#my love life needs a lobotomy
You can sleep in my grave, I won't be needing it.
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cowboy-robooty · 2 months
not going to name names bc thats messed up but omfg i was tryna find records of old heta fandom shit to show inu right and i found a hetalia iceberg and I SAW MY 2019 OPP ON THERE. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY LIKE MY EYES BULGED OUT OF MY SKULL BECAUSE IM NOT EVEN JOKING I HATED THIS BITCH SO MUCH WHEN I WAS 14 AND NGL I STILL HATE HER. I DIDNT SAY NOTHING AND KEPT CURTIOUS AND NORMAL OBVIOUSLY BUT ON THE INSIDE I WANTED HER ASS DEAD EVERYDAY AND WELL... you all know im never in the loop with things and had no fucking clue that she was just the antichrist for an entire group of people lol. SHE WAS MY ANTICHRIST THO. I HATED HER AND SHE HATED ME OKAY AND IM LIKE RODF SEEING HOW SHES ON THE FUCKING HETALIA ICEBERG I WAS LIKE OMG.... I THOUGHT ONLY I FUCKING DESPISED HER
#i hated her to an unhealthy amount imma be so real#bc ive never done an internet sin of like shittalking outside of priv accs/dms#or interacting anonymously with people i hate etc etc#but there are things that are like corruptions for your own soul from how sour hatred can get#and she did that to me. and i only hated her enough to do that#i have only ever in my life actively hatestalked her blog when i was 14 bc she made me so fucking mad everyday#ive only ever in my life hatestalked her like shes the only reason i can comprehend why people are compelled to hatestalk#this was all back when i was like 14 tho lol and#ugh... im sorry. as you can tell the hatred i feel towards her is like soul corrupting level#i want to say im sure she has grown up to be a fine person and logically i know this is true#but also part of me is like there is no fucking way this bitch grew up to be a fine person like the lobotomy part of my brain is saying that#i will not tell you who she is btw so dont send me an ask begging for the user#and if for some reason you have a hunch who it is. you never know you could be wrong and even if youre not i dont condone harassment towards#her or like yknow just any association like leave her tf alone#i dont have fans who love me enough or are crazy parasocial to harass someone i personally hate/hated#but still just in case#shes not an actual bad person. i just hate her so much that it makes ME a bad person on the inside#its why im so glad that i turned 15 and went i need to stop looking at her forever or else i will reincarnate as a mosquito#ill only talk to u abt her if we are at least acquatiances with eachother#and i dont think anybody will be able to figure out who she is actually bc i never once was mean to her outside of telling my close friends#i wanted her dead. me when i dont act like a beast online despite the vietnamese devil inside me
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when did i become so hollow
the daydreams took root in my soul
safety guaranteed
indulgence abundant
reality forsaken
i work in customer service
our best barista
all smiles
no heart
i study at an online university
an exemplary overachiever
i used to be unmistakeably human
vibrantly playful
imperfectly troublesome
daringly liberated
now there is only a glittering shell
so pretty
so faceted
so polished
so empty
i try to make conversation
but the only sounds i can make
are nervous laughter
and irrelevant anecdotes
and awkward acknowledgements
and then i regret every word
because i've filled the empty air
with even more nothingness
again and again and again
grief without tragedy
fear without danger
words without meaning
unable to confront discomfort
struggling to maintain tangibility
failing to express myself
because my mind no longer thinks about feelings
and my heart doesn't think at all
and my soul has withered to dust
overwhelmed by light and noise
agitated and restless
i shut everything out
and try to find myself in the silence
but i've already spent too long
wasting away
alone in my room
where dreams go to die
and vacant distractions reign supreme
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pepprs · 2 years
mutuals, a proposition. what if i went off the grid and blinked out of existence and cartwheeled into a pool of lava also. i am thinking this may be my best option given the stakes and the circumstances
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ichigosoju · 3 months
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Idk if It’s ok was thinking about inocent reader being Topper’s younger sister and being in a secret relationship with Rafe and Topper finding out about The relationship when he Finds them making out (maybe more if You’re comfortable with that) at a party or at midsumers and after The Shock and denial when he’s finally ok with them being togheter Rafe saying something kind of inapropriate forgeting that The reader is Top’s sister and Topper being Kinda grossed out.
Dude, That's My Sister
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Thornton!Reader
Warnings: Smut at the beginning and Mentions of Sex at the End.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
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In hindsight, they probably shouldn’t have been having sex without the door locked. But both Y/N and Rafe were somewhat turned on by the possibility of getting caught. They really shouldn’t be surprised by what happens next. Y/N bounces on Rafe’s cock with her head thrown back in pleasure. Every time he stretches her out, she is brought closer to the edge. Rafe’s hips start to meet her in the middle and just when she is about to come, her bedroom door swings open. “Y/N/N are you coming do-. What the fuck!” Topper yells at the sight of his sister with his best friend. Rafe falls back on the bed so he can get the sheets to cover both of them. “Hey, Top. Long time no see,” Rafe tries to play off. Y/N is too embarrassed to say anything and digs her head into his neck. Topper’s face contorts in disgust, “Can we not do this while your dick is still inside of my little sister? Both of you get dressed and meet me in my room.” Topper closes the door with his exit and the couple gets their clothes back on. 
They enter Topper’s room with their hands together to find him mumbling to himself. “I can’t believe they are dating. My best friend and my younger sister. This is so weird. He could legally become my brother. I don’t like this one bit.” Topper’s eyes dart up to see their arrival and motion them into the room. Rafe closes the door, wrapping his other arm around her waist to bring her closer to him. “How long has this been going on?” Topper question. Y/N takes a second to calculate the answer, “About six months.” “How have I not noticed?” he chuckles to himself before turning to Rafe. “Do you love her? Will you take care of her?” Rafe’s lips press against her temple, “I love her more than you could ever understand and I would lay my life down to keep her safe.” This causes warmth to bloom across her cheeks. Topper nods, “Okay, I guess I can get behind you guys dating. Just don’t put me in the middle of your fights and if you hurt her, I will kill you.” 
The gang took the Druthers out for a day on the water. The boozed-filled day is filled with laughter and drunken games. Around five, the girls break apart from the boys to gossip and for much-needed time alone. Y/N giggles at something Veronica says and gets up from her lounger. She gets to the back of the boat, stretching her arms upward before jumping into the water. Her stretch gave her boyfriend the perfect view of her body in the bikini. “God, I love her body. I can’t wait to fuck her when we get back home,” Rafe mindlessly says out loud. The other boys nod in agreement at the statement, but Topper’s face scrunches, “Dude, that’s my sister!” Topper really wishes he didn’t give them his blessing or that he could get a lobotomy. 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @victory-in-the-llama
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“Death Breath! Hey! Wait up!”
Nico bolts. He makes it about ten feet away from his cabin door before Will and his stupid long legs catch up with him, throwing an arm over his shoulder and then immediately tripping over his own foot and sending them both sprawling.
“I hate you,” Nico groans, curling up on the grass.
It’s too early for any of this. He was just trying to get back at Cecil for covering everything he owned in aluminum foil last week — and then he was going to go right the hell back to bed.
He knew he should have fucking shadow travelled.
“Aw, c’mon. You love me.”
Nico pretends to gag. The only thing he gets is Will’s crossed arms and raised eyebrow, so he doubles down and really starts to retch. Whatever. It’s eight thirty in the morning. He fell asleep at five. Rational thinking is a distant, distant memory.
“Whenever you’re done.”
“I will be sick at the thought for the next eight weeks,” Nico informs him. For dramatic effect, he looks up at Will’s face — which he cant even see, since the sun’s in his eyes — and shudders.
“You know, you have a genuine, beautiful talent for the dramatic arts, the likes of which I have never seen. Are you sure you’re not secretly an Apollo kid?”
I better not be, ‘cause then all the staring I do at your calves would be real weird, he thinks to himself, then considers whether he can convince Kayla to give him a lobotomy. He thinks she might like the opportunity.
“Piss off,” he says instead of that, artfully schooling his face into the aristocratic mask he’s perfected from his father, squaring his shoulders and looking at Will like he’s a pebble lodged in the flesh of his heel.
Will rolls his eyes. “Get up, Sharpay Evans. You’re gonna stain your shirt worse than you already have.”
Nico sniffs haughtily. “My shirt is perfectly fine, thank you very much. I order them in black for a reason.”
He notices a giant grass stain on the side when he stands. He ignores it. Will does not.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re the Goth King.”
“Ghost King.”
“Right, right. That helps your case.”
Nico shoves him, fighting back a grin. “Whatever, Solace. What are you bothering me for?”
“Oh, yeah!”
Nico is a deeply cheesy person. Down to the core of him, past all the sarcasm and prickliness and trauma, or whatever, he’s made of fucking mozzarella, because what business does he have comparing Will’s eyes to the morning winter sky? Huh? That’s embarrassing. It isn’t even original. If Nico caught anyone saying shit like that out loud in real life, he’s collapse into the shadows from embarrassment. He needs electroshock therapy.
“I was thinking —”
“Rare,” Nico quips, just to watch Will’s eyebrow twitch. It does. Nico smiles.
“I was thinking,” he repeats, mocking glare in Nico’s direction, “that you and me go to the city this afternoon.”
“You chased me across camp for that?”
“Oh, please, Zombie Face. I chased you maybe twenty yards.”
“I think all that time sniffing rubbing alcohol has deteriorated your brain.”
“I think I’m going to shove you in the lake.”
“Feel free to try. You will not wake up the next morning.”
“Nah.” Will shoots him a smug smile. Nico trips over air. “I can be as annoying as I want and you still won’t kill me. I have impunity.”
Nico rolls his eyes, refusing to dignify that with an answer. The less he acknowledges his own shame, the more likely it will go away on its own. Probably.
“Anyways. Guess what Cecil told me today.”
“His last will and testament?” Nico guesses, suddenly remembering his reason for being up this early.
“No, no, not that.” Will pauses. “Well, I mean, he did. I passed it on to Chiron. He has requested that when you maul him, you avoid his face, because he wants to be a sexy corpse and he can’t do that if you destroy his prettiest features.”
“Noted. Please inform him I will come for him within a window of the next fifteen hours.”
Theres a very particular face Will makes when he finds something genuinely funny. A smile a little more crooked than his regular one, teeth working at his bottom lip to hold it back, left dimple appearing in his cheek. It makes Nico want to do stupid things like press his thumb into said divot. He instead shoves his hands deeply into his pockets.
“I’ll let him know.” He clears his throat. “Anyways. You know what day it is today?”
Nico squints. “Tues…day? No, Wednesday.” He glances at Will. It’s been maybe….three days since their weekly sleepover? No, fuck, four. He thinks. “Thursday. Final answer.”
“Monday,” Will corrects, “and, gods, you need to sleep more. And a calendar. But no, that’s not my point.”
“Feel free to get to it.”
“It’s Valentine’s Day,” Will finally explains. He tries for exasperated, but it doesn’t work — he’s clearly excited, bouncing on the balls of his feet and waving his hands. “And The Five Seasons is doing half off for couples, so you and I need to go!”
He waves his hands, as if tying off some grand reveal. His (blue blue blue blue) eyes are squeezed nearly shut by the force of his beam, which lessons slightly with every second Nico does not respond.
“William,” he says finally. He opens his mouth, then closes it again. “William.”
Will pouts. “What?”
“Explain how this is relevant to me, William.”
“Aw, c’mon, Nico! Don’t be difficult!”
“William,” stresses Nico again. “We are not a couple. Did you hit your head again?”
“Well, duh, Neeks, it’s about the scam!” He flaps his hand in a way Nico assumes is meant to convey something. “We’re gonna — eat! Cheap! By pretending to be a couple!” Now both hands are flopping, paired with wide, imploring eyes. “Obviously!”
“Obviously,” Nico repeats, slowly. He instructs one half of his brain to keep its focus on not melting into a puddle of blushing embarrassed goo, and the other to exercise restraint and not strangle the boy in front of him. A headache begins to press behind his eyes. “Will, what the shit.”
“You of all people!” Will throws his hands up. “You love scamming people! You hate corporate holidays! You frequently throw pebbles at people who look, and I quote, too obnoxiously happy! You’re the best hater I know! You should be on board!”
He makes a compelling point. Not that Nico is going to make that easy for him.
“You seem very invested in this,” Nico points out. He manages to keep his voice tastefully judgmental, which he’s very proud of.
“Of course I am! I want cheap Five Seasons food, godsdammit!” He pauses, switching tactics. “Nico,” he says softly. He puts a gently hand on Nico’s forearm, making him freeze. He is suddenly very, very close, and wow, did his hair always frame his face in gentle waves? Has that always been a thing? “I really, really want to scam a restaurant with you.” He smiles, small and crooked and gods, Will doesn’t look dangerous very often, but holy Hades when he does — “Will you make my Valentines, and scam a restaurant with me?”
His fingers begin to trace little circles in the inside of Nico’s wrist.
“Yes,” he squeaks, voice cracking.
“Yes!” Will cheers, pulling his fist. “Yes, hell yes, Nico! We are going to scam the shit out of this restaurant! Half off for couples? How about half off for heathens! Free money, baby! Fuck yeah!”
He turns back towards Nico, smile still wide and radiant, blinking eyes pools of sparkling excitement. Nico’s knees go a little weak. “I’ll come get you at 2! Thank you, Neeks!”
He runs off back to his cabin, only tripping twice. Nico watches him go, feeling a little like he’s tripping, too, with all the swooping his stomach is doing.
“Dude,” he mumbles to himself, shaking his head. “Be normal. Christo.”
It takes him ten straight minutes to get back to his cabin, even though he’s standing at the porch.
The obsidian handle of the Hades’ cabin door rattles.
“Neeks!” calls a voice behind the door, “you ready to go?”
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” Nico scrambles over to the mirror and stares at himself. He turns a little to the left. He scowls. “Shit!” Tugging the shirt off, he turns back to his closet, tossing the piece of clothing to join the rest of its brethren on the floor. “Shitfuck. Fuckshit. Shit.”
Tapping his foot rapidly, he looks harder, as if that will magically make the right shirt pop into existence, perfectly pressed, on a hanger. “Shit.”
“What could possibly be taking so long? You’ve had two hours!”
“I care about my appearance, Mr Flip Flops and Scrubs!”
“Bleh bleh! Hurry up!”
Nico bites his lip. It shouldn’t matter. It doesn’t, really. Five Seasons is not actually a fancy restaurant. He and Will just like to joke that it is, because it has tablecloths. They’ve gone there dozens of times before; they stop every time they’re in the city for supply runs or visits to Olympus or to harass their summer-only friends at school. There is literally no reason for Nico to be stressing about what stupid shirt he should wear. Gods know Will is wearing cargo shorts.
“I’m coming!“
Scowling, he digs through the pile of discarded clothes until he finds the first shirt he’d put on — a dark green button up that was given to him, along with a bunch of other fancy clothes he never wears, by the Aphrodite cabin. He hastily shoves their buttons through their holes, cursing when he mixes them up and has to start over, and sprints over to the mirror to inspect himself.
The shirt looks good. It’s a little tight on the arms, which he suspects was on purpose, and the colour compliments his skin nicely. The buttons are a dark, shiny brown that match his eyes. They pair nice with his simple jeans and black vans, casual enough that he doesn’t look like he’s going to Prom, or anything stupid like that, but dressy enough that it looks like he put effort in. He runs his fingers through his hair, trying to make the staticky strands sit right, but gives up pretty quickly. It’s okay if one thing is a little messy, right?
“Finally,” huffs Will as the door swings open. He glances Nico up and down, then grins. “You look great.”
Nico was right. He is indeed wearing cargo shorts, although to his credit they are his one pair without various Head Medic stains. His sweater, too, is a pretty blue, V-necked, long-sleeved, and a completely different style than his shorts. It clashes horribly. His shoes are, for some reason, bright solid pink. Nico suspects Hecate magic. His hair is braided in two French braids, his favourite way to wear it. Nico believes he is also wearing a touch of sparkly eyeshadow.
“You look dorky.”
Will grins wider. “Thank you! I wouldn’t let anyone help me choose something.”
“You should have.”
“I wanted it to be authentic, Nico. Also, got something for you.” From behind his back, he pulls out a handful of daisies, black dirt clinging to their roots, like he plucked them straight from the ground. Nico is inexplicably endeared by the image, and prays the smile on his face is less soft than he knows it is.
“You got me flowers?”
“Well, duh, Avril Lavigne. We gotta sell the scam.”
Nico brings them close to his face and inhales deeply. They smell fresh and earthy and sweet.
“That’s a stupid reason to bring someone flowers.”
“Give them back, then.”
“No. Fuck off. They’re mine.”
Will’s eyes twinkle. “Okay.” He holds out his arm. “Ready to go?”
The jump is close enough that Nico can convince him to shadow travel, and not just because he sadistically looks forward to the shade of green Will’s face will get after. As dangerous as he knows it can be, he misses it, sometimes. There’s something comforting about it, something soothing and familiar. Shadow travelling to the restaurant eases any lingering nerves.
“If you’re gonna throw up, do it somewhere I can’t hear you,” he says as they materialize in an alley.
Will’s cheeks puff out. “I’m gonna do it on your fuckin’ shoes.”
“I will leave your ass here, Solace, I swear to the gods.” Despite his grumbling, he rests a cool hand on the back of Will’s neck until he’s recovered. “Good?”
“Yeah.” He straightens, dusting off his sweater. “Let’s go.”
Nico follows him down the alley and onto the street, elbowing past the crowd of pedestrians until they approach the familiar glass doors. He rolls his eyes fondly every time Will apologizes to someone.
“You need to be meaner.”
Will sticks his tongue out and tries to trip him. Unfortunately, he only manages to throw himself off balance, nearly crashing to the floor of Nico hadn’t caught him.
“Good gods, Solace.”
“That was your fault!”
“Yeah, yeah.”
The doors of the restaurant are absolutely plastered in cheesy red hearts and bows and cartoon kisses. And, as promised, a giant sign promising couples a fifty percent discount on their meals.
“My love,” says Will dramatically, holding out a hand, “shall we?”
Nico sighs, resting his hand delicately in Will’s. It sparks with electricity, like it always does. “I suppose.”
“Party pooper.”
“I’m not hearing oh, Nico, thank you so much for doing this incredibly stupid thing with me, you are my dearest friend and I owe you one. Or three, for some reason.”
Will’s mouth twitches. “Oh, Nico, thank you so much for —”
Nico shoves him, laughing. “Shut up.”
They’re seated pretty quickly, server smiling when they take notice of their clasped hands. Will orders chicken tenders, like he does every single time without fail, and water. Nico orders from the adult menu and absolutely does not make any kind of show about it.
“There is nothing babyish about chicken tendies.”
“Oh, of course not.”
“Is this about you having a credit card? That does not make you more adult than me. It makes you a nepo baby.”
“Mhm. Sure thing.”
“Nobody likes a nepo baby, Nico.”
“Look, I think your drink comes with a complimentary sippy cup.”
Teasing and joking with Will is so easy that Nico forgets the core of their mission. The pink garlands hanging from the ceiling fade into the background — he’s too busy crying with laughter when Will nearly chokes to death on a french fry, too busy flicking a forkful of food at his shoulder just to make him shriek, too busy kicking his shin under the table. He catches Nico’s foot between his the fourth time he tries it, keeping it trapped for the rest of the meal. Nico finds he doesn’t mind.
“And your bill,” says their server when they’re done, setting down a slip of paper. “Forgive me if I’m being presumptuous, but do you two qualify for today’s discount?”
Will smirks widely. “We do,” he says, with no small amount of pleasure. He shoots Nico the least subtle wink of all time. Nico rolls his eyes, cheeks going a little pink.
“Great! You guys have a wonderful Valentine’s day.”
“You, too.”
The server hurries away, turning to their other tables. Will’s smile is wide and smug.
“I knew it would work.”
“Duh. Easiest scam in the world, Solace.”
He sticks his tongue out. “And thus the best payout. You’re welcome.”
“Blah, blah. Gimme the bill.”
“Um, no way, di Angelo. I’m paying.”
He opens his wallet before Nico can stop him, mouthing as he counts the bills.
“What? No! I’m paying.”
“Are not.”
“Am too!”
“Are not.” He sets down a couple twenties. Nico snatches them right back up. “You we’re just complaining about my credit card!”
“Exactly. Thus my need to continue to pretend you don’t have one, so we can continue our friendship.”
“Solace, I swear to the gods.”
“di Angelo, I swear to the gods.”
Nico stares him down. Will stares back. He doesn’t even try to hide his lazy grin, his laughing eyes.
“You’re not paying for this by yourself,” Nico says firmly. “You don’t have a job. My father invented being rich.”
“Sure, but I made you come with me.”
“Ugh!” Nico throws his hands up, imagining how satisfying it would be to wrap his hands around that long neck (followed by his teeth and his tongue and his —). “Why are you impossible? I would’ve gone with you no matter what, stupid!”
As soon as he says it he wants to stick his head in wet cement. For a brief second, something like surprise flits across Will’s face, before he schools it back into his teasing smirk.
“Well, obviously, Death Breath. I’m excellent company.”
“You’re literally the most annoying person I know.”
“And yet here you are, hanging out with me, of your own volition.”
“…I’m paying next time.”
Will grins. “Whatever you say.”
They walk around the city for a while before heading back to camp. Will says it’s because he needs the air, Nico knows it’s because he wants him to rest a little longer before trying to shadow travel again. He tries not to let himself get all melty inside.
(Nobody willingly hangs out around the city for the ‘air’. He’s a shit liar. Nico should be offended.)
It’s nearing curfew by the time they melt back out from behind Thalia’s tree, extra shadows of early evening making the trip easier.
“Those fries are going to make a reappearance,” Will grimaces.
“Not if you don’t want me to kick you in the face.”
“You’d never.”
He would indeed never. But he would rather pass away than admit it, so.
“C’mon, dot face. It’s getting late. You have a cabin to run.”
“Oh, Nico,” Will says in a breathy falsetto, “are you walkin’ me to my cabin? How chivalrous!”
“No no no no no I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” Nico allows himself to be tugged, weak to Will’s giggles. “Walk me to my cabin. C’mon.”
Sighing, as if he’s so put out, Nico does. Some point in between Thalia’s tree and the amphitheater, Will’s hand slides down from around his wrist to tangled in between his fingers. Coincidentally, his mouth goes dry.
As they approach the Apollo cabin, Will slows to a stop.
“Hey.” He squeezes their fingers together, smile soft in the dying light of dawn. “I had fun today. Thank you for coming with me.”
Nico swallows. One day, those words will be said in a different context, if everything goes well for Nico, and he’s not sure how the hell he’s going to handle it without bursting into flame. “Yeah, well. Anything to scam a restaurant.”
They walk the last few steps to the cabin, rickety porch steps creaking under their feet as they approach the open door. Will doesn’t let go.
“Hey, Nico.”
Quick as a flash, Will leans in and presses the softest of kisses to his mouth. The noise Nico makes is practically punched out of his lungs, spine going rigid in surprise.
“You can pay for our next date, okay?”
He’s gone before Nico can respond, ducking into his cabin with a small smile and closing the door behind him. Nico stands there, like an idiot, for three solid minutes at the very least, distantly aware of the giggles coming through the open window.
His hand comes up, fingers brushing his bottom lip.
“The little fucker set me up.”
Valentine’s day scam. Please. The only scam today was the scam of Will’s sneaky asking.
Nico smiles.
“You’re a mess, Solace!” he shouts, knowing damn well Will is listening.
He’s right. “Goodnight, Nico!”
Shaking his head, Nico runs back to his cabin, entire body tingling and cheeks aching with his grin.
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ghouldump · 2 months
Hiiiii I absolutely love your work thanks for feeding us with iwtv content!!!🫶🫶🫶🫶❤️❤️
I was thinking of a lestat x bi/queer fem reader, in which they’re just cuddling and chilling as they share their past experiences with lovers with no judgement and how they both came to terms with their sexuality, just something very fluffy!
That’s just a suggestion in case you needed ideas, don’t feel pressured at all! Have a great day🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
As You Are | Lestat De Lioncourt x Reader
ෆ summary in request above ^
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“You sure you okay, ma chérie, you've been awfully quiet, Lestat said, his fingertips brushing against your hip.
It was one of those rare nights, after hunting, there was nothing else to do but to spend time with each other. You both spent decades without companionship, drowning in loneliness, before meeting each other and now you treasured quality time together.
“I’m okay, today is an old friend's birthday, and I can't help thinking of her,” you told him, climbing out of bed, you grabbed the folded photo from inside of your coin purse.
“You two are a little close be friends,” he said, making you laugh.
“She said people would say that,” you smiled, folding the photo back up.
“You’ve been with a woman, this friend of yours,” he quickly realized.
“Yes, you aren't the only one who doesn't discriminate,” you laughed at how theatrical he was. Lestat had been open about his diverse tastes and history, while you were oftentimes a closed book, listening to his stories, rather than telling your own.
“How did I not know this?”
“I guess it slipped my mind, I don't talk about it, I've learned things and healed, and have no regrets,” you shrugged.
“You cannot tell me that and not elaborate…”
“Well, early 1900s, I had obviously just been turned, I tried dating around for a bit, but nothing worked out, until Helen. I always felt things towards women, but you know how things were back then, I couldn't dare express these feelings to anyone. I probably would've gotten a lobotomy,” you said, making him snicker.
“I realized if I would be here forever, I needed to come to terms with myself. Helen lived in the same apartment building, and I, of course, began to flirt with her. She was like I once was, hiding her true identity, afraid of judgment from outsiders. We were together for some time, in secret. I eventually wanted to turn her, but she was too afraid, blinded by her own internal conflict. We ultimately parted, and she went on with her life. I didn't hear from her again, until I was invited to her funeral, by her children,” you told him, he listened attentively, his softened eyes staring at your face, as he held you close.
“Oh, ma chérie”
“For the longest, I struggled with accepting who I was, questioning what was wrong with me, but I eventually could see myself healing, as time went on. I dated a few others, but none could capture my heart like her, I wouldn't allow myself to fully enjoy and give in until I met you,” you smiled, pecking his lips.
“I thought I wasn't able to love again, after my Nicky, until you came along, and I suppose things worked out perfectly,” he said, his finger brushing against your face.
“We’re one and the same”
“I agree, although it does make things more interesting knowing you also have equally eclectic taste, we’ll have to explore this scandalous side of you,” he grinned.
“What did you have in mind?” you asked, laughing at the mischievous grin on his lips.
“Nothing, for now, I just want to love you, completely and unconditionally, as you are,” he snuggled against you.
“Yes, we can invite someone except not that banchy-singing whore,” you said, hearing his thoughts, questioning if you would be open to a third joining you two in bed, from time to time.
“Thank god, I thought I would have had to beg,” he said, wrapping his arms around you, as he rolled over.
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thedivinevera · 3 months
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Your basic yandere x reader story but he is transported in the body of his variant who happens to cheat on you.
Imagine working so hard to make your darling fall in-love to you and you suddenly find out that another version of you in an alternate reality is cheating and wasting the love you blessed to his variant. - yandere!
(This is the more "headcanon" like post than the other one where it looks like a script/ convo of my Au uni)
Part 1 and 2
Yandere!multiple characters x gn reader
Tags: yandere x reader, male characters, established relationship, alternative Universe (Au), no gender reader, yandere au, cheating au, multiple characters
Tw! : Yandere, toxic relationship (2 types), CHEATING, unhealthy obsession, MENTIONED OF SELF HARM, mention of death, mention of murder, using profanity (curse). OOC CHARACTERS
A/N hellooo this is my first time doing a multiple character post (and my first post after a long hiatus,). Honestly there are a lot of fandoms I really want to contribute so I decided to just do this!!! So as a reminder; since this is multiple characters post, expect a lot of OOC
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Yandere x reader but he's transported into another alternative Universe, where his variant cheated on you.
Yandere x reader but rather than seeing a traumatized reader (mainly caused by him) he sees an either a begging reader who desperately asks him how he could do this to them or a reader who's cold and seems to just don't give a fuck about him but either way it's far more better than seeing you traumatized and lifeless
Yandere x reader but he's comforting and promising to you that he will never do it again and if that means he would need to be put in a leash, camera in his house, or kill himself if he did it again, then so be it.
Yandere x reader but he killed the person he cheated with and hurt themselves intentionally in the process because his variant (the body) and that person is the reason why his beloved is hurting.
Yandere x reader but he manipulated you to accept him again by letting you see the scars he put in himself because "he" deserves it and put on a show that he's guilty that he couldn't live knowing he hurt you.
Yandere x reader but he's now treating you far better than his variant, of course excluding the fact that he's too possessive and obsessed with you, but hey! Atleast he's not fucking some person behind your back.
Yandere x reader but he never wants to go back to his alternative Universe because as long as you love and care for him he would never want to leave you again.
Yandere x reader but he's so fucking angry because in his world he had done everything to have what his variant have; you and he just waste it for a fucking whore.
Yandere x reader but he almost put himself in self destruction because this body is the same body that hurts you.
Yandere x reader but now everything that he had plan for the future is finally can be put in place.
Yandere x reader but he loves you so much to even think about cheating with you because he thinks that your love is an extension of his life and no matter what happen, no matter how beautiful the person is he would never think of cheating with you ever again .
Yandere x reader but he's ready to be put in lobotomy just to show he would never cheat on you :))
Some meme :)))
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phoward89 · 3 months
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Stepcest, Stepson!Coryo x Stepmother!Reader, Sub!Coriolanus, Switch!Reader, Crassus Snow x Younger!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Crassus Snow is a cold hearted asshole, but he's a hot asshole... Stepcest, older man/younger woman, arranged marriage, cheating, affairs, secrets, cussing, secret love child, Coryo is a bit selfish and too ambitious, Crassus decides to try and be a better husband/father
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Part 5:
Crassus' secretary was nervous as he wracked his brain for what to tell his boss. Where should he start when it comes to giving the cold, stern, and very imposing man advice about the little things he should do for his wife. Leo doesn't want to overstep. He doesn't know anything about Crassus' marriage to you, so he's afraid to give any advice.
But as Leo felt his boss’ stare pinning him into his desk chair he decides to give the imposing platinum blonde some simple, but vital advice of, “If you really want to make your wife smile then just ask her about her day.”
Crassus nods, only to say, “But I already know how her day is, she takes care of the baby all day.”
“I didn't know that you have a baby, General Snow.”
“Yes.” The stern man with slicked back platinum hair proudly grins. “He's a week old.”
Leo nods, feeling a bit awkward with the conversation he's having with his boss. How is it that Crassus has a week old baby with his wife, but is seeking advice on how to make his wife happy? He made the miracle of life with her, shouldn't he know how to interact with her? Or is it an arranged marriage full of surface level interaction?
Yea, it must be an arrangement lacking social interactions past the expected ones in the marriage bed.
“Well, Sir, I don't want to overstep, but I think that your wife would appreciate you asking about her day with the baby even if you assume you know how it went.” Leo told Crassus, hoping that he wouldn't offend his boss since he really needed his job. He has bills to pay, you know.
“Hmm…” Crassus nods.
“Oh, and don't interrupt her even if what she's talking about sounds mundane and boring. Just nod and wait for an opening to compliment her story with a ‘that’s nice’, or an ‘oh, really’.” Leo adds in, figuring that Crassus seems like the type that needs the reminder.
“And this’ll work, make my wife happy?” Crassus asks, his voice as hard as stone.
“Most women like feeling important and letting them talk about their day uninterrupted does that.” Leo Davis explained what all husbands should know. But, as it turns out, Crassus is the exception to the rule.
“Ah.” The imposing war hero half-nods. “My first wife and I didn't live together for more than a few weeks at a time; I was deployed in 12 as the Commander during that marriage, so I'll take your word for it when it comes to communicating with my current wife.” Crassus remarks before turning his back to his secretary and returning to his office to work on something vital to Panem's national security’s budget proposal that's due to be sent to President Ravenstill for review soon.
Meanwhile, deep in the bowels of Dr. Gaul’s lab that's housed in the Citadel…
Coriolanus followed Dr. Gaul inside of the sterilized white room, bright fluorescent lights revealing that the test subject wasn't a rat or even a new mutt, but a human. A girl to be exact.
The blonde boy's baby blue eyes widened slightly at the girl, who was all skin and bones, that was tied to a metal lab table with 4-point restraints. Looking between the girl and his mentor, Coriolanus curiously asks, “What're we going to do to her?”
“Bibity, bobity, Snow’s first lobotomy.” The mad scientist sing-songed, gesturing towards an instructional guide, a drill, and a tool that looked like an ice pick that was on the surgical tray table by the subject’s mental bed.
Coriolanus was a bit confused. He learned in psychology class that the lobotomy procedure is controversial and banned. “But I thought that medical practice was banned by Panem's founding fathers?” He asks his mentor, wondering why she was going to have him perform it
“Yes, the procedure has been banned on civilized humans, such as the people residing in this very city, but your test subject today is nothing more than a lab rab- a rebellious little girl that was caught rummaging in the woods outside of District 12 like an animal.” Dr. Gaul told Coriolanus while going over to a cabinet on the other side of the room and grabbing a pair of blood red latex gloves for her protege to perform the operation on.
“The sooner you realize that the people of the districts are no better than animals the better equipped at ruling and controlling them you'll be.” The salt and pepper frizzy haired woman told her pupil while walking over to him, red gloves in hand. “I see a greatness in you, Young Snow. A greatness to be even more successful in ruling over others then your father, Crassus.” Dr. Gaul tells Coriolanus while stopping in front of him and handing him over the gloves.
“You think I could be greater than my father?” Coriolanus asks, taking the gloves from his mentor.
“Oh, I know so, Coriolanus Snow. In fact, I believe that you'll make Panem proud with all the wonderful things you're capable of.” Dr. Gaul told Coriolanus, inflating his ego. “I'll be leaving you alone with the test subject to perform the procedure. I’ve left instructions; I'm sure you can handle this on your own.”
“Of course I can, Dr. Gaul.” The ambitious young blonde assured the mad scientist. Even if the thought of performing a lobotomy on a little girl turned his stomach, he'd do it to prove himself to his mentor.
His mentor who thought he'd be a greater man than his father, the war hero General Crassus Snow.
“Make sure to keep your rest subject talking during the procedure; if she stops talking then you either drilled in too far or cut out too much brain matter. But either way, if she's damaged I'll have you dispose of her.” Dr. Gaul told Coriolanus, acting as if she was giving him instructions on how to remove an ingrown toenail, before walking out of the room and leaving her protege alone with the little girl from 12- the poor test subject doomed to be a lab rat because she wasn't viewed as a human in the mad scientist eyes.
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“Please, stop, it hurts! It hurts!” The girl, whose golden pigtails were tangled and matted against the metal examining table, screamed at the top of her lungs as Coriolanus was drilling a hole into her skull.
“Shut up or else I could kill you, fucking animal.” Coriolanus snapped at his test subject while continuing to drill thru her skull.
“The things by my eye and it hurts.” The little girl cried as the drill moved right next to her eyeball, breaking thru the skull bone in her eye socket.
“Damnit, you cry more than my son does and he's a baby.” Coriolanus grumbled as the bit of the drill hit a small piece of the test subject’s brain while breaking all the way thru her skull.
Meanwhile on the Corso in the Snow family 12th floor penthouse…
You're sitting in the main room of your penthouse, watching Grandma'am rocking Cassian in her arms while cooing at the baby. The sight of your mother-in-law holding your son puts a smile on your melancholy face. It made you feel like you weren't alone in taking care of your baby; made you realize that you had support during your motherhood journey.
“I’m glad that you're a hands-on grandmother, Grandma'am.” You honestly tell the old woman as your son's icy blue eyes start to flutter heavily from being rocked.
“Oh, my sweet dear, I must admit that I'm happy to have a new baby in the house to breathe fresh life into it.” Grandma'am told you while gesturing that she wanted to pass the baby back to you. Since you're sitting next to each other on the sofa, it'll be easy to take the baby back from her. As you extend your arms for your mother-in-law to place the baby into, she tells you, “Cassian Xandros is just what you and Crassus’ marriage needs to grow and evolve into something more than a surface level bond.”
Cassian blinks his icy eyes at you and smiles before closing them. Your son reminds you so much of his father; your lover- Coriolanus. You can't help, but feel a hollow feeling inside of your soul as you think about how Coriolanus seems too worried about himself then you and the baby. That his studies and internship seem to mean more to him than the family he created with you.
A family he begged you to have.
Honestly, you and Crassus never discussed the possibility of having children. You got married shortly after graduating the Academy and he usually pulled out whenever he did fuck you. And since the subject of children never came up, you just assumed that your marriage would be childless. You even told Coryo that once or twice, which is why he was so desperate to give you a baby. Coriolanus wanted to give you something he knew that only he could give; something to tie you and him together forever.
But now that you're home with Grandma'am and the baby all day with a lack of support from both your husband and your lover, well…
Let's just say that you'll be talking to your doctor about birth control options during your 6-weeks postpartum check up.
“I don't think Cassian's going to fix my loveless marriage with your son." You bluntly tell your mother-in-law while gently rocking your son in your arms. “I doubt he truly even wanted to become a father again either.”
“Oh, Y/N, don't say that.” Grandma'am firmly tells you. “Crassus comes across as if he doesn't care, but he does. He's just a stern man, my dear.” She assures you while patting your shoulder in a motherly fashion.
“He threatened to get rid of Cassian if he was born a girl instead of a boy, Grandma'am.” You remind the old woman, who's bejeweled turbin shines like a disco ball in the bright light of the sun. “Cassian’s just a spare male heir for Crassus, nothing more and nothing less.”
And now you wonder if Coriolanus even loves your son. He rarely spends time with your baby, always using his studies as an excuse not to help with diaper changes or settling the baby down. Hell, it seems like Coryo spends more time at the University’s library than he does in Cassian's nursery.
“Y/N, dear, you have to understand that Crassus' first wife, Demeter, died in premature labor brought on by the first rebel bombings. That along with Demeter, their daughter Calla was too tiny to survive and died less than an hour after being born.”
“I'm not Demeter and my baby's not hers either, Grandma'am. I think Crassus is smart enough to know that considering he works for the Ministry of War as the Minister of National Security.” You state with a slight edge to your voice. Rising from the sofa, you announce, “I'm going to put him down; then I'll make some cucumber sandwiches for our tea time.”
“Despite looking like your mother you act awfully a lot like your father, so I hope you won't write off my son because he thinks he doesn't deserve an ounce of happiness in his life due to his previous failures.” Grandma'am tells you as you begin to walk away from the sofa and towards the hallway.
You don't respond to her, just keep walking away. Honestly, you don't want to think about let alone talk about her last words to you. You can't because they give a plausible reason for your husband's cold and indifferent attitude.
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Crassus walks inside of his penthouse determined to put the advice Leo gave him to good use. He even came home at a decent hour instead of right when dinner’s being served. The sound of your husband's loafers echoing on the marble floor makes you furrow your brow. Crassus never comes home before 7 and it's nearly 6:30, so you're a bit startled.
You're watching your son as he sits in his swing when your husband comes in, briefcase clutched in his hand. But, instead of taking his briefcase to his office he places it on the glass coffee table and takes a seat on his sitting chair, which is caddy cornered to the sofa you're on. The stoic platinum blonde looks around, only to ask, “Where's mother and Coriolanus?”
“Grandma'am's visiting Pluribus; I'm sure she'll be home within the next 15 minutes.” You tell Crassus, earning a nod from him. “And Coriolanus never came home, so I assume he's in the University library burning the midnight oil in preparation for his upcoming finals.” You add in, since he did inquire about his firstborn son after all.
“I imagine once he graduates and officially becomes an Assistant Gamemaker under Dr. Gaul that he'll be keeping odd hours since the scientist practically lives in her lab.” Crassus knowingly remarks. But before you could make a reply, he gives you a thin smile and asks, “So, Petal, how was your day?”
What? Did he just ask you how your day was? What's wrong with him? He never asks you that? In fact he rarely talks to you at all if it isn't about something mundane, something that needs discussing.
“Um, I talked to Grandma’am and tended to the baby.” You tentatively answer your husband. In a way, you think it's a trick and Crassus is just going to chuckle and leave the room. It's not like he sits around chatting with you, far from it.
‘What did you and Grandma'am talk about?” Crassus pries, hoping that you'll smile or something if you relay to him what you and his mother spoke about.
But you just wave him off with a simple, “Ladies things, nothing you need to worry about.”
And then Crassus remembers that a mother's joy is her child, so he asks, “Well, how was our son today?”
“Oh, Cassian’s been good today.” You answer with a smile. A smile that your cold, unfeeling husband can't help, but wants to see permanently painted on your face. “But he's always a good baby.”
The fact that your husband was now showing an interest in your week old son had your head spinning. You're taken aback that he seems concerned about Cassian. You thought that the baby was just a spare heir to Crassus, so him asking about the baby made you wonder what was up with him. Did he suddenly decide to step up as a father or did he get abducted by aliens?
You hope it's the former. You really do. “Do you want to hold him?” You ask Crassus before you can think better of it.
“I'll get him from the swing, just sit down and tell me about what you and our boy got up to today.” Crassus told you, rising to his feet.
Watching him walk the few yards to collect your son from his baby swing, you begin to tell your husband about your day with the baby. Albeit, you think you'll probably bore him out of his mind, but you tell him anyway.
And a few minutes later when Grandma'am comes home from visiting Pluribus, she sees Crassus sitting on his sitting chair, cradling Cassian while you're telling your husband about being peed on while changing a shitty diaper. Crassus was laughing, causing you to tell him that it wasn't funny before bursting into a giggle fit of your own.
And the sight made Grandma'am hopeful that you and her son would work things out. She doesn't interrupt the family moment, instead she goes to the kitchen to inquire about dinner from the cook.
But your family moment with Crassus and Cassian does get interrupted by Coriolanus when he storms into the main room. He's got a hauntes look in his icy eyes as he scoffs, “Oh, father, I see you're acting like you suddenly care about mommy and the baby. How nice of you to act like a family man for once.”
“Coriolanus, unless you want me to cut off your allowance I advise you to watch your tongue.” Crassus scolds his firstborn, his icy eyes narrowed in warning.
“Dinner should be ready soon, I better put Cassian down.” You announce, cutting the tension in the air like a knife, as you bolt up from the sofa and rush over to Crassus.
“Mommy, can I see him before you put him down?” Coriolanus asks, watching as his father hands his son over to you.
“If you wanted to see him then you shouldn't have spent the entire afternoon in the library. It's dinner time; he needs a nap.” You tell Coryo before walking by him and going to the nursery.
“That’s not fair, Y/N-” Coriolanus begins to shout while starting to follow you, only to be cut off by Crassus jumping up to his feet and stopping him with a firm hand around his arm and the order of, “Leave my wife alone, Coriolanus. If you want to see your brother so badly then see him after dinner.”
Coriolanus yanks his arm out of his father's hold, only to give him a pissy look and storm off towards the dining room. The younger Snow thinks it's ridiculous how he has to bow down to his father when it comes to you and the baby. He hates how he has to watch his family be claimed by his father, who in his opinion doesn't deserve you or the baby.
Coriolanus swears that once he becomes successful he's going to take you and the baby away from his father. In fact, the young man with the light blonde curls is certain that he'll be successful sooner rather than later given how well his first lab experiment went. He successfully did the procedure without any harm to the lab rat and since he did so well, Dr. Gaul has agreed to let him monitor the vitals on it; to conduct more experiments as well.
As long as he keeps impressing the mad scientist and soaking in her beliefs like a sponge he's certain that he'll become a bigger success than his father. That he'll have the power to make you his and to claim your son as his.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @princess-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress @nayveetbhh
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whyse7vn · 4 months
[ ot7 x reader ] > pt one HERE
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8 participants - 8 online
yoongi: love you guys
jimin: are you killing yourself or something?
jk: 😧
yoongi: no i just love you guys
jk: i think yoongi is killing himself 😣
namjoon: here if you want to talk
yoongi: can i not just say i love you guys?
y/n: holy shit
yoongi r u killing urself????
yoongi: no i’m just spreading love
yoongi: no
jk: pls don’t kys yoongi 😢☹️💔
jin: yoongi is being more open with his feelings guys
hobi: his suicidal ones?
tae: pouring one out for you yoongi 🍾🥂
jin: no just his love for us all
isn’t that right yoongi??
yoongi: right
hobi: nothing about this is right
jk: i’m so scared rn 😓
y/n: is he drunk???
jin: on love!!
yoongi: on love.
namjoon: ew yoongi man what the fuck??
yoongi: we should all have a sleepover at my house like we did on kooks birthday
it will be fun
jimin: uhhhhhhhhhh
hobi: i’m literally shaking in fucking fear rn
yoongi: i’ll order food
tae: are you gonna poison it
yoongi: why would i do that?
tae: guys….
namjoon: in shock
y/n: jin done performed a lobotomy on yoongi ohmygod ☠️☠️☠️
jin: i did no such thing
jk: yoongi look at me this isn’t you
yoongi please
yoongi: hi jungkook
namjoon: yoongi are you like actually ok?
yoongi: perfect
tae: have i shifted to an alternate universe
jk: shift
tae: night shift
jimin: you need one
tae: no i don’t
jimin: ok mr wire me 10k
tae: that was ages ago thank u very much
get over it
but guys tell him i have money tho lol
yoongi: jimin tae has money
tae: STOP iT???????
y/n: this is so unsettling
yoongi: isn’t it nice us all being together
having fun
and stuff
tae: what is stuff?
pls elaborate on stuff
jk: maybe joon gave yoongi cocaine
namjoon: shut up
tae: yoongi when you say stuff do you mean cocaine?
yoongi: love
us being together
we are friends
jk: yoongi can i be your best friend
yoongi: you are my best friend jungkook
jk: :D
yoongi: :D
jk: nvm this is really scary sorry
jk left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
tae: i agree
tae left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: i miss you all
let’s go out to eat tomorrow yeah?
i can pay idm
jimin: ofc ur in
yoongi: guys let’s not argue
jimin: ewuuuuu shut up
namjoon added tae to “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
namjoon added jk to “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: welcome back ^^
jk: STOP
tae: i’m gonna throw up
jin: please accept the new yoongi
jk: NO
y/n: yoongi have you experienced any serious head trauma in the last 24 hours?
yoongi: no
hobi: i think he’s lying
yoongi: let’s all drink together today
yoongi: oh do you have plans today jungkook?
we can move it to the weekend if you want
jk: girlfriendsaveme 😨
y/n: yoongi….
yoongi: yeah?
tae: yoongi send me a stack
jimin: LMAO u not getting that
yoongi: sure
jimin: fake
namjoon: oh my god….
hobi: he’s truly lost it
y/n: no fucking way
yoongi: kk
jin: isn’t this nice guys??
isn’t yoongi nice??
tae: yeah yoongi ur the best
jimin: love you yoongi
nicest man ever
yoongi: :3
namjoon: oh
yoongi: what can i say
jk: words probably
yoongi: i love my team
i love my crew
namjoon: oh wow
y/n: did he just….
jimin: this is insane
jk: our biggest enemies in this life…
jin: so proud!!
how mature how nice !!
jk: i’m going to commit murder and it’s going to be on myself
tae: i think i just threw up
hobi: yoongi you know woozi is in that group right?
yoongi: yes
jimin: and mingyu
the one she went a date with btw
y/n: stop
yoongi: i know.
hobi: he’s mad
yoongi: no i’m not
namjoon: it’s ok if you’re mad yoongi
y/n: no it’s not
jk: yoongi pls be mad
yoongi: i’m not mad
y/n: he’s not mad
jimin: normally he would be mad
yoongi: well i’m not mad so
jin: right he’s a changed man
namjoon: why?
yoongi: what
namjoon: why are you being nice
it’s like freaking us all out
jk: so much 😣
yoongi: i am nice normally
hobi: well no!
yoongi: i am nice
jimin: again no!!
tae: not even 24 hours ago yoongi told me to kms
yoongi: it was a joke
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jimin: publicly executed is crazy
tae: right like omg?
jimin: understandable tho
tae: ok no
yoongi: it was a joke
tae: DIDN’T laugh
jk: yoongi punched me once
three times actually
yoongi: as a joke
jin: guys let’s not focus on yoongi’s past but his present
and his present is nice!
jk: present
y/n: ?????
yoongi: as a joke
y/n: WHEN???? NAMJOON DID YOU KNOW?????????
namjoon: no actually i didn’t
jin: y/n joon ur in the past pls join us in the present
yoongi’s present
jk: i want the present
where is the present
yoongi: i’m nice
jk: i can travel to the present if need be
hobi: i’m confused
tae: in what context
hobi: this context ??
tae: oh ok
hobi: what other context is there
tae: sexually
namjoon: why is everything sexual with you?
hobi: sexuality by taemin lol
jimin: WHERE
tae: gay
jk: gay means happy
namjoon: guys
y/n: girls
jk: jimin are you not happy?
tae: jimin are you gay?
jimin: shut up
tae: me when taemin doesn’t call me back pt 407
jimin: why would taemin be calling you
tae: LOL
namjoon: guys enough
tae: one taemin mention he looses his mind you see that guys
namjoon: taehyung
tae: ok sorry
hobi: i’m still confused
NOT sexually
jk: i hope we are all gay (happy) toady!!
yoongi: me too
jimin: (kill yourself)
tae: (taemin)
jk: tae
tae min
tae in a min
tae in a minute
jimin x taehyung in a minute
y/n: fork in kitchen
hobi: oh ok
jimin: EW????
tae: that’s my name lol
ME AND HIM ????????
jk: one time you kissed me
hobi: “accident”
yoongi type “accident”
yoongi: punching jungkook WAS an accident
jimin: yeah ok
namjoon: sighs
y/n: liar!!
jimin: sounds like he likes men to me
tae: NO
jk: it’s ok my lips are very soft like that
y/n: fact
jin: wait that’s lowkey so crazy cuz how didn’t you notice the height difference
kook is like way taller than her
tae: thought she was wearing heels
y/n: it was 10 in the morning..
hobi: hold on
you didn’t know it was jungkook until you pulled away…
jungkook why did you let tae kiss you?
jk: i thought he was coming out to me
and i’m no homophobe !!!!
i didn’t know if that’s was a normal thing people did when they come out so i just let him do it
because like if i didn’t let him i didn’t want him to take that as me not supporting him yk?
i support him so yeah
i was really confused
and no i didn’t kiss him back
i kinda just stood there
that and yeah
and he was all like “don’t be like that babe” and when he pulled away he screamed fell to his knees and then left
tbh i thought it was a dream
but i guess not
namjoon: how long did the kiss last?
namjoon: sorry just wanted to know
jk: maybe like 15 seconds
i think my lack of kissing back got to him
hobi: homophobe turned homosexual
jk: if it makes you feel better the kiss was really bad ur lips were really dry
y/n: LMAO
yoongi: i support you
hobi: #somuchsupoort
jimin: so brave
y/n: be who you are
namjoon: 👍🏼
jin: !!
jk: i support you for who you are❤️🧡🤍🩷❤️ (idk the flag )
y/n: lesbian
jk: really 😨
y/n: yeah
jk: but you kiss me 🙁
y/n: what
jk: i can be a woman for you
namjoon: okay !!!!!
enough sexuality talk
um yeah
yoongi say something
yoongi: i love you all
namjoon: omg…
jimin: ew man
hobi: gross
jk: i feel lightheaded
tae: gagging
y/n: 😟
jin: ok i’m not enjoying this as much as i thought i would i must say
yoongi: ?
jimin: ‘i must say’ 💀💀💀
hobi: bet he stroked his nonexistent beard while saying that
jimin: likeeee 😭😭😭
jin: can i live
there was literally nothing wrong with what i said
yoongi: right
jin: STOP
sorry force of habit
yoongi: don’t be upset with me jin
i’m sorry
y/n: yoongi
talk to us
yoongi: i’m nice
y/n: i’m aware
yoongi: i’m being nicer
y/n: why
jin: wait omg let’s move on
isn’t it such a nice day lmao
yoongi: great weather we’re having
jin: summer sure is coming!!
hobi: ewww
y/n: this old people conversation ☠️☠️
jimin: imagine what their dms look like
jk: yikes
yoongi: jungkook
jk: sorry
yoongi im sorry
i actually meant
(Y)es (I) (K)now (E)very conversation they have is (S)uper cool
yoongi: thanks
just wanted to say i like your hair
jk: oh
jimin: his hair has been the same for like the last 5 months
yoongi: i know
just wanted him to know i like it because he’s my friend and he has nice hair
jk: wow
is this real
yoongi likes my hair
y/n: wow
guys at first the new yoongi was really scary but now i think i like him
he’s my friend
pls be kind to MY FRIEND
jimin: i still hate his yoongi tell me to kms right now before i do something crazy
tae: please
hobi: no joke
namjoon: yoongi i understand that you are being ‘nice’ now but i hope you don’t lose your true self and personality in this new chapter of your life
y/n: what joon said
jin: yoongi tell us what you like about ME next
ik it’s like really hard so i’ll let you pick 5
yoongi: jin i like
hold on can we talk about out contracts for one second
hobi: ohmugod guys he’s killing himself fr now
jimin: it was fun while it lasted bro
namjoon: sure
yoongi: we’re all renewing right?
jk: yes bff ^^
jin: STOP
tae: yeah
hobi: yes sighs looks out window
jimin: thumbs up
namjoon: ofc??
y/n: lol i already renewed
yoongi: what
namjoon: are you thinking about not renewing??
yoongi: y/n
you already renewed???
y/n: yeah?
yoongi: you’re not leaving
y/n: no…
yoongi: were you thinking about leaving?
y/n: no?
yoongi: so you didnt tell jin you i wish nicer????
y/n: lol no
didn’t jin say that in this gc himself like a few weeks ago lmao?
jin left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: bye
going to find jin
yoongi left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
jk: um
yoongi joined “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
yoongi: also jungkook you are not my best friend all of you can kill yourselves i’ve never prayed on anyone’s downfall as much as i do for all of yours i can’t believe this is my life ur all so annoying taehyung you WILL die the most painful death i promise you if any of you mention this day to anyone ever i will have your nudes on every website known to man and your address on twitter
fuck you all
yoongi left “🍼👨🏼‍🦲⁉️”
tae: does he know twitter is x now?
y/n: he didn’t mean that
he’s just a little upset
hobi: rip jin
jimin: how the hell does he have MY nudes
tae: didn’t know he was freaky like that 😈👅
hobi: bet you did
man kisser
tae: STOP
jk: best friend…
y/n: he still is your best friend kook he’s just upset at jin rn!!
jk: really?
y/n: yeah!!
jimin: she lying
y/n: SHUT UP
namjoon: so jin told yoongi that y/n was leaving the group because he’s mean
so to get her to say he was nice to us
jimin: glad your following joon
namjoon: ew
hobi: right?
namjoon: okay
cant believe we experienced that
let’s just sleep this one off boys
and girl
jimin: awoman to that
hobi: i have to smoke after this geez
jk: y/n pls hold me i’m traumatised
y/n: on my way
tae: ok but how did he add himself back into the gc tho…
didn’t even plan this but look jin did fr do this for HIMSELF LMAO
yoongi dumb as hell for not remembering this
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tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @blairebangtan @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @batukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @meowgiz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @iammeandmeisiam @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos @featjunranghae
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tomomiisasleep · 1 month
notes on Harryanthe which I am crazy about, in HtN
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this dumb little interaction just stuck with me. I mean they're almost always high-strung in the detailed plot, like in almost every one of the Ianthe-centered scenes one of them is in some kind of pain
but I know they have chill moments. mundane moments. petty arguments, like the one in the post scrips of the letter. And I so badly want to read those!!
anyways. I'm gonna start collecting scraps here.
you might have given Ianthe Tridentarius the pleasure of opening the note labelled Upon the death of Harrowhark Nonagesimus. Your only hope for that note was that it contained a single sentence along the lines of, Get what joy you can from my corpse, you devious bitch, but it was written by a previous self and you could not risk a guess.
Harrow: what if I didnt hate her and that makes me wanna have a lobotomy yeah that makes sense
Once, vilely, from Ianthe; she had ensconced you in fat and rolled you down the hallway out of danger, and still laughed whenever she thought about it.
ok this is just Ianthe being a little pest, but it also means that she talks about this and laughs in Harrow's face, which makes her a little bitch, but also like it means they often chat and Ianthe would be like: Yeah today I tried the theorem on apples again, but I tweaked it by directing the flow of thalergy from- hey Harry do u remember the time I saved your life hahahahahaha
The mockery you endured for needing her proximity was exquisitely painful, but humiliation was steadily becoming your existence whole and entire.
I want to know what exactly this mockery entails
It had been very nicely matched to the original until she had ceased using it altogether, and the difference was more pronounced each day. Unconscious of your critical eye, she scratched fretfully at the line until red hives appeared.
Ianthe squirming under Harrow's gaze for once
She was in a filthy mood, if she was wearing that thing, with her arm exposed.
Harrow has been keeping tabs on the state of her arm problem ever since she first woke up on the Erobos. Same as how Ianthe has been keeping tabs on the results of her lobotomy.
she said, blue eyed, those oily little freckles glittering almost pinkly above the dress. They reflected the red rims of her eyelids. You thought that she had been crying.
yeah stare at her eyelids Harrow, and sniff her discreetly all the time, sweat musk vetiver am I right (also have I expressed how crazy it drives me that she wears masculine perfume??????????? no well IT'S SO *faints*
You got better autopsies of her encounters with Beasts than you did from your own, as Augustine was wont to explain significantly more to her than either he or Mercy did to you.
Ugh why why why in this whole book I have not seen them talk shop with each other even once??? Except Harrow showing off after making the arm. Harrow has discussions with Pal all the time in GtN. clearly she trades notes on necromancy with Ianthe frequently. but no, gloss over Ianthe's intellect and just write her freak(fond) moments
You had once been fool enough to recommend that Ianthe take them down, at which point she had rustled up another from the bathroom and hung it in pride of place above an overpainted dresser.
love her
“Oh, heaps,” said Ianthe, who appeared not to have taken offence at your rejection. It was so impossible to tell, with Ianthe. “I made it. It’s vile.”
Maybe she really doesn't care about the rejection or even likes it, but "so impossible to tell" kinda hints that, well she might be hurt,maybe, there just isn't any proof
It was not a connection formed of any mutual admiration; if anything, the more you saw of Ianthe the less likely you were to mistake her for likeable. She made herself like an overdecorated cake: covered so thickly in icing and fondants and gums that it would take serious excavation to find any bread. As a necromancer she was a genius, though you thought she relied too much on shortcuts and circumventions. She had an exceptionally fine mind. She was not afraid of rigour.
If Harrow doesn't have the hots for her at least I do.
Honestly on my first read I took stuff like "not likeable" and "“Tell me to stop breathing,” she said. (“I have, on multiple occasions,” you said.)" at face value and actually thought Harrow genuinely hates her and is forced to interact with her because there's no one else. Which is true. But she's also very attracted to her and I kinda overlooked it at because I thought those feelings were mutually exclusive. And they're not. which I'm obsessed with.
Or she won't think Ianthe's beautiful and note details about how she dresses all the time.
Seriously Harrow's special fixation on "how Ianthe's clothes make her look" is hard to ignore.
for example:
The mother-of-pearl made Ianthe’s hair a lurid yellow and threw up all the mustard tints of her skin; her face was blotchy, and her eyes were sleepless pits. She looked like shit.
The skirts and waists were all beautifully cut for someone of a different height and body type than Ianthe possessed. They were tight where they should have been loose and loose where they should have been tight. They looked like her burial clothes, and she looked as though she had emerged fifty years after that burial.
she answered after a long, scuffling minute, with sleep in her eyes and her hair in dilute whey tangles over her neck and shoulders, wearing a bewildering short garment of violet chiffon.
The back was open, and you could see the fine dents of her spine—her bleached skin bluer and sweeter against the pallid gossamer—and the twin blades of her shoulder blades looked strangely nude and vulnerable to you.
Ianthe was training in her nightgown—a grisly floor-length concoction of pale golden lace that made her long, limber body look like a green-veined mummy
a lone wax figure in pale purple chiffon, tall and colourless—except in the greasy metal of her bone arm, which the lights rendered all the colours of the rainbow.
Ianthe rose soundlessly to her feet, and the long skirts of her nightgown—a brilliant ruffled canary-yellow silk that made her look like a formal lemon—rustled restively around her calves.
Note that Harrow focuses on Ianthe's clothes for how they shape Ianthe's appearance. in contrast:
she ignored your sister, whose pallid eyebrows had shot up so fast and so far that they were in danger of breaking the atmosphere. Mercymorn wore a long slip of peach-coloured silk, and her white Canaanite robe was tucked over her forearms and had slipped entirely off her slender, aggrieved shoulders. She had scraped her hair into a merciless and shining coil at the back of her head, and she had no eyes for either of you.
Obviously Mercy is SUPER HOT here, if Ianthe's reaction means anything. But Harrow only describes her clothing and not how she looks. Same with Augustine's party outfit.
With Ianthe, it's always: she's wearing ..., which makes her look gross. And I did not understand at first but now I know and feel stongly that Harrow is totally into her gross-hotness. well at least I am. the grosser she's described the hotter she is.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
California Fornication //
One — ‘That was Jake’
Summary: When the man you’d been seeing turned out to have a wife, your world came crashing down around you. While you tried your best to move onwards and upwards, the very reason for all your recent relationship problems comes strolling into the bar.
Warnings: Mentions of cheating. Love Triangle x2. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin xF!reader. Question ing Morality. Angst.
Word Count: 1.9k
Author Note: Based off the first scene Mark Sloan is in. Greys Anatomy.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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It always plays on repeat in your mind like a slow motion picture, like a scene in one of those old timey movies where everyone and everything slows down so that the main protagonist can understand the situation unfolding around them. 
That moment where your boyfriend of only a few months— Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw, told you that he was technically married, haunted you day in and day out. Married to the woman who’d come up to the pair of you in the locker room on base after she’d been transferred to North Island. She’d come waltzing over with a confident smile and a pretty face. She knew she was about to turn your life on its axis. 
For better or worse. 
“Y/n.” It wasn’t often people actually said your name, majority of the same it was your callsign—but the way the colour drained from Bradleys face as he turned to you with a gut wrenching look smeared across his usually perfect face, had your stomach churning. “I’m so sorry—“ 
“Hi, I’m Katie Bradshaw—“ The woman, who mind you, was stunning to say the very least, stuck her hand out to shake yours. You took it gracefully, with enough conviction in your grip to not have it show you were completely blindsided by that all too familiar last name. 
“Bradshaw?” You smiled softly as you sent Rooster a confusing look. He’d never mentioned a sister or a cousin before in the few months you’d been seeing and sleeping together. 
“I’m Rooster's wife—“ Those three words would forever haunt you. “And you must be the woman who’s been screwing my husband?” 
“Hey! Siren!” It was Phoenix’s voice that broke you out of the trance you’d fallen into as you showed. Her fist slamming against the shower door three quick and consecutive times made you jump a little as the warm water encapsulated you entirely. “You coming to the Hard Deck?” 
“Yeah yeah, just give me a few minutes!” You replied as you washed your face. “I’ll meet you guys over there.” It had only been three weeks since you called it quits with the mustache having aviator who had stolen your heart. The entire situation made you feel dirty. Even if you weren’t the one in the wrong. No amount of showering could wash away the dirty feeling you’d been left with. 
What could be worse than being branded the dirty mistress? That no one told you about the cheating scandal that had rocked the Bradshaws' happy marriage about a year ago. That was worse. 
Bradley swore black and blue he was going to tell you. He’d sworn the rest of the squad to secrecy about the details too. He wanted to be the one to tell you. To tell you that you were the first woman he’d been with since he’d walked in on his wife, Katie, and his best friend, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, in bed together. 
Still, the ultimatum was given. You’d asked Bradley to pick you, choose you, love you. But when the time came to decide he chose his wife. His reasonings were none of your business nor concern. 
And so you walked away. Labelled the mistress and the interim love affair. Even against the Chester you didn’t compare—and that crushed you completely. 
“You’ve been doing that an awful lot lately.” Pennys voice broke through the haze you’d fallen into at the bar. The drink you’d ordered, Gin Sour, sat in front of you on a Hard Deck coaster. “What’s on your mind daydreamer?” 
“More like a never ending nightmare Pen.” You sighed before reaching for your drink. “This whole situation makes me feel like I need a lobotomy.” 
“Rooster still trying to force a friendship?” In truth Bradley thought he owed his marriage just one more shot. But right after you walked away he immediately started to regret his decision to choose his wife. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and all that was you. He’d made the wrong decision, but was too proud to admit it. Especially to his wife. 
He stood across the Hard Deck with a beer in his hand and his arm slung around her hip, looking at you like a puppy you’d left out in the rain. He missed you, oh so much. And that fact you hardly spoke to him these days made his heart hurt inside his chest. 
“Yeah—and I don’t think I can handle it anymore.” You admitted before taking a sip of your drink. “I’ve asked for a transfer, just to make it easier. I can’t focus, can’t sleep, because he’s just—always around.” 
“Sounds to me like you’re just running away from your problems.” Penny held her tongue as she watched the tall sandy blonde appear next to you at the bar. “That, or you know that you’re still in love with the guy and no matter what you do he’ll still manage to wiggle his way in because you’ll always allow him to.” It took you a few moments to register what the stranger beside you said as you eyed him up and down. 
“Sensitivity—“ You rolled your eyes. “I like that in a stranger.” The alcohol coursed through your body like a mild painkiller. “Are you new in town?” The civvies were an excellent camouflage against the sea of tans that flooded the Hard Deck—and Penny wasn’t about to be the one who told you the stranger you were talking to was the reason for your current situation. 
“Just visiting—“ He made sure to lie, a little white lie never hurt anyone. Or so they said. But the man beside you with the perfect smile and emerald green eyes definitely wanted to see how far he could get this conversation. “I’m confounded by all the patches and it’s only my first day in town.” He sighed softly as he sat beside you. “Budweiser please Barkeep.” Penny nodded without another word. 
“You get used to it, North Island is a Naval Base after all.” It felt like a needed explanation. The stranger beside you nodded softly as he fished his wallet out of his back pocket. 
“So I’ve heard.” A comfortable silence fell between you and the handsome stranger as he waited for his beer. “Kinda wish I’d stayed in bed, if I had known this place would be crawling with Naval Officers I wouldn’t have bothered.” Oh he knew, he knew all right. 
He knew that the Hard Deck would be packed to the rafters with the Dagger Squad and he certainly knew North Island was a Naval Base. Why? Because he was a part of that designated team. You’d just been the one who replaced him while he was tasked to special ops. Now? He was back to cause chaos. 
“Hey Rooster—“ Fanboy grabbed Bradley’s attention away from Bob. “You see who’s at the bar with Siren?” As Bradley turned his attention back to where he’d known you to be sitting for the better half of the evening, he immediately saw red. A jealousy that rivaled nothing he’d ever felt before consumed him fully, even if his wife was tucked in at his side. 
“We just met and already you’re talking about bed.” You chuckled softly as you took another sip of your drink. Penny had since passed Jake his Budweiser and before you knew it, he was laughing softly beside you. “Not very subtle.” 
“Being subtle was never really my strong suit.” The man beside you replied with a look of all knowing. He knew something you didn’t. If you didn’t know any better you would have asked what that may have been. But you chose to take another sip of your gin. Settletting once again into the comfortable silence that surrounded you and the stranger to your right. 
“So, you ever go out with co-workers?” It stunned you for a second, the forwardness of such a question, but then again—you still didn’t know this guy's name and he was making the heat in your cheeks reach new uncharted heights. 
“I um—“ You tucked some of your hair behind your ear and turned to give the golden skinned, white T wearing man beside you your full attention. Crossing your legs as you did so, so that his knees were on either side of yours. “I make it a rule not to.” His answer sent a shiver down your spin. A good shiver. A shiver that made your core flutter. 
“Then I am so glad that I don’t work here.” Maybe it was the gin talking or maybe it was your recent breakup, but this guy was the very definition of a piece of art. He was gorgeous, an Adonis that surely would have come straight out of accent metrology. 
“Are you hitting on me?” You tried to hide the keen grin that threatened to creep across your slightly heated face, but the sudden attention was giving you an ego boost you desperately needed after being rejected in favour of the cheating wife. 
“Would that be so wrong?” Oh this guy was good. Too good. His infectious smile captivated you in every way it could have. His eyes held a story that was dying to be told. His confidence made you want to lean in and taste it, like hard candy it probably tastes just as sweet as his scent smelled. With notes of Vanilla and warm Bourbon lingering from his neck. 
So you stuck your hand out for him to accept ever so politely. His eyes never left your as you smiled and bit your bottom lip bashfully. 
“I’m Y/n—“ “Lieutenant Y/n Siren Y/l/n.”  “And you are?” Nothing could have prepared you for what happened next. Remember that slow motion we were talking about earlier? Well, the seconds it took Bradley Bradshaw's fist to collide against your handsome mystery man’s cheek, it felt like a century as it played out in painfully slow motion before you. 
His head hit the bar with a thud as beer spilled into your lap. 
“Rooster! Jesus—!” You gasped as you stood and pushed against Bradley’s chest to back him up and away from the man you’d just been talking to. “Fuck! what the hell was that!?” 
Bradley didn’t answer right away as you turned to watch the blond stand with blood dripping down and out of his nose. The two stood there in silence, eyeing each other off as Penny fished out the bar's basic first aid kit. 
“That—“ Bradley huffed as he shook his throbbing hand. His jaw had never been so clenched before. He was furious and full of a rage that burned so deep it could have raised his core temperature by a few degrees. 
His wife stood off to the side looking all kinds of guilty. As did the rest of the Daggers. They knew this was about to get messy. They knew if he was back and already had his target set on you then there was going to be an all out war between the two men who stood ready to run at each other like angry bulls. 
And you, well—you were more concerned about the blood gushing from the nose of your stranger than you were about your ex’s possibly broken hand. But Bradley turned back to you, for a mere second to explain. 
And when he did—you forgot what morals were.
“That was Jake.”
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devilsandwings · 1 year
Part 4 Turcotte sister AU Masterlist
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liked by nolan_moyle, jamie.drysdale, mbeniers10, mackie.samo…
yourusername: brother appreciation post because I love my brother so much… no other reason
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_alexturcotte: I love you too? What’s this for? —>yourusername: nothing 🙃
jackhughes: I’ve known you for how many years?? I’ve never seen you be nice to him… —>yourusername: What I’m not allowed to be nice to my favorite brother? —>jackhughes: no. You are not. —> mattboldy: Favorite??? Remember when you pushed him into a pool fully clothed because he “looked at you funny”?
fan: aww they’re so cuteee
_quinnhughes: What is happening —> trevorzegras: RETWEET! —> _quinnhughes: go away
fan: all the arguing in the comments 😭
trevorzegras: little Turc being nice to big Turc? —>yourusername: literally only 12 minutes younger than him. —> _alexturcotte: 12 WHOLE minutes
lhughes_06: This is very unsettling —> edwards.73: Yea bring back mean Y/N!! —> markestapa: MEAN Y/N! MEAN Y/N! 🐐
dylanduke25: a brother is a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents
colecaufield: I’m expecting an announcement that will piss him off… —>yourusername: WILL YOU SHUSH. Never telling you anything again.
bsf2: 😍 ahooga —>yourusername: get THE FUCK away from my brother right now
owenpower_: I’m gone one summer and you change personalities?? —>yourusername: Yep! Lobotomy at Claire’s! 🧠
Thombordeleau: Idk what’s going on in Michigan since I left and I don’t wanna know… —>yourusername: come back ☹️ I need to practice French
brendan.brisson: Did you die and come back to life? Why are you being nice to him?
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liked by kandre.miller, tyler__duke25, zachwerenski…
yourusername: been busy lately…
view comments…
bsf1: OMG A SOFT LAUNCH??? —>yourusername: is that what’s it called… had no idea…
_alexturcotte: So this is what that post was for 😐 WTF
bsf2: so now that you have a bf… —> yourusername: NO YOU CANNOT DATE ALEX GO AWAY —> trevorzegras: Can I date Alex? —> yourusername: I’d prefer if you didn’t
_alexturcotte: WHO IS HE?? DO I KNOW HIM? —>yourusername: no comment —> _alexturcotte: What.
trevorzegras: Who is he? 🔨 —> yourusername: I’ll tell you after I tell Quinner
rutgermcgroarty: Omg I thought we were gonna keep our relationship secret 🤭 —> yourusername: I’m gonna block you and don’t use that emoji anymore
mattboldy: only took him four years… —> yourusername: Matthew shush —> _alexturcotte: FOUR YEARS? Did he go to high school with us??? YOU TOLD MATT??
adamfantilli: when do I get to meet this man? —> yourusername: When he comes to play the red wings ig —>_alexturcotte: SO HE PLAYS HOCKEY 100%????
colecaufield: I know who he is! —> _alexturcotte: WHO TELL ME RN —> colecaufield: its me. We’ve been dating for seven years. She’s the love of my life —> _alexturcotte: just tell me who it is Cole
jackhughes: Well now I wanna know who this is —> yourusername: no, you’ll tell Alex
lhughes.06: still can’t believe HE bagged you —> yourusername: he is very nice TO ME ☹️
_owenpower: You guys are cute ig —> yourusername: thank you giraffe —> _alexturcotte: Why does HE know?? —> yourusername: We’re besties 😒
mbeniers10: Do I know him ???????? —> yourusername: not from college…. —>_alexturcotte: What does that mean WHAT DOES THAT MEAN
_quinnhughes: interesting
markestapa: Wait a minute… —> yourusername: He’s not a Wolverine calm down (nor was he) —> edwards.73: So he’s not in college anymore?? —> yourusername: nope
bsf1: stop messing w these poor boys 😭 —> yourusername: well one of them is lying… —> _alexturcotte: So he’s in the comments? —> yourusername: Maybeeee
Next part will be coming out soon, I don’t have to work for a few days. Ty for all the love. My requests are open!!
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kit-williams · 3 months
Yandere Magnus, Fulgrim, Corvux, Khan and Mortarion... please?
So uh I'm probably going to look at some of my earlier Yandere Primarchs (and Abbadon and the Emps) and redo them just so that everyone gets a small blurb
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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Yandere Magnus: I've mentioned somewhere that Yandere Magnus is a less intense version of a Yandere Emperor. He will still use the same tricks as his father no doubt. Shapeshifting into something alluring and pleasing to you... using his psychic gifts to find out everything about you. How you came into his notice... it could have been the most mundane thing you accidentally brushing up against him when delving into the immaterium if you are a psyker... if you are not perhaps it was just a thought you held onto tightly that just danced on by his gaze and he followed it back to it's source.
Regardless of who you are or how you caught his attention... he's looking now he's now interested! You might not have been in the dating market because things weren't going your way and the stress of trying to eek out a living was stressful enough. But soon enough things go your way and you feel like you might try to date again... and then suddenly this handsome man seems to waltz into your life... you're certain you saw him in a dream.
It practically makes your head swim with how much he knows and understands you! Fights seem to fizzle out as you've hardly met someone willing to talk through arguments like him... just everything feels so dizzingly perfect so perfect you can't help but feel blindsided when the ruse is up but by that point it's too late... but it was already far too late as you had sealed your fate with that first smile that reached your eyes as he gazed into what he considered a beautiful mind.
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Yandere Fulgrim: Depend son when he is acting like a yandere... under the influence of the Leer blade is the most likely time he would indulge in those feelings he's been bottling up; that or he's always been one and each of his wives were each a darling. Fulgrim is going to try to slip a collar around your neck and hold that leash tightly so you can't leave him all while he just sweet talks you into submitting to him. All his wives had similar features to your own... they all held passion in their hobbies something you've only been able to recently indulge... You're going to LEAVE him just like they LEFT him! It wasn't fair! Why did you all have such horrifyingly short lives!
How DARE YOU! How dare they all wrap his hearts up with kisses and love and adoration holding it in their hands and EACH AND EVERYTIME THEY DIED IT DROPPED. His heart shattering every time his wives died. He swore off marrying again! But you oh his beautiful rose... he was willing to make an exception for you. Perhaps he didn't need to tie the knot in that way again he was a Primarch he could easily seduce you and just have you as his paramour... but that felt so beneath him... and unfair to you. People talk oh how they would TALK about how you would be nothing more then his fucktoy if all he did was use you for sex.
Fulgrim clenched his jaw as it was unfair you had such short blazingly BRIGHT lives. He considered killing you and preserving you so that you would never leave him. But then there would be no more smiles from you... no more soft laughs... no longer giving him the look as he gently explained things to you... you were odd...Fulgrim liked odd. Normal was overrated anyway... He could feel himself getting worked up more and more into a manic state.
Till your voice pierced the haze and he smiled at you as his mind was rolling... watching your lips move with each syllable you clearly spoke... his eyes flicked to the plain robes... those no longer would do... he'd dress you up in the prettiest of dresses and jewels like a perfect doll. "I might need to update your outfit my dear." He interrupts whatever banal thing you were telling him, "Won't you allow me to see how pretty I can make you look." He says stalking closer... oh yes he liked you... oblivious to his intentions... just the way he liked.
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Yandere Corvus: He stalks as his primary method of getting close... he yearns and he silently pines for you to look at him with the same gentle looks as you give your friends and family. But the shadows are his friend and it comes less and less of yours... as you feel like you're going crazy... you feel like someone has been following you... like you're always being watched. Perhaps you shouldn't have fed those birds but its not the feeling of being watched that is driving you mad.
You can feel it in the dark... that someone else is there in the shadows... running hands over your body no matter how tightly you pull your blanket close to you at night. You feel fleeting touches in your hair, strands catching on something but there is nothing there to catch your hair... the worse one is the feeling of kisses on your skin. The whisper of your name sometimes it feels like something is trying to get your attention... other times you hear it moaned.
You even dared to get yourself checked out to see if you were a psyker but no you were not which you feel is much worse. You feel things start to slip through your fingers as you feel like you're going crazy... till you wake up one night to see something over your bed. The scream dies in your throat as you just feel so afraid to make a noise as lips ghost over your cheek "Shhh relax" is all he whispers before you pass out afraid. And unfortunately for you... you'll wake up somewhere new.
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Yandere Khan: The Khan is hard to yandere because he's so normal... he's funny, he's polite, he's a bit of an ass as well, but he's also ruthless. But perhaps that's what makes him something that his brothers probably aren't... he's a successful yandere. He's successful in keeping his darling in the dark... successful in keeping his darling close all while in the background and out of sight his perversions are played out.
He holds you so tightly when he wants to be affectionate... the way he at times can drown you in affection that it's almost too much but the primarch tells you that he can't help it as his hearts get so full that he has to just show you how much he loves you. Other poetic motions that can easily hide the red flags that speed on past your eyes.
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Yandere Mortarion: Sickly sweet until you try to pull away and then his selfish side comes out and you will be like a rabbit caught in a wire trap where the wire squeezes your neck tighter and tighter. Of course most of what he grows will be used to make chemical weapons but you can't help but be enamored with the beauty of the deadly garden. Though perhaps the caretaker of this deadly garden is enamored by you. He wants something nice... something soft... something sweet... and he starts off with giving gifts. He's not blind to mortals customs of courtship having more often then not been the companion that would listen to his friends, Calas mostly, tirades of not knowing what they were doing wrong and yet somehow it was himself that could point out the obvious.
It was the fact he wasn't to the standards of his fellows; apparently he was intimidating... he was ethereal... just what he would learn that there was apparently being far too attractive for your own good... at least for him on Barbaras; he knew he was skin and bones. But he liked to give you gifts from his garden... the wreaths he would weave of flowers that spoke of the depths of his love for you... how he would treasure and cherish you... how he wouldn't let you go... toxic flowers woven in as this was all done in the Barbarasian flower language. As sometimes his mind would fixate and he would realize a whole wreath was of one type of flower practically screaming out his feelings in that moment. Though he did his best to weave sentences but sometimes just he got stuck on how much he felt. Other wreathes he did not send were of all toxic and poisonous flowers... speaking of dark promises of rejected love and should another try to court you.
You were such a sweet and curious thing... smart as well but far too curious for your own good. It was really far too easy for him to lure you close with pretty flowers. Lure you in like a predatory plant... you were far too pretty to be some common insect far more like a mouse... prey too big for many to think to be caught by a plant. And yet you're lured in close with eyes wide open... and the jaws snap shut around the prey as you reciprocate with your own gift.
Just don't try to pull away... lest the vines start to suffocate.
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spiritcc · 16 days
the mystery of the mummy
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waist snatched. shoulders broad. lestrade uh *googles* is not him
3/10 *to the side* are you sure this is the right characte-
the case of the silver earring
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his sadness and internal confusion have captivated me enough to grab my forehead and suppress a sob. you cant lose it before your patient, after all...
even his head looks like he had a lobotomy why is this al-
5/10.... crying...
awakened/lupin/jack the ripper
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he is done being a victim but there is just not enough polygons in his body to protect him
the neutral photoshop gray outfit is not helping his case either
6/10 slightly better than before. but cardboard-level excitement
testament of sherlock holmes/crimes and punishments
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my lord if it isnt a highly esteemed gentleman right here
determination in his gaze, silver in his brow, a Thought on his face. as beautiful as the day he was born
beautiful warm lighting illuminating my man to new heights
david burke/10
the devils daughter
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feels like watching a man relapse. this is the bad ending
his character was genuinely nice and pleasant in the game itself, he was lovely. obviously to compensate for the cards that life has dealt him with everything else
barbershop ass. 2015/10 for the year this fashion had to die in
chapter one/awakened
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i am going to hunt you like a lowland gorilla this is getting intervention worthy
he is now literally sick and requires CPS involvement
0/10. holmes only took him in because he resembled his literal imaginary friend named jon whom he killed fight club style. this is real.
this cant continue like this. frogwares' cheese had slipped off they damn sandwich. we need to rescue this
dai gyakuten saiban/the great ace attorney
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holy shitttt shittddd holy shitttt holyyyyyyy shidddddd
japanese watson with both cultures preserved OUGHHHHHH
the gray. my god the gray.
100/10 YUJIN MIKOTOBA 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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