#where is jesus
buddyfunnyspendtime · 10 months
howdo I start this ok mao is kind of like one of those people who as a kid is seen as more mature. Due to neglect from parents who think their child is mature and does not nessacarily need support or praise because he can handle himself
when mao was a kid he didn't like to lose (something that can be seen as childish) but he didn't like to win either so he wouldn't hurt anyone (I Don't think a lot of kids think about aftermath feelings when it's just a game) so he was okay with placing 2nd/3rd if mao doesn't hurt people and doesn't cause a conflict then he can be liked and more approachable and possibly even be praised
I Don't think maos care and love for taking caring of others and handling things on his own is entirely based off of his want and enjoyment of praise but it definitely plays somewhat of a part in it; he just generally loves people. he's willing to push aside his own feelings for them
I think the real question though is does mao love himself?
Fast forward to first year mao and this guy is well Still acting mature but the thing is that he meets trickstar which compared to him seems more childish but that is exactly what mao needs. To be childish
trickstar allows mao to be childish and have a dream. mao is growing up yes and growing up is seen as becoming more mature but for mao to grow up he needs to become more childish. To have and chase after a dream and be more selfish and break away from being kind of empty from what maturity has given him is what being in trickstar gives to mao
mao is already warm to others but trickstar gave him the fuel to be warm to himself
to be warm to yourself isn't really something you can perfectly accomplish over night it's moreso about growing to take yourself into account too A person who gives constantly is someone who also needs to give just as much to themselves. you have to burn to be warm and you have to learn how to control that fire over time. build a row of campfires mao and come back to me when you're done
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bloodcunt · 1 year
kai havertz what do you have on mikel arteta
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centaur-dreaming · 5 months
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wynandcore · 26 days
Saw the sonic 3 trailer are you telling me the movie based on Sonic Adventure 2 is Not anti-military??? No anti-authority theming here?? Nothing?? The game where a kid gets gunned down? Where Shadow’s grief and hate for humanity is BECAUSE of the military?? Where Sonic runs from the cops and is consistently annoyed at their existence?
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Am I the asshole for getting my best friend killed?
I swear to God, it was an accident.
My (27) BF (34) has a reputation for getting himself out of any jam you can imagine; and at first it was just a fun little thing the friend group noticed: there goes Oily J wiggling his way out of trouble again. but as the meme evolved in the group, it got to the point where we'd loykey started getting him into situations just to see how he'd get out of 'em, and he akept getting out of em. He was having fun with it too same as us. "Oh you guys," he'd say, "getting me into situations again," before laughing it off and getting out of it, so it was enrichment for our shared enclosures, and as time went on, the situations got more intense.
The trouble is, it turns out that putting a man in too many situations eventually gets the police interested. And not local hobsknockers cops either; they was like, proper three-letter FEDs. They put out a bounty on any information pertaining to his capture and everything. It was good money too so I thought, hey why don't I put J in another situation he can wiggle out of like always (and he'd wiggled outta worse before, so I thought this one'd be relatively mild), and at the next boardgame night (cause it was too late to do anything special for this one) we can buy some extra strong booze and get absolutely blitzed while having a giggle about the situation.
Boardgame night, and we were playing some social deduction nonsense or another and he says: "One of you is gonna betray me tonight." and I can't help but think, looking back on it, that he knew. It's stupid, I know he was talking about the game, but the way he said it, it was like he knew. We all felt it, and we had a big round robin round the table taking turns promising that we'd never betray him. And I said it so easily cause I thought it was true. Sure, I was gonna talk to the feds about a bounty; but, I fully expected my big beautiful oily boy to wiggle his way out of the trouble I was 'bout to cause, and that's not a betrayal. I wasn't lying. I didn't think I was lying.
My big beautiful oily boy didn't manage to wiggle his way out of it. They killed him and I got my blood money. He's gone.
He's gone and I'm devastated, crying, mourning. I loved him so much. We all did. And I can't stop thinking that it's my fault: that I'm the reason he's gone. and it is. and the guilt is eating me up inside. and I just need to talk to someone about it. So, I tell the rest of the group what happened in the group chat, hoping they'd understand that I didn't want this. I didn't want the government's blood money. It was supposed the be a prank. some joint enclosure enrichment. He was supposed to wiggle out of it like he always does... did, i mean.
They call me, among worse things, the asshole and kick me from the group chat. And, I know it's my fault he's dead: I know that. If I didn't do what I did, he wouldn't be dead right now. But, I didn't mean it for it to end up this way. He was supposed to be okay, damn it. I loved him. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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wolfythewitch · 5 months
I put your jesus art on my wall (/ω\)
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(hope that's ok)
Heaven yeah that's definitely okay
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ducktracy · 2 months
there are a lot of evil people in the world and a lot of darkness in the world and so it’s very important for me to stress that now more than ever is the time to spread kindness and compassion. combat the evil by not only not partaking in it, but actively refuting it. destroy the notion that being compassionate or generous or kind to someone is uncool or embarrassing or even scary. be the change you want to see. start a chain reaction. positivity only breeds more positivity. do an act of kindness for someone so that that person who is too afraid to do it themselves can see you, realize that they’re not alone, and perhaps sheepishly follow your example. and then the next person who is too afraid but sees that person can do the same. when bad news comes out about bad people or horrible atrocities in the world it’s such an easy impulse to despair, and obviously it’s important to feel what you need to feel. grieve. be angry. be sorrowful. be empathetic. but dust off your pants and get up and be a part of a chain reaction that, no matter how small the scale, and spread compassion and love and care. all the reasons why you might not—“it’s hard! it’s scary! people will make fun of me! it’s useless because there’s too much evil!” are all grade A arguments as to why you should. you have no idea how many people you could inspire to do the same. even if it doesn’t get you anyway far, you can at least say you have the nobility of trying. please choose love and please choose life. you are worth loving and you are worth inspiring others to love
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saintaviator · 7 months
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something something gman tommy something something gordon in stasis. you know how it is.
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
In Skywalkers Apart:
Why doesn't Anakin go overthrow the Emperor sooner? (since it appears that the Empire is still in power around the Rebels time period)
What do Anakin and Sabine think of each other? Bc I think they'd get along quite well 😉💣
What does Anakin think of Chopper and AP-5?
anakin & sabine would get on GREAT (especially bc this is ultimate girldad au anakin) but uh. on the first point. i think you're overestimating anakin a little like you've gotta think abt that matchup
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spooksier · 9 months
relistening to tma and losing my mind more with each episode. anyways. today we're talking about how there are three characters in the show who are meant to be/groomed to be "the chosen one" for some specific purpose (agnes for the lightless flame, gerry to carry on some esoteric bloodline, jon for the watcher's crown/the web's escape plan) and all three of them have that running theme of being completely powerless in every aspect of their lives despite being made to be something powerful. we never get agnes' own perspective on her own life, gerry dies and is kept in limbo for *years*, and jon is marked to be the antichrist from age 8, like all of them were used as tools rather than people and if you couple that with all three at some point expressing that their fantasy is to live a normal life and be a normal person but they were trapped by divinity......fucked up if true
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randomsufff · 30 days
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I’m cooking so hard- these aren’t even all the doodles I wanted to draw of these little guys lol
First two doodles are inspired by other posts- the sunflower image is from this post by leeyzart - though they did a more wholesome comic with it 💀 and the Umbrella Academy car meme was inspired by this post by saprozoicworm - the doodle on the bottom left reminded me of it, though idk if that was an intentional reference
The Creek comic is inspired by my head canon that Tweek wears, like, combat or just heavy duty snow boots and Craig wears Converse. Probably a widespread fan canon, but as a girlie who has always worn converse, even to her restaurant job which I don’t recommend, I have almost slip or actually slipped so many times, and I wanted to draw Craig going through that lmao
Second comic is a thought I had when playing TFBW cause there’s this one cutscene, after you defeat Professor Chaos on the roof of the U-Store-It, where Stan does his thing where he flies up using his tape measure or whatever, but WE’RE ON THE ROOF??? WHAT ARE YOU HOOKING ONTO?????? And I thought it was a funny visual if Jesus just was picking his up, cause how else would you explain that (I guess it could be like ~imagination~ but that’s not as funny
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lupi-usque-ad-finem · 8 months
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me and the handlers arriving at the function ready to enact on some incomprehensible silliness
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gesunas · 29 days
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stormcallart · 1 year
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The Druid Halsin
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bathroomtrapped · 11 months
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my sister told me to caption this 'two lovely men' without any context so heres two lovely christian saw men 👍🏻
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birrdify · 3 months
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