#whether from stress or anxiety or sorrow
catboynutsack · 7 months
oh so when they said "it gets better" they weren't lying? it does get better? and it did? even though it seemed so fake back then? it's fucked up but true, it does get better
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literary-motif · 6 months
Don't Look At Me
Alex x Reader
Warnings: mentions of anxiety attacks
You awoke to soft crying in the dead of night, the deep darkness disorientating you for a moment as you were torn from your slumber. You lay still for a moment, your brain needing time to catch up with reality — Alex was sobbing quietly beside you, his face buried in the pillow to keep quiet. You could hear him choking on his tears. 
Cautiously, you rolled over to face him, contemplating whether or not your touch would be appreciated at the moment. Your argument was still ringing in your ears, his angry gaze as he told you to quit being so protective, the annoyed scoff he had let out as you voiced your fears; the harsh words you had spat back at him, watching his heart crack through his eyes at your ruthlessness. 
Suffice to say, you had not spoken for the rest of the evening, retiring to your shared bed with your backs to each other. The silence had been loaded. Still, you preferred the thick quiet of your slowly fading love to the muffled cries of Alex breaking apart beside you — so close but out of reach regardless. 
You could feel the trembling of his body, shaking so violently you feared this was more than just an expression of sorrow. “Alex?” you asked, voice a breath. You knew Alex fought with anxiety, and the thought of his suffering through an attack alone — unwilling to reach out to you for support — just because you two fought earlier made you feel sick. 
Sure, you were angry and hurt, but you would always put that aside if he needed your help, especially about something as serious as this.
He did not answer, instead curling into an even tighter ball and swallowing down his cries until only his hiccups and uneven breathing remained to break the silence. 
“Alex, please. Are you alright?” you asked, persistent in wanting to care for and help him. You turned on the small lamp on your bedside table, illuminating the bedroom in a faint hue of gold. “Do you need anything? Try to breathe.”
You looked at his trembling frame, seeing the pillow he held clutched tightly to his chest as if it were the only thing keeping him together. His eyes were squeezed shut, his cheeks red from crying as his lower lip wobbled. Alex looked miserable, utterly destroyed. 
“Hey, it’s alright,” you soothed, your hand twitching, wanting to reach out and touch him. 
He always sought out your touch when he was stressed or sad. It made him feel safe, he had told you once, as he melted in your embrace after a client had been particularly rude to him. He melted under your gentle caresses like wax, his eyes fluttering shut as he relaxed completely, warmth encircling him wholly as the world faded from his mind, only the thought of you remaining.
“Can I touch you?”
“Don’t—” Alex’ choked response came immediately, and he sobbed harder. “Don’t look—” his voice broke on the second syllable. 
Your heart ached at seeing him like this, breaking with the knowledge that he did not want your help. “Alright,” you whispered, turning to rest against the headboard. “I’m here if you change your mind. You can— I—” You looked straight ahead, gazing at the picture hanging on the opposite side of the room to honor his wish. 
The picture was of the two of you, making a mess of the kitchen as you baked cookies. Alex had taken it on his phone, complaining about you wanting it on the wall due to the ‘abyssal quality,’ as he put it. You just thought you both looked so happy in it, the comfort in each others’ presence and the affection between you nearly tangible in the way you looked.
“I can always hold you through it if you want. You just have to ask,” you said, blinking away your own tears. Alex did not give any indication that he had heard you, continuing to cry softly against the pillow in his arms. 
“I always sleep with a second pillow,” he had told you once as you lay snuggled together on his bed. “I need something to hold, or else I can’t fall asleep. Well, now I have you” — the smile he gave you at these words was etched into your memory forever; the pure happiness expressed in his eyes, the overwhelming adoration in the twist of his lips — “I don’t think I’ll be needing it anymore.”
The tentative brush of a hand against yours startled you out of your reverie, and you glanced to the side to find Alex’ trembling fingers resting against the back of your hand, as if afraid to touch you properly. 
You contemplated a moment, wondering if you should comment on it. With a soft sigh, you decided to show him instead, and took his hand in yours, tracing circles into the back of it with your thumb. 
His sobs were no longer muffled, and he moved his body until he was facing you, looking at you with bloodshot eyes. “Please,” he croaked, gripping your hand tighter in desperation, his shoulders shaking from the force of his cries. 
Knowing what he needed, you gathered him in your arms, guiding his head to rest against your shoulder and running your fingers through his disheveled hair as your arms wrapped around him. “I’ve got you,” you whispered, his tears drenching the fabric of your nightshirt, “Breathe. It’s alright, Alex. I’m here.”
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[Task I] Your Crystal Bracelet
Gael's bracelet is fitted with a blue labradorite gemstone, and it's placed in such a way that it seems as though the band was placed over it, rather than the gem being fitted onto the band, making it impossible to grip it. It's smoothed on top and always seems to catch the richness of the blue hue, but also never misses the veins of black that cut through.
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[Labradorite] has spiritual connections with intuition and is used for meditation. It's said to help calm an overactive mind and aids in reducing stress and anxiety, inviting inner peace and self-improvement. Whether it's psychosomatic or not, the black cracks and veins in the gemstone occasionally pulse as if reacting in tandem to his frenzied heartbeat when he's overthinking. [△ Triangles] are often associated with perfection, law, religion and when pointed upright, masculinity and stability. When inverted, it can mean instability or imbalance. Gael's shape is a triangle, but in lieu of rigid edges, it instead has slight curves, suggesting a more gentle and less aggressive figure. However, the curves accentuate the points of the triangle - the facets of Gael that can be sharp and biting, even if they aren't the focus of the shape. [Blue] is a color tied to the strengths and weaknesses of both water and air, indicating freedom, intuition, inspiration, detachment, wisdom, and sorrow. It can also mean depth, trust, loyalty and sensitivity. Blue accurately represents Gael, from the soaring highs of absent-mindedness and getting lost in his thoughts to the abyssal loyalties he holds for those close to him and his openness with emotions.
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damsels-n-dice · 3 months
queer wrath jam: day two
yesterday | tomorrow | the finished game
another day, another update! first, let's talk about my progress:
finished the "choose your playbook" section
added rules about home bases + basic gameplay
added an entire section on character growth for campaign play
gave each playbook a power and a few abilities (stats)
tomorrow will be mostly focused on the character creation section, as well as fixing some of the basic gameplay rules and getting the rest of the abilities written out for each playbook.
now that's out of the way, onto the more exciting stuff...
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the playbooks in 'till it kills us are about personality and storytelling more than mechanics, though they do also determine some mechanics. most importantly, they give you three things: your defining emotion, the kind of magic fueled by that emotion, and a special power. i've talked about these, as well as the playbook names & concepts, below!
>> the bogeyman
emotion: shame, magic: shadow, power: secret-keeper the idea behind this playbook is that they are ashamed of who they are, whether because of their queerness or otherwise. they develop shadow magic, to allow them to hide in darkness, and even their name is a reference to the way they view themselves as monstrous.
>> the creeping vine
emotion: self-doubt, magic: flora, power: chokehold this playbook has self-doubt that slowly grows in them, like the crawling of a vine or spreading of a fungus, until it consumes and chokes them. hence, of course, their name and power. unfortunately, they were partially inspired by hanahaki disease...
>> the drowned
emotion: sorrow, magic: water, power: acheron named in reference to the phrase "drown your sorrows", the drowned are all about sadness. their power, acheron, is named after the greek river -- associated with death and tragedy, but also healing. in their case, the acheron waters flow as magic-induced tears.
>> the gravedigger
emotion: grief, magic: earth, power: buried alive the gravedigger feels as though they're being buried by the strength of their own grief, held back by it so much that even their magic reflects the grave dirt. despite its name, though, buried alive is actually a protective power, as the gravedigger fights to stop any more deaths.
>> the grey
emotion: numbness, magic: cold, power: gaze of the abyss cold & greyness are both commonly associated with feelings of numbness and dissociation, and the name of the playbook gets the feeling across well! the power, which is a reference to the idea that staring into the abyss makes the abyss stare back.
>> the lighthouse
emotion: paranoia, magic: lightning, power: lightning strikes twice just as a lighthouse is sign of both hope and danger, the lighthouse's paranoia makes them mistrust safety. it's also a reference to their magic, lightning for the lighthouse. like them, lightning is full of frenetic energy and tends to cause a lot of collateral damage.
>> the siren
emotion: loneliness, magic: sound, power: look at me! as someone who feels like an outcast from both "normal" society and their own queer rebel groups, the siren's magic is all about making themselves heard and understood. the name references both warning sirens and the siren who lures sailors in with her song.
>> the spitfire
emotion: anger, magic: fire, power: blood boils associating anger and fire is a classic, and this was the first playbook i found a name for. the spitfire is your classic rebellious character, full of righteous (or unjustified) rage that they want to get out at the world. if they get angry enough, their blood literally boils.
>> the wisp
emotion: stress, magic: air, power: whirlwind the wisp is named mostly because of the sound of the name -- the idea that stress and anxiety make someone become small and unobtrusive. it also fits their air powers, though those are anything but small. with whirlwind, the whole room mirrors their internal chaos
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goat-shoe · 6 months
Dugout-focused CapOut drabble, 860 words.
Dugout wasn't popular when he was young.
He went to high school in a small town. He had his handful of friends who he would sit with, share sillybandz with and trade Pokemon cards with. Friends who he weathered middle school dances with, who made eye contact with him when group projects raptured the classroom four kids at a time, who carefully misspelled his name in his yearbook in the spring.
But by the turn of the fourth spring, he and those friends of his were at a mutual understanding. This is where they find a fork in their road: where they part, but without the sweetness of sorrow, and, instead, the weight of the facade of an empty "goodbye".
And Dugout was alone... Without a lasting friendship, and without ever having felt the warmth of another hand in his.
Nearly five years later, he finds himself in New York. He finds himself woven into an everyday rhythm, one that harmonizes with the city.
By day, he runds errands for Mrs. Quail. He walks through the streets, hands tucked in the pockets of his long, brown coat, arms looped through the loops of bulky, plastic, grocery bags, which's wrinkled edges sway and sing in the mild breeze of the city streets.
It's not unusual for someone to bump him, nudge him, even trip him, their larger bodies always enough to make him stumble, whether they mean it or not- he's stopped wondering. He'll huff, regain his footing, and continue on his way, not bothering to shout at anyone if he still stands upright, if his groceries are still intact, still wrapped in the plastic safety of the grocery bags, the butter still in one piece, bread un-crunched...
By night, he transforms. He dons his necklace of miracles, and finds himself on the rooftops of New York City, donned in white baseball gear, a baseball cap on his head, adorned with floppy ears, face concealed under a dark mask to protect his anonymity.
And at night, he isn't alone. Bobunny assigns patrol partners, and more often than not, he finds himself at Capricorn's side. It's just how their schedules line up, strings of fate tangling with coincidence, it's just how their cookie crumbles.
Dugout finds more and more that he spends most his time in the graces and warmth of Capricorn's company. Under the ray of their blazing smile, beside the wonder of their paintbrush, and the kindness of their gaze. And in the everything, everything, that is Capricorn, he finds comfort, safety, a home.
And he realizes, by day, that he wishes they were there at his side. There to make a quiet quip about the absolute Karen at the CVS counter, there to buy a donut for, to walk beside, to join he and Mariquita- all as citizens, like the friends he sees sitting in the coffee shop, giggling at the absolute Karen at the counter.
It's an accident, the first time he does it. Central park is under the terror and attack of a giraffe-themed akuma. And as a rock flies, soars, shoots, whizzes, over the deep emerald fuzz of the park's grasss, he realizes it's heading right for himself and Capricorn.
 Without thinking- acting fully on heroic instinct and fear- fear of losing them. Dugout leaps, practically tackles Capricorn into the soft grass. The chunk of Earth lands, kicking up dirt and dust. 
And just behind it, Dugout lays atop Capricorn, body hovering over theirs. 
They both gasp, pant, realize that they're still bound to their mortal coils, both still in our realm, intact, and breathing. 
Dugout blinks, eyes locked with Capricorn's. His heart leaps in his throat, chest seizing with an anxiety separate from the adrenaline rush of the battle.
His hand is on their cheek. Tenderly, delicately, brushing aside a stray strand of their blue locks.
The moment then fades into the chaos of the battle, lost to the stress and raging adrenaline.
Some number of times later, it's no longer a mistake.
Capricorn and Dugout stop by a bakery in the early morning hours. And as they sit atop the small building's roof, they chatter. About things that don't dare approach the risk of revealing their identities to one another: topics that maintain the safety of anonymity. New shows, movies, music. 
Capricorn giggles around a bite of donut. And mumbles something through the crumbs. Dugout leans closer to hear her. Only, it makes her stutter, and Dugout feels the warmth of unfettered affection flaring in his chest, as he realizes that he's intentionally teasing her. He chuckles with her as she stumbles. And then, they both find themselves laughing. Dugout leans away, just to see her laugh. 
And when they're done, and both flushed from their laughter and joy, Capricorn is left with her wild hair flittering in the breeze. 
Dugout reaches, delicately, and tucks Capricorn's hair back into place. Neither of them say anything of it, instead just enjoying the sweetness of donut frosting on their lips, the quiet of the night, the chill of the night air, and the warmth of one another- close enough to touch.. but neither yet reaching out. 
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valleynix · 2 years
Another chapter is finished >:)
The way I didn't trust that Bela from the opening scene for even a mere second.
<"Might you grant my sorrowed soul mercy with a kiss from your-“
Snorting at her dramatics, you lean forward>
Cass got the dramatics and long dimples when she smiles after her mama. Confirmed.
"it is a flaw of mine to tell my daughters no. They’ve become spoiled since their rebirths"
<“If you’d told me how much you cared for them when I first woke up, I wouldn’t have believed you. I’ve heard the rumors.”
“That because of what I do to keep myself and my children alive and well, I must be a monster incapable of retaining any of my humanity?”>
It's the way that in your writing you're basically calling out the people that say Alcina is an awful mom and abuses her kids coz "she's a villain".
"you find yourself smiling upon feeling the absolute bundle of nerves and racing thoughts that is Daniela Dimitrescu."
This is so real, I turn into a happy puppy whenever she's mentioned. I just go 😍🥰💞
"She makes herself right at home in your personal space, tucking herself beneath your blanket and resting her head on your shoulder, interlacing your fingers together as she settles"
:') my touch starved ass is dying in here bro
<“Good morning, little-“
“Don’t be sappy this early,” Cassandra grumbles.
Now there's going to be a transition to sth more serious. Because damn.
I really admire Reader, that they still (somehow) function and try to make things right even though they're severely traumatised and despite all that anxiety. And I imagine it must be really hard for them. To keep it together, to go on with all the mess there's in their head bc of what happened and only they're aware of. The isolation and lack of a person they can share their worries with aren't helping either. And I imagine they feel really pressured to succeed, to keep the Dimis safe. They desperately don't want to lose them.
But all that stress they put upon themselves doesn't work in their favour. Their actions are chaotic. They're getting lost between what they think is right and what they think they should do for not to lose the Dimis' favour.
Reader's internal battles about whether sth is right or not and struggles to manoeuvre between it all make them feel real, like an average person that has a lot on their shoulders. Because a normal person would have a lot of doubts too and it'd be hard for them to cold calculate everything just to get to the desired point. People have feelings and emotions and they often get in the way.
And, Reader franticly wants to escape what they truly are, but I think if they accepted and embraced their darker side, the mutation, that would work in their favour. They're not "just a human", but it doesn't have to be an inherently bad thing.
You really put a lot of work to make every one of your characters complex, act and react accordingly to the events and make it feel like they're all alive inside their little fictional world. I love to read about them so much <3
*i was trying so hard to make it very... horror-y and unsettling, like something is clearly wrong but everything looks fine, yknow
*I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOR, the thought of Cass copying her mama in some capacity is so <3333
*Alcina is best mom, i don't take criticism
*THE WAY I'VE DONE THIS (and something similar) SEVERAL TIMES LMAOO. the people who say "they're abusive!! they're SAers!!" all because they kill people need some brains. being a villain does not mean you would be the literal scum of the earth
(that's why i try to make it clear none of the Dimis would ever intentionally disrespect Reader's boundaries no matter what (feralness aside) and why i make it so apparent how much Alcina loves her daughters)
*i have some good news: you're going to love the next chapter (lots of Dani content) >:) i literally love her so much pls
*PLEASE LMFAO I LOVE THEIR SIBLING DYNAMIC, Bela tries to do literally anything and Cass is just, "Ew. Stop" HAHAHSDLFJSH
*i do think it's often easy to forget that despite it all, poor Reader has been through so much in such a short amount of time, and that's bound to make them a little... unstable. and it's easy to think you're making the right choice, blinded by what you think you should be
it's something i briefly addressed in the upcoming chapter fifteen, where Reader has been so caught up in their own head that they forget just how much their knee-jerk reactions harm/affect those around them. like, the Dimis are people with thoughts and feelings too, and their devotion to making everything right has completely blinded them to what's going on when they're not around
it does get better, and you'll see why in chapter twelve? i think? they have to learn they can trust these women they're trying so hard to protect, even as hard as it may seem and as much as they may doubt the conclusions of such acts. for being as traumatized and slightly stupid as they are, though, it's certainly going to be a journey
(plus, with Reader trying to protect them from that life and what happened, it makes them think they have to bear the burden alone, not realizing how much of a strain that puts on them. telling them all their trauma, everything they've seen... it's just not as easy to do as it is to say it aloud)
i know it can get difficult reading about this dumbass making mistakes that seem obvious to the rest of us, but with everything they've been through... :')
i'm really glad you're still enjoying it, and i look forward to what you'll say for the next chapter (and the Dani scenes >:) ) <3333
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debpsychology · 15 days
Understanding the Importance of Psychological Services in Watsonia, Vic
In today's fast-paced world, general well-beingᅠdepends critically on mental health. Helping people deal with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems depends much on psychological therapies. Getting expert psychiatric help in Watsonia, Vicᅠmay greatly improve one's quality of life.
The Function of a Psychologist
Offering a spectrum of therapies meant to help people understand and control their emotions, actions, and ideas, a psychologist in Watsonia Vic, These experts treat several mental health disorders—including anxiety, depression, trauma, and more—using evidence-based approaches. Working with a psychologist helps clients to better understand their mental health and create sensible coping mechanisms.
Advantages of consulting a psychologist
One proactive approach toward improved mental health is seeking psychological support. Among its many advantages are better emotional control, closer connections, and more resilience to the demands of daily life. Psychological Service in Watsonia Vicᅠmay also assist people more successfully in negotiating challenging events such as divorce, grief, or professional changes, therefore supporting significant life transitions.
Typical Mental Health Problems Deleted
Watsonia, Vic psychologists are trained to manage a range of mental health problems. Common issues are depression, marked by ongoing sorrow and lack of interest, and anxiety disorders, in which people suffer from too great worry and dread. Other concerns might be trauma, sorrow, and stress management. Early resolution of these problems helps people avoid their escalation and influence on their everyday lives.
Psychological Therapy's Approach
Psychological treatment has numerous phases. The psychologist first does a comprehensive evaluation to identify the particular requirements and issues of the client. This evaluation aids in creating a customized treatment schedule. The therapy sessions might include mindfulness-based approaches that improve emotional awareness or cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), which targets altering negative thought patterns.
Selecting the Correct Psychologist
Effective treatment depends on the correct psychologist being chosen. Finding a specialist you are comfortable with and who has expertise in addressing your particular issues is crucial. Watsonia, Vic boasts a number of competent psychologists with varied areas of specialization. Making a wise choice requires background research, review reading, and first consultations.
Reversing Stigma
The stigma attached to mental health is one of the obstacles preventing one from getting psychological assistance. Many people hesitate to get in touch out of social views or fear of criticism. Still, asking for aid is a show of strength rather than weakness. Overcoming stigma is teaching others and oneself the value of mental health as well as the advantages of psychological treatments.
The Direction Mental Health Support Is Taking
Psychological services' demand rises along with increasing awareness of mental health problems. Therapeutic innovations, including telemedicine, have made psychological help more easily available than before. Therapy may now be obtained by people from the convenience of their homes, which facilitates scheduling fitting for hectic lives. A major step towards bettering general mental health in towns like Watsonia, Vic. is this greater accessibility.
Maintaining mental health and well-being in Watsonia, Vic depends critically on psychological care access. Whether handling life's problems, anxiety, or depression, a psychologist may offer the help required to successfully negotiate these concerns. Visiting debpsychology.com.au might be the first step towards a better, happier life for anybody looking for expert assistance.
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tulasihealth · 17 days
The Power of Journaling for Mental Health
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Journaling is considered one of the easy and effective tools to improve mental health, and it can form an important part of a holistic approach. Our Tulasi Healthcare is considered one of the best rehabilitation centers in Delhi NCR. And it often prescribes journaling as a therapeutic practice that helps along with other treatment approaches. In it, one needs to write their thoughts, feelings, and experience consistently, which helps the individual get clarity and reduced stress with improved emotional well-being. Whether used alone or as part of a broader mental health care plan, journaling confers numerous benefits that build toward a healthier and more balanced life.
1. Emotional Release and Stress Reduction Perhaps the most immediate benefit derived from journaling is the emotional release it provides. The process of putting your thoughts and feelings into words allows you to sort through and express those emotions that may otherwise remain bottled up. This act of expression lowers the degree of anger, sorrow, and anxiety, and enables a person to be at peace with himself or herself. In Tulasi Healthcare, the best rehabilitation center in Delhi NCR, patients are encouraged to get back to their regular life by writing in a journal to cope with stress and emotions that help them recover effectively from their addiction or mental health disorders.
2. Self-Reflection and Insight Journaling was one way to help bring a balance between self-reflection and personal growth, or even healing. With regular reflection over your thoughts and behaviors, you will be capable of noticing patterns of your behaviors, what triggers those behaviors, and areas where you may want to make some changes. These things are valuable in bringing about changes that result in living a better life and improving mental health. In this approach by Tulasi Healthcare, it is inculcating the patient with the valuable benefits of journaling to understand feelings and behaviors more deeply, thus becoming a major basis for recovery.
3. Improved Mood and Emotional Resilience Research has documented that journaling improves one's mood and builds emotional resilience. When one continually writes down things that are going well or for which they are grateful, one hardwires the brain to become more optimistic. This is what is commonly referred to as gratitude journaling, in which focus is shifted from negative thinking to creating a high degree of optimism in life. This is why Tulasi Healthcare, Delhi NCR's best rehabilitation center, incorporates the practice of gratitude journaling in its therapy programs to help build emotional resilience and a positive approach towards recovery for patients.
4. Enhanced Problem-Solving Ability Problem-solving skills can also be enhanced by maintaining journals. A journal allows you to systematically break down the problem into smaller parts that can be handled more effectively. You are able to move through different perspectives of the issue at hand and possible solutions in an organized manner. Patients with Tulasi Healthcare learn how to use journaling to sort their thoughts and face problems more rationally. This is particularly helpful for those patients working through recovery from addiction issues and those with mental health illnesses, as it helps in prioritizing problems and enables them to concentrate their work on what they can do and manage.
5. Tracking Progress and Setting Goals Another great benefit of journaling is that it allows tracking progress and setting goals. When you chart your journey over a certain period, you are able to look back and notice how far you have come and the changes you have made. This can be quite motivational, especially at those times when things seem bleak. Here at Tulasi Healthcare, we encourage journaling as a way for patients to map the progress of their recovery, set realistic goals for themselves, and celebrate those achievements-a reinforcer for maintaining long-term wellness.
6. Improvement in Communication Skills Journaling will help you express yourself articulately as pertains to thoughts and feelings. The regular expression of yourself on paper can carry through to the verbal expression in relationships. The establishment of clear and effective communication, Tulasi Health further asserts is important for recovery. Journaling thus forms one of the awareness means that allows the patient to be able to understand the feelings and how best to express them constructively.
Conclusion It is such a versatile and accessible tool that its benefits in mental health are enormous, especially if it is a part of an overall care plan-as followed at Tulasi Healthcare, Best rehabilitation center in Delhi NCR. Be it the reduction of stress, gaining self-awareness, perking up mood, or enhancing problem-solving capabilities, journaling had a way to meet those ends. Journaling may be a powerful tool to bring enormous positive change in your life, once you get into the habit of doing it. Journaling was one of the healthy therapeutic practices involved in Tulasi Healthcare, helping an individual recover and work toward overall well-being.
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ajivasanacademy · 23 days
Discover the Best Kathak Dance Classes at Ajivasan Music and Dance Academy
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Are you passionate about learning Kathak, one of India's most elegant and expressive classical dance forms? At Ajivasan Music and Dance Academy, we offer premier Kathak dance classes that blend tradition with modern teaching techniques. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our academy provides the perfect environment for all age groups and experience levels to master this graceful art form.
Why Choose Kathak?
Kathak is more than just a dance; it’s a narrative art form that tells stories through intricate footwork, expressive gestures, and rhythmic patterns. Originating from Northern India, Kathak has a rich history rooted in the ancient temples and courts of India. It is characterized by its graceful spins, precise footwork, and dramatic expressions, making it a captivating performance for audiences around the world. Enrolling in Kathak dance classes not only allows you to learn this beautiful dance but also helps you connect with India’s cultural heritage on a deeper level.
What Makes Our Kathak Dance Classes Unique?
At Ajivasan Music and Dance Academy, our Kathak dance classes are designed to provide comprehensive training in this classical dance form. Here’s what makes our classes stand out:
Experienced Instructors: Our academy boasts a team of seasoned Kathak dancers who bring years of experience and passion to their teaching. They are dedicated to helping each student unlock their potential and gain confidence in their dance journey.
Customized Learning Plans: We understand that every student has a unique learning curve. Our classes are structured to cater to the individual needs of each student, ensuring that they grasp the fundamentals of Kathak while also challenging themselves to grow and improve.
Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible class schedules to accommodate the busy lives of our students. Whether you are a working professional, a student, or a homemaker, you can find a class timing that fits your routine.
Holistic Approach: Our Kathak dance classes go beyond just teaching steps and techniques. We focus on developing a holistic understanding of the dance form, including its history, cultural significance, and musical elements, to provide a well-rounded learning experience.
Benefits of Enrolling in Kathak Dance Classes
Enrolling in Kathak dance classes at Ajivasan Music and Dance Academy offers numerous benefits beyond learning the dance itself. Here are a few reasons why you should consider joining:
Physical Fitness: Kathak is an excellent way to stay fit and active. The rigorous practice sessions improve cardiovascular health, enhance flexibility, and tone muscles, contributing to overall physical well-being.
Mental Agility: Learning Kathak sharpens your mental faculties. The dance requires memorization of intricate footwork patterns, coordination of hand gestures, and understanding of rhythmic cycles, which enhances cognitive functions.
Emotional Expression: Kathak allows dancers to explore and express a wide range of emotions, from joy to sorrow. This emotional outlet can be incredibly therapeutic, helping individuals manage stress and anxiety.
Cultural Enrichment: By joining our Kathak dance classes, you immerse yourself in a rich cultural tradition, gaining a deeper appreciation for Indian art and history.
Join Us Today!
At Ajivasan Music and Dance Academy, we believe in nurturing talent and passion for the arts. Our Kathak dance classes are perfect for anyone looking to learn or master this classical dance form. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to enhance your skills, our academy provides the ideal setting for growth and discovery.
So, what are you waiting for? Embark on your Kathak journey today and experience the joy of dance like never before. Visit our website or contact us to enroll in our Kathak dance classes and take the first step towards mastering this beautiful art form.
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indianflowers01 · 2 months
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In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends:
Flowers have an innate ability to transcend the ordinary and touch the deepest corners of our emotions. They are not merely ornamental; they hold a profound significance in our lives, offering solace, joy, and a connection to nature that is timeless and universal.
The Language of Flowers
Throughout history and across cultures, flowers have communicated sentiments when words fall short. In times of joy, they symbolize celebration, love, and achievement. A bouquet presented at a graduation or wedding speaks volumes of pride and happiness, conveying emotions that resonate deeply with both giver and receiver.
Similarly, in moments of sorrow, flowers offer comfort and empathy. Funeral wreaths and sympathy bouquets express condolences and provide a tangible reminder of support during times of grief. Their presence brings a sense of peace and solace, gently reminding us that beauty can endure even in the face of loss.
Nature's Healing Touch
Scientifically, flowers have been proven to have a positive impact on mental health. Studies show that exposure to floral scents and visual stimuli can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The vibrant colors and delicate fragrances of flowers evoke feelings of calmness and happiness, making them natural mood enhancers in both good times and bad.
Cultural and Symbolic Significance
In various cultures, specific flowers hold symbolic meanings. For instance, the lotus flower in Eastern traditions symbolizes purity and spiritual awakening, while the rose in Western culture represents love and passion. Understanding these symbolic meanings adds layers of depth to the emotions conveyed through floral gifts and decorations.
Artistic Inspiration
Artists, poets, and writers throughout history have drawn inspiration from flowers. From Van Gogh's vivid sunflowers to Shakespeare's romantic sonnets, flowers have been muse and metaphor, capturing the essence of human experience in their delicate petals and vibrant hues. They inspire creativity and evoke emotions that resonate across time and space.
Environmental Connection
Beyond their emotional and cultural significance, flowers are vital to the ecosystem. They attract pollinators, support biodiversity, and contribute to the beauty of natural landscapes. Their role in sustaining life on Earth highlights their importance beyond aesthetics, emphasizing our interconnectedness with the natural world.
Personal Reflection
On a personal level, flowers hold memories and stories. A wildflower picked during a childhood adventure, a rose given on a first date, or a bouquet received on a special occasion—all carry sentimental value that transcends their physical form. They become tokens of cherished moments, reminders of love, friendship, and resilience.
In joy or sadness, flowers remain steadfast companions, offering comfort, inspiration, and a profound connection to nature's beauty. They speak a language of emotions that transcends barriers and cultures, enriching our lives with their presence. Whether celebrating life's milestones or navigating its challenges, flowers remind us of the enduring power of beauty, empathy, and the human spirit. As we embrace their essence, we discover that in every bloom, there is a reflection of our own journey through joy and sorrow, united by the timeless companionship of flowers.
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tallmantall · 3 months
James Donaldson on Mental Health - Mental Health Challenges of LGBTQ+ Kids
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James Donaldson on Mental Health - Mental Health Challenges of LGBTQ+ Kids A look at risk factors and protective factors Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com Writer: Juliann Garey Clinical Expert: Emma C Woodward, PhD What You'll Learn - What factors make LGBTQ+ kids more likely to develop mental health problems? - What can reduce those risks? - How can parents support LGBTQ+ kids’ mental health? - Quick Article - Full Article - Key risk factors for LGBTQ+ youth - Key protective factors - How parents can help Being LGBTQ+ doesn’t cause mental health problems. But because LGBTQ+ kids often face factors like rejection, bullying, discrimination, and violence, they are at a higher risk of challenges including depression, anxiety, and attempting suicide. However, there are ways that parents and others can support their mental health and help them grow up safe and happy. Factors that make kids more likely to develop mental health challenges are called risk factors. The stress of being LGBTQ+ is a risk factor for nearly all kids who identify as LGBTQ+. They may be scared of being rejected or worry that they might be harassed or discriminated against because of their identity. Directly experiencing bullying or discrimination is also a major risk factor, and so is lacking support at home and/or at school. Not having access to supportive mental health care and being addressed by the wrong name or pronouns are risk factors as well. Things that reduce the impact of risk factors are called protective factors. They make it less likely that kids will develop mental health challenges. The biggest protective factor for LGBTQ+ kids is having unconditional love and support at home. Other supportive adults can also make a big difference, and so can getting good health care, attending a school with supportive policies, and being able to safely use the name and pronouns that match their identity. #James Donaldson notes:Welcome to the “next chapter” of my life… being a voice and an advocate for #mentalhealthawarenessandsuicideprevention, especially pertaining to our younger generation of students and student-athletes.Getting men to speak up and reach out for help and assistance is one of my passions. Us men need to not suffer in silence or drown our sorrows in alcohol, hang out at bars and strip joints, or get involved with drug use.Having gone through a recent bout of #depression and #suicidalthoughts myself, I realize now, that I can make a huge difference in the lives of so many by sharing my story, and by sharing various resources I come across as I work in this space.  #http://bit.ly/JamesMentalHealthArticleFind out more about the work I do on my 501c3 non-profit foundationwebsite www.yourgiftoflife.org Order your copy of James Donaldson's latest book,#CelebratingYourGiftofLife: From The Verge of Suicide to a Life of Purpose and Joy www.celebratingyourgiftoflife.com Link for 40 Habits Signupbit.ly/40HabitsofMentalHealth If you'd like to follow and receive my daily blog in to your inbox, just click on it with Follow It. Here's the link https://follow.it/james-donaldson-s-standing-above-the-crowd-s-blog-a-view-from-above-on-things-that-make-the-world-go-round?action=followPub Parents of LGBTQ+ kids can support them by making home a safe space and advocating for them at school when necessary. It also helps to connect them to health care (both physical health and mental health) that respects their gender identity and sexual orientation. This kind of support can make the difference between a child who develops mental heath issues and one who thrives as they get older. If you have a child who’s LGBTQ+ you may worry about whether they’re getting the support they need to be safe and healthy. You may be aware that LGBTQ+ kids are at higher risk than other kids for developing mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. They also have higher rates of contemplating, attempting, and dying by suicide. That’s why it’s important to understand what factors make an LGBTQ+ young person more or less likely to develop a mental health problem, including considering or attempting suicide. Being LGBTQ+ doesn’t cause mental health problems — and is not caused by mental health problems. Rather, these kids’ increased risk of developing mental health problems stems from exposure to factors like rejection, bullying, discrimination, and violence.   While acceptance of LGBTQ+ kids has increased over the last few decades, the current moment is an especially challenging one. The coronavirus pandemic took a serious toll, isolating many queer kids from important support networks — friends, teachers, allies, and adult role models. Recent homophobic and transphobic legislation may also contribute to increased mental health risks. In a 2022 Trevor Project poll of 34,000 LGBTQ+ youth between the ages of 13 and 24 years old, 73 percent reported feeling symptoms of anxiety, and 58 percent reported symptoms of depression. Forty-five percent said they had seriously considered suicide. For transgender youth, the numbers are even worse: 1 in 5 actually attempted suicide.What can be done? The more we know about what helps — and harms — LGBTQ+ kids, the better we can support them. Here, we look at both the risk factors — things that increase the likelihood that an LGBTQ+ kid will develop serious mental health problems — and the protective factors, or things that reduce that risk. If a child has a lot of risk factors and hardly any protective factors, they are particularly vulnerable. On the other hand, if they have a fair number of risk factors but a lot of protective factors, they may be less vulnerable. Key risk factors for LGBTQ+ youth The stress of being LGBTQ+ is a risk factor that’s near-universal. “These youth’s identities carry stressors with them related to being in such a marginalized and misunderstood group,” says Emma Woodward, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. The pressure and distress that come with feeling the need to conceal their identities, the fear that they will be harassed or discriminated against, the feelings of rejection and self-doubt that can result from being treated as if who they are is something to be ashamed of. Additionally, LGBTQ+ kids often have stressful or even traumatic experiences that can impact their mental health, including: - Being bullied or actively discriminated against. “Bullying, discrimination, and social exclusion are hugely important risk factors for these kids,” says Dr. Woodward. According to the Trevor report, 73% of LGBTQ+ youth reported that they have experienced discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity at least once in their lifetime. - Little or no family support. One of the biggest health and safety risk factors for queer youth is lack of familial support and acceptance. - Lack of support by teachers and school administration. - Lack of access to mental health care. (The 2022 Trevor Project poll found that 60% of respondents were unable to get necessary mental health services.) - Physical harm. The Trevor poll found that 38% of LGBTQ youth reported having been physically threatened or harmed due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. - Being threatened with conversion therapy. Therapy designed to make a queer or trans person “go back to normal” has been consistently associated with negative mental health outcomes and greater risk for suicide.  - Being misgendered (addressed using the wrong pronouns) or not being called by their chosen name. Key protective factors While their struggles can be significant, with support and acceptance, LGBTQ+ kids can thrive. Most experts agree that the most important protective factor for LGBTQ+ kids is a high degree of support from family or caregivers. The Trevor Project poll bears that out: Having a strong family network and support reduced the percentage of youth who considered or attempted suicide in the past year by more than half. Other important protective factors include: - Access to the health care they need. If a child is struggling to get help, parents, caregivers, or community support networks can step in as advocates, says Dr. Woodward. In some ways, that may actually be easier now than it was two years ago, especially in areas where in-person mental health care has historically been limited. - Being able to wear the clothes they need to express their identity or change their appearance to match their identity. - Having a supportive adult in their life. This can be a teacher, family friend, coach, guidance counselor — anyone who can provide kindness and support when kids need it most. “Just having an adult who is understanding and supportive and will listen to a child can be really helpful,” says Dr. Woodward. “I think people have the ability help on a micro scale. People can provide individual support for these kids.” - Being allowed to use their chosen names and pronouns at home, school, and work. One study showed that this significantly reduced depression and suicidal thinking in LGBTQ+ youth. - Having strong LGBTQ+ role models. Positive representations of LGBTQ+ individuals in the media — on streaming platforms, in films, music, sports, and even advertising — are becoming more and more common. - Attending a school with supportive policies, such as allowing LGBTQ+ kids to use the bathroom of their choice or a zero-tolerance policy regarding bullying. - Having a doctor who is an ally. - Exposure to happy, thriving LGBTQ+ adults. How parents can help Though we can never entirely protect LGBTQ+ kids from the challenges they face, reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors can make a big difference. Here are a few ways that parents and families can do just that: - Make your home a safe space. “Just having home be a place that they can be themselves without judgment or rejection or consequences makes a big difference,” says Dr. Woodward. - Advocate for your child in their school. “Parents can help kids advocate for and get the services and accommodations they need,” Dr. Woodward says. “And, if their teen is having negative experiences in school, parents can play a role as well. Those are ways in which parents can help kids feel supported.” - Get your child connected to health care (both physical health and mental health) that affirms their sexual orientation and gender identity. For many LGBTQ+ kids, working with a supportive mental health professional is an important way to process challenges and learn coping skills. You can learn more here about finding affordable mental health care in your area. - Have a talk about social media — what’s safe and what’s not. Parenting can be hard at times and being the parent of an LGBTQ+ kid can be harder for a lot of reasons. But even if it takes you a long time to accept who they are, you can support them from the moment they come out to you. And that support can be the difference between having a kid who thrives or one who struggles with ongoing mental health issues. Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Pexels.com Read the full article
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jerickreforba25 · 4 months
The Transformative Power of Divine Healing, Peace, and Strength
Jerick Combate Reforba
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In the intricate tapestry of life, every thread represents a different experience—joy, sorrow, triumph, defeat, love, and loss. Amidst this ever-changing landscape, the need for healing, peace, and strength becomes paramount. The quote, “God can bring us HEALING when we are hurt, PEACE when we are troubled, And STRENGTH when we are weak. Trust God to take care of you,” provides a profound source of comfort and guidance.
The Essence of Healing
Healing is an intricate process, both physically and emotionally. When we are hurt, whether by the sting of a harsh word, the loss of a loved one, or the physical pain from illness or injury, the human spirit naturally seeks relief. Divine healing transcends mere physical recovery. It delves deep into the soul, addressing the emotional and spiritual wounds that often accompany physical pain.
Divine healing is not always instantaneous. It can be a gradual journey, teaching patience and resilience. The belief in a higher power’s ability to heal provides a sense of hope and purpose. It reminds us that no matter how deep the hurt, there is a possibility for renewal and restoration. Trusting in God’s healing power can transform our outlook, fostering a sense of gratitude and understanding, even amidst suffering.
The Pursuit of Peace
In a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty, the pursuit of peace becomes a universal quest. Troubling times can manifest in various forms—stress from work, personal conflicts, societal unrest, or existential anxieties. The promise of divine peace is a sanctuary for the troubled mind.
Peace, in a spiritual sense, is more than the absence of conflict. It is the presence of tranquility and assurance, a state of being that transcends external circumstances. Trusting in God to bring peace means surrendering our worries and anxieties, believing that there is a higher purpose and order beyond our immediate understanding.
This peace can act as an anchor, grounding us amidst life’s storms. It encourages us to live in the present, appreciating the moment without being overwhelmed by past regrets or future fears. Divine peace nurtures the soul, providing a quiet strength that helps us navigate the complexities of life with grace and resilience.
The Gift of Strength
Strength is often perceived as a physical attribute, but in the context of faith, it encompasses much more. It is the inner fortitude to persevere, the courage to face challenges, and the wisdom to make sound decisions. When we are weak, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually, the promise of divine strength offers a lifeline.
Trusting in God for strength is an acknowledgment of our limitations and the recognition that we are part of a larger, more powerful force. It is a humbling yet empowering realization. Divine strength provides the energy to rise after a fall, the resilience to keep moving forward, and the wisdom to understand that our struggles have purpose.
This strength does not always manifest in grand gestures. Sometimes, it is found in the quiet determination to get through the day, the patience to deal with difficult situations, or the grace to forgive and move on. It is a reminder that we are never truly alone, and that with faith, we can overcome even the most daunting challenges.
Trusting in Divine Care
The concluding exhortation, “Trust God to take care of you,” encapsulates the essence of faith. Trust is a profound act of surrender, an admission that we do not have all the answers and that it is okay to rely on a higher power. This trust is not passive; it is an active engagement with our faith, a daily choice to believe in the benevolence and wisdom of God.
Trusting in divine care means believing that there is a plan and purpose for our lives, even when we cannot see it. It is about letting go of the illusion of control and finding peace in the knowledge that we are part of something greater. This trust can transform our lives, providing a sense of security and purpose that is not dependent on external circumstances.
The message in the quote serves as a profound reminder of the transformative power of faith. Healing, peace, and strength are not just abstract concepts; they are tangible experiences that can reshape our lives. Trusting in God to take care of us is a journey of faith, a continuous process of surrender and renewal. In a world filled with uncertainties, this trust becomes a beacon of hope, guiding us through the complexities of life with a sense of purpose and peace.
By embracing this message, we open ourselves to the boundless possibilities of divine intervention, finding solace in the belief that no matter what we face, we are never alone. The journey may be challenging, but with faith, healing, peace, and strength, we can navigate life’s myriad experiences with grace and resilience.
A Prayer for Healing, Peace, and Strength
Heavenly Father,
We come before You today with hearts open and minds humbled, seeking Your divine presence and guidance. You are the source of all healing, peace, and strength, and we trust in Your infinite love and mercy to carry us through life's challenges.
Lord, we ask for Your healing touch upon us. When we are hurt, whether in body, mind, or spirit, we turn to You as the Great Physician. Heal our wounds, both seen and unseen. Mend the brokenness within us and restore us to wholeness. Help us to release the pain and to forgive those who have wronged us, just as You have forgiven us. Grant us the patience and perseverance to endure our trials, knowing that through You, all things are possible.
Father, we also seek Your peace in our lives. In times of trouble and turmoil, be our refuge and fortress. Calm the storms that rage within us and around us. Fill our hearts with Your divine peace that surpasses all understanding. Teach us to trust in Your plan and to find rest in Your presence. Let Your peace reign in our relationships, our homes, and our communities. Help us to be instruments of Your peace, spreading love and kindness wherever we go.
Lord, we ask for Your strength when we feel weak and weary. Life can be overwhelming, and there are moments when we feel like giving up. But we know that Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Strengthen our resolve and renew our spirits. Give us the courage to face each day with hope and determination. Remind us that we are not alone, and that Your grace is sufficient for all our needs. Empower us to rise above our challenges and to fulfill the purpose You have for our lives.
We place our trust in You, Lord, to take care of us. We surrender our fears, our anxieties, and our doubts into Your loving hands. Guide our steps and illuminate our path. Help us to walk in faith, knowing that You are with us every step of the way. May we find comfort in Your presence and assurance in Your promises.
In Jesus’ name, we pray for healing, peace, and strength. We thank You for Your unfailing love and grace. We praise You for Your goodness and faithfulness. May Your will be done in our lives, and may we always seek to glorify You in all that we do.
© 2024 Jerick Combate Reforba. All rights reserved.
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trending-worldblog · 4 months
Significance Of Presenting Flowers As A Gift On Auspicious Occasions
In today's world, where everyone prefers having digital communication and replacing face-to-face interaction, presenting a flower will add great significance on auspicious occasions. You can send flowers online through a reputed site that has affordable rates and a worldwide delivery facility. 
From happy moments to sad ones, one flower plays a vital role on every occasion. Different flowers symbolize different types of emotions. In this article, you will learn the significance of presenting flowers as gifts on various occasions.
1] For Asking Apology
If someone is angry with you and you want to convince them, then send them a flower and ask for an apology. Opting for a service of online flower delivery Bangalore, Mysore, etc, and sending them a beautiful flower will help soften their hearts and be filled with love and care. You can buy a white rose or any other white flower and add a note of "I am sorry" which will help in conveying a genuine feeling of regret and apology.
2] Helps In Reducing Stress
A flower offers a multi-sensory experience that helps in calming down easily, practicing mindfulness, promoting relaxation, etc. They are so beautiful and graceful that they can take away all your stress and anxiety and also help divert your mind. 
Many flowers give off fragrance that can help you heal your mind and body. Flowers help lower your cortisol levels (the hormone responsible for stress). While looking for online flower delivery Bangalore, you can contact a reputed online nursery and purchase different varieties according to the recipient's preferences. 
3] Has Eye-Pleasing Properties
The vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and different shapes of flowers are pleasing to the eye. Not only that, they also have mood-enhancing properties and inhaling these natural scents can trigger positive emotional responses like happiness, joy, and love. 
If you want to gift someone flowers, you can order online flower and cake delivery in Bangalore, Mysore, and nearby cities. It can definitely bring a smile to your loved one’s face and make their celebration memorable. 
4] To Celebrate Important Occasions
Flowers can be so eye-catching and elegant that they are used in almost every function. So, if you are planning a celebration, order flowers online Bangalore from a reputed site and surprise your loved ones. In any event, flowers help to uplift moods and fill them with positive emotions. They also help make your celebration happy, joyful, and memorable for a long time. While thinking of gifts, you can give flowers, which is an easy and affordable one.
5] To Honor Someone
Gifting a flower can be a great way to express your admiration, respect, and appreciation for someone who contributes to society's growth. During any function or award ceremony, you can order a flower bouquet in Bangalore, Mysore, or other nearby cities. On the other hand, during memorials or funerals, the flower is used to show sympathy, remembrance, and a tribute to the one who left the world.
6] For Showing Sympathy To Someone
Flowers are powerful ways to express sympathy and offer comfort during sorrow. In some traditions, flowers are used to cover the whole body. In other traditions, giving bouquets or arrangements allows senders to convey their condolences in meaningful ways. Staying in sad moments of life is important because it is the only phase that has to come in everyone's life. So give them flowers, which will provide warmth and comfort to people who are suffering and also grieving in pain.
7] Symbol Of Love And Appreciation
Flowers are timeless gifts and are given as tokens of love and appreciation on every occasion, such as birthdays, weddings, Mother's Day, Women's Day, Father's Day, etc. People of all ages and different cultures use flowers, whether for decoration, wearing garlands, or worshipping idols. 
Flowers represent growth, and if someone in your family is getting promoted or any kind of award or reward, the best thing you can give them is the flower. If you want to propose to your partner, then you can also buy a bouquet of red roses and impress the love of your life. Your partner just needs all your attention and love and some expressive flowers that make their day memorable. 
Gifting a flower is a universal language of love, celebrations, and remembrance. You can opt for services like online flower delivery Bangalore to send flowers to showcase your gratitude and appreciation to your loved ones. On special occasions, it is important to give a gift, so why not flowers? The best properties of flowers are that they are affordable and vibrant and fill your day with happiness and joy. Hopefully, the above article gives information on the significance of flowers as a gift on auspicious occasions and how to make them memorable.
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augustofineart · 5 months
The Healing Power of Art: Therapeutic Benefits of Oil Painting
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Art has long been recognized for its ability to heal and uplift the human spirit by US International Art . Among the various forms of artistic expression, oil painting stands out for its therapeutic benefits. From reducing stress and anxiety to enhancing emotional well-being, the act of oil painting can be a transformative experience. 
Let's explore the healing power of art and move into how oil painting can nurture both the mind and soul.           
Mindful Expression
Engaging in oil painting requires focus and concentration, akin to meditation. The process of selecting colors, mixing paints, and applying brushstrokes encourages mindfulness, allowing artists to be fully present in the moment. This meditative quality can reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calm and inner peace.
Emotional Release
Oil painting provides a non-verbal means of expressing complex emotions. Whether joy, sorrow, or anger, the canvas serves as a safe space to release pent-up feelings. By externalizing emotions through art, individuals can gain clarity and insight into their inner world, promoting emotional healing and self-discovery.
Color Therapy
Colors have a profound impact on our emotions and psyche. In oil painting, artists can deliberately select colors to evoke specific moods or feelings. For example, warm tones like red and orange can energize and uplift, while cool tones like blue and green can soothe and calm. This intentional use of color can enhance emotional well-being and promote a sense of balance and harmony.
Composition and Balance
The act of composing a painting requires artists to make choices about balance, proportion, and harmony. This process of creating order from chaos can be inherently therapeutic, mirroring the journey of life itself. By arranging elements on the canvas, artists can gain a sense of control and mastery over their environment, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.
Oil painting offers a unique opportunity for self-expression. Through art, individuals can communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a deeply personal and meaningful way. This act of self-expression can foster a sense of authenticity and self-acceptance, leading to greater self-awareness and personal growth.
Empowerment through Creativity
Oil painting encourages experimentation and innovation. Artists are free to explore new techniques, styles, and subjects, pushing the boundaries of their creativity. This sense of freedom and possibility can be incredibly empowering, instilling a sense of confidence and resilience that carries over into other areas of life.
Artistic Connection
Engaging in oil painting fosters a connection to the broader artistic community. Through classes, workshops, or online forums, artists can connect with like-minded individuals, share their work, and draw inspiration from others. This sense of belonging and camaraderie can provide much-needed support and encouragement, bolstering confidence and motivation.
Sense of Achievement
Completing an oil painting offers a tangible sense of achievement and pride. Witnessing the transformation of a blank canvas into a work of art instills a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. This sense of achievement boosts self-esteem and reinforces the notion that challenges can be overcome with patience, perseverance, and creativity.
In a Nutshell
Therefore, the healing power of art, particularly oil painting, is undeniable. From providing a therapeutic outlet for emotional expression to fostering mindfulness and self-awareness, oil painting offers a myriad of benefits for the mind, body, and soul. No matter, if you're a seasoned artist or a novice, consider exploring oil paintings for sale , and experience firsthand its transformative effects. Let your creativity flow and discover the healing potential of this timeless art form.
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alusa12 · 6 months
 Healing Touch: The Role of Massage in Supporting Emotional Recovery After Loss
The experience of loss, whether it be the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or another significant life change, can profoundly impact one's emotional well-being. While grief is a natural response to loss, navigating the complex emotions that accompany it can be challenging. In addition to traditional forms of therapy and support, complementary approaches such as massage therapy can play a valuable role in supporting emotional healing after loss. In this article, we explore the therapeutic benefits of massage in the context of grief and loss, examine how massage can facilitate emotional processing and healing, and offer practical strategies for incorporating journey of grief recovery.서울출장
Understanding Grief and Loss:
Grief is a multifaceted emotional response to loss, encompassing a range of feelings such as sadness, anger, guilt, and loneliness. While the grieving process is unique to each individual and influenced by factors such as personality, culture, and past experiences, it often involves several common stages, including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (as proposed by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross).
Loss can take many forms, including:
Death of a Loved One: Losing a family member, friend, or pet can evoke intense feelings of grief and sorrow.
End of a Relationship: The breakup of a romantic relationship or the loss of a friendship can trigger feelings of heartache and abandonment.출장안마
Job Loss or Financial Hardship: Losing a job or experiencing financial instability can lead to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety about the future.
Health Challenges: Coping with a serious illness, disability, or chronic health condition can entail a sense of loss of one's previous health and lifestyle.
The grieving process is not linear and may unfold over an extended period, with individuals experiencing waves of emotions and moments of both despair and hope. While grief does not have an endpoint, it can evolve into a process of meaning-making and adaptation, allowing individuals to integrate the loss into their lives in a way that honors the memory of what was lost.
The Role of Massage in Grief Recovery:
Massage therapy offers a unique form of support for individuals navigating the emotional complexities of grief and loss. While massage does not erase the pain of loss, it can provide a safe and nurturing space for individuals to connect with their bodies, process emotions, and experience moments of relaxation and comfort. Here are several ways in which massage can support emotional healing after loss:
Release of Emotional Tension: Grief often manifests as physical tension in the body, with individuals holding stress and emotions in their muscles and tissues. Massage therapy helps release muscular tension, allowing individuals to physically and emotionally let go of pent-up feelings of grief and sadness.
Promotion of Relaxation: Massage induces a state of deep relaxation, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and promoting the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones. This relaxation response can help reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm associated with grief.
Validation of Emotions: The therapeutic presence of a massage therapist provides a non-judgmental space for individuals to express and validate their emotions. Through compassionate touch and active listening, massage therapists offer validation and support for individuals' experiences of grief and loss.
Enhanced Body Awareness: Grief can disconnect individuals from their bodies, leading to feelings of numbness or dissociation. Massage therapy encourages individuals to reconnect with their physical sensations and bodily experiences, fostering a sense of embodiment and self-awareness.
Encouragement of Self-Compassion: Massage therapy cultivates a sense of self-compassion and self-care, reminding individuals that they deserve kindness and nurturing during times of grief. By prioritizing their own well-being, individuals can replenish their emotional reserves and build resilience in the face of loss.
Practical Strategies for Incorporating Massage into Grief Recovery:
Here are some practical strategies for integrating massage therapy into the journey of grief recovery:
Choose a Supportive Environment: Seek out a massage therapist who specializes in providing compassionate and trauma-informed care for individuals experiencing grief and loss. Look for a safe and welcoming environment where you feel comfortable expressing your emotions and vulnerabilities.
Communicate Your Needs: Prior to your massage session, communicate openly with your therapist about your experiences of grief and any specific physical or emotional concerns you may have. Share your preferences regarding pressure, touch, and areas of focus for the massage.
Set Intentions for the Session: Take a moment to set intentions for your massage session, whether it be to release tension, find moments of peace, or honor the memory of your loved one. Invite your therapist to hold space for your intentions and support you in your healing journey.
Practice Self-Care Between Sessions: In addition to professional massage therapy, incorporate self-care practices such as gentle movement, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature to support your emotional well-being between sessions.
Honor Your Process: Grief is a deeply personal and individual experience, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Allow yourself to honor your unique process and be gentle with yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of grief recovery.
Massage therapy offers a gentle and compassionate approach to supporting emotional healing after loss, providing individuals with a safe space to process emotions, release tension, and experience moments of comfort and relaxation. By integrating massage into their grief recovery journey, individuals can nurture their emotional well-being, cultivate self-compassion, and honor the memory of their loved ones in a meaningful way. With the support of a skilled and empathetic massage therapist, individuals can embark on a path of healing and resilience as they navigate the complexities of grief and loss.
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sitaramasilamani · 6 months
Why Singing is a Good Hobby by Sitara
Singing is a hobby enjoyed by people of all ages. Not only is singing great for building confidence and making new connections, but it can also serve as an expressive form of self-expression and meeting people. Whether singing in the shower or joining an organized choir, numerous advantages are associated with this pastime.
Singing is an art that demands both skill and emotion. Regular practice will enhance your vocal range, breath control capabilities, and musical talent.
It is a way to express yourself.
Singing can be an enjoyable and therapeutic way to express yourself musically while staying connected with emotions and improving self-esteem. From cooking with tunes in your head while listening to podcasts to performing on stage in front of an audience, singing can provide an escape from daily responsibilities and excellent stress relief.
Sitara clarifies that singing can be used for many occasions, from celebrating joyous milestones to showing support during loss and sadness. Singing can comfort babies during distress; research shows it can lower stress levels and boost mental well-being! But keep in mind it takes dedication to learn to sing well!
As your first step in singing professionally, finding a vocal coach who can develop your singing abilities is wise. Once this step is accomplished, join a choir or musical group dedicated to music; eventually, creating your own a capella group or becoming an experienced singer could be possible. Princess Sitara Masilamani
Enhancing your singing abilities can open doors to new opportunities and allow you to form emotional bonds with fans. Many of today's leading artists began as hobbyists, honing their craft. By building up a loyal fan base, your talent can be monetized by selling concert tickets and merchandise.
It is a form of therapy.
Singing can provide many physical and mental benefits to both mind and body. Singing can improve lung function, increase immunity, and enhance memory - among many other advantages. Studies have also indicated that singing can reduce pain and stress; Alzheimer's and dementia patients can use singing therapy to retain memories; it helps with concentration and focus; plus, it's a fun way of socializing with friends!
According to Sitara's perspective, singing exercises the muscles of the vocal cords, increasing both range and quality of voice. In addition, singing strengthens vocal cords while improving your emotional control and lowering stress levels - it even releases endorphins, which serve as natural feel-good chemicals in your body! Singing can even increase oxygen levels in the bloodstream, keeping you alert and focused throughout the day!
Singing can bring robust emotional responses, from joy and love to reduced anxiety and grief/trauma relief. Singing can be done solo or in groups - group singing is incredibly therapeutic, building a sense of community.
Health experts increasingly acknowledge music's therapeutic power as an antidote for pain. Studies have demonstrated that listening to music can reduce discomfort, elevate one's mood, and even lower the risk of infection for those living with respiratory conditions.
It is a social activity.
Sitara articulates that singing is an enjoyable social activity with numerous health advantages for mental and physical well-being. Singing is known to relax you, enhance your mood, and boost confidence; promote oxygen flow to your brain, which increases alertness and memory; help sleep better; strengthen respiratory muscles, which improves breathing quality; reduce snoring; and prevent sleep apnea.
People sing to express a range of feelings, from happiness to sorrow. Singing is also used as an outlet for religious groups to express their beliefs, schools to recognize achievements, families to create bonds between members, or even soothe a baby or pet if necessary. Singing is a pastime that anyone can enjoy - whether joining a choir or simply participating in karaoke night with friends!
Sitara points out that an artist needs a good relationship with their fans, and one way of maintaining this is engaging them frequently via social media, fan meet-ups, or live streaming. Engaging regularly will foster loyalty from followers while keeping people interested in new content.
It is a way to relax.
Singing can be a relaxing hobby that can boost mental and emotional health. Singing can reduce stress, improve breathing health, increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream, and even enhance sleep and immune health.
Singing can be a fantastic way to connect with friends and build confidence. Singing is an enjoyable activity that's easy to pick up; start by singing soft songs to yourself or others; you could even use singing as a form of meditation!
Sitara highlights that singing can release endorphins - feel-good chemicals that boost your mood - into your system, increasing your pain threshold. Furthermore, group singing increases oxytocin levels, which ease anxiety and relieve pain.
Practice proper singing techniques, and your voice will grow stronger over time. Singing also serves as a form of meditation, relaxing your muscles and relieving tension. Singing can strengthen your immune system to fight off disease better and also increase the quality of life by decreasing risk factors for heart disease, diabetes, and depression - one study by Choir Without Name homelessness charity found that 60% of choir participants went on to volunteer, find jobs or secure, stable housing within six months after joining one!
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