#where y’at duckboy?
You can sleep in my grave, I won't be needing it.
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leviathancries · 5 months
existential hymns for the average sigma [vol. 9]
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[DUCKBOY] (2023)
Ohh yeaaaah! It's that time again. A new Ruby solo project. Ruby (DUCKBOY) sinking his fangs back into pop punk rock and goin' crazy doing it...
Track 1: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"5-0-4-5-9-5-9-5-9 is no available"
Another day another voicemail. Keeping with his missed calls and phones theme, this mini album also starts off with a dial tone. It also has the same name as the intro track from his 1st mini album.
Fucking love this song honestly... Ruby starts this project off so strong. Super catchy hook, catchy riff and a good range of vocals. This ballad is powerful and raw. It's the best song from the album in my honest opinion. (music video just came out a couple days ago and it's really fucking cool.)
Track 3: where y'at, duckboy?
Following the same formula of the 1st album, track 3 is an interlude titled "where y'at, duckboy?" This ones... uhh. I dunno. Interesting? It's pretty simple. Just a mish-mash of missed calls and voicemails.
Track 4: I Was a Teenage Nihilist
"Open up your mind you fucking cyclops. Take a sip"
Yeah!!! This is what im FUCKING TALKING ABOUT! This song is fast, memorable and snappy. Clocking in at just a minute and thirty seconds. It comes in swinging with those pop punk almost djent sounding guitars. Also really like the reference to $UICIDEBOY$ in this song.
Track 5: where y’at, duckboy​??
"I love you, you're my cousin, um..."
This is a good interlude. It gives us a little peek behind the scenes of Ruby, Scrim and the $UICIDEBOY$. This interlude is a voicemail of Scrim trying to smooth out an argument or disagreement him and Ruby must have had.
Track 6: Pearls Are Just Oyster Puke
This song is the most punk-rock song on this album. A classic punk rhythm thuds as Ruby screams. what I like most about this song is the breakdown, it's super raw. I know for a fact Ruby is a big fan of the band Rancid (a classic early 90's punk rock band) and I can really feel the influence with this song.
Track 7: where y'at, duckboy???
"If you or a loved one is suffering from drug abuse or addiction please give us a call back. Thank you and have a blessed day. Bye."
The third interlude on the album. Another voicemail... Not much else to say.
Track 8: Heroin As a Recreational Activity
"my temptations, they taste so sweet. I got cavities rotting my teeth."
Mhmmmm, this one is another punk-rock song. Well kinda. It's still more pop-punk. I guess somewhere in the middle? Love this one. There's something about when he says "Your hissing tongue has licked me ~for the last fucking time~" just sounds so satisfying. But anyway. Another catchy ballad. Man never fucking misses. I also really like the chorus on this song. The way the whole song slows down into the breakdown/chorus is so dope. I really wish more songs did this to be honest.
Overview: existential hymns for the average sigma [vol. 9]
Again, exactly like I said in the conclusion for tragic love songs, I know I have been glazing ruby the whole damn time. But shit, its hard not to. He's one of the most talented versatile artists at the moment. Everything he does he seems to do effortlessly. Whether its scream rapping or a post pop-punk tragic love ballad.
All that being said. Like my previous conclusion. It's short. Like really short. An album that's 12 isn't really an album. It's an EP.
I can't wait for his next tape or the next $UICIDEBOY$ tape. Thanks 4 reading!
Rating: 8/10
If there’s any typos or inconsistencies in this review it’s because I can’t be bothered to proof read it.
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yung-bruhh · 6 months
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where y’at, DUCKBOY?
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leviathancries · 10 months
tragic love songs to study to (vol. 5)
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[DUCKBOY] (2023)
Tragic Love Songs To Study To is Ruby da Cherry (from $uicideboy$) newest solo project. Going by the name DUCKBOY for this album adding to his ever-growing list of aliases. Personally something I have been waiting for, for a long fucking time. Ruby (DUCKBOY) managed to tap into his roots in punk and created this mini album. Much to the upset of most of his zoomer iPad baby fanbase who only want KILL MYSELF! DRUGS! SATAN!!! music.
Track 1: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"You may hang up or press 1 for more options"
To be honest as an intro track I have heard better, It does set a pretty good (dial)tone for the theme of the album. (people bothering him and trying to call him)
Track 2: ROUGAROU (i've become the monster
"Let's pull back the tide and see if the moon is dead!"
ROUGAROU starts off the album strong with that signature 2000's emo pop-punk vibe. I'm a huge fan of Ruby in general but I feel on songs like this his potential as an artist shines best. His style of singing is so suited to this type of song and it's a shame he hasn't made music like this sooner lol. (yeah before you try and be a smart ass I have listened to his punk shit from his old bands, ur not cool for knowing that) Also the hook of the song is so fucking catchy it's been stuck in my head since the album came out. "I HAVE ALL NIGHT TO HUNT, I PROMICE TO PROTECT YOU WITH MY CURSE!" insane.
Track 3: where y'at, duckboy?
"Oh my god, call me ASAP..."
Interesting choice to put an interlude as the 3rd track on the album, but it is only a 7 song album so I guess it is more forgivable. That being said I actually really like this song. It carries on with the theme of people calling Ruby and bothering him. The simple hip-hop trap beat with that smooth bass kinda fucks to be honest.
Track 4: XXL hadron collider
"I ain't crying over spilt milk, but who's gonna clean this mess?"
Track four thrusts us right back in that 2000s emo mindset. Singing about suicide and betrayal has never been so cool to be honest. This is probably my favorite song on the album solely because it has such a nostalgic sound to it. This song just reminds me of being super young watching AMV's on YouTube in 2008. Like listen to this song and tell me this doesn't remind you of that. And again Ruby flexes on us with his talent of writing catchy hooks. Also the vocal style switch up between verse one and two is unmatched.
Track 5: ​my love life needs a lobotomy
"I spent the whole night throwing up your spiiit!"
Track four and five seamlessly flow into one another. I mean the song is only 41 seconds so it's pretty much just verse three of track four separated into it's own track. BUT IT'S A FUCKING GOOD SONG DAMNIT! like really fucking good. Not really much else to say about this one.
Track 6: where y’at, duckboy​?? "Call me back dawg..."
Another interlude. More voicemails. More chill-hop beats. If I had to compare this one to the other interlude I prefer the other one. Although the girl who says "Thank you" at the end sounds cute :3
Track 7: ​after further reasoning, i’m going to bed
"I'll live as long as my little lungs last!"
Last track of the album. Track seven is another pop-punk song, using catchy guitar riffs and upbeat drums. Ruby shows off his versatile voice on this song using different vocal styles and a good variety of pitch. Homeboy went crazy not gonna lie. Another memorable song IMO. Just another thing to add to my long, long list of good Ruby songs and verses.
Overview: tragic love songs to study to (vol. 5)
I know I was essentially throating Ruby in this review but what can I say? I love the dude. He's a huge inspiration for me. Personal opinions aside ill say the good and bad about the album as a whole.
It's fuckin' short. Like short as fuck. Like out of the 7 songs we have an intro and 2 interludes. That only leaves 4 actual songs, one of which is only 41 seconds long. That being said, the full songs on this album are fucking amazing. Like really, really good. If you are into 2000s pop-punk, emo nostalgia shit. Check this out. The songs are super catchy, well produced and well written. This album has been a long time coming since Ruby has hinted at a solo project for years and I'm hoping for more in the future!
Rating: 8/10
If there's any typos or inconsistencies in this review it's because I can't be bothered to proof read it.
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