#i love dusk. annihilate her ass
zeravmeta · 2 years
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ling and nian are obviously in kahoots about the long term planning and implications of their ultimate goal but dusk really was just pulled out of her neet cave by nian and is once again relegated to little sister by her incredibly smug and worldly older sisters who insist she get out of the house. nians event was full of style and lings event was full of symbolism but dusks event was a mystery that was resolved in less than a week with everyone involved now painfully aware of what an Edgy Threatening Kool Kid dusk tried to appear as. the only reason dusk is even half as threatening as she appears is because she doesnt hesitate in using her god powers, and even then its revealed she wouldnt be genuinely malicious with them, which means everything beforehand was her being intentionally vague to try and appear cool and mysterious. upon their return from yan operator dusk notably spotted by RI personel running through the halls and shouting about how her sisters are hitting her (they arent) and that shes telling mom (doctor) before running to her room (painting(gamer pad))
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totalvibration · 5 years
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55 Albums Released in 2019 That Splash Oat Milk In My Earl Grey
This year felt like slo-mo, a holding pattern and a fast-forward button stumbling towards unknown ends. I spent the early months in paternal bliss and sleep deprivation, caring for my newborn daughter, then spent the rest of the year running to slow down… to make the most of small moments with my family, to juggle that thing every lifestyle magazine calls the work-life balance, to know when I need help and being willing to ask for it, to making priorities with loved ones. 
Also, after years of oolongs and a staunch no-milk-in-tea-except-milk-teas policy, I started putting honey and oat milk in my Earl Grey, an old tea standby that's felt warmly familiar in colder months. Similarly, I dug my heels into familiar-to-me gnarly metal, deep drone and abrasive punk this year, uninterested in poptimist takes on indie-rock. In an effort to maximize more time with new family and less with bulls***, I leaned hard into my Viking's Choice column at NPR Music (which went weekly!) to shout out underground debauchery and beauty to anyone who would listen. 
Below are 55 albums (and a few reissues and archival releases) that hit me in different ways over 2019. No ranking, just links out to Bandcamp where available. They come paired with emoji because that's a thing I do on Twitter. 
See also:
Viking's Choice: The Year In The Loud And The Weird (my annual year-end episode of All Songs Considered)
20 Punk Albums Released In 2019 That Flip Eggs, Pick Up Chains
20 Metal Albums Released In 2019 That Bluurgh Over Sick Riffs
A nine-hour playlist of 2019 jamz 
But first, some stray thoughts:
Ta-Nehisi Coates' still-ongoing Captain America run has been extremely rewarding. A beloved superhero comes to terms with the line between patriotism and nationalism as Coates underlines that American progress often comes from reluctance. 
Daniel Warren Johnson's Murder Falcon spoke to me not only as a metalhead who loves cartoonishly kick-ass violence, but also as a dude with a tender heart… that final issue still gets me in the feels. 
Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colours is secretly a trilogy of movies about the loving, painstaking process of creation, specifically music. I'd never seen any of them until paternity leave (and a sleeping baby) gave me hours to binge long-neglected to-watch lists. In 1993's Blue, in particular, a composition mirrors the grief of Juliette Binoche in an exquisite performance. 
Tiny Desk concerts I produced for NPR Music in 2019: American Football (with a children’s choir!), Thou, Erin Rae, Carly Rae Jepsen (sort of), Jimmy Eat World and Mount Eerie (videos coming in 2020). 
There’s a gallery at Glenstone, a truly stunning museum experience, that’s literally just a room full of books, a sculpted wooden bench and a large window that looks out on the rolling hills of Maryland. I could spend hours there. 
The second season of KCRW's Lost Notes, hosted by Jessica Hopper, built episodes like albums, sequenced with eureka moments throughout. See: the story of a teenage Farsi New Wave sibling duo and a difficult and necessary reassessment of John Fahey through the women in his life.  
High Spirits (May 7, Atlas Brew Works) is such a force for good. Heavy metal singalongs about love, friendship and positivity. I feel like this band needs to tour with Sheer Mag to be fully appreciated by an unknowing audience. 
Has your baseball team ever won the pennant with the sleeping baby on your chest? So many silent screams of joy in our household as the Nats not only won the National League, but the whole dang World Series. I haven't lived in a city/state with a baseball team that's gone to the World Series since 1995. 
Circuit Des Yeux's Haley Fohr (Dec. 5, Hirshhorn) tuned her voice to feedback hum and the rest that followed felt like a wordless eulogy for 2019. I felt renewed by it. 
I can't think of a prettier song released in 2019 than "This Time Around" by Jessica Pratt. It is saudade whispered into the wind.
This was my Linda Ronstadt year. Heart Like a Wheel, Canciones de mi Padre, her records with the Stone Poneys — the Queen of LA, with a voice that both bursts out of and melts into dusk, softened the edges of long days with an equally adventurous and easygoing spirit.
🚙 Petrol Girls, Cut & Stitch: In 2019, it was crucial — life-affirming and -saving, even — to make your own noise. "This is the sound / It moves in our bodies / It passes through time / Brings what came before us," Petrol Girls' Ren Aldridge screamed at the top of a turbulent punk record filled with compassion. That boundless philosophy resonated with me this year — to listen and absorb more deeply, to excavate the traces of memory in music.
👽 Blood Incantation, Hidden History of the Human Race: Simultaneously exists in the gaping maw of death-metal tradition and the galaxy brain of its future. 
💾 Kali Malone, The Sacrificial Code: Seeks the solemnity of the drone in the pipe organ, but leans into the vulnerability pushed through the air.
🕹️ billy woods & Kenny Segal, Hiding Places:  An album-length self-excavation that crawls through moldy memories in a brutal poetry that is at times darkly funny but mostly wrestles with personal and societal truths that'll leave you touched, shook. 
📟 Holly Herndon, PROTO: One of our deepest thinkers went to the past to make music from the future. 
🚨 Rakta, Falha Comum: Creepazoid emanations from a subterranean plane.
🐣 Sunwatchers, Illegal Moves: Ecstatic protest music summoning the beauty and rage of Alice Coltrane, Sonny Sharrock, Rhys Chatham and Hawkwind. 
🏞 Bill Orcutt, Odds Against Tomorrow: The most engaging, radical, but surprisingly accessible solo guitar album of the year. Bill Orcutt's ragged-yet-tender guitar skronk gives shaggy texture to rapturous melodies.
🍕 Control Top, Covert Contracts: This hits some dance-punky Erase Errata sweet spots for me, but with the technical finesse of a power trio. 
🚟 Real Life Rock & Roll Band, Hollerin' the Spirit: Applies minimalist techniques to rumbling, dueling guitar histrionics with a reckless, but locked-in energy. Never woulda thunk American Football and Henry Flynt could hoedown together. 
🐠 Caroline Shaw & Attacca Quartet, Orange: Balances austere beauty with rumbling earth. Riveting music for string quartet. 
💥 Mdou Moctor, Ilana (The Creator): Where ZZ Top bombast, Black Sabbath riffs and Tuareg trance rhythms swirl into an acid-rock stomp. 
👑 Vagabon, Vagabon: Goes so many places, yet always returns home. 
🎭 JPEGMAFIA, All My Heroes Are Cornballs: A neon-freaked feast blasted in slow mo and fast forward all at once.
🌆 Denzel Curry, ZUU: Dude's a metal rapper without a metal band, but if he ever started one, I'm down 100 percent. 
💨 Whistling Arrow, Whistling Arrow: An avant UK supergroup of prepared guitar, violin, electronics and hypnotic percussion drinks deep of dark lagers and mossy earth.
🐸 101 Notes on Jazz: Things are getting hard around the boloney hole...
🐳 M. Sage, Catch a Blessing: Warm, fuzzy world-building from blocks of sound stretched and warped into a new nostalgia.
🚇 Mizmor, Cairn: Deliberate and patient in its annihilating pace; lumbering, yet regally melodic riffs echo into a chasm of feedback.
🌅 Takafumi Matsubara, Strange, Beautiful And Fast: Next-level grind from the Gridlink mastermind and friends. While No One Knows What the Dead Think picked up where Discordance Axis left off, Takafumi Matsubara shreds into the future.
🐎 American Football, LP3: A reunion that keeps on giving and growing. Impressionistic in its quietly bursting arrangements and attuned to the individual talents of its vocal guests, especially that stunning duet with Hayley Williams. 
🔋 v/a, Seitō: In the Beginning, Woman Was the Sun: This compilation does for modern Japanese women in experimental music what P.S.F.’s Tokyo Flashback comps did for the Japanese psychedelic scenes of yore. 
👗 Carly Rae Jepsen, Dedicated: Didn't hold together as much as I wanted, or play like E•MO•TION's late-night mixtape, but every time one of its singles popped up on a friend's playlist -- "Julien," "Want You in My Room," "The Sound" and especially the slow-burn synth-pop exhaustion of "Too Much" -- I'd think, "Carly Rae Jepsen is the Queen of the Song I Needed Right Now."
🌕 Rong, wormhat: Just bonkers. Boston's Rong channels the joyous chaos of Japanese punks Melt-Banana and the aggro skronk of Brainiac with a tad of Deerhoof's weirdo-pop hooks.
✊🏿 Sounds of Liberation, Sounds of Liberation / Unreleased Columbia University 1973: Free jazz and funk band deep in spiritual grooves. Killer performances all around, but such a trip to hear more from young vibraphonist Khan Jamal during his Drum Dance to the Motherland era. 
🐬 Great Grandpa, Four of Arrows: If Sixpence None the Richer made an emo record, but only had Return of the Frog Queen on the mood board. 
📳 Sarah Louise, Nighttime Birds and Morning Stars: One of my favorite guitarists right now. Digitally processes melodies and single notes in an electronic elation landing somewhere between Robert Fripp, Alice Coltrane and Terry Riley.
📮 Sarah Hennies, Reservoir 1: An immersive sound cycle in constant motion, a quiet rumble that slowly transforms in and out of a glorious clatter. 
👣 Psychedelic Speed Freaks, Psychedelic Speed Freaks: Munehiro Narita essentially picks up where High Rise left off, still plays the guitar like it's about to blow up. 
🍩 Town Portal, Of Violence: Most instrumental post/prog-rock puts me to sleep, but this Danish trio illustrates just how dynamic and sound-rich this music can be. 
🛀 Jim O'Rourke, steamroom 45: An electronic excavation from the deep abyss. The 37-minute "Sigaretstraat" is a master class in patience, dynamics and sublime dissonance.
🎀 Cristina Quesada, I Think I Heard a Rumor: Multi-lingual, ultra-chic dance-pop with super-smart synth arrangements. Think: Tiki drinks and mod dresses. 
⏹ John Luther Adams, Become Desert: Truly time-less music; as in, music without time. 
⏏ Julia Reidy, brace, brace: Late night, longform excursions that offer an alternate Blade Runner soundtrack with frenzied 12-string, fuzzy synth glossolalia and an Auto-Tuned bummer haze.
🚞 A Million Dollars, I Love Your Voice and I Love You: Weird and warped twee-pop that woulda headlined Silent Barn. 
📠 Priests, The Seduction of Kansas: Truth-telling and truth-seeking through a mangled disco haze and bleak New Wave romanticism. 
🏭 Werner Durand with Amelia Cuni and Victor Meertens, processions: Majestic drones capture an undulating wonder with enveloping somnolence.
🎳 Sheer Mag, A Distant Call: The denim-and-leather-jacket-wearing standard bearers of truly independent rock and roll double-downed on their sound, but opened their hearts a bit more. 
📒 Susan Alcorn / Joe McPhee / Ken Vandermark, Invitation to a Dream: Illuminates the flickering motions of exploration. 
😱 Serpent Column, Mirror in Darkness: Pitch-black metal chaos with forceful melodies twisted into the tableau. Honestly? Deathspell Omega but skramz.
🏅 Pernice Brothers, Spread the Feeling: Joe Pernice digs into his '80s record collection to return with some of his most delicately written, winsome guitar-pop in years and tons of one-liners: "Love is a shoeless charlatan, a silver-tongued huckster with a sadist’s lipless grin."
🍓 Kalie Schorr, Open Book: Whip-smart, hook-twanged country-pop raised on MTV2 pop-punk and Sheryl Crow. 
📀 Angel Olsen, All Mirrors: In a year where we lost Scott Walker, this felt like a torch passed from 1969. 
😪 Mount Eerie, Lost Wisdom pt. 2: Phil Elverum draws us in evermore, revisiting a beloved album, mode and collaborator (the remarkable Julie Doiron), and molding them into his ever-changing songwriting and circumstance. Contains the most tender couplet of the year, which I'll carry with me always: "If ever the bonfire that I carry around could warm you again / I will be out here in the weather for you glowing."
🙉 75 Dollar Bill, I Was Real: Serious hypno-grooves from these drone excavators. 
👢 Karen Marks, Cold Cafe: The early '80s artist behind the Sky Girl comp's broodiest track gets a few more songs of existential synth-pop and jangly post-punk. Just wanna put them on mixtapes for friends. 
🍻 Haunt, If Icarus Could Fly: Synthesizes an earnest, studied love for '80s heavy metal with tons of guitar harmonies and can-crushing anthems, yes, but also a ton of heart.
🍖 Bob Dylan, The Rolling Thunder Revue: The strangest, most mystical and wild Dylan persona in all of its face-painted glory. 
🌹 A Pregnant Light, Broken Play: Damian Master's endless creativity and shameless bravado coalesce into a rugged beauty. As always, riffs for days. 
🦄 Fire-Toolz, Field Whispers (Into the Crystal Palace): Clashes New Age synthscapes, clubby raves, jazz fusion and metal shrieks into an idiosyncratic master's pure creation.
🌇 Maria W Horn, Epistasis: Quiet, yet forceful acoustic elements are wrapped in the sinews of technology to blur composition. A stirring mix of icy string drones and minimalist piano. 
🐲 Soul Glo, The N**** in Me Is Me: Distills the rage and terror of living in America while being black with blunt force.
🍢 Mára, Here Behold Your Own: Snapshots of a time before parenthood rendered in garbled organ, ambient guitar loops and echoing lullabies. Felt this one deeply. 
🚙 The Go-Betweens, G Stands for Go-Betweens: The Go-Betweens Anthology - Volume 2: There's a live KCRW version of "Quiet Heart" that just absolutely destroys me. Deeply thankful for the presentation and preservation that's gone into these box sets. 
😈 Bat for Lashes, Lost Girls: A coming-of-age concept album about a teenage vampire gang that was somehow severely overlooked. Some of Natasha's most tender songwriting and a rich synth-pop world that'd make M83 jealous.
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theruneslayer · 6 years
Ephemeral Eternities
((excerpt from roleplay between Tryndan and @theinkedwolfooc  ‘s Macaela))
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“I will let you in…” The hand on his chest patted over his heart. “Not here…” She moved her hand upward, lifting it away only to bring it back to his temple, her fingertips brushing just beside his brow. “But here. You have to trust me, though. Pulling you in…. If you resist me… I can’t show you.”
Tryndan couldn’t resist her.
He no longer knew how.
He never really had.
He loved her, and it was simple as that. Though they’d only recently come to know one another, in the grand scheme of things… he’d known for quite some time.
As if he knew, somehow, before they’d ever even met.
Her name. His heart.
Infatuation at first, perhaps... beginning the night he’d seen her amongst comrades, watching from his perch while she mingled with those of the Wolf and Ram. He had seen tattoos before, of course; sleeves, even, in his time. But there was a story to hers he could not read, though its accounting was plainly visible to all. He’d seen many such adornments, images blending upon the canvas of flesh… disparate symbols woven together in an ongoing tale.
Hers, however, were not so arbitrary in their inclusion; beauty and time… love, and death. Memories, more precious than words, lost in the wake of a single life, inked in permanence upon impermanent flesh.
Ephemeral eternities.
‘How old -was- she?’ He’d wondered it, time and again. How could eyes hold such sorrow in so young a face, when she would have been little more than a child at the time of the Fall? He’d seen glamours fade from the faces of dying magi, men, women and worse who’d spent their last beneath his blades. He knew, as many did, there were those out there who used potion and spell to alter their appearance. But he’d spent the better part of five years hunting those adherents of the Arcane, and understood she was not amongst their number. Hers was not magic, but an intimate... communion. With nature, with the world about her, whispering through the roots beneath her feet and flowing into veins above.
He knew she’d spent much of her life running, despite those roots… and more of it hiding. But the only mask she did so behind was the face she’d been born with. Of that, he was sure, even if the eyes within belied that youthful visage.
His infatuation had turned to something more… sparked, perhaps, by simple kindness, and a human connection. Something he’d denied himself so long, that others, in turn, denied it of him.
But just as -this- moment between them had grown, so, too, had their relationship blossomed into one neither had been prepared for, nor would ever let go.
They had been joined in body, as they were now, succumbing to the pleasures of one another’s flesh… and fur, as well. Her hips writhed over his own with a mounting desperation, an undine cresting over the tub’s lapping waves, the pleasant torment of silk gliding along skin.
They had been bound in soul, blazing outwards as if to touch from honeyed hazel to balefire blues, shining as the last of dusk’s light spilled through leaded glass to bathe their copper altar. They saw one another as they were, the artifice of adopted personalities annihilated in the moments they were together, alone.
Nothing was hidden, yet so much remained. Unasked, unanswered… unspoken. Shadows of their shattered pasts found refuge in memories neither could let go - jagged edges that bit into hands which clung too tight. He’d asked her once, too soon, to share - since then, both knew they would... but only when the time was right.
For they had not yet merged in mind.
That time... was now.
The eyes, it was said, were windows… but like her tattoos, they housed something -more- than soul in their depths. He searched them now as she spoke, her breath stilted and hoarse as she reached for his brow, bodies moving in almost mindless unison to the rhythm of waves below.
The way bald flesh rasped against the base of his shaft, soft folds spreading wide as she slid along his length, a hint of cheeks as her ass clenched over his tapered crown. Spreading again as she ground herself back down, silken and raw, only to ride him anew. The inside of her thighs, soft, yet taut, trembling against the sleek fur of his hips. The way her toes curled with pleasure, digging themselves into the shag along the back of his calves. How her belly rolled outwards to kiss his own with every undulation, as if her body’s serpentine sway was all about luring his senses downward... between them, beneath them.
Although it was all he could do to keep from plunging into her body’s welcoming bliss, letting their souls soar upon a stolen night of Love… her -words- were what drew him in, now, her mind that beckoned most.
It was not a barrier to fall as they spilled from her lips, or a part to be conquered that somehow succumbed. He knew -her-, if not how she’d become… knew the shards would form a whole he’d never seen, if only he could put them back into place. Yet she was no longer that, and neither was he… no matter the power of their Love, nothing would ever ‘fix’ what they’d become, or return them to what they once were.
And nothing would ever make him -want- to.
The pieces of their puzzle could not be restored, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t let her show him the picture it once formed.
Or let her see the moment that had broken his own.
And so he simply nodded.
Trusting, in her.
And them.
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kaybttl · 6 years
books of 2018 (cont.)
🤨👍🏼only human (themis files, #3) - last in the themis files series. overall a worthwhile series. i think the second book was definitely my favorite but all of them were enjoyable. this last one was pretty good but left me sort of wanting more. it was a lot to take in condensed into a book.
👍🏼👍🏼 altered carbon (takeshi kovacs, #1) - i found this book enjoyable. i’ve watched a bit of the series (i can’t remember if i finished the season or not) and i enjoyed that as well. like most books vs. the television version or movie - i did like the book more.
🙃acceptance (southern reach, #3) - you know...the entire southern reach series was weird af. i feel like annihilation was my favorite out of the three. i suppose it ended like a lot of horror things in that i was left wanting more. 
👍🏼👏🏼 guardian angels and other monsters - these are all scifi / ai type of short stories which I enjoyed. one specifically about the end of the world I really liked.
😐 the language of the thorns: midnight tales and dangerous magic - i don’t remember this collection of short stories at all and that’s saying something.
👏🏼👍🏼 her body and other parties - good. bunch of short stories which were a bit trippy...which i like.
👌🏼 the book of lost things - pretty alright
😔👍🏼how to love a jamaican - i enjoyed this but didn’t in a way. it seemed like a pretty honest & heartfelt representation of the culture / love in the culture. overall - it was good. i felt a little sad at moments, i think that was the point.
👍🏼👍🏼the end we start from - i really enjoyed this. it was another near dystopian novel that i enjoyed quite a bit.
🙃 no longer human - flipping strange novel.
👍🏼 we should all be feminists - enjoyable. worthwhile. should read by all people.
👍🏼👌🏼 a discovery of witches (all souls trilogy, #1) - you know...this is like a witchy love story type of book. i liked it .... i didn’t have to think to hard & could easily like the characters
😐🤷🏽‍♀️mr. tall - this collection of short stories was hit or miss for me. some of them were great & connected to other stories in the collection but some of them i was very uninterested.
👍🏼 the incendiaries - this was pretty good...a bit depressing
👍🏼👍🏼 you are a badass “how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life” - i enjoyed this. i took some things away from this book for sure.
👌🏼 queen of the tearling (the queen of the tearling, #1) - fuck. i dunno. it was alright. made me keep reading the series at least. i wanted to know what happened.
😐👌🏼 grief is a thing with feathers - geeze. short. weird feelings about this one
👍🏼 tenth of december - a bunch of short stories that were fairly enjoyable.
👍🏼the keeper of lost things - cute, spooky (almost).
👍🏼🧐hooked - i mean, it was the beginning of a series and i think it was alright. but i haven’t felt the need to continue on with the series.
😐😩 waiting for eden - sort of odd, super depressing like.
🤷🏽‍♀️invasion of the tearling (the queen of the tearling, #2) - ehh
👌🏼👍🏼 feed (newsflesh, #1) - interesting take on the zombie thing
👌🏼 fate of the tearling (the queen of the tearling, #3) - maybe the best of the three in some ways.
👍🏼 shadow of the night (all souls trilogy, #2) - it was good. period type work is just hard for me. it was fine though. still enjoyed the witchy shit.
👍🏼😕the book of life (all souls trilogy, #3) - meh. went the way of weird ultimate power-y shit in the end. which is expected but -
🙃🧐🤷🏽‍♀️the pisces - what the fuck even was this. really reminiscent in the beginning of my younger self in a way...then it turns into a whole different thing. it was described as a love or hate book...i’m really somewhere in then middle .
👏🏼 the martian - this was one of the first audio books i ever purchased and i finally finished it. i’m impressed with myself over that. enjoyed the book as well.
😐😕🙁what should be wild - one of my least favorite books from this year & that’s saying something
👏🏼👍🏼the rook - cool fantasy / detective-y. enjoyable i really likes this one
👏🏼👏🏼❤️ reincarnation blues - just great. dude falls in love with death. his name is milo - chaos ensues across lifetimes. i don’t know what else to say about it - worthwhile
✔️the singularity trap - you know...i wanted to like this more than i did because i loved the Bobverse books so much. But this one was only so so.
👌🏼 14 - peter clines really doesn’t disappoint with some weird ass shit in his books. let me tell you. this has parts reminiscent of the fold - or vice versa - not sure which book came first
👏🏼👏🏼 freshwater - this was an interesting book. the main charater(s) is a person who has dissociative identity disorder which was modeled off the author’s life. it appeared to be an honest, quite interesting story and i wasn’t disappointed.
👍🏼👍🏼 the leviathan wakes (the expanse #1) - good. space and things. there are way more books in this series so.
🙃😐 bird box - so, this is a pretty good book but also fuck this book. i don’t know how else to really put that.
👍🏼 stilletto - not as great as the first novel but still solid
👍🏼 artificial condition (murderbot diaries #2) - these novellas are a weird kind of quirky.
👍🏼 rogue protocol (murderbot diaries #3) -
👏🏼 head on (lock in #2) - you really can’t go wrong with will wheaton narrating a john scalzi novel. hits the spot every time.
exit strategy (murderbot diaries #4)
👍🏼😊 the gone world - gah. i really liked this one...i found the ending a little weak. like, i get it but it 100% ends like it was written by a man. which it was.
😂👍🏼 beat the reaper - honestly, pretty fucking entertaining.
🙃👍🏼the power - the end of this book made me like the book a lot more. it was honestly hard as fuck for me to get through. but the ending - the summary (spoiler/not real) absolute power corrupts absolutely.
👍🏼 every heart a doorway (wayward children #1) - a weird, wild ride pretty much start to finish. odd sort of comforting.
👌🏼 down among the sticks and bones (wayward children #2) - fairly dark. the books in these stories are built in these worlds that are just - beyond imagining almost. enjoyable.
👍🏼👏🏼beneath the sugar sky (wayward children #3) - the best in the series so far. for me at least
👍🏼👍🏼 dusk or dark or dawn or day - this + the three above this are all seanan mcguire. they’re all novellas & they are all good in their own way
😐🙃 brood - i don’t recall liking the first of this series all that much but i have a thing about series...it was alright...and available.
👏🏼 the space between the stars - i likes/disliked this book. it felt so profound in some ways and so obnoxious in others. i suppose that’s sort of how life is though.
the moment of everything -
👏🏼👏🏼 envy of angels (sin du jour #1) - if you are looking for a weird ass series of novellas filled with the most weird ass shit ever. this is for you.
👏🏼 lust locked (sin du jour #2) - sex crazed lizard monsters. that’s all you get.
👏🏼 pride’s spell (sin du jour #3) - god is a dog. again, that’s all you get.
🙃 gotcha detective agency (2, 3, 4, 6, 7, & 8) - this is the one series i sort of loved to hate. i enjoyed them in part but in part just needed something to listen to and that’s what was available.
0 notes