#where’s that bugs bunny meme
whaleiumsharkspeare · 3 months
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deadpanwalking · 8 months
hello!! do you have any recommendations for books or essays about becoming a better reader of poetry? I love the poems you post and esp love when your tags go into what you got out of it / understood from it, bc it’s always so much more than I was able to interpret on my own. and I want to become a better reader and learn how to really sit with a poem and get into all its layers but idk where to start.
I stand behind the recs in this post, but since you want to focus on poetry and poetics, in addition to William Empson's The Seven Types of Ambiguity and Helen Vendler's Poems, Poets, and Poetry, I'd also recommend Christopher Ricks' The Force of Poetry, I. A. Richards' Practical Criticism, and Jorge Luis Borges' The Craft of Verse. They are all beautifully written, by people whose love of the form transcends academia and becomes, at times, a kind of secular worship. I loved poetry before I fully understood language, back when it was just incomprehensible mouthwords my parents repeated to get me to sleep; I'd have loved poetry even if I never toiled a day in the hermeneutics mines, like my grandmother reciting Eugene Onegin after her dementia cleared everything else from the table—she wasn't sure what it meant, all she knew was that this was the nicest thing she had. Isn't that a kind of faith?
There are other good books about how to read poetry, but these were the ones that initiated me into a conspiracy of words, they taught me to be curious about why I liked a poem, how to take pleasure in its vivisection without worrying I'd kill that faith—like martyrs, good poems never fall apart when you open them up, they yield. If anything, the practice of explication has made me even more of a fanatic. I hope it does the same for you!
If there are poets you already like, I can get more specific about recs—I'm partial to modernist poetry, but that just means I like following breadcrumb trails of allusions to lots of different literary traditions and can tell you where the bodies, hatchets and/or treasures are buried.
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0xochitlsketches0 · 1 year
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Is it really a road trip if you don’t make some cops life harder 🤪🤪🤪
Izabells just upset they got caught because it was her plan, wisterias happy because she never liked the plan and intends to rub it in and, Aubreys the reason they got caught ✌️✌️✌️
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my feelings on the hurricanes vs. panthers situation can best be described as “I hope they destroy each other”
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must i do everything myself .
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lotuslink7 · 1 year
I go by she/they and some of my close friends use “they” which im happy about but when others use “she” i pause a lot longer than i need to to process that… like i want to be called “they” more than “she” even though I technically dont mind she/her pronouns? They/them pronouns make me feel a lot happier thats for sure
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iiscpr · 3 months
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more bullshit
#this is such a good way to spend my time Im so fucking busyyyy#this also actually made me realise that its the second time ive drawn denmark as patrick/christian bale and its like. well its true but im#insane also#ive been wanting to do the fernanfloo meme for 50 years though because that most litearlly is already his outfit#but well anyways i got to give him a spiffy alternative fancy outfit that im kind of obsessed with#it may be that he doesnt have his stupid headband for 5 minutes or the bullet wound swagger but well i like him#litearlly no body is going to understand the context of the first meme until like. 6 volumes of my comic come out im crazy#well whatever. its for me ok.#i should have been working on my berserk drawing but instead.#my ranting#do you guys understand how long it took me to find the christian bale image without the goth bugs bunny i wanted to kill myself#then all i had to do was google ''christian bale so cunty'' and the second image on google was the fucking post...like goddd#''why is denmark in heaven'' well because the inbetween is all clouds so the backgrounds always are white please pleaspelaplseplease#i know i backed myself into a cornerrr thereee but pleaseee#Pleaseee#with that logic he should also be wearing completely white clothes unless theyre his normal outfit but i figured that would look Really Wei#Weird so i didnt do it#im aware no one cares and im inflicting these rules upon myself ok well the illness#...which is why i also tried to fit kyles binder beneath the dress which he would never wear bc of the dysphoria but i figured ok well. idk#the binder was built into the dress or something idk idk dont think about it too hard#''dont think about it too hard'' is the hardest thing 4 me. well i will think about it soo hard unfrotuantely#its 5 am#my art#kyle batillo#denmark newman#kar#it feels really weird to draw the 2 of them without ilya there. its like going to a hotel without the cuck chair.#like wheres my beautiful third wheel scowling in the background#cady will you tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back OK SORRY i should rewatch meangirls. for the millionth time#sad you cant see his giant gauges bc hair is covering but just remmeber theyre there k drew them.....
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teefconnoisseur · 9 months
i love when it eats my balls
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atlafan · 1 year
no one on here has wished me a happy passover, so what’s the truth?
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niicevibe · 1 year
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8aji · 2 years
Hi!! I wanted to say I loved your fic on @/tinami “you look so happy when I’m not with you” (with Gojo)💙
I wanted to ask for your permission before I even consider this further, but would you be okay with me continuing the story? Idk if that makes sense but like reblogging the post and adding on? Only if you’re okay with it or whatever you do decide💜
Nonetheless, thank you so much for that story! I am completely in love with it and did not expect that ending💔
Hello!! Im so glad you enjoyed it :D i spent so much effort on that fic, its my baby haha
Thank you for asking for my permission, but i dont feel comfortable with that :/ i really do appreciate you asking first tho, sending you lots of love <3
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tiredofthehumanlife · 14 days
Draco malfoy headcannons
flavor: fluffy and smutish but they're separated so you won't get jump scared
Also I'm returning to my roots with this stinky mf okay I have writers block
Liked you in the hallway crush type of way yk like when there’s that one person in the halls that you're like “god damn, anyways where’s my next class”
Never even tried to speak to you was just like ” I'll gaze from afar”
The only problem is that he has major resting bitch face so you were sat there racking your brain over what you could’ve possibly done to this random daddy’s money kid (like this isn't set in a private school but LOOK OVER THERE)
Confessed by just standing in front of you and 👁👁 before handing you an outdated birthday card with a 100 dollar bill inside with a note inside that was basically just him like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-“
You did give him a shot and he did actually speak words to you
bitchest bitch ever yall bicker (lovingly of course) 24/7
“did you for real just copy off of me?” “Okay well at least I don’t have daddy issues” “You cannot be talking and you know it”
He gives stick bug vibes yk
does not comprehend normal human life you could be complaining about doing laundry and he is like “Just have one of the elves do it?” and you are like “😶right so-“
just assume you have the answer to everything bc like you’re his partner? tf?
“how far away is Saturn in kilometers?” “They don't measure distance with kilometers, Draco, you dumbass. It’s called lightyears.” ‘right so in lightyears then?” “How tf am I supposed to know?”
he’ll hear a crash and look to you like you know what’s going on and you’ll turn his head back
I'm not one to assume someone’s sexuality but it's very much bisexual for the both of you (he likes guys and you know it)
a hot guy will pass and you both turn to each other like {insert Bratz meme here}
has created mustard gas on accident
laughs at his own jokes unironically (he is the only one laughing)
will try to be relatable and it's just like “yk that moment when your Prada shoes get gourmet chocolate on them”
makes up new names for your stuffed animals bc he thinks all the ones you picked were “lame”
his beauty sleep comes above everything else
Once Theo woke him up (there was a fire they had to evacuate) and the next night you found him hovering a pillow over Theo’s face you tackled him to the ground
Only knows how to play dominoes no card games or anything only dominoes
Bought you guys matching sleep masks
And embroidered PJs
And bunny slippers
PDA hater
He’ll sit next to you at max when you're around lots of people when you're just around his friends he's down with hugs and hand-holding holding maybe a cheek kiss but that's it
Alone is a different story he's attached to you he's actively trying to crawl under your skin as we speak
Terrified of bugs he's standing on a chair and screaming the second he sees one
Pays you in kisses when you take the bug outside (after you wash your hands)
Prefers baths over showers
Hates dogs and growls at them more than they growl at him
Only likes cats in theory bc they leave hair on his clothes
He's a reptile man
has owned a bearded dragon and will own more
Cold mf you wanna look me in the eye and tell me he has good circulation
Presses his cold ass feet against you while you're on the brink of sleep so confused when you swing your hand back to smack him
“I'm just cuddling you?”
“Cuddle somebody else fucking ice cube bitch ass”
Every single night
He sleeps on his back with his hands on his stomach like he's going to get lowered into his casket it's embarrassing
Thinks he knows how to shake ass and then when he tries (and fails) he considers never speaking to anyone ever again
Has gotten flirted with while he was with you and he just stared at them blankly bc he couldn't tell if it was happening
And then he left the room entirely
Walks in on people butt ass naked bc he has not learned how to knock (only child syndrome)
Stares a lot
He has nothing better to do so he’ll just come join you in your dorm and 👁hi👁
You've learned to block him out so he’ll scare the shit out of you
Sure he doesn't know how to flirt but he has money so he makes up for it
If you look at anything longer than three seconds he's following behind you with his card and the other twelve bags you have
This does have you ending up with things you didn't want so your friends love your random gifts
One of them will walk into potions with a luxury purse and one of the other kids will be like “tf Did you get that?” and your friends are like “🫵” And you're like “I didn't want it” So some of the student body does hate your guts just a little
favorite food is plain white rice
Thinks that acrylic nails go under the skin yk like in those videos with the fake hands pushing the nails up the finger yeah he thinks that actually happens to people
Jaw on the floor when you explain to him that's not what happens
Nsfw kinda
Down to three-way and will NOT let you forget
“I met this cute girl at the-” “I'm down. 😐”
“Oh did you see Harry this morning he was-” “Do you think he'd hook up with us?😐” “Babe. We've talked about this” “just once please”
Has asked you to peg him
unless you have a dick then he's asking for one of those two-way things (you're on my blog you know what I'm talking about dude)
Actively begging sobbing on his knees “Please baby Please being so good please”
Would be a swinger and he'd have a pineapple on his front porch
Has dabbled in the lockerrooms
Will ask you if the boys can watch him hit and you said only if they see him at his lowest begging and pleading for you he is silent as of now (give him two weeks)
Type of bitch to be covered in hickeys and when someone is like “What happened? To your neck?” and he's like “Literally what are you talking about?” will gaslight them into thinking there's nothing on his neck
Prefers cuddling naked but hates not immediately being in the bath after sex so he has to battle himself in his head
Can't dirty talk he's like “You look so nice when you're not in clothes? Do you like my wee wee?” and you're sitting there “bitch your what?”
Have resulted in him not being allowed to talk
Quickies number one hater
Needs his time to get into pussybitchboy mode
Okay bye
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Spiderband groupchat headcanons but it's based off my bio siblings and friends who're teenagers that i also consider my younger siblings because Y'all Do Not Know How To Write Teens
It's called 'Websters Declassified'
It was Margo's idea to start it obviously
Miles already had a groupchat app that she used for her family but the rest of the band except Gayatri had to install them-Gwen and Miles G DID have one but she took it off because she only ever used it with 65 Peter and she had multiple meltdowns looking through their messages so she forced herself to out of mental safety and he smashed his phone in agonized sadness after finding out about Jefferson so all the data on it was lost
Gayatri has an additional old one she uses for school friends since she's so popular and dosen't want to fuck up and accidentally send Spiderwoman stuff to them
The layout of it has a notebook theme and is popular among black people thanks to it containing various exclusive black stickers and emojis and that's why Miles and Margo both use it
Hobie's a bit of a grandpa when it comes to technology because of being from the 70s and not having been at Spider Society for that long so he had a hard time communicating in it at first,not helped by his cockney
Peni is reverse where she considers it slighty obselete thanks to her futuristic world but in a charming shaking her head 'This old thing' way(Just like she does with Noir /hj)
Their icons are:Miles-a black/blasian edit of Orihime Inoue,Gwen-A random picture of a half eaten pink cupcake she took,Peni-A lesbian flag meme,Pavitr-Bugs Bunny,Hobie-A black/blasian edit of Ichigo Kurosaki to match Miles(They are LITERALLY black4black Ichihime),Gayatri-Bugs Bunny but in one of her fem outfits,Margo-Nessa from Pokemon with a pink filter and Miles G-A cartoony drawing of a black kid with braids
They use it almost every day and night-It actually messed up a few of their sleep schedules but they fixed them again when it started going too far by reminding the other to go to sleep because they love them and deserve good health
Gwen sends them her audio files,either as gifts by covering their favorite songs or just to try out how a new song sounds
Pavitr violently falls over from so much bouncing with his phone getting the brunt of it SO many times but it's somehow always completely intact despite having no special protection
It's where Miles came out to them after her egg cracked but she did because they were all sitting together physically so she'd have them there to comfort them as she sobbed in a big flurry of different emotions
The other girls then start sending her transfem memes on a regular basis and Miles G is actually the one who made her her Orihime pfp
They tried to have movie nights but the collective audhd proved to be too much so they just have normal ones
It's incredibly active and a mixed ass bag,one second they be talking about Spiderjunk,the next someone's venting to the point you can feel them shaking through their texts and then they're discussing the history of legos
Peni's the one who most uses it in class and had a special mini comic where she got it back from her principal and didn't learned her lesson at the end
Since Miles uses kamojis,Margo is a gifs addict
They learned a lot about eachother cultures,more than ever
Selfies sending is a pretty regular thing
Miles G was more hesitant to start using his app again than Gwen since his was actually the same but he prowlered through and now it's a healthy and stable part of his life
Gayatri looks for wholesome videos to show all of them
"MARGO,GIVE ME YOUR PHONE"-Hobie at least twice a day
Gwen and Margo are an e-couple in the sense that they act exactly like girlfriends in it but are in denial irl
Hobie randomly infodumps in it once he gets the hang of it and takes up Miles' kamoji usage but only the smug/bitchy ones
Their usernames are mostly just their names but with a special twist to give them personality-Miles is her name with a sunflower next to it,Pavitr has a sparkles emoji and Miles G has his in that edgy font.But Margo is 'Margo Thee Byte',Gayatri is 'The Ungwen' as a reference to 'The Undead' and for irony,Hobie is 'What are you?A cop?',Peni is 'Pastel Genesis Evangelion' and Gwen is just an assortment of pink emojis
Rio:Mija?Are you texting a boy? Miles,texting Hobie:Technically yes but also literally no
Margo gets them to be on her streams and Miles ends up making her own channel and her fans nearly broke her comments section when Hobie made his first apperance(Tragic day for weird ass Miles fanboys)
Gwen and Peni start rubbing off on eachother,like Peni starting to love her kind of music and Gwen starting to get blunter
Pavitr is the most slang knowledgable and this is thanks to Gayatri-He surpassed the best there is
Miles and Hobie did the 'At Dairy Queen with my Dairy King' meme once but the picture wasn't them at Dairy Queen,it was them chilling with mutated cows they'd saved and they didn't even get the food at Dairy Queen,Hobie cooked them copies because fuck capitalism
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兔儿神祝同志们年快乐!Happy New Years from Tu'Er Shen!
[ID: The Bugs Bunny "I wish all a very pleasant evening" meme, but edited to say "I wish all who celebrate Year of the Rabbit a very something LGBT happens to you." Instead of Bugs Bunny, there is a drawing of Tu'Er Shen. Tu'Er Shen, a Chinese deity presiding over gay love, is a rabbit god wearing festive red new years hanfu, including a big fur cloak. He is depicted with light skin, brown eyes, and dark hair which is worn in a way which obscures where human ears usually would be. He has two light brown rabbit ears sticking out of the top of his head. End ID]
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gravegroves · 11 months
You know what I love? I love that moment in fic where a character fucks up. And I mean fucks. UP! Where the thing that's been building in the shadows, the thing about themselves that they've been warned about but kept ignoring and refuse to work on suddenly rears its head and bites the character in the ass.
That moment where a character says exactly the wrong thing to be hurtful and it's like all the air in the room is suddenly sucked away. That moment where the other character, the one that's been patient finally runs out of that patience and snaps or leaves or just realises that they're done with this person's bullshit.
That moment of Oh. A different Oh than fandom usually talks about. The Oh, shit. I finally went too far and I just realised that it wasn't worth it at all to see how far I could push this person and now I might've lost them for good kind of Oh. It's so painfully cathartic and I love the tightness I get in my chest from it.
And I love it because fic is predictable. Because unless tagged otherwise (insert bugs bunny meme: I wish anyone that doesn't tag unhappy endings a very step on Lego bricks forever) there is a general expectation that things are going to work out. That this character is going to sort out their shit and make everything right again. I live for that stuff. I don't even care if it's cliché. The amount of emotional release I get from a character realising they royally fucked up, doing something about it, then apologising and being forgiven? Mwa! Chefs kiss, 10/10.
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hbojoel · 9 months
ouuuuuuu lovesick reader anon again i keep coming here really late at night to unload my richie thoughts sorrryyy i think he’s the type of person to be really bad with privacy like oh ur in the shower ? let me in there who cares about water on the floor oh ur eating? where’s my bite oh you bought a new sweater? too bad it smells like u it’s mine now like they both love each other so much that they’ve become such an integral part to each other
pls keep them coming bc this is my therapy. u are once again in my mind bc this is exactly how i see him AGAIN. i think you both follow each other around like lost puppies, ur joined at the hip, ur each other's shadow. every time ur in the shower richie's sitting on the toilet seat to talk to u and u just get fed up trying to hear him over the water and the music so u let him. hes not even showering or anything just standing there handing you whatever you need, washing your back absentmindedly as he keeps talking about eva's field trip coming up. everyone knows to allocate one single cup for the both of you bc there's no point in getting separate cups one of them will just go to waste. on that note your legs are literally always in richie's lap whenever you're eating lol. one hand is for his fork and the other is clasped around your ankle, thumbing the bone gently. whenever you cook you make enough for him cause he'll always be picking at your plate and vice versa. the clothes thing is the realest for me bc i dress pretty masc (big graphic tees and hoodies and baggy sweats) so i can see him picking up a shirt off the floor, thinking it's cool, and slipping it on without a thought and when you wake up you have to text him like did somebody steal my clothes???? i cant find my shirt anywhere and he's like lmao babe i think you mean Our shirt. the epitome of that one bugs bunny meme. you're intertwined in such a way that even when you're not together, richie's wearing your bracelet or you're wearing his socks or his chain so you're always together in some way
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