#whereas nian and ling can be threatening as actual people
zeravmeta · 2 years
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ling and nian are obviously in kahoots about the long term planning and implications of their ultimate goal but dusk really was just pulled out of her neet cave by nian and is once again relegated to little sister by her incredibly smug and worldly older sisters who insist she get out of the house. nians event was full of style and lings event was full of symbolism but dusks event was a mystery that was resolved in less than a week with everyone involved now painfully aware of what an Edgy Threatening Kool Kid dusk tried to appear as. the only reason dusk is even half as threatening as she appears is because she doesnt hesitate in using her god powers, and even then its revealed she wouldnt be genuinely malicious with them, which means everything beforehand was her being intentionally vague to try and appear cool and mysterious. upon their return from yan operator dusk notably spotted by RI personel running through the halls and shouting about how her sisters are hitting her (they arent) and that shes telling mom (doctor) before running to her room (painting(gamer pad))
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