of?  - Shirts I had when I was like 14, interestingly.
97. In what situation or place would you feel most out of place in?  - Any social event with tons of people I don’t know and where I don’t have a friend keeping me company the whole time.
98. What's the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well?  - I made a tumblr, which has given me multiple good friends.
99. If someone wrote a book on an event in your life, what would the book be about?  - Idk, that would be a pretty boring book for anyone who didn’t know me.
100. What's something you will never do again?  - Talk to this one asshole.
101. How do you hope you'll change as a person in the future?  - I want to like myself more.
102. What keeps you up at night?  - Usually the internet.  On more fun nights, conversations with friends.
103. What's the most surprising self-realization you've had?  - “Oh shit, 14 year old me was a fuckin’ asshole”
104. What is the most illegal thing you've ever done?  - nah
105. How do you get in the way of your own success?  - I’m not as proactive about looking for work as I probably should be.  Same with getting ahead in school.  I tend to put in just the work that will get me by in my classes, and I don’t really pursue any extracurricuals or anything.
106. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?  - Acne some nerd who talks about stuff they don’t care about
107. What is your biggest regret?  - nah
108. What do you look down on people for?  - Being children.  Not like, I think badly of them for being childish, I mean I have to literally look down at kids because I’m taller than they are.
109. What bridges do you not regret burning?  - There’s a couple I should have burned sooner, but one of them I just had no idea who he really was for the longest time.
110. What lie do you tell most often?  - “I can sing”
111. What would be your spirit animal?  - Isn’t this appropriation or something?  I’m not completely clear on this one so somebody let me know.
112. What is the best & worst thing about getting older?  - Best is being a smarter, better version of myself.  Worst is taxes.
113. What are you most likely very wrong about?  - I believe that the US has a fundamental promise of hope.  
114. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it?  - Idk, designing flags is hard.
115. What's happened that changed your view on the world?  - November 2016 made me doubt 113.
116. What is the biggest lesson you've learned?  - There are more terrible people in the world than I hoped.
117. What is the most immature thing you do?  - I still think fart jokes are more often hilarious than they are bad.
118. What are you famous for among your friends & family?  - Existing?
119. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be?  - Cheese, then the absence of cheese, then lots of cheese.
120. What one responsibility do you wish you didn't have?  - I support the institution of taxation as a necessary part of running a functional government, but I wish I didn’t have to pay 15% as a freelancer.
121. What are 3 things you want to accomplish before you die?  - Record an orchestra, Have somebody heard of me by reputation who’s not a friend of a friend or something, and have dinner with Joe Travers.
122. What do you want to tell your 10-year-old self?  - “You’re gonna like music more than acting, so you might as well get a head start.”
123. What's the best thing you got from your parents?  - I’d like to think I have at least some of my dad’s work ethic.  I definitely have his sense of humor.
124. What's the best thing about you?  - I’m good at talking with people.
125. What blows your mind?  - There are over a hundred Zappa albums.
126. Have you ever saved someone's life?  - Not directly
127. What are you really good at but embarrassed to be good at?  - Honestly can’t think of anything.  Ask me later.
128. What would a mirror opposite of you look like?  - Clear skin, bad taste in media, shitty friend, makes a living.
129. What are 3 interesting facts about you?  - I’m tired, I should go to bed, and I think this is an absurdly long ask thing.
130. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?  - There’s a scar on my finger from the first time I ever used a pocket knife.  It was a gift from a friend’s uncle or some such relative, and he freaked out 100x more than I did when I cut myself.
131. What's the title of the current chapter in your life?  - “Now we’re getting somewhere I guess”
132. What were some of the biggest turning points in your life?  - Doing DI, being politely kicked out of DI because I didn’t realize yet that depression was a thing and it was affecting my work, apprenticing at a venue, probably some other, more pleasant stuff.
133. What's the hardest lesson you've learned?  - No matter how far I go at being what I consider a good person, I can always do better.
134. What do people think is weird about you?  - I like some really weird music.
135. What mistake do you keep making?  - Carrying too much stuff at once.  Thankfully I don’t usually drop it though.
136. What have you created that you're most proud of?  My Christmas album.
137. What do you doubt?  - That I’m good at music.
138. What are some of your morals?  - The current president is Bad.
139. What do you want to be remembered for?  - Being a good friend and also making cool music.
140. What do you regret not doing in your childhood years?  - I never got to go to Legoland back when I would have enjoyed it most.  I’d still love to go tbh.
141. What is your favorite fragrance?  - Whatever my friends each smell like, because it makes me think of them.
142. What do you think your last words will be?  “Well okay”
143. Who or what do you take for granted?  - Probably that my parents will always be there if I need them.
144. Why would you be annoying as a roommate?  - Loud music all the time.
145. What is something you're insecure about?  - My face
146. What's the best & worst piece of advice you've received?  - Best is “done is better than perfect”.  Worst is “put that pressure zone mic at an angle from the ground.
147. What irrational fears do you have?  - If a friend doesn’t text me back I sometimes worry that they’re dead.  It’s annoying.
148. What makes a good life?  - Doing whatever it is that makes you happy and leaving a good impression on the people in your life.
149. What's the last adventure you went on?  - I went to McKinney and SAW MIKE KENEALLY 
150. What is the most memorable gift you've received?  - My dad gave me a Gibson SG.  It’s pretty great.
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kiddygrinderx · 8 years
Do all asks?
only just saw this, sorry anon!!
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?I mean, probably not lmao
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused?In a relationship with a bean
3: What if I told you that you were pretty?I’d say ‘aw shucks’
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?yes lmaoo
5: Are you interested in anyone right now?The person i’m in a relationship with??
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week?Going to London for a media trip
7: Do you want to be single?no
8: Did you go out or stay in last night?Stay in nd cry a little
9: How late did you stay up last night?idk like 2am
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot?right now
11: Last three things you had to drink?water, dr pepper, ribena (omg i’m such an interesting person !!)
12: Have you pretended to like someone?that was like the whole of high school
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?no
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?yes *eyebrow wiggle*
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?oh yes fuck my life
16: Think back five months ago, were you single? nope
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?procrastinating
18: Hold hands with anyone this week?i mean technically last saturday
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?NO WAY i’m cackling nope
20: What would you name your future daughter?“a mistake” fuck, nah i’m joking idk i don’t really plan on having kids at the moment
21: Do you miss anyone?Willy B
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?nope
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?no, outside Willy B’s house OR my horses nose in his stable lmao
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?I mean, i like to think i am but i’m pretty sure i’m not
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad?last night lmao
26: Who did you last see in person?my mother
27: Are you listening to music right now?no
28: What is something you currently want right now?the sweet release of death
29: What is the last thing you said out loud?“just wondering”
30: How is your heart lately?achey breaky
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?sometimes?? idk what kind of question is this
32: Are you wearing socks?no, i’m reckless
33: What do people call you?Will calls me a hoe, Chloe calls me an emo loser, Emma calls me an idiot, what a lovely supportive partner nd friends i have (i’m joking, i know they’re joking)
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight?i hope so (@ Willy B)
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?my whole life is a stressful situation
36: Who did you last share a bed with?Willy B
37: Did you do something bad today?Define ‘bad’
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?Define 'opposite sex’
39: Do you get stressed out easily?Stressed out is like my constant state
40: Will you sing today?probably
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?Story of my life
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?I mean, either Will or one of my friends (ur all my friends) here
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance?nah, anything ive gone to A&E for I didn’t deem bad enough for an ambulance lmao
44: What are you listening to right now?A loud ass airplane
45: What is wrong with you right now?What is right with me
46: What is on your wrists right now?Skin?
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?eBay
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider?Cider i guess
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11?No??
50: Are you a good artist?I mean i’m doing 2 art A levels right now nd i’m going to uni to do an art subject so I hope i’m an okay artist lmao
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?shut the fuck up
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?six months ago, will was still at home but like that’s the only thing i miss. everything else was a complete shit show
53: Ever been on a golf cart?nope
54: Do you have trust issues?i hate this question
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who?friends, mainly when i was younger nd didn’t want to sleep all the time
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic?surprisingly I don’t
57: Do you use chap stick?when i remember
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face?YES best moment of my life, i smacked some girl in the face bc she was talking shit about my friend and i became a hero in middle school
59: Do you have a little sister?no
60: Have you ever been to New York?i wish
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?i fuxking hope so (@ will)
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week?Technically, ye Will before he left
63: What were you doing at midnight last night?showering
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?nope
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?that’s so gay, but ye
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person?ye
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?nope ((: i kissed my doggo tho so that’s good
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?Only Will, otherwise I’d rather sleep alone. When someone else sleeps in the same room as me I spend half an hour being mad that i can hear them breathing (no joke, i think it’s that auditory thing where certain small sounds make u mad)
69: Will next Friday be a good one?that’s when my media coursework is due so no, ill be shitting my pants all day trying to get it all done in time
thanks for asking! ;p
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saturnsovereign · 8 years
All of the questions!!!!
crush asks
uhh shit bro but aight - i love talking about my gf :)
1: Do they drink coffee?
yup, but like mainly frappucinos
2: Are they left or right handed?
mainly right handed but she can use her left hand. she’s like ambidextrous
3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it)
she usually has her hair down
4: What’s their favorite animal?
i’m gonna take a guess and say doggos? idk i haven’t really asked
5: What is their relationship status?
um… not single? like the complete opposite of single XD
6: What is their favorite band/singer?
um idk i know one of her favorites is Christina Grimmie?
7: Are they more a cat or dog person?
doggo but i think she wants a cat
8: What does their laugh sound like?
like an angel that came down to heaven to bless us with her presense
9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones?
English, Spanish, and she knows multiple Filipino dialects
10: How old are they? How old are you?
She’s 16, I’m 18, but we’re like maybe a year and a half apart
11: One word that describes them.
Nerd or Puppy
12: Do they have any pets?
un fluffy marshmallow doggo named Nerf
13: What is their favorite TV show?I know Bones is one of them
14: What is their favorite movie?
idk, babe what is your favorite movie?
15: What car do they drive?
black nissan leaf
16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they?
half white, quarter mexican, quarter filipino
17: Where did you meet them?
technically I first met her in my creative writing class in middle school
18: What was your first meeting like?
She was one of the cool kids and she intimidated me.
In high school, I remember that I was working on marching rifle and she came up with one of my other friends to the field and went up to mama while she was teaching me something and I recognized her from middle school. I'm pretty sure she was trying to hide from me it was kinda cute tbh
19:  What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible?
Virgo, everyone says it does
20: What month is their birthday?
She is an August baby
21: What is your favorite outfit on them?
When she has nothing on… heh. lesbian lumberjack
22: Are they good texters?
she texts like me in that she responds right away or it takes her 3 hours
23: Your favorite feature about their appearance.
Her eyes, I can get lost in them so easily
24: Your favorite thing about their personality.
She tries her best and she’s a total goof even though she says I am and like basically everything else about her really
25: Do they make you laugh?
She’s the one that can make me laugh when nothing else can
26: Do you make them laugh?
I try my best
27: Are they good huggers/ kissers?
oh god yes. yes to both
28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have?
she cannot, for the love of god, not swear
29: Are they nice to strangers?
yes unless they don’t believe in equal rights?
30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said?
ok ok there's a lot but my favorite is "Let’s turn off the lights so that the judges can’t hear us drop" 😆
31: Saddest?
That she didn’t matter and that she was a disappointment 😔
32: Weirdest?
idk i know there is a lot of weird ones but I can't think of them off the top of my head
33: Cutest?
Her to me: "I can't believe you said yes" (why tf would i say no?)
34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream?
I remember dreaming in to kiss her but like I face-planted on my pillow and woke up. That’s like one of the few dreams I do remember
35: How tall are they? How tall are you?
hhhhh. She’s 4'20 I’m 5'2
36: Do they have a booty?
she dooooooooooo (she’s very cheeky 😉)
37: What are their hobbies?
She likes gaming, I guess reading and writing, watching shows and sports, and like maybe doing guard if you consider it as a hobby?
38: What are their talents?
Practically anything she puts her mind to, but like she's has hella good memory, really good at multitasking and she has so many skills under her belt
39: What would your dream date be with them?
Getting to do stuff alone while I can spoil her and not have to worry about avoiding anybody
40: Does anyone know about your crush/love?
Practically all of my friends, sorry i can't contain my gay ass
41: What do you guys have in common?
we first bonded over bisexual buddies and it just took off from there
42: Do they go to the gym?
yup and it shows too 😏
43: Do they go by their given name?
No, she goes by a shortened version of her birth name (Isabella makes her sound like a spicy Queen 😆 and Bella means beautiful which is hella accurate)
44: What is their favorite color?
orange and black
45: How far apart do you live from them?
About 2.5 miles away… it’s walkable
46: What song reminds you of them?
Holy by PVRIS, Say you won't let go by James Arthur and then practically any love song
47: Do they listen to a lot of music?
yup and her music taste is so much better than mine
48: What do they smell like?
soccer and conditioner 😆
49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them?
I sent her multiple asks before we really started dating if you wanna read it its on her blog
50: How often do you see them?
Almost everyday
51: The last text/ message they sent you?
you bite into it all it all CUMS out 😉😉😉
52: The last thing they said to you in person?
I love you
53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?
boi everything about me is embarrassing
54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
55: What color are their eyes?
dark brown
56: What is their clothing style?
It makes her look straight unless she really tried not to look straight. Also: black
57: What is one thing that makes them really special?
She’s so strong and she’s gone through so much and yet she’s still a wonderful person and I just can't help but be so proud of her
58: Will you tell your crush your feelings?
… i mean I think she already knows? (it would be kind of awkward if she didn’t know considering we're dating...)
59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them?
I’ve honestly always thought she was beautiful but like I didn’t start falling for her until the prank... and like when i did fell god I fell so hard
60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?
When I was in my house out of town and I had gotten a message from her and my ex-bf that I was trying to get back together with and I realized I was way more excited about opening her messages than his…
61: Do they have any quirks or habits?
Her nose does that cute wiggly thing and like she doesn’t like her food touching and when she’s concentrating she often has her tongue poking out of her mouth
62: What “most likely” superlative would they receive?
Most likely to roast your ass
63: Which romcom or TV couple reminds you of the two of you together?
idk just think OTP yeah? like the tol and the smol, the dark hair to light hair, etc.
64: How do they look shirtless?
65: When was the last time you saw them?
a few hours ago at school
66: What is the weirdest thing about them that you find attractive?
idk if you call this weird but i find it cute when she pulls swears out of her ass
67: What is the sweetest thing they’ve ever said to/ about you?
that she considered me as one of her best friends
68:  What shoes do they wear the most?
either converse or vans
69: Making out with them: hot & heavy or sweet & slow?
depends on the mood tbh but when we're in full make out mode and people aren't in the room, its hot and heavy
70: If you were/ are dating, what would you do for them on Valentine’s day?
heh she'll find out tomorrow
71: Have you ever cried over them?
72: Has something they did/said to you ever make you cry?
73: What makes you think of them?
nerdy references, memes, gay stuff, marriage
74: Do you have any inside jokes with them?
Our inside jokes eventually become outside?
75: What is the most you’ve done with them physically? (hugged, kissed, cuddled etc.)
um all of the above and more
76: First impression of them?
i thought she was cool but i was intimidated by her
77: Have they ever caught you staring or giving them glances?
hehe ye
78: Have you ever caught them?
79: How long can you be away before you start to miss them?
1 minute
80: Do they wear glasses?
her nerd goggles look cute on her
81: Do your friends approve?
basically all but one and that one's now not really my friend
82: Would your parents approve?
um idk cuz we're gay and they don't know i'm gay
83: Do you think their friends/ family would approve?
i don't think so :(
84: Do they have a nickname for you?
i'm a dork and her flower cowboy
85: Have you ever thought about the spending the rest of your life with them?
oh yeah definitely
86: If you had kids together, what would you name them?
...Is it bad that I'm more ready to name our doggos instead of our kid?
87: What is your favorite scenario between you two that you’ve made up in your head?
we have a place of our own and like everything is peaceful and like we can cuddle whenever we like
88: What is your favorite interaction that has actually happened?
Every interaction? idk its hard to pick
89: If they were free tonight and wanted to hang out with you, where would you take them/ what would you do?
My bed and take a nap with them
90: Are they pretentious/ snobby/ picky about anything? What?
Um they don't like some foods? idk if you'd call that picky tho
91: Do you guys have the same political views?
92: Do you guys share the same religion?
we were both raised as christians I believe but its not really a big thing in our lives
93: Do you think they would reject you if you asked them out? Why?
Maybe? idk she might be busy
94: Are they the type of person who would come help if you called them in the middle of the night?
Yes considering she needs to sleep earlier (or at least take a nap)
95: Have you ever fantasized sexually about them?
96: Do you think they would make good parents?
We're raising our guard kids rn and she's been a pretty good mother
97: Have you ever had an argument with them?
I traumatized her with a cupcake and frosting bc she wouldn't admit that she was smart
98: Do you already know which piece of their clothing you would make ‘yours’ if you were dating?
I like her sweaters
99: L'esprit de l’escalier is the French word for when you think of the perfect response after the conversation has already ended. Rewrite a conversation between you and them, how it went and how you wish it had gone.
um idk? like I wish I had told her I thought she was beautiful long before we started dating?
100: How many of these do you think they could answer about you?
Most if not all of them
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